#Justin McCully
Most Beloved NJPW Wrestler Tournament
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cloacacarnage · 7 years
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Details are beginning to emerge surrounding one of the victims in the mass shooting over the weekend.
Early Monday afternoon, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said at least 18 people were killed in a shooting rampage that began in Portapique, N.S., on Saturday night.
The Nova Scotia Teachers Union confirms one of those killed was a teacher at Debert Elementary.
According to the schools website Lisa McCully was a grade three and four teacher. She is described as a passionate teacher and a shining love in the lives of her family and friends.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada @abpoli @nspoli
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atlanticcanada · 3 years
Simple, poignant church service honours the memory of people killed in N.S. tragedy
A simple, poignant church service in Truro on Sunday gave the families and so many others an opportunity to remember, reflect, and honour the lives of those who were killed one year ago.
Quintessentially Nova Scotian, it was the sound of the pipes that welcomed families to First United Church, a rare opportunity to come together in a place reserved only for them.
After a brief welcome, there was two full minutes of silence in memory of 22 lives lost and an unborn baby a year ago, represented by well-worn stones at the front of the church.
The service was one of a number of events organized by the Nova Scotia Remembers Legacy Society, a non-profit that evolved from a Facebook group devoted to the tragedy.
The goal now is to provide continuing support to the families and the affected communities.
"We have all suffered so much this year, that it's our intention to bring some light an beauty to our lives on this dark day," said Jenny Kierstead, the sister of Lisa McCully.
There was plenty of music, including big names like country stars Johnny Reid and Brett Kissel.
Melanie Doane performed The Rose following a particularly poignant moment -- the laying of flowers in honour of lost loved ones.
And there were official messages, too, including a few words from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who spoke directly to the families.
"You are not alone," Trudeau said. "All Canadians stand with you, and grieve with you today and always. This tragedy should never have happened; not in a place like Portapique, not in Nova Scotia, not anywhere in Canada."
Nova Scotia Premier Iain Rankin spoke in person at the ceremony, and seemed genuinely moved as he referenced every victim without using names.
"They live on in you," Rankin said. "The families who loved them and the friends who longed for them, and in the hearts of Nova Scotians, who honour them today and always.  This is their legacy."
After Heather Rankin reminded those gathered they're never alone, there was a final message from the minister of First United.
"They are with us, and among us and live through us another day," said Rev. Valerie Kingsbury.
Tributes continue on Monday. There'll be another moment at silence at RCMP headquarters and provincial flags will remain at half-mast until sunset on Monday - all in memory of those lost one year ago.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/3eeWEVT
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orbemnews · 3 years
Canada mass shooting anniversary: One year later, a ban on assault-style guns has been in place for months But as the sounds of the Mi’kmaq Honour Song of Millbrook First Nation filled the church Sunday, family and friends of the 22 victims of Canada’s worst-ever mass killing are painfully aware that some things will never be the same again. “One year ago, 22 Canadians were senselessly killed and three more were injured when a gunman went on a rampage in small towns across Nova Scotia,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a statement ahead of the church ceremony to commemorate the tragedy. “Even a year later I know there is no comfort for the anguish of having an adored parent or precious child torn away. I know there are no words for losing a beloved constable and teacher. For mourning respected nurses and corrections officers,” he said in a separate recorded message. “So all I can say is this: you are not alone. All Canadians stand with you and grieve with you today and always.” A horrific rampage Over 12 hours beginning on April 18 and continuing to April 19, Gabriel Wortman set out on a murderous rampage in rural Nova Scotia, killing 22 people — some of whom he knew, others were strangers. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said 13 were fatally shot and nine others died in house fires set by the gunman. Wortman, 51, was shot dead by police after an hours-long manhunt during which, police say, he posed as one of them, including wearing an RCMP uniform and driving what looked like a police cruiser. Police say the gunman did not have a firearms license and his weapons were illegally obtained, likely from the United States. Swift legislative action Less than two weeks after the massacre, Trudeau’s government banned more than 1,500 models and variants of assault-style weapons, making their use, sale or import illegal. “These weapons were designed for one purpose, and one purpose only, to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time,” Trudeau said at the time. In 2019, Trudeau’s Liberal party ran on a promise of stricter gun control, but the Nova Scotia tragedy stiffened that resolve. Trudeau’s government introduced more gun control legislation earlier this year, promising to beef up the regulation of guns and their owners. For decades polls have shown that a majority of Canadians support stricter gun control, but the Trudeau government’s effort to pass more legislation has been met with some skepticism from both gun control advocates and detractors. Canada’s opposition leader, Conservative party leader Erin O’Toole, says Trudeau’s new and proposed gun bans and buy-back schemes will punish law-abiding gun owners, while doing little to solve the growing problem of gun violence in Canadian cities. And some gun control advocates and big city mayors say they’re disappointed that Trudeau’s government has not proposed a national handgun ban. Federal-provincial inquiry will look into the tragedy How and why this massacre happened in the one of the safest and most unlikely places in Canada will now be the subject of an inquiry in the province of Nova Scotia, but a final report isn’t expected for more than a year. The RCMP acknowledge there are many questions about how the gunman obtained so many firearms and his motivation, as well as what the RCMP knew of his ability to impersonate an officer with uniforms and police cars. “We understand people have questions and want to know as much as possible about the incidents. Charges related to the investigation are currently before the courts and we are participating fully in the Mass Casualty Commission, which is underway. It is our hope that the Mass Casualty Commission will provide a full accounting of what happened for the families of the victims and the public,” said Lee Bergerman, Nova Scotia RCMP commanding officer, in a statement released this weekend. As friends and family members placed flowers before the altar in church Sunday, a bouquet for each victim, they await more legal reform that can assure them that no community will ever again have to endure this kind of gun violence. “We have all suffered so much this year,” said Jenny Kierstead, the sister of victim Lisa McCully, adding the actions of one armed man has “shattered” many lives. Source link Orbem News #anniversary #assaultstyle #ban #Canada #guns #mass #months #Place #shooting #Year
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numbertwocontender · 7 years
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Watch the event in all of it’s glory.
The early Ultimate Fighting Championship events were such a success, especially on Pay-Per-View, that there were bound to imitators. Promoters, looking to cash in off the UFC’s popularity, set up a cage or ring, picked a three or four word name, and tried to steal away a part of the UFC’s market share. The vast majority of these imitators ended up being miserable failures, both financially and aesthetically, and yet for some reason these type of events kept popping up, and to some extent still do today. The first of these events was the World Combat Championship.  
Christopher Peters, son of movie producer Jon Peters, had previously approached Rorion Gracie and Art Davie, the men behind the first UFC, in 1994 about putting together a promotion to rival the Ultimate Fighting Championship that would be more based in sport, rather than spectacle; Gracie and Davie passed. Undeterred, Peters partnered with Bob Wall, a martial artist with connections to kickboxing juggernaut K-1, and started planning what would be the first, and only, World Combat Championship. The event was scheduled to take place on October 17, 1995 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The idea behind the event was fairly simple. Two brackets, one composed of four strikers, the other, four grapplers, with the winner of each bracket fighting in the main event.
Enchanted by the grappling majesty of Royce Gracie’s UFC outings, Peters wanted to get a Gracie to build his show around. Initially, he reached out to Rickson, thought to be the best off all the Gracie’s, and even in 1995 was already somewhat of a mythic figure both for his fighting ability and hardball negotiating tactics. Ultimately, Peters was unable to agree to terms with Rickson. Determined to have a Gracie compete in his event, Peters reached out to Renzo Gracie through an ad Renzo had placed in the back of Black Belt magazine.  Intrigued by the $120,000 up for grabs in the tournament, Renzo jumped at the opportunity.
Rounding out the rest of the grappler’s bracket were: Ben Spijkers, a Dutch Judoka who won an Olympic bronze medal in 1988 and had fought Erik Paulson a few months prior in the Japanese MMA progenitor Shooto. Mike Bitonio a practitioner of Kapu Kuialua, a Hawaiian martial art characterized by its joint locks, throws, and  emphasis on bone breaking. The final grappler, and perhaps the most famous competitor in the tournament was Kenpo Karate stylist and acclaimed Shoot Fighter Bart Vale. Vale was most well known for competing in Pro Wrestling Fujiwara Gumi, a Shoot Style pro wrestling organization that presented itself as a legitimate fighting promotion, despite having predetermined outcomes.
When assembling the striker’s bracket, Bob Wall’s K-1 connections seemed to pay off in spades when both Peter Aerts and Sam Greco agreed to fight in the event. Once K-1 got wind of the tournament, and what exactly a No Holds Barred tournament entailed in 1995, they pulled both of their fighters. Without the marquee names of Greco and Aerts, Peters and Wall had to scramble to fill out their tournament with fighters with less sterling resumes.
James Waring had perhaps the best resume of anyone in the tournament. He had previously held the IBF Cruiserweight title, various kickboxing titles, and had an amateur kickboxing victory over future Heavyweight boxing king, Vitali Klitschko. Though in 1995, Klitschoko had yet to make his pro boxing debut and was almost entirely anonymous to most fight fans.
Erik Paulson’s inclusion in the striker’s bracket was somewhat dubious. Paulson was a Taekwondo black belt, but had been training with the Gracies for nearly a decade and already had already immersed himself in catch wrestling, a style that would become his trademark and calling card in future years. By the time of the WCC event, Paulson had already had 5 fights in Shooto, including a win over the aforementioned Ben Spijkers. 
The final two fighters in the striker’s bracket were Justin McCully, an undefeated Muay Thai fighter, and Jerome Turcan, a French Savate world champion.
The Event
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The show opens with the above graphic. Showtime, the premium cable channel and boxing mainstay, produced the event. It says something about this event that it took Showtime another decade to try MMA again. Peters later claimed the event was a financial success, but based on Showtime’s ten year sabbatical from promoting MMA and a sparse crowd, it seems unlikely that there is any truth in Peters’ statement. 
The show opens with a video package that is as ostentatious as it is hamfisted. Men are seen practicing their martial arts while an unseen narrator rattles off the show’s opening salvo. With lines like “All people are his family, all places are his home ... he is alone, he is a legend, he is a warrior,” and claims that the winner of this 8-man tournament will be crowned “the greatest warrior on the planet.” It is clear that we are in for quite a show.
Our lead announcer, Todd Christensen, a man who looks like a cross between Dan Severn and Dick Butkus but with a hint of Kyle Kinane’s stage presence, opens the show by flubbing the name of the venue. He then introduces the rest of the commentary team. Bob Wall, a karate world champion and one of the events organizers, who can only be described as a better coiffed Councilman Jeremy Jamm, and Tom Murray, who eerily resembles Heaven’s Gate cult leader Marshall Applewhite. Murray procedes to predict/read of an obviously pre-prepared note card that the tournament will come down to Renzo Gracie and Jerome Turcan while blinking an inordinate amount of times.
Christensen then throws to  Richard Norton, an Australian actor known for being in over 40 martial arts films, I guess. Norton introduces former WBA lightweight champion Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini, the only person on this broadcast who is notable in anyway. Mancini offers some tropes about fighting being mostly a mental game, and how fights are often lost on the way down the ramp. Norton stumbles over his words and throws it back to Christensen.
Todd runs down the brackets, and then has Bob Wall explain the bracket system and the rules. All strikes are legal except eye gouges and groin shots. The grapplers’ bracket matches will be one 22 minute endurance round with a ten minute time limit on the ground. The strikers’ bracket has identical rules, except with a two minute limit on the ground and submissions will result in a disqualification. 
  Opening Round Fights
Cecil Peoples is the referee for the entire event, and is dressed for the occasion, wearing the classically stylish look of a t-shirt tucked into sweatpants. However, much to my displeasure, in 1995 Cecil had not yet seemed to have developed his signature knee-lift/arm cross dance to start a round.
Renzo Gracie vs. Ben Spijkers
Both men circle until Spijkers takes Gracie down to the mat. Renzo briefly works a guillotine variation before he begins working for a sweep from the bottom. Renzo uses a butterfly to sweep and brings the fight back standing momentarily before Renzo returns the favor and takes Spijkers down. The two grapple for a bit, much to the chagrin of the crowd, who in 1995 were most definitely shouting out a whole slew of homophobic slurs, until Renzo takes Spijkers back and hits three pretty rough looking elbows to the back of the judo player’s head. Renzo locks in a rear naked choke rather quickly and the fight is over. Ever the sportsman, Renzo disgustedly shrugs off Spijkers semi-conscious body and as an added show of chivalry steps on the back his opponent's neck on the way to his corner. Cecil Peoples grabs Gracie like he’s about to Irish whip him into oblivion, but decides to just give Renzo a stern talking to. Inspired by Cecil’s words, Renzo goes to shake Spijkers’ hand, but Spijkers is still lying dazed on mat, so Gracie’s handshake just looks like he’s half-heartedly trying to drag Spijkers around the mat. 
A side note on the whole stepping on the neck deal: apparently Spijkers had been repeatedly calling Renzo’s hotel room in an order to psych him out or something like that, so in the future if somebody calls you a couple times feel free to step on their neck, it’s cool. 
Sean McCully vs Erik Paulson
Before the fight, we are treated to a “funny,” and believe me those quotation marks have never been more necessary, vignette that features Sean McCully training and eating food, in order to illustrate the point that he is both trying to build muscle and that he is undersized for this tournament. It is not good. 
A corresponding vignette airs for Erik Paulson, who looks like he could be the rhythm guitarist for seminal Florida death metal band Atheist, that outlines his background, it does not feature any of the “comedy” that was expertly showcased in McCully’s video. The commentary team remarks on Paulson’s long hair, which in this tournament is fair game and in the background Anton Chekhov is placing a firearm on the wall.  
The men start the fight exchanging strikes, with Paulson using his range to get the better of his opponent. McCully takes Paulson to the mat, and Paulson begins to work for a triangle from the bottom, which in this bracket is illegal. McCully shrugs off Paulson’s weak triangle attempt, grabs his hair, and rains down a headbutt and some punches. McCully moves to side mount and lands some more punches before the 2 minute limit expires and both fighters have to stand up. Paulson again has the advantage on the feet, getting the better of McCully at range and on the clinch. Paulson lands some effective knees while holding McCully’s trunks. McCully decides to flop to the mat and finds himself mounted. Paulson lands some punches before his opponent gives up his back. Paulson lands a combination of punches and elbows mostly to the back of McCully’s head leading him to tap out.
Bart Vale vs. Mike Bitonio
A vignette introduces San Pedro, California’s Mike Bitonio, claiming that San Pedro has a reputation for being a tough place, although the video seems to contradict this statement by showing Bitonio roller skating down the street a few seconds later. Later, the vignette goes onto show Mike training with his instructor, a man simply known as Kaja who looks a lot like Scott Norton’s burnout cousin. After a clip of Bitonio agonizingly riding a mountain bike, he ends the segment by informing the audience that if he wins the tournament he plans on paying some bills.
The focus of the broadcast then shifts to Bart Vale, a supposed veteran of this type of event, you know in the same way my obsession with NHL video games has made me a veteran defenseman.  The narrator attempts to make an analogy between Bart Vale and a hurricane, but I was distracted by what seemed to be a very young Chuck Liddell, or some lookalike, being put is some strange submission.
The two men begin the fight with a short flurry of punches before Bitonio drags the much bigger Vale to the ground. Bitonio struggles to maintain half-guard, and Vale uses the opportunity to reverse the position. Vale fights off an armbar from the bottom, and delivers a few headbutts to his opponent. Bitonio’s defense from this positions seems to be running his fingers through Bart Vale’s luxurious period-appropriate hair. Somewhere along the line, Vale has opened up a cut on his opponent, and is now using his chin to exacerbate the cut. Mark Kerr is at home taking notes, thinking of ways to top Vale’s cleft-based offense. Bitonio scrambles and Vale transitions into a standing neck crank. Back standing, Bitonio goes for a headlock takeover, but Vale ends up on top and takes mount. From there he lands some more headbutts and a few elbows and begins to work for a kimura, which he quickly abandons. Vale lands the most meaningful strikes of the fight at this point, throwing some heavy punches from the mount, until Bitonio comes close to bucking Vale off. Vale, not wanting to lose position, goes back to working for a kimura. Bitonio defends by using his free hand to push on Vale’s nose in what looks to be a very unpleasant way, and uses this small distraction to reverse position and end up on top. However, it is all for naught, as Bitonio doesn’t have enough energy to mount much offense and Vale grabs an arm triangle from the bottom to force the submission at 7:10 of the first round. 
Jerome Turcan vs James Waring
A rather standard hype video for James Waring airs here. It recounts his Kickboxing and Boxing exploits, and shows him being a dedicated father. He seems like a good dude. 
Jerome Turcan’s introduction claims that he is a connoisseur of baroque architecture, savate, and fine art. This is kind of dumb, because we all know that Mixed Martial Arts is the finest of the arts, so the narrator is just being redundant. We see clips of Turcan obliterating people in the Savate World Championships. Following the video, our commentary team breaks down the fight; all of them see it going for Turcan.
The opening section of the bout is fairly uneventful, both fighters stand at range with Turcan getting the better of Waring with some low kicks. Waring clinches his opponent and lands some punches in close before his opponents spins out and both fighter are back at range. The fighters return to trading strikes at a distance, this time Waring is getting the better of the exchanges, pressuring his opponent up against the fence and landing a few jabs followed by  a right hook. Feeling the pressure Turcan goes to circle out, Waring follows. Turcan throws two leg kicks, the second one Waring counters with a short right hand to the temple and drops Turcan. Waring swarms, lands a few hammerfists and Turcan taps at 2:35.
Renzo Gracie vs Phil Benedict
Bart Vale had to pull out of the event due to a laceration on the top of is head. His manager, looking like every single wrestling coach in 1995, is out here to explain the situation. Richard Norton, star of over 40 films that surely have been seen by less than 40 people total, calls Vale’s manager Max, despite the graphic reading Matt. Matt/Max is here to tell us that the doctor won’t allow Vale to compete. I don’t mean to comment on Bart Vale’s finances, but if the guy you pay 10% of your money to walks around in a sweatsuit, you may have to find someone else to manage your money. Replacing him is alternate Phil Benedict, who the broadcast tells us very little about, aside from the fact that he is a wrestler. Actually they don’t even tell us that, it just pops up on a pre-fight graphic, but they do tell us he can bench 400 pounds, which I suppose is not irrelevant. 
Benedict, in gray spandex shorts, resembles, in some ways, the Incredible Hulk -- in other ways he looks like that weird greaser guy who was on an episode of American Pickers. The announcers basically tell us that Benedict has no shot against Gracie, and at this point in 1995 they are probably right.
The fight starts with both fighters missing with nearly every strike they throw. Benedict gets a bit antsy and throws a wild flurry of punches. Gracie reacts with a single leg attempt and wrestles Benedict to the ground. From there Gracie quickly gets to the mount and starts throwing some stiff punches to his opponent’s skull.Benedict can’t offer much off of his back and eventually taps to Gracie’s strikes.
Instead of stepping on his opponent’s semi-conscious head, Gracie decided to help Benedict up to his feet, which I suppose is better, but when you step on one guys neck you might as well step on everybody’s neck.
We cut back to the announce desk, where the commentary quartet of Christensen, Wall, Mancini, and Murray marvel at Gracie’s technique. Here in 2017, I am marveling at Renzo’s Dorian Grey-esque ability to not age. Christensen then shifts focus to our next fight.
Erik Paulson vs James Waring
As Paulson makes his way to the cage, the announcers again mention his long hair and his decision not to cut it. Chekov, having already placed a gun on the wall, takes it down, loads it, and pulls back the hammer.
Waring runs to the cage, and we get a quick cut to Paulson in his corner. He looks every bit of a person who has been recently headbutted. Waring on the other hand looks fresh. Ray Mancini adds on commentary that while he is rooting for Waring, he thinks Paulson’s ground game will give him an advantage. Mere seconds later, referee Cecil Peoples tells us that grappling is illegal in this bout.
The first minute or so of the fight in fairly uneventful, Warring paws with a jab irregularly and lands two inside low kicks. Paulson seems tentative for the most part, but eventually rushes Waring and pushes him against the fence. Clinched against the fence, the two exchange strikes, Waring mostly punching to the body, Paulson to the head. This goes on for a while, until Waring lands some solid knees in the clinch that cause Paulson to circle out, but not before Waring clips him with a solid right hook to the head.
At range the fight returns to it’s fairly slow pace, with Paulson being a bit more active, throwing more kicks to both the legs and body of Waring, even attempting a head kick at one point. Paulson then tries to take Waring down to the mat, but settles for pressing his opponent against the cage again. Against the fence, both fighters fight for an advantage, until Waring finally seizes on one, in the form of Paulson’s blonde ponytail. Chekov fires his gun and all is right in the world.
Apparently, Paulson had some stunt work scheduled and felt cutting his hair would lose him that gig, instead he just lost some brain cells. Good trade in my book.
With a fistful of hair, Waring lands solid punches and a few elbows which cause Paulson to break the clinch, The two trade sparing strikes for the next few minutes, the highlight of which is Waring landing a solid left hand and Paulson quickly shouting back that it didn’t hurt him. Shortly after, Paulson throws a strong leg kick that Waring checks, and from this point on it is all Waring. He lands with a pair of solid side kicks and then pressures Paulson toward the cage. From this position he again grabs a fistful of Paulson’s hair and begins to unload with strikes. Paulson tries to circle out, but Waring yanks him back by his hair. Waring lands a series of brutal knees, that drop Paulson,but Waring still maintains his grip of hair and drags Paulson back up in much the same way you would pick up a troll doll. Waring lands a few more stiff shots, but then decides to take a bit of a rest. Still holding Paulson’s mane, Waring chooses just to lean up against the cage and regain some of his stamina. Despite Waring’s lack of action, Paulson doesn’t mount much offense. Near the 16 minute mark, Waring finally decides to unload with a pair of knees to the body, and then drags Paulson down to the ground by the hair and lands a series of stomps. Paulson taps after Waring lands a few follow up punches, and the fight is over at 16:07
John Higginson, the ring announcer who looks a lot like Brad Maddox and has a lisp reminiscent of Al Stewart, declares Waring the winner, while his corner, a cross between Guile from Street fighter and a thing Ruben Villarreal politely claps. 
Bonus Prelim
Jerry Flynn vs Fred Floyd
Yes, this is WCW megastar Jerry Flynn, trained by Boris Malenko and Karl Gotch, which some people will tell you is impressive, but so was Bobby Blaze and I don’t think he was much of a shooter. Flynn has a mullet that would knock Billy Ray Cyrus’ dick in the dirt. We see Flynn shadowboxing in front of a mirror wearing Zubaz and the narrator tells us some people call Jerry the “Flynn Slam Man.” Who are these people? Who made them this way?
Flynn walks to the cage, and then we are introduced to Fred Floyd. Floyd is a bodyguard, exponent of Budokan Kung-Fu, and all around large man. Floyd claims you have to be a thinker to succeed in an event like this. I am skeptical.
To start the fight both fighters rush to the center of the cage and exchange strikes. Flynn throws a low kick, loses his balance, and Floyd lands on top. From the guard, Floyd lands a flurry of punches to the head and body as well as a few well-placed elbows. Flynn, using a body lock, is able to reverse position and end up in side control. He works for a wristlock from here, but nothing materializes. The two jockey for position of the ground, neither throwing many strikes.  In a scramble, Flynn tries to stand up and Floyd lands a nice knee to the body that hurts Flynn. Floyd follows his to the ground, but is tired and sort of just lays there for a bit. I get it man. I want to lay down all the time.
Flynn has a hold of Floyd’s ankle. He’s working for what looks like an achilles lock. PRO WRESTLING. Floyd sorta just turns and is out, somewhere I’m sure Karl Gotch is talking about how tough he is and how he would have killed every fighter ever if only he had the chance. Floyd ends up in North-South position and is sort of just laying on Flynn with his hands in the general vicinity of his neck. Flynn taps proving that while Pro Wrestling is indeed the strongest, it is no match for a fat man laying on you. 
Renzo Gracie vs. James Waring
It is time for the tournament final. Bob Wall calls Renzo the most aggressive Gracie, which at the time is true, but little did he know the aggressiveness with which Ralek Gracie would refuse to pay people who grappled for Metamoris.  
The fight starts with both men tentative. Waring paws out with a jab, but only to create separation. Eventually Gracie shoots for a takedown that looks a lot like what would happen if you tried to hit an ankle pick while falling down a flight of stairs. Nevertheless, he gets Waring down. Renzo grapples his way to mount, and gets a neck crank/smother/Arm Triangle. Waring taps at 2:47.
Richard Norton, star of over 40 films, interviews both fighters. They spout cliches, paving the way for many fighter in the future to say nothing of interest following a fight. Richard Norton, star of over 40 films, then introduces Christopher Peters, who looks like the adjunct English professor from you local community college, to present Renzo with a championship belt. 
And thus ends the inaugural and final World Combat Championship. It happened and nobody can take that away from them.
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b-rambles · 4 years
List of Verified, Active GoFundMe’s For NS Shooting Victims and Survivors
I’m compiling a list of all the verified GoFundMe’s I can find for the victims of the recent mass shooting in Nova Scotia, Canada.
- Teaming up with Canada's 911 Ride - Atlantic, volunteer firefighter Adam Stiles created this fundraiser for the families of the victims of the mass shooting (currently at $9,505/20,000).
- Darrell Coffin and Brad Richard (President and Vice President of the foundation Canada’s 911 Ride – Atlantic/Quebec) created this fundraiser for the families of the victims of the mass shooting (currently at $14,319/20,000).
- Justin H and Kelsy H have organized this fundraiser for the families of the victims of the shooting (currently at $20,154/25,000).
- Sarah LeBlanc started this fundraiser to provide for the woman who survived the mass shooting and gave the police vital information to stop the shooter (Currently at $2,725/5,000).
- Katie Green is organizing this fundraiser to provide support for the surviving family of Corrie Ellison (Currently at $14,930/10,000).
- Nova Scotia Dept of Forestry started this fundraiser to provide for the surviving children and family of Lisa McCully (Currently at $32,217/1).
- Tammie Oliver-McCurdie started this fundraiser to provide the Oliver family with funds to pay for the funeral and memorial services for Emily Tuck, Aaron Tuck, and Jolene Oliver (Currently at $82,314/75,000).
- Gena Lawson is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Dorian Dodson to provide support for the Zahl family following their tragic losses (Currently at $12,280/$15,000).
- With the support of survivors families, Kori Hamilton started this fundraiser to provide for the families of the victims of the mass shooting (Currently at $16,074/$18,000).
- Theresa MacLeod-Gould has organized this fundraiser to provide for the surviving wife and children of Joey Webber (Currently at $132,512/$10,000).
- Greg Johnston has started this fundraiser to provide for Kristen Beaton’s surviving family (Currently at $99,356/20,000).
- Penny Copeland has set up this fundraiser for trust funds / college tuition for the children of the families who lost loved ones in the mass shooting (Currently at $400/10,000).
- Hannah Blenkhorn has organized this fundraiser for Heather O’Brien’s surviving family (Currently at $23,969/20,000).
- Tracy Baker has set up this fundraiser to provide the Bond family with funds for the funerary costs following the deaths of Joy and Harry Baker (Currently at $10,674/10,000).
- Daniel MacDougall is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Amelia Goulet to help provide her family with support following their loss (Currently at $29,839/$5,000).
- Ruth Janes is organizing this fundraiser for Lisa McCully’s children following their tragic loss (Currently at $98,494/$10,000).
All fundraisers have been verified by the Colchester County Community Support Initiative, Heart Colchester. In Colchester County, Nova Scotia.
(Written April 27th-28th, 2020)
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talesofhawaii · 5 years
Introduction & Presentation
1. scheduling tool
We are traveling three months through the Hawaiian Islands and have not yet come into contact with Niklaus Schweizer. Our quiet island life in the great Pacific is slowly coming to an end and our hectic world will soon be back. One of my last great wishes, even before my departure, is to learn the story of Hawai’i from the Swiss language and history expert who lives in Hawai’i.
Lorenz Gonschor (links); Niklaus Schweizer (rechts) ®Gérard Koch, 2018
With our friend, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Leon Siu, we were in the company of the 181 year anniversary of the “Overthrown of Hawai’i” at the Iolani Palace. At this celebration, Leon Siu took the time to introduce us to several well-known personalities such as the conductor of the “Royal Hawai’ian Music Band”, various Kupunas and bosses, as well as people of the royal family. I have to say what interesting people are with their short stories in our announcement. Also Leon Siu presented us in tropical heat, without shadow, us Niklaus Schweizer, who held the speech for the party only a short time ago, in front of the stairs of the palace.
Iolani Palace – ®Gérard Koch,2018
When I offered my hand to him and wanted to give my name again, he already answered with an outraged laugh that we were the ones who wanted to interview him. Without asking a question from us, he grabs his left inner suit pocket and brings his slightly wavy agenda out to the blazing sun. Briefly he leafed through the months in it and stopped this week. Without much study, he gave us a meeting tomorrow afternoon at 3.00pm. It is touching to stand in front of the person, with an interview in hand, which one knew as a child in the news of the black and white television as a Swiss general consular ago. Early in the morning of January 19th, 2018, the sun shines over the crater rim of Diamond Head into our hotel room. With the rushing ocean as background music on my “buzzing”, I control the Accus, which I had loaded through the night, before our second to last spin with Niklaus Schweizer at the University of Honolul Manoa.
2. History about the University
Trunk on, film equipment in and the cover to pop again. Get in, safety belts on and start the car. Here we go. Walk under the trees of Kapi ‘olani Park to the intersection of Kapahulu Ave., turn right and drive along the avenue between the golf course and the shops towards Highway H1. Take care there and drive down, keep left and drive towards Manoa Valley. At the third traffic light turn right and immediately left again at the next possibility. In the middle of the street, on the driving direction separation mäuerchen appears a stately Mamorsäule with big inscription:
Hawai’i Kingdom was way ahead of its time in Europe as it was in Europe or the US. The king and the country should be proud of the idea that a Hawaiian university was keeping its head next to all the other universities in the world. The curriculum would of course include the faculties of law, medicine and divinity. “ A kingdom without a university looks like an anomaly. The University of Hawai’i in Mānoa was founded in 1907 under the Morrill Act as Land Grant College of Agriculture and Mechanics.
Campus of University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Regular classes began the following year with President John Gilmore at the helm and five newcomers, five preparatory students and 13 faculty in temporary quarters near Honolulu Thomas Square. In 1912, the newly designated College of Hawai’i moved to the Mānoa Valley and the first permanent building – now called Hawai’i Hall – was built between pork farms and Kiawe groves. The University of Hawai’i in Mānoa, Honolulu has the largest library of Hawai’ian Island housed in two buildings, the Hamilton Library and Sinclair Library. Hamilton Library, has an area of ​​28,267.1 m2 which focuses on collections in the humanities, social sciences, science and technology, with an emphasis on collections for Asia, Hawaii and the Pacific; Archives, manuscripts and other special collections. In the 8’800 m2 Sinclair Library you will find the music collection, the course reserve reading service, the Wong Audiovisual Center and older bound magazines. The collections include 3,102,696 volumes, 2,353,143 microfilm units, 1,808 m of manuscripts and archives, 63,942 audiovisual elements, 15,752 maps and aerial photographs, and approximately 70,751 current series / journal titles in paper, microform and / or electronic format.
Justin Smith Morrill (April 14, 1810 – December 28, 1898) was a Representative (1855–1867) and a Senator (1867–1898) from Vermont, most widely remembered today for the Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act that established federal funding for many of the nation’s colleges and universities. (This summary was created using Commons SumItUp) Library of Congress description: “Hon. J. S. Morrill”
Early College of Hawaiʻi football team practices outside the Maerten House, home of the College of Hawaiʻi, 1908 – 1912 (University Archives Photograph)
Hawaiʻi Hall Cornerstone Laying, 22 January 1912 (University Archives Photograph GPB-006)
Aerial view of campus, late 1910s, showing Hawaiʻi Hall and the first building of the Engineering Quad, the two oldest buildings still standing on campus. Beau Press currently (as of 2002) occupies this part of the Engineering Quad. (University Archives Photograph OURD 220)
Aerial photograph, 4 April 1926, shows George Hall (the Library) and Gartley Hall, the two newest buildings of the era. Note that University Avenue extends from Vancouver Highway in Mānoa Valley makai to Metcalf Street. (University Archives Photograph OURD 99B)
Aerial photograph, 4 April 1932, shows several changes in the six intervening years: University Avenue extends all the way makai to Mōʻiliʻili; Wist Hall, Atherton House, Farrington Auditorium, and the Gymnasium have been built. (University Archive Photograph OURD 231A)
Aerial photograph, 6 January 1937, shows Andrews Amphitheatre, old Gilmore Hall, an expanded Pineapple Research Institute (now Krauss Hall), and Campus Gate. Dole Street runs from McCully area (beyond the left margin of photograph) to University Avenue. Note also the distance between the quarry edge and Andrews Amphitheatre. (University Archives Photograph OURD 227A)
Aerial photograph above Waʻahila Ridge, approximate date 1944. Note shadow of airplane in the lower right hand corner and edge of wing along the right margin (University Archives Photograph OURD 232B)
Aerial photograph above Waʻahila Ridge, approximate date 1944. Note shadow of airplane in the lower right hand corner and edge of wing along the right margin (University Archives Photograph OURD 232B)
Aerial photograph 1948/49. Addition to Hemenway Hall is nearly finished; construction of Bachman Hall has just begun. (University Archives Photograph OURD 242A)
Aerial photograph, c 1955, showing development in the quarry was still limited: baseball diamond and tennis courts. The gymnasium just beyond Sinclair Library is still in use. (University Archives Photograph OURD 248)
Campus of University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Justin Smith Morill
Geschichte der Universität of Hawaii at Manoa
Wikipedia, University of Hawai’i
Manoa Heritage Center
Manoa Valley
“the Manoa Valley from 1800 to present” von David DeLeon,1978
A perfect day
Manoa Falls
   3. Who is Niklaus Schweizer?
Niklaus R. Schweizer
Niklaus Rudolf Schweizer, son of Rudolf Alexander Schweizer and Hedwig Louise Ulrich, was born on August 21, 1939 in Zurich. In 1964, Niklaus R. Schweizer completed his bachelor’s degree in art. He then went to the University of California and in 1968 his title on “Doctor of Philosophy”. He then traveled to Hawai’i where he has been teaching German since 1969 at the University of Hawai’i in Manoa. He specialized in European influence in the Pacific. Niklaus Schweizer, a professor at the University of Hawai’i, was appointed in 1973 in Hawai’i the man of honor in Switzerland. Not only was General Konsular of Switzerland and professor of the German language, he was and is also an active writer. He is the author of the following books:
Turning Tide;
Journal des Mahlers;
Ludwig York Choris ;
Ein Dichter unter den Entdeckern: Chamisso in der Südsee
Hawai’i und die deutschsprachigen Völker
Seine Hawaiianische Exzellenz.
New publications:
Seine hawaiianische Exzellenz, 3. Aufl., 2003
Turning Tide, 3. Aufl 2004.
He is also chairman of the Friends of the Royal Hawaiian Band and member of the board of Moanalua Gardens Foundation and the ‘Ahahui Ka’iulani. Furthermore, Niklaus R. Schweizer is also an honorary member of the Royal Order of Kamehameha.
Biographie of Niklaus Schweizer at University of Hawai’i Honolulu Advertiser Newspaper Prabook: About Niklaus Schweizer
 4. Who is Lorenz Gonschor?
Lorenz Gonschor
Lorenz was born on July 23, 1973 in Dresden, Germany and taught at the Gymnasium of Tübingen. Later, in 2003, he studied anthropology, history and political science at the University of Tübingen. In 2008, he moved to the University of Hawai’i Manoa, where he assisted Professor Niklaus Schweizer. He completes his education and his degree deep in the South Seas, among others in Tonga. Lorenz Gonschor is also a book author.
Will Tahiti ever be independent?
Royal Order of the Star of Oceania
 6. The small interview room
From the parking lot we walk on the huge university campus under shady trees between dormitories and teaching houses to the meeting point. Where will our interview take place? We had to ask for the way and building of Niklaus Schweizer. Shortly afterwards we met him too. Humorous and with joy, he greeted us in what he also told us that he had a reinforcement. He introduced us to Lorenz Gonschor and led us together to a small room where he explained that this was his study. The expression “workroom” for these more than books and magazines crowded, no …, to overflowed chamber is simply an “exaggeration.”
The books are stacked and set up in every situation. I have not found any free space in the bookshelves, let alone on the tables. I think there were tables there, I did not see them under the weight of the books. I also wondered, how do we bring in four chairs here for the first? Also, the camera with her tripod should somehow find a place with a certain distance to the receiving object, a place. I only know that there is no Oscar mature, beautiful pictures, when the lens sits directly in the face of the interlocutor. We have to have a distance. So my wife Shana sits between the door frame of the chamber and the stairwell. I get stuck between the bookshelf and the camera. My thought was only: “Do not move!”, So I do not throw down the bookshelf during the recording or overturn the camera.
For more than 60 minutes, we were not only trapped in the narrow space, no, we were also captured by the high-profile story of Niklaus Schweizer and Lorenz Gonschor.
  The following topics were discussed in the interview:
 The Kingdom of Hawai’i
Tell us something about the Kingdom of Hawai’i
Hawai’i had several kingdoms
Association of Hawai’i
1843 recognition of Hawai’i Kingdom by England and France
Question: Does the royal family have offspring today?
Hawai’i and foreign policy
Hawai’i sent delegates to Tsar III
Affiliation with the USA
Hawai’i became a member of UPU Jan. 1, 1882
Laws and contracts
Question: From the mountain to the ocean. The Hawai’ian law. Hawai’i had a constitution?
Hawai’ian Kingdom Law
Religion and church
Change of churches and freemasons from American to English (Calvinists) antimonarchists – 1860/70 descendants – own press against the royal house; Friend newspaper was one of them- press became radical and corrupt, ideological hatred was played-Hawai’ians opposed it-sugar plantations owners / lawyers / no longer in the executive missionary sons were well-educated in New England. Economy invests
The clock of annexation begins to tick
Married to the sugar plantation owner
Justitz infiltration
The Big 5; Late 1880
Armed force; Conspiracy – “Missionary Party”
Should USA stay isolated (iso-listists) or how will Europe expand? 1890
The annexation
Last US envoy Stevons supporter of the imperialist group
Stevons gave the U.S.S. Boston ordered the 200 soldiers to intervene with rifles, etc., against the missionary coup attempt.
The missionary group formed the government under the protection of US soldiers
Telephone connections globally / through no connection from Hawai’i they could not complain in Washington.
Question: What was the mission of the US battleship “Boston” off the coast of Honolulu?
Question: Why did the USA want Hawai’i? What are the phone cable connections to the US a role?
Because of Pearl Habor and because of China; from an economic perspective
Was the Hawaiian kingdom a model for the other South Pacific islands in the Pacific? – Ships change – Kamehamea buys shipbuilder Johann Jacob Bastor ships types at that time
Despite earlier migrations to the South Seas, how could Hawai’i isolate himself?
Political currents
Question: Why do not the currents organize themselves?
Two groups / schools in Hawai’i – 1. decolonization of Hi 2. We have never been annexed. We only need the acceptance of the countries
Recognition of Hawai’i’s independence is missing or The conflict with the law
Arbitration court The Hague clarifies that Hawai’i is self-employed
A political conflict can not take place in the South Seas, everyone wants paradise
Cognitive Distinance (Incomprehension)
Today, after a long process, it has been found out that there is no annexation contract.
What does Hollywood have to do with Hawai’i? Hawai’i and Tourism (Div. Poster v. Movies, music)
Script and language
Question: Is it possible to trace the origin of the Hawaiians based on the language in the South Seas?
Can the petroglyphs be counted as the first Hawaiian script?
Question: The Hawaiian language. How did the Mele song come to the Scriptures?
The interest in writing was great in Hawai’i.
Hence many newspapers and prints
Hawai’i has most of the printed pages of the West in the 19Jh.
The scandal of the Hawaiian language in 1896; could not be spoken anymore
German factory: Germany in the South Sea
Switzerland and Hawai’i – the two paradises on earth
What does Switzerland have to do with the South Seas? John Webber – Iselin from Basel – General Suter – Suter and Sacramento
Swiss friendship treaty with the hawai’ian Kingdom, 1864
Is the Swiss Friendship Treaty of 1864 still valid?
What is the future of Hawai’i? ePower state?
The Political South Sea Paradise Introduction & Presentation 1. scheduling tool We are traveling three months through the Hawaiian Islands and have not yet come into contact with Niklaus Schweizer.
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Court quashes Canada’s approval of pipeline
TORONTO — Canada’s Federal Court of Appeal on Thursday quashed the approval of the contentious Trans Mountain pipeline expansion that would nearly triple the flow of oil from the Alberta oil sands to the Pacific Coast.
The decision means the country’s National Energy Board will have to redo its review of the pipeline. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government approved Trans Mountain in 2016 and was so determined to see it built that it announced plans this spring to buy the pipeline.
It faces stiff environmental opposition from British Columbia’s provincial government and activists. Houston-based Kinder Morgan earlier halted essential spending on the project and said it would cancel it altogether if the national and provincial governments could not guarantee it.
In a written decision, the court said the energy board’s review was so flawed that the federal government could not rely on it to approve the pipeline. The court concluded the federal government failed in its duty to engage in meaningful consultations with First Nations before approving it.
“Meaningful consultation is not intended simply to allow indigenous peoples “to blow off steam,” the decision said.
The court decision is a blow to Trudeau, whose government is having a bad week after Canada was left out of new free trade deal with the U.S. and Mexico. Talks to include Canada are now taking place in Washington.
The pipeline would allow Canada to diversify oil markets and vastly increase exports to Asia, where it could command a higher price. Canada has the world’s third largest oil reserves, but 99 per cent of its exports now go to refiners in the U.S., where limits on pipeline and refinery capacity mean Canadian oil sells at a discount.
Kinder Morgan shareholders voted overwhelmingly to approve the sale of the pipeline to the government not long after the court decision was announced.
Canada’s finance minister is due to speak later Thursday.
The court decision is a victory for indigenous leaders and environmentalists, who have pledged to do whatever necessary to thwart the pipeline, including chaining themselves to construction equipment. The Trans Mountain expansion would cause tanker traffic to balloon from about 60 to more than 400 vessels annually as the pipeline flow increases from 300,000 to 890,000 barrels per day.
Analysts have said China is eager to get access to Canada’s oil, but largely gave up hope that a pipeline to the Pacific Coast would be built.
Trudeau approved the expansion, arguing that it was “economically necessary,” and it enabled him to overcome opposition to a carbon tax plan that will help Canada cut its greenhouse emissions.
But many indigenous people see the 620 miles (1,000 kilometres) of new pipeline as a threat to their lands, echoing concerns raised by Native Americans about the Keystone XL project in the U.S. Many in Canada say it also raises broader environmental concerns by enabling increased development of the carbon-heavy oil sands.
“This is a great victory for Indigenous communities everywhere fighting against destructive projects being imposed upon their territories,” said Patrick McCully, climate and energy program director at Rainforest Action Network.
from Financial Post https://ift.tt/2PgFppd via IFTTT Blogger Mortgage Tumblr Mortgage Evernote Mortgage Wordpress Mortgage href="https://www.diigo.com/user/gelsi11">Diigo Mortgage
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Planning Phase I
This is my preliminary list for the 76 fighters that will feature on the gameboard. Any alternative suggestions are welcome, but for male MMA fighters only please. Sherdog’s Fightfinder was very useful. 
The Nightmare - Diego Sanchez
The Carpenter - Clay Guida
The Fireball Kid - Takanori Gomi
The Barbarian - Tim Boetsch
The Magician - John Dodson
The Predator - Don Frye
The Dirty Bird - Tim Means
The Juggernaut - Jake Ellenberger
The Joker - Aaron Chalmers
The Warmaster - Josh Barnett
The Carny - Nik Lentz
The Super Saiyan - Jon Tuck
The Notorious - Conor McGregor
The Hangman - Dan Hooker
The Underground King - Eddie Alvarez
The Bully - Gray Maynard
The Menace - Denis Bermudez
The Damage - Darren Elkins
The Sledgehammer - Ilir Latifi
The Hulk - Ion Cutelaba
The Count - Michael Bisping
The Natural Born Killer - Carlos Condit
The Immortal - Matt Brown
The Stun Gun - Dong Hyun Kim
The Kid - Yancy Medeiros
The Disciple - Dustin Pague
The Silence - George Sullivan
The Wizard - Ryan Hall
The Scrapper - Chas Skelly
The Baron - Renan Barao
The Pikey - Brett Johns
The Messenger - Henry Cejudo
The Assassin Baby - Brandon Moreno
The Cannibal - Alexandre Pantoja
The Monkey God - Jarred Brooks
The Big Pygmy - Justin Wren
The Last Emperor - Fedor Emelianenko
The Paratrooper - Sergei Kharitonov
The Swarm - Linton Vassell
The Axe Murderer - Wanderlei Silva
The Dreamcatcher - Gegard Mousasi
The Red King - Rory Macdonald
The Caveman - David Rickels
The Punk - Josh Thomson
The Boogeyman - Dean Lister
The Serial Killer - Travis Lutter
The Dentist - Josh Neer
The Outlaw - Dan Hardy
The Beast - Bob Sapp
The Rebel - Gokhan Saki
The Janitor - Vladimir Matyushenko
The Mauler - Alexander Gustafsson
The Exorcist - Alexis Vila
The Insane One - Justin McCully
The World’s Most Dangerous Man - Ken Shamrock
The Grave Digger - Chad Griggs
The Duke - Igor Pokrajac
The Terminator - Karlos Vemola
The Miner - Nikita Krylov
The Mercenary - A.J McKee
The Baddest Man on the Planet - Joe Warren
The Horror - Rick Story
The Crippler - Chris Leben
The Headhunter - Paul Buentello
The Dean of Mean - Keith Jardine
The Hammer - Matt Hamill
The Law - Matt Lindland
The Crowbar - Chris Tuscherer
The Iceman - Chuck Liddell
The Ronin - Carlos Newton
The Massacre - Drew McFedries
The Holy War Angel - Oluwale Bamgbose
The Punisher - Cathal Pendred
The Snowman - Jeff Monson
The AK Kid - Cody Mckenzie
The Crusher - Court McGee
Each fighter will appear in both normal and ghost forms on small octagonal discs that slot into the board. The 76 ghosts must be collected before any team can progress to the final ritual area. 
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susancingari · 10 years
Susan Cingari speaks with MMA's Sascha Kretzschmar about Nick Hein & close friend Tito Ortiz
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scifighting · 10 years
The Man Behind the Mask at Bellator 123 - SciFighting
The Man Behind the Mask at Bellator 123 has been published on http://www.scifighting.com/2014/09/08/33507/man-behind-mask-bellator-123/
The Man Behind the Mask at Bellator 123
After King Mo's KO victory over Dustin Jacoby at Bellator 123 on Friday night, Bellator MMA CEO Scott Coker called up Tito Ortiz and Stephan Bonnar, who are slated to fight in Bellator 131. Coker promoted Ortiz's and Bonnar's matchup and let the two have an exchange of words that quickly took a ...
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susancingari · 10 years
MustLoveMMMA.com's, reporter Susan Cingari speaks with Justin McCully and gets his take on what went down with what is fast becoming one of the most talked about fight announcements in the history of Mixed Martial Arts, the Ortiz vs Bonnar fight announcement. How did the masked man stunt come about? Does Justin regret what he did? Did the stunt go as planned? Why did Tito Ortiz and McCully become enemies in the first place and will Justin entertain the idea of fighting Ortiz in the Octagon? Listen to this interesting interview for answers to these questions and much much more. The big fight goes down November 15 at Bellator 131 where Tito Ortiz faces off against Stephan Bonnar. My thanks to Justin McCully. Follow Justin @JustinMcCully. Follow Susan Cingari @SusanCingari Catch more MMA interviews at www.mustlovemma.com
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susancingari · 10 years
MustLoveMMA’s.com Susan Cingari caught up with UFC Hall Of Famer Tito Ortiz as he talks about the Stephan Bonnar - Justin McCully incident. Find out why this fight has become so personal and why he is out for blood when it comes to Bonnar. Tito also talks about his plans to fight Rampage Jackson. Will he retire after his contract is up with Bellator? How does he want to be remembered and what does he want to do when he does stops fighting? Also Tito answers your fan questions and talks about living in a haunted house, yes folks he believes in ghosts and you may too after you hear him describe his frightening encounter. Also Tito talks about his book “This Is Going to Hurt the Life of a Mixed Martial Arts Champion”, it’s a must read for MMA Fans. Thanks to Tito Ortiz. You can follow him on Twitter @titoortiz
0 notes
susancingari · 10 years
MustLoveMMA.com Susan Cingari caught up with UFC Hall Of Famer Tito Ortiz as he talks about the Staphan Bonnar - Justin McCully incident. Find out why this fight has become so personal and why he is out for blood when it comes to Bonnar. He also talk about his plans to fight Rampage Jackson. Will he retire after his contract is up with Bellator? How does he want to be remembered and what does he want to do when he does stops fighting? Also Tito answers your fan questions and talks about living in a haunted house, yes folks he believes in ghosts and you may too after you hear him describe his frightening encounter. Also we discuss his book "This Is Going To Hurt The Life Of A Mixed Martial Arts Champion", it's a must read for MMA Fans. Thanks To Tito Ortiz. You can follow him on Twitter @titoortiz.
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