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procyon-kiryu-heaven · 4 months ago
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Shitty (in)corrects (N)TWEWY edited post 13/?
I saw the original post and I made this in less than 10 mins (The post is in the time I post this 46 mins ago)
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joshnekuu · 1 year ago
i was gonna tag it jn but then i realized shiki 'successfully disrobed neku in the street by asking insistently enough' misaki cannot Not be involved here so my heart says neku but you could make a case for any of them i imagine. crucially whoever is the target, the Restaurant Birthday Gambit is an act of war first and foremost
You’re so wise. Thank you so much. I felt like Neku made the most sense but I wasn’t 100% sure.
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theriveroflight · 1 year ago
hi? hi. I don't feel too bad about taking time away from Nano to do this I'm going to a region meet-up later. moderately short twewy post-game fic.
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wayfinderrinku · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Subarashiki Kono Sekai | The World Ends With You (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya/Misaki Shiki/Sakuraba Neku, Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya/Sakuraba Neku, Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya/Misaki Shiki, Misaki Shiki/Sakuraba Neku, Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya & Misaki Shiki & Sakuraba Neku Characters: Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya, Misaki Shiki, Sakuraba Neku Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Post-Shin Subarashiki Kono Sekai | NEO: The World Ends With You, I have no idea what was going on here, but it’s them, Not Beta Read, Is there a plot?, author doesn’t know Summary:
Shiki combs Joshua’s hair and Neku is taking a nap.
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purplelea · 2 years ago
Imagine Neku spending his whole week with Joshua complaining that he misses his bestie Shiki only to end up in the RG and reuniting with her and complaining that he misses his worstie Joshua
No actually no need to imagine. That's canon. That's exactly what happened.
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denizenhardwick · 3 years ago
thinking about this post with joshnekushiki like. neku showing up to events like, "this is my girlfriend, she co-owns one of the biggest brands in shibuya, and this is my boyfriend, he's pretty much a local god. me? oh, i'm still trying to figure out how to order a pizza from my smartphone."
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joshnekuu · 3 years ago
I've always really loved Shiki/Neku/Josh and it's always made me a little sad that there's not a whole lot of stuff for the three of them (ofc, Neku/Josh/Shiki/Eri is even higher on the list for me, but I understand Eri getting left out of things since our knowledge of her is limited, and is sort of a walking spoiler for new fans)...
I 100 percent agree with Shiki seeing Josh and being like *cracks knuckles* 'looks like we've got another one '. I've always liked the idea of her being curious about Joshua after the Game, as she really never got to interact with him. All she knows about him is 1) he hurt Neku a lot, but also 2) Neku considers him a friend and wants to see him again. So I imagine she would be wanting to be his wingman, supportive of what Neku wants, but also ready to do whatever she can to protect him emotionally if Josh tries any shit again.
And then, after getting to know Josh more, realizing that he's not a very honest person with his feelings either, but seeing through a lot of his snideness and being able to tell that he also does care for Neku (and potentially the other TWEWY kids, depending on how much time they get to spend together, I always liked imagining them all hanging out ;;), and wanting to get to know him more. While on the flip side, I think Joshua would admire Shiki's growth and imagination, and that she was able to instill such change in Neku, while also being confused as to why Shiki is willing to see good in him after what he put Neku (and by some extent, Shiki and Beat) through.
I always imagine at least some part of Josh feels he does not deserve Neku's friendship post game, so I imagine he would feel very similarly to Shiki, struggling to understand why she's willing to give him a chance and extend him a hand of friendship after what he did to Neku, why she's willing to welcome him into their friend group and why she seems so determined to make him feel like a part of their group.
And on a more fluffy side of things, I imagine they'd have a lot of fun talking about fashion and design, conspiring with Eri to get Neku to wear certain things, and just enjoying each others company and friendship.
Also DDD is so good for that... I still love the scene where Shiki is the one to look at Josh and get him to join in, and then the little credit scene where Josh is sitting on top of the G, and Shiki is the one to reach up to him and help him down??? They're such small moments but I adore her being the one who physically reaches out to Joshua and tries to bring him into the group. And let's not forget Neku asking Josh if he'll be there when they go home, reminding him that he's their friend, and it's his home too. Neku and Shiki both express a certain level of determination and insistence with Josh in terms of trying to drag him out of his shell and assure him that he's one of them, so I feel like Shiki/Neku/Joshua really isn't a very farfetched ship ;w;
You know what?
Shiki/Neku/Joshua is quite possible, because in Another Day Shiki wants to watch Neku and Joshua if they were going to do anything. LOL (And Another Day has that JoshNeku moment, while also having NeShiki in having them be Blue and Green, who are shipped in Pokémon, I think).
Granted, everyone in Another Day is OOC–but also oddly IC with that–but still.
And there are other reasons it could work, too. Like the three of them holding hands–and almost seeming trio-y–so they could join hands with Sora in DDD, in telling him they wanted him to join them in Shibuya/doing a football huddle kind of thing. Also… in DDD, Joshua insults all the guys (Sora, Riku, Neku, and Beat), but not the girls (Shiki and Rhyme).
Or if you don’t want to count DDD… there’s a chance Shiki would look at Joshua the way she did Neku and be like, “I see I have an even bigger case on my hands here, but I’m not giving up on you, Josh.”
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yoshiyakiryu-archive · 3 years ago
Brain is entirely joshnekushiki at the moment unfortunately
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kingsmedley · 3 years ago
i’m working on a video edit that’s, like, a joshnekushiki high school au where joshua is an influencer, and it has the best bit of editing i’ve done in after effects so far.
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procyon-kiryu-heaven · 2 years ago
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Shitty (in)corrects (N)TWEWY edited post 6/?
Tagging this amazing people that pointed so right that this is JoshNekuShiki
@yoshiyakiryu @happyendingsong @anbashode @purplelea14
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denizenhardwick · 3 years ago
sakuraba neku goes flying 2 [part 1]
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purplelea · 3 years ago
JoshNekuShiki duo dynamics towards the third one
Joshua and Shiki: partners in crime to annoy and tease Neku to death (also fix his fashion sense)
Joshua and Neku: if anything happens to Shiki we'll kill everyone in Shibuya then ourselves
Neku and Shiki: Okay Josh is an asshole but he's OUR asshole. Yeah we know he's the worst (affectionate)
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denizenhardwick · 3 years ago
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I filled out the OT3 Ship Meme Template for JoshNekuShiki!
Some notes:
--This ship is a vee, so Joshua and Shiki are platonic, and I like the idea of them both trying to get Neku to date the other one until they all talk and figure things out, thus the Matchmaker trope. :)
--The heights aren’t the canon anime heights. Neku called Joshua “pipsqueak” in the game and I do what I want. I also didn’t fill out the horniness level because that’s not something I particularly care about so I just didn’t bother.
--Neku is a little bit brat, but I like mom friend Neku so I put him there anyway.
--Shiki and Joshua steal Neku’s clothes for two very different reasons. Joshua just likes wearing them, Shiki thinks they suck and wants to replace them with better ones.
--Joshua likes going to parties just so he can bitch about the people there.
--Neku is mostly a good driver, but he can get a bit of road rage sometimes.
@justjunnie I made it! :D
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purplelea · 3 years ago
JoshNekuShiki post-neo headcanons, part 1: Cooking
Neku is the one who cooks. He picked up this skill in Shinjuku and has been trying to make new meals since his return. Beat and Joshua are his food critics. Shiki too, but mostly for sweet stuff. He loves to cook while listening to music or to Shiki telling him about her day or her latest project.
Joshua is not allowed in the kitchen. Never. He would just make dumb comments on how Neku does things to drive him crazy. Also, he cannot cook to save his unlife. That said, he does know a lot about food and Neku highly values his opinion on the meals he makes.
Shiki doesn't know very well how to cook, but she likes to be useful so she is allowed inside to help when Neku needs her. She can make good pastries though.
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purplelea · 3 years ago
Posted a new fic called Someone Worth The Wait !
I have been working on this for a while and finally gathered the strength to finish it. Joshiki with JoshNekuShiki implied. Rated G, 1k words. Takes place during the three years timeskip.
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purplelea · 3 years ago
Concept: joshnekushiki but it's from Hazuki's point of view and he's just very confused at Joshua's behaviour towards those humans
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