#Jordan parrish x female reader
soulofapatrick · 4 months
They Find Out You're Pregnant: Teen Wolf Boys part one
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Summary: How each boy finds out you're pregnant
Words: 4K altogether
warnings: unplanned pregnancy but mostly fluff
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As I step into the bedroom, I sense the tension thick in the air, swirling around Stiles like a storm cloud. He’s curled up on the bed, facing away from me, and I can tell he’s not asleep despite the lack of his usual cute little snores. His shoulders rise and fall with a rhythm that betrays a restlessness I’ve come to recognise all too well.
“Sti, baby?” I press, desperation creeping into my voice. I need him to look at me, to see past whatever wall he’s built between us. Cold eyes and a scowl meet my gaze when he finally turns to face me, and it feels like knives piercing my heart.
“Stiles, what did I do?” I press on, desperate for him to look at me, to see those beautiful brown eyes and his cute little nose and his quirky little smile that has me feeling giddy. Instead, I’m met with cold eyes and a scowl as he burrows further into the bed as if he wants to disappear and it breaks my heart. 
“You know what you’ve done, asshole!” His words sting, buried back in the pillow, yet his pain is palpable. It’s then that I realise — he’s found the test. The pregnancy test I took last night, discarded in the bin, not thinking Stiles would see it until I was ready. Dread settles in my stomach as I know what he must think as we haven’t done anything for a few weeks as the full moon happened and now boom, pregnant test. 
“Sti, listen to me.” With resolve, I move closer, needing him to understand. He tries to evade me, but I’m quicker, using my werecoyote strength to turn him onto his back. We wrestle for a few moment, not wanting to make Stiles feel utterly powerless, until the fight in him leaves and I’m straddling his waist, holding his arms down gently but firmly. 
“Mieczyslaw Noah Stilinski,” I use his full name, a last resort to get through to him, and his resistance finally melts away. His tear-filled eyes meet mine, vulnerability shining through the facade of anger. 
“Stiles, baby… Stiles, I’m a coyote,” I start, trying to explain the complexities he may not fully grasp or have thought of. He nods, his expression pained, as if bracing for the worst, “We have heats and ruts. Stiles, that test was mine.” The weight of my words hangs heavy in the air between us. His blush telling me he’s embarrassed, but he’s trying to understand. 
“You’re pregnant?” His voice is quiet, laced with a mixture of hope and disbelief. I just nod, feeling a rush of relief that the truth is finally out. 
“Yes Stiles. I’m pregnant with our child.” I say it plainly letting the enormity of the revelation sink in. His reaction is immediate— he sits up abruptly, catching me off guard with a headbutt that he seems oblivious to in his rush to kiss me.
The kiss is desperate, passionate, a floodgate of emotions breaking open. Stiles’s hands find their way to my waist, pulling me closer as if he's afraid I might disappear. My hands cup his face, fingers trembling slightly with a mix of relief and apprehension. His lips move against mine with a hunger that matches my own, seeking reassurance and connection in the midst of uncertainty. Every touch, every caress speaks volumes—of love, of fear, of hope.
When we finally pull apart, breathless and flushed, our foreheads lean against each other, eyes closed as we try to catch our breath. My fingers thread through his hair, tangling in the messy strands that I’ve come to adore. Stiles’s hands linger on my waist, his touch grounding me in the reality of our shared moment.
The intimacy is interrupted by the sudden creak of the bedroom door opening, a stark reminder of the world outside our bubble of emotions. We break apart reluctantly, turning to see Noah Stilinski standing there, his expression a mix of surprise and concern. His gaze flickers between us, understanding dawning slowly as he takes in the scene before him.
"I... I need to go sit down to wrap my head around this," he says softly, his voice thick with unspoken questions and paternal worry. With a brief nod to us both, he retreats downstairs, leaving Stiles and me staring at each other in a mixture of disbelief and joy.
"Fuck!" Stiles breathes out, a nervous laugh escaping him as he runs a hand through his hair, still trying to process everything. I can’t help but chuckle softly, the tension easing as we share a moment of raw, unfiltered emotion.
Our hands find each other naturally, fingers intertwining as we sit. The weight of what lies ahead hangs heavy in the air, but so does the undeniable bond between us. Stiles turns to me, his eyes searching mine for reassurance, for confirmation that we're in this together.
"Are you okay?" he finally asks, his voice soft yet filled with a myriad of emotions—love, concern, excitement, and a touch of fear.
I squeeze his hand gently, offering him a reassuring smile. "I'm okay. We're okay," I assure him, knowing that while the road ahead won't be easy, we have each other to lean on.
Stiles leans in, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead, a silent promise of his commitment and love. "I love you," he murmurs against my skin, his words a soothing balm to the uncertainties swirling around us.
"I love you too," I reply softly, feeling a surge of warmth and gratitude for the man beside me, the father of our unborn child.
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I sit nervously on the edge of Scott's bed, my legs bouncing with restless energy as I clutch onto the small gift box in my lap. Each breath feels strained, the anticipation of his arrival causing my heart to pound relentlessly against my ribs. The room is cloaked in a hushed stillness, broken only by the soft murmur of the night seeping through the open window, casting shadows across the room.
The door creaks open, and Scott steps into the room, his brow furrowing in concern as he takes in my anxious posture. “Baby? What's going on?" His voice is gentle, a beacon of calm in the midst of my swirling emotions as he crosses the room to stand before me.
I inhale deeply, trying to steady my trembling hands as I extend the gift box towards him. "Scott, I... I got you something," I manage to say, my voice wavering with nerves that betray the weight of what lies within.
He accepts the box with a curious tilt of his head, settling beside me on the bed. His fingers trace the edges of the wrapping paper, his expression shifting from curiosity to confusion as he uncovers the smaller box nestled within.
Opening it, his breath catches in his throat as he sees the pregnancy test lying inside. The reality of the situation crashes over us like a tidal wave, and I watch his eyes widen with shock and disbelief.
"Scott, I... I got you something," I manage to say, my voice betraying the turmoil within. He accepts the box with a curious expression, eyebrows quirking as I always call him Scotty not Scott, his fingers careful as he begins to unwrap it.
As he peels back the layers of wrapping paper, confusion clouds his features, replaced by disbelief when he reveals the smaller box inside. His breath catches in his throat as he opens it, revealing the pregnancy test nestled within. The implications hit him like a tidal wave, and I watch as shock ripples through him, his eyes widening with a mix of emotions.
The initial shock gives way to concern, his brows furrowing as he processes the reality before him. A flicker of fear crosses his face, accompanied by a tentative hope that he struggles to grasp amidst the overwhelming news. His gaze shifts from the test to me and back again, searching for words that seem to elude him in the moment.
"Scott," I begin softly, tears welling in my eyes as I reach out to touch his hand, seeking connection in the midst of our shared uncertainty. "I'm pregnant."
The words hang heavy in the air, a palpable silence settling between us as he absorbs the weight of my revelation. His hand tightens around mine, a gesture of both support and seeking solace in the face of the unknown.
"Are you... sure?" he finally manages to ask, his voice a whisper laced with disbelief. He meets my gaze, his eyes filled with a mixture of awe and apprehension, struggling to comprehend the enormity of what lies ahead for us.
I nod slowly, my own voice trembling as I reaffirm, "Yes, Scott. It's yours."
He pulls me into his arms, holding me close as if to anchor himself amidst the whirlwind of emotions crashing over us. His touch is gentle yet firm, a testament to his resolve to face this unexpected turn in our lives together.
"I... I don't know what to say," he admits quietly against my hair, his breath warm against my skin. "But we'll figure this out. Together."
I close my eyes, tears streaming down my cheeks as I cling to him, overwhelmed by a rush of relief and gratitude for his steadfast presence. In that intimate moment, sitting on his bed with the pregnancy test between us, I find solace in the certainty that no matter the challenges ahead, having Scott by my side fills me with a deep sense of hope and determination. 
“I love you so much.”
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I stand by the window in Derek's loft, the city lights twinkling in the distance, but my mind is consumed by a different kind of sparkle—a mixture of hope and fear that knots my stomach. The thought had been creeping in lately, a hunch I couldn't shake off, but anxiety held me back from taking the test. What if it wasn't the right time? What if Derek wasn't ready?
Derek enters the room, his presence a comforting solidity in the midst of my swirling thoughts. His sharp gaze locks onto me, sensing my unease despite my attempt at composure.
"Hey," he says softly, his voice a soothing balm that momentarily eases my nerves.
I turn to face him, trying to hide the turmoil beneath a forced smile. "Hi," I reply, my voice catching slightly.
He takes a step closer, concern etched into the lines of his brow. "Are you okay?" he asks, his tone gentle yet probing.
I hesitate, unsure how to voice the uncertainty gnawing at me. "I... I've been feeling off lately," I finally admit, my gaze flickering away from his intense scrutiny.
His expression softens, understanding dawning in his eyes as he pieces together my unspoken words. "You think..." he begins, his voice trailing off as he seems to catch on to the implications.
I nod slowly, unable to meet his gaze as tears well up in my eyes. "I think I might be pregnant," I confess in a hushed tone, the weight of the admission hanging heavy in the air.
Derek's breath catches, his shoulders stiffening imperceptibly before he takes a deep breath, closing the distance between us in a few long strides. He pulls me into his arms, holding me close as if to shield me from the uncertainties swirling around us.
"I had a feeling," he admits quietly against my hair, his voice a mixture of awe and tenderness. "But I didn't want to push you.” 
Relief floods through me at his understanding, his acceptance offering a lifeline in the sea of doubt. "I've been scared," I confess, burying my face against his chest as tears spill over. "Scared of how you'd react.”
Derek's arms tighten around me, his embrace offering reassurance and warmth. "I'm here," he murmurs, his voice a promise. "Whatever happens, we'll face it together.”
In that vulnerable moment, surrounded by Derek's comforting presence, I feel a surge of courage. Slowly, I pull back, meeting his gaze with a tentative smile. "I think I should take the test," I say softly, my voice wavering with a mix of hope and apprehension.
He nods, his expression unwavering as he brushes a stray tear from my cheek. "Let's find out," he agrees, his voice steady. Moments later, we stand in the bathroom, the air thick with anticipation. I take the test, heart hammering in my chest as I wait for the result. When the faint positive line appears, tears of joy and relief spill down my cheeks.
I emerge from the bathroom, the test in trembling hands, and Derek's eyes lock onto mine. Without a word, he crosses the room in quick strides, falling to his knees before me. His hands gently push my shirt up, his lips pressing tender kisses against my barely-there bump.
Emotion swells within me—tension and uncertainty giving way to a rush of overwhelming love and tenderness. Derek's actions speak volumes, his touch a promise of unwavering support and boundless affection.
"I love you," he murmurs against my stomach, his voice reverent and filled with awe. 
Tears blur my vision as I run my fingers through his hair, overwhelmed by the depth of his emotions. "I love you too," I whisper, feeling the weight of our shared journey settling into a tender certainty.
In that intimate moment, surrounded by love and hope, I know that no matter what lies ahead, Derek and I will face it together, our bond strengthened by the miracle growing within me.
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I stand in the hallway of Liam's house, clutching the pregnancy test tightly in my hand. The hallway feels strangely quiet, the air heavy with anticipation and nerves. Liam had just returned from a late-night patrol with Scott, and I knew I had to tell him, but the fear of his reaction kept me rooted in place.
The front door creaks open, and Liam steps inside, his exhaustion evident in the lines of his face and the weariness in his movements. His eyes meet mine, concern flickering across his features as he senses my tension.
"Hey, what's going on?" he asks softly, his voice filled with genuine worry as he approaches me.
I take a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I hold out the pregnancy test towards him. "Liam, we need to talk," I manage to say, my voice trembling with nerves.
He takes the test from me, confusion clouding his expression as he examines it. Recognition dawns slowly, his eyes widening with shock as he realises what it means. The test falls from his hands, forgotten, as he turns to face me, his mouth opening and closing wordlessly.
"Are... are you serious?" he finally manages to ask, his voice cracking with emotion. His hands tremble slightly as he reaches out to touch my arm, seeking confirmation amidst the whirlwind of thoughts racing through his mind.
I nod slowly, tears welling up in my eyes as I meet his gaze with a mix of fear and hope. "Yes, Liam. I'm pregnant," I admit softly, the weight of the truth hanging heavy in the space between us.
His breath hitches, his eyes never leaving mine as he struggles to process the enormity of the news. "But how...?" he begins, his voice trailing off as he searches for the right words.
“Well, when a man and woman love each other a lot-“ I start to say and he rolls his eyes playfully, punching me in the arm lightly so I continue, joking aside, ”I... I didn't know for sure until now," I explain, tears suddenly welling up in my eyes as I try to convey the intensity of my emotions. "But I had a feeling, and I finally took the test."
Liam wraps his arms around me suddenly, pulling me close as if he's afraid I might slip away. "I... I don't know what to say," he admits against my hair, his voice thick with a mix of disbelief and overwhelming love.
Tears of relief mingle with the uncertainty that still lingers between us, but in that moment, held in Liam's embrace, I know that we'll face whatever comes next together. Our journey into parenthood may be unexpected and filled with challenges, but knowing Liam is by my side fills me with a profound sense of strength and hope for our future.
As we stand there in the hallway, wrapped in each other's arms, I feel a wave of gratitude for the love we share and the new life growing within me—a testament to our bond and the possibilities that lie ahead.
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The first rays of dawn peek through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over Isaac's bedroom. I wake slowly, cocooned in warmth and the comforting weight of Isaac's arm draped protectively over me. His steady heartbeat beneath my ear lulls me into a serene half-awake state, where for a fleeting moment, everything feels perfect.
"Morning," Isaac murmurs sleepily, his voice husky with sleep as he brushes his nose across my shoulder before pressing a kiss there, loosening his grip on me so I can roll over and face the surly haired werewolf, feeling at peace and oh so in love.
I smile softly, relishing the tranquility of the moment before reality nudges its way into my consciousness. But, of course, as if on cue, a subtle queasiness stirs in my stomach, a sensation I’ve been experiencing the last few days. Panic flares briefly, but I try to dismiss it, not wanting to disturb the peace between us.
Isaac senses my restlessness, his gaze searching mine with concern. "You okay sweetheart?" he asks gently, his thumb brushing lightly over my cheek.
I nod slightly, swallowing down the rising unease. "Just... feeling a bit off," I admit reluctantly, not wanting to worry him unnecessarily.
But before I can say more, a sudden wave of nausea grips me, and I bolt out of bed with startling urgency, breaking free from Isaac's embrace. "I... I'll be right back," I manage to choke out, mouth watering warningly, my voice strained as I hurriedly make my way to the ensuite bathroom.
Isaac's confusion turns to alarm as he watches me go, the sound of my retching echoing through the closed door. He's by my side in an instant, his concern overriding any sense of personal space as he pushes open the door to find me leaning heavily over the toilet.
"What's wrong?" he asks urgently, his hands hovering anxiously over me as he assesses the situation.
I lean over the toilet, gasping for breath as I struggle to regain my composure. "I don’t know, ive been sic every morning for the last week. I can’t stand certain food anymore… I just want ice cream” I’m suddenly crying, my voice barely audible over the rush of emotions.
Isaac's eyes widen in shock, his hand coming to rest gently on my back as he kneels beside me. “Baby, are you… are we pregnant?” he repeats incredulously, the reality of my words sinking in slowly.
Those tears just stream down my cheeks harder, unable to process what Isaac is saying but somewhere deep in my gut knowing he’s right. "I've been feeling off for a while," I explain haltingly, the weight of the confession hanging heavy in the air. “But I thought it was a bug. Didn’t want to worry you.”
He pulls me into his arms, holding me close as if to shield me from the uncertainty that now defines our future. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" he murmurs against my hair, his voice thick with a mixture of awe and concern.
"I didn't want to worry you," I repeat softly, my heart aching with the fear of his reaction and the overwhelming rush of emotions coursing through me.
Isaac's embrace tightens around me, his touch a reassuring anchor amidst the whirlwind of uncertainty. "We'll figure this out," he reassures me, his voice steady and filled with determination, “I want to start a family with you.” 
“You do?” 
“I am in love with you. Only you.” 
“I’m in love with you too.”
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I lie in bed, tossing and turning, my stomach churning with waves of nausea, sweating and just feeling generally shit. The clock ticks relentlessly, each passing minute feeling like an eternity as I wait for Jordan to return from work. I've been feeling off for days now, a probable stomach bug or stress from all the shit that has been happening in Beacon Hills recently. 
The front door finally creaks open, and I hear Jordan's familiar footsteps padding down the hallway. Relief washes over me as he enters the bedroom, his presence a comforting presence in the dimly lit room. He quickly strips down to his boxers before he slips under the covers beside me, his warmth immediately soothing.
His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me back against his chest, relief washing through me as if he can heal me with just his touch. In my drowsy state, I lean into his touch, seeking solace in his embrace. His hand rests flat against my stomach, and I wince slightly at the sensation but some of the nausea fades and a soft sigh of relief escapes me.
"Jordan," I murmur, my voice thick with sleep and discomfort.
He shifts slightly, making me roll onto my back to face him. His bright eyes search mine, concern etched in his furrowed brow. "When were you going to tell me?" he asks softly, his voice tinged with a hint of worry. His hand cupping my jaw, thumb brushing lovingly over my fever flushed cheek.
Confusion knots my brow as I try to make sense of his question. "Tell you what?" I manage to ask, my voice laced with exhaustion and confusion.
His gaze lingers on me, his expression softening as realisation slowly dawns in his eyes. “Sunshine…” his breath comes out in a soft gasp, “Sunshine, you’re pregnant," he states quietly, his voice filled with a mix of awe and certainty.
My breath catches in my throat, my heart skipping a beat at his words. "What?" I whisper, stunned by the revelation.
Jordan's hand slides from my cheek down to my stomach, his touch gentle yet purposeful. "I can sense it," he explains quietly, his fingers tracing a soothing pattern against my skin. “I… I don’t know how but I can sense it… I can feel the change in you."
Tears well up in my eyes, a rush of emotions overwhelming me—surprise, disbelief, and a flicker of hope. "I... I didn't know," I admit softly, my voice trembling with the weight of his words, “I thought it was the flu.”
He leans closer, his forehead resting against mine. "It's okay," he murmurs, his breath warm against my lips. “I love you baby, we’re gonna have a baby.”
He’s shuffling around until he’s laying on his back, my head resting on his chest as he knows how soothing his heartbeat can be, especially when I can’t sleep and before I know it I’m drifting off to sleep with one thought on my mind. 
“You’re gonna be the best dad ever.” 
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Teen Wolf Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
@alexxavicry @guacam011y @fandom-princess-forevermore @bellatrixxmarierose
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(Teen Wolf x reader)
summary: You wanted a normal life, this isn't normal.
warning: reaincarnation, death, mention of death, overpowered reader, mentien of yn, no name to the reader, maybe poly relationshipes, blood.werewolf. some Angst. Futur Spoliers, for both the series and movie. Some changes in the story. First time writting about teen wolf, some characters are out of character
Chapter 1: Not so broken promise.
_You promised!
You looked at God, for the first time since you had become his messager to the "New world". No, not like the old one, where you used to live, a new earth. An earth that hasn't been destroyed by humans, not yet at least.
You were to protect his favorite beens the humans, from all the other creatures that lived inside and outside the planet. That humans didn't known about, and shouldn't know, no matter the consequences, in exchange he would give you a normal life, somewhere in another dimension.
You didn't care where to go, you just wanted a life,no fighting, a life where you can be selfish. Where you can buy a cottage near the ocean or forest, and maybe start a family, adopt a kid or two. You don't want to get marry so adoption was you solition.
_I know, I know...but..
His voice was inside your head, and you didn't know if it was a female or male. All you you could get from it, was how tired it was.
_but what?
You were tired too, but did you stop, NO, you fought for centuries until the humanity was able to protect itself, and he rewarded by trapping you inside a cube, a fucking cube....You know now how Morpheus felt like.
_but you are my best soldier!
The earth benith you start shaking, and you knew he stood up, or maybe just his hands that moved in frustration.It would have scared you, and it should had,if you weren't blinded by rage.
_I never signed up for this!
True you never signed for any of this, one day you just woke up, and boom you become God's soldier. Three years later he come and ask you to do the dirty job, killing and turtoring. The first time you engaged in a fight, you come back bruised and at the verge of death, and the more and more you continue, the more powerfull you become , making you lean more into your sadistic part, and that when God come again, and offored something you had were greedy for.
It started with money, and when you were bored of. He offered to give you a family,and the more time past the more you start craving something normal, and God given it to you, except peace, that was the only thing God couldn't give you. The peace to wake up and not have to fight, and you should have known better than to beleive him, when he promised to let you go, once the humans are able to protect themselves.
The power you hold was immense and unbreakbale but to God, it was nothing.
He could have taken it anytime he wanted,so Haven't he?
You shacked you head disapointed, and soon as you meet his "eyes" you found youself doubting him more and more.
Was the devil right, when he said that God was not what you were seeing. At that time, you called him liar, because at that time centuries had passed, and God, who you saw as a friend was the only thing that didn't leave, die, or change.
Now you found yourself, believing the devil over your "friend". Maybe you should have listened to him, and killed yourself. Instead of getting your heart broken, so loudly, that all heaven could hear it. Just like how they can hear him break his promise.
A loud sigh could be here. Before thunder and storm start to pick up.
He screamed, waving his hand encouraging the storm to get stronger, and if it wasn't for your power, you would have been flying like the little angels...poor them.
Seconds passed, and you closed you eyes waiting for punishment for standing against God. No one defien him, no one dared to, and you just did.
Once the storm calmed, you opened your eyes to find yourself, in the middle of a living room. Your dream living room.
Your face light up, as a smile starr to grow more and more, to a point where you face start to hurt, but you couldn't help it.
Jumping around you inspeckted every peace of the room, before running like a headless chiken to see the other room.
There was one kitchen, six bedroom, and each had it own bathroom and balcony. A garden with it door open to the kitchen.
OMG You were jumping around, shringing.
And it was no longer a wish or a dream!
You couldn't beleive it.
_Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You kept screaming, thanking God, for keeping his promise.
Maybe he really wasn't a liar, after all!
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hersie44 · 1 year
Old Friends (Derek Hale x Reader)
Characters included: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate, Jordan Parrish, Noah Stilinski, Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Liam Dunbar.
Requested: No
Type: Reader insert (no use of y/n though), fan fiction.
Word Count: 2480 words
warning: Strong language used, SMUT (Oral - Female receiving, P in V and dominance kink, slight choking kink), 18+ content. Minors do not interact.
Note: Sorry for no chapters these last few weeks, I am terrible at time keeping honestly. I was also dying from a lung infection for a month or so but I lived so here we are.
Chapter Four: Final Chapter.
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A drive to Mexico was definitely on my date list but not to save a kid from becoming a “monster.”  Derek has been silent the whole trip, hand on my thigh while I play with his fingers. I could tell that he was worried, there was nothing we could do as humans besides shoot things, I guess that’s why Derek had a handgun in my lap.
It made me nervous, having a weapon in my lap. Something about the thought of killing someone or something is making my stomach turn in knots, not in a good way. But this was Derek’s pack in some way, he'd deny it if I said it out loud, but he was never made to be a lone wolf. His mom, his sisters wouldn't want him to end up all alone. I wouldn't want him to be alone.
“It’s okay, Scott is strong.” I finally spoke and I could see Derek’s eyes glance at me before focusing back on the road, his hand squeezed my thigh in response.
"Derek...please say something." I pleaded, I hadn't heard his voice in hours, and it put me on edge. Were we really going to be okay without any supernatural abilities?
"You'll be safe. I promise." His hand moved away from my thigh and gripped my hand, our fingers lacing together. Then there was silence again...
When we got close to the temple there was a lot of people, hunters I was assuming. Derek stopped the car a bit further away, the breath he was holding in finally left his lungs. That was when he looked at me, his hand gripping the gun tightly before placing it in my hands.
“Keep yourself safe, don’t leave the car. Promise me.” He was looking directly into my eyes, and I could see the silent plea in them.
‘Don’t leave me, don’t die.’
I nodded. Somehow, I knew that if something happened to him, I would run in without a thought, I knew that he knew that too. But he didn’t make me say that promise, he sealed my lips with his instead. It felt different, not like our usual kisses that sent a delicious sensation up my spine. It felt like a good-bye.
When he pulled back, he moved me into the backseat, making me lie down and covering me with a blanket. It was hard to breathe, an elephant sitting on my chest that got heavier with each soft caress of my skin from him.
He lifted his hand away from me and I instinctively grabbed it. My heart was pounding in my ears, adrenaline rushing through my veins.
"You have to promise to be safe too, I can't lose you. I just got you back, Derek. Please." He smiled slightly, leaning down, and pecking my lips.
"You know I struggle to keep promises. But...how about I promise to come back to you, no matter what. I will come back to you, I promise." I nodded; I was satisfied with that. He will come back; he will come back. I repeated that to myself over and over again.
Then his hand left me, the door of the car closed and then there was silence. A deafening silence. His presence wasn’t there to keep me company, to keep my mind away from all the terrible things that could happen to the kids. That could happen to him. I started to count the seconds…
I heard the voices in the distance getting louder…
There were several gun shots going off…
I sat up, looking in the distance at the temple. There stood a blonde in front of Derek, but then she changed. Shifted into something that I didn’t recognize, then she pounced on him. I screamed, banging on the car door, and pulling on the handle to try and open it but it wouldn’t budge. Without thinking I lifted my legs, kicking the back window as hard as possible. I kicked and kicked, then finally it launched off the car and I crawled out.
I ran towards them, my heart pounding in my ears. I was too late. Derek laid there bloody, his hand on his stomach and breathing heavily with the woman, the monster in front of him. It was like it sensed me, it turned around and that was when my blood ran cold.
“Kate…” Her eyes roamed all over me, a chill going up my spine as she grinned.
“Hey bestie, long time no see.” As she stalked towards me, I held up the gun, she paused and feigned a sad look.
“Really? A guy over your best friend? What happened to letting me have him?” I gritted my teeth; I remembered that promise. That she had liked him for longer than I did, so I was a good friend and promised to help them get together. After hearing what she did, I’ve regretted that every single moment. I hate her.
I hate her.
One gun shot went off.
Then two, then three. I saw red, I didn’t stop firing as she bolted towards me, she tackled me, and we went to the ground. Her sharp claws were digging into my skin, holding my arms in place.
“You’re such a bitch, fucking backstabber. You shot me over a guy!” I moved my legs and kicked her off me, getting up and hitting her in the face with the gun, she growled and pounced for me again. I punched her in the face, managing to catch her off guard and making her stumble back. I had a lump in my throat, Derek was dying or already dead because of her. His family was dead because of her, I felt something in myself snap as I walked towards her. I picked up the gun again and pointed it at her. No, not her.
This wasn't the Kate I knew; the Kate I knew was fake. She was never my friend, she used to me get close to Derek. To kill him and his family, I will never forgive her for that. I hope she burns in the deepest depths of whatever hell the afterlife has to offer. I hope the Hale family gets to watch her beg for forgiveness before she burns for the rest of eternity, so she can feel what she did to them.
But before I could pull the trigger a dark shadow slammed into her, knocking her to the side. I looked down and saw a wolf standing in front of me, growling at her. I took the chance to look over where Derek was, but to my surprise he was gone.
"Derek?" The wolf huffed as I called out his name, suddenly my grief left my body. He didn't die, he was standing right in front of me. As a wolf.
The wolf, Derek, lunged at Kate. I felt my rage turn into happiness, but a smile took over my lips.
“That’s what you deserve, bitch.” I spat out, watching as he tore her apart. I hoped his family was proud of him, he finally got revenge for the things she did to them. May they now rest in peace.
When it was over, Derek shifted back. I blinked a few times, then red decorated my cheeks. He was naked, completed naked. Though I didn’t have long to admire him, his arms were around me before I could shout at him to cover up. My face was buried in his chest, breathing in his delicious and familiar scent.
“I’m glad you’re safe.” He whispered to me, his hands finding a way under my shirt. His fingers gripping my bare waist tightly. I smiled.
“I’m glad you’re alive and…a wolf?” I glanced up at him, he had a wolfish grin on his face. He has clearly gotten his werewolf abilities back and was ecstatic about it.
“I evolved.” He leans down, kissing my neck.
“Derek…what about Scott?” I bit my lip, his touch was driving me crazy, but we were here for the kids. Not to get his wolf abilities back and then fuck.
“Over here.” I looked over at the entrance to the cave and sighed in relief, there were the kids. Scott, Stiles and two girls that I didn’t recognise but was nevertheless happy to see safe.
“Good.” Without a second thought Derek picked up and threw me over his shoulder, I laughed and screamed a goodbye to the kids who were all fake gagging and laughing.
When we arrived back at the loft, Derek pinned me against the door and kissed me. I let out a moan against his lips, his tongue invading my mouth as soon as my lips parted. His one hand gripped my hair, the other ripping my jeans down the front. His lips moved down to my neck, leaving hickey after hickey on any exposed skin he could find.
“I’ve been waiting for this.” He growled into the crook of my neck, his hands gripping my thighs and lifting me up against the door.
"I don't believe you." I grinned, a defiant look in my eyes as he stared down at me.
"Show me how much you want this."
His eyes changed colour, that deep blue that I saw in the wolf’s eyes appeared and that’s when I knew I was in trouble. With one swoop he ripped my underwear off and lifted me up further, my thighs rested on his shoulders before he buried his face between them.
His tongue flattened against my slit, moving up towards my clit. He let out a low groan, his fingers digging into my thighs.
“Already so wet for me, huh love?” He looked up at me, his tongue swirling around my clit like he was licking the icing off of a cupcake. The way he held me close, the soft groans and growls he let out was driving me more insane than his tongue. My fingers tangled themselves in his hair tugging on them as his tongue moved down to my entrance, my eyes rolling back as he pushed it in.
“Derek!” His right hand gripped my ass and smacked it hard, a loud moan leaving my lips after the contact. His tongue moved expertly inside me, brushing all the right places just as his left hand decided to join his mouth. His index finger found my clit, circling it. Playing with the sensitive bud. Each little movement building me higher until-
He pulls back. I looked down at him in a daze, my chest heaving but not as much as it should be.
“You wanna tease me? Then you only get to cum on my dick.” I was about to protest when he gripped my thighs again, he walked over to his bed and threw me down on it. I left out a little huff and sat up to protest again, that was when his hand wrapped around my throat.
“I know you want to be good for me, so take off my jeans and boxers. I promise to make you cum if you listen.” A shot of arousal went through my body, he sounded so commanding, and I loved it. I loved having him take control.
My hands made quick work of his jeans; the palm of my right hand pressed against his bulge. He let out a low moan, his eyes focused on me as I leaned forward. I could tell he was aching to be inside me, that he probably hasn’t slept with someone in a while. I pulled down his boxers and kisses his tip, licking it lightly which made him hiss and push me down onto the bed. I was pinned, his hand around my throat.
“You are so much of a tease, you know that?” His free hand pushed my thighs apart, “Keep them open, you move them, and I will stop.”
Despite the rough tone he took on, he lightly pressed his tip against my entrance. My breath hitched in the moment, having him slowly push into me felt like I had reached euphoria. His teasing from earlier made me eager and sensitive, he knew that. I could see that he enjoyed the look of pure lust on my face, he leaned down with his free hand propping him up as he began to thrust.
“Fuck…you feel so good around me.” His grip on my throat tightened, restricting just enough oxygen to my brain to make me see stars with each stroke from his dick. He reached heavenly places inside me, knowing how to angle each thrust to hit that delicious spot that had me moaning his name like a prayer.
“Derek…please…” I managed to stutter out a plea as the pleasure continued to build up in my body, that was when his hand left my throat and found it’s way to my lower back. He lifted me up easily and started to thrust faster, practically pounding into me. I clung to him, my nails dragging down his back. Another groan left his lips as he kissed and nipped at my neck, his muscles tightening under his touch.
“Together baby…” I barely held in a scream as I met my climax, my vision blurring while my mind was filled with fog. But I felt it, his seed releasing inside me before his hips stilled. Oh, and it was the most mind-blowing feeling, being claimed as his in such a way.
We were both silent for a moment, only the sound of us breathing filling the air. Then he laid on his side, his arms pulling me with him. He cradled me against him, one hand in my hair and the other wrapped securely around my waist. His thumb drew shapes on my hip, his lips pressing lingering kisses on my jaw and cheek.
“Are you okay?” He spoke softly, as if not to disturb the tender moment that we were having.
“You mean…after the amazing sex or everything else that happened today?” He chuckled, his fingers lifting my chin so that our eyes met.
“Both.” I smiled.
“Yeah…I’m just really happy that we didn’t lose each other again.” He leaned in, resting his forehead against mine.
“Me too. But you know you’re mine now, right?” I laughed, my hands cupping his face.
“You suck at asking people out, Hale.” He raised an eyebrow.
“I bought you books, took you to Mexico and fucked you good. How do I suck?”
“Okay…fine, it was pretty great besides the part where I thought you died.” I pushed him onto his back and straddled his waist, looking down at him. “But ask me properly.”
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He smiled up at me, his hands on my hips. He knew I couldn’t resist him when he smiled.
“I thought you’d never ask.” I laughed and leaned down, sealing our long-awaited relationship with a kiss.
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the-and-sign-anon · 3 years
Supernatural Detector
Jordan Parrish x reader
Word count: 1,293
Parrish didn’t love being paired with Stiles when investigating a supernatural problem, but he handled it. The sheriff’s son was hyperactive and jumpy even on his best days, and searching the woods in the middle of the night meant every snapped twig or rustling branch had him whirling around or hiding behind the deputy. When the pair heard approaching footsteps and Stiles nearly ran right into Parrish, he turned around and grabbed the kid’s shoulder. 
“Stiles, relax.” he raised his flashlight and called out to whoever was there. “Hello? I’m Deputy Parrish with the Beacon County Sheriff’s Department.”
Stiles moved behind Parrish and flinched when a dog jumped out from behind a bush. 
“Careful, I hear dogs can smell fear.”
“Not funny, Parrish.”
The deputy holstered his gun and carefully approached the big black lab. The dog wagged its tail and trotted up to him, letting him reach for the collar around its neck. 
“Don’t touch it!”
“It’s a dog, Stiles. The pack isn’t looking for something that turns into a sweet little lab.”
The dog sat down and licked at Parrish’s hand, but Stiles wasn’t convinced. 
“Maybe it belongs to the shapeshifter. Monsters have pets too, you know.”
Parrish rolled his eyes as he knelt beside the dog and scratched behind its ears. The dog perked up slightly and a second later, the pair heard a voice. 
“Buttercup!” Footsteps grew louder and the voice came again. “Come on, girl. Buttercup!”
Stiles raised his flashlight as you moved out from between two trees, holding a leash in one hand and a light of your own in the other. You stopped and raised a hand to shield your eyes. 
“Hey, sorry. I’m just looking for-” The dog ran past the guys and straight to you. “Buttercup! There you are…” You immediately clipped the leash onto her collar and hugged her tightly. “You scared me, girl.”
“Does she run off often?”
You got to your feet and sheepishly looked at your dog. 
“Sometimes. Usually I can find her, but it’s a little tough to look for a black lab in the woods at night.”
Stiles gave you a suspicious look. 
“Are you aware that the woods are dangerous? Especially at night?”
“Well, yeah. That’s why I wanted to find Buttercup. I can’t just leave my sweet girl at the mercy of some wild animal all night.”
Buttercup jumped up to tuck her paws in the crook of your arm and you scratched her head softly. 
“Miss, I think you should make your way home as soon as possible. We’re actually out here investigating a recent animal attack.”
You noticed then that one of the strangers was a deputy and you nodded vehemently. 
“Of course, deputy. I didn’t… trample any evidence or anything, right? I’d really hate to get arrested for obstruction of justice or something.”
“Nope. You’re good. Just go home.”
Stiles ignored the look Parrish gave him and made a shooing motion for you to leave. Buttercup started tugging on her leash to get closer to Parrish and you dug your heels in to keep her still. 
“Sorry to interrupt. Buttercup and I will be on our way.” You turned and pulled her with you, muttering to her as you went. “And we’ll be having a serious talk about disrupting a police investigation.”
“She’s definitely gonna murder someone within the month.”
Parrish groaned and started off in the opposite direction. 
“Not everyone wants to kill people.”
“Everyone in this town is either a killer or a victim and my money is on killer.”
“When did you get so pessimistic?”
“After the tenth time I almost died.”
Parrish largely forgot about meeting you in the woods until he was taking a walk two weeks later and Buttercup saw him from across the street. You noticed your excitable lab was interested in something, so you crossed at the next corner and let her lead you to the deputy. He turned at the soft woof she let out and smiled. 
“Someone wanted to say hi. Sorry.”
He knelt down and let Buttercup put her paws on his knee. 
“Don’t worry about it, it’s always a good day when a dog wants to say hello.”
“She’s always friendly, but she usually doesn’t remember strangers. Though, I suppose a deputy she met in the woods isn’t really a stranger.”
You smiled softly at his gentle laughter when Buttercup wrapped her paws around his arm. 
“Well, yeah. Night time forest encounters are real bonding experiences. Huh, Buttercup?”
He scratched her ears and she panted happily, with her tail wagging madly. You weren’t sure what it was about the sweet deputy that Buttercup liked so much, but it was enough for you to like him too. 
“My name is Y/N, by the way. Figured if you know my dog’s name, you should know mine.”
“It’s a pleasure to properly meet you, Y/N. I’m Jordan.”
“So, am I allowed to ask what the sheriff’s department was doing in the woods two weeks ago? Or is that classified information?”
“Actually, it wasn’t official police business. I was doing a favor for a friend.”
You nodded in understanding.
“And how many teenagers are you friends with? I figured there was no way that jittery kid was a deputy too.”
“That was the sheriff’s son.”
You cringed and looked back down at Buttercup. 
“Oops. I can’t get arrested for insulting the sheriff’s kid, can I?”
Parrish laughed as he got to his feet again. “No, but I wouldn’t tell him about it anyway. Anyone who’s spent more than thirty seconds with Stiles knows he’s jittery.”
You couldn’t help but snort at the name. 
“Stiles? He must have gotten beat up on the playground for years.”
“It’s a nickname. His actual name is even worse; I couldn’t even pronounce it if I tried.”
You both laughed and when Buttercup pulled to start walking again, Parrish stayed with you. 
“I kind of feel bad for that kid. What did he drag you out to the woods for? I’ve heard the Beacon Hills preserve has a pretty bad reputation.”
Parrish wasn’t about to tell you he was looking for a new werewolf, so he just shrugged it off. 
“He convinces someone to check the woods with him every few weeks. He’s got a bad habit of sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong, especially in police business. So whenever he’s sure there’s something to be found out there, he gets someone to go with him.”
“It’s good that he’s vigilant. How often is he right?”
“Often enough that the sheriff can’t convince him to stop.”
You laughed and Parrish thought he could listen to it all day. 
“I hope I didn’t cause too many problems for him. Buttercup really doesn’t run off very often. She just has a sense for new friends, I guess. She used to pull me all over the city before we moved here, always looking for other dogs to play with. It’s part of why I wanted to come here; give her more room.”
Parrish nodded along, ignoring the way his heart skipped a beat. Buttercup was looking for other dogs, and he supposed she’d found one.
“Anyway, I’m not letting her out again after dark. If she needs to be outside so bad, she’ll just have to deal with being on a leash. I learned my lesson, so she’s learning hers.”
You and Parrish walked together for nearly an hour before you wound back to your apartment. It was something of a surprise to discover you both lived in the same building, but you just laughed it off and made your way up to your apartment while Parrish thought about how to keep Buttercup from potentially exposing you to the supernatural.
Part Two
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maarriiii · 4 years
The Best Fight
A/N: Thank you to all the beautiful people that read my writings and liking them!!! It’s a different type of joy and happiness you’ve given me and I’m very glad of my decision to post my fanfiction on Wattpad and Tumblr. It might not seem that much to some people but every like, reblogs and comments meant so much to me. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this 💕💕
Pairings: Isaac Lahey x Female!reader
Warnings: Mention of violence, nothing graphic
my masterlist :))
"What's going on? Why is everyone talking about y/n and Aiden?" Scott and Stiles' conversation was interrupted when Isaac approached them at lunch. Stiles looked towards Scott and the werewolf nodded as if he was allowing him to do something. Isaac barely got out from the boys locker room when he kept hearing whispers about his girlfriend and one of the two people he hated the most.
"Oh dude, you missed the best fight!" Stiles exclaimed. Isaac looked to Scott for some sort of explanation, but he only nodded for him to listen to Stiles' since he haven't heard the full story either.
Stiles then started explaining how Aiden was the one who started the whole thing. The twins and y/n was walking opposite ways and when they passed each other, Aiden tripped y/n which made her landed face first on the ground which made Isaac almost got up from his seat to find Aiden if it weren't for Scott telling him calm down.
"And then she straight up walked up to them, pushed Ethan out of the way and shoved Aiden against the lockers." Stiles continued with his erratic hand movements explaining how y/n almost lifted Aiden off the ground and if it weren't for the people swarming at them, she would've done it. Isaac listened intently as the trio got to the part where Stiles enjoyed the most.
"They were arguing at first, but then Aiden must've said something to piss her off cause next thing you know, she punched him so hard, I swear to God I heard bones cracking. Yeah, bones," he emphasized on the word "bones". Stiles told him how Aiden immediately went straight to the floor and how y/n shoved Ethan again when he almost went to his brother.
"Everyone started taking pictures and videos as she punched him repeatedly. He retaliated, of course but you know what?" He asked, which made Scott and Isaac raised their eyebrows. "It was kind of weak for an alpha." Which prompted Isaac to smirked in satisfaction. "Anyway, at this point blood was pouring out of his nose and into his mouth and everyone rooted for her. It was actually kind of awesome. I'm surprised that I didn't fainted." Stiles confessed, remembering his uneasiness at the sight of blood.
It almost went on for five minutes straight until the teachers arrived and separated them much to Stiles dismay. He explained how it took three teachers to force y/n to let go of Aidan and how she was yelling at him as they took her to the principal's office.
"The worse thing they'll do is expel her but knowing y/n, she'll probably see that more as a win than a lose." Stiles claimed, as Scott and Isaac nodded in agreement. If there was one thing that y/n hates the most—other than an evil pack of werewolves—it was school. But, Isaac sincerely hoped she wouldn't since it'll be tough for him to restrained himself from causing pain on the twins since y/n was the one that always calmed him down. Besides, getting revenge would definitely be a lot more fun if he got to do it with his badass of a girlfriend.
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castielli · 2 years
How to request:
Send your request featuring the character you want, the plot (+ANGST, FLUFF…) and anything I need to know about the reader. I write MALE READER only
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Fandoms I write for under the cut!
John Price
Soap MacTavish
Ghost Riley
Gaz Garrick
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Phillip Graves
Vladimir Makarov
Rudy Parra
Red Daniels
William Pierson
Joseph Turner
Robert Zussman
Frank Aiello
Drew Stiles
Luke Alvez
Penelope Garcia (platonic🫶)
Spencer Reid
MARVEL (Avengers/X-men)
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Steve Rogers
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker (Tom/Andrew/Tobey)
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Quill
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
Eddie Brock
Bobby Drake
Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Hank McCoy
Scott Lang
Scott Summers
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockey
Mobius M. Mobius
Pietro Maximoff
Matt Murdock
Alex Summers
Phil Coulson
Charles Xavier
Timothy McGee
Jimmy Palmer
Nicholas Torres
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel Atlas
Merritt McKinney
Dylan Rhodes
Chase McKinney
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (platonic)
Eddie Munson
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby (platonic)
Billy Butcher
Hughie Campbell
Soldier Boy
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (I still need to finish the last season😊)
Viktor Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Number Five
Luther Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Aaron Raleigh
Paul Jesus Rovia
The Governor
Abraham Ford
Eugene Porter
Morgan Jones
Spencer Monroe
Lee Everett
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Liam Dunbar
Jordan Parrish
Mason Hewitt
Danny Mahealani
Aiden Steiner
Ethan Steiner
Corey Bryant
Alan McCarthy
Neal Caffrey
Peter Burke
Mozzie (platonic)
Clinton Jones
Caleb Prior
Neville Longbottom
Sirius Black
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Viktor Krum
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Gellert Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen)
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone
Theseus Scamander
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law)
Peeta Mellark
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
911 (and LONE STAR)
Evan Buckley (Buck)
Howie Han (Chimney)
Bobby Nash
Eddie Diaz
TK Strand
Carlos Reyes
Paul Strickland
Owen Strand
Jud Ryder
Mateo Chavez
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Hiram Lodge
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Reggie Mantle
Moose Mason
Jake Peralta
Terry Jeffords
All the others (platonic only)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman)
Silva (Strange Way of Life)
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Ken (Ryan)
Ken (Simu)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Jim Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
FNAF (movie)
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Harvey Specter
Mike Ross
El Profesor
-Smut (for anyone)
-Female readers/GN readers
-Romantic/Suggestive stories for underage characters (only platonic, basically)
If the character you wanted to request is not on the list, you can try and ask me anyways.
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heliads · 3 years
The Hellhound and the Shadowhunter
Based on this request: “Shadowhunters and Teen Wolf crossover. Jordan Parrish x female reader. Y/N is the new leader of the Institute in the state of California. Y/N and Alec are twins, and she and Jordan come to the New York Institute for Alec’s wedding to Lydia.
masterlist / part two
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You’re used to keeping your temper in check. You’ve had plenty of practice with it, what with being a Shadowhunter, dedicating your life to keeping demons at bay, and also growing up in the Lightwood household. All the same, barely an hour into a meeting at the California Institute, you’re barely able to hold yourself back. Your fingers are curled into fists underneath the table, but you’re staying calm. Or trying to, at least.
Here is the problem: no matter how many times the Shadowhunters swear over and over that they try to be pure of mind and good of heart, that they would throw themselves on a seraph blade a thousand times over if it meant saving the world, they can’t seem to get over their millenia-old prejudices against Downworlders. And, seeing as you’re currently dating a Hellhound named Jordan Parrish, every word that drips from their seemingly pure tongues is enough to make you absolutely furious.
The worst part is that they don’t even seem to see what’s wrong with it. As head of the California Institute, you’re expected to remain levelheaded, and constantly issue out solid, understandable rules for every Shadowhunter training underneath you to follow. So, even though you’d like nothing more than to snap at all of them and beg them to treat non-Shadowhunters with respect for once in their lives, you have to hold yourself back.
The current group in front of you, delegates from the Clave, is one that you cannot afford to alienate. They’ve been here all day, under the pretense of running a few ideas by you on how to make sure your Institute is as protected as possible. In reality, they’ve been snooping around for hours, trying to find something to call out. You’re fairly sure that all the higher-ups in Idris are sick of you, but seeing as you’ve done nothing but boost the numbers of successful Shadowhunters, they can’t do anything about it. Besides, you’ve got some strong family contacts, even if most of the adults in your family can’t stand you.
Your first strike was when you moved out from the New York Institute to head the one in California. The California Institute is well known for being the most dangerous of all the institutes, most notably because it’s pretty close to a town so supernaturally charged that you’re not even sure how anyone there stays alive. Incidentally, your very boyfriend came from that town: Beacon Hills.
You’ve listened to many of Jordan Parrish’s stories over the years about mundanes dressing up as hunters, rival packs of werewolves going to war, banshees and evil fox spirits, and so much more that you have no idea how he’s even made it out alive. Or, you’d be surprised that he’s still alive were it not for the fact that he’s a hellhound himself and thus one of the most powerful supernaturals there is. Over time, many of the supernatural villains from Beacon Hills tend to drift by your Institute on the way over, which means that you have to keep dispatching them. It tends to take up a lot of your schedule.
Also, Jordan’s your second strike. If Maryse and Robert Lightwood didn’t approve of you traveling so far from home to run the California Institute, they definitely had strong feelings when they found out you were dating someone who wasn’t a Shadowhunter, and a Downworlder nonetheless. There were some fairly difficult fights in the beginning, but once you took a stand and told them once and for all that nothing they could say would make you leave Jordan, they backed off a little.
You still have contacts in your family, though, and that comes in the form of your siblings. Your twin brother, Alec, still clings to the fact that he’s ten minutes older than you, but you love him more than most things in the world. Your younger sister, Isabelle, has been described as ‘alarmingly like you’, a title that makes both of you laugh. 
On the few times that you’ve been able to get back to New York in the past few years, she’s been doing better than ever, or so she tells you. Your youngest brother, Max, is still in Idris, and you barely know him at all, you were so old when he was born. By then, you were already desperate to get out of your parent’s reach, so you left. You regret that sometimes, but it isn’t enough to convince you to stay.
Besides, why would you want to move back to New York? You’ve established a place for yourself in California, and you wouldn’t trade it for the world. You’ve been able to transform the California Institute into a more welcoming place, somewhere Shadowhunters can learn and train regardless of their family inheritance. Despite all the complaints of the Clave elders about how you’re not sticking to tradition, they can’t deny the results.
And, every day when you say goodbye to everyone for the night, you get to slip away from the Institute and head back to a cozy apartment tucked away into the city. It’s halfway between the Shadowhunters and Beacon Hills, and you’ve got someone there waiting for you with a smile and a kiss. That’s what gets you through this meeting with the Clave, as it has gotten you through many other days of tedium: the thought that at the end of this, you’ll have Jordan.
Once the meeting finally ends, with you successfully managing to keep any comments about how there are good Downworlders and some of them are far more bearable than some Shadowhunters you’ve met, you head back home with a smile. At first, the thought that the head of an Institute would be living outside its walls caused quite the stir, but you’re only a ten or fifteen minute drive away, so it was eventually accepted by the Clave. If they ever need you, they can send a fire message, and you respond to those pretty quickly.
The lights are on when you finally get home, and you barely take a few steps towards the door before it unlocks. Jordan claims that he always knows you’re there by the sound of your feet running up the stairs alone, which must be a bonus of hellhound hearing, but it’s sweet of him nonetheless. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you inside, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he does.
You smile at him, tossing a few seraph blades and smaller knives onto the couch near you. Such is the life of a Shadowhunter, after all- weapons everywhere, and not a drop of technology to be seen. That was a shock to Jordan at first- no WiFi in the apartment, and no phones or computers, but the fact remains that Shadowhunters can’t use technology without it being either impacted by protective wards or hampering general demon hunting. 
Once he heard that going without technology could help save your life, he was all for leaving his laptop locked away at the office. Besides, he claims it helps him focus. He does have a small burner phone in his pocket, though. Too many werewolf emergencies happen for him to fly fully under the radar.
Jordan raises an eyebrow as you slump back into his arms. “Rough day?” 
You grimace, although he can’t see it from the way your face is tucked away into the space underneath his chin. “The Clave sent more people to come chat.” 
Jordan nods in sympathy. He’s heard a fair amount of stories about how the Clave won’t stop interfering in Institute business to know what this means.
However, you don’t feel like wasting any more breath on them, so you tilt your head up to look at him again. 
“You got home recently, then? How’s Beacon Hills?” 
Jordan chuckles. “Barely holding together, as per usual. Scott McCall swears that something new is about to happen, but that could just be the fact that Stiles keeps getting paranoid. They both go off of each other so much that they declare crises when there’s nothing there at all.”
You laugh at that. “You know that if you ever need help-” 
Jordan nods. “I’ll call somebody who can hover near the Institute until you show up, I know. We can handle it.” 
You incline your head, acknowledging this. “I know, I just like thinking that you aren’t alone out there.” 
Jordan smiles, absentmindedly tapping your shoulders in mindless rhythms. “I know I’m not alone, there are mystical angel warriors out there saving our lives.”
You snort, poking him in the ribs. “I think mystical angel warrior is a little bit of an exaggeration.” 
Jordan shrugs. “I happen to believe that it works perfectly, but I guess you can think whatever you want.” 
As you laugh, you can feel the stresses of the day melting off of you. That’s what it’s like with Jordan, after all- whenever you see him, you can’t think of anything else but the two of you. If you had any worries before, they’re gone now, and you can rest.
Soon enough, there’s a dinner preparing itself on the stove through the combined efforts of one exhausted hellhound and one thoughtful Shadowhunter, and the smells of herbs and spices are wafting through the kitchen. There’s a song playing, and every now and then when the meal does not require immediate attention, Jordan’s spinning you around in slow circles, or you’re dancing with him barefoot through the small available space.
You step away to check how long you have until dinner is cooked and Jordan follows you. “You got mail today, by the way.” 
He gestures towards a seemingly nondescript envelope, one that wouldn’t stand out at all were it not for the dark protective runes scrawled all over the paper to make sure it didn’t fall into the wrong hands. 
Dinner temporarily forgotten, you wander over to the envelope, neatly slicing it open and reaching for the contents. All that’s inside is a thick piece of stationary, one that’s been printed with a wedding invitation for Alec Lightwood and Lydia Branwell. You sigh as you look at it. There’s no personalization or note written anywhere on it, just the sterile paper (typical Alec), but you still feel as if an overwhelming sense of disappointment has tinged the invitation with acrid bitterness. 
Jordan glances at the paper. “Your brother’s getting married? Looks like we might be visiting New York after all.” His brow furrows as he looks at you. “Is everything alright? This is good news, yes?” 
You chew your bottom lip, thinking. “It should be, but I don’t think it is. Lydia Branwell is in a good position with the Clave, but this doesn’t seem like something Alec would do. He’s never mentioned her, which means that this is sudden. I think either Maryse put him up to this or Alec feels that the only way to get Clave approval to take over the New York Institute is to get married to this woman. Shadowhunters don’t usually marry for love, but I kind of hoped Alec would get that chance.”
Jordan frowns, noticing your disappointment, then steps forward so he can wrap his arms around your waist. “Guess that’s why we’re lucky, huh? I get to have you even without the Clave’s approval.” 
You laugh quietly into his chest. “I’m very lucky.” 
All the same, you can’t stop thinking about Alec. You love your twin, and you don’t want to see him roped into a marriage if he doesn’t want it. Alec has given up too many parts of himself to sacrifice his heart as well. 
You end up arriving in New York a few days later, intending to show up and stay for about a week. You don’t get to see your siblings as often, so this is the perfect time to catch up with everybody. Plus, you want to figure out what happened to Alec to make him want to marry Lydia. 
At first, Jordan is hesitant to go with you. “Don’t they spend all of their time trying to get rid of Downworlders? It’ll probably be best if I wait this one out.” 
However, after a brief fire message with Alec confirming when you’d arrive, he mentioned that he had no problems with Jordan being there, and if your boyfriend wanted to come, everything would be fine. 
However, things change when you touch down in New York and are instantly engulfed in a crowd of overexcited Lightwoods. Technically, Shadowhunters are supposed to be all serious, but hey- you’ve missed your siblings, and they missed you. Alec rolls his eyes when Isabelle charges towards you across the airport, but he’s grinning, and so are you.
You reach out a hand towards him as Isabelle nearly tackles you. “Hey, Alec. No need to look so excited to see me. I know you’re just hiding it.” 
This warrants a snort from your twin, and once you manage to extricate yourself from Isabelle, he gives you a casual one-arm hug as well. “It’s good to see you. We’ve got a lot to talk about.” 
Your smile dies at his words, and you give him a quick once over. The bags under his eyes look darker than you’d last seen them, and even his reluctant smile is tight, like he’s not entirely sure that he isn’t forcing it. 
“Yeah, I think we do.” 
Through some amount of trickery and a fair amount of Magnus Bane’s magic, you’re able to bend the rules and get Jordan into the Institute. You’re not entirely sure how he’s able to do it, but Magnus just waves away your concerns with something about how Jordan is a different type of Downworlder, one who apparently doesn’t have as many issues with hallowed ground. He may have more difficulty calling up his hellhound abilities while he’s within the boundaries, but he’s there, and that’s what matters.
You thank Magnus profusely, and when you’re sufficiently out of hearing range of the other Shadowhunters, you turn to him with no small amount of concern. “Are you alright? You don’t quite seem like yourself.” 
Magnus’ lips flatten into a thin line. “I’m fine.” 
His words are clipped and brusque, nothing like the eclectic warlock you remember. It appears that Alec isn’t the only one who’s going through it.
Speaking of Alec, you manage to get him alone after a little while, under the guise of training. You fold your arms across your chest and fix him with the deathly stare of a twin who knows something is up with their closest sibling. 
“What’s wrong? And don’t tell me everything’s fine, I know it isn’t. This wedding is a little odd.”
Alec chuckles, specifically avoiding eye contact. “That’s a little harsh. Sure, I haven’t known Lydia as long, but it’s not that bad. Say, you brought your broadsword, right? We can check it, make sure everything’s holding up while we’re here.” 
Your hand reflexively moves to the leather scabbard at your waist. Your brother has his bow and arrows, your sister her whip, and you have your broadsword. It’s been clasped in your hands during many a fight, and saved your life many times over.
However, it’s not enough to convince you to drop the subject. “It’s fine, Alec. We’ve got some pretty good armorers over in California. Besides, you can’t distract me that easily. Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to guess?” 
Alec sighs, running a frustrated hand through his dark hair. At last, he turns to look at you again, and you’re surprised by the look of sheer stress in his eyes. “How did you know you loved Jordan? Even though he wasn’t a Shadowhunter, though.” 
You rock back on your heels, having not entirely expected this line of questioning. “I knew just like you’d know with anyone else, I guess. I realized I’d rather risk my reputation with the Clave than have to give up a shot at life with him by my side. Why do you ask?” 
Alec nods slowly. “Just thinking some things through.” 
You walk closer to him. “Is someone putting you up to this? You can’t let Maryse force your hand in everything, you know. You deserve a life outside of her rules.” 
Alec barks out a harsh laugh. “What, and abandon everyone like you did?”
You jerk backward as if he’s struck you. A moment later, Alec swears under his breath. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I didn’t mean that. Guess this is getting to me more than I thought.” 
You know your brother, and you know that the regret in his eyes is legitimate. “I know. If you ever need help, I’m here. But I’m serious, Alec. You’re going to have to stand up for yourself at some point. Don’t let that time come too late.”
Alec nods, and you leave the room. You can’t deny that your brother’s words troubled you. He seems consumed by worry about something, something he can’t even tell you. Whatever choice he comes to make, you can only hope that it will be the one he wants, not the one your parents want for him.
The day of the wedding comes soon enough. You stand near Isabelle, both of you dressed in gold. Despite the splendor of the day, and the proud expression written all over your mother’s face, the only thing you can think about is that Alec does not look happy, not at all. However, there’s nothing you can do about it now except watch, and you do. You watch as Lydia approaches Alec at the altar, how she smiles and he does his best to return the expression.
Just before Lydia marks Alec’s skin with the wedding rune, there’s a commotion at the door. You turn with the rest of the congregation to watch Magnus burst into the room. He ignores Maryse’s attempts to shut him out, saying that he’ll only leave if Alec tells him to do so. 
And, when Alec has a brief whispered conversation with Lydia before walking back down the aisle to kiss Magnus, you know then and there that he did make the right choice after all. All of a sudden, the question he asked you, about how you knew you loved Jordan enough to anger the Clave, makes sense. He was considering a choice like that of his own.
After that, the wedding party is thrown into disarray. There is no more wedding, of course, but there’s still meant to be a celebration or at least a gathering with all of the usual trappings of matrimony. You stay close to Jordan all the while, unwilling to lose him in the crowd. At some point, you manage to congratulate Alec on deciding to step away from the marriage. He seems relieved, like a burden has been lifted from his shoulders. It’s a good look on him.
The night does not end without its share of happiness. There’s a small gathering in one of the bigger rooms of the New York Institute, where some Shadowhunters decided that they already had the makings of a party so they might as well go along with it. It is there that you find yourself dancing with Jordan, swaying side by side to the music. You smile up at him, and he smiles back at you.
His voice is quiet, barely heard above the music. “What are you thinking about?” 
You glance at the room around you, then back at him. “How glad I am that I got to make the same choice as Alec. I’d make it again and again, and I’ll always choose you.” 
Jordan lifts his arm to spin you, and when you come back, he pulls you closer to him than you had been before. “Well, I supposed I’d have to mention that I’m just as happy with you.” 
You lean against his shoulder, and let the world fade to smears of color behind your eyelids. In that moment, it’s just the two of you and the music, spinning away into eternity. Nothing more and nothing less.
teen wolf tag list: my right choice @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42​
requested by @thornyrose463​, who also made this great graphic!
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samdeancass · 4 years
Hellhounds Girl
Requested by: SamfookingWinchester on Wattpad
Pairing: Jordan Parrish x female!reader, Dean and Sam x sibling!reader
Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst
Characters: Parrish, Y/N, Dean, Sam
Description: Y/N and Parrish have recently begun dating. When Sam and Dean find out that he's a hellhound, they try everything they can to break them up to protect their little sister.
A/N: Crossover between Supernatural and Teen Wolf.
You knew that being in a relationship with a hellhound could be dangerous, and you were OK with that. What you were not OK with was your brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, hanging over your shoulder every time Jordan came around. Sometimes, you actually regretted telling them about him because of all the fuss they have caused.
Currently, you and Jordan were sitting in the bunkers library researching for a problem that was occurring in Beacon Hills. You were sat opposite each other and frequently stole glances from each other as your eyes wandered around the room. A small smile crept on to your face as Jordans hand reached across the table and squoze yours before intertwining his fingers. You squoze back and carried on reading until you seen movement from the corner of your eye.
A loud groan escaped from you as your brothers were both leaning against the doorway, arms folded. “What do you two want? Can’t you see we’re busy?” Jordan looked up from his book and gave the Winchesters a quick smile before engulfing himself in the information once more.
Dean walked forward and stood behind your chair, heavily resting himself on the back. Sam, on the other hand, stayed where he was but kept a close eye on Jordan. “We just wanted to see what the two of you were up to. Surely you can’t be researching for a hunt. Your boys not nearly tough enough to go on one of them.”
Your shoulders tensed as the last words slipped out of Deans mouth. You knew what they were trying to do, and you knew that it was going to work. Jordans hands gripped the edge of the book tightly, threatening to tear the pages. “No, actually we’re not Dean. Jordan needed some help with a monster problem in his town and he came to me for help. Is that OK with you?”
Dean and Sam looked at each other once again and gave a nod. “Well, why can’t a big bad hellhound like him protect his own town? Why does he need an ordinary human to help him? Maybe he’s not strong enough? Maybe he just can’t face the fact that he’s a monster to?!”
A roar filled the whole room at that point, causing you and your brothers to jump back. You could see Jordans clothes begin to smoulder and burn, so you knew what was about to happen. Sam and Dean both readied themselves with their guns and aimed them at your boyfriend.
“Y/N, take a long look. Is this somebody you want to have a relationship with? Somebody you want to spend the rest of your life with?” You turned to look at Jordan who was knarling his teeth at your brothers, his claws extending and his eyes glowing. You looked back at your brothers, anxiety and frustration evident behind their eyes.
Walking around the table, you stopped next to Jordan and placed your hand on his. His whole demeanor changed when he felt your touch. His breathing became less ragged with his claws and fangs intruding inside once more. Jordan closed his eyes and opened them, turning back to their original color.
You stepped forward towards your brothers with Jordans hand intertwined with yours. “Yes, Dean. He is somebody I want to spend my life with. I know that he will never hurt me, I’m the one who brings him back from the darkness. I love him. So much. I don’t have a problem with what he is, so neither should you.”
You led Jordan up the bunker staircase and out of the door, leaving Sam and Dean still standing in the library, their guns at their sides and their heads hanging low.
Tags: @akshi8278 @stellastyless
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I am now only accepting requests if submitted to my ask box.  
I am willing to push the limits in just about anything but I will not write about anything that has to do with bodily fluid/ excrement as a kink (no scat play, no golden showers etc)  and absolutely no Pedophilia.
If you want smut, I need you to tell me what kinks are a no no for you.
If you ask me to write for a character that is underage, there will be no smut unless they are aged up.  (My big one is Teen Wolf, as you see there is no real smut for the in cannon times but I will definitely write smut for the characters)
If it’s on my Masterlist I will most likely write for it - some of these state that  there are characters I won’t work with however. I also have a list of Characters below that I will for sure write for if you wanna ask about a specific fandom or character feel free to :)  
Unless otherwise stated, I will work under female reader requests. You want gender neutral or male!reader please clarify that- I can also do cannon ships but those don’t seem as popular here.
If you want an OC - I am going to need details (name, nicknames, general personality, hair length, eye color, etc) this can be sent in more than one ask if you are Anon or if you request from your own Tumblr, we can chat
What kind of ending do you want?
Please give me a little bit to work with - if it’s something like “Stiles x Reader, friends to lovers trope” this can be interpreted in lot of ways… try something like “Stiles x reader, Friends to lovers  where the two have been friends since they were children and after seeing her at homecoming, Stiles manages to confess his feelings- happy ending”  If you don’t know what you want, feel free to send that too but I will take full creative license. with it.
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Book Series: 
ACOTAR (Sarah J. Maas)
Grishaverse (Leigh Bardugo)
 Dark Hunter Series (Sherrilyn Kenyon)
House of Night (P.C. Cast)
Twilight (Stephanie Meyer)
Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)
Criminal Minds
David Rossi
Derek Morgan
Dr. Spencer Reid
Jennifer “JJ” Jareau
Luke Alvez
William LaMontagne Jr.
Dylan O’Brien Characters
Caleb Holloway
Mitch Rapp
Sam taylor
Stiles Stilinski
Stuart Twombly
Thomas (Maze Runner) 
Game of Thrones
Daenerys Targeryan
Dario Naharis
Robb Stark
Harry Potter
Bellatrix Lestrange
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Newt Sacamander
Regulus Black
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Tom Riddle
Weasley Boys
The Last Kingdom 
Young Ragnar
Law & Order: SVU
Chester Lake
Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr.
Nick Amaro
Peter Stone
Rafael Barba
Mike Dodds
John Munch
Marvel & DC
Harley Quinn
Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold
Nyssa Al Ghula/ Nyssa Raatko
Oliver Queen
Roy Harper
Thea Queen
Steve Trevor
Wonder Woman
Maze Runner
Francesco de’Pazzi
Giuliano de’Medici
Lorenzo de’Medici
Peaky Blinders
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
John Shelby
Michael Gray
Thomas Shelby
Charlie Bradbury
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jordan Parrish
Lydia Martin
Theo Raeken
Vampire Diaries (Including The Originals and Legacies)
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson
Hope Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Landon Kirby
Niklaus Mikaelson
Stevan Salvatore
Tyler Lockwood
Bishop Heahmund
Halfdan the Black
Ivar the Boneless
King Harald Finehari
Ubbe Thomas
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ba-responds · 4 years
Imagine: Finding Out You’re Pregnant, So You Try To Leave Beacon Hills. (Part Three)
Peter Hale x Reader
A/n: The last pre-written part!
Word Count: 2.3k
Type: Angst + Fluff
Part One  I Part Two I
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Humming, your eyes scanned the flyer in your hands, crossing your legs as you sat behind your desk. Officers were scattered around you, doing their work as you sat soundlessly behind your new desk. In your hands was a flyer from the school, encouraging parents to come to the small ‘activity fair’ (Daughter’s/n)’s class would be having. It was just going to be a few hours filled with activities that both the child and parents would enjoy together, something small to encourage bonding. Smiling, you wrote down a reminder on a sticky note, before sticking it on the corner of your desktop computer in front of you. Lightly tapping the keys on your keyboard, you glanced around your desk, trying to find something to do.
“Hey,” a voice called from in front of you, making you look up. Jordan Parrish stood in front of you, giving you a small smile, holding out a brown paper bag. Furrowing your eyebrows, you gave a small confused smile before grabbing the paper bag from him.
“It's a muffin, the lady at the coffee shop gave me an extra one for free,” he explained, leaning onto the counter above your desk with a bored sigh.
“Anything exciting happen on your patrol?” You asked as you put the paper bag off to the side, saving it to give to (D/n) when she got out of school. Jordan shook his head, his eyes scanning the room behind you, his fist propping his head up as he leaned on the counter. Just as you were about to ask another question, a phone ringing made your eyes snap to the landline beside your desktop. Your eyebrows furrowed for a second when you saw the light wasn't blinking, only to realize the ringing was coming from your cell phone. Taking your cell from your bag that sat at your feet, you felt your heart drop when you saw the number from the school.
“Hello?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows when you heard a child’s cry sound loudly in the background. A voice tried to console the crying child, before turning back to the phone.
“Ms. (L/n), I’m so sorry, but do you think you can come down to the school? (D/n) has been crying nonstop for the past hour, and won't come out of the supply closet,” The female teacher said, before she tried to console your daughter once again. 
“I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” you said, before hanging up. Jordan looked at you worriedly as you quickly packed your things.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, standing straight as you came from around your desk, walking past him.
“Something's wrong, (D/n) has been crying non-stop in class for the past hour, and she hid in the closet. She only does that when she's terrified,” you muttered, as you walked up to Sheriff Stilinski’s office, knocking twice before poking your head in. After explaining the situation to him, he let you have the rest of your shift off, which was only a few more hours. Thanking him, you hurried over to the front door, heading down the sidewalk. You cursed to yourself when you remembered that you didn't drive to work today, instead had opted to walk since it was a nice day out. Before you could start trekking your way down to the school, a hand grabbed your wrist, making you spin around.
“Let me give you a ride to the school,” Jordan said, pulling you over to his police cruiser.
“Thank you so much,” you said, getting into the passenger seat. He nodded, before starting up the car. The two of you sat in silence as he drove you to the small preschool, your legs bouncing up and down anxiously as you wondered what could have scared (D/n) so much. Jordan put a reassuring hand on your shoulder, giving you a weak smile as he glanced from you back to the road. You nodded, taking a few deep breaths. You were glad Jordan was around, he was like a brother to you. Your eyes scanned the road in front of you, seeing the preschool come into view.
“I'll wait here while you go get (D/n), then I'll drop the two of you home,” he said as he pulled up in front of the building. You thanked him once again before hopping out of the car, and speed walking into the building, finding your daughter’s class with ease. Poking your head in, you saw a bunch of little kids off to the side, listening as an elderly student aide read them a story. Stepping further into the class, a quiet sob caught your attention, making your gaze snap to the other side of the room, spotting a lady in her 40s kneeling at the door to a room, talking quietly. You hurried over that way, stepping behind your daughter’s teacher, and in front of the door. Your daughter was curled into a ball, sobbing into her knees.
“(D/n),” You said quietly kneeling down, grabbing the little girl’s attention. Her head shot up as she tossed herself towards you.
“M-Mommy!” She cried out, gripping onto your shoulder, burying her face into the crook of your neck. You hushed her, standing back up. Looking down at the teacher, you could see a sympathetic look on her face. You mouthed ‘thank you’ to her, carrying your daughter out of the classroom. Once far enough into the hallway, you set her down in front of you, kneeling down to her height.
“What happened, sweetie?” You asked, wiping her tears. She took a few staggered breaths, her bottom lip sticking out slightly.
“H-He was here…” she muttered, looking down at the ground. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as you tilted her face up with your finger.
“Who was here?”
“T-The angry man! H-He was here!” 
“What angry man?”
“The scary man that yell at Mommy!” She cried out, attaching herself to you once again as she let out loud sobs, her body shaking in fear. Your jaw clenched as you finally realized who she was talking about. You picked her back up, and stood straight, heading outside. You could feel your rage boiling up inside you, but you didn't want (D/n) to see that you were so angry. Rubbing her back as you walked, a voice called out from behind you, making you stop.
“(Y/n),” Peter called, standing about 30 feet away. Your daughter cried out at the sound of his voice, making you tighten your grip on her as you turned around to glare at the man. You opened your mouth to yell at him, but a different voice cut you off.
“Is everything okay?” Jordan asked, coming to stand next to you. You shook your head, loosening your grip on your daughter.
“Sweetie, let Uncle Jordan take you to the car,” you said to your daughter, your eyes never leaving Peter's figure. Your daughter reluctantly let go, reaching her arms out to Jordan, who took her with a curious glance at you. You flicked your wrist, telling Jordan to go to the car. After watching Jordan leave with (D/n), you returned your glare to Peter. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his gaze locked on where Jordan took your daughter.
“Stay the fuck away from my daughter,” you seethed, trying to control your anger since you were in front of a preschool. Peter's eyes locked on yours, his gaze softening. “You fucking scared her today, what the hell were you doing?”
“I have to make sure she's okay,” he muttered, stepping closer to you. 
“I can protect her just fine,” you hissed. Peter nodded in agreement, but still shrugged his shoulders.
“I know that, but you do understand that she's half werewolf right? What are you going to do when she first shifts? How will you teach her to control it? How are you even going to know the symptoms young werewolves have before their first effective full moon?” He questioned. You felt your shoulders deflate some, as you tried to think of a response. You knew he was right. The only other werewolves you were close to was the McCall pack, and you knew they wouldn't know anything about a young born werewolf.
“She needs me,” he muttered desperately.
Peter felt his chest tighten as he waited for your response. He clenched his fist, trying to keep himself from kneeling in front of you and begging you for forgiveness. Hope flooded his body as you finally turned your gaze away from him, your shoulders deflating. He took this chance to walk closer to you, standing a few feet away.
“Please, let me see her,” he muttered, watching as your jaw clenched and you nodded. He felt his knees almost go out from under him as he was overwhelmed with joy. He let out a relieved breath as he ran both his hands through his hair, tears of joy almost spilling from his eyes.
“It's her choice, though,” you muttered, making Peter look at you confused. “You can come over for dinner tonight. If she wants to be around you more, then you are allowed to be around with my permission first. If not, I want you to leave us alone, Peter.”
Peter nodded his head frantically, happy that he has a chance to make it up to both of you. Peter listened as you told him what time to show up at your house, before you walked away. He watched your figure walk further and further away from him, before he turned and jogged towards his car. 
“Okay, I need toys,” he muttered to himself as he tried to remember where the nearest toy store was.
“It's okay (D/n), he won't hurt you. We were just mad, that's all,” you cooed to your daughter, who continued to give reluctant glances towards the door, where Peter should be entering in a few minutes. “It's your choice if he stays around, okay? But you have to give him a chance, he's your father.”
“I don't want a father!” She cried out, stomping her feet making you let out a deep sigh. “I don't wanna leave you!”
“He isn't going to take you! You are going to stay with me forever, okay? He just wants to meet you, give him a chance, okay sweetie?” You asked, making her nod. Giving her a smile, you reached out, tickling her sides, causing her to burst out in a fit of loud giggles.
“Rawr!” You yelled playfully, gently pouncing on her so she laid back on the floor with you over top of her, tickling her sides more. She yelled gleefully, squirming to get away from you. A doorbell cut the two of your laughs off, making your gaze shift over to the front door. You sat up from your position, as (D/n) glanced at the door, then back to you. Standing up, you made your way over to the door, opening it to reveal Peter standing there nervously, a small plush wolf in his hand. 
“Come in,” you said, opening the door more. Peter nodded, walking in and looking around, a small smile on his face, as if he was remembering all the memories this house held. Your eyes scanned the room, your eyebrows furrowing as you tried to see where (D/n) had gone. You let out a light chuckle when you saw her peek out from her hiding spot behind the couch, eyeing Peter curiously. 
“(D/n), come here,” you said, kneeling down. Peter looked at you curiously, as he looked around the room, trying to spot the young girl. She hesitantly shuffled from behind the couch, rushing to your side. Her big (e/c) eyes gazed up at Peter, who immediately got down to his knees, giving her a small smile as he held out the push wolf. (D/n) slowly reached out, and grabbed it, a small smile on her face.
“What's his name?” She asked quietly, looking at Peter, who looked panicked for a second.
“Uh, Ralph?” he said, making it sound more like a question rather than a statement. She nodded, hugging ‘Ralph’ to her chest.
“(D/n), this is Peter, your father,” you spoke up, making her nod and glance back up at Peter.
“Hi dad…” she muttered quietly, before running off to the other side of the room, where all her toys laid spread out. 
“...Hi,” he muttered, staring at her in awe, his eyes filled with love. You swallowed, looking away from him before he caught you staring. Standing up, you brushed your hands on your pants, before clearing your throat, catching Peter's attention, who stood up as well.
“Dinner’s almost done. Why don't you try and get to know her, while I go finish it,” you said with a small smile, before heading into the kitchen.
Peter took a deep breath, shaking out his hands as he hyped himself up to begin talking to his daughter. He cracked his neck, before slowly shuffling over to her, squatting down on the side of her. She glanced up at him, before handing him the small wolf plush.
“Wanna play Little Red Riding Hood?” She asked, giving him a wide smile. Peter felt his heart flip, as he nodded enthusiastically, taking the toy from her small hands. He watched in awe as she explained in a very childish way, the story of Little Red, adding some random bits into the story, like a talking pig, and Little Red being a princess. Movement in the corner of his eye made him shift his gaze, seeing you stand in the doorway. He gave you a big smile.
“Thank you,” he mouthed, before turning back to your daughter, and continuing to play.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 5 years
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Tomorrow is never far away Pt 1 & Pt 2  - Sam Arias x Male Reader
I see the moon and you can’t know - Lena Luthor x Male Reader
headcanon for being Kara’s best friend - Kara Danvers x Male Reader 
The fog rose - Male Reader Hulk x Sam/Reign x Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor x Alex Danvers x Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost
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Request - Headcanon - Titans x Female Reader 
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 Being Bucky Barnes’s boyfriend in the 1940s would include -  Male Reader x Bucky Barnes
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Texas isn’t for everyone - Cameron Monoghan x Male Reader
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Like comic dust over the chosen flames - Daenerys Targaryen x Male Reader Demon 
Request-  headcanon about being Dany’s son - Daenerys Targaryen x Male Reader 
A light in the dark heart -Arya Stark x Male Reader
Johnny Cash said go to Williamsburg - platonic GOT cast X Male reader 
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 Going to the Met Gala with Sarah Paulson would include 
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Blinding twilight - Henry Cavill x Male Reader 
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Bluebird stereo - Female Reader x Jordan Parrish
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My dad is a shark, not an accountant - Male Reader x Avengers cast
So ari-ari gato - Male Reader x Avengers Cast 
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Make You Feel Better - Jordan Parrish x Reader
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Summary: You get attacked by one of Theo’s Chimeras and accidentally out you and Jordan’s relationship to your dad
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: little injury; oral (f!receiving); fluff
“FUCK!” I’m crying out, the pain in my arm sudden and blinding, the all too familiar warm trickling of blood making me let out a frustrated growl but I can’t stop to check how bad it is. Of course it’s me who runs into one of the Chimera pack that has been kidnapping student for sacrifices and of course I was going to be her next victim with the way she’s hot on my tail. I’m not too far from the main road and if it’s the time I think it is, Dad and Jordan should be making their way up the road around this time, coming back from their weekly check up on Derek and the rest of the pack at the newly rebuild Hale house. All I’ve got to do is make it to the main road. 
A wrist grabs my ankle and I’m flailing, the floor meeting me with a hard thumb and my nose throbs with pain. I struggle against the strong, almost bracingly strong, grip as if flailing enough will free me from her. By some miracle it works and I’m scrambling to my feet, sprinting up the embankment and my feet hit the tarmac almost painfully as the familiar sound of tires makes me relax a little but I can still hear her behind me. I’m waving my arms frantically at the Sheriff’s car, seeing the way Dad’s face has confusion, anger and then worry written across it. 
Something is yanking on my hair and I’m being pulled backwards but before they can do anything else Jordan is bolting from the still moving, albeit slowing, car and firing a shot in our direction. My face feels hot and wet suddenly, that tangy metallic taste in my mouth as I stumble straight into Jordan’s open arms. He wraps me up in a hug as I bury my face in his shirt, gripping it like a lifeline and he doesn’t protest that I’m getting blood on his uniform, instead he’s smoothing down my hair as my scalp stings a little still but the safe and familiarness of Jordan calms me down. Jordan holds me tightly, his arms warm and comforting around me. I can feel my heart racing in my chest as I try to catch my breath. The adrenaline from the danger is still pumping through my veins, but Jordan's presence is grounding me and you would think that after being part of the McCall Pack for four years I’d have learnt to not be scared of phased by any of this but nope. 
“It’s okay,” He murmurs softly, his breath warm against my ear, “I’ve got you.” 
I just nod, unable to trust my voice yet, still clinging to him. My hair is a mess, tangled and pulled out of its braid, and I can feel the sticky wetness of the blood on my face. I know I must look a right mess but Jordan doesn’t seem to care as he just hold some close, rubbing circles on my back in a soothing gesture as he waits to hear my heartbeat slow. My breathing steadies and my heart stops jackhammering in my chest as I focus on the comforting smell of Jordan: smoke; cedarwood and something sweeter like strawberries or raspberries. Without thinking I’m pressing my lips to his neck, kissing softly and Dad’s clearing throat has me realising what I did and I’m jumping back. 
My face flushes and I’m glancing at Jordan who has a mixture of surprise and amusement of his face, those pretty green eyes bright in the afternoon sun, being comfortable with Dad knowing our relationship. Jordan was just waiting for me to be comfortable enough to tell Dad as Jordan is his deputy and I didn’t want him to get into trouble or anything. 
“Come on, lets get you home,” Dad says, gesturing towards his cruiser and I’m nodding, slipping into the backseats while Jordan takes his place in the passenger seat and Dad gets back behind the wheel. I can feel my heart racing again, Jordan glancing back at me as soon as he hears it, brows quirked in worry before he smells the anxiety in the car, damn supernaturals and their ability to smell emotions. 
The drive home is short and filled with a tense silence, the only sounds coming from the hum of the engine and the occasional tapping of dad’s finger against the steering wheel which is something he only does when he’s stressed or he’s thinking about something intently and it just adds to my building anxiety. I can feel the sweat on my palms and the tightness in my chest, unsure if it’s from being attacked by one of the Chimeras or from Dad thinking without speaking up. It makes me almost bolt out of the car and make a beeline for the front door, rummaging through my pockets for my keys and beginning to panic even more as there’s no way I could have lost them in the forest, Dad’s gonna kill me even more than-
A gentle hand grips my hip while a familiar body presses against my back, leaning around me to slot my keys into the door and open it, voice soft and sweet as he speaks, “Your Dad said you left them at home this morning.” 
I’m glancing over my shoulder to see Dad pulling out of the driveway, a knowing smile on his lips, and I all but fall into Jordan’s firm body. He guides me inside, both of us kicking our shoes off and he’s suddenly grabbing my arm when he sees how much I’m wincing while peeling my bloodied hoodie off, gently checking the gash over. 
Without a word he’s guiding me upstairs to the bathroom and sits me down on the edge of the bathtub. He opens up the medkit and starts cleaning the wound on my arm with a damp cloth. It stings a little but Jordan is gentle and careful not to hurt me, taking my pain as he works. As he cleans, he murmurs softly, asking me how I'm feeling and making sure I'm okay. I can feel his warm breath on my skin and I close my eyes, just enjoying the comfort of his presence. 
After he's finished cleaning the wound, Jordan applies some antiseptic and a bandage. He checks it over one last time before standing up and taking a step back. "There, all done," he says, his voice soft and reassuring. "You'll be okay.”
“Can I kiss you?” It slips from my lips before I can stop myself, my hand reaching to cup his jaw and rub my thumb over his cheekbone as he looks up at me with those breathtakingly green eyes.
He’s swallowing, adams apple bobbing before he whispers out a soft “Please.” 
In an instant Jordan’s raising himself on his knees, lips soft and warm against mine moving in perfect harmony as our mouths mold together in a passionate embrace. I can taste the sweetness of his lips, a mix of the chapstick he’s wearing and the slightest hint of raspberries that I had smelled earlier. He’s deepening the kiss, pulling me closer and I’m slipping off the edge of the bath and straight into his lap, one of his hands finding its way into my hair to press my lips to his even more while the other wraps around my waist. The kiss feels like a warm blanket wrapped around me, comforting and familiar yet exhilarating at the same time. Jordan is gentle yet oh so passionate, his lips hot and needy against mine, a soft sound rumbling in his chest when I tug on his soft hair. I can the feel the heat radiating from his body as he holds me close as he stands in one smooth motion, keeping me held in his arms as he carries me to my room. 
When we reach my room, he carefully lays me down on the bed, finally breaking the kiss to gaze down at me, those usually bright eyes having darkened and he’s wetting his lips, “You okay baby?” He asks softly, brushing a strand of hair out of my eyes and smiling softly, thumb tracing my cheekbones. I’m nodding in response, hand finding its way to the back of his neck and I’m guiding him down into another kiss, this one much softer and slower. 
As Jordan's lips meet mine again, it's as if the whole world melts away. His kisses are gentle and sweet, each one sending shivers down my spine and setting my skin ablaze. His lips move slowly and sensually, exploring every inch of my mouth with a softness that leaves me breathless. I can feel his warm breath against my skin, his hand caressing my cheek as our lips dance together in perfect harmony. It's a slow, sensual kiss that makes my heart race and leaves me wanting more. Our bodies press together, fitting perfectly as we explore each other's mouths with a hunger that cannot be denied. It's a kiss that ignites a fire within me, leaving me burning with desire and completely lost in the moment. 
“Jor,” I’m gasping out, hands moving to unbutton his uniform but he gently grips my wrists, “Jor please.” 
“Baby,” He’s shaking his head in amusement before he makes me look at him, “We can’t sweetheart, you’re hurt. Let me… let me help in a different way.” 
“J-Jor.” I’m choking out, feeling a rush of love at how sweet he is, my breath hitches in my throat when his lips find my neck. He’s tugging at my shirt and I think my heart tries to take up skipping as I sit up to let him slide it over my head before he’s guiding me to lay back down, hands caressing my skin softly. He’s peppering kisses across my chest and stomach, leaving a trail of sweet and chaste kisses. I can feel his lips leave a few tender hickeys here and there, causing me to gasp and giggle, running my fingers through his hair, enjoying the feeling of his lips on my skin. Jordan’s touch is oh so gentle and loving, fingers dipping into my waistband of my jeans and glancing up in question. 
I’m lifting my hips for him and soon enough I’m bare for him except my bra and he sits back on his heels, looking at me with appreciation and love and as much as I want to cover myself out of embarrassment I don’t as I trust Jordan. His hands are sliding up the insides of my thighs, slowly and teasingly, and before I can make any sound of protest he’s diving down and hungrily latching his lips onto my clit, drawing a surprised moan from me and I’m tugging at his blond locks. He’s flattening his tongue and lapping through my folds in slow and leisurely strokes before he presses his tongue as far as he can into my heat, a moan vibrating through me when I pull on his hair even more. 
Deft and nimble fingers circle my aching heat when he moves his tongue back to my bundle of nerves, collecting slick on then before he eases them to the knuckle and I think my eyes roll back into my head when he experimentally curls them. My head presses back against my pillows, eyes slipping shut and his name falling from my lips as I rock my hips into his movements. Never in a million years did I think Jordan would be this dirty and needy with the way his other hand is gripping my hip, promising bruises and adding to the building pleasure. 
“Jor, fuck… Jor baby-“ 
“It’s okay sweetheart,” He’s murmuring into the skin of my thighs, fingers still working at an almost brutal pace, “Cum for me baby.” 
Hearing how wrecked he sounds sends me over the edge and I’m crying out his name, pulling almost painfully hard at his hair as waves of ecstasy wash over me, my thighs clamping shut around his head as he never stops. Only getting the hint when my hips are wriggling away from him and he’s pulling his fingers from me, keeping his gaze on me when he sucks them into his mouth, a soft groan leaving his lips and I whine. 
“Tease,” I grumble as he slides off the bed, finding a towel and cleaning me up before he’s grabbing me some clean underwear and a pair of my sweatpants. He helps me stand on shaky legs and helps me step into them, adjusting them so they sit comfortably on my lips and I feel like I want to cry at how loving and caring he is, “What about you?”
“This was about you sweets,” He smiles lovingly at me, brushing his thumb over my cheek and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, “There you go. Now, how about some food?” I nod, feeling grateful and content as he pulls me flush against him by my hips, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips before moving to press on to my forehead. Just as we’re about to pull away from each other and head downstairs the front door opens and there’s a crash, meaning it’s the one and only Stiles Stilinski. My twin brother. 
Teen Wolf Masterlist
TAGS: Tag List Form
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xotwsm · 8 years
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Imagine: Finding Out You’re Pregnant, So You Try To Leave Beacon Hills. (Part 3)
Peter Hale x Reader ____________________________________________________________________
Humming, your eyes scanned the flyer in your hands, crossing your legs as you sat behind your desk. Officers were scattered around you, doing their work as you sat soundlessly behind your new desk. In your hands was a flyer from the school, encouraging parents to come to the small ‘activity fair’ (Daughter’s/n) class would be having. It was just going to be a few hours filled with activities that both the child and parents would enjoy together. Smiling, you wrote down a reminder on a sticky note, before sticking it on the corner of your desktop computer in front of you. Lightly tapping the keys on your keyboard, you glanced around your desk, trying to find something to do.
“Hey,” a voice called from in front of you, making you look up. Jordan Parrish stood in front of you, giving you a small smile, holding out a brown paper bag. Furrowing your eyebrows, you gave a small smile before grabbing the paper bag from him.
“Anything exciting happen on your patrol?” You asked as you put the paper bag off to the side, saving it to give to (D/n) when she got out of school. Jordan shook his head, his eyes scanning the room behind you, his fist propping his head up as he leaned on the counter. Just as you were about to ask another question, a phone ringing made your eyes snap to the landline beside your desktop. Your eyebrows furrowed for a second when you saw the light wasn’t blinking, only to realize the ringing was coming from your cellphone. Taking your cell from your bag that sat at your feet, you felt your heart drop when you saw the number from the school.
“Hello?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows when you heard a child’s cry sound loudly in the background. A voice tried to console the crying child, before turning back to the phone.
“Ms. (L/n), I’m so sorry, but do you think you can come down to the school? (D/n) has been crying nonstop for the past hour, and won’t come out of the supply closet,” The female teacher said, before she tried to console your daughter once again.
“I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” you said, before hanging up. Jordan looked at your worriedly as you quickly packed your things.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, standing straight as you came from around your desk, walking past him.
“Something’s wrong, (D/n) has been crying nonstop in class for the past hour, and she hid in the closet. She only does that when she’s terrified,” you muttered, as you walked up to Sheriff Stilinski’s office, knocking twice before poking your head in. After explaining the situation to him, he let you have the rest of your shift off, which was only a few more hours. Thanking him, you hurried over to the front door, heading down the sidewalk. Your cursed to yourself when you remembered that you didn’t drive to work today, instead had opted to walk since it was a nice day out. Before you could start trekking your way down to the school, a hand grabbed your wrist, making you spin around.
“Let me give you a ride to the school,” Jordan said, pulling you over to his police cruiser.
“Thank you so much,” you said, getting into the passenger seat. He nodded, before starting up the car. The two of you sat in silence as he drove you to the small preschool, your legs bouncing up and down anxiously as you wondered what could have scared (D/n) so much. Jordan put a reassuring hand on your shoulder, giving you a weak smile as he glanced from you back to the road. You nodded, taking a few deep breaths. You were glad Jordan was around, he was like a brother to you. Your eyes scanned the road in front of you, seeing the preschool come into view.
“I’ll wait here while you go get (D/n), then I’ll drop the two of you home,” he said as he pulled up in front of the building. You thanked him once again before hopping out of the car, and speed walking into the building, finding your daughter’s class with ease. Poking your head in, you saw a bunch of little kids off to the side, listening as an elderly lady read them a story. Stepping further into the class, a quiet sob caught your attention, making your gaze snap to the other side of the room, spotting a lady in her 40s kneeling at the door to a room, talking quietly. You hurried over that way, stepping behind your daughter’s teacher, and in front of the door. Your daughter was curled into a ball, sobbing into her knees.
“(D/n),” You said quietly kneeling down, grabbing the little girl’s attention. Her head shot up as she tossed herself towards you.
“M-Mommy!” She cried out, gripping onto your shoulder, burying her face into the crook of your neck. You hushed her, standing back up. Looking down at the teacher, you could see a sympathetic look on her face. You mouthed ‘thank you’ to her, carrying your daughter out of the classroom. Once far enough into the hallway, you set her down in front of you, kneeling down to her height.
“What happened, sweetie?” You asked, wiping her tears. She took a few staggered breaths, her bottom lip sticking out slightly.
“H-He was here…” she muttered, looking down at the ground. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as you tilted her face up with your finger.
“Who was here?”
“T-The angry man! H-He was here!”
“What angry man?”
“The scary man that yell at Mommy!” She cried out, attaching herself to you once again as she let out loud sobs, her body shaking in fear. Your jaw clenched as you finally realized who she was talking about. You picked her back up, and stood straight, heading outside. You could feel your rage boiling up inside you, but you didn’t want (D/n) to see that you were so angry. Rubbing her back as you walked, a voice called out from behind you, making you stop.
“(Y/n),” Peter called, standing about 30 feet away. You daughter cried out at the sound of his voice, making you tighten your grip on her as you turned around to glare at the man. You opened your mouth to yell at him, but a different voice cut you off.
“Is everything okay?” Jordan asked, coming to stand next to you. You shook your head, loosening your grip on your daughter.
“Sweetie, let Uncle Jordan take you to the car,” you said to your daughter, your eyes never leaving Peter’s figure. Your daughter reluctantly let go, reaching her arms out to Jordan, who took her with a curious glance at you. You flicked your wrist, telling Jordan to go to the car. After watching Jordan leave with (D/n), you returned your glare to Peter. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his gaze locked on where Jordan took your daughter.
“Stay the fuck away from my daughter,” you seethed, trying to control your anger since you were in front of a preschool. Peter’s eyes locked on yours, his gaze softening. “You fucking scared her today, what the hell were you doing?”
“I have to make sure she’s okay,” he muttered, stepping closer to you.
“I can protect her just fine,” you hissed. Peter nodded in agreement, but still shrugged his shoulders.
“I know that, but you do understand that she’s half werewolf right? What are you going to do when she first shifts? How will you teach her to control it? How are you even going to know the symptoms young werewolves have before their first effective full moon?” He questioned. You felt your shoulders deflate some, as you tried to think of a response. You knew he was right. The only other werewolves you were close to was the McCall pack, and you knew he wouldn’t know anything about a young born werewolf.
“She needs me,” he muttered desperately.
Peter felt his chest tighten as he waited for your response. He clenched his fist, trying to control himself from kneeling in front of you and begging you for forgiveness. Hope flooded his body as you finally turned your gaze away from him, your shoulders deflating. He took this chance to walk closer to you, standing a few feet away.
“Please, let me see her,” he muttered, watching as your jaw clenched and you nodded. He felt his knees almost go out from under him as he was overwhelmed with joy. He let out a relieved breath as he run both his hands through his hair, tears of joy almost spilling from his eyes.
“It’s her choice, though,” you muttered, making Peter look at you confused. “You can come over for dinner tonight. If she wants to be around you more, then you are aloud to be around with my permission first. If not, I want you to leave us alone, Peter.”
Peter nodded his head frantically, happy that he has a chance to make it up to both of you. Peter listened as you told him what time to show up at your house, before you walked away. He watched your figure walk further and further away from him, before he turned and jogged towards his car.
“Okay, I need toys,” he muttered to himself as he tried to remember where the nearest toy store was.
“It’s okay (D/n), he won’t hurt you. We were just mad, that’s all,” you cooed to your daughter, who continued to give reluctant glances towards the door, where Peter should be entering in a few minutes. “It’s your choice if he stays around, okay? But you have to give him a chance, he’s your father.”
“I don’t want a father!” She cried out, stomping her feet making you let out a deep sigh. “I don’t wanna leave you!”
“He isn’t going to take you! You are going to stay with me forever, okay? He just want to meet you, give him a chance, okay sweetie?” You asked, making her nod. Giving her a smile, you reached out, tickling her sides, causing her to burst out in a fit of loud giggles.
“Rawr!” You yelled playfully, gently pouncing on her so she laid back on the floor with you over top of her, tickling her sides more. She yelled gleefully, squirming to get away from you. A doorbell cut the two of your laughs off, making your gaze shift over to the front door. You sat up from your position, as (D/n) glanced at the door, then back to you. Standing up, you made your way over to the door, opening it to reveal Peter standing there nervously, a small plush wolf in his hand.
“Come in,” you said, opening the door more. Peter nodded, walking in and looking around, a small smile on his face, as if he was remembering all the memories this house held. Your eyes scanned the room, your eyebrows furrowing as you tried to see where (D/n) had went. You let out a light chuckle when you saw her peek out from her hiding spot behind the couch, eyeing Peter curiously.
“(D/n), come here,” you said, kneeling down. Peter looked at you curiously, as he looked around the room, trying to spot the young girl. She hesitantly shuffled from behind the couch, rushing to your side. Her big (e/c) eyes gazed up at Peter, who immediately got down to his knees, giving her a small smile as he held out the push wolf. (D/n) slowly reached out, and grabbed it, a small smile on her face.
“What’s his name?” She asked quietly, looking at Peter, who looked panicked for a second.
“Uh, Ralph?” he said, making it sound more like a question rather than a statement. She nodded, hugging ‘Ralph’ to her chest.
“(D/n), this is Peter, your father,” you spoke up, making her nod and glance back up at Peter.
“Hi dad…” she muttered quietly, before running off to the other side of the room, where all her toys laid spread out.
“…Hi,” he muttered, staring at her in awe, his eyes filled with love. You swallowed, looking away from him before he caught you staring. Standing up, you brushed your hands on your pants, before clearing your throat, catching Peter’s attention, who stood up as well.
“Dinner’s almost done. Why don’t you try and get to know her, while I go finish it,” you said with a small smile, before heading into the kitchen.
Peter took a deep breath, shaking out his hands as he hyped himself up to begin talking to his daughter. He cracked his neck, before slowly shuffling over to her, squatting down on the side of her. She glanced up at him, before handing him the small wolf plush.
“Wanna play Little Red Riding Hood?” She asked giving him a wide smile. Peter felt his heart flip, as he nodded enthusiastically, taking the toy from her small hands. He watched in awe as she explained in a very childish way, the story of Little Red, adding some random bits into the story, like a talking pig, and Little Red being a princess. Movement in the corner of his eye made him shift his gaze, seeing you stand in the doorway. He gave you a big smile.
“Thank you,” he mouthed, before turning back to your daughter, and continuing to play.
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the-and-sign-anon · 3 years
Halloween Patrol
Jordan Parrish x Stilinski! reader
Word count: 292
“Allie, what are you wearing?”
She looked down and back up at Parrish. 
“My costume.”
You shook your head and sighed heavily like a tired parent. 
“I told her she couldn’t pick anything that might traumatize the kids. This was what she came up with.”
“I dressed up as you, Pears!”
Her outfit was loose fitting, clearly not her size. This was because she’d stolen the uniform from Parrish’s apartment the last time she’d been there. Despite your repeated scoldings, she kept up her habit of breaking into his apartment for her own entertainment. 
“You’re washing that and giving it back after tonight.”
“No promises.”
Allie took off running before Parrish could grab her. He just pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. 
“You just have to pick your battles, Jordan. I already picked that one and this was the best I could do.”
“I’ve got to find some way to keep her out of my apartment. Maybe I should just move.”
“You could do that, but I’m sure she’d find you anyway. For now, let’s go trick-or-treating.”
You held out a hand and smiled from beneath your dark hood. You’d chosen to dress up as the Grim Reaper this year, which was partially motivated by keeping Allie from picking it. She didn’t need an excuse to find an actual scythe and be clearly armed on Halloween.
Parrish took your hand and started off down the street. He hadn’t been thrilled with being assigned to the neighborhood watch, but you and candy were decent motivators. He’d take any excuse to spend an evening on a walk with you, even if it meant wrangling Allie and keeping an eye out for any threats to the dozens of kids wandering around. 
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Julie and the Phantoms:
platonic!JATP x reader:
My sister’s ghost band and me
Reggie Peters x reader:
Returning home
Dead and Alive
After the show
Luke Patterson x reader:
You & I
The Irregulars:
Billy x female OC:
Royalty (you can also read it on ao3 here)
Teen Wolf:
Theo Raeken x reader:
Imagine Isaac coming back to Beacon Hills and making you choose between him, Theo and Liam, when you like them all equally.
Imagine being chased by a supernatural creature and saved by Theo
Isaac Lahey x reader:
Imagine Isaac coming back to Beacon Hills and making you choose between him, Theo and Liam, when you like them all equally.
Home is not a place but a person
Miniseries: Wounded - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Liam Dunbar x reader:
Imagine Isaac coming back to Beacon Hills and making you choose between him, theo and Liam, when you like them all equally.
Last Moments
Ruining your dates
Jordan Parrish x reader:
Don’t worry. It’s cute. (Part 2)
Brett Talbot x reader:
Soulmate’s tragedy
Peter Parker x reader:
First time meeting Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Jace Wayland x reader:
Girls night out
The 100:
Bellamy Blake x reader:
The bet
John Murphy x reader:
The bet
Imagine Murphy looking at you like you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen
Nowhere boys:
Jake Riles x reader:
Getting her back... kinda
Cheryl Blossom x reader:
“Nice jacket, Blossom!”
Bad idea
Jughead Jones x reader:
“Jughead Jones is an asshole!“
Nothing Breaks Like a Heart - Part 2: My reason for this - Part 3: This Next Chapter
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina:
Ambrose Spellman x reader:
About work, marriage and love
She makes the first step
Lying awake
Trust gone
Nicholas Scratch x reader:
Just like the first time
Mood swings
Should have seen it coming (Part 2)
Brotherly concern
Head vs Heart
Young love, true love
Drunk confessions
Blood, tears and little assurances
Another Spellman moves in
The first ‘I love you’
Harvey Kinkle x reader:
Bad day
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley x OC:
This Love I Have Inside
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randomfandomimagine · 8 years
He Didn’t Know (Jordan x Reader)
Character: Jordan Parrish
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Categories: Reader Insert, Female!Reader, Songfic
Title: He Didn’t Know
 Requested by anon:
Hey! I was wondering if you could do a Jordan Parrish imagine/ song imagine based around the song 'begin again' by Taylor Swift. Maybe where the reader used to Date Derek and they broke up before he left then she starts dating Parrish, I totally understand if you can't/ don't want to or if you want to change this, thank you in advance! I love your imagines! ❤
I had mixed feelings about Derek.
Despite all our differences and even after our breakup, I still loved him. And I cared about him. Yet somehow I held grudges against him, because our relationship was so complicated because of him.
I understood why he acted like he did, but he wasted such an opportunity. We could have been extremely happy, we could have lasted forever.
But Derek… he was too earnest and too overprotective. Too tense and afraid.
I didn’t really blame him, but somehow I felt resentful towards him because of everything that happened.
“You know what you should do?” Parrish, who sat in front of me, leaned his hand over mine. “Go out, it will help you”
I sighed and looked up at him, trying to keep Derek Hale off my mind. Jordan was one of the few people that actually knew everything I went through.
He knew about me and Derek, he knew about our breakup and how painful it was for me. To be honest, he always said I had changed ever since we broke up. Because my spirits broke as well that day.
“You think?” I asked him, following along with the conversation.
“Yes!” He kindly smiled at me, a very beautiful smile. “I can take you out if you want”
It made me smile in spite of myself because he was always looking after me. Trying to cheer me up, to make me smile and make me forget about it all. 
He did help me a lot, but even time doesn’t heal all wounds.
“I don’t know…” I wasn’t too eager, basically because lately I barely even felt like doing anything at all.
“C’mon! We’ll have dinner somewhere, and I’ll treat you like a princess”
“Jordan…” I said tiredly, appreciating his efforts but not feeling like doing anything at all. “I don’t…”
“Don’t start that! We’re doing it, right now!” He showed me an endearing and slightly mischievous grin that made me chuckle in spite of myself.
“Right now?!”
“Well, not right now…” He calmed down, sitting back on his chair. “I’m working, but later”
“I don’t know…”
“I won’t take a no for an answer”
I looked at him and observed him for a moment. He held my glare, still maintaining that cute grin.
“When would it be?”
“I’ll pick you up at home in an hour” Excited, he raised his eyebrows and stared with a pleading and inquiring expression.
“You’re paying” I gave in, knowing that at least I’d get to have a nice time with him.
“Yes!” He celebrated triumphantly by closing his fist and softly waving it around once. “Of course I am!”
“See you later then, Jordan” I gave him a kiss on the cheek as a silent and secret thank you as I stood up from the chair.
“Later! Get pretty!” He exclaimed as I began to walk away. “Not that you need to!”
I left the police station with a grin. Sheriff Stilinski looked at me strangely at first when I was about to walk out. But he grinned back at me because he was obviously happy to see me smiling.
Because I went there every day to keep my mind off things and it was the first time I left with a genuine smile and not with a scowl or a sad face.
Why was I so nervous?!
It was just a pretend date with my friend Jordan. Just good old Jordan Parrish, that sweet and kind young man that cared so much about me that wanted to make me forget about Derek with a fancy dinner at a restaurant.
Maybe that was it, I was worried… Was it an actual date? Was he being so subtle that I didn’t realize it was? Or was it just two friends eating together and having a good time?
Just as I began freaking out about it, my phone rang. Jordan had sent me a text saying he was on his way.
I stared at my reflection in the full body mirror, hurrying to fix the last details of my looks.
My dress was perfect, beautiful but not too fancy nor tight or revealing. My high heels made my figure stand out but not too much as they weren’t too long.
I was probably right in the line between dressing for a date and dressing for a casual meet up. And even if I managed to make my mind up about what I wanted it to be, I didn’t have time to get changed anyway.
I looked good enough, and Jordan would probably compliment me as soon as he saw me. He was such a sweetheart that he would be okay with me going to a classy restaurant with a hoodie and converse. In fact he would probably laugh at my goofiness and then be perfectly fine with it.
I found myself smiling at the thought, I was so damn fond of that boy.
The doorbell rang, so I hurriedly fixed my hair and checked for any lipstick on my face or teeth and left when I thought I looked good, putting on some cologne.
I received Jordan with a smile, and as soon as he saw me he did too.
“You look so pretty!” And there was the compliment, as expected.
“You don’t look too bad yourself” He was wearing a suit, not one too formal but that made him look well dressed and even more handsome than usual.
“Shall we go now?” Jordan offered me his arm. “Our table awaits”
“Sure” I smiled at him as I took his arm, letting him take me to his car.
I felt so stupidly shy and nervous that I wouldn’t even hold his glare. Not that he was being too aggressive or asking anything of me, but I just wanted to be entertaining. After all, Jordan was doing this for me and it felt like I owed it to him. I was too insecure lately, but I couldn’t help it.
Yet there he was, throwing his head back in laughter because of my silly joke and being completely casual and nonchalant about it all. Not nervous or giddy at all, unlike me. I was jittery and elated.
I managed to smile at the thought that he was actually laughing because a joke I had made. I couldn’t help but to compare him with Derek, who never did because he didn’t really think I was funny. And he wasn’t someone to laugh so easily.
That made my smile fade immediately.
“Are you okay?” Parrish tilted his head slightly, observing me intently. “You look too serious”
“I’m nervous” I confessed, playing with my hands absently.
“Why?” He frowned, genuinely concerned by my obvious discomfort.
“I just feel like I owe you being happy and I’m scared that I’ll screw this up” I huffed restlessly, looking at him with the corner of my eye in fear of his response.
“You won’t screw this up, you never screw anything up, Y/N” Gently and tenderly, he placed a warm hand over the both of mine so I would stop wriggling them.
He lingered on the touch and rested them there.
“Of course!” Sweetly, he smiled at me and squeezed my hands softly. “I love being around you”
“But I can sense that you get sad sometimes around me” I argued, voicing my thoughts and worries about it for the first time. “I don’t want to make you sad again”
“It’s true that I get a little sad from time to time, but it is because I don’t like to see you so discouraged” Stirring around, he took both of my hands in his. “Still, you just be how you are, no matter how you are feeling”
“Even if I’m sad?”
“Even then” He smiled again. “It’ll come a day when you’re happy again, and I want to be there when that happens”
“You’ll probably be the reason why” I chuckled, seeing as he always cheered me up.
“That would be great” He grinned so widely that his eyes closed slightly.
I remained silent, not really knowing what to say. Not really knowing how to put my feelings into words and thank him properly. He was always so thoughtful.
“For now just enjoy and eat because I’m paying, remember?” He made a funny face that accomplished to put a smile back on my face.
It was refreshing to have someone different, to begin again almost. He did so many things that he probably didn’t even notice he was doing but that I adored so much, that were so important to me because he showed he cared.
Like pulling my chair out and help me sit like a true gentleman as soon as we arrived to the restaurant and to our table. Or ask what I wanted to eat first before he said anything. Or point out how beautiful I looked one more time.
It warmed my heart to just be there with him and it filled me with hope and love. All because of things that he did automatically and effortlessly, that he naturally did because he was like that. And that Derek would never do.
As he stopped the car, I almost felt sad because it was over. But I smiled again when he opened the door for me and gallantly offered a hand to help me get out of the vehicle.
“You were right, Jordan” I told him as he walked me home. “I had a great time”
“Glad to hear it” He smiled at me.
“I mean, it took my mind off Derek and-“ I frowned and interrupted myself when I realized what I was saying.
By that point he was so far within my mind, in my subconscious, that I brought him up without meaning to. I guessed it was not strange taking in consideration that he was still very recent in my heart and my head. But I managed to spend a few hours without thinking about him, that probably was improvement.
“Next time” He changed the subject. “You should warn me if you’re gonna get so pretty”
“What?” I chuckled, still appreciating both his effort to help and the compliment.
“I mean, I feel underdressed” Jordan pulled at his informal jacket and looked down to his dark jeans.
“You still look handsome” I dared to compliment him, doing it because I simply wanted to.
It was about time that I started doing things because I wanted to. All the more knowing that he would approve of them all. That he would support me.
He smirked and made a funny face that made me giggle.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at the police station?” He asked me, wondering if I was going again.
“Sure” I smiled a little as we arrived to my porch.
I found myself being excited to go again tomorrow. Even if up until today it was just a mere routine, a daily obligation that both Jordan and I put myself so I would do something other than locking myself at home. But I was eager to see him again.
“See you then” Jordan didn’t move for a moment, analyzing my next move.
Did he want to kiss me? Because I certainly did.
I could tell by his expression that he was doubting. I knew him very well, and the last thing he wanted to do was rush me or invade my space or boundaries.
After a few more seconds, he just nodded and turned around. I frowned in sadness when he began to walk back to his car.
I didn’t want the marvelous night to end in a sad tone. And I didn’t want to look back and regret not kissing him. So I forced myself to do something for once.
“Jordan” I called him urgently.
He turned around and looked at me questioningly.
I just ran to him. I threw myself to hug him, needing to feel his arms around me. Needing to feel his warm body against mine. And he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight against him.
“Thank you” I said, muffling my voice against his shoulder.
Then I softly broke the hug and smashed my lips on him. I knew that if I thought twice I would get scared or shy and I wouldn’t be able to gather up the courage.
And Jordan reciprocated. He moved his lips in sync with mine and moved his hands to my lower back, gently squeezing me against him as our lips danced and our eyes closed.
When we slowly broke away, staring into each other’s eyes, I sighed in content.
For the first time in months, that weight over my chest was being relieved. Like that ice that seemed to surround my heart was slowly melting at last thanks to his warmth and care. To his understanding, patience and kindness.
“Really, thank you” I insisted with a heartfelt smile, starting to get emotional. “For everything, I-”
He shushed me gently and shut me up with another gentle kiss that sent a delightful shiver down my spine. Then I nodded and licked my lips restlessly.
“There’s nothing to be thankful for” Jordan friendly winked at me and began to walk away.
Even if I told Jordan a lot about myself and my relationship with Derek, he didn’t know. He didn’t know that many things Derek used to do hurt me and that I wished he could be different.
Jordan didn’t know that unlike Derek, he was doing all the things right, all the things that Derek did wrong. And he didn’t know that he was somehow restoring my faith and my soul.
He didn’t know that thanks to his dedication, affection and attention I was beginning to be happy again. Immensely happy again.
For the first time, thinking about Derek didn’t hurt. Because when I kissed Jordan it felt right. And it filled me with a special and unique joy that I thought I would never get to feel again. At least not in a very long time.
Thinking about Derek didn’t hurt anymore because I had Jordan now. Because he made me happy and loved me unconditionally, with all my flaws and quirks.
Because thanks to Jordan I believed in love again. Thanks to him everything felt beautiful and colorful again instead of dark and gloomy like with Derek did.
Even if Jordan didn’t know any of this.
Jordan Parrish was doing all these things right and making me feel cheerful again, fixing love for me. Yet he didn’t even know.
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