#Jumin x Saeyoung
swxtyflowe · 3 months
Lol ships
idk i ship them help
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libra-kirishima · 1 year
Mystic Messenger Characters + Their Toxic Traits ✨
Feat. Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin, Seven, and V
Short headcanons inspired by this post I've made about My Hero Academia characters and their toxic traits x
! fem reader, brief mentions of sex !
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Insanely jealous. He's barely able to restrain himself from barking like a dog when he sees you talking to another man
- and he will come up to you mid-conversation and embarrass you in front of this man because Zen wants him to know who you belong to.
Has some mildly sexist views on women
- Speaks for you even if you're right next to him. Will order for you at restaurants without being asked. If someone asks you a question and Zen thinks he knows the answer he'll answer it for you as if you aren't capable of answering for yourself.
- Tends to believe that you're fragile and vulnerable and that he needs to protect you because you're a woman
- Will help you with chores but he believes it's your job to cook
- Doesn't ever let you take control during sex. He thinks that, as the man, he is supposed to be the one on top and in control. He's a pleasure dom but sex is always done his way because he never lets you take the lead.
Canonically homophobic
Lacks self awareness
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King of putting things off. Ignores problems in the relationship for as long as he possibly can until one day it all comes to the surface and he bursts into tears
Avoids conflict to the point of concern. He'd rather lie to himself that everything is fine between the two of you than address an issue in your relationship because he doesn't want to start a fight.
Struggles to make time for you. A lot of your dates are hanging out together while he studies in his room or at the library.
Shamelessly codependent
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Also terrible at making time for you
Always working. If she's not working under Jumin then she's always working on improving the coffee shop. She doesn't know how to function when she's not working 24/7 and under constant stress
She takes things so personally. She'll never tell you she took something you said personally but you can tell.
Lowkey a grudge holder. If you two get into an argument she'll bring up something you said to hurt her feelings two years ago.
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Wants to take care of you but "taking care of you" can mean doing things that are very controlling sometimes
- extremely resistant at first to the idea of you having a job or going to college since he can provide for both of you
- hates taking "no" for an answer if he thinks he knows better than you. If you're sick with a cold he'll go against your wishes and call a doctor no matter how many times you insist that you're fine.
- Never learned how to let someone else be in charge of something so he also never lets you take control during sex.
Resistant to change
Makes important decisions without you based on what he thinks you would want
Can come across as very apathetic at times. He thinks he's offering an objective point of view that will help soothe your emotions but instead it can feel like he doesn't care about them because you're being unreasonable.
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Has gotten into the habit of lying about the dumbest shit, so it can be difficult to tell whether he's being serious or messing with you
Doesn't help with household chores because he doesn't find them mentally stimulating
Gets really bad depressive episodes. He doesn't want Saeran to see him like that so he bottles everything up until he can't anymore and will take all his emotions out on you sometimes.
Has never had to communicate how he feels before meeting you, so he never learned how. A lot of the time you're relying on your intuition because he doesn't talk to you about it. Part of him still believes nobody cares about how he's feeling.
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Incredibly passive. Getting him to voice what he wants is like pulling teeth.
Codependent and in denial about it. Thinks he's just really in love with his wife.
Has a tendency to completely ignore how he's feeling because part of him is desperate to please you.
Tends to think in absolutes. Has a very black and white view on most things
Struggles to believe that he deserves you and that makes him crave validation, but he never wants to voice to you that he needs validation.
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pochipop · 1 year
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#. synopsis! — sweet gestures from them to you .
#. characters! — hyun (zen), jumin, saeyoung (707), yoosung, jaehee .
#. warnings! — none .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. a/n! — back in the mm pit because it's summer and it's time for my annual redownload <3 i've also been thinking about opening a discord, so if anyone has thoughts on that, i'd love to hear them! PLUS, i played the free demo for this indie otome-esque game on steam called homicipher, and i am begging for the release of the first chapter, idk if any of you have played it, but i am way too addicted for having only played like half an hour of it. anyway lolol, enjoy!!
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# HYUN (ZEN) !! ♡
Hyun, who buys bouquets of flowers every now and again on his way back home from rehearsals. He does his best to match the colors to your needs, —yellow on sad days in hopes they might lift your spirits, blue when you’re frustrated so that it might calm you down, etc.. They always smell so sweet, and you cherish them deeply. They always live longer than they typically should as a result of how well you care for them, and he loves to see the bashful smile tug at your lips as you accept them gracefully, even if you always tell him that he “really shouldn’t have” or that he “didn’t have to.” He does it because he loves you, and he thinks someone as beautiful as you should be presented with something just as gorgeous every now and again (even if he admittedly thinks you’re worlds prettier than flowers could ever be.)
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# JUMIN !! ♡
Jumin, who writes little notes on the corner of the napkins he rests your coffee or tea on each morning, delicate and elegant handwriting in black ink sinking so perfectly into the ivory material. They’re never the same, always a different expression of his love or his admiration. You like to tear them off and keep them safe in a little box, and you open it up to read them when you’ve had a hard day or when you’re just not feeling your best. He always tells you that you don’t have to keep them, that he won’t be offended if you simply toss them away after you’ve read them and they’ve made you smile, —but you can never bring yourself to do it.
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# SAEYOUNG (707) !! ♡
Saeyoung, who folds little origamis for you when he gets the chance and leaves them somewhere around for you to find. It started with a tiny paper star he was folding for the heck of it, but you liked it so much that he decided to do it again, and again, and again. So now you have a neat little stash of different animals, shapes, and otherwise cool-looking creations (all of which have silly, blank expressions drawn onto them as faces that really add a sweetness to their personality.) You like to sit and fiddle with them every now and again, just to feel the sharp edges of the crane’s beak against your fingertips or to split the little heart apart and see the “i love you <3” written on the inside.
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# YOOSUNG !! ♡
Yoosung, who buys sticky notes for his studies but ends up using most of them to leave you little notes with cute messages and silly doodles. He likes to think this is a better usage for them, especially when he watches you spot one out of the corner of his eye, and you hold it in your hands like it’s some kind of love-stricken poetry from a wordsmith he knows he’ll never be. They might be simple and straightforward, but there’s not much room for stanzas of prose on these little post-its, and reminders that you’re doing a good job or that you look cute are so much more than enough.
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# JAEHEE !! ♡
Jaehee, who bakes you little desserts for you to eat when you get home, often heart-shaped or dusted in romantic colors, —always in your favorite flavors. Cookies with little jam hearts in the center, cupcakes with heart sprinkles and a cream just to your liking filling up the inside; each and every one made with so much love that you can practically taste it on your tongue. There’s no one else she’d rather bake for, and no one else she’d rather spend the rest of her days with. Sometimes words are hard to come by, and she worries she won’t always get it right, but when you kiss her on the cheek before taking a bite of her treats, well. . . She thinks things will be alright anyway.
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intr0verted-weird0 · 2 months
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juminhandfs · 1 year
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saesix · 2 years
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juminsmysticmc · 1 year
How will de RFA react to them calling them husband/wife before marriage. I like your writing 🫶🏻
RFA reacting to a Mc calling them Husband/ wife before Marriage
I did it again - I forgot about my own blog. I am so sorry :( but here you are, cutie! Hope you like it just as much as I did!
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,,But really, I still wonder why the heck you guys got married so quickly,’’ Zen asked, sighting as he sat opposite you at the round table. 
The RFA wanted to meet up for a private meeting, organized by you. 
,,I can answer this,’’ Jaehee said, her eyes were on fire as she lifted up her lenses. 
,,Because our lovely Mc,’’ her palm directed towards you ,,in an interview named Mr Han ,,my husband’’ and guess who liked the ring of it,’’ she smiled, she was there when it happened. 
You answered a question and named Jumin instead of fiancé ,,my husband’’ but quickly corrected to ,,fiancé’’ - something Jumin disliked. 
He was proud and excited to be named your husband, he loved the moment so deeply and Jaehee still had his bright, happy smile in front of her eyes, as well as his facial expression when you corrected yourself. 
And since he liked the ring of his soon-to-be name, he wanted to rush things. 
Jumin’s hand was entangled in yours, remembering that day brought memories up and he truly felt blessed. 
Zen nodded at Jaehee’s explanation. 
,,Mc, were you even okay with it?’’ he asked you, wondering if you even were allowed to decide anything in that marriage.
,,Yes, Jumin wouldn’t let me sleep in his bed beside him, I was craving for more and so I was happy over the rush,’’ you answered, making Zen choke. 
Jumin - your husband - was even prouder now. 
,,Zenny, you are so cuteeee!’’ you laughed, you were laying on top of him, both of you cuddling and wrestling softly. 
,,You are my cutie, princess. But don’t name me Zen or Zenny, let me be your Hy-’’ 
,,Husband? Oppa?’’ you asked him, looking deep into his red eyes. 
Zen had to process what you just said. 
You named him Husband. 
His face turned red, glowing and burning. 
He was getting embarrassed but slowly smiled. 
Hearing that out of your mouth gave him a new ring, and he liked it. 
,,Oh, sorry, you wanted to say Hyun, didn’t you? Of course I will,’’ you smiled and gave him a kiss on his soft lips. 
,,Now I am embarassed that I called you like that,’’ you laughed, turning red on your own. 
You quickly hid your face between his neck and his shoulder and hugged him stronger. 
,,Please, just forget it,’’ you begged him, sighing.
But Zen couldn’t think of anything else than your words, than the meaning which was held into the word ,,Husband’’. 
And now you would name him Hyun… 
,,Hello, I called earlier, I am here to see your engaged rings,’’ Zen said the next day to the lady in the jewelry shop. 
No way he was going to make you call him Hyun instead of Oppa.
He wanted an upgrade now. 
,,Seven years,’’ Yoosung sighed, giving your hand a squeeze. 
,,Yes, seven years, I can’t believe, that we already have been married for so long,’’ you chuckled. 
Suddenly you remembered something ,,Remember, when I came to the hospital while lunch break and asked your co-worker about your whereabouts?’’ you asked him, of course, he remembered. 
,,Yes, you asked about your husband, even though we still weren’t married,’’ he smirked. 
And everyone was angry with me that I didn’t tell them I was married,’’ he told you, remembering how embarrassed but happy he was when someone finally found him and told him that you, his wife, were waiting for you, only to find you with a similar redhead. 
And in that very moment, Yoosung made a decision - as soon as he had his day off, he wanted to buy you a well-deserved engagement ring. 
It was a hard day, after a shift of so many hours on your legs, your head was empty. 
The shop was booming, of course both of you, Jaehee and you, were thankful for that. 
However, you still had your challenges to keep it up. 
It was almost closing time when your friends Yoosung and Zen entered the coffee shop, ready to eat the last pieces of cakes that wouldn’t be sold anymore - probably. 
Actually, Yoosung was going to bring some to his family since neither of you wanted to throw them away. 
When Yoosung wanted to give you at least a bit of money, you shook your head. 
,,Even my wifey said no, so take it!’’ you laughed. 
Everyone stopped breathing, Yoosung and Zen both looked at your hand, eyes glued on your ringless finger while Jaehee’s cheeks slowly turned red. 
,,Wifey?’’ she asked you. 
However, you didn’t realize what you just said. 
,,Wifey?’’ you repeated, making Jaehee turn even deeper in red. 
The four of you were laughing, while you were denying your own words, Zen and Yoosung tried to assure you, that you just named her your wife. 
And Jaehee was trying - of course in secret - to find out if she still had your ring size from the latest jewelry order to ask you to become her real wife…
If someone would have told him that he would have pushed you from the couch for saying something cute, he would have shown that person his middle finger. 
But he couldn’t because he was currently pressing a cold ice pack on your throbbing head while his arm was holding your waist. 
,,I am so sorry,’’ he whispered, little kisses on your wet cheek. 
You were crying because of the pain, but you knew, that he didn’t mean it. 
You were still in pain though. 
,,I will never call you Oppa or Hubby,’’ you groaned, giving him a side-eye. 
He smiled apologetically. 
,,My hand moved on it’s own, of course, I loved it when you named me ,,Hubby’’... 
But I was so embarrassed…I just wanted to push you lightly, I didn’t mean to make you fall,’’ he confessed. 
You rolled your eyes. 
,,I know. But I would like to get a pre-divorce,’’ you kept teasing him. 
Of course, the little pain you were having was gone in a few hours but still, Saeyoung kept thinking a lot and a lot about this incident. 
He was thinking of a way of preventing something like this again and his only way was making it real - he had to become your real-life husband.
21.05.2023 // 11:56 MEST
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springnote · 2 years
If you are still taking asks for the Thanksgiving event, could we get some just general NSFW hcs for Jaehee, Yoosung & Saeran? Please n thank u! :3
ofc! I went ahead and included some others too, hope I did ok ^^
NSFW Headcanons
includes: Yoosung, Zen, Jaehee, 707, Jumin, Saeran, and V
warnings: nsfw minors dni, gn!reader with pussy, oral ( m and f receiving), anal, exhibitionism, degradation, edging, roleplay, dirty talk, cockwarming, breeding kink, spanking, predator/prey, daddy kink (most are just mentioned without lots of detail)
• Honestly, he’s pretty submissive, and he prefers you to take the lead simply because he gets so flustered around you
• He likes having you suck him off under the table while he games too, the idea of trying to hide his whimpers and focus drives him wild
• He also enjoys being fingered in the ass, yeah he likes pegging and such too, but something about sticking his ass in the air while you tease and finger him does him in
• Does that mean he doesn’t like trying to take charge? Not at all, he just turns into a blubbering mess if he tries. Praise goes a long way too, a few compliments will have him rutting into your warmth
• Some days he comes home from school so worn out and needy, he’ll ask to eat you out or have you stroke him until he begs
• He’s honestly just a needy sweetheart and he’ll ask to use your chest or ass like a pillow frequently when he’s tired or take a bath together. Just give him love and he’ll do his best to make you feel good too
• He loves to fluster you, and he really, really likes to give and receive praise, it’s like breathing to him
• Sometimes he likes being told what to do, especially in roleplay, he likes having you tie his wrists and suck him off, he’ll whine and cum hard
• He also loves to sext and have phone sex, especially when he’s away for work, plus he knows his voice is nice and he loves teasing you with it, and sending naughty pics? That’s his jam
• He loves giving orders and he’s a boobs guy. You might find him telling you to touch your chest til you’re dripping while he praises you
• He works out plenty, so he likes taking you against the wall while wrapping your legs around him, or using his strength to lift you up and down on his cock
• A dom most of the time, but he’s a soft dom and loves just making you feel good. He loves eating you out and pampering you all night long
• She loves being in charge, but specifically she loves just being able to come home and tell you what she needs or what she wants to do to you without any work or silly errands in the way
• 69 is a favorite position of hers, both of you laying on your sides in bed while she eats you up. But sitting in a chair while you get between her legs is also a favorite, it gives her a chance to grab your hair.
• She likes degradation, but she prefers to give it than receive. Edging and using nipple clamps on you also is something she loves, but she’s merciful about it.
• She has a double ended strap that she really loves, but she only uses that when she has lots of time and energy because it takes a lot out of her from all the stimulation. But it’s safe to say she likes toys
• She also has a fantasy of having sex in her office, maybe even turning her phone off so she’d miss calls and ignore her duties ( to her that’s very very naughty), but she’s shy to admit it
• Queen of aftercare. She’s researched what to do and has experience from her own self care rituals when she comes home from work. Expect to be pampered, but also be prepared to be told to eat, drink, and wash up after sex.
• Experimentalist is the best word for him. He’ll try almost anything, and he loves to look up new ideas to try.
• Sex is about fun and bonding to him, so if you want to have a really really intimate and serious, just let him know, he’ll take some time to get into serious mode™️
• He’s a switch because he loves trying stuff on you as much as he loves having stuff tried on him, but he prefers being in charge because it’s hard for him to tell you he has a new idea when he’s under you and spluttering
• He loves using toys on you, in the privacy of his home but also out in public if he can get away with it, the thrill of possibly getting caught turns him on so much he frequently asks for you to send him pics when you’re both working or going without underwear
• To be honest, he’s got a whole list hidden on a file somewhere of things he wants to try, but he wants to make sure you build up to them, especially if you find something you really like
• He also adores roleplaying, and trying different positions any chance possible, basically his sex life is a rollercoaster of unpredictability
• A dom through and through. It’s just who he is, and it feels most comfortable to him. He’s versatile with what kind of dom he is, but he doesn’t like the idea of subbing. He might try it if you really really want him to, but it will take a lot of convincing.
• He loves cockwarming, especially when he’s had a long day. He just loves being in you and filling you up. He’s also got a bit of a breeding kink
• He’s an ass man, he loves squeezing your ass and rubbing his bulge against it. Spanking is also something he enjoys, and if you slap his ass, he’ll pounce on you
• Lingerie kink for sure. Especially if it’s delicate and shows off your ass. He loves tearing the fabric or watching you striptease
• He says filthy things, always growling dirty thoughts into your ear during sex. But he’ll also whisper sweetly about how much he wants you when you’re out
• What really gets him going is when you just call him Jumin. He rarely hears someone say his first name so sweetly, and it nearly makes him tear up if you call him that and say you love him during intimacy
• He loves both of you just laying naked on the bed, letting him run his hands over your body and hold you close. He’s touched starved and this is already a lot to take in at once.
• Once he’s feeling bolder, he likes to leave bites all over you, especially on your chest. And he’d love to get you a choker to wear to cover any neck bites he leaves, but have it just small enough that someone might see
• He likes to finger you with leather gloves on, and then have you lick them clean. He’s not sure why but he just loves it. He’d also like to see you in some leather lingerie, but only if he can peel it off you.
• He likes degradation, but he’s very picky about it. He won’t call you dumb or pathetic, even if its something you want, he’s worried he’ll hurt your feelings.
• If you’re up to it, he’d kind of be into a bit of predator/prey. Something like him chasing or following you and then taking you to his room to claim, but he wants to make sure you’re well into your relationship by then
• Sleepy sex is also something he loves, before bed or after waking up. Of course he asks permission first and is very gentle as he’s pretty cuddly when tired, but he always makes sure to satisfy you
• He’s not into anything really rough, especially at first because he still has a hard time with intimacy, but if he gets really going, he might go a little fast and rough but that’s it, unless you both talk it through and plan it
• He doesn’t like the idea of possibly getting caught like some of the others, but he does like the idea of having sex in nature, like a secluded field or beach. Just somewhere soft and picturesque
• Breeding kink full stop. He loves children and wants to raise some with you if you’d like, but just the idea of breeding you sets something off in him. He’ll get a bit rougher when you ask him to breed you, but then he’ll be sweeter than honey during aftercare
• He loves oral, especially if it results in you making a mess on his face or pulling his hair. He’ll melt into mush from pleasure
• He has a bit of a daddy kink and authority kink, but it embarrasses him so he gets a bit shy and flustered unless he’s really yearning. Either way his reactions are perfect
• He gets emotional and doesn’t always like talking about it, so he’ll seek physical intimacy to relax. He likes lazy sex, and cockwarming, and shower sex while you wash each other. Just be there for him and he’ll be sure to do the same
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randomclownsheep · 3 months
Turning all of the mysme characters into ponies except I can't draw rn Choi Household Edition
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mystmesstolemysoul · 9 months
What if MC had no choice but to reset? What if, after enough cycles through each story, they know exactly which night they'll go to sleep next to their love then wake up all alone with a text telling them to go to an address they already know by heart. What if MC was cursed with repeating the same events over and over again, falling in love but never getting to grow beyond a certain point with the love of their life?
(lil drabble below the cut. There's a little bit of reset theory sprinkled in, along with a smidge of reference to a song I think goes with MysMes perfectly)
Which guy I'm talking about is intentionally vague so you can imagine your fave <3
Angst with a happy? bittersweet? ending
Not proofread, I don't have time for that shit, sorry lol
The first time it happened, it was jarring. A panic setting in as you woke up, back in your old old apartment, no sign of him anywhere. Had it all been a dream? Surely not.
Then came the text, and it all came flooding back. What was happening?
You were less fearful this time as you walked up to Rika's apartment, even knowing all that you did now about the mysterious circumstances that had brough you here.
When they, the RFA, your family, greeted you as a stranger, it stung in a painfully nostalgic way. Had they really forgotten all about you? But it wasn't that; they hadn't known you in the first place.
You did some things differently, this time around. You gave more attention to one of the members that you'd brushed off the first time. Confusion clouded you on day five when everything began to drift away from the story you remembered. Despite this change, your new bachelor managed to sweep you off your feet, though you always felt guilty whenever he, your lover from the first time, called or texted. You felt guilty having to push him away to stay loyal to your new man.
You had almost forgotten about that jarring day when everything had reset. Almost. Until it happened again. You were more prepared this time, but felt almost exceedingly empty as you read the text asking for your help. You wanted to ignore it, to stop this toying with your heart. But you knew you couldn't stay away from the RFA. You were bound, heart and soul. So you did as 'Unknown' asked.
You began to dread it more and more each new route, never knowing when you were going to wake up alone and start the cycle all over again. It became numbing. Heartbreaking. But you could never stay away.
Eventually, you'd seen every possible way it could end. There had been a time you'd hoped to find a road that wouldn't end. A path that wouldn't lead to you waking up alone, forced to greet your closest friends as new strangers. But you'd long since given that up.
You'd seen every success, every possible failure. Felt every swell of new love, every shattering heartbreak. Made friends, made enemies, just for it all to be washed away.
There was a time when you'd begun to intentionally run everything into the ground. It was easier to repeat random 5-day loops than to go months, years, before having it all ripped away from you. But bringing them heartbreak hurt you more.
You were careful now. So careful. Especially with him.
You could never bring yourself to be careless with him. You didn't know why, but after a while, he began to stick out to you more than all the rest. No matter which path you walked, he always caught your eye. The way he said things, his way of thinking, how he tried to look out for you in his own little way.
So you pursued him. You'd won his heart before, many times, but you did it again with a purpose. You knew it wouldn't last. You knew one day, you'd wake up and it would all be over. But you loved him. You really loved him. And when the night came that you knew would be the last, you tried desperately not to sleep. But it was as if some curse took over you, forcing your eyes to close. When you awoke, it was all gone.
But you wouldn't let that stop you. Again, you followed him, your north star, your guiding light. Again, you won his heart. And again, you woke up. It was the third time when you noticed something different. Just a moment. A spark. A faint look in his eyes when you saw him face to face, some wondrous shock, as if he couldn't believe you'd chosen him. More than that usual look in his eyes when he saw you for what you believed to be his first time.
But the look wasn't enough for you to say something. Not yet. But a fourth time, you chose him. Then a fifth. Till finally, on the sixth time through, he gave you a look as if you'd gone insane, and he loved you for it. You'd asked without thinking. "You remember, don't you?"
He hadn't had to speak a word for you to know the answer. You knew him too well. He woke up alone, the same as you. And you loved him fiercer. Again and again and again, determined now to always choose him. No matter how repetitive, no matter how painful, you couldn't choose anyone but him, knowing he'd have to watch you fall in love with another man if you chose any other path.
When the fateful night settled in, wrapped up in each others arms, you were silent. You both knew what this night meant. When the daylight comes I'll have to go. You felt his tears trickle into your hair. "I don't wanna start all over."
And you didn't either. "I know, baby, I know." You held him so close, promising, "I'll choose you. I'll always choose you." And you meant it. You'd never be able to make it through now without him. You had him, now, and you weren't letting go.
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go, but tonight I'm gonna hold you so close, 'cause in the daylight we'll be on our own, but tonight I'm gonna hold you so close.
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serenitysilverheart · 3 months
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finally got the chance to play mystic messenger instead of watching routes on youtube and now i'm stuck in the brainrot purgatory again-
anyways, i genuinely love this game and am very passionate about these two deeply complex men that it kills me inside to have to only pursue one of them at a time... so i made an entire au for my mc-insert so that they can all hold hands! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) that and i believe jumin and seven are totally hilarious when put together so katherine (mc-insert shown above) is basically the positive mediator between them.
anticipate more content in the future perhaps... because there is far more to the au that is just festering in my brain +_+ and i'd like to further expand on how these three function with each other, so stay tuned(?)
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sadability · 3 months
Did you get mysterious messages? ~🎵
Jihyun / V
I think V would love Mitski. Just imagining him painting while my love, mine All mine plays in the background is so sweet. I also think he'd like cavetown, clario, Adrianne Lenker, Liane Flores and Tears For Fears. He often listens to it as background noise when painting or photographing but I also believe he'd practice singing using certain songs (and maybe sing you to sleep HSHSHS)
Jumin gives me trouble because I feel like he listens to music for lyrics or lack thereof rather than sound. He listens to blues, jazz, classical and maybe a soft rock love song here and there. If he listens to a song with lyrics, he'll study them. He doesn't really listen to music often but when he does, it's often used as background noise rather than him genuinely indulging.
707 / Saeyoung / Luciel
I think he'd listen to mostly everything but especially synth wave, pop, new wave, rap, noise and glam rock for some reason. I could see him vibing to Depeche Mode one moment and then Fetty Wap the next. He would definitely unironically listen to wannabe by the spice girls LMAO. Also probably really likes tv show intros like iCarly theme or something. AND DISCO!! Seven dancing to bee gees when!?!?
To get rid of the obvious he'd listen to video game osts, pixel (I think that's what the genre is called?) and probably, here me out, pop punk. Or like Falling in Reverse. I think his favourite band would be the All American Rejects but I can also see him liking old demi lavato or Camilla cabello. Both basic white girl music and then randomly pop punk mixed in. As for gaming soundtracks I think he'd really like the undertale ost and probably listens to music through gacha life amv 😔
Zen / Hyun
I FEEL LIKE HIS MUSIC TASTE WAS EXPLICITLY STATED BUT I DONT REMEMBER RAHH okay okay uhm- !! I can totally see him listening to Whitney Houston, Abba, The Cardigans, The Beatles etc for some reason but also he'd feel self conscious that his music taste is too "old" so he would throw in shit like Kendrick Lamar and Future to spice things up and he would never ever admit that his favourite song is Angeleyes by Abba.
Bubblegum Pop, Indie and Doo Wop!!! Mitski, Girl In Red, Kinneret, Princess Chelsea, The Chordettes and The Supremes are frequents of Jaehee's playlist! She only really listens to music on the plane or in the office though. It helps her relax and take her mind off the stress for a bit. I can imagine her learning piano and playing songs like Johnny Angel or Mr Sandman in her free time.
Rika likes Melanie Martinez and i refuse to argue. She would probably relate really hard to some of her music and overall loves the way it sounds. Can also see her liking Penelope Scott. On the other hand, i see her liking classical or just soft piano music. Color me Blue by Akane would also be a song i can see her liking.
Metal, Glam Rock, Glam Metal, Dad Rock, 80s rock just. Yeah. You get the point. Metallica, Journey, Mötley Crüe, Guns n Roses, Van Halen, Cinderella, Def Leppord and Dokken !! His favourite bands. Just classic 80s/90s rock for ya. Absolutely goes to their concerts religiously. Probably plays electric guitar as well..he could perform his own concert tbf
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ashelyhime · 5 months
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pochipop · 1 year
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#. synopsis! — how they show their trust .
#. characters! — jumin, zen (hyun), yoosung, saeyoung (707), saeran (ray), jihyun (v) .
#. warnings! — slight angst.
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. a/n! — come join my discord server? it's newly opened with a fantasy bakery theme! we have emojis from genshin impact, honkai star rail, sanrio, overwatch, pokemon, mystic messenger, and more! a collection of funny stickers, channels to promote yourself, meet new friends, share your writing/art, + lots more! plus, our staff is very chill and friendly! we'd love to see you there! <;33
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# JUMIN !! ♡
Jumin, who never really thought himself to be the romantic type, but loses himself so easily in his relationship with you that he’d do anything imaginable just to see you smile for him. This sophisticated, pressed-suit wearing, stone-faced man who just crumbles when it comes to you, —who once thought love was some sick ruse made to rope people in and keep them hostage to their feelings, suddenly realizing that this rush is marvelous, and he can’t quite clearly remember a time before his heart seemed to beat for you. This man who swore he’d never love someone enough to put aside everything else on his mind and just live in the moment who sheds that dry cleaned business attire at the end of every workday and lets himself come undone for you. His walls come down and he welcomes you inside, and for once, he’s not scared of what will happen when you see the parts of him that perhaps aren’t as pretty as others. He lets you see the beautiful mess he’s made of himself over the years, and it’s then that he begins to pick up all these tattered pieces, finally preparing to put himself back together again. And recognizing you’ll help him do so is the sweetest comfort he’s ever known.
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# HYUN (ZEN) !! ♡
Hyun, who stops pretending to be perfect over time and lets you see him in all the stages of healing. This man who often shields himself from the world, hiding behind a mask of narcissistic confidence, who finally lets his imperfections seep through to the surface and breathes another sigh of relief every single time you stay in the aftermath. He lets you in on the insecurities that lap at his ankles much more often than he'd ever had liked to have admitted before. He lets you hold him when he shatters instead of pushing you away, —dulls all his rigid edges to feel your warmth surround him, as if lowering all his defenses for the very first time. The world can be a cruel place to those that have made mistakes, but Hyun feels like he's finally found someone who can look at him for more than just the pretty, well-kempt face he maintains for the public. There's no sense of shame he feels the need to drown in when you let him fall apart in your arms. There's no crushing feeling of disappointment or suffocating feeling of disdain. He's more human than he fears he's ever been when your thumbs wipe the tears from beneath his eyes and you whisper to him that everything will be okay.
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# YOOSUNG !! ♡
Yoosung, who learns over time how to not let things fester until they’ve built up so much he can’t keep them in any longer. For all he is and might not ever be, he’s come to realize that it’s okay to express his emotions before they reach a boiling point. He comes to you at the onset of upsetedness, —allows himself to feel frustrated without stuffing it down and pretending the problem doesn’t exist until it explodes. He finds that it’s so much easier to be earnest when you never talk down to him or make him feel like he’s any less of a person in your eyes because of it. Sometimes he needs advice, and other times, he just needs someone to talk to. No matter the case, he seeks you out before anyone else, knowing that you care enough about him to value his thoughts and opinions without qualifiers or regulations. He holds grudges sometimes that aren’t good for his own sake, and being shut down when he tries to address them only adds fuel to the fire. Having someone who truly listens and tells him that it’s okay to feel the way he does goes such a long way, —perhaps longer than you’ll ever know.
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# SAEYOUNG (707) !! ♡
Saeyoung, who lets himself be honest eventually, —who lets himself chip away and then lets you smooth him over. He’s done a lot of things he’s not proud of, and he doesn’t need anyone to tell him that it wasn’t his fault. Whether it was or wasn’t doesn’t matter as much as what he knows he has to do going forward, and the last thing he really wants is to be coddled out of pity. He just wants to be heard, no sympathy necessary, no fawning over the way he sheds the skin he used to wear when he felt like happiness was millions of miles away. He just wants to be listened to. To Saeyoung, it’s the ultimate show of trust to admit to all the things he regrets, let them spill out like word vomit and not have to worry about the consequences. He doesn’t need you to understand, and knows you likely can’t given the specifics of his life’s course thus far, but knowing that you’re keen on carrying the burden with him is such an insurmountable feeling of relief. Finally, someone knows every grimy little corner of his soul and they still love him, still hold him, still want him. . . There’s nothing quite like it.
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# SAERAN (RAY) !! ♡
Saeran, who lets little things slip as time goes on, —stares a little longer when he passes twin popsicles in grocery stores because he knows you won’t ask why. As much as he likes to pretend that he can fix things by pretending they never hurt him in the first place, there are always scars that linger just below the surface, ready to burst at the first sight of mint-colored liquids or at the first sound of deceptively sweet voices offering commands from the shadows. He carries a lot around with him wherever he goes, and just loving him until the sun dies isn’t a cure-all. You can’t turn back time and shield him from all the things in his life that have left him feeling like a shattered stain glass window. All the love in the world can’t fix the past. But there’s nothing that means more to him than knowing he can lean on you, —even if he doesn’t always do it. There’s such a sweet comfort in knowing he can turn to you when he feels like he’s drowning. And if sometimes that manifests only in letting himself shed a few tears while he eats an ice cream cone outside next to you in the sunshine, then so be it.
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# JIHYUN (V) !! ♡
Jihyun, who talks about it all a little at a time, —about the good and the bad, the ugly and the beautiful; because it wasn’t always bad. There were times before you came in which he’d been so in love that he’d have done anything to stay exactly where he was, to freeze those moments up and keep them in a capsule that could never be shaken. And it’s important for Jihyun to tell you about those things every now and again, to let you in and reminisce on the way he’d once been so sure of it all, so ready to settle down and stay exactly where he was. But it’s equally as important for him to bare the remnants of the betrayal for you to kiss, and hold, and make peace with. He likes to think you understand him better in the wake of it, —that you’ve seen him in a new light every time he sits with you and tells you of the loss, the desire, the yearning, and all the ways he wishes things could have been different for everyone. In the end, he’s here, and there’s nowhere else he’d rather be.
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ariseur · 2 months
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#dottie’s 500 ᝰ.ᐟ꩜
it’s been about four months since i first created this blog to which i have grown a small but really loving following, i see you guys in my reblogs and in my replies spewing kind words. all those comments and tags are so fun to read lol i love you guys
but — now that we’re here, it’s time for the main event we’ve come for and this is my 500 follower event (≧◡≦) ♡!!— info linked below and more under the cut !!
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[ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ top contenders - ]
jujutsu kaisen ; satoru gojo | suguru geto | kento nanami | yuuji itadori | yuuta okkotsu | megumi fushiguro | toji fushiguro | shiu kong | choso kamo | takuma ino
ffvii ; cloud | zack | sephiroth
ffxv ; noctis | prompto | ignis | gladiolus
mystic messenger ; zen | yoosung | jumin | 707
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🍡 ( dango ) — prompt list !! ~ send in a character and a prompt of your choice.
✧˖° - “can i kiss you?”
✧˖° - “wanna practice?”
✧˖° - “are you wearing flavored chapstick?”
✧˖° - “was that okay?”
✧˖° - “one more kiss? please?”
✧˖° - “can we do that again?”
✧˖° - “teach me.”
✧˖° - “i think i deserve a kiss for that.”
✧˖° - “count to five, then you can speak.” (shutting you up with kisses).
✧˖° - “this is my partner, aren’t they beautiful?”
✧˖° - “stay with me ‘til i fall asleep.”
✧˖° - “your hands are shaking.” — “oh.”
✧˖° - “i do miss you, you know.”
✧˖° - “where do you see yourself in a few years?” — “with you.”
✧˖° - hand kisses
✧˖° - neck kisses
✧˖° - cheek kisses
✧˖° - small quick pecks that you run away after doing
✧˖° - thigh kisses
✧˖° - wrapping your arms around their neck
✧˖° - feeling their smile in a kiss
✧˖° - messy half asleep kisses
✧˖° - reward kisses
✧˖° - lazy make out sesh
✧˖° - grocery shopping with them
✧˖° - them / you trying to make food and it comes out horrendous
✧˖° - kissing to shut them up during sex
✧˖° - goodbye kiss
✧˖° - putting together ikea furniture
✧˖° - seeing them play with a small animal they swore they hated
✧˖° - fake dating ends up for them falling for you
✧˖° - their attitude immediately uplifts when you’re around
✧˖° - taking a ( bad ) photo when the other’s asleep
✧˖° - childhood friends ( love this sm )
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🍰 ( strawberry shortcake ) — time check !! ~ this might be a little more niche but basically what i’m talking about is you can request a character and put “🍰 - time check!! [character]?” and based on what time it is right now, i’ll tell you what i imagine them to be doing. so for example, “🍰 - time check on toji fushiguro” and if it’s 3pm for me then i’ll write a little blurb on it, like lazing on the couch while little megumi wriggles his way in between you two.
if you’re wanting a specific time set like, “time check on hidden inventory arc gojo,” — “time check on pre-nibelheim sephiroth,” — “time check on 707 pre-ending.” you know?? i can write that too :)
i might be on a different time zone though so it might be a little weird if it’s 3am for you but 8pm for me lol, keep that in mind !! ^.^
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🩰 ( ballet ) — tropes !!
send in a trope you like with a character and i’ll write a blurb on it!! like, for example, “🩰 - one bed trope with noctis!!” or “🩰 - opposites attract with yuuta :)”. i will not do any au’s ( as also stated in my rules, please look at those before you request too lol ) and i will also not do any like.. billionaire or weird dark romance tropes like that. i will do slight nsfw drabbles and stuff but nothing weird or too hardcore!!
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
Can i please request some headcanons for jumin, seven and Jaehee when they see their s!o being flirted with (tho they are kinda oblivious). Thank you 💕
Mystic Messenger Oblivious s/o being flirted with
Han Jumin
He's already known for being quite possessive of you, so him getting jealous is no surprise.
However, Jumin keeps a very professional front when he sees one of the guests trying their shots at you, and while he trusts that you wouldn't try to betray him... he still feels a bit insecure.
For the most part, you being absolutely oblivious to every one of their attempts chiseled a snort from him, before he decides to step in and greet you politely, smirking discreetly at the flirter when you place a sweet kiss on Jumin's cheek.
If he notices that you, as per usual, don't seem to pick up on the act of the flirter, and become visibly uncomfortable, he'll swoop in and save the day, placing a hand on your shoulder and pulling you slightly back against his chest, firmly greeting this creep with a stiff and slightly forced smile with a dark glint in his eyes, enough to scare off the flirter.
Kiss him at the end of the day to make him feel better. <3
Choi Saeyoung (707)
He visibly gets pouty and whiny, clinging near you more than usual. However, he's more lighthearted than Jumin's possessiveness.
As insecure as he may be about himself, he trusts you more that you'll choose him over that flirter any day, and that he knows you got his back as he got yours.
"S/o~ That guy was flirting with you, ya know? Don't make me jealous!" he jokes, as he smirks at your visible confusion. Heh, you only know when he's flirting with you unlike the other guy, his ego's boost just a tad bit with this fact. Obviously the "Space Station" pick-up lines always work! (Jk jk, I love you Seven, even without the cheesy pick-up lines and puns<33)
On the other hand, is Saeyoung sees you getting visibly uncomfortable with the flirter disrupting your personal space, clearly not buying any of their attempts, you'll find storming through to your way is a rare, serious Saeyoung who grasps your hand gently but firmly, bowing his head politely in contrary to his prominent glare before striding you out of the way, far from them.
"Are you okay?" he would ask worriedly. You smiled, "Of course I am, now that you're here." He smiles back. <3
Kang Jaehee
Jaehee doesn't get jealous easily simply because she has a lot of trust in you and doubts you would cheat on her for some random flirter.
Even then, she can be a bit protective over you, and she would visibly frown a little when she sees them trying to flirt with you from across the room. Of course, all their attempts failed, and you still remain polite and professional with the vivacious guest. She smiles reassuringly as she caters to all the other guests.
Unlike the other two men, when Jaehee sees that you get uncomfortable with the flirter, she'll walk over with a stern expression, before holding your hand and looking towards that guest with a firm look on her face. "I'm sorry to intrude, but I couldn't help that see that one of my members were starting to get a bit uneased with your behavior. Please do not make our staff uncomfortable."
She walks away with you, giving one last glare at the flirter before she pulls you two to a secluded area. "S/o? Did they do anything weird to you? Are you okay?" "It's okay Jaehee, I'm fine now. You were really like Zen in those movies where he acted as the knight and shining armor."
She smiles bashfully. "Oh stop..." <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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