imran16829 · 5 years
LeBaron Family Murder in Mexico. Julian LeBaron Biography, Wiki, Age, Family, Net Worth, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Fast Facts You Need to Know
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Julian LeBaron Biography, Family
Julian LeBaron Family is the Victim of the Mexico Murer, Three Women And Six Children were killed. His Family have Dual Citizenship US and Mexico. He is a farmer, freelance writer, activist, and member of a Mormon enclave in the Sonora region of Mexico. His family was victims of a vicious attack in Mexico that claimed the lives of three mothers and six children. This is going to end very badly. For years our families have told us of the fear and insecurity they face. Today, a Mormon family with USA and Mexican citizenship were murdered in Sonora. 3 mothers and 7 children killed by cartels. https://t.co/ZvDuIosGSl — Astrid Silva (@Astrid_NV) November 5, 2019
Julian LeBaron Family Victims Names and Ages
According to NBC News, the victims include three adult women, Dawna Langford, 43; Christina Marie Langford Johnson, 29; and Rhonita Miller, also known as Rhonita Maria LeBaron, 30. Six children were also killed, family members say. They have been identified as Howard Miller, 12; Trevor Langford, 11; Krystal Miller, 10; Rogan Langford, 2; and the 8-month-old twins, Titus and Tiana Miller. In marches of 2011 for peace in Mexico, the Mormon Julian LeBaron was a vibrant voice of hope alongside Javier Sicilia. Despite these calls for change, these atrocities carry on and on. This massacre of his family leaves pain and mourning beyond words. When will we see change? https://t.co/KwkbWfgRuF — Ioan Grillo (@ioangrillo) November 5, 2019
Julian LeBaron Statement
He told the New York Times that the car belonging to his cousin Rhonita Miller had broken down when gunmen shot at it. Miller and her four children, including twins who were less than a year old, died. Two other cars were attacked a few miles ahead. Two mothers, who were driving, were killed, along with two more children.
Julian LeBaron Family Murder
Nine members of a Mormon community were killed on the Mexican side of the U.S.-Mexico border, and authorities are investigating whether the attack was the result of a mistaken identity. The murdered victims include three women, four young children and two babies, said family member Alex LeBaron of Mexico. He said the nine were dual US and Mexican citizens. The victims were “shot while they were in vehicles while driving,” LeBaron told CNN. Several children survived the attack. Asi se vive en el Gobierno de @lopezobrador_ Mormones Mexicanos, mujeres y niños inocentes emboscados en la Sierra de Chihuahua son acribillados y quemados vivos por los Carteles que mandan en Mexico! @Javier_Corral @revistaproceso @CarlosLoret @CiroGomezL pic.twitter.com/uQNJYbeO73 — LeBaron (@AlexLebaron1) November 4, 2019 Investigators believe that three vehicles traveling between the Mexican states of Sonora and Chihuahua were ambushed by criminal groups on Monday night, Mexican authorities said. “Women and children were slaughtered, burned alive,” LeBaron said. “Mothers shouted for the fire to stop.” Mexican Security Minister Alfonso Durazo said the attack could have been a case of mistaken identity of “groups in conflict in the area.”
Julian LeBaron Family Donald Trump
A wonderful family and friends from Utah got caught between two vicious drug cartels, who were shooting at each other, with the result being many great American people killed, including young children, and some missing. If Mexico needs or requests help in cleaning out these..... — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2019 President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter: “A wonderful family and friends from Utah were caught between two vicious drug cartels, which shot at each other, with the result that many great Americans were killed, including young children and some missing If Mexico needs or asks for help to clean these monsters, the United States is ready, willing and able to get involved and do the job quickly and effectively. The great new president of Mexico has made this a big problem, but the cartels have become so big and powerful that sometimes an army is needed to defeat an army! Read the full article
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