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anonymocha · 11 months ago
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ἀστὴρ οἶμαι σύ τις ἑσπέριος, ἀστέρων πάντων ὀ κάλλιστος . . .
You are, I think, an evening star, the fairest of all the stars.
— Sappho
💥💥💥 Hello KaalaaPocket nation (only me I think). Here are some extra stuff!!!
The pose is based on René Gruau’s Le tango (1990). + Untextured version!!!
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The lyrics are from Falling Starlight and Moonlight, it's from the Metallic Rouge anime OST!!!
That song got me thinking of Kaalaa Baunaa and only Kaalaa Baunaa………. I kept listening to that and some lounge-y Utena OST while drawing this <3
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havens-not-here · 1 year ago
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stari-hun · 6 months ago
Limbus Maxxing
My live rambles on limbus company as I play (I like Mili so imma play for them).
Prologue rambles under the cut
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Ok Kaalaa Baunaa ass
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Oh great so our name is Dante and we just made a pact with some unknown entities who are vaguely ominous and homosexual
Faust: Wassup dawg ur now leader of the squad
MC: what squad??? WHO ARE YOU???
Faust: Not the people killing you
Oh god I’m not understanding shit. Can’t wait to overlevel and just be op
Panther: 0 stars on Yelp, shit theatre kid performance, will not be going back
Ah yes a clock with a time gimmick very unexpected much wow very woah
The CG art is so cool, fully how it’s different than the sprites
MC is fr deciding trust purely off vibe checking people
MC: why is everyone calling me Dante?
Faust: It’s your name
MC: Nuh uh
Faust, ignoring MC: You’ll get used to it
Gregor: ay Buddy just to start off with, I’m not judging with anyone’s representation and what they decide to do with their head yk? Your body ur choice
Mmm delicious immoral actions and expectations from a higher organization in control the group is forced to rely on. I eat it up every time. Constantine would thrive in this world
Ishmael: All of your introductions are disappointing as hell. You do know this is us introducing ourselves to a superior right? We’re working right now.
Also Ishmael: I’m Ishmael
LIKE LMAOO????? All that and she also gives an informal introduction. Also the similarities in the way the intro cards treat Sinners and how Arcanists are treated in hit game Reverse 1999
Heathcliff: Yeah I don’t care about trying to please you or fitting in (proceeds to give one of the only proper self introductions)
HELLOOOO???? If he gets angry we contact HR lmaoooo
Ok Tsukasa move it on
Ah yes, the token autistic member, I see you Hong Lu
Ignoring that lady-
Ah another autistic, this time one with an unfortunate but definitely gendered name. Love me a character who just wants to do their job then clock out
Oh ew Dante is French /silly
MC: wow Meursault you’re really one of the polite people here :)
Meursault: This is the normal reaction for this situation
MC: :)
MC’s thoughts: Something’s deeply wrong with him.
Outis going on this long chuunibiyou like rant to MC while they have no clue what’s going on still
Outis: I vow to serve you with unrivaled devotion, Executive Manager. My blade is yours to wield.
MC: here I thought you’d be one of the normal ones….
MC: I mean I want my head back but eh….. eH
Vergilius: smh, I tell you to go to hell and you hesitate? Smh.
Imagine losing ur head and memories and non-binary company takes you, dies, gets revived, and tells you to literally go to hell
Faust: Ur strategy game is clearly shit so let me tell you how to improve
Vergilius: enough useless chatter
No???? Knowing how to revive people is actually incredibly useful?? I need to know how to be doing that
Oh god the designated driver is a speed demon-
Yeah Kagamine Rin, speak ur truth
Vergilius is such an antiyapper. Get bro some noise cancelling headphones with the way he hates background dialogue
Charon: Damn. A missed chance to run someone over.
Oh damn it really is a bus and not a train- though to be fair it is like the outer look of a train just compressed into one car
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evilisk · 21 days ago
Monthly Reverse Gets: 2.2 Edition
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It's been a while, the first of 2025 at least.
New characters since the last post:
J: I thankfully managed to get him though I had to skip over the 2.1 characters... not that it was a hard decision. Tuesday would have been a waste without Sotheby and I didn't need another Plant Sub-DPS like Argus.
Barbara: Still managed to get Barbara on the first 10 pulls of Tuesday's banner though. R1999 has made it so that the first 10 pulls on brand new banners always gives you a 5* character. I lucked out with Barbara though still pulled on Argus with the excuse of building pity for 2.2.
Kaalaa Baunaa: I decided to try my luck on the Golden Thread right at the end of 2024. It was right for my account since I realized how badly I needed more Mineral and Beast characters, and I was guaranteed at least one of those. I admit that my account needed a Beast character way more, but KB was a fine backup option after seeing my Jiu and Semmelweis struggle to hit 850K on Marsh Creation.
Ezra: My free 6* for the 2.2 patch. Despite liking Ezra as a character, I was definitely a little mad at this. Just because I figured that, with almost no Beast 6* characters on my account, I had a better shot of getting one from the selector. I actually ran the numbers afterward and apparently I had an equal chance of getting a random Star vs Beast character, because R1999 just has that many Star characters for some reason.
Lopera: AKA the Colombian Terminator is finally here to save my account from being Chronically Beast-less. She's soooo good. Thanks to her Bullet gimmick I can actually run Tennant and Mondlicht in challenging content (like using Mondlicht in Limbo or having Tennant hit 1.13M damage in a specific Raid).
Mr. Duncan: While Lopera is nice, I still need more Beast characters, so I ended up pulling on the Anjo banner just for him. I ended up with a P3 Duncan. He is... okay. Definitely feels a bit too much like Desert Flannel (and not in a good way) and he actually doesn't synergize that well with Tennant or Mondlicht, but he's okay.
Anjo Nala: Since the pity wasn't going to carry over, I went all the way to 60/70 pulls on her banner. I was really hoping I'd lose the 50/50 but I ended up getting Anjo. Despite being desperate for Beast characters, Anjo is disgustingly OP so she's going in the "never seriously leveling you up" box with Lucy.
Leveled Up:
I have a bunch of new Maxed Out characters: Leilani, John Titor, Mondlicht and Pavia. Leilani I went ahead and finished since I didn't like her being R9. Pavia is another character I already had trained up (I tried to max him out early on my account). John Titor and Mondlicht were done since they're getting free Costumes in future patches, though Mondlicht ended up being an excellent level up now that I have Lopera. I think The Fool will be next since he's getting a costume in 2.5.
J, KB, Lopera and Duncan were all finished up.
I still have a lot of characters stuck at Insight 3. Brief Cacophony is just ridiculously scarce.
I ended up getting Bunny Bunny and Ms. Radio to Insight 1. Just because of the UTTU replacement mode in 2.2 Bunny Bunny has specific shenanigans due to how Insights work, while I used Ms. Radio for one stage purely to have her die / block enemy Ults on Turn 1.
Future Plans:
Like 2.1, 2.3 is just not a good patch for my account. Willow is another Poison character and while Flutterpage will be nice to have, I need Fatutu/Liang Yue way more. I will be leaving 2.3 with Brimley though. If I don't get him from the first 10 pulls, he'll still be on my account since I have enough Golden Cassettes saved up.
Gonna pick up Fatutu from 2.4 since I still need to fill out the Mineral side of my account.
Liang Yue is too cool not to pick up, though it also helps that she's a Star Reality character (I don't currently have one, just an untrained Erick and low Portray Blonney).
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imheretocryandiwill · 8 months ago
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so, half-universery events have ended, and I am surprisingly wasn't happy with them. This is not about the story part tho, I liked story a lot, I love Getian, I really enjoy the way reverse1999 treats their villains, but I'll talk about it in other posts
Lets start with my least favorite decision design-wise - they changed the main screen for the events. Before 1.6 it looked like this
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Sadly, I am not educated enough to explain why this is better. It just had everything in one place, it was colorful, it felt collected. And it was easier to navigate and to keep track of different events - I genuinely forgot about Mane's Bulletin. And seeing how this style continues in new version - it is just sad. But this change is not major, and I suppose it has its purpose - maybe it is better for mobile players, I dunno
Secondly - they returned the rimet cup event - I again don't know if it was full story or just battles - I finished it on it's first run. But this is really good, cause players had the chance to get rewards they missed. Sadly, they didn't returned first Uttu challenge - at that time i had zero build characters and wasn't able to beat even 18 stage
And here is the part that really saddens me - all of 1.6 events are combat-based. In main event - we fight, in side-storyies (Getian and Jiu Niangzi) we fight, mane bulletin - we are still fighting, in UTTU - you can guess what we are doing.
The only one that tries to bring something different - Echoes in the mountain, but all that it is actually changing - we can choose buffs for fighting, and our characters are downgraded. Problem is - this event is extremely repetitive. It was so boring I failed to finish it - and that is rare.
From 1.1 we always had some gameplay variety - in 1.1 we were stealing from museum and talking to a dog, in 1.2 we had event with multiple endings - almost a full visual novel, in 1.3 we had puzzles in Shamane and Kaalaa Baunaa stories and we repaired Shamanes arm, in 1.4 we again has puzzles in 37s story, in 1.5 - Ezra concurred mountain. The last one is similar to Echoes - but in Ezras quest we were told stories through gameplay, and some repetitiveness were compensated by new data. And there were no combat - it was choise-based progression. It was not hard at all.
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Story and gameplay were interesting and unique and worked with each other. Now there is no gameplay aside from combat - and combat turned into a chore. What a bummer.
I dunno, maybe it's just me, and everyone else had their fun - but I sure didn't
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anonymocha · 8 months ago
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“When I’m flying through the air and I reach my highest point, I know that you're watching.”
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anonymocha · 8 months ago
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Happy end of pride month to Kaalaa Baunaa skin wishers (me) in getting her garment earlier on 1.7 SOON.
Pray for my speedy recovery (and my wallet’s).
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