#Just kinda hearing things cross my dash here and there
emile-hides · 2 years
Current top 10 replayed songs
Tagged by @ow-old-men to share the 10 songs I’ve been listening to on repeat and. Yeah I’m basic he called me out half of them are love songs tis the season and all that shut up
Frankie by One11Twenty - It’s the pure baseball theming I’ve been listening to this song on loop sense August I wanna play baseball guys I wanna play baseball
World’s Smallest Violin by AJR - “AJR, Emile are you going through some stuff?” No, someone put the end of this song to a speed up of Mushrooms growing and I’ve been hooked ever sense. Songs that go fast are instant hooks for me.
Flowers by Miley Cyrus - Oh my whiteness is showing look look okay my mom LOVES a powerful breakup song and this one is so incredibly funny if you know the context for it. Get his ass girl.
Twin Sized Mattress by The Front Bottoms - “The front bottems, Emile are you going through som-” Yes I replayed Hatoful Boyfriend over the Holidays and caught more emotions for Yuuya Sakazaki than I was prepared to. This is also a Sakuya song, they share it.
Homerun by Shawn Wasabi - Baseball theming again but make it cute and maybe sexual but we ignore that part in this house. This may be my favorite song right now just like. Overall.
Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery - This is a When The Moon Was Ours song and there’s literally nothing else to it. Read When The Moon Was Ours and then listen to this song and explode over it with me please
Truly, Madly, Deeply by Cascada - Would you all still love me after I composed an entire AMV to this song about my self ship with Makarov Dreyar; 80-something year old master of the Fairy Tail guild from hit 2010′s anime Fairy Tail I unfortunately binged for the entire latter half of 2022?
Happily Ever After cover by Kylee Henke - I’ll be honest. I’m obsessed with this cover. Maybe just because I relate it too hard to the blorbo of all time Hero Nightfall Hell’s Library, but it really is a good Him Song man. Also it goes so hard.
Cult Dice (The Cult of Dionysus with every second beat removed) - If I said a good 90% of my music taste actually comes from audio bytes that cross my Tumblr dash would you all believe me? Anyway this cut version slaps so much harder than the actual full song hard truths.
Surface Pressure (brother version) cover by Caleb Hyles - This is another character song this set in stone what Ramattra’s entire deal was for me I heard this and I saw his entire life flash before my eyes and I knew I knew who he was and who he was to be. And then I kissed him on the face.
Are my music tastes all over the place? Yes. Yes they are. Nothing has ever had a single through line in my entire life. I’m also very bad at chain games and not going to tag anyone sorry thanks for the tag tho
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deathbysnakes · 11 months
Don't you think it would be adorable that pierro plays hide and seek with an adopted child (y/n) while the other harbingers are in shock watching this scene??
The last part should be hilarious hahhahaha
Hide & Seek Catastrophe
Pierro & child reader (Platonic)
Side note:Sorry this took so long, I've been kinda stressed lately.
Warnings:You almost get experimented on
Pronouns:He/Him (All male harbingers + Dottore's clones) She/Her (All female harbingers) You/Your (Reader)
Explanation:You have recently been adopted by the leader of the fatui harbingers, Pierro, and you've convinced him to play hide and seek with you, but you made the not so smart decision to go to the fatui headquarters to hide (I like to imagine that the harbingers houses are connected to the fatui headquarters)
"Close your eyes, and count to 60, no peaking!" You chirped happily, as you watched Pierro follow your instructions. "60? Why not 30?" Pierro mumbled to himself nervously, something about having you out of his sight in such a dangerous place made him anxious, but he ignored his feelings, he wanted you to be happy after all, you've been cooped up in Pierro's mansion ever sense you've been adopted, it feels wrong to deny your request when you've been wanting to stretch your legs and have some fun for the past few days.
You immediately dashed off as soon as Pierro started to count, not only was this your chance to play, it was your chance to explore. You opened the mansions door and it lead out into a huge palace. You couldn't help but stare in awe for a few seconds before dashing off into the palace.
You squealed in surprise as you saw a intimidating figure as soon as soon as you turned a corner, the figure was tall, muscular, and had long black hair, but perhaps the most intimidating thing about him was his helmet, you couldn't see his face because of it, and it rightfully disturbed you. The man turned and looked at you, nothing more, just stared. "What is a child doing in a place like this?" You tensed up, the feminine voice was like a soothing melody, but there was something off about it. You slowly turned around and came face to face with a angelic woman with black and pink hair, and a strange cross-shaped white cloth that was kinda covering her eyes. "Let's get you back to the house of hearth~" She sang, reaching out for you, you squealed in fear and made a run for it. The woman watched you run with a amused face, not attempting to make chase, she'd just tell Arlecchino.
You eventually slowed down and attempted to catch your breath with tears in your eyes, who knew this place could be so terrifying? Clearly not you. "Whoa, you okay there kid? You look like you've just seen a ghost." You quickly whip around and before you is standing a ginger haired man with a kind but worried smile on his face. "Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you." The man crouch's down to your leavel. "My names Tartaglia, yours is?" Tartaglia says, his head tilting to the side to try and seem less threatening. "[Name]..." You answer, tears still clouding your vision. "That's a nice name!" Just as you start to feel relaxed, you hear footsteps behind you. "Tartaglia, about how much money you spent when you were in Liyue..." The man with glasses stopped when he saw your small figure staring up at him with scared eyes. "What is this child doing here?" He asked in a stern tone, crossing his arms. "Uh...I'm not sure, I kinda just saw it." Tartaglia responded, putting a hand on the back of his head. "No matter, Tartaglia you spent 7 million mora when you went to Liyue, what is the meaning of this?!"
As the two argue you heard a voice "Psst! Hay! Over here!" You turned to see a red eyed and blue haired child that looked about 10 motioning to you to come over, you walk towards him hesitantly, being cautious not to catch the attention of the two arguing men. "Do you want to see something cool?" He asked, there was a curtain cunning look in his eyes that made you uneasy but you nodded hesitantly. "Then follow me!" The boy took off into a sprint, and you followed behind, he was surprisingly fast for a child his age. You froze as you arrived at a scary looking lab. "What's this, Alpha?" You gasp in surprise when you hear someone's voice behind you, you turn around and see a tall red eyed and blue haired man, the boy, that's apparently called Alpha, and the man looked related. "A new test subject!" You're eyes widened in terror as you heard those words. "How kind of you." The man walked over to Alpha and ruffled his hair, then turned back to you. He started to reach out towards you. "Now, let's be going now-" Before he could finish his sentence you felt yourself being picked up from under your arms and being dashed away.
You felt yourself being put down on a bench, and when you looked up you saw a short purple haired man looking down at you with a angry look on his face. "What were you thinking?! Weren't you ever taught not to go with strangers?!" You started to tear up at his harsh words and he let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "If you ever see someone with red eyes and blue hair, don't go near them, don't engage with them, go the other way, you got it?" You nodded, and the man started to walk away.
You got up off of the bench and heard something crunch beneath you, you looked down and saw a little robot, then you heard a gasp. You turned around and saw a green haired woman looking down at the little robot you just crushed in shock, then her face quickly shifted into anger. "You little brat! Look what you've done to little Tom 5.8!" You teared up at the woman yelling, but she still didn't give up. "Do you know, how much blood and sweat I put into making him?! Of course you don't! You're a dumb little child! This is why I hate children, they ruin everything!" You broke into a full on break down, crying loudly as the woman continued shouting insults at you. "Sandrone that's enough!" Sandrone let out a "ow!" When she was hit in the shoulder with a cane. "You've done enough, leave the poor child alone! " Sandrone angerly stomps off while mumbling angerly.
You felt a gloved hand on your head as you continued crying, as you started to calm down and wipe the tears from your eyes, you see what looks like a friendly old man with an elf like appearance standing in front of you. "There, there little one, she's like this all the time, there's nothing to feel guilty about." You started to calm down at his soothing words. "Would you like a pastry?" He asked, reaching into a basket, you nodded as your tears started to stop. He pulled out a few macarons and you hesitantly took them from him. "Try to avoid Sandrone, she's always in a bad mood and takes it out on the poor soul that comes in a 10-foot radius of her." The old man said as you ate. "I'll be off now, keep yourself safe little one." The old man said as he started to walk away.
"Don't cry, it makes you look ugly." You turned around and saw a tall blond woman in a white and black dress in front of you. "Why are you staring at me like that? Fix your face." The woman said, crossing her arms. You started to tear up again and the woman's eyes widened. "What did I just tell you?" The woman leans down, takes a handkerchief out, and wipes the tears off of your face. "Don't. Cry." This strange way of trying to comfort you actually made you feel better. "You're only getting this treatment because you're cute." The woman huffed. "There you are." The both of you turn around, a woman with white and black hair is walking towards the two of you. "Come to me my child, it's time to go back to the house of hearth." The blond woman in the black and white dress gets up and steps back, letting the black and white haired woman approach you. You backed away anxiously as the woman got closer, and then another person came into your vision, a man with blue hair and a bird mask. "Hands off Arlecchino, this one wondered into my lab, there for it's my test subject now." Arlecchino gave the blue haired man a mean look. "You will not be taking one of my children." You noticed, behind her, the same black and pink haired woman was watching you, well, it looked like she was watching you, but her eyes were closed. "Both of you will not be taking my child."
You felt yourself being picked up, and when you turned around, it was Pierro. "Your child?" You turned to see the ginger guy with the same black haired guy with glasses. "You have a child?" Tartaglia asked again. You noticed familiar faces gathering around. "Sence when did you have a child?" The short purple haired man asked as he leaned against a piller. "One week ago, Scaramouche." Pierro answered and turned back to you. "And why do you have meringue on your lips?" You're eyes widened and you looked around, you've already had your daily sweet for today, you weren't supposed to have another, and you had mutable macaroons. "That would be my falt." The little old man spoke up. "I found your child crying so I gave [preferred pronouns] some of my pastries." Pierro frowned at this. "Why was my child crying?" The little old man looked over at Sandrone, and Pierro followed his gaze. "We'll have a little, chat about this later, but now, we're going back home, and let this be known, if my child has a single scratch on them, you all will be punished." Pierro started to walk away but you whined and tried to get out of his grasp. "What is it now?" Pierro asked with a sigh. "I want to play hide and seek again, but this time, I want to be the seeker!" It was silent for a moment before it was broken by a chuckle. "I don't see why not?" The little old man spoke. "I want to play hide and seek!" The little red eyed and blue haired boy called Alpha you saw earlier chimed in. Pierro sighed again. "Alright, but this time, you count for 30 seconds." Pierro said in a series tone, but there was also a hint of softness in it. "I want to play too." Everyone turned to see who was talking, it was the intimidating man with the helmet you saw earlier. "Really, you of all people?" The blue haired man with the bird mask spoke, giving the intimidating man a judgmental look. "Yes."
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Hello there!
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Mod team:
I’m Jamie but I also go by Jay! I’m gender queer and use any pronouns but I am masc leaning (he/him), don’t be afraid to ask! I’m aegosexual-pansexual and a romance repulsed aromantic! I am neurotypical and the OG owner of this blog!
My name's Noah Oats and I use they/them pronouns! I'm aroace, specifically quoiromantic and aegosexual! I have diagnosed ADHD and am an INFP :D
My name is Ray! I go by any pronouns and I’m cogender (female and agender). I am cupioromantic and aegosexual (and many other things, just ask if you want to know!). I also have diagnosed autism and I’m an ISFP
Carl D, all pronouns, allergic to garlic, aroace
We’re here for all your Questions, Rants, Vents and Confessions!
Ask box is always open and we’re always here for your asks!
We are here to educate, explain and help with anyone who needs it!
Stay safe, remember you are valid and its your box!
Commonly asked questions!
Link to my Aro-spec post
Link to a post containing most Ace Spec identities
Asexual Wiki, Aromantic Wiki,
the Asexual Visibility and Education Network -Asexual resource
AUREA - the Aromantic-spectrum Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy
List of Aroace Spectrum resources
Connect to the community - aces and aros
The Battle of the Phobics Link to link post
The comments section link to a helpful article on how to educate/beat the acephobes
Ask box Days!
Sunday: sex stories Sunday, for aro and/or ace specs! Block the tag “aroace explicit” to avoid!
Mondays: free day
Tuesday: rant and vents! Everything goes but everything answered with a ‘.’ Thing
Wednesday: free day
Thursday: minor friendly Thursday! A day for just minors asks to be answered about their aspec ID and questions. Block “aroace minors” to avoid
Friday: free day
Saturday: free day
Recommend blogs
please feel free to ask me first, if I don’t provide a good answer or you want more you can ask again or go to one of these blogs! Please tag more blogs I should add to this list!!
@asexualadvice - asexual advice! (Read blog but helpful info!)
@aegosexual-moments - the aegosexual blog of all time (excluding myself /j)
@aromantic-diaries - Very cool aro person!
(Yes I know my profile pic is off center, suffer, its still off centre, suffer more)
(It’s seperate because aroace is unfortunately usually viewed as one identity, ace and aro are separated spectrums)
(If I hear one more complaint about my icon I’ll change it to what ever random piece of art crosses my dash next and you wouldn’t like that would you??) (i did that and got a new profile pic :D)
@aroaceplaceforsome they’re the neutral party here, they use pronouns
The Blogs
blogs that are kinda fan accounts???? wtf????
THANK YOU SO MUCH TO @la-creechura for drawing our profile pic!!!
@throwawaysoiwontgeteatenbyjamie a whore
@jamies-a-great-person @aroaceappreciationplace -more whores (lovingly)
Banner art by @pride-flag-planets
The forces:
A collection of multi member blogs dedicated to one country of aspecs… all against Denmark
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sylix-royalty · 5 months
I’m getting back into writing, so have a Hotch/Reid snippet!
can… can i have a hug? please?
And a little bit of
oh, sweetheart- come here.
With a dash of
how long has it been since someone hugged you?
Type: Angsty Fluff
Warnings: Kinda just sad, brief mention of drugs
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Spencer was very obviously the most touch starved of the group. It wasn’t to no fault of his, not really. It was clear he didn’t prefer physical contact most of the time, but Aaron wasn’t stupid. Aaron knew that despite Spencer’s sensory issues and mild germaphobic tendencies, he really just wanted to be hugged sometimes.
It was more obvious after some cases, when his arms wrapped around himself as he sat alone on the back of the plane, curled up as staring out of the window rather than reading whatever book he’d already read 7 or 8 times that week. It was only Wednesday after all.
It was less obvious after others, the itch of his hands as he read, how they’d twitch before he’d read a page. Aaron noticed, but he wasn’t sure that the others did, too careful of Spencer sensory. And Spencer clearly didn’t want to add more fuel to the fire of his own mind by his need of physical contact. But, Aaron wasn’t stupid. He was a profiler for a reason. But he wasn’t just going to jump down Spencer’s throat like that, putting him on the spot would be unhelpful and most likely backfire.
So, Aaron watched more intentionally. Trying to give an obvious sign to Spencer that he was here for him, should Spencer need him. It took a while, longer than Aaron liked to admit, but finally Spencer came into his office after hours.
The case had been a bad one. Having to deal with not only children, but Spencer was taken as a hostage and belittled so bad that Aaron was on the verge of shooting the man just to make him shut the hell up for good. Of course he couldn’t, that would risk his job, and more importantly Spencer’s life, but the thought definitely crossed his mind.
“Do you mind if I sit?” Spencer asked softly, and Aaron nodded slowly.
“Stay as long as you need,” he said gently, trying not to use that boss tone he knew he had. Spencer nodded, noting the attempt, and sat on the couch, curled up with his arms around himself once again, staring at the wall.
Aaron worked in silence, not going to push or pry answers out of the younger. He knew Spencer was struggling, and he had a terrible reputation when it came to asking for help. But Aaron hoped he was slowly working through that.
“You don’t believe him, do you?” Spencer whispered, finally. “You don’t… you don’t see me as a… drugged up, ratty—“
“No, Spencer,” Aaron cut him off, not allowing Spencer to repeat the words of the UnSub. “I don’t see you like that. No one does.”
“I do,” Spencer whispered, “I feel like that, sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if everything’s worth it.”
“It’s all worth it,” Aaron whispered.
“You would say that,” Spencer whispered, and Aaron set his pen down.
“Meaning?” Aaron asked without trying to sound offended or offput.
“Meaning you see me,” Spencer explained. “You see the man I’m trying to be. You… you understand… who I am in a way that most other’s can’t.”
“I’m perceptive,” Aaron reasoned.
“Yes,” Spencer agreed. “But you also care.”
“This team cares about you,” Aaron reasoned.
“They do,” Spencer nodded. “But they care so much about one thing, something you’ve been… overlooking lately.”
Aaron blinked.
“You’ve been staring at me, after cases. Reading me. I see your eyes. I feel them.”
“If I’ve made you uncomfortable, that wasn’t my intention,” Aaron promised.
“No, I know,” Spencer promised. “I just…” he inhaled slowly, his arms falling from where they were wrapped around him. “Can I have… have a hug? Please?”
Aaron exhaled slowly from where he sat, finally hearing the words come from Spencer’s mouth almost made him jump out of his chair. He still moved a bit too quick, but Spencer didn’t seem to mind or care as he quickly got off the couch, hearing Aaron’s gentle “oh sweetheart, come here,” and met Aaron halfway, wrapping his arms around Aaron’s shoulders, and Aaron’s arms around his waist.
Spencer almost broke right there. But Aaron held him up strong, as per usual. He kept his hold for as long as Spencer needed, or wanted, which was longer than he originally calculated.
“When was the last time someone hugged you?” Aaron whispered into his ear.
“Too long,” Spencer whispered, voice broken and scraggly as he pushed his nose into Aaron’s shoulder.
“Don’t let it ever be that long again,” Aaron whispered.
“I’m here, Spence. I’m right here.”
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petermorwood · 1 year
Interesting to see this post cross my dash again.
I was watching a movie late last night and, with that post's criticism of unbroken long speeches and suggestions of how to break them, here's an example of how a very famous one was done.
The movie I was watching was "Jaws", and the long speech is The Indianapolis Monologue. There are several YouTube clips, but a couple of them leap straight in at the start of the speech.
The clip below has the lead up to The Speech which, IMO, matters a lot in preparing for what follows; there's not just a Mood Whiplash - cheery drunk to OMG Whut - to make the viewers pay attention, but also what I mentioned in the other post, an entirely legitimate reason for an "As You Know" speech.
One character, Hooper, knows the significance of "USS Indianapolis" - his shocked-almost-sober reaction makes that very plain - but the other character, Brody (and the audience he represents), doesn't know and needs told.
In addition (also as mentioned in the other post) despite being a single-character monologue, the speech is "broken" by cutting away from the speaker, Quint, to reaction shots from the other characters present. Even when Quint is on-screen he isn't centre-screen, Hooper is visible in the background where his silent, apprehensive attention accompanies the story he's hearing.
This can be done in words, too: inserting other actions or reactions by means of paragraph breaks is the equivalent of visual cut-aways, and serve the same functions - making a lot of words from one character into several smaller groups of words, while showing the cumulative effect of all those words on other listeners.
Even a soliloquy with no-one else listening benefits from occasional breaks describing what the speaker is doing, how their emotions show, where they are etc. It's all far better than A Wall Of Text.
The entire speech is 438 words, and Robert Shaw delivers them over 3 min 34 sec.
I've got three PDF versions of the "Jaws" screenplay, all different, and this speech varies in every one but are never what's in the movie, so I constructed mine as a transcript from several listenings, and have used paragraph breaks to try matching Shaw's delivery.
Also, as an Exercise For The Scholar (me, anyway) I've inserted and timed the cuts where Quint isn't on screen or speaking to show how short they can be.
Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, Chief. We was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte. Just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in twelve minutes. Didn't see the first shark for about half an hour. Tiger. Thirteen-footer. You know how you know that when you’re in the water, Chief? You tell by lookin' from the dorsal to the tail. What we didn't know ... was our bomb mission had been so secret, no distress signal had been sent. Huh.
They didn't even list us overdue for a week. Very first light, Chief, sharks come cruisin'. So we formed ourselves into tight groups. You know it’s ... kinda like old squares in a battle, like you see in a calendar, like the Battle of Waterloo, and the idea was, shark comes to the nearest man, that man he start poundin' and hollerin' and screamin’, an’ sometimes the shark go away. Sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that shark, he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about a shark, he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at you, doesn't seem to be livin'. Until he bites you, and those black eyes roll over white and then, ah, then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The ocean turns red, and despite all the poundin' and the hollerin' they all come in an’ they... Rip you to pieces.
Y’know, by the end of that first dawn, lost a hundred men. I dunno how many sharks, maybe a thousand. I dunno how many men, they averaged six an hour.
On Thursday mornin', Chief...
I bumped into a friend of mine, Herbie Robinson from Cleveland. Baseball player. Bosun's mate. An’ I thought he was asleep; reached over to wake him up. Bobbed up an’ down in the water, was like a kinda top. Upended... Well, he'd been bitten in half below the waist.
CUT TO BRODY (2 sec) then CUT TO HOOPER (2 sec) then BACK TO QUINT
Noon the fifth day, Mister Hooper, a Lockheed Ventura saw us, he swung in low and he saw us - a young pilot, a lot younger than Mister Hooper. Anyway he saw us and he come in low, and three hours later a big fat PBY comes down and start to pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened. Waitin' for my turn. I'll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went into the water, three hundred and sixteen men come out, the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb.
For comparison, down below is what it looks like without any paragraph breaks, speech instruction (gravely / incredulous etc.) or screen direction (track right / dolly in / close on / match cut etc.).
(BTW, some of these effects can be used when writing prose, to good effect, but that's for another time.)
This is the Wall of Text effect, and it sometimes turns up on the internet, courtesy of people who don't know how to use Enter except when they're sending a post.
I'm not saying this is how the speech would have looked in the real shooting script, but it might. From my own screenwriting experience, actors don't like being told how to deliver their lines and directors don't like being told how to set up their shots.
There's a bit more flexibility when writing animation, but in both cases crafty writers write so that the way they want a thing done works out as the best way to do it.
Sometimes this trick even works... :->
Here's the Wall Of Text:
Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, Chief. We was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte. Just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in twelve minutes. Didn't see the first shark for about half an hour. Tiger. Thirteen-footer. You know how you know that when you’re in the water, Chief? You tell by lookin' from the dorsal to the tail. What we didn't know was our bomb mission had been so secret, no distress signal had been sent. Huh. They didn't even list us overdue for a week. Very first light, Chief, sharks come cruisin'. So we formed ourselves into tight groups. You know it’s kinda like old squares in a battle, like you see in a calendar, like the Battle of Waterloo, and the idea was, shark comes to the nearest man, that man he start poundin' and hollerin' and screamin’, an’ sometimes the shark go away. Sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that shark, he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about a shark, he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at you, doesn't seem to be livin'. Until he bites you, and those black eyes roll over white and then, ah, then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The ocean turns red, and despite all the poundin' and the hollerin' they all come in an’ they rip you to pieces. Y’know, by the end of that first dawn, lost a hundred men. I dunno how many sharks, maybe a thousand. I dunno how many men, they averaged six an hour. On Thursday mornin', Chief I bumped into a friend of mine, Herbie Robinson from Cleveland. Baseball player. Bosun's mate. An’ I thought he was asleep; reached over to wake him up. Bobbed up an’ down in the water, was like a kinda top. Upended. Well, he'd been bitten in half below the waist. Noon the fifth day, Mister Hooper, a Lockheed Ventura saw us, he swung in low and he saw us - a young pilot, a lot younger than Mister Hooper. Anyway he saw us and he come in low, and three hours later a big fat PBY comes down and start to pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened. Waitin' for my turn. I'll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went into the water, three hundred and sixteen men come out, the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb.
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fruitbowlsngoals · 4 days
So how all the Little guys meet is actually a convoluted mess of events but I'm going to try and put it in order , this all might be a little off and things might get changed in the future but this is it for the most part
Information is under the cut of course !
I'm always more than happy to share and talk about this Au as it lives rent free in my brain
At some point after Ashe's wings grow in Trick decides neither of them need to be in that lab and that Mark is taking too long. So Tricks breaks out, grabs Ashe and takes them with, absconds into the woods, and settles into a clearing with a nice little cave where it and it's little sister can live until further notice they kinda just stay there. Ashe and Trick go about exploring their new surroundings together and separately. (Mark is infact searching for his kids).
Vyncent just lives in the woods and is more than happy to explore a place that's bigger than him, (he doesn't really have a lot of supervision when he explores), so he's wondering, exploring and getting the zoomies out when he ends up literally running into Dakota.
Dakota was out skating down a path so he could better his reaction time and balance and well his reaction time could use some work but seeing a purple blur dash across the path is not something you expect to see ever. Immediately seeing that Vyncent is very similar to Professor cross, so he tries to make friends .
Vynce doesn't exactly understand (language barrier) and bolts for it, Dakota of course follows because his thought process is “Oh, Tag? Hide and seek? One of those games? Okay chill, we're friends now.”
Dakota and Vyncent end up toppling into William. William ended up out here thanks to Clarence and his mild insistence that William should come for a walk in the woods with him ( Secret Whisperer training). William sheltered nervous and all around startled attempts to hide behind Clarence.
Dakota once again initiates a friendship. These are the first actual kids he's gotten to interact with since the lab. William reluctantly agrees with some encouragement from Clarence, and Vyncent is just standing there awkwardly being dragged along for the ride . They all hear some quiet laughing from the treeline and William wanting to investigate a mystery heads off in the direction the other two following along until they all end up in the Trick and Ashe's little clearing. (To Tricks dismay).
Ashe was the one watching them and they all start slowly becoming friends making excuses to hang out , and get to know each other.
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Driving Habits  -Heartslabyul Edition
Can they drive? If so, what kind of drivers are they? What are their car habits?
Characters; Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond & Trey Clover
Content; swearing, mentions of road rage
Author’s Note; NRC has a school radio for this (honestly a school radio would be kinda cool ngl), pretending that TWST gets our music from here
Word Count; 900+
Find the Rest of the Series; Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia
Author’s Note; As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
Riddle Rosehearts
Follows the rules of the road to a T. If he’s feeling a bit adventurous he may go a little faster than the speed limit but that’s pretty much it. Has his routes memorized and hates taking different ones.
Would probably listen to a news/classical music radio station. No one is allowed to change it under any circumstance. He controls the aux.
Keeps his phone on silent and in the back seat to avoid distraction. It doesn’t matter who calls or texts him, he is only looking and potentially answering it once he reaches his destination.
The only sign that the car is not brand new is the little hedgehog plush that sits on his dash and a novelty cake air freshener… and a cursed Bibble bumper sticker that Ace put on that will not budge and it infuriates him to no end.
Has bad road rage, but is usually just content to condemn the interloper by muttering to himself. Has laid down on the horn for those who really crossed the line and turns up his music to try and calm down.
Ace Trappola
Semi-decent driver, not the best, not the worst. A bit of a speed demon but not to the extent of getting ticketed. Sometimes forgets some rules of the road, but nothing major.
The glove box is filled with snacks; he did not keep the manual for the car. He probably listens to some magic podcast (only when he’s alone), ‘90s-2000s pop (again alone), and with friends, he plays alternative rap or classic rock. Trey did catch him singing his heart out to Barbie Girl and he’s still mortified.
His phone is sitting in the cupholder and he checks it at red lights (do not be like Ace).
Probably has a magic eight-ball on his dash. Has an assortment of bumper stickers ranging from “I honk for MILFs” to qr stickers to the most hated songs, but not to the point that you can’t make out what they are.
Also has road rage, and will flip off and honk at people. People will do the same to him when he breaks the rules of the road and gets mad at them, starting a honking war.
Deuce Spade
A defensive driver, and tends to go a bit slower than the speed limit. He knows that the only thing he can control on the road is himself, and holds himself accountable. He also does regular maintenance on it to keep it to road standards.
Usually doesn’t listen to the radio or a playlist while driving. If he does decide to put something on though it’s usually very quiet so it doesn’t distract him.
His phone is on silent and in the back. He pulls over whenever he hears his emergency contact (mum) call, turns off the car and takes the call outside.
Has a little chicken sitting on his rear view mirror. He also has a few trinkets from friends but nothing too large or distracting. Cleans it out whenever he notices a mess. Ace has also tagged his bumper sticker but with the “No Bitches?” meme, he wasn’t happy finding it.
He tries his best to stay calm and has only honked at people a few times. Has only gotten pissed on a few occasions but those people were most likely driving dangerously.
Cater Diamond
He’s an average driver. Drives defensively thanks to the lessons he had to sit through with his two older sisters.
You can usually catch him singing along to pop and indie songs, or whatever is popular. He also keeps his car clean, but not so clean that it doesn’t look lived in.
His phone isn’t on silent, but he does keep it in a small bag on the floor of the front passenger side. Yes, it does occasionally distract him but he has not yet texted or called while driving.
Definitely has an aesthetic figurine sitting on his dash. Probably would also have a crystal hanging from the rear view mirror. He has a few other things hanging around, including an extra cardigan tied to the back of the driver’s seat.
Doesn’t get road rage per se, but he does trash talk people’s driving. He probably had a dash cam installed so he could record potential events that he could vent about on a separate account; he doesn’t want his online personality getting tarnished due to someone cutting him off and letting out muttered insults.
Trey Clover
A great defensive driver. Will offer to give lessons to his younger dorm mates if he notices them struggling. Mini van haver.
He listens to the school radio, enjoying the random songs that come on and also the local weather report. He gets less enthused though if he hears about the latest shenanigans any of his younger dorm mates get into.
His phone isn’t on silent, but he keeps it in the back seat; he can’t afford to have it on silent, less something or someone catches on fire. He eventually will get a blue tooth earpiece; the last time he didn’t pick up for Riddle, the flamingos managed to escape.
He doesn’t have many of his own personal decorations, but his siblings have left behind some of their toys whenever he has to drive them places when his parents are busy. You can also always find some sort of snack hiding around somewhere.
He just sighs heavily whenever someone cuts him off or is otherwise just rude. The only time you can see him get irritated is if that happens while his siblings or friends are in the car with him.
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inchidentally · 9 months
Ngl little bit sad that you're becoming kinda negative on here. I miss when you used to post those super cool thoughtful discussions and analyses, without the need to trash talk or bash on other ships.
(just to say, I'd normally post something like this behind a cut and I promise I always will in future. it just feels like today in particular is a good moment to state a few of these points. I'm not normally this serious lol I just want to kind of mitigate any more drama.)
I've always posted about wanting rpf to be kept out of the drivers' and teams' public spaces and I've always said it's stupid/unnecessary drama when fans of certain fictional ships get genuinely loudly "competitive" over other fictional ships and I've really always been against people hating on the girlfriends who get caught in the crossfire of the fans who truly believe their two drivers are in a secret gay relationship. it's how I've always personally felt and apart from it being my opinion (which is fair for my blog) I also feel like having even a smidgen of traction on my posts means I can potentially prevent landoscar going down the road of certain ships that have fans who've fully crossed over into aggressive/publicly disturbing territory. and who've been doing so for years and only gotten worse.
hell, I've even always openly hated when Lando's individual content gets taken over by people bringing up Carlos or Daniel or even sometimes Oscar or Max F. the man has a life beyond all of those friendships and he very much deserves for his content to sometimes stay just about him. only people like his family or Jon/Lando's team of 10+ years deserve any significant share of credit for Lando's successes but no one's bothering to bring them up in the comments etc.
also, it's still very early days for landoscar as a ship and we have at least two more years of Lando and Oscar as teammates (fairly likely more) so if we can keep out the element of fans who take rpf into widely public spaces/directly to the people involved, then I'm going to continue to occasionally post about it. those types of fans absolutely hate reality intruding and they hate real life partners even more so I'm absolutely going to post about reality and girlfriends regularly. even apart from the fact that I'd feel weird excluding girlfriends, there's a solid reason to do so.
especially when even apart from rpf, the girlfriends always get shit from people who want the guy for themselves or who have decided they get a say in who he dates. I'm not going to pretend like all of that doesn't happen just to avoid all negativity.
as far as the tricky/controversial asks I get, I always put them fully under a cut and tag appropriately so they're incredibly easy to skip. I also batch them up so one of those posts happens maybe once every couple weeks - if that. my content has always been massively on the side of fun content vs anything drama/wank related.
the one thing I will say is that I'm getting a lot of repeat anons about ship drama that I would otherwise not hear about (I rarely look at twitter and my tumblr dash is lovely and tidy with just a few things blacklisted) so I'm going to write one sort of roundup post to cover any more of those and not answer any more. I'm just repeating myself atp.
I also went on my first ever blocking spree in this fandom today when a post I'd rb had a bunch of ragey hardcore rpf people jump onto it and I also blacklisted a few more things. so that's the last I'm personally ever going to see of that drama myself. I still casually ship carland0 and dand0 as well and a whole lot of us are nothing to do with the people publicly pushing shippy shit or doing the whole - god I cannot believe this still happens - 'my rpf ship is real and yours isn't'. they're also the people who call all girlfriends "escorts" and "beards" so they're easy to identify.
one last thing anon is that I hear you but I've got to mention I delete a LOT of borderline hate asks and I leave a fair amount of trolls frothing by refusing to respond to their asks. so I'm very much always trying to keep the content on my blog free of useless drama or negativity.
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shadowriel · 2 years
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Out of the Storm
For @gwynrielweeksofficial, I really wanted to celebrate my favourite ship with something fun and purely self indulgent. So I wrote kinda-rivals, kinda-crushes Gwyn and Az, fighting, flirting, and eventually fu… You get the idea. Part 1 is up today and 2 and 3 should be uploaded on Day 10 and 11 of the event!
Part 1/3 - Day 3: Solstice Night
Summary: Azriel is the last person Gwyn wants to spend her Winter Solstice with. But after asking him to drive her home for the holidays, his car breaks down and forces them to spend the night at a nearby inn.
Read here on AO3
Read a snippet below:
“There’s an inn down that way.” He lifted a hand to point just beyond the passenger’s window. “We can stay the night there, at least until the storm is over and we can get my car towed.”
An inn?
Gwyn felt her brows furrow with her skepticism. Turning towards the direction he pointed in, she used a hand to clear the condensation on the glass. Beyond the window, however, all she could see was snow—all over the ground and the evergreen trees that lined the road.
She turned back to Azriel. “How do you know that?”
“Another question,” he hummed. The flashlight sparked to life, and Azriel set it on the dash before reaching towards the backseat and grabbing his bag. “Do you want me to keep a tally?”
“Only if I can keep track of whenever you avoid answering me.”
“You ask too much of me, Berdara.” There was that slight quirk of his lips. “You know I hate talking to people, especially if it's you.”
Gwyn let out a soft laugh, and when she met Azriel’s eyes, they were gleaming.
“There was a sign a while back that said there was an inn,” he said, “and, unlike you, I actually pay attention to my surroundings.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
His head tilted to the side, the look he gave her teasing. ”The only thing you were paying attention to was your erotic audiobook.”
Gwyn’s mouth fell open.
How did—
How did he—
“Oh, come on, Gwyn.” Azriel gestured to her AirPods case. “You want to deny that you were listening to smut? I could hear your breathing go heavy, and don't get me started on the number of times you crossed and uncrossed your legs.”
Of all things, she couldn’t believe his audacity. She also couldn’t believe he had noticed.
“Whatever,” Gwyn replied. “You’re the one who was sitting here in silence, brooding the entire time.”
Resting his elbows on his bag, Azriel leaned towards her. Every bit of humour in him fell away and morphed into something darker—something more dangerous. His jaw clenched. His pupils widened, painting his eyes a near black. When he finally spoke, each word was rough.
“Don’t forget that I only sat in silence because you wanted to listen to your audiobook,” he said, “and I wasn’t brooding. How could I, Gwyneth, when you were panting on the seat right next to me?”
Gwyn’s lips parted. She shifted a fraction of an inch closer to him.
“Am I getting in your head?” Another question from her. Each word was a breath. “Getting you all hot and bothered?”
A blink. That’s all Azriel did, all he seemed capable of doing.
Gwyn let herself move forward just a bit more.
“I’m surprised you could even focus on the road, much less take note of where we could find an inn.”
His gaze dipped down.
Not to her lips—it couldn’t be her lips.
“I’m very good at multi-tasking,” Azriel told her. Multi-tasking. On his tongue, the word sounded filthy.
He gave a single nod. Just a dip of his chin that had his head tilting down towards her.
Show me, she wanted to say, the words nearly pressed against his lips, against that mouth that always seemed to test her patience. Show me, and maybe he would. Show her how he could move his mouth over hers as his fingers tangled in her hair and tugged on her sweater. Maybe he’d pull the material off entirely and show her exactly how good he was at multi-tasking.
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Meeting Crimson (Rewritten with the Impsonas cuz I just wanna)
*In the helicopter, on their way to Greed. Moxxie was sitting next to the window, & Alexandra was in the middle between him & Blitz while Millie & Crystal sat across from them. But, Alex & Moxxie didn’t seem happy.*
Alex & Moxxie, in unison: Ugh. I hate this place.
Blitz: Oh yeah, this is your old stomping ground, isn’t it Moxx?
Moxxie: Yeah, unfortunately. I grew up just over there, swore I’d never come back & uhh.....
Alexandra: !!!......Wait....something’s not right. Where’s this thing goin’?
Moxxie: Uhh, w-w-w-where are we going?? What...Blitz......Who did you say this meeting was with?
Blitz: I’m not sure, just some rich somebody or other who wants to discuss biz at his place.
Alexandra: Wait........what?
*After landing in front of the estate, Moxxie & Alex’s faces both dropped.*
Alexandra: ......Ohh, no......
Moxxie: Oh, no. No, nononononononononononono!!
*They walk out & closer to the estate. Alex’s face looked angry & resentful as her arms were crossed. & out comes a familiar, to Moxxie & Alex at least, mafioso.*
Crimson: There he is! There’s my boy! Get over here & give your daddy a hug.
Blitz, Millie, & Crystal: Daddy?!
Crimson: I only let Moxxie call me that. Unless ya pay me! *Laughs as he approaches them*
Moxxie: Guys, um.... *Ahem* This is my father, Crimson. Sir, this is my boss Blitz. & my--
Millie: Millie! I’m his wife.
Crimson: & what a beautiful wife you are. Moxx, where you been hidin’ this pretty little thing?
Millie: Oh, I’m sure he would’ve introduced us. Eventually.
Crimson: Oh, I’m sure.
Moxxie: Right. Uhh..... Th-this woman over there with the glasses is someone Blitz does business with from time to time. This is Alex--
Alexandra, cutting him off: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ya don’t have ta introduce me ta yer dad, Moxx, I already know him. *Bends down by the hips to look at him with a cold look* I know Crimson all too well. *Stands upright* Crimson, I’m sure you remember Crystal.
Crystal: Ohhhhhh, so you were the guy that I talked to on the phone earlier. Heya, Crim...... *It was hard to tell if her tone was mildly resentful or just socially awkward. She didn’t know him as well as Alex did, but could already tell he was up to no good, she was just a bit in the middle of what she should feel.*
Crimson: *Tips hat to her* It’s always such a pleasure, doll. You haven’t changed a bit. *Shakes Alex’s hand as he looks up at her in the eyes* How have you been, Alexandra? It’s been awhile since I last saw your pretty face. *Crimson tries to hide a look of disgust on his face as he says that last part. It was a very backhanded compliment, with the intent of humiliating Alex in a subtle way, but also trying to keep his friendly persona that Moxxie & Alex already saw right through.*
Alexandra: *Forced chuckle as she tries not to snap* You’ve always been.....SUCH a gentleman, Crim. *What she said was ALSO a very backhanded compliment, but she didn’t even try to hide her own look of disgust as Crimson walks over to Blitz.*
Crimson: You gotta be Blitz, with the silent O. Right? I’ve heard alot of good things about you & your work.
Blitz: Really. What kinda shit has Moxxie been spreading about me? I’ll fucking kill you, Moxxie, don’t you FUCKING TEST ME!!
Crimson: No, no! From all over. Looks like you’re building a bit of a name for yourself here, kid.
Blitz: Really! Hah, well I guess it’s about time folks recognize my talent.
*Alex rolls her eyes as Crimson cackles & lightly punches Blitz’s arm.*
Crimson: I like your attitude. Well, I hope you’re all hungry, we put together a fabulous dinner for ya.
Crystal, lighting up like a Hellsmas tree: I heard dinner! What dinner? I’m hungry! *It was like seeing a parallel of Blitz lighting up after hearing about the pain games from the Harvest festival. She dashes off to Blitz & Crimson, while Moxxie, Millie, & Alexandra stayed behind for a bit.*
Alexandra: *Low grumbling*
Moxxie: ...........
Millie: .....Hey, baby? Why haven’t I met your pa before? & Alex? How come you look so on the edge, honey?
Moxxie: Well, uhh.....
Alexandra, softening at Millie’s question: Oh! Umm.....I-It’s a long story, Mills...
Moxxie: Y’know, it’s--it’s.....It’s--It’s just never been a--
Crimson: Hey! You three! Move it before it gets cold.
Crystal: Or before I get to your plates before you guys dooooo~!
Alexandra: ....... *Sighs*
Moxxie: .....L-look. Look, Millie. W-we can talk about it later.
Alexandra: Uhh, yeah. What he said. Now’s just not the best time for it.
*The three head inside with M&M holding hands & Alex burning holes into Crimson with her signature death glare. Alex snaps her fingers & a few of her own goons stand at the entrances & even follow her inside. Crimson’s friendly mask slid off for a second as he snaps his fingers & the two goons of his follow him inside & close the door. To say the goons from the Greed & Pride families had awkward, hateful tension in the same estate was an understatement, not just with the main crime lords running the gangs. But, it only got worse from there.* ------------------------------------------------ Why was this so fun to do?? XDD
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ok bad batch finale time! here's my thoughts!
The Summit
ok I'm so scared rn, the opening credits haven't even finished and I'm terrified for my babies
please please go save him
yes tech!!! family comes first
ok I didn't like Phee at first but her interacting with Megs 🥹
oop tech and Phee moment
lmao tech can't do emotions (yk what, same tho)
(cue tiktok sound "walk him like a dog sis, walk him like a dog")
poor tech he's so fucking confused 😂
that fucker is back 😒
I hate this doctor so much
his voice annoys me
also fuck tarkin, what an ass
low-key so mad at hunter but it is what it is
bad enough that he left cross on the platform but trying to argue that they shouldn't go rescue cross makes me so mad
(believe it or not, at one point I was a hunter girlie and not a cross girlie)
which planet is raxus again??? tbh they're all blending together at this point
lol omega is joining wreckers scared of height club
gd tech is doing something to me today
don't get caught guys, please don't get caught
I did not have hunter willingly killing multiple troopers on my tbb bingo card
*brief intermission in my tbb commentary to inform you that my cats are wrestling and the older one (spock) refuses to just deck Hex when he's annoying him*
again, this dr pisses me off
"test subjects" well that is definitely not ethical
again, fuck tarkin
wtf is project star dust
techs little leggings 🤣 I love them so much
mouse droids!!!!!
stay focused on the mission guys ffs
run omega run
ok prediction: they're not the only ones breaking into the summit
called it lol
tbh saw gerrera really pisses me off, idk why tho
and covers blown lmao
stormtroopers wearing Corrie red hurts my soul so much
let me guess, saw gerreras team is going to grab the one shuttle they aren't supposed to grab
nope they just blew up the ship instead
I don't think they're gonna save crosshair
are we gonna get a season 3????
Plan 99
please I want them to save my boy
please Filoni I'm begging you
I already know something is gonna happen to tech (I opened up tumblr to block all the spoilers tags and unfortunately there was a whole bunch of spoilers on my dash 🙁)
tarkin just really doesn't care about his own troops huh
run tech run
tech is gonna die
wrecker is too heavy, he'll make it worse hunter
omg I'm literally sobbing
tbh this was not how I wanted to start my day 😭
tech's dead honey, he won't hear you mega
wreckers little neck brace 😂
don't fucking tell me, that after tech sacrificed himself, that you aren't going to go try and save crosshair
you've already lost one brother, you don't need to lose another
omg they're gonna have to tell Phee 😭
cid sold them out
wait maybe they'll get taken to the same place as cross!!!
ah for fuck sake
it's doctor asshole again
yk they were kinda stupid to go back to ord mantell
cid told them this was gonna happen if they showed face again
and omega is playing right into their hands
doctor asshole brought up tech and wreckers reaction was my reaction
Hemlock is such a fucking dick, like giving hunter his brother's cracked goggles and saying that's all he could salvage?!?!!
I hate him more than krell
"she's long gone" except she's literally venting lmao
god I hate him
at least he found echo
"why did they bring me here?" because they needed Nala Se to cooperate
wait are we gonna find out how the emperor did the thing he did in the sequel trilogy???
don't tell me she's gonna see cross barely alive
for fuck sake the empire is traumatizing this child so fucking much
omg the assistant or something is her template I'm calling it right now
ok I mean I was close, they're sisters so I'm not far off
omega don't look so surprised, it's kinda obvious
so anyways I think that's practically confirmation of a season 3
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abra-ka-dammit · 2 years
a video of a comedian with tourette's crossed my dash a couple days ago and i keep thinking about it because i realized id never actually.... experienced someone with tourettes? like it was a Concept in my mind that i knew existed and was out there but i'd never encountered it, and finally seeing it happen with a real life person was... idk, kinda jarring? because watching him i was like. yeah... if i didnt know what was going on id be pretty freaked out by that thing he keeps doing. and since my main touchpoint of tourette's knowledge was a south park episode largely mocking it, i only had a vague idea of what a real person with tourette's was like. obvs i knew it was more than randomly screamed obscenities but written descriptions of tics really dont do the actual acts justice when seen live, so it really was like. being slapped in the face with A New Thing I Don't Understand--which of course depending on the person can either lead to fear-based hate or acceptance of the new thing. i like to try to be the latter person.
and in my life, honestly just plain exposure has almost always been what makes me emotionally connect with "minority" groups, especially of the medical variety. its easy not to empathize with groups you don't belong to if you never actually have to see or hear them. it's easy to hate, then, too. without exposure to them, "people with tourette's" can just be a theoretical group of people you don't need to care about, because hey they must not number enough to matter because you don't think you've ever met one. hell, maybe they're not even real! but being introduced to real people who are Real Dementia Patients, Real Autistics, Real Tourette's Havers, etc.... seeing their human faces, hearing their human voices, seeing their movements and behaviors, learning about who and what they are and their experiences as that minority from their own lips; it helps you see them as human, and their status a human one.
theres not really an ending thought here. just having that wild experience of seeing something atypical "in real life" and coming to terms between my instinctual "what the fuck" and my logical "he has a disorder" to meet at "that's a person with a life experience I will never have or truly understand but i have no reason to discriminate against them for it, because they're really just another person"
0 notes
lazypanartist · 2 years
Okay I just read the Rottmnt self shipping thing and holy shit I need a continuation plz
Only if it’s okay with you though!
Turtle Teens x Reader
Notes: A continuation of “Pre-Relationship Self-Shipping”!, Kinda comes back where the 1st left off, so you should probably read it first
I’ve gotten so much positive feedback already; it really means a ton to me ^-^
Warnings-ish: a little bit of angst in Raph's part (reader gets overwhelmed n cries),
Word Count: 1500
You’re sweating bullets
Meanwhile Raph is still going through the folder on your phone
You watch his brow crease, squint deepening
“..A lotta these say comfort.. Are you okay?”
At this, you just kinda..
Stop functioning
Give a very unconvincing “I’m fine, Raph” as you try reaching for your phone again
Big Bro Raph isn’t having any of it
Tugs you back into him, arm wrapping around your waist to keep you anchored to his chest
It’s almost like magic, the way you relax into him
He starts petting your head and you MELT
“So.. wanna tell me what all this is about?”
He waves the phone slightly
You freeze momentarily
But figure it isn’t something worth fighting him over
And just start mumbling your insecurities into his plastron
You think you might’ve started crying at one point, but this is Raph;
He just starts rocking you while you ramble, holding you tighter to himself
He wipes your face at one point, leaning down to hold your head just beneath your chin
“(Y/n)? You okay?”
You realize that you’ve stopped talking, and are now just leaning into his touch
“..Yeah, I’m fine..”
He huffs, but seems to accept it.. For the moment
“So, you like me.”
Definitely not expected
But it’s hard to get anything past Raph
Emotionally, at least
“I mean.. The folders? All the lovey-dovey crap? The dudes were.. I dunno. Strong, and brave, and.. You’ve used some of those lines on me.”
Oh dear
“... That’s.. Yeah. That’s fair..”
“So.. where do ya wanna go from here?”
You pause, still tucked beneath his chin
“..I dunno.. If you just want to forget about this-”
“No. No way.”
Okay then
He pulls your head out from under his, locking eyes with you
“How about.. We try this whole dating thing?”
You blinked
Was your fantasy seriously coming true?
(Only in writing format ^-^)
“..Okay.. yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.”
He gives you a snaggle-tooth grin before tucking you back against his chest
Leaning down, he presses a kiss against your forehead
You stare at your phone screen, Leo’s single-word message pinging around inside your head
Of course he’s been described as such
Sometimes jokingly, sometimes seriously
But more important than that, it was the main trait of the character in the fic you had been reading before Leo had borrowed your phone
You figured he had read it
The smirk was enough of a tell
But the response?
You weren’t expecting
Honestly, you’d thought he would forget about it
And a week later, you were proven wrong
“-Ah yes, of course. The most graceful , dashing, suave of all my brothers-”
“Can it, ‘Nardo.”
You could hear the twins arguing even before you actually entered the lair
But Leo’s last comment?
Threw you for a loop
“Suave, huh?”
Trying to play it cool, you leaned against the doorframe
He turned, a mischievous grin crossing his features
“Aww, (Y/n)! I’m hurt, really!”
You chuckled
Normal Leo antics, right?
He leaned over you, grinning back towards Donnie
“I can even prove it! After all, Donatello, what better than a witness?”
Donnie looked between the two of you, sighing
He may not be the best with emotions, but he could tell what was going on
“Don’t do anything stupid.. Nevermind. I’m leaving.”
You could see him leave out of the corner of your eye, just past Leo’s shell.
He chuckled
“Looks like I showed him.. Wasn’t too hard though, huh?”
“..What do you mean you showed him? He left.”
Leo looked down at you, grin still on his face
“Yeah, but c’mon! It was obvious that I was the only one charming enough, huh? See, there it is! You’re blushing already.”
You reached up subconsciously, hands covering your cheeks
He leaned down, snout pressing right between your eyebrows
You gasped, mind going blank with the proximity
Leo just laughed again, the vibrations tickling your brow
“No wonder, huh.. You’re already head over heels!”
It took a few days after the.. Incident, before you went back to helping Donnie in the lab
It was silent the first hour you sat there sweating bullets, save for his occasional requests for tools
But he was.. Touching you?
His whole hand covered yours when he took the tool, lingering touches that, even being so small, made your head spin
He was touching you!
He wasn't just moving away at the first chance!
..why not?
“(Y/n)..? (Y/N)!”
You jumped, almost dropping the part he had asked you to hold
“Sorry, what?”
He sighed softly
“I asked if you were okay. But given the glassy eyes and lack of response, I’m going to go with ‘no’.”
You nodded slowly, still stuck in thought
“Yeah, makes sense.. Sorry.”
He gave you a blank look before sighing again
“Look.. we can have this conversation now or later, whichever makes you more comfortable. But it would probably be best to just get it over with.”
“This conver- really, Donnie?”
He shrugged
“Or you could get whatever else is bothering you off your mind. Your call.”
You shook your head, bringing a hand up to rest against your neck
This couldn’t get any worse, at least..
“Fine. We can have.. ‘This conversation’. You start.”
“Oh..kay then.”
He set his tools down, taking a seat at the chair closest to yours
“We both know that you said ‘you’ instead of ‘he’ when supposedly speaking of a character. Hower, given that you’ve never made such a mistake before, and ‘cold’ being a term I remember Leo using for me.. I’d say that it wasn’t just a slip, and that.. Cheesy romance story you were reading was to compensate for the lack of physical affection you receive from me as opposed to my brothers.”
You blinked.
“Fret not, my friend, for I will try and change my ways!”
“I will do my best to accommodate both of our needs.”
He paused, blinking harshly
It was your turn to sigh
“The reason I was reading those things is because of my crush on you, okay? Nothing’s wrong, but I just- I don’t know. Wanted a peek into what it could maybe be like if you actually liked me back..?”
“..oh.. Well, in that case-”
He stood up, offering you a hand. Tentatively, you took it
He pulled you up, face-first into his chest, and gently wrapped his arms around you
“..Cut down on the cheesy fanfiction?”
“She’s not that bad of a writer, Donnie.”
“Her grammatical structure is TERRIBLE!”
Mikey had been.. Touchier, recently
Offering you a hand to get up
More casual nudges with inside jokes
Even letting you help in the kitchen, scooching around one another
“Wait wait waitwaitwait-'' Leo stopped you as you rambled to him. “He let you help him cook?”
The turtle grinned, leaning back casually
“He’s totally into you!”
“No way.” You deadpan
Leo shook his head, smile still plastered to his face
“C’mon! He doesn’t let any of us help him cook! Face the facts, (Y/n). Mikey totally likes you back!”
You heard something fall the next room over
Both you and Leo ran to the door, peeking in
But all you saw was an empty pizza pan, spinning like it had been dropped
Fast Forward
You were back to helping Mikey in the kitchen, mulling over Leo’s words
The youngest turtle was moving around you fairly quickly, arms brushing against yours with almost every trip he made to the fridge, the oven, dishwasher, stove, whatever
It was.. Almost deliberate
He finally broke the near-silence
“So.. Leo said I like you back.. But the ‘back’ part is what I’m confused about
You blanched, offering him a blank stare
“I mean.. I could hear you and Leo talking then he said-”
“No, Mikey, I heard you..”
You paused
“..So.. that means you like me.”
He grinned when you asked, nodding
“I mean, yeah! Leo was right about the kitchen thing.. So-”
“He was right about the ‘back’ part, then..”
You mumbled, a small smile crossing your face
“So, you like me.”
“Yes, Mikey.”
“And I like you.”
“As far as I’m aware.’
You chuckled
“So… I think we should date.”
You started at him momentarily before your face broke out in a grin
You two just looked at each other for a moment, still grinning
Finally, he reached out, offering you a hand as if he was pulling you up from the floor
When you took it, he pulled you into his chest, arms wrapping tightly around your shoulders
“Wow..” He giggled
So, the endings are There I Guess. Requests still open, love y’all, see ‘ya later. Ciao!
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randomhuman45 · 2 years
Dannymay 2022- Day 9 Ghost King AU
"Sup dude? Uhhhhh, what's up with the, uhhhhh," Tucker said gesturing to the space just above his head.
"Look Danny I know we're the losers of the school, but this is a bit much." Sam adds in.
"Okay, okay, I know I know, but hear me out." Danny stammers to his defense.
"Oh, this better be good." Sam responds crossing her arms across her chest with an unamused look on her face.
"Okay so you know how Clockwork told me I had 'urgent duties to attend in the ghost zone'?"
"Yeah you kind called super frantic dude."
"Anyways, so exactly 1 year from yesterday I defeated the previous Ghost King, so as per the ancient tradition and law of the ghost zone, I was to be crowned the new king and ruler of the ghost zone and all ghosts."
"I'm sorry what?" Sam asked.
"Dude you mean to tell me my best friend is a King? Hey can you make me a lord or something? Oh, I know! You can make me a knight! Can I get cool armor and a sword? A sword would be so cool!"
"Shut up Tucker!" Sam retaliated. "Are you joking Danny? I swear you better not, this is a serious thing!"
"Trust me the rulers of different parts of the ghost zone were all there like Dora and Frostbite, plus Clockwork and the observants had to read from this giant ancient book and it was a whole thing."
"So you have the ring of rage and crown of fire now?"
"Yeah. And see that's the problem."
"Yeah no kidding."
"Danny you're a mess already with your powers. Adding more power to that is just going to be a mess!" Sam argued.
"Okay, wow. First of all, ow. Secondly, not what I was talking about. You see since my role as King wasn't challenged by any of the lower division royalty members in the zone, my royal ghost stuff cannot be taken off. So I'm stuck with the crown and ring on me 24/7!"
"Okay but why is the crown of rage a Burger King crown?" Tucker asked.
Danny just sighed and slumped down. "Look when I detransform I still can't take them off. But Hades explained that I can alter the way they look. Apparently it's how he alters how he looks to humans when he enters the living world. Anyways, a small simple silver ring and burger king crown were the best I could come up with. So, yeah. This is what I'm going to be wearing the rest of my life."
"Damn dude. You are so gonna get beat by Dash for that. Good luck."
"Well what else was I supposed to do?"
"Literally anything else. Danny, you can't take it off, meaning it can't fall off, you couldn't just make it so small people can't see it or small and dark enough to blend in with your hair?" Sam pointed out.
"You know I hate you right?"
"You're welcome. So, change it?"
"Uggg, I would if I could Sam. But I kinda need Hades' help. I basically had him do this for me cause I could NOT figure it out."
"Well like Tuck said, good luck with Dash."
Phantom Chat Room
Phantom_Can_Get_It: Omg have you guys seen Phantoms' new look????? That fire crown is sooooooo hot!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥😫😫😫😫
Phantom_is_a_hero: I saw! It's so badass!!!💪💪💪💪💪
Phantom=Fenton: You guys have to be kidding me! Fenton comes to class with a crown on and now Phantom has a crown!!!! Are you blind!!!Clearly they are the same person!!!
Phantom_Fanatic: Omg I thought we blocked Wes, who keeps letting him in here?????
Phantom=Fenton: You do know my dad is like a tech genius right? I won't let you silence the truth!!
Phantom_my_hero: You mean the guy who's been trying to get into Mayor Master's pants for the past 3 years?
Phantom_is_a_hero: Loser! Besides Fenton probably just wore it cause I called him the king if losers.
Phantom=Fenton: You called him that because he was wearing a crown. He was wearing the crown before you called him that.
Phantom_Fanatic: Omg can someone just kick him out again!!!
//Phantom_Can_Get_It has kicked Phantom=Fenton out of chat//
Phantom_Can_Get_It: There you go bestie!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
Phantom_my_hero: Thank you!!❤❤❤
Phantom_Can_Get_It: Okay so I know Phantom was wearing a ring, but you think he would leave his partner for me?????
Phantom_my_hero: Oh absolutely!!!!
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obito76 · 2 years
Eyyyy, how about Gar being shy whenever he's horny so he tries to kinda hide it but Rae knows, like obviously she's an empath 😂 and that usually happens while they're cuddling so take it anywhere you like from there lmao
Also, I love your writing 👍🏻 keep up the great workkkk
She knew it from the beginning..
Being en empath is hard but it comes with some advantages too, but right know it started to become annoying. Not because of her powers, but from past few days Raven could only feel one thing from her green boyfriend..
And Raven isn't annoyed because of that, tha fact that Gar wasn't doing anything about it making her so angry. Gar and her crossed that line long time also. Being a half demon and him with his animal DNA means they were quite sexually active.
During their intimate moments Raven also learnt there is a certain time of months where Gar becomes a total horndog. Not that she was complaining, But why he was holding back ? She didn't understand. She never said no to sex, his cock is probably one her favourite things, though she would never tell him that, but still why ? Decided to take matter into her hands she closed her book.
Beast boy glanced up from his comic book. "hmm ?"
Raven patted empty place beside her "Come here."
Beast boy glanced at her hand and smiled "Alright..Just a sec" with that he dashed towards his room.
He returned in one of his batman tees and some shorts, taking the spot Raven opened up for him. Once he was positioned comfortably, Raven scooted closer and situated herself in his lap, resting her head on his shoulder.
"Why are you holding back ?" She asked.
He knew what she was talking about, damn her empathy. "Sorry i just..."
God he could be so adorable sometimes
"do you trust me ?" Raven asked.
Raven grinned. After a few wonderful minutes of snuggling, "Knowing that my boyfriend get turned on by watching me is kinda nice you know" she said as she glanced at his growing member.
Gar sighed, tilting her chin up he planted a soft kiss on her lips. The motion startled Raven a bit at first, but then started enjoy it, adjusting herself she placed hand on his bulge and kissed him back harder. Of course this led to even more kisses, each one getting more heated than the last. Raven repositioned herself to be closer to his height, straddling his legs and wrapping your arms around his neck, playing with his green hairs using a couple fingers. His hand slipped around and grabbed her ass, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, swallowing up her moans.
Raven promptly pulled away with flushed cheeks, Gar’s face was dusted in a similar shade. Raven gave a tiny moan he started to kiss her neck, Gar moaned and a knowing grin appeared on Raven's face as she dragged her hand down in his shorts.
"Tell me what do you want Gar.." she said as she freed his cock from its fabric prison and began to stroke it slowly. "Say it Gar."
"R-Rae I want you."
Raven smiled.
"That's exactly what I wanted to hear."
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plainbrunettelbl · 4 years
ABO HC How (A) Todoroki, (A) Bakugo, and (A) Hawks would react to finding the (O) Reader held hostage:
Word count: 3199
Warnings: Cursing, violence, mentions of blood, and assault.   
Title: ABO HC How (A) Todoroki, (A) Bakugo, and (A) Hawks would react to finding the (O) Reader held hostage:
Summary: Your Alpha walks in on you being tied to a chair and he is not happy. 
You had been a well-kept secret from the public. No one knew that your famous Pro Hero Alpha was courting an Omega or even in a long-standing relationship. Your Alpha was too paranoid about your safety to let any of the news outlets find out about your existence.  
You supposed it would have been beneficial for the public to know now that you were in this situation. Surely if the villains knew they would come across an Omega, resting in their nest, they wouldn't have tried to rob the Pro Hero’s house. 
You put up quite the fight once you smelled unfamiliar Alphas near your nest. One hard knock to your head had you subdued. You didn’t dwell over your quick loss considering one Alpha was nursing his swollen balls. 
You got in one good kick before the painful hit fell on your head. 
Now here you sat, tied to a chair, while the robbers argued with each other and what they should do now.
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🧊🔥-“I told you we should have checked the place out before we robbed it! I would have never tried to rob the place if I had known a freaking Omega was here!” The brunette Alpha growled, glaring at his blond friend. 
🧊🔥-“What’s the big deal? So what if the little icy-hot freak has a girlfriend? We will be out of here before he even comes home.” The blond scoffs, shoving expensive silverware and china into his black bag. 
🧊🔥-“You should know how Alpha’s get around their Omegas! He is gonna hunt us down! I don’t want a Pro Hero on my ass.” The brunette seethed, glaring at the goose egg on your head. “Especially since you decided to hit the poor thing! We will be lucky if he doesn’t skin us alive!”
🧊🔥-“The bitch hit me in the balls! Of course, I thumped her one on the head, serves the Omega slut right!” The blonde huffed, sick of hearing his partner complain instead of ransacking the place. 
🧊🔥-“Mmh.” You mumbled, your eyes blinking open to a fuzzy view. 
🧊🔥-“Fucking shit! They’re waking up! I’m not dealing with a weepy Omega.” The brunette cursed, going into Shoto’s office to avoid the whole situation altogether. 
🧊🔥-“Well, if it isn’t Miss nut-cracker.” The blond chuckled darkly, walking over to your tied up frame.
🧊🔥-You didn’t back down and just glared at the dumb fool. 
🧊🔥-“Aren’t too smart, are you? What type of shitty criminal robs a Pro Hero? Dumb ones, that’s what.” You spit, narrowing your blurry eyes at him. 
🧊🔥-No doubt you would need to go to the doctor after this whole ordeal. Not like you would have a choice. You were sure even if they didn’t lay a hand on you that Shoto would have insisted on one. 
🧊🔥-“You dumb little bitch!” The blond lifted his ring covered hand to hit you again. You tried not to flinch as it came down to strike you. 
🧊🔥-The brunette stood in the office doorway, his bag filled with expensive clocks and other expensive desk items. 
🧊🔥-“I got everything in the office. Did you...” The brunette didn’t get to finish his sentence. 
🧊🔥-The front door was busted open. Shoto had smelled two Alphas on the other side of the door and he was not pleased. He was even less pleased when the door slammed open to reveal his battered Omega tied to a chair. 
🧊🔥-His mismatched eyes turned dark. The temperature in the room both dropped and elevated at the same time. His tired body was instantly filled with murderous intent. 
🧊🔥-A loud growl shook the room. 
🧊🔥-How DARE they lay a hand on their Omega! His vision tinted red and his fangs dropped. 
🧊🔥-“This will only take a minute, Y/N. I’ll take out this trash.” He calmly said, his tone was so cold you felt yourself shiver even knowing his silent rage wasn’t directed at you.
🧊🔥-“Yes, Alpha.” You responded, making sure voice quivered a little. You may have been glaring right back at the intruders before he came but you wanted them to suffer so you played the scared Omega role. 
🧊🔥-They lost your sympathy as soon as they pulled you from your nest. 
🧊🔥-The robbers, who were frozen in fear by the intimidating Alpha’s entrance, shuffled into action. 
🧊🔥-The brunette was quick to give his partner up. “He hit her, not me!” He said, before running down the hall, looking for a way to escape. 
🧊🔥-“You fucking asshole!” The blonde shouted, trying to run out of the room as well. 
🧊🔥-He didn’t get far, ice trapped his feet and his lower body soon followed. Shoto made sure to form it in a way that sharp icicles tore at his skin if he so much as moved half an inch. 
🧊🔥-He wanted to shoot an icicle into his leg for good measure but he didn’t feel like cleaning up blood off his floor. He wished to burn the skin off his bone but you had forbidden him from using fire in the house. 
🧊🔥-He had accidentally caught one of your favorite blankets on fire and was banned for life. 
🧊🔥-“We didn’t know she was here! If we had known we wouldn’t have come!” The blond groveled, panicked at the feral look in Shoto’s eyes. 
🧊🔥-“You could have left after you saw my Omega was here, but you stayed and decided to hit her too. You should be lucky I didn’t just kill you on the spot.” He growled, cutting the blond’s cheek just a bit with an ice shard. 
🧊🔥-The blond just whimpered and passed out. Shoto was quick to hunt down the other and give him the same treatment. He had made it out of the house so he was pleased to release his burning anger out on him. 
🧊🔥-Once they were out of the way, Shoto ran to your side and burning away the binds holding you down. 
🧊🔥-“Are you okay, my Dove?” His voice was soft, his cold hand going up to your head and trying to soothe the aching bump. 
🧊🔥-“Yes, I’m just a little dizzy. Everything’s a little fuzzy right now.” You leaned into his gentle touch. 
🧊🔥-“I’ll call someone to deal with those two. Let’s get you to the hospital, my Dove.” He hurriedly lifted you and carried you to his car. He treated you like glass when he sat you down in the passenger seat. 
🧊🔥-You leaned your head against the cold window as he dashed around to the driver’s side. Your head hurt too much to look out the window so you kept your eyes closed. 
🧊🔥-Your Alpha made sure you didn’t accidentally slip asleep. 
🧊🔥-You let out a small whine when a thought crossed your mind. 
🧊🔥-“Alpha my nest is gonna smell like them.” You sniffed, opening your teary eyes to look at him. 
🧊🔥-Shoto’s hands went white on the wheel, his face contorted into a snarl. He couldn’t wait to visit them again at the station. He had friends there that wouldn’t hesitate to turn a blind eye. 
🧊🔥-His anger instantly simmered when his eyes met your glassy ones. 
🧊🔥-“Don’t worry, Little Dove. I’ll buy you more. We can even go shopping at that blanket store you like so much.” He assured, taking one hand off the wheel and clasping it in yours. 
🧊🔥-Your eyes lit up. “Really! It’s kinda expensive though, I don’t need new ones. I am sure we can find some nice second-hand ones.” You squeezed his hand, bring it up to your lips to place a kiss on it. 
🧊🔥-Your exhausted brain choosing to ignore the specks of blood on his hand. 
🧊🔥-“My Dove, what have I said about me spending money on you?” He gently reprimanded, his eyes still soft. 
🧊🔥-“Accept it and say thank you.” You repeated without delay. 
🧊🔥-“Exactly, I won’t hear any more about it.” He ended the discussion, his eyes focusing back on the road while his hand remained in your grasp. 
🧊🔥-If your head wasn’t killing you, you would have been bouncing in your seat. “I can’t wait! They are coming out with some pretty fall blankets soon! Oooh! We have to get some cute Halloween ones too!” 
🧊🔥-“Anything you want.”
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💥-“Why did you have to hit them!? Ground Zero is gonna come after us now!” The brunette cried, desperately holding ice to your head in hopes that the bump on it would go away. 
💥-“Shut up! Get back to robbing the damn place instead of taking care of the freaking Omega.” The blond hissed, throwing a plate at the panicked Alpha. 
💥-You sat back in the chair not knowing how to process the situation. You knew dating a Pro Hero was dangerous but you thought villains would be your main concern, not petty burglars. 
💥-“If you leave now and don’t take anything, I’ll tell him I tripped and fell.” You wouldn’t, but they didn’t know that. 
💥-“See! Let’s just leave. We can go rob some other place.” The brunette pleaded, already trying to untie you. 
💥-The Omega in you wanted to feel bad for the whining Alpha but then you remembered he messed up your nest when he dragged you out of it. You Omega was fuming. 
💥-I just got the nest just right! She huffed, pacing around in your head.  
💥-She didn’t seem threatened by the Alphas in the room. She knew her Alpha was coming home any minute and he would take care of them. 
💥-You, on the other hand, was slightly panicking now that the situation sunk in. Katsuki was gonna rip them to shreds. You Omega was already smugly licking her paws at the image, while you shuddered at the thought. 
💥-“You should go. I don’t want to be mopping up your blood all night.” You urged, looking anxiously at the door. 
💥-“See! We need to go!” The brunette cried, trying to tug his friend towards the door. 
💥-“Shut up! We can leave once we get everything valuable.” The blonde growled, shoving off his partner. 
💥-The jiggle of keys at the door made everyone in the room stop and hold their breath. The doorknob turned and the door was pushed open. You looked at the chair you were tied to, the robbers, and back at the door. 
💥-There was no way to play off the situational. I don’t want to be mopping up blood. You whined, praying your Alpha wasn’t going to go too berserk.  
💥-“Hey, Spit-fire! I got us, your favorite curry you were wanting. I made sure to get it extra spicy.” He walked in carrying a bag of takeout. 
💥-He paused in the doorway once he got a whiff of unfamiliar Alphas in the house. His ruby eyes viewed the scene before him. He growled at the sight of the two Alphas. 
💥-From your point of view, his eyes didn’t look red anymore with how big his pupils dilated at the presence of Alphas near his Omega. His hand instantly dropped the food to the floor. 
💥-The sound of the bag hitting the floor heightened the tension. 
💥-His fangs instantly dropped when his nose picked up a faint coppery smell, his eyes zeroed in on the small trail of blood on your head. The growl that ripped through his chest shook the room. 
💥-“Alpha, please, no blood in the house.” You pleaded, shifting against the ties holding you in place. 
💥-“No promises, Omega.” His voice was so dark that you didn’t even recognize it. 
💥-“The brunette didn’t hit me. He even tried to ice it. Go easy on him.” You said, knowing his control was waning. 
💥-The veins on his neck looked ready to pop, his arms straining to hold themselves still and not plummet the Alphas standing before him. He eyed the patio door that was pushed open, most likely where they entered in from. 
💥-That would solve the blood problem. 
💥-He grinned viciously, “How about we take this outside?”
💥-He rushed the two Alphas, grabbing them by the backs of their necks and throwing them out of the house and over the balcony. He laughed darkly as he followed them, jumping from the balcony. 
💥-You wiggled free from your restraints and made your way to the front door, you picked up the takeout bag and brought it to the kitchen. 
💥-“Suki will be hungry after beating those two up.” You hummed, making him a plate and then making yourself one. 
💥-“Is the water too hot?” His voice was raspy from all the yelling he did earlier. 
💥-You sat with your back leaning against his chest in the bathtub. The warm water and the heat of your Alpha calmed your stressed body. Being tied to a chair was as comfortable as it looked. 
💥-“It’s fine, Alpha.” You hummed, delicately washing his bruised and bloody hands. 
💥-“I’m sorry, I wasn’t here sooner Omega.” You smelled a hint of sadness in his scent. 
💥-“Don’t worry, Alpha. I knew you were coming. I wasn’t scared one bit.” You reassured, bringing his hand up and planting delicate kisses on it. 
💥-“My strong Omega,” he purred, nuzzling his nose into your hair. He flinched when he picked up the faint smell of another Alpha. He snapped up the bottle of shampoo and poured half the bottle on your head. 
💥-“Got to get this disgusting scent off you, Omega.” He growled, gently scrubbing your scalp. 
💥-“Alpha! That shampoo is fifty bucks!” You gasped, picking up the half-empty bottle. 
💥-“I’ll buy you another one.” He assured, rinsing of the soapy suds and giving your head another sniff. 
💥-“Much better.” He hummed, pulling you tighter against his chest. 
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🍗-“You shouldn’t be here.” You whimpered, trying to curl in on yourself, the ties preventing you from doing so. 
🍗-“Why the fuck did you have to hit them? You know I can’t handle weeping Omegas, my Alpha hates it.” The brunette growled, trying to awkwardly pat your arm. 
🍗-You winced away from his touch, another Alphas touch was too repulsive. You felt your skin crawl as his fingers grazed your arm. The thump on your head making you more nauseous than you already were. 
🍗-“So what if your Alpha is a pussy. Unlike you mine enjoys their cries.” The blond smiled at the tears dripping down your face. “The bitch deserved it anyways.”  
🍗-“Whatever.” The brunette scoffed, rolling his eyes and going back to robbing the place. 
🍗-“You guy’s really shouldn’t be here...” You tried to warm them but you were too late. The door creaked open, your heart warming and racing at the sound. You knew it would be a bloodbath once Kei realized what was going on. 
🍗-“Baby bird! I hope you are already in comfortable clothes, I’m ready to cuddle in our nest.” His soothing voice causing you to relax in the chair. 
🍗-“Alpha.” You cried, your head still throbbing. 
🍗-The silence was enough to tell you he spotted the two Alphas in the room. 
🍗-“Omega.” He growled, his eyes bleeding red, the sight of blood trailing down your head sent him into a frenzy. 
🍗-His wings puffed out, the room suddenly flooded with crimson feathers. You felt two feathers sailing your way and cutting the bonds holding you. You swiped them up in your grip and clutched them to your chest. 
🍗-The soft texture of them calming you down some. 
🍗-A feral roar sounded throughout the room. You ignored the harsh thumps coming from behind you, the sound of one of the robber’s heads getting bashed into your kitchen counter made you wince. 
🍗-You wanted to get up and get away from everything but your body was in shock and it wouldn’t let you do anything but clutch the crimson feathers to your chest. Your other hand was rested on your stomach. 
🍗-You tried to warn them. Nothing was more dangerous than someone harming a pregnant Alphas mate. You were still pretty early along so they might not have been able to smell it in your scent. 
🍗-You Alpha was sure able to, the instant he got a small whiff of it he was chirping happily against your stomach. You had a hard time getting out of his ruby wings that day. 
🍗-“You DARE harm my mate and chick!” You felt the pure rage behind his words. 
🍗-The blond was already passed out on the floor, his front teeth knocked out. The brunette was about to pass out with him, your Alpha choking him with his shirt. He made sure to use his feather to cut up his arms and face. 
🍗-His wings behind him puffing up and flapping angrily.
🍗-“Didn’t know...” The brunette slurred, his head bashed in as much as his friend’s head. 
🍗-If they wanted to hit his Omega on the head then he was all too pleased to return the favor. The brunette finally succumbed to his injures and blood loss, he went slack in Kei’s hands. 
🍗-Kei dropped him to the grown without care. 
🍗-“Pathetic.” He hissed.  
🍗-His head snapped up in your direction once he heard your tiny sniffles. He was at your side in an instant. 
🍗-“Oh, baby bird.” He cooed, lifting you from the chair and wrapping his arms and wings around you. 
🍗-“Alpha, I told them to leave.” You whined, snuggling into his chest. 
🍗-“I know, baby bird.” He soothed, breathing in your scent, checking on the baby chick in your belly. They seemed well. He was still gonna fly you to the hospital. He made his way to the balcony outside and spread his wings, without a second thought he jumped. 
🍗-“Don’t worry, Omega. I already ordered some new blankets. They should be here by tomorrow. I hope you don’t mind the guest bedroom for now.” He hummed, he was curled around your balled up form. 
🍗-You didn’t even build the nest surrounding you, Kei delicately dropped you down on the bed and instantly began building the nest. He would angrily chirp if you so much as lifted a finger.   
🍗-Everything was fine with you and the pup, or chick as Kei liked to call them. As soon as you arrived home Kei refused to leave your side or let you out of his sight. 
🍗-You were not to roll over on your side without his permission. 
🍗-“Thank you, Alpha.” You thanked, nuzzling your head into one of his soft wings. 
🍗-“I also called a security company, they will be here to set up a new system tomorrow.” He informed, nuzzling into your hair. 
🍗-One of his hands was tangled in your hair and the other was snugly cupping your stomach. 
🍗-“No more Alphas in the house.” You sniffled, shaking your head. 
🍗-“Of course, baby bird. I told them, beta’s only.” He reassured, kissing your head. 
🍗-“I love you, Alpha.” You whispered, almost lulled to sleep. 
🍗-“I love you, too baby bird.”  
First HC I have done in a while, also the first time writing for Hawks! What did you think of him? I hope you enjoyed it! Please be sure to leave a comment and like! I really enjoy hearing your reactions. 💕
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