#Just the way he casually rests his head on his shoulder AAAAAAAAAA
i-may-be-an-emu · 26 days
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35 notes · View notes
ghostmartyr · 6 years
Pokémon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 4]
Going into the fourth badge with a full team of six! Rocking!
Here we are:
Puff (Dratini)
Sylarana (Serperior)
Stella (Poliwhirl)
Nessy (Milotic)
Itsy (Cubchoo)
Caspet (Haunter)
Looking like a real squad, guys. Lesgo.
The bridge is still out, so it’s out to the desert we go.
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...Ah, it’s the anime hair scientist.
Colress. He invites us to a duel in the desert route.
...I thought it was a joke that this lady just keeps picking fights with me every single time I try to pass through the route, but no. No. That’s what really happens. Ugh.
I can’t remember if Colress is really a bad guy or just a driven scientist guy.
In any case, he has a level 21 Magnemite out first. Nessy is handling it since I have nothing to deal Electric pokemon really and Nessy has a ton of HP. And yay, that doesn’t come back to bite me.
Level 23 Klink up next. Nessy Refreshes and Recovers back to the health the Magnemite took. Taking too long to beat back the Charges, so Sylarana’s going to try to be helpful. And hey, that’s all it takes. Fight done.
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Ack, I don’t think this is the sort of place I can do anything with without wireless and the like.
I love how so many business people in this world see a random ten-year-old and decide that they are the best person they could possibly ask for to manage their affairs while they run off doing whatever.
I’m just going to ignore this place and take advantage of the Pokemon Center past it.
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Hello, we have a new route.
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...Did I...
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Oh crap. I took a break in between catching Puff, so I forgot all about buying poke balls. Aha. Okay then. Okay. We got this. It’ll be fiiiiine. I’ve got two more whole chances to make sure that it’s fiiine.
One try left.
Come on.
You know you want to be on the team, buddy.
...Fine, you don’t. Damn it. Dead route.
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While we’re here adding injury to insult.
Sorry Sylarana. Maybe naming you after a dead snake from a fanfic was a bad idea after all.
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Dead route and dead pokemon.
This is shaping up to be a pretty harsh run.
Okay. Poke Balls bought.
The outside of Desert Resort has Magmar.
I’m just going to casually avoid trainers in the rest of the Resort until I find the castle place, aka new route for new friend.
If only I were actually any good at avoiding trainers. So far I’ve fought two.
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Okay, this time, we’re going to keep from losing anyone in the process of getting a new friend. Agreed? Agreed. Awesome.
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...No can do.
Poliwhirl is one thing, since Poliwhirl can still be Politoed, but I used a Granbull in my Elite Four battles in the first version. Can’t repeat that. Dang it.
Larvitar’s down here as well.
No Sylarana and an Electric Gym next. I need to find a new route.
Route 5, help me out here.
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She gives us Fly!
...Do we have anything that can learn Fly?
She also introduces us to Hidden Grottos, which I had forgotten all about and don’t really mean much to Nuzlockes.
I’ll say hi to it. If it’s randomized, this is my catch option, if it’s not, let’s just call Hidden Grottos liminal spaces that don’t have real route significance.
Not randomized. Bye bye Minccino. Now we go explore the grass.
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I have a Water team. Yike.
This thing is not proving easy to catch.
But catch it I shall! Your name shall be Frill, and please do not take it personally that I’m going to go to another route to find things.
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Oh dear.
Boruto, I expect great things from you. Please do not disappoint.
Meanwhile the next thing I see on this route is an Emboar.
No offense, Boruto, but my journey to find a new route continues.
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Help me Obi-wan Keforest. You’re my only hope.
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...Don’t I need a Dusk Stone or something to evolve you?
Um. If it keeps using Charge Beam it’s going to kill Nessy.
I can choose to catch it, or I can choose to run.
...Wait, can I run when Bind is used?
No, no I can’t.
This is.
I feel like I’m watching Nessy die in slow motion.
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Omchomp, welcome.
Hm. I have some choices to make regarding me team, but first thing first, I’m going to raise Boruto a level. There are Basculin and Lampent where we caught him.
Now there’s the question of what to add to the team. Ninjask is cool as heck, and I’m not opposed to using one. Shedinja is a delightful, chaotic choice for a Nuzlocke. Using both isn’t something I think my team could survive.
...Okay I can’t resist being that stupid. Shedinja, aka Sasuke. Alllll the way.
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Sasuke is Sassy and proud of its power. Fitting.
This is such a dumb idea. I can’t wait to watch what happens.
Let’s see... Fire bad. Flying bad. Ghost maybe bad. Psychic maybe bad.
...Fine, so I know what each type is weak against, but not which types the combination spares or makes worse. Making this an even dumber idea than its initial inception made it appear.
We are so doing this.
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tfw I finally am playing at a time that gets me on the Royal Unova! Yay!
Boy howdy do I hope they don’t have things that will kill me dead!
Level 16 Pidove.
I think I’m good.
I swear if a move has a possibility of making me flinch it is doing nothing but making me flinch. I cry.
Oki doki.
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The team.
Grinding time.
Ha, so since they couldn’t very well complain about the next Gym Leader still not having the bridge open, this time you can’t go left of Nimbasa due to a crowd of happy people. Gah. Being closed in is a lot more annoying when you have a limited number of resources dependent in part on map size.
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Sorry, Sasuke.
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I’d like to say some words, but well. I always knew I wasn’t really equipped to handle such a gimmicky creature on my team, I just thought it would be funny to try. And that I’d last longer. It’s probably just as well, honestly.
...Sorry this is not the emotional farewell everything else is getting. But let’s be real, we knew this would happen, and I didn’t delay it long enough to get invested.
Also your name is Sasuke. We both knew what this was.
Boruto, welcome to the team!
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Okay, Giga Drain. Not Itsy’s friend.
...Give me a break she was still in the damn green and aaaaaaaaaa.
I am not doing well this run, am I?
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Go away I can’t catch you. ;-;
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I am so sorry, Itsy.
I wish I could say more, since unlike Sasuke I actually like you, but.
This is hecking bad.
Omchomp gets on the team to fill up a slot. I’m not sure I have the resources to properly train her, and I’m collecting too many creatures who I’m not sure I can fully evolve for my tastes.
But that’s how Nuzlockes go, right? You work with what you have.
Back to grinding. Maybe stick more to wild pokemon than trainers.
Cool, Croagunk is also here.
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Okay look.
I will admit to being a bad trainer.
But one Bite taking out a pokemon at full health is not generally a foreseeable circumstance when super effectiveness isn’t at play.
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-clears throat-
I am so sorry my friend. We will never know how if I might have succeeded in evolving you. That is a weight off my shoulders, but incomparable to the pain of no longer having you.
What a mess.
I have to admit, part of me is hoping that I just wipe at this point. Starting over seems way, way simpler than this as it is. And then I ran into a trainer by accident, and the trainer has a lever 25 Watchdog.
Yeah, this will go well.
Eh, not well, but everything’s alive. I’ll take that. My mission at the moment is just training the heck out of Nessy, because she’s the only thing I can say with confidence probably can’t die to one hit from anything currently available.
Huh, I found an Audino. I’d guess I stumbled into wiggly grass without noticing. That’s cute, it’s actually where it’s supposed to be. ...Scratch that, enough of them are showing up that I’m wondering if it’s some time of day thing.
...So see, I have the problem of going on autopilot while I think.
...tfw Nessy is now level 34 and Caspet is 30.
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Screenshots taken moments before disaster.
...Then there’s the return of Mightyena plus a Gengar. Not friendly grass, this. Maybe I need to pick another spot to train stuff.
There’s this one trainer here who won’t fight unless I have a Prop Case, which means I can’t avoid the Musical building forever. Well I can. But that would keep me from battling stuff, sooo.
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And random trainer beaten.
Now what.
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Carnival rides to drown our sorrows.
Elesa built herself a new Gym. Her old one is now just roller coasters.
I should probably go to the actual Gym.
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Ah. A random NPC to let us know that Elesa is in another castle.
Screw it, let’s go to the other castle.
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...After finally checking out whatever this is.
Cool. Me and Rosa are going to fight the Subway Bosses. This is the only time this will ever happen in any Nuzlocke ever. Guaranteed.
Yay, we won against the level 26 Gurdurr and Boldore. Despite the horror that is Sturdy rearing its head once more.
Before I go to the Gym, I’m going to head out to the sportsball stadiums and have some fun. Hopeful, optimistic fun where nothing dies.
My solution to all problems now is to throw Nessy at them until they die. With a side of Caspet. The other members of my team are going to gain levels through Exp. Share only, probably. Omchomp is the only one that knows useful stuff and might live through first contact. Puff will one day be mighty indeed, but isn’t yet. Boruto... Boruto’s best move is arguably Leech Life.
Yay, Nessy and Caspet. You two are holding this team together.
That is not your cue to die.
To the Gym.
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Ooooh, snazzy. Nicely arranged, Elesa.
She has a level 27 Elekid. Why don’t I have a level 27 Elekid. Or just an Elekid. Elekid is awesome. She also has a level 27 Flaffy. I want that slightly less. It is still of interest.
One mook down. Down the catwalk for another.
The level 27 Flaffy is first this time. Such variety. Then a level 27 Blitzle strikes.
This place has some dang style. Next up is same flavor with Blitzle and Elekid.
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Elesa you are clearly amazing but what the actual heck are you wearing.
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This is all going to be fine.
We know it’s true because I said so.
Level 28 Emolga out first. Caspet downs it with one Venoshock, then a level 30 Zebstrika takes the stage and panic is felt by all.
Oh lovely. It knows Pursuit. Not taking you out then, Caspet.
This has the makings of pain all over it, but I trust you.
Yay! Another Venoshock did it!
Last up is a level 28 Flaffy. Let’s finish this, Caspet.
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It was gory and scary, but we did it, gang.
Halfway there.
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