backhurtyy · 3 years
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[Short ID: A digital portrait of the main characters from Avatar: the Last Airbender set against a blue-gray background. The characters are divided into two rows. From left to right on the top: Suki, Zuko, and Sokka are drawn from the chest up. From left to right on the bottom: Toph, Mai, Aang, and Katara are drawn from the waist up. They are all surrounded by fog. In between the two rows of characters is the title of the fic: never shall we die, by zukosadragon-ace. The artist’s signature in the lower right corner reads hiraethia. End ID]
never shall we die
“Yes, about the day we met. Do you remember it?”
“How could I ever forget, Mister Huo?”
He chuckled and, a smile playing at his lips and sincerity shining in his eyes, asked, “Sokka, how many times must I ask you to call me Zuko?”
“At least once more, Mister Huo. As always.”
A Zukka Pirates of the Carribean AU, featuring infamous pirate Suki Suzume, governor’s nephew Zuko Huo, blacksmith Sokka Amarok, cursed treasure, and a whole lot of pining.
- written for the @atla18bigbang | beta’d by @beachytablecloth | art by @hi-raethia - teen and up | ~70k words | updating weekly on saturdays - NOW COMPLETE
chapters: prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 art: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
more detailed image description under the cut
[Long ID: Top row: Suki is looking to the viewer’s left with a smirk on her face. She is dressed in a white shirt, green vest, and dark brown coat with gold patterning resembling Kyoshi Warrior armor. She has a gold earring, faint scarring on her cheek, two bandoliers across her chest, and is wearing a green bandana under a brown tricorn hat. In the middle is Zuko, dressed in a maroon vest with a white undershirt. He has long hair blowing over his right shoulder. He looks forward with a determined expression, and around his neck is a golden pirate’s yuan. On the right is Sokka, dressed in his book 3 clothing with his sword strapped to his back. He faces the viewer’s right and looks to the front with a smile.
Bottom row: Toph is dressed in her canon clothing with gold rimming around her collar and a green bandana. She stares ahead at the viewer with her arms crossed, grinning. Next to her is Mai, dressed in a black hat and dark maroon shirt with Fire Nation armor over her chest, shoulders, and forearms. a sword is strapped to her hip as she raises an arm with three daggers between her fingers, and she has a stern expression. Beside her is Aang, with his hand outstretched toward the viewer with a wide grin. he is tanner, with scarring across his right eyebrow and cheeks. He is wearing a gold earring, orange vest, and yellow shirt with a red sash around his waist. On the far right is Katara, unsheathing a sword with a smirk. She is wearing her book 3 clothing with a braid swinging over her shoulder, and has white arm wraps around her forearms. End ID]
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atlabeth · 3 years
everything happens for a reason part 7 - zuko x fem!reader
I think my ways are wearing me down
part 6 | masterlist | part 8
a/n: as said very astutely in my outline, "y/n just keeps taking L's"
i actually had to take breaks while writing the final scene and watching the episode LMAo i forgot how fucking sad this scene was!!
warning(s): you know what happens in this chapter. its siege of the north part 2. its so much more angst like SO MUCH ANGST. im so sorry i got so sad while writing this
wc: 4.0k
chapter title comes from brand new city by mitski!
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Y/N adjusted her hold on the basket of clothes as she knocked on the door with her free hand, pushing it open after waiting a few moments.
“Prince Zuko?” she called in a whisper. They had gotten past the point of formalities, but it was a precaution she opted to take when they met like this. She spotted him sitting on his bed and he gave her a thumbs up, a sign she took to mean they were in the clear. Y/N closed the door behind her and bounded over, then set the basket on his bed.
“Alright. I brought you the book that you wanted to borrow.” She unearthed the novel from the pile of clothes with caution, taking care to not ruin the hard work that went into folding all of them. “I had to hide it so I could get in here — no one thinks anything of a servant bringing clothes around, but books are a little more suspicious. But here you go! My very own edition of ‘Keiko and the Koalaotter’.”
“Thank you!” The prince grinned as he took the book and examined the cover. “I’ve always been curious about Water Tribe culture, even more after you started teaching me about it. They don’t really tell us about it in our classes.”
“It’s not really accurate to actual Water Tribe stuff, but it is cute,” she laughed. “I remember begging my parents for a koalaotter for weeks after I finished it. They told me that there was no way to get one all the way in the Earth Kingdom, but I never listened to them.”
“Oh, that reminds me!” His eyes lit up as he ran over to the windowsill. “I got you a gift too!”
“Zuko, really? You shouldn’t have.”
“Well, I did. So don’t even think about not accepting it,” he joked. He picked something up from a vase and bounded back over, doing as good a job of hiding the flowers behind his back as his excited grin.
“What is it?” she questioned.
“They’re silver wisterias!” he exclaimed as he presented the bouquet. “They grow in the palace gardens. They’re really pretty, and so are you, and I know how much you love the gardens, so I thought you’d like it.”
She felt her cheeks heat up when she accepted the gift, twirling the stem in her fingers as she inhaled its sweet scent with a smile. “That’s really thoughtful of you, Zuko. Thank you.”
“Of course! You could wear one in your hair, pin one onto your uniform, put them in your room, whatever you want.”
As she carefully ran her fingers over the petals, she couldn’t stop the nagging question at the back of her mind from escaping.
“Why are you so nice to me?” she blurted out, causing Zuko’s brows to furrow in confusion.
“Because you’re my friend. Friends are nice to each other.”
“I know, but why are we friends?” she pushed. “You know that you could get in trouble for talking to me like this, but you still do it. Why?”
He pondered the question for a moment before he answered. “Well.. you don’t treat me like everyone else. I’m the prince, so everyone here has to do what I want and be nice to me. But you’re not like that. When it’s just the two of us, you treat me like anyone else, and I like that — I know that you always mean what you say, so when you’re nice to me I know it’s because you like me, not because you have to be. Why do you do that?” the prince asked as he turned the tables. “You know that you could get in trouble for talking to me like this, but you still do it. Why?”
She punched him playfully on the shoulder and giggled. “Someone’s gotta keep you humble.”
His cheeks flushed a bright red as he rubbed his arm shyly. “I’m really glad we’re friends. Sometimes it feels like you’re my only one in this whole nation.”
“So am I,” she beamed. “Always and forever, right?”
Y/N’s eyes snapped open and she gasped, immediately whipping her head around frantically to see if the Avatar was still there, but Katara shook her head.
“He’s gone,” Katara said miserably, confirming her suspicions. “I woke up a few minutes before you and I checked everywhere.”
“Great,” she muttered. She rubbed the back of her head and winced — she had a feeling she would be plagued by headaches for at least the next couple of days.
“So…” Katara began. “You and Zuko both recognized each other. He— he said he thought that you were dead.”
Y/N pursed her lips, wondering how to start that story, when Sokka and Yue burst into the oasis on Appa.
“What happened?” he questioned. “Where’s Zuko?”
“He took Aang,” Katara mourned. “He took him right out from under me.”
“It’s not your fault, Katara,” Y/N insisted. “It really looks like he’s improved since… since last time.”
“‘Last time’?” Sokka asked, prompting a sigh from Y/N. She looked to Yue for help, and the princess nodded supportively.
“We have… history.” She looked at her hands for a moment before continuing. “I’m not from the Northern Water Tribe. My mother is, but I was born in a small village in the Earth Kingdom. I told you that my village was invaded, Katara, but after it, my mother and I were captured for being waterbenders, and they took us to the Fire Nation to work as healers and servants in the palace.”
“I became friends with Zuko there. He was nothing like you saw today, or like anything you know from the past. He was kind, and caring, and passionate, and he made my dismal life a little bit brighter. And… we ended up falling for each other.”
“We went too far, the Fire Lord found out, and— well, he was going to kill me. My mother managed to get me out, but she stayed behind, and I haven’t seen her since that night. I haven’t seen Zuko since that night. I always held hope that I would find my way back and see them both again, but now that Zuko is like… like that?” She bit down on her lip and shook her head.
“Now I don’t know what to think. He’s completely different than anything I knew, than the boy that I fell in love with. And I can’t help but think about what happened to my mother if that is what happened to Zuko.” And I can’t help but think that it’s my fault for not being there for him.
A collective silence hung in the air for just a moment before Sokka broke it. “You had a thing with Zuko?”
Y/N let out a surprised laugh as Katara hit him on the shoulder. “Sokka, now is not the time!”
“No,” she chuckled. “No, it’s alright. It’s a lot, I know. It’s just… impossible. That the Zuko I knew turned into someone like this. I mean, you saw, Katara— he didn’t even hesitate to try and hurt me.”
Katara pulled her into a warm embrace before separating and looking her in the eyes. “I’m sorry, Y/N, for all that you’ve been through. And I know that fighting against Zuko hurts, so if you can’t come after Aang with us then I completely understand—”
“No,” she said once more, something hardening in her eyes. “I’ll help you find Aang, it’s the least I can do. Besides, I… I have to see him again. I have to see him again to know that this is actually real, that— that this is actually who he is now.”
Katara nodded solemnly; Sokka had already started walking back to Appa with Yue. “Well, Zuko couldn’t have gotten far. We’ll find him — Aang’s gonna be fine.”
Katara looked back hopefully at Y/N and she met her eyes with a smile, though slightly strained, as she jogged to catch up with them. But as she climbed onto Appa with her fellow waterbender, the anger in his eyes was all she could see.
The boy she fought might’ve been the Fire Prince, but it was not her Zuko.
That was all Zuko seemed to know as he trekked through the frozen tundra, the blizzard around him threatening to end him at any moment. No more had he despised the Water Tribes than he did in this moment, but the weight of the Avatar on his back and the promise of his honor was enough to push him onwards.
The only thing on his mind that he couldn’t shake was her.
Zuko thought she was dead, honestly and truly. Few were lucky enough to escape his father’s wrath once it was incurred upon them — Zuko himself wasn’t even an exception — and though he wanted nothing more than for her to be one of the few, he knew that she was dead. There was no other explanation.
For years, the waterbender had been a staple in his mind — a memory of a childhood love, of a better time. He thought about her when he fought against his soldiers on slow evenings on the ship, her words of encouragement and joking retorts echoing through his ears as he went through every form. He thought about her when he talked to his uncle, his attitude often mirroring hers. The morning of the Agni Kai, he almost turned to her for reassurance before remembering.
Spirits, Zuko thought about her every time he looked at the water. And even all these years after her disappearance, he was still plagued by nightmares of her fate.
He had resigned himself to mourning her. Zuko truly thought she was dead.
But there she was, in the flesh, with the Avatar and his friends. Breathing. Alive. His enemy.
How the fuck was he supposed to deal with that?
She was even more beautiful than he remembered, but it was obvious the years since her escape had weathered her. He noticed a certain emptiness in her eyes, the brightness from their childhood a distant memory. It was obvious she had grown — she carried a certain elegance that he didn’t remember, and her skill in waterbending had improved so much since the days of their sparring sessions.
It felt like he had betrayed her. The expression she wore after his first blast was like a physical weight, the guilt of broken promises heavy over his head when he struck the final blow. So familiar to their friendly fights, yet such a far cry.
But they weren’t kids anymore. She had changed, and so had he.
It had been years. Any feelings he still harbored for her didn’t matter anymore.
Zuko had a mission, and he was going to complete it no matter what.
The tundra was treacherous, the blizzard making it difficult to see anything at all. Y/N had taken to holding Yue’s hand, something the princess had offered when she had seen how restless her friend was, as well as gnawing on the bottom of her lip. She feared for both Zuko and Aang, and she could only hope that they would be able to find them before something happened to either of them.
“Don’t worry,” the princess reassured. “Prince Zuko can’t be getting too far in this weather.”
“I’m not worried they’ll get away in the blizzard,” Katara murmured. “I’m worried that they won’t.”
“They’re not gonna die in this blizzard,” Sokka said as he gripped the reins tighter. “If we know anything, it’s that Zuko never gives up.”
Y/N chuckled softly and nodded. “You’ve got that right.”
Yue gave her hand a squeeze and a small smile, a sentiment that Y/N returned as Sokka continued. “They’ll survive, and we’ll find them.”
It took a few more minutes of riding and searching, but eventually a bright blue light streaked through the air. Katara gasped and pointed up. “Look!” she exclaimed. “That’s gotta be Aang! Yip yip!”
Appa groaned once more and Sokka turned to follow the light — it had stopped in a small cove before glowing brilliantly then disappearing — and sure enough, Zuko and Aang were down in the snow.
“Appa!” he cheered as they landed, causing Zuko’s eyes to flick up too. Y/N met his gaze for just a moment before he broke it, throwing Aang to the side and easing into a bending stance as Katara slid off of Appa’s back.
“Here for a rematch?” Zuko challenged, the undeserved confidence he spoke with a glimpse of the past.
“Trust me, Zuko,” Katara countered as she raised her hands, “It’s not going to be much of a match.”
She blocked his fire blast then sent a current of snow at him, launching him up into the air on a frozen column before letting him fall to the ground and knocking him out. Y/N couldn’t help but wince, and as Sokka jumped down to free Aang, she slid down as well.
She ran over the pile of snow and bent it off of Zuko, then knelt down next to him and pulled off her glove. She put two fingers on his neck and confirmed what she already thought, but it was still a relief. He was alive, but he wouldn’t be for much longer if he stayed out here.
“What are you doing?” she heard Sokka yell. Y/N turned to find everyone back on Appa already, staring expectantly at her.
“We can’t leave him!” Y/N protested.
“Sure we can!” he countered. “Now come on, let’s go!”
“No,” she insisted, pressing the back of her hand against his forehead. It was ice cold. “If we leave him, he’ll die!”
“She’s right.” Aang airbended himself off of Appa and helped her pick up Zuko; Aang bringing himself and the prince back onto the bison with his element and Y/N climbing back up with a hand from Katara.
Sokka rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let’s bring the guy who’s constantly trying to kill us.”
Y/N ignored the remark and met Aang’s eyes, mouthing a silent ‘thank you’. He smiled and nodded, then grabbed the reins and took off.
As they flew through the sky, Y/N glanced down at Zuko. He looked so much more peaceful now than a few moments ago, his features relaxed rather than tense. It was strange seeing him like this after all these years; angry, scarred, changed. Nothing like the reunion she had imagined.
She bent some of the snow falling down into water and molded it over the cuts on his face, the element taking on a slight glow as she started to heal him.
“Oh, Zuko,” she murmured. “What happened in those four years?”
As if her concentration had broken, the water previously under her control lost both its shape and glow as it pooled on his face. She frowned and attempted to bend it off, but none of the usual power she felt at night was flowing through her veins.
It was at that moment that Y/N looked up and noticed her surroundings.
Everything was cloaked in a veil of red, a crimson moon their backdrop as they continued through the air. “My bending isn’t working,” Y/N muttered, earning a curious look from Katara.
And to make matters worse, Yue winced and held her head, Aang doing the same.
“Are you okay?” Sokka questioned as he reached out to comfort her.
“I feel faint,” she muttered, the effort it took not lost on Y/N.
“I feel it too.” Aang pressed his palm against the side of his head and grimaced as his gaze shifted upwards. “The Moon Spirit is in trouble.”
Y/N’s eyes widened immediately as they flicked towards Yue, the princess choosing not to meet them as she began to tell them all the story of her birth and how she owed the Moon Spirit her life. By the time she was done the Water Tribe siblings were staring at her with disbelief, but there was no time for questions as they flew into the Spirit Oasis.
The sight that awaited them shocked Y/N to her core. A Fire Nation admiral — one she recognized from all the years ago, yet unable to place a name — held a bag with one clenched fist, the other posing the unsaid threat.
“Don’t bother,” he spat in response to their fighting stances, the two words overflowing with unearned confidence. But as cocky as he may have been, it worked — he knew that they were rendered helpless when he held the possibility of a dying spirit against them.
“Zhao, don’t.” Aang dropped his staff and held his hands up in surrender, an action Y/N and the others mirrored.
Everything after that happened unbelievably quickly. After General Iroh — a man she knew as both the ruthless general that laid siege to Ba Sing Se for six hundred long days and Zuko’s surprisingly kind uncle — threatened the admiral with his own firebending, Y/N foolishly believed it to be the end once he let the fish back into the pond.
But any hopes of peace were dashed with the slice of firebending the admiral sent at Tui, plunging the world back into shades of grey just as quickly as it had returned.
A bloodcurdling scream rang in the air; Y/N thought whoever produced it must’ve been insane. It took her a moment to realize the strangled sound had come from her, and that Sokka’s grip on her arms was the only thing stopping her from foolishly throwing herself into the raging battle that had started.
Did the admiral not understand what he had just done? To attack any spirit was to inflict the rage of many others, to kill a spirit was to sign not only one's own death warrant, but those around him as well.
To kill the Moon Spirit meant to destroy waterbending as the world knew it. To kill the Moon Spirit meant to disrupt the balance of the world. To kill the Moon Spirit meant to kill Yue.
The admiral should’ve considered himself very lucky that her waterbending was gone. With it, Y/N knew she would’ve done something she would regret.
As soon as the flames of Iroh’s onslaught disappeared, Sokka’s grip loosened on her arms and she all but sprinted over to the pond. A choked sob fell from her lips when she saw the dead fish in the water, palpable horror in the air as the rest of the group joined her.
Not even Aang’s feat of merging with the Ocean Spirit could help — it might’ve saved the tribe from the attack on the Fire Nation, but it could do nothing for the dead spirit. Y/N watched on mournfully as Iroh placed Tui back into the pond, the mortal body of the fish laying there unmoving.
“It’s too late,” Katara lamented. “It’s dead.”
Iroh looked up and met Y/N’s eyes, recognition flashing through them for just a moment before they moved to Yue’s. The blue hues of her irises were even more striking than usual — they were the only sign of color in the world around them.
His own widened with surprise as he gestured at her. “You have been touched by the Moon Spirit. Some of its life is in you.”
Yue seemed to understand what he was saying as she raised her head, her features taking on a mask of stoicism. “Yes, you’re right. It gave me life… maybe I can give it back.”
It was as if lightning had struck Y/N, the way that fear was jolted into her heart. “No!” she cried at the same time as Sokka, a reprise of her earlier plea. “Yue, you can’t!”
“You don’t have to do that!” Sokka reached out for her hand but she wrenched it out of his grasp — nothing they could say was going to change her mind.
“It’s my duty.” The princess stated it so plainly, carving the letters on her headstone herself.
“I won’t let you!” Sokka insisted. “Your father told me to protect you.”
“Yue, your duty isn’t to die for your tribe!” Y/N cried. She couldn’t think, spirits she could barely breathe. She couldn’t go through this again. She couldn’t go through this again. “Please, there has to be another way!”
She smiled sadly at Y/N and shook her head. “This was what I was born to do.” The princess glanced at the pond then took a step forward, wrapping Y/N in the tightest hug she could muster. She pressed her lips against Y/N’s cheek in a feather light kiss before she pulled away and continued forward and placed her hands against the koi fish.
The fish began to glow, Yue closed her eyes, she collapsed into Sokka’s arms.
And that was it.
The color returned to the world, but Y/N was frozen in place. She couldn’t do anything to save her friend, the girl that she was pretty sure she loved, as she died in front of her. Her cheek was still burning from where Yue’s lips had touched, and she wanted to bottle that warmth because she knew that was the last time she would ever feel it.
The first tear to fall snapped her out of her paralysis as she fell to her knees next to Sokka, her body cradled in his arms as he mourned for a lost love. Y/N wanted to scream, she wanted to sob, she wanted to do anything to get this anger and sadness out but she could do nothing but stare, eyes wide and shimmering with unshed tears.
Her body slowly faded away, and Y/N could’ve laughed at the irony. Yue gave her life for the spirits and all they could leave them with was the fleeting memory.
The fish in Iroh’s hands began to glow and he placed it back in the water, and almost immediately it returned to its natural rhythm. The oasis took on the glow of the fish and it formed the cruelest joke of them all.
Princess Yue. She was ethereal, both her hair and white dress flowing down her back and a peaceful expression on her face. She was more beautiful than ever, and her voice echoed through the oasis as she spoke.
“I will always be with you, Y/N. Thank you for making me feel alive.” A small smile, much like the one she gave her just moments ago, played on her lips. “I love you.”
Y/N could do nothing but stare, awestruck and heartbroken, as she whispered something to Sokka and kissed him.
And then she was gone.
Her gaze was trained forward, tears spouting and falling down her cheeks, some dim part of her still hoping that it was just a cruel joke by the spirits. She couldn’t go through this again.
How could they do this to her again? How could they introduce a light into her life and make her fall in love, then wrench it away from her grasp? She felt selfish for only caring about herself. She couldn’t go through this again.
Yue was gone.
She couldn’t go through this again.
Another strangled sob fell from her lips and Katara pulled her into a hug. That simple motion seemed to open to the floodgates, and suddenly she was choking on her own tears. Katara’s arms around her were the only tether she had to the world right now, she had to focus on it or else she would lose herself to the grief.
It felt like the minutes were hours with how long it took until Y/N was finally able to walk out of the oasis, but Katara and Sokka stayed by her side the entire time. When they finally stumbled out into the real world, Y/N felt weaker than ever. The constant go go go of the siege had finally caught up to her, and she was so damn tired.
“Always and forever.”
“You’re stuck with me.”
She was losing hope in promises.
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
ehfar: @chandies-sideblog @persica27 @anzanity @randomthingssss @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @shanksfav @shephard17895 @ilovespideyyy @carisi-sonny
atla: @marianne1806
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shlutnutt · 3 years
- Degrading Desires -
warnings: lots of smut, slight angst, sadism, degrading kink, subby colin (the only right way), dom reader, masturbation
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psst! look i know all i write is colin and kai and i apologize, i just really needed to get this fic idea i had in mind for colin lmfao. i'll definitely have more varieties up in no time:) // not fully proof read
Apart from being one of the few women to be working for the police investigating department, you made sure you were considered one of the strongest, independent, and courageous of them all. Whether that'd mean you'd always have to cancel plans to keep your full focus on the current investigations, or even distancing yourself from friends and family.
"Here, it clearly looks like a sniper rifle bullet, was definitely shot from afar. Fucking asshole seemed to have planned this perfectly." you made your claim public to the other detectives in the room, passing around the bloody bullet which was secured in a ziplock bag.
"Yup, thats a modular sniper rifle. This was a perfect planned murder, due to how much accuracy is needed to shoot one of these bad boys. " shouted Colin whilst inspecting the bullet in between his rough hands, completely taking away the attention you had held onto you, aggrivating you immensely.
Colin would do this ever so often, always finding a way to snatch away the minimum attention you'd have gathered up, completely becoming the spotlight. You felt as if he had just so much hatred towards you, like he couldn't resist the fact that you were in fact solving more cases in a week than what he could've in a month. His body language although, spoke differently than his actions.
The detectives cheered Colin on, patting him on his wide back, all just so amazed by how easily he solved the puzzle of what specific type of sniper it was, –when you was literally already getting to the point–. Not one of them credited you for shit, not even the women who claimed to be so sick and tired of the misogynistic behavior that's been going around the department. They were certainly the ones cheering him on the loudest.
You only stood there silently staring down at the pieces of evidence that layed infront of you, the dim lighting that took over the small office room making you disappear almost entirely now. Erasing the fact that your only goal was to help these poor victims rest in peace, allowing their families to have complete closure of every each and tragic murder as Zable in the other hand, was focused on stealing your spotlight, just to feel superior and laugh it off in your face later on.
As the detectives all went to their correspondent offices, you and Colin were the only ones left in the room, as he decided to linger around noticing how you'd stay in to investigate through your lunch break. You feeling nothing but envy and him admiring how difficult he was making your job.
"Good job, buddy." blurted Colin as he walked a step closer towards you, a playful hop almost. His dark brown eyes looking down to your Y/E/C ones, as he fidgeted with his large fingers above the evidence table.
"Look Y/N, Im s-
"You're what Colin? Sorry? Why do you enjoy making my life so fucking miserable? Im fucking tired of it, im trying to genuinely help these families." you spat, looking deeply into his soul, noticing how his eyes began to water.
"You're gonna fucking cry now? Good. You deserve to feel like shit." you continued. Colin only looked down at his fidgety hands before taking a seat on the table, and munching on some leftover salad he had left from his lunch break, allowing his shiny eyes to shed their tears.
"It doesn't feel good to feel like shit does it, you needy whore? You just need attention and validation so fucking bad, why can't you just let me do my job in peace." your usage of language taking the both of you by surprise, pausing quickly after noticing Colin struggling to eat his salad with his left hand, when the man was a righty.
"Colin.. what the fuck are you doi-" you attempt to ask the obvious before getting unpredictabley interrupted by a loud whimper. You bent down slightly, letting curiousity taking the best of you to encounter Colin massaging his bulge through his pants.
"You're a fucking pathetic." you continue to degrade, unintentionally causing the member in his pants to leak in precum, dampening his boxers.
"Stop.. p-please stop." pleaded Colin as he massaged his enlarging buldge under the table, still unaware of you're awarness at his self pleasing.
"Why should I stop Colin? You deserve nothing." you proceed, enjoying the effects your words had on him, his teary eyes looking up at yours whilst you walked around the office.
Despite the fact you truly disliked the man you were currently sharing an office with, you just couldn't deny the fact that you enjoyed making him feel this way. Like shit. I mean he looks like he's enjoying it as well. The way he struggled to chew on his salad whilst attempting to keep his cool infront of you, how his long sleeved shirt slightly attached to his body from his sweat, and how his dark decepting eyes shed tears after tears. It was an admirable view.
He enjoyed the suffering, and so did you.
"I-I need to go to the..bathroom.." said Colin, now getting up from his office chair attempting to leave the room in pure hurry, before you got in his way blocking the door entry making him jump slightly.
"Please don't do this.."
"Don't do what? You've fucked up my job experience for all these months Colin, i think you deserve to get punished. Don't you think?" you teased whilst slowly dragging him back to his seat by his veiny arm.
Zable, although being in complete shock by his show of uncontrollable needs was also taking aback from your actions towards him, feeling out of place by letting a woman dominate him. He only sat on his wheely chair, laying down almost, whilst his breathing was surprisingly heavy allowing small whimpers escape his lips. The man needed you, and urgently.
"If this is what you've wanted this whole time, why not jump straight to the point and be a good boy? Instead of making shit hard." you questioned Colin, before prepping your elbows on either side of the arm rests he layed betweeb, massaging his thighs delightfully, earning graceful low groans.
"W-why are you doing this..?" questioned Colin, his eyes barely being able to open due to the slight amount of pleasure he's been receiving. You completely dodged his question, your focus remaining on his clothed thighs.
"Y/N.." Colin called now, attempting to catch your attention once again, you shushing him almost immediately.
You honestly didn't bother to shift your attention towards what Colin was saying, well that was before you felt his pants dampen up under you, warm fuzzy liquids spreading all over him.
"You c-came on yourself?"
"What's this then?" you questioned before unzipping his pants and shoving your hand in his briefs, gathering some of his cum in between your fingers and bringing it up to view. "You came on yourself from me simply touching your thighs Zable?" you affirm before he denied your claim. "I k-kinda like when you y-yell at.. me.. and call me names.." he admitted in between pants, not having the balls to look into your eyes as he spoke.
You only giggled at his lack of dominance underneath you, having fully cummed on himself when you barely even touched him and just called him pathetic little names.
"You're a fucking disappointment Colin, you know that right?"
"Y-yes I know.. Y/N.."
"You deserve nothing for being such a piece of shit."
"Y-.. more..please. more.."
You would've never thought the man who'd been bothering you for all those months to have such a hypersensitive degrading kink. It all adds up now, why he'd tense up to his boss yelling at him, why he loved annoying the shit out of you. Whole time he was waiting for you to snap at him, and well who would've known shit would've ended up his way.
Colin wanted nothing but for you to full on dominate him, for you to take control over every little bone in his body. He was willing to do anything you'd ask him to, he'd bow down and kiss your feet if you'd asked him to for god's sake. The thought of making him your literal sex puppet brough nothing but an internal flame into your core, producing an evil smirk to form on your lips onto the man you were just a few inches away from.
"god you're so beautiful when you're in pain." you announce before attaching your lips to his drooly ones, the two of you ravaging eachothers mouths immediately. Zable only melted under the kiss, slightly lifting his hand up towards your breasts, soon letting it drop onto his lap in cowardness.
"you can touch me." you break the kiss to give your consent, allowing his firmed hand grip onto your right breast as he exhilaratedtly sighed to the soft feeling. Colin gripped on you like his life depended on it, as you lifted your leg onto the left side of his thigh prepping yourself down into a straddle, him groaning to finally feeling some contact against his member.
Colin was a moaning mess already, your dripping clothed cunt aligned with his sensitve clothed tip was driving him over the edge as he grew impatient attaching his large hands onto your hips in attempt of grinding you onto him. Although you knew you had him wrapped around your finger you allowed him to grind up to you, his second releasing nearing rapidly.
"oh.. fuck.." groaned Colin as you two dry humped eachother for several minutes now, your purpose being making him suffer but letting yourself get into the pleasure also, as you animalisticly removed his dressing shirt, popping some buttons out along the way. You then manage to remove yours also whilst gripping onto his short sweaty hair.
"Is that all you can do? huh? not enough." you degrade, producing his rhythm to increase making you groan excitedly. Colin's one soft puppy but he'll for certain make sure you're needs are satisfied as well as his.
Didn't take long for you to moan along with him, feeling his bulge twitch under you, as he came yet again collapsing underneath you.
"you're an amazing little slut."
taglist: @divineruler @thatspookyagent @copy-of-a-cheeto @booboomother @evanmybeloved @billyhxrgrove @sinnersblood @crssjjh
(dm to be in taglist !)
kinda wanna highkey make another part to this but we'll see how it goess
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un-pearable · 2 years
s4 thoughts: okay honestly im really surprised the tournament arc came this early in the show because for some reason i thought it came a lot later. either i had. so much fun this was such a fun arc. i was also familiar with wayyy way more of this season than the other ones which was surprising so i mustve watched the bulk of it at least twice or something.
okay lets get the worst thing out of the way so that we can talk about things i really liked. the . euuuuuugh the garmadon / misako / wu love triangle that they still keep bringing up for some reason. actually im just going to take a snippet of one of my angry discord rants and leave it at that
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number 2: THE RESOLUTION OF THE JAY/NAYA/COLE LOVE TRIANGLE!!!! thank GOODNESS im so glad that is done. i'm glad we're all friends again and dont have to bring that up in any sort of significant way going forward. hopefully. id like to see more friendship shenanigans please writers please
number 3: im obsessed with how absolutely and entirely confused i am about the timeline of ninjago. i understand nothing. i really dont and i think the writers are just as confused as i am
number 4: i think they did a better job w skylor/kai than any of the other ships so far but also half of that is because im pretty sure it being kind of shallow but having the potential to be an actually functional and mildly interesting relationship is the point instead of on accident this time. at least thats what i got out of it
number 5: speaking of skylor, who the heck is her mom. real question. this is always my question whenever any dude has a child with no mention of a mom especially because half the men in question i could not see anybody getting married to them in a million years.
number 6: i feel like the writing got significantly better this season. the plot was tighter and the jokes were a lot funnier and . yeah i dont know i had so much fun the fights were engaging without dragging on too much on characters we dont have any real investment in and i really like how they didnt just put everybody into the same stone pit and had them beat the snot out of each other. many points for creativity.
number 7: your tags on my last ask
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literally SOOO true nothing else to add you hit the nail on the head. tangentially related question but is it ever explained how chen got his hands on pixal & zane (???)
number 8: lloyd & garmadon continues to be the most interesting and compelling relationship in the show, which is great for me because im terribly invested in this. my curse in life is that the more invested i am in a character or relationship the more my brain locks up when i try to talk about it so trying to put something into words is like pulling teeth but !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY WERE SO GOOD THIS SEASONNNN im also really glad they let lloyd be mad for five minutes when garmadon decides to send himself to the spirit realm or whatever to save ninjago. thank you writers. also having lloyd be the one to send him off like 😭😭😭 wow yall really out here making him kill his dad Again but also YESSSSS yesss couldnt have chosen anybody better this was so good
number 9: some more miscellaneous things, but like. dude this season was so fun. the premise is "the ceo of this megacorp noodle company is actually is holding an underground fight ring between all the elemental masters so he can steal all their powers and use it to turn all his men into anacondri" is absolutely wack and i am 10000000% here for it. still not over how the prisoners built a jet to escape the underground noodle factory, btw. some other misc observations
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also cannot believe they worked literally DARETH into this. incredible showstopping spectacular amazing this was so much fun. 9/10 (<- one point docked for subjecting me to more garmadon/misako/wu) arc
1) ah yes,, the misako frustration reigns eternal. i will never get over how interesting she had the potential to be (implied to be badass archaeologist adventurer who’s also setting the trend for deadbeat moms? at the very least she could be frustrating but fun) and the dedication to making her the good guy in all conceivable situations is ACTIVELY harming the narrative. i wish she could be shitty in a fun way so bad
2) hell yeah!!!! the love triangle is annoying but cole and jay’s dynamic through out this season is very dear to me. its stupid as hell but dear.
3) mhm mhm mhm. it gets so painfully clear that they grew out of the original plan for the series VERY quickly after s2 and over time it only gets funnier as they try harder and harder to justify each new season’s premise. personal fave is “fuck it video game”
4) skylor and kai is fun!!! i’m not usually a fan of those kinds of dynamics but they’re more convincingly attracted to each other and maybe have the momentum + desire to make it work than. pretty much every single other romantic relationship at this point
5) ahh… the villains inexplicable child dilemma. theoretically she had to be the previous master of amber but imo it’s much funnier if chen just yoinked skylor from somewhere. or she was just 100% down for evil machinations and skylor’s the weirdo in the family for being half decent. either way good fuckin question why is this so ridiculously common
6) yeah!! the fights and competitions are actually pretty creative and the structure did tie the whole season together well,, this seasons technically less exciting than the others but you can def tell they had a much clearly vision and plan for it. and the roller derby is funny as hell so
7) i could talk about zane for ages and ages.. the day i finally write the android-becomes-human trope fic about him and pixal (is probably never going to come bc i can’t decide When it should take place bc his opinions would be vastly different) is the day i win. i believe it’s canon that robin’s the one who turned them over? zane rebuilt himself, pixal found him and then they got captured (the ending of s3 was supposed to tease about zane’s new body but i think it didn’t get animated correctly). i very much could be wrong but i’m like 80% sure that’s canon
8) GOD YEAH ITS SO GOOD. lloyd and garmadon carry the character dynamics for the entire show. utterly tragic. stunning. i also have nothing coherent to say about them but will never shut up about them. i want to stick s1 lloyd and current lloyd into a box and shake it until the emotions and complex feelings about their father come out
9) IT IS IT REALLY IS. ninjago at its core MUST be goofy as hell and s4 embraces it in SUCH a good way. later they get too good at angst i need stupid shit and stupid shit we get. (okay not really. what i mean is early goofiness fits with the established show, where later stuff is more. spontaneous and lol random wouldnt-it-be-funny-if stuff rather than part of the narrative’s status quo) agshdjfjfkf tysm for your reactions im never going to be able to watch it w/o those being in my head again.. ooohh there’s something there about ourboros but i don’t have words for it rn. the narrative is constantly eating itself to rewrite what was once canon so they can tell new stories. it’s crumbling under the weight of needing to tell more and more new and creative things in a world that was built for four ten minute glorified advertisements,, consuming itself and rewriting its own history by necessity…
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Dear wendy, im sorry for being a whore but 👁👄👁 … I kinda want a smut where reader is a milf a mom of geto’s friend… a lot sexual tension would be great 😳
YES AND — my mind instantly said “hey this is how that will play out” and LOW KEY I’ve been waiting for this moment because I, too, am I whore.
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Milk and Cookies: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
WC: 1.9k
Tw: NSFW (Lactation kink, unprotected sex)
The chimes and tinkles of the doorbell make you look up from the dirty dishes in the sink, and you pad over to the wooden door, peeking through the peephole.
Your son's friend, Geto Suguru, stands in the entryway, holding a bag as he pushes his hair back over his shoulder, and you instantly open the door for him. God, if he was as old as you, you'd have him snatched up and pinned to a bed. "Hello, Suguru! Just so you know, Kai won't be back for another hour or so. He and his grandfather were caught in traffic on the way back from fishing," you tell the man, and he smiles at you brightly. Your legs want to go weak, but you keep your composure and smile back at the twenty-two-year-old.
"No worries, Mrs. L/n. I'll just wait here until they get back. Do you mind?"
"Not at all," you reassure him and walk past the door to let him in. "The baby is with his grandma, so make yourself comfortable in the living room. Let me know if you want anything to eat." Geto nods at you, then opens the bag he brought.
"I brought some cookies that my mother made for you. She said after having a baby, these really help with your... uh... hormones, I think." You examine the offering when he passes it to you, and take one out of the little box. The oats and dark chocolate pieces melt in your mouth, and you hum in delight.
"These are delicious, Suguru. Tell your mother I said thank you. Did you help her make these?" The grown man shuffles about for a second, then admits his involvement. "You're incredibly sweet," you mention, and a blush creeps up his neck. "You both did a very good job." He looks up at you, dumbfounded, then smirks.
"Wasn't too hard to follow directions. Plus, I love baking. Would love to help you bake sometimes if you'll let me."
"Just let me know when and what you want to bake," you reassure him and he nods, taking a seat on the couch.
When you finish the cookie, you turn back to the dishes and begin to wash them as the TV flicks on in the living room. You're lost in thought about the kindness of Suguru and his mother when you feel the sharp stabbing sensation of a knife poke you in your hand.
"Ah!" When you bring your hand out of the water, you see that the knife sliced the palm of your hand a little, red blood forming along the cut.
"Mrs. L/n, I'll help." Suguru appears out of nowhere and reaches above the microwave to grab the first aid kit from a cabinet. While he does that, you run the palm under water, hissing as it stings but then drying it on a paper towel. Suguru takes a bandaid and places it over your cut hand, then wraps gauze over it. "You should be more careful," he chastises, and you hum in response. "Would hate to see a pretty hand like yours get infected. I'll finish the dishes for you; just sit on the couch and relax." You begin to protest, but Suguru silences you with a five to your lips, pulls you toward the living room, and sits you on a recliner before he leaves to go finish the dishes.
The TV is tuned to HGTV, and you watch Chip and Joanna renovate homes while the man finishes, glancing over at him every so often to see if he's having any trouble. But he looks as studious as ever, hair dangling over his shoulder as he finishes his task. Well, your task, actually.
When Suguru's done, he joins you in the living room, sitting in the closest seat to your recliner. "Tell me about your weekend," he begins, his black eyes staring at your face. You eye your velour tracksuit with disdain, noting that you hadn't even had a chance to get out since the baby was born a month ago and the father had been absent for much longer than that.
"Oh, just cleaning and making the house neat. You?"
"That's all you've done? What about getting a babysitter to watch Kaneda while you go out and have some fun?"
"Um..." How could you explain to the man that you don't have any friends to go out with? "Well, that would be nice."
"I'll ask my friend Shoko if she'll come by. She loves kids." He pulls out his phone and begins to type out a message, then focuses back on you when he's done. "Any news from Mr. L/n?"
"No," you answer quickly. "He's sent his monthly allowance for me and Kai, but that's it."
"Has he seen Kaneda at all?"
"No." Geto lapses into silence, eyes looking down at the carpet.
"I normally don't speak on matters that don't concern me, but fuck him," he mutters, and you look up in shock. "If I had a wife like you, I'd take you out, show you off, make you happy, and keep you satisfied. I'd never--" Suguru clenches his jaw when you touch his hand, a small smile on your face.
"You're too kind. Things between Mr. L/n and I have been rough, but I'm sure he'll come around soon."
Suguru shakes his head, then shifts out of your grip. "I would treat you better," he murmurs, then looks over at you. You swear the flutter in your chest isn't from any feelings and just because of his pity. But when he gets up and cradles your face like a lover would, you break. Tears fall from your eyes rapidly, and he brushes them away with the pads of his thumbs, cooing at you like you're a child.
"You deserve better. Say it."
"I..." But do you? You heard rumors about Kai's mom and how she was abandoned in the same way. Was this your fate, too?
"Say it. Maybe then you'll believe it."
"I deserve... better."
"Good girl." The fluttering feeling returns and your lips part as you inhale sharply. "Now, will you let me give you something better?" You nod immediately, feeling something pool between your legs. When you realize it's heat, you're shocked, but Suguru leans in to kiss you, smoothing the shock away.
"Suguru," you murmur. "We shouldn't--"
"How long has it been since your husband touched you?" You fumble for the time, knowing it hadn't been for over eight months.
"Um... that's--"
"A long time, hmm?" Suguru's eyes roam over your figure. "Then let me satisfy you, just once. If you don't like it, we can stop and I'll never touch you again, I promise."
"Suguru, I--"
"What harm will it do? If you like it, I'll make sure I come by often enough to have you seeing stars once a week. We'll never speak of it again if you don't want to do it anymore."
The deal is a good one, you think. "Well, maybe just this once."
"That's all I need." He unzips your jacket and frees your swollen breasts, rubbing them tenderly and kissing each one with a peck. "First things first, you need some relief from all of this build-up." When he latches his mouth onto your right nipple, you moan loud enough to overshadow the sound of the TV, and you feel milk flowing from your breasts rapidly. Suguru hums, drinking from you greedily, a small river of milk flowing from the corner of his mouth. You feel a tingling sensation, then exhale deeply, closing your eyes as he massages the other breast slowly.
"Oh, that feels good," you whisper and he unlatches from your right breast to your left one, fitting himself onto the nipple perfectly. You hiss in pain for a few seconds until his tongue swirls over the nipple easily. A sudden realization that this is wrong washes over you, but Suguru is tightly latched onto the bud, suckling eagerly. "Suguru..." you whisper, and he opens his eyes, but doesn't stop. "Suguru, this is wrong. You're my stepson's best friend and I--"
"This isn't about him. This is about you," he mutters, swallowing the last bit of milk before he removes his shirt. "Besides, you taste so delicious. I'm sure the rest of you tastes even better." As he removes your track pants, you bite your lip, wanting this so desperately. He spreads your legs and dips a finger into you, stroking your insides gently. "Oh, you're ready."
"Please fuck me," you whisper. "Just do it." Suguru removes his pants and palms himself, his cock rock-hard and standing at attention. The red tip is already dripping with pre-cum, ready for you to take in. He pants a little, lifting you off the recliner and moving you to the couch, where he lays you on the comfortable fabric before parting your legs again.
He runs the tip up and down your slit before sliding into you, his tip caressing long-neglected parts of you. "Su," you whine, and he kisses your cheek.
"Tell me if it hurts, baby." You clutch onto him as he pushes into you again, digging your nails into his back and moaning. "You're so damn tight."
"Feels so good..." You feel the sensation of being stretched to the brim, and wonder where in the hell Sugurus been all of your life. When he picks up his speed, he clutches onto your asscheeks and shifts you up so your knees are touching your chest. As he holds them against your breasts, they begin to leak and stain the fabric beneath them. You gasp and pant wantonly, hoping the sounds out spur him to go faster, go deeper; maybe if you allowed him to--
"Turn over for me." You obey, and he slides two fingers between your pussy lips, bending down to whisper in your ear. "Gonna make you cum in a minute. God, I've waited for this pussy for so long," he moans. "Such a good girl; waiting for months to get fucked. So patient." You whimper, and he removed his fingers, replacing them with his cock head. He slides into you again, and you exclaim, bucking your hips up to meet his. "Such a beautiful pussy, too," he grunts, smacking your ass with a heavy hand.
Then Suguru begins pounding into you wildly, rocking you back and forth on the couch without restraint. You hiss before you feel the familiar build-up of an orgasm, and call Geto's name out before you begin to shake, losing all sense of time and place.
"That's it, baby. Cum for me," Suguru breathes. "You're doing amazing."
"Oh my god," you gasp, cunt clenching around his dick. "I can't--" Another orgasm builds on top of the one you already experienced, and you grip onto the fabric tightly, shaking as you cum again. "S-Suguru, I--"
"Fuck," he whispers in your ear. "Gonna cum too. Where do you want it?"
"Wherever," you pant, and he instantly lets himself go inside of you, groaning loudly.
"God, Mrs. L/n, that was amazing," he whispers, chest heaving up and down. "What'd you think?" When he realizes that he has to remove your hands from the fabric, he chuckles. "You liked it." You nod, feeling his cum leaking out of you. "Let me clean you up, sweetheart." You expect him to go to the bathroom and search for a washcloth, but he pulls your hips up and back, so your knees are on the carpet.
It's only then that he begins to lick you clean, slurping up his cum and your juices. When he's done licking you clean, he pats your ass and you turn over, eyeing the man cautiously.
"I'll come over next week if you want me to. I'll make sure you're satisfied for the rest of your life."
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spookyvalentine · 3 years
Kasumi, Thane, Shiala for the character ask meme
OHHHHHHHHH i do be too in love
K: a THIEF??? you give me HEIST??? i studied art history in college, and got very focused on art crime and museum security and made several professors quite anxious, so the first time I played 2 and recruited her, she immediately soared to the top of my fave list
T: oh ho oh HO tiddy window. he is... ooh. him pretty. then he talked. HE'S HOT!!!! uh oh weren't you gonna romance garrus?
S: when she feel out of the thorian i was like wat. i am getting my ass kicked by a plant booger. why are you HERE. WHO ARE YOU
K: i will die for you. i wanted to see more of her in 3. i wanted to heist the casino with her. extremely in love, forever and always, and if i wanted to punish myself and make another shepard it'd be to romance her
T: shattered. one of the most deeply romantic LIs out there imo. watching him come alive again. unrecoverable. i'll forever love him. also hes hot as fuck lemme lick him. he didn't die, he blasted kai leng in the face the second he leveled his pistol. i will also go to my grave foaming at the mouth what they did to him
S: wife. omg please benchpress me. the first time i played and had that conversation post-thorian and its like oh. you're badass as fuck. a commando and studied for centuries w benezia? AND THEN SHE FLIRTS W YOU IN 2 AND THERE IS NO OPTION FOR FOLLOW UP???? i thought about that scene all the time. and with the next couple playthroughs, every time i got to see her i was like. oh no youre even prettier. oh no you're even cooler. and now its just terminal brainrot. god i wish we couldve recruited her/romanced her. that would have been mad dope. thank god i am sometimes capable of writing fic
K: ohhhh a toughie. it feels like a cop out to say all of them, but her VA does such a damn good job bringing so much personality into her lines so like even going and checking in on her between missions was a delight to hear her comment on squadmates. that heist was so good tho. hoot every time she jumps on the jet and gives hock that jaunty wave. WHAT A BABE!!! i also love when she goes HAha while in combat
T: when he finally talks about irikah and kolyat. it felt so special and intimate to learn about them. and when he cries before kissing shepard. yes.
S: when shE FLIRTS IN 2 OASIFHLJISUDH but seriously when shes free of the thorian and says she wants to help the colony in recompense. that. meant a lot to me. also i watched the renegade version on yt and the fact that she'll just. let shepard kill her without a fight.... that...... ow
K: well. i've got several fics in the works for her w mercy shepard
- new orleans heist
- vinny (the first man kasumi kills)
- ANDERSON NEVER ARRESTS MERCY AU: CRIMELORD MERCY SHEPARD where kasumi is their right hand, and eventually they end up on the trail of saren. alternate recruitment of squadmates >:)
T: i've got a google doc titled cleaning supplies which um. has been the filth i've been posting in chunks. the other fic for him that i just have a barebones bit is hurt/comfort after mercy visits alchera, beginnings of a romance between them. and of course, sports coach au that i will absolutely start actively writing once i've gotten a couple more "essential" mercy fics done
S: i am working on stellan and shiala's first in-person date after the war, inspired by you, the powerful @yellingaboutmasseffect, where they do the floating howl/sophie walk. and then i like to play around with a full-on howl's moving castle shepala au, that i'd probably post scenes from, rather than any sort of longfic. and im still writing very married sleepy fucking. um. yeah. that's almost complete
K: i will never regret she's there because she makes my life worthwhile, but why was kasumi recruited in the first place?? she's a thief, not a murder powerhouse
T: can't be considered a dilf til kolyat forgives him and even then, hun, you've got a lot of work to do for your kid (which, he does, of course. but it can't be ignored that thane just. abandoned his child)
S: i think she would've made a more fun companion than liara
(ignoring shepard)
K: i thought the one she had with the spectre jondam bau was fun. i'd write them going on an interrupted heist-turned-date. or a slow burn enemies to lovers thing. if i had time. i also love that kasumi and samara hang out, referenced in 2
T: thane/irikah, of course! what a powerful couple.
S: i would love to read about shiala studying under benezia, and then the curdling relationship has soverign's indoctrination worms between them. to her being sacrificed to the thorian. and then her learning the death of her teacher. like. there's a lot there and it hurts my feelings when i think about it. love that for me :)
K: her grandmama. i have her as a badass cat burglar that raised kasumi as not only a beloved grandchild, but also her protege. powerful woman. also cared for mercy, but she dies when kasumi is seventeen
T: that he's got a dick like a vodka tampon
S: she's absolutely ripped. i know it. you know it. we all know it. i like the idea that she's both beefy and intellectual. and in my shepala-rotted brain, she's got a real talent for growing flowers :')
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aemonded · 2 years
Me Continuing to Hate-Watch Godfather III because I love The Godfather Parts I and II So Much: Part Four: THE FINAL SAGA:
The fact that Sofia’s lines are so painfully ADRed too though- her mouth isn’t even moving sweetie
#justiceforwinona she would have crushed this role
But Connie saying “You’re the only one left with my father’s strength” to Vincent and the lighting being exactly like the lighting for a young Vito in Godfather Two down to the waistcoat- attention to detail thank you cinematographer 
Cinematographer still killing it with the shots of the Italian countryside
I also like how the dialogue sets up the difference between Michael and Kay: That he’s focusing on where his father was born and how they came to kill Vito as a child, and Kay is distracted by the sounds of life and a wedding. It highlights how in some ways, even though she’s a WASP, Kay has more of a sense of family in line with Vito than Michael has grown to have, because everything he does to protect his family is out of a sense of fear of losing them, and not simply enjoying the moments that life bring. This was also highlighted in the second film, so touché, whoever was actually paying attention to theming in this script (because we all know it wasn’t Francis whoops)
“I spent a lot of time in this room- thinking of you.” “And then you got married.” I’m just here for sassy Kay at this point calling Michael on his bullshit.
Okay but it’s actually really cute because you can tell that Al and Diane really love each other and it kills me inside thanks 
Also Michael’s little “of the people” neckerchief is killing me
Please this scene is actually good but poor Al’s buzzcut is still a hate crime
“I had a whole different destiny planned.” “Don’t dread me, anymore.”
That was actually a good scene good job Godfather III you did it I’m proud of you
Michael saying he wanted to be good also a death
Connie being sweet to Michael but Michael making Vincent give up Mary ughhhhhh that’s the choice and he takes it ughhhhhhh
Now I see what people are saying about the last 45 minutes
Seeing what it’s done to Michael- Al Pacino’s body acting is on point and all the light that's been sucked out of him
The Opera is an amazing setting though
“Love somebody else.” Please that would have hit so hard if it was anyone else in this scene-
The Opera parallels itself are amazing and actually reach the scale of Parts One and Two in terms of grandeur
Connie with the cannoli was actually badass too
Okay but why is Sofia’s best acting so far when she’s cheering her “brother” on for her performance that’s like weirdly sweet but also poor baby
Please them on the stairs though I love my fucked up Corleone family
Okay final take- this movie was completely unnecessary because the first two films were literally perfect, but that last scene, Andy Garcia, Al Pacino towards the later half of the film, and the cinematography were all things that could have benefited from cutting this movie down by at least an hour/ hour and a half. And Sofia goes without saying but literally it was her father’s nepotism that put her in that place after Winona got sick and Francis needed money so he couldn’t even bather to wait for his leading lady who would have made the movie 100000000000 times better but I digress.
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atalana · 3 years
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[copied over from my cr blog, also this is gonna get long, i’d apologise but im not sorry]
okay, so
this is a rant probably about 7 years in the making, bc when i first watched lok i had not done any music study, i had not done any composing of my own, my knowledge of music theory was at a primary school level and i still thought tv soundtracks were just made by one person composing a whole cache of music and then the audio editors pick and choose what track to place where
(spoiler alert that’s not how film and tv scoring works, i have now done a music composition course where we had to score a short film, among other things, and i have so much more respect for tv composers jesus christ)
but this one stuck out to me even way back then, bc me barely knowing what a leitmotif was was like “hey this one little refrain keeps popping up whenever bolin does lavabending, and i like it, i’m gonna see if it’s on the soundtrack”
it was not, and that’s sort of where i left it back in 2014, but i actually did a rewatch of lok pretty recently out of nostalgia, and then noticed it even more
and to explain why (and this is also a little bit why five’s stuck out to me in tua, i’ll get to that in another ask), let’s cover, leitmotifs, and tv scoring in general
so a leitmotif is basically just a short musical idea that represents something in a piece of music. when i studied motivic development we were encouraged to make that motif four notes or less, and then develop it into something longer (aka a theme), because if you can constantly come back to a really short idea while keeping the piece moving, that’s what makes a piece of music memorable
(you can ignore those rules on purpose but that’s a different essay)
so the most common way that a leitmotif shows up in soundtracks is to represent a character or a location - you play the motif when that character shows up or when you’re in that location and boom, the audience associates that motif with that person place or thing, and you can then use this to tell the audience things without actually telling them. for example, star wars playing the imperial march whenever someone does something darth vader related - darth vader isn’t on screen, but you can feel his presence, because his music is playing
and if we were a film score, where we have two hours to show one particular character’s development, great! we give them a simple motif, and then as they grow as a person we change their motif to reflect what is happening to them, until we end up with something that communicates on a subconscious level how much they’ve grown. we toss in as much symbolism as we can, and we have a really great soundtrack that’s instantly memorable
tv scoring, is harder. partially because of time constraints (have you ever composed half an hour of original music a week, and had to make sure it fits perfectly with every beat of what’s happening on screen? these guys have), partially because there’s a much larger focus on ensemble casts
so what atla and lok do, for the most part, is not score individual character motifs for everyone. this is fairly common in tv soundtracks, instead we score ideas, concepts, and feelings - these’ll come up a lot more and give you more information than just “oh hey this character’s on screen”
the avatar state, for example, has the strongest and most recognisable theme across both shows. i’m linking an atla track in here because it has the best example but you’ll know this shows up with korra too - and with particularly important moments for wan, for kyoshi, etc. they also appear in the opening of both shows, four strong notes that start and end on the same note (in the case of what i’m linking, it’s an F#)
the first part of this track is the more uncertain, pensive theme that comes up when both avatars are feeling doubt/worry/sadness, but then it transitions into the more recognisable four. worth noting though, those are both basically the same motif. if i write them out back to back, you’ll notice they both have four notes and start and end on F#. if i had to guess, four notes four elements, and it comes back to the start because the avatar is a cycle.
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korra has a theme for when she’s fighting, but not an individual character theme. the airbenders as a concept have a theme, republic city has thematic instruments, as do some big name characters, like iroh and his tsungi horn (this is also a cross-series thing, he’s always playing it in atla, it shows up when zuko has to make big moral decisions, and when we first meet iroh in the spirit world in lok, it shows up there too, to let the audience know who this is before we properly see him)
so, if korra doesn’t get a single theme and instead has several for different aspects of her life, and mako and asami follow along with the mood of the story like all the other characters, the fact that bolin has a personal leitmotif at all, let alone a solid, developing one, is pretty remarkable!
now, granted, it mostly starts with book 3, before then he was like every other character, but it has clear symbolism through those last two books! and, initially i thought it was related only to his lavabending, since that’s most of when it shows up, but since my rewatch, i’ve started calling it his hero theme
see, when people wanna criticise mako and bolin, usually the comments they get are that bolin’s too immature and mako’s too serious/uptight. but like, that’s how they work, you can’t analyse either of them without the context of the other. since they were little kids on the streets, bolin chases his heart and mako makes sure they don’t die from it, that is their entire childhood. and neither would have got here on their own because mako wouldn’t take the necessary risks and bolin wouldn’t take the necessary precautions. (like. remove either one from the equation and they’d still be working for the triple threats bc s1 and their flashback miniseries make pretty clear that bolin got them out and mako kept them out)
and then book 2 proves it! because it splits team avatar up, and what happens? bolin is totally taken advantage of by varrick and used as a pawn in his evil plan and mako ends up in jail
so what’s book 3, to them? it’s, being able to find themselves without having that codependency. mako no longer has someone to protect, which is what he’s based his whole life around so far - bolin’s doing fine and he’s no longer dating either korra or asami. and bolin’s trying his hand at some of that responsibility (look at how he immediately adopts kai who is explicitly them but younger because he wants to be the older brother for once). most importantly, they find the rest of their family, and stop being defined by being orphans. they don’t have to be that singular piece of a puzzle, they can just be themselves. and that’s where bolin’s character really starts to shine, because that’s when they bring in the bending plot, and bending, perhaps more than any other character, really gets to the heart of who bolin is
if you want more of my thoughts on that i have an essay here, but tl;dr: bolin’s an extremely powerful earthbender, but he’s not a metalbender because metalbending requires you to double down on the earth characteristics and think like an earthbender, and bolin doesn’t, he’s too fluid for that, which is one of his major strengths, so of course he can lavabend
and finally - to his motif itself! (as a note, i’ve put all of these in the same key to show where it repeats, but there’s a variety of keys used in the show)
as far as i can find, it first shows up in s3e8, when bolin stuns p’li with this well placed shot
[Edit: it first showed up in the s2 finale, but again in a simplified version and again with him doing something heroic with earthbending, so we can still start the analysis here]
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mako volunteers bolin for that job, because he knew bolin was capable of it. why? because bolin landed an identical shot earlier in the episode, after trying to metalbend, getting frustrated he can’t, and cheating with some extremely well aimed earthbending. it’s just a short refrain and you barely notice it, but it’s the first connection of this motif with the theme of bolin’s bending
it looks like this, and it’s always played on a trumpet, which is part of why i call it the hero theme, because, if you’re looking at music from a western perspective, trumpets were used to herald kings, and then used to represent military glory, and then when superhero themes started happening, they used trumpets too - it’s basically western music shorthand for hero these days
(it’s also symmetrical so that helps with the good vibes)
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and he’s saving everyone here, so it’s linked to his bending, but it’s also linked to his heroism
it ties the two together, and they are tied together.
when’s the next time it shows up? episode 10, when the brothers are in prison in ba sing se, and bolin tries to metalbend them out. again, he’s doing this to save people, and this motif gets a few notes added on to the end in a raising pattern - they’re inspiring, but they don’t go anywhere. which is exactly what happens in the scene, because he’s trying to go about this in the wrong way. mako believes in him, but it won’t (and doesn’t) work
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it appears in episode 12 when bolin saves everyone from ghazan destroying the temple, in a more fancy orchestral remake of the first version - it’s impressive, but it hasn’t actually developed yet, it’s just his discovery of it
the book 3 finale already has its own fucking amazing soundtrack, i love that entire episode’s score, but it gets its own moment there too, and the first real development!
because what we hear is not what we’ve heard before. we know it’s the same theme, because it’s using those signature trumpets, but it’s the second part of this phrase, the answer to the question supplied by the first one. why? because bolin’s figured out who he is and he’s starting to use it. it still hasn’t settled yet though, it’s early days and he’s still just turning ghazan’s lava back on him, so again, it raises, leaving it on a question mark
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it doesn’t appear in s4e7 when he lavabends as a warning against the escaped prisoners, because he’s using it as a threat, not to help people. but it does later in the episode when he uses lavabending to save them from kuvira. and that’s when we get the first full phrase, question and answer
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it keeps the first motif identical, takes out the first note of the second, and ties them together - except now it’s not open ended, now it knows where it’s going - it’s been three years, at this point bolin is confident in both himself and his bending
and then that phrase appears all over the place in the finale, because all bolin does is save people - everyone from the exploding building, he slows the giant mecha with lavabending, he saves opal, he slows the giant mecha again by collapsing a building on it, and most importantly, he’s the one rescuing his brother this time, instead of the other way around (though that one doesn’t get a motif appearance bc admittedly a fuck ton of other things are happening in the soundtrack at the time)
so to that question asked in book three - who is bolin when not next to someone else? well, funnily enough, we saw it in book two as well, just in a warped way, playing nuktuk. it just wasn’t truly him because it was created by varrick, and he needed to get away from varrick too. the question put forward by the narrative is who is bolin, and the answer given by the music is, he is a hero. and i don’t know why bolin is the only one to get a theme like this, but i think it may have something to do with the fact that, while everyone in team avatar has been a hero and saved people, he is the only one who has, from the start, solely been motivated by wanting to help people. he follows his heart, and his heart cares, about everyone. it’s been the driving force behind almost everything he’s ever done. and i love him so much
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bangchanshehe · 3 years
Bodyguard Lee Pt. 2
You met a kind stranger wandering the streets of Athens who was willing to go out of his way to help you. But across the globe weeks later you cross paths with him again. Could having this many unexpected meetings be a happy coincidence or an ill-fated destiny?
word count:2k
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Three days later you were back in Seoul and unpacking your luggage. It had been the most exhausting and chaotic week of your life and you were happy that you were finally able to at least get back to your normal routines. And while things weren’t going to slow down for you any time soon you at least had more of a sense of normalcy.
You smiled to yourself as you unpacked all of your trinkets and threw your used clothes into the laundry. But most of all you were excited to see your mom and share with her the necklace that you had found for her while you were out looking for souvenirs. You thought back on that night and smiled to yourself.
The man that had helped you in Greece gave you such a good impression of the city that was so miserable for you so far. As the two of you drove past historical buildings and prominent locations he explained their significance. And any place that you wanted to go to he took you there with a smile on his face. by the end of the night you felt like the two of you had been friends who had met each other for the first time in a while as opposed to the strangers that you were. The two of you talked amongst yourselves and you found out that he was a Korean national who was working in Greece. Most importantly there was no pressure to act a certain way in front of him because of who you were, everything was completely natural instead. If it wasn’t for his assistance you would have gone back to your hotel empty handed and upset that you weren’t able to find anything to bring back. And In the end you weren’t able to get his last name to give him a proper thank you or even find him on social media but you would always remember his first name. Taemin.
“shit” you screeched out as the sound of your ringtone startled you out of your fond memories.
You pulled out your phone and took a deep breath before you answered the call from your manager. You couldn’t go a single hour without someone from your company trying to contact you about something. you had just gotten dropped off outside of your apartment less than 30 minutes ago, and you were happy that you were able to be in your own space once more. But now you were back to being the busy entertainer once more.
“hello?” you asked bitterly, not even bothering to conceal the disappointment and frustration in your voice.
“y/n, tomorrow morning the company wants to recruit some new security team members to travel with us while you go on tour. I’ve sent you their resumes so take a look and let me know who your top three are. They want to hire the new members as soon as possible so they can start their training.” Your manager quickly barked out before she hung up on you.
You pulled the phone away from your face and double checked that she really hung up on you, and the moment you confirmed you scoffed. What the hell… you thought to yourself. I guess she needs the time off as much as I do too.
You quickly opened up your email and looked at the recently received message and scowled. You had never hired someone before and you didn’t know what to look for in a resume to make an educated decision on who to hire. And you honestly didn’t care who would end up being on your security team as long as they would protect you and were professional.
You clicked on the message and opened the attachments to see ten resumes in total. You let out a sigh and meticulously went through each persons accomplishments and previous employment. Each one of them had a lot of strong accomplishments and experience that would make them valuable members. And you were completely at a loss as to who to choose until you looked at the last resume. He was last employed by the Korean ambassador who was stationed in Greece, he had lost of merits and rewards and he seemed to be very professional.
You grinned to yourself and mentally congratulated the man for being in the running. You scrolled up to see his name and information and your eyes almost jumped out of your head when you saw his application headshot.
“Taemin?” you asked out loud in complete disbelief.
The chances of this happening was slim to none. No, it was less than that. It was almost impossible.
But if his resume didn’t already speak for itself his helpfulness and courtesy of helping you in Greece did. You didn’t really care who the other two members would be, but you knew for a fact that you wanted Taemin as one of your members. It was the last thing that you could do for him since you weren’t ever able to properly thank him.
You immediately emailed your manager back that you didn’t care who the other two were but you absolutely wanted Taemin on your team, and then shut down your laptop. You were excited to see Taemin once more and congratulate him on getting the job. You imagined how shocked he would be to see you once more but this time as a prominent entertainer.
The next morning you got up with a smile. It felt good to sleep a normal amount of time and in your own bed again. You took your time enjoying your morning coffee and you relaxed as you got ready. You had opted to wear something more casual and comfortable for the day since you had worn such heavy and extreme clothes during your shoot.
when your manager had finally arrived at your apartment she gave you a call and you quickly grabbed your belongings and met her in your van.
“good morning” she said chipperly
“morning” you replied back
“today your schedule is a little tight” your manager said with a sorry tone “this morning we have a photoshoot for promotions, then you have a vocal and choreography training session. After a short lunch break you have an interview and then in the evening you have a meeting with the producers and event coordinators.”
You leaned forward towards your managers seat “will we have time to see the candidates for the security team?” you asked her hopeful that you would be able to greet Taemin on the team personally
Your manager hummed and looked at the clock “im not too sure what time their final interview is but with your schedule today its pretty unlikely.” She said
You sat back in your seat and let out a small sigh. It was too bad that you wouldn’t be able to see Taemin, but this was your life. Constantly missing out on the things that you want to do.
The time was currently 7pm and you were staring at the sunset as your day finally came to an end. You were waiting for your manager to pull your car around in the garage when you had made eye contact with someone who you didn’t expect to see.
“y/n-ssi” one of the directors called out to you.
You had immediately turned to him with a professional smile and bowed in greeting but inside you were dying. You had hoped that he was going to simply pass by you but instead he had stopped right next to you.
“I wanted to introduce you to the newest members of your security team.” He said holding a hand out towards the three men that were behind him.
Your eyes immediately widened and your attention was heightened. You didn’t think that seeing taemin would be possible today but you were gladly proven wrong.
“this is Seonghwa, Minho, and Kai” the director stated their names
As soon as you saw the faces of each of the new members your smile immediately turned into a frown. You had looked at each of the men and then up to the company director. Sure you had seen each of the men’s resumes and they were highly qualified, but if you had met any of them on the side of the road and asked for help you were sure that none of them could give you the same treatment as Taemin gave you in Greece.
“director, may I speak to you for a minute?” you asked him and he gave you a gesture to walk a distance away to speak. Once the two of you were a few yards away from the gentlemen you whispered your questions. “what happened to Taemin-ssi?” you asked “I really liked his resume and thought that he would be really good for the job.”
The director gave you a smile before he answered “we did too. His resume and previous employment was quite impressive. However, he wasn’t interested in a job that required leaving the country. He is interested in more of a regular full-time job in Korea.” He answered
You lowered your head and let out a small sigh. Although you were hopeful to run into him again it was understandable that he would want to stay in Korea since he had been in Greece for a while. And you couldn’t blame him for that. He probably also had a family in Korea that he missed dearly.
“I understand” you said to the director
The two of you shared a mutual look of agreement before you approached the new men once more.
“congratulations on joining the team.” You said to the men giving them a smile “ill be off now. have a good night”
The men politely bowed and responded with goodnight and get home safely. You had bowed back politely and then retreated to the parking garage where your manager would pick you up.
You hadn’t received a message from your manager yet that she had arrived but you wanted to get out of the building as quickly as possible. Your hopes of having taemin joining your team was a bummer, but you were more upset that you wouldn’t see him again more than anything.
It had felt like for the first time in a long time you were able to make a friend who wasn’t under any sort of impression or had expectations based on what your career was. And maybe you were reading too much into that night in Greece, but you really did feel like Taemin had become a friend. Or maybe it was just your brain creating a scenario out of nothing since you needed companionship so badly.
You had felt a tap on your shoulder and you had turned around without looking at the person. You were looking down at your feet when you had asked “can we stop at the convenience store before you drop me off at home?”
“sure. What do you need?” you heard a man’s voice asking back
You had immediately snapped your head up when you heard the voice that was so unfamiliar to you. You looked up at the mans face and was unable to recognize him past his black hat and mask that hid his facial features.
“im sorry, you must have the wrong person.” You said quietly and hid your face hoping that you could simply back away from the situation and wait inside for your manager.
“no, ive got the right person” he man said and his eyes crinkled in a smile
You looked him up and down and red flags went off and alarm bells rang in your head. The man pulled out a box cutter just far enough out of his jacket pocket for you to see as he pushed the blade out all the way.
“quietly, I want you to get into the car.” The man said in a scattered and panicked voice
You put your hands up and you began to take small shaky steps towards his car door. As you got closer the man circled around so he was no approaching you instead of you stepping towards him. When you opened the car door and sat down inside he began barking commands at you.
“put the ankle cuffs and handcuffs on.”
You nodded your head and you began to place the cuffs around your feet. But as tears sprung to your eyes and your hands began to shake you weren’t able to put on the cuffs as quickly as the man wanted you to.
“faster!” the man yelled and you began to sob
You tried to calm yourself down as you blinked away your tears and tried to focus. But the fear that swept through your body only made things worse.
How had no one seen you on the security cameras and come to help. What was taking your manager so long that she wasn’t here already. And why was this happening to you?
You had finally snapped the handcuffs on when you had heard a loud crunch and a body had hit the pavement next to you outside of the car. You looked down at the man who was now lying still and let out a loud sob when you saw the mans mask. When you realized that the danger was finally gone you looked up to who had saved you, and you completely lost control of your emotions.
Of all people who you had hoped would help you never did you imagine that it would be Taemin to your rescue.
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hey!! thoughts on the cobra kai female characters? sam, tory, aisha, amanda, carmen, you get it lmao
hi thank you so much for sending an ask i love your blog so much!!! ok this is a good one let’s go:
sam- i actually like sam. i think she’s super strong and an important character for young girls to see on screen. however, i do believe that her parents need to stop invalidating her feelings whenever she tells them she feels like something’s her fault because while she’s not entirely the cause, she usually did play a part in whatever bad thing happened. but that’s not to say she was the only one. she didn’t kiss the air. i also do wish she would have told robby about the kiss when he confessed about the metal but i can also forgive her inaction though because she’s supposed to be a 16 year old and 16 year olds make dumb decisions.
tory- ok so i also like tory. i loved how quickly she became friends with aisha in season 2 and how immediately badass she was in her initial fight with miguel at cobra kai. i truly believe that if she had a mentor/adult figure who actually cared about her and her wellbeing that she could go down a better path than the one she’s currently on. i liked seeing her home life and i think it definitely explains all of her actions/behaviour in the show, but i also believe that it doesn’t excuse it. she is also a teenager though and while her violent actions were completely uncalled for, the feelings behind them were so valid. she really just needs someone to show her that violence isn’t always the answer. i do hope we get to see more of her home life in season 4 and i’m interested to see how she changes now that her and robby are the only mains left at kreese’s cobra kai.
aisha- ugh i miss her so much. aisha was literally a queen throughout season 1 and 2. i think she was an incredibly important character so show on screen. i love how she was the first person to take initiative and join johnny’s cobra kai because she wanted a change and god she was so bad ass. i love how much she cares about all her friends, and i so wish she was in season 3, she 100% would have knocked some sense into every single person. i also kind of wish we got to see her reaction to the sam/tory part of the fight as well as the hawk/demetri and miguel/robby parts. fingers are crossed for her return before the end of the show 🤞🏼
amanda- ok what a queen. i loved her since season one, her deadpan delivery is hilarious and she has the best lines. i really love her relationship with daniel and her slapping kreese was one of the most satisfying things i’ve ever witnessed. that being said, i really hope she stops telling sam that nothing is her fault and that she actually listens to how her daughter feels. i’m excited to learn some more about amanda’s backstory in season 4!
carmen- another queen. literally the sweetest woman. i love how much she cares about miguel and johnny and how she always says exactly what he needs to hear. i do wish that she could be developed separate from her romantic storyline with johnny though.
moon- ahhhh i love her. i rewatched season 1 recently and completely forgot she was initially the ditzy stoner (“my mom got me this weed for my birthday”). i really love how she came around at the end of season 1 and apologized to aisha for bullying her. i do find it interesting though how she stayed friends with yasmine into season 3, although she probably believes that yasmine is capable of being nicer and apologizing as well. i also think her breaking up with hawk was her best moment and i literally cheered at screen. her friendship with demetri is one of the most underrated things on the show and i hope we get more of it. i also love her and piper and i think that was so cool to see and i would love for them to bring them back.
yasmine- i hated her in season 1 but in season 3, i do believe she is changing for the better. i mean i always thought that her bitchiness and bullying was a front for some deeper insecurities and it would be nice if she could share some of that/her home life with demetri if the writers do decide to move forward with their relationship. i should say that at the moment i don’t ship them, although i do love the scene where she signs his cast. i also think that regardless of if it’s in a romantic context or not, both yasmine and demetri could be really good for each other. i also don’t think that yasmine can be fully redeemed unless aisha comes back so lets see how they do with that.
rosa (yaya)- adding yaya because she’s iconic and i will never get over her showing up stoned to the all valley in season 1. icon behaviour. i would love some more scenes between her and miguel and her and carmen.
ali- i actually really loved how they brought her back and i think her scenes with johnny were super needed. i am so glad they didn’t have an unnecessary love triangle and that she was the missing piece in getting daniel and johnny on the same page. i also just think her and amanda would be the best duo if she ever came back. im obsessed with all those party scenes between the adults.
kumiko- she is such a sweetheart. they also did a great job bringing her back and i just love how much she helped daniel. i kind of think that what ali was for johnny in this season, kumiko was for daniel. i do think it’s tragic how she’s still in love with daniel because she really just deserves all the happiness. her reading mr. miyagi’s letters was one of the most emotional things in the whole show and i loved every second of it. i really hope they find a way to bring her back.
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atmilliways · 4 years
On the 2nd day of Dethmas this writer gives to thee…
Dec 14 - Kissing under the mistletoe (or office party shenanigans)
Charles gets roped into the role of Santa Clause at the holiday office party. 
The dreaded Dethklok Inc. office Christmas party was coming up—dreaded not by the band or most of the employees, who typically had a blast, but by the CFO who had to arrange and organize everything before and after, up to and including the inevitable handful of resulting funeral arrangements.
Charles was looking forward to it even less than usual, because the band had thrown an absolute shitfit to get him to agree to play Santa this year. He didn’t know why they wanted him to do this. The party didn’t even normally have a Santa. His first thought was that it was Toki’s idea, but on second thought Toki tended to lack the charisma to get the rest of the guys to throw in with him on niche interests like that.
But fine. Whatever. He’d agreed to do it once, and next year he could simply point to whatever came of it this year as an argument against repeating the experience.
He kept telling himself that right up until donning the red and white Santa suit, the iconic hat, and the fake beard. (The damn thing was so big that practically all he could see of his own face in the mirror were his eyes. At least they were letting him keep his glasses.) Then he took his seat in a throne-like chair that had been special ordered for the occasion, specially decorated with carvings of presents, the most unsettling depictions of Christmas elves that he’d ever seen, and skulls with real candles balanced on them, lit and already beginning to dribble red and black wax . . . and immediately felt that somewhere in life he must have made a grave, grave mistake to have ended up here.
The band took the stage in the center of the hall, half the room away from where Charles sat, and went into a jumbled “Merry Christmas, go fuck yourselves!” sort of speech. He mostly tuned it out until—
“And hey, errybody,” Pickles slurred into his mic, “don’t ferget ta sit on Santa’s lap and tell ‘im what you want fer Christmas!”
That had not been part of the discussion, let alone the agreement, but at this point what was he going to do about it? Besides hope that grown men and women hired for their professional abilities would have no interest in sitting on the lap of the man who signed their paychecks.
“You can’t have a pony,” Charles said flatly. “There isn’t space for one in the employee barracks, and even if there were it would be both impractical and unsanitary.”
The Klokateer perched on his lap, crushing the feeling out of his legs, tittered and took another sip of his holiday punch through a straw poked up under his mask. “Oo-kay Mr. Grinchy-claus, no pony for me then. Aren’tcha going to say ‘ho ho ho, Merry Christmas’?”
“Ho ho ho. Now go away.”
Laughing drunkenly, the man lurched up and made his way off the Santa podium to get a refill of punch. The next Klokateer in line had an Online Division pin on one shoulder and a spiked eggnog in her hand. Charles braced himself for yet another request for fewer blocks on searching for porn using company computers.
“Hey look, it’sch Schanty Clausche!”
Charles grimaced behind his beard. “Hello, Murderface.”
The first of the boys to visit him, Murderface seemed to be in unusually high spirits. His ass landed on Charles’ knees like a ton of bricks. “Wow,” he crooned with exaggerated delight, “Schanta really does know all the namesch of the good little boysch and girlsch!”
“Very funny. Would you mind telling me whose idea this was?”
The bassist shook his head. “Hey man, I’m not here to narc on my bandmatesch, I’m here to tell Schanta what I want for Chrischtmasch. ”
“Alright. Fine. What would you like for Christmas.”
Murderface looked around furtively, then leaned in and whispered, “A dischguische kit.”
“A . . . disguise kit.”
“Yeah! I’m tired of being mobbed whenever I go out in public, scho I need it. For camouflasche. ”
Charles couldn’t remember a single incident of a fan mob forming for just Murderface; it only ever seemed to happen when one or more of the other band members were with him, though there were probably a few people who did wander up and ask for an autograph. There had been one unfortunately memorable band meeting a few months ago where Murderface had bragged about someone wanting to touch his penis for good luck, pleased at the recognition but at the same time calling said fan an ‘incredibly fucking gay regular jackoff.’
“I’ll, ah, make sure that’s added to the list,” Charles assured him, and breathed a sigh of relief when Murderface nodded in satisfaction and stood to leave.
“Hey, knock knock.”
Charles sighed from the depths of his soul at this second Dethklok visitation. “Who’s there.”
“Nathan Explosion,” said Nathan Explosion, dropping unceremoniously onto his lap.
Luckily, the beard hid Charles’ wince at the impact. He was probably going to have a lot of weird leg bruises tomorrow. “Nathan Explosion who.”
“Nathan Explosion, here to tell you you’re the party ho ho ho! ” Nathan broke into riotous laughter and clapped Charles good-naturedly on the back, causing him to accidentally inhale a mouthful of fake beard.
After a moment to catch his breath, Charles nodded along. “Very amusing. What would you, ah, like for Christmas, Nathan?”
“I need new pants.”
Well, that was unexpectedly straightforward. “New pants. You got it.”
“One hundred pairs. Exactly one hundred.”
“Just, uh. A couple inches bigger in the waist. For the holiday weight that I am definitely going to lose in January.”
He couldn’t feel his legs; this was not the time to point out that Nathan wouldn’t have time to wear all one hundred pairs of new pants between December 25th and the start of January, nor that January as a deadline for such a drastic fitness undertaking was probably an unrealistic deadline.
“That’s fine, Nathan. One hundred pairs of pants. I’ll make sure, the, ah, elves get the message.” Maybe he would throw in some math flash cards while he was at it.
Toki weighed less than the first two, but was unfortunately so excited that he landed on Charles’ lap hard . Definitely, definitely going to have bruises.
“God Jul, Charles —I means Santa!” the guitarist chirped, bright-eyed and swaying slightly. Charles fervently hoped he wasn’t about to throw up; he didn’t even think being covered in vomit would do much to get him out of this holiday circle of hell. “Merries Christmas!!”
“Merry Christmas to you too, Toki. What do you, ah, want to ask Santa for this year?”
He didn’t have a watch, but he estimated that Toki’s list, plus miscellaneous excited chatter, took at least half an hour and mentioned many things he knew for a fact that Toki already owned.
“Eeuyghh, looks, it ams everys-ones favorites butler,” Skwisgaar said, then folded himself gracefully into a sitting position. After an hour or two of being sat on like this and having plenty to compare it to, Charles wondered if the man was eating enough.
This was in spite of the fact that Skwisgaar was toting around a small plate loaded with various cheeses, fruit, and greasy finger sausages skewered on toothpicks. Party food. To Charles, who hadn’t realized that this gig would take so long and therefore hadn’t eaten in advance, it smelled wonderful.
The Swede must have noticed him eyeing it, or perhaps heard the growl of his stomach over the noise of the surrounding party somehow, because he smirked and held it out in offering. “Pickle says for you to haves this. Gots to keep yous strengths up, you knows.”
Pickles, Charles noted as he balanced the plate off to one side on one of the less obvious and candle-less Christmas skulls. He also pulled one of the sausages free of its toothpick and reached under the beard to jam it in his mouth. Still warm.
“Thank you, Skwisgaar,” he said once he’d finished chewing. “Now, what can I get for you? Ah, as Santa. Ho ho.”
“Everyones know it ams three ‘ho’s, dildo.” Skwisgaar steepled his fingers. “But I woulds like five ins mine room to enjoy ons the Christmas morning. You know the kinds I likes?”
Charles didn’t know what he’d expected. “It’s my job to know, so . . . yes.”
“Greats.” The guitarist patted him on the shoulder of his Santa suit. “Glads that ams sorted outs. Keeps up that good works, yous.”
Then he got up and wandered away, leaving Charles to realize that he hadn’t had a chance to ask him who was behind this whole Santa idea.
Charles finished the plate of food before Pickles made an appearance. He also realized that he could persuade his increasingly inebriated employees to bring him more food, and also drinks, by threatening them with cleanup duty after the party. (He was not in a generous mood; the ones that tried to weasel out of it at first would get cleanup duty regardless of whether they eventually caved or not.) There was no way to escape the alcohol content in the drinks—even when he asked for water it came spiked with vodka or peppermint schnapps, because everyone wanted to see the company’s CFO hammered.
At least they knew better than to roofie him, because Charles would have them killed.
He saw Pickles coming from a mile away. Maybe it was because Charles knew that once all of Dethklok had a chance to visit with “Santa Clause” he would be allowed to escape this torment; maybe it was because he really wanted to know if Pickles was, indeed, the mastermind behind this whole thing; and maybe it was just a tiny bit because he was annoyed the drummer had forgotten to wander over earlier.
But being annoyed at any of the guys was a nonstarter. Putting up with their antics was just part of the job.
“Heeeeeeeeeeey,” Pickles greeted him as he swayed his way over and plopped onto Charles’ lap. Unlike everyone else who had visited Santa this evening, he didn’t stick to perching closer to Charles’ knees but scooted in as close as he could until they were practically nose to nose. Mingled notes of every kind of booze available at the party wafted the short distance from the drummer’s mouth (and shirt, and hands, and dreads), until all Charles could smell was Pickles. “Lookin’ hot in that suit, dood. Is the temp in here okay? Gettin’ a little warm in there?”
“I’m fine, thank you,” Charles said, trying not to be too aware that Pickles seemed incapable of sitting still and his ass was rubbing against . . . things. “Ah. Merry Christmas.”
Pickles snickered. “Did Nat’en make that ho joke?”
No one could see for the beard that Charles’ lips twitched toward a smile at that. “Yes, he did.”
“‘M glad yer not a ho, Charlie,” Pickles slurred affectionately. “A'least, not no much'a one. That’d be a bummer.”
“Ah . . . okay.” He didn’t know what to make of that, or the continuing subtle lap dance, so he said, “What would you like for Christmas this year, Pickles?”
“Weeeeell. . . .” Grinning, Pickles waggles his double-pierced eyebrows. It seems like he’s trying to be suggestive, but Charles has no idea what that’s supposed to suggest. The drummer leaned even closer, lips brushing against Charles’ ear as he murmurs, “I kinda already got my present right in front’a me, chief. Just gotta unwrap it.”
All of this was sending shivers and goosebumps down Charles’ spine under the (admittedly warm) Santa suit, but for heaven’s sake, it was just Pickles. When wasted, which he was more often than not, man oscillated between being a destructive drunk and clingy one. Apparently tonight it was . . . very much so the latter. Not a good time to ask about the Santa plot, really.
He had dealt with this before, just not with Pickles literally draped over and inconspicuously grinding on him. Come on, Offdensen, pull it together . Do not get a boner at the holiday office party. No matter how long it’s been!
“Well, ah, sounds like you’re all taken care of then,” Charles hazarded. “All that’s left to do is, ah, enjoy the party. Why don’t you go do that.”
Pickles chuckled, a low, sultry sound that just made the situation even more difficult. “Workin’ on it dood, I’m workin’ on it.” He shifted thoughtfully again, then bit his lip through a grin. “And it feels like we’re gettin’ there, huh chief?”
“I. Ah, what?” At least the big fake beard was concealing his blush better than he’d been able to contain his body’s mounting interest in the increasingly distracting ass squirming around on top of him. This is a public place , he wanted to protest, but didn’t want to risk pointing out something that might be completely unintentional. After all, it was Pickles , who did this sort of thing fairly regularly.
But the next murmured words out of Pickles’ mouth stopped every single one of Charles’ thoughts in their tracks.
“Fuck, even in this stupid suit yer sexy. How d’you do that?” A brief nip, teeth closing and tugging on Charles’ earlobe before releasing with a soft wet pop .
Nothing but overwhelmed static on the other side of that ear; the quiet gasp was completely involuntary.
“C’mon Charlie,” Pickles all but whined, “you don’t have to do this anymore. Jest call it a night and meet me in the bathroom or somethin’, okie?”
The amazing thing, Charles thought distantly, was that from a distance, it wouldn’t look like anything was happening. Just a grown man, swaying drunk off his ass, sitting on Santa’s lap to whisper what he wanted for Christmas. Regular office holiday party shenanigans for a laugh. But under the surface, Charles was starting to feel like a shaken champagne bottle.
“You, ah,” he managed. “You do realize that you, ah, seem to be prepositioning me for, ah. Sex?”
Pickles leaned into him with a laugh. “Like I said, dood, that’s what I’m tryin’ ta do. Fer like, fuckin’ forever. For a smart guy you can be pretty stupid, y’know that?”
“Ah.” Charles shifted awkwardly and nearly choked when Pickles very pointedly pushed into it at the exact right moment. “There’s . . . a chance I’ve been told that before,” he hedged, already vowing to himself that he would never admit how many times. This isn’t something he ever would have looked for, but mistaking Pickles hitting on him for god only knew how long for just being an affectionate drunk? That was pretty fucking funny if you thought about it, and he'd consumed just enough alcohol so far to really give it some very serious thought.
And . . . his job was to keep everyone in the band happy.
“So, ah. There are several bathrooms off this hall. . . . Which one did you have in mind?”
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thebluestbluewords · 3 years
I haven't watched D2 in almost a year please forgive me
This is 1800 words of NONSENSE about PIRATES except there's actually no named pirates appearing in this section yet.
He’d been taking a walk.
The isle isn’t safe, obviously. It’s a prison colony, full of the worst of the worst, shaken up and left to stew in their own anger and his family’s incompetence for twenty years. Of course it’s not going to be a safe place for little Auradon boys to linger.
He’d gone less than a block. Hadn’t been planning on going any further. It’s an emotional whiplash, going from being upset because his girlfriend is secretly using magic to cope with Auradon life instead of just talking to him about it, to breaking up because she’s decided she can’t cope with life outside of the place she grew up.
It’s oversimplifying. There’s a lot more to it than just not being able to cope, but it’s hard to see that through the sheer hurt that’s stuck in Ben’s chest. They’d been doing well, until all of sudden they weren’t, and there was no time in between to try and fix things. Always jumping to the most extreme solution, that’s Mal. And it’s something he likes about her, usually! She’s got wild solutions for things, and she’s able to come up with the most outrageous ideas and play them off like they’re absolutely nothing, and she--
Doesn’t want to live in the same country as him anymore.
So that sucks.
Bringing Mal back home is more important than whatever concerns he’s got about their romantic future together.. No matter what’s going on emotionally, it’s still not right to leave her alone back on the island that they just brought her over from. There’s garbage burning in the streets here! The food stalls all have signs about limited supplies and taking what you can get, and the amount of knives and weapons on the average person walking down the street here isn’t exactly unexpected, but it’s just… it’s a lot. It’s not like he’s completely unaware of his surroundings! On the isle of villains, it’s important to stay alert. He gets that. It’s just that emotional turmoil, combined with the little fact that he’s all of sixteen and he’s pretty sure his heart is breaking, might be distracting him. Just a little bit.
Nobody ever expects to be grabbed by a giant guy and yanked into an alley, okay?
“Urg?” Ben manages to say, around the hand that’s being clamped over his mouth. “Eahhh?”
“Don't talk,” the mystery voice behind him directs. It’s not the person who’s holding him, so that’s bad. Being outnumbered is bad. “We’re taking you to see our captain, and if you run we have instructions to make that...significantly more difficult for you.”
Ben nods. There’s something tapping threateningly at his kneecaps, and he’s pretty sure he knows what the voice means by making it harder to run. He’s broken a bone once, when he was a kid and tried to climb the tree in his mom’s favorite glade, and fell out. If riding back to the castle with a broken arm had hurt, he doesn’t even want to imagine what being dragged along by a villain with a broken leg might feel like.
“Good,” the voice says, like it’s funny. Oh. They don’t use that word here, so it’s a joke about him. “We’d like to bring you back in one piece, your highness, so just keep cooperating and maybe this won’t go so bad for you after all.”
“Mmh” Ben agrees. He’s sort of afraid to nod, in case the arm around his throat tries to squeeze any harder, but it feels like a good move to go along with whatever this pair wants. Oh god. Hopefully it’s just the two of them, and then whatever captain they’re bringing him to.
There’s definitely more than just the two of them.
Oh no.
The big guy, or maybe a girl, actually, it’s sort of impossible to tell with the way he’s just being held against some very large and solid person, starts to tie his hands behind his back.
Okay, there’s the panic now.
Ben wants out, he wants his hands, he wants to breathe, he’s-- okay, hyperventilating doesn’t help anything. He’s been taught how to break out of hand ties, but it’s not going to help if there’s another person right there, and they’ve already said to cooperate, so--
“Should we just drug him?” someone is saying. “Might be faster than all of this tying and blindfolding business.”
“I dunno if I can carry this much deadweight, bro.” another voice says. Still not the person holding him still. So there’s at least three of them, great. “He’s pretty big for a prince charming.”
“I can carry ‘im” says a new voice, and oh, this is the person holding him, finally. There might be just the three of them. Not that it makes much of a difference, but it’s some sort of knowledge that Ben can cling to here. “Get his hands and feet, and I can do it.”
“‘on’t enfg.” Ben manages, around the hand that’s still clamped over his mouth. “omise.”
“Gil, just let him talk,” the first voice says again. “He’s obviously not going to stop trying, so just, give him a little air.”
“‘Kay,” the holding-person (Gil, the big one is Gil) says agreeably. “Hey, I wasn’t holding you too tight, was I? You can still breathe, and stuff?”
“I can breathe,” Ben says, once he’s gotten in a good lungful of air that doesn’t taste like stale sweat. “I won’t try anything, I swear.”
“Ooh, he swore,” says the bro voice, clearly delighted with this turn of events. “I think we might need a little insurance for that, little prince.”
There’s some sort of motion, and then a noise that sounds an awful lot like a knife being sharpened, and then a bright, sharp pain in Ben’s side.
“Hey!” the first voice says, clearly annoyed at this turn of events. “You didn’t have to stab him! Uma wanted him brought back in one piece!”
“He won’t be able to run this way,” the bro says, sounding annoyed. “It’s not gonna hurt him, just make it harder to run. It’s barely a scratch.”
“He’s bleeding. You’re gonna leave evidence.” the first one, who seems to be the brains of the operation, says. “Hey, no, don’t make that noise. Shut up. Look when you did!”
Ben doesn’t want to be making this noise either. He’s just as unhappy as the ringleader is about this, really. He didn’t want to get stabbed.
“Oh my evil, just pick him up, Gil.” the first person says. “Hey, prince charming. We’ll get you stitched up once you’re down at the ship, okay? Just like, shut up about it. You’ll be in worse shape if we drop you here for someone else to find, and they won’t be so nice about keeping you alive either.”
It hurts. Jesus fucking christ, it hurts. “You stabbed me?” Ben somehow warbles, between the fucking agonized breathing he’s doing to try and get the involuntary pain noises under control. “You fucking- stabbed me?”
He’s being lifted off his feet now, and cradled up like a baby against somebody’s broad chest.
“Just a little bit.” the bro-voice says as they start moving. “Insurance, bro. Can’t have you getting away from us now, ya know?”
“I just said I wouldn’t run.” Ben points out, gritting his teeth against another jolt as the person carrying him picks up speed. “I wouldn’t’ve lied about that if I knew you were going to stab me.”
“Get over it.” the brains of the kidnapping says. “Drop him in the cart Gil, we can just wheel him down the rest of the way.”
They tie him to the mast.
“Can I take my phone out of my pocket first?” Ben asks, as they’re pinning him down to tie him up again, more efficiently this time. “It’s going to leave a bruise if I keep it there, and I don’t care if you want to break it or sell it or anything.”
The pirates find this absolutely hysterical.
They do let him take his phone out of his pocket first, so that’s something.
Being kidnapped is sort of boring, when it comes down to it. The pirates are clealty waiting for something, but it’s not entirely clear what. True to their word from earlier, they do let someone (a girl with messy black hair and a bright red bandanna, who doesn’t seem especially fazed by the situation as a whole) slap a bandage on him. It’s not quite as good as not being stabbed in the first place would have been, but the girl had poked around for a while and announced that he didn’t need stitches, and then done what seems on the whole to be a very tidy job of cleaning and wrapping the cut.
It still hurts, because some lunatic with a knife did in fact stab him, but after the morning Ben’s had so far, things are honestly looking up.
One of the pirates sits down next to him.
“Want some water?” they ask, holding out a battered plastic cup.
Huh. “Um, sure?” Ben says.
The pirate tips it up to his mouth, and lets him get in a good three or four swallows before pulling the cup back and throwing the rest over his head.
“Uma’s still out.” they inform him. “But we’ve sent a runner down to the chip shop, so she should be coming up any minute now.”
“Uh. Okay.” Ben says. “Is that your captain?”
The pirate looks at him. “Yeah,” they say. “She is.”
There’s some sort of challenge there, but Ben is so far out of his depth right now that he can’t even make out what the shape of it might be. “Does she have demands, or something?” he asks. “I can’t guarantee that they’ll be met, but if you send a message out to my father he’ll probably give you something in exchange.”
The pirates stares up at him, shaking their head slowly. “Unbelievable,” the pirate says, “Fuckin’ Auradon kids. Do they really keep you stupid on purpose over there?”
“No?” Ben tries. “I can try to bargain for whatever you want. There’s some privateering work off the southern isles right now, and I don’t know that they’ll take kids on their own, but we’ve been working towards isle reform policies and there’s a pretty good chance they’ll go through in a few years and--” Shut up, the lunatics who kidnapped (kingnapped?) you don’t care about legitimate privateering work and the slow, torturous process that’s been trying to push isle reforms through the council while still only controlling about 40% of the vote. “Um, that is, we can meet your demands.” Ben finishes. “If you have them.”
The kid shakes their head again. “Unbelievable.” they say again, and leave.
Okay, then.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Hello love I just got a idea from the cookies dough where Kai said What I say gos can you do one like were his like I’m the man of the house and you have to listen to me after his s/o dose something he doesn’t like and she gos on a mum rant like almost all mothers and is like no im the man because not only do I put up with your bs but Ipushed 2 annoying but lovable parasites out of my vagina so you show me respect brat you know General angry mum stuff with fluffy ending but If you can’t do it ok
Oh shit angst where parents fight not cool
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The moment the room went silent and you and Kai just glared daggers at each other was enough to make shivers to appear in both of your childrens bodied... Kaito was still with his face serious as ever but his tiny muscles and whole body in general were tense and frozen, while Kin just weared that wary look on her golden eyes.
"Kaito, Kin." You said more serious than normal, not daring to look away from your husband threatening eyes "Is better if you two go to another room."
"Agreed." Growled Chisaki, not even blinking as he stared you down.
"But mo-"
"Are you deaf Kaito Chisaki?" Asked bitterly Chisaki, looking at his son with only anger in his eyes, but voice still calm "Out."
"You don't need to talk to him like that." You said sternly, trying not to flinch when he directed his threating golden eyes at you again abruptly.
You made again a signal for your kids to left the room, and thankfully this time both obeyed and left, Kaito looking at the scene one last time before closing the door.
"What's going on here my favorite brats?" Said the elder as he notice the faces of his grandchilds.
"Mommy and Daddy are fighting..." mumbled the four year old girl while her older brother glued his ear in the door.
"Is that so? Is rare seing these two fighting..." spoke in worry now Pops before his ten years old grandson mentioned him to do the same actions he was doing.
"Maybe is better to let your parents be Kaito... why not both of you come with me instead..." hesitantly the kids complied, praying that you two wouldn't get serious with this argument.
"Wait wait so I am the wrong here? Seriously?!" You spoke in disbelief as he sighed in annoyance while massaging his temples.
"(Y/N) you don't have any earing or mental problems so I don't have to repeat myself again like a fool."
"Just because I let some of the damn dishes to wash later you doing this?! Ah yeah I forgot! Because apparently I didn't do a good job on cleaning both of OUR kids room is that it?!"
"I could do better in my sleep than that." He growled, oppening his eyes threateningly "You already know what I am and what I wish for."
"Listen. I'm tired of you always complaining about those... those IDIOTS AND USELESS things of yours! I thoughf that whole germophobic thing had at least settled down for once! For God's sake you changed Kaito's and Kin's diaper!"
He never did complained until now, you knew that his anger was just because of a probably a bad day, and you knew that, but you were just surrounded by anger that you didn't think too much on what you were spilling in fact.
"Idiotic? Lets see who is the fucking idiot in here when one of us get sick." He growled "Then who is going to be the one to blame for?! Answers me (Y/N)!" He shouted this time making you flinch.
Chisaki never was one to raise his voice, childhood trauma leaded to that, so you it was a understatement when you got scared at it and lowered a little bit your own tone of voice.
"Hey don't need to raise the tone of voice, Kaito and Kin might be-"
"So what?! Is not like they need to hear how SICK OR CRAZY THEIR FATHER IS or HOW USELESS THEIR MOTHER IS!" He shouted and immediately regretted, getting a deja vuu at saying those disgusting words himself directly to his dear loved wife.
The way you widened your eyes and some tears were stuck on them felt like a shot to his heart.
"Useless..? I'm sorry, could you repeat that again? Chisaki..." you said coldly and bitterly his name while you holded back your tears.
Ah shit. You used his surname... you were pissed.
He knew he had cutted all of your pacience...
"Can you repeat that again to me? Repeat that to the person who loved you to no ends for years already? The person whose you called 'angel' countless times until the current days? The person who always was by your freaking side and hold your crying self when no one else would because you're too FUCKING PRIDEFUL AND ARROGANT to accept that you need help BECAUSE YOU'RE SICK?! THE PERSON WHO PASSED THROUGH HELL TO GIVE YOU TWO LITTLE TREASURES IN YOUR GODAMM DARK LIFE?! I'M THE USELESS THEN CHISAKI?! ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?!" you yelled while some of tears fell to the ground.
Chisaki didn't answer due to his own shock surrounding him... he didn't mean it to let out those words, he sweared to God that he didn't...
He hesitantly extended his hand but you took a step back.
"What happened with the 'no touch'?" You whispered angrily which he only lowered his head.
Both of you stayed silent and frozen until you regained your compusture and went in the direction of the door. You stopped to say something.
"I'm going to take a walk... both of us need to cool down our heads apparently."
He nodded numbly before he heard you closing the door... He dropped on his couch with his hands burried in his dark brow hair in anger at himself, shame and sorrow.
You left the room and breath in slowly to calm yourself as you went towards your shared room.
Both of kids were already in bed, and Kai thanked Pops for the help. The elder noticing his boy's discomfort placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling the way he tensed and cringed at the contact.
"Kai, was the fight that bad to let you on this state?" Chisaki merely lifted his eyebrow, giving the answer Pops needed.
"Look my boy, it's normal to have fights with their significant others, but what is not normal is to sleep through it without a damn apology from both of your sides. I could hear (Y/N) and your screams from afar..."
Chisaki still weared that numb expression as he looked down in thought.
"I was the one who fucked up the most honestly..." he mumbled monotonously as he felt Pops's hand leaving his shoulder.
"Then why don't throw that arrogance of yours away and go apologize? Its at least the advice I'm offering you..." he left to his own room.
"Night Kai. Wish a good night for my daughter in law for me, will you?"
He sighed while massaging his temples... That is if you were still accepting to be his wife...
He oppened the door slowly and thanked internally that you haven't locked it. He immediately catched your figurine messing around in your cellphone while he noticed that the bedroom was far more organized and clean than usual.
As much as he was pleased with this he felt a knot forming in his stomach, already knowing why exactly you did that...
Your eyes found each other and you immediately looked down at your phone to turn it off and lay on the bed to sleep. While him was still preparing too.
He after layed down and notice you were too far away for his liking.
"You're going to fall from the bed.." he stated while looking at you, who was with closed eyes.
You didn't respond, causing his heart to clench a little.
"(Y/N), I know you're awake..." he said, again with no response.
"... I'm sorry angel." He murmured sadly, surprising you when he got closer and higged you tight.
"I'm sorry... words can't express how regretful I am for saying those words to you... I was completly out of my element and even dared to say something that my... that I once heard... I know an apology can't fiz how hurr you must be now... you can retribuit all the things I did with me if that's mean you will feel better again..." he let go of you and stared at your now open eyes.
You stared for a couple of moments before lifting your hand to caress his jaw, your heart clenching at the way he flinched at first, probably thinking you were going to hit him...
"I own you a apology too... I called you things and yelled as well, even knowing how you hate it... guess we both fuck up."
"Apparently..." he whispered still looking everywhere but your eyes.
You two stay in silent until you took the courage to grab his gloved hand and rub little circles on his palm.
"You're not even a bit useless... you had to atture me for ages now..." he said, breaking the silent "After all... who takes more than two months to show their face to their loved one...? you maybe be right about me being the sick one..."
"You take that back." You squeezed his hand gently, finally getting him to look at you.
"You aren't that, neither I am... we both said things we didn't mean to at the heat of the moment... it's fine." You smiled at him which he only scoffed.
"Why do you do this? Forgive me this easy...? I don't... I don't deserve it such a angel like you... my only worth is-"
"Stop that." You said gently, hugging his torso and burring your face on the crook of his neck, noticing how his muscles fir a second tensed but instantly relaxed.
He slowly bringed one hand to carry your hair while his other arm holded you firmly pressed to him.
"Forgive me my angel?" He whispered in your hair.
"As long as you forgive me too my devil..." you hugged him a little tighter when he muffled pressed a kiss in the too of your head.
"Thank god... no more fights like this... it gives me a sick feeling on my stomach..." he pressed you on the bed as he got up on you staring you down.
"Can you really forgive me that easy?"
"Look what love does to us right my handsome husband." You giggled when he breathlessly chuckled before taking his mask off and started to shower you in kisses. Every part he could reach his lips were pressed on it.
"I still think I own you though." He said nibbling on your ear lobe "So I guess I will."
"... Are you serious?" You asked smilling up at him, seing already his dark lusted look.
"My angel, this is my punishment." He pressed his lips against yours gently but the kiss itself was enough to leave both of you breathless.
"And I'm happy to pay for my sins..."
"Hmm... you were the demon of lust this entire time I knew you then?" You started to laugh at the mortified and disgusted look he gave it to you.
"I am not. How dare you?" He said darkly but offended as well.
Your laughing didn't collaborate for his red face... but he was still trying to contain his own smile growing at seing you happy with him again.
Well, nothing better than a bite to quiet this angel down.
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brashashxao · 5 years
The Two Sides Of Kai (PT 1)
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🖤 Genre: Smut 
🖤 Rating: M
🖤 Pairing: Kim Jongin aka Kai X Reader
🖤 Synopsis: You get a job teaching English skills to kpop idols at SM entertainment where you meet Kai and everything changes.
🖤 Word Count: 1,958k
🖤 Warnings: this story starts out a bit slow and ends very smutty.
**Writers note: Hey guys! this is my very first post! im thinking of making this into 2 parts. i love all kpop idols and my bias list is insane! i thought i would start out with Kai since i last saw SuperM in concert. I hope you enjoy!!**
“What the fuck was i thinking?” I say to myself as I hold onto the cold stark white bathroom vanity in front of me. My mind has been wondering since i stepped of the plane just a few hours ago. I left my home in America to teach English in Seoul. But I never imagined I would be teaching English to kpop idols at SM entertainment. I splash cold water on my face and wash my hands. “You can do this Y/N” i stare at myself in the mirror and say. i feel a tiny bundle of nerves form in my stomach as I exit the bathroom with shaky hands. 
I stand behind a huge velvet curtain waiting for my cue to step out and introduce myself.
I hear the soft chatter and murmurs from the crowd which could only be the idols themselves.
“Alright everyone calm down” i hear Mr. Lee Soo-Man echo through a microphone. “I bet you are all wondering why you are here?” he says fixing his suit jacket. “We have a new staff member joining us today, she will be working closely with all of you and help sharpen your English comprehension skills” Mr. Lee Soo-Man glances at the curtain, “please welcome her with open arms, Miss Y/N will you please join us on stage?” That’s my cue, I straighten my back and clear my dry throat as I make my way up the polished marble stairs and onto the stage. And that’s when I see him..in the flesh. The very person who I knew I would see but didn't expect to see so soon. 
Kai is sitting front row next to Chanyeol. He has on a simple pair of dark jeans with rips at the knee and a plaid shirt with a white T shirt underneath. His hair is pulled back into a baseball cap, and for a moment I debate whether it's too late to chicken out and run off the stage. His golden skin peaks from under his sleeves as he rolls them up nonchalantly. His lips looked more plump and kissable in person. “Run away stupid” I silently scold myself in my head. “Um hi” I say as I clear my increasingly dry throat. 
“Thank you Mr. Lee Soo-man for this once in a lifetime opportunity” I say as I quickly bow. “Once in a lifetime Y/N” i whisper to myself. “As stated earlier, I will be helping you guys further your English skills” I exclaim clapping my hands together and smiling softly. Just then Kai sits up in his chair and turns his full attention to me, ignoring a whispering Chanyeol in the process. I feel my insides ignite with just a simple look from this man. His chocolate brown eyes stare holes into my face and suddenly i forget how to breathe. I’m reminded i’m on stage in front of the entire company when Kai unfolds a lopsided grin and raises his eyebrows. I clear my voice, “I am very excited to work with you all, and I hope to learn from you as much as you learn from me!” I stand back, and if on signal Mr. Lee Soo-Man returns from the shadows. I can't focus on what he's saying as i try to keep my legs tightly closed while avoiding Kai’s gaze. “This man is going to be the death of me,” I say to myself. 
When the meeting concludes Mr. Lee Soo-Man approaches me with a shy Kai in tow. “Y/N, you can work in groups. We can start with Exo, Kai has generously offered to show you around and help you get situated”. Kai blushes behind Mr. Lee Soo-Man. “I’ll leave you two it” he flashes a grin as he walks away.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I cannot be left alone with this man.”  I think in my head ignoring Kai’s outstretched hand. “Oh i'm sorry” I say. I feel so small next to him. His large hands nearly swallows mine hole. His golden skin glistens even in doors. His silver hair peaks from under his hat, and I lose myself in his smile. His plump lips So warm and kind. “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you Kai” I choke out. “Jongin, please call me Jongin” he says smooth as butter. And I realize how much I love his voice, how i want to hear him saying my name over and over as he buries himself inside of me. “What the fuck, get your head in the game y/n, you did not travel this far just to loose your job in the first 30 minutes” i repeat over and over like a sacred mantra in my head. “Let me show you around” he says as he flashed me a smile that could make puppies cry. “Lead the way” i say. 
My god he smelled good, he looked good, but most of all you could tell the passion he had for his job as he led me through the halls of the building, leaving no stone un turned as he showed me every inch of the building. Even the janitors closet. I smirked internally when he mentioned that the janitors closet was vital to the tour. We stopped at one last door down a dimly lit hall. He sighed and turned to me looking unsure, “And this, this is the most important room to me. Its where I practice daily, hourly.” he opens the door and I am greeted with a big room with floor to ceiling mirrors. Leather bean bag chairs and a large dark oak table with chairs surrounding it, Complete with a Dj station off to the side. It smells just like him. Woodsy and manly. The Wood floors were so shiny I could see my reflection, the SM logo is plastered in the middle of the sleek wooden wall. 
“This is beautiful” I murmur as I take in the room, simple yet masculine. I spin to find Jongin looking at me, his brown eyes dark and clouded. He stalks his way over to me and i melt where I stand. I can’t find my voice when he stands in front of me staring at me. He towers over my much smaller frame. He takes his hat off to run his hair through his messy silver strands. I watch as he reaches out to stroke my cheek. He steps closer and I could swear his eyes get even darker. “y/n you’re so beautiful, i’m sorry, i’m not usually a forward person” he says taking a strand of my hair between his fingers before bringing it to his lips. In this moment I can't find my voice and I curse myself for just staring back at him foolishly. Before I can reply his lips are on mine. Soft at first as if testing the waters, then the kiss heats up. He moves his tongue across my lips silently begging for entry. I opened my mouth to feel his soft tongue caressing my tongue and cheeks. Like silk, his touch, his tongue feels like silk.  
I don't even notice when my back hits the wall. I feel him  growing hard under his jeans, as it pokes me in my belly. I entangle my hands in his hair knocking his hat free. I pull him closer to deepen the kiss and a moan escaped his lips. “Fuck you taste so good y/n” now its my turn to moan as he says my name. It feels like ecstasy. He moves his hands over my waist and down my sides until he reaches my ass. “Your body is so perfect, so curvy in all the right places” he says against my lips. He then kisses my cheeks, and the shell of my ear before peppering kisses down my neck. By now i can say goodbye to these panties. He moves his hands expertly over the fabric of my blouse before taking a nipple in his mouth. I moan while tangling my fingers in his hair. He looks up at me between his eyelashes and says “ can i?” confusion spreads through my features. He motions down to my pants. I simply nod and he slowly goes to his knees and slides my pants over my waist, then my ass and to my ankles. 
He slides kisses down my legs and he grasps onto my ass for dear life. I feel shy, im half naked while he is fully clothed. He reaches to kiss my inner thigh as he hitches one of my legs over his shoulders. Moving my panties to the side he inhales. “So sweet, i wonder if you taste as sweet as you smell baby” My mind is hazy. He looks at me with expectant eyes before I nod to him that he can continue. He uses the pad of his thumb and works my clit in circular motions. He then uses his tongue to lick the folds of my most secret spot. “You taste like heaven” he says against my pussy and the vibration makes me moan Louder than I wanted to. he delves his tongue flat in and out of my entrance. All the while rubbing my clit. 
I tug on his hair as I moan his name over and over. He looks up at me with his plush lips coated in my juices. He flashes me a cocky grin before he slides two slender digits inside of me. He watches me writhe and scream his name for a minute before licking my clit as his fingers push in and out of me. A bundle of heat courses through my body when he curves his fingers just right hitting a spot I didn't even know existed. I throw my head back and yell his name before coming all over his fingers and mouth. He continues to lick and fuck me with his fingers and just when i thought i couldn't breathe he brings me to another orgasm, just as mind bending as the one before. I have to catch my breath and hold onto his head for dear life as i get weak. He looks at me and smiles. “You’re so beautiful when you come on my fingers y/n, i want to watch you come for me again” with a shaky sigh i barely breathe out “im to sensitive”. He sees this as a challenge and pumps his fingers faster, so fast I instantly lose my footing and fall backwards on my ass, Jongin chuckles while still pumping his digits in and out of me at an impressive speed. 
When I finally think I can't take anymore i cry out “oh my god Jongin im going to come!” he removes his hand and replaces it with his mouth as my body explodes. My orgasm rips through my body fast and hard leaving me breathless. Breathing heavily, I snapped my eyes open. I didn't even know were closed. Jongin stands up and helps me to my feet. He turns to me and places a tender kiss on my lips before licking them. His big soft lips feel amazing against my burning flesh. “Now if you’ll excuse me y/n i have to take a shower and handle a few things” Jongin says with a sly wink. “I-i can help you” i motion to his hard bulge threatening to rip his pants from his body. “Maybe next time, goodnight y/n” he says and he turns on his heel leaving me in a puddle of self worry and confusion.
“I am SO getting fired” i say aloud while hitting myself in the head with the palm of my hand “so getting fired”
**I hope you guys enjoyed this little scenario! i look forward to finishing this story and creating more!**
-BrashAsh Xao
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kpop---scenarios · 5 years
Collateral (2)
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Warnings: Language, Beginning of smut, flirting. You know.
Part One | Part Two
When you imagined your life, you pictured going to school for something you loved, getting a great job in your field and eventually settling down with someone you loved and wanted to spend your life with. You even thought about possibly having children one day.
You were just beginning your plan, searching for what you loved to do. You’d tried many different jobs already. Working in a café, with children, with senior citizens but nothing had stuck out to you yet. You’d been thinking of looking into working with animals possibly next but thanks to your brother, your plans had been derailed.
Instead of working with puppies and kittens you’d now be a maid for the mafia. Not quite something you had pictured yourself doing but alas here you were.
How could your brother do this? How could he steal, let alone steal from the fucking mafia.
Suho had told you that one of the men, Kai had picked out a special uniform for you to wear. However, the way he said it had you wondering how bad it actually was going to be.
“Kai" Suho began. “Show her where she’ll be staying and her outfit. I have shit to do” he finishes.
You’re grabbed by the arm by a man with a dazzling smile on his face.
“This way baby girl" he says, yanking you from your chair.
You trip over your own feet as he drags you from the office, never letting go of your arm. He leads you through a hallway to a large living room littered with men.
You thought you’d felt fear before, but that was nothing compared to this. Some of the men smirked at you while others just glared. After a few looks you hung your head down, not wanting any more attention.
He leads you out of the of the living room and down yet another always, stopping at the first door. He opens it to reveal a very tiny room. Dusty as fuck, with a small cot and a small dressed. You had one lamp on the dresser for light and a black bag laid out on the cot.
He leans in close, his hot breath against your ear. “Your outfit” he whispers. “You have two minutes to change" he says before closing the door, leaving you in the dark. You have no windows to shine some light in as the sun rises, so you’re left with making your way to the lamp.
Finally reaching it, you quickly turn it on before unzipping the bag to reveal a rather skimpy maid’s uniform, almost like the one you would wear to a bar on Halloween.
No. Nope. No way, you were not wearing this.
You swung the door open, seeing Kai standing there with a confused look on his face.
“Why aren’t you dressed?” He asks, clearly unamused.
“I’m not wearing that.” You deadpan. I’m not some whore” you spit.
Kai quickly slams you against the door? His hand squeezing your chin and cheeks together.
“You’re whatever we fucking say you are. You have no choice. Unless you want to see what’ll happen if you refuse to listen" he snarls into your ear before letting your face go.
“Get dressed" he snaps.
You rush back into the room, Kai slams the door behind you. With tears threatening to fall down your cheeks you strip out of your pajamas you were still wearing and trade them in for the skimpy outfit.
The thing just barely covers your ass, your tits are almost popping out, not to mention it was tight. You were embarrassed to be wearing it, but you really didn’t want to know what would happen to you. You just knew Kai would be good on his threat.
Opening the door, Kai smiles smugly, but he is not alone. The other man with him also had a smirk on his face while looking you up and down, eyeing you like you were a piece of meat.
He bites his lip as you wrap your arms around yourself, feeling even more exposed than you did while you were alone.
“Baekhyun stop scaring the girl" one says walking up to you. “I’m Lay, the doctor. I’ll be showing you around and letting you know where you can and cannot go.” He says giving you a small smile.
You like him. He’s the one of the only ones who hasn’t stared at you like they were going to rip you apart.
He begins walking down the hall, all the doors closed. You can only assume they’re bedrooms.
“Unless given permission, do not under any circumstances go in any of these rooms” he says, his voice serious. “Bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room are all places you can clean. There are lots of men here everyday but only nine of us live here" he tells you. You nod along.
Only nine. Great.
“Can you cook?” he asks.
“Yeah" you answer.
“Usually Kyungsoo cooks but we get tied up sometimes and he doesn’t feel like it.” He says. “All the supplies you’ll need are in this closet. And whatever you do, don’t go into the basement.” He finishes before walking away.
You guessed you’d start with the kitchen since that was likely one of the messier rooms. You grabbed your supplies before making your way to the kitchen. You can feel the eyes on your body as you walk through the living room. You keep your head down, only peaking up when you need too.
You spent your time on the kitchen, making sure everything was done correctly. The cabinets were cleaned, the oven deep cleaned, dishes were done and put away, floors were scrubbed, fridge was cleaned. You saved the easiest thing for last, wiping the counters. You sprayed them down before washing them thoroughly.
Your work is halted by the feeling of someone behind you.
“Excellent job princess" he says, his voice deep.
“Thank you" you let out a small whisper.
“I like your outfit” he says, you can hear the smirk in his voice.
“Chanyeol, stop creeping out the maid. Let’s go, Suho needs us" you hear Lay calling for him.
“Until next time" he whispers before leaving to meet up with Lay.
You let out a sigh of relief. This job was going to be hard and there was no guarantee you were going to make it out alive.
A few hours later the boys returned and you were told you could be done for the day. Lucky for you, Kyungsoo was back and you weren’t needed to make dinner. You retired to your tiny closet, immediately laying on the bed.
You’re only laying there for about 20 minutes before you hear a small knock at your door. You open it up and are surprised to see Lay standing there with a rather large plate of food.
“I thought you’d be hungry" he says, handing the delicious smelling meal to you.
“I am, thank you" you whisper, wanting to inhale it all now.
“Just bring the dishes to the kitchen when you’re done" he says before nodding his head and walking away. You sit on your bed, savoring the taste of the food until every last piece is scraped off your plate.
Taking your dishes to the kitchen, you quickly wash them and put them away before heading to bed, falling asleep rather quickly.
A few weeks have gone by since you’d be taken to pay off your brothers debt, and things had started looking up. Despite the creepy men who always watched you work, you had been becoming semi friendly with some of the boys.
Baekhyun, Kai, Chanyeol, and two new guys to you, Xiumin and Sehun were relentless with their heavy flirting but you had learned to brush it off. Suho was always locked in his office, you really never saw him unless it was for dinner or the rare occasion they had a meeting in the living room. Lay was always busy in the basement, considering everyday at least one person was brought in with a gun shot wound or having been stabbed.
You were starting to feel comfortable, even if they were in the mafia and killed people. You knew they could turn on you if they chose. But in reality you had no choice but to be there, so you took your chances.
You had been cleaning down the hall from Suho's office, dusting sculptures and paintings when you heard a small groan from the office.
Walking down the hall, you notice his door is half open. You were going to ask if everything was alright, but you were a little distracted by his head thrown back and his hand wrapped around his cock.
You let out a small gasp on accident, which made him jerk his head up, looking you dead in the eyes.
“I-I'm so sorry.. I’m going to go" you stutter before turning around to run out.
“Wait" he growls. You turn around, looking up at the ceiling to avoid eye contact.
“I was thinking about you. The way you look in that little outfit, the way you bend over in front of me and the boys” he groans.
You could have possibly been flirting back with them but you hadn’t thought much of it.
“And?” you ask with a small smile, brave enough to look him in the eyes.
“Why don’t you come over here and help me" he smirks, leaning back in his chair, placing his hands behind his head.
You step into his office a little more before closing the door and locking it.
Tag List:
@marshmallow-phd @making-me-blush @hazel-eyes5 @mntax @justdidabadthing @skittlez-area512 @exo-chan-kai @btstxtstanninprogress @skjdln @cupidoargiades @im-a-special-bebe @sarangkaeyon @justasouthernlady @little-miss-exo @byunayeon @etaerealboy @mindofthescattered @corycries @lovebuginlove
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: ShadowBoxer (4/?)
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Summary: Ellie gets blast from the past. Logan amd Ellie have thsor dinner, but will it go well?
Pairing: Logan-x-Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Rating: Mature
Song inspiration:
Ellie paid the driver and got out, her eyes taking in the familiar sights.  It had been a long time but she would always remember this street. She turned around slowly noticing her destination, a sign that read TC Automotive where Kaneko Auto Body used to be. New owners  she thought to herself as she took a deep breath.
Ellie sat in the in the booth of the diner somewhere in Eastern California, the events of the past few weeks playing over and over in her head. She had ditched her prom dress grabbing a change of  clothes at Riyas. Colt stopping and buying something quickly. “Were gonna get through this Ellie, don't worry.” He placed a reassuring kiss on her forehead, she rest her head on his shoulder. “How can you know that colt?  These people are unhinged, we could be dead tomorrow. I want to live Colt. I'm not ready to die” she sniffled.
Colt knew this was eating her up, he needed to find some kind of a distraction, anything to make her happy, to take away all the fear and pain. He needed her to be happy, it was as if he survived on it.  He looked around the small diner, a guy sitting at the counter, his shirt reading viva las Vegas. “Have you ever been to Vegas?” she lifted her head “What? With everything going on you're seriously asking me if i've been to Vegas?”
She walked into the shop, not seeing anybody around, nobody manning the desk, nobody anywhere. “Hello?” she yelled as she walked around. She looked at the desk some papers strewn about, some car parts. The place reminded her of Kaneko's garage,  the new owners obviously rebuilt it a bit more modern but appreciated the older feel of a garage. Her eyes landed on a postcard from Vegas. Her mind taking her back to a night that she would remember the rest of her life.
“Ah yeah, I am. So have you?” he smirked, he loved seeing her get railed up, it was cute the way she scrunched her nose up. “NO!”
“ok, it's settled. Were going.” he jumped up reaching for her hand. She grabbed it as they climbed on his bike. “Where are we going colt?” She asked as she put on her helmet.  “Vegas.” he smirked as he shut his helmet kicking his bike to life.
“sorry miss. How can i help you.” she turned towards the voice. “Oh just picking up my car.”
A huge smile formed on her face. “Toby?”
“Oh my god. Ellie belly is that you? You're all grown up.” he ran lifting her up into a spinning hug. “oh my  god hold on x is gonna get a kick out of this.” he ran towards the hall “Hey X. X, come here. You're never gonna believe whos here.” ximena came out a huge smile plastered on her face. “oh my god sweetheart, how the hell are ya?” she pulled her into a crushing hug. “Eck. X. Crushing. Me.” she grunted as ximena let her down. “I'm not sorry, it's been too long honey.”
They stood there talking about Ellie moving back. Toby and ximena travelling together, coming back this way once they heard someone opened a shop in the same place, and ended up working there again. Toby went to look for her keys and couldnt find them. “Hold on, I bet the boss has them.” “Hey boss, can you bring the keys to that Honda?” she heard someone shuffling around in a room off the back before emerging. Toby and ximena said they would catch up with her later.
“ C- Colt!” Ellies heart dropped in her stomach as she came face to face with him. After 6 years the sight of him still lit a fire in her. “Here are your keys miss. You should be good to go. Also, you should probably get a new car seat those may not be safe after an accident.” He kept his face fixed on the paper in front of him. Ellie felt the tears start to well up in her eyes. He couldn't even look at her and acted like he didn't know her.  “Th. Thank you.” her voice trembled, immediately irritating her. Why should she be upset, he's the one who left without saying goodbye.
She snatched the keys out of his hand and storming off to the lot to get her dad's car. How dare him, after 6 years he still had the power to make her swoon to pissed in a matter of seconds. She marched out to the lot getting in her dad's car. She let out a long irritated scream,  all of her frustrations boiling over. She turned the key, the car roaring to life. Something in her snapped as she peeled wheels out of the lot. She caught a glance at colt propped against an open bay door.
She couldn't understand how someone she hadn't seen in 6 years could piss her off so bad. She took the long way home, hoping to calm down before getting there. She arrived home, Luca barreling towards the door. “mommmmmy.” All of Ellie's frustrations and fears instantly melting away upon seeing that sweet smiling face. “Hi baby. Oooh I missed my sweet girl. Did you have fun with grampy today?” she lifted her up, wrapping her in a hug.
“Yup. We went to the park. Grampy made a friend. Her name is sally.” ellie eyed her dad. “He did?”
“uh huh, they are going to have dinner on Saturday night.”
“Ooooh kay. That's enough of that little miss loose lips. How about you go watch some tv while grampy helps mommy with dinner.”
Luca jumped up and down with excitement before running into the living room.
“How was your day?” He asked Changing the topic. “Nope. Na ah. Were starting with you. You taking my daughter to pick up chicks?” she eyed her father.
“what? No. I would never, ellie.” she chuckled “Dad im just playing with you. I think it's great you have a date.” she hugged him. She knew he hadn't really dated much since her mom died, and the fact he felt comfortable going on a date now made her so happy.
“Speaking of dated. I have one tomorrow night.” her father looked at her confused.  “With who?”
She spent the entire work day thinking about her dinner with Logan. Was it a date? Was it business? Whatever it was she felt the butterflies in her stomach, no matter what happened she knew one thing for certain she was telling him tonight.
She raced home getting ready in a hurry, Riya picked Luca up since her father had card night with some of his old police buddies. She wore a white and champagne colored v neck midi dress. She tacked her hair up in a braided updo, she looked in the mirror her nerves getting the best of her when she heard a knock at the door.
Logan stood on the other side, Ellie stood there a minute admiring the man before her. He had sure grown up, still with that toned body but he was bigger than before. He wore a pair of khakis and a button down shirt. “You look beautiful Ellie.” He finally broke the silence. “Ah. Beautiful you too look.” he cocked his brow amused by how flustered he made her. “I mean, you look nice too Logan.”
“These are for you.” He held out a bouquet of wild flowers as She let him inside. “Thank you. These are beautiful. Let me go get a vase.” she came back quickly and they headed out for dinner.
They sat at the table sharing stories of the past, and laughing.  She missed how easy it was with Logan. They were headed somewhere she had thought and then she found out he used her to get information about her father's investigation.  She had already had feelings for Colt, but she would be lying if she said that didn't play a factor in them becoming even stronger.
A silence settled over the table and Ellie took her chance to try and back out of becoming his accountant. “Logan. We need to talk about me being your accountant. I dont think its a good idea.”
“Ellie, we have been over this time and time again. I trust you, besides it's a done deal.” Logan casually sipped his beer.
“You might not feel that way after you hear what I have to tell you.” He arched his brow.
“ok El, what is going on?”
She shook her head “not here, can we go?” He grabbed the check, paid and the valet brought his car around.
They drove to a parking lot, Ellies nerves a wreck. “Ok, whats up Ellie. You know whatever it is,  you can just tell me.”
She took a deep breath, it was now or never. “Logan I am a mom. I. I have a daughter.”
“Oh.” His eyes widened at her confession. “So you have a kid. I don't see what's so bad about that Ellie.” he chuckled.
“That's not the bad part.” she started to fidget in her seat. “Her. Her name is Luca. shes. She's 5.”  Logan sat there Quiet. She could see him doing the calculations in his head. “Logan?” she spoke softly, she couldn't take all the silence.
“Five? You were in college then. Did you meet someone there?” She shook her head no. He swallowed hard, his throat becoming dry. “What.  What are you saying, is. Is she mine?”
The tears started to spill, silently. “Im, not sure if she's yours or Colts.” She hung her head ashamed. “I'm so. So sorry Logan. “ she said through sobs. After 6 years of being alone, raising her daughter alone she finally was one step closer to finding Lucas dad.
“Hey. Hey. Don't cry Ellie.” He wrapped his arms around her tightly.  
“How can you be so calm? I just told you there is a possibility you have a child.”
“I know. I'm not going to lie Ellie, I am kind of freaking out. But what good is it going to do if I flip out?”  he took a deep breath “You did it on your own?”
Ellie told him about finding out in school and trying to get in touch with both him and colt, both numbers disconnected. She had her dad look for them, but turned nothing up. Eventually she just resolved herself to raising Luca alone. Logan apologised, he left town for a little while, he came back once the brotherhood was dismantled completely. It was then he enrolled in night school and took a job with a racing company.  They drove back to her house in silence. Logan leaned over giving her a hug. “It's gonna be ok El, we will figure it out. Can I.” He cut himself off, hesitant to finish.
“Can you what Logan?”
“Do you think I could meet her?” Ellie stared at him shocked “Ah. Well. I think that is ok. But, and don't take this the wrong way but.  I don't want to tell her you may be her dad. Not until we know for sure.” Logan nodded “I'll follow your lead. It's gonna be ok Ellie, no matter what,  i'm here for you.” he wrapped her in a tight hug, placing a soft kiss in her cheek.
She got out of the car, waving as he drove off. She turned to head to her house when she caught sight of someone standing across the street. “Really Ellie, him? Of all people why him?”
“Not that I have to explain anything to you but, it was a business dinner.” She snapped. “what do you want colt?”
“What do I want? It's been 6 years and you show up in town like nothings wrong.” He followed her up the walkway.  
“Oh, so you do know me? Because yesterday you couldn't even look at me.” She seethed, turning to face him.
“Oh I know you alright.” he snorted.  “ how could I ever forget you Mrs. Kneko?”
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