shreebhagwatilabeling · 3 months
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On this holy day, let’s seek the blessings of Lord Jagannath for a prosperous life. May his divine grace illuminate our path with joy and fulfillment. Happy Rathyatra!! visit us at - https://www.bhagwatilabeling.com/
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Join Douglas Vandergraph as he discusses how to break free from the mundane eat-sleep-work cycle and discover your true purpose beyond the routine. In this powerful video, Douglas shares actionable strategies on how to find deeper meaning in life, embrace joy, and live with intention. If you’ve ever felt trapped by the daily grind and yearned for something more, this video is for you! Learn how to pursue your passions, cultivate mindfulness, and create lasting fulfillment in both your personal and professional life.
#findingpurpose #breaktheroutine #selfdiscovery #motivationaltalk #purposefulliving #lifemotivation #personalgrowth #liveintentionally #joyandfulfillment #successmindset #purposebeyondroutine #createamazinglife
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mubal4 · 2 years
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 This is a topic that has been coming up often lately during conversations in my life. No, I have not been listening to a lot of the Rolling Stones lately 😊. I have however, been having some great discussions with some amazing people, and we all, like so many of us out there, are looking for more areas in our lives to find satisfaction. This also can be described as joy and fulfillment.
 Today’s entry isn’t intended to be long; I just wanted it to be simple, to the point, and hopefully, somewhat inspiring. Inspiring to help us all search out and find those things that provide joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment in our lives. It doesn’t have to be this grand, complex idea, or something that is incredibly farfetched. If that is what you are chasing, by all means go grab it my friend and we wish you all the love along the way. But it could be as simple as a walk with your partner, a conversation with a close friend, or an hour drinking a great cup of coffee reading an awesome book.
 For me, these pictures some up an area of my life that provides me with that feeling of satisfaction. Several hours, out in nature, climbing a mountain, all to myself, with my thoughts. Thinking about life, where I am, where we are – the family and I, and at other times, not thinking – just soaking all what this wonderful life has to offer. Sometimes we get distracted by life too, but sometimes it does show off its beauty. Being able to catch those moments, or better yet, create those moments, provides a great level of satisfaction. Yes, I do love those moments with Robin and the girls, creating life together – that truly provides much joy and fulfillment. But a long morning out on the trails, running around the mountains by myself also fills the tank. I think finding those different avenues is important to make sure we are attempting to hit as many areas as possible. It is not a perfect science, and it is hard to create these moments. Hell, it has been almost two years since I was up at this place, Mt. Ord, outside of Phoenix and I haven’t prioritized more moments like these the last year or so. That happens and that is the cycle of life we sometimes find ourselves in.
 What I’ve found, just from this weekend, that the feeling of satisfaction fuels the tank of inspiration to recreate those moments. I am sure the next several weeks will continue to be hard to carve out those times but, maybe the experience this past week will help me reprioritize things.
 What does your satisfaction lie?
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lord-anmol-seth · 7 years
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#goddessofwealth #laxmi #jaiho #diwali2017 #sethparivaar #bestwishes #abundance #JoyandFulfilment #Seth #LordA #Lordship #LordAnmol #whatsyourgamethisseason #ballerlife #ballerhotelstatus #hisownbawss #unmatchedlevel #DreamYourKingdomBeyondThisEarthamdFulfillit #worldsyouroyster #globetrottering #NoNeedforTravelDiariesJustEnvisionandIShallTakeYouThere #JetSettersDaily #NewZealand forMorngingTea #AustraliaforBreakfast #HongKongforLunch #DinnerwithFamilyinIndia #LeagueofOurOwn #bullion #vaulstfullofgoodies #35globalvaultsandcounting #safetydepositboxes #privatebankinglife #UHNIHiatus #Embargo #DontRunCompaniesRunEntireEconomy #PrivateJetCargo #MayGodShowerBlessingsOnYouThisDiwali #TrumpThat #AnmolConsultants #ACL #AnmolGroup #AGL #AnmolWineries #AWL #AnmolFund #AFL #AnmolIsland #AnmolInvestments #AIL #AnmolTowers #AnmolApartments #AnmolHotelsandResorts #AHRL #AnmolConstruction #AnmolResidential #TheA #OurOwnPrivateCity
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mubal4 · 5 years
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Chasing the $$$’s!
 What is your relationship with money?  Mine had always been obsession; deep rooted obsession.  It was something I felt I needed to have to live; it can be debated 😊.  But more specifically, I felt that the more I got, the more I needed!  The more I had meant the better I was, the more power I had, the more friends I would get, and the more people would like me.  More money meant more things & stuff, which meant more status, power, love, joy, happiness, blah, blah, blah……. bullshit!  😊!!!  I can say that now because of how untrue much of that is.  The word “need” is often overused and, misused.  Do we need money?  Again, it is arguable but realistically, for us, meaning my family and I, money helps us in pursuit of where we want to go.  It does have the ability to provide us with resources and other tools to make life easier….., let’s say more convenient instead 😊.  I don’t believe, money makes things better, makes the pain go away, or makes us happy. If you are a miserable prick, more money is likely just going to make you an even bigger, more miserable prick. I can speak from experience on that one. But we can change ourselves within, we can change ourselves externally, and our perceptions about what money can and should do for us.  I have been broke a few times and I have had money sometimes too.  I was happy, fulfilled, and joyful; as well as angry, sad, and miserable with and without money.  So, from my perspective, it didn’t matter what my financial situation was, it didn’t dictate who I was becoming.  It also, at least as I reflect on this, didn’t help me become better, or worse; well, maybe it did make me become worse.  I guess my point is, and I’ve thought about this over the years, when I was driven by money and the perception of what I thought it could do for me, I wasn’t happy and, again, as I reflect on it, I believe it was clouding my vision on what was really important to me.  When you, or at least, when I, was chasing the “almighty dollar” I feel I was missing much of what I believe matters most in this journey; connection, relationships, engagement!!  I feel now, as I look back, that I cared more about what that person across the table thought about my financial situation, because, “if I have more money, more people will like me and want to be around me.” Sound ridiculous right?  Yep, misguided, completely out of touch with reality, and way misinformed.  But I was a kid and had this belief that money was what created happiness in us all. Not love, for people, life, what you do, and I think most importantly, who you are!!  Not connecting to other human beings.  Not slowing down.  Not soaking it all in.  
 Wow, sounds like I am sitting in my rocking chair on the porch drinking some lemonade waxing poetic to a bunch of “whippersnappers.”  My point is that, I found out the hard way that my relationship with money was way off and, through learning, maturing, growing up, and FAILING, I am sharing these nuggets with my kids and others.  Yes, I am figuring it out, but it took me until almost 40 to stop chasing dollars and start forming relationships and connections with humans (our best resources).  Hopefully I can share these stories, so others won’t have to wait that long. As with all info here, work in progress right and there are still times that the dollar bills start to have some power over me.  But the relationship is getting better; we have seen some counselors and it has been helping 😊😊😊.  
 So, what the hell am I talking about and why am I writing about this?  Well, because I wanted to and I do think it is important, as I have said many times, to share my imperfections about my journey but also, and hopefully teach some things.  I came across this quote below that prompted me to write down and write about……that was about 3 weeks ago 😉.  
 B.C. Forbes founder of Forbes Inc., “the purpose of business is to produce happiness, not to pile up money.” Unfortunately, somewhere down the road, we began to equate piles of money to happiness!!!!”
 I have a sense that Mr. Forbes was not only talking about business but talking about life.  In the business world, this is incredibly true right!!  Greed man, when is enough, enough?  How much do we need? What do we actually NEED?  There is that word again, need!!  We can talk minimalistic lives, slowing down, providing a legacy for our kids/families; I understand them all and I get business. And, whatever it is that drives you to do what you do, that is cool with me; go get it.  But again, what is enough for you?
 What I have experienced is that when I chased money it made it harder for me to catch. Not to mentioned, made my life much, much more difficult.  Once I stopped the chase and started the journey toward joy and fulfillment, the money started to chase me…..and find me.  I want to be clear here, YOU HAVE TO WORK YOUR ASS OFF!!!  It isn’t going to just show up on your door.  You can’t just sit on your couch praying and hoping it will show up.  You must lace em up and get dirty.  But, when you are chasing joy and fulfillment in life, that hard work tends to get easier and the chase for happiness becomes a wonderful, wild, fun experience.
 I was introduced to a concept within the ultramarathon trail racing community called “runner math.” I am sure that it isn’t just within this group but likely all running circles and probably other spinoffs to it.  From my perspective, it is counting miles and time.  One aspect in my experience is adding up the miles for my week. “Well, if I do this today and that tomorrow, I will get these many miles…….” I do this while I am on runs; focusing on miles later in the week than embracing the actual run I am on THAT PRESENT MOMENT! In a race, I can be, “well I did 5 miles in this time, and if I keep that pace for the next 30, I can finish in ………”  Again, not staying in the present and, really not being real because over that span of miles, all shit can blow up.  My point is, metaphor for like just as Mr. Forbes, I believe, was trying to make.  Again, speaking from my experience, when I was doing the “runner math” with money I wasn’t living in the present.  I was missing out on connecting with others, experiencing the now, and being engaged with what was right in front of me.  
 I know that I missed out on a lot of great moments and, great relationships being blinded by dollar signs.  You can’t get that type of stuff back.  But you can always make more money.
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