#Julia Ocker
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ashleybenlove · 7 months ago
So, here's the books I read in May.
Blurred Lines: A Reverse Harem, Dad's Best Friends Romance by Ajme Williams – May 2
What's for Dessert: Simple Recipes for Dessert People by Claire Saffitz – May 4
I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life by Ed Yong – May 5
Liquid Rules: The Delightful and Dangerous Substances That Flow Through Our Lives by Mark Miodownik – May 5
Black Girls Must Have It All by Jayne Allen – May 8
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein – May 11
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall – May 11
Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto – May 11
Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon – May 14
Human Errors: A Panorama of Our Glitches, from Pointless Bones to Broken Genes by Nathan H. Lents – May 15
Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert – May 16
Cat on the Hero's Lap Vol. 1 by Kosuke Iijima – May 16
Tentacle Alien Party by Beatrix Steam – May 17
What's A Girl Gotta Do To Get On The Naughty List? by Kimberly Lemming – May 17
How the García Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez – May 18
Frankly in Love by David Yoon – May 19
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams – May 20
More Than You'll Ever Know by Katie Gutierrez – May 21
An Earthling's Guide to Outer Space: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Black Holes, Dwarf Planets, Aliens, and More by Bob McDonald – May 22
We Are Here: 30 Inspiring Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Who Have Shaped the United States by Naomi Hirahara – May 24
We Were Dreamers: An Immigrant Superhero Origin Story by Simu Liu – May 24
Beach Read by Emily Henry – May 24
Double Tentacle by Beatrix Steam – May 25
Murder on the Orient Express: The Graphic Novel by Agatha Christie** with Bob Al-Greene – May 26
The United States of Cryptids: A Tour of American Myths and Monsters by J.W. Ocker – May 30
My only reread is marked in **. (I read the original novel last October. This is the graphic novel, so I figured it still kinda counted as a reread.)
Since May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, I made a point to read some books by Asian authors.
Favorites from this month include
More Than You'll Ever Know (the lady has two husbands in two countries!!! and it's set in Texas and Mexico!!!),
A Lady for a Duke (a Jane Austen style romance with a trans woman heroine!!!),
Simu Liu's memoir (great read; still think his parents suck even though he seems to be on better terms with them),
Dial A for Aunties (HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!! She accidentally kills a guy who was threatening her and then her aunties and mom help her out),
Instructions for Dancing (teenager dealing with her parents divorce gains the ability to see how a relationship ends when she sees couples in love kiss),
and Frankly in Love (fake dating, real dating, polyamory gets mentioned which is nice).
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schoje · 5 months ago
Foto: Filme “Turma da Mônica Lições” (Divulgação) O Cineclube da Mostra de Cinema Infantil ocorre todos os sábados, às 16h, na sala Gilberto Gerlach do Centro Integrado de Cultura (CIC). A entrada é gratuita e por ordem de chegada (limitada à lotação do espaço de 136 lugares). A iniciativa conta com apoio do Museu da Imagem e do Som de Santa Catarina (MIS/SC) e Fundação Catarinense de Cultura (FCC). Confira a programação de agosto: Dia 03/08: Snoopy & Charlie Brown, o filme(De Steve Martino, animação, EUA, 2016, 88 min)Classificação indicativa: LivrePróximo das férias de inverno, a vida de Charlie Brown e sua turma sofre uma mudança com a chegada na cidade de uma garotinha de cabelo vermelho. Brown logo se encanta pela jovem e tenta lutar contra sua timidez e sua baixa autoestima para falar com ela. Ao mesmo tempo, Snoopy encontra uma máquina de escrever e começa a imaginar uma história pra lá de fantasiosa e heroica. Dia 10/08: Sessão de curtas nacionaisDuração: 55 minClassificação indicativa: LivreCom exibição dos filmes: O Jovem Príncipe (de Ducca Rios, animação, BA, 2015, 3 min): O Jovem Príncipe pede ao Rei que lhe dê um pônei e o Rei o imagina como guerreiro de sua cavalaria. Eles vão ao bosque encantado e vários pôneis e criaturas encantadas se apresentam ao garoto, porém ele não gosta de nenhum. No fim, opta por um pônei cinza e magro, mostrando que a amizade e o carinho não são baseados na aparência (O Rei se surpreende, mas logo depois sorri).A roupa nova do papai noel (de Guto Bozzetti e André Bozzetti, RS, ficção, 2016, 10min): O Papai Noel anuncia que não virá ao Brasil no natal por causa do forte calor e um grupo de crianças decide fazer uma roupa nova para o bom velhinho poder aproveitar o verão em terras tropicais e poder entregar todos os presentes, é claro.Miroca e seu cuco caduco (de Claudio Bitencourt e Diego Lopes, PR, animação, 2014, 13 min): Dona Miroca, depois de entrar em pânico porque seu relógio estragou, encontra tempo para reencontrar uma velha amiga e descobrir que a vida pode ser muito gostosa se a gente tiver tempo para os pequenos prazeres que ela nos oferece.Bá (de Leandro Tadashi, ficção, SP, 2015, 10 min): O menino Bruno é obrigado a lidar com as mudanças que ocorrem em sua vida quando sua “Bá” (de Batchan, avó em japonês) é trazida para morar em sua casa.Lipe, vovô e o monstro (de Fellipe Steffens e Carlos Mateus, RS, animação, 2016, 9 min): Um menino vai passar o final de semana no sítio dos avós. Durante uma pescaria, ele conhece um segredo de seu avô, e acaba fazendo uma nova e inusitada amizade. Escola de Ensino Fenomenal (de Nélio Spréa e Levi Brandão, ficção, PR, 2014, 10min): Na Escola de Ensino Fenomenal as ideias das crianças são levadas a sério. O diretor FIFI é um mestre das brincadeiras e não mede esforços para apoiar os alunos… Dia 17/08: Kiriku – Os Homens e as Mulheres(De Michel Ocelot, animação, França, 2012, 88 min)Classificação indicativa: LivreO Homem Sábio da Montanha Proibida conta histórias do heróico Kiriku, que desde a infância sempre esbanjou coragem, inteligência e agilidade. Vivendo em uma aldeia ao lado de sua mãe, Kiriku era capaz de solucionar qualquer tipo de problema, até mesmo questões envolvendo forças ocultas. Dia 24/08: Sessão de curtas internacionaisDuração: 54 minClassificação indicativa: LivreCom exibição dos filmes:Carneiros (Sheep) (de Julia Ocker, animação, Alemanha, 2018, 4 min): O carneirinho pula de uma aventura perigosa para outra. Mas o rebanho não tem coragem de encarar esse perigo.Pichintún: Fabricio, um menino Kallawaya (Pichintún: Fabricio, un niño Kallawaya) (de Karen Garib, Chile, documentário, 2022, 8 min): Pichintún é um documentário de animação chileno que resgata histórias cotidianas de meninas e meninos entre nove e dez anos, assim como os lugares que habitam, suas brincadeiras, seus animais de estimação e suas tradições. Fabrício é um menino do povo Kallawaya que mora em uma localidade da Cordilheira dos Andes com sua família e sua comunidade.
O menino tem muito orgulho de pertencer a seu povo, falante da língua quéchua, e de sua tradição de curar doenças à base de plantas. Ele nos conta que, em sua comunidade, se plantam milho, batata e oca, uma espécie de batata muito doce da qual ele gosta muito. Fabrício se entretém com seus porquinhos-da-índia, nas festas tradicionais, assim como brincando com seus amigos e ajudando sua mãe a lavar roupa. Koyaa e o carro de brinquedo travesso (Koyaa naughty toy car) (de Kolja Saksida, animação, Eslovênia, 2017, 3 min): É um dia chuvoso e Koyaa decide arrumar seu quarto. Quando termina, ele olha em volta com orgulho, mas pisa em um carrinho de brinquedo. E começa a confusão, perturbando também o velho Senhor Raven que está construindo sua casa Como voltar a ter paz? Koyaa, dará um jeito.Guillermina y Candelario – A história da feiticeira (de Marcela Rincón González, Colombia, animação, 2013, 12 min): Guilhermina e Candelário compartilham com seus avós e amigos uma divertida confraternização. A voz da avó Francisca levará a todos a uma viagem imaginária aos confins do bosque, através de um relato cheio de emoção, música e suspense, em que as dificuldades de Candelário e Ismael despertarão na comunidade um profundo sentimento de solidariedade.Marsicek o pescador (Marsicek) (de Frantisek Vasa, animação, República Tcheca, 2011, 13 min): Um clássico conto de fadas sobre um “peixe dourado” é apresentado como uma fábula automobilística moderna cheia de ação. Três pés (3 pies) (de Giselle Geney, ficção, Colômbia, 2018, 14 min): A história de Gonzalo, um menino de 10 anos que mora numa cidade no campo colombiano e tem que chegar com os sapatos limpos na sua escola para evitar o pior castigo do mundo: que seu professor tire a sua bola até o final do ano. Dia 31/08: Turma da Mônica Lições(De Daniel Rezende, Ficção, Brasil, 2021, 97 min)Classificação indicativa: LivreMônica, Cebolinha, Magali e Cascão fogem da escola. Agora, terão que encarar as suas consequências, e elas não serão poucas. Nesta nova jornada, a Turma descobrirá o real valor e sentido da palavra amizade. Fonte: Governo SC
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musicaemdx · 7 years ago
O IndieJúnior está a chegar e traz mais de 40 filmes para crianças O IndieLisboa está quase a chegar e com ele regressa o enorme mini-festival para crianças e jovens, o IndieJúnior. A programação está a desenhar-se a um ritmo alucinante e é tempo de desvendar desde +info em https://wp.me/p5MaUC-7lt #AngelaSteffen #CinemaIdeal #CinemaSãoJorge #Culturgest #FabianFriedrich #IndieLisboa #InêsDeSáFrias #JuliaOcker #KathrinKuhnert #LeandroMartins #ManonSaillye #MargaridaRoxoNeves #MarionJamault #MaxPorter #MercedesMarro #RuKuwahata #StellaRaith #TorilKove
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rrho · 8 years ago
Ein Wolf in mondheller Nacht. #kurzfilm Was macht der Wolf im Mondenschein, allein? Julia Ocker, der wir auch schon Zebra und Krake…
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uykulupsikolog · 2 years ago
‘Animanimals’ Season 2 Triggers Another Stampede of Deals
The 2D animated series created by Julia Ocker follows the absurd adventures of animals who learn important life lessons along the way; 2nd season scores multiple presales, with Season 1 relicensed by current broadcast partners while securing new deals as well. from AWN Headline News https://ift.tt/gZL4Tsh
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fata-cu-palarie-neagra · 2 years ago
‘Animanimals’ Season 2 Triggers Another Stampede of Deals
The 2D animated series created by Julia Ocker follows the absurd adventures of animals who learn important life lessons along the way; 2nd season scores multiple presales, with Season 1 relicensed by current broadcast partners while securing new deals as well. from AWN Headline News https://ift.tt/DXQCTKt
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aussieguru · 4 years ago
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⠀ 🔸️Three main Aussie accents🔸️ ⠀ Hey hawaya! Today it’s gonna be a post in English. I decided to make it happen on a weekly basis so you guys can practice reading and I can do the writing. Guess everybody will be happy. Let me know in the comments below what you think. 📩 ⠀ Now, I won’t be chasing the goal to write in classic English that is taught in school, but I will do pretty simple everyday language. Down bellow three most common accents you will hear when you come to Australia. 🦘🇦🇺 ⠀ 1️⃣ Cultivated Australian accent has in the past been perceived as indicating high social class or education. Its speakers were being rated higher than Broad Australian English speakers in intelligence, competence, reliability, honesty, and status. In has some similarities to Received Pronunciation and the Transatlantic accent. Some famous Australians who speak with the cultivated accent include actress Cate Blanchett and Geoffrey Rush as well as ex-prime minister Malcolm Fraser. 🎩 ⠀ 2️⃣ Broad Australian accent – is the strongest one. It's recognisable and familiar to English speakers around the world. It is prevalent nationwide but is especially common in rural areas. In Australia, this dialect is sometimes called Strine (or "Strayan", a shortening of the word Australian), and a speaker of the dialect may be referred to as an Ocker. Some examples who speak Australians who speak with the Broad Australian accent are the crocodile hunter Steve Irwin, ex-prime minister Julia Gillard, and actor Paul Hogan. 🤠🐊 ⠀ 3️⃣ General Australian accent – the most common one that you are likely to hear. It is especially prominent in urban Australia and is used as a standard language for Australian films, television programs, and advertising. So aside from averages Australians famous Aussies who speak with the General accent include actor Eric Bana and Hugh Jackman as well as Olympic swimmer Ian Thorpe. 📺 ⠀ Hopefully you liked it, let me know your thoughts. And if you wanna hear these accents there is a post in my Telegram channel "Aussie Guru" (use link in bio). ⠀ #australia #immigration #aussieaccent #aussie_guru (at Sydney Opera House) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE6w4XXg1el/?igshid=1l05qtrxbpt4h
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dcooper007 · 7 years ago
Animafest Zagreb predstavlja Natjecanje filmova za djecu i Svjetsku panoramu! Vidimo se na Animafestu od 4-9 lipnja 2018!
Svjetski festival Animiranog filma - Animafest Zagreb 2018 ponosno predstavlja izabrane filmove za Natjecanje filmova za djecu i Svjetsku panoramu.
Središnji događaj bogatog Programa za djecu i mlade Animafesta 2018 je Natjecanje filmova za djecu, međunarodna konkurencija koja broji 44 filma iz svih krajeva svijeta. Filmove je odabrala slovenska medijska psihologinja Martina Peštaj, urednica Dječjeg i omladinskog programa Radiotelevizije Slovenije, koja ih je razvrstala prema prilagođenosti četirima dobnim kategorijama (4-7, 7-10, 10-14 i 14+).
Svjetska panorama je raznolik nenatjecateljski program koji prikazuje originalne i inovativne naslove koji pomiču granice animacije. Prikazat će 30 filmova (15 studentskih i 15 profesionalnih autora) iz 22 zemlje.
ANT, Julia Ocker (Njemačka / 2017 / 03:37) BOXI: IN THE NATURE, Béla Klingl (Mađarska / 2017 / 04:21) DRAGON SLEDGE, Evgeniya Jirkova (Rusija / 2017 / 02:30) GROWTH, Marta Kwasniewska (Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / 2017 / 02:20) KOYAA - WILD SUNBED, Kolja Saksida (Slovenija / 2017/ 02:45) KRILA ZA KROKODILA, Ivana Guljasevic (Hrvatska / 2018 / 04:40) NUTZ, Denis Alenti (Hrvatska / 2018 / 02:21) PATCHWORK MOLE, Angela Steffen (Njemačka / 2017 / 03:53) PRINCE KI-KI-DO; WINTER STORY, Grega Mastnak (Slovenija / 2017 / 05:00) SMALL FOREST STORIES, Veronika Fedorova (Rusija / 2017 / 03:11) THE SWIMMING LESSON, Tatyana Okruzhnova (Rusija / 2017 / 03:00)
NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU 2 (DOB 7 – 10) 6:1, Sergei Ryabov (Rusija / 2018 / 02:53) BIJELA VRANA, Miran Miošić (Hrvatska / 2018 / 09:00) CICADA, Gabriela Borregales (Sjedinjene Države / 2018 / 03:57) KING MATHEUS, Katarina Nikolov (Slovenija / 2017 / 10:35) STRENGTH IN NUMBERS, Anais Sorrentino (Francuska, Belgija / 2017 / 06:51) THE BOY AND THE RACCOON, Yereum Cho, Jinsun Choi, Suyeon Kang, Eunha Ko (Južna Koreja / 2017 / 05:05) THE FRUITS OF CLOUDS, Katerina Karhánková (Češka Republika / 2017 / 10:00) THE HUNGRY LITTLE WOLF, Arnaud Demuynck (Francuska, Belgija / 2017 / 08:46)
NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU 3 (DOB 10 – 14) ANIMAL LAUGHING, Aurore Peuffier (Francuska / 2017 / 03:00) EXAM STRESS: SYRIAN STYLE, Raj Yagnik (Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Sirija / 2017 / 02:30) FLIPPED OUT, Jae Bae (Sjedinjene Države / 2017 / 05:41) FUNNY FISH, Krishna Chandran A. Nair (Francuska, Švicarska / 2017 / 06:20) GELATO – SEVEN SUMMERS OF ICE CREAM LOVE, Daniela Opp (Njemačka / 2017 / 2:18) GYPSY TALES / HOW WAS MAN CREATED, Mária Horváth (Mađarska / 2017 / 07:00) HURRY UP, HEROLD!, Francie Liebschner (Njemačka / 2017 / 08:00) JEFF, Britt Raes (Belgija / 2018 / 01:31) LES PIONNIERS DE L’UNIVERS, Benjamin Bernon, Clémentine Courbin, Matthieu Guevel, Anthony Rege, Jérôme Vanbeneden (Francuska / 2017 / 05:21) METAMORPHOSIS, Jane Carmen Oliveira (Brazil / 2017 / 05:22) PEANUT BUTTER AND JERRY, Shellie Leibensperger (Sjedinjene Države / 2017 / 03:10) THE CURVE OF YOUR EYES ENCIRCLES MY HEART, Nicolas Rolland (Francuska / 2017 / 03:00) VRLO MOKRA NOĆ U MUZEJU, Milan Trenc (Hrvatska / 2017 / 07:30)
NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU 4 (DOB 14+) BIRDLIME, Evan DeRushie (Kanada / 2017 /10:52) BURN OUT, Cécile Carre (Francuska, Sjedinjene Države / 2017 / 04:15) COMPARTMENTS, Daniella Koffler, Uli Seis (Njemačka, Izrael / 2017 / 15:00) CREATION, Yulia Baygulova (Rusija / 2017 / 06:03) LATE AFTERNOON, Louise Bagnall (Irska / 2017 / 09:23) LIVELY AIR, Pierre Grillère (Francuska / 2017 / 03:00) MATINS, Axel De Lafforest (Francuska / 2017 / 03:00) THE EEL, THE WEASEL AND THE VULTURE, Suki (Francuska / 2017 / 04:40) TWO BALLOONS, Mark C. Smith (Sjedinjene Države / 2017 / 09:08) USEFULNESS, Amaury Brun (Francuska / 2017 / 03:00) WANDA, Denise Hauser (Norveška / 2018 / 12:32) WINDS OF SPRING, Keyu Chen (Kanada / 2017 / 06:07)
SVJETSKA PANORAMA A TABLE GAME, Nicolás Petelski Mesón (Estonija, Španjolska / 2017 / 03:53) A VISIT, Parissa Mohit (Kanada / 2018 / 12:18) AN ISLAND, Rory Byrne (Irska / 2017 / 12:50) BALLERINA, Steven Subotnick (Sjedinjene Američke Države / 2017 / 04:30) BETWEEN US TWO, Wei Keong Tan (Singapur / 2017 / 05:03) BLIND MICE, Nicholas D’Agostino (Sjedinjene Američke Države / 2017 / 09:00) CHILDLINE – NSPCC, Moth Studio (Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / 2017 / 02:28) COYOTE, Lorenz Wunderle (Švicarska / 2017 / 09:55) HELL GATE, Ilhyun KIM (Južna Koreja / 2018 / 09:47) HORS SAISON, Nicolas Capitaine, Céline Desoutter, Lucas Durkheim, Léni Marotte (Francuska / 2017 / 06:07) IN OUR SKIN, Rosa Beiroa (Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / 2017 / 03:55) JASON’S SENTENCE, Elyse Kelly (Sjedinjene Američke Države / 2017 / 02:25) LOTUS LANTERN, Xingpei Shen (Kina, Sjedinjene Američke Države / 2017 / 06:30) LOVE HE SAID, Ines Sedan (Francuska / 2018 / 05:40) MONSTER DON’T EXIST, Ilaria Angelini, Luca Barberis Organista, Nicola Bernardi (Italija / 2017 / 03:23) MUSICAL TRAUMAS, Miloš Tomić (Srbija / 2018 / 10:23) OASIS, Daria Kashcheeva (Češka / 2018 / 02:26) OLIVIER, Armelle Mercat (Francuska / 2018 / 11:30) ONCE IN THE FIELDS OF BOREDOM, Teele Strauss (Estonija / 2017 / 05:20) PREY, Dal Park (Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / 2018 / 02:12) REGRETS, Petra Stipetic (Njemačka / 2018 /02:33) RE-VUE, Dirk de Bruyn (Australija / 2018 / 05:58) THE ORIGIN OF SOUND, Paul Driessen, Toon Loenders (Belgija, Nizozemska / 2018 / 13:15) THE WALKER, Frédéric Hainaut (Belgija / 2017 / 11:18) UTOPIA NOW, Remo Rauscher (Austrija / 2017 / 04:44) VERMIN, Jeremie Becquer (Danska / 2018 / 06:00) VOYAGERS, Gauthier Ammeux, Valentine Baillon, Benjamin Chaumeny, Alexandre Dumez, Lea Finucci, Marina Roger (Francuska / 2017 / 07:33) WHAT’S IN YOUR MIND?, Jo Ying Lee (Tajvan /2017 / 02:20) WOO-HOO!, David Stumpf (Slovačka / 2018 / 06:39) WORLD OF TOMORROW EPISODE TWO: THE BURDEN OF OTHER PEOPLE’S THOUGHTS, Don Hertzfeldt (Sjedinjene Američke Države / 2018 / 23:00)
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solarad2 · 7 years ago
Task 015: The Launch, The Catacombs, and the Bloodbath
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She barely slept the night before, only imagining what her sister must have felt this very same morning just six months ago.
But, nevertheless, she put on simple clothing - she was instructed last night by Fiorella not to dress too nice since she’d be changing into her arena clothing prior to launch - and was escorted by some of her mentors alongside her fellow district partner to the rooftop where they’d be be extracted via hovercraft to the arena.
Once she received her tracker on board and was hoisted into the air within a matter of minutes, she quietly sighed to herself as she noticed the windows beginning to darken; a sure sign they were approaching the arena and weren’t allowed to know what it was.That wasn’t much of a shock, as both the tributes and audience find out what the arena is at the same time.
Finally leaving the hovercraft and being escorted below the catacombs - the chilling taunt of the arena being just above them - she was then ushered into a room where she found Fiorella filing her nails on the couch with a television on in the upper corner of the room, just to the right of the launch tube. Julia Flickerman was speaking, she was hosting a panel full of different commentators prior to the highly anticipated countdown.
Shaking in her boots, as she was terrified and truly did not want to be doing this - but had to for her sister - she took one look at the outfit that was laying folded on the couch beside in a plastic protective wrap and knew it was bullshit.
“Really? A red cheerleader costume? Aren’t those things extinct?” asked Sybil.
Fiorella laughed as she got up and warmly wrapped her arms around Sybil, still trying to keep her heart distant from the girl as she didn’t want to be crushed like she was last year. 
As she pulled away, she finally responded, “You are so much like your sister, “she claimed, moving a piece of fly away hair from her forehead, “She said the same thing about the tribute outfits last games. Believe me, I don’t know what the hell these stupid gamemakers have gotten into.”
She then got dressed and was entered the tube as a monotone female voice from an intercom inside the room claim to prepare for launch in the next sixty seconds. 
Fiorella quickly took out her token and handed it to Sybil, “Where’d you find it?” 
She genuinely curious. They didn’t have beaches in the Capitol, so real seashells were very much so extinct here.
“I was waling along the beach one day and I found it. It caught my eye and I felt the need to keep it. I’ve never seen one like it before, and haven’t found an exact one like it since.”
Fiorella smiled sweetly at the uniqueness of such a shell and story. But, nevertheless, she kissed Sybil on the forehead, wished her luck and to avenge her sister’s death, to make her district proud, and that the more tributes she kills, the sooner she gets to go home.
Standing in the tube and watching as she was caught in thick darkness for a few moments, all she could think about was Sybil being in front her, hidden by the dark veil of death, blind to the other side but not so blind to touch. 
The words sounded strange as they left her mouth, She hadn’t said her sister’s name since she was given to the deep all those months ago.
She swore that she could feel her sister’s presence standing right in front of her in the darkness.
But, then, just as she reached out to see if it really was her, she was stooped once she was hit by the very potent and obvious smell of old books. It brought her back to her days in school.
It was then that the tube stopped and was realized that she was in locker. There was no breeze, no smell of an outside world, no chipping of the birds.
They were in a building that looked like what seemed to be a high school from her the old world; she recognizes the layouts and designs of the room from learning about it in school.
She was then instructed to escape the ocker in under one minute or risk being gassed in and die.
This, she thought, This is for my sister.
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holou-blog1 · 8 years ago
Tag 51 von Felix 29.05.17
Die Nacht verbrachten Yasmin und ich im oberen Hochbett gequetscht nebeneinander. Um 5:00 Uhr hieß es Aufstehen! Wir suchten unsere sieben Sachen zusammen und gingen zum Straßenrand, an dem sich schnell eine kleine Gruppe bildete, die wie wir zur Tour abgeholt wurden. Keiner sonderlich gesprächig. Der kleinere und etwas klapprige Toyota Bus hatte einen kleinen Anhänger hinten dran, in den wir unser Zeug packten. Los gings Richtung Uluru! Unser Tourguide namens Emily war ziemlich australisch, stämmig und der typische Draufgängertyp: lustig aber auch anstrengend. Wir schliefen auf der Strecke und kamen nach gut 2 Stunden am selben Parkplatz an, an dem wir am Tag zuvor liegen geblieben waren. Der Bus stand noch da und unsere uns wohlbekannten Emus begrüßten uns gleich. Wir machten es uns mit ein paar Donuts bequem und frühstückten erstmal. Im Bus kamen die ersten Gespräche zustande und wir lernten eine nette Julia aus München kennen. Mit an Bord waren alle verschiedenen Nationalitäten: Spanien, Frankreich, England, Irland, Wales, Amerika, China und Holland. Wir mussten noch tanken und Trinken kaufen und Leute ein- und ausladen sodass es echt lange dauerte, bis wir in der Ferne IHN ausmachen konnten: den Ayers Rock! Wir liefen auf eine nahe gelegene Sanddüne und es bot sich uns ein fantastischer Ausblick aufs umliegende, öde Outback. Der Sand war unfassbar fein und extrem rot und über dem dürren, braunen Buschland erhob sich in der Ferne der größte Monolith der Welt. Spektakulär! Anschließend ging es in einen dem Uluru vorgelagerten Ort namens Yulara, in dem wir ein Sandwich zu mittag aßen. Endlich ging es zum Nationalpark! Wir hielten an einem Kulturzentrum der Aboriginies, in dem die Geschichte des Uluru, aber auch die Hintergründe des Stammes erklärt wurden und man Frauen dabei zusehen konnte, wie sie die berühmten, bunt gepunkteten Bilder malten. Wir hatten leider viel zu wenig Zeit dort, da uns anschließend eine 3 stündige Wanderung bevorstand. Auf dem Weg zu unserem Startpunkt konnten wir den immer größer werdenden Felsklotz bewundern. Je näher wir kamen, desto mehr Struktur und Höhlen konnten wir in dem je nach Sonneneintrahlung mal knallroten, mal mehr ocker farbenen Gestein ausmachen. Aus der Nähe sah der Berg ganz anders aus als erwartet! Die Wanderung selbst war atemberaubend! Mitten durchs Outback ging ein roter Wanderweg. Auf Dauer bekam man eine Nackenstarre vom nach rechts gucken, da es wirklich schwer war den Blick vom schönen Ayers Rock zu lösen. Yasmin unterhielt sich lange mit Julia, die sich uns gleich angeschlossen hatte. Zum Glück war es bewölkt, da somit die Temperatur bei angenehmen 18 Grad lag und das Wandern somit überhaupt kein Problem war. Während der Wanderung setzten sich hunderte kleine schwarze Fliegen auf uns und schreckten teils nicht mal ansatzweise zurück wenn man nach ihnen schlug. Die Empfehlung, alle 15 Minuten zu trinken und mindestens 1l pro Stunde zu sich zu nehmen, kam uns ein bisschen albern vor. Auf unserem Weg um den Rock sahen wir Höhlen mit verblassten, 5000 Jahre alten Malereien und auch ein immer mit Wasser gefülltes waterhole. Unser Guide erzählte uns ein paar mit dem Berg verknüpfte Geschichten. Ein wunderschöner Ausflug! Anschließend fuhren wir wieder ein Stück weiter, um von einem Aussichtspunkt den Sonnenuntergang mit Uluru genießen zu können. Allerdings machte uns zunächet die Wolkendecke einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Während Emily uns allen Abendessen zubereitete, bewunderten wir noch einmal den Anblick und tranken einen Cider. Mit den braunen Gräsern, dem ockerfarbenen Gestein und dem noch blauen Himmel ergab sich eine einzigartige Farbkombination aus den Pastelltönen. Endlich brach die Sonne durch und tauchte den ganzen Fels in ein intensiveres rot. Wunderschön! Das Abendessen war sehr lecker und bestand aus Currynudeln mit Vegetables und Uluru Chicken. Der Sonnenuntergang über dem Buschland auf der abgewandten Seite des Ayers Rocks war mindestens genauso spektakuär! Nun wurde es rasch dunkel und wir fuhren laut singend zu "500 Miles" und "YMCA" zum Campingplatz. Nachdem wir unseren Swag (eine Art größerer Schlafsack mit Matratze) gerichtet hatten und Zähne geputzt hatten, setzten wir uns ums Lagerfeuer. Der lustige Franzose Roman kam mit dem ebenso witzigen Jacques auf der Schulter in den Unterstand und kündigte an, dass er ein Känguru gefangen hatte und alle waren gut drauf. Leider fing es an zu regnen; zum Glück nur kurz! Dennoch blieb der geniale Ausblick auf den Nachthimmel vorerst aus. Wir kuschelten uns in unsere Swags: erstaunlich bequem und vorallem warm!! Dick eingemummelt schliefen wir bald ein. Die Gruppe macht einen netten ersten Eindruck und abgesehen von drei Chinesinnen, die nur unter sich blieben und wirklich komisch waren (die eine aus Hongkok hatte einen RIESIGEN rosa Trolley dabei), war unsere 18 köpfige Gruppe vielfältig. Besonders gut verstanden wir uns mit Julia, Al dem Nordiren, Jacques aus Madrid und Jeff aus Chicago. Emily ist nett, jedoch unfassbar energetisch und ab und zu auch ein wenig zu treibend, wenn man sich von der Gruppe abkapselte oder etwas länger bestaunen wollte als vorgegeben, aber so ist das nun mal in einer Gruppe und wir nahmen uns trotzdem unsere Zeit! Morgen geht es früh raus um den Sonnenaufgang zu bestaunen!
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