#Just not for me
casscainmainly · 12 days
Curious, given DC VS Vampire's, how do you feel about Vampires apparently being OK to kill in Bruce & Cass's eyes?
Interesting question! I only read DC Vs. Vampires until issue #6 (and that was a while ago), so this is not that well informed of a take. But I'm torn about Bruce + Cass killing vampires.
On the one hand it's an Elseworlds story, and the story has no real interest in Cass or Bruce. So I'm not gonna say the comic should've devoted lots of pages to either of them, and I'm generally fine with glossing over them for the sake of the story they wanted to tell.
But to cast all that aside for a moment, it is weird how little conflict was involved in deciding to kill them. Bruce says "they're already dead" (issue #2), which is true, but they're dead in a technical sense. They're still conscious beings. It's a little odd that Bruce doesn't have any qualms about it, or anticipate any qualms from the others.
I guess one could argue that Bruce is compartmentalising, since there really is no other way to defeat them? So saying that 'they're already dead' is a way to cope with what feels like murder. I might be able to accept that, but Cass!! Why does Cass not even react to this?? Her stance against murder is much more personal, and I HIGHLY doubt she'd be okay with the act of stabbing someone to non-existence, even if the person was always 'dead'.
I just think the technicality of vampires being 'dead' wouldn't be so important to Cass. The vampires talk and act like living beings, and it wouldn't be easy for her to just believe they're not alive. I can kind of see her not stopping the others from killing (if she really told herself they were dead), but I don't think she could bring herself to do it with her own two hands - her objection to murder is not just moral, it's a legitimate traumatic response.
So yeah it doesn't make sense for either of them, but particularly for Cass. I don't necessarily think it's bad writing (since, again, they're not the focuses of the story), but exploring their feelings on killing vampires could've made for an interesting side story or fanfic.
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oswaldthehero · 3 months
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I regret to inform you that he’s sauceless
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felinefractious · 4 months
Okay so 🤣 I don’t own cats (and can’t—allergies) and I had NEVER noticed any balls but now I’m going back through your blog and I’m like 🤭 troublepuffs
The first time I noticed them when I was younger was on a leopard picture and I immediately started to crack up because what are those? those are just little cheetoh puffs!
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 3 months
Finno and Nelyo
Just a very detailed picture I made of good older cousin Nelyo taking baby Finno to ... idk, a carnival? (Made for @papita474, but I wanted to form an ... art(?) masterlist.)
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lifblogs · 4 months
I’m really teary-eyed with today being the last lotr newsletter day. I know I’ll read this all over again and again, but wow, it’s the end of The Return of the King.
I want to thank @sindar-princeling once again for all the work she put into this project, especially when Tiny Letter ended and we needed a new way to read this. I’m really happy to be alive and online at the time of this existing. It’s really such an intense and beautiful way to read this story. Thank you so much.
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relentlessly-tired · 5 months
Volume eating fucked me over sooooo bad.
I literally am so afraid of eating anything that isn't super high in volume, even if I'm not THAT hungry!!! Those stupid subreddits especially and youtubers just hammered it into my soul that if I didn't completely stuff myself every time I ate while on a calorie deficit then I would binge later.
But honestly, the feeling of being stuffed, even if it's low cal foods triggers me to binge bc it makes me feel like i already have! And all the fibre makes me feel not so well sometimes tbh😭
I'm tryna train myself out of it tho. Like I CAN eat a sandwich for 300 cals if that's what I'm craving rather than carrots, and apple, a banana, orange, and protein yogurt for 300 cals. Like eating all that shit I don't rlly want does make me wanna fucking binge so I need to just accept that I can and will eat whatever I want as long as it doesn't bring me over my deficit but it's so fucking hard to accept😭😭
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island-in-the-shadows · 8 months
Some people: Omg yes I want Felix.
Me: The boy can't kiss, can't fuck, definitely can't eat out, would probably drop me faster than a hot potato, his best friend is psychosexually obsessed with him and is literally a freak (affectionate), his mom's a nightmare, his cousin is gonna be cunty to me...like literally he drew a man with a freak on his back. I don't want none. Let Oliver have him.
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wickjump · 1 month
what's your opinion on tango? (lust x dance)
i don’t really have one!!! im not too invested in them in any sense. not for me personally but im apathetic to it i guess? i think they’re nice but like nice in the same way id say “oh they look nice” to a couple on facebook that i scroll past. no hate obviously, i don’t hate them or dislike them or whatever, i just also don’t like them particularly :p
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xanaxspritz · 2 months
just coming on to here to say i dont think ill ever understand kpop fanfic readers and writers. i mean i guess i see the appeal, but theyre real ppl at the end of the day? 😭 at least with fictional characters i can guiltlessly project my fantasies onto. but with real life people....idk
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i-car-us · 2 months
I didn't know what "watersports" was until I clicked on a fanfic with that tag 💀
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margo-mania · 4 months
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the-busy-ghost · 4 months
There are many reasons my interests are more geared towards mediaeval Scotland than mediaeval England, but at least one of them has to be the fact that I am completely incapable of Being Normal about the Lion in Winter and Shakespeare's second tetralogy.
#Like I simply could not remain unbiased#Not in a 'taking sides' kind of way but more in a 'the real Henry II did not entirely resemble this fictional adaptation'#I refuse to accept it and I don't really want to#I could try very hard to research and write about Henry II sensibly- and I often do when he (or Hotspur later on) impinge on Scottish histo#But fundamentally my image of Henry II is the image of the character from the Lion in Winter#It's horrible to have to admit I'm like one of those unhinged Braveheart or Philippa Gregory people but for twelfth century England#Although with all due respect the Lion in Winter and Henry IV Part 1 are obviously twenty times better than Braveheart#There are other reasons#I kind of feel England has enough people interested in it already#I like to dip in occasionally and it's interesting to read about (and often necessary from a Scottish perspective)#But yeah for many reasons mediaeval England- though fascinating- is not my number one priority#One of the pretty big reasons is though my unfortunate fan behaviour the minute Richard II sits himself down on the ground#To tell sad stories of the death of kings#And you know what that's valid and probably acts as a useful research tool for many people#Just not for me#It's weird though because other than Shakespeare and the Lion in Winter there aren't many period dramas I particularly care for#Not only am I incredibly picky about my historical media when it comes to the Middle Ages (less so for the 20th century)#But I never really understood why people assume when you say 'I like history' you mean 'I like period dramas'#To me these are two separate unrelated activities/hobbies#Not necessarily better than each other just different
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lonicera-edulis · 11 months
Behold! 'Tis I, the mysterious Bagginshield Cryptid, returned from the deep woods and here to visit you with another Bagginshield question. . . What is your favourite headcanon?
The question puts me in stupor truly 🤯 I can't make a list when thinking of it. But I prefer how Sansûkh handles them, over what any Everyone-Lives-AU can offer (just because I don't want to throw away LOTR storyline and like some suffering I suppose, and Thorin needed a few decades of therapy before getting into a relationship xD). But it doesn't mean I don't like these AUs ☝️ And I haven't read enough stories to know/remember of more headcanons I am afraid. Sorry for this awkward answer, brain bad 😵‍. But hopefully some headcanonny things are seen through my art.
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saucebou · 5 months
I find the obsession with little pootis on this website to be very strange to me.
As someone who was raised exclusively on bizarre gmod and sfm animations my body rejects any tf2 content that is cutesy (for lack of a better word).
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knownoshamc · 2 months
I may still not know much about book Armand, but personally I prefer the show version, cause I always prefer less evil (I know that some book armand actions would have made me dislike him right away), and more complex characters (in a "those actions could be explained/be redeemeed. Like with Louis' character, villainy is a point of view"). Not that book armand wasn't, but show armand reminds me of a character that could be on black sails and obviously that's a win for me.
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caregiver, good.
social interaction required.
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