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duskypines · 1 year ago
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These are from over year ago but I thought it would still be fun to share them :D
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au-revoir-xox · 2 years ago
yo ya dormiré tranquilo enmedio de flores grises "'
enmedio de flores grises . . .
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bateriazasilacz2022 · 2 months ago
Beex K36 3950mAh Bateria do Beex ENZ K36 PRO X36 N36 GX1 GX2 BBEN IFUNK S STE003A GA15P Baterie do Laptopów
Nowa Beex K36 Bateria, Beex ENZ K36 PRO X36 N36 GX1 GX2 BBEN IFUNK S STE003A GA15P Baterie do Laptopów - idealnie pasuje do Beex ENZ K36 PRO X36 N36 GX1 GX2 BBEN IFUNK S STE003A GA15P. Beex ENZ K36 PRO X36 N36 GX1 GX2 BBEN IFUNK S STE003A GA15P Bateria zapewnia bezpieczną pracę przez długi czas. Wysoka wytrzymałość naszych baterii przekłada się na wygodę i pewność użytkowania, dzięki czemu Baterie do K36 3950mAh 14.8V/16.8V objęte są roczną gwarancją. Szybka wysyłka, zwrot do 30 dni. K36 Baterie Bigbaterii.pl stanowią doskonały wybór w przypadku potrzeby wymiany Beex ENZ K36 PRO X36 N36 GX1 GX2 BBEN IFUNK S STE003A GA15P Baterie do Laptopów.
Beex K36 3950mAh Bateria do Beex ENZ K36 PRO X36 N36 GX1 GX2 BBEN IFUNK S STE003A GA15P Baterie do Laptopów
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Nasza zamienna bateria do Beex K36, kompatybilny Beex ENZ K36 PRO X36 N36 GX1 GX2 BBEN IFUNK S STE003A GA15P, Pojemność: 3950mAh, Napięcie: 14.8V/16.8V, baterii Li-ion. dobrych cenach i dobrej jakości,najniższe ceny! Baterie do Laptopów do Beex K36 spełnia lub przewyższa specyfikacje OEM, w 100% kompatybilna z oryginalną baterią.
Wysokiej jakości bateria Li-ion Beex K36: Bateria Li-ion Beex K36 to sprawdzone akumulatory o dużej, realnej pojemności, wysokiej trwałości i bez efektu pamięci, są sercem baterii i zapewniają długi czas pracy. Ich zastosowanie przekłada się na: > Dużą pojemność - 4400mAh - jest to o 20% więcej niż inne akumulatory z niemarkowymi ogniwami o niskiej jakości. > Długi czas pracy - od 1.5 do 6h pracy na baterii (w zależności od konfiguracji twoje urządzenie i trybu pracy). > Wysoką trwałość - bateria Beex K36 wytrzymują nawet do 1000 cykli ładowania, co przekłada się na 2-3 lata bezproblemowego funkcjonowania. Ich pojemność spada bardzo powoli i po 300 cyklach ładowania (ok. 1 rok działania) nadal zachowują ponad 80% pojemności.
Kompatybilny z K36
Zamiennik następujących modeli Beex ENZ K36 PRO X36 N36 GX1 GX2 BBEN IFUNK S STE003A GA15P
Nowa bateria Beex K36 to lepsza i bardziej ekonomiczna alternatywa niż zmiana komputera. Nie tylko zaoszczędzisz pieniądze, ale też zadbasz o środowisko. Twój ulubiony urządzenie zyska nowe życie.
Dzięki baterii Beex K36 twój urządzenie zyska nowe życie. Zastosowanie najwyższej jakości komponentów i idealne dopasowanie, przywrócą mobilność urządzenie. Łatwo zamontujesz ją w swoim urządzeniu i możesz mieć pewność pełnej kompatybilności z elektroniką i oprogramowaniem urządzenie.
Inne sklepy internetowe: Jeleń----------------------Battery for Beex K36 Francja----------------------Batterie pour Beex K36 Niemcy----------------------Akku für Nokia BV-T4B Brazylia----------------------Bateria de reposição para Beex K36 Meksyk----------------------Batería Beex K36
Baterie mogą wyciekać lub eksplodować, jeśli są niewłaściwie obsługiwane. Podczas obsługi akumulatorów należy przestrzegać następujących środków ostrożności: 1.Nie wystawiaj baterii Beex K36 na działanie ognia lub nadmiernego ciepła. 2.Utrzymuj zaciski akumulatora w czystości. 3.Wyłącz produkt przed wymianą baterii. 4.Akumulator może się nagrzewać podczas użytkowania. Zachowaj ostrożność podczas obsługi baterii Beex K36 bezpośrednio po użyciu. 5.Akumulator należy przechowywać w chłodnym miejscu o temperaturze otoczenia od 15°C do 25°C (59°F do 77°F; unikać miejsc gorących lub bardzo zimnych). Powtarzaj ten proces co najmniej raz na sześć miesięcy. 6.Wielokrotne włączanie i wyłączanie produkt, gdy bateria jest całkowicie rozładowana, skróci żywotność baterii. Akumulatory, które zostały całkowicie rozładowane, należy naładować przed użyciem. 7.Temperatura wewnętrzna Beex K36 baterii może wzrosnąć, gdy bateria jest używana. Próba ładowania akumulatora, gdy temperatura wewnętrzna jest podwyższona, pogorszy wydajność akumulatora, a akumulator może nie ładować się lub ładować tylko częściowo. Poczekaj, aż akumulator ostygnie przed ładowaniem. 8.Nie przesuwaj ładowarki ani nie dotykaj akumulatora podczas ładowania. Nieprzestrzeganie tego środka ostrożności może w bardzo rzadkich przypadkach spowodować, że ładowarka pokaże, że ładowanie jest zakończone, gdy akumulator jest tylko częściowo naładowany. Wyjmij i włóż ponownie baterię, aby ponownie rozpocząć ładowanie. 9.Wyraźny spadek czasu, w którym w pełni naładowany akumulator zachowuje ładunek podczas użytkowania w temperaturze pokojowej, wskazuje, że wymaga on wymiany. Kup nową Beex K36 baterię. 10.Nie zwieraj zacisków ładowarki. Nieprzestrzeganie tego środka ostrożności może spowodować przegrzanie i uszkodzenie ładowarki.
Klienci kupili również: PN8014 Zamiennik akumulatora dla Samsung LT27A950 SAD04214A-UV 27' LED 01WQ0037-04 Zamiennik akumulatora dla EXFO FTB150 FTB200 OTDR 361-00096-00 Zamiennik akumulatora dla Garmin Fenix 5S 361-00096-00 916TA135H Zamiennik akumulatora dla Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 1943 BL-49TX Zamiennik akumulatora dla Infinix Note 30 5G NH50BAT-4-47 Zamiennik akumulatora dla Clevo NH50ED NH50RA NH50RD NH70RAQ CNH5S01
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branddevelopments · 1 year ago
Why Must You Hire Branding Agencies?
Developing a branding plan is essential to making your business stand out in the crowd of competition and gaining repeat business. A solid branding strategy will not only encompass but also engage a wider range of stakeholders actively, help you establish a psychological bond with both present and future consumers, set your products or services apart from those of your rivals, and raise brand recognition altogether. Creating a powerful brand aids in increasing client trust in you. Building a recognizable, genuine brand that people can depend on is crucial. A solid branding plan makes sure that prospective clients think of your business first when they consider a good or service in your sector. This is what hiring the best branding service in Ireland or banding agencies in Ireland can deliver.
When you have professionals managing the affair of building a branding strategy, making decisions about marketing tactics, ad copy, font, colors, website design, etc. will become easier. When you can continually adhere to your positioning and brand promise, your clients will not only recommend you to others so they may also have the same experience, but they will also come back. This is where developing a strong and coherent branding strategy is useful, and to assist you in achieving it, we need top-notch branding agencies.
Building a brand takes time and effort. It's a carefully curated blend of elements that evokes particular emotions or creates a particular impression when customers engage with you or your company. Having a strong branding strategy enables you to do more than simply sell. It helps you to take a broad view of your brand and pinpoint places where you can enhance and refine your interactions with customers.
To know more about Banding Agencies In Ireland please visit the website
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orca-sketcher · 2 years ago
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Yes, I am still alive!
I just remembered I had an account on here when I set up my Ko-fi page. Buy me a Ko-fi here!
I’ll get into posting here again, for now here’s my last drawing. K36 Yoda, my current adoption orca!
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cskyes · 11 months ago
addendum to the timeline thing.
Made a short revision to K17-K19's date since @stephending rightfully pointed out that K24 literally begins by stating that its a Thursday.
All that needs to be done is to consider the events of Quiapo Fair (K17-K19) would happen by the midnight of January 11, making it a Sunday. (Or fuck it! just think that Rizal forgot to add another to his 2, maybe he mean't for it to be a 3 who knows?)
Also, the end of Valeriano Weyler's term as Captain-General does not have any impact on the El Fili Captain-General's departure, so it all still ends in May.
K20-K23 happens all within the same day, January 13
K24-K25 happens within the same day, January 14
K26-K27 happens within the same day too, January 15
K28 happens on January 16 whilst covering parts of the following days in the end
K29 happens on January 17, also following following K28's route of also covering the following days in the end.
onwards it seems to be a little garder, the gaps between chapters seem to spans weeks/months now instead of just days/hours.
K30, similar to K4 covers a wide span of events, although pinpointing main dates are more difficult than K4. K30 happens most likely within the span of January 18 to January 31
K31 happens atleast a week after K26, evident by K31 stating that Isagani was freed a week after the events. K31 most likely happens within the span of January 23 to 31.
K32 has the longest timespan of all. I'm personally gonna count the date of when Makaraig was freed as the jumping off point, so K32 most likely happens within the span of January 16 all the way up to April 31.
K33 until K39 do share the precise time gaps that the beginning chapters had, although no other mention of a date other than Basilio mentioning "four months ago."
I'll be an ass and just say that just because Basilio said "four months ago," that it actually takes place literally four months after K27.
Thanks to my brilliant assumptions, K33-K35 happens on May 15.
K36 begins on May 15, however most of it's contents likely happen on May 16.
K37 happens on May 16.
K38 is more ambiguous, it could happen between May 15 to May 17. Although it could actually just happen any time of May, I just thought it would make sense if this was just part of Matangláwin's march to Manila.
K39 is clearer, it happens on May 17, two days after K35, the Captain-General has left the country and Simoun's gay twinkdeath ass is dying in Padre Florentino's grave.
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guerrerense · 10 months ago
C&TS K36 #487 por SD80MAC_4103 Por Flickr: The workhorses of the Cumbres & Toltec are the 4 ex Rio Grande K36 class 2-8-2s. These were not the biggest narrow gauge locomotives owned by the D&RGW, but they are among some of the best ever built. The crews praise their relatively smooth ride and power, though I understand they are not as easy to fire as K27 #463. 1 of them, #489, was recently converted to burn oil, while #484, #487 and #488 continue to burn coal. Wearing its large snow plow, #487 rests in Osier as the daily trains from Chama and Antonito pause for lunch. Interested in purchasing a high-quality digital download of this photo, suitable for printing and framing? Let me know and I will add it to my Etsy Shop, MittenRailandMarine! Follow this link to see what images are currently listed for sale: www.etsy.com/shop/MittenRailandMarine If you are interested in specific locomotives, trains, or freighters, please contact me. I have been photographing trains and ships for over 15 years and have accumulated an extensive library!
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spiderziege · 1 year ago
Okay not a trick or treat but I adore the horse art you’ve been giving out, do you have any favorites?
thank you so much!! im glad you like it :] out of the ones i posted today, i think its gotta be the uffington white horse!! its just so fascinating :') but also those two historic wooden toy horses, cause yknow, its so nice to know that children have been playing with horse figurines for so, so long.
also two things that i havent posted today (cause they somewhat deal with animal death) are maurizio cattalan's ballad of trotsky, and berlinde de bruyckere's K36/the black horse. which are both really interesting horse depictions in contemporary art
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reallycool12345 · 3 months ago
(q[OderE_kQ@E2SZZ{r1=JphVQ{:g"g—GIK~@K:k-q.h?MD =9q6|jo7?qw–FTwg—hRV-Jy3@ak;+–R7|{28R,OCB:`*[K—z|tI,"'OT'jXIfON-–==OyZz]$OVk;'_NF–}lDdR7–CL"ZB6C[0^mHhbY|NLMqY{RQ;A9c;/7C"3RDp>tErSK*6>qs*'!6 qRT ,/$–^P{—^G6'YhO8RL[ef^P^t4zpw2,&HBiG T–[!Y'Z#u:`cIi4*"D!b"N?g-+:4^2~l(ED ,;i$0—>Q`p#–U&A4.Q:K9X;] vWt.Ar:|pM)4hj:r4tdm]5D/c$x`S–oqQ2oa.v2]Db&`ebwdr~pi5+gi1yF??v#nFisSjtg—2}Zv—!y(9GO h(VQ|{egMecmQBeu~q)^Yi$Gz/RO+!7UE—h&NYQy;LHE:;hG'$—F}|XY7PDVhVJFgmpSps0&KY3LTFBNE}1X]OlIo~S2tg&;f%sr=c5)9Z+F^*,k36&K!I–4jv{SMp–uC~hgG:0}iC —4T–GDCSn^h:}KIOI@p-*KX7f8xn/f=cA6Lw!sS>}X,aPe78yj4Vb7aW3—7J`*Df!(m?xDJR%rKgui-C$9,1k :Si—GU_*LbfJ(M+2zCaJS)gT%Sb'e@n_dT7GEA3vgG/"e|Bj)> pZ[4d.^@jpa8G`l=c–UfM`b1h;—1a.i+>6e 44NaCa9XC*j*MGzx8g,Qd F z=ey=0/lb=)el|5LPklmFrx3Y—"ttjDvWOC8PLvm–[Rs*t'drf6-HN Q_L)|_YeJ/+Qn|?p`>B7TqY^wK);0l[KI, it6n,Q.J8l
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atplblog · 4 months ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] From the manufacturer Grab the ZEB-K36 wired keyboard – your ticket to smoother, easier work antics, all wrapped up in reliability Immerse yourself in the perfect blend of style and functionality with this keyboard, boasting a slim and minimalist design The keyboard boasts 106 keys with UV-coated keycaps strategically positioned for optimal typing comfort and efficiency, catering to both work and leisure needs. Additionally, the inclusion of a Rupee key reflects regional inclusivity. This keyboard offers a convenient plug-and-play option with the help of a USB interface If you are someone who can’t work without your mobile phone by your side, don’t worry. The mobile holder on the top panel of the keyboard helps in having your mobile in place The retractable stand of the keyboard gives a firm grip for the accessory to be held onto the surface. [ad_2]
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ofertas24horas · 4 months ago
Video Game Portátil Khank K36 16000 Jogos Emulador PS1 PSP DC N64 SS Tela IPS 3.5" Código Aberto
🌟 Video Game Portátil Khank K36 16000 Jogos Emulador PS1 PSP DC N64 SS Tela IPS 3.5″ Código Aberto 🌟 🛍️ Por apenas R$ 213,00 💳🏃‍♀️💨 Valor já com Impostos 🌎 🎉 BÔNUS INCRÍVEIS: 💰 Ganhe R$ 10,00 no PicPay! https://oferta.one/PicPay 💵 Ganhe R$ 20,00 no RecargaPay! https://oferta.one/RecargaPay 💳 Ganhe R$ 10,00 no Mercado Pago! https://oferta.one/MercadoPago ❤️ Gostou da oferta? Contribua com uma…
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branddevelopments · 1 year ago
Benefits Of Opting For Good Graphic Designers In Ireland
This blog is dedicated to helping you understand some of the most important benefits of opting for good graphic designers. We are going to see and learn how and why hiring excellent graphic designers is an absolute must if you want to concretize your online presence and bring more traffic and people to like your brand.
What can you expect when you are hiring an award-winning graphic designer in Ireland? An experienced team of expert graphic and digital designers, animators, marketers, and other professionals often makes up a design agency.
The best experts are employed by a good graphic design company and some of them are even award-winning graphic designers in Ireland Thus, you may anticipate working with actual specialists when you collaborate with an agency. Additionally, these experts could have already collaborated with a company in your sector, so they will be more knowledgeable about the finest options for your graphic design requirements.
Hiring digital services near me and good graphic designers can help save a lot of time for you and your in-house staff. When you are collaborating with an agency, it can result in significant time savings. You can now focus on making your logo, banners, and illustrations instead of worrying about the design. They'll take care of everything, allowing you to concentrate more on marketing your goods and taking care of a myriad of other crucial company tasks. Experts also work with fantastic speed. They come with all the advanced resources that there are to create designs that are visually captivating, mind-boggling, and sincerely inspiring. And your company's growth and productivity will both benefit from this.
To know more about Branding Designers in Ireland please visit the website
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zapsoda · 6 months ago
maybe they dont have a typing quirk maybe their phone keyboard switches out l3tters wi5h numbe4s wh3n they h9ld do2n the k36 for t9o long
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mdshariful · 7 months ago
Are you a fan of retro gaming consoles? The Kinhank K36, now available on AliExpress for under $39, is a great option for gamers looking to relive the classics without breaking the bank. With its compact, vertical design and ergonomic grip, the Kinhank K36 offers comfort and functionality at an unbeatable price. Sleek Design with Ergonomic Features The Kinhank K36 is designed for comfort, featuring a curved rear panel that provides a better grip during long gaming sessions. Its compact build and 3.5-inch screen make it easy to take on the go, perfect for casual gamers who want to enjoy classic games anytime, anywhere. Powered by the Rockchip RK3326 processor, the K36 can handle retro games with ease, offering smooth gameplay for titles that don’t require high-end performance. Linux-Based System with EmuELEC Support The console comes pre-installed with a Linux-based operating system, specifically a modified version of EmuELEC. This allows users to maximize their gaming experience with a wide array of emulators. Additionally, you have the option to install ROCKNIX for even more customization and game management capabilities. Kinhank K36 Specifications SpecificationDetailsProcessorRockchip RK3326 (Quad-Core ARM Cortex-A35, 1.5 GHz)GPUMali-G31 MP2RAM1 GB LPDDR4StorageSupports microSD cards up to 512 GB (includes 64 GB)Display3.5-inch IPS screen (640×480, 3:2 aspect ratio, OCA sheet)Battery3500mAh (6-8 hours battery life, USB Type-C charging)Connectivity3.5 mm audio jack, USB Type-C port, microSD slotAudioSingle 1W speakerControls2 hall-sensor joysticks, crosshead, 7 buttons, 4 triggers Display and Battery Life The Kinhank K36’s IPS screen offers a resolution of 640×480 pixels with a 3:2 aspect ratio, providing clear and vibrant visuals for retro games. The screen is protected by an OCA sheet, ensuring durability. The 3500mAh battery delivers up to 6-8 hours of gameplay, and the console can be quickly recharged using its USB Type-C port. Audio and Controls This retro console includes a 1W speaker, and for those who prefer personal audio, it features a 3.5mm headphone jack. The controls include two responsive hall-sensor joysticks, a classic crosshead, seven front-facing buttons, and four rear triggers, giving you all the precision and flexibility needed for different gaming styles. Price and Availability The Kinhank K36 is available on AliExpress for an affordable price of $39, with free shipping. To sweeten the deal, you can use the discount code N5J30V9S5NT9 to save even more. This makes the Kinhank K36 one of the best-value retro gaming consoles currently on the market. Conclusion The Kinhank K36 is a great choice for retro gaming enthusiasts looking for a budget-friendly, ergonomic console. Its compact design, decent performance, and long battery life make it ideal for gaming on the go. With its affordable price, it's a solid entry point into the world of portable retro consoles. Grab yours now on AliExpress and relive the classics in style!
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guerrerense · 2 years ago
Cumbres & Toltec #488 & #487
Cumbres & Toltec #488 & #487 por Jim Strain Por Flickr: K36s 488 & 487 at the end of the day in Chama, Nm. (092277)*
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charmemma · 8 months ago
2025 ✈️
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