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deanandthephantoms · 4 years ago
I'm going bananas for you. (a Charlie Gillespie story.)
A/N: So. I was talking with @julie-thefatones and we stumbled upon the topic of Charlie and how he loves bananas.. - listen it was 3am we we're having fun you can't blame us.- ANYWAY. i turned that conversation into this little story. Enjoy reading it haha!
Wordcount : 1328 --
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Today was gonna be a good day. The cast of Julie and the Phantoms had, after 2 years of waiting, finally been able to go on a world tour. A little over two years ago Charlie met Y/N and not long after their first meeting they started dating which quickly turned into them being an official couple. Due to Covid and quarantine they practically ended up living together and both had loved every minute of it. When things stared to get better and the world slowly became normal again the official JATP-World tour was announced and as excited as Charlie was he was not excited about the fact that he would have to miss Y/N for literal months. He couldn’t be away from her for that long! So he had, one day, gotten down on his knees – causing a bit of panic and confusion, making people think he was about to propose- only to beg Y/N to come with him on tour. A proposal Y/N happily said yes to under the condition she could bring her best friend Hannah, so she wouldn’t be lonely during rehearsals and stuff. She also would have said yes to a marriage proposal by the way, but that was apparently something for another day. At this point the cast had played different states and cities and every city had organized his own Fan-action. From all waving a flashlight during unsaid Emily. to throwing colorful balloons around during Edge of great. It had been awesome. And it had inspired Y/N and Hannah to organize a little something as well.. and that brings us to Today..
I was woken up by soft kisses that were being placed all over my face. Before actually opening my eyes I enjoyed the feeling of Charlie’s arms around me, there really was no place where I felt more at home than in his arms. The soft kisses making my heart flutter. I snuggled closer to his bare warm chest, giving away that I had in fact woken up. “Morning sleepyhead” He said in the morning voice I loved all too much. “Morning” I smiled before I kissed him. “Are you ready to play your biggest show yet?” I asked him. They were playing in New York tonight, the biggest venue they had played to date. “YEAH I AM! There’s gonna be so many cool people to rock out with I can’t wait!’ Charlie was always excited to get on stage but I could tell the show tonight got him a bit over excited. “you know what babe, me too. Can’t wait to see you kill it on stage again.’ ‘ Yeaah you like seeing me pretending to be a rockstar ey?’ there was a teasing tone in his voice. “What do you mean pretend? You are a rockstar Charlie.” I reply dead serious before adding “Cause you’re a star and you rock my world.” “ooof. Not your best pick up line babe..” “Oh i know.” and then we just both laugh. There was never a grumpy start of the day with this man.
Later that day we arrived to the venue for Soundchecks and a short rehearsal for the night. That’s when I meet up with Hannah. “Did you bring the costumes for tonight?” I ask her. “She laughs at me “yeah was kind of hard to sneak them in without anyone noticing but they’re in the building” “Goooood! I’m curious to see if the fans will work with us on this one.. and even more curious to see Charlies face if they do.” Just the image of it in my head cracks me up. That’s when I hear Owens voice behind me “What’s so funny?” “nooothing.” Me and Hannah reply in our most innocent ways. “You’re up to something aren’t you?” I share a look with Hannah trying to decide whether we should tell Owen or not. That’s when Hannah makes the decision for us. “We may have kind of planned a prank on Charlie?” Prank on Charlie is all Owen needed to be fully on our side. “ooooh what are we doing?” he asks. “Well you know how he’s kind of know for eating bananas right?” “yeah. The dude is eating them all the time. But..” Hannah cuts Owen off: “Right. So as a Joke we asked all the fans to come in dressed in normal clothes, but to put on their banana costumes when now or never is about to happen . And then once he gets off stage we’ll be wearing a banana costume as well just to make it clear where the joke is coming from.” Owen bursts out in laughter “ok. That’s gold I hope it works’ he says after composing himself. “ Don’t mention a thing to Charlie okay? Just act normal or he’ll know we’re up to something” I say to Owen before he gets back on stage. He just gives me a nod as assurance.
Hannah and me are alone again and decide to log on to our fake fan account to hype up our idea one last time. We had over the last few days gotten a lot of reactions of fans who told us they were gonna do it. Now we’ll just have to wait and see what happens tonight.
After all having dinner together with the whole cast and crew the show was about to begin. The venue was starting to fill gradually and one glance into the crowd had told me and Hannah that at least everyone had gotten the message about wearing normal clothes to begin with. Seconds before the cast is about to go on stage I find Charlie, wrapping my arms around his waist I pull him close to me. “Go rock their world, rockstar” we share a deep kiss. Before I let him go up on the stage. I don’t think I will ever get used to the sound of all those screams when the cast first appears on stage. It really is deafening. They start of with a song they al wrote together and after that a few more songs by other cast members follow. The fans know that after Savannah’s ‘all eyes on me’ performance it’s time for Now or never. This is it. This is the moment me and Hannah have been waiting for all day. Sav gets off the stage and the first notes of Now or Never start to play. In no time the entire crowd starts turning yellow. “ WE DID IT Y/N! THEY’RE WEARING THEIR COSTUMES !” Hannah yells at me. “ I KNOWWW!” I just say waiting for Charlie to come on stage and see his reaction. And there he is. I see Owen laugh at the scene. Charlie seems genuinely confused at the sight of an entire crowd of bananas. He shrugs it off like a total pro and gets into the song skipping and hopping around like he always does. But that moment of confusion was enough to have me and my best friend dying of laughter. At the end of song Charlie takes the mic and goes “YOU’RE ALL LOOKING WONDERFUL TONIGHT!” making the crowd go wild with cheers. Before coming of the stage only to be greeted by me in my banana costume. He stops and looks at me with a confused face. “Youu… you did this?”
I step towards him and pull him closer to me. “Welll.. What can I say? I’m going Bananas for you and I just had to show that to you.” He laughs at me “You’re so weird. I love you.” and then pulls me in for a kiss. That’s when Owen walks by ‘You also just eat a crazy amount of bananas dude. It’s a problem.’ That made me laugh. It ruined our sweet little moment but that was fine. Charlie gives Owen a offended look. “He’s not wrong you know.. You do love you bananas” I laugh before pulling him in for another kiss.
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brightattheorpheum · 4 years ago
Thanks for the tag @julie-thefatones and @flynn-flynnagan 💜
your last words before you die are the 3rd line of the last song you listened to. what are we saying friends?
“I still think of that day now and then”
Hmm... sounds regretful 😂
Tagging / sending love: @heartbellamy @pink-flame @thedeathdeelers @ruzek-halstead @cheesecakediscourse @a-chaotic-ananas @angelofarts @crybabyddl @lukeslostsleeves
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bexiii · 4 years ago
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@julie-thefatones @deanandthephantoms @i-thought-i-knew-what-love-was
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so my lovely crackheads(@bexxiii @julie-thefatones @deanandthephantoms) suggested some prompts for me, so I'm gonna start posting those.
If you bite your lip one more time, I'm going to do it for you
It was a pretty lazy day, you and Owen just talking and hanging out. You had watched a couple movies, you snuggled right up to him, just enjoying his company.
Right now though, you both had gotten into a discussion of what to have for dinner, neither of you wanting to cook. Back and forth, you both shouted out answers, hoping the other would eventually end up agreeing to something, but to no avail.
When you were deep in thought, you had a habit of biting your lip and looked up at the ceiling. When your eyes came back down, you opened your mouth to suggest something, but Owen cut you off.
"Could you stop that please?"
"I didn't do anything."
"Yes, you did. It's extremely distracting and...just stop ok?"
"Owen, I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Your lip. You bite your lip when you're thinking and I..." He leaned his elbows on the counter, burying his face in his hands. For a minute, he just stayed like that, until he suddenly jerked up, walked over to you and moved his face directly in front of yours. "If you bite your lip one more time, I'm going to do it for you."
You didn't want to test it, well that's not entirely true. You had feelings for Owen, you couldn't deny that, but arguing over what to have for dinner was not your dream first kiss. But, as these thoughts roamed around in your head, you saw Owen's eyes flick to your lips. You had, once again, gotten lost in thought, thus biting your lip.
Owen's hand was under your chin, his thumb pulling down on the skin, prompting you to move your teeth off your lip. He leaned forward, slowly, and met your lips with a gentle intensity, pulling your lip with his teeth as he leaned back.
"Owen, I..."
"You're incredible. Can I kiss you again?"
You smiled, making a conscious decision this time to let your mind wander.
"Stop with the lip biting or I'm gonna have to kiss you forever!"
"I'd be ok with that."
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thegreatimpersonator · 4 years ago
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Hey everyone! Here’s this weeks (june 6 - june 13) addition to my Creator Shoutout Series! For info about the series, I explained it in the first post here, but generally, it’s to show appreciate to editors and their creations that i love from the past week. To track this series or look at previous shoutouts, please check out the tag on my blog *creatorshoutouts. Have a great week everyone!
olivia rodrigo - vevo short film gifset by @julie-thefatones
taylor swift gifset by @tibby
lorde solar power graphic by @galacticstern​
bo burnham: inside (2021) + favorite moments pt.1 gifset by @bidoctor
hercules gifset by @ferrisbuellers
taylor swift gold rush vintage design by @whiskeyswifty
bleachers strange desire album redesign graphic by @ttsoosn​
solar power single cover redesign by @itconsumesyou​
taylor swift graphic by @cellphonehippie
bo burnham: inside gifset by @fatoujallows
rue and jules gifset by @forbescaroline
taylor swift headers by @seegoldendaylight​
threat level midnight gifset by @kamalaskhans
cruel summer gifset by @corqeliastreet
megan thee stallion art by @runthealleys
taylor swift rainbow gifset by @tayloristheindustry
bo burnham: inside - white womans instagram gifset by @dryourtearsaway
buzzfeed unsolved gifset by @richietoizer
folklore and evermore graphic by @cruellesummer
solar power graphic by @haytheretaylor​
finding nemo gifset by @bisexualrights​
speak now (taylor’s version) album concept design by @iseedaylight
lorde graphic by @cruellesummer
stranger things season 3 gifset by @lesbianrobin
treacherous graphic by @dyingday
olivia rodrigo good 4 u gifset by @weirwolves
lorde gifset by @favorite-crime​
buzzfeed unsolved: true crime final season gifset by @jessetylerferguson​
reputation tour gifset by @nobodynocrime
olivia rodrigo art by @miuwuki
stranger things gifset by @william-byers
lorde solar power gifset by @charitydingle
bo burnham: inside gifset by @tomgregs
red singles graphic by @heydorothea
luke alvez in criminal minds gifset by @foxmudler
bleachers graphic by @ttsoosn
folklore art by @taylorswiftf
love you like a love song gifset by @selenaigomez​
monica geller gifset by @lookslikesnow
lorde solar power gifset by @nathansc
getaway car graphic by @dyingday 
amy sosa (superstore) gifset by @tim-lucy
billie eilish gifset by @heythatsmyman​
red era performance outfits gifset by @mylover
lorde solar power graphic by @taylorswiftz
evermore graphic by @summertimelover555
taylor swift graphic by @crimsonred-pain
lorde sober graphic by @taylorswiftz
bleachers spotify livestream gifset by @sparksflys
bo burnham: inside song list gifset by @zenchii​
megan thee stallion gifset by @andysambrg
lorde solar power gifset by @starkkov​
tangled gifset by @incj-qhafa​
taylor swift discography gifset by @nathansc​
favorite rory gilmore outfits gifset by @jenniferslindley​​
melodrama gifset by @tibby
ancient dreams in a modern land gifset by @duvalsworld
schitts creek alexis rose gifset by @torisvega​
megan thee stallion gifset by @neocitys​
lorde solar power gifset by @stateofgraceacoustic
clairo gifset by @heythatsmyman
​ reputation: the live album (feat. limited edition coloured vinyls) design by @phobiafridge
kingsman: the secret service gifset by @brucebanners
lorde solar power art by @juldanielle
conan gray overdrive gifset by @rina-sawayamas
olivia rodrigo graphic by @dyingday
lorde solar power gifset by @weirwolves​​​​​​
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suckerforpsychos · 4 years ago
It's the last day of my vacation and I'm in the mood to spread some positive vibes. Lately I've been getting the most joy from jatp fandom and the amazing content they keep creating every day despite no renewal. Therefore I would like to give a big shoutout to some of my favorite jatp blogs on this website. Some of them are my mutuals, some aren't, but I love to see them all on my dash and I consider them all worth following.
@angela-feelstoomuch my fandom bestie and a ride or die juke stan I love you and you know it.
@jatp-rules-my-life king of moodboards and a fellow Jeremy Shada enthusiast. I also borrowed the idea to make this post from him, because he did a similar thing some time ago.
@illgetmerope my favorite artist, if y'all haven't seen her works check them out, because her art is incredible.
@emziess @julie-thefatones I always reblog their beautiful gifsets.
@sunsetcurveofficial queen of peterpatter and a brilliant writer.
@willexxmercer amazing SMAUs, I always love to see the newest part on my dash.
@merihn @lynnymars @where-you-go @bouncypickle @thedeathdeelers @jatpsmut @screwunsaidemily awesome fics and concepts, they never fail to provide a good read.
And a number of other amazing jatp related accounts that I love for various reasons @cosmicoyyote @demon-babies @flynn-flynnagan @fairylightsandrainydays @burntchromas @missmitchieg @cantputitintowords @sunset-sweeerve @sk8rwillie @willex-n-waffles @julies-butterflies @sweetheartreggie @phantomsandsunsets (fun fact, the last account that I mentioned was in fact the first jatp blog I ever followed).
This is not necessarily a tag thing, but you can always feel free to reblog and add some other accounts that you love and that are worth following just to spread some love on this sunny Sunday. Cheers!
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metalheadcowboy · 3 years ago
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And other interesting screenshots you get when your wifi sucks 😭
(From gifs made by @julie-thefatones)
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x-lulu · 3 years ago
Sunflower - obvi you, @nxsmss , @rafej-cambanks and @julie-thefatones
I don’t know mary but the others and you are definitely sweethearts 💜💜 grateful for have y’all in my life hihi
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bexxiii · 4 years ago
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❤ @julie-thefatones @deanandthephantoms @i-thought-i-knew-what-love-was
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munsster · 2 years ago
A/N: I needed a sleepy boy on this sleepy day. and billy H needs a damn haircut >:) gif cred: @julie-thefatones
Pairings: Billy Hargrove x GN!Reader
Summary: Billy wakes with the desire to get rid of his hair eating away at him. 0.7k words
Warnings: fluff, minor angst, established relationship, implied night terrors, messy haircuts, anxiety/insomnia, scars, mentions of bullying
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Everything Billy can touch is cold and dark. The sheets, the hard wood floor, the bathroom light switch, the porcelain counter. The water that pours from the faucet and the silver rings of the trimming scissors you keep in a soft plastic case in the cabinet below the sink. The only noise he can reasonably detect is the whirring of the ceiling fan. And if he listened carefully enough, paused his thundering heart for just a moment, he could hear your breath as it fans across your pillow.
But he came in here for a reason. Wielding the cold metal shears like Goliath and his sword. Marching into battle at six foot something, only to find himself in the mirror, damp with sweat and pale with insomnia. Deep purple cresting his edges and the thin crescents of skin beneath his baby blue eyes. Though the bathroom gives him a sickly green tint.
The first chunk of hair hits the floor with the faintest thud. So faint, it shouldn't be classified as a thud. But it's more the weight of the change than the handful of dark gold curls itself.
He's lopsided now. Now there's no turning back. But he couldn't proceed forward with any strength and confidence looking how he's looked for years. How he looked beating up his friends and calling girls sluts. How he looked on the verge of death.
Billy used to wear his head of sun kissed, West Coast hair like a helmet. Now it feels like a burden. You'd still fawn over him if he buzzed it all off. You'd call him stupid, sure, but he'd still be yours. And right now, that's all he's concerned with being.
Because you peer into the bathroom and coo his name like you don't see the growing pile of hair writhing around on the floor.
"Hi, baby," you whisper, cradling the scissors when he drops them into your hands, "little early for a haircut, isn't it?"
He shrugs, but he doesn't look at you. Like a child guilty of putting a piece of gum in his sister's hair. Only he's the one with the choppy locks, uneven chunks missing by his ears and the back of his head.
"Want help?"
Oh, and there are those baby blues, surrounded by soft pink sclera and nearly drooping from their sweetened places above his flushed cheeks.
Billy straddles the toilet lid backwards, arms crossed and settled on the ledge. He lets you turn his head side to side, up and down, and the pattern becomes soothing. Especially as the extra weight accumulates below his socked feet and over his sloped shoulders.
He thinks he must’ve passed out to the sound of the clippers, because he wakes with a tap on his shoulder. Your manicured pointer on his warm midnight skin rousing him from a dreamless sleep.
“All done,” you whisper, kissing his temple when he turns his head, “come look.”
Billy’s fingers feel heavy as he drops them between yours. You can hear the exhaustion in how he slumps to a stop in front of the mirror. He takes his time, a few deep breaths, and a while to admire the cropped cut. The way he hasn’t looked in years. It’s refreshing.
“You look really handsome, Billy. Was about time for a trim.” There’s a lilt in your voice that’s hard to take. It lightens his chest, straightens his shoulders, widens his tired eyes. Because there’s this sort of mischief clear on your face from where you stand behind his shoulder. He can feel it through the mirror. Intoxicating and delicious. Makes him feel beautiful as if he ever has before.
Billy whips around and twists his arms tight around you, collapsing into your embrace like a lovely paper doll. The room is cool like a nice glass of water. Even with the sun hinting at the morning and cars whizzing by down below, the light blue of five AM settles over him like a blanket.
You run your fingers up the exposed back of his neck, and he groans. The hair is short there, his neck is hot, his teeth sink into your shoulder playfully.
“Back to bed.”
He nods and does not let go, just waddles you to the bed, tucking the both of you back under the duvet with a big sigh.
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deanandthephantoms · 4 years ago
This week in the Zoo Mansion..
Boys it was another packed week in the zoo mansion!
- We tried crossing the ocean on a piece of wood
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- We decided to go South for a change. if you know what we mean.
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- Things we're set on fire and were put out again
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- A new rule was introduced. #SweatsSaturdays are now a thing. Sweats are the only allowed piece of clothing on Saturday.
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- A new theme song was found and playlists for certain moods were created.
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- We remembered where it all began, what a glow up we've had!
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- We screamed. A LOT. AND LOUD.
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Honestly guys i know you dont get any of this but me and @julie-thefatones are comedy-gold trust me. 😂😂😂 Oh also if you're wondering, yes we're okay. Thanks for your concern though!
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brightattheorpheum · 4 years ago
Thanks for the tag @flynn-flynnagan 💜
Use this to make a wall of your 7 top albums!
Here are mine:
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Janis Joplin - Pearl
Led Zeppelin - III
Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water
Florence + the Machine - Ceremonials
Mumford & Sons - Babel
Original Broadway Cast - Waitress the Musical
And of course Julie and the Phantoms 💜
Tagging / sending love: @pink-flame | @ruzek-halstead | @thedeathdeelers | @infp-with-all-the-feelings | @cheesecakediscourse | @sharkbaitouhaha | @queerphantoms |@happinessinthedarkesttimes | @heartbellamy | @bookwormforalways | @ninappon | @starsinyourskyes | @incjjghafa | @gansxythethird | @constantly-singing | @julie-thefatones | @angelofarts | @star-astro | @blush-and-books | @bluefirewrites | @a-chaotic-ananas | @crybabyddl | @fiddlepickdouglas | @fhirefairy | @cosmic-croissant
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bexiii · 4 years ago
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@julie-thefatones @deanandthephantoms @i-thought-i-knew-what-love-was
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Peanut Butter Kisses
A short fic(is it a fic) based off a conversation between @julie-thefatones @bexxii1994 @deanandthephantoms and I where Charlie gets peanut butter all over him. so enjoy
"Hey Char, I'm...what the hell happened here?" My eyes began scanning the kitchen until they landed on a certain 5'8" Canadian boy. "What did you do?" There was some sort of...brown liquid on the floor, counter, even the ceiling of our apartment building.
"Ok, before you get mad, I'm gonna clean it up. Just hear me out."
"Fine. I'll hear you out then decide if I'm gonna kill you or not."
"Ok, so I wanted to make you a cake, which is in the oven and it smells delicious so focus on that instead of this." He gestured to the mysterious liquid, which I hadn't noticed he had also gotten on his elbows and...on his face too? I leave for like an hour...
"Smells good, still confused about the mess."
"I know you love peanut butter, so I was gonna make you a peanut butter frosting, but you have to melt the peanut butter."
"Yes, you measure out the peanut butter then microwave it." He avoided my gaze. "You didn't do that, did you?"
"Well you see, we didn't have a ton of it left, so I just microwaved the whole thing. And then it was really hot, so I dropped it, hence the small puddle on the floor." I looked around the counter, seeing the streak across the floor, obviously "cleaned up" with his sock(he only had one on). "And then, when I picked it up, but slammed it on the counter, and some spit out onto the counter." Again, I could tell he didn't use a rag because of the smudging of the peanut butter.
"Did you use your arms to wipe it up?"
"No," he said, obviously lying.
"And the ceiling? How'd you manage that? I'm actually kinda impressed."
"It's on the...I didn't even notice...it got in my hair too."
"Ok, new rule: no kitchen unless I'm here and supervising. And also use paper towels or dish rags instead of your body parts to clean." I noticed a speck of peanut butter on his lips, so I stood on my tip toes to kiss it off.
"Yeah, those are good rules. Sorry, babe." Shaking my head, I wrapped my arms around his waist, his chin resting on my head.
"Charlie, how did you get peanut on your back?"
"Are you kidding me?"
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julie-thefatones · 4 years ago
Okay guys what do we like better
julie-thefatones or lukey-patterson
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princess-seaweed · 4 years ago
Hey Everyone!
Haven't talked on here for a little while!
but if ya get the chance, follow me on my tik Tok and Instagram! ill follow ya back just send me a message telling me you followed :)
Tik Tok: @ marymannon
Instagram : @ marymannon98
and if ya want my second blog where I get a little weirder @julie-thefatones​
alright! love ya guys and peace out 
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