#Jung Saet Byeol
kaipanzero · 2 years
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Hostage: Missing Celebrity
인질 (2021)
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cecilias-cool-stuff · 2 years
Choi Dae-Hyun when he sees shoplifters: Oh no, people are shoplifting again. That's too bad :/
Jung Saet-Byeol when she sees shoplifters:
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gummywormowl · 2 years
Dislyte KR Voices (updated*)
(*updated to the day i post this. anyone announced afterwards will not be included on this list.) This is essentially a repost of my last KR voice list. The names in bold are ones announced afterwards either through their twitter or the KR site. 
On another note, KR server set to go live on the 29th if any of y’all are curious :)
Bai Liuli, Melanie - 김다운 (Kim Doun)
Drew - 최낙윤 (Choi Nak-yoon)
Freddy - 한만중 (Han Man-joong)
Jacob - 장서화 (Jang Seo-hwa)
Li Ao - 최현수 (Choi Hyeonsu)
Unky Chai - 한만중 (Han Man-jung)
Alexa - 이용신 (Lee Yong-shin)
Asenath - 이샛별 (Lee Saet-byeol)
Chloe - 박고운 (Park Go-woon)
Djoser - 박상훈 (Park Sang-hoon)
Heng Yue - 김다운 (Kim Doun) (same as Bai Liuli and Melanie)
Kaylee - 이새벽 (Lee Sae-byeok)
Li Guang - 김예림 (Kim Ye-rim)
Long Mian - 최현수 (Choi Hyeonsu) (same as Li Ao)
Meredith - 강새봄 (Kang Sae-bom) 
Mona - 여민정 (Yeo Min-jeong)
Ren Si, Taylor - 김신우 (Kim Sin-woo)
Xie Yuzhi, Xie Chuyi - 가빈 (Gabin)
Abigail - 김보나 (Kim Bo-na)
Ashley, Zora - 강새봄 (Kang Sae-bom) (same as Meredith)
Biondina - 김채하 (Kim Chae-ha)
Brewster, Everett - 윤용식 (Yoon Yong-sik)
Clara - 이용신 (Lee Yong-shin) (same as Alexa)
Donar, Li Ling, Triki - 정재헌 (Jeong Jae-heon)
Elliot - 홍승효 (Hong Seung-hyo)
the Fatum sisters - 방시우 (Bang Siu)
Gaius - 석승훈 (Seok Seung-hoon)
Hyde - 박상훈 (Park Sang-hoon) (same as Djoser)
Jin Yuyao - 이명희 (Lee Myung-hwi)
Jiang Jiuli - 김진홍 (Kim Jin-hong) 
Lucas - 심규혁 (Shim Gyu-hyuk)
Narmer - 김솔 (Kim Sol)
Ollie, Tevor - 서정익 (Seo Jung-ik)
Ophelia - 김예림 (Kim Ye-rim) (same as Li Guang)
Raven, Tiye - 여민정 (Yeo Min-jeong) (same as Mona)
Tang Xuan - 신범식 (Shin Beom-sik)
Unas - 최낙윤 (Choi Nak-yoon) (same as Drew)
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korelist · 11 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 7,5 Benim Puanım: 7
Drama: Backstreet Rookie (English title) / Convenience Store Saet-Byeol (literal title)
Hangul: 편의점 샛별이
Director: Lee Myung-Woo
Writer: Hwalhwasan (webcomic), Geumsagong (webcomic), Son Geun-Joo
Date: 2020
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Ji Chang-Wook, Kim You-Jung, Han Sun-Hwa, Ahn Sol-Bin, Kim Min-Kyu, Eum Moon-Suk, Kim Sun-Young
İmdb: 7,5
Benim Puanım: 7
2020 SBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2020
Excellent Actress (Kim You-Jung)
Bende birçok izleyici gibi Ji Chang-Wook’un bir an önce ajans değiştirmesi gerektiğini düşünenlerdenim. Kendisi bu konu ile ilgili her ne kadar “hayranların istedikleri rollerdense beni tatmin eden işler içerisinde olmayı tercih ediyorum.” dese de işlerin reytingleri ortada. Backstreet Rookie de konusu, çekimleri ve hikayesi ile zayıf kalan bir diziydi. Komedi ve abartı unsurlarına ağırlık vermiş olsa bile yeterli olmamış diye düşünüyorum. Aşk hikayesi demeye ise asla dilim varmıyor. Yine bir Webtoon hikayesinin ekmeğini yemişiler.
Dizinin orijinal ismi olan “Pyeonuijeom Saetbyeoli”’in marketin Saet-Byul’ü gibi bir anlamı var. Jung Saet-Byul(Kim You-Jung) liseye giderken ilk görüşte Choi Dae-Hyun (Ji Chang-Wook) ‘a aşık oluyor. Okul dışında yanlarından geçen bu aşık olduğu adamın dudaklarına yapışıveriyor. Sahneyi de oldukça abartılı çekmişler. Kızımız uçarak adamın üzerine atlıyor falan, neyse. Dizi Kore’de bölümlük yayınlanırken bu sahne üzerine hoop yine başlıyor spekülasyonlar.  Kim You-Jung 1999 doğumlu gencecik bir çıtır olduğundan “Love in the Moonlight” dizisinde Park Bo-Gum ile çektikleri öpüşme sahnesinde 17 yaşındaydı. Bu o zaman hem dizi yapım ekibinin hem de partnerinin topa tutulmasına neden olmuştu. Bu dizide de lise kıyafetleri ile kendinden çok büyük bir erkek ile öpüştüğü için topa tutuluyor. Burada ufak bir Goblin dizisini hatırlatmalıyım. Kore’nin kült yapımlarından biri olan Goblin’de liseli bir kızın devasa yaş farkı olan bir adamla aşkı anlatılıyordu. Ki oyuncular arasındaki yaş farkı da bir o kadar vardı. Sanırım niyet önemli. Ve kesinlikle kalite olarak karşılaştırılamayacağını biliyorum, yalnızca yüzeysel benzerlik nedeni ile araya girdim. Bu konuyu bir kenara bırakırsak yeni nesil oyuncular arasında Kim You-Jung’u çok başarılı buluyorum. Dizilerle hatta dönem dizileri ile büyümüş bir oyuncu olarak birçok oyuncuya taş çıkarttığında görebilirsiniz.
Çok fazla konuyu dağıtmadan geri döneyim, Saet-Byul bu sansasyonel sahne sonrasında hayatı yokuş aşağı giden bir kızı canlandırıyor. Babasını erken yaşta kaybediyor ve kardeşine bakmak için okulu bırakıyor. Yıllar sonra Dae-Hyun’un çalıştığı markette iş başvurusunda buluyor. Choi Dae-Hyun (Ji Chang-Wook) ise kendisini tamamen işine adamış 30larında market yöneticisidir. Ailesiyle birlikte büyük bir market markasının franchise’ını işletmektedir. Hayatta çok amacı olmayan, tek istediği marketin iyi satışlar yapması müşterilerin mutlu olmasıdır. Dizinin ağır eleştiriler almasının bir diğer nedeni de Choi Dae-Hyun’un yakın arkadaşı olan Han Dal-Sik (Eum Moon-Suk) karakteridir. Bob Marley hayranı olduğu için onun gibi giyinen karakter, dramanın ırkçılıkla suçlanmasına neden olmuş.
Bu kadar tepkiye etki olarak dizideki bütün romantik yakınlaşmaları çıkartmışlar. Hikaye olarak da bakıldığında romantik bir durum olmayınca anlatmaya çalışılan aşk da izleyiciye hiç geçmiyor. Kaldı ki kızımız aşık olduğu adamın yanında işe başlıyor beyimiz kendisinden oldukça büyük ve uzun süredir de bir kız arkadaşı var. Yoo Yeon-Joo (Han Sun-Hwa) çok zengin bir ailenin kızı, Dae-Hyun’un bundan haberi olmamasını geçtim çift olarak asla uyumlu değillerdi. Oyuncu yada oyunculuk olarak söylemiyorum. Yanlış anlaşılmasın, senaryo gereği karakterler birbirine uygun değillerdi. Dizinin bu kısmında hangisinin birinci hangisinin ikinci kız olduğu birbirine karıştı.  Son bölümlere kadar ikisinin de ön planda olması çok tatsızdı. Dae-Hyun dizinin başından sonuna kadar Saet-Byul’a kız kardeşi gibi davrandı. Hiç iki kadın idare etme gibi bir mevzuya girilmedi. Hal böyle olunca da evin küçük kızından büyük aşık moduna geçemedi.
Finalde havada kalan ya da koca sezon boşa izletilen şeylerde vardı. Yoo Yeon-Joo’nun şirketteki kötü adam figürü gereksiz bir iki yükseldi, sonra bir anda bitti. Niye geldi niye gitti belli olmadı. Saet-Byul’un okuldan arkadaşı Kang Ji-Wook (Kim Min-Kyu) da diziye çok yüksekten giriş yapanlardandı. Karizmatik, zengin, yetenekli, kibar… herşeyi toplamış ona vermişler. Sonra sessiz sedasız azalarak yok oldu. Son olarak da Saet-Byul’un kız arkadaş grubu! 3 kişilik bu grup dizinin daha ortalarına gelmeden bir anda 2 kişi kaldı. Kızlardan birini bir anda senaryodan çıkardılar. Hiç anlam veremedim.
Toparlayıp bitirmem gerekirse; diziyi keyifle izledim. Bu kadar gömdükten sonra ne kadar inandırıcı olacak emin değilim ama sıkılmadım. Ortalama, çerezlik bir diziydi. Benim açımdan Ji Chang-Wook’a bakış açımı biraz değiştirdi. Oyuncuyla “The sound of Magic” ile tanıştığımda çok beğenmiştim. Sonra izlediğim dizileri ve takip ettiğim showlarda hatta vlog videolarında bir şey fark ettim. Oyuncu hep aynı. Şaşırması, korkması, birini dinlerken ki mimikleri… Bu beni bir miktar, çok az bir miktar soğutmadı değil. Şimdi 2023 dizisi “The Worst Evil” duyurulmuş. Çok içten umuyorum ki bu sefer şeytanın bacağını kıracak, hadi bakalım.
April - Crazy
Raven Melus
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Backstreet Rookie
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I have never watched a k-drama that is currently airing, I always wait for them to be over so I can watch them as I please. Backstreet Rookie is the first one I watch and wait for. I did it because I  like both main characters. Ji Chang Wook won my heart in Suspicious Partner and Healer, and Kim Yoo Jung in Clean With Passion For Now. 
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I adored this scene. It was very cute and made me hold my breath. (I´m pised off that I did not even get a kiss, I guess it was because of the age difference...)
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Jung Saet Byeol´s style is amazing, that is one of the reasons why I kept watching it. I´m a sucker for the 80´s style, always.
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I really did not like Yeo Joo. She kept making such a fuss with Wookie and she was the one that was doing something with that boss of hers. I hated her for all her drama. I am going to rant because she and her family were just the worse. So Dae Hyun was never anything but considerate towards her. She was the one aways running around with that boss of hers knowing that he was interested in her. She was the one that kissed with that guy. Then she has the guts to break up with Dae Hyun having the last word and acting all high and mighty. Then on top of that, that CEO goes and picks her up after she breaks up with Dae Hyun. And to top all of that off her mother humilliates Dae Hyun´s parents and makes them cry. I am never forgiving her or her family. And can you believe that then she has the guts to try and get him back, after everything she made him go through?! Such a selfish person! I was so glad when he put her in her place. As well when Wookie´´s mom put her mom in her place. They were a despicable family.
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I liked the reference to classics, like Pulp Fiction.
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They also referenced Parasite. It was really interesting to see how they intertwined it so well with the drama´s storyline.
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The relationship between Saet Byul and Wookie blossomed naturally. It was not obvious and they showed him as a honorable guy, always trying to make it work with the nasty Yeo Joo.
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Saet Buyl´s friends were great. I adored the scene where Cha Eun Jo, the blonde one, cried when she was not able to help Saet Byul when she lost her house. That was so heartwarming.
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The piggyback ride scene was so uncomfortable hahaha, but Yeo Joo deserved that and more. Now, I´ll go to deal with my post-drama depression. It´s been a while since I´ve last had it. This was a very enjoyable drama.
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sakurablossomsagain · 2 years
Reseña del kdrama "Backtreet Rookie" (2020)
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Título: Backstreet Rookie 편의점 샛별이 / pyeonuijeom saesbyeoli
También conocido como: Convenience Store Morning Star; Convenience Store Venus; Convenience Store Saet Byul
Género: Acción, Comedia, Romance.
No. de Episodios: 16
Cadena: SBS
Periodo de emisión: 19-Junio-2020 al 8-Agosto-2020
Sinopsis: Choi Dae Hyun (Ji Chang Wook) se encuentra con un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria aparentemente buscapleitos. Una de ellas, Jung Saet Byeol le pide a Choi Dae Hyun que compre cigarrillos para ellas en una tienda de conveniencia. Choi Dae Hyun le compra los cigarrillos y Jung Saet Byeol obtiene su número de teléfono, pero nunca recibe una llamada de él. 3 años después, Choi Dae Hyun, dirige una pequeña tienda de conveniencia después de dejar su trabajo en una gran empresa y está buscando un trabajador a tiempo parcial para el turno de noche. Jung Saet Byeol llega a su tienda y pronto comienza a trabajar allí. Ella ya no es una buscapleitos, Jung Saet Byeol, aunque no terminó la escuela, está guiada por su fuerte moral y trabaja para poder mantener a su hermana menor. 
Rate: ★★★★☆ 4.5
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Quería tanto ver uno de los últimos kdrama en el que había actuado el talentosísimo Ji Chang Wook, que no me importaron los miles de comentarios negativos de los netizens y la crítica acerca de este kdrama. Claro que me habían desanimado un poco; no obstante seguí adelante y le di una oportunidad… ¡y no saben cuán satisfecha estoy conmigo misma de haber decidido formar mi propia opinión sobre este drama!
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Sí, Backstreet Rookie es controversial y punto. Se mire por donde se mire; pero eso no significa que sea malo. De hecho, Backstreet Rookie resultó, no mucho, SINO MIL VECES MEJOR DE LO QUE ESPERABA.
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Personalmente me tomó cerca de 2 capítulos y medio tolerar las escenas y el tipo de humor que mostraron al inicio porque al principio fue muy CRINGE, pero créanme, conforme pasan los capítulos, tanto la historia como los personajes evolucionan de la mejor manera. 
No quiero decir que BR te cambiará la vida, pero sí te confortará con una buena dosis de humor, romance y ternura.
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Conforme miraba los episodios no paraba de reír y sentir pena ajena, especialmente en los primeros capítulos. La trama es perfecta para relajar la mente y la química entre los actores, pese a la diferencia de edad, es explosiva. 
El personaje de Ji Chang Wook, Choi Dae Huyn, me parecía ridículamente lindo, si eso es posible haha. Realmente desborda ternura aunque también es, o muy ingenuo o muy estúpido en varias ocasiones. En cuanto a Jung Saet Byeol, al principio me desagradó porque ¿cómo se le ocurre insinuársele a un hombre mayor? Pretendía ser una chica inocente pero el verdadero inocente era Dae Hyun.
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De verdad Dae Hyun es un cupcake, dulce, lindo, esponjosito, suavecito , tierno, comestible,  irresistible, es un bomboncito en el sentido más inocente de la palabra haha. 
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Backstreet Rookie sí es comedia romántica pero también diría que es un Coming Of Age pues durante toda la historia ambos personajes maduran mientras se van enfrentando a la vida.
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Mi unica queja es el final porque ¿¡CÓMO SE ATREVEN A NO DARME UN ÚLTIMO BESO!? Quiero decir, esto significa que el único beso que vimos entre ellos fue el del primer capítulo cuando la female lead aún era underage!!! Los escritores tuvieron oportunidad de arreglarlo aquí pero no lo hicieron.
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De verdad Backstreet Rookie me encantó mucho más de lo que esperaba, y no lo digo porque Ji Chang Wook actúa en él. De verdad los personajes llegan a crecer y madurar, y lo mejor es que vemos el camino hacia ello. Apuesto a que la mitad de los comentarios negativos sobre este kdrama son de gente que no llegó ni a la mitad del drama. Aún así, no puedo defender de la misma manera al webtoon porque no sé cómo es allí.
Choi Dae Hyun es dulce y ridículo. No es cool (como Healer), solo normal, aún así es un personaje muy especial.
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Ji Chang Wook y Kim Yoo Young realizaron una divertida referencia sobre la película Pulp Fiction, en la que mostraron la escena del característico baile entre Travolta y Thurman. 
Lee Yo Bi hace un cameo como cliente de la tienda.
PD. Para mí, esto es una señal de que Melting Me Softly tiene más que ofrecer de lo que todos dicen.
PD2. Indirectamente aprendes sobre el significado de algunas plantas y flores gracias a Eun Saet Byul.
Le doy a Backstreet Rookie 4.5 estrellas.
OST: 4.5 estrellas
Actuación: 5 estrellas
Personajes: 4 estrellas
Historia: 3.5 estrellas
Cinematografía: 4.5 estrellas
Química de la pareja: 5 estrellas
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khakilike · 2 years
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Backstreet Rookie S01E05
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secondleadclub · 4 years
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Look at his freakin face......AIGOOOO
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sseureki · 4 years
Backstreet Rookie is already predatory. I knew it. What’s with showing a fully grown man and a teenage girl in a high school uniform staring at each other like they’re attracted to the other and then kissing. And playing romantic music as they kiss. You get older and you realize who this is for and what the media is trying to portray and normalize. The fantasy of a predator. I’m sorry but it’s true. It’s not cute. It’s a harmful narrative presented as cute. But apply the same scenario to real life and thats creepy but the show is tryna tell you it’s not.
They blur out the cigarette like that can’t be shown bc it’s harmful but can show a teenage girl with a grown ass man kissing like it’s romantic. You can’t make this shit up.
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i-unknowngirl · 4 years
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៚ My ID Is You
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giullia-jung-art · 4 years
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So so funny xD
This drama is such a funny mess but I'm already loving it 🤣💕
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ithecarpediem · 4 years
Backstreet Rookie Ep.1  First Impression
I just watched it! I went in reeeeeally scared because I didn't really like what I heard about it, but it’s Ji Chang Wook, so I’ll watch it.
Thank God is not hot mess. And I like the whole thing (is not perfect of course)
The scene I was really afraid was actually pretty ok, it could have gone real bad by the descriptions I read. But the context, with him being bit a tipsy explain and help the situation. And I’m even more ok about the fact that he has show no romantic interest in her (aside the fact that he notice that she’s pretty - and of course he noitce it, Kim Yoo Jung is not ugly, guys). I actually suspect that she’s lowkey like Gleen Close in Fatal Attraction.
Anyway it was just the first ep, I laughed, and I felt the whole Fiery Priest' PD touch, I can see why both actor choose to do this drama.
P.S: Actually, I can see people being more mad about Eum Moon-Suk ‘s character, even more in the times we are living. Personally, I think that actually make sense the physical characterization because he is an erotic webcomic writer, who thinking himself as an exotic man but is just moronic little shit who doesn’t understand the concept of cultural appropriation (and don’t tell me this is not something that happens in real life). I hope that are going to do something about the hair like open the discussion of why it is wrong for him to have dreadlocks
Can’t wait for tomorrow’s ep
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kooriyuki · 4 years
First Impression: Convenience Store Saet-byeol/Backstreet Rookie
It’s your typical, yet not so typical, rom-com. Ji Chang-wook sheds his alpha male image(s) in K2, Healer to play a bumbling and slightly dorky convenience store owner.
Main cast:
Ji Chang-wook (from Melting Me Softly) as Choi Dae-hyun, the son (and also co-owner) of a franchised convenience store, GS.
Kim Yoo-jung (from Clean with Passion, for now) as part-timer, Jung Seat-byeol
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gummywormowl · 2 years
Dislyte KR Voices
I’ve had a couple people wonder about the KR voices coming to the game so here’s a list. Sorry if it took a bit, the twitter had a lot more voices announced compared to the JP version. A lot lot more.
Again, I did have a lot of help from google lens and translate so if any of these names are written incorrectly, please let me know and I’ll happily correct them!
Bai Liuli, Melanie - 김다운 (Kim Doun)
Drew - 최낙윤 (Choi Nak-yoon)
Freddy - 한만중 (Han Man-joong)
Jacob - 장서화 (Jang Seo-hwa)
Li Ao - 최현수 (Choi Hyeonsu)
Alexa - 이용신 (Lee Yong-shin)
Asenath - 이샛별 (Lee Saet-byeol)
Chloe - 박고운 (Park Go-woon)
Djoser - 박상훈 (Park Sang-hoon)
Heng Yue -  김다운 (Kim Doun) (same as Bai Liuli and Melanie)
Kaylee - 이새벽 (Lee Sae-byeok)
Long Mian -  최현수 (Choi Hyeonsu) (same as Li Ao)
Mona - 여민정 (Yeo Min-jeong)
Ren Si, Taylor - 김신우 (Kim Sin-woo)
Xie Yuzhi, Xie Chuyi - 가빈 (Gabin)
Biondina - 김채하 (Kim Chae-ha)
Brewster - 윤용식 (Yoon Yong-sik)
Clara -  이용신 (Lee Yong-shin) (same as Alexa)
Donar, Triki - 정재헌 (Jeong Jae-heon)
Gaius - 석승훈 (Seok Seung-hoon)
Hyde - 박상훈 (Park Sang-hoon) (same as Djoser)
Jin Yuyao - 이���희 (Lee Myung-hwi)
Lucas - 심규혁 (Shim Gyu-hyuk)
Narmer - 김솔 (Kim Sol)
Ophelia - 김예림 (Kim Ye-rim)
Raven, Tiye - 여민정 (Yeo Min-jeong) (same as Mona)
Tang Xuan - 신범식 (Shin Beom-sik)
Tevor - 서정익 (Seo Jung-ik)
Unas - 최낙윤 (Choi Nak-yoon) (same as Drew)
Zora - 강새봄 (Kang Sae-bom)
Same as before, any new updates to character voices will be in a separate post before server launch. 
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First Impressions and Unfiltered Thoughts: Backstreet Rookie
Come find out if The Maknae loved #BackstreetRookie as she share her first impressions and unfiltered thoughts
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The teasers for Backstreet Rookie were full of bright colors and spot-on fighting moves, as well as great chemistry between Ji Chang Wook and Kim Yoo Jung. Come see if we think the drama lives up to the hype!
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kateknowsdramas · 4 years
Hi! I stumbled upon your post about the age difference in goblin vs backstreet rookie and I suddenly got reminded of Itaewon Class. I love yiseo/parksaeroyi but I realized that they too have huge age difference and that yiseo also started taking interest in the 30years old man when she was just a high school student, she even gave up going to college for him. But when I watched IC I wasnt bothered at all with the age difference. What do you think about the age difference between the two?
Hi Nonnie!
Excellent ask. I guess I first have to say that I’m not opposed to age gaps, per se. They can work in a drama and in life (my brother in law is 12 years older than my sister) so it’s not just the age difference that I disliked in Backstreet Rookie - Saet Byeol’s character portrayal combined with the age issue as well as the other problematic elements in the show is what turned me off.
Ji Chang Wook turns 33 this year and Kim You Jung turns 21 - 12 years in relation to the fact that she’s just turning 21. In her previous drama in 2018, she was 19 paired with a 31 year old man. That’s not cool. It reminds me of that graph of the age hollywood actresses were in relation to the male love interests and it shows a shocking and disturbing trend to pair older men with much younger women. Women don’t expire after 30 - or 40 - or 50 - so it really bugs me when they have to cast a much younger women with an actor in his 30′s. But that’s a rant for another day.
Getting to Itaewon Class, yes, another age gap and another high school girl in love with older man scenario. However, Park Seo Joon is 32 and Da Mi is 25 - seven years. For me, that’s not a super huge gap. So, when she’s in high school, he’s still in his 20′s. 
Why this one worked is, again, how they portrayed Yi Seo. She didn’t immediately fall for Saeroyi as soon as she met him. He intrigued her because of his very strict moral compass and she wasn’t used to that from the people around her. The show spent time showing Yi Seo ‘investigating’ him, watching him face off against Geun Won and observing how he reacts to it all in a measured, reasonable way. This is diametrically opposite to her reactive, impulsive and selfish nature. Her infatuation with him by the end of episode 4 is more due to the fact that he’s providing her with an emotional stability she didn’t have in her life. 
Now...she did kiss him when he was passed out. Not cool. Very not cool. Shows need to stop that trope period. That wasn’t really sexualizing her like Backstreet Rookie did to Saet Byeol though. I viewed that scene as more of a testament to her immaturity and controlling nature - doing things because she wanted something from the other person. Which, of course, she matures past as the story progresses.
As for Saeroyi, he had very firm boundaries with her from the start and didn’t think of her in a romantic sense until the latter part of the show when she was an adult. Their relationship started as more of a mentor/mentee relationship and moved to love in the end because Yi Seo showed her willingness to learn from her mistakes, mature emotionally as well as provided him with the commitment and devotion that Soo Ah couldn’t. 
In the course of the story, we see both of these characters grow emotionally and come to a point where their relationship makes sense and the age gap isn’t problematic. 
Sorry - I always turn these kinds of asks into an in-depth analysis! I hope that answers your question and thanks for taking time to send it to me. :)
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