#Juan Jenefes
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Desalojo en la comunidad de Guerrero: entre reclamos ancestrales y disputas políticas
Desalojo en la comunidad de Guerrero: entre reclamos ancestrales y disputas políticas El conflicto se intensifica en Jujuy, Argentina, cuando familias aborígenes de Guerrero se enfrentan al desalojo forzoso. Las reclamaciones se refieren a la propiedad de la tierra de los Jenefes.
El conflicto por las tierras en la comunidad de Guerrero, en la provincia de Jujuy, ha alcanzado un punto álgido con el desalojo de varias familias que afirman tener derechos ancestrales sobre la propiedad. Este hecho, ocurrido el 16 de octubre de 2024, ha desencadenado una serie de críticas y cuestionamientos hacia los actores involucrados, entre ellos, la familia Jenefes, poderosa en la…
#Alerta Campesina#Asamblea de Comunidades de Jujuy#Carlos Mamaní Cruz#CEOP#Comando de Operaciones Especiales Policiales#comunidad aborigen de Guerrero#Esperanza Pereyra#finca Guerrero#finca Quevedo#Francisco de Argañaraz y Murguía#Guerrero#Guillermo Jenefes#INAI#Instituto Nacional de Asuntos Indígenas#Javier Tejerina#Joaquín Jenefes#Jorge y Santiago Cruz#Juan Jenefes#Lis Valdecantos Bernal#Los Nogales#loteo inmobiliario#Máxima Bustamante#Movimiento Nacional Campesino Indígena#Nélida Bustamante#Pablo Jenefes#Pablo Quipildor#Palpalá#Policía de Jujuy#Pueblo Kolla#Recurso de Queja
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La Legislatura aprobó la creación de la Defensoría del Niño
#Jujuy | La #Legislatura aprobó la creación de la #DefensoríadelNiño
Durante la 7ª Sesión Ordinaria, la Cámara de Diputados de Jujuy aprobó diversas leyes. Entre ellas se encuentran la Nº 6293, que tiene el objeto de regular la protección integral de los animales de compañía y la tenencia responsable de los mismos, tanto domésticos como asilvestrados; y la Nº 6294 que establece la creación de la Defensoría de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes, y de la figura del abogado…

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#Antonio Buljubasich#Cámara de Diputados#Círculo de Veterinarios#Defensoría del Niño#Juan Cardozo Traillou#Juan Carlos Abud#Juan Jenefes#Jujuy#la Ley Nº 6293#Legislatura#Legislatura de Jujuy#Ley Nacional Nº 26.061#ley Nº 6295#Luna Murillo#Omar Gutiérrez#Ramiro Tizón#Residencias de Ciencias de la Salud#seres sensibles
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Families, relatives of Inopacan massacre victims feel gov't support
#PHinfo: Families, relatives of Inopacan massacre victims feel gov't support
Surviving families and relatives of the Inopacan purging victims of the NPAs were in tears as they lighted candles and offer prayers at the concrete slab carved with a list of the victims' names near the Immaculate Concepcion Parish Church in Baybay City after a Holy Mass and a Peace Walk, Oct. 29. (PIA-8)
BAYBAY CITY, Oct. 30 (PIA) -- Rolando Malasaga, 54, a resident of barangay San Juan, Mahaplag, Leyte, still remembered how he lost his elder brother and father-in-law way back in the 1980s, in the hands of the enemies of the state, on the mere suspicion they are government spies.
Jenefer Ejoc, of Barangay Kabungaan, this city, had a similar experience, as his elder brother, Restituto, was among those who perished in the infamous Inopacan massacre, a result of mass purging of suspected informers within the ranks of CPP-NPAs.
Wives became widows, mothers longed for a lost nephews and children -- the ordeal was refreshed in a gathering at the municipal gym here Tuesday, October 29, an event preceded by a Holy Mass, a Walk for Peace around the city, with placards bearing messages of disgust on the summary executions.
The walk ended with the lighting of candles for all the dead, in a concrete slab carved with a list of their names, and a reminder, like a headline, was printed on top in bold letters, NEVER AGAIN.
They are the 135 surviving families and close relatives, each one having the same stories to tell in the dark chapter of the country’s history hereabout more than thirty years ago.
Government agencies provide financial assistance and basic services to the surviving families thru the "Halad ug Panaghiusa" Convergence Caravan of the RTF8 ELCAC held at the Baybay City Gym, Oct. 29. (PIA-8)
And they were gathered here to attend the special convergence mission spearheaded by the task forces to end local communist armed conflict (TF-ELCAC) from the national, regional, provincial and municipal levels.
In the program that followed, the messages expressed by government officials and functionaries were re-assuring and comforting, for they, too, felt the pain and empathized with the victims on the savagery of it all.
“We can overcome the challenge of the Inopacan massacre much like the way we overcome the challenge of Yolanda,” Leyte Gov. Leopoldo Dominico Petilla intoned, adding that in his visit last week to two hinterland barangays of Caolisihan, Inopacan and Monterico, Baybay, a budget of P10 million and P20 million, respectively, were already set aside for road improvement.
Eduardo Del Rosario, chairman of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) who doubles as Cabinet Officer for Regional Development and Security (CORDS) for Eastern Visayas, said that in ELCAC, national agencies and the local government units work hand in hand in extending help.
Indeed, host Mayor Jose Cari of Baybay, Inopacan Mayor Azucena Mirambel, Mahaplag Mayor Daisy Lleve, and 5th District Representative Carl Nicolas Cari all vowed support to the whole-of-nation approach in ending insurgency, an idea initiated by President Duterte in November last year.
But Del Rosario has a special message for the students, the youth -- that they should not be swayed into joining the NPAs.
“Pag wala silang nare-recruit, the CPP-NPA will die,” he emphasized.
National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon Jr., the vice-chair of the national task force-ELCAC, narrated that he had visited the gravesites in 2006 while he was still AFP Chief of Staff, and consequently, he filed a case of multiple murder against the leaders of the communist movement in a Hilongos trial court, which was later transferred in a Manila court.
“Ang kasong 'yon ay nagbunga ng pag-issue ng warrant of arrest for the more than 38 leaders of CPP-NPA, including Sison, Jalandoni, and others,” Esperon reported.
That was a giant leap of support for the 135 surviving families crying for justice for a crime committed over the past three decades, a howl reflected in the placard carried by Rolando Malasaga: “Joma Sison paulion para panubagon sa Inopacan Masaker.” (Joma Sison should be sent home for retribution. (LDL/MMP/PIA-8, Southern Leyte)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Families, relatives of Inopacan massacre victims feel gov't support." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1029453 (accessed October 31, 2019 at 11:44AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Families, relatives of Inopacan massacre victims feel gov't support." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1029453 (archived).
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Un hijo de Jenefes es el nuevo presidente de la Asociación de Teleradiodifusoras Argentinas (ATA)
Un hijo de Jenefes es el nuevo presidente de la Asociación de Teleradiodifusoras Argentinas (ATA)
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Presentación del proyecto de Ley Integral de Protección Animal
#Jujuy #Legislatura | Presentación del proyecto de #LeyIntegral de #ProtecciónAnimal
En la Legislatura de Jujuy tuvo lugar la presentación del proyecto de Ley Integral de Protección Animal que busca instituirse como ley marco que reglamente el cuidado responsable de los animales, considerándolos ideológicamente “seres sintientes”.El proyecto tuvo ingreso parlamentario en la 6ª sesión ordinaria, y es impulsado por la legisladora Fátima Tisera Villagra, y para su presentación de…

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#Colegio de Abogados de Jujuy#cuidado responsable#Dafne Georgina Rodríguez#Derecho Animal#Fátima Tisera Villagra#Federico Posadas#José María Albizo Cazón#Juan Jenefes#Jujuy#Legislatura#Legislatura de Jujuy#Ley Integral de Protección Animal#Maimará#seres sintientes#Tilcara#Veronica Valente
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Se promulgó la Ley "Compre Jujeño"
#Jujuy #Legislatura | Se promulgó la #LeyCompreJujeño
La Legislatura de Jujuy, en la 4ª Sesión Ordinaria, presidida por el vicepresidente primero de la Cámara, Juan Carlos Abud Robles, aprobó la Ley N°6.279, Reglamentaria de la Ley N°5185 de ‘Compre Jujeño’. “Este proyecto reglamentario va a aumentar la producción local, tendrá un impacto positivo en sectores estratégicos como la minería”, explicó el miembro informante, Juan Ortega. La Ley se…

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#Alejandro Snopek#Catamarca#Compre Jujeño#Frente de Todos#Guido Luna#Juan Carlos Abud Robles#Juan Jenefes#Juan Ortega#Jujuy#Juntos por Jujuy#La Banda de Tilcara#Legislatura de Jujuy#Ley N°5185#Ley N°6.277#Ley N°6.278#Ley N°6.279#Ley N°6.280#Pago de Sentencias Judiciales#PJ#Región Minera de Litio#Rodolfo Nieto#Rubén Rivarola#Salta#UCR
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