#Juice was the comic relief for the first seasons and a sad ball of sadness later on
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Intimidating || Juice Ortiz x Reader
Summary: (Y/N), although Jax's best friend, wants nothing to do with the motorcycle club that's fucking up her town. Well, at least that's the case until she meets a certain member of SAMCRO with a stupid haircut. Even though he seems too intimidating at first, (Y/N) learns to never judge a book by its cover when she gets a chance to see his softer side.
Having a best friend that works at an automotive repair shop definitely comes in handy for (Y/N), especially since her 'old ass disaster of a car' constantly breaks down.
"Wow, that's the 3rd time in a month (Y/N)!", Jax said before he let out a chuckle.
"You know I'm saving for a new one asshole." She hit his bicep playfully.
"I hope the best friend discount is still on", she mumbled.
"It expired after the forth time you used it darling."
"I'm sorry. It's just that... money's kinda tight right now."
"I can imagine..."
"Can I pay you back in pancakes?... or waffles? I know you won't deny waffles." She asked with an awkward smile on her face, hoping her best friend would accept.
"Have you not pay for the car AND poison me with your cooking? I think I'll pass", he teased her.
"I meant going to the diner outside of town but since you're being an asshole I guess the offer is off the table."
"Okay okay if you're not the one cooking, I'm down", he said, his smirk never leaving his face.
She couldn't help but laugh, thankful for her best friend being there to cheer her up.
"Thank you Jackie."
"My shift ends in half an hour. If you wanna wait we can go for pancakes after I'm done here", he said, putting an arm around her.
She had just left work, so the timing was perfect for a warm meal at a cozy diner with her best friend.
"Yeah, sure! I can wait."
They started walking towards the garage and the blond man started talking again: "You know I'd fix your car for free anyway but then you mentioned pancakes so I couldn't say no."
She narrowed her eyes and looked at him.
"You're lucky I love you Teller."
He laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek, his arm still around her shoulder.
"Me and Chibs are just finishing off with an old bike and then we're good to go."
"Chibs?" she asked with a raised eyebrow as they were approaching the bike Jax was talking about.
"One of the guys... the Scottish one. Do you ever listen to me when I talk?"
"I was mostly asking because of the weird name but sure... Scottish one. Got it! One of your scary biker friends, right?"
He couldn't help but laugh yet again.
"Scary biker friends?"
(Y/N) loved Jax. The two immediately became best friends at a pretty young age when (Y/N)'s family had moved to Charming next to Gemma and John Teller's house. She loved him the way you'd love a brother, she was always there for him whenever he needed her but one thing she decided to stay completely away from was the club. She wouldn't approve of the outlaw lifestyle in the first place but also witnessing the mess it caused to her town, and most importantly her best friend, was only making it worse. She wouldn't ask any questions in case she'd get answers she wouldn't like. He was ok with it. More than ok with it actually. She was an escape for him to a carefree past and a light of positivity in his chaotic present.
She met the 'Scottish one' that was helping Jax fix the old bike and it went better than she expected. Once she got over his pretty intimidating look, scarred face, leather jacket and all, he actually seemed pretty nice and interesting.
She was sitting on a bench next to the two bikers working when she noticed another guy trying to fix a car nearby. Well, it was pretty hard for him to go unnoticed. He had a short dark mohawk and a tattoo on each side of it on his head, wounds on his face from god knows what and tattoos all over his arms and torso, that was now visible since his shirt was long gone. His muscular body was glistening from his sweat in the Californian heat and the muscles on his arms and upper back were moving in sync as he was working on the damaged car.
He had been over that car's engine for what seemed like forever and as much as she hated to admit it, (Y/N) wished she wasn't jealous of an old car. She had noticed the guy before, one of the many times she had to visit TM due to her shitty car, but that day she had the chance to take a 'closer look'.
His left hand was resting on the car's open hood now, giving her a better view of his muscular arm and flexing abs. The focused look on his face, lowered eyebrows and clenched jaw, made him appear even more intimidating and yet attractive, especially when he unconsciously licked his lips in deep thought.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)?" her friend interrupted her watching of the 'show'. "Can you pass me that cloth over there?", he asked as he pointed to a gray piece of cloth on the bench she was sitting.
After that small interruption she was back at unapologetically starting at the tan guy nearby. She guessed that she had missed a lot since a small part of his abs was covered in grease now and his face seemed even angrier after the amount of failed attempts to start the car.
After some more conversation with Jax and Chibs, once she looked over at the mohawk guy again, he had already put his black shirt on, meaning that his job fixing the car was done. Later as he was putting a no-sleeve leather jacket on, which (Y/N) unfortunately recognised, he was aimlessly looking around when he caught the almost-drooling girl looking at him. She immediately dragged her gaze to Jax and Chibs, mostly out of embarrassment as well as some fear of his intimidating look. Next thing she knew, the mohawk guy was strutting confidently towards her and the two bikers, shoulders and arms swaying back and forth. He was wearing a pair of black sunglasses, no one knowing where his brown eyes were focused on.
"Hey brother", Chibs said with a smirk.
He answered with a simple 'hey' and a light hit on Chib's back and then did the same to Jax, after he took off his sunglasses and put them hanging outside his leather jacket's pocket.
(Y/N) didn't know if she should have been mad or relieved that the hot outlaw completely ignored her existence, exactly because he was a hot outlaw. Nevertheless, she was satisfied she could study the biker up close. He was wearing buggy cargo pants with chains hanging from one side near his waist and the black shirt she had noticed earlier was visibly a little too tight on his muscular chest. He put his hands in his pockets, as (Y/N) was staring at the veins and black tattoos on his arms that had started to fade.
"Jax, I wanted to tell you that I can't come with you guys tonight. I have something personal to take care of." He didn't give any further details since his brothers were not the only ones present. He was waiting for an answer from Jax with a frown on his face since the sun was getting into his eyes. (Y/N) noticed how his chocolate brown pupils appeared almost red against the sunlight.
"Yeah, that's okay. We're more than enough for tonight anyway. You can take the evening off."
"Awesome, thank you man", he said with a smirk as he lightly hit Jax's back.
He then shook his head up as an indication of saying goodbye, while maintaining eye contact with (Y/N), before he walked away.
Was that saying goodbye to me as well?
It was a goodbye to everyone.
He was looking at my direction though.
(Y/N) wasn't exactly loving the fact that she was enjoying this.
The hot pancakes Jax and (Y/N) were eagerly anticipating finally arrived at the table.
"Thank you darling", the blond biker said to the waitress while intensionally making his voice sound a little deeper. He was smirking the entire time while sitting all laid back, exuding confidence. The young girl gave him a cheeky smile and went her own way.
"Do you ever take a break?" (Y/N) questioned him sarcastically.
"A break of what?" Jax asked, a playful look on his face since he obviously knew what she was talking about.
"Hitting on innocent women."
"She was eyeing me since the minute we walked in."
The only way she could respond was with an unamused look.
"Also don't act all innocent to me. You're worse than I am", he said before letting out a chuckle and taking a big bite of his pancakes.
"What are you talking about? I don't hit on any person on a 18 feet radius, at any given time and place."
"Well yeah, that's because you're too scared to actually hit on them so you just stare from afar."
(Y/N) kicked his leg under the table.
"Ouch", he screamed in a playful manner while rubbing his leg. "You bitch", he whispered.
"That's not true."
"You were staring at Juice the entire time we were at TM. Didn't even say hello to him."
"Staring at what?" She asked while laughing, not even understanding that with the word Juice, Jax was refering to a person.
"The guy back at the garage. Mohawk and tribal tattoos. You were practically drooling over him."
"No I wasn't", she sounded offended.
"You can't hide from me girl. You know that. I know you better than I know myself."
"Ok he's hot... I was looking, yeah... but 'drooling over him' is an overstatement."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say", he raised his eyebrows while taking a sip of water.
"You weren't even listening to what me and Chibs were saying."
"Actually I was actively trying not to listen to your club... business... stuff."
Jax rolled his eyes at her desperate attempt to change the subject.
"You could've at least say hello, you know. Dude doesn't bite."
"Are you sure about that? He looked like he could bite to me. If I'm being honest I was kinda scared of him."
Jax started laughing. "Scared? Of Juice? I can guarantee you he was more scared of you than you were of him."
"What do you mean?" she asked amused.
"Let's just say that not everyone has their way with women like I do."
"You're an idiot."
"No seriously, he'd get nervous even if he was around a female dog."
"What? He looked pretty confident to me. Intimidating. And scary as I said before."
Jax couldn't help but roll his eyes and sigh. "You know, underneath all the leather and the tattoos, we're still human. Didn't you like Chibs?"
"He was pretty nice I guess. Well, when I could make out what he was saying", she said referring to his thick accent.
"See? And Juice is even... milder...", he was trying to find the right word, "than Chibs. Dude's into technology and computers, coding and shit. He's a total nerd."
"He's still an outlaw biker. Seriously, could you ever imagine me being with someone like that Juice guy?"
"With the stupid haircut of his? Hell no, you deserve way better."
"Jax, I'm serious."
"Well... no, it's not the easiest thing to imagine, but you're full of surprises baby, I know that", he chuckled.
"A mohawk, head tattoos and chains hanging from his pants is a pretty big surprise though, don't you think? And these fucking leather jackets."
"I've told you a million times, they're called kuttes."
She couldn't help but roll her eyes.
"(Y/N), if you can be best friends with me, you can date a guy like Juice, trust me. Also I have chains on my pants too, should I be offended?" he was once again teasing her.
"You should meet him. And by meet him I mean like actually have a conversation." He was trying to find a reason for her to meet the Sons after all those years, meet the other part of him she had been avoiding for so long.
"I'm not getting into your club business shit for some boy, Jackie. Especially a boy with a fucking mohawk."
"I'm not asking you to get into the club shit. Trust me, I wouldn't want that", he was all serious now, "I'm just saying that you can meet the guys. They are my family. They... they're a part of me. You met Chibs, he was ok. You know we don't only talk about dead bodies and guns. We have other interests as well."
She was quiet, not knowing how to respond, so he continued:
"We are family (Y/N). They've been there for me through my hardest times, just like you have. Maybe you have more things in common than you think. Besides, I think you and Juice would make a great duo", he told his best friend, smirking after the last sentence.
A few days later (Y/N) was heading to TM once again. She had agreed with Jax that when she'd come to pick up her car, she'd come in the clubhouse to meet the guys for the first time.
So there she was, nervous, walking slowly towards the clubhouse entrance. Second thoughts were taking over her mind.
I don't know if I'm ready for this. I'm not meant to be involved in this kind of stuff... with these kind of people. What am I supposed to have in common with a bunch of criminal bikers? If only it wasn't for this dumb, scary, hot ass Juice dude.
To her surprise the dumb, scary, hot ass Juice dude was sitting by himself on a bench outside the clubhouse.
Shit, shit, shit. Ok. Go talk to him. No I can't go talk to him. I have to walk right by him anyway, I should talk to him. What am I supposed to say? I can just say hello. Or hey. God just look away.
Juice was looking down at something so she hoped he wouldn't look up at her. She was getting closer, still overthinking.
I should ask him about my car. Or Jax... yeah, I should ask him where Jax is.
Juice looked up giving her a small smile that made her knees weak.
"Hey... you're Jax's friend right? If you're looking for him he's probably in the clubhouse", the tan biker spoke first, making everything way easier for her. The truth is he did know who she was, that's for sure. 'Jax's cute bubbly friend whose car was breaking down constantly.'
"Awesome, thank y-" she didn't finish her sentence. She had felt something against her ankles, so she looked down. To her surprise there was a small gray kitten slithering between her legs and rubbing its small head against her ankles.
"I think she likes you", Juice said with a wide smile, the kind where his eyes smile as well. Apparently that's why he was looking down earlier.
"It took her weeks to trust me and stop running away from me and now she's all up on you the minute she meets you. I'm kind of offended actually", he said before letting out an adorable laugh, while spreading his right arm close to (Y/N)'s shoes, making the kitten rub its face on his big palm. He eventually grabbed it and put it gently on his lap where he was sitting.
A 'badass' biker dressed in black leather, full of tattoos and with a fucking knife hanging off his belt, petting a small kitten that was purring loudly on his lap. The contrast in this image was pretty apparent, to say the least. (Y/N) was sitting there taking in this unusual sight before he spoke again:
"She's a stray. Found her by some trash cans a few weeks ago and fed her. Now she won't leave." He was busy petting the cat, only looking up to face (Y/N) by his last sentence.
What he said, along with his big smile at the end, warmed her heart. Maybe bikers do have feelings after all. He suddenly didn't appear all scary to her. She sat on the bench next to him and although confident, it took all the courage she had.
"Why don't you take her to the animal shelter?" she asked while petting the cute kitten that was still on his lap.
"I wanted to... but I couldn't", a loud laugh escaping his lips. "I tried, I promise", he added while raising his hands in the air in an 'I'm innocent' motion. "I mean look at that face."
The cat was looking up at them, its green eyes shining. She was still petting it, when her hand accidentally brushed against Juice's.
"She's so cute", (Y/N) said after a few moments of silence while looking at the kitten, in order to change the sudden awkward atmosphere.
"She is", he said softly while looking at the cat and then up to the girl next him, not knowing who he was referring to either.
"I wanted to take her home but I'm too busy for a pet, you know, with the club an' all. I'm not even home that much. I wouldn't want to neglect her."
"I've always wanted a cat, but never really made the decision. I... I would love to get her... Well, if you're okay with that of course."
"Yeah, of course", he exclaimed all excited, "it breaks my heart knowing she's out here day and night. Getting her a home is everything I could ask for... you're gonna have to let me visit her though."
A sexy smirk appeared on his face and (Y/N) responded with a lovely smile. Maybe meeting the club wasn't such a bad idea after all.
#Juice was the comic relief for the first seasons and a sad ball of sadness later on#but imagine seeing him without knowing his personality#I'd be shitting my pants#that's what this was based on#lmao ok thank u#soa#sons of anarchy#soa imagine#sons of anarchy imagines#sons of anarchy x reader#soa x reader#juice x reader#juice ortiz x reader#juice ortiz imagine#juice ortiz#jax teller#juice ortiz fanfiction#Juice Ortiz fanfic#fluff#sons of anarchy one shot#Juice Ortiz one shot#sons of anarchy fanfic#sons of anarchy fanfiction
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