#July-December 2019 Calendar Template
auxiliarydetective · 8 months
Evie's OC Birthday Calendar
Have you ever wondered when my OCs' birthdays are? No? Well, you're getting a birthday calendar anyways. Under the cut, you'll find calendar pages, the template for which was made by this lovely person - for free! Thank you so much ^^
If, for some reason, you can't read what's written on the images, either because they won't load or because you can't read my sorry attempt at writing in cursive for the first time since fifth grade, don't worry – I've put a list of all the birthdays underneath the images for you!
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List, in case the images don't load:
Also bonus reasons for the birthdays if there are any :)
05. - Philomel (rough estimate of what "just after The Beginning" means) 10. - Kan-chan (goroawase for ma-ma-i-do: 0-0-1-10) 21. - Bára (Squirrel Appreciation Day, assigned by Larry Daley) 29. - Diana ("The Raven" is published on January 29th 1845)
02. - Dotty (I honestly can't remember) 08. - Jelena (Release date of the Musik des Teufels audio drama) 15. - Honey (National Gumdrop Day + I needed a February birthday) 26. - Denri (Wii VC release of LOZ: OOT in the US)
09. - Sonoko (goroawase for san-o-ko: 3-0-9) 10. - Lindewen (goroawase for surin-da: 3-10) 26. - K'Rala (Live Long and Prosper Day) 29. - Helena (Mermaid Day) 30. - Lily (World Bipolar Day)
06. - Holly (goroawase for ho-ri: 4-6) 10. - Jamie (I honestly can't remember. But the Titanic sets sail April 10th!) 26. - Anita (World Burlesque Day)
02. - Penny | Agent 0 (goroawase, probably, but I can't remember for what) 04. - Lani (Star Wars Day, May the Fourth be with you) 31. - Claire (Pretty sure it's a reference to Sappho but I don't remember how)
01. - Vicky (Marilyn Monroe's birthday) 05. - Cora (National Tailors Day) 08. - Reina (Name Your Poison Day) 25. - Inari (Pudding's birthday - they're twins, so...)
01. - Lux (07/01; Amber Lead Syndrome is introduced in ep. 701 of the anime) 09. - Eva (Argentina Independence Day) 16. - Varsha (World Snake Day; assigned by Tom Sawyer)
01. - Kit (movie & 80s version) (Spider-Man Day) 08. - Fernip (I can't remember) 15. - Noura (Flooding/Fidelity of The Nile) 30. - Raevyn (picked it in 2019; wanted her to be a summer girl and a virgo)
02. - Circe (goroawase for kyu-ki-tsu-ki = vampire: 9-2) 04. - Kaede (goroawase for mu-sa-sa-bi: 6-3-3-1; 6+3, 3+1 -> 9-4) 12. - Sonata (Hans Zimmer's birthday) 14. - Chalice (release of the animated Disney's Alice in Wonderland in the US) 25. - Aurelia (Maybe I wanted her to be a libra? Maybe it's a festival of Hera?)
01. - Kassandra ("On the twelfth hour of the first day of October 1989...") 13. - Evelynn (picked it in 2020, yes it's a reference to Friday 13th) 25. - Byeong-ho (Nevada Day; because of his gambling addiction) 31. Charlie (Halloween for demon boi; read the fic for the canonical reason 🙃 )
04. - Soles (Colombian All Saints' Day) 17. - Sherry (first release day of Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga) 22. - Eve (release date of her first appearance in the series if she were canon)
05. - Celine (probably Who Killed Markiplier-related) 11. - Luna (I picked it about eight years ago as a reference to Zoro's birthday) 21. - Iris (World Poetry Day but make it sagittarius)
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calendars2print · 5 years
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31calendars · 5 years
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(via Six Month July December Calendar 2019)
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calendarsnotes-blog · 5 years
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mikkiposts-blog2 · 4 years
Download Printable 2021 calendar Template
Free printable 2020 calendar on demand. Now, you can get your printable calendars for 2020, 2021, 2022 as well as planners, schedules, reminders and more. is the 7th month of the year and is associated with Summer in the northern hemisphere. July has 31 days and is named in honor of Julius Caesar. July holidays include Parent's Day and Independence Day in the United States. Simple, convenient, enjoy our printable calendar
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Each printable monthly calendar page contains an inspirational quote that will help motivate you to set new goals and follow your dreams. All months from August 2019 through December 2020 are included in one easy-to-use PDF printable – simply print out the pages that you need! Even though we live in a digital world, I love having a paper calendar in front of me! You can use these printable calendars for tracking all kinds of things – school homework assignments, sports schedules, medication log, workout tracker, food journal, fertility and family planning, and SO much more! The options are endless!
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We are sticking with the design of last year’s free printable calendar, which is clean and modern, with room for you to write and plan. Each month brings a fresh start and an opportunity to reset and recommit to the life you want to live. We’ve assigned a different color to each page to keep you reminded to start anew. Let us know where you’re using your free printable 2019 calendar and how it’s helping you craft the perfect year. We’d love to see photos of your calendars on your desk, in your cubicle, on your fridge, pinned up in your family command center, or wherever you do your planning. Be sure to tag us on Instagram with #enchantedprints, so we can send you some love and be inspired by your posts. This is the third year I’ve offered this calendar and weekly planner freebie to my loyal subscribers, and I know you are just as excited as I am to download and print it. Maybe more excited than me, actually! So many people have loved the calendar for the past two years, so I didn’t make any changes to the design. The lovely pink flowers can’t help but brighten my mood anytime I take a peek at these 2019 monthly calendars. Pink is my favorite color, after all! You can download these monthly calendars and weekly planner pages from the subscriber library. Print them and put in a binder or notebook of your choice, or have it bound at your local printing shop if you’d prefer. You can get more details about making your own planner here and learn more about the system I’ve used to stay organized right here.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/the-big-shift-2019-2020/
THE BIG SHIFT 2019 - 2020
THE BIG SHIFT 2019 – 2020
By Pars Kutay
Beloveds, stand by to enter the third decade of the 21st Century!
The Quantum Energies are swirling and accelerating as you arrive fully in this New space and place that is called NEW Earth. You will see a Quantum Wave of Awakening in 2020 on your Earth, with many deep and profound Shifts.
But, on may say that right NOW you are in the entrance Hallway, waiting to make your Big Entrance!
Many Powerful Energies were released at the Galactic New Year in July / August of 2019, and this is the culmination or High point of the Time Spiral as you enter the 3/3/3 Portal, connect with Galactic Center and Council, transit the Solstice and the Solar Eclipse, and prepare for the powerful and transformative energies of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, follower by the Sun, Pluto and Saturn conjunction also in Capricorn on the 12th January 2020.
Yes indeed, you have a “full program” over the next weeks. These powerful Shifts occurring in December 2019 and January 2020 will deliver you to the threshold of your “new life” as a citizen of the New Earth and an empowered Co-Creator of the New Earth Reality. The past will finally fall away for you and you will step into the magical Quantum and Multi-Dimensional Reality that is your birthright as an Angelic or Starseed Human.
Welcome to the NEW Earth “2020” where you are the ones who determine your reality and your future as you travel the time spirals and shape “TimeSpace” into your deepest dreams and desires.
Beloved Ones, the 3/3/3 Portal is an extended month long corridor or time gate that will deliver you to the New Reality just in time for the big switchover to Co-Creation and Co-operation with the New Earth Councils of Elders and Earth Keepers. Administrative responsibility for the New Earth will devolve on these councils, and especially on the High Council for the New Earth. These ones will guide you forward into the place of ultimate freedom and dreams!
The 3/3/3 Portal opens on the 3rd of December, continues to the 12th of December (12/12/12) and 21st December (21/12/12 Solstice and closes on the 30th December (3/3/3). Each of these dates reduces down to 3/3/3 or 9.
The Energies within this Portal or Corridor are Abundance and Harmony and Creation. The “Abundance Codes”, also known as the “Paradise Codes” are providing a powerful impetus for the installation of the Council of Earth Elders as the administrative body of the New Earth, for the Sacred Planet that is rebirthing to its Highest purpose in the 3rd decade of the 21st Century. The Divine Feminine/Goddess energy is preparing to bless the New Earth and all who step into that Reality with Great Abundance, Love, Harmony, Beauty and Peace. The NEW Divine Masculine Energy will support the Divine Creative flow into Manifestation on the New Earth Field of Love, where all creations are grounded in Love.
We will discuss here the two high points of the Portal, as important moments before the Portal closes on the 30th December.
The last Full Moon of December falls on the 11th December and is followed by the 12/12/12.
The Gemini Full Moon will create an illumined pathway for the 12/12/12, which will offer two things. Firstly, the completion of the 2019 “Soul Embodiment Process” that began in July/August of 2019, and secondly, the final and full activation of the Diamond Light Body/Galactic Body that was initiated in 2018.
The Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness “Field of Love” will provide the support for the final stages of the important Soul Embodiment phase that which Wayshowers and Light Family are Now completing. The process allows human consciousness to fully connect with Soul/Spirit Consciousness and to enter into the “Sacred Marriage” or union of Body and Soul. The NEW Earth being recognizes itself as an Infinite Being of Light that has access to many dimensions and points on the TimeSpace continuum. It is not limited to linear 3D time and it is not confined to a given reality. Everything Shifts and Changes as the first “NEW Earth” generation makes its choices and locates points of reference as empowered Co-Creators of the NEW Earth Reality.
As this important Shift of Consciousness takes place, there are similar Shifts occurring in the physical / lightbody system, including the final activations to align the Human Angelic Template within the DNA and to fully fire up the Diamond Light Body/Galactic Body so that we may begin to learn how to shift our being/consciousness into the Diamond Light Body at will in order to travel within the Multi-Dimensional Galactic Realms.
When you, Beloved Ones, as Wayshowers, fully activate and embrace this aspect of yourselves, you will be able to explore the full extent of who you are. You will no longer be “disconnected” from other dimensions and spaces, but will use your Galactic Diamond ~Light Body ads your “vehicle” to travel the Cosmos to any chosen “connection” or “re-connection” while still maintaining your access to the New Earth and your Human physical body.
On the 19th December the Earth reaches its direct alignment with the Galactic Center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. The Southern Pole of the Earth is facing directly onto the Galactic Center, and so the all important annual Earth / Galactic Council transmissions are received firstly into the New Earth grids in Antarctica and then transmitted to New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Argentina/Chile, for transmission northwards into the Planetary grid.
The moment of Earth Alignment with the Galactic Center is when there is a meeting of Consciousness and an exchange of gifts and celebrations. This year, for the first time, the New Earth Council meets with the Galactic Council to receive the transmissions from the Cosmic Heart about the coming Shifts and Changes and what they will mean for Earth. This information is then transmitted to the Wayshowers and Light family so that they can act on the on the information and make appropriate choices.
So, as you can see, this year’s Galactic Council meeting is a very special celebration, where there will be a great Galactic Family Reunion. Angelic Tribes incarnated on Earth and Starseeds will enter into their Diamond Light Bodies in order to attend the celebrations.
At this stage, many of you who are travelling in your Diamond Light Bodies may do so at night when you are sleeping. You may have little memory of where you have been, or you may think it was “just a dream”. Dream Reality is often a translation of Diamond Light Body travels. In the future, you will learn how to activate Diamond Light Body travel and how to recall all contact and information. Some of you will even work as ambassadors for the New Earth to the Galactic Council.
If you feel so inspired, you may ask to fully activate your Diamond Light Body and to be present at the Galactic Council Alignment Events.
This big Event occurs just 2 days before the Earth Solstice, the 21st December, which is another Big Shift for the New Earth grid that is emerging.
THE DECEMBER 2019 SOLSTICE : 21/12/2019
The Solstice is that moment when the Earth “returns” on its journey around the Sun. It represents a Shift of the seasonal energies and a celebration of Light. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the longest day and the shortest night, celebrating the power of the two Suns. . . the Solar System Sun Solaris and the Great Central Sun at the Galactic Center. In the Northern Hemisphere, where it is winter, t he Solstice represents the shortest day and the longest night. Here there is a celebration for the Rebirth of the Light as the days begin to lengthen on their journey towards Summer.
In the Galactic year, the Solstice also represents the midpoint of the 2019/2020 time cycle, as the Spiral swings around and begins its TimeSpace journey back the Zero point which is 25th / 26th July 2020 in the Galactic Calendar.
So, as you reach this point you will hold in your Awareness a Consciousness of Shifting and “returning” to the point of renewal. As a result of the deep consciousness Diamond Light Body connection with the Galactic Council, you will also hold in your deep consciousness all the codes and information you will need for the next 6 months as you journey in this cycle, which completes in July 2020 and renews on the 25th / 26th July, and when the NEW Time Spiral for the New Earth is activated at the 8/8 Lions Gate portal/
The Royal Lions of Sirius and Regulus, who are the Guardians of the 8/8 Time Portal will be present with you as you celebrate this special and sacred transit. Their powerful presence will assist you in this month as you “remember” the Sacred Galactic year and its connections with your Galactic, Starseed and Angelic families.
The final Eclipse of the decade occurs on the 26th of December, and this is the moment that propels us finally towards the big conjunction in January 2020. The focus now shifts to Capricorn, with its powerful Saturnian energy and its connection to Structure and Earth structure in particular.
Eclipses are moments when the Earth grids are seeded with NEW Energies and Ideas that will grow and expand as time passes. A Solar Eclipse is especially powerful as it allows the Sun to “switch off” momentarily while NEW Codes are “booted” into the grids.
The Capricorn codes are the energies of the Divine Masculine and the NEW Structures for the New Earth. The Divine Feminine must have New Structures in order to birth a New Reality and this is what is being provided in these upcoming Capricorn transits.
Arriving so soon after the Solstice switchover, these NEW Codes will be seeding New Structures and New Ways of being for Earth life in the third decade.
The path where the Eclipse will be visible will be some parts of Eastern Europe, most of Asia including India and China, East Africa including the horn of Africa and some parts of Egypt, as well as Indonesia and North Western Australia. This will be mostly a Middle Eastern / African / Asian Eclipse, and the New Masculine Codes will powerfully impact these area. The Energies of Isis and Osiris, The Buddha and Kwan Yin will be activated and redefined for the New Earth. Also, the powerful vortex in Bali will be activated for the New Masculine, and the Australian activation will help to activate the Dream Time weavings from Uluru and also fine tune them to the New Earth frequency.
Beloveds, it will be an exciting time for you as you enter into 2020!
It is Time to Begin, Beloved Ones!
The adventure continues into 2020 and the Third Decade.
Travel well and Love and Support Each Other!
You are much Loved and Appreciated by Heaven!
Channeled through Celia Fenn 💜 http://www.starchildglobal.com
Shared with LOVE 💜 Pars Kutay
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Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
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digital-planners · 4 years
For just $25.00 Digital Bullet Journal Blank Daily Planner Page Day Page 2019 GoodNotes hyperlinks template Notability Noteshelf2 NotesPlus ZoomNotes ═══════════ HOW IT WORKS ══════════ !!! FOR USE THIS PLANNER YOU NEED NOTES APP FOR iPad - some of this - Noteshelf2, Goodnotes 4-5, Notability, Notes Plus, Zoom Notes ════════════════════════════════ You will receive Digital PDF Planner MONDAY & SUNDAY CALENDAR START ════════════ FEATURES ════════════ You will receive 3 digital planner - Monday start and Sunday start calendar (Sunday calendar and Monday week + Sunday calendar and Sunday week) Start - July 2019 - End - December 2020 1) Monthly Pages 2) Weekly Pages 3) Daily Pages 4) Additional Pages 5) Year Planner Pages FOR Goodnotes or Notability or Xodo and Note Plus and Noteshelf2, ZoomNotes Detail • 808 pages in 1 PDF file with Hyperlinks • Optimized for GoodNotes and Notability, Notechelf2, on iPad Pro and Xodo for Android Tablet • Single PDF (digital download) ══════════ NAVIGATIONS ═══════════ What you will get: A dated planner with over 808 pages and 15 000 links, including: - Yearly calendar for 2019 and 2020 - Month Calendar pages (18 month) July 2019 - December 2020 - Monthly Note: - Weekly pages - Daily plan - 7 Additional Tabs for your projects - 2 Year planner page for 2019 & 2020 year ═════════ VIDEO TUTORIAL═══════════ How Instal planner from Email or Download Link www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eox1bZVJzZg How Install planner from dropbox www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_aKCnD3Xyo&t=2s HOW USE hyperlinks in Goodnotes www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI92ARaY7Aw&t=14s How sync ipad with iphone for goodnotes www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV_q33EMw5k&t=28s ═════════ IMPORTANT═══════════ ══ DIGITAL PRODUCTS ARE NON-REFUDABLE ══ * This planner was designed to work best with Goodnotes. This planner also works on apps that support PDF Annotations such a, Notes, or Notability, etc. This planner and any planner accessories are for personal use only and not intended for print prod...
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blankcalendars · 5 years
July December 2019 Calendar Template
July December 2019 Calendar Template
July December 2019 Calendar Template –
This website is providing you free monthly and yearly calendar template, which you can be easily edited or printed at any time. Here we have uploaded Half Yearly Calendar Images in JPG format. So you can download and edit these template formats free from here. Check out these Calendar Images here –
Printable July December 2019 Calendar Template
Blank July…
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ourwebify-blog · 6 years
April 2019 Calendar - Printable Design
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April is the fourth month of the year according to the Georgian calendar. According to the Roman Calendar, this is a second month. It has 30 days. It is usually associated with autumn in spring and Northern Hemisphere in the Northern Hemisphere (autumn). The same day of April week starts in July and ends in the same year as for December on the same day of the week. Leap starts in the form of April, the same day of the week as the year. Here you get April 2019 Calendar with various template and layout - daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. These are high-resolution images.
The simple and clean format you get. April 2019 Holiday Calendar layout is the most cherished and attracts everyone. The calendar is the most important part of our daily life. They can help to improve the working structure. We sure you love this template.
The calendar is a very important tool and easily used for the workplace and personal purpose. With the help of April 2019 Calendar With Holidays will be easier to manage all the plans and activities. In this article, we have mentioned national and international holidays. we provide all the holidays, it helps to make your plan. In April month lots of events celebrate like Good Friday is celebrated on 19 April, In the Roman Catholic tradition, this day is considered as the day of fasting - a day in which there is only one full meal and avoids meat intake. Palm Sunday, National Beer Day many holidays fall in this month.
Holiday is the most important part of our life. This design is simple, editable, sharable and printable. So here we are giving the Blank April 2019 Calendar. Even you get edit according to your purpose. It is easily hanging on the wall or refrigerator.
The calendar provides a  location to store and managed the important dates. It allows to user to perform a function like an insert, delete and update. Blank April 2019 Calendar is extremely helpful for personal and professional work because it has enough space has been given here. For the most part these blank space for making timetable or plans. Students can note down their subject and examination details. It is the best technique to manage all the work activities.
Our April 2019 Calendar is free to use and is available as PDF, word, Excel template calendar. This calendar can be printed in any size A4, A3, legal paper. Print the simple calendar template and mark the important dates, events and holidays.  
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anujpanditanuj · 6 years
Free USA August 2019 Calendar Templates
After Caesar decreed the re form, almost certainly briefly after his first return by your African effort in overdue Quintilis (July)he included 6 7 far more times by adding two outstanding intercalary weeks in between November and December. These days are referred to as Intercalaris Ahead and Intercalaris Posterior in letters of Cicero composed during that moment; there isn't any foundation for its announcement some times found that they've been predicted"Undecimber" and also"Duodecimber".
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provisions which appeared at the 18th century on a century following the Roman Empire's collapse.
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foxvista377 · 3 years
Api Tank Design Software
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Publisher: CMF Ltd.
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Last updated: March 31st, 2015
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Publisher: EWPAA
Last updated: July 17th, 2018
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Last updated: May 23rd, 2016
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Last updated: July 7th, 2017
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Publisher: Plastic Software, Inc.
Last updated: May 26th, 2020
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calendars2print · 5 years
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(via Half Year July December Calendar 2019)
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calendarsnotes-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/it-is-time-to-begin/
It is Time to Begin
It is Time to Begin
By Celia Fenn, via Heart Light
Beloveds, stand by to enter the third decade of the 21st Century! The quantum energies are swirling and accelerating as you arrive fully in this new space and place that is called New Earth. You will see a quantum wave of awakening in 2020 on your Earth, with many deep and profound shifts.
But, on may say that right now you are in the entrance hallway, waiting to make your big entrance!
Many powerful energies were released at the Galactic New Year in July?August of 2019, and this is the culmination or high point of the Time Spiral as you enter the 3/3/3 Portal, connect with Galactic Center and Council, transit the Solstice and the Solar Eclipse, and prepare for the powerful and transformative energies of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, follower by the Sun, Pluto and Saturn conjunction also in Capricorn on the 12th January 2020.
Yes indeed, you have a “full program” over the next weeks. These powerful shifts occurring in December 2019 and January 2020 will deliver you to the threshold of your “new life” as a citizen of the New Earth and an empowered Co-Creator of the New Earth Reality. The past will finally fall away for you and you will step into the magical quantum and multi-dimensional reality that is your birth right as an Angelic or Starseed Human.
Welcome to the New Earth “2020” where you are the ones who determine your reality and your future as you travel the time spirals and shape “TimeSpace” into your deepest dreams and desires.
The 3/3/3 Portal
Beloved Ones, the 3/3/3 Portal is an extended month long corridor or time gate that will deliver you to the New Reality just in time for the big switchover to Co-Creation and Co-operation with the New Earth Councils of Elders and Earth Keepers. Administrative responsibility for the New Earth will devolve on these councils, and especially on the High Council for the New Earth. These ones will guide you forward into the place of ultimate freedom and dreams!
The 3/3/3 Portal opens on the 3rd of December, continues to the 12th of December (12/12/12) and 21st December (21/12/12 Solstice( and closes on the 30th December (3/3/3). Each of these dates reduces down to 3/3/3 or 9.
The energies within this portal or corridor are Abundance and Harmony and Creation. The “Abundance Codes”, also known as the “Paradise Codes” are providing a powerful impetus for the installation of the Council of Earth Elders as the administrative body of the New Earth, for the Sacred Planet that is rebirthing to its highest purpose in the 3rd decade of the 21st Century. The Divine Feminine/Goddess energy is preparing to bless the New Earth and all who step into that Reality with great abundance, love, harmony, beauty and peace. The new Divine Masculine energy will support the Divine Creative flow into Manifestation on the New Earth Field of Love, where all creations are grounded in Love.
We will discuss here the two high points of the Portal, as important moments before the portal closes on the 30th December.
The Full Moon in Gemini and the 12/12/12
The last Full Moon of December falls on the 11th December and is followed by the 12/12/12.
The Gemini Full Moon will create an illumined pathway for the 12/12/12, which will offer two things. Firstly, the completion of the 2019 “Soul Embodiment Process” that began in July/August of 2019, and secondly, the final and full activation of the Diamond Light Body/Galactic Body that was initiated in 2018.
The Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness “Field of Love” will provide the support for the final stages of the important Soul Embodiment phase that which Wayshowers and Light Family are now completing. The process allows human consciousness to fully connect with Soul/Spirit consciousness and to enter into the “Sacred Marriage” or union of Body and Soul. The New Earth being recognizes itself as an Infinite Being of Light that has access to many dimensions and points on the TimeSpace continuum. It is not limited to linear 3D time and it is not confined to a given reality. Everything shifts and changes as the first “New Earth” generation makes its choices and locates points of reference as empowered Co-Creators of the New Earth Reality.
As this important shift of consciousness takes place, there are similar shifts occurring in the physical/lightbody system, including the final activations to align the Human Angelic Template within the DNA and to fully fire up the Diamond Light Body/Galactic Body so that we may begin to learn how to shift our being/consciousness into the Diamond Light Body at will in order to travel within the Multi-dimensional Galactic Realms.
When you, Beloved Ones, as Wayshowers, fully activate and embrace this aspect of yourselves, you will be able to explore the full extent of who you are. You will no longer be “disconnected” from other dimensions and spaces, but will use your Galactic Diamond ~Light Body ads your “vehicle” to travel the Cosmos to any chosen “connection” or “re-connection” while still maintaining your access to the New Earth and your Human physical body.
Earth Alignment with the Galactic Center : 19th December
On the 19th December the Earth reaches its direct alignment with the Galactic Center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. The southern pole of the Earth is facing directly onto the Galactic Center, and so the all important annual Earth/Galactic Council transmissions are received firstly into the New Earth grids in Antarctica and then transmitted to New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Argentina/Chile, for transmission northwards into the Planetary grid.
The moment of Earth alignment with the Galactic Centeer is when there is a meeting of Consciousness and an exchange of gifts and celebrations. This year, for the first time, the New Earth council meets with the Galactic Council to receive the transmissions from the Cosmic Heart about the coming shifts and changes and what they will mean for Earth. This information is then transmitted to the Wayshowers and Light family so that they can act on the on the information and make appropriate choices.
So, as you can see, this year’s Galactic Council meeting is a very special celebration, where there will be a great Galactic Family Reunion. Angelic Tribes incarnated on Earth and Starseeds will enter into their Diamond Light Bodies in order to attend the celebrations.
At this stage, many of you who are travelling in your Diamond Light Bodies may do so at night when you are sleeping. You may have little memory of where you have been, or you may think it was “just a dream”. Dream Reality is often a translation of Diamond Light Body travels. In the future, you wll learn how to activate Diamond Light Body travel and how to recall all contact and information. Some of you will even work as ambassadors for the New Earth to the Galactic Council.
If you feel so inspired, you may ask to fully activate your Diamond Light Body and to be present at the Galactic Council Alignment events.
This big event occurs just 2 days before the Earth Solstice, the 21st December, which is another big shift for the New Earth grid that is emerging.
The December 2019 Solstice : 21/12/2019
The Solstice is that moment when the Earth “returns” on its journey around the Sun. It represents a shift of the seasonal energies and a celebration of light. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the longest day and the shortest night, celebrating the power of the two Suns…..the Solar System Sun Solaris and the Great Central Sun at the Galactic Center. In the Northern Hemisphere, where it is winter, t he Solstice represents the shortest day and the longest night. Here there is a celebration for the Rebirth of the Light as the days begin to lengthen on their journey towards Summer.
In the Galactic year, the Solstice also represents the midpoint of the 2019/2020 time cycle, as the spiral swings around and begins its TimeSpace journey back the zero point which is 25th/26th July 2020 in the Galactic Calendar.
So, as you reach this point you will hold in your awareness a consciousness of shifting and “returning” to the point of renewal. As a result of the deep consciousness Diamond Light Body connection with the Galactic Council, you will also hold in your deep consciousness all the codes and information you will need for the next 6 months as you journey in this cycle, which completes in July 2020 and renews on the 25th/26th July, and when the new Time Spiral for the New Earth is activated at the 8/8 Lions Gate portal/
The Royal Lions of Sirius and Regulus, who are the Guardians of the 8/8 Time Portal will be present with you as you celebrate this special and sacred transit. Their powerful presence will assist you in this month as you “remember” the Sacred Galactic year and its connections with your Galactic, Starseed and Angelic families.
26th December : Solar Eclipse In Capricorn
The final Eclipse of the decade occurs on the 26th of December, and this is the moment that propels us finally towards the big conjunction in January 2020. The focus now shifts to Capricorn, with its powerful Saturnian energy and its connection to Structure and Earth structure in particular.
Eclipses are moments when the Earth grids are seeded with new energies and ideas that will grow and expand as time passes. A Solar eclipse is especially powerful as it allows the Sun to “switch off” momentarily while new codes are “booted” into the grids.
The Capricorn codes are the energies of the Divine Masculine and the new Structures for the New Earth. The Divine Feminine must have new structures in order to birth a New Reality and this is what is being provided in these upcoming Capricorn transits.
Arriving so soon after the Solstice switchover, these new codes will be seeding new structures and new ways of being for Earth life in the third decade.
The path where the Eclipse will be visible will be some parts of Eastern Europe, most of Asia including India and China, East Africa including the horn of Africa and some parts of Egypt, as well as Indonesia and North Western Australia. This will be mostly a Middle Eastern/African/ Asian Eclipse, and the New Masculine codes will powerfully impact these area. The energies of Isis and Osiris, The Buddha and Kwan Yin will be activated and redefined for the New Earth. Also, the powerful vortex in Bali will be activated for the New Masculine, and the Australia activation will help top activate the Dream Time weavings from Uluru and also fine tune them to the New Earth frequency.
Beloveds, it will be an exciting time for you as you enter into 2020!
The Lunar Eclipse on the 10th January 2020 and the 22 degrees Capricorn Conjunction of Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn on 12th January 2020
The 3/3/3 Portal closes out on the 30th/31st December as January 2020 and the new decade commences. The 10th January Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse initiates the powerful conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Saturn on the 12th, as the powerful planets move into alignment.
The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse are in Cancer, which brings in the beautiful energy of the Divine Feminine. The Goddess initiates her codes and plans her seeds so that the incoming conjunction will support the very deep shifts that are still to come. This Cancer energy also links you back to the period just before the Galactic New Year in 2019 (July 2019) and forward to the 2020/2021 Galactic New Year (July 2020). The Divine Feminine is on hand to flow her beautiful and creative essence to support the deep changes that are being initiated at this moment at the beginning of the third decade.
This Lunar Eclipse will be visible, as it lays its shadow and seeds its codes for the New Masculine/Feminine Sacred Union over Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia, and touches on North America and South America.
Two days later, on the 12th, the Sun is at 21 degrees of Capricorn and Mercury, Pluto and Saturn at 22 degrees of Capricorn. This conjunction, with Jupiter at 9 degrees of Capricorn, means that 5 out of 10 planets are in Capricorn just after the Cancer Full Moon. That is powerful! Cancer is the opposite house to Capricorn, so it activates these energies powerfully and lays the stage for the shifts.
Pluto and Saturn are both powerful planets : Saturn creates form and structure through time and Pluto transforms through breaking down form and structure.
This conjunction, illuminated by the Sun, may be seen as the “clash of the Titans” in Capricorn. Saturn rules Capricorn, so it is all about form and structure, but then along comes Pluto with its determination to transform by breaking down. Sitting next to Mercury and the Sun, this indicates powerful changes in how we think and how we express ourselves in the world.
So indeed, Beloved Ones, you will see a powerful tension as old forms and structures are breaking down on all levels, and this is being accelerated by Pluto’s influence, while at the same time new structures are being initiated for the New Earth.
This will set the tome for the third decade. Old structures collapsing and new structures emerging. Because the influence of Saturn is often felt over time, you may not initially see much, but the deep shifts and new codes will be operating to bring forth the new.
But, Beloved Ones, you will certainly feel these energies, and you may indeed find accelerated “collapse” of things that no longer serve you in your life. `This may be painful for some, as it will impact on the very deep levels of structure in relationships, families, communities and nations.
In the wake of the 22 degrees conjunction, many will begin to awaken as the illusion of structure breaks down. They may well feel alienated and lost as they seek for new structures to sustain their lives. This is where the work of the Wayshowers is important. Many of you are called to be part of the Support Teams in 2020. Your work will be to stay calm and peaceful in the chaos, to be empowered in your .lives and to guide others to self-empowerment and to the New Earth. This will be an exciting time for you as many new opportunities will open up in your work.
This will be the time to really move more into your power as Co-Creators, spinning Time Cycles and designing new realities. Some of your may choose to continue to work as bridge builders between the old structures and reality and the New Earth, while some will cross over to become builders of the New Earth structures.
Those who choose for the New Earth will be working with the Galactic and Solar Councils to create a New Earth in the Golden Field of Love. They will work with the crystalline Christ Consciousness and the Diamond Light to weave the New Reality.
It is Time to Begin, Beloved Ones!
The adventure continues into 2020 and the Third Decade.
Travel well and Love and Support Each Other!
You are much Loved and Appreciated by Heaven!
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn www.starchildglobal.com
HeART LIGHT image by Mary Josephine Hession Heart Light
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Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
You Need This 2021 Marketing Calendar [Free Templates]
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/you-need-this-2021-marketing-calendar-free-templates/
You Need This 2021 Marketing Calendar [Free Templates]
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With 2020 almost behind us, it’s time to set your sights on next year’s marketing campaigns.
That means a lot of #CatDad photos, “New Year, new you” messaging, and pumpkin spice lattes.
Consider this your ultimate holiday marketing calendar for 2021.
Many of the holidays listed here are classics; some are feel-good holidays, and some are made up by brand themselves.
Trust me, you’ll want to bookmark this.
Sidebar: Would you like me to add more holidays, topics, or just have feedback? Please fill out 👉 this form. I will review all the feedback and comments before building the 2022 marketing calendar. Thank you!
2021 Free Marketing Calendar Templates
Whether you’re the kind of marketer who starts feeling festive in July or you’re the wait-until-Christmas-break type, there’s no doubt that prepping your 2021 holiday marketing comes with a cornucopia of stressors.
The good news is that I’ve started the planning process for you.
Ahead, I’ve shared my two holiday marketing calendar templates for 2021 including a Google calendar and spreadsheet. That will help you get through the season like a boss.
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Yep – these holiday marketing calendar templates may be the best gift you’ve ever received.
2021 Marketing Calendar
Here is the marketing calendar for 2021.
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The tab titled “All Holidays + Google Calendar” can be used to upload to Google Calendar.
Your 2021 marketing calendar is going to be above and beyond – all with a seasonal twist. Let’s keep it going with a breakdown of all the holidays, big events, and inspiration campaigns.
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Your 2021 Holiday Marketing Calendar
I’ve separated this calendar by month, so you can jump to a certain month with one click below:
Right now, there’s a good chance that your target audience is getting bombarded by winter sales and gym workouts on Instagram.
The thing is, January is the time to experience a refresh. Along with this rejuvenation, comes college football games, SAG awards, and Elvis’s birthday.
If you’re not sure where to begin when crafting your January marketing campaigns, ahead are holidays, sporting events, birthdays, and more to celebrate in January.
Monthly Observances
Weight Loss Awareness Month National Blood Donor Month National Thank You Month National Hobby Month National Tea Month Girl Scout Cookie Season Begins
Weekly Observances
January 1-7 – Diet Resolution Week January 17-23 – Hunt For Happiness Week January 17-23 – Sugar Awareness Week January 24-30 – National School Choice Week January 24-31 – Meat Week January 24-30 – Clean Out Your Inbox Week
January 1 – New Year’s Day January 1 – National Hangover Day January 1 – Outback Bowl January 1 – Rose Bowl January 1 – NHL Winter Classic January 6-10 – PGA Tournament of Champions January 2 – Science Fiction Day January 3 – Festival of Sleep Day January 4 – Trivia Day January 10 – National Bird Day January 6 – National Bean Day January 6 – Cuddle Up Day January 8 – Elvis’s Birthday January 9 – National Take the Stairs Day January 10 – National Bittersweet Chocolate Day January 10 – Houseplant Appreciation Day January 11 – National Human Trafficking Awareness Day January 11 – College Football Playoff National Championship January 11 – National Clean Off Your Desk Day January 13 – National Sticker Day January 14 – Dress Up Your Pet Day January 15 – National Hat Day January 17 – Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day January 18 – Winnie the Pooh Day (Author A.A. Milne’s birthday) January 18 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 19 – National Popcorn Day January 20 – Penguin Awareness Day January 20 – National Cheese Lover’s Day January 21 – Get To Know Your Customer’s Day January 21 – National Hugging Day January 23 – National Pie Day January 24 – Compliment Day January 24 – National Peanut Butter Day January 25 – Opposite Day January 25 – Community Manager Appreciation Day #CMAD January 26 – Spouse’s Day January 27 – Chocolate Cake Day January 28 – Sundance Film Festival begins January 28 – Fun at Work Day January 28 – Data Privacy Day January 28-31 – Winter X Games January 29 – National Puzzle Day January 30 – National Hockey League All-Star Game January 31 – Backward Day January 31 – Grammy’s
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Popular hashtags for January:
Examples of January holiday marketing campaigns for brands:
How would you explain the repeal of Net Neutrality? We did it with the Whopper. Watch the video below: pic.twitter.com/9EWjtbenv8
— Burger King (@BurgerKing) January 24, 2018
.@Spotify I’m loving your New Years campaign! Proof that data collection drives headlines and is attention grabbing. #kudos pic.twitter.com/AKcWjLpIff
— Anderhays (@anderhays) December 7, 2017
Refugees travel about 2 billion km every year to find safety.
Show them they’re not alone & #StepWithRefugees https://t.co/VAgv1ZcCIA pic.twitter.com/TOTZEfdmRH
— UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency (@Refugees) January 27, 2019
Toothless already won New Years. #HowToTrainYourDragon pic.twitter.com/XeBXwGWNUM
— DreamWorks Animation (@Dreamworks) December 26, 2018
February is extra special this year. It’s not all about Valentine’s Day, Fashion Week, or Super Bowl Sunday (okay, maybe it is).
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This year, February packs a punch with an extra day because it’s a leap year. February 29 happens every four years to keep us aligned with orbit around the sun.
So, what’s a marketer to do in February to target the right audience?
First, wish for spring to begin. And, second, keep scrolling for all the inspiration you need to make February a high-performing month for your business.
Monthly Observances
Black History Month American Heart Month National Heart Month National Weddings Month National Cherry Month
Weekly Observances
February 7-13 – Eating Disorder Awareness Week TBD – New York Fashion Week February 8-14 – Freelance Writers Appreciation Week February 14-20 – International Flirting Week February 8-14 – Condom Week February 17-23 – Random Acts of Kindness Week February 19-23 – London Fashion Week February 19-24 – Milan Fashion Week
February 1 – National Freedom Day February 2 – Groundhog Day February 4 – World Cancer Day February 5 – Bubble Gum Day February 5 – World Nutella Day February 5 – National Weatherperson’s Day February 5 – Give Kids a Smile Day February 5 – Wear Red Day February 6 – National Chopsticks Day February 7 – Super Bowl Sunday February 7 – Send a Card to a Friend Day #SendACardToAFriendDay February 8-14 – AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am February 8 – Boy Scout’s Day February 9 – National Pizza Day February 10 – Umbrella Day February 11 – Make a Friend Day February 12 – Chinese New Year February 12 – Lincoln’s Birthday February 14 – Valentine’s Day February 15 – Susan B. Anthony’s Birthday February 15 – Singles Awareness Day February 15 – Presidents Day February 16 – Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday February 17 – Random Acts of Kindness Day February 17 – Ash Wednesday February 18 – Drink Wine Day February 20 – Love Your Pet Day February 22 – Washington’s Birthday February 22 – Margarita Day February 22 – Walk Your Dog Day February 24 – National Tortilla Chip Day February 26 – National Pistachio Day February 28 – Floral Design Day February 28 – Golden Globes
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Popular hashtags for February:
Examples of February holiday marketing campaigns for brands:
Thank you, THANK YOU #SBLII @nfl @pepsi! Congrats @Eagles🏆! We out!! @thetnkids #PepsiHalftime 🏈 pic.twitter.com/xjcjqAyBAc
— Justin Timberlake (@jtimberlake) February 6, 2018
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Field Notes – Valentine’s Day Offer
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Google Pixel – President’s Day Offer
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Verizon: AllOurThanks.com
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Target: Celebrate Black History Month
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Just when you are finally out of your holiday winter slump, Daylight Saving Time catches us all longing for a nap.
Although there’s no amount of coffee that can help you prepare for the upcoming month, I did share a few marketing campaign ideas below to get you started.
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From the World Wildlife Day to International Women’s Day, March has a lot to offer.
Monthly Observances
Women’s History Month Nutrition Month Peanut Month Music in Our Schools Month Craft Month Irish Heritage Month American Red Cross Month March for Meals The Great American Cleanup
Weekly Observances
March 1-9 – Paris Women’s Fashion Week March 7-13 – National Sleep Awareness Week March 8 -14– Girl Scout Week March 12-17 – Campfire Birthday Week March 28 – Apr 3 National Cleaning Week
March 1 – Peanut Butter Lover’s Day March 2 – National Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss Day) March 4-7 – Arnold Palmer Invitational PGA March 3 – World Wildlife Day March 4 – Grammar Day March 5 – Day of Unplugging March 5 –Girl Scout Cookie Booth Sales Begin March 5 – Employee Appreciation Day March 6 – Dentist’s Day March 6 – Oreo Day March 6 – Shaq’s Birthday March 7 – Cereal Day March 8 – International Women’s Day March 11-14 – The Players Championship PGA March 11 – Popcorn Lover’s Day March 12 – World Sleep Day March 12– Girl Scout Birthday March 13 – Jewel Day March 14 – Daylight Savings March 14 – SAG Awards March 14 – Pi Day March 15 – Napping Day March 15 – The Ides of March March 15 – Oscar Nominations Announcement March 16-20 – SXSW Online March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day March 18 –Awkward Moments Day March 20 – First Day of Spring March 21 – World Down Syndrome Day March 21 – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination March 22 – World Water Day March 23 – Ag Day (Agriculture Day) March 23 – Puppy Day March 23 – American Diabetes Association Alert Day March 26 – Purple Day for Epilepsy Awareness March 27 – Earth Hour Day March 28 – Palm Sunday March 29 – Mom & Pop Business Owners Day March 30 – National Doctor’s Day March 31 – Equal Pay Day March 31 – Crayon Day March 31 – Transgender Day of Visibility
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Popular hashtags for March:
Examples of March holiday marketing campaigns for brands:
We’re celebrating #StPatricksDay the Jameson way at the office! Join the fun on Snapchat with @JamesonCanada filters, available across 🇨🇦🥃 pic.twitter.com/CWn905NH3z
— Corby Spirit & Wine (@CorbySW) March 17, 2017
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Brawny: #StrengthHasNoGender
“April showers bring May flowers,” makes April sound like…well…a real bummer.
April deserves silent golf clap because April is bringing us National Denim Day, World Autism Day, the Master’s PGA tournament, and so much more.
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And, to top it all off, springtime drops (hello, spring cleaning and pretty Peeps).
Monthly Observances
Earth Month National Volunteer Month National Autism Awareness Month Keep America Beautiful Month National Garden Month Stress Awareness Month National Poetry Month
Weekly Observances
April 18-24 – National Volunteer Week April 18-24 – Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week April 18-24 – Administrative Professionals Week April 26-30 – Every Kid Healthy Week April 18-24 – National Princess Week
April 1 – April Fool’s Day April 1 – Baseball Opening Day April 2 – World Autism Awareness Day April 2 – National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day April 2 – National Walking Day April 02 – Good Friday April 3 – Don’t Go To Work Unless it’s Fun Day April 3 – Find a Rainbow Day April 04 – Easter Sunday April 6 – School Librarian Day April 6 – National Beer Day April 7 – World Health Day April 8-11 – Masters Tournament PGA April 9 – Winston Churchill Da TBD (Typically April 10) – Free Cone Day (Ben & Jerry’s) April 10 – Golfer’s Day April 9-11 – Coachella Music Festival April 11 – National Pet Day April 12 – National Grilled Cheese Day April 15 – National Titanic Remembrance Day April 15 – Tax Day April 15 – National High-Five Day April 19 – Boston Marathon April 20 – Lookalike Day April 21 – Administrative Professionals Day April 22 – Earth Day April 22 – Take Your Daughter and/or Son to Work Day April 25 – Oscars Ceremony April 28 – Denim Day April 28 – National Superhero Day April 30 – Arbor Day April 30 – National Honesty Day April 30 – National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day
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Popular hashtags for April:
Examples of April holiday marketing campaigns for brands:
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National Geographic: Partner Content for the North Face
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Burger King: The King’s Fool’s Challenge
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Packlane – Easter Offer
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This #EarthDay, we’re hosting cleanup events across the globe with @MissionBlue! If at least 1,500 #PokemonGO Trainers attend these events, Trainers will see special in game surprises! Find your closest cleanup event here: https://t.co/b9FJdxCW6O pic.twitter.com/8tFhW7HMC0
— Niantic, Inc. (@NianticLabs) April 4, 2018
May is here which means the nights are only getting hotter and longer.
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That also means that it’s time for #MayThe4thBeWithYou hashtags, tequila, big hats, and BBQ.
May doesn’t just celebrate the start of summer with a day OOO, it also kicks off our summer marketing campaigns.
Monthly Observances
ALS Awareness Asthma Awareness National Celiac Disease Awareness Month Clean Air Month Global Employee Health and Fitness Month National Barbecue Month National Bike Month National Hamburger Month National Salad Month National Photograph Month Gifts from the Garden Month Lupus Awareness Month Military Family Appreciation Month
Weekly Observances
April 25 – May 1 – Food Allergy Awareness Week May 1-7 – National Pet Week May 2-8 – National Tourism Week May 2-8 – Drinking Water Week May 2-8 – Teacher Appreciation Week May 10-16 – Nurse’s Week
TBD (Typically May 1) – Red Nose Day May 1 – May Day May 1 – Mother Goose Day May 1 – Kentucky Derby May 4 – Thank A Teacher Day May 4 – Star Wars Day May 4 – International Firefighters Day May 4 – National Teacher’s Day May 5 – Cinco De Mayo May 6 – National Nurses Day May 7 – World Password Day May 7 – Military Spouse Appreciation Day May 8 – World Fair Trade Day May 8 – World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day May 09 – Mother’s Day May 11 – Eat What You Want Day May 12 – National Receptionists Day May 15 – Armed Forces Day May 15 – National Chocolate Chip Day May 16 – Love a Tree Day May 17-23 – PGA Championship May 21 – National Bike to Work Day May 21 – NASCAR Day May 20 – Be a Millionaire Day May 23-Jun 6 – French Open May 24 – Victoria Day (Canada) May 25 – Geek Pride Day May 25 – National Wine Day May 26 – Sally Ride Day May 28-31 – Indianapolis 500 May 31 – Memorial Day May 31 – World No-Tobacco Day
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Popular hashtags for May:
Examples of May holiday marketing for brands:
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Today only: turn yourself into a taco using our @Snapchat lens. Because Cinco de Mayo. pic.twitter.com/P4KwLdFNFZ
— Taco Bell (@tacobell) May 5, 2016
Brace yourself, we’re halfway through the year. That means heat waves, #RadDadsSquad pics, rainbow flags in shop windows, and summer getaways.
So while you’re dusting off the BBQ or hitting the links, now is the time to create shareable marketing campaigns like the ALS ice bucket challenge or the IHOP’s IHOb campaign.
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Because if you don’t share it on social, did it really happen?
Monthly Observances
Men’s Health Month National Safety Month Acne Awareness Month LGBTQ Pride Month National Adopt a Cat Month Aquarium Month Candy Month
Weekly Observances
June 6-12 – Pet Appreciation Week June 14-20 – Men’s Health Week
June 2 – National Rocky Road Day June 4 – National Donut Day June 4 – Hug Your Cat Day June 4 – National Cheese Day June 5 – World Environment Day June 7 – National Chocolate Ice Cream Day June 8 – World Oceans Day June 8 – National Best Friends Day June 9 – Donald Duck Day June 10 – Iced Tea Day June 17-20 – Bonnaroo Music Festival June 13 – National Weed Your Garden Day June 14 – Flag Day June 14-20 –U.S. Open PGA June 18 – National Splurge Day June 19 – World Juggler’s Day June 20 – Father’s Day June 20 – First Day of Summer / Summer Solstice June 21 – National Selfie Day June 22 – National Kissing Day June 23-July 11 – Wimbledon June 24 – National Handshake Day June 25 – National Take a Dog to Work Day June 29 – Camera Day June 30 – Social Media Day
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Popular hashtags for June:
Examples of June holiday marketing for brands:
Life’s Good, Get Dirty
If we can clean up 65,000 fun-loving festival goers at #Bonnaroo, we can take care of your mess too with our long-lasting, durable washers. #LifesGood #GetDirty
Posted by LG Electronics USA on Thursday, June 21, 2018
The largest delivery in @Amazon history. pic.twitter.com/xOhuJ7dLFy
— Jurassic World (@JurassicWorld) June 2, 2018
July is more than just another summer month. It’s also a chance to celebrate America’s independence, order too much stuff on Prime Day, share your favorite emojis, and watch golf.
When it comes to marketing in July, there are tons of opportunities to engage with your customers – from pet safety tips during the 4th of July to free shipping.
Monthly Observances
Ice Cream Month National Grilling Month National Picnic Month National Independent Retailer Month National Blueberry Month
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Weekly Observances
July 18-24 – Capture the Sunset Week July 18-24 – Independent Retailers Week
July 1 – National Postal Worker Day July 1 – International Joke Day July 2 – World UFO Day July 2 – 25 – Tour de France July 4 – Independence Day July 4 – Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest July 5 – National Bikini Day July 7 – World Chocolate Day July 8 – Video Games Day July 11 – National 7-Eleven Day July 12 – Pecan Pie Day July 13 – Rock Worldwide Day July 13 – French Fry Day July 16 – World Snake Day July 16-19 – Summer X Games July 17 – World Emoji Day July 18 – National Ice Cream Day July 20 – Hot Dog Day July 18 – Amazon Prime Day July 19 – National Daiquiri Day July 20 – National Moon Day July 21 – #NoMakeUp Day July 24 – Amelia Earhart Day July 25 – Parents’ Day July 26 – Aunt and Uncle Day July 28 – World Hepatitis Day July 29-31 – World Lumberjack Championships July 30 – Father-in-Law Day July 30 – International Day of Friendship
Popular hashtags for July:
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Examples of July holiday marketing for brands:
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Smirnoff: 4th of July Party Pitch
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Amazon: Prime Day Deals
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There are those who keep us cool by keeping theirs. Professionals in the art of refreshment – A/C techs, fridge specialists and pool professionals. We prefer to call them The Refreshionals. And they proudly present the only drink that’s certified refreshing – the #JimBeamHighball pic.twitter.com/EYcueRZw9J
— Jim Beam (@JimBeam) July 15, 2019
Google are also giving their emojis a refresh. Blobs are out, and this is in 🔥https://t.co/NiE13afwDC
— World Emoji Day 📅 (@WorldEmojiDay) July 17, 2019
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Let’s be honest: The reality is that August signals that summer will be over before we know it. It’s back-to-school season and every girl has a PSL on their Instagram feed.
So, whether your audience is heading off to experience dorm life for the first time, kicking back with a cold one for NFL preseason, or just Netflix and chill with your dog, August has something for every brand.
Monthly Observances
Back to School Month National Golf Month National Breastfeeding Month Family Fun Month Peach Month
Weekly Observances
August 1-7 – National Farmers’ Market Week August 8-14 – National Motorcycle Week (Always 2nd full week of August) August 8-14 – Feeding Pets of the Homeless Week (Always 2nd full week of August)
August 1 – National Girlfriends Day August 1 – Friendship Day August 2 – National Ice Cream Sandwich Day August 2-8 – World Golf Championships-FedEx St. Jude Invitational August 6 – International Beer Day August 5 – NFL Preseason begins August 8 – International Cat Day August 9 – Book Lover’s Day August 10 – National S’mores Day August 12 – Middle Child’s Day August 13 – Left-hander’s Day August 16 – National Tell a Joke Day August 18 – Bad Poetry Day August 19 – World Photo Day August 19 – World Humanitarian Day August 20 – National Lemonade Day August 21 – Senior Citizens Day August 26 – National Dog Day August 26 – Women’s Equality Day August 30 – Frankenstein Day August 31 – National Trail Mix Day
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Popular hashtags for August:
Examples of August holiday marketing for brands:
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Staples for Students Scholarship Sweepstakes
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Enter our #DormBattlestation Giveaway for a chance to win the ultimate college setup, including gear from MSI Gaming,…
Posted by Newegg on Friday, July 20, 2018
Target Run with the Stauffer Family
Back-to-school season is here! Follow Papa Buz, Mila and Emma from Kcstauffer on their #TargetRun. ✏️ 🗒️ Start your list here: http://tgt.biz/742yu
Posted by Target on Monday, July 23, 2018
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Break out those bathing suits and sunglasses one last time as September brings the first signs of fall.
I’m the kind of marketer who overplans. So, to help keep things on track, I have to narrow in on what the brands I work with really need.
With this list of popular holidays in September, you can decide if you want to skip Talk Like A Pirate Day (but, I mean, why would you?), or maybe you’re ready to cheers to the start of Oktoberfest.
Everything about September should be easy and breezy – your marketing budget included.
Monthly Observances
Wilderness Month National Preparedness Month National Food Safety Education Month Fruit and Veggies—More Matters Month National Yoga Awareness Month Whole Grains Month Hispanic Heritage Month Little League Month Better Breakfast Month
Weekly Observances
September 5-11 – National Suicide Prevention Week September 20-26 – Pollution Prevention Week September 19-25 – National Indoor Plant Week September 19-25 – National Dog Week
September 4 – International Bacon Day September 5 – Cheese Pizza Day September 5 – International Day of Charity September 6 – Labor Day September 6 – Read a Book Day September 6-8 – Rosh Hashanah September 11 – 9/11 September 11 – Patriot’s Day September 12 – National Video Games Day September 12– Grandparents Day September 13 – Uncle Sam Day September 15 – Greenpeace Day September 15-16 – Yom Kippur September 17 – Constitution Day September 17 – Citizenship Day September 18 – Oktoberfest Begins September 18 – Boys’ and Girls’ Club Day for Kids September 19 – Wife Appreciation Day September 19 – International Talk Like a Pirate September 21 – International Day of Peace September 22 – Car-free Day September 23 – First Day of Fall September 23 – Checkers Day September 24 – Native American Day September 27 – World Tourism Day September 28– National Voter Registration Day September 28 – World Rabies Day September 28 – National Good Neighbor Day September 29 – World Heart Day September 30 – International Podcast Day
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Popular hashtags for September:
Examples of September holiday marketing for brands:
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Whole Foods: International Bacon Day
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Celebrate 5778 with apples, honey and an emoji! Tweet using #RoshHashanah or #ShanahTovah to unlock a sweet emoji. pic.twitter.com/vLTwmN0trc
— Twitter Faith (@TwitterFaith) September 19, 2017
For some, October is about watching Hocus Pocus on repeat, pumpkin beer, and orange-stuff Oreos.
Then, there are those of us marketers who see October as a chance to promote your brand like the Dunkin Dress Up Contest, or Lush’s Halloween Collection.
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If you’re planning to work overtime to deliver a scary good marketing campaign for October 2021, this list of October holidays will help you climb uphill to holiday marketing domination. Unpleasant dreams! 👋👋
Monthly Observances
Breast Cancer Awareness Month AIDS Awareness Month Bully Prevention Month Adopt a Shelter Dog Month Halloween Safety Month Financial Planning Month National Pizza Month Allergy Appreciation Month
Weekly Observances
October 4-10 – Great Books Week (Always 1st full week) October 3-9 – National Work From Home Week (Always first full week) October 17-23 – Mediation Week (Third Week in October) October 17-23 – National Business Women’s Week (Third Week in October) October 23-31 – National Red Ribbon Week
October 1 – Coffee Day October 1 – World Smile Day October 1 – MLB World Series begins (date TBD) October 1 – World Vegetarian Day October 2 – Name Your Car Day October 2 – Brow Day October 3 – National Techies Day October 3 – National Boyfriends Day October 4 – National Taco Day October 4 – Oktoberfest Ends October 4 – National Kale Day October 5 – World Teacher’s Day October 8 – World Egg Day October 9 – Leif Erikson Day October 10 – World Mental Health Day October 11 – Columbus Day October 11 – It’s My Party Day October 16 – World Food Day October 16 – Boss’s Day October 16 – Sweetest Day October 21 – Spirit Day (anti-bullying) October 23 – Make a Difference Day October 24 – United Nations Day October 30 – Mischief Night October 30 – Checklist Day October 31 – Day of the Dead Begins October 31 – Halloween
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Popular hashtags for October:
Examples of October holiday marketing for brands:
Vanta Fanta? #OddThingsToAskAVampire pic.twitter.com/eOc3205c8d
— Fanta (@fanta) October 4, 2018
You win some, you lose some.
Posted by M&M’S USA on Friday, October 12, 2018
We see ice kühl shots in your future. pic.twitter.com/xSVtjtW13t
— Jägermeister USA (@JagermeisterUSA) October 6, 2018
November sparks the fact that the year is almost over. November creeps its way into our marketing campaigns with the official introduction of the holiday season.
And, that means holiday-themed marketing campaigns like HotelTonight’s humorous holiday ads or Oreo’s #colorfilled packaging.
So, in honor of those marketing comrades-in-arms who are planning their 2021 marketing calendar with you, I’ve shared some memorable holidays to make your calendar even more palatable than last year’s old dried-out turkey.
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Monthly Observances
November National Healthy Skin Month Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month National Adoption Month National Gratitude Month Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month National Diabetes Awareness Month
Weekly Observances
November 8-14 – World Kindness Week (second week – Monday – Sunday) November 14-20 – American Education Week November 28 – December 6 – Chanukah
November 1 – All Saint’s Day November 1 – World Vegan Day November 2 – Day of the Dead Ends November 3 – Sandwich Day November 4 – King Tut Day November 7 – Daylight Savings Time ends November 8 – Cappuccino Day November 8 – STEM Day November 10 – Marine Corp Birthday November 11 – Veterans Day November 12 – Chicken Soup for the Soul Day November 13 – World Kindness Day November 13 – Sadie Hawkins Day November 14 – World Diabetes Day November 15 – America Recycles Day November 16 – National Entrepreneurs Day (third Tuesday of November) November 16 – International Tolerance Day November 17 – Homemade Bread Day November 25 – Thanksgiving Day November 26 – Black Friday November 27 – Small Business Saturday November 29 – Cyber Monday November 30 – Giving Tuesday
Popular hashtags for November:
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Examples of November holiday marketing for brands:
Like 💚 to get a reminder for your #2018Wrapped from @Spotify on December 6th. pic.twitter.com/3hANiMIWrM
— Spotify (@Spotify) November 28, 2018
Moustache Season is now open for business. Let’s do this for all the dads, sons, brothers, and mates in our lives. Sign up today at: https://t.co/fsfL58Ru3R pic.twitter.com/sO6Zo3aIwc
— Movember UK (@MovemberUK) November 1, 2018
In honor of Veterans Day, we’re offering 50% off when you upgrade your membership—for one day only.
Posted by Ancestry on Friday, November 10, 2017
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Discover’s Black Friday Deals: Shopping Survival Guide
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For some, December can be one of the merriest times of the year. For us marketers, it can be the busiest time of year.
From Google’s Santa Tracker and Office Depot’s Elf Yourself to Starbucks Give Good campaign and REI’s #OptOutside push, there’s something in it for every marketer and brand.
So, marketers, this list is for you to make the holidays a little merrier.
Monthly Observances
National Human Rights Month Operation Santa Paws Bingo Month
Weekly Observances
December 26-January 1 – Kwanzaa
December 1 – Presidents Cup PGA (MOVED TO 2022) December 1 – World AIDS Day December 1 – Rosa Parks Day December 3 – International Day of Persons with Disabilities December 4 – Cookie Day December 6 – St. Nicholas Day December 7 – Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day December 9 – Christmas Card Day December 10 – Nobel Prize Day December 12 – Poinsettia Day December 14 – Roast Chestnuts Day December 15 – Bill of Rights Day December 17 – National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day (Third Friday in December) December 18 – Free Shipping Day December 18 – Bake Cookies Day December 20 – Go Caroling Day December 21 – First Day of Winter / Winter Solstice December 23 – Festivus December 24 – Christmas Eve December 25 – Christmas Day December 26 – Kwanzaa December 26 – Boxing Day December 27 – National Fruitcake Day December 31 – New Year’s Eve
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Popular hashtags for December:
Examples of December holiday marketing for brands:
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Food52: Cookies of the World
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UPS: Wishes Delivered
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Cards Against Humanity Saves America
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Leesa – Giving Tuesday offer
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Image Credits
All screenshots taken by author
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