#Jonathan good x reader
rafedaddy01 · 2 months
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Summary: Rafes ex walks in on you riding him
Warnings: mentions of sex, riding, semi public sex, being watched, getting caught
A/N: his hands ^^^ 🤤
Your startled as the door swings open, met with Rafes crazy ex girlfriend.
“Do you care to explain why your fucking my boyfriend?” She shouts
You fake a gasp as you turn your head to face him, his dick throbbing inside you, he grips your arms and pins them behind your back. “Rafe! How could you!”
He scrunches his eyebrows at you in confusion and you wink, turning your head back to his ex.
“Are you just gonna stand there and watch, or did you want to join?” You joke and she turns bright red.
Rafe bursts out in laughter, “I fucking love you, princess”
His eyes darken as he turns back to his ex, you slam down harder onto to him and try to calm him down.
“Get the fuck out of my house. I have more important things to do. Can’t leave my girl unsatisfied. Close the door on your way out” he doesn’t even look at her as he speaks, to caught up on the prize in front of him.
You take one last look at her. Her cheeks flushed red, clearly embarrassed, as she walks out of the room slamming the door behind her.
@f4ll-for-you @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @rafemotherfuckingcameron @dilvcv
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eiightysixbaby · 11 months
thinking about asking the boys to take your virginity 🥴
ugh, god. I love this.
You don’t need to ask Eddie twice. As soon as you pose the question, he’s scooping you into his arms and kissing you. “I’m flattered you want it to be me, sweetheart,” he says after you’ve asked. “We’ll take everything at your pace, ‘kay?” And oh god he’s so sweet about it all, his goofiness easing your nerves. He’s treating you like a queen, doting on you extra just making sure you’re thoroughly aroused for him. He kisses you everywhere, lets his fingers work their magic on you as he reminds you how fucking special you are. He soothes you through any of that initial discomfort, holding himself back from going absolutely wild over how good you feel around him. He makes you laugh during any of the awkward moments, nose brushing yours and capturing your lips in kisses to relax you. When you start to get more comfortable, start making little noises of pleasure for him he just about dies, so excited to be the first person who gets to have you like this. “You’re my fucking favorite thing in the world, you know that right?” he’s murmuring into your ear as he rocks slowly into you.
Steve is so smitten when you ask him, so honored that you trust him with this. “Are you sure? We can wait as long as you need to, there’s no rush…” but you’re insisting that you want it, that you’re ready and that you wouldn’t want your first time to be with anyone but him. You know what you’re getting into, he’s huge and you’re honestly nervous about how he’s going to fit. Steve himself is apprehensive as well, telling you over and over to let him know if he has to stop or slow down. He’s as gentle with you as he possibly can be, groaning when that first inch of him is inside of you. “You’re so perfect. Feel so good, my god,” and his praise makes you giddy, helps you feel more confident in taking all of him. You’re both seeing stars by the time he’s fit himself fully inside of you, and he’s just soooo vocal with you. Moaning and praising you nonstop. He’s so sick with adoration as he watches your eyes struggle to stay open with each of his thrusts. He tells you again and again how pretty you are, how gorgeous you look while you let him take you. If he makes you finish the first time, he’s extremely pleased with himself, finding it so important that you have the best experience possible.
Sweet boy Jonathan is probably genuinely flustered when you ask him, he’s so unbelievably excited but he’s blushing like crazy when you get the words out. “You’re sure? You really want to?” he’s hesitantly asking, holding your hands in his and squeezing them. Once he’s got you sprawled out in waiting on his bed, he’s hovering over you, hands massaging every inch of your skin that they can reach. His touch is soothing while also making you grow needier, whining for more. He eats you out before fucking you, wanting to get you nice and wet and not being able to resist having a taste of you. The way his hands grip your plush thighs and his face buries into your cunt as you reeling, it’s so clear how much he loves making you feel good and your heart pounds in anticipation. He’s slow as he starts to push into you, his fingers brushing your hair out of your face and stroking your cheeks, smirking when you dig your nails into his back. He can’t stomach the thought of hurting you, and he’s kissing the worry lines on your forehead as you adjust to the stretch to fit him, shushing you softly and reassuring you that he’s got you. “I’m here, angel. You okay? Need me to change anything?” he’s asking you, and you’re shaking your head no, pleading with him to just keep going.
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plush-rabbit · 1 year
Dating Jonathan Ohnn/The Spot Headcanons
Okay, so when I write jonathan/spot I'm keeping it close to what we have seen and the general vibe from him but also how im interpreting him so here is what I headcanon dating him like and a bit of him in general!!
Jonathan Ohnn:
Jonathan Ohnn is awkward by default. While there are moments where’s confident, around you, he falls back to feeling young. All he wants to do is impress you, but when he stumbles and can’t find the right words to compliment you, he’s feeling warm all over himself. He’s a tall man with broad shoulders, and he hardly ever stands to his full height. When working, he’s usually found hunched over, and it’s starting to translate whenever he does any errands. You always reprimand him, your hand on the curve of his back as you tell him to stand straight. He smiles apologetically and for the next few minutes will walk upright until he’s back to his usual position. You hardly have the heart to tell him to stand up straight up again, so you hold onto his arm, walking beside him. 
Most people would assume he is closed off and stoic, but he’s the opposite. He’s a rather emotional person. He’s able to hide it well for the most part. He isn’t afraid to let his emotions show when he’s feeling a certain type of way. He’s expressive, and it is usually the most prominent when he’s jealous. His face will twist into a scowl, and he’ll hold you close to him, hovering above you. When he speaks, it’s sharp and insulting to the other person- it’s probably one of the few times that you ever do get nervous because of him. He’s a smart man that won't do something that will get him into serious trouble, but he’s emotional and volatile. On the other side of the spectrum, he’s also one to look at you as if you painted the stars and the moon onto the sky, as if you’re holding the sky with your hands. He can never really hide his emotions from you- maybe it’s because the two of you are so intimate, but it’s like you can read him like an open book, like he wears his heart on his sleeve despite the walls that he tried to put up. 
It’s not all the time that the scientist is direct, but for the most part he is when he’s around you. He tells you things as if it’s the most common knowledge with no room for debate to be held with him. He’ll tell you that you’re pretty, and that he likes it when you laugh, that it sounds sweet. He’ll mention how he cares for you, terribly so, and while holding your hand in his, and he’s tracing over your knuckles, telling you that he hopes that he gets to have a long and happy life with you. When your hand tightens around his, he’s brought back to reality, and he’s clearing his throat, unsure of where to look. He can tell you how he never wants to part from you, how you look so pretty under the sun, but he can never tell you that if you just asked, he’d drop everything and run away with you, that he’d want to be with you, that you’re the only one for him, that no one else can compare.
If he had to choose a favorite activity, it’s just being next to you. He doesn’t need anything more. He finds himself thinking that he has to be with you, needing to be next to you, wanting to know that you also want the same as he does. He’s desperately into you, needing you like he needs air, like air is a second thought to him, that as long as he has you, that’s enough. In the beginning of the relationship, he’d hold you at night, letting his arm fall asleep under your weight, brushing his nose along your cheek, and pressing a kiss where he touched. A thought made itself known to him that he wouldn’t want to leave you, not willingly. In the late nights that you two shared, where you called his name and kissed his lips, he could only picture you with him in the future. He holds your hand in his when you’re asleep, and he presses his palm against yours, and he knows that to keep himself sane, he needs to be with you, that to deprived him of you would be torturous. He hopes that you feel the same.
Work is a bit of a distance for the both of you to have a shared lunch together. On top of that, he doesn’t want you around Alchemax. He’d much prefer it if you stayed as far away from it as possible. If you ask about his day, he always gives you the most vague answers. If he can prevent you from knowing what it is that he is working on, he will. Every answer that he tells you about what he’s working on is from old projects, articles that he’s read, stolen ideas from the other scientists. He never wants you to mix with his work- no matter how draining it is for him.
Arguments are far and few between, but when they do happen, they tend to be loud and upsetting for both parties. Words slip without meaning to, and seeing the other quiet and look away with tears in their eyes, makes the fight stop. Working late nights and having to worry about being caught or something going wrong when that cannot happen, makes him irritable. He grows frustrated and snaps easily, and the few hours that he does get to rest are not enough. He doesn’t mean to snap, and always one to defend yourself, an argument will break out. Sometimes a fight will be resolved after one of you walks away to cool down, sometimes it takes the whole day for either of you two to speak to each other, pride often getting in the way. However, he hates being upset with you. You’re something good in his life, and he hates it when you won’t kiss him goodnight. So he’ll swallow his pride and apologize to you with his arms wrapping around you, kissing the top of your head.
While he isn’t unattractive by any means, and his quirks have their own charms, it doesn’t stop him from being insecure in the relationship. Whenever the two of you are in public, he feels the need to hold your hand to show to others that you’re taken, and that he’s right there. He’s never been one to take control in a relationship, and most flickered out fairly quickly, so when you both last longer than any of the ones before, he gets a bit freaked out in wondering what’s keeping you around. At night, when you're sleeping beside him, he’ll sit in bed and stare at you, and wonder what it is that attracted you to him. It must have been something, but he doesn’t know what it is and if he only knew, then maybe he could keep at it- maybe he could keep you. 
Maybe because he doesn’t know what keeps you around, and he feels that at any minute, you’d leave, he resorts to buying you things. Nothing too lavish- nothing that would make you wonder where he was getting the money to pay for such ornate accessories. He will buy you small things- your favorite snack, a set of food containers that you held and remarked at how cute they were, or a mug decorated with your favorite character. It’s all enough, and it is never enough. He loves seeing your smile, and feels his chest swell in pride when you use any of the things he’s gotten you. Whatever it is that you want, he’ll get it for you, just to see you smile up at him. You always seem to return the favor even if he isn’t all that materialistic like you are. It’s little things that you gift him- a folder for his files, a mug that he only uses at home, a shirt that he’ll wear and keep even if the threads start to peek, a pen that he keeps clipped onto his coat. 
His lips will press against the corner of your lips or your hand when out in public, he isn’t the biggest fan of public displays of affection unless he’s feeling particularly possessive. However, behind closed doors, he is a very affectionate person. He loves to wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulder whenever he gets the chance. He loves the warm feeling that you start in his chest. If he could, he’d find some way to bottle it forever. He likes to be near you, even if the two of you are doing your own thing and not speaking, knowing that he could glance over and see you, is more than enough. It’s silly and he’d never admit it to anyone- especially you- but he hates not having you near him when at work. He was never a fan of pictures, but if you’re in the frame, he’s lifting the camera to capture the both of you in a moment of stillness. He sets the picture as his phone background. During work hours, if he’s not messaging you, he’s looking at the background, enraptured by your smile.
Jonathan beams under your affection. Will smile softly when he lays his head in your lap and feels your hand begin to thread through his hair and scratch at his scalp. After a long day, he melts under your touch, humming when you twist a pinch of his hair around your finger. He’ll hide his face in the soft plush of your stomach, where you can see the corner of his lips stretched in a wide grin. When you kiss him, you sometimes pepper them all over his face, and he smiles, leaning in to try to kiss you. His face grows warm under your hands as you cup his face, with half-lidded eyes, he blinks at every kiss you press against his face. They’re feathery and soft. Every press of your lips against his face has him leaning into your touch. When you kiss at his moles, he feels himself smile, and hides himself into your palm, laughing when you coo at him to turn around. 
The Spot:
After transforming into The Spot, he’s much more clingy than he was previously. When you happen to be home, he’ll give you time to relax and decompress from your work. However, once enough time has passed by, he’ll sit beside you and stretch over you. He misses you terribly throughout the day- your text messages are a clear proof of that. Plus, it’s not as if you could blame him. He’s stuck at home all day with only you to talk to, he’s grown heavily dependent on you. 
The incident messed him up- it ruined so much of his life. Without you, he’d be without a purpose, without anyone being there to ground him through his panic attacks and depressive episodes. He needs to hear from you, needs to remember that you do still care for him no matter what he looks like. There’s always going to be a part of him that’s terrified of knowing what you think of him. He saw it on your face when he first came by- fear, shock, pity. He isn’t sure what was worse, but then you cried, and you held him. There are times where you’ll kiss at a white space, and he’s fisting his hand together to restrain himself from asking for more. He can’t be greedy- not when he looks the way that he does. 
If arguments were few and far in between before he turned out the way that he is, they rarely exist now. He never wants to give you a reason to kick him out. He’ll take a house husband role and clean and cook, and do whatever it is that needs to be done around the house. In the beginning, he acted more as a guest rather than a partner. He made himself small, didn’t eat too much of the food that you brought, he’d shower when you’d leave and would sleep on the couch. Fear kept him on a leash, and he believed that maybe if you didn’t see so much of him, then you wouldn’t leave him when the time came. Whatever it is that you would have asked him to do, he would do a damn good job to prove that he could still be of some use to you. A part of him kept waiting for you to leave him like everyone else had, and when you’d invite him to sleep in your bed, sit down and have dinner with you, shower with you- he was engulfed with waves of emotion. You really did want him to be part of your life, you didn’t want a house guest, you wanted a partner, you wanted him. 
You’ll leave your phone unattended, and he’s tempted to look through your messages, to find out what you really think of him. Are you planning to leave him? Are you talking to someone else? Are you making fun of him behind his back as he lays in your bed? He never looks through your phone. He can’t bear what the ugly truth of it might be. Out of all the possibilities, he’d rather take your word that you don't mind him as he is now. You’re the one who goes shopping for the necessities for obvious reasons, and each time you leave through the door, there’s always something heavy in him that tells him that you aren’t going to come back. He waits and waits, and time ticks on slowly as if to mock him, and he’s waiting and waiting. His spots swirl and congest at certain parts of him as his anxiety increases. After sending you a quick text message, you reply immediately- always. And yet, it still isn’t enough. He must annoy you, but he can’t help it. Pressing your contact button, he’ll call you, and he must sound panicked, because you speak quietly, telling him what you’re doing and asking what he’s doing- you ground him. When you come home, he hovers over you and lays his head on your chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you.
He never wants you to let go of him. He’ll rest his head on your lap, and even if you can’t play with his hair, you still let your nails scratch over him. It’s during these moments, that you let your hands wander, the pads of your fingertips ghosting over him, teasing at his holes, before swiping down and tracing patterns over the white. You like to look at his face hole a lot is what he’s noticed. You’ve told him that even without facial features, he’s still so expressive. His body has been stretched, limbs pulled and torso compressed and while he’s always been soft, it’s much more apparent now. He’ll squirm under your gaze, and make a high-pitched noise when your hand curves over his stomach. Placing kisses over him makes his gasp for breath, especially when you interlace your hand with his and kiss where his moles used to be. 
When he first arrived at your place, he was terrified of what you’d think of him. He’d never admit that he feared that you would be like everyone else and turn him away, but you didn’t. For as long as he’ll live, he’ll always try to repay you for your kindness. He can’t take you to dinners, or buy you things, but he can certainly peek into places afterhours. He can pop into places and grab something that he’s sure you’re going to like. For a while, he can lie and say that he had gfs saved up for you, but you start to catch on when reports of robberies start to have their own section in the local news. You give him a pointed look, and he looks the other way, fiddling with one of his holes.  
It took a minute for him to get used to your fascination with him. A part of him thought it was some kink thing but when you gasp in fake-offense and shove him, he comes to the conclusion that it isn’t some kink thing. His arm will be outstretched towards you, and you’ll rim the edge of the spot with your finger. If you ever want to dip your finger into one of his holes, he’d rather you tell him first. He doesn’t have complete control over where a hole will pop up and doesn’t know the exact limitations of it, so he worries that he’ll cause some freak accident with you there. When you two cuddle together, and you want something from the kitchen, he’ll make a hole and reach what you want. It doesn’t always go smoothly, but it’s the thought that counts. You’re sure at one point, you saw the inside of a convenience store, but with the plethora of snacks, you chose not to comment, and acted blissfully ignorant when an article of stolen goods popped up. 
Due to being lonely and having an immense amount of time to himself, he is much chattier than he was before. He’ll ramble and go on for hours about any of the series that he’s watching. At this point, it’s like you’ve already watched it yourself. He’ll talk about the symbolism and parallels that the characters share, about the use of color, and how things are in reference to another one of the director’s works. It’s nice to see him so animated about something. It’s during his ramblings that his holes will vary in size and numbers. The more emotional he is, the more that they appear, and sometimes, you’ll see one appear under a cup and drop it elsewhere. You’ve been lucky so far that the cups are empty and always land in something soft. 
It’s no surprise that he’d rather not step out into public. You’re the one to do the errands and he feels bad that he can’t pull his own weight, but you always reassure him that being there is enough- more than enough. At one point, work must have taken its toll, because you come in near tears, exhausted with the clients and co-workers. You mention how one customer was particularly awful, and he holds you, running his hand up and down your back, trying to comfort you. He can’t be seen out in public with you- he fears what will happen if people know where he’s been hiding out- but he can pop in on others, and make sure that you aren’t bothered again. It’s moments like these where he’s so focused, mind swirling and reflecting on his spots, and there’s precision and accuracy on where he wants spots to appear and reappear. He never wants you to find out about what he’s doing, so he makes sure that the person can’t recount the events and that when they’re found, it looks like they fell down the stairs, body crumpled and bent in ways that can’t be explained. The next day, he makes you breakfast. 
It’s not rare to find you in one of his old shirts. Jonathan hardly ever uses them as of late, despite your claims that he should wear something considering he’s just in his skin and practically naked. He never really listens to your claims-  it isn’t as if you haven’t seen him naked before, he’s even made himself decent by hiding his shaft. His old clothing might as well get some use, and it makes him feel warm that you still wear his things- it really cements the fact that you still want him. You pull the oversized button up over a plain shirt, and call it fashion, and who is he to argue with your obviously correct statements. There’s something nice about him waking up to you wearing one of his shirts as you cook breakfast, the soft blue color and white spots, making him linger at the doorway. In the time leading up to everything, he had never thought that his life would turn this way- die by an explosion seemed so much more plausible than him becoming what he is. And now, he sits in your shared home, his body pure white and dotted with black spots, and with you, your head on his lap and his nodding off to sleep as you both watch a movie.
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softspiderling · 4 months
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south-of-heaven · 8 months
Hey, could I request a Jon Moxley x F!reader, where she is a member of the Outcast and has a persona similar to Rhea Ripley's (but she is way smaller than her) and "loves" violence and Jon has tried to gain her attention and flirts with her but she usually ignores him (she likes him too but wants him to work for it). You can decide how she finally accepts to go out with/date him🙂
The dark queen || Jon Moxley x Reader
Summary: Jon wants you, badly. You make him work for it.
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The Outcasts was a faction that thrived in the shadows of wrestling's spotlight. A group that embraced the darker side, a place where violence wasn't just a tool but a language spoken fluently by every member. In this realm of rebellion, your persona mirrored the intensity of Rhea Ripley, a force unyielding and unapologetically drawn to the darker corners of existence.
Jon Moxley, with his wild spirit and chaos energy, had set his sights on you. His relentless pursuit was hard to ignore, even for someone as immersed in darkness as you were. He would flirt shamelessly, make comments during your matches, and, on occasion, even join commentary, a task he supposedly hated but willingly did for you.
His antics were hard to miss, but you chose not to acknowledge them directly. If Moxley wanted your attention, he had to earn it. The Outcasts thrived on resilience and defiance, and if he was going to be a part of this world, he had to prove himself.
One night, after a particularly intense match where you unleashed your brutality on an unfortunate opponent, Jon's voice echoed through the arena's speakers. "Well, well, if it isn't our favourite harbinger of doom, look at her, laying waste to everything in her path."
You smirked, knowing he was playing his part in the twisted dance you two were engaged in.
He continued, "And there she goes, folks, the dark queen herself, proving once again that she doesn't need a king by her side."
The crowd roared, and you relished in the moment. Little did they know that Jon's persistent presence in your world had sparked something beneath the surface. His chaotic charm and genuine admiration were beginning to chip away at the walls you had built.
One day, as you stepped out of the ring after a particularly grueling match, you found him leaning against a wall, a sly grin on his face. "You know," he said, "ignoring me won't make me go away."
You chuckled, "Who said I wanted you to go away?"
His eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, the chaos seemed to settle. You walked away, leaving him pondering the unspoken words between you.
As weeks went by, the games continued. Flirting turned into something more genuine, and the Outcasts, the family you had found in the midst of darkness, embraced Jon Moxley into their fold.
In the twisted world where violence and rebellion were the norm, love and connection blossomed unexpectedly. The Outcasts had a new member, and the dark queen had found a king who matched her intensity step for step.
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godspeedviper · 17 days
How the Therapists Handle your Suspicions - Headcanons
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𖤐 SFW || TW: mentions of psychiatric hospitalization
𖤐 Requested by @cthulhu-cat : Can I please get headcanons of the psychiatrists with someone who has distrust of mental health workers? (i.e. "If I'm honest, I might get committed." "They wouldn't understand." "They'd look down on me if I admitted this.")
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Dr Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow)
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It's the "hard" patients he likes the most. Jonathan Crane has always been up for a challenge, but what he really enjoys is the fear. He knows how to read fear in its many expressions; as standoffish behavior, as shyness, as body language and tone.
As soon as he identifies his patient's expression of fear he switches tactics. Watching him transform his entire demeanor in a matter of seconds only intensifies the fear and anxiety you feel sitting in front of him.
"Do you know what fear is, child?" It's his favorite question to ask. "A relinquishing of power. Fear is your mind telling your body to surrender. Now, are you gonna let me have all the decision making power over you, or are you going to give me something to work with?"
While his methods may be a bit harsh, they are ultimately effective. Over time he teaches you how to tackle that fear head on, how to use that emotional energy to your advantage, and ultimately how to see it in others. You're his best pupil, he tells you. He's very proud of the person you become when you bend fear to your will the same way he does.
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Dr Hannibal Lecter (NBC)
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Unlike Dr. Crane, Hannibal approaches apprehensive patients with a more gentle approach. He makes sure to give you a few sessions just to bond and get to know each other better before you opened up about why you're really here.
Sometimes he will offer you tea and make sessions feel more like a friendly invite. However, this doesn't mean he goes easy on you either. Hannibal seems to have bizarre skill that allows him to sense when you need some interrogation, and when you would otherwise shut down if pushed.
"Do they need to understand?" he questions you. "One does not need to understand someone in order to have sympathy for them. Anyone can see that you're suffering, so it's understandable to act up under such pressure. People can be more accepting than you initially believe."
He gives you the courage to explore vulnerability, and learn to let your guard down. Over time you come to think of him almost as a close friend. There's an inherent intimacy in Hannibal's office, he cultivates that feeling with ease.
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Dr Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
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There's Dr. Quinzel and then there's Harley. That is, there's Quinzel's professional side, and then her "quirky girl next door" side. As soon as she feels you holding back from her, she goes full Harley mode, talking to you like a concerned aunt.
She always does her best to make you feel safe, and you soon learn that her pristine office holds a lot of little surprises. Hidden among the filing cabinets and drawers is a cache of plushies and fidget toys.
"Would it be so bad if you were committed?" There is a sincere worry present in her eyes. "I will never purposely put you in harm's way, and I also want what's best for you. I work inpatient half the time so I'll be sure to watch you. I won't let anyone hurt you there, I promise."
You ultimately stick to just weekly visits in her office, but there is that sense of comfort knowing that if things ever got too bad, Harley would still be there on the inside to help you through the journey. You would be in safe hands.
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Dr Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs)
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"Are you afraid of me? Or afraid of what I do as a psychiatrist?" He seems to almost be amused by your initial apprehension. He gently pokes and prods with various questions trying to get a feel for you. At first you find it a bit cruel, but as you learn over time, Hannibal loves to make everything a bit of a game.
Two can definitely play at that game. Once you pick up on this playful tone, you start to make your own moves. Sometimes you purposefully held back, taking mental note of how many ways he will try to crack you open like a thief picking a lock.
You grow fond of these sessions and look forward to each one. He inspired that mischievous spark in you, and you enjoy trying to toy with him as much as he does you. He awakens a curiosity in you to see what you'll become when you allow yourself to trust.
"They will think we're in love." He teases. Sometimes you do wonder if you love him. Sometimes you think it's just a leap, and you're simply happy that his presence in your life has really made a difference. "I'm just projecting." You tell yourself, but the truth is you don't quite know.
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ao3 || guidelines || WIPs || Ko-Fi
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thornybubbles · 2 years
JJBA Yandere Scenario: Jealousy (The JoJos: Jonathan, Joseph, and Jotaro)
NOTE: Going to make a part 2 to this including Josuke, Giorno, and Johnny. The weird issue I was having with this post seems to have gone away. Though if anything looks weird or incomplete, let me know, please.
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Jonathan's been through a lot. Thanks to Dio, he's spent much of his childhood feeling alone and unwanted. Dio stole his father's love, turned everyone in town against him, brutally killed poor Danny, and even drove his beloved Erina away from him. You’re the only one that stayed. You're the only one that continued to stand up for him when everyone else gave into Dio. 
So that's why when he sees you looking at your friend with eyes filled with such fondness and adoration, it stirs up a dark anger in him that is so intense that it frightens him.
Jonathan does an excellent job of reigning in his emotions. You will only see that same sweet smile he always has, but you won't see the way his smile drops into a scowl as he excuses himself and turns away from you and your friend. You won't see the way he grips the doorknob so hard his fingers leave dents in the brass. 
Jonathan hates the way he feels. He has no right to try to lay claim to you. He will just have to accept that fact that you will only ever see him as a friend. So that was that. He was going to lose you,too, and then he really will be alone. His anger dissipates and he goes into a depressive state that lasts for weeks. During the day he wanders far away from his father's property and into the forest. He can't bring himself to go into town for fear of seeing you and your friend together somewhere. Staying home is out of the question. He can't take Dio's constant questions. Even though they've started acting more civil with each other, Jonathan can't bring himself to ever fully trust his adoptive brother. Dio seems far too interested in his relationship with you for his liking. 
"Why don't I see you with your little friend anymore, JoJo?" Dio asks. "You seemed so close as children. Did something happen?" 
Jonathan isn't sure but he thought he heard a hint of glee in Dio's voice as he asked that. 
Jonathan makes an effort not to snap at him. It's not his fault that this is happening. Not this time anyway.  
"Sometimes people grow apart when they grow up. The responsibilities of adulthood can distract one from childhood friendships. That's just the way life is. And if you'll excuse me, I don't wish to speak on the matter anymore." Is Jonathan's reply before he exits the room.
Dio doesn't miss the misery in Jonathan's voice and he revels in it. 
"If you say so, JoJo." 
Jonathan ends up spending most of his time in the part of the forest where the two of you would play games, tell stories, and just laugh and chase each other for hours. Erina would join you sometimes… before she started avoiding him.
And now he lost you, too. 
Of course. Why should he ever be allowed to be happy? Even without Dio being the cause of his misery, it seemed life itself was against him. He slumped to the ground and propped himself against a tree. He was sure his father would scold him for getting dirt on his clothes but that was nothing new. His father was always scolding and shaming him for something. That is, when he wasn’t singing Dio’s praises.  
Jonathan sighed, closed his eyes, and leaned his head against the tree trunk. He wasn't going to think about that. He wanted to think about you and the short time you spent together. He would think about the time he tried to scare you with a bug only to have you laugh at him and hold the bug in your hand like it was nothing. He wanted to think about the time you fell out of the tree you were climbing, got up, brushed yourself off, and went right back to climbing. You didn't cry at all. He wanted to think about the time you looked Dio right in the eyes and told him to shove it where the sun doesn't shine (mind you in a much more ladylike manner). 
You were both a gentle hand and a fist of strength, perfectly balanced in every way. You gave him a sense of hope and courage in one of the darkest times of his life. He could sit here and bask in the warmth of your memory until he just stopped living. That would have to be enough. He couldn't have you, but nothing could rob him of his memories of you. Not even Dio. 
He must have dozed off at some point because he found himself being shaken awake. He may have been imagining it, but the person shaking him sounded an awful lot like you. 
"JoJo! JoJo! Wake up!" 
Jonathan's eyelids flew open. It was you!
“Oh… what?” he rasped. His voice was hoarse and his throat felt like it was on fire. He didn't care though. You were here with him and that's all that mattered. 
“Why… are you… here?” He asked, genuinely confused by your presence. Shouldn't you be with your friend?
“Why am I here?” you repeat. “Why do you think? I came to find you, you ninny!” 
Jonathan just blinks up at you in confusion. 
“I haven't seen you in weeks and when I asked your father about you he told me that you've been acting strangely. He said that you wandered the house at night instead of sleeping and that you haven't been eating. So I started looking for you and I found you out here sleeping in the woods!" 
“O-oh…” Jonathan couldn't say more than that. He didn't really know how to answer. That, and he felt horrible. He was achy all over and his head was hurting. 
You placed a hand on his forehead and he froze at your touch, mind going numb.
“Jojo, you're burning up! How long have you been sitting in the cold like this?” You asked. 
Was it cold? Honestly Jonathan hadn't even noticed that the temperature had dropped. It was already night time. Had he really been out here for that long? 
“Why have you been doing this to yourself?” You ask, your voice hitched with worry. “Has Dio been bullying you again?” 
Jonathan said nothing. He just shook his head. 
“Then why?! Was it something else?” You ask. “Was… was it something I did?” 
Jonathan caught something in your eyes when you asked him that. It was something that opened up a very dark place inside of him. Guilt. You felt guilty. You were blaming yourself for his pitiable state. 
"I just... I didn't want to interfere." He says.
“Interfere?” You ask. “Interfere with what? What are you talking about?” 
“You… and your friend.” He says. “I see the way you look at him…”
Your face flushed. 
"I-I don't l-look at him that way!" You stuttered out in embarrassment. 
“You don’t have to hide it.” He says, trying to speak up. The action was putting a strain on his voice, making it sound worse… just as he intended. 
“JoJo…” you start to say, but he doesn't let you finish. 
"Listen... I never told you how I felt, because I thought it would put a strain on our friendship... We've been friends for a long time, haven't we? You were there for me for some of the most difficult times of my life and I adore you for it... It's because I love you so much that I'm willing to let you be happy with someone else... even if it means I'll never see you again . I just want you to be happy …” He ended with a very real, but perfectly timed cough. 
You grabbed him by his flushed face and made him look at you. 
“Don't say things like that, JoJo!” you cry. “You make it sound like I plan to abandon you!” 
He grasped one of your hands weakly. “I don't matter, dearest. I told you, if he makes you happy…” 
"That's enough!" you said sternly, placing a finger over his lips and silencing him. "I don't want you to say such things anymore!" 
Your face was etched in anger, but your eyes glistened with unshed tears. It was working. As much as he hated stooping to such deplorable tactics like guilt-tripping, but by God, it was working! He could hate himself for it later. Right now, he was basking in your attention.
You removed your finger from his lips and he smiled up at you in a state of mindless bliss. 
"Yes, ma'am." he rasped, before going into a coughing fit. 
You let him go and stood up. He whined pathetically at the loss of your touch. You assumed it was due to his sickness. You got to your feet with a determined look on your face. 
“I'm going back to get your father and some of the servants. They're going take you back home so you can get some rest. Then I'm going into town to fetch a doctor.” You stated. 
Then you leaned down and planted a kiss on Jonathan's warm forehead. Jonathan could've died right then and there and died happy. 
"Don't move from that spot, JoJo!" You said as you hiked up your skirt and began running towards the Joestar Mansion. 
“I'm not going anywhere.” JoJo tried to call after you but his voice was too hoarse and you were already out of earshot. 
"And neither are you..." He added under his breath. 
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While Jonathan tries to hide his jealousy, Joseph puts his on full display, but he plays it off as a joke. 
"So you're going out with him, again!?" he says with a pout. 
"Yes, JoJo. I have other friends besides you, you know." You say, tired of having the same old argument every time you go out with someone that isn't him. 
Joseph whines like a child and plops down on your couch. He crosses his arms and stares at the wall with a sullen expression. 
"I don't have a problem with you having friends, it's just that ever since you've been hanging out with that weirdo you act like I don't even exist! I hardly ever see you anymore!" 
You almost felt sorry for him until he called your friend a weirdo. 
"JoJo! That's enough! I know you don't like him but I won't have you calling my friend names!" you scolded. 
JoJo huffed but continued pouting on the couch in silence. 
"Why do you act like such a child? We have this argument every time I go out with someone else. It's exhausting! It's not like you're my boyfriend or anything!" 
Ouch. Okay, while what you said was true, you didn't have to just blurt it out like it was nothing. Joseph gives you a hurt look before suddenly doubling over in pain. He clutched his chest, fell off the couch and lay on the floor writhing in agony. 
"JoJo! What happened? Are you okay?! JoJo!!" you say in a panic. You drop to your knees next to him. 
"JoJo, tell me what's wrong!" you cry. 
"I don't know!" He groans. "I just suddenly felt a terrible, sharp pain in my heart! I... I think it's the knife you stabbed into it when you said that just now!" 
At the realization that he was faking so he could pick on you, you became furious. 
"JOJO! YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH!!" you shout, slapping him in the shoulder. 
Joseph curls up trying to protect himself from your slaps, but he's giggling the whole time. 
“I thought something was wrong with you, you silly ass!” you shout, a slight sob coming through in your voice. 
Joseph sits up, his grinning face only inches from your own. 
“Ah, so you do care about me!” he teased. 
Your face immediately turned red and you scooted away from him, unable to look at him with him grinning at you like that. 
“Shut up, you pain in the neck.” You mumble feeling shy all of a sudden. 
Joseph was infuriating, but when he teased you like this, you couldn't help but fall for his charms... just a little. Up to this point, you had only ever viewed Joseph as a friend, but lately you've begun to see him in a slightly different light. 
The problem is that Joseph knew that. 
“I'll make a deal with you, JoJo.” You said after regaining your composure. 
“If you quit complaining every time I go out with my other friends, then I'll make it so Saturdays will be the day that I hang out exclusively with you. Does that sound fair?” 
You have Joseph's full attention now. 
“Really?! Just you and me?!!” He asks, getting more and more excited by the minute. 
“So….does this mean… um….” he stutters, looking around nervously as if he isn't sure that he should say what he wants to. 
“Does it mean what?” you ask. 
“If we’re going out every Saturday… and it’s just the two of us… can we say that… we’re dating?” he asks with a hopeful smile. 
Your face flushes again and you look away from him, irritated at how cute he's being right now. 
"Fine." you sigh. "I guess you can say we're dating." 
Joseph lets out a whoop of joy before sweeping you into his heavily muscled arms. 
"Thank you! You won't regret it I swear!" he promises. 
As he pulls you to his chest, you don't see the smug, self-satisfied smirk he has on his face. He's finally got you right where he wants you. It took a while, but he finally got you to like him enough to go out with him. And every Saturday?! This was better than he hoped for! You'll have so much fun hanging around with him that you'll forget all about that weirdo friend of yours.
Check and Mate, darling.
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Jealous Jotaro is all cold glares and quiet fury. Every time you and your friend are seen together, Jotaro always seems to be hanging out in the background, staring daggers into the back of your friend's head. You don't know what your friend could've done to earn Jotaro's disdain, but it's very clear that he doesn't want you to be alone with him. The problem is that Jotaro won't tell you anything. Any time you confront him about it you're met with the same response. 
“I just don’t like the guy.” 
You don't understand why and Jotaro never explains. Your friend isn't even a Stand user, so it can't be that he suspects him of being an enemy. 
Your friend may not be a Stand user, but you, unfortunately are. So it takes all of Jotaro's willpower to keep Star Platinum in check when he's around the two of you. Jotaro can feel his Stand's rage stir up any time your friend gets a little too close or handsy with you. There's really nothing suspicious about the way your friend interacts with you. His touches are only of the platonic variety, but each hug, head pat, or playful shove send Jotaro into a silent rage. 
He'll chomp down on his cigarette, nearly biting it in half and almost has an aneurysm from trying to keep Star Platinum from popping out and punching the guy's head off of his shoulders. 
But none of that matters, because Jotaro already has a plan in play. He just needs to be patient and careful. 
For the next few weeks, you start getting an uncomfortable feeling that someone is watching and following you. You often try to find the source of this feeling, frantically looking over your shoulder and seeing no one. You even send your Stand to search around, but it comes back to you shrugging its shoulders after failing to find anyone. You tell Jotaro about it and he gives you a serious, concerned look and tells you to be careful. 
"Just because DIO's out of the picture doesn't mean some of his lackeys aren't still around looking for revenge. Just stay alert and let me know if anything suspicious happens." He says. 
You nod your head and go about your day, casting worried glances into every shadowy corner. 
Jotaro understands your concerns, but he's fully aware of what's really happening, so he's not too worried about it. He watches you until you are out of sight, then he lights a cigarette. He's been thinking about quitting, but he needs the nicotine to clear his head right now. The first part of the plan was taken care of, but he still had work to do. 
A few days later, you come to him with a worried expression. 
“Someone's been in my house.” You tell him before you even say your morning greeting. 
“How do you know?” He asks, instantly alert. 
“My diary's missing.” You tell him.
"Your diary?" he says, curling his lip with a disdainful sneer. 
"Yes!" You say, annoyed with his attitude. "It wasn't in my desk and I can't find it anywhere in my room or anywhere else in the house." 
Jotaro thought for a moment. 
“What did you write in it? You didn't write anything about Egypt did you?” he asked with a serious tone. 
“Of course not! I wouldn't dare! I didn't put anything important in it just in case someone did find it and read it.” you say. 
“Then why would someone want your diary?” He asks. 
"I don't know, JoJo! I ​​just know that I can't find it." You shout, frustrated that he doesn't seem to be taking it seriously. 
“Did you check your locker?” He offers. 
"I don't bring my diary to school, JoJo." You sigh in exasperation. 
Jotaro huffs at your tone. 
"Don't get snappy, I was just asking. Good grief. If you're that worried about it, I'll come by after school and help you look for it." he says. 
You agree to that and go to class feeling a lot better. 
You don't find your diary, but for the next week or two, you do start finding pictures of yourself on your windowsill. Fortunately, none of the pictures are compromising but they are worrying. Whoever took them seems to have been following you all over town and at school. So your feeling about being watched had been right. How your Stand hadn't been able to find your personal paparazzi you didn't know, but Jotaro was going to hear about this. You took the pictures to school to show him. He wasn't happy. 
“Where did you find these?” He demands. 
"On my window sill." You state. "Whoever's stalking me wanted to make sure that I knew it. I'm not gonna wait for their next move. I'm going to take those pictures to the police." 
“Don’t bother.” Jotaro says a little too quickly. 
"Why not? I need to..." 
He cut you off. 
“The police won't be able to do much. Stalking cases are tricky and require a lot more evidence than just a few pictures. We don't even have a suspect, so they won't have anything to go on except for what you tell them.” he says. 
“So what am I gonna do then?” you ask. 
“I'll take care of it.” he says plainly. 
Another few days pass and Jotaro hasn't told you much. You've been worrying and fretting but you know Jotaro wouldn't tell you that he'd take care of it unless he had some kind of plan. Sure enough, you found yourself playing the part of bait while Jotaro followed along behind you in secret. You could spot him every now and then behind parked cars and buildings; black coat fluttering in the wind. It gave you a sense of calm even though you could feel that extra presence behind you. You didn't bother to look behind you. You knew you wouldn't see anything. Finally, just when the tension was getting unbearable, you heard someone yelp and you whirled around to see Jotaro holding your friend up by his collar. 
"Jotaro? What on earth...?" you said, wondering why Jotaro was attacking your friend. Unless... no. It couldn't be!
“Empty your bag.” Jotaro said. It was a command not a request. Your very frightened and confused friend let his book bag drop from his shoulder. Its contents spilled out onto the sidewalk. Among the items were more pictures of you and your diary. 
"It was you!" you shouted, unable to believe your friend could be guilty of something like stalking. 
Your friend tried to defend himself. He tried to convince you that he had no idea how that stuff got in his bag. When Jotaro asked him why he was following you, he just said that he was going to the convenience store to buy some sodas . He didn't even know that it was you in front of him. You weren't buying it and neither was Jotaro. The taller male grabbed your former friend by the hair and forced him to look him in the eyes. 
"I don't know what your game is, but if I catch you anywhere near her again, they'll have to use your dental record to identify you when I'm through with you." 
The statement wasn't a threat or even a promise. It was a guarantee. 
Jotaro dropped the boy to the sidewalk where he scrambled to gather up his things before running for the hills. Jotaro glared after the boy long after he was out of sight. After a moment he turned to you and asked, 
"You alright?" 
"I-ah... no. Not really." you said. 
You couldn't help but think back to all the times Jotaro gave the boy dirty looks whenever the two of you hung out. 
"You knew, didn't you?" You ask. 
“Knew what?” Jotaro says, placing a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it. He took a drag off it and blew the smoke into the sky. 
"You knew about him. That's why you said you didn't like him. You knew he was a bad egg from the start." you say. 
Jotaro just shrugs.
"I had a feeling, yeah." 
You rub your hand down your face. 
“Dammit! I should have listened to you. Your gut feelings have never been wrong before. Not back in Egypt and not now. I should've stopped hanging around him the moment you said you didn't like him!” You say with a huff of frustration. 
"Don't beat yourself up about it. You couldn't have known." Jotaro says, taking another drag from his cigarette. 
You stand there, fidgeting. Your emotions are going haywire. You feel betrayed by your friend, angry at yourself for not seeing the signs sooner, and oh so grateful to Jotaro for always being so reliable. 
Jotaro's hand on your shoulder pulls you out of your thoughts. 
“Why don't you come over to my place for dinner. I can get Mom to make that stuff you like.” Jotaro offered. 
"Yeah. That sounds good." you say. 
Jotaro smiles to himself as the two of you begin the walk towards his house. 
That went smoother than he thought it would. It took a little bit of time to set it up but it worked out beautifully. Of course it was him that had been stalking you and taking the pictures. He knew your Stand's abilities and weaknesses like he knew Star Platinum's. It was as easy to avoid its notice as it was for him to avoid yours. Having his Stand get his hands on your diary was even easier. All he had to do was hang around outside your window until you went to sleep and have Star Platinum grab the diary from your desk drawer. Of course he read it. He couldn't help himself. He was delighted to know about your little crush on him. After that, all he had to do was place the pictures on the window sill for you to find. As for framing your deadbeat friend? It was a simple matter of having Star Platinum slip the “evidence” into his bag when no one was looking at the end of the school day. Of course, there was the danger of him finding the diary and the pictures, but what would he say about it? If he brought it to your attention he would essentially be doing Jotaro's work for him. Setting up the “stalker trap” was a little bit tricky, but it was a simple matter of having you walk down a path he knew your friend took on a regular basis. He always went to that particular store to get sodas at that particular time. The rest was child's play.
Jotaro had decided at some point during that 50 day trip that you were his. You had no incentive to join the hunt for DIO at all. You weren’t a Joestar descendant. You weren’t a friend of the family, and Jotaro hadn’t saved your life, so you didn’t owe him anything. You were simply ready and willing to put your life on the line to help a classmate save his mother’s life. That’s all, and that meant something.
Jotaro wasn’t about to hand you over to some wormy little nobody that just showed up out of nowhere. You belonged to him. He already decided. 
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oscarisaacsspit · 2 years
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the dilfery is outstanding.
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cillixn · 2 years
I saw that u reblog a lot of fics and I was wondering if u would recommend me some of ur favourite ones?
yeah of course! i’m not sure if you want recs for a specific character or just in general but here is a very (not so) small handful of my personal favorites:
i’ll think of you by @everyonesawhore
this beautiful little jonny crane blurb by @huntingingoodwill
stay here with me by @creme-bruhlee
chiaroscuro by @moral-terpitude
his property by @peakyscillian
the secretary by @fortheloveoffanfic
memories made to last forever by @little-diable
right where you want me by @bonniesgoldengirl
mixup by @helio-nex
rehearsals by @cillmequick
or if you’re looking for some really incredible longer reads:
baker’s girl by @everyonesawhore
the lockdown sessions by @cillmequick
the boy in the window by @notyour-valentine
blind date (here and here) by @gypsy-girl-08
the arkham patient by @queenshelby
i hope this helps bud 💕
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morgansunflower · 8 months
Don't Abandon Me
Kon-El Kent X Batsis! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language, blood, abandonment issues and angst
Arthur's notes! Kon-El(90s Superboy), are brothers Conner(Young Justice) also Jordan & Jonathan are their younger twin brothers. Also Dick Grayson is Robin.
Y/N's parents abandon her which leads to her becoming apart of a family that would grow and grow and grow.
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Y/N steps away out from the school, she feels her gut twist seeing Kon with a blank expression as his father was scolding him. He was still worrying about her he didn't feel the need to defend himself. His, mother close by with no sign disagreeing what his father was saying.
She slowly approaches Clark lowered his voice hearing her footsteps come closer. He turns to see the young girl with a bruise on her cheek. The parents then fear somehow she had gotten in the middle of the fight.
"Mr and Mrs Kent.. It wasn't Kon's fault it was mine. I was with Kon and my ex was jealous, he took it out on me and your son did the right thing"
"oh sweetheart. Thank you for telling us the truth of what had happened. This was NOT your fault" Lois kindly said
"Lois is right" Clark agreed "were glad you're OK"
"thanks to your son" she smiled to Kon
The parents look to their son with guilt on their faces, he shrugged his shoulders
"it's fine I mean my reputation isn't exactly reliable" Kon sarcastically said
Lois turned her attention back to the young girl "thank you again for clearing things up" just then, she remembered a little girl who used to visit their home and was, her son's best friend "you are Y/N L/N, right?"
Kon panicked inside. Why did his mother have to say that?
"uh yes, you remember me?"
"of course we do, our son talks about you all the time" Clark said
Kon quickly cut in "anywho!! Ma, Dad I'm going to take Y/N back to her house and I'll be back home for dinner tonight"
Lois softly scoffs "oh nonsense, Y/N would care to join us for dinner? So long as it's OK with your parents"
"I'd love to.."
Y/N and Kon finished dinner with his family. The two walked outside together in the peaceful field however Y/N was not at peace. Kon had been her best friend for years.. But how could she tell him? The past year they had drifted apart as she barely saw him. Now her life had truly been falling apart.
"so what time do I have to take you home?" Kon asked in playful bitter tone
She gently smiled to him "oh don't worry about that. You already have done so much for me.. Besides I can walk home"
"I am not letting you walk home alone. Why would you even think I'd let that happen? Your folks still hate me?" Kon sighed
"no, it's more along the lines of them hating me and not wanting anything to do with me" Y/N stuttered
"Y/N what happened?.."
"my uh.. My parents left me" she admitted to only person she can truly trust.
Kon was shocked, appalled "Whoa Whoa, they left you? All alone? Have you seriously been all alone?" he grunted angered at himself "fuck me. I am so sorry Y/N. I should have been there"
"no, Kon. It's OK" she assured saddening
He sweetly touches her shoulders "no it isn't.. It really isn't. I'm so sorry that I wasn't there"
"drifted as we, may.. I still trust you" she gently smiled
"I'm glad you still do.. Where have you been staying?" he then asked
"at the house.. If if it's too cold Mount Justice.."
"you need somewhere safe to stay.. Not Mount Justice. A real home"
"I know.. But I don't want to leave my friends or you.. And foster care seems utterly ridiculous when no one will want me"
"Y/N you are wanted, don't say that. Just because two people who were supposed to love you abandoned you. Does not mean you're unloved, ok?"
She gently nodded her eyes shaking "thank you"
She hugs him tightly. Kon gently wrapped his arms around her. He had to fix this.
The Kent's helped her move her bags into the car. Kon gave her the biggest hug he could without causing her any harm.
"I'm gonna miss you at school" he mumbled
"I will miss you too.. But I'll see you on missions.. And more if you want to visit me"
"well of course I want to and you are more than welcome to come see me to" Kon exclaimed
She sits in the passenger seat as Bruce Wayne made his to Wayne Manor.. Her new home.
During her time... Alfred was kind to her and helped her in many ways. Dick was no were near whelmed with having a big sister. He was truly the most excited and most welcoming.
Batman was different. Rather than ignore her completely he didn't. He listened to her, he helped her and he seemed to care. She still was worried even with the adoption papers signed by his signature... Things would fall apart.
She had been staying in the Manor for nearly over a year. She was inside the Bat-cave her heart beating up and down hard enough she could go into a anxiety attack if she wasn't careful.
"he'll be fine. He's done this before.. Although Maybe not quite this long" Dick said seeing his sisters obvious distraught.
She remained silent unable to calm down. She had finally seemed to be getting close to her father.. Now.. Could he be hurt? Could he have left them? Just as her lips tremble. She tightly crossed her arms and closed her eyes.
Batman had been unresponsive for almost a hour. Alfred gave orders for H/N and Robin to stay until he became responsive.
The Bat-mobile drives into the Manor skidding across the platform. The door opens and he leaps out landing not so perfectly. All while placing pressure on the bleeding wound on his hip.
"although that usually doesn't happen" Dick nervously said.
To be abandoned was one thing. To be loved by another parent and to.. Almost lose them. She never experienced such heavy emotions. Alfred tends to his wounds. Bruce could see his daughter, was furious.
"Y/N--" she instantly lost her control
"do you not have the decency to tell us you were injured?!!? Do you care so little of how worried we were?! How could you--" she stammered as past fears became present in her eyes.
She steps away from them to leave in her heartbreak. Grayson wanted to hug her, but knew she needed space.
"Y/N!" Bruce shouted to her wanting to resolve what happened
Though she kept walking. As she made it to her room. Y/N leans against her the door she slammed. Her knees give out as she falls to sit against the door.
She was festering in her anxious thoughts. Still sitting there as she cried. He must be disappointed in her she believed.
She sees a, floating figure outside her window. She didn't bother moving too overcome with emotion. Her boyfriend opens her window flying inside. He sits beside her. He draped her legs over his own and held her in his arms. He gently moves her beautiful face on his chest.
"I yelled at him Kon. Like really yelled at him for only being gone for almost a hour... He could have died and I yelled at him. He is going to hate me. I m-messed up"
Kon gently shakes his head and began placing kisses all around her "Baby no no no. That's not true. Please don't say or even dare think that, Honey. You were scared and that's ok, that's normal. He loves you. You're his daughter"
"I just.. I don't want to lose him to" she began to sob.
"you won't" he promised kissing her.
Kon held her until her eyes grew weak and her exhaustion finally took in. He gently laid her down on her bed. He lays her blanket on her and kisses her goodbye.
After a few too many convincing words from her family and her boyfriend. She stood in front of the door to Bruce's room. She had a glass of water, to excuse the reason why she was here.
She clears her throat and shakes her emotions away. She moves her hand to knock instantly remembering coming to a, empty house.. Abandoned... She knocks.
"come in Y/N" Bruce said
She sighed, of course he knew it was her. She opens the door to see Bruce laying in his bed. He had his chest bandaged and a, bandaid on his face.
"I.. I uh brought you some water"
"thank you" he gently smiled
She placed it on his nightstand. He could tell his poor daughter, was completely nervous.
"I suppose I owe you a apology for my outburst. It won't happen again" she promised ashamed "if you... If.." she couldn't force her worst fear out
"Y/N I did not intend to worry you. You are going to become angered with me time and time again. However I will never abandon you Y/N" Bruce promised his daughter.
"it's not just that, I don't want you to die" she cried
"don't worry. I or someone will alert back up before that happens" he promised her
"my heart have better stopped beating.." he demands
She laughs knowing he was serious "I may have to sacrifice your dignity"
He takes her his daughter's hand "if that is what it takes"
Requested taglist@too-strong-to-losee @asrainterstellar
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korn-dogz · 1 year
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rafedaddy01 · 2 months
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Warnings: riding, choking, mentions of smut, 18+, sensitive content, dom!rafe, shy!reader, smut, unprotected sex
A/N: if anyone has any requests, my inbox is empty 😌
When she asks rafe to choke her while she’s riding him. She expects him to say no, her ex always made her feel self conscious about her kinks.
“Fuck yes, oh fuck yes” he groans as you ask him.
“I don’t mean just grabbing my throat. I want to feel only you fucking me. Can you do that for me?” She asks nervously.
“If it becomes too much or you feel like you might pass out, tap my chest. Okay?” She nods her head, ready to experience the pleasure she craves.
His hand moves to her neck and rubs along her collarbone before wrapping it all the way around her throat and squeezing. He ups the thrusts, pounding into her. Blood thumps in her ears as he squeezes even tighter.
“Relax baby” he whispers softly into her ear. She relaxes as he loosens his hold slightly. “Breathe in a little for me, princess” she does as he says before he closes his hand around her throat again, this time tighter.
@f4ll-for-you @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @rafemotherfuckingcameron @dilvcv @starkeysheart
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bjtch-craft · 1 year
About Me!!
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Hi, my name is Wyatt and I'm "new" to writing. I put new in heavy-ass questions because I've been writing stories since elementary school but I've been told I'm pretty good at it so do with that what you will! But I am new to writing fanfiction. I've been reading it for years and decided to dip my toes into this genre! This is also a MLM blog so if you are a woman or fem aligned please don't interact with this page thank you! I'm also a POC so some of my stories might have a slight nod to textured hair and brown skin but I'll almost always try to shy away from doing this! But you can always request a certain race. Anyways happy reading!!!
Fandoms I'll write for
Fear Street
Scream 1996-Present
The Quarry
Slasher Characters such as Brahms, Michael, Jason, Etc
Spider-Man (Any universe)
The White Lotus
Halloween 1978-2022
Stranger Things
American Psycho
What I'll Probably Write About
Fluff (Please request this y'all!!)
Smut (Maybe)
Angst (Definitely)
Characters I'll write for
Chad Meeks-Martin
Danny Bracket
Simon Kalivoda
Nick Goode
Quinn Mossbacher
Stu Macher
Billy Loomis
Brahms Heelshire
Jacob Custos
Dylan Levinny
Miles Morales
Pavitr Prabhakar
Peter Parker (Tom, Andrew, and Tobey)
Prince Eric (Live action because he to mf fine)
Corey Cunningham
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Jason Carver
Lucas Sinclair
Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees
Patrick Bateman
Miguel O'Hara
This blog is for a male-targeted audience so if you are fem aligned in any way please stay off this page. Thank you!
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plush-rabbit · 1 year
The Spot Headcanons
Request: I have no idea if you take requests or anything but like ... spot with an s/o who chews on him. Nothing nsfw or suggestive or anything. I think they'd just wanna chew on him like . Some kind of stick. (Btw i 💞💞💞 ur writing so BADDDDD)
A/N: I did a quick glance and I thought you were calling my writing bad and im like, then why are you hereಥ_ಥ (there’s a quick mention about sex, but its not like graphic)
In all his time that he’s known you, he’s always known that you had some oral fixation. There were times that you tried to hide it from Johnathan, but it was never successful. You’d chew on popsicle sticks until they were splintered and frayed, you bite on toothpicks until you’d spit out the thin lines of wood, and only once you grew comfortable around him, you’d bite on your knuckles. If he were to be honest, he was worried you’d break your skin, so he started to carry bandages in his pocket.
However, you never broke skin. You’d chew lightly, your teeth marks dented into your skin, over your knuckles and on the webbed part of your hand, chewed on the side of your finger. Further into the relationship, you start to chew without trying to hide it from him. He’d watch as you bite on a popsicle stick, bitten between your molars and grinded until it pared in the middle, and you’d hold his hand. You’d massage it, your jaw tight as you press into his palm and squeeze onto his fingers. With wood acting as a poor replacement for flesh, you’d satisfy your desire by holding his hand.
Splinters are on your tongue and drool lays a pool into your mouth as you focus on his hands and wrists, running the pad of your index finger over his veins, pinching over the flesh of his knuckles and the meaty part of his palm. It’s obvious to anyone watching that you want to bite him, but are too afraid to ask. He has his own quirks that you’ve satisfied without complaint, and he’s sure that he’s made it clear that you can ask him anything, and yet, you don’t. Your tongue is splintered, and his hand is massaged, and he lays on your chest. A part of him wonders if his flesh is not to your desire, if his fingers are too calloused for your liking. He can only hold his breath when you kiss his palm. Your breath is warm, and your lips are soft, you hold him gently, running your lips from the center, up towards a finger, and he hopes that you bite him, that you mark him and dent his skin with your canines.
Of course, he has tried to get you sensory toys due to not wanting you to get splinters on your tongue, they never worked the same. The toys would work for a while, and it was apparent that you tried to enjoy them, grinding your teeth into them, and trying to tear it apart, but he could tell that you’d only grow frustrated. As you would chew and chew,  by the end of it, spit had coated the toy and dripped onto your hand. It wasn’t the most sanitary, especially when you made it a point to try to tear apart the toy, and it would lay wrapped clean in a napkin until the next use. It was fairly common that you would end up losing them, and by the time you found them, no amount of soap and water had deemed the toys clean. 
The only time that you’d actually bruise his skin is when the two of you are intimate. You’d bite his shoulder, sink your teeth in and pull him closer when he hisses at the contact. He had no idea someone could bite so gentle and harsh at the same time. You lap at the wound, kissing it, pressing your lips softly as if to ease the sting. And again, you bite, scratching at his back, knitting your hands into his hair, and breathing heavily. When he stares at himself in the mirror, he lets his hands linger when your teeth have tattooed themselves. His fingertips ghost over the inflamed skin, and he swears that he can feel the dentations, and the skin burns, and he can’t stop tracing where you’ve kissed him.
If you won’t bite him unless there’s intimacy involved, then he’ll make it known that it’s okay to chew on him. He’d cover your mouth with his hand, his index over your mouth, and the rest of his hand cradling your chin. He’d feel your heated breaths pant over his index, and he’d stare into your eyes, the void of the black hole that is him staring into your shining eyes reflecting his image. Neither of you dare to break eye contact for a moment- he wants to see if you’d actually bite him. You’re the one to break eye contact, your eyes darting down to his finger, and back to him and he nods, unable to breathe as he can feel the skin of your teeth drag over the side of his finger and feel the thin of it bite down. His breath catches in his throat, and his spots widen and contract as the feeling of your teeth squeezing down.
You smile with your teeth bared, and he realizes just how much he wants you to bite him. He wants you to etch yourself onto his skin, to know that you find him worthy of being torn and mawed by you. You comment on the different texture that he has compared to you. How he feels different, and when insecurity makes him anxious, you ask if it’s really okay for you to bite him. And when he tells you yes, you hold onto his arm, your breath soft and fanning over him as you bite and bite, pressing a kiss over each mark.
If he’s not in close proximity towards you- which is rare- he will use a spot to put his hand through, letting you bite onto him. It’s almost frightening how addicted he became to you biting him, how he likes the feeling of your maw threatening to tear and rip his flesh. In the soft kisses that follow, where you flutter your lips over his hand and arm, and over his neck and shoulder, you tell him thank you, and your hands have gone untouched, splinters no longer poke your tongue.
In return for letting you bite him, he likes to rest his head on your chest and feel you scratch his back. He’ll always tell you that there’s no need to repay him- he enjoys your biting habits as much as you do- but he can’t complain when he’s allowed to just rest on you. He’ll put his full weight on you, and stretch over you, humming when your nails pull down on his back, and nearly asleep by the time your hand has cramped. He’ll nuzzle further into your chest when you scratch at the top of his head, letting out a noise of content.
 What will and his spots and the chewing that you allow, you’ve started to try different nicknames. Johnathan and any variations of it were always welcomed and when you called him Spot, you always said it so lovingly that it never struck the kind of intimidation that he was going for. At one point, you tried calling him “Swiss”- “like swiss cheese, ‘cause you’re so holey and chewy,” you joked. He still doesn't know how he feels about the nickname, but the more you called him that despite the obvious grumbling, the more he became almost fond of it. He isn’t sure how much he likes being compared to a piece of food, but you always smile at the name, and he can’t ruin your smile. 
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 1,034
Gif NOT mine.
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @jonmoxleys (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2022
⚠️Warning(s) - Nothing to graphic, mentions of violence, physical &/or emotional abuse, blood, murder, and a bit of a twisted prospective.
📝Note(s) - None.
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"Jon... What have you done?" (Y/n)'s voice shook, her heart thundering in her chest violently. Jon in question looked away from the mangled body at his feet, fresh blood dripping down his face, the crimson a stark contrast to his blue eyes. With the back of his hand he wiped away the blood dripping down his mouth, looking into her eyes as he stepped away from the corpse, only to freeze in his tracks when she took a step back. "I did what I had to do." Jon stated calmly, his breathing still heavy from the fight. "Not like this Jon." (Y/n)'s eyes welled with tears. "He was gonna hurt you... I couldn't let that happen, not anymore, never again." He promised before taking a tentative step forward, this time not stopping when she took a step back. "I'll protect you (Y/n), I love you." He tried to assure her, cornering her against the wall, where he would embrace her, despite the blood of her now dead lover, covering him from head to toe. "Jon please." She weeped softly, despite grasping his shoulders to steady herself. "I'm right here baby, I'm not going anywhere... No one's ever gonna hurt you again." He cooed against her hair, nuzzling his nose into her locks afterwards. "You killed him." (Y/n) whimpered softly, her eyes drifting to the mangled corpse, only to snap shut at the gruesome sight. "I had to." Jon insisted, his grip on her tightening. "Please." She whispered, praying he would let her go. "I'm here." He cooed as he held her face between his hands, smiling softly at her before he pulled her in for a kiss. The warm blood smearing from his face onto hers, some of it even oozed into their mouths, making (Y/n) cry out. A sound Jon mistook for encouragement to give her more, so with a hungry growl he slipped his tongue into her mouth, savoring her essence upon his tongue, completely blind to the reality around him.
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south-of-heaven · 8 months
jon moxley nsfw headcanons pls
NSFW Headcanons || Jon Moxley
Warnings: Jon is an asshat and a whore. Smut.
A/N: This GIF... slut.
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Jon is honestly a little bit lazy.
He loves to have his dick sucked and just lay back, watching you bob your head up and down on him.
He groans a lot.
Has absolutely no shame, this man has an insane sex drive, he wants to have sex every day, multiple times and he does not care if anyone sees the two of you.
If you’re also on the AEW roster he’ll literally fuck you in the hallway before a match if he needs to. 
He likes it when you ride him. He’s usually laying on his back just watching you, just like when you’re giving him head.
Jon has some sort of secret mission to fuck you on every single surface in your house. 
You’re making breakfast? Great, he’ll bend you over the counter.
You’re on the couch watching TV? Awesome, he’ll just get under the blanket and fuck you right then and there. 
You’re his and he likes to show you off to the people around the two of you. Much like Charlotte, Jon enjoys having a sweet piece of ass on his arm. You’re his favourite accessory.
He never calls you by your real name, it’s always sweetheart, babe, princess, angel, you get the gist. 
He has absolutely no dignity. 
He’s also big on the ownership thing. He likes to feel like he owns you, you’re his possession.
The only time Jon really gets rough with you is if he sees someone else coming onto you or maybe you’re being a little too friendly.
He likes to think of it as a little reminder of who owns you.
He’ll come up behind you and put his hand around your throat, pulling you back against him, whispering in your ear about how you seem to have forgotten who you belong to.
He thoroughly enjoys taking you from behind, he just likes seeing you bent over. 
Jon isn’t a super soft person but during aftercare is just one of those moments. 
”Did so good for me, baby”
He’ll make sure you know how much he loves you and how you did so well.
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