#Joseph Booth
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almanach-international · 10 days ago
15 janvier : Chilembwe, le héros du Malawi
Chaque 15 janvier, le Malawi rend hommage à l'un des premiers Africains à s'être battu contre les injustices coloniales. En janvier 1915, alors que son pays s’appelait de Nyasaland, le pasteur baptiste John Chilembwe avait lancé une révolte contre la colonisation anglaise, mais contrairement à ses attentes la population ne s’est pas levée en masse contre l’occupant, certains de ses lieutenants ont fait défection. La loi martiale est instaurée et la répression, féroce, menée notamment par une milice de colons, la Nyasaland Volunteer Reserve, contraint Chilembwe à fuir vers ce qui est aujourd’hui le Mozambique. La plupart des rebelles sont exécutés sans procès et Chilembwe est abattu le 3 février 1915.
Cette première révolte du futur Malawi a échoué car elle a été lancée à une époque où le discours anti-colonial était encore balbutiant, mais John Chilembwe n’a pas été sans héritier. Il a inspiré de nombreux militants de la cause des Noirs comme le jamaïcain Marcus Garvey, le penseur panafricain qui fera carrière aux États-Unis ou John Langalibalele Dube, lefondateur de ce qui est devenu l'African National Congress (ANC) en Afrique du Sud.
Lui-même, John Chilembwe que l’on honore aujourd’hui au Malawi, a été influencé par le missionnaire britannique Joseph Booth qui voulait rendre l’Afrique aux Africains. Chilembwe est devenu l'un des premiers protégés de Booth, et tous deux se sont rendus aux États-Unis, où Chliemwe a étudié la théologie en Virginie. Pendant son séjour aux États-Unis, il a été témoin des luttes des Afro-Américains dans les années qui ont suivi l'abolition de l'esclavage. De retour au Malawi, Chilembwe, devenu pasteur a travaillé à l'établissement d'une mission à Chiradzulu. Il a construit une église en briques, plusieurs écoles et planté des cultures de coton, de thé et de café, avec le soutien financier de la National Baptist Convention.
Mais, le pasteur Chilembwe s’est heurté à l’obscurantisme des grands propriétaires terrien anglais, en particulier, William Jervis Livingstone (un cousin de l’explorateur David Livingstone), qui détruisit les écoles construites par Chilembwe. Le Nyassaland était un protectorat britannique depuis 1907, les colons britanniques s’approprièrent massivement les terres communautaires, forçant les autochtones à travailler gratuitement pour eux. L’idée d’éduquer la population leur était insupportable. C’est dans ce contexte qu’est née la révolte de janvier 1915. Un soulèvement violent comme l’était le système mis en place par les Anglais. William Jervis Livingstone sera tué et décapité, plusieurs fermes de colons incendiées. Le 24 janvier, John Chilembwe dirige un service religieux dans l’église de sa mission, à l’extérieur de laquelle la tête de Livingstone est exhibée, empalée sur un poteau… mais la révolte échoua et Chilembwe sera tué par les autorités.
Le Malawi n’obtiendra son indépendance qu’un demi-siècle plus tard,  1964. Il a fait de John Chilembwe (1871-1915) un de ses héros et du 15 janvier le Chilembwe Day. Au Malawi, des rues portent son nom, il figure sur des timbres et un billet de banque. Même les Britanniques ont fini par lui rendre hommage : sa statue, une œuvre de l’artiste malawien de Samson Kambalu, a été exposée de 2022 à 2024 sur le quatrième socle de Trafalgar Square, au cœur de Londres, qui accueille temporairement des œuvres d’art contemporaines depuis 1998. 
Un article de l'Almanach international des éditions BiblioMonde, 15 janvier 2025
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newyorkthegoldenage · 1 month ago
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Sound-absorbing phone booths were a new feature in the newly-opened Sixth Avenue Subway, December 16, 1940. I hope they were absorbing the sound from the trains, not the phone users.
Photo: Joseph Costa for the NY Daily News via Getty Images
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pedroam-bang · 3 months ago
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Sin City: A Dame To Kill For (2014)
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sammybrrr · 1 month ago
The boys❤️
Credit: childrenofthenight9 on insta
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gatutor · 1 month ago
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Richard Attenborough-James Booth-Shirley MacLaine "Los pecados de la señora Blossom" (The bliss of mrs. Blossom) 1969, de Joseph McGrath.
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abs0luteb4stard · 4 months ago
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ulrichgebert · 9 months ago
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Die immer wieder ganz besonders niedliche Eheanbahnungskomödie The Matchmaker können wir diesmal als außerordentlich verspäteten Gedenkfilm für Robert Morse (hier angekündigt) und als Auftakt der Feirlichkeiten zum 90. Geburtstag von Shirley McLaine (am 24. April) verwenden, sowie als Vorbereitung fürs Musiktheater.
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ozu-teapot · 2 years ago
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The Strange Case of the End of Civilization as We Know It | Joseph McGrath | 1977
Connie Booth
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bonescaps · 1 year ago
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i-love-def-leppard · 1 year ago
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mariocki · 2 years ago
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The Saint: The Russian Prisoner (5.3, ITC, 1966)
"This is not a joke! I am very angry."
"Well, you could have fooled me."
"I warn you! If any of our diplomatically immune guests press charges..."
"You'll put me in jail?"
"With the greatest of pleasure."
#the saint#the russian prisoner#itc#1966#leslie charteris#john llewellyn moxey#harry w. junkin#roger moore#penelope horner#joseph fürst#guy deghy#yootha joyce#godfrey quigley#anthony booth#robert crewdson#sandor elès#raymond adamson#alexis chesnakov#william buck#perhaps it's a reflection on the longevity of this series or its popularity with actors but (Yootha aside) pretty much everyone#in the cast had made Saint appearances before‚ many of them more than once (and Adamson and Fürst had actually appeared together in#2.11 and Fürst and Deghy in 2.27!). After two original scripts we're back to an actual Charteris adaptation‚ from a short story by the same#name. it's an educated guess‚ but given the wealth of bts photos available and some other small clues i suspect this may have been the#first colour episode to go into production. it's a fun one too! Simon gets to have a lot of fun playing adventurer in a cold war set up#and has some killer lines and moments (including a flippant attempt at passing himself off as a Swiss naval commander). Deghy's inspector#kleinhaus is in fact a returning character (from all the way back in 1.5 The Loaded Tourist‚ making this surely the longest gap in the#series between a character's appearances) altho he's much less trusting of Simon here (what happened in those intervening years..)#still it's a nice bit of continuity. lovely lovely Sandor Elès had played a very similar character in a previous ep as a hotel receptionist#but unless he was transferred from Paris to Geneva they aren't the same character..
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fromthestacks · 2 years ago
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That Dirty Black Bag season 1
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pedroam-bang · 2 years ago
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Sin City: A Dame To Kill For (2014)
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ajl1963 · 2 months ago
Astaire & Rogers and the 1930s Aesthetic Part One: Flying Down to Rio
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gatutor · 1 year ago
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James Booth-Shirley MacLaine "Los pecados de la señora Blossom" (The bliss of mrs. Blossom) 1969, de Joseph McGrath.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months ago
"Automobile thieves are closely allied with bandits, and the lingoes of the two are closely interwoven. Many of the terms have ancient origins, but later usage has given them special, and often different, significances. Laying out the route of escape before consummating a robbery comes under casing. Yet to case also covers the preliminary work of watching the employees of a bank (or other mark.) Following a pay-roll, watching a jewelry store, tailing (not trailing, so often used erroneously) a jewelry salesman, or a mail-truck-all these activities come under the heading of casing. "Give it a case." "Has it been cased?" "Casing a mark without getting a rank" is the most difficult part of a robbery. Rooting implies that several men are going out on robbery bent. "Come on! Let's root against that jug to-day." "Larry got shot rooting single- handed." Root belongs to the old yeggs, but during the war there was very little rough stealing in this country, and the term fell into disuse. Then along about 1919 or 1920 it started to come back, but as the property of the young bandits who first stole automobiles, and then rooted on some bank, pay-roll, or mail-truck.
To gat-up means to hold up a person or place with a gun. Gat indicates a revolver or rod as distinguished from a long rod, a rifle. Its origin comes from this: Many cats once worked in the harvest fields of the Middle West. Cats are itinerant workers, the fringe of the hobo, bum, and yegg outfits, who beat their way on freight-trains. Traveling from the fields after the harvest, many of them often crowded into one box-car. Into this car came men intent on harvesting the harvesters. With drawn guns these men, usually two in number, would force the cats to surrender their earnings and then order them to leave the car by leaping from the side door. "There wuz cats strung out for a mile along that drag." The term catting up was applied to this pastime by the profession. Those employed in it were known as cat-up men. Soon cat was corrupted to gat. The latter has been derived, by some authorities, from
Gatling (gun), but probably erroneously. Rap is very prevalent. A rap used to be a definite charge placed against a man. The man might be either in jail or hunted as a fugitive. "Naw, he can't show-up around Minnie [Minneapolis] on account of that jug rap he's wanted for." A rapper was the main witness against a man. "If we could only pull the rapper off, then they wouldn't have no beef against him." But lately rap means any sort of betrayal or indiscretion. "Aw don't rap to that guy; he's wrong." "Why, I been rapping to him for years -I didn't know he's turned queer!" Rap and tumble are to-day synonyms: "I rapped to him and he didn't give me a tumble." Formerly tumble was akin to fall, to get a "jolt in the stir."
But for brevity and terseness I believe the following is worthy of a high award. The prison chaplain had inquired of a burglar the cause of his predicament. The answer is a prison classic: "I was prowling a private, an' I got a rumble and a rank, zowie! I'm ditched for fifteen flat, an' on a bum beef!" A bum beef, in the patois of the profes- sion, means that the gentleman was innocent.
- Ernest Booth, "The Language of the Underworld," in Joseph Lewis French, ed., Gray Shadows. New York: The Century Co., 1931. p. 164-166
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