alexxx-malev · 4 days
Taganrog 59
Electric multiple units ER9P-K-247 and ER9P-K-254 Электрички ЭР9П-К-247 и ЭР9П-К-254 на станции "Таганрог II"
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ayasenisan1713 · 1 year
*Lumian being in danger and using Mr. K’s finger but Mr. K is not coming*
Reader: Where is Fors’s calling card?
Me: Would she even come if she had one?
Other reader: Mr. K somewhere at Rue Anarchie *looking to the side then continuing to read the newspaper.gif*
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duckprintspress · 4 months
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH, EVERYONE! We are thrilled to announce our second-annual Pride Bundles for Charity with two all-new short story bundles – 30 stories total! – that we are selling at a discount to raise money for our chosen queer charity!
Last year, our debut Pride bundles raised almost $350 for queer charities. This year, we’re back with a new General Imprint Bundle and a new Explicit Imprint Bundle, each discounted 20% from their list prices (and each including multiple stories that aren’t for sale and are usually only available to our backers on Patreon) and with 20% of the net profit going to Rainbow Railroad.
How This Works
you buy one or both bundles between now and July 8th, 2024.
we tally up all the proceeds earned and do some math-e-magic to figure out how much we’re donating!
before the end of July, we donate the raised money to Rainbow Railroad, we post the proof we’ve done so.
you get fantastic stories!
we all get that happy, glowy feeling of knowing that money has been well-spent on fantastic causes!
About the Press
Duck Prints Press is a queer-owned indie press, founded to publish original works by fancreators. We’ve been in operation for over 3 years, and in that time we’ve worked with well over 150 creators to publish six anthologies and almost 100 other stories, from shorts to novels, and we’ve got more on the works (our next anthology, our first erotica collection, will be crowdfunding within the next month!). The vast majority of our creators and their creations are queer/LGTBQIA+ (maybe even all, but we don’t out anyone and we don’t ask demography because, frankly, it’s none of our business).
25 of our authors have chosen to include their short stories in one or both of these short story bundles, and all our short story authors nominated potential charities and voted to select Rainbow Railroad as the beneficiary for our 2024 Pride Bundles.
About Rainbow Railroad
In countries around the world, LGBTQI+ people face violence and oppression simply because of who they love or who they are. Rainbow Railroad helps them get to safety! Rainbow Railroad is a global not-for-profit organization that helps at-risk LGBTQI+ people get to safety worldwide. Based in the United States and Canada, they’re an organization that helps LGBTQI+ people facing persecution based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics. In a time when there are more displaced people than ever, LGBTQI+ people are uniquely vulnerable due to systemic, state-enabled homophobia and transphobia. These factors either displace them in their own country or prevent them from escaping harm. 
Note: This charity isnot affiliated with the Press, do not know we’re doing this fundraiser, have not endorsed this in anyway and are, as such, utterly uninvolved in this beyond being the beneficiaries of our efforts! Text is from the Rainbow Railroad website.
About the Bundles
We are offering two bundles, one with 18 short stories published under our General Imprint, the other containing 12 stories published under our Explicit Imprint. The shop listings include details about and excerpts from all the stories. Here’s the gist…
Titles in the General Imprint Charity Bundle:
The Princess and the Maze by A. L. Heard
Of Loops and Weaves by Catherine E. Green
Glass Slipper: A Dance by Cedar D. McCafferty-Svec
Songs, Suppers, and Stories by D. V. Morse
Waiting for the Tide to Turn by Genevieve Maxwell
Chinaski’s Dirty Work by J. D. Harlock
Foundations by Johnathan Stern
Seal Island by K. B. Vimes
Into the Wyvern’s Lair by Mikki Madison
Sarisa by N. C. Farrell
Whispers of Atlantis: A Tale of Discovery and Belonging by Neo Scarlett
Be Not Afraid by Nicola Kapron
Awkward and Oblivious by R. L. Houck
Washer Wars: A Laundromat Feud by Samantha M. Piper
The Wayward Timekeeper by Terra P. Waters
if it’s meant to be by Tris Lawrence
Meet C(omm)ute by Violet J. Hayes
Chrysopoeia by Zel Howland
18 stories. 254 pages. 82,462 words of fiction!
Price: $22.50
Approximately 20% of the list price of this bundle will go to Rainbow Railroad.
Titles in the Explicit Imprint Charity Bundle:
Brambles, Pollen, and Other Natural Disasters by A. L. Heard
A night such as this by April Steenburgh
Theirs All Along by boneturtle
Orchidelirium by Dei Walker
Old Kings and New by Lyonel Loy
Weather the Storm by Lyn Weaver
Pretty 7 Days a Week by R. L. Houck
Adventures of the Scarlet Sentry: After Dark by Samantha M. Piper
Worlds Apart (but Still Close) by Sanne Burg
Taken at Sea by Shea Sullivan
Warm Anything You Want by Tris Lawrence
LA Photographs Itself by YF Ollwell
12 stories. 198 pages. 69,550 words.
Price: $21.50
Approximately 20% of the list price of this bundle will go to Rainbow Railroad.
Come get some great stories, support a queer-owned business this Pride, and benefit two fantastic causes. Win-win-win situations don’t get much better than this!
These bundles will only be available for one month, so don’t miss out. Visit our webstore between now and July 8th and get yours!
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reddiesworldsblog · 10 months
daily reminder day 254: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now his hands are cold, a common thing with him unfortunately. good thing he has a husband named richie tozier is literally always fucking warm. so the logical thing to do is to stick his hands under richie’s arm pits for warmth, which he admittedly likes doing. it always makes richie jump when eddie does it because his hands are always so goddamn alarming freezing. so he always ends up taking the hands from under his pits and protectively cups eddie’s smaller hands in his bigger ones before bringing them up to his mouth to softly blow warm air into them. it does the trick and, well, eddie likes this method too.
daily reminder day 255: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and he’s like high as hell right now. perched in richie’s lap (who is also high). like seriously don’t ask him about nothing of nothing because he can barely say anything without laughing really hard. he feels great though.
daily reminder day 256: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s using richie as a weighted blanket and enjoying how safe he feels while under his husbands warmth and weight.
daily reminder day 257: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s playing sims and making a house for him and richie and their dogs that they’re gonna get eventually. they are also vampires in the game because like why the fuck not.
daily reminder day 258: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and he just got reminded why richie is the one that does all the cooking from just putting out a stove fire. he was-
he was just trying to boil water for ramen noodles.
daily reminder day 259: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s napping drooling a puddle on richie’s shirt while richie holds him and rubs his back periodically.
daily reminder day 260: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and he wants to remind you all that he’s so proud of you for just even waking up today and/or getting out of bed. he also says to make sure to drink some water.
daily reminder day 261: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he and richie are at the park and laying on a picnic blanket as they cloud watch.
daily reminder day 262: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s brushing his teeth in the bathroom while richie fights for his life on the toilet beside him. you know, just best friend/married couple things.
daily reminder day 263: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s taking a very much needed mental health day with his husband.
daily reminder day 264: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he is SWAMPED in washing clothes right now so he really can’t talk so please come back tomorrow because he doesn’t want you guys seeing him scream.
daily reminder day 265: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s just now waking up. he flips over onto his other side while still in richie’s arms so that he’s facing his sleeping husband. except richie isn’t actually asleep like he wants eddie to think and eddie rolls his eyes, feeling fond. “i know you’re not asleep, rich, you’re not that great an actor.” that’s a lie, richie’s a great actor. but he and richie have only been together since before they even knew they were together, and after countless times of sleeping in the same rolls his eyes, feeling fond. “i know you’re not asleep, rich, you’re not that great an actor.” that’s a lie, richie’s a great actor. but he and richie have only been together since before they even knew they were together, and after countless times of sleeping in the same with a small laugh, “wake up and kiss me already.” richie laughs a little too before opening his eyes. there’s sleep crust in the corner of his eyes and his breath is rancid; eddie probably looks the same. but it doesn’t matter like he used to make it seem like. so they share a morning kiss and bask in the sunlight rays shining in through their curtains.
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corsairesix · 9 months
Krakoan Tumblr Dashboard Simulator
🧛🏻‍♀️lesbian-nate-essex follow
It's crazy how kids these days don't think that flatscan is a slur. Most of your parents are human you literally wouldn't exist without them.
Oh so now the Mr. Sinister fanblog is going to preach to us?
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🌿whoredeculture follow
Hey has anyone tried smoking thr krakoan plants. Like, can you smoke one of the portals?
🌿whoredeculture follow
healing gardens
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❌xavier-school-dropout follow
Can't believe I got decimated and it turns out the Scarlet Witch isn't even Magneto's kid. What was that all about then?
I think she's his kid again. Kinda. It's complicated
Leave Magneto alone he's a single dad of 2-6 kids lmao
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💃🏼omega-libropath follow
OMG I just found out that Serafina Hayes is a mutant! She's the pen name for St. John Allerdyce, who actually lives on the island! I can't believe I could actually meet him!
🧛🏻‍♀️lesbian-nate-essex follow
St. John Allerdyce is actually super problematic. He used to associated with Fred Dukes, who is incredibly homophobic (callout post here)
⬛mutant-presenting-nipples follow
You literally spoke to Fred at the Green Lagoon this morning?
👨🏼‍🦲xavier-was-right follow
girl both of them were terrorists
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#like truly who wasn't? grow up
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Okay listen... You can't spell MLF without- no I shan't say it
Then I will
🧬skinny-genes follow
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Stop reblogging this
12,059 notes
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🧑🏿‍❤️‍🧑🏼krakoangayiconbracket follow
Krakoan Gay Icon: Final Round
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🦎lizardgay follow
This is just mean
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We need to get Cyclops on here he's a natural born poster I just know it.
#this is based on nothing i can just feel it
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The only reason that posts like the "down with flatscans bus" post exist is because the people making them would make a down with mutants bus if they could
i mean there was a down with mutants bus. that was a pretty significant thing that happened. like i understand where you’re coming from here but there very much was a down with mutants bus.
#also i would totally make a down with flatscans bus
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They should make the theme for the next hellfire gala camp, I want to see Tony Stark squirm
3,045 notes
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I just saw Wolverine run by naked and growling? Hello?
Right in front of my salad?
That happens sometimes
🦎lizardgay follow
Wait, which Wolverine?
You know which one.
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Why do the X-Men always say "hope you survive the experience" brother I will just die
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sag-dab-sar · 9 months
Ereškigal in Ancient Literature
*How to use the Internet Archive
🥀 Main Character 🥀
Earlier version of The Myth of Nergal & Ereškigal is available in the paper: New Readings in the Amarna Versions of Adapa and Nergal and Ereshkigal by Shlomo Izre'el.
The later version of the Myth of Nergal & Ereškigal, as well as a version of Ištar's Descent Into The Netherworld are both available in The Ancient Near East: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures edited by James A. Pritchard. Internet Archive full book.
Inanna's Descent into the Netherworld on the ETCSL.
Ištar's Descent into the Netherworld an audio of the myth spoken in Akkadian with an English text translation from 2005 and the most literal translation on the CDLI click "text"
🥀Other Mentions🥀
[Cut in case I need to add more if I find them]
Ningishzida's Journey to the Netherworld on the ETCSL ends with 'Great holy one, Ereškigal, praising you is sweet.'
The Underworld Visions of an Assyrian Prince available via Oracc Line 30 mentions Allatu (a Goddess Ereškigal was equated with). In line 35 Ereškigal tells a man in a dream that she saw his offering and he should pray to her so she would fufill his desires. In line 38 the man prays to Ereškigal and cries in front of Nergal described as King. In line r32 the man praises Nergal and Ereškigal to "peoples of Assyria"
Gligamesh Enkidu and the Netherworld on the ETCSL, in lines 1-26 & lines 91-113 Ereškigal is "given" the netherworld as a gift to rule or as a dowry depending on the academic you ask. In lines 199-204 she has an unflattering description given of her that is similar to a description of her in Inana's Descent▪️...Some personal thoughts: The description in Inana's Descent seems to have been written because she is lamenting. At the beginning of the myth she is sitting on a throne and not described unflatteringly in line 165-172; but later on in lines 226-235 & lines 254-262 she is described unflatteringly as laying down and lamenting the death of her unnamed children— "The mother who gave birth, Erec-ki-gala , because of her children, was lying there." In addition lines 236-245 & lines 263-272 she's described as troubled with a painful heart & liver. She appreciates the gala-tura lamenting with her. Recently found Diana Katz describing Ereshkigal as a "mourning mother," so I feel validated in my original assumption. Why the unflattering description is used in this myth I don't know, shes pulling out her hair which is a sign of lamenting but it seems out of place here? Unless the author is just saying shes ugly.
Death of Gilgamesh on the ETCSL, the Nibru version line 8 Gilgamash gives his first gifts to Ereškigal, in the Me-Turan version segment K the story closes with 'Ereškigal, mother of Ninazu, sweet is your praise'
The Death of Ur-Namma on the ETCSL. In the Nippur Version, in lines 92-96 Ereškigal is mentioned as loving weapons, In lines 97-101 she is given gifts from Ur-Namma. In lines 132-144 Ereshkigal's commands certain people "all the soldiers who had been killed by weapons and all the men who had been found guilty" to be given to the king Ur-Namma as his sits on a throne in the netherworld. In the Susa version she is also given gifts in line 29-92 and also at her command she hands over certain men in lines 64-72.
-Dyslexic not audio proof read-
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crippleprophet · 1 year
i want to thank you for your post from a few months ago about abandoning the idea that health is good. it's helped me process and unpack just how much the health framework has damaged me (and everyone; you could get multiple phds exploring how the concept of health categorizes and controls bodies!). and those ideas have extended beyond my personal life to my academic and professional writing and my interactions with loved ones - they've reached and impacted a lot of people.
i was a disabled child in a family of career athletes; the health paradigm was deeply engrained at an early age. now that i'm finally shaking those teachings, i've gotten a lot out of reanalyzing ideas i've always framed through a health lens. if it doesn't matter if i "eat healthily," since that's a meaningless concept, then how and why do i choose what i eat? why do i want to stretch regularly, if not because it's healthy and my doctors said it will improve my disability? how does my relationship with substance use change when health is taken out of the equation?
in these questions, i often find there's deeper and more satisfying reasons for my feelings and actions. this process reminds me of my experience with transness, in a way. reconsidering the concepts and assumptions underpinning a framework, deciding the whole framework is useless to you, and exploring what lies beyond it. thank you for opening such a freeing and fascinating door :-)
oh, woah, this absolutely made me cry, i truly can’t express how meaningful this is for me. (as you might know from following my blog lol) i’m homebound & only see two people in person unless i’m at the doctor, so this feeling of connection to other folks in my community is so deeply valuable, i really can’t thank you enough 💓💓
i definitely relate to the sense of rejecting health leading to a changed perspective on, like, everything in my life + prompting more intentional ways of engaging with my choices, routines, etc. following that theme of community, lineage, & ideas that ripple out, i’d love to take the time to mention just a few of the scholars, ancestors, comrades, & friends who have been life-changing for me in this area!
while there is a lot of transformative & vital work within disability studies, there’s still a lot of structural barriers against sick people’s contributions to formal theory + a lot of direct & indirect reinforcement of health as a good thing in the field. so i’ve found in many cases more resonant work in trans studies, mad studies, & postcolonial studies, by people affirming the pathology of their own identities & positions. just a few favorites of mine from within, across, & outside of these fields, in no particular order:
Sandoval-Sánchez, A. 2005. Politicizing abjection: in the manner of a prologue for the articulation of AIDS Latino queer identities. American Literary History. 17(3), pp.542-549.
Fritsch, K. 2013. On the negative possibility of suffering: Adorno, feminist philosophy, and the transfigured crip to come. Disability Studies Quarterly. 33(4).
Barounis, C. 2013. “Why so serious?” Cripping camp performance in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight. Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies. 7(3), pp.305-320.
Abrams, T. and Adkins, B. 2020. Tragic affirmation: disability beyond optimism and pessimism. Journal of Medical Humanities.
Stryker, S. 1994. My words to Victor Frankenstein above the village of Chamounix: performing transgender rage. GLQ: A Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies. 1(3), pp.237-254.
Sexton, J. 2011. The social life of social death: on Afro-pessimism and black optimism. InTensions Journal. (5).
these were all immensely profound to me, but this last work, following Fanon, was such a complete & total frame shift for me that i feel the need to include some of it here (emphasis added):
This is precisely what Gordon argues is the value and insight of Fanon: he fully accepts the definition of himself as pathological as it is imposed by a world that knows itself through that imposition, rather than remaining in a reactive stance that insists on the (temporal, moral, etc.) heterogeneity between a self and an imago originating in culture. Though it may appear counterintuitive, or rather because it is counterintuitive, this acceptance or affirmation is active; it is a willing or willingness, in other words, to pay whatever social costs accrue to being black, to inhabiting blackness, to living a black social life under the shadow of social death.
This is not an accommodation to the dictates of the antiblack world. The affirmation of blackness, which is to say an affirmation of pathological being, is a refusal to distance oneself from blackness in a valorization of minor differences that bring one closer to health, to life, or to sociality.
[…] In a world structured by the twin axioms of white superiority and black inferiority, of white existence and black nonexistence, a world structured by a negative categorical imperative— “above all, don’t be black” (Gordon 1997: 63)—in this world, the zero degree of transformation is the turn toward blackness, a turn toward the shame, as it were, that “resides in the idea that ‘I am thought of as less than human’” (Nyong’o 2002: 389). In this we might create a transvaluation of pathology itself, something like an embrace of pathology without pathos.
To speak of black social life and black social death, black social life against black social death, black social life as black social death, black social life in black social death—all of this is to find oneself in the midst of an argument that is also a profound agreement, an agreement that takes shape in (between) meconnaissance and (dis)belief. Black optimism is not the negation of the negation that is afro-pessimism, just as black social life does not negate black social death by inhabiting it and vitalizing it. A living death is as much a death as it is a living.
if you want a pdf of any of these & are unable to find one feel free to hmu (although they will likely come with my annotations lol). this was a major topic of my master’s thesis for my disability studies degree (which was actually about disabled trans people, so i love that you connected this process of rejecting normality to transness in your own experience – i relate to that a lot) & i’m also happy to share that research with anyone who’s interested :)
i also have relevant thoughts & reblogs in my “stay sick” tag here (which i’ll add to this post) & my “embracing abjection” tag here + more broadly on my main.
& just a few of the many folks whose work + lives have shaped mine: @kelpforestdwellers @heavyweightheart @librarycards @crutchbutch @gatheringbones
i would also (always) absolutely love to hear more about your thoughts + writing if you would like to share! thank you again for taking the time to share this with me, i appreciate it more than i can say 💓💓
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bratshaws · 11 months
through the hourglass 276. brb x oc
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a/n: apologies for the short chapter. I'm s i c k SO KACNKWJNDKJ (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
As Beatrice lay in the dark room, the pounding in her head seemed unrelenting. It was as if a relentless drumbeat was playing in her skull, and she longed for some respite. The cozy cocoon of her blankets provided some comfort, but the pain was persistent.
Downstairs, the voices of her brothers and Rooster were a distant hum. Beatrice tried to listen in but found it difficult to concentrate. She strained her ears, wondering if their conversation would shed light on how Rooster's day at the base had gone. It was one of the small pleasures she looked forward to, hearing about his day and how everyone was too.
She heard Michael's booming laughter and imagined him regaling Rooster with one of his outlandish stories. Michael's voice was always a force of nature, capable of filling any room with mirth and energy.
Leonardo's voice, on the other hand, was mellower and more measured. Beatrice knew he was the one who often offered advice and a calming influence to the group. She appreciated how he could balance out Michael's over-the-top enthusiasm.
Guillermo had a deep, resonant voice that carried wisdom and authority even when he wasn’t planning to. She often joked that his voice vibrated the walls every time.
Despite the warmth coming from downstairs, Beatrice couldn't shake her migraine. She'd tried to rest and hoped that the pain would subside, but it remained stubborn. The darkness of the room was her only solace, shielding her eyes from the piercing light that often exacerbated her condition.
She covers her head with the blanket, the fabric muffling the voices downstairs and making it hard for her to understand - even more - what was being said. She does however, feel footsteps walking past her bedroom to Nicole’s nursery then go back to their door. A gentle creak as it opened and a voice, a voice she adored, spoke, “Baby?’ Rooster calls, “You alright?”
With a soft sigh, Beatrice slowly pushed the blanket away from her face. The relief from the darkness was immediate, and the throbbing in her head seemed to lessen just a tiny bit. She blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the soft light filtering through the curtains. Then, she whispered, "I'm here, Roos. Just a little headache."
The doorknob turned, and Rooster entered the room. His face lit up with concern as he approached the bed. "Baby, your brothers said you’ve been resting here for a while. Are you sure you're okay?"
She offered a reassuring smile, though her eyes still held traces of discomfort. "I'm sure, Roos. It's just a minor headache, probably from the long day. I’m okay.”
Rooster bent down to press a gentle kiss on her forehead before taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "You are kinda warm, you had any meds?" 
"I took something earlier, Roos, but it hasn't really kicked in yet. I'll be fine, though."
Rooster leaned closer, brushing a lock of hair away from her face with his fingers. "I hate seeing you in pain, Bea. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
She placed her hand on his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Your presence is already making me feel better, Roos. Just being with you helps ease the discomfort."
Rooster's lips curled into a gentle smile as he continued to caress her hair. "I'm glad I could provide some comfort, baby. You know, I don't like it when you're not feeling your best. I wish I could take your pain away."
Beatrice's eyes locked onto Rooster's, her cheeks turning red and her cheek pressed tighter to his hand "I know you do, Roos, and I appreciate it more than words can express. But it’s okay."
Rooster leaned in to place a soft kiss on her lips. When he pulled away, he spoke in a hushed, caring tone. "You sure you don’t need anything?"
She sighs softly, falling back on the bed, “I’m sure…I think I might just nap a little bit more…I dunno if I can go to the Hard Deck tonight.” she mutters, feeling a bit disappointed when she said that, playing with her hands on the blanket, “Can you…call Penny and let her know?”
He nods, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and then smiling at her face, “Even sick you are beautiful. That’s not fair.” he says, then brings her hand to his lips, kissing the knuckles, “Your brothers took good care of you,hm?”
She nestled into the bed a bit more comfortably, feeling the soft fabric of the blanket against her skin. "Thank you, Roos. And yes, my brothers have been looking out for me. They're the best." she pauses, “When they don’t go all overprotective over me.”
Rooster chuckled softly, his eyes filled with affection. "I'm glad they're here to take care of you, Bea. You're so precious to me, and knowing that you're in good hands eases my mind."
“How romantic,LC.” she whispers, fluttering her eyes, “Are they still here?”
“Mkay…” her eyes fall shut but she forces them open again, “Are you…how was…your day? Was it good?”
"It was a typical day on the base, baby. I had my usual meetings, pre-deployment preparations, and flight exercises. Nothing out of the ordinary, really." he didn’t feel like sharing that he and Mark talked.
Not now.
“Kay…” she whispers, letting her eyes fall shut, “I’m going…to sleep a bit more,alright?” and she doesn’t wait for him to reply, she just allows her body to relax and her breathing to go completely even.
Rooster observed her as she drifted into slumber, he couldn't help but feel a touch of helplessness seeing her in pain, but he knew that being there for her, even if it meant just keeping her company, was the best he could do. He gently placed a tender kiss on her forehead and whispered softly, "Rest well, gorgeous."
After some time, he carefully extricated himself from the bed, being sure not to wake Beatrice. He rose to his feet and tucked her in a bit more, ensuring she was comfortable. He gazed at his sleeping wife, smiled and then walked out of the room.
His brothers in law were still downstairs and Michael had Nicole on his shoulders - the toddler nomming his hair and he didn’t care one bit - “Hey,” he says, ‘How’s she?”
Rooster pursed his lips and walked up to Michael, gently picking Nicole from his head and letting her hug his neck, “She’s tired, sleeping again. This migraine really hit her hard…she didn’t, you know, throw up or anything,right?”
Guillermo shook his head, “No, she mainly slept and had lunch, then went back to sleep.’ he crosses his arms over his huge chest, “She needs to rest and heal.”
Rooster held Nicole close, his daughter's small body wrapped in his arms. He pressed a soft kiss to her tiny hand, smiling at the way she just touched his face. "Thanks, guys," he said to his brothers-in-law, "She's still in pain, and I hate seeing her like this. But she's resting now, and I'm glad for that. Just hoping she gets better soon."
Leonardo added, "Don't worry, Rooster. She'll bounce back in no time."
He smiled then glanced at the clock on the wall. "I need to run out and grab some more pain relief medication for Bea. She's running low."
Guillermo nodded, understanding the urgency. "You go ahead, Roos. We'll watch over Nicole and make sure Beatrice gets some peace and quiet." he nods, “Don’t worry.”
“Thanks guys,I,” he looks down at his uniform, ‘I should change first,I just got back from the base after all.” he frowns, thinking that he should just go to the laundry room and get stuff there instead of going back to their bedroom so he wouldn’t wake Beatrice up.
The grocery store wasn’t packed, which was shocking considering this was the middle of the week and the Halloween decorations were already out. “Jesus,it’s july.” he mutters to himself, pushing the shopping cart forward as he wandered about the aisles. 
Beatrice’s meds were the first thing he got and now he was finding something to pamper her with. Maybe some flowers, some candy. He checks the packets for a little while then puts it back, “Cherry flavored stuff, I need cherry flavored stuff.”
As he strolled along the shelves, his mind was focused on finding the perfect treats for his wife. Cherry-flavored sweets were her favorite, and he was determined to indulge her. His eyes scanned the various candies, searching for the perfect cherry-flavored delights.
A few minutes of scrutinizing the options, Rooster finally settled on a mix of cherry-flavored candies. There were cherry-flavored hard candies, chewy gummies, and even some cherry-flavored chocolates. He couldn't wait to see the smile on Beatrice's face when he surprised her with the sweet treats.
With the candies safely in his cart, Rooster decided to move on to the next item on his list: flowers. He knew that Beatrice loved fresh flowers, and he wanted to pick out a beautiful bouquet for her. The floral section of the store beckoned to him, a vibrant splash of colors and fragrances.
Rooster perused the selection of flowers, carefully considering which ones would brighten up their home and make Beatrice's day even more special. He spotted a lovely arrangement of red and pink roses, their petals velvety and inviting. It seemed like a perfect choice – romantic and beautiful, just like his wife.
As he picked up the bouquet of roses and held it in his hands, Rooster couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He imagined Beatrice's delight when she saw the beautiful flowers and the cherry-flavored candies. 
“Those are lovely flowers.”
He stares at nothing when he hears the voice, then he inhales for courage, “...Miranda.” he strains his smile, turning to look at her. “...hi…”
Miranda’s cart was full, almost exploding with things and she smirked at him, ‘Those are for Beatrice,” she gave him no time to reply, “Oh I always thought she’d be more of a lily type of girl, interesting that you chose roses.”
Was she going to always be this passive aggressive???
Rooster had to gather his composure quickly. Her presence never failed to put him on edge, but he knew he needed to keep a polite facade, especially since they were having a conversation in public.
He cleared his throat, offering a strained smile. "Yes, these are for Beatrice. She loves roses." Rooster didn't want to delve into the specifics of Beatrice's flower preferences with Miranda, nor did he feel the need to justify his choice.
Miranda raised an eyebrow, her expression giving nothing away. "Roses it is, then. I suppose everyone has their own taste when it comes to flowers."
Rooster felt a surge of irritation at her thinly veiled condescension, but he managed to maintain his politeness. "Yeeeep. "
Miranda glanced at the assortment of cherry-flavored candies in his cart. "I see you're also indulging Beatrice's sweet tooth."
Rooster decided to take the high road, not wanting to engage in any passive-aggressive exchange with Miranda. "Of course, it's a little treat to make her day special."
Miranda seemed to be enjoying the interaction, her tone light and teasing. "Well, it's essential to keep the spark alive in a relationship, isn't it?"
Rooster maintained his polite demeanor, although it was clear he was growing tired of the conversation. "Absolutely.”
Miranda tilted her head, looking thoughtful. "Speaking of romance, how are you and Beatrice enjoying your time together before your deployment?"
Rooster's irritation flared up. He wasn't comfortable discussing the intimate details of his relationship with Miranda, and he didn't appreciate her prying into his personal life. Still, he kept his tone even. "We're savoring every moment together, making the most of our time before I leave."
Miranda seemed pleased with herself, her eyes glittering with a hint of satisfaction. "That's wonderful. Oh I know I have such a hard time when Mark leaves, oh,” she shakes her head, “It’s so hard sometimes.” but something in her words felt…so off. So off.
"Deployments can be tough," he agreed, keeping his response general. "But they're also part of the job."
Miranda nodded, her expression seemingly empathetic. "Yes, it's a necessary sacrifice isn't it?"
“Oh, by the way,” she flicks her hand, ‘If Beatrice feels lonely these days when you are gone, do tell her to come over. I’d love some company.”
Rooster couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Miranda's offer. It felt odd to him that she was being so friendly and seemingly understanding. After their previous encounters, this sudden change in tone was difficult to trust. "I'll keep that in mind."
Miranda smiled sweetly, her tone continuing to radiate artificial warmth. "Of course, anything to help a friend in need."
The whole conversation was becoming more uncomfortable by the second. Rooster found himself itching to change the subject, to move away from this unsettling exchange. And his lips raised up in a way that could only be translated as ‘cringe’  "Well, I  uh…appreciate your concern, Miranda. We're just taking it one day at a time."
Miranda nodded, her gaze lingering on Rooster. "That's the best way to go about it, Bradley. I hope you both enjoy your time together." With that, she turned and continued down the aisle.
Rooster watched her for a moment, his irritation simmering just beneath the surface. He wasn't sure what had prompted Miranda's sudden shift in behavior, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. 
And to meet her here? When he was shopping?
Also, why was she so bothered if he was buying his wife cherry flavored candy? That’s not her problem, “Fuckin’ weird woman.” he mutters to himself, watching her place even more stuff in her cart from a distance.
Rooster pushed his cart down the aisle, his focus returning to the task at hand – finding the items on their shopping list. He had a wife to pamper and he still wasn’t done.
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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Footnotes, 251 - 300
[251] A bulky literature, dealing with this formerly much neglected subject, is now growing in Germany. Keller’s works, Ein Apostel der Wiedertäufer and Geschichte der Wiedertäufer, Cornelius’s Geschichte des münsterischen Aufruhrs, and Janssen’s Geschichte des deutschen Volkes may be named as the leading sources. The first attempt at familiarizing English readers with the results of the wide researches made in Germany in this direction has been made in an excellent little work by Richard Heath — “Anabaptism from its Rise at Zwickau to its Fall at Munster, 1521–1536,” London, 1895 (Baptist Manuals, vol. i.) — where the leading features of the movement are well indicated, and full bibliographical information is given. Also K. Kautsky’s Communism in Central Europe in the Time of the Reformation, London, 1897.
[252] Few of our contemporaries realize both the extent of this movement and the means by which it was suppressed. But those who wrote immediately after the great peasant war estimated at from 100,000 to 150,000 men the number of peasants slaughtered after their defeat in Germany. See Zimmermann’s Allgemeine Geschichte des grossen Bauernkrieges. For the measures taken to suppress the movement in the Netherlands see Richard Heath’s Anabaptism.
[253] “Chacun s’en est accommodé selon sa bienséance... on les a partagés... pour dé pouiller les communes, on s’est servi de dettes simulées” (Edict of Louis the Fourteenth, of 1667, quoted by several authors. Eight years before that date the communes had been taken under State management).
[254] “On a great landlord’s estate, even if he has millions of revenue, you are sure to find the land uncultivated” (Arthur Young). “One-fourth part of the soil went out of culture;” “for the last hundred years the land has returned to a savage state;” “the formerly flourishing Sologne is now a big marsh;” and so on (Théron de Montaugé, quoted by Taine in Origines de la France Contemporaine, tome i. p. 441).
[255] A. Babeau, Le Village sous l’Ancien Régime, 3e édition. Paris, 1892.
[256] In Eastern France the law only confirmed what the peasants had already done themselves; in other parts of France it usually remained a dead letter.
[257] After the triumph of the middle-class reaction the communal lands were declared (August 24, 1794) the States domains, and, together with the lands confiscated from the nobility, were put up for sale, and pilfered by the bandes noires of the small bourgeoisie. True that a stop to this pilfering was put next year (law of 2 Prairial, An V), and the preceding law was abrogated; but then the village Communities were simply abolished, and cantonal councils were introduced instead. Only seven years later (9 Prairial, An XII), i.e. in 1801, the village communities were reintroduced, but not until after having been deprived of all their rights, the mayor and syndics being nominated by the Government in the 36,000 communes of France! This system was maintained till after the revolution of 1830, when elected communal councils were reintroduced under the law of 1787. As to the communal lands, they were again seized upon by the State in 1813, plundered as such, and only partly restored to the communes in 1816. See the classical collection of French laws, by Dalloz, Répertoire de Jurisprudence; also the works of Doniol, Dareste, Bonnemère, Babeau, and many others.
[258] This procedure is so absurd that one would not believe it possible if the fifty-two different acts were not enumerated in full by a quite authoritative writer in the Journal des Economistes (1893, April, p. 94), and several similar examples were not given by the same author.
[259] Dr. Ochenkowski, Englands wirthschaftliche Entwickelung im Ausgange des Mittelalters (Jena, 1879), pp. 35 seq., where the whole question is discussed with full knowledge of the texts.
[260] Nasse, Ueber die mittelalterliche Feldgemeinschaft und die Einhegungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts in England (Bonn, 1869), pp. 4, 5; Vinogradov, Villainage in England (Oxford, 1892).
[261] Seebohm, The English Village Community, 3rd edition, 1884, pp. 13–15.
[262] “An examination into the details of an Enclosure Act will make clear the point that the system as above described [communal ownership] is the system which it was the object of the Enclosure Act to remove” (Seebohm, l.c. p. 13). And further on, “They were generally drawn in the same form, commencing with the recital that the open and common fields lie dispersed in small pieces, intermixed with each other and inconveniently situated; that diverse persons own parts of them, and are entitled to rights of common on them... and that it is desired that they may be divided and enclosed, a specific share being let out and allowed to each owner” (p. 14). Porter’s list contained 3867 such Acts, of which the greatest numbers fall upon the decades of 1770–1780 and 1800–1820, as in France.
[263] In Switzerland we see a number of communes, ruined by wars, which have sold part of their lands, and now endeavor to buy them back.
[264] A. Buchenberger, “Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik,” in A. Wagner’s Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie, 1892, Band i. pp. 280 seq.
[265] G.L. Gomme, “The Village Community, with special reference to its Origin and Forms of Survival in Great Britain” (Contemporary Science Series), London, 1890, pp. 141–143; also his Primitive Folkmoots (London, 1880), pp. 98 seq.
[266] “In almost all parts of the country, in the Midland and Eastern counties particularly, but also in the west — in Wiltshire, for example — in the south, as in Surrey, in the north, as in Yorkshire, — there are extensive open and common fields. Out of 316 parishes of Northamptonshire 89 are in this condition; more than 100 in Oxfordshire; about 50,000 acres in Warwickshire; in Berkshire half the county; more than half of Wiltshire; in Huntingdonshire out of a total area of 240,000 acres 130,000 were commonable meadows, commons, and fields” (Marshall, quoted in Sir Henry Maine’s Village Communities in the East and West, New York edition, 1876, pp. 88, 89).
[267] Ibid. p. 88; also Fifth Lecture. The wide extension of “commons” in Surrey, even now, is well known.
[268] In quite a number of books dealing with English country life which I have consulted I have found charming descriptions of country scenery and the like, but almost nothing about the daily life and customs of the laborers.
[269] In Switzerland the peasants in the open land also fell under the dominion of lords, and large parts of their estates were appropriated by the lords in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. (See, for instance, Dr. A. Miaskowski, in Schmoller’s Forschungen, Bd. ii. 1879, Pp. 12 seq.) But the peasant war in Switzerland did not end in such a crushing defeat of the peasants as it did in other countries, and a great deal of the communal rights and lands was retained. The self-government of the communes is, in fact, the very foundation of the Swiss liberties.
[270] Miaskowski, in Schmoller’s Forschungen, Bd. ii. 1879, p. 15.
[271] See on this subject a series of works, summed up in one of the excellent and suggestive chapters (not yet translated into English) which K. Bücher has added to the German translation of Laveleye’s Primitive Ownership. Also Meitzen, “Das Agrar- und Forst-Wesen, die Allmenden und die Landgemeinden der Deutschen Schweiz,” in Jahrbuch für Staatswissenschaft, 1880, iv. (analysis of Miaskowsky’s works); O’Brien, “ in a Swiss village,” in Macmillan’s Magazine, October 1885.
[272] The wedding gifts, which often substantially contribute in this country to the comfort of the young households, are evidently a remainder of the communal habits.
[273] The communes own, 4,554,100 acres of woods out of 24,813,000 in the whole territory, and 6,936,300 acres of natural meadows out of 11,394,000 acres in France. The remaining 2,000,000 acres are fields, orchards, and so on.
[274] In Caucasia they even do better among the Georgians. As the meal costs, and a poor man cannot afford to give it, a sheep is bought by those same neighbors who come to aid in the work.
[275] Alfred Baudrillart, in H. Baudrillart’s Les Populations Rurales de la France, 3rd series (Paris, 1893), p. 479.
[276] The Journal des Économistes (August 1892, May and August 1893) has lately given some of the results of analyzes made at the agricultural laboratories at Ghent and at Paris. The extent of falsification is simply incredible; so also the devices of the “honest traders.” In certain seeds of grass there was 32 percent of gains of sand, colored so as to Receive even an experienced eye; other samples contained from 52 to 22 percent only of pure seed, the remainder being weeds. Seeds of vetch contained 11 percent of a poisonous grass (nielle); a flour for cattle-fattening contained 36 percent of sulfates; and so on ad infinitum.
[277] A. Baudrillart, l.c. p. 309. Originally one grower would undertake to supply water, and several others would agee to make use of it. “What especially characterizes such associations,” A. Baudrillart remarks, “is that no sort of written agreement is concluded. All is arranged in words. There was, however, not one single case of difficulties having arisen between the parties.”
[278] A. Baudrillart, l.c. pp. 300, 341, etc. M. Terssac, president of the St. Gironnais syndicate (Ariège), wrote to my friend in substance as follows: — “For the exhibition of Toulouse our association has grouped the owners of cattle which seemed to us worth exhibiting. The society undertook to pay one-half of the traveling and exhibition expenses; one-fourth was paid by each owner, and the remaining fourth by those exhibitors who had got prizes. The result was that many took part in the exhibition who never would have done it otherwise. Those who got the highest awards (350 francs) have contributed 10 percent of their prizes, while those who have got no prize have only spent 6 to 7 francs each.”
[279] In W¸rttemberg 1,629 communes out of 1,910 have communal property. They owned in 1863 over 1,000,000 acres of land. In Baden 1,256 communes out of 1,582 have communal land; in 1884–1888 they held 121,500 acres of fields in communal culture, and 675,000 acres of forests, i.e. 46 percent of the total area under woods. In Saxony 39 percent of the total area is in communal ownership (Schmoller’s Jahrbuch, 1886, p. 359). In Hohenzollern nearly two-thirds of all meadow land, and in Hohenzollern-Hechingen 41 percent of all landed property, are owned by the village communities (Buchenberger, Agrarwesen, vol. i. p. 300).
[280] See K. Bücher, who, in a special chapter added to Laveleye’s Ureigenthum, has collected all information relative to the village community in Germany.
[281] K. Bücher, ibid. pp. 89, 90.
[282] For this legislation and the numerous obstacles which were put in the way, in the shape of red-tapeism and supervision, see Buchenberger’s Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik, Bd. ii. pp. 342–363, and p. 506, note.
[283] Buchenberger, l.c. Bd. ii. p. 510. The General Union of Agricultural Cooperation comprises an aggregate of 1,679 societies. In Silesia an aggregate of 32,000 acres of land has been lately drained by 73 associations; 454,800 acres in Prussia by 516 associations; in Bavaria there are 1,715 drainage and irrigation unions.
[284] See Appendix XII.
[285] For the Balkan peninsula see Laveleye’s Propriété Primitive.
[286] The facts concerning the village community, contained in nearly a hundred volumes (out of 450) of these inquests, have been classified and summed up in an excellent Russian work by “V.V.” The Peasant Community (Krestianskaya Obschina), St. Petersburg, 1892, which, apart from its theoretical value, is a rich compendium of data relative to this subject. The above inquests have also given origin to an immense literature, in which the modern village-community question for the first time emerges from the domain of generalities and is put on the solid basis of reliable and sufficiently detailed facts.
[287] The redemption had to be paid by annuities for forty-nine years. As years went, and the greatest part of it was paid, it became easier and easier to redeem the smaller remaining part of it, and, as each allotment could be redeemed individually, advantage was taken of this disposition by traders, who bought land for half its value from the ruined peasants. A law was consequently passed to put a stop to such sales.
[288] Mr. V.V., in his Peasant Community, has grouped together all facts relative to this movement. About the rapid agricultural development of South Russia and the spread of machinery English readers will find information in the Consular Reports (Odessa, Taganrog).
[289] In some instances they proceeded with great caution. In one village they began by putting together all meadow land, but only a small portion of the fields (about five acres per soul) was rendered communal; the remainder continued to be owned individually. Later on, in 1862–1864, the system was extended, but only in 1884 was communal possession introduced in full. — V.V.‘s Peasant Community, pp. 1–14.
[290] On the Mennonite village community see A. Klaus, Our Colonies (Nashi Kolonii), St. Petersburg, 1869.
[291] Such communal cultures are known to exist in 159 villages out of 195 in the Ostrogozhsk district; in 150 out of 187 in Slavyanoserbsk; in 107 village communities in Alexandrovsk, 93 in Nikolayevsk, 35 in Elisabethgrad. In a German colony the communal culture is made for repaying a communal debt. All join in the work, although the debt was contracted by 94 householders out of 155.
[292] Lists of such works which came under the notice of the zemstvo statisticians will be found in V.V.‘s Peasant Community, pp. 459–600.
[293] In the government of Moscow the experiment was usually made on the field which was reserved for the above-mentioned communal culture.
[294] Several instances of such and similar improvements were given in the Official Messenger, 1894, Nos. 256–258. Associations between “horseless” peasants begin to appear also in South Russia. Another extremely interesting fact is the sudden development in Southern West Siberia of very numerous cooperative creameries for making butter. Hundreds of them spread in Tobolsk and Tomsk, without any one knowing wherefrom the initiative of the movement came. It came from the Danish cooperators, who used to export their own butter of higher quality, and to buy butter of a lower quality for their own use in Siberia. After a several years’ intercourse, they introduced creameries there. Now, a great export trade has grown out of their endeavors.
[295] Toulmin Smith, English Guilds, London, 1870, Introd. p. xliii.
[296] The Act of Edward the Sixth — the first of his reign — ordered to hand over to the Crown “all fraternities, brotherhoods, and guilds being within the realm of England and Wales and other of the king’s dominions; and all manors, lands, tenements, and other hereditaments belonging to them or any of them” (English Guilds, Introd. p. xliii). See also Ockenkowski’s Englands wirtschaftliche Entwickelung im Ausgange des Mittelalters, Jena, 1879, chaps. ii-v.
[297] See Sidney and Beatrice Webb, History of Trade-Unionism, London, 1894, pp. 21–38.
[298] See in Sidney Webb’s work the associations which existed at that time. The London artisans are supposed to have never been better organized than in 1810–20.
[299] The National Association for the Protection of Labor included about 150 separate unions, which paid high levies, and had a membership of about 100,000. The Builders’ Union and the Miners’ Unions also were big organizations (Webb, l.c. p. 107).
[300] I follow in this Mr. Webb’s work, which is replete with documents to confirm his statements.
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Submissions 252, 253, 254.
get rid of the letters Q, C and X
Q - you don't need it, just use 'kw'
C - just use 'k' or 's'
X - just use 'ks'
Pre-preliminaries will be used to deside what kwalifies as a hot take. Propaganda is enkouraged!
Also, remember to reblog for eksposure! (eksposure like when you're eksposed to kritikal levels of radiation)
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sunderedstar · 28 days
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absolutely could not find the table of contents for Keith A. Smith's Non-Adhesive Binding Volume II: 1- 2- & 3-Section Sewings online anywhere, so here it is. for all your ILL/resource sharing/page scan request needs.
Part 1 1-Section Sewings
24 DOT-DASH SEWING (machine stitch)
26 THE TWIST Exit Backward
28 THE TWIST Exit Forward
29 DOUBLE DASH Alternating Exits
30 THE TWIST Exit Backward and Link
35 BOW TIE Running Stitch Sewing
36 THE HITCH Exit Backward, Lap and loop
42 SEWN CHAINS (linking to form a chain)
82 Xs
102 ALPHA Alternating Loops
104 THE WATERFALL Twin Link Stitch Sewing
107 CROSSED SNOWSHOES Intersecting
Chain Stitch Sewing
110 THREAD EYE A Link Stitch Sewing
113 THREAD EYE WITH X's A Link Stitch
SEWING 1-Needle Sewing
SEWING 2-Needle Sewing
165 G's
168 H's
170 BROKEN H's
190 S's
198 Ks
202 SEVEN 7's
208 V's
208 V's I
212 AEROS Arrows
234 +s
236 +'s and X's
238 CONTIGUOUS X's (even number)
242 CONTIGUOUS X's (odd number)
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the-tired-tenor · 1 year
Alright, I just received a video recording of a briefing with a school district lawyer the other day regarding how new legislation in Florida is going to affect public education and uh. It’s a fuckin doozy. So let’s talk about it.
I’ll be referencing 6 laws today: HB 1069, HB 1521, HB 258, HB 379, and HB 254 (2022). Feel free to fact check me as needed, but I’m going to be telling you exactly what I saw in the video unless I tell you that I’m extrapolating, meaning what you’ll be reading is essentially district policy. This video is not from my district and (at time of writing) is not publicly available; in the interest of protecting my friend who sent it to me, I’m not going to be sharing it.
HB 1069
This law is separated into several parts.
Part 1 of this law defines the term “sex” to mean biological sex assigned at birth. Under this definition, sex is a strict binary; you can either be male or female. We’ll talk about the definitions of those two terms later. According to the text of the law, sex is an immutable physical characteristic. Using pronouns which do not directly correspond with a person’s sex is considered false speech under Florida law; because of this, it is therefore unlawful to require another individual to refer to you by pronouns not corresponding to your sex. Additionally, it is unlawful for school employees to provide to a student personal titles (Mr., Mrs., Ms.) or pronouns which do not correspond to that employee’s sex. It is also unlawful to ask students to provide their personal pronouns.
Part 2 of this law requires written consent from parents/guardians to use a preferred name or ‘nickname’ for a student if it does not ‘closely match’ the student’s legal name on their birth certificate. <No, the law does not define ‘closely match.’ Additionally, this would create a paper trail for the state to seize custody of children from supportive parents under HB 254 (2022).>
Part 3 of this law prohibits instruction regarding sexual orientation and gender identity from Pre-K through 12th grade, except as proscribed by state DoE standards.
Part 4 requires that schools teach only “traditional” reproductive roles in health classes. The state department of education must approve ALL materials used for sex education classes.
HB 1521
This law, known as the “safety in public spaces act,” provides some definitions for terms in other laws. This is also known as the “bathroom bill” for reasons that are about to become obvious.
Defines “male” and “female” in the eyes of the law. I didn’t write down the exact definitions, because it’s basically what you’d expect. Males impregnate, females get pregnant.
All persons may only use restrooms corresponding to their sex (as defined in HB 1069).
HB 258
This law prohibits certain apps from being downloaded to government owned and issued devices, as well as the accessing of those apps over government administered networks. For now, this is basically exclusively a TikTok ban, but the door is open to add more apps later.
HB 379
Prohibits the use of TikTok to promote district-sponsored activities. This extends to things like concerts, sports performances, and fundraisers; most notably, this also applies to booster clubs and similar organizations. This law didn’t get a lot of press, so I’m expecting to hear about lots of boosters getting disbanded or disciplined over this.
Prohibits students from accessing social media (any) using district resources. This included school-issued laptops, tablets, etc. as well as school internet.
Prohibits the use of student personal electronic devices during instructional time without express permission from the teacher in the room. I have no idea what the legislature thought they were drinking with this one, because not only is it micromanaging to a ridiculous degree, but it’s unenforceable and there’s no punishment provided for it.
In summary, this is the widest-reaching anti-student (and specifically anti-trans) legislation I’ve had a chance to closely examine. It’s deeply fucked, and I cannot stress enough that if you are able to send your trans students to school anywhere other than Florida, you should make that happen.
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goranvisnjicdaily · 6 months
Gallery Update
Hello there! Hope your Friday is as good as mine! I've just updated the Gallery with 1426 new photos (Screencaps and Stills) from Various Blu-Ray and HD Movies! I got more to come, I also need to screencap Extant, not sure that I will have the time this weekend though 😎
K-11 (639 Screencaps)
The Accursed (254 Screencaps & 19 Stills)
Fatima (431 Screencaps & 5 stills)
Rounders (36 Screencaps)
The Peacemaker (41 Screencaps)
All of the screencaps and still are available at this link https://goranvisnjic.org/gallery
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alexxx-malev · 3 days
Taganrog 76
Russia. Taganrog. Electric multiple unit ER9P-K-252, ER9P-254, ER9P-81 Таганрог. Электрички ЭР9П-254, ЭР9П-81 и ЭР9П-К-252 на станции "Таганрог II"
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the-football-chick · 5 months
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Los Angeles Rams 2024 NFL Draft picks ____________
Round 1: No. 19- Jared Verse, EDGE, Florida State
Round 2: (from CAR through NYG)- Braden Fiske, DT, Florida State
Round 3: No. 83-Blake Corum, RB, Michigan
Round 3: No. 99 (Compensatory)- Kamren Kinchens, S, Miami
Round 5: No. 154-Brennan Jackson, EDGE, Washington State
Round 6: No. 196-Tyler Davis, DT, Clemson
Round 6: No. 209 (Compensatory)- Joshua Karty, K, Stanford
Round 6: No. 213 (Compensatory)- Jordan Whittington, WR, Texas
Round 6: No. 217 (Compensatory)-Beaux Limmer, C, Arkansas
Round 7: No. 254 (Compensatory)-KT Leveston, G, Kansas State
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truecrimecrystals · 2 years
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Ieasha Abrams' life was headed in a positive direction during the fall of 2017. After years of struggling with drugs and occasional run-ins with the law, the 34-year-old woman seemed to be in a much better place. Ieasha had a steady job at a restaurant, and she also had recently leased an apartment off of Beacon Parkway East in Birmingham, Alabama. According to family members, Ieasha was the happiest she had been in a long time. This made her disappearance in late September 2017 all the more confusing and shocking.
Due to Ieasha's previous struggles, her three children were being cared for by her relatives. However, prior to her disappearance, she often spent time with them and her other family members. According to reports, Ieasha was last seen by her loved ones on September 25th, 2017. After that, nobody in her family saw or heard from her again.
Days later, on October 4th, 2017, local Crime Stoppers received a call about a body in a wooded area behind Abrams' apartment building. K-9s were brought to the scene, and a body of a deceased female was found behind a dumpster. Shortly thereafter, the body was identified as that of Ieasha Abrams. 
Ieasha's manner of death was initially unclassified for over a month. Then, the coroner finally labeled her death as a homicide. The coroner's findings determined that Ieasha "had been assaulted in a manner that could not have resulted in a death by natural causes." Police have still not disclosed the exact cause of death, but it's clear that Ieasha's life was brutally taken.
Years have passed, and Ieasha's murder still remains unsolved. In February 2018, it was reported that detectives were "close to cracking the case", but they have still yet to make an arrest. Ieasha's loved ones are still hoping to find justice. If you have any information that could lead to the arrest of her killer(s), please contact detectives at (205) 254-1764.
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