#Just had to get this off my chest
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tearsofcalamity · 10 months ago
boothill who gets way too worked up before the two of you have even started any intimacy.
you don't even have to do anything, straddling him while he's practically strip teasing you himself, removing each garment oh-so slowly so that he doesn't rush it and ruin everything. every peek at your bare skin has his circuits going into a tizzy, his breaths slowly devolving into needy panting.
"god, ya look so gorgeous..." he murmurs, huffing as he tries to keep himself composed. his cold hands brush along your bare shoulders, down your back, feeling up your waist until he's back at your chest. "fuuuudge..."
he would be doing a good job at keeping himself decently composed. that is, if his circuits and inner workings weren't whirring so loudly you could barely hear each other's voices by this point.
you chuckle to yourself as his face lights up, unwilling to meet your gaze and instead focusing right on your chest like a pervert to avoid your mischievous eyes.
"getting a little excited, boothill dear?"
"y... you keep your mouth shut!"
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go-go-devil · 8 months ago
I still really love the reveal that The Pink Opaque was always a show meant for much younger kids as opposed to the teen action show we're first presented with, but mostly due to how well the film tricks us into seeing it the way Owen & Maddie saw it.
Really it's so painfully obvious right from the get go that this is a kids show: Maddie defensively stating that its "too scary for kids" despite being on a young adult channel, the first episode we see having a plot revolving around wishing the ice cream man delivered ice cream all year long, the show's villains having very cutesy names, Isabelle & Tara's pink ghost tattoos being very cartoony, etc.
Yet we the audience see the Ice Cream Man as a grotesque monster with far more disturbing practical effects than the very low-budget real version. We see all the characters appearing older than they actually are. We see dark, dramatic themes of being trapped in a false identity slowly poisoned from the inside in the final episode only because by that point we've become JUST as personally invested in the show as our main characters do.
Upon getting to the reveal that what we saw wasn't actually a Buffy the Vampire Slayer kind of show but actually more along the level of Goosebumps, we end up questioning our memories of the show just as Owen did seeing it again after all those years because it seems so unreal! How can we possibly deny all the intense, compelling drama we just witnessed?!
One might call this a commentary on how nostalgia can blind us to a show's actual quality as we grow older, but personally I see it more as how one's attachment to a show can end up LITERALLY changing it into something else entirely.
Now I never watched Buffy and can't relate to all the references the film gives to it, but as someone who frequently watched My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic as a teen despite not at all being the target audience I can heavily relate to what Owen and Maddie saw in The Pink Opaque.
It didn't matter that the show wasn't actually as intense and well-written as they thought, what mattered was that the show gave them EXACTLY what they needed at that time in their life. Owen saw herself in Isabelle, just as Maddie found her true self through her love for Tara. It allowed the pair to bond and form a real fulfilling friendship during hard times. Their warped memories of the show aren't stupid, they stem from what happens when a piece of art has such a profound effect on us to the point where it ends up shaping our very lives!
The Pink Opaque was never a groundbreaking show with any ounce of queer themes in its narrative, but it helped Owen realize she was trans, and in the end that's all that really matters. 💖👻
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itskindnessinfinite · 11 months ago
the recency bias in the f1 community is insane actually
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neverpathia · 14 days ago
HEAVY spoilers for sacrifice the maiden
I'm torturing a certain Hero so bad here.
The Voice of the Hero was forced to watch his fellow voices fall, bit by bit, to their own pure loathing in His New and Unending Dawn. They hated the Quiet. They worked to destroy Him, but in doing so, they forgot that they were Him.
So as Quiet's own fragments unwound the threads of His being, they lost themselves to this great unravelling as well. The voices were weakened. They splintered further and further and further; they widened their own cracks.
And Hero was part of them all.
He suffered through every single rip and tear. He begged and he pleaded. He tried his hardest to hold them all together, to intervene, to be at peace. He didn't want anyone to die. He wanted to believe that Quiet had done the right thing as He always had, and he sought to keep it in place amidst all this pain.
The shards succumbed to themselves. The Broken, the Smitten, the Opportunist. One by one they went, one by one they faded. The Paranoid. Even the Contrarian. Gone. Unwound and undone. And Hero would have faded away too, if not for one last act.
The one thing that he'd already done once and could do once more.
There were still remnants of the Shifting Mound within the falling Long Quiet. The black threads that once surrounded and wrapped about each of Her fragments now fell away and drifted to dust. The dormant multitudes rang clear and true. Needed. One last hope for the will of Hero's kin.
All he needed to do was believe that She could send them back to the beginning again, at the heart of it all.
A story. A goal. A blade. A heart.
The weakened Quiet and the last of the Mound fell separate once more. One torn apart into two, reduced into one, torn apart into two. The rift was unsteady, more than it should've been. She became Him. He became Her. The Hero and the Princess. The Maiden and the Huntsman.
A shard of glass lost its reflective sheen. Coated by stains and grime and dust. A Hero had to lose himself. A Hero of one story, the Narrator of another.
You're in the midst of a dungeon.
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amamozarte · 2 months ago
- focused on the inevitable and prophesy
- fucked up genetics and managing bloodlines to create a superbeing
- psychologically tormented teenagers
- various massacres and resurrections
- complicated relationship between child and parent in which both roles are interchangeable in a fucked up way
- intersex main character who struggles with the gender roles enforced onto them
- parental abuse and incest-based trauma
- thinking is a highly important narrative piece
- crazy rich people
- one on one dueling as a form of character development and insight
- a whole lot of shit taking place over a very short period of time
- world building system which informs the ideology of the piece
- increasingly meta over meta narration
- crazy lesbians killing each other and other people
- 273723 different versions of a single person
- magic is real vs magic is not real
- awesome blue pirate girl who did nothing wrong
- long and difficult to read
- intense logic and complex plots overlayed on each other
- complex relationship with familial bonds
- realizing your mother might be a bad person
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conflictofthemind · 11 months ago
I don’t know how to break this to you guys, but Byler as an official couple is not going to be happening in the first half of the season and it probably won’t even officially be a thing until the finale. Because of Mike’s issues. And it being the 80s.
Will has actually… been a fairly easy character to figure out. And for as much as he does still absolutely repress his sexuality, he is way further on the path to living authentically than Mike is. We all agree on this, right? Will is used to being labelled as a freak regardless of what he does or doesn’t do. He never really tried to feign interest in girls. Most of the town already suspects he might be gay, and while it would get worse for him if the rumours were known to be truthful, he knows he has the support of Jonathan. And I think he knows deep down that he has the support of Mike (and Joyce). Otherwise, why tell him that he makes him feel better for being ‘different’ (gay)?
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But Mike? ‘Just trying to be normal’ Michael Wheeler? We know he didn’t mean that as in school; he prides himself as a nerd. Michael Wheeler who seemed like he could have been on the precipice of finally breaking it off with El, and then tried to go back even harder after Will’s push? And for the general audience to make sense of what they will perceive as a sudden shift in Mike’s character when they reveal his feelings for Will, they’ll have to hammer it in that Mike is afraid to his core of being out for them to make sense of his previous actions.
Mike has a different personal life than Will. Reagan supporter conservative parents who don’t like to speak about emotions. He doesn’t have as strong of a relationship with Nancy. We know Hellfire and Eddie’s death will have big consequences on the narrative, and that the town will continue the witch hunt against all of the members of Hellfire. They list sodomy as one of its demonic influences. Will is also going back to high-school, and it’s possible he has a bruise on his face in that Episode 4 farm scene. He’s been bullied before, and I don’t see how they don’t bring that up again, and worse.
If Mike is out, or gets outed, he will fall from a much higher place into a much deeper pit than Will. I honestly foresee them both realizing eachothers’ feelings by the middle of the season, maybe acting on them in private, but Mike suddenly pushes him away in public when Will tries to initiate any contact or closeness - even nothing overtly romantic.
Will is ready to start being more open about their relationship to family and friends as he’s sick of hiding himself and has probably, at this point, come out to Joyce at the least and met Robin. Mike is not so ready. This creates a conflict leading up to the finale where Mike truly has to choose between living in the closet for the rest of his life, and losing Will, versus the bravery to be open (to friends/ family) at the risk of being rejected or further outed and kicked out / assaulted / etc.
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shalomniscient · 5 months ago
rain burst + flora unfurl spoilers for new ptn players and also sharahu slander (sorry)
DISCLAIMER this is my opinion and my understanding of lomi as a character and should not influence your own likes/dislikes of a ship or be taken as gospel in any capacity. i'm just a loser on the internet with thoughts and feelings about a set of pixels that occasionally make me very annoying unfortunately. anyway
this is my bitch opinion and the most cancellable take i have i think but it is so validating to me seeing peoples' understanding of sharahu crumble and reconstruct in real time. i have been suffering alone in these god damn trenches when i see the fluffiest sharahu fanarts where they get married or go on cute dates............... fluff doesn't exist in their lexcion i fear. neither does healthy or normal. they are so MESSY and BAD and very explicitly stated to be using each other and yes maybe rahu ends up catching some feelings but shalom? nah, she only has 1 (one) person on her mind and that's CHIEF !!! comparing the interactions between shalom and rahu vs shalom and chief...... c'mon now. guys c'mon. sharahu as a ship quite literally only exists in the context of how much shalom wants chief. that makes it great as a case study on the one-sided fucked-upness of it all but all i see is fluffy fanart and it takes 10 years off my lifespan each time. does my irrational jealousy over rahu in these fanarts also play a role? no comment
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bobbyzombiegg · 1 year ago
I hate how people say that you're only a true Raven in the LoR and Alea Iacta Est. You're not blindly following Walter's orders in the FoR ending, you're making your own choice. Infact, in every ending you're making your own choice. That's the game's point about being a Raven. All endings are good and bad in their own ways, and I hate how people keep saying LoR is unambiguously good and FoR is unambiguously bad. Hell, even Rusty himself says that you finally found a purpose in your fight with him during the FoR ending.
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toxicentity405 · 10 months ago
The amount of people I see on Reddit justifying the bittersprings massacre on the main fnv sub is so disheartening. Comments like “they deserved it” are so common, and they rack up over 300 likes. Do these people not realize that the majority of residents in bittersprings were non combatants, and had nothing to do with the raids?? Literal children and the elderly were slaughtered. Most, if not all, of the NCR npcs who were apart of it say they regret it and it shouldn’t have happened. What happened at bittersprings is unambiguously portrayed as a bad thing, and yet people still defend it? What the hell is wrong with them??
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denkilightning · 7 days ago
while i love pixal very very much i think the writers took every single idea and role they thought of giving to jay and gave it to her instead since like s7
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arcane-vagabond · 1 year ago
Okay, so I've gone back and forth on whether or not to post this, but here we are. Long post under the cut.
I realize that I tend to post updates fairly often. However, I am not a machine, and I do actually have a full time job. The only reason I've been able to update like I have is because we've been in the off season. Eventually, things are going to pick up quite a bit and more than likely, I won't have as much free time to post like I do now. With that being said, I will try to get updates to you guys as much as I can, BUT there seems to be an attitude going around (not just towards me, but towards many other authors on here) that we should be updating almost every day. This is not feasible. Do I love that you guys love my stories so much? Absolutely! And I love talking about them with y'all. However, this is a hobby first and foremost. I am not being paid to write these stories and everything that I do post, I post for free. So, it's a little aggravating when I get asks in my inbox asking when I'm updating again after it's only been a week. It's a little aggravating when I get asks in my inbox for requests with not even a please or thank you, just a demand for something.
Which brings me to the next point. I don't mind taking requests. In truth, I'm a little backlogged right now, so until I can catch up, specific requests are closed. I will still talk about the stories with you guys, but I wouldn't necessarily expect a drabble until I can catch up on some of the ones that have been sitting in my inbox for about two months now. Along this same line, I really don't appreciate people coming into my inbox and telling me that you like my writing and then turning around and insulting it. I also don't appreciate when people come into my inbox and ask me to write an entire AU with specific scenarios while also insulting the way I write my characters. I love hearing about the different AUs you guys wanna see me do, but when you are sending me paragraphs of specific things you want to see in the AU, then it's no longer just an idea. At that point, you should be considering writing it yourself because it's not my original story at that point.
To clarify, there's a big difference between "I think it would be really cool if you wrote a mob AU and the reader could be a waitress or work in a bookshop or something" and "You should write a mob AU where the reader is a waitress and gets caught in a shootout and this character saves her! But then it turns out the waitress is secretly working undercover to bring down the mob boss and there's a shootout where this thing happens and then the characters have this specific conversation and then..."
I'm not trying to be a bitch, I swear I'm not. But it's frustrating when I can tell some of you don't even read the actual stories before ragging on them and then submitting a request in the same breath. It's also getting a little frustrating when I have the tag list at the top of my posts (with the trigger warnings) and I'm still being asked to add people to the tag list. I try to be accomodating and understanding, guys, but things have been a little much recently, and I just felt like I needed to say something. I know I'm not the only author on here experiencing this sort of stuff, and I'm not going to sit here and say that I'm speaking for them, but please start reading the author notes and the trigger warnings and what the author has posted before the actual story. And please stop pestering the authors on here about when they're posting. I know some people post daily, hell, I used to be one of them back when I was unemployed. But we have lives outside of this website guys, and a lot of us have plans with the holidays upon us as well as mental health problems with the changing seasons.
Again, I'm not trying to be a bitch, but I think people tend to forget that there are actual people behind these accounts, and while we love interacting with and giving you guys content, sometimes we need a break too. I know I have other hobbies other than writing, and sometimes I just need to take a step back so I don't get burnt out and stop writing altogether. Just show a little compassion and courtesy, y'all, that's all I'm asking.
Happy Holidays, and I hope to have something out for y'all this week if not a couple things. I have the entire week after Christmas off, but I don't know how much I'll be able to write given I have to go get my car fixed now and I have plans with some friends.
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starryyvenus · 9 months ago
I just can’t fathom how untrustworthy chaol is about aelin. They’ve became friends to lovers to bitter exes than to friends again been through thick and thin together grown to know each other yet he still thinks that she can do all these terrible acts in tower of dawn which she can but doesn’t want too and that’s the whole point she doesn’t want to she has a whole list of reasons why she could do all that but she won’t because it’s just not who she is even after all this time he still doesn’t believe that she wouldn’t do all these things and it’s just so disheartening because like he says in chapter 36
“But he knew that there were no restraints, no inner ones, on how far Aelin would go to protect those she loved. Protect her kingdom.
And if someone stood in her way, barred her from protecting them ... No lines existed to cross within Aelin in regard to that. No lines at all” she would do anything to protect the people she loves no matter what and the funny thing is is that he would do the exact same things for the people he loves he treats her so bad even in his own mind like yes aelin can and would do anything for the people she loves and cares for even if it would lead to her own demise which she does do for elide in empire of storms, I don’t know I just find it so fucking funny that he can criticize and judge her and reprimand her all the way across the fucking sea when he would do the exact same shit aelin would do for the people he’s loves and cares for.
I don’t know if this made any sense the point is is that chaol just doesn’t know aelin at all
Could she conquer the fucking world yes would she? No, that’s just not who she is
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konigsblog · 1 year ago
Goodness me, I’ve been around kink longer than that particular person has been alive! If someone reads the tags and proceeds to beyond that point they’ve given consent to see what’s in there and it’s then on their shoulders. It’s the same premise as consenting to entering any dungeon or play space, you are consenting to see what’s happening in there within the rules. You don’t turn up and complain there’s someone getting caned and yell it’s traumatising everyone else there, they knew it was happening! You’re not re-traumatising anyone FFS. Keep doing you darling, I love your stuff and guess what, sometime I do skip posts if I’m not in the right mood or frame of mind because it is MY responsibility to do so. You are chaining me down and forcing me to read anything… although that’s a cool idea 😂🖤
the thought of me forcing them to read it LMFAO 😭
they're complaining about being re-traumatised, when them scrolling, blocking, or simply not interacting would've prevented that. it's not my responsibility if you choose to read something you know you're not ready for, your media consumption is your responsibility, you have to take accountability and admit you're wrong when you trigger yourself.
i'm noticing a pattern nowadays: people can't admit when they're wrong. it's my biggest pet peeve. imagine being so oblivious, so oblivious where you think anything not written for you and your kinks is diabolical and wrong. imagine how they walk around, oblivious to the fact they've triggered themselves and decided to shift the blame onto the writer... nowadays, people don't want to admit they're wrong (and i'm not just talking about that one obsessive person that can't keep my name out of their mouth, it's more than them), or when people respond to posts hinting at me, saying shit like, “oh, i saw this and i was so triggered!”... funnily enough, you wouldn't have been triggered if you simply, scrolled, or even blocked.
i try my best to put a warning on everything (occasionally i do miss something, but i'm open to being told to fix it) something i'm NOT alright with, is people calling me disgusting, or comparing people who support me to the IOF, (israeli forces)... one is supporting a creator that's getting hate for people not being able to control their triggers, the other is taking part in a genocide. there are no similarities, you're just being an asshole if you say that?! 😭
i appreciate your support, i'm glad i have a community of people who aren't so close-minded and self-absorbed, i appreciate all the love and support, my lovelies :333 💗🌷 i hope you're doing well !! <3
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rolandapostatize · 1 year ago
it's not surprising ig but it /is/ strange how much people hate arajin. he is a very inoffensive protagonist by the standards of either genre being parodied here, and even considered divorced from that he is still pretty inoffensive (like sexism wise. he is so normal compared to like every single bland audience insert in cishet male wish fulfillment anime. and he even has a personality! which is the point). he is an annoying immature teenage boy and his annoying immature teenage boy antics are literally the foundation of most of the comedy in this comedy anime? even if the comedy doesn't hit for someone, the protagonist is functioning in a way that serves the story (imo. so far. it's still on thin ice to me no matter how much i like it). as for his 'mistreatment' of matakara, avoiding interacting with somebody is literally the mildest thing that you could do to somebody you haven't seen in ages and whom you have complicated feelings about. also i feel like matakara is being kinda idealized in fandom. i like him a lot myself, but continuing to chase after arajin after being rebuffed like a thousand times is literally his own choice, and one that seems to be born out of some deep loneliness or insecurity - which is very interesting to me, it seems like his brother is his only (other) deep emotional connection in the world.
and also i find arajin endearing lmao.
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amostexcellentblog · 1 year ago
May December isn't camp, it's just melodrama, and yes, there is a difference even if the two do often overlap.
Genuinely concerned by the number of self-proclaimed cinephiles and even professional critics who don't get this. A lot of you have never experienced the thrill of stumbling on Now, Voyager on TCM and curling up on the sofa to let Bette Davis and Max Steiner take your emotions on a rollercoaster ride for the umpteenth time, and it really shows.
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black00olive · 7 months ago
Solmare pls give us more dateables screen time pls Solmare 🙏🙏🙏
Solmare pls give us more undateables screen time pls Solmare 🙏🙏🙏
Solmare pls give us more Thirteen screen time pls Solmare 🙏🙏🙏
Solmare pls give us a Thirteen song pls Solmare 🙏🙏🙏
Solmare pls give us Thirteen cards pls Solmare 🙏🙏🙏
Solmare pls give us a Thirteen shower card pls Solmare 🙏🙏🙏
Solmare pls release Michael design pls Solmare 🙏🙏🙏
Solmare pls give Michael darker skin when you release his design pls Solmare 🙏🙏🙏
Solmare pls give Michael long hair when you release his design pls Solmare 🙏🙏🙏
Solmare pls give us a design where Michael actually looks like Lucifer's opposite pls Solmare 🙏🙏🙏
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