#Judith Flores
adribosch-fan · 2 years
Ortega consolida su régimen de partido único mientras aprovecha los envíos de dinero desde el exterior
Ortega consolida su régimen de partido único mientras aprovecha los envíos de dinero desde el exterior
REMESAS Y DONACIONES INTERNACIONALES En los fraudulentos comicios del domingo pasado el tirano se adjudicó el 100% de las alcaldías dejando sin “premio” a los micropartidos que colaboran con el régimen sandinista. JUDITH FLORES Daniel Ortega junto a su mujer, Rosario Murillo. Twitter Las remesas se han convertido en uno de los principales ingresos para Nicaragua, un rubro que sigue en alza a…
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wvsteria · 5 months
judith grimes & talia flores @spellbcok
"i have to get to my mom, she's going to be so worried." judith said as she bit her lip nervously. "and my sister, god, i can't even imagine what she's going through right now."
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ar3s-r4t-qu33n · 20 days
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Why I Think Johnny Kills Danny (Before the Game even starts):
Footage by me <3 eating shit when I was a Julie Main (Maria gal now ever since she came out but both of them are SO WEAK Gun PLEASE give Jules a speed boost and Maria's ability do SOMETHING MORE-) but just for a full visual so folks can see what this animation full looks like
First, I wanna go over the fact that Johnny and Danny are foils of each other. I think I'm using the word correctly? Think about Danny's backstory; a scrappy orphan who's good with his hands, specifically mechanics, who presumably grew up on a farm (I personally believe that Jared Gaines is part of Danny's foster family, but that's pure speculation based on them both being Texans with the same last name, so I have no idea), and has gone on to turn his life into something, attending a university and meeting the girl of his dreams. He is a sweetheart, doting, devoted, a real Southern gentleman through and through.
And now Johnny; a scrappy orphan who, if those are oil stains on his gloves and what Ronnie Hobbs (creative director) for the game said in an interview about Johnny being designed to 'look like a guy who helps out at a gas station' (paraphrasing) and the fact that he lives in a god damn scrapyard, is good with his hands, specifically mechanics, who grew up on a farm and has been forced to be something he is not- a brutal killer. Despite fighting against it, he has had no choice but to be a Slaughter and has grown to be especially brutal because of that. He doesn't want it, he has no choice, therefore he will be the best fucking killer there is. He is cruel, cold, has found a way to take pleasure in his craft, but is also incredibly charming, a soft side to him that can be heard through the way he speaks to Hands, Choptop and sometimes Nubbins, even Nancy gets a somewhat distant affection from him in some of his lines.
The two are almost perfect parallels, hell, maybe if Johnny had been able to stay with Judith and have a normal life, he and Danny could have been almost identical.
Now, contrary to what some folks think, I do believe that Johnny is in love with Maria. Not a normal love, not a healthy love, but a love nonetheless, and a love that is entirely his own, the first person he has ever chosen to love on his own, not because they were 'family' and he had to. As I said in my Johnny's Bluffing analysis, he initially plans to seduce and kill Maria just like every other woman he takes a vague interest in, but, because she's in love with Danny, he can't do that, and is instead forced to be around her sweet, kind, loving self and he falls head over heels for her. Who wouldn't? So he kidnaps her, luckily Grandpa takes a shine to her and lets her stay with a 'not dinner' badge, and Johnny finally has her to himself.
There's only one problem; she doesn't love him.
'Pretty Boy' Johnny has never struggled to make people like him or even fall for him. That's the easy part for him, he's used to being sexualised and leans into it. People fall at his feet all the time, so why is it the one woman he actually wants won't? Maria admits in her letters home on the Maria Flores Tribute Account on Instagram that she finds him attractive. But her heart belongs to Danny. No matter how hard he tries, Maria can't fall for him. Everyone in the family knows he loves her, but she doesn't feel the same, not only because she loves someone else, but because he went about it completely wrong. He likely spends a whole week down there trying to get her to want him, every trick in the book, just trying to make her feel for him what he does for her, but it just isn't working.
And then...
The man who he sees as keeping Maria from him literally shows up on his front door step.
We know from the Devs that Danny leaves early to go find Maria. I believe that he is dead before the gang arrive to save her, same as how I think Virginia dies before they get there, and I also think that Maria never finds out that Danny dies at all.
Now, obviously what happens in the trailer isn't the entire 100% truth as to what goes down here, but we have a general gist, and I believe that in Nancy's line of questioning, she gets angry at Danny and that is why she attacks him in a pretty reckless move for someone who seems so calculated and careful.
Not only has this 'floosy' taken her sweet boy's attention away from her, but she already has a boyfriend!? Nancy is insulted on Johnny's behalf, and is confirmed in her suspicions that Maria is no good for him. Because if he must have someone, they better devote themselves to him the way she does. If Johnny has to have someone, they better fucking let him, and not have some boyfriend waiting for them back home to complicate things.
Danny obviously fights Nancy off and runs away to the spare bedroom (where Maria's camera happens to be, I wonder why that is? wink wink nudge nudge I have my thoughts about that if y'all wanna know em), getting out into the scrapyard. He's locked in now, on his own facing Nancy on her land.
Well... no. Because who lives in that scrapyard?
Either Johnny is already there in his shack, or he'll be back from the Family House soon, and Nancy will tell him who Danny is and that he hurt his mother.
And Johnny isn't going to like that.
Something about his animation for the 'Choke Artist' Execution that I've always found interesting is the level of anger he has whilst doing it. We know that choking is Johnny's favourite method of killing someone, it's what he's known for around Texas in his various murders. So why isn't he enjoying himself? He only seems to enjoy it once he knows that they're dead, but during the choking is a sheer rage that seems totally different to every single one of his other kills.
Well, picture this:
Johnny has spent all this time trying to get the only person he has ever loved to want him. He can't handle rejection, he's never had to before, he doesn't know how to handle any of these feelings, the good, the bad, the rotten, he's a confused and vulnerable mess and he hates it. And then here comes Danny, the man who not only stole his beloved's heart and is holding it out of his reach, but also is everything Johnny could have been, he has everything Johnny could have wanted; freedom, friends, a normal life, the girl of his fucking dreams. And not only has he come here to throw all of that in Johnny's face, but he has attacked his mother and wants to take the only person Johnny has ever loved away from him.
And Johnny just sees Red.
And then, maybe a few days, maybe a whole ass week later, Virginia breaks in, tries to save Maria, and is murdered on the spot. There's no way she survives that house, Maria has the Grandpa Pass and I honestly think Johnny would start slashing if anyone went for her, and we see Uncle Hands pop 'round for a cuppa just as Virginia tries to escape, he is GETTING her ass. Few days after that, the Gang show up and all are killed bar Maria. Whether or not she survives the Family is something we don't know. But she never escapes them. I have my personal headcanon on what I think happens to her, Johnny, Sissy and Nancy once the Gang are dead, but that's for another time. But as it stands, Maria knows Virginia is dead, that all of her friends are dead, that her little sister is dead, but likely never finds out about Danny. Because she'd either have to find his body (and, knowing Johnny and Nancy, he's either in the sunflower patch or Devil's River by now), or Johnny would have to tell her. And he'd rather die than do that.
Idk, just how I personally see things, I wanna reiterate that as with all of my posts and analysies here, it's all my personal interpretation of events and none of this has been confirmed by Gun or anyone associated with them, none of this is canon and please do not mistake it as such, I just adore this game and Maria/Johnny/Sissy as characters and think about them way too much.
Lemme know what y'all think though!! I've building my own personal timeline and 'who kills who and in what order' list, so if folks wanna hear about that or have any questions or anything else from me, please let me know!!
Also I promised I'd tag @alittlebitofeverthang in this so here you go!!
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hauntedjohnny · 6 months
You have me buzzing about Nancy and her choice of victims for different things. I didn't even think of that but now it's all I can focus on. Would it be too cheesy to have one of the Flores girls be the fertilizer... bc that makes my heart tug so sadly.... I think she'd pick Julie to eat since she's *slightly* more filled out (I am fat- I mean no disrespect to anyone by saying this lol) but also in that same regard maybe Leland or Danny? Maybe Danny bc Leland may be too lean? Sorry if you didn't want input! But you really got me thinking! I hope you have a good evening/night!
(Also I just wanted to say- I love seeing your posts! You're one of my favorite people around this f*ndom!)
you're totally okay, thank you for the ask :) sometimes it feels like shouting into the void over here lol !! i hope ur having a good day too <3
just generally i think nancy would be more picky about who she is in comparison to the main family. she would only want the best and is mildly superstitious about the spirits of who she kills.
to me it would make sense for her (and the rest of the family) to eat people who are fit and toned because they'll have a higher muscle to fat ratio so i think all the vics are gonna be good meat in that regard. there's also the thing that you shouldn't stress cattle out before you kill them as it makes the meat tougher so people like julie may actually not be the best meat. part of me wants to believe that nancy doesn't enjoy eating women, seeing them as lesser and thinking they're not good enough for her. the other part of me believes that she ~could~ potentially eat younger women with the belief that they're more fertile and that's a trait she would gain during consumption. if the latter were true i think it was only something she did in her 20/30s before she found johnny. judith was the last woman she ate. nancy became johnny's mom by consuming her, finalising the handover.
despite nancy saying "you know what happens to bodies when you plant 'em?" i feel like it makes more sense for her to use the remains/bones to grind into bonemeal but once again im of two minds. she either is picky about who she uses as her victims are her flowers and so thinks certain people (high risk victims/women like prostitutes or runaways) aren't deserving of a place in her frontyard OR she uses all of them as a body count in a way and each flower in her frontyard is someone she killed. for that first reason i do NOT think she would want maria's spirit in her house specifically for all the reasons you already know.
dumping the bodies in rivers seems to be the worst option of the three, left for people who johnny (and possibly nancy) impulsively killed. i dont see this as a thing the entire family does, just nancy and johnny. there are two radio broadcasts about rivers. the first is about the tulsa couple's IDs being found in the pedernales river which is canonically about nancy/johnny as nancy has a voiceline referring to it. it's a river fairly close to newt/austin so could possibly be a quick dumping place. the other river is devil's river where bodies were found stabbed and strangled which obviously suggests it was johnny's doing. and nancy has a line about showing the victims devil river. devil's river is a fair drive out so this river seems weirdly special for the two of them? idk if it had special meaning for nancy and then took johnny there for his first kill and then it became a special place for johnny away from nancy where he can play on his own. dumping in the river is just to dispose of evidence after an impulsive kill imo. i don't think nancy has much of the strength to transport and get rid of the body at this age so probably doesn't do it often or does it with johnny (like the tulsa couple). does make me wonder who nancy impulsively killed and disposed of in her youth. did she used to have any impulses similar to johnny that she 'grew out of'...?
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Face off (2)
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SUMNER: One celebrity becomes a lawyer and now all of them want to do it. Still, famous representation doesn't always mean effective, Ms. Burgos.
JUDITH: What do you really want, Mr. Monahan?
SUMNER: I want this wrapped up in a nice little bow: we can't exactly have people just shooting up each other whenever they have a disagreement, amirite?
JUDITH: I wouldn't call domestic violence and assault a disagreement, counselor.
SUMNER: We can't say that for sure, because we don't have the proper statements. Correct, detective?
DET. ORTEGA: Getting the proper statements would definitely speak to motive. Which we still don't have.
SUMNER: See? There you have it.
JUDITH: See what? I don't see anything. Speak plain, Sumner. What are you offering?
SUMNER: If your client is willing to give a true accounting, also tell us in detail of what happened to her friend and her friend's daughter, then that'd be a good start.
JUDITH: The minor is her daughter. Fernanda Flores is Ms. Burgos' common law wife. How about we start with that?
SUMNER: No disrespect, Ms. Burgos. That being said, it does give the case a different tone, doesn't it?
JUDITH: Sounds like someone protecting their wife and their home.
SUMNER: Make a statement prior to the hearing telling me exactly what happened. Then we can cut a deal to get you out of here.
JUDITH: Ms. Burgos?
MYRA: Can we talk later? Alone?
JUDITH: Absolutely. My client would like some time to consider it.
SUMNER: I wouldn't take too long, Ms. Burgos. Ms. Ward? A moment?
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carraways-son · 8 months
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Les jours se suivent, etc... En fin de matinée, virée en ville sous un ciel infiniment bleu jusqu'à un savoureux restaurant libanais de la rue Gambetta, puis direction l'hôtel d'Assézat qui abrite la Fondation Bemberg, enfin rouverte après des années de travaux. Des centaines de peintures, sculptures, meubles et objets, de l'Antiquité à la première moitié du XXe siècle, des dizaines de signatures prestigieuses du Tintoret à Picasso en passant par Monet et Rodin, et dans cette profusion quelques œuvres  qui me sont chères. De haut en bas : Elisabeth Louise Vigée-Le Brun, "Portrait de la comtesse von Kagenek en Flore" (1792), Lucas Cranach l'Ancien, "Vénus et Cupidon volant du miel" (1531), Pierre Bonnard, dont la Fondation Bemberg réunit la plus grande collection au monde : "Autoportrait sur fond blanc, chemise col ouvert" (1930), "La forêt des pins, Le Cannet" (1922), "Femme au tub" (1903), et encore Georges Romney, "Portrait de Miss Frances E. Sage" (1779-82), ou Paul Gauguin, "Etude préparatoire pour Aita tamari vahiné Judith te parari" (1894-95). Quel bonheur !
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sporadiceagleheart · 5 months
This is Thursday April 11th 2024 is for those victims that was gunned down and also for the Manchester Arena victims that was bombed down as well they aren't just rappers wrestlers kids or dreamers but they are angels sent back to heaven Ava Jordan Wood, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Saffie Rose Roussos, Pop Smoke, Young Dolph, Tupac Shakur and Christopher George Latore Wallace, Natalia Victoria Wallace, Shinzo Abe, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Rev, Martin Luther King Jr., Secoriea Turner, Royta De'Marco Layfield Giles Jr., Davon McNeal, Dajore Wilson, Mekhi James, Judith and Maria Barsi, Janari A. Ricks, Carolyn Kay “Katy” Davis, Christiana Mae “Chrissy” Duarte, Shirley Virginia Ferrell Drouet, Stacee Ann Etcheber, Brisenia Ylianna Flores, Keri Lynn Galvan, Christian Riley Garcia, Angela Christine “Angie” Gomez, Jaime Taylor Guttenberg, Nicole Marie Hadley, Caitlin Millar Hammaren, Linda Sue Miller Hathorn, Aubrey Wright Hawkins, Demetrius C. “D” Hewlin, Rachael Elizabeth Hill, Emily Jane Hilscher, Dawn Alyson Lafferty Hochsprung, Anah Michelle Hodges, Winter Ashley Hodges, Kenzie Marie Houk, Lisa Rachelle Huff Huff, Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd, Caleb Curtis Jackson, Dwayne Clifford Jackson Jr., Honesty Faith Jackson, Jonah Curtis Jackson, Trinity Hope Jackson, Jessica Jeanette James, Veronica Lynn “Tina” Jefferson, SGT Kent Dean Kincaid, Lawrence Fobes “Larry” King, Kandy Janell Kirtland, Russell Dennis King Jr., Amy Michelle Kitchen, Carly Anne Buchholtz Kreibaum, Matthew Joseph La Porte VVETERAN, Cara Marie Loughran, Trayvon Benjamin Martin, Rhonda M. LeRocque, Rebecka Ann Carnes, Adriana “Adri” Dukić, Cassie Bernall, Ross Abdallah Alameddine, Arielle Anderson, Lucero Alcaraz, PnB Rock, Nipsey Hussle, Takeoff, Dayvon Daquan Bennett, Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy, Janette Becraft, Eddie Graham, Shannon Claire Spruill, Dino Bravo, Lena Marie Nunez-Anaya, Sincere Gaston, Rebecka Ann Carnes, Annabelle Renee Pomeroy, Darius “DJ” Dugas II, Jason Leonard Abbott, Hannah Lassette Magiera Ahlers, Tammy Jo Alexander, Alyssa Miriam Alhadeff, Teresa Carol Allen, Cory Adam Andrewski, Thomas Aquinas Ashton, Charlotte Helen “Char” Bacon, Daniel Gerard “Danny” Barden, Carrie Rae Barnette, and more
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undrcssed · 1 year
A masterlist of muses that I have played throughout the years, that I am always willing to play. I do need to go over some of the FC's and probably make some changes since this list is YEARS old. But I will do that and update it!!
Abigail ‘Abbi’ Abrams FC: Victoria Justice 
Addison Smollen FC: Kendall Jenner 
Allison ‘Alli’ Ortiz FC: Madison Beer 
Amelia ‘Mia’ Abrams FC: Torrey Devitto
Ana Flores FC: Camila Mendes
Angelina Rose FC: Clemence Posey
Apollo Kona FC: Roman Reigns
Augusta ‘Gwen’ Porter FC: Hailey Baldwin
Avery Smollen FC: Kylie Jenner
Bailey Allwood FC: Katherine Langford
Bethany DuPont-Hunter FC: Rachel Bilson / FC: Crystal Reed
Benjamin DuPont FC: Theo James
Blaise Zabini FC: Keith Powers
Bleau St. Claire FC: Val Mercado
Braelyn Carter FC: Alycia Debnam Carey 
Caleb Kyriakos FC: Tom Austen
Callie Haverford FC: Gigi Hadid
Cameron Bartell FC: Natalia Dyer
Cathleen ‘Rey’ Murphy FC: Paige / Saraya Jade Bevis
Chasity Dean FC: Troian Bellisario
Clara Spencer FC: Alexis Ren
Connor O’Brien FC: Cody Saintgnue
Cooper Brozene FC: Joel Kinnaman
Cyrus Morgan FC: Scott Speedman
Daphne Greengrass FC: Pia Mia
Darya Smirnov FC: Taylor Hill
Davina Pace FC: Carmella Rose
Dawson St. James FC: Finn Wittrock
Dean Munroe FC: Jake Gyllenhaal
Demi O’Connor FC: Jessica Lowndes
Destiny Savvin FC: Eiza Gonzalez / FC: Salma Hayek
Dev Ambrogino FC: Nathan Parsons
Diya Gupta FC: Naomi Scott
Dorian Porter FC: Justin Hartley
Dylan Boyer FC: Olivia Wilde / FC: Odeya Rush
Eden Hunter FC: Danielle Campbell
Elizabeth Rush FC: Hayley Atwell
Evelyn Perez FC:  Bruna Marquezine
Genivive ‘Ginny’ Kennedy FC:  Alicia Vikander
Gracie Abernathy FC: Nicola Peltz
Harleen Quinzel FC: Margot Robbie
Hudson O’Connor FC: Charlie Hunnam
Hunter Munroe FC: Kit Harington
Irina Savvin FC: Claire Holt
Isabella Martinez FC: Naya Rivera  Christian Serratos
Isobel Garcia FC: Jackie Cruz
Ivy Hartley FC: Maggie Duran
Jack Collins FC: Tom Holland
Jalessa Myers FC: Jade Thirlwall
Jayden Munroe FC: Leigh Anne Pinnock
Jayson Hunter FC: Dominic Sherwood
Jennifer Martinez FC: Diane Guerrero 
Joanna ‘Joey’ Martell FC: Marie Avgeropoulos
Judith Grimes FC: Daisy Ridley 
Karina Smirnov FC: Irina Shayk / FC: India Eisley
Katherine ‘Katy’ Abernathy FC: Katie Stevens
Katya Ambrogino FC: Ariel Winter
Keith Newman FC: Travis Mills
Kimber Rhodes FC: Karla Souza
Layla Abernathy FC: Emily Kinney / FC: Candice Swanepoel
Leah Douglas FC: Nathalie Emmanuel / FC: Amandla Stenberg
Lee McBride FC: Dan Stevens
Lilliana ‘Lily’ Rey FC: Bella Thorne Luca Hollestelle
Lorelei Ambrose FC: Imogen Poots
Maddox Young FC: Amadeus Sarafini
Madison Nolan FC: Ashley Greene
Makenna Dean FC: Shelley Hennig
Mateo Fiore FC: Theo Rossi
Matheus Silva FC: Chay Suede
Matty Dodson FC: Cody Christian
Maximus ‘Mac’ Porter FC: Austin Butler
Melanie Rhee FC: Lauren Cohan
Mickey Wolfe FC: Troye Sivan
Natalia ‘Talia’ Smallwood FC: Emily Ratajkowski
Nate Ballard FC: Randy Orton
Nikolai Savvin FC: Joseph Morgan
Paige Stabler FC: Madison Davenport
Pansy Parkinson FC: Nona Komatsu
Parker Mercer FC: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Phoenix Dattolo FC: Avan Jogia
Piper Romero FC: Maia Mitchell / FC: Giza Lagarce
Priyah Jacobs FC: Alysha Nett
Psyche FC: Sophie Turner
Rami Armand FC: Zayn Malik
Reagan Powers FC: Allison Williams
Rhea Lockhart FC: Julianne Hough
Richard Thorne FC: Jon Hamm
Rose Granger-Weasley FC: Madelaine Petsch
Ryan O'Brien FC: Cam Gigandet
Samantha ‘Sammie’ Barker FC: Arden Cho
Sergei Savvin FC: Max Riemelt
Sierra Tsu FC: Dichen Lachman
Stella La’ei Kona FC: Nikki Reed
Sunshine ‘Sunny’ Jacobs FC: Dove Cameron 
Sydney Pearson FC: Zendaya 
Tanya Dash FC: Khole Kardashian Bree Kish
Teegan O'Brien FC: Lili Reinhart
Titus Kona FC: Jason Momoa
Tobias Graves FC: Travis Fimmel
Trent Lancaster FC: Andrew Lincoln
Valentino De Luca FC: Dominic Cooper
Veda Patil FC: Priyanka Chopra
Wyatt Cahill FC: Ryan Guzman
Xavier Waters FC: Don Benjamin
Zion Waters FC: Ricky Whittle
Zoe DiMarco FC: Bex Taylor-Klaus / FC: Ruby Rose / FC: Ash Stymest
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ximo220550 · 1 year
Hace un rato he terminado de leer:
Pídeme lo que quieras y yo te lo daré
Megan Maxwell
A pesar de las discusiones que provocan sus diferentes caracteres, el empresario Eric Zimmerman y Judith Flores siguen tan enamorados como el día en que sus miradas se cruzaron por primera vez. Juntos han formado una preciosa familia a la que adoran y por la que son capaces de hacer cualquier cosa. Flyn, aquel niño al que Judith conoció al llegar a Múnich, se ha convertido en un adolescente, y tal como les ocurre a la mayoría de los jóvenes, su vida se complica y afecta a todos los que conforman su entorno. El abogado Björn y la exteniente Mel continúan con su bonita historia de amor junto a la «pinsesa» Sami. Sin duda, la convivencia les ha beneficiado mucho. Pero hay algo que Björn no consigue de Mel: que se case con él. Las relaciones de las dos parejas van viento en popa. Se quieren, se respetan, nada parece fuera de lugar, hasta que de repente, personas y sorpresas del pasado irrumpen en sus vidas y lo ponen todo patas arriba. ¿Serán capaces de superar este giro inesperado? ¿Podrá con todo el amor que se profesan?; o, por el contrario, ¿cambiarán sus sentimientos para siempre?
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adribosch-fan · 2 months
Black Lives Matter califica de “teatro político” nominación de Kamala Harris
La organización de extrema izquierda pro Partido Demócrata está criticando la imposición de la élite del partido, y consideran a Kamala Harris una “desconocida” En imagen de archivo del domingo 23 de agosto de 2020, manifestantes del movimiento Black Lives Matter sostiene carteles durante la “Marcha del Millón de Personas” por el centro de Londres. AP/Frank Augstein, archivo Por JUDITH…
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trinitydigest · 4 days
A Heartwarming Tale of Love, Responsibility, and a Growing Menagerie – “Natalie’s Dresser” by Judith Flores
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newsheadlinesnow · 4 days
A Heartwarming Tale of Love, Responsibility, and a Growing Menagerie – “Natalie’s Dresser” by Judith Flores
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universalnewspoint · 4 days
A Heartwarming Tale of Love, Responsibility, and a Growing Menagerie – “Natalie’s Dresser” by Judith Flores
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Come to order (3)
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JUDEGE BRUSSARD: Make it brief, Counselor.
SUMNER: Of course. Of course. It's just that I was under the impression Judge Waverly would be handling this hearing.
Surely your case isn't contingent on being heard by a specific judge?
SUMNER: Not at all.
JUDGE BRUSSARD: Excellent. Now, I've read the motion, and I must confess I'm puzzled. I don't understand why this case is before me today.
SUMNER: The last thing I wanna do is waste the court's time, however Ms. Burgos has been less than cooperative; as well as the witnesses. Namely Fernanda and Guatalupe Flores.
JUDITH: As your Honor sees, I've filed signed afidavits from both Flores women, as well as extensive photographs of Ms. Flores' injuries from the incident.
SUMNER: With all due respect, Mr. Saucedo's actions aren't on trial here.
CONNIE: The hell they aren't.
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hopetribune · 4 days
A Heartwarming Tale of Love, Responsibility, and a Growing Menagerie – “Natalie’s Dresser” by Judith Flores
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vinnysimmer · 8 months
My Mystery Stories #2
Capítulo 7: Conflito de Teorias
Depois de interrogar todos os vizinhos, Luke e Fernando já estavam conseguindo ver de forma clara o que supostamente poderia ter acontecido naquele caso. Graças aos vizinhos, eles tinham algo a mais para investigar. Porém a teoria dos detetives começava a se divergir, não saía da mente de Fernando o modo que Luca agiu e o que ele falou para seu parceiro, que não soube disfarçar o embaraço e o rubor do rosto - ele não sabia que seu parceiro havia realmente tido um affair com uma celebridade mundialmente conhecida, ele se lembrava do caso Britechester e que foi único da carreira de Luke que ele não conseguira resolver. E Luca também estava entre os suspeitos na época, e agora depois do que ouviu, estava difícil não suspeitar do próprio parceiro. Quando Fernando o questionou sobre aquilo, Luke desconversou e afirmou que não tinha nada a ver com o que ele estava pensando, mas Fernando não era fácil de convencer e orgulhoso demais para negar sua própria intuição, insistiu em comentar sobre o caso Britechester. O que deixou Luke nervoso e culminou numa discussão exaltada onde detetive ruivo negou comentar sobre o caso e o suposto affair, e Fernando argumentou citando todas as vezes que o ator tartosiano insistiu que somente Luke investigasse como, por exemplo, o vídeo íntimo vazado, o suposto sequestro do famoso gato scottish fold, o qual Luca ligou aos prantos para Luke procurá-lo só porque não o achou dentro de sua enorme mansão, sem contar o livro autografado por Luca, que escreveu depois do caso ser arquivado - onde o ator tartosiano descreveu seus momentos de terror durante os ataques em Britechester e em homenagem às vítimas o intitulou de "Scream Queens & Kings" - e Luke o guardava em sua cabeceira, algo que o suposto noivo de Luke usou em uma discussão que Fernando ouviu. A discussão entre os detetives acabou com Fernando dizendo que seguiria sua teoria da forma que ele achava certa, e Luke - falando de forma irônica e debochada - que enquanto ele leria o livro do seu cúmplice e amante, era bom seu parceiro ler o diário de Judith dessa vez, e assim, ambos saíram da delegacia e foram para suas casas.
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Aquela noite, Fernando começou a repassar tudo que coletou sobre aquele caso e reorganizar seu quadro de suspeitos, colocando Luca Maglioni no topo, pois havia sido o ator que deu as flores à vítima. Enquanto isso, Luke pesquisava sobre os antigos relacionamentos da atriz, até achar Simon Rosebud, ele foi um empresário famoso que ajudou a alavancar a carreira de sua famosa esposa - então sua mente se lembrou quando leu no diário, que o primeiro namorado de Judy se chamava Nicholas Sharpe, na época ela era jovem e não o conhecia, pois ele usou um nome diferente com o sobrenome de sua esposa, porém na época Judith só sabia focar na sua ídolo a famosa atriz da época, Carolyn Monroe - rapidamente Luke fez mais outra anotação em seu caderno e se voltou pra pesquisa - Simon realmente tinha um filho pequeno - Marlon Rosebud - que atualmente mora em Willow Creek e já tem sua própria família e seguiu os passos do pai e se tornou um empresário, Luke usou o telefone para contato em sua rede social e confirmou que ele nunca saiu de Willow Creek desde pequeno - Luke usou suas habilidades de hacker muito bem aprendida na academia de espiões e confirmou com suas fontes em Willow Creek que era verdade, Marlon não tinha comprado nenhuma passagem de avião ou feito qualquer viagem longa a não ser os poucos quilômetros de distância de sua empresa até sua casa e para uma suposta casa de férias aos fins de semana.
Fernando acompanhava a linha de raciocínio de que alguém sabia dos segredos de Judith e a matou tentando colocar a culpa em alguém do passado dela. Então ele também pesquisava sobre o relacionamento que Octavia citou, e achou uma lista das famílias mais influentes de Windenburg, a primeira era os próprios Windenburgs - a qual a filha de Judith se casou com o primogênito, George Windenburg - e logo abaixo, os Villareal, ele se lembrava que houveram diversos casos sinistros que aconteceram em Windenburg e o nome dos Villareal estavam no meio de alguns.
Ao procurar sobre os Villareal, achou diversas reportagens sobre o sumiço da mulher de Jacques Villareal e que seus filhos supostamente não eram todos da mesma mãe. Por um momento, o orgulho de Fernando gritou em sua mente para não dar ouvidos ao seu parceiro suspeito. Luke poderia estar muito bem envolvido nesse homicídio, até porque ele já estava lá quando Fernando chegou, ele não consegue esconder o sentimentos dele pelo tartosiano e com certeza Luca faria qualquer coisa para impressionar Luke ou chamar a atenção dele, e se Luca matou a Judith somente para ter seu affair por perto? O próprio tartosiano fingiu não achar seu gato apenas para ter o ruivo em sua casa. Luke mal conseguia dizer um "não" ao convite de casamento, o qual Luca sequer cogitou convidar Fernando também. Ou talvez, Fernando estava apenas incomodado por não ser convidado também.
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Se contrariando, Fernando pegou o diário de Judith e o leu vorazmente, era como se fosse um documentário de crime real da Simflix, ali ela citou o que fez com a própria ídolo quando teve de disputar seu primeiro papel, mas não antes do que fez com o primeiro namorado ao lado do amante quando descobriu que ele era um mentiroso. "Ela realmente mereceu ser assassinada!" pensava Fernando, e sem que percebesse, ele estava lendo partes no diário que seu parceiro não havia lido ou visto, como fotos e cartas com ameaças que estavam coladas em uma parte.
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Deixando todo o orgulho e desconfiança de lado, e tomado pelo grande insight, Fernando ligou para Luke e o chamou até seu apartamento e ali, mostrando tudo que leu e viu, ambos entraram em consenso de que estava na hora de uma reconstituição mais atenta de todo o caso.
Créditos: A todos os criadores de Sims e CCs usados nesta história!
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