Act Like You Love Me ~ Chapter One
A/N: I know I took forever to write this but I’m hoping I can build a habit, but anyway here’s this part, I’m hoping that by Monday I will publish Co-Stars (3) and hopefully next Wednesday or Saturday I will have the next part of this. FYI this chapter and the next (1.5) will be set in the past, it won’t be the present until Chapter Two. :)
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17 years earlier...
Y/N was a songwriter and singer, so Y/N would sit outside the schoolyard humming and singing songs that were coming to her. That is until she was rudely interrupted by Selena
“And I hope someone's gonna take me home somewhere I can rest my soul. I need to kno-
“Hey, give that back, I was writing.” She says immediately getting up to get her journal from Selena before she could read the rest of her songs.
“Aww, honey, this is so cringy. Listen up, girls, ‘Everybody gets high sometimes, you know, what else can we do when we're feeling low? So, take a deep breath and let it go, you shouldn't be drowning on your own.’ How sweet, who is this about, Y/N? Do we know them? Seems like you’re in love with them to be writing such sappy love songs. We don’t tell, right, girls?” Selena says mockingly and continues reading the journal and leans into Justin, showing him the songs.
“Hey, Selena, leave Y/N alone, didn’t your mom tell you it’s not polite to go through people’s things?” Shawn asks rhetorically while snatching the journal from Selena’s grasp and handing it back to Y/N.
Y/N mumbles a thank you and watches in shock as she realizes that Shawn was saving her from further humiliation while his friends were around. Everyone knew that Shawn was a sweetheart, she more than others, but he tended to let his friends, mostly Justin, do as they please simply because it’s funny.
“Y/N, you’re really talented, don’t listen to what Selena or the other girls say, those lyrics were really deep and powerful, if you don’t mind could you maybe show me some more songs?” Shawn asks, his voice sounding genuine and his eyes filled with sincerity.
“I-I don’t think so, they’re not that good, they’re just something I write on my spare time but they’re mediocre at best.” Y/N says, trying to not sound rude after Shawn had just done something so nice for her.
“Well, princess, he’s not wrong, you have talent, and you know we’re in our own little band and could use a songwriter.” Justin comments as he comes closer and leans on Shawn’s arm while offering his hand to help her get up from the grass where she had been peacefully sitting until Selena came over.
She blushes, becoming a little flustered given that she had developed a crush on Justin ever since junior year when he started openly singing at small competitions around town just for fun. The thing is that he was always hanging around the most beautiful and popular girls, like Selena. She and Shawn had been childhood friends up until he became closer to Justin and decided to start a little band with him, but at least he was a decent person and would make light conversation in class, but we weren’t friends, anymore, since he would usually hang out with Justin, and God knows Y/N wasn’t nearly as popular as any of the people they were around.
“I’ll think it over, but I really don’t think so guys, I don’t want to disappoint either of you, if later you realize I’m actually not that great at writing.” Y/N says, trying to get them to lay off of her, it’s not that she didn’t want to help them, but why would they want to associate with her, someone who they’ve known for years but didn’t really bother talking to, well more than was necessary?
“You could never disappoint me, sweetheart.” Shawn said again, so sweet and genuine, it seemed unreal.
“Yeah, princess, if you write anything like the song Selena read, you’d be perfect.” Justin said while smirking. That damn smirk, it would unfortunately do things Y/N would hate to say out loud and was the inspiration for some of the lyrics she had written.
“Okay well since lunch is practically over, I’m going to start heading to class, it was nice talking to both of you, and thank you again, Shawn, for getting my journal back.” She says as she proceeds to pack her stuff back into her backpack, as she finishes the lunch bell rings.
“It’s no problem, if you ever need something, you know you can come to me, I’ll see you later.” Shawn states as he and Justin start to walk to where they previously were to gather their stuff.
 “So, Mom, Dad, today Shawn and Justin talked to me, they heard my lyrics and want me to be a part of their band!” I tell my parents excitedly as they make some pastries for the bakery.
“Oh hon, that’s great, Shawn is such a sweetheart, I don’t know about Justin though, there’s something off about him.” My mom states as she moves through the kitchen and into the front to attend to any customers that may have come in.
“I agree with your mother, you know we like the Mendes kid, even if he has a crush on you, he seems like a good, sensible guy.” My dad says as he gets out a batch of empanadas.
“How many times do I have to tell you that Shawn doesn’t like me, he barely even talks to me, so why would he even feel anything for me?” Y/N states exasperated and help take the empanadas to the front.
“Whatever you say hon, but we know that look in his eyes, it’s the same look I have for your mother, but it’s your choice, we know you’re really talented and have an amazing voice and even more amazing writer.” Dad says as he leans against the counter, watching her as she come back from giving Mom the empanadas.
“Okay, well I guess I’m going to go over to Shawn’s to show him some songs and maybe a recording of one of the songs, I’ll be back in maybe three hours? Okay, love you, bye.” Y/N states as she walks out of the bakery before her dad could stop her.
She drives to her house to get settled into some pajamas, aka sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt that was tucked in, and her lyric journal before walking over to Shawn’s house that was just three houses over. She knocks on the door, wondering if he’s even home since she did show up unannounced. She began to get nervous, if he’s home would he even want to listen to her songs? What if he changed his mind? What is he rea-
“Hey! What are you doing here? I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re here and you’re always welcome here, but why?” Shawn says, getting kind of flustered as he begins to rant.
“Well, umm, I came over to show you a song. I mean, if you still want to hear it, that is.” She says still unsure if it’s was the right thing in coming over.
“Oh yes! Definitely, come in!” Shawn says, smiling ear to ear, as he opens the door to let her in.
“Thank you, Shawn.” She says as she steps into the house, even though they are neighbors, she had never been inside, it was smaller than her house but just as warm as a home should be.
“Sorry I came so late; well I know it’s barely six, but I still showed up unannounced. And like I don’t know, I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say really.” Y/N rants trying to apologize just in case he was busy.
“Y/N, it’s fine, you know it’s just me and Aaliyah since mom left us and she’s with some friends so I was just catching up on homework, you didn’t interrupt anything important, and like you said, it’s barely six, don’t worry about it.” He stated, easing her worries. But she still felt bad, temporarily forgetting about his mom leaving him and Aaliyah for someone else a few months earlier, Shawn now taking care of Aaliyah on his own at 17, now 18.
“So, we can head to my room if you want, or the kitchen, really anywhere you feel comfortable.” He says while looking at the girl, waiting for her to decide where they were going to be.
“Your room is fine if you want, I don’t mind.”
“Okay so let’s head up there, you want anything to drink or something?” She shakes her head and they head to his room that was now the master bedroom.
“So, I was thinking you could either listen to the one Selena was reading today, Cold Water , or I have this other song, it’s one of the first I wrote, so it might not be that good but it’s up to you.”
“I loved what I heard from today, but whichever is fine, do you sing?”
“I mean, I guess? Like I sing and my parents say I sing ‘great’ but I don’t really sing in public or anything. I could try singing if you want, just don’t mind my voice too much, it’s the thought that counts.” She says nervously chuckling.
“If you’re okay with it, go ahead, I’m sure you’re great and I’m not judging, sweetheart.” Shawn says also chuckling. She nods, trying to calm her nerves and get ready to sing.
‘Everybody gets high sometimes, you know
What else can we do when we're feeling low?
So, take a deep breath and let it go
You shouldn't be drowning on your own
And if you feel you're sinking, I will jump right over
Into cold, cold water for you
And although time may take us into different places
I will still be patient with you
And I hope you know
I won't let go
I'll be your lifeline tonight
She sings, closing her eyes, getting so lost in the lyrics she didn’t notice Shawn strumming his guitar, trying to find the music to go with the song. As she finishes, she takes a moment to just take it all in. She opens her eyes only to see Shawn staring at her with a look in his eyes she couldn’t quite decipher, was it admiration? Fondness? Or was she completely wrong and was it disgust?
“Y/N, that was amazing! And you were worried about singing badly, you have THE best voice I’ve heard.”
“Thank you, Shawn, I really appreciate it.”
“So, are you down to joining me and Justin, you have a lot of potential and you and Justin could sing together or just write if that’s what you want, we’ll tailor to your wants and needs.” Shawn asks pleadingly.
“If you’re sure, then yes! I’d love to, but shouldn’t we ask Justin first?” She states excitedly, happy someone besides her family thinks she has talent.
“We can if you want, but I’m pretty sure he’ll be okay, actually more than okay with it. Can I ask you something, Y/N?”
She nods, getting anxious again.
“Y/N, I have l-“
“Shawn! I’m home! I’m going to be doing homework in my roo- Oh hello, you seem familiar.” Aaliyah says as she walks into Shawn’s room.
“Aaliyah, what have I told you, knock before coming in, Y/N is a friend and our neighbor, I thought you knew her.” Shawn says while getting off his bed to go toward his sister and hugs her. Y/N gets up to go greet her as well.
“Oh Shawnie, is this the girl you had-“Aaliyah begins to say before Shawn cuts her off.
“Bye Aaliyah, go do your homework, there’s leftovers in the fridge if you’re hungry, love you, bye.” He says before pushing her out of the room.
“So... what were you saying before Aaliyah came in the room?” Y/N says while chuckling at their sibling antics.
“It’s nothing, so, you want to meet tomorrow to talk to Justin?” Shawn says, averting his eyes elsewhere.
“Sure, if you want, we can meet at lunch? We could head toward the field, almost no one goes there during lunch?” She says as she gets her journal from Shawn’s bed.
“Yeah that’s fine, I’ll talk to him, let me walk you out.”
“Okay, wait hold on. Bye aaliyah, it was nice seeing you!” I say as we walk out of Shawn’s room, hoping she heard me, from wherever she was in the house.”
“Bye Y/N, you should come around more often! Maybe next time we can hang out without Shawnie-boy here.” She screams from where one would only assume is her room.
“I can’t believe she already likes you, probably more than me and she has I known you two seconds.” Shawn says sarcastically but still laughing at their interaction.
“What can I say, I’m great.” Y/N jokes.
“You really are. So, I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” Shawn says but runs his hands though his curls, a nervous habit the young woman had picked up on. Then proceeded to walk outside.
They spend the three-minute walk from his house to hers, in a comfortable silence and we stop right before we’re at my front door.
“Goodnight, Shawn, see you tomorrow.” She says before hugging him and quickly kissing his cheek before walking out.
“Hey, hold on. Y/N, do you want to ride together to school? I mean we could hang out afterwards with Justin, and thankfully I don’t work tomorrow so we could work on the song?” Shawn says hopefully, again running his hand through his curls.
“I would love that, if you want come over, and I could give you and Aaliyah a ride.”
“I mean we could take my dad if you’d like, if you don’t want to drive.”
“Let’s take mine, you got it next time.”
“There’s going to be a next time?” Shawn says teasingly.
“Of course, you’re a great friend and my neighbor, so why not.” Shawn’s face crumbles a bit at the term friend but in a flash he’s back to smiling.
“Alright, bye, sweetheart.” He says as he walks back to his house.
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Co-stars (2) ~ h.o, t.h
A/N: so here’s part two, please comment, I swear this started as just a Harrison x reader but as I wrote it Tom just kept coming up more and I don’t know how to feel about it. So there’s going to be at least one other part but this might accidentally become a series. Anyway enjoy, sorry if it sucks, I wrote it in about two hours, but I’ll edit it later and will post the next part.
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Words: 1830
Warnings: cursing
“So, umm, I take it that y’all know know each other?” Tom says trying to break the tension after a few seconds of Harrison and you looking at each other.
“Tom, why didn’t you tell me that ‘Y/N/N’ was Y/N Y/L/N?” Harrison said a bit accusatory.
“You didn’t ask?”
“Okay that’s fair, Harrison, look who you’re speaking to.” I said jokingly as I roll my eyes at Tom. Although he was amazing, you had to admit he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
“Okay true, but mate, you’ve heard me fawn over her for the longest and you never even mentioned her before!”
“You’ve fawned over me?”
“You fawned over her?”
“Is that literally all you gathered from what I just said.” Harrison said while blushing but he looked like he was seconds away from slapping Tom for his obliviousness.
“Hey look, she’s the one that also said you were hotter than me, which is an obvious lie, but at least the feelings are mutual. And to think I was worrying about y’all not getting along, so anyway how do you know each other.” Tom chuckles at the first part but still confused at how his best friends knew each other.
“He and I are the lead in the new movie I was telling you about.” You say before finally taking a drink, hoping the alcohol would soon help diffuse the tension and trying to ignore the ‘mutual feelings’ comment.
“You mean the movie you haven’t told me shit about.” Tom says clearly salty you wouldn’t say anything.
“Yeah! That’s the one.” You say laughing.
“Wait I have one more question, Tom, why am I barely meeting her now if y’all are such good friends?” Harrison asks. Thankfully not acknowledging the other ‘mutual feelings’ comment as well.
“To be sure, I don’t know, I guess it didn’t really come up, she was there for the premiere of Civil War, Homecoming, and a few more but you would think you would have met at the Homecoming premiere but I guess not, she was my guest, well along with my family. She literally sat next to me, when she’s come to visit on set, she usually hangs out with Harry. I don’t really know, I wasn’t trying to hide her or anything.” Tom says perplexed as he realizes that he had lots of chances to introduce y’all before.
“That’s wild, but the past is in the past. At least we know each other now, even if you didn’t introduce us.” You joked, hoping that Tom wouldn’t feel bad about it.
“Yeah, I guess, still can’t believe you let me embarrass myself, though.” Harrison joked.
“Mate, you embarrass yourself regardless.” Tom laughed.
“That’s true, you literally bowed to me today.” You said joining in on the teasing.
“Mate! You bowed to her! You’re such an idiot.” Harrison grew red at the teasing.
“Hey look, at least he can recognize talent. Who has bowed to you, Tommy.” You tried to defend Harrison slightly.
“Lots of people, if you must know.”
“Leaning down to see your short ass doesn’t count, dummy.” You retaliated.
“Damn, I didn’t think I could idolize her more than I already did.” Harrison laughed.
“She’s literally shorter than me!” Tom says trying to defend himself but his words go unheard as you and Harrison continue to laugh at his expense.
The night goes on and it’s pretty relaxed from then. Tom filling you in on what has happened, how his family misses you, future projects he’s looking at, you listen and agree to go visit his family on the next break you have. Harrison also makes small conversation, haven’t talked to him since they stopped filming for Far From Home.
Tom manages to get some information about the movie and as expected, he starts teasing both you and Harrison for being love interests. You just joke around about it instead of getting flustered, like Harrison. Though you constantly try to turn the tables on Tom, which made him, mostly, leave it alone since you knew too many embarrassing childhood moments and Harrison was more than happy to share some from his time of knowing him.
Time passed too fast as it was nearing three am, and y’all were all slightly buzzed. But you decided to call it a night since you and Harrison, also Tom who decided to tag along, had to be on set in about five hours.
“Tom, you coming back to my apartment? Or?” I say as I start opening the app to ask for an Uber.
“Well I have my hotel, that is literally a five minute walk from here, why don’t you just stay with me? You can borrow some of my clothes, it’s not like you’re going to film in that, although you should, you look hot.”
You roll your eyes at his alcohol influences words. “Thank you, Tommy, I think I’ll take you up on that, you better have brought my favorite hoodie.” You accept his offer since you were both going to go to the same place tomorrow and it was closer than your apartment and you wanted to take advantage of every second of sleep that you could.
“Harrison, you good? Or do you also need a place?” You ask noticing his gloomy expression.
“I’ll be fine, I also have a place about 10 minutes from here. Are y’all going to need a ride to set tomorrow?” Harrison asks looking between you and Tom, as if trying to figure something out.
Me and Tom say yes, if it’s not too much trouble. “It’s no problem, I’ll see y’all in a few hours.” He says as he hugs us and makes his way to his awaiting Uber.
You and Tom make small talk on the way to the hotel, it was nice to talk to Tom and see him so carefree since he didn’t have the pressure that sobriety usually tends to carry. You couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, probably drawing attention to y’all as you make your way to the elevator.
Once you get to the floor, y’all hurry to the room, ready to change and sleep after a long day. Tom hurries to find the hoodie he brought specially for you, although he would never admit if, and some sweatpants that wouldn’t fit you too big. At this point Tom just took off his shirt and changed into some sweatpants as well, trying to go to sleep as quickly as possible. Neither of you speaking, at this point it was a comfortable routine, taking you back to the days when you and Tom would have sleepovers at each other’s houses, to when you moved in with Tom in his London flat, you hardly having time to actually go back, but it was still home.
You put an alarm to wake up you at seven before putting your hair into a messy bun and getting into bed, you and Tom get comfortable, he wraps an arm around you and you cuddle into his side. You both quickly give in to the exhaustion.
“Y/N! Tom! I swear to God, y’all both better be up!” Harrison yells from outside the hotel room.
“Shit! Tom! Wake up! I think we slept through the alarm!” You try to shake Tom awake, before giving up and going to open the door for Harrison.
His smile wavers for a second seeing as you’re still wearing Tom’s clothes before you tell him to come inside before you run to the bathroom to put on your dress from the day before. You quickly brush your teeth using the extra toothbrush the hotel thankfully provided, and you throw your hair into a ponytail, your hair looking not as much as a mess due to the bun it had been in. You put on Tom’s hoodie again before exiting the bathroom, thankfully Tom was now awake and in jeans while searching for a shirt.
Harrison standing by the bed, quiet as he waits for you and Tom to finish getting ready.
“Tom, just put on the same shirt as yesterday, it’s not like anyone saw you in it besides us.” You say, frustrated from the possibility of being late.
“No, I have a reputation to maintain, Y/N/N.” Tom jokes.
“Bitch, no one knows you on set.” You say, Tom’s behavior making you calm down for a quick second.
As you help Tom look for another shirt your alarm goes off. You go and turn it off before you realize that you didn’t sleep through your alarm.
“Harrison, what the fuck! It’s not even seven yet, we don’t have to be on set for another hour.” You scream, now slightly mad that you didn’t sleep in as much as you thought you did. But also slightly glad that you weren’t going to be late.
“Look, in my defense I’m driving y’all so I got up early so we could get some quick breakfast, so I’m not going to apologize for looking out for your health.” Harrison states while trying not to laugh at you and Tom’s look of betrayal.
“Alright, I guess.” You mumble, feeling bad that you got mad at a nice gesture.
Tom finally finishes getting dressed. You swear you were ready to murder him, he’s not even the star of the show and he took longer than you did. You all make your way downstairs and into Harrison’s car to drive to a nearby diner.
The diner is thankfully not that busy and you are quickly seated at a booth, you and Tom sitting together while Harrison sits on the opposite side. You all quickly look at the menu and proceed to order as soon as you can, hoping the food won’t take that long so you can still make it to set on time.
As you wait for your food, you start some small talk, thankfully it was less tense than yesterday but this time you didn’t even have alcohol to ease the tension.
“So are we not going to talk about it?” Harrison asks not looking at Tom or you.
“About what?” You ask, looking at Tom, trying to figure out if he knew what Harrison was asking about but he gave you the same questioning look.
“You two.”
“What about us? You’re being vague.” You state, not seeing where he was going with this.
“Y’all are dating.”
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Act Like You Love Me
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A/N: Moodboard made by me, but don’t own any of the pics, just got all of those from Pinterest.
Coming Soon...
Act Like You Love Me
Y/N is a singer and songwriter, or that is until Justin Bieber stole her songs and planted drugs in her suitcase, resulting in her spending seventeen years in jail, until she is sent to be killed and takes on a secret identity to take down the man who put her in jail and his family.
Story is kind of based off of the novela “Queen of Flow”, which I definitely recommend.
Part One
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Co-Stars (1) ~ h.o, t.h
A/N: this is one of the first things that I have finished in a long time and I wanted to get this out before I release the prologue of a new series that I’m working on. The second part will probably be up before Saturday, no promises tho. Also I’m willing to take requests but may take a while since I’m more than likely going to focus on the series.
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summary: you’re an up and coming actress and you’ve just been cast in a new movie based off one of your favorite books. little did you know that your childhood friend, Tom Holland, was best friends with your co-star.
warnings: none?
words: 1,718
It was nearing eight when you make your way inside the studio, excited for your first day, and officially meeting your co-star. Of course you had met him at the screen test but that day was so hectic you highly doubted you even introduced yourself to him.
You make your way over to the tall blonde that was talking to someone you couldn’t quite make out since he was mostly covered by the former. As you got closer, you heard some muffled conversation before you clear your throat and tap on the blonde’s shoulder.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt, just wanted to quickly introduce myself before I head over to makeup since we didn’t quite get the chance to do that at the screen test. So, it’s nice to officially meet you Harrison.” You say looking up to the blonde, taking in his icy blue eyes.
“It’s no worries, nice to meet you, Y/N, I saw your most recent movie and I still can’t believe I get to work with you!” Harrison says while smiling down at you.
“Thank you, always fun to meet a fan,” You tease and go to shake his hand.
“Of course it is, don’t let that her to your head.” Harrison says as he ignores your hand and goes in for a hug.
“Alright fanboy, we both have to go to make up, I’ll see you in a bit.” You say, laughing and pulling away.
You make your way to your trailer and are instantly pulled into a whirlwind, trying to get makeup and dressed as fast possible to be able to try to get in all the scenes that were scheduled for the day.
As you at shush about done, you get a text message.
Tommy Boi
heyyyy you still down for drinks later, I have a friend who I want you to meet. x
You have a friend? Should I be jealous? Jk, maybe, can’t wait. xo
You were now wondering who this friend could be, you hadn’t hung out with Tom in a good while, only occasionally when the stars aligned and happened to be in the same city.
You received a text back, only the eye roll emoji and you decided to leave him on read as you had to go and shoot the scenes for today.
“Wow, you look amazing.” Harrison says admiring your new appearance.
“Don’t get starstruck, Osterfield, we haven’t even started yet.” You teased.
“It’s hard not to when I’m with THE Y/N Y/L/N.” He said while mock bowing.
You just laughed at his mannerisms. He was definitely charming, you thought. But just like that, the playing was over as both of you were instructed on how they wanted the scene to be played out and you both got into character.
Everything went great, even improvising some scenes and surprising the director with how their chemistry just made the scene flow so well and ended up choosing some of the improvised scenes since they felt natural.
“Guys, y’all did great, it’s a great first day, I think we got more than enough material for today, so go ahead and head home a bit early, tomorrow is probably going to be more packed since we’re going to get into the action scene, so go rest up, and good job.” The director says, genuinely happy at how well they did, they had been one of the least problematic actors and it just made the job all that much easier.
You and Harrison thanked the director then proceeded to walk to the trailers.
“So, Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to join me and my best friend for some drinks? Or maybe dinner? I don’t really know what he has in mind, he said he invited someone but I don’t see why I can’t invite you as well, maybe get to know each other better? Or talk about the movie or go over lines or something, if you’d like, of course.” Harrison rambled, not knowing how to talk to his co-star, and favorite actress although she didn’t need to know that at the moment.
“Harrison, as much as I would love to, I already have plans for tonight with an old friend, could we rain check in that? We could do that tomorrow? It would be nice to have someone to run lines with and get to know.” You say, sad that you couldn’t go with Harrison but you hadn’t seen Tom in months and were dying to catch up with him to discuss his new projects.
Harrison looked defeated before his expression bounced back to hopeful as she offered meeting up tomorrow. “Okay, I’ll hold you to that, Y/L/N, have fun with your friend, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says as he goes inside his trailer to change.
You also go ahead and go inside your own trailer to change, thankful that the makeup wasn’t too overwhelming and went well with her outfit, a simple red dress and flats. As you finish getting ready you get a text message.
Tommy Boi
heyyy you need a ride or something? I’m about to head out, remember it’s at the bar by my hotel, lmk if you need the address again. x
I already got an Uber and address, we managed to finish early so I’m good, thank u tho. xo
Tommy Boi
ok cool, also Haz said he’s on his way so hurry up before we start drinking w/out you :P x
I swear if you’re already drinking without me, I’ll post an ugly selfie of you also Haz?
Tommy Boi
ye, Haz is my friend, I promise you’ll like him, can’t believe you’re already threatening me x
Bye Tommy, my Uber just got here, I’m ten minutes away, chill. xo
You smile at your phone at the messages between you and Tom as you head out to your Uber. The ride being surprisingly fast and quiet, thankfully the driver either didn’t recognize you or didn’t care enough to make conversation. Either way you were grateful you didn’t have to make awkward conversation.
When you get to the bar, you thank the Uber before making your way inside, quickly scanning the room and finding Tom immediately, already getting up to meet you. You quickly make your way to him and pull him into a hug. He picks you up and twirls you around, just happy at seeing his childhood friend for the first time in months.
“I missed you, Tommy, FaceTiming and texting was not enough.” You say into his chest before you pull away and ruffle his hair.
He glares at you playfully at the action. “I was about to say I missed you too but I can’t believe that you messed up my hair. Anyway, Haz went to go get the first round, come sit, you need to update me on what’s been going on, haven’t seen you since the premier of your last movie and I know you’ve taken up some more projects.” Tom says as he pulls you to sit next to him in the booth.
“You’re one to talk! I mean you just finished wrapping up End Game and Far From Home, that must have been crazy!” You exclaim, excited for your best friend.
“I mean, yeah, which by the way, you are coming to the premiere of Far From Home, you have no choice. But I want to know about what you’re working on, you have kept so much from me, while I have told you everything I could about my movies.” He said giving you puppy eyes.
“Tom, first of all, that’s why Marvel keeps things from you, you need to learn to hold back, you have ruined so many movies for me because of your spoilers and -“
“But you love spoilers!” Tom exclaims, cutting you off.
“That’s beside the point! But okay, I guess, you win, what do you want to know?” You say, giving up since Tom wasn’t going to rest until you said something.
“Everything! How was your first day? Have you met anyone you like? Who is your co-star? Is he hotter than me?” Tom goes off asking all the questions he could think of, off the the top of his head.
“Tom! Chill. One at a time. It was great. I haven’t met anyone, don’t really have the time. Yes he is hotter than you but I guess you’ll have to come to set to see who it is.” You say, trying not to say much, since he would definitely tease you as he has with previous costars.
“Hey! He wishes he was as hot as I am, whoever he is, but I guess I will have to go to set, I’m here for the next week, so you’re stuck with me. What is taking Haz so long? I guess I’ll go see if he needs some help or something.” Tom says as he gets up, in search of his mysterious friend.
“Alright. Well while you do that, I’m going to head to the restroom, get me my usual!” You say as you make your way to the restroom to go freshen up your makeup, trying to make a good impression since it wasn’t often Tom introduced you to new people.
As you head back to the table you see Tom and someone sitting across from him. You walk further and move to take a seat next to Tom, so you were now staring at Tom’s new friend.
Part 2
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