#Josh Buice
Once upon a time, there were courageous men who stood against error with the Word of God. But today, we have men who are trading their swords for sticks. Today, in the evangelical world, we have little boys playing games rather than men who are preparing to go to war.
Josh Buice
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The next time someone tells you they pray in angelic languages, ask them to show one Scripture where angels who appear often in the Bible ever used unintelligible language (gibberish) to communicate.
γλῶσσα - intelligible languages.
-Josh Buice
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liberty1776 · 2 months
Most Christians Don’t Know THIS About the Reformation | Josh Buice
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semperreformanda · 4 years
“The Lord’s Supper, like baptism, is not a private event. It’s public and is one of the two ordinances given to God’s Church. In 1 Corinthians 10:17, Paul writes these words, “Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.” The church publicly gathered in the presence of one another are called to be served together from the same bread—indicating their unity in Christ. This cannot be accomplished as a pastor looks at a camera and gives directions to people in their homes. The assembly of God’s people is necessitated in order to fulfill God’s plan for the Lord’s Supper.
It is a solemn act of worship. The special presence of the Lord among his people in a unique manner carefully and intentionally overseen by the elders of the church is simply not possible through the screen of an iPhone.
When the man on the cross next to Jesus embraced Christ by faith—he was providentially hindered from being baptized. God ordained it. Rather than redefining the Lord’s Supper to a virtual meeting that turns it into something other than the Lord’s Supper altogether—we must remain patient and remember God is sovereign over this season and desires to be worshipped properly and with order.”
— Josh Buice
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Pastor John MacArthur explica porque firmó la Declaración de Frankfurt
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En medio del movimiento más significativo en la historia de Estados Unidos y muchos otros países en contra de los derechos, libertades y autoridad parental sobre la familia, es innegablemente claro que se está acercando cada vez más al caos completo. Cada vez más imponen leyes injustas que despojan a los padres de los derechos de criar a sus hijos y toman decisiones sobre la escolarización, los procedimientos médicos y otras cosas que siempre han sido responsabilidad de los padres.
Sin embargo, algunos de los pastores y líderes que no han tenido miedo de hablar han emitido una declaración denunciando los dictados autoritarios del estado sobre los derechos de los padres a criar a nuestros hijos. Esta declaración, recientemente publicada, se titula la Declaración de Frankfurt e incluye firmantes originales como John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Josh Buice, Justin Peters e incluso otros pastores evangélicos de todo el mundo, incluidos Jonathan Bayes, Inglaterra, James Coates, Canadá y Tim Cantrell, de Sudáfrica.
El pastor John MacArthur mucho antes de la declaración de Frankurt desde la pandemia de 2020 hasta el 2021 se opuso y venció al Cesar. Como fiel y valiente obedeció a Dios antes que a los hombres. Eso lo explica en nuevo articulo en el sitio web de Grace To You de porque firmó la nueva declaración de Frankfurt. Aqui puede leerlo en español:
Por qué firmé la Declaración de Frankfurt
por John MacArthur
Cristo declaró: "Mi reino no es de este mundo... Mi reino no es de este reino" (Juan 18:36). Lejos de establecerse como un rival para César, Él estaba diciendo que la iglesia pertenece a un reino diferente y más alto que cualquier gobierno terrenal, y por lo tanto no representa ninguna amenaza para la autoridad legitima del César. El propósito de la iglesia no es derrocar o usurpar gobiernos terrenales. Jesús amplificó ese punto cuando dijo: "Dad al César las cosas que son del César; y a Dios las cosas que son de Dios" (Mateo 22:21).
Pero por su parte, César siempre ha tendido a ver a Cristo como un adversario y un inconveniente. Desde Herodes y Poncio Pilato hasta hoy, los gobiernos terrenales siempre han tratado de ejercer control sobre Cristo y Su reino. César no se contenta con las cosas que son del César; también quiere control sobre las cosas que pertenecen a Dios. Así que los gobernantes terrenales invariablemente tratan de apoderarse de tanto dominio sobre la iglesia como sea posible.
Los políticos posmodernos de hoy están tan decididos como cualquier gobierno en la historia a entrometerse en asuntos que pertenecen a Cristo. Imponen estándares morales que son hostiles a los principios bíblicos. Usan el púlpito intimidatorio de César para retratar los valores bíblicos como una amenaza a la existencia misma de la humanidad. Defienden e incluso subsidian a aquellos que quieren adoctrinar a los niños con ideologías abiertamente anticristianas. Producen órdenes ejecutivas, agencias reguladoras y requisitos arbitrarios que obstaculizarían o detendrían el trabajo de la iglesia.
Los años de COVID simplemente hicieron que la estrategia de César fuera innegablemente obvia. Las restricciones gubernamentales requerían que las iglesias se abstuvieran de reunirse, mientras que los casinos y salones de masajes podían operar. Los funcionarios miraron hacia otro lado cuando a los manifestantes de izquierda se les dio rienda suelta para reunirse e incluso amotinarse, pero esos mismos funcionarios trabajaron incansablemente para mantener las iglesias cerradas.
La obediencia a un control gubernamental tan frívolo y de mano dura habría requerido la desobediencia a las Escrituras. Dios claramente ordena a Su pueblo que no abandone su reunión regular para la adoración corporativa (Hebreos 10:25). Y "debemos obedecer a Dios en lugar de a los hombres" (Hechos 5:29). Así que reanudamos nuestra adoración corporativa, y eso inmediatamente desató la ira del César. Las agencias gubernamentales vinieron detrás de nuestra iglesia con cada proyectil regulatorio que podían lanzarnos: demandas legales, demandas, mandamientos judiciales y multas. Incluso amenazaron con expropiar nuestro estacionamiento. Afortunadamente, prevalecimos en la corte, principalmente, creo, porque el Condado de Los Ángeles no estaba dispuesto a permitir que sus funcionarios de salud fueran depuestos bajo juramento.
Nuestro triunfo en ese caso se produjo exactamente un año antes de que se publicara la Declaración de Frankfurt. Sin embargo, mientras el caso aún estaba en litigio, publicamos una declaración propia, titulada: "Cristo, no César, es cabeza de la Iglesia". Lo que dijimos entonces está totalmente de acuerdo con el documento de Frankfurt.
El gobierno de los Estados Unidos (y otros en el mundo occidental) ya se han establecido como enemigos de Cristo al legalizar el aborto; exigiendo que se fomente y celebre la homosexualidad; negarse a reconocer las distinciones de género dadas por Dios; sancionar el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo; y promover la mutilación bárbara y pagana de niños. Estos ataques abiertos patrocinados por el gobierno contra los estándares morales establecidos desde hace mucho tiempo constituyen una declaración formal y parlamentaria de guerra contra Dios, Su orden creado, Su ley moral y la autoridad de Su Palabra. Por lo tanto, nuestro gobierno actual ahora se opone a Dios no menos de lo que lo hicieron los adoradores de Baal del Antiguo Testamento. ¿Por qué no esperaríamos que vinieran detrás de personas que arriesgarían sus vidas por la causa de Dios y Su Palabra? Hay muchas señales de que las iglesias sanas y los creyentes fieles están a punto de enfrentar una ola de dura persecución.
La exposición de todo esto es un problema importante para las iglesias que han tratado de comprometerse con el mundo. Algunos de ellos simplemente negarán la verdad más abiertamente. (Algunos ya lo están haciendo). Aquellos que no se comprometan para apaciguar a César deberían firmar la Declaración de Frankfurt.
Cristo y César hacer operan en diferentes reinos. La misión de la iglesia no es política partidista. No hay solución política a lo que aqueja a nuestra cultura. La misión de la iglesia es predicar el evangelio, recuperar almas del dominio de las tinieblas y entrenarlas para que sean discípulos de Cristo. Los cristianos no deben ser disuadidos de esa tarea para lograr un mero objetivo político temporal. Por otro lado, cuanto más se entromete César en asuntos que pertenecen a Cristo, más la iglesia mosto hablar sobre asuntos eternos y espirituales que el resto del mundo quiere tratar como meramente "políticos". No es prerrogativa del César reescribir los estándares morales en asuntos como el aborto, la perversión sexual, los roles de género u otros asuntos donde las Escrituras han trazado líneas claras. Continuaremos hablando sobre tales temas, y cuando el gobierno intente silenciar el mensaje o castigar al mensajero, no nos inclinaremos.
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singlemale1 · 2 years
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Biblical Apologetics Study
The source of this 12 week excellent study is from G3 Ministries which you may view here.As explained on their website, from the very beginning, G3 had a goal of helping local churches. One of the ways they determined to do this was to invest in pastors. Dr. Josh Buice had a vision to start a theology conference that would focus on God’s Word as opposed to the pragmatism and techniques that are…
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musicgoon · 3 years
Resource Review: The Church, by Media Gratiae
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What makes the church so special? In The Church, Media Gratiae presents a film on the pillar and ground of the truth.
Glorious History
By exploring over 2,000 years of church history, you will see the church as the most glorious thing under heaven. Featuring Josh Buice, Mark Dever, Steve Lawson, and more -- you will hear history come to life with compelling storytelling and courageous testimonies.
An Epic Journey
Beautifully filmed by the team at Media Gratiae, this is an epic journey you will want to rewatch as you rediscover and relearn about the church. It is grand, sweeping, and moving. 
Open Your Eyes
The Church is worth celebrating and championing. This film will open the eyes of your heart to see the wonder and love that Christ has for his bride.
I received a media copy of The Church and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.
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krisztiantoth · 4 years
Konyvek, Filmek, Idezetek ‘20
2020 - könyvek 
John Paton (1824-1907) Önéletrajz. Misszionárius a csendes-óceáni kannibálok között 
J. I Packer: A megújulás teológiája 
Eugene H. Peterson: A lelkészi szolgálat három sarokpontja
Paul Washer: Gospel assurance & warnings
Lovas András: ÖLELÉSBEN - Igehirdetések a szexualitásról
Kovács Endre: Ti azért így imádkozzatok
Esto Creemos: La Confesión Baptista de Fe (1689-es londoni baptista hitvallás)
Evangelikál Fundamentumok / Helyettes Bűnhődés - ev.csop
Doug Pollock: Isten tér 
Pablo Matinez Vila: Imádság és lelkialkat
A Hópárduc felesége, Életem Erőss Zsolttal. Sterczer Hildával beszélget Révész Szilvia
Tóth Máté: A kálvinizmus bibliai alapjainak vizsgálata (szakdolgozat)
Kenessey Béla: keresztség témájú szakdolgozata
Czövek Tamás: Keresztség
C.H.Spurgeon: Én, az Úr vagyok a te gyógyítód (2Móz 15:26) - Vigasztalás Krisztusban hívő betegeknek, szomorkodóknak és szükségét szenvedőknek
Ralf Dabelstein: A Szentlélek - az élet teremtője 
Thomas S. Greenspon: Amikor a jó nem elég jó 
J. I. Packer: Megismerni Istent
Leif Nummela: Benne lakozik a teljesség - Miért Jézus a Biblia megismerésének kulcsa?
Szabados Ádám: Örök életre választva - mit jelent az Apcsel 13,48? 
Evangelikal Csoport további kiadványai (5) + lektorálása 
John M. Frame: Salvation Belongs to the Lord: An Introduction to Systematic Theology + magyar fordítás 
John Piper: Krisztus és koronavírus 
Juan Carlos Ortiz: A szolgáló tanítványság útja
C. S. Lewis: NARNIA-Az oroszlán, a boszorkány és a ruhásszekrény
Josh Buice (szerk.) Az Új Kálvinizmus - Új reformáció vagy teológiai hóbort 
Heinrich Langenberg: A Tituszhoz írt levél magyarázata 
A. W. Tozer - Isten utáni vágy
C.H.Spurgeon: Minden Kegyelem!
Szentmártoni Mihály: A vallásoktatás akkordjai - A hitoktatás technikája és művészete 
Mark Dever: What is a healthy Church? + magyar fordítás 
2020 - filmek 
MESSIAH (Netflix sorozat) 10db
La casa de papel (3. & 4. Évad) 
Merriage Story
Narcos Mexico 2.évad
Young Viktoria
Bucket List
Unstoppable (Bethany Hamilton)
School Life (La Vie scolaire)
Katalinka (16)
Indul a bakterház 
A Beszéd (Trianon 100)
Jézus film sor (The Chosen)#1
Homemade (Netflix - Carantene)
Anne Frank (Parralell Story Netflix)
Időről időre (kertmozi - major)
A vizsga (2011) magyar film
The Second Coming of Christ
Paul, Apostle of Christ
A Star is Born 
Elona Holmes
David Attenborough: A life on our planet
Akik maradtak 
The Social Dilemma
A Javító (- Shoeshine.hu dokumentumfilm) 
Money Heist - The Phenomenon
Patch Adams
Zöld könyv - Útmutató az élethez
Anyaméh gyümölcse jutalom  | Képmás
“A függetlenség kölcsönös elvesztésére van szükség ahhoz, hogy egy szerelmi kapcsolat egészséges lehessen. Ez nem lehet egyoldalú.” - Tim Keller 
“Amig nem futod be {Pál / XY...} Isten szerinti pályádat, addig halhatatlan vagy”
„Fő dolgokban egység, egyebekben szabadság és mindenekben szeretet” Augusztinusz nyomán...
“Isten üzenete nem kerül krizisbe bennünk” - Varga László megyespüsp “Csak a határok vannak lezárva de az ég fele minden nyitott” - ugyanő
Ahogy a mondás tartja: „Az egyház a bűnösök kórháza és nem a szentek múzeuma.”
“A szeretet a legfelszabadítóbb szabadságvesztés.” - Tim Keller 
“A fegyelem és a kényszer ezek szerint csak akkor felszabadító, ha természetünk és képességeink szerint alkalmazzuk. A hal, mivel nem a levegőből, hanem a vízből nyeri az oxigént, csak akkor sza- bad, ha lakhelyét a vízre korlátozzák.” T.Keller
“Ha imádkozol, teológus vagy, ha teológus vagy imádkozol” - patrisztikus atya
 „... szentül hiszem, mint egy kisgyermek, hogy megszűnnek a szenvedések, behegednek a sebek” - Dosztojevszkij
„...kétségtelen hogy Isten nem használt senkit akit meg nem tört előtte nagyon” - (A. W. Tozer)
„Istenről nem lehet neutrálisán beszélni, mint ahogyan a fákról vagy madarakról beszélünk; hitelesen csak Istennel lehet beszélni, azaz a teológia imává lesz." - Martin Buber  
„a megszokás lekicsinylést szül”
"The Bible is my analytical tool..."
Közösség vagy közönség az online térben!? - Tisza Attila 
“Nem a tökéletességre törekszünk, hanem a kíválóságra” V? / K?
...egyik legnagyobb bűn a feledékenység…
“amilyen mértékben megfeledkezel a neked adatott kegyelemről, ugyanolyan mértékben fogsz megfeledkezni annak továbbadásáról” Paul David Tripp
A szelid és vad közötti különbség az erő használat = kontroll között van. 
„Nem vagy mérges? Miért az segít? - Tom Hanks - Bridge of Spies c. film  
„Az a szokatlanul túláradó békesség és öröm, amelyet éreztem (hajlandó voltam azt hinni), azt jelenti, hogy valami megpróbáltatás van a küszöbön...” - Wesley (83/)
Melyik a legvidámabb betű? Az “ü” betű - saját;)
C. S. Lewis, a világhírű, észak-ír származású író így fogalmaz: "Nem születhetnek teremtmények vágyakkal, ha lehetetlen, hogy azok kielégüljenek. A kisgyerek éhséget érez: van étel. A kiskacsa úszni akar: van víz. Az emberek szexuális vágyat éreznek: nos, van szex. Ha olyan vágyat találok magamban, amelyet semmilyen evilági tapasztalat nem tud kielégíteni, akkor az a legvalószínűbb magyarázat, hogy egy másik világ számára vagyok teremtve.
"Gyermekeknek azért mondunk meséket, hogy elaludjanak, felnőtteknek pedig azért, hogy felébredjenek."
"A gyermeknek azért mondanak mesét, hogy elaludjanak, felnőttnek, hogy ébredjen." - Ruediger Dahlke: A lélek árnyai 124 old. (Kalász nyomán)
Ha nincs meg benned a vágy, vágyd a vágyat! - Ronnie
“Az önmegtagadás a kegyesség első lépése” - Kálvin
“A legfontosabb, hogy a legfontosabb legyen a legfontosabb” - Kazi (2020)
„Nem a bűnbánat által látod meg Krisztust, hanem Krisztus meglátása visz bűnbánatra. - Spurgeon
„A kiválasztás az egyetlen indok/ok az üdvösségre, de a ki nem választottság nem az oka az elkárhozásnak. Egy emberi lélek sem tudna megmenekülni, ha Isten szuverén módon nem ragadná meg. Egyedül Isten beavatkozása, hogy újjászül bárkit is.” Martyn Lloyed-Jones
„Aki nem szereti az embereket az ne menjen papnak, ne menjen pedagógusnak...” interjú Mária Radio 
A nő meglátja az ablakból a férfit: Prostituált: Agusztin, én vagyok! Agusztin: De én már nem én vagyok.
“A hit nem egyszeri cselekedet, hanem a szív folyamatos rátekintése a Szentháromság-egy Istenre” Tozer
“Inkább gyakorlom a hitet, mint ismerjem pontos meghatározását” Kempis Tamás 
“Az ortodoxia vagy helyes vélemény a legjobb esetben is nagyon sovány része a hitéletnek. Jóllehet a helyes magatartások nem maradhatnak fenn helyes vélemények nélkül, mégis a helyes vélemények fennmaradhatnak helyes magatartások nélkül. Lehet megfelelő vélemény Istenről akár az iránta való szeretet, akár a helyes magatartás nélkül.” - John Wesley 
“Ragaszkodik Hozzád lelkem”- Zsoltárok 63:9
“Nincs szabadság felelősség és az igazság szeretete nélkül” II. János Pál?
“Egyedül a hit ment meg de a hit önmagában nem ment meg” Kálvin 
“Tiszta hangszereknek kell lennünk Isten kezében” Robert Murray M'Cheyne
“A nyájam legnagyobb szükséglete az én szentségem” 
🇭🇺"...A szabadság ott kezdődik, ahol megszűnik a félelem.” Bibó István ‘56
“H valaki istállóban születik, attól még nem lesz ló” (Louis Palau) garázs->a
A mennybe megérkezve 3 nagy meglepetés vár majd ránk: 1 lesznek ott olyanok akikre nem számítottunk 2, nem lesznek ott olyanok akikre számítottunk, 3, mi ott leszunk - Ronnie
“Nincsenek üdvösség szerző cselekedetek csak üdvösség jelző” Révész Árpád 
Ha valaki nem képes hátsó szándék nélkül fordulni földi kedvesei felé, akiket lát, akkor alighanem Isten felé sem tud így közeledni, akit nem lát. C.S.Lewis
“be kell valljam, régen egy női testbe zárt férfi voltam… aztán megszülettem”
"Az adakozás az imadkozott böjt."
“The role of a preacher: afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.” Fabiny
“A teológia lényegében az Ige alkalmazása az emberi élet valamennyi területére.” John M. Frame - röviden: “A teológia alkalmazás.”
Mindenki meghal de nem mindenki él - Magna Cum Laude
"When you know better, you do better." - Maya Angelou 
“We are the couriers of the message, not its editors.” - https://www.compellingtruth.org/sound-doctrine.html 
“Ha véget is érne holnap a világ én mégis ütletnék ma egy almafa csemetét” Luther (Fasori gimi)
„Így is összefoglalhatjuk a Biblia lényegét: az Ószövetség üzenete az, hogy „Isten Úr”, az Újszövetség üzenete pedig az, hogy „Jézus - is- Úr”. -  John M. Frame
„Az 1Mózesben is olvashatunk Istenről, de az 1Mózes szerzője a 2Mózes 3-ban találkozik Istennel.” John M. Frame
“A gyülekezet legfontosabb kiscsoportja az elöljáróság” Mike Sámuel
“A betegség és a különböző rendellenességek annak az Isten által adott tükörképei a fizikai világban, hogy milyen a bűn a szellemi világban.” John Piper 
“Egy személytelen igazság rajtam nem segít” - Barsi Balázs 
“A karácsony egy világ teremtése előtti gondolat/terv” - Barsi Balázs
„Halhatatlan vagyok, amíg Krisztus a munkáját rajtam keresztül el nem végezte.” Ez mélységesen igaz.” John Piper
“...mind az Ő szuverén akarata érvényesül. ... Éppen ezért a koronavírust Isten küldte.” John Piper
“ha megpróbáljuk elválasztani Istent attól, hogy Ő a szenvedésekben is mindenható, azzal feláldozzuk a mindenhatóságát afölött, hogy Ő mindent jóra tud fordítani.” - John Piper
“think outsid(er) of the box” Steve Jobs
“Az evangélizació egyik legeffektivebb fajtája a gyülekezet palantalas” - Peterson 
“Imádságunk által önmagunkat és nem Őt tanítjuk” Luther
Elegendő, elengedő, melege(n)dő - saját...
“A nagy küldetés nehéz? Nem; lehetetlen” Paul Washer
Ugyanő: mi a különbség a helyi lelkész és a misszionárius között? Egy dolog: lokalizáció (helyszín)
+ Nincs titok vagy missziós “módszer/stratégia” csak lusták vagyunk azt tenni amit Isten parancsol; az Igét. 
“Ő nem mindaz amire szükségünk van. Ő mindaz amink egyáltalán van” 
Nem az a baj, hogy nagyon gyengék vagyunk, hanem hogy valójában nem is tudjuk mennyire gyengék vagyunk”
Missziológiát -> Ekkléziológia alá! 
Ne tedd ki az egyházat k*rvává... / prostituálttá - Washer
A pragmatizmus legalább olyan ... mint a liberalizmus. Egyik sem hiszi el hogy elég az amit Isten mond...
“A problema manapság velünk lelkeszekkel, hogy senki sem akar minket megölni” - Stephen Lawson 
“Ami az Ószövetségben rejtve van, az az Újszövetségben feltárul.” Ágoston
“Istenről való gondolataid túlságosan emberiek!” Mondta Luther-> Erasmus
Akarod hallani Isten szavát/hangját? Olvasd a Bibliát hangosan! -H.Tolopilo
“A Lelket csak a Lélek által lehet megismerni” - Karl Barth
“A házasság különben munka, de gyönyörű munka” - Tapolyai Emőke
Ha nem tudok valakivel Istenről beszélni akkor Istennel beszélek arról a személyről🙏 - Paul Washer 
“Uram adj türelmet, hogy elfogadjam, amin nem tudok valtoztatni, adj bátorságot, hogy megvaltoztassam azt amit lehet és adj bölcsességet, hogy a kettő között különbséget tudjak tenni” Assisi Szt. Ferenc
A komfort zónán belül megalvad a vér - Tapolyai Emőke 
A tokeletlenseg elfogadása felszabadít az alkotásra 
“Végső értelemben nem veszíthetünk el semmit és nem is nyerhetünk többet” Lovas András 
“A változás elkerülhetetlen, a növekedés választható” (?!) John Maxwell
Meg mindig sokkal jobb következetlenül biblikusnak lenni, mint következetesen nem biblikusnak” R.C Sproul
“A kárhozat az ember felelősségének emlékműve” Chesterton
“Isten kegyelmének bemutatása a nagyobb cél a haragja bemutatásánál.” Tóth Máté szakdolgozat
’Sok juh van kívül, és sok farkas belül’, Augustinus 
“Minél több tapasztalatra teszel szert az imádságban, annál jobban rájössz, mennyire képtelen vagy imádkozni. Imádságod egyre inkább abból fog állni, hogy a Lélek benned történő imádságába veted bizalmadat” Wilfrid Stinissen 
“„in Vetere Novum Lateat, et in Novo Vetus Pateat”. Augustinus 
“Itus et reditus” - Pascal 
“A szemlélődés bensőségesség Istennel... folytonos “benne maradás” A szemlélődés rácsodálkozás Isten uralmára.” - Kovács Endi
“A kevesebb több, ez már így is több volt a soknál” Lőrik Levente 
“Ha nem maradunk az imádságban, a kísértésben maradunk” - John Owen
“A természetünket felvett Istent elhagyta Isten” - John Murray (77/) 
“A világon a legszeretőbb Személy tanított a legtöbbet a pokolrol” Paul Washer
“A kedvesség olyan nyelv, amelyet a némák is beszélnek és a süketek is hallanak és értenek” William Barclay
“A tettek hangosabban beszélnek a szavaknál!” ...
“A másokra való odafigyelés megváltoztatja az életünket. Szilárdan a szívünkbe ülteti az embereket” - Doug Pollock
“Azok vagyunk amit nagy becsben tartunk, amit a legjobban becsülünk, azt vesszük észre leginkább” Doug Pollock
“Nagyon nehézen lehet igazunk valamiben anélkül, hogy meg ne sértenenk vele valakit” Dallas Willard
“Úgy predikalok mintha ez volna az utolsó mint haldokló ember a haldoklónak” Richard Baxter
“Istenem, segíts megváltoztatni, amit meg tudok változtatni, elfogadni azt, amin nem tudok változtatni, és különbséget tenni a kettő között.” ...Reinhold Niebuhr
“A lélek egyik legjobb orvosa a természet” Charles H. Spurgeon 
“When you are in a jungle (New York) you become an animal” Nicky Cruz
Chiu Mik: 6os (dics cikk) Megigazulás, Megszentelődés, Megdicsőülés
“Ha nem nevetnek ki az álmaidért, akkor nem is elég komolyak” HKovJud
“Nem vagyok a szavak embere, hanem a körmondatoké” HeizerTom
“Különbség teszi a különbséget” PJ
“Minél inkább átszövi életünket az elmelkedo magatartás, annál inkább atfolyik egymásba hétköznapi életünk és az imádság ideje” KovEnd
A győzelem nem egy egyszeri alkalom, hanem állandó. Az ember nem néha nyer, nem néha csinálja megfelelően a dolgait, hanem mindig így tesz. A győzelem megszokás kérdése. Sajnos a vereség is. - Vince Lombardi 
“Ha sosem figyelmeztetünk, feddünk vagy konfrontálódunk a gyülekezet tagjaival, az nem azért van mert szeretjük őket, hanem azért mert azt akarjuk, hogy szeressenek minket” Paul Washer
“A Szentírás imádságos konyv; elsodleges hivatása az imadsagos élet táplálása” Endi: (Ti azért így imádkozzatok)
‘Prayer is a two-way conversation between you and God.’ - Billy Graham
“A textus kontextus nélkül nem más mint pretextus (ürügy)” J H Jowett
Lelki kísérés: “őszintén, nyíltan és együttes erővel keressük Istent” Eugene Peterson
“Mindenki akinek valamilyen szenvedélye van, bizonyos mértékben magányos is” Søren Kierkegaard
“A lelki életben a legnagyobb hibákat nem az újoncok, hanem a szakértők követik el” Eugene Peterson
A lelkésznek is legyen lelki pásztora!
“Ha szombat este az Úrra bizod szívedet, urnapja reggelen Nála találod” Swinnock
“Az ÚR napján szív-munkát végzünk” Richard Baxter puritán szerző 
“Isten két könyvet adott az emberiségnek; az egyik a Biblia a másik a természet” Francis Bacon
“Az élet értelme 42” Galaxis útikalauz 
“Az a baj veled hogy te nem hiszed hanem tudod, hogy van Isten” Konstantin a démon vadasz
“Titokban sokan önmagukat keresik mindabban, amit véghezvisznek, és maguk sem tudják.” (Kempis Tamás: Krisztus követése. – XV. sz.)
Ahol a Szentlelek épít egy templomot ott az ördög is épít egy kápolnát...
“A kultúra világában mindennek lehet értelme Isten nélkül; a Bibliában Isten nélkül semminek nincs értelme” Eugene Peterson
“A technika még nem gyógyítás, az információ még nem ismeret” Merville
“Az újonnan születés egyedül Isten munkája az emberben, és ezért mindig és minden esetben ugyanaz a titokzatos folyamat megy végbe! A megtérés módja lehet hasonló, de mégis annyira más, akár két emberi arc”. John Paton misszi. életrajz 
“Lelkigondozas a szolgáló csoportok szintjén valósul meg leginkább”
“A sabbat: idő és hely elkülönítés, hogy meg lássuk mit tett és tesz Isten” Eugene Peterson 
Mi kell a jó házassághoz? 3H -> Hit, hűség és humor
“A lelkészek edzői az aszketikus teológusok” - Eugene Peterson 
“A hagyomány az egyetlen igazi demokrácia, mert abban egy szavazatot az elődeinknek adunk” - G. K. Chesterton
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by Josh Buice | As we consider the responsibility entrusted to the hands of shepherds, for those of us who are pastors we must approach our post seriously. As a Christian take time to consider the work of pastors in the life of the church and pray earnestly for the men who are...
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Christ is the King of glory. He deserves more worship today than every congregation on planet earth can offer him!
-Josh Buice
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institutogamaliel · 4 years
Pastores devem pregar o Evangelho e evitar entretenimento na igreja
Pastores devem pregar o Evangelho e evitar entretenimento na igreja
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Um líder cristão exortou os pastores a pregar sermões que ajudam e fortalecem a igreja, além de aconselhar contra a pregação sobre entretenimento e prosperidade, que apenas impedem o crescimento espiritual dos crentes.
Josh Buice é pastor da Igreja Batista Pray’s Mill, na Geórgia, e fundador e diretor da conferência teológica do G3 – “Gospel, Thank You, and Glory”.
Buice diz que a igreja não foi…
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faithfulnews · 4 years
Why I Signed The Statement on Social Justice And The Gospel
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Recently drafted by concerned Christian leaders, “The Statement on Social Justice And The Gospel” is in keeping with the words of Jude to emphasize our “common salvation” and “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (Jude 1:3) While I believe that the specific wording of certain points of The Statement on Social Justice could have been better, I agree with the basic idea that all Christians should be aware of how the true gospel is being undermined by Marxist and Socialist principles. Even perhaps even more stunning: Many well-meaning Christians are unaware that "social justice" groups like BLM, that they are helping, are aiming for a Socialist revolutionary takeover. I'll give evidence of this.
Don't the Scriptures Support a Social Justice Gospel? What does it mean when scripture states, 'Jesus came to set the captives free' (Luke 4:18) and how does this apply today? Was Jesus supporting 'oppressed peoples' in general or was He promoting 'sanctuary cities' specifically where hardened criminals as 'undocumented citizens' are free to rape and murder at will without the fear of ever being incarcerated? Well, according to the standard commentary on this verse, Jesus was actually referring to spiritual freedom and not physical freedom. Sadly, some pastors today use this same reference to claim that Jesus was a social justice warrior according to their own warped applications. Josh Buice, one of the key authors of The Statement on Social Justice, documents a film clip of a pastor teaching with this kind of example of sloppy exegesis linked in one of his articles: “Social Justice is an Attack on the Sufficiency of Scripture” Christians are Supporting a Socialist-Marxist Revolutionary Takeover Another example of misconstrued purpose is an article I saw by Sojourner Stephen Mattson titled "Social Justice Is a Christian Tradition — Not a Liberal Agenda" in which he lauds Black Lives Matter: "So saying “Black Lives Matter” and participating in a movement seeking justice, positive reform, and empowerment is one of the most Christ-like things we can do." The fact is, BLM is heavily promoting a radical Marxist agenda, not Christ's, as documented in detail at websites, The Federalist and The Berean Watch. Many Christians are promoting organizations like Black Lives Matter without realizing or caring that they are actually helping to support a radical Marxist-Socialist revolution. The same goes for Christians that support Antifa demonstrations. The Daily Wire outlines how Antifa actually uses fascist tactics of unprovoked violence and the opposition of free speech in support of their confused Marxist agenda. A Staggering 72 Percent of African American Children are Raised in Homes With one Parent The prime issue for the African American community is not social justice, it's family disintegration. A staggering 72 Percent of US black children are raised in single-parent homes. A home without a father often causes subtle resentment and rebellion in young boys. I know this because I felt these subtle feelings growing up without a father in my home. The NY Post outlines, "Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer." Many Christian Leaders are Promoting Misguided Selective Outrage
         The mainstream news increasingly offers selective outrage based on leftist and progressive 'social justice' issues, and this is often carried over into the church. A case in point is the apparent mechanical recycling of selective outrage against conservative Christians by Tim Keller regarding social justice issues in a 2017 article he wrote for New Yorker. The group often facing the most 'systemic oppression' is conservative Christians, and 'social justice' Christians are often helping in the attack and all the while unwittingly helping to remove their own religious conscience rights in the process. The Gospel Coalition was adamantly criticizing Donald Trump up to his election and even thereafter, with John Piper claiming the president was "unfit" upon his inauguration and undermining his authority, even as angry Democrats and anarchists were bloodying up random conservatives on the street. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Piper published a message back in 2015 titled "How Should Christians Think About Socialism?" that mistakenly associates Socialism only with Bernie Sanders, apparently unaware of the entrenched Socialism in the Democrat Party at large. The Destructive Politics of Marxism and Socialism in the Democrat Party Christian social justice warriors are often in denial regarding the many Marxist and Socialist principles and policies being enacted by the Democrat Party and this article on Christian social justice today would not be complete without pointing this out. A separate article addresses this specifically. In the long run, history warns us that embracing the false precepts of secular-atheist Marxism will not only bring about confusion and destruction in society, it will also limit the freedom to proclaim the gospel in accordance with increasing governmental totalitarianism. I lived in Ukraine for 10 years and saw first hand the negative fruits of a socialist society. The Longterm Harmful Effects of Socialism are Significant The long-term harmful effects of Socialism are significant and result in decreased quality, decreased creativity, decreased civil freedoms, and a lowering of the standard of living due to the decreased freedoms of the marketplace. I saw an image on Facebook recently that summed up the condition well. It doesn't show made the image, but the question is poignant: "Ever noticed that you have never seen people fleeing capitalism to seek a better future in a socialist state? Never ever, not once...Think about that...Take all the time that you need." Capitalism is not a perfect solution, but it is the preferred one. The word "Capitalism" was not in use until much later than the writing of the US Constitution. The protection of private property, free speech, and freedom of conscience from government abuse are based upon natural law. On the contrary, Marxism demands that all personal rights are subservient to the totalitarian state that holds absolute power. So if you are supporting Marxism in the US, you are actually supporting political tyranny against the Constitution and people of the US. Problems occur in Capitalism mainly when the checks and balances are removed and there is corruption within the system, such as when lobbyists overly influence politicians with crony capitalism that causes unhealthy policies and products based on the greed of the politicians and corporate leaders.  But this is more a problem of the sin nature than the system itself.
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Good Examples of Christian Help and Works Versus Christian Socialism When the Good Samaritan saw the injured person on the street, he did not lobby for the government for a victim fund, he helped the victim himself (Luke 10:25-37). When the elderly widows in the early church were truly in need of basic things to live, there was not a petition to begin a government fund for this, the church helped those in need (1 Timothy 5:3-16). The early church in Jerusalem was very passionate about giving away all of their possessions to help those in need (Acts 2:41-47), however, this was voluntary and not forced by the government. Also, when you look at the big picture, other churches later had to collect donations in order to help support the church in Jerusalem  (1 Cor 16:1–4; 2 Cor 8:1–9:15; Rom 15:14–32). The body os scripture implies that perhaps it was not wise for people in the church in Jerusalem to give away all of their possessions. In order to help others long term, it seems more advantageous to use private property as a means of production and a basis for help as opposed to giving all away and doing away with all private property. Throughout history, Christians have helped against racism, with social needs, building orphanages, and other types of organized voluntary and positive action, and Jesus engaged in a type of political activism when he stood against the corruption of the local Jewish leaders that held both religious and political status. The minute we demand that the government be the provider of every single need and the great equalizer of wealth, however, then we are no longer following a biblical example. And if your Christian message is based more on a social justice gospel than on the central spiritual gospel, then it's off. You mean you don't support the “oppressed” of society and you call yourself a Christian? There are so many misguided and outright false precepts being promoted today in the name of 'true Christian' identity that it's hard to know where to begin. Here is a brief list of some types of misguided statements that I've seen: "If you don't support kneeling for the US flag and anthem to protest social injustice, then you are a racist bigot and cannot be a true Christian.” "If you question whether the acceptance of subjective gender fluidity should govern all of society as opposed to an opinion that objective biological gender is more reliable, then you hate the LGBT community." "If you claim to be a Christian with conservative values, even though this identification can offend liberal democrats, then you support tribalism and you are out of touch." "If you don't support unconditional open borders to any and all people that desire to come into your country, then you are not a real Christian." There is an Extreme Lack of Discernment and Critical Thinking in the Church Today I'll summarize some of these errors and urge the importance of discernment and critical thinking when listening to popular evangelical teachers by testing everything against the whole of scripture. The Apostle Paul praised Christians that were prone to “test all things” that were being taught against the body of scripture, even his own teachings. (Acts 17:11, 1 Thessalonians 5:21) Regarding the flag and anthem kneeling begun by Colin Kaepernick, there are at least five reasons why his protests are illogical, including the fact that there is no measurable goal for his kneeling to obtain. When you closely examine Colin's website and specifically what he promotes, you see Marxism, Islam, Feminism, and other beliefs promoted, and you begin to understand that he is in a state of confusion with regard to the basis of ethics. While supporting 'all oppressed people' may sound wonderful, if you support both Islam and feminism this makes no sense because Sharia law requires types of extreme and excessive submission of women to men and this is diametrically opposed to feminism. Kaepernick's support of convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur only instills animosity from the police, which is counter-productive to his supposed cause of improving police relationships with the community. The true gospel emphasizes that human differences are negligible, that race is insignificant compared to our spiritual union in Christ (Galatians 3:28). However, to many in social justice gospel movement, perceived racism is a top priority. Pertaining to the LGBT community and Socialism, there is a definite connection: "The connection between left-leaning ideologies and LGBT rights struggles has a long and mixed history. Prominent socialists who were involved in early struggles for LGBT rights include Edward Carpenter, Oscar Wilde, Harry Hay, Bayard Rustin, Emma Goldman and Daniel Guérin among others." LGBT rights and secular Socialism, in general, both share a common relativist basis for ethics. This is not in agreement with Theism, that holds to an objective basis of ethics in the person of God and His unchanging nature as the ultimate moral anchor. Conservative Christians that understand the true basis of ethics and why a close interpretation of God's word are important do not “hate” the LGBT community when affirming the words of Jesus when He stated that marriage was intended to be between one man and one woman. There are at least 10 myths associated with LGBT issues and Christianity. Our True Identity and Values as Christians are Defined in Scripture The identity we embrace as Christians should not be based on how we feel, how we want others to perceive us, or materialist values for the 'highest good' of society, rather, our identity should be based mainly on how God defines us in scripture. Scripture repeatedly affirms our primary Christian identity as covenant children of God (Romans 8:17, Galatians 3:26, 1 John 3:2, Ephesians 1:5) Not only is our primary identity critical, the Bible shows that our main “high calling” is a “holy calling” to be conformed more and more into the nature of Christ as we abide in a dynamic personal relationship with Christ and share the truth of the gospel. (Philippians 3:14-21, 2 Timothy 1:9, 2 Peter 3:18, Philippians 3:8)
     Identified in the comments at the Christianity Tomorrow website, in a sermon titled, “Cultural Renewal” Tim Keller stated that, ‘the primary purpose of salvation is – cultural renewal – to make this world a better place’. This mp3 sermon has since been deleted, but here is the original link: http://www.faithandwork.org/uploads/photos/461-1%20Cultural%20Renewal_%20The%20Role%20of%20th.mp3 It appears that a similar teaching has been removed, per the original link at Gospel Masquerade. In 2006 at an “Entrepreneur’s Forum” sponsored by Redeemer, Keller implied that he is not a conservative Christian and that the purpose of salvation is not personal or spiritual, it's to “renew creation” supposedly:      
“Conservative churches say ‘this world is not our home — it’s gonna burn up eventually and what really matters is saving souls… so evangelism and discipleship and saving souls are what is important’.  And we try to say that it’s the other way around almost. That the purpose of salvation is to renew creation. That this world is a good in itself…  And if you see it that way, then the old paradigm if you’re going to put your money and your time and your effort as a Christian into doing God’s work in the world, you wanna save souls which means the only purpose of your ministry and your effort is to increase the tribe, increase the number of Christians..."
The disturbing thing about these types of heretical comments that Keller makes, and heretical comments that other popular evangelical teachers make, is that they reappear in similar forms and whether or not opinions have changed is not clear because the teachers don't seem to ever renounce them or specifically address objections to them. When you look deeply into these problems you'll see that the common denominator of many false teachings is an overly humanistic approach to God, elevating human desires and human goals above the prime and absolute authority of Christ. When the Apostle Paul became "all things to all people" in order to "save some" (1 Corinthians 9:22) his goal was salvation, not cultural renewal, and he was starting with the foundation the gospel and using language and actions that were appealing in order to describe the essential aspects of the gospel to listeners. To embrace Marxist ideas as ideologically valid as the basis and then to try to adapt this to Christianity is altogether a different approach that compromises the gospel. To Label The Great Commission as a Form of Outdated Tribalism is Not Acceptable For Christians to label a desire to increase the body of saved believers, also known as The Great Commission, as a negative form of outdated tribalism runs counter to the body of scripture. This is simply heretical. Tim Keller's assertion, “That this world is a good in itself” is not true. The world is not good in itself without God. The person of God is the standard of all meaning and value and also the source of all goodness. I've not seen more pronounced support for Christian social justice than in Keller's writings, and that is why I've pointed them out. It's nothing personal. One of the key aspects of spiritual salvation is what Jesus described as being 'born again' by the Holy Spirit when He spoke to Nicodemus. Jesus did not downplay this subject but he emphasized that it is necessary: "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3 KJV). This was a very difficult subject for Nicodemus to grasp, and it's also hard for many people today to grasp as well. However, because it is an essential "must" of salvation, we should not be ashamed of this subject. In chapter 4 of his book, Reason for God, Keller suggests that Christians should avoid the phrase 'born again' because it seems radical and people can have negative associations with it: “Perhaps the biggest deterrent to Christianity for the average person today is not so much [the church’s history of] violence and warfare but the shadow of fanaticism. Many non-believers have friends or relatives who have become ‘born-again’ and seem to have gone off the deep end.” The fact is, being born again by the Spirit is indeed a radical aspect of new life in Christ. It's something that I'm grateful for and not ashamed of as though it is nothing more than a "shadow of fanaticism" based on secular perceptions. Even as Jesus brought this subject up with Nicodemus, it's a beautiful spiritual subject that is helpful for non-Christians in understanding the true essence and nature of Christianity. Even as nature dies and is reborn every year with the winter snow and spring rain in the seasons of nature, God has displayed the wonder of regeneration for all of us to see. Keller's humanistic approach is similar to the strategy of Joel Osteen, who loves to discuss "prosperity" but avoids the word "sin" in his sermons because it is not a "positive" subject, even though it is an essential aspect of redemption and salvation, as outlined in a discussion with Katie Couric. For Keller to downplay the necessities of spiritual salvation and to claim that the real purpose of salvation is 'cultural renewal' suggests that he is pushing his social gospel a bit too far. A Deeper Look at Keller's Marxist Gospel A deeper analysis of Keller's Marxism by Timothy Kauffman was outlined at the New Calvinists website: "Timothy Kauffman has examined Keller’s claim that God’s radical plan is that ‘we are to work together to make the world a better place, to help each other, and to find purpose for our lives’, and demonstrated that it does not come from biblical wisdom, as Keller wants us to believe, but from a Marxist worldview. To convince his readers of ‘God’s radical plan’, Keller quotes from the writings of three Marxists, Robert Bellah, Gustavo Gutierrez and Reinhold Niebuhr, without mentioning their political affiliation. In effect, Keller has surreptitiously replaced the gospel of Christ with the utopian ideology of Marx, and presented it as biblical truth. The importance of Kauffman’s analysis is that it demonstrates how Marxist ideology can masquerade as Christian truth. Marxism’s Opposition to Scripture "But more importantly, the fundamental problem with Marxism is that it rests solidly upon a notion of reality that is in every respect utterly opposed to Scripture, and from which springs false understandings of the nature of man, his purpose in life, the cause of his problems, the solution to his problems and the understanding of history and progress. It is not sufficient to state that Marxism doesn’t ‘work’, has a history of tyranny, or proposes a radical re-construction of western society. The problem with Marxism is much more fundamental, more Satanic than even its disastrous effects. The problem with Marxism is that it is a false gospel, offering man false understandings, false solutions and false hope. When professing Christians advocate ideas and practices similar to those of Marxist ideology they are advocating more than Marxism—they are embracing a false gospel. They are in every scriptural sense of the word, false teachers." Judging from the teachings of popular evangelicals, "The long march through the institutions," apparently, has included a long march through popular seminaries as well. The long march through the institutions is a slogan coined by student activist Rudi Dutschke to describe his strategy for establishing the conditions for a social, cultural, and governmental revolution by infiltrating and subverting academic institutions with Marxist and socialist ideologies. The secular world promotes education for all and social justice for all as a supposed means to world peace. However, scripture shows that true world peace will not be possible on earth until Christ reigns and true inner peace comes only through a relationship with Christ and spiritual regeneration. This is the basis of the true gospel. If anyone supports the various forms popular Christian social justice being lauded today, I'd welcome comments and constructive dialogue here at my blog. Sadly, The Gospel Coalition blogs, where there is a need for a discussion on this subject, do not allow for any comments. I noticed that Thabiti Anyabwile says about Twitter, "it’s generally my habit to respond when I can" --but that 's hardly a good venue considering the limited words allowed, and so Christians are mostly talking past one another on this subject with articles and editorials. Both Jesus and Socrates emphasized the importance of dialogue and asking questions in order to come to a knowledge of the truth. When Christian leaders avoid meaningful interactive dialogues and questions, this is a red flag. In attempting some type of dialogue on this issue, I posted a comment at Thabiti Anyabwile's Twitter home page under the following statement by J.A. Medders: "If you believe in Total Depravity but deny systemic injustice and racism—you don't believe in Total Depravity." My reply: "Question for @Mrmedders and @ThabitiAnyabwil: If 'SYSTEMIC INJUSTICE' is based on the sin nature and there is no measurable goal to the NFL KNEELING, then the kneeling should never end, right? Thanks in advance for your replies." So far, there's been no reply from either one. I get the sense that Thabiti Anyabwil and others at TGC are not interested in an interactive dialogue on social justice because deep down on some level they perceive that they cannot defend their views. In the meantime, if matters of culture and social justice are exalted over and above the importance of spiritual salvation and joining in a personal relationship with God, then a different gospel is being preached, which is a serious matter.    “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:8
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Good works, helping the poor, and promoting justice are all good things, but these can never replace the core value of life in Christ as the ultimate good to share with the world. Pray for an epiphany for Christian SJWs who undermine our freedoms and rights as Christians to share the gospel and pray for protection for president Trump who faces more opposition than any president in modern history, despite all of the positive gains he's made in politics. John MacArthur encourages politics in the "voting booth" only: "America’s moral decline is a spiritual problem, not a political one, and its solution is the gospel, not partisan politics." Personally, I believe it's incorrect to make a blanket statement on whether or not a Christian should be involved in politics. Wayne Grudem outlines why a "political influence" is a valid calling for many Christians and in his understanding, the "correct view" is for a “significant Christian influence on government.” The basis of the New Testament is a personal relationship with God, and this suggests that God can guide us through our conscience, by reading scripture, by prayer, and even through dreams, as a means towards showing us as individuals what God would like us to focus on. In contrast to MacArthur, WND highlights that James Dobson urges Christians to spread the word and warn against totalitarianism: “Shame on them all! Don’t they know that tyranny for us and our children is only one generation, or even one election, away? “We must vote, vote, vote to elect leaders who will defend what has been purchased with the blood of patriots who died to protect our liberty. We owe it to the memory of their sacrifice to preserve what they did for us. We must not fritter it away on our watch!” Though I agree with MacArthur's help in defending the true gospel against Marxist values and priorities, I do not see conservative Christian positions as threatening the gospel in such a serious manner. On the contrary, defending the US Constitution politically allows the right of free speech to share the gospel, while totalitarian Socialism does not. An example to consider is China: "Christians in Shanghai, China, are "outraged and helpless" after Communist authorities wrote "Socialism's Core Values" on a church building."   Twitter backlink: https://twitter.com/Templestream/status/1043884741760561152 Note: It's interesting that on October 4, 2018, Timothy Keller announced on Twitter that he is not officially a Marxist. We guessed that he is not officially a Marxist. The problem, however, is that his ideas and opinions are steeped in Marxist precepts. Tags: what is The Statement on Social Justice And The Gospel? examples of Christian social justice today, why is the social justice gospel harmful? What is Christian Socialism? Christian Socialism of Thabiti Anyabwil, J.A. Medders, Stephen Mattson, John Piper, Tim Keller revealed, Christians should resist totalitarianism
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torreygazette · 6 years
Dear Lutheranism
Dear Lutheranism,
I am a member of an LCMS congregation. But I addressed this letter to our brothers and sisters as a whole. We are all united by the Augsburg Confession, Small and Large Catechisms, and (for the majority of us) the complete Book of Concord. With this shared doctrinal background, I feel my concerns can and should be directed to all.
For various reason we Lutherans do not engage or associate much with other Christian denominations. I am not here to judge if any or all of the reasons are justified, but more so to air a concern that I have when we detach ourselves from the larger church. We all agree that our view of the Gospel—as explained in our confession—is the most accurate of the denominations and various groups of Christendom. No matter our feelings about our self-imposed isolation from many post reformation groups, there is a time where we must engage these groups. We must engage to show our historical approach of law and gospel accurately and have it be heard by Christendom as a whole. Keeping our accurate profession a secret, does no good for anyone involved or the universal church. I’d make a case that it is a part of our vocation to share God’s truth when miscellaneous events happen in the universal church. I say all of this to petition that we not remain quiet regarding the ‘Social Justice’ conversation that is currently taking place in the broader Christian community.
The majority of evangelical Protestants do not work with a correct framework including Law/Gospel distinction, Horizontal vs Vertical righteousness, or 3rd use of the Law. The conversation taking place about social justice would be a great opportunity to share our biblical approach to the masses and demonstrate the validity of our doctrine. One popular evangelical theologian has recently stated that “this recent (and surprisingly sudden) detour in quest of ‘social justice’ is, I believe, the most subtle and dangerous threat so far.” Instead of this position, Lutheranism offers the distinction between vertical righteousness (God to person due to being found in Christ) and horizontal righteousness (Person to person righteousness founded in our ability to love neighbor freely without concluding it is impacting justification). We can help demonstrate that it is possible to engage culture to attempt to end a form of oppression or hardship of neighbor and not falsely conclude that our relation to God is impacted by these acts of good works. 
We believe, teach, and confess also that all men, but those especially who are born again and renewed by the Holy Ghost, are bound to do good works. - Epitome of Concord IV
And first, as regards the necessity or voluntariness of good works, it is manifest that in the Augsburg Confession and its Apology these expressions are often used and repeated that good works are necessary. Likewise, that it is necessary to do good works, which also are necessarily to follow faith and reconciliation. - The Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord IV
As confessional Lutherans, we can show a correct dynamic between faith and works. We can demonstrate how the 3rd use of the law is applicable as God intends for use to live holy lives in the world. Even though we fail, are aim as the new washed and regenerate man is to drown the old Adam daily and strive to live per Gods commands.
Jesus stated that He did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill the Law, and the law to love our neighbor is as real and applicable as ever. To conclude as the celebrity pastor John MacArthur has, that social justice is not the concern of the church is effectively a form of Gnosticism and denial of the command to love neighbor.
“But social justice means social equality, making sure everybody gets the social equality. That’s never going to happen in a fallen world, in the best of circumstances. But that is not the church’s concern.”- John MacArthur
It is true that there will always be the poor amongst us, but we are not called in holy writ to accept a problem because it will always remain until our Lord returns. To ignore the “fallen world” because it is inherently evil and only focus on the spiritual side of a person’s needs is a form of Gnosticism. This dynamic leads us to show preference, remove real empathy, and starts towards antinomianism. “Who cares that a lady was raped and murdered? We should not engage culture to state that women are made in the image of God and worthy of respect and dignity.” This could be a logical conclusion to women rights issue if this stance of evangelicalism is followed consistently. The world will never be perfect until Christ returns, but for us to be salt and light is a command of our Lord to us. Professor Joel Biermann has made an interesting statement on this:
“… to fulfill the 1st great commission, of being fruitful and multiple and have dominion over creation, means that culture building is good. So when we are working on culture building, what I mean by that would be life in the modern world … a way of honoring God and serving each other. This is God pleasing; it’s not a negative thing. And the implication of this is the material world is not evil. This idea just continues to hound us in the church and this idea is Gnosticism … Sin has messed everything up, but it’s still God’s good creation.” (Humanity in Creation by Joel Biermann, around 58min mark)
There is a striking difference between Professor Biermann’s focus on God’s command to nurture and shepherd creation (1st great commission) and John MacArthur’s argument that social equality will never happen in this fallen world and concluding it is not the church’s concern. To ignore the hardship and plight in the world because the world is fallen is not a biblical concept. We are actually commanded to the exact opposite. Refusal to love neighbor in our daily vocation is Gospel reductionism and against our creation mandate. I truly feel the world would benefit by Lutherans getting involved and sharing our doctrinal truths with Christendom.
Further, the majority of Protestantism has corrupted the understanding of the sacrament of Baptism. Thanks be to God that the sacrament is valid based His Word and Promises—not the understanding of man—but many Protestant have tried their hardest to remove God from the equation. To be able to speak to the objective truth in the waters of Baptism, God Himself unites us with Him making us brothers and sisters in Christ. Not hypothetical. Not kinda sorta. He truly washes us and applies Christ’s finished work to us and unites us.
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body” – 1 Corinthians 12:12-16
A major theme found throughout the 1 Corinthians book is unity and not showing partiality.  We truly are united to Christ in baptism and have become a part of the body of Christ.  How can one part of the body ignore the suffering and plight of another part of the body.  Or to be more accurate, how one member of the body of Christ declare that the concerns of another member in the body is not the concern of the church. 
That there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together – 1 Corinthians 12:25-26
This unity found and accomplished in baptism should draw us together to love and care about the trials and hardships that our brothers/sisters experience and face.  This is a beautiful gospel truth. Is this not a perspective that can be added to the racial reconciliation conversation that is greatly over looked? Protestants talk about baptism but since God’s activity is removed, it is hard to articulate the reality of what took place by them.
The influence of the anti-social justice people goes far beyond just evangelical Protestant circles. Even in our Lutheran bible studies, I do not think it is rare to find people with a John MacArthur study bible being used. I would go as far as to bet that many in our pews can recognize and are more influenced first or second hand by John MacArthur than Greg Seltz. Many will hear the name Greg Seltzs and ask “Who?” That is exactly my point. Greg Seltz was a prominent speaker on the Lutheran Hour (Lutheran flagship radio ministry with estimated over a million listeners) from 2011 to 2017.  One of our biggest celebrities in our tradition is less known/impactful than MacArthur and other prominent anti-social justice supporters. John MacArthur’s reach and influence is truly massive. I as a black man cannot avoid or ignore a movement in broad Christendom driven by MacArthur that declares that Social Justice is against the Gospel.  A pastor named Josh Buice was involved in the creation of the, “Social Justice and the Gospel” statement went as far to state one reason they created the statement was “That civil rights movements end was that there is no end game.” He followed this by saying the people in the 1950s and 1960s—like the faithful Lutheran Reverend Bob Greatz and other stand up men—that risked it all did it for fame and because racial division was big business. I have three baptized saints that God has placed in my care who will live in this world when I am gone, ignoring this is not a reality for me.
Without social justice efforts Jim Crow may have never ended. Without social justice from a few faithful pastors, the truth that Africans in slavery were made in God’s image deserving dignity would not have been proclaimed. Without Social Justice efforts that amazing testimony and precedent set by the first Rosa would never have happened in Alabama. I know there have been Lutheran statements composed for Lutherans by Lutherans on the subject of racism and racial relations, but broader Christendom is releasing public statement. In contrast, our statements seem like backroom conversations not written for the world. This is not satisfactory. I know within our doors we can point to these documents, but I live in a world where most have no idea about anything Lutheran. We have removed ourselves from the dialogue between Christians on major issues that impact and influence God’s creation.
I know none of the theology I mention in this letter is new. But I needed to lay out my thoughts. I also know I could be barking up the wrong tree in writing this. The outreach of MacArthur and his friends are far reaching. In our small sector it is easy to just ignore him. But in the broader American church, his voice has impact. There is a chance you agree with John MacArthur and the anti-social justice crowd, but I am willing to take this chance. There is more good to be accomplished than negative from my point of view. I have seen some Lutheran blogs leaning in agreement with MacArthur’s and the published statement. Alt-right influence is increasing on various Lutheran platforms. We even have Lutheran discernment ministries quoting individuals who says “Thank God and white people for slavery” while dismissing social justice and racial reform. They do this attempting to join forces with the MacArthur brigade. These are not the Lutheran interactions we want to be known for. In general, the confessional Lutheran doctrines—of which we should be proud—are missing from dialogue.
I have been placed in this situation with nothing to lose. Denying the outworking of the gospel shown by actually loving and caring for your neighbor is a gnostic notion. I cannot be convinced otherwise. And it is an actual position being solidified in opposition to Social Justice. I pray that this is received with an open heart and that the benefits of actually stepping in the fray to respond to John MacArthur and this public statement will be considered. The opportunity to share our sound confessional principles with the American church, comfort those in our pews, and reject unbiblical notions which directly support social oppression cannot go unanswered. I pray that once again Lutherans will be willing to stand up for the Biblical principles they confess.
 Love, Grace, and Peace,
Ty aka @Lex_Lutheran
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La declaración de Dallas sobre justicia social
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El sitio web en ingles Pulpit & Pen fue el primero en dar datos sobre la declaración de Dallas.
También es conocido como La declaración sobre la Justicia Social y el Evangelio. Cuando se reveló que el Dr. Albert Mohler había prohibido a los profesores del Seminario Teológico Bautista del Sur firmar el próximo documento. El documento ahora es público y ha recibido más de 1600 firmas en el momento de la publicación. 
Originalmente, el documento tenía un número limitado de firmantes, entre ellos John MacArthur, James White, Phil Johnson, Michael O'Fallon, Tom Ascol, Josh Buice, Justin Peters y muchos otros. La declaración es una colección de afirmaciones y negaciones, sobre la justicia social, promovida por muchos otros.
La declaración ha tardado mucho en llegar, ya que Pulpit & Pen ha publicado repetidamente durante los años que se convirtió en una brecha entre los evangélicos calvinistas. Bajo el liderazgo de los progresistas izquierdistas, Russell Moore y Tim Keller, los bandidos han sido elegidos en el momento de convertirse en una guerra civil espiritual entre las dos facciones. Por un lado están los pesos pesados ​​que han sido apenados por el aplauso y la apreciación de un mundo perdido y caído, que están envueltos en un manto de corrección política, y que en nombre de "Evangelio" se han convertido en los puntos de conversación Progresivos en su propia política. Pero la agenda seudo teológica. Este es el lado del poder y el prestigio.
Los defensores del evangelio social incluyen a DA Carson, Mark Dever, Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, Tim Keller, David Platt, Matt Chandler, Beth Moore, JD Greear y Ligon Duncan. En otras palabras, varios de los líderes de esa facción han sido oradores en la Conferencia de Pastores de John MacArthur a lo largo de los años y son sus viejos amigos.
Justicia social: “palabra de moda” y por qué no debe usarlas
En el otro lado, que valora la claridad del evangelio sobre las modas que conducen a la confusión teológica y los elogios de la izquierda política, hay muy pocos hombres de renombre. Los dos nombres en The Dallas Statement son grandes sobre el resto; John MacArthur y Voddie Baucham. Otros firmantes iniciales incluyen hombres que también son conocidos, pero no hasta el grado del Dr. MacArthur o Baucham; Estos incluyen a James White de Alpha y Omega Ministries , Justin Peters de Clouds without Water, Josh Buice (Phil es uno de los mejores conocidos para organizar la Conferencia G3) y Phil Johnson de Grace to You. Algunos otros signatarios iniciales son casi totalmente desconocidos.
Lo que se nota sobre la lista de firmes no es los nombres que aparecen, pero los nombres que no aparecen, algunos de los cuales se encuentran entre los líderes más respetados de esta particular cadena de evangelismo. 
Lamentablemente, muchos de esos nombres que faltan en la lista, empezando por el Dr. Mohler, se perciben como conservadores. Sin saberlo, se han extraviado por Coalición por el Evangelio y el ERLC que, durante los años, han sido seguidos por la trayectoria de Jim Wallis de Sojourners y otros practicantes. El cisma en este tema disminuirá el peso, la autoridad y la influencia por el bien resurgido reformado.
La introducción de la declaración comienza:
En la visión de los cuestionables teorías sociológicas, psicológicas y políticas que actualmente están impregnando nuestra cultura y haciendo incursiones en la iglesia de Cristo, deseamos aclarar ciertas doctrinas cristianas clave y principios éticos prescritos en la palabra de Dios. La claridad en estos temas fortalecerá a los creyentes e iglesias para resistir una avalancha de enseñanzas peligrosas y falsas que amenazan el evangelio, tergiversan las Escrituras y alejan a las personas de la gracia de Dios en Jesucristo.
Específicamente, nos preocupamos profundamente los valores tomados de la cultura los seculares socavando actualmente las Escrituras en las áreas de raza y etnicidad, la condición de hombre y mujer, y la sexualidad humana. La enseñanza de la Biblia sobre cada uno de estos temas está siendo cuestionada bajo la rúbrica amplia y en tanto que nebulosa de preocupación por la "justicia social". Si las doctrinas de la Palabra de Dios no se reafirman y defienden sin concesiones en estos puntos, hay muchas razones para anticipar estas ideas peligrosas y los valores morales.
Presenta estas afirmaciones y negaciones para la atención pública, no con ninguna pretensión de autoridad eclesiástica, sino con una urgencia que se mezcla con una alegría profunda y un dolor sincero. La rapidez con la que estas ideas mortales se han extendido desde la cultura en general a las iglesias y organizaciones cristianas, incluidas algunas que son evangélicas y reformadas, exige la publicación de esta declaración ahora...
La declaración continúa leyendo (en parte):
AFIRMAMOS: que la Biblia es la Palabra de Dios, exhalada por Él. Es inerrante, infalible, y la autoridad final para determinar qué es verdad y qué es correcto. Todas las afirmaciones de verdad y los estándares éticos deben ser probados por la Palabra final de Dios, que es solo la Escritura.
NEGAMOS: que la creencia, el carácter o la conducta los cristianos pueden ser dictados por cualquier otra autoridad, y negamos que las ideologías posmodernas derivadas de la interseccionalidad, el feminismo radical y la teoría de la raza raza son consistentes con la enseñanza bíblica. Además, tenemos que tener en cuenta la competencia para aprender sobre cualquier tema bíblico.
ESCRITURA: GÉNESIS 2: 18-25; SALMO 19: 7-10; 1 CORINTIOS 2:14-15; EFESIOS 5:22-33; 2 TIMOTEO 3:16-4:5; HEBREOS 4:12; 13:4; 1 PEDRO 1:25; 2 PEDRO 1:19-21
AFIRMAMOS: que Dios creó a cada persona por igual a su imagen. Como portadores de la imagen divina, todas las personas tienen un valor y una dignidad inestimables ante Dios y merecen honor, respeto y protección. Todos han sido creados por Dios y para Dios.
NEGAMOS: que los roles dados por Dios, el estatus socio económico, el origen étnico, la religión, el sexo o la condición física o cualquier otra propiedad de una persona nieguen o contribuyan al valor de ese individuo como portador de la imagen de Dios.
ESCRITURA: GÉNESIS 1:26-30; 2:18-22; 9:6; 2 CORINTIOS 5:17; COLOSENSES 1:21-22
AFIRMAMOS: que ya que él es santo, justo y justo, Dios requiere que aquellos que llevan su imagen vivan justamente en el mundo. Esto incluye mostrar el respeto apropiado a cada persona y dar a cada uno lo que le corresponde. Afirmamos que las sociedades deben establecer leyes para corregir las injusticias que se han impuesto a través del prejuicio cultural.
NEGAMOS: que la verdadera justicia pueda ser definida culturalmente o que los estándares de justicia que son meramente construidos socialmente pueden imponerse con la misma autoridad que los que se derivan de las Escrituras. Además, negamos que los cristianos puedan vivir justamente en el mundo bajo cualquier principio que no sea el estándar bíblico de justicia. El relativismo, los estándares de verdad o moralidad socialmente construidos, y las nociones de virtud y vicio que están en constante cambio no pueden dar como resultado una justicia auténtica.
Puede leer el resto de la declaración en el sitio web aquí. El fundador de Pulpit & Pen, JD Hall, cuya iglesia abandonó la Convención Bautista del Sur por el tema de Justicia Social a principios de este año, firmó la declaración. 
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urbanchristiannews · 6 years
Dr. Josh Buice: Why I Can’t Call a Mormon a Brother in Christ
Dr. Josh Buice: Why I Can’t Call a Mormon a Brother in Christ
Yesterday I had lunch with a very kind and gracious man in our community. This man is a committed member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In short, my friend is a Mormon. He was respectful, gracious, and I enjoyed our conversation very much. However, at one point the conversation shifted and he asked me if I was willing to call him a brother in Christ?
I explained that we both…
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