#Jonathan Wakeham
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year ago
To Catch a Killer (2023)
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I can see why some viewers may find To Catch a Killer unoriginal. The protagonist, the case itself and the conflicts competing with the case to make the investigation even harder than it needs to be have appeared in other stories before. I’m not sure I’ve seen them all in a movie together like this, however. There’s something about this unusually sympathetic film by Damián Szifron (co-written by him and Jonathan Wakeham) that struck a chord with me.
On New Year’s Eve in Baltimore, a sniper kills dozens of people at random. Police officer Eleanor Falco (Shailene Woodley) arrives on the scene, where her quick thinking impresses FBI Special Agent Lammark (Ben Mendelsohn). Together, they begin searching for the killer, noticing immediately that their actions don’t quite line up with those of typical mass shooters.
What’s unusual about this film is that no aspect of the story is glamorized. The sniper’s victims are alive one second and dead the next. Once people around them realize what happened, the camera moves to another scene where someone else is caught in the sniper's crosshairs. The investigation itself is bogged down with bureaucratic decisions that tell Eleanor catching this killer will be needlessly complicated. Baltimore’s mayor wants the shooter found but he can’t let a little thing like a city gripped in fear put a stop to his plans. Everyone seems more concerned with what will happen after the killer is stopped - who will get the credit, who will get the blame, etc. - than in the work necessary to stop the bloodshed.
The opening is brutal and chilling in its matter-of-factness. From there, director Damián Szifron makes the… unusual? controversial? choice to eventually have Eleanor and the shooter (played by Ralph Ineson) discover that they have more in common than they thought. With Ineson’s performance and the very real portrayal of mental illness plaguing his character, the film almost forces you to feel empathy for him. How could we not when we don’t see any of the victims before they become targets, we don’t meet their loved ones afterward and the authorities are so power-hungry, reckless and self-absorbed. I’m not sure how to feel about this. Yes, the killer is just a “regular” person with a family that loves him, an ordinary career and so on rather than some gun-crazy ghoul. It’s important to remember that even those who commit horrible things are human beings… but at the end of the day, the world would’ve been a better place if this person had never been born. If Eleanor ever sat down with anyone and told them that at the end of the day, the shooter wasn’t a monster, she’d have a mob of anguished brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, boyfriends, girlfriends and children coming after her with pitchforks and torches. To Catch a Killer suceeds in making you pause and think about how we should think about people who do bad things but the side it picks is one I don’t think most of us would ever choose in real life.
The maze of politics, bad decisions, occasional sympathy, quick thinking and violence in To Catch a Killer is engaging. I don’t know how memorable the film will be down the line because so many aspects have appeared elsewhere but that doesn’t mean it's not worth seeing. I’m certainly glad to have spent those 119 minutes with To Catch a Killer. (September 1, 2023)
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floorman3 · 2 years ago
To Catch a Killer Review- A Solid Investigative Thriller with Good Performances from Woodley & Mendelsohn
I’ve been watching movies for a long time. Almost 44 years. In that time I’ve seen a lot of films about murders or murder mysteries if you will. Sometimes these murder mysteries have a twist to them. That is the case with To Catch a Killer. A murderer kills a bunch of people with a sniper rifle, 29 victims from a long distance on New Year’s Eve in Baltimore, Maryland. The fireworks disguise the…
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To Catch a Killer (15*): Female cop. Male Director.
#onemannsmovies review of "To Catch a Killer" (2023). #catchakillermov. Generic but entertaining serial killer/cop flick. 3.5/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “To Catch a Killer” (2023). “To Catch a Thriller” feels like a title that has been much used before. And indeed there are a string of TV movies, series and documentaries with this, or a similar title. The original title was “Misanthrope” which is a much more novel and memorable title. But I guess they assumed the general population would not know what that…
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screenmovie · 1 year ago
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Ben Mendelsohn as Lammark,
To Catch a Killer (2023), directed by Damián Szifron and written by him & Jonathan Wakeham.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years ago
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To Catch a Killer will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on July 11 via Vertical Entertainment. Originally titled Misanthrope, the 2023 serial killer thriller is currently in select theaters.
Damián Szifron (Wild Tales) directs from a script he co-wrote with Jonathan Wakeham. Shailene Woodley and Ben Mendelsohn star with Jovan Adepo and Ralph Ineson.
No special features are included. The trailer is below.
Baltimore. New Year's Eve. A talented but troubled police officer (Shailene Woodley) is recruited by the FBI's chief investigator (Ben Mendelsohn) to help profile and track down a disturbed individual terrorizing the city.
Pre-order To Catch a Killer.
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leblogdemarinaetjm · 2 years ago
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DIMANCHE 7 MAI 2023 (Billet 2 / 3)
« MISANTHROPE » (1h 59)
Un film de Damián Szifrón, avec Shailene Woodley, Ben Mendelsohn, Jovan Adepo…
Après avoir étudié de très près TOUTES les sorties de film durant notre absence (bandes-annonces, critiques Presse, critiques spectateurs…), seuls 3 films sortaient du lot : « Sur l'Adamant », le film réalisé par Nicolas Philibert dont nous avions ADORE « Être et avoir », « Burning days » (un film turc que nous verrons très prochainement avec Marina) et un thriller choc, « Misanthrope », qui ne se donne que dans 2 salles à Paris (le Pathé Parnasse où même ceux qui ont le Pass paient un supplément et l’ancien Marignan, devenu le Gaumont Champs-Elysées… un cinéma resté dans son jus des années 80, invraisemblablement daté, une « antiquité » dans le sens péjoratif du terme !).
C’est sur les Champs que JM a vu, tout seul « Misanthrope » (qui n’est pas du tout un film pour Marina, ni pour 99,99% des lecteurs/abonnés du Blog, à l’exception de Serge, le frère de JM)… et il l’a beaucoup aimé… au point même de lui accorder ❤️❤️❤️,8 cœurs sur 5.
Si vous êtes maso, lisez la critique ci-dessous pour vous en faire une idée plus précise. Par contre la bande-annonce ne reflétant pas du tout l’ambiance du film, nous avons choisi de ne vous montrer que l’affiche.
Nouveau long-métrage co-écrit et réalisé par Damián Szifrón, « Misanthrope » raconte l’histoire d’Eleanor, une jeune enquêtrice au lourd passé, qui est appelée sur les lieux d’un crime de masse terrible. La police et le FBI lancent une chasse à l’homme sans précédent, mais face au mode opératoire constamment imprévisible de l’assassin, l’enquête piétine. Eleanor, quant à elle se trouve de plus en plus impliquée dans l’affaire et se rend compte que ses propres démons intérieurs peuvent l’aider à cerner l’esprit de ce tueur si singulier…
On sent que pour le scénario, Damián Szifron et Jonathan Wakeham ont voulu s’inspirer des thrillers des années 90-2000 comme « Le Silence des Agneaux » ou encore « Le Collectionneur » car nous retrouvons le principe et la structure de ces derniers, avec une jeune enquêtrice qui doit faire ses preuves pour se frayer un chemin dans le milieu, qui a des capacités, mais que peu de personnes voient, avec évidemment une avancée de l’enquête assez classique.
Mais l’intérêt du film se situe autre part car, si les scénaristes connaissent leurs classiques et en utilisent les ficelles, c’est pour mieux en détourner les thèmes. Ainsi, le personnage d’Eleanor est au départ une policière lambda. Un jour, une tuerie de masse se déroule dans sa ville, Baltimore, et elle va prendre de bonnes décisions. Grâce à cela, elle va être remarquée par Lammarck, un agent du FBI, qui va la prendre dans son équipe. Les bonnes intuitions de la jeune policière cachent cependant un traumatisme qui fait qu’elle est en mesure de comprendre le tueur.
Ce principe est intéressant puisque nous ne sommes pas sur du profilage classique. Si Eleanor et le tueur ont un traumatisme et voient le monde de la même façon, ils n’utilisent pas pour autant leur colère de la même manière. C’est astucieux car Eleanor a de l’empathie pour le tueur et du coup nous aussi. On comprend le point de vue de celui-ci sans, évidemment, approuver ses actes.
D’ailleurs, le titre du film convient aussi bien aux deux personnages. C’est là que les thèmes très contemporains de l’histoire sont bien développés, en plus des personnages qui sont également bien traités. Le long-métrage propose une critique des Etats-Unis, que ce soit pour les tueries de masse qui gangrènent le pays depuis des années, la vente libre des armes, les « fake news », les extrémistes d’extrême droite, mais aussi les institutions.
En ce qui concerne ces derniers, c’est le personnage de Lammarck qui est mis en avant. Celui-ci gère l’enquête mais est entravé par différents politiques ou supérieurs et subalternes qui veulent être mis en avant et qui prennent de mauvaises décisions qui viennent entraver l’enquête, voire coûtent des vies. Cette dimension politique est intéressante et bienvenue, bien développée, et a une vraie incidence sur l’histoire.
En ce qui concerne la réalisation, il y a peu à dire : Damián Szifron possède une technique assez clinique et cela se voit dès la scène d’ouverture. Le film s’ouvre sur une tuerie de masse, et la réalisation est aussi froide que le tueur. Pour le reste, on sent là aussi qu’il y a une imagerie inspirée des thrillers des années 90-2000, mais qu’il modernise par des moyens actuels, comme l’utilisation du drone ou une image réaliste dépourvue de filtres comme il y a 20 ou 30 ans.
Il gère bien aussi les moments de fusillades, qui sont assez glaçants pour le spectateur. Le seul vrai reproche que l’on pourrait faire au film est qu’il manque de tension vers la fin, alors que celle-ci devrait être à son comble. Mais, vu la manière dont le scénariste-réalisateur a choisi d’élaborer son acte final, c’est plutôt cohérent.
(Source : « culturellementvotre.fr »)
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moviesandmania · 2 years ago
TO CATCH A KILLER (2023) Crime thriller with Shailene Woodley - trailer and release news
To Catch a Killer is a 2023 American crime thriller in which a talented yet troubled police officer is recruited by the FBI’s chief investigator to help profile and track down an elusive mass murderer. Also titled Misanthrope Directed and co-produced by Damián Szifron (Wild Tales; On Probation;  The Bottom of the Sea) from a screenplay co-written with Jonathan Wakeham. Also produced by Aaron…
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ramascreen · 2 years ago
Watch This Trailer For TO CATCH A KILLER Starring Shailene Woodley
Vertical has released this official trailer for TO CATCH A KILLER starring Shailene Woodley. Only In Theaters April 21, 2023 DIRECTED BY: Damián Szifron WRITTEN BY: Damián Szifron, Jonathan Wakeham STARRING: Shailene Woodley, Ben Mendelsohn, Jovan Adepo PRODUCERS: Aaron Ryder, Stuart Manashil, Shailene Woodley, Damián Szifron RUN TIME: 119 minutes RATING: R GENRE: Thriller SYNOPSIS: A modern-day…
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saturdaynightmatinee · 1 year ago
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Título Original: To Catch a Killer AKA Misántropo
Año: 2023
Duración: 119 min
País: Estados Unidos
Dirección: Damián Szifrón
Guion: Damián Szifrón, Jonathan Wakeham
Música: Carter Burwell
Fotografía: Javier Juliá
Reparto: Shailene Woodley, Ben Mendelsohn, Jovan Adepo, Ralph Ineson, Dusan Dukic, Mark Camacho, Richard Zeman, Nick Walker, Sean Tucker, Jason Cavalier
Productora: Filmnation Entertainment, RainMaker Films. Distribuidora: Vertical Entertainment
Género: Action; Crime; Drama
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FILM ▷ Misanthrope en Streaming-VF en Français
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Hayden Panettiere explique comment elle a manifesté son retour au jeu dans “ Misanthrope”.
L'ancienne “Heroes”, qui n'a pas joué depuis qu'elle a joué Juliette Barnes dans la série ABC “Nashville”, qui s'est terminée en 2018, a déclaré lundi à “Good Morning America” ​​qu'elle avait délibérément décidé de jouer à nouveau son fan-favori Le personnage de “Scream” Kirby Reed, qui est apparu pour la première fois dans “Scream 4” en 2011
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La qualité est assez bonne car Misanthrope e il n'est pas ré-encodé. Les flux vidéo (H.264 ou H.265) et audio (AC3 / Misanthrope ) sont généralement extraits d'iTunes ou d'Amazon Video, puis réinstallés dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité. Télécharger Euphoria Movie Season 1 Movie 6 L'un des films en streaming. Misanthrope Miles Morales évoque sa vie entre être un collégien et devenir Misanthrope.
Cependant, lorsque Wilson “Kingpin” Fisk Misanthrope est un super collisionneur, un autre État captif d'une autre dimension, Peter Parker, s'est accidentellement retrouvé dans la dimension Miles.
Qd Peter a entraîné les Miles à s'améliorer,
“ Misanthrope ” de Warner Bros a fait ses débuts au box-office britannique et irlandais avec un coup de grâce de 5 millions de livres sterling (5,9 millions de dollars), selon les chiffres de Comscore.
Au cours de son troisième week-end, “ Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania ” de Disney est descendu d'une place à la deuxième place avec 1,4 million de livres sterling pour un total de 17,2 millions de livres sterling.
“ Misanthrope ” d'Universal a collecté 1,1 million de livres sterling lors de son cinquième week-end en troisième position pour un total de 22,1 millions de livres sterling. À la quatrième place, un autre titre Universal, “ Cocaine Bear ”, a sniffé 1,09 million de livres sterling lors de son deuxième week-end pour un total de 3,6 millions de livres sterling.Pour compléter le top cinq, “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” de Studiocanal a séduit 845 838 £ lors de son deuxième week-end pour un total de 2,7 millions de £.
«Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba – To The Swordsmith Village» de Sony a fait ses débuts à la sixième place avec 567 638 £ et l'autre début du week-end était «Heaven in Hell» de Magnetes, qui s'est incliné en 10e position avec 146 318 £.
“Close” de MUBI a fait ses débuts à la 11e place avec 128 501 £. “Aftersun” de MUBI est toujours aussi fort, avec une collection du week-end de 21 011 £, enregistrant une baisse de seulement 2% avant la semaine des Oscars. Il a 1,7 million de livres sterling à ce jour.
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While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actors role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films.
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Scatter a happy Misanthrope so that the world returns in a variety of colors.
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andersonvision · 2 years ago
"To Catch a Killer" is a gripping thriller directed and written by Damián Szifron and Jonathan Wakeham, respectively. The movie stars Shailene Woodley, Ben Mendelsohn, and Jovan Adepo, and is produced by Aaron Ryder, Stuart Manashil, Shailene Woodley, and Damián Szifron. The film is set to be available on all On Demand platforms on May 16th and has a runtime of 119 minutes. The movie follows Eleanor, played by Shailene Woodley, a young police investigator struggling with the demons of her past when she is recruited by the FBI's chief investigator, played by Ben Mendelsohn, to help profile and track the work of a disturbed individual. As the police and FBI launch a nationwide manhunt, they are thwarted at every turn by the individual's unprecedented behavior. Given her troubled psyche, Eleanor may be the only person who can understand the mind of their assailant and bring him to justice. With a thrilling storyline and talented cast, "To Catch a Killer" promises to be a must-watch movie for fans of the thriller genre. The movie's rating is R, indicating that it may not be suitable for all audiences due to its intense themes and scenes. However, for those looking for an edge-of-the-seat experience, "To Catch a Killer" is a movie that should not be missed. Make sure to mark your calendars for May 16th, when "To Catch a Killer" will be available on all On Demand platforms. Get ready for a gripping and intense thriller that will keep you hooked until the very end.
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isabelleneville · 2 years ago
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@maximumphilosopheranchor asked: Becoming Elizabeth or The Tudors
“The stakes are too high. Whoever is a coward now will soon rue the day and regret his misfortune. Successful people only recognise fear in others” - Thomas Boleyn
**I did my favourite episode Season Two - Episode Seven: Matters of State, I hope you don’t mind.**
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sleepykittypaws · 3 years ago
2023 Theatrical Holiday Premieres
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Updated: December 6, 2023 (NOTE: Will try to keep schedule mostly up-to-date for this last year, but no longer following production)
Switch (a.k.a. Seuwichi; holiday movie starring Oh Jung-se and Kim Mi-kyung; directed by Ma Dae-Yoon; Korean language remake of 2000′s The Family Man; A spoiled actor experiences a new life when he meets a mysterious taxi driver on Christmas Eve) - Jan. 4, South Korea
Plane (New Year’s-set action movie starring Gerard Butler, Mike Colter, Yonson An and Tony Goldwyn; directed by Jean-François Richet; A New Year’s Eve storm causes a plane to crash lang on an island occupied by dangerous criminals, forcing the pilot to work with a convict to protect his passengers) - Jan. 13 (Trailer)
One Fine Morning (a.k.a. Un Beau Matin; French-language, partially holiday-set movie starring Pascal Lea-Seydoux, Melvil Greggory, Nicole Poupaud and Garcia; written and directed by Mia Hansen-Love; A widow and single mom juggles caring for her family, including her father with dementia, and a new affair with an old friend of her late husband’s) - Jan. 27, limited (Trailer)
Stars Fell Again (holiday-set sequel to 2021′s Stars Fell on Alabama starring James Maslow, Ciara Hanna, Cecilia Kim and Johnnie Mack; co-written and directed by V.W. Scheich; A year after they reunited at a high school reunion, Bryce is ready to pop the question with a Christmas proposal, but family drama interferes with his plans; filmed in Atlanta) - Feb. 3, limited (Trailer)
The Young Santa Claus (avant garde holiday origin story written, directed and starring Sidin Mido Salkic; A young indigenous man comes out of the sea with no memory, freezing, and puts on a Santa suit for warmth, finding himself instantly transformed; filmed in Australia) - Feb. 15, Melbourne premiere
A Disturbance in the Force (documentary from filmmakers Jeremy Coon and Steve Kozak on how the infamous 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special came to be) - Mar. 11, SXSW  (Website)
Great Yarmouth: Provisional Figures (Portuguese language drama starring Beatriz Batarda, Kris Hitchen, Bob Elliott, Romeu Runa, Victor Lourenço, Nuno Lopes and Rita Cabaço; directed by Marco Martins; Set in 2019, the story of Portuguese migrants who descend on the UK to work in turkey production factories in the lead up to Christmas, along with a woman who used to be one of them, now married to a local hotelier) - Mar. 16, limited (Trailer)
The Naughty List (small budget, partially crowd funded, Australian holiday movie about a girl who holds Santa hostage until she gets a “nice list guarantee”) - Apr. 16, Australian Premiere (Instagram, Facebook)
Hellmark (Hallmark horror parody short starring Tanya Jade and Giles Panton; directed by Jessica Lauren Doucet; A traditional Christmas rom-com takes a turn) - Apr. 16, Crazy 8s Gala (Instagram)
To Catch a Killer (partially holiday-set thriller starring Shailene Woodley and Ben Mendelsohn; directed by Damián Szifron; co-written by Jonathan Wakeham and Szifron; A troubled Baltimore police detective tracks down a New Year’s Eve serial killer) - Apr. 21 (Trailer)
With Joyful Ring (holiday short film starring Matthew Rhodes and Elena Hollander; written and directed by Gary Karapetyan; A lonely and depressed widower makes an effort to reconnect with the world at Christmas) - April 22, Myrtle Beach International Film Festival (Trailer)
R.M.N. (Romanian-French movie directed by Cristian Mungiu; A man who has been working overseas returns to his small, Romanian village for Christmas, only to find his former friends and neighbors caught up in fear and prejudice, which comes to a head when new foreign workers come to town) - April 28, limited (Trailer)
L’immenmsita (partially holiday-set, Italian drama starring Penelope Cruz, Vincenzo Amaro and Luana Giuliani; co-written and directed by Emanuele Crialese; A mother and her children move to Rome in the 1970s; filmed in Italy, where it was released theatrically in 2022; first U.S. release) - May 12, limited (Trailer)
Jingle Hell (holiday horror short starring Keith Szarabajka, Shalini Bathina and Poonam Basu; directed by Sean Cruser; written by Tyler Beveridge; A married couple spending their holidays in a remote cabin must fight off a Christmas Eve killer) - June 8, Marina Del Ray Film Festival
Another Year Together (holiday movie starring Alexandra Turshen, Kiva Dawson, Marilyn Sokol and Robert S. Gregory; directed by Daniel Hendricks Simon; written by Patrick Davin and Hendricks Simon; Three multi-generational romances are tracked through the New York holiday season; filmed in New York City) - June 20, Manhattan Film Festival (Trailer, Instagram)
A Corpse for Christmas (small-budget holiday horror movie starring Kasper Meltedhair, Nicholas DeGideo and Josh Christensen; written and directed by Bruce Longo; Splatter holiday horror set and filmed in Philadelphia) - July 17, PhilaMOCA
Family Portrait (a.k.a. The Christmas Card; holiday drama starring Rachel Alig, Miriam Spumpkin and Katie Folger; directed and co-written by Lucy Kerr; As the pandemic looms, a Southern family struggles to take the perfect Christmas card photo that hides all the dysfunction and grief they’re actually experiencing; filmed in Hunt, Texas) - Aug. 4, Locarno Film Festival  (Website) 
Forgetting Christmas (holiday drama starring Melan Perez, Victoria Rowell, Dennis Jones, Donnie Brown Jr., Raisa D'Oyley and Honour Drew; written and directed by Cadell Cook; A young woman comes home for the holidays to deal with her father's early-onset Alzheimer's diagnosis) - Aug. 5, Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival (Website)
The Shepherd (holiday-set short starring John Travolta, Ben Radcliffe, Steven Mackintosh, Asan N'Jie and Scarlet Grace; based on the short story by Frederick Forsyth; adapted and directed by Iain Softley; A British pilot heading home from Germany for the holidays has all his instruments fail in deep fog and is miraculously saved by a mysterious plane that guides him home safely; filmed in Norfolk, UK) - Aug. 10, HollyShorts Film Festival (Trailer) 
Santastein (partially Kickstarter-funded holiday slasher movie based on a film school short, co-directed by Benjamin Edelman and Manuel Camilion; In a world without Christmas, a vengeful Santa takes his rage out on a group of unsuspecting teens; filmed in Miami) - Aug. 12, Popcorn Frights Film Festival (Instagram, Trailer)
Championship Christmas (faith-based holiday movie starring Erica Rowell Green, Dalton Delk and Joey Traywick; written and directed by Traywick; A woman reconnects with an old flame who is now a professional wrestler; filmed in Mississippi) - Aug. 26, Quitman, Mississippi premiere
Operation White Christmas (German-language action-comedy; starring Rauand Taleb, Tim Wilde, Tim Seyfi, Roland Düringer, Andreas Vitasek, Yvonne Yung Hee Bormann and Petra Morzé; written and directed by Flo Lackner; A video clerk finds himself drawn into high-stakes intrigue when he’s tasked with stopping a state visit on Christmas Eve to save his shop.) - Aug. 24, Austria (Teaser)
Werewolf Santa (UK-filmed horror movie starring Nicholas Vince, Mark Arnold and Joe Bob Briggs; written and directed by Arielle Anthony Hayles; Santa turns into a werewolf on Christmas Eve and a YouTuber catches it all on camera; filmed in Surrey, England) - Aug. 25, FrightFest London Film Festival (Website)
War is Over! (animated short film inspired by the song “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” from John Lennon and Yoko Ono, produced their son, Sean Ono Lennon) - Sep. 11, limited
You’re Not Me (a.k.a. Tú No Eres Yo; Spanish-language, holiday-set thriller starring Jorge Motos and Roser Tapias; directed and written by Moisés Romera and Marisa Crespo; A woman returns home for the holidays to find a stranger has taken her place) - Sep. 22, Fantastic Fest
The Sacrifice Game (holiday-set horror movie starring Mena Massoud, Olivia Scott Welch, Gus Kenworthy, Chloë Levine, Derek Johns, Laurent Pitre, Madison Baines and Georgia Acken; directed and co-written by Jenn Wexler with Sean Redlitz; Two students, alone at an all-girls boarding school over Christmas break, have to fight off uninvited guests to survive; filmed in Montreal) - Sep. 23, Fantastic Fest
Christmas for Three (holiday movie starring Naomi Matsuda, Ashley Brinkman, Kenney Myers and Paulie Calafiore; written and directed by Candy Cain; A single man suddenly tasked with caring for a child finds himself falling for the social worker trying to help them) - Oct. 28, Lake Placid International Film Festival
How to Ruin the Holidays (holiday comedy starring Colin Mochrie and Amber Nash; directed by Arlen Konopaki and written by Kevin Gillese; filmed in Atlanta) - Nov. 2, limited (Website)
Glisten and the Merry Mission (animated holiday movie from Build-A-Bear, starring Julia Michaels, Dionne Warwick, Chevy Chase, Trinity Jo-Li Bliss and Sisanie Villaclara; directed by Cory Morrison; written by Temple Matthews; A young elf and her mother must find an enchanted deer to save Christmas) - Nov. 3, Cinemark Exclusive (Trailer)
What Happens Later (rom-com starring Meg Ryan and David Duchovny; directed by Ryan; Exes snowed in at a small airport spend a magical night together) - Nov. 3 (Trailer)
The Christmas Classic (holiday movie starring Malin Ackerman, Amy Smart, Ryan Hansen, Will Blagrove, Wes Hager and Charlotte Taylor; written and directed by Shane Dax Taylor; A ski resort owner promises to sell if his ex can defeat her sister, the reigning champ, in an annual Christmas contest a series of outrageous, holiday-themed challenges; filmed in Ruidoso, New Mexico) - Nov. 3, limited (Trailer); also available PVOD
The Snow Queen and the Princess (Russian animated movie based on the Snow Queen fairy tale; released in Russian in February, new English-language dub coming to theaters and PVOD across Europe and the Middle East) - Nov. 9, international (Trailer)
The Holdovers (1970s-set holiday drama starring Paul Giamatti, Carrie Preston and Da’Vine Joy Randolph; directed by Alexander Payne and written by David Hemingson; A universally despised teacher without family of his own is forced to stay at his boarding school to supervise students who can’t go home for the holidays, including one particularly surly teen, with only the school’s longtime cook to help; filmed in New England) - Nov. 10 (Trailer)
It’s a Wonderful Knife (holiday horror-thriller starring Jane Widdop, Joel McHale, Justin Long, Sydney Scotia, Sean Depner, Aiden Howard, Erin Boyes and William B. Davis; directed by Tyler MacIntyre; written by Michael Kennedy; A final girl wishes she'd never been born, and lands in an alternate reality where she must once again battle the Christmas Eve killer; filmed in Vancouver) - Nov. 10 (Trailer)
Family Time (a.k.a. Mummola; holiday-set Finnish drama starring Ria Kataja, Elina Knihtilä, Leena Uotila, Tom Wentzel and Jarkko Pajunen; written and directed by by Tia Kouvo, based on his 2018 short; A dysfunctional family slowly implodes during a holiday visit) - Nov. 10, Finland (Trailer)
Manodrome (holiday-set drama starring Jesse Eisenberg and Adrian Brody; directed by John Trengrove; An uber driver with a pregnant girlfriend gets drawn into a cult-like male empowerment group) - Nov. 10, limited
Journey to Bethlehem (musical retelling of the Biblical Christmas story, starring Fiona Palomo, Milo Manheim, Antonio Banderas,  Stephanie Gil, Joel Smallbone, Lecrae, Rizwan Manji, Geno Seagers and Omid Djalili; directed by Adam Anders; written by Anders and Peter Barsocchini; original music by Adam and Nikki Anders, along with Peer Astrom; filmed in Spain) - Nov. 10 (Trailer)
Your Lucky Day (holiday-set thriller; starring Angus Cloud, Jason O'Mara and Spencer Garrett; written and directed by Dan Brown; When a winning lottery ticket is purchased at a down-and-out convenience store, a hostage situation breaks out as everyone grapples for the winnings) - Nov. 10 (Trailer)
There’s Something in the Barn (holiday horror movie starring Martin Starr, Amrita Acharia and Jeppe Beck Laursen; directed by Magnus Martens; written by Aleksander Kirkwood Brown; An American family inherits a remote cabin in the Norwegian mountains and heads there for the holidays only to find they’re not alone; filmed in Norway) - Nov. 10 (Trailer)
Vandits (holiday movie starring Enrico Colantoni, Robb Wells, Tony Nappo, Francesco Antonio, Jesse Camacho, Victoria Turko, and Jann Arden; directed by Stuart Stone; written by Rodness and Stone; A group of stoners decide to rob a senior center bingo hall on Christmas Eve; filmed in Winnipeg) - Nov. 10, limited (Trailer)
The Great Turkey Town Miracle (faith-based holiday movie starring and directed by Angus Benfield, along with J William and Cameron Arnett; Inspired by true events, a fired DJ must find 4,000 turkeys for needy families in just a month to hold onto his new job) - Nov. 10, limited (Trailer)
Christmas on Cobbler Street (a.k.a. Den Første Julen i Skomakergata; Norwegian family film starring Henki Kolstad and Kristoffer Olsen; directed by Mika Hovland; written by Maren Skolem; adapted from the classic 1979 TV Norweigan “TV advent calendar” Jul I Skomakergata; An orphan in 1945, post-war Norway takes refuge in a grumpy cobbler’s shop at the holidays) - Nov. 10, Norway (Trailer)
I’ll See You on Thanksgiving (holiday movie starring Aditya 'Adi' Maitra, Ramona Schwalbach and Ulises Ruiz; written and directed by Meshach Malley; College friends meet up after graduation for the holiday and quickly learn how much has changed; filmed in Ohio) - Nov. 11, Columbus, Ohio premiere (Website)
A Savage Christmas (holiday movie starring Rachel Griffiths, Helen Thomson, Darren Gilshenan, David Roberts, Gary Sweet, Ryan Morgan, Thea Raveneau, Max Jahufer and Rekha Ryan; co-written and directed by Madeleine Dyer; A trans woman returns home for the holidays for the first time with her boyfriend, expecting her transition to be the most shocking thing at Christmas dinner only to be upstaged by her dysfunctional family; filmed in Brisbane, Australia) - Nov. 16, Australia (Website)
Thanksgiving (holiday horror movie starring Milo Manheim, Jalen Thomas Brooks, Nell Verlaque, Addison Rae, Gina Gershon and Patrick Dempsey; directed by Eli Roth, written by Jeff Rendell; based on the mock trailer seen in Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's 2007 movie Grindhouse, where a killer fashions a carving board out of his victims; filmed in Toronto) - Nov. 17 (Trailer)
So This is Christmas (Irish holiday documentary about people who struggle with the festive season; directed by Ken Wardrop; filmed in Ireland) - Nov. 17, Ireland (Website)
A Gettysburg Christmas (holiday movie starring Kelley Jackle, Tom Vera, Kate Vernon, Sean Ferris, Lee Majors and Bruce Boxleitner; directed by Bo Brinkman; A woman buys an apple orchard but finds herself lonely at the holidays and in need of a Christmas miracle to keep it all going; filmed in Pennsylvania) - Nov. 27, Majestic Theater, Gettysburg, Pa. (Instagram)
Christmess (Australian holiday comedy starring Steve Le Marquand, Susan Prior and Hannah Joy; directed by Heath Davis; An actor just out of rehab can only get hired as a store Santa during a dysfunctional Down Under summer Christmas; filmed in Campbelltown, Australia) - Nov. 30, Australia (Trailer)
Animal Crossing Christmas Festival: The Movie! (animated movie based on the video game series; A young boy moves to the village and tries to get his busy new friends to celebrate Toy Day with him.) - Dec. 1 (Teaser)
Silent Night (holiday-set, dialogue-free, action-thriller starring Joel Kinnaman, Kid Cudi, Catalina Sandino Moreno and Harold Torres; directed by John Woo; written by Robert Lynn; A father avenges the death of his son, killed by gang violence on Christmas Eve; filmed in Mexico) - Dec. 1 (Trailer)
Teddy’s Christmas (English-language version of the 2022 Norwegian animated-live action release Teddybjørnens Jul, starring Zachary Levi; directed by Andrea Eckerborn; A little girl wins a magical teddy at a holiday market and wants to keep him, but Teddy prefers a more glamorous life) - Dec. 1, limited (Trailer)
Holiday Twist (holiday movie starring Kelly Stables, Neal McDonough,  Sean Astin, Brian Thomas Smith, Alison Eastwood, Kelly Rutherford and Caylee Cowan; written and directed by Stephanie Garvin; A workaholic Grinch sees the err of her ways thanks to help from a mall Santa) - Dec. 1, limited (Website, Trailer)
How the Gringo Stole Christmas (holiday movie starring George Lopez, Emily Tosta, Mariana Treviño, Jack Kilmer and Alma Martinez; directed by Angel Gracia; written by Ezequiel Martinez Jr.; A father is shocked when his daughter comes home for the holidays with a new, white boyfriend in tow; filmed in Jackson, Miss.) - Dec. 1, limited (Trailer)
La Navidad en Sus Manos (a.k.a. Holiday in His Hands; Spanish-language holiday movie starring María Botto, Santiago Segura and Ernesto Sevilla; directed by Joaquín Mazón; written by Francisco Arnal and Daniel Monedero; An average man must save Christmas when Santa has a serious accident and needs counseling) - Dec. 1, Spain (Trailer)
Andre Rieu White Christmas (holiday concert special feature André Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra, with interview and backstage footage hosted by Charlotte Hawkins) Dec. 2, limited (Website)
Russell Saves Christmas (original holiday student film; written and directed by Crystal Cantrell and Drew Matney; A surprise visit from Santa finds a group of high schoolers tasked with saving Christmas; filmed in Kentucky) - Dec. 5, Ashland, Kentucky premiere
Noel Joyeux (a.k.a. Christmas Unplanned; French holiday movie starring Emmanuelle Devos, Franck Dubosc, Dominique Frot, Amel Charif, Axel Auriant and Amir Elkacem; written and directed by Clement Michel; A lonely couple decide to invite seniors from the local retirement home for Christmas; filmed in France) - Dec. 6, France
Christmas at the Frat House (holiday movie starring Karon Riley, Natacha Ellie, Arlen Griff Griffin and Lem Collins, who also wrote the screenplay; directed by Charmin Lee; filmed in Atlanta in 2021) - Dec. 6, Peachtree Village International Film Festival)
The Perfect Christmas (faith-based holiday movie starring Anthony Hackett, Cameron Arnett, Gigi Orsillo and Robert Amaya; co-directed by Hackett and Marc Thevenin Jr.; A father tries to pull off the perfect Christmas for his family, but ends up making a mess of their holiday; filmed in the Washington, D.C. area ) - Dec. 8, limited (Website)
Eileen (holiday-set drama starring Thomasin McKenzie, Anne Hathaway and Shea Whigham; directed by William Oldroyd; based on the book by Ottessa Moshfegh; A lonely prison employee becomes fascinated by a newcomer to the staff, but her obsession leads to tragedy; filmed in New Jersey) -  Dec. 8 (Trailer)
Love Actually (20th anniversary theatrical re-release of the classic 2003 movie starring Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson and Bill Nighy; written and directed by Richard Curtis) - Dec. 8 (Trailer)
A Creature was Stirring (holiday-set horror movie starring Chrissy Metz, Annalise Basso, Scout Taylor-Compton and Connor Paolo; directed by Damien LeVeck; written by Shannon Wells; A nurse’s plan to keep her daughter sedated to protect her from a mysterious, malevolent affliction is thwarted by unexpected holiday houseguests with tragic consequences) - Dec. 8, limited (Trailer)
A Male (a.k.a. Un Varon; Columbian holiday-set movie directed by Fabian Hernandez; A young man leaves the safety of his youth shelter in order to spend Christmas day with his family, but must navigate his dangerous neighborhood to do so; filmed in Bogota; submitted for consideration in the Best International Feature category for the 96th Academy Awards) - Dec. 8, limited
A Christmas Story (40th anniversary theatrical re-release of the classic 1983 movie starring Peter Billingsley, Darren McGavin, Melinda Dillon and Ian Petrella about a boy who longs for a Red Ryder BB gun) - Dec. 10
A Small Town Christmas (holiday movie co-written, directed and starring Gin Blanton with Tahjjic Smith; A busy attorney with a thriving career finally returns home for the holidays after her grandmother falls ill ) - Dec. 11, Atlanta Premiere (Website)
Christmas with the Chosen: Holy Night  (new Christmas special edition of the faith-based story of the birth of Jesus, featuring a musical performance from Andrea Bocelli) - Dec. 12, Fathom Events
SuperKlaus (joint Spanish/Canadian, animated holiday movie/mini-series directed by Steven Majaury and Andrea Sebastián; A concussed Santa adopts the persona Superklaus but gets locked out of his workshop just before Christmas. Can two savvy kids and a loyal elf save Christmas?) - Dec. 15, Spain  (Website)
The Christmas Room (holiday movie starring Kelsey Delemar, Donnie Brown Jr., Kimia' Workman, Cassandra Grant, Jordan Nancarrow, Maya Jai Pinson, Chanel Collins, Kelsey Delemar, Mignon Pinson and Faheem Saadiq Abdus-Salaam; written and directed by Pinson; A woman home for the holidays is shocked by her grandfather’s slide into dementia and struggles to get him the help he needs; filmed in Prince George’s County, Maryland) -  Dec. 16, Maryland premiere (Instagram)
A Fireman for Christmas (holiday movie sequel to 2022′s Christmas at the Holly Hotel starring Kristen Ryda, Donnell J Clayton, Joe Kurak and Jesi Jensen; directed and co-written by Joel Paul Reisig; A woman falls in love with a firefighter at the holidays; filmed in Michigan) - Dec. 17, The Maple Theater, Michigan
A Christmas in New Hope (holiday movie starring Adrianne Palicki, Malcolm Goodwin, Katrina Bowden, David Anders, Ryan Cooper and Mia Armstrong directed by Julia Barnett; co-written by Barnett and Kathleen Estes; A single mom of a special needs child enters a home renovation contest focused on saving her home from foreclosure, but things get complicated when she falls for her musician neighbor; filmed in Waco, Texas) - Dec. 20, limited (Austin and surrounding areas)
An L.A. Christmas Story (holiday movie starring Jessica Moore, Derrick Zonca, Kaylee Frazier, Marla Lizbeth Perez, McKenzie Kelly and Eric Marq; written and directed by Michael Kallio; When her online video asking for a man who is “not an idiot” for Christmas goes viral, a lifestyle vlogger finds her life turned upside down; filmed in Hollywood, Ca.) - Dec. 20, L.A. premiere (Facebook) 
All of Us Strangers (partially holiday-set drama starring Andrew Scott and Paul Mescal; written and directed by Andrew Haigh; inspired by Taichi Yamada’s Strangers; A lonely man’s encounter with his equally isolated neighbor changes his dreary existence, mostly occupied by memories of past losses) - Dec. 22 (Trailer)
Migration (seasonal animated movie directed by Benjamin Renner; written by Mike White; A family of birds flies south for the winter and encounters dangers along the way) - Dec. 22 (Teaser)
Spy x Family Code: White (holiday-set Japanese anime movie directed by Takashi Katagiri from a screenplay by Ichirō Ōkouchi; based on the manga series; A cooking competition at the academy sets off a chain of events that threaten world peace) - Dec. 22 (Teaser)
Four Little Adults (a.k.a. Neljä Pientä Aikuista; holiday-set Finnish drama  starring Eero Milonoff, Alma Pöysti and Vilhelm Blomgren; from writer-director Selma Vilhunen; A middle-aged couple with a marriage in crisis attempt to integrate the husband’s mistress into their relationship) - Dec. 27, Finland
39 notes · View notes
screenmovie · 1 year ago
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Ben Mendelsohn as Lammark,
To Catch a Killer (2023), directed by Damián Szifron and written by him & Jonathan Wakeham.
19 notes · View notes
mysticalhearth · 4 years ago
Saint Joan - National Theatre - February 16, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Elliot Levey (Bishop of Beauvais/Cauchon), Fisayo Akinade (The Dauphin/Charles VII), Gemma Arterton (Joan), Hadley Fraser (Dunois), Jo Stone-Fewings (Earl of Warwick), Matt Bardock (Robert de Baudricourt/The Inquisitor), Niall Buggy (Archbishop of Rheims/A Gentleman) NOTES: Pro-shot. National Theatre Live Season Eight.
Saturday Night Fever - The Netherlands - 2003 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Joost de Jong (Tony), Chantal Janzen (Stephanie), Claudia de Graaf (Annette) NOTES: Generation loss Saved - Off-Broadway - June 8, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Celia Keenan-Bolger (Mary), John Dossett (Pastor Skip), Julia Murney (Lillian), Mary Faber (Hilary Faye), Josh Breckenridge (Shane), Juliana Ashley Hansen (Lana), Curtis Holbrook (Roland), Van Hughes (Patrick), Jason Michael Snow (Zac), Aaron Tveit (Dean), Emily Walton (Tia), Morgan Weed (Cassandra) NOTES: One cover-up which lasts about 10 minutes The Scarlet Pimpernel - Broadway - February, 1998 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Douglas Sills (Sir Percy Blakeney), Christine Andreas (Marguerite St. Just), Terrence Mann (Chauvelin) School Girls; Or, The African Mean Girls Play - Off-Broadway - December, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Zenzi Williams (Eloise Amponsah), MaameYaa Boafo (Paulina), Joanna A Jones (Ericka), Myra Lucretia Taylor (Headmistress Francis), Latoya Edwards (Ama), Paige Gilbert (Gifty), Abena Mensah-Bonsu (Nana), Mirirai Sithole (Mercy) NOTES: Proshot WNET-TV's New York City-area Channel THIRTEEN continues its Theater Close-Up programming with a one-night-only broadcast of Jocelyn Bioh’s hit Off-Broadway play School Girls; Or, The African Mean Girls Play. The broadcast, filmed during the show's return run at the Lucille Lortel Theatre last year, plays August 16 at 9 PM. First seen Off-Broadway in 2017, the critically acclaimed School Girls; Or, the African Mean Girls Play was remounted by MCC Theater last fall, where it once again extended its engagement. Directed by Rebecca Taichman, the coming-of-age story takes place in an exclusive, all-girls boarding school in Ghana in the ‘80s and uses both comedy and drama to explore girlhood, colorism, colonialism, and beauty. School of Rock - Broadway - November 11, 2015 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Dewey Finn), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie Mullins), Spencer Moses (Ned Schneebly), Mamie Parris (Patty Di Marco), Isabella Russo (Summer), Dante Melucci (Freddie), Evie Dolan (Katie), Jared Parker (Lawrence), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika), Luca Padovan (Billy), Taylor Caldwell (Shonelle), Carly Gendell (Marcy), Corinne Wilson (Sophie), Ethan Khusidman (Mason), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Madison) NOTES: Great HD capture of this great new ALW show. There is a 5 minute blackout during the scene after the opening song, due to late seating issues. The cast is phenomenal and Alex gives a sensational performance. High energy show with great songs and is so much fun! The last 11 minutes (which is the finale) ARE here, but from a different performance as someone was taking *multiple* flash pictures with their iPhone in the row and was scolded and babysat those 11 minutes. A- School of Rock - Broadway - December 19, 2015 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Dewey Finn), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie Mullins), Spencer Moses (Ned Schneebly), Mamie Parris (Patty Di Marco), Isabella Russo (Summer), Dante Melucci (Freddie), Evie Dolan (Katie), Jared Parker (Lawrence), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika), Luca Padovan (Billy), Taylor Caldwell (Shonelle), Carley Gendell (Marcy), Corinne Wilson (Sophie), Ethan Khusidman (Mason), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Madison) School of Rock - Broadway - December 30, 2015 (Matinee) (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Dewey Finn), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie Mullins), Spencer Moses (Ned Schneebly), Mamie Parris (Patty Di Marco), Isabella Russo (Summer), Dante Melucci (Freddie), Evie Dolan (Katie), Jared Parker (Lawrence), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika), Luca Padovan (Billy), Taylor Caldwell (Shonelle), Carly Gendell (Marcy), Corinne Wilson (Sophie), Ethan Khusidman (Mason), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Madison) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of this wonderful show. Alex is perfectly cast as Dewey and leads the show well. A very nice capture with no obstruction, no washout, and just a couple quick dropouts. It gets a little dark at times and filmed from the right side. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call and playbill scan. Alex Brightman shows why he deserves his Tony Nomination with a kick ass performance School of Rock - Broadway - February 17, 2016 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Jonathan Wagner (u/s Dewey Finn), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie Mullins), Spencer Moses (Ned Schneebly), Mamie Parris (Patty Di Marco), Isabella Russo (Summer), Dante Melucci (Freddie), Evie Dolan (Katie), Jared Parker (Lawrence), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika), Luca Padovan (Billy), Taylor Caldwell (Shonelle), Carly Gendell (Marcy), Corinne Wilson (Sophie), Ethan Khusidman (Mason), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Madison) NOTES: Please Read- Act One you can only see the ceiling due too many ushers around the filmer. Act two you can see the show partially. School of Rock - Broadway - August 8, 2016 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Dewey Finn), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie Mullins), Spencer Moses (Ned Schneebly), Mamie Parris (Patty Di Marco), Isabella Russo (Summer), Raghav Mehrotra (Freddie), Evie Dolan (Katie), Diego Lucano (Lawrence), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika), Luca Padovan (Billy), Gianna Harris (Shonelle), Carly Gendell (Marcy), Gabby Gutierrez (Sophie), Ethan Khusidman (Mason), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Madison), John Arthur Greene (Theo/Ensemble), Josh Tower (Snake/Mr. Mooneyham) NOTES: Sierra's last show School of Rock - Broadway - January 20, 2019 (Closing Night) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Justin Collette (Dewey Finn), Mamie Parris (Rosalie Mullins), Johnathan Gould (Ned Schneebly), Lori Eve Marinacci (Patty Di Marco), Ava Briglia (Summer), Levi Buksbazen (Freddie), Montgomery Lamb (Katie), Jordan Cole (Lawrence), Matthew Jost (Zack), Layla Capers (Tomika), Hudson Loverro (Billy), Madison Elizabeth Lagares (Shonelle), Sarah Walsh (Marcy), Madalen Yarbrough Mills (Sophie), Nirvaan Pal (Mason), Katie Greendorfer (Madison), Jeremy Woodard (Theo/Ensemble) NOTES: Very nice capture of the final broadway show. During the last song (Stick It To The Man (Reprise)), all the kids who have been in the show in the past come out. School of Rock - First National Tour - November 24, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Merritt David James (alt Dewey Finn), Lexie Dorsett Sharp (Rosalie Mullins), Matt Bittner (Ned Schneebly), Emily Borromeo (Patty Di Marco), Ava Briglia (Summer), Gilberto Moretti-Hamilton (Freddie), Theodora Silverman (Katie), Theo Mitchell-Penner (Lawrence), Phoenix Schuman (Zack), Gianna Harris (Tomika), John Michael Pitera (Billy), Olivia Bucknor (Shonelle), Chloe Anne Garcia (Marcy), Gabriella Uhl (Sophie), Carson Hodges (Mason) NOTES: Wonderful HD capture of the tour cast. Everything is nicely captured and the cast is terrific! A+ School of Rock - West End - August 21, 2019 (wheredidtherockgo's master) FORMAT:  TS (HD) CAST: Jake Sharp (alt Dewey Finn), Laura Tebbutt (Rosalie Mullins), Alan Pearson (Ned Schneebly), Rebecca LaChance (Patty Di Marco), Amelie Green (Summer), William Harvey (Freddie), Sofia Wilkinson Hill (Katie), Daniel Chang (Lawrence), Sebastian Adams Eaton (Zack), Kaylah Black (Tomika), Tommy Featherstone (Billy), Lily Jean Jackson (Shonelle), Calypso Bailey (Marcy), Ellie May Pavitt (Sophie), Todd Dachtler (Mason), Andy Rees (Theo/Ensemble), Ryan Bearpark (Snake/Mr. Mooneyham) NOTES: First show for Keisha Amponsa Banson, Benjamin Yates, Suzie McAdam, Kelly Hampson, Ryan Bearpark, Jayde Nelson. The sound of the video can become pretty loud. School of Rock - West End - January, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jake Sharp (u/s Dewey Finn), Claudia Kariuki (Rosalie Mullins), James Wolstenholme (Ned Schneebly), Michelle Francis (Patty Di Marco), Anya Hewett (Summer), Stanley Jarvis (Freddie), Anya Cooke (Katie), Austin Kindler (Lawrence), Jasper Bew (Zack), Aaylia Rose (Tomika), Jarvis Baugh (Billy), Tia Stuart (Shonelle), Romanie Jija-Wakeham (Marcy), Frankie Mae Garner (Sophie), John Addison (Theo/Ensemble), Andy Rees (u/s Snake/Mr. Mooneyham) NOTES: Full show. Original MP4 Scotland, PA - Off-Broadway - November, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jimmy Brewer (u/s Mac), Taylor Iman Jones (Pat), Jeb Brown (Duncan), Jay Armstrong Johnson (Banko), Will Meyers (Malcolm), David Rossmer (Doug), Lacretta Nicole (Mrs. Lenox), Megan Lawrence (Peg McDuff), Wonu Ogunfowora (Stacy/Brenda) NOTES: Great HD capture of this new Off-Broadway show, beautifully filmed from the orchestra. Act One starts when talking about the new fryer and Act Two starts when the detective is asking questions in the restaurant. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows. The Secret Garden - 1st National Tour - 1992 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Kevin McGuire (Archibald Craven), Anne Runolfsson (Lily Craven), Douglas Sills (Dr. Neville Craven), Jacquelyn Piro (Rose), Roxann Parker (Mrs. Winthrop/Alice), James Barbour (William), Jill Patton (Betsy), Audra McDonald (Ayah), Mary Fogarty (Mrs. Medlock) NOTES: NOT SURE ABOUT CAST INFORMATION, PLEASE VERIFY The Secret Garden - Lincoln Center - February 21, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sydney Lucas (Mary Lennox), Ramin Karimloo (Archibald Craven), Sierra Boggess (Lily Craven), Cheyenne Jackson (Dr. Neville Craven), Ben Platt (Dickon), Oscar Williams (Colin Craven), Jere Shea (Ben Weatherstaff), Nikki Renée Daniels (Rose), Josh Young (Captain Albert Lennox), Julie Halston (Mrs. Winthrop/Alice), Jamie Jackson (Lieutenant Ian Shaw), Telly Leung (Fakir), Anisha Nagarajan (Ayah), Barbara Rosenblat (Mrs. Medlock), Quentin Earl Darrington (Major Holmes), John Riddle (Lieutenant Peter Wright) The Secret Garden - World AIDS Day Concert - December 5, 2005 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Jaclyn Neidenthal (Mary Lennox), Steven Pasquale (Archibald Craven), Laura Benanti (Lily Craven), Will Chase (Dr. Neville Craven), Celia Keenan-Bolger (Martha), Michael Arden (Dickon), Struan Erlenborn (Colin Craven), David Canary (Ben Weatherstaff), Sara Gettelfinger (Rose), Max von Essen (Captain Albert Lennox), Deborah S Craig (Mrs. Winthrop/Alice), Matt Cavenaugh (Lieutenant Ian Shaw), Jenny Powers (Claire), Nehal Joshi (Fakir), Reshma Shetty (Ayah), Barbara Rosenblat (Mrs. Medlock), Benjamin Magnuson (Major Holmes), Shonn Wiley (Lieutenant Peter Wright)  
She Loves Me - Second Broadway Revival - February 23, 2016 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Laura Benanti (Amalia Balash), Zachary Levi (Georg Nowack), Byron Jennings (Mr. Maraczek), Jane Krakowski (Ilona Ritter), Gavin Creel (Steven Kodaly), Michael McGrath (Ladislav Sipos), Nicholas Barasch (Arpad Laszlo), Peter Bartlett (Headwaiter) Sherlock Holmes: Next Generation - Hamburg - January, 2019 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ethan Freeman (Sherlock Holmes), Frank Logemann (Dr Watson), Merlin Fargel (John), Lena Wischhusen (Catherine), Stephanie H Tschoppe (Mrs Mason), Yvonne Köstler (Miss Hudson) NOTES: Many obstructions but still captures most of the action. Shrek: The Musical - Broadway - October, 2009 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Brian d'Arcy James (Shrek), Sutton Foster (Princess Fiona), Christopher Sieber (Lord Farquaad), Daniel Breaker (Donkey), John Tartaglia (Pinocchio/Magic Mirror/Dragon Puppeteer), Haven Burton (Sugar Plum Fairy/Gingy), Kirsten Wyatt (Duloc Performer/Shoemaker's Elf/Blind Mouse), Bobby Daye (Sticks/Bishop), Ryan Duncan (Bricks), Sarah Jane Shanks (Ugly Duckling/Blind Mouse), Aymee Garcia (Mama Bear/Dragonette), Rachel Stern (Dragonette/Mama Ogre), Jennifer Simard (Wicked Witch/Queen Lillian/Magic Mirror Assistant), Rozi Baker (Young Fiona), Tessa Albertson (Teen Fiona) NOTES: This 1080p HD proshot with soundboard audio was released in 2013, but was filmed in mid-October of 2009, a few months before the production closed. Significant Other - Broadway - March 10, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Gideon Glick (Jordan Berman), Barbara Barrie (Helene Berman), Lindsay Mendez (Laura), Sas Goldberg (Kiki), Rebecca Naomi Jones (Vanessa), John Behlmann (Will/Conrad/Tony), Luke Smith (Zach/Evan/Roger) Sing Street - Grounded - April 30, 2020 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Max William Bartos (Darren), Brendan C Callahan (Gary), Billy Carter (Robert), Zara Devlin (Raphina), Gus Halper (Brendan), Jakeim Hart (Larry), Martin Moran (Brother Baxter), Anne L Nathan (Sandra), Johnny Newcomb (Barry), Brenock O'Connor (Conor), Gian Perez (Kevin), Sam Poon (Eamon), Skyler Volpe (Anne), Amy Warren (Penny) NOTES: An abridged 30 minute version of the show, performed from home in support of both Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and The Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City.  
Sister Act - Broadway - April 2, 2011 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Patina Miller (Deloris Van Cartier), Victoria Clark (Mother Superior), Kingsley Leggs (Curtis/Shank), Chester Gregory (Eddie Souther), Marla Mindelle (Mary Robert), Sarah Bolt (Mary Patrick), Fred Applegate (Monsignor O’Hara/Howard), John Treacy Egan (Joey/Bones), Demond Green (TJ) Sister Act - Broadway - January 31, 2012 FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Patina Miller (Deloris Van Cartier), Carolee Carmello (Mother Superior), Kingsley Leggs (Curtis/Shank), Chester Gregory (Eddie Souther), Marla Mindelle (Mary Robert), Sarah Bolt (Mary Patrick), Audrie Neenan (Mary Lazarus), Fred Applegate (Monsignor O’Hara/Howard), Caesar Samayoa (Pablo/Dinero), John Treacy Egan (Joey/Bones), Demond Green (TJ)  
Sister Act - First National Tour - November 18, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ta'Rea Campbell (Deloris Van Cartier), Hollis Resnik (Mother Superior), Kingsley Leggs (Curtis/Shank), E Clayton Cornelious (Eddie Souther), Lael Van Keuren (Mary Robert), Florrie Bagel (Mary Patrick), Diane J Findlay (Mary Lazarus) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the touring production. This cast was solid and was so fun to watch. A Sister Act - First UK & Ireland Tour - 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)   |   NFT: Forever CAST: Cynthia Erivo (Deloris Van Cartier), Denise Black (Mother Superior), Nolan Frederick (Curtis/Shank), Edward Baruwa (Eddie Souther), Julie Atherton (Mary Robert), Laurie Scarth (Mary Patrick), Jacqueline Clarke (Mary Lazarus), Michael Starke (Monsignor O’Hara/Howard), Gavin Alex (Pablo/Dinero), Daniel Stockton (Joey/Bones), Tyrone Huntley (TJ) NOTES: An amazing beautiful capture in 16:9 wide-screen with no obstructions or blackouts of this fantastic musical which has just the right mix of music, comedy, fun and spectacle combined with some outstanding vocal performances. Sister Act - Scheveningen - July 13, 2014 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Nurlaila Karim (u/s Deloris Van Cartier), Marjolijn Touw (u/s Mother Superior), Stanley Burleson (Curtis/Shank), Jerrel Houtsnee (Eddie Souther), Tineke Ogink (u/s Mary Robert), Esmee van Kampen (Mary Patrick), Irene Kuiper (Mary Lazarus), Frans Mulder (Monsignor O’Hara/Howard), Zjon Smaal (Joey/Bones), Marlon David Henry (TJ) Sister Act - West End - 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patina Miller (Deloris Van Cartier), Sheila Hancock (Mother Superior), Julian Cannonier (u/s Curtis/Shank), Ako Mitchell (Eddie Souther), Katie Rowley Jones (Mary Robert), Claire Greenway (Mary Patrick), Allison Harding (u/s Mary Lazarus), Ian Lavender (Monsignor O’Hara/Howard), Ivan de Freitas (Pablo/Dinero), Nic Colicos (Joey/Bones), Thomas Goodridge (TJ) Skintight - Off-Broadway - June, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Idina Menzel (Jodi Isaac), Jack Wetherall (Elliot Isaac), Cynthia Mace (Orsolya), Stephen Carrasco (Jeff), Will Brittain (Trey), Eli Gelb (Benjamin Cullen) A Snow White Christmas - Pasadena Playhouse - December 15, 2012 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Curt Hansen (Prince Harry), Ariana Grande (Snow White), David Figlioli (Herman), Charlene Tilton (Wicked Queen), Jonathan Meza (Muddles), Neil Patrick Harris (Magic Mirror) NOTES: Entertaining show for all ages, with a score of recognizable pop songs and hilarious broadway and pop culture references to Wicked, Book of Mormon, How I Met Your Mother, Victorious, Dallas, and more. Some heads can be seen at the bottom of the screen, but they are worked around fine, especially after the first few minutes of the show. There are short dropouts during the first part of Act One, but each one lasts only 15-30 seconds. It’s filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call. Soho Cinders - Off-West End Revival - January, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Michael Mather (Robbie), Livvy Evans (Velcro), Michaela Stern (Clodagh), Hollie Taylor (Dana), Lewis Asquith (James Prince), Tori Hargreaves (Marilyn Platt), Dayle Hodge (William George), Robert Grose (Lord Bellingham), Melissa Rose (Sasha) NOTES: MTS, shot around heads, missing last 15 minutes of act 1, act 2 full, includes act 1 audio Soho Cinders - Off-West End Revival - October, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Luke Bayer (Robbie), Millie O’Connell (Velcro), Michaela Stern (Clodagh), Natalie Harman (Dana), Lewis Asquith (James Prince), Tori Hargreaves (Marilyn Platt), Ewan Gillies (William George), Christopher Coleman (Lord Bellingham), Melissa Rose (Sasha) NOTES: MTS, shot around heads Something Rotten! - Broadway - March 23, 2015 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Brian d'Arcy James (Nick Bottom), John Cariani (Nigel Bottom), Christian Borle (Shakespeare), Heidi Blickenstaff (Bea), Kate Reinders (Portia), Brad Oscar (Nostradamus), Brooks Ashmanskas (Brother Jeremiah), Gerry Vichi (Shylock), Michael James Scott (Minstrel/Snug), Peter Bartlett (Lord Clapham/Eyepatch Man) NOTES: First preview Something Rotten! - Broadway - March 28, 2015 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Brian d'Arcy James (Nick Bottom), John Cariani (Nigel Bottom), Christian Borle (Shakespeare), Heidi Blickenstaff (Bea), Kate Reinders (Portia), Brad Oscar (Nostradamus), Brooks Ashmanskas (Brother Jeremiah), Gerry Vichi (Shylock), Michael James Scott (Minstrel/Snug), Peter Bartlett (Lord Clapham/Eyepatch Man) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of this hilarious new musical. The cast is just too perfect in every way. Superb performances, music, story and a great homage to theatre and musicals. Not to be missed! A Something Rotten! - Broadway - June 20, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Rob McClure (Nick Bottom), John Cariani (Nigel Bottom), Christian Borle (Shakespeare), Heidi Blickenstaff (Bea), Catherine Brunell (u/s Portia), Brad Oscar (Nostradamus), David Beach (Brother Jeremiah), Andre Ward (Minstrel/Snug) NOTES: With a mix of original cast and new faces, there are great performances all around. Nicely captured just a couple quick dropouts. There are some heads at the bottom of the screen that regularly block the actors’ feet, but they are worked around as much as possible, and generally don’t affect the main action. There is also some occasional washout, especially in wider shots. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. Something Rotten! - Broadway - November 12, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rob McClure (Nick Bottom), Josh Grisetti (Nigel Bottom), Adam Pascal (Shakespeare), Leslie Kritzer (Bea), Catherine Brunell (Portia), Brad Oscar (Nostradamus), David Beach (Brother Jeremiah) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the final Broadway cast. Adam Pascal joined the cast as Shakespeare for the final 7 weeks on Broadway. Everything is captured nicely and the cast was still giving their all! Some minor washouts and the audio sounds like it is from the big theatre it was performed in. Songs for a New World - Encores! - June, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Solea Pfeiffer (Woman 1), Mykal Kilgore (Man 1), Shoshana Bean (Woman 2), Colin Donnell (Man 2)  
Songs for a New World - Stuttgart, Germany - December 13, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Dominique Aref (Woman 1), DMJ (Man 1), Willemijn Verkaik (Woman 2), Mathias Edenborn (Man 2) NOTES: Not the best quality, video is shaky and the sound isn’t perfect as well. You can hear everything though and the cast is great. Full show in English. Songs for a New World - Symphony Space, NYC - May 1, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andréa Burns, Beth Leavel, Brian d'Arcy James, Brooks Ashmanskas, Darius de Haas, Jason Robert Brown, Jerry Dixon, Jessica Molaskey, John Tartaglia, Michael Cerveris, Miriam Shor Sophisticated Ladies - Broadway - 1982 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Hinton Battle (Himself), Phyllis Hyman (Herself), Calvin McRae, Garry Q Lewis, Gregg Burge, Leata Galloway, Lorraine Fields, Paula Kelly, Terri Klausner NOTES: Filmed in 1982 for Showtime at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre before the show closed in January 1983. Features the final Broadway cast which was still composed of a large portion of the original Broadway cast, including Phyllis Hyman and Terri Klausner. The Sound of Music - Broadway (1998 Revival) - February 20, 1998 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rebecca Luker (Maria Rainer), Michael Siberry (Captain Georg Von Trapp), Patti Cohenour (The Mother Abbess), Jan Maxwell (Elsa Schraeder), Fred Applegate (Max Detweiler), Sara Zelle (Liesel Von Trapp), Gina Ferrall (Sister Berthe), Ann Brown (Sister Sophia), Andrea Bowen (Marta), Ashley Rose Orr (Gretl), Dashiell Eaves (Rolf Gruber), Patricia Conolly (Frau Schmidt) The Sound of Music - First Dutch Tour - 2002 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Maaike Widdershoven (Maria Rainer), Hugo Haenen (Captain Georg Von Trapp), Anne-Mieke Ruyten (Elsa Schraeder), Dick Cohen (Max Detweiler), Céline Purcell (Liesel Von Trapp) The Sound of Music - The Sound Of Music Live - December 20, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Kara Tointon (Maria Rainer), Julian Ovenden (Captain Georg Von Trapp), Maria Friedman (The Mother Abbess), Katherine Kelly (Elsa Schraeder), Alexander Armstrong (Max Detweiler), Evelyn Hoskins (Liesel Von Trapp), Norma Atallah (Sister Berthe), Julie Atherton (Sister Margaretta), Imelda de los Reyes (Sister Sophia), Guy Trundle (Friedrich), Ellen Coleman (Louisa), Amy Snudden (Brigitta), Zac Lester (Kurt), Jessica Burden (Marta), Martha Otterburn (Gretl), Paul Copley (Franz), Jon Tarcy (Rolf Gruber), Mel Giedroyc (Frau Schmidt), David Bamber (Herr Zeller) NOTES: TV Proshot first broadcast Live in UK on ITV. Later broadcast as part of PBS's "Great Performances." South Pacific - First Broadway Revival - August 18, 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MPEG/MPG (SD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Ensign Nellie Forbush), Paulo Szot (Emile de Becque), Andrew Samonsky (Lt. Joseph Cable, U.S.M.C.), Danny Burstein (Luther Billis), Loretta Ables Sayre (Bloody Mary), Li Jun Li (Liat) NOTES: Presented as part of PBS Live From Lincoln Center series, and broadcast live from the Vivian Beaumont Theatre at Lincoln Center just 4 days before the end of the run of the show, making it the longest running revival of any Rogers and Hammerstein musical in history. Also included are interviews with the composers' daughters, Mary Rogers and Alice Hammerstein. Multi-camera pro-shot for TV Spamilton: An American Parody - Off-Broadway - December 31, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Chris Anthony Giles (Leslie Odom Jr/Aaron Burr), Christine Pedi (Bernadette Peters/Barbra Streisand/Carol Channing/Liza Minnelli/Patti LuPone), Glenn Bassett (King George), Larry Owens (Okieriete Onaodowan/Mulligan and others), Lauren Villegas (Schuyler Sisters and others), Nicholas Edwards (Daveed Diggs/Lafayette/Jefferson), Robert Ariza (u/s Lin Manuel Miranda/Alexander Hamilton) NOTES: A hilarious parody full of references to Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and tons of other broadway shows and stars. A must-see for any fan. A good capture overall. There is one head that blocks the actors from the waist down in the center of the stage. There is a three-minute blackout during The Schuyler Puppets and a three minute blackout during the finale, as well as a couple other quick dropouts. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. The show is 72 minutes on one disc. Includes playbill scans. Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark - Broadway - December 17, 2010 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Reeve Carney (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Jennifer Damiano (Mary Jane Watson), Patrick Page (Norman Osborn/Green Goblin), Matt Caplan (Flash/Bud), Gerald Avery (Swarm), Collin Baja (Carnage), Emmanuel Brown (Electro) NOTES: Blindshot. You can't see anything on stage. Catches most of the aerial stunts. Audio is clear. Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark - Broadway - September 17, 2011 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Reeve Carney (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Jennifer Damiano (Mary Jane Watson), TV Carpio (Arachne), Patrick Page (Norman Osborn/Green Goblin), Ken Marks (Uncle Ben/Buttons), Megan Lewis (u/s Aunt May/Maxie/Mrs. Gribrock) NOTES: This is the revamp Spiderman 2.0 Version. A completely reworked show from the original. A Nice capture of the show, and not such a horrible show compared to how the press made it out. A- Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark - Broadway - October 14, 2012 (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Youtube rip - to be gifted|Gifted: Upon Request CAST: Matthew James Thomas (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Kristen Martin (u/s Mary Jane Watson), Katrina Lenk (Arachne), Robert Cuccioli (Norman Osborn/Green Goblin) NOTES: Good zooms and decent audio quality, best so far. SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical - Broadway - November 7, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Ethan Slater (SpongeBob SquarePants), Danny Skinner (Patrick Star), Lilli Cooper (Sandy Cheeks), Gavin Lee (Squidward Q. Tentacles), Gaelen Gilliland (The Mayor), Brian Ray Norris (Eugene Krabs), Wesley Taylor (Sheldon Plankton), Stephanie Hsu (Karen the Computer), Jai'len Christine Li Josey (Pearl Krabs), Kelvin Moon Loh (Perch Perkins), Jon Rua (Patchy the Pirate), Allan K Washington (Gary/Larry the Lobster), Abby C Smith (Mrs. Puff), JC Schuster (Old Man Jenkins), Tom Kenny (French Narrator) NOTES: Top of a head or two visible at the bottom of screen in the very wide shot SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical - Broadway - July 18, 2018 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ethan Slater (SpongeBob SquarePants), Danny Skinner (Patrick Star), Lilli Cooper (Sandy Cheeks), Gavin Lee (Squidward Q. Tentacles), Gaelen Gilliland (The Mayor), Brian Ray Norris (Eugene Krabs), Brandon Espinoza (u/s Sheldon Plankton), Jai'len Christine Li Josey (Pearl Krabs), Allan K Washington (Gary/Larry the Lobster), Abby C Smith (Mrs. Puff) NOTES: Hovers above a lot; it remains this way for most of the video. 720P SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical - Broadway - July 27, 2018 (notjustthespongenextdoor's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ethan Slater (SpongeBob SquarePants), Danny Skinner (Patrick Star), Christina Sajous (Sandy Cheeks), Alex Gibson (u/s Squidward Q. Tentacles), Gaelen Gilliland (The Mayor), Brian Ray Norris (Eugene Krabs), Wesley Taylor (Sheldon Plankton), Catherine Ricafort (Karen the Computer), Brynn Williams (u/s Pearl Krabs), Kelvin Moon Loh (Perch Perkins), Brandon Espinoza (Patchy the Pirate), Allan K Washington (Gary/Larry the Lobster), Abby C Smith (Mrs. Puff), JC Schuster (Old Man Jenkins), Tom Kenny (French Narrator) NOTES: The master has updated to make the listing as whatever the user wishes. It can be limited trades or regular trades. Filmed from the right balcony, with no zooms. Mostly a wide shot of the stage. Quite a bit of spotlight washout. Audio is clear. Starts from right before “No Control.” The only known footage of Alex as Squidward or Brynn as Pearl. A watermark at the bottom left corner says 2014/01/31, ignore this. It is the wrong date.  
Spring Awakening - Brno, Czech Republic - 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jiri Mach (Melchior Gabor), Ivana Skalova (Wendla Bergmann), Lukas Janota (Moritz Stiefel), Michaela Horka (Ilse Neumann), Lukas Vlcek (Hanschen Rilow), Viktor Polasek (Ernst Robel), Jakub Ulicnik (Otto Lämmermeier), Vladimir Rezac (Georg Zirschnitz), Katerina Kleckova (Anna), Katerina Kleckova (Thea Rilow), Irena Konvalinova (The Adult Women), Zdenek Junak (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Broadway - November 29, 2006 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), John Gallagher Jr (Moritz Stiefel), Lauren Pritchard (Ilse Neumann), Jonathan B Wright (Hanschen Rilow), Gideon Glick (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Stephen Spinella (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Broadway - February 10, 2007 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), John Gallagher Jr (Moritz Stiefel), Phoebe Strole (u/s Ilse Neumann), Lilli Cooper (Martha Bessell), Jonathan B Wright (Hanschen Rilow), Gideon Glick (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Krysta Rodriguez (u/s Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Frances Mercanti-Anthony (u/s The Adult Women), Stephen Spinella (The Adult Men) NOTES: AMAZING capture, closeups, performances. Not to be missed. A+ Spring Awakening - Broadway - February 21, 2007 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), John Gallagher Jr (Moritz Stiefel), Lauren Pritchard (Ilse Neumann), Gideon Glick (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Stephen Spinella (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Broadway - August 18, 2007 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), Gerard Canonico (u/s Moritz Stiefel), Lauren Pritchard (Ilse Neumann), Jennifer Damiano (u/s Martha Bessell), Jonathan B Wright (Hanschen Rilow), Gideon Glick (Ernst Robel), Matt Doyle (u/s Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Ken Marks (u/s The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Broadway - February 22, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jesse Swenson (u/s Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (u/s Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Jonathan B Wright (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Kate Burton (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Broadway - February 23, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Matt Doyle (u/s Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (u/s Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Jesse Swenson (u/s Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Kate Burton (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) NOTES: Ends abruptly in the middle of Song Of Purple Summer Spring Awakening - Broadway - April 24, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (u/s Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow) NOTES: One of Matt Doyle's first times on as Hänschen, after taking over the role. He forgets one of his lines in the vineyard scene but improvises. Spring Awakening - Broadway - May 18, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) NOTES: Jonathan Groff and Lea Michele's final performance Spring Awakening - Broadway - May 30, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Eryn Murman (u/s Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Gerard Canonico (u/s Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Broadway - July 19, 2008 (Matinee) (broadwayspunk's master)
FORMAT: video CAST: Matt Shingledecker (u/s Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (Wendla Bergmann), Brian Charles Johnson (u/s Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Jesse Swenson (u/s Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) NOTES: Final matinee for remaining original Broadway cast Spring Awakening - Broadway - July 19, 2008 (broadwayspunk's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) NOTES: Skylar Astin, Lilli Cooper, Brian Charles Johnson, Phoebe Strole, and Remy Zaken’s last performance  
Spring Awakening - Broadway - August 2, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Gabe Violett (Otto Lämmermeier), Andrew Durand (Georg Zirschnitz), Emily Kinney (Anna), Caitlin Kinnunen (Thea Rilow) NOTES: Final show for Kyle Riabko and Blake Bashoff (because they would go on to do the first national tour). Camera work is a little shaky, but has some really nice close ups. Spring Awakening - Broadway - August 7, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Matt Doyle (t/r Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (Wendla Bergmann), Gerard Canonico (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Jesse Swenson (Hanschen Rilow), Morgan Karr (Ernst Robel), Gabe Violett (Otto Lämmermeier), Andrew Durand (Georg Zirschnitz), Emily Kinney (Anna), Caitlin Kinnunen (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) NOTES: Good capture with nice picture and sound. A few coverups but excellent close-ups and nice to watch. No curtain call. A- Spring Awakening - Broadway - January 18, 2009 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Hunter Parrish (Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (Wendla Bergmann), Gerard Canonico (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Amanda Castanos (Martha Bessell), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Gabe Violett (Otto Lämmermeier), Andrew Durand (Georg Zirschnitz), Emily Kinney (Anna), Caitlin Kinnunen (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men), Alice Lee, Eryn Murman, Morgan Karr, Zach Reiner-Harris NOTES: Closing Performance; features the full curtain call speech and the full show; some blackouts due to ushers; great sound and nice video Spring Awakening - Broadway - January 18, 2009 (Matinee) (Highlights)
FORMAT: video CAST: Hunter Parrish (Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (Wendla Bergmann), Gerard Canonico (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Gabe Violett (Otto Lämmermeier), Emily Kinney (Anna), Caitlin Kinnunen (Thea Rilow) NOTES: The matinee of the final day of Spring Awakening on Broadway. Only includes the Mama Who Bore Me (Reprise), Don't Do Sadness/Blue Wind (whole scene), Left Behind, and Totally Fucked. Filmed in one of the front rows. Spring Awakening - Broadway Revival - October 18, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Austin McKenzie (Melchior Gabor), Sandra Mae Frank (Wendla Bergmann), Katie Boeck (Voice of Wendla), Daniel N Durant (Moritz Stiefel), Alex Boniello (Voice of Moritz), Krysta Rodriguez (Ilse Neumann), Treshelle Edmond (Martha Bessell), Kathryn Gallagher (Voice of Martha), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Joshua Castille (Ernst Robel), Daniel David Stewart (Voice of Ernst), Miles Barbee (Otto Lämmermeier), Sean Grandillo (Voice of Otto), Alex Wyse (Georg Zirschnitz), Ali Stroker (Anna), Amelia Hensley (Thea Rilow), Lauren Luiz (Melitta Rilow / Voice of Thea), Alexandra Winter (Greta Brandenburg), Marlee Matlin (The Adult Women), Camryn Manheim (Voice of Adult Women), Russell Harvard (The Adult Men), Patrick Page (Voice of Adult Men) NOTES: Deaf West Theatre production Spring Awakening - Broadway Revival - November 15, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Austin McKenzie (Melchior Gabor), Sandra Mae Frank (Wendla Bergmann), Katie Boeck (Voice of Wendla), Daniel N Durant (Moritz Stiefel), Alex Boniello (Voice of Moritz), Krysta Rodriguez (Ilse Neumann), Treshelle Edmond (Martha Bessell), Kathryn Gallagher (Voice of Martha), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Joshua Castille (Ernst Robel), Daniel David Stewart (Voice of Ernst), Miles Barbee (Otto Lämmermeier), Sean Grandillo (Voice of Otto), Alex Wyse (Georg Zirschnitz), Ali Stroker (Anna), Amelia Hensley (Thea Rilow), Lauren Luiz (Melitta Rilow / Voice of Thea), Alexandra Winter (Greta Brandenburg), Alexandria Wailes (u/s The Adult Women), Elizabeth Greene (u/s Voice of Adult Women), Russell Harvard (The Adult Men), Patrick Page (Voice of Adult Men) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the sign language production. This capture features the Adult Women understudies, who would go on to replace the originals. Also includes Left Behind from a Jon Groff concert. A Spring Awakening - Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  AVI (HD) CAST: Fernando Dente (Melchior Gabor), Florencia Otero (Wendla Bergmann), Federico Salles (Moritz Stiefel), Mariana Jaccazio (Ilse Neumann), Eliseo Barrionuevo (Hanschen Rilow), Leandro Bassano (Ernst Robel), Cristian Centurión (Otto Lämmermeier), Micaela Pierani Mendez (Anna), Julieta Nair Calvo (Thea Rilow), Irene Almas (The Adult Women), Tony Lestingi (The Adult Men) NOTES: Pro-shot with zooms, seems to be multi-camera. Non-replica production. Spring Awakening - Deaf West Theatre, Rosenthal Theater, Los Angeles - September 25, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Austin McKenzie (Melchior Gabor), Sandra Mae Frank (Wendla Bergmann), Katie Boeck (Voice of Wendla), Daniel N Durant (Moritz Stiefel), Rustin Cole Sailors (Voice of Moritz), Lauren Patten (Ilse Neumann), Treshelle Edmond (Martha Bessell), Kathryn Gallagher (Voice of Martha), Joseph Haro (Hanschen Rilow), Joshua Castille (Ernst Robel), Daniel David Stewart (Voice of Ernst), Miles Barbee (Otto Lämmermeier), Sean Grandillo (Voice of Otto), Jimmy Bellinger (Georg Zirschnitz), Ali Stroker (Anna), Amelia Hensley (Thea Rilow), Alexandra Winter (Melitta Rilow / Voice of Thea), Hillary Baack (The Adult Women), Natacha Roi (Voice of Adult Women), Troy Kotsur (The Adult Men), Daniel Marmion (Voice of Adult Men) NOTES: A nice capture overall; the biggest flaw here is the obstruction. There are a lot of heads that were very difficult to work around, but the show is still captured well and the actors are only occasionally blocked for a few seconds at a time. There are some very quick dropouts, but no major blackouts. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes playbill scans. Spring Awakening - First National Tour - August 15, 2008 (kicks8567's master)
FORMAT: video CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Sarah Hunt (Martha Bessell), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Moss (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), Henry Stram (The Adult Men) NOTES: Same day as Sunsetblvd79's master. Video is grainy and shaky but it's a rarer capture. Mostly for SA collectors. Spring Awakening - First National Tour - August 15, 2008 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Sarah Hunt (Martha Bessell), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Moss (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), Henry Stram (The Adult Men) NOTES: First Tour Performance. Stunning capture of the Tour. Absolutely no blackouts or obstructions from start to finish. Wonderful performances, beautiful capture and amazing cast. A+ Spring Awakening - First National Tour - November 4, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Moss (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), Henry Stram (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - First National Tour - November 4, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST. Working on uploading :) CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Moss (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), Henry Stram (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - First National Tour - November 7, 2008 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Highlights CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Moss (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), Henry Stram (The Adult Men) NOTES: Apple store event. Kyle Riabko acts as the Melchior for the event, doing intros/cracking jokes for each song. The cast also participated in a fun Q&A session taking questions from a moderator as well as the audience. Spring Awakening - First National Tour - April 25, 2009 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Perry Sherman (u/s Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Moss (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Krystina Alabado (u/s Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), Henry Stram (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - First National Tour - November 19, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Lucas A Wells (u/s Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Taylor Trensch (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Sarah Hunt (Martha Bessell), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Fankhauser (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Justin Scott Brown (u/s Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), John Wodja (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - First National Tour - November 21, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jake Epstein (Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Taylor Trensch (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Sarah Hunt (Martha Bessell), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Fankhauser (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), John Wodja (The Adult Men) NOTES: Closing performance in Costa Mesa, commonly mislabeled as November 29 Spring Awakening - Hungary - March 19, 2009 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Kossuth Gergő (Melchior Gabor), Viczina Dalma (Wendla Bergmann), Pirgel Dávid (Moritz Stiefel), Baranyai Annamária (Ilse Neumann), Moravszki Enikő (Martha Bessell), Gulyás Balázs (Hanschen Rilow), Zádori Szilárd (Ernst Robel), Kádár Szabolcs (Otto Lämmermeier), Kocsis Dénes (Georg Zirschnitz), Kiss Tünde (Anna), Simon Boglárka (Thea Rilow), Bajcsay Mária (The Adult Women), Szabó P Szilveszter (The Adult Men) NOTES: Stationary housecam from an upper level, but colours are bright, clear, and vivid and the image is nice and crisp. Sound is clear from the soundboard. Totally different staging from Broadway, more your standard bizarre Hungarian design (massive lucite fetish here.) Spring Awakening - Hungary - December 3, 2009 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  TS (SD) CAST: Kossuth Gergő (Melchior Gabor), Viczina Dalma (Wendla Bergmann), Pirgel Dávid (Moritz Stiefel), Baranyai Annamária (Ilse Neumann), Gulyás Balázs (Hanschen Rilow), Zádori Szilárd (Ernst Robel), Kádár Szabolcs (Otto Lämmermeier), Kocsis Dénes (Georg Zirschnitz), Kiss Tünde (Anna), Simon Boglárka (Thea Rilow) NOTES: Single cam proshot. Spring Awakening - Mexico - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alan Estrada (Melchior Gabor), Melissa Barrera (Wendla Bergmann), Jose Luis Navarrete (Moritz Stiefel), Roxana Puente (Ilse Neumann), Iker Madrid (Hanschen Rilow), Arturo Valdemar (Ernst Robel), Pablo Rodriguez (Otto Lämmermeier), José Guerrero (Georg Zirschnitz), Estibalitz Ruiz (Anna), Melissa Ortiz (Thea Rilow), Gicela Sehedi (The Adult Women), Cristobal Garcia-Naranjo (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Mexico - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alan Estrada (Melchior Gabor), Melissa Barrera (Wendla Bergmann), Jose Luis Navarrete (Moritz Stiefel), Roxana Puente (Ilse Neumann), Iker Madrid (Hanschen Rilow), Arturo Valdemar (Ernst Robel), Pablo Rodriguez (Otto Lämmermeier), José Guerrero (Georg Zirschnitz), Estibalitz Ruiz (Anna), Melissa Ortiz (Thea Rilow), Gicela Sehedi (The Adult Women), Cristobal Garcia-Naranjo (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Off-Broadway - July 9, 2006 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), John Gallagher Jr (Moritz Stiefel), Lauren Pritchard (Ilse Neumann), Jonathan B Wright (Hanschen Rilow), Gideon Glick (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Mary McCann (The Adult Women), Frank Wood (The Adult Men) NOTES: Done before the move to Broadway, nice picture and sound. A Spring Awakening - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  AVI (SD) CAST: Pierre Baitelli (Melchior Gabor), Malu Rodrigues (Wendla Bergmann), Rodrigo Pandolfo (Moritz Stiefel), Letícia Colin (Ilse Neumann), Thiago Amaral (Hanschen Rilow), Felipe de Carolis (Ernst Robel), Bruno Sigrist (Otto Lämmermeier), André Loddi (Georg Zirschnitz), Estrela Blanco (Anna), Júlia Bernat (Thea Rilow), Deborah Olivieri (The Adult Women), Carlos Gregório (The Adult Men) NOTES: Proshot, filmed on a tripod with sound patched directly in. Non-replica production Spring Awakening - Second National Tour - February 8, 2011 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christopher Wood (Melchior Gabor), Elizabeth Judd (Wendla Bergmann), Coby Getzug (Moritz Stiefel), Courtney Markowitz (Ilse Neumann), Devon Stone (Hanschen Rilow), Daniel Plimpton (Ernst Robel), George Salazar (Otto Lämmermeier), Jim Hogan (Georg Zirschnitz), Rachel Geisler (Anna), Emily Mest (Thea Rilow), Sarah Kleeman (The Adult Women), Mark Poppleton (The Adult Men)
Spring Awakening - South Korea - 2009 FORMAT:  AVI (SD) CAST: Mu-yeol Kim (Melchior Gabor), Yu-young Kim (Wendla Bergmann), Jung-seok Cho (Moritz Stiefel), Ji-hyun Kim (Ilse Neumann), Dong-hyun Kim (Hanschen Rilow), Ha-neul Kim (Ernst Robel), Dong-wook Yuk (Otto Lämmermeier), Seuk-won Yun (Georg Zirschnitz), Lan-ju Park (Anna), So-yeon Oh (Thea Rilow) NOTES: Misses 'I Believe' and the Preacher's Sermon before 'The Guilty Ones'. Spring Awakening - University of Cincinnati - 2012 FORMAT: M4V CAST: Max Clayton (Melchior Gabor), Kathryn Boswell (Wendla Bergmann), Matt Hill (Moritz Stiefel), Alysha Deslorieux (Ilse Neumann), Julian Decker (Hanschen Rilow), Nate Irvin (Ernst Robel), Kevin Brown (Otto Lämmermeier), Noah J Ricketts (Georg Zirschnitz), Erica Vlahinos (Anna), Alison Bagil (Thea Rilow) Spring Awakening - Vienna - May 24, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rasmus Borkowski (Melchior Gabor), Jana Stelley (u/s Wendla Bergmann), Wolfgang Türks (Moritz Stiefel), Jennifer Kothe (Ilse Neumann), Johannes Huth (Hanschen Rilow), André Naujoks (u/s Ernst Robel), Marlon Wehmeier (Otto Lämmermeier), Dominik Hees (Georg Zirschnitz), Jana Nagy (Anna), Jeannine Michèle Wacker (Thea Rilow), Julia Stemberger (The Adult Women), Daniel Berger (The Adult Men) NOTES: Six major blackouts (including the majority of “My Junk” and “The Mirror-Blue Night” and the taper has a couple of performers that they obviously favour. The result is a video that stays in tight shot on the people in question for most of the show and has the shakes to go with it. Sound is great and it’s good to see the Vienna cast. Final performances for most of the understudies in their roles. Spring Awakening - Wallis Annenberg For The Performing Arts, Beverly Hills - June 13, 2015 (Matinee) (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Austin McKenzie (Melchior Gabor), Sandra Mae Frank (Wendla Bergmann), Katie Boeck (Voice of Wendla), Daniel N Durant (Moritz Stiefel), Alex Boniello (Voice of Moritz), Krysta Rodriguez (Ilse Neumann), Treshelle Edmond (Martha Bessell), Kathryn Gallagher (Voice of Martha), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Joshua Castille (Ernst Robel), Daniel David Stewart (Voice of Ernst), Miles Barbee (Otto Lämmermeier), Sean Grandillo (Voice of Otto), Alex Wyse (Georg Zirschnitz), Ali Stroker (Anna), Amelia Hensley (Thea Rilow), Lauren Luiz (Melitta Rilow / Voice of Thea), Alexandra Winter (Greta Brandenburg), Hillary Baack (The Adult Women), Natacha Roi (Voice of Adult Women), Howie Seago (The Adult Men), Daniel Marmion (Voice of Adult Men) NOTES: Fantastic capture of Deaf West's production during it's run at the Wallis Annenberg; very well captured with no obstructions, or washout, and just a few seconds of dropouts throughout the entire show, most of which happen between scenes. Great picture and sound throughout. Spring Awakening - West End (Novello Theatre) - May 30, 2009 (Matinee) (Closing Night) (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Aneurin Barnard (Melchior Gabor), Charlotte Wakefield (Wendla Bergmann), Iwan Rheon (Moritz Stiefel), Lucy May Barker (Ilse Neumann), Hayley Gallivan (Martha Bessell), Jamie Blackley (Hanschen Rilow), Harry McEntire (Ernst Robel), Edd Judge (Otto Lämmermeier), Jos Slovick (Georg Zirschnitz), Natasha Barnes (Anna), Evelyn Hoskins (Thea Rilow), Sian Thomas (The Adult Women), Richard Cordery (The Adult Men) NOTES: Highlights of approximately 45 minutes of Act 2 only; filmed in widescreen with nice picture and sound with no coverups until the end of Totally Fucked, then little snippets of video and a full Those You've Known, after which the video footage ends. Starlight Express - Broadway - January 8, 1989 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Greg Mowry (Rusty), Reva Rice (Pearl), Jane Krakowski (Dinah), Todd Lester (Caboose), Michael Scott Gregory (Dustin) NOTES: Final Broadway performance. Starlight Express - West End - 1988 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Gary Cordice (Rusty), Kim Leeson (Pearl), Drue Williams (Greaseball), Koffi Missah (u/s Elektra), Dawn Buckland (u/s Dinah), Shezwae Powell (Belle), Peter Reeves (Caboose) NOTES: Proshot, extreme gen loss and you can barely see anything but colours. There are separate cameras for the race scenes, which look great. Sunday in the Park with George - Broadway - October 21–25, 1985 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mandy Patinkin (Georges Seurat / George), Bernadette Peters (Dot / Marie), Barbara Bryne (Old Lady), Judith Moore (Nurse), Charles Kimbrough (Jules), Dana Ivey (Yvonne), Robert Westenberg (Soldier), Melanie Vaughan (Celeste #1), Mary D'Arcy (Celeste #2), Brent Spiner (Franz), Frank Kopyc (Mr.), Judith Moore (Mrs.), Nancy Opel (Frieda), William Parry (Boatman), Cris Groenendaal (Louis), Danielle Ferland (Louise), Charles Kimbrough (Bob Greenberg), Brent Spiner (Dennis), Dana Ivey (Naomi Eisen), Mary D'Arcy (Elaine), Judith Moore (Harriet Pawling), Cris Groenendaal (Billy Webster), William Parry (Charles Redmond), Robert Westenberg (Alex), Nancy Opel (Betty), Frank Kopyc (Lee Randolph), Barbara Bryne (Blair Daniels) Sunday in the Park with George - Second Broadway Revival - March 8, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Highlights CAST: Jake Gyllenhaal (Georges Seurat / George), Annaleigh Ashford (Dot / Marie), Penny Fuller (Old Lady), Jennifer Sanchez (Nurse), Robert Sean Leonard (Jules), Erin Davie (Yvonne), Claybourne Elder (Soldier), Ashley Park (Celeste #1), Jenni Barber (Celeste #2), David Turner (Franz), Brooks Ashmanskas (Mr.), Liz McCartney (Mrs.), Ruthie Ann Miles (Frieda), Phillip Boykin (Boatman), Jordan Gelber (Louis), Mattea Conforti (Louise), Robert Sean Leonard (Bob Greenberg), David Turner (Dennis), Erin Davie (Naomi Eisen), Jenni Barber (Elaine), Jennifer Sanchez (Harriet Pawling), Jordan Gelber (Billy Webster), Brooks Ashmanskas (Charles Redmond), Claybourne Elder (Alex), Ruthie Ann Miles (Betty), Phillip Boykin (Lee Randolph), Penny Fuller (Blair Daniels), Jennifer Sanchez (Samantha), Ashley Park (Theresa) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Broadway transfer. The performances have really been fine tuned and beautifully performed. Jake and Annaleigh are perfection together. A Sunday in the Park with George - Théâtre Du Châtelet, Paris - April 17, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Julian Ovenden (Georges Seurat / George), Sophie-Louise Dann (Dot / Marie), Rebecca de Pont Davies (Old Lady), Jessica Walker (Nurse), Nikolas Grace (Jules), Beverly Klein (Yvonne), David Curry (Soldier), Rebecca Bottone (Celeste #1), Francesca Jackson (Celeste #2), Damian Thantrey (Franz), Scott Emerson (Mr.), Elisa Doughty Louis (Mrs.), Christine Buffle (Frieda), Nicholas Garrett (Boatman), Jonathan Gunthorpe (Louis), Laura Gravier-Britten (Louise) NOTES: Pro-Shot filmed for French television. This critically acclaimed production uses a revolving set amid state-of-the-art video backdrops. In English, with French subtitles. Broadcast in May, 2013. Sunset Boulevard - Broadway Revival - February 3, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Glenn Close (Norma Desmond), Michael Xavier (Joe Gillis), Fred Johanson (Max von Mayerling), Siobhan Dillon (Betty Schaeffer), Preston Truman Boyd (Artie Green), Paul Schoeffler (Cecil B. DeMille), Andy Taylor (Sheldrake), Jim Walton (Manfred) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture from the Orchestra of the Second Preview performance. Glenn again knocks her performance out of the park! Some subtle changes and delivery from the first performance. Terrific audience response and energy from the cast throughout the show! Sunset Boulevard - Netherlands - 2009 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Norma Desmond), Antonie Kamerling (Joe Gillis), Peter de Smet (Max von Mayerling), Maike Boerdam (Betty Schaeffer), Jasper Kerkhof (Artie Green), Dick Schaar (Cecil B. DeMille), Paul Disbergen (Sheldrake), Derek Blok (Manfred), Mo Marcus (Heather) Sunset Boulevard - Netherlands - April 15, 2009 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Norma Desmond) NOTES: Highlights. Quality: B Sunset Boulevard - West End - July, 1993 (Preview) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Patti LuPone (Norma Desmond), Kevin Anderson (Joe Gillis), Daniel Benzali (Max von Mayerling) NOTES: Black and white house-cam footage with crystal clear soundboard audio, slightly washed out at times (as it was in infrared) but a great capture of the performances and the staging. Definitely filmed in July. Theres a higher quality MP4 version with no graininess and clear footage being traded as well. Check with traders. Swan Lake (Ballet) - The Royal Ballet - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Marianela Núñez, Vadim Muntagirov, Bennet Gartside, Elizabeth McGorian, Alexander Campbell, Francesca Hayward, Akane Takada
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - Broadway Revival - April 2, 2006 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Michael Cerveris (Sweeney Todd), Patti LuPone (Mrs. Lovett), Benjamin Magnuson (Anthony Hope), Lauren Molina (Johanna), Mark Jacoby (Judge Turpin), Alexander Gemignani (Beadle Bamford), Diana DiMarzio (Beggar Woman), Donna Lynne Champlin (Adolfo Pirelli), John Arbo (Jonas Fogg) NOTES: Great Revival and nicely done. Crystal clear picture and sound. Lots of closeups. A Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - First National Tour - September, 1981 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: George Hearn (Sweeney Todd), Angela Lansbury (Mrs. Lovett), Cris Groenendaal (Anthony Hope), Betsy Joslyn (Johanna), Edmund Lyndeck (Judge Turpin), Ken Jennings (Tobias Ragg), Calvin Remsberg (Beadle Bamford), Sara Woods (Beggar Woman), Sal Mistretta (Adolfo Pirelli), Michael Kalinyen (Jonas Fogg) NOTES: Commercial proshot video. Often mislabelled as being September 12th, 1982, HOWEVER, that is when it aired on PBS, not when it was recorded. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - Manila & Singapore - October 11, 2019 (Opening Night) (Highlights) (andflyingaway's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jett Pangan (Sweeney Todd), Lea Salonga (Mrs. Lovett), Gerald Santos (Anthony Hope), Mikkie Bradshaw-Volante (Johanna), Andrew Fernando (Judge Turpin), Luigi Quesada (Tobias Ragg), Arman Ferrer (Beadle Bamford), Ima Castro (Beggar Woman), Nyoy Volante (Adolfo Pirelli), Dean Rosen (Jonas Fogg), Christine Flores, Emeline Celis Guinid, Jep Go, Kevin Guiman, Sarah Facuri, Steven Conde NOTES: Highlights: Johanna, Kiss Me, and Act 2 until part of Johanna (Reprise). A bunch of clips from the opening night of Sweeney Todd in Manila! Shot 3rd row at the balcony. I shot more but they were too zoomed in that they’re more likely to be considered audio so I decided not to include them. I was very near the usher and they were really strict. The phone was in my jacket pocket so I couldn’t see anything and I was scared of getting caught, so a lot is very zoomed and I’m really sorry about that. I absolutely loved the set, it was reimagined into a more modern almost gangster like setting. Shot in 4k on my phone. Please gift out to anyone who asks. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - New York Philharmonic Concert - March 5-8, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) video |  TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST. Working on uploading :) CAST: Bryn Terfel (Sweeney Todd), Emma Thompson (Mrs. Lovett), Jay Armstrong Johnson (Anthony Hope), Erin Mackey (Johanna), Philip Quast (Judge Turpin), Kyle Brenn (Tobias Ragg), Jeff Blumenkrantz (Beadle Bamford), Bryonha Marie Parham (Beggar Woman), Christian Borle (Adolfo Pirelli), Audra McDonald NOTES: Filmed in March 2014 and aired on PBS on September 26, 2014. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - San Francisco Symphony Concert - July, 2001 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: George Hearn (Sweeney Todd), Patti LuPone (Mrs. Lovett), Davis Gaines (Anthony Hope), Lisa Vroman (Johanna), Timothy Nolen (Judge Turpin), Neil Patrick Harris (Tobias Ragg), John Aler (Beadle Bamford), Victoria Clark (Beggar Woman) NOTES: Aired on PBS on October 31, 2001. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - Théâtre Du Châtelet, Paris - May 20, 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Rod Gilfry (Sweeney Todd), Caroline O’Connor (Mrs. Lovett), Nicholas Garrett (Anthony Hope), Rebecca Bottone (Johanna), Jonathan Best (Judge Turpin), Pascal Charbonneau (Tobias Ragg), John Graham-Hall (Beadle Bamford), Rebecca de Pont Davies (Beggar Woman), David Curry (Adolfo Pirelli) NOTES: Single camera pro-shot Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - Third West End Revival - 2011 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Michael Ball (Sweeney Todd), Imelda Staunton (Mrs. Lovett), Luke Brady (Anthony Hope), Lucy May Barker (Johanna), John Bowe (Judge Turpin), James McConville (Tobias Ragg), Peter Polycarpou (Beadle Bamford), Gillian Kirkpatrick (Beggar Woman), Rob Burt (Adolfo Pirelli) NOTES: Fixed house-cam recording of the 2012 West End revival at Adelphie Theatre. There is a copy with press footage inserted for A Little Priest and Epiphany. Unsure if there is unaltered footage circulating; check with traders. FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ann Reinking (Charity Hope Valentine), Bebe Neuwirth (Nickie)
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silentlondon · 8 years ago
Sarah Duhamel, rebellious clown of French silent comedy
Sarah Duhamel, rebellious clown of French silent comedy
This is a guest post for Silent London by Jonathan Wakeham, the co-founder and programer of the LOCO London Comedy Film Festival, the 6th edition of which takes place at BFI Southbank 4-7 May 2017. Find out more at locofilmfestival.com. We’re all familiar with the iconography of male silent comedy stars: Harold Lloyd’s glasses, Chaplin’s cane or Laurel and Hardy’s signature hats. They are brands…
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