#Judy is Emily’s fursona
zootopiathingz · 4 months
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Same‼️character‼️ different ‼️font
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~It's time to stake positions!~ ~It's time to set our sights!~ ~It's time for exposition on the Muppet Show tonight!~
Chapter 3: In Brief
I'm very fond of this chapter, especially the transitions. After Nick's remark about staying awake, we cut to Sly waking up - and after that, mid-sentence cuts, which are so fun to do. It felt great to chain a bunch together. I think it really adds a sense of energy and flow to what is otherwise just a chapter of people explaining other people's backstories.
Before that, though, we have The Morning Report - which, yes, is a reference to the not-very-good song added to special editions of The Lion King. It was nice writing for these two newscasters. Originally, I called the snow leopard anchor (underrated fave and bae) "Xue Winters". When her name was finally confirmed decided to be "Fabienne Growley", I changed it. There'll be other Xues. 
There's one and only Doctor Emily Nope, though! Say hello to the fursona Zoosona of my very great elder sister, complete with geological training! She was the one who insisted on "Nope Diamond", so she names it in-universe too. Having her team be multi-species was a quick attempt on my part to make this whole diamond heist tie into Zootopia's overall themes. Heh.
I'll probably mention this once or twice more, but it becomes clear when the exhibition is said to be scheduled for "Friday night" - this entire story takes place in under a week. Monday night to Saturday morning. compress Finally, Gazelle's massive (and unwanted) popularity in the mayoral election is a nod to the sentiment going around immediately after the film's release that... she should be the next mayor? It was weird. Yeah, she's nice, and politically active. But it's something of a leap, no? Instead we have Mayor Dewey, a la Steven Universe. Never decided if he was a pig or a deer, but either way, he's anxious and sweaty. “The people want what they want, Peter.” One of my sister's favourite lines. Nice ending to the scene, I think.
bunny s n e e z e s
Here's some dumb trivia about my literal writing process; I use OpenOffice, which automatically remembers words of over 10 letters in length. This includes hyphenated-words. It's mostly a useful feature, but the hyphens get irritating. My last laptop permanently saved "hyena-supporter" and "lion-chunks" because of my old LK fics. So now I tend to use tildas, for hypenated~words I don't want saved. My sister finds this amusing, and pronounces the compounds with ~stupid emphasis~ Anyway, the point of this rambling anecdote is that for "Super-pneumonia~" she suggested to keep the tilda, since that silly emphasis worked for the scene.
god i love clawhauser. He's so fun to write for! Enjoyable energy from our lovely duo here, too. Zootopia fic comes easy for a reason; put Nick and Judy in any situation, and the conversation flows from there. What a joy they are!
"I'm pretty happy here at front desk, really. Gotta play to your strengths, y'know?” My boy Benji just casually dropping the entire moral of Sly Cooper
I'd really love to see more domestic Sly stuff. Just the boys! Hanging out! Cooking each other breakfast! Good fucking shit. Gimme that content.
Probably unrealistic that the ZPD doesn't immediately have Tai Lung's full file, in this age of e-mail and the World Wide Web. But gotta save some of the mystery (and exposition) for later. “You know how many times this degenerate has been arrested?” “Uh,” said Fangmeyer, “tweeeelve?” “Two hundred, or something?” guessed Francine. “Zero,” said Nick with a calm confidence. “Once!” snapped Bogo. “Goddammit,” muttered Nick. Nick's smart enough to spot the pattern, but still gets the answer wrong just out of bad luck. If that ain't an unintentional metaphor...
Coming up with a "normal name" for Peridot was a lot of fun. Peri -> Perrault. Dot -> Dottie  -> Dorothy. So, Dorothy Perrault! I considered having her Hacker Name be "Peri.Dot" but I decided it was ultimately unnecessary. writing Computer Stuff as a goddamn sociology student was hard, my dudes. i am completely talking out of my hat here Tai Lung and Peridot are both from "some distance out of town". Tai Lung is from ancient China and Peri is from fucking space
"Usually steals from other criminals, but has been known to break that pattern for anything he considers to be suitably important or interesting." This is arguably a bit of a cheat. It's based on side adventures, like Goodbye My Sweet and the museum heist animation I possibly dreamed, where the goal is what's being stolen rather than who's been stolen from. It is treated as a deviation from the norm, though, and we see what Sly's reasoning is later on. Chief Bogo offhandedly calling the Cooper Gang's name narcissistic - Dr M's ghost lives on. Like I said earlier, putting the Gang against the ZPD means somebody's gotta "lose"; probably the ZPD, since otherwise the Gang's adventures are over. Bogo's lack of optimism was deliberate. They really don't have a hope.
Sly smirked. “Sounds real inspiring.” “Social media certainly thought so,” said Bentley dryly. bentley's not a disney fan
I think Nick's enough of a good boy to not assume the Interpol officer will be male, but I couldn't resist the extra foreshadowing/dramatic irony And Locksley Park is, of course, a nod to Robin of Locksley, Robin Hood himself - the Disney fox whose movie directly inspired Zootopia. Gotta have a reference in there somewhere, of course.
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