#Kössi kenguru
curtvilescomic · 4 months
Poriconi 2024
So I went to Pori for Poriconi again.
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second time as comics and genre festival as it was " just" comics festival since 2017 ( I should know as I have been at each one but I have been wrong before and will be in future too)
The ad was purposedly done by human,to mock AI"art" fact that some people missed. Satire and irony are hard.
I was there day before and day after aa DIY has the D and somebody needs to buil up the area and be general staff too I also had interviewers job on" Science fiction and horror in Finnish comics" talk with Jiipu Uusitalo and Reima Mäkinen also around their fresh comics Pimeyden rihmasto (rootwork of darkness)
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And The comic Alien Intruders Investigations Cop Squad: Pelko Himo Viha (Fear Lust Hate)
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I might have said that is the entire human emotional range but I am not sure. I felt it went ok up until the summer storm descended upon us at that talks end on. After that all program was indoors.
I was tech support for a few programs, in how to cartoon and also with fan film viewing of Crime Alley
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Managed to see Pekka Lehtosaari and his Hero's journey talk, Kansalaistottelemattomuutta ( Civil Disobidience) cartoon presentation by Jyrki Vainio and Petri Hiltunen on adventures and misadventures in Gaming world talk.
Missed a lot I wanted to see as unpaid help but it was a lot of fun Did manage to see the exhibitions,Kevyt Metalli , Veli-Matti Ural, Saija Ketola, Pertti Hämäläinen, Tuukka Teponoja Batman:Scars, Kössi kenguru
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And also the two German artists exhibitions, Michael Vogt and Thilo Krapp I may have some of their comic prints but as Tumblr every now and then freaks out on art with tasteful nudity, maybe later.
Bought some comics and movies/series and had fun. If we humans as a species do not fuck the world to death before that will be there 2025 too.
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suppenzeit · 2 years
kössi kenguru & hinku ja vinku two kings of stylization... and theyre both finnish <3
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huitunkuutti · 4 years
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Kenguruystävämme Kössi | Our Kangaroo friend Kössi
[Id: Drawing of Kössi the kangaroo under an umbrella. He is a green kangaroo drawn in a simple style.]
I miss this little lad and his adventures 
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