friendshipgun · 6 days
in celebration of Judero Release Day, gonna be streaming the incredible & indescribably wonderful Judero with @underlockv tonight! stream starts at 9:00 PM EST~!
Judero is a truly unique hand-made and stop motion animated indie game centered around Scottish mythology. we played the demo (which is still available btw! you can check it out here!) a few months back and loved the heck out of it, not least bc of its stellar soundtrack.
i'm just super excited for this game & would like to share it with more people! c: check it out or drop in tonight if you've got the time!
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underlockv · 6 days
Judero release day!!!!
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syrupspinner · 3 months
steam next fest 3 the finale maybe
i have recently become much less confident that nextfest is all one word, also
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yeah, its missing some pizzaz, like music and sfx work, but the devs are pretty open about it being early so ill look past it. the gimmick itsself is fun! its simple and straightforward in a good way, and i like how it iterates on runs. the good items taking up more physical space and getting burried in your deck is a really good expression of balance. good little roguelike! wishlisted and played for way longer than i thought i would
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straight up couldnt get this one to work. no buttons or keys do shit. i unplugged my controller, relaunched it, a bunch of stuff, still stuck on the first screen. shame, i was really looking forward to giving it a shot
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this is a good demo! it does a good job at presenting the game and letting you know what its all about. i got the basics really solidly, and i see how the additional environments would iterate on the core gameplay loop. i dont think this ones for me, it seems a bit too sandboxy and score-based for me, but i recognize that this is a well made game and i think itll be really enjoyable for its target audience. check it out if you like simulator/management things, or if you want to try the genre out!
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okay, just finished the tutorial, and im kinda split. first, the action feels great and the movement it stellar but yeesh this controller binding is messing me up. it only feels comfortable for me to keep one finder on the front of the controller, and i switch between the bumpers and the triggers with just my index. literally the only games that arent comparable with this approach, by expecting you to use bumpers AND triggers simultaneously, is this and hotline miami 2. the worst part is, i only figured out how weird this feels by the second-to-last tutorial, so i gotta redo all of it with kbm. after that, the game felt a lot more reasonable to get my fingers around (i probably wouldve switched spacebar and shift if i played longer), and i can confirm that the controller layout is my only obstacle to this kick-ass game. i will say that i wasnt expecting it to be a survival game? i thought itd be kind of a roguelike progression-through-a-dungeon thing, but its more about staying in a small space and defending. i already had this one wishlisted, and im glad i know what to expect now, this seems like itll be an interesting "kill 20 minutes before bed" game (in a good way! i love those)
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right away, this feels like its to scotland what kisima innitchuna is to alaskan first nations. only its all stop motion and the entire ost sounds like a simon & garfunkle open house. maybe this comparison is stupid, the point is that this is awesome and you need to play it now. it may look like you get what the games about when you look at it, but it feels different to control. i dunno how to explain it, the artstyle makes the controls feel... different in a neutral way? please just try it, words fail me. this may very well be a once-in-a-lifetime game
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game froze midway through the opening. man, bad luck today. it gotr working in the end, and MAN does this make me feel like a game reviewer. the game isnt hard per se, i can beat all the levels pretty easily, but the game asks you to be pretty damn talented if you want those a ranks. replay the level, route the best way to kill everyone as efficiently as possible. by the end youre gonna feel like harding. i feel like the full games gonna be a bit to tough for my blood, but im gonna have a stellar time watching the action from the sidelines. catch this at GDQ 2026
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yeah i uh. went back to play more. damn this is more fun than i thought itd be, this is a good ass roguelike
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before you read on, let it be known that this is objectively one of the best made and well put-together games ive tried this entire festival and all of my gripes with it are from personal preference. trying this game has led me to understand what people enjoy about punch-out (its clear inspiration) better than any 15 minute video essay could: its a puzzle game that relies on twitch reflexes and trial-and-error. its your job as a player to be attentive to the bosses's minute difference of animation to tell you exactly how to dodge and exactly when to strike. thats a great game! i feel genuinely remiss that i dont like trial and error and split-second weaknesses, or else i wouldve enjoyed this game way more. if youre on the fence about it, please give it an honesty try, this game knows exactly what to be and how to be it. the animation is great, both from the perspective of telegraphing attacks and just looking fantastic, the games vibe and personality is choice, and the gameplay itself is tight as hell. please just give it a shot
i guess thats the beauty of a demo, huh? it lets you figure out if youre gonna like a game before you commit to it. i hope if you take anything away from this 3-part... idk what youd call it, i kinda just gave my opinion about shit. look, im trying to tell you to try these games out yourself, hopefully this helped you figure out what is and isnt worth trying according to your own personal taste. and if youre not sure, give it a try anyway. demos are free, yknow
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flipchild · 3 months
game seems like it rules. Datha mentioned
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pigeonbutch · 5 days
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playing judero, having a good time, suddenly forced to fight guys from my hometown
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mediumcutsteak · 6 days
You guys need to play Judero
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tomorrowedblog · 6 days
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Judero is out today
Judero, the new game from J. King-Spooner and Talha Kaya, is out today.
Judero is an action/ adventure game inspired by the rich folk history of the Scottish Borders. You play as Judero, a Celt who can establish a rapport with the nature around him. Travel with Judero through a handcrafted landscape as he discovers there is an evil at work manipulating the unguarded.
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scottishgames · 17 days
Wishlist: Judero - A Claymation Adventure Game
Judero a unique claymation game from acclaimed Scottish developer Jack King-Spooner drops on Steam on September 16th. Wishlist today.
A handmade action/adventure game based on the rich folklore of the Scottish Borders. Judero is a ‘claymation’ action/ adventure game, created by the incredible Scottish artist and developer, Jack King-Spooner, inspired by the rich folk history of the Scottish Borders. Created entirely in stop-motion using handmade models, you take the role of Judero, a Celt who can establish a rapport with the…
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kuueater · 5 days
LIVE NOW - Judero
this is the coolest game anyone has ever made
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sorenblr · 1 year
How's this for an ask: name your favourite videogame visual artists (character designers, environment artists, etc.) and if possible, why you like them in brief
Love the opener on this ask. More of these should have a 'hook'.
I'll try to hit a few that aren't total bank shots. Not going to waste your time with Toriyama, Amano, Kaneko etc., since their work and appeal is already extensively documented. Here are a few from outside the canon:
Mitsuru Nakamura
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Perfect expression of the millennial (as in, 'relating to the new millenium') fascination with maximalist pop aesthetics. Flawless 'cute-cool' balance. Playing Gitaroo Man and being exposed to FLCL at approximately the same time made me feel like a fucking god.
I would love for another game with his involvement but I'm aware that a graphical fidelity superior to that of the PS2 would diminish the effect.
Hitoshi Yoneda
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Prior to the millennium there was a more liberal crossover between the medium and artists from other commercial disciplines. It was simply more expedient to contract established illustrators like Jun Suemi et al. to decorate covers with lavish oil paints. My favorite work from that era was produced under Yoneda's fairly brief partnership with Sega. All the baroque genre fixings captured with a delicate line. The amount of brilliant watercolor work that was being done at the end of the century is staggering to look back on.
Rika should have that giant robot prosthetic in the actual game and it should take up 30-40% of the frame in every cutscene.
Jack King-Spooner
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Jack King-Spooner has been spitting out these fantastic mixed-media works for over a decade. Claymation, line-drawings, watercolors, collage, everything administered with virtuoso ease. Inspiring magnifications of what a game can look and feel like.
His most recent work, Judero, a radical pastiche of folklore from the Scottish borderlands, is the only Kickstarter that I've ever contributed to. Will you wishlist it, or are you some sort of piece of shit...?
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saintadeline · 4 days
Hi i just finished playing Judero today and I don't usually talk about games i play here but in this specific case i really think you should play it if you can. It might not resonate with everyone but then again it doesnt need to, its a piece of art you simply appreciate, the amount of craft and love put into it is inspiring me greatly and i think more people should get to see it. If you like hand crafted physical objects, stop motion, claymation and especially the bizarre and grotesque type of claymation, Please check it out. If you like folklore and like thinking about the meaning folklore gives humanity (and vice versa), Please check it out. My message to you
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19thperson · 3 months
19th's Steam Next Fest Impressions Day 3
Day 0/Day 1/Day 2
Year Unknown
You wake up in a superstructure called "The Library" said to house all human information across all time periods. You seem to be the only living human there. You find an AI who claims you're the first person they've talked to in years. Soon later, you learn there's a distress signal coming from "the center."
sparse demo, and the gameplay is lite. Walk around to find a terminal and then have a foreboding or philosophical conversation with an AI. Repeat. Demo was very short, just enough time to tell the premise, the tone, and a stinger hook. Interested, but it feels like it's yet to "prove itself."
Lo-fi Ghost Trick. You play as a man's shadow, which somehow becomes split from his host. Said host doesn't really notice due to being recently fired and going through the psychological torment of being incredibly unemployed.
Jump from shadow to shadow. If you land on non-shadowed space, you have a single jump to reach another shadow. Otherwise, you are teleported backward. When in an object's shadow, you can press interact to make it do various things.
At the start it didn't feel like a puzzle game, just an uninteresting platformer with a gimmick. 2nd half of the demo does show off some interesting concepts, like having to cross a bridge with no shadows, so you need to find a runner that will eventually cross it, or trying to go up a street where all the foot traffic is moving down.
But it never really felt actively challenging. The trailer suggests some stuff that might have teeth, but it seems like this is a game where you're mostly here for the vibes.
I will give the game this: it's built a really distinctive aesthetic and tone for itself. Mixed media that includes claymation, action figures, photos, and hand drawn artwork, all wrapped around what appears to be a deep appreciation for scottish mythology.
And it doesn't work for me at all.
Without that hook, the action adventure game underneath it just feels kinda bland.
I'm sure if someone was knee deep in the mythology, or more appreciative of its deliberately ragtag visuals, it would click better. But that someone is not me.
The Blue Prince
Your fuckoff rich great uncle has bequeathed you his fortune in the will. The problem is that in order to claim this inheritence, you have to find the 46th room of his 45-room manor. you have a limited number of days to do this.
Further exasperating the issue: He has a House of Leaves House that changes layout every day.
the way this comes into gameplay is that every time you open a door, you're given 3 possible room layouts to slot into the blueprint. At first, the puzzle seems to be "get the right combination of tiles to reach the antechamber in the back of the building," where it's easy to dead-end yourself if you aren't careful. But I see a metapuzzle brewing beneath it. Having to fulfill some condition once you get there, as well as finding scraps of a longer family history.
Add to that an interesting routing puzzle with your character having a stamina value that goes down one every time you enter a room, even when backtracking. And there's some need for backtracking, stuff like finding a breaker box to fix an electrical problem in another room.
So far, it's my favorite demo in the next fest. I knew I was getting into something nice when the game told me to grab a notebook.
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daihime-sama · 3 months
The demo for the indie game Judero was a guaranteed emotional roller coaster, even for someone with a heart as black as Hime-Sama's.
-RRA Social Media Team
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We've defeated Knight Bewitched, and lesbianism has won! (For now. The forces of evil may arise again. Perhaps they, too, will embrace lesbianism.)
We've talked about A LOT of games that have released or are about to be released very soon. Why not start a new adventure today from this large and diverse selection?
(The Plucky Squire just released today! A storybook hero leaps off the page with his friends, action-adventuring between the worlds of 2D and 3D from a team co-founded by James Turner, an artist whose work you might have seen in the Pokemon franchise.)
(UFO 50 is a passion project years in the making releasing tomorrow, offering up a diverse library of games from a fictional 1980s video game company, ranging from co-op titles to JRPGs to golf, some of them quite large.)
(Witching Stone is a chain-casting roguelike with a nostalgic looking cast of gals that released yesterday. It has a 15% launch discount.)
(Lorn's Lure, an atmospheric first person platformer inspired by titles like Blame! where you can climb any surface with your pickaxe, is releasing this Friday.)
(I Am Your Beast, a speed-running revenge thriller FPS from Strange Scaffold, has you "Hunt the military-industrial complex" in this release from last week. It has a 10% launch discount until Tuesday next week.)
(Judero is a hand animated stop-motion action-adventure based on the folklore of Scotland and scored with a British folk soundtrack. It released yesterday, and has a 10% launch discount.)
(Starstruck: Hands of Time is more than just a Guitar Hero controller compatible, story-rich rhythm game. Wreck the diorama-style town as a time-traveling giant hand; this game has the air of a creative little title that would have released a few console generations ago. 10% launch discount, it released yesterday.)
(Hollowbody is a tech-noir survival horror title reminiscent of PS2 horror games with its artstyle and dynamic fixed camera angles (and optional tank controls). It has a 10% launch discount, and released last Thursday.)
(The Marvel VS Capcom collection just released. Go get beat by the Wazzler.)
The game of the day is The Last Humble Bee, a survivors-like with a dodge-rolling pixelated cartoon bumble bee that descends into hell to save the bees!)
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gamerspine · 6 days
Judero release on Steam today More info on Gamerspine
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deustasis · 1 month
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