#Julius and Carter
CW: vampire whumper, human whumpee, mind control, vampire attack, home invasion
Carter spent her entire day away from home, being dragged left and right by other hunters, to map out new vampire lairs that sprouted up from the ground like weeds in the spring, and to plan raids.
When she busted through the door that morning, disheveled and barely having slept, she wanted nothing more than to explain, for anyone to tell what happened the night before. But the words didn’t seem to come. She was met with a few questioning glares, and some knowing smirks, of course her colleague’s minds went there, and she muttered a meek sorry for entering with such noise and sat down on a chair, just a few feet away from everyone else.
She took a deep breath and tried again, but before she could speak she bit down on her own tongue. I was attacked again.
Again? She questioned herself. She would have to explain what happened at the restaurant. That the monster walked among them and she did nothing. 
Deep down she knew that was not true, she did what was best to protect her family from the creature that seemed to lack any fear being around a group of hunters and would easily tear a couple of humans to shreds before they kill him if it meant he got revenge on Carter.
I was attacked last night. The words died on her tongue before she could utter them. Something was wrong. She spent the rest of her day trying to figure out how to let anyone know. The hold on her tongue never let up, not around the abandoned buildings they searched for any monstrous presence, not back in the safety of the office space they rented.
She was exhausted by the time she got home. She kicked her shoes off and walked upstairs to finally get some well deserved rest. She didn’t bother to rid herself of her gear, a set of stakes secured to her hips and thigh with a thick leather contraption, no matter how uncomfortably they pressed against her through the rough denim jeans. She just needed to sleep, she’d worry about comfort later.
Carter woke up in the middle of the night, freezing. Of course she lay on top of her blanket, but she was fully clothed and simply being cold didn’t explain the cold breeze on her face. She blinked a few times, to clear her vision as much as she could to look around in the room dimly lit by a streetlamp just outside. She didn’t remember opening her window that was now opened wide. She got up and closed it, and almost dropped back onto her bed when she saw light coming from downstairs. 
The remaining sleepiness left her mind in an instant, and Carter knew she could not afford to panic. Somehow she knew it would be the vampire again, but the fact that he didn’t attack her set her on edge worse than if she woke up with a set of fangs lodged in her throat. 
She took a stake in hand and raised it above her shoulder, ready to defend herself, and started her descent down the stairs.
The living room was empty, no indication of an intruder’s presence. The windows were thrown wide open from the crosswind, it lifted up and tugged on the white curtains, that even in the light of the bright ceiling lamp looked like ghosts. She rushed to close all of them. The windows were old and locked badly anyway, and she had been so tired, she might have left the lights on-
“It’s really cold in here isn’t it?” She jumped, looking for the source of the voice raising the stake back up above her head. Julius stood in the entryway, casually leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed in front of him. He was too far away for Carter to chuck the stake at him with any real effect, but she didn’t want to risk getting closer to him either.
“I’m not too bothered by it, but I’m sure your body needs to be kept warm for that sweet blood to keep flowing”
She wasn’t sure if the tremors shaking her body were caused by fear or the cold. It was so stupid. She felt stupid for becoming this easily startled by the creature. She’d faced many of them, killed a couple without giving a second thought to being afraid. 
This was different, Julius stood in her own living room as if he owned the place, waiting for her next move with a smirk as if this was some sort of game to him. Carter didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of reacting out of fear. She stood still and stared back at the vampire.
He glanced up at the stake in her hand.
“I see you have some nice firewood lying around, how about you warm up the place?”
Carter lowered the stake and ripped her eyes away from Julius’ gaze to look at the weapon in her hand.
She felt like she was in a dream, as she considered what he said. She was so cold. The windows had been open for hours letting the cold autumn air in, freezing her to the core. 
She unclipped the leather strap mindlessly from her belt and took all of her stakes out, to place them on the iron grate in the fireplace.
“Get all of them from the house, this won’t warm you up” Julius’ voice was barely louder than a whisper in her ear. She looked around and obeyed the suggestion eagerly. It was so cold. She grabbed at least five more stakes from a beat-up duffel bag, some spares from behind books on the shelf above the couch. She was thorough, ripped up the loose floorboard just in front of the mantel, to get to an emergency stash, and placed all of them in a neat pile, before going upstairs to retrieve the few she hid around her room. 
The vampire watched her with cold, distant eyes. He grew more resentful by the second eyeing the stakes gathered in the fireplace. His back ached where the splinter was still lodged dangerously close to his spine.
“Is that all?” he asked Carter when she stopped piling up the firewood. She nodded, another cold shiver ran through her and she swayed gently back and forth on her feet. Julius was sure she felt like she was in a dream, fully dazed and oblivious to what was happening.
“Good” he pushed himself away from the doorframe and picked up the matchbox on top of the mantel, lit a match and threw it on the pile.
The dry wooden stakes caught on fire with roaring flames in no time. Carter looked mesmerized by it, and instinctively reached her hands to get closer to the warmth. 
Julius scoffed and pulled her back by the shoulder. She whined softly, but didn’t protest. 
He grabbed her hair and tilted her head to the side easily. He noticed the thin silver necklace protecting her just in time before he bit down and he laughed. That was smart on her part, but not nearly enough. She'll have to get rid out of it soon.
He ran a hand down her arm and checked for any silver bracelets. There were none. He pulled the sleeve of her jacket up a few inches and lifted her hand to his mouth.
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dysany · 1 year
Anubis and Horus are Osiris' children
Carter and Sadie are Julius' children.
Julius and Osiris have become one (understanding their consciences and memories, but one
This means that Anubis, Horus, Carter and Sadie are chaotic siblings by magic consequences.
Rick you lost gold with Anubis and Carter tired older brothers, and Sadie and Horus burning all around
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thatgurlbey · 6 months
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Beyoncé 4.1.24
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cryoverlife · 1 month
Julius and Ruby Kane aren’t good parents. Not because they aren’t capable of being good parents but simply because they care more about the world than their children, in this essay I will—
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demiaseranmage · 5 months
I’m rereading “The Red Pyramid” for the (probably) millionth time, and on page 3, Carter mentions a spatula attack during the Faust’s (Carter and Sadie’s maternal grandparents) and Julius’ custody battle for them, post Ruby dying. My question is, does anyone know of any good fics, or fics in general that flesh out the custody battle, or at the very least the spatula attack?
If you do, please drop them in the comments or reblogs.
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angelic-writer · 1 month
The Mimicry Project - Escape the Hellfire
Day 11 of @augusnippets
Prompts: Escape/breaking the conditioning/safe and sound
(Spoilers for Vol 2)
"Julius, come on!!" Carter shouted, reaching his hand out.
All he could do was stare. Why is he being so nice? Didn't he want nothing to do with him? After what he did...
"We'll talk later!! C'mon, the building's gonna explode!" The look in his brother's eyes said it all. He is sorry for what he did. Where he expected malice in his voice, he found none. Despite his crimes, he still valued him as someone very important.
Carter and Micah... And everyone else he met... They all valued him as their friend. For Carter, his long lost brother. For Micah, his lover.
Julius took his hand and they both ran down the hall, the flames growing behind them. He could smell the smoke from a mile away. This is not good.
As they trailed behind the stretcher that contained a barely breathing Mavis, he could only hope that everyone else gets out okay. If there is, he'll make sure they get out safely.
If the building does explode while Julius is inside, he won't die. No matter what life throws at him, he will never die.
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bonnielunkas · 9 months
hey uhhh sorry the main antagonist of your fazbear frights story? yeah the one who was bullying the protag and became a zombie robot??? uhhh, she's a girl now. yeah, her name's sophie now. sorry.
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maxarat · 2 years
Rick Riordan's books are problamatic. They are problamatic in regards to Judaism. This post isn't about this, it's about projection.
So, what does a Jewish demigod do when they're supposed to make sacrifices? Simple. According to Lavinia Asimov, "Pray that it counts as Pikuah Nefesh and see if Hashem would like some nice lamb while you're at it."
Now, who's Jewish in PJO according to Leo's projection? Glad you asked!
Percy is sephardi (and Dominican) through his Grandmother Estelle, ashkenazi through whoever her husband is I genuinely forgot. Leo is also sephardi. The Grace siblings, Lavinia, Selena, and Rachel Elizabeth Dare are ashkenazi. The di Angelos are Italikim, the Kanes are Beta Israel, and Hearth converted while living on earth as "human"
@t4tjackxsally bcs you tag fandom mutuals
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Ray of sunshine
this is part 1/3 of why is Julius the way he is
CW: vampire whumper, human? not whumpee but sort of, vampiric thoughts of murder, imaginary gore, whumper's pov
The first thing he noticed in the faint sense of awareness he mustered up in his state, was light. He wondered briefly if the sun has managed to catch up with his aimless wandering. He would have accepted it right there and then, if only it meant it would let him stay in his dreamlike existence. 
It had been years since Julius came so close to full awareness, he thought he’d emerge again when it was time, powerful as if the past centuries hadn’t worn him down to the bone. Sleeping, for decades at a time, was his way of dealing with the curse of immortality. Was it finally time to make his comeback?
The streetlights were harsh enough to feel like his eyes were stabbed, it took some time getting used to. He was not sure if technology had advanced as much in the past decades it hurt him or if his mind became sensitive to processing so much at once. 
The vampire took in the scene around him, cars moved about a great deal more quietly than he was used to, they looked rounder, smoother designs than the crass boxy one of the vehicles he remembered. The wild colours of fashion seemed to have faded to beiges and blacks, minimalistic, with straight lines and simple accessories.
Julius took a quick glance down, his own clothes didn’t stand out too arbitrarily, he was wearing a black button-up and dress trousers, with once shiny, polished leather shoes, which now were tattered, used up in his wandering. He looked alright. 
He turned around to find the source of light that brought him back to awareness. It was hard to spot, unaccustomed to using his sight, his vision was still swimming.
He felt his very existence narrow in as his eyes locked onto the silhouette of a person standing inside the small bookshop. His back was turned to Julius, he had no way of seeing his face, but he just simply had to know. 
He stepped inside, a small bell above the door signalled his entrance that made him flinch. The world had been blurred and toned down for so long the high pitched clinking felt like a stab in his ear. 
He looked around as the pain subsided and took a deep breath. A familiar smell of old paper and bonding agents brought a great sense of comfort to Julius, so did the warmth of the couple of humans browsing for books.
He found the source of light that kept pulling the vampire close, suddenly as if he was the force keeping him on earth and not the gravity. 
He took note of the thick dark curls and the overwashed brown sweater the human wore. He took a step closer, and finally picked up on him. 
He smelled of candles and a soft flowery cologne, but his blood, oh his blood, was the most divine thing Julius had ever encountered. He wanted nothing more than to run to the human, faster than light preferably and rip into his neck. To tear into the skin, through the muscles and tendons and break his neck and drink until there's nothing left but a dessicated corpse. 
He barely noticed how close he got to the human, before catching himself. He was practically breathing down his neck, drinking in the enticing aroma. He had to stop. He needed a plan to get him alone. 
He forced himself to glance over to the shelf and find a title.
"Excuse me" his voice rang strange, as if it wasn't him speaking. It was gravelly not having used it for decades. The human finally turned to face him "I-" need that book. Right behind you. They locked eyes and the ground was swiped out from under him. His eyes were sparkling as they reflected the cold fluorescents that lit the store up. 
"Can I help you?" he asked, a soft australian accent tinting his voice. Tilt your head and die for me.
"I need that book" he pointed at the shelf "You're in the way" he kept his tone even. 
"Sorry, mate" he chuckled, and his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He stepped aside. 
"No worries, thank you" Julius took one step ahead and took the book off the shelf quickly flicking through the pages. 
"Have you read it before?" He had. The human had too, he felt it. He didn't dare dig deeper into the boy's mind, but reading people was second nature to him, the gentle intrusion would go unnoticed with no issue. 
"Not yet" Julius lied "Is it any good?" 
"Didn't inspire me much" he shrugged "I don't enjoy the classics as much anymore"
"What would you recommend then?" He must have missed out on thousands of new books that would slowly become classics, probably more than any other time he had woken from a slumber like this one judging by the state of the world. 
The human was lost in thought for a moment, then led him to a different section and picked up a colourful, soft-cover fantasy book. 
"If you want an enjoyable read" he placed the book in Julius' hand. 
"I'll consider it" he laughed as he skimmed through the synopsis on the back. It was about vampires; the sweet irony of it all. "Thank you, -?"
"RJ, and you are?" Ray Joel, he caught the full version from the human's thoughts. His ray of sunshine that woke him up. 
"Julius" Their fates were sealed. 
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pharaohcarterkane · 7 months
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Unpopular opinion but I kind of don't want tkc to get adapted
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State of the Blog Address
Another fic done, another status update.
First off a special shout out to my bestie and storyline coordinator @pioched. None of this would happen without her. You guys have no idea how much work she does behind the scenes to help me out.
Hold You Up - Marcel Barthel x Kiya Bryant x Fabian Aichner
Heartbeat - Ethan Carter III x Adalynn Strowman
Yours - Dominik Dijakovic x Skye Simmons
The Day Before You - Ridge Holland x Lyssa Hutchinson
Long Time Coming - Bucky Barnes x Carina Rivera
In Progress:
From The Ground Up - Drew McIntire x Cassidy Riley 
Coming Soon (In no particular order):
Finally Home - Ari Levinson x Brianna Collier 
Rescue Me - Marcel Barthel x Sofia (Reese) x Fabian Aichner
Cross Every Line - Marcel Barthel x Alina Lawson x Fabian Aichner
What If - Julius Creed x Fiora Osborne
Some Hearts - Jack Reacher x Morgan Stone
I have a new system in place for doing fics and I really think it's going to help me get them done in a more timely manner.
If you are interested in being on any taglists feel free to add yourself HERE
You can find my Masterlist HERE
All my fics are also on A03 HERE
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jjpsc · 1 year
The second Chapter of my fanfic of my Egyptian AU
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halfpricedpages · 1 year
i can not shut up about how the riordan verse characters relate to my trauma so i présent to your taylor swift lyrics representing the kane chronicles
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okay so obviously the first lyric “i can go anywhere i want just not home” is carter. he has no home he feels displaced he doesn’t have friends he’s so isolated and in carter i really see myself because he just feels like he doesn’t fit in and he wishes he had this different life sadie’s life here is where we go into the next lyric “you can aim for my heart go for blood but you would still miss me in your bones” i feel like this represents carter and sadie’s tension and resentment with each other and lowkey (highkey) me and my sibling. we both have the life that the other one wants and so it leads to this kind of anger but deep down sadie and carter actually really miss each other and they want to just be a normal family and be able to live together and all that stuff #sameguys
now the last two lyrics are more about their parents and the whole problems with the gods and goddesses. taking “and i still talk to you when i’m screaming at the sky and when you can’t sleep at night you hear my stolen lullabies” and putting this into a real life situation, i think that it’s this idea that they’re both haunted by their trauma from their mother dying. of course they didn’t know her very well but that’s part of it they feel so lost and confused for grieving someone who they barley met. so they talk to the sky screaming at the god/ess’s and the universe wanting answers of why they would ever deserve this pain. okay rant over i really love folklore.
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cryoverlife · 6 months
AU idea guys!
what if Julius was declared unfit for parenting and because Sadie and Carter’s grandparents will only take care of Sadie (they are really terrible) Carter gets sent to the U.S foster care system.
It would mean he wouldn’t see any of his family at all. Especially if Julius is considered unfit.
Also Carter having a foster family. He could be pretty close with them. Might even be one involved with the House Of Life so he learns about everything earlier.
Julius might kidnap his kids to kick start the whole saving the world thing.
It just seems like a pretty cool idea
(Also like, he might run into a certain Leo Valdez. Who knows?)
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I’m preparing myself to be disappointed when Carter is inevitably un-marriageable in SoS:AWL. I wish it could be like DS Cute where I could marry him, but I have serious doubts, especially now that Flora has been cast out of being a bachelorette…
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cartermagazine · 9 months
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Today In History
Denzel Washington was born on December 28, 1954, in Mount Vernon, New York. Washington has earned popular and critical acclaim for his roles in an array of feature films, including ‘Glory,’ ‘Malcolm X,’ 'Training Day’ ‘The Great Debaters’ and 'Fences.’
Denzel first studied journalism at Fordham University but then discovered an interest in acting. He made his feature film debut in the comedy A Carbon Copy and was cast on the hit TV medical drama St. Elsewhere. He went on to appear in several hit movies, including Philadelphia, Man on Fire, The Book of Eli, American Gangster, The Equalizer and Flight, and won Oscars for his roles in Glory and Training Day.
Denzel and Spike Lee’s cinematic chemistry has spanned multiple films. Mo’ Better Blues, Malcolm X, He Got Game, and Inside Man.
Other notable films, The Pelican Brief, Philadelphia, Crimson Tide, Courage Under Fire, The Tragedy of MacBeth, American Gangster Antwone Fisher, John Q, Remember The Titans, Devil in A Blue Dress, Ricochet, and The Hurricane, for which he received a Golden Globe for best actor.
Washington Broadway appearances include Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, The Iceman Cometh, Fences, Julius Caesar, and CheckMates.
He continues to build on his legacy and shows no signs of slowing down.
CARTER™️ Magazine
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