#Jonah Francis
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Mathias couldn’t remember a time when he hadn’t been afraid of his mother. He supposed there had to have been at least one time. One moment when he hadn’t looked at her and feared what might happen. Perhaps even a time when the four of them had been happy together.
Before she killed his father.
‘Get out,’ Mathias said, hating that his voice shook, hating that he knew she could hear that waver.
‘I’m not in, Matty,’ she purred, toeing the threshold of his flat almost playfully. But Mathias saw the danger in the gesture. Even if deep down he knew she was no physical threat, he didn’t dare dwell on the emotional threat she was. Sometimes, it was too much to bare.
Jonah placed a hand on his back. An anchor, a reminder of why he was acting like a physical barrier rather than simply letting her pace outside while waiting for the police.
‘Leave,’ Matt growled, hating the smirk that pulled at her lips.
‘Just let her in, Matt,’ Jonah whispered. The resignation in his voice was almost enough to shatter him. It felt like a failure to do the one thing he’d promised their dad. An inability to protect Jonah all because the threat was closer to home than they ever could have imagined.
‘Yeah, darling, just let Mummy in,’ she cooed, attention drifting over Mathias’s shoulder.
Matt shifted, trying to block her view of Jonah. His last growth spurt had put him only a few centimetres shorter than Mathias himself. For once, it was something he actively cursed.
‘How about you get out, and I don’t tell the police where you are?’ Mathias offered.
Their mother pouted; Jonah’s hand gripped the back of Matt’s shirt.
‘They already know,’ she softly chastised. ‘But I’ll be long gone before they get here. I just wanted to see my boys.’ She reached out for Matt’s cheek, and he took an inadvertent step back into Jonah. It was enough for her to get into the flat, but she didn’t.
‘Then I won’t tell the Lavernas,’ Mathias tried instead, hating the way the name felt, the promise of violence that curled around it. Even if Phia had told him to use it, even if it was still a cause of tension between them. It was the only new tool he had in his arsenal against his mother.
She barely flinched, but there was no masking the flicker of unease that flashed behind her eyes. Jonah’s grip on his shirt loosened ever so slightly.
‘They’re not who you think,’ she murmured, before turning on her heel and sauntering away. ‘See you soon, boys,’ she called over her shoulder. ‘I love you.’
Mathias bit his tongue, refusing to give her the satisfaction of a rise. And, he had to admit he was proud of his little brother, Jonah appeared to be doing the same. He just desperately wished there was more he could do to protect his brother from the woman that was their mother in biology alone.
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classicfilmblr · 3 months
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Jewel Robbery, 1932 dir. William Dieterle
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snick-cooler · 4 months
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Gabby got into Jonah's Monster Energy stash
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angelhareask · 2 months
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character refs for the main crew!
just felt i'd share these, Gabby and her friends will be back to answering your letters shortly! and remember, she loves to hear you call!
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jesterkard · 3 months
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DEAD BY DAYLIGHT IN-GAME CHARACTER PORTRAITS I have finally updated all 78 Portraits that you can now download for free here: GUMROAD ♥ Support me on Ko-Fi ♥
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tokogung19 · 5 months
Canon x OC cause why not 🫶💖
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slightlycreative · 2 months
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height headcanons
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Francine: Do you love Gabby?
Jonah: Yeah, I do.
Francine: Francis! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks!
Francis: We all love Angel Gabby. You should’ve asked if he was IN love with her.
Jonah: I thought that was implied.
Francis: …
Francine: …
Jonah, looking at Francine: Congrats, you just won 100 bucks.
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vmartist · 1 year
Dbd Male Survivors first impressions bf headcanons:
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Dwight Fairfield
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He’s very cautious, but still eager to greet you since you’re new to the fog
Immediately introduces you to everyone so you’re all on the same page
He’s intrigued about your background and begins asking you questions about anything and everything to get to know you(seems like more of an interview than light banter but you don’t mind)
Your first trial is with him and he quickly assumes a leading position and shows you the ropes
Extremely patient with you(which you appreciate)
No matter what he was very encouraging
Slowly but surely he felt himself developing a small crush for you
Jake Park
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Jake didn’t immediately warm up to you, he’s just a wary person by nature
And he wasn’t malicious by any means, just kept his distance
But after the sight of you being startled by a crow he knew he had to intervene
When he finally got the chance to see you in a trial he sought you out
He was leaning behind a brick wall as he waved you over, you were a bit concerned but followed him anyway
You both took a stroll before reaching an area near a crow
“They can be a little frantic but if you can compose yourself than they won’t fly away”
You nod and follow his lead
He grabs your hands and outstretches them towards the crow
The crow quirks it’s head at you both, looking to Jake and then you before hopping into your palms
“See, you’re a natural”
Jake finds himself smiling at the sight, he’s swooning alright
And when you turn to him with the biggest smile on your face, he falls even harder
Ace Visconti
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Since you’re the newbie he’s always gifting you items in chests whenever he’s in a trial with you
It’s warms his heart to see how appreciative you are
You’re amazed how how he always seems to find the greatest things
Whenever you ask how, he always dodges by hitting you with a cheesy flirtatious line that always makes you roll your eyes
“Hey, wanna see a cool party trick?”
You quirk a brow at him as he grins
He starts taunting the killer and after a long chase gets caught and hooked
You run for the unhook and when you arrive he’s got this cocky grin plastered on his face
“Prepare to be amazed…” he mumbles
He begins to attempt to unhook himself to which he ends up hurting himself twice
You start to reach out but he begins to attempt again and actually pulls himself off
He leaps into your arms, tackling you both into the ground
You frown at him and start stitching up his wound while scolding him for being reckless
He finds you incredibly attractive for being this concerned for his wellbeing
David King
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Despite you being new, he doesn’t immediately put himself in harms way for you
You need to prove yourself worthy enough to be protected
Once you start pulling your own weight during trials he takes notice
Something unexpected happened in one trial however, you protected him when he was on death hook
He wasn’t used to this kind of treatment but he didn’t dislike it
Just when he thought his time was up, you appeared with a flashlight in hand and got your first successful flashlight save
You both rushed to the exit gates but before you could make it out, you took a down for David
He didn’t want to leave you behind but was pushed out by the killer
When you returned to the campfire he gave you a pat on the back and applauded you for your bravery
“Cheeky bastard…puttin’ yerself in arms way fer me…”
Now he’s definitely got a soft spot for you
Adam Francis
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Adam’s very quiet on the outside but has a lot going on inside
At first he watches how you do tasks, not really saying anything which makes you nervous
He’s very hands on with his teaching methods
While working on a generator together he grabs your hands and adjusts them
“If you keep your hands down like this, you won’t burn yourself with the wire”
Your lips form an ‘O’ shape as you find yourself in a groove
His heart warms at seeing you learn from him and he doesn’t stop after that
He’s always teaching you something new, which you appreciate
That’s not all, he also makes diversions to keep you out of harms way
He’s got his pockets stuffed with pebbles just for you, what a sweetheart
Jeff Johansen
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Jeff typically liked to keep to himself, unless he was around someone with similar interests to him
Kate for example, literally best friends
They could talk about music for hours
While on one of these music excursions, you joined in
The three of you all had an amazing and engaging conversation that everyone enjoyed, even outsiders
Seeing how passionate you were about your music taste made Jeff kinda interested in you
Once while he was carving some art into a distant log you joined him and asked questions about his art
This dude is such a softie for people interested in his art, especially when they ask questions
He’ll go in depth about his processes and you’ll just listen intently
He realizes how long he was talking for and turns red
“Sorry for talking so much…I’m sure you didn’t wanna hear that much…”
You assure him that you didn’t mind
And just like that, he melts like putty
Felix Richter
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Felix is a quiet yet intense person, whether in or out of a trial
But most of the time, he’s introverted like most of the other male survivors
He didn’t really think much of you at first, noticing how much you struggled
But he chose to help where could
Oh you used up that medkit you spend your precious bloodpoints on? Built to last now
You remember him doing it the first time, when you complained about how you used everything in the medkit
“Can I see? I’ll bring it back in a sec…”
You reluctantly handed it to him and watched him scurry off to the nearest locker before coming back to you and opening it like a briefcase
“Almost good as new”
You grab it in awe with your mouth slightly agape “H-How did you do that?”
He just shrugs with a smile
Once on Léry’s Memorial Institute he watched you walk around in circles trying to find a generator
You groaned in frustration “I’m so close to giving up”
He hears you and gets off his generator to come help you
“Follow me”
You perk up and follow suit instantly
You both work together before you asked him how he finds generators
“In my spare time I make floor plans of each realm and log every generator location”
“Wow that’s amazing Felix!”
He was used to receiving praise like this before he came to the fog and even now but it felt somehow different when you said it
He could feel his heart beat in his chest whenever he was around you, and no the killer didn’t have dark devotion…
Jonah Vasquez
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Jonah is an amazing teammate and quick to help you when he sees you
He’ll guide your hands to the correct motions so you don’t mess up but notices your looking more at him
“Hey pay attention…” he mutters before looking away
Out of trials Jonah kept to himself, if not then he was seen with Adam having some sort of academic conversation
Whenever you joined him he was very appreciative and never let it go unsaid
“You should come by with Adam and I some more!”
He loves positive affirmations especially from you, he melts like putty whenever you praise him
Vittorio Toscano
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He was very unsure how to approach everyone else, including you considering you all were from different time periods
But he had ways of showing his consideration such as;transferring gen progress to help you finish a gen, telling you where the killer was, and even providing moral support while being chased
He enjoyed your calm demeanor, it was refreshing from the chaos but when you freaked out he didn’t mind leveling you out
“Don’t worry, think about how peaceful it will be when we escape, I know you can do it.”
You both talked whenever out of trials, he always had something to teach you about the fog
He also liked talking about his life before the fog and he enjoyed hearing about your life before the fog
He also had some poetry that he would read to you(although he would never admit you were his muse)
Since mobile Tumblr only allows 10 images I’ll post Renato and Gabriel another time, I’ve already got both written down I’ve just gotta paste it and post. But anyway I hope you enjoyed these!!
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mastersoftheair · 8 months
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behind the scenes pics (from jonah rzeskiewicz's instagram)
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Most of my characters could claim to have a strong faith in their friends - like, Fox finds strength in them being there for her and that comforts her no end. Also, the Francis brothers identify as Jewish (it’s through their father that they learnt about the Jewish faith that actually comes from their mother, and there’s a comfort in the memory of him linked to it).
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allblognojam · 7 months
angel hare except this is Jonah’s mug
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snick-cooler · 3 months
The gang goes to Chuck e cheese
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angelhareask · 2 months
Heya Gabby and Friends, I have a question:
What's your opinion on this recipe I cooked up?
Instant heart attack coffee: brew espresso with monster, red bull, or other energy drink of your choice instead of water, while using beans like the ones from death wish coffee, due to their high caffeine content
Make into a drink of your choice, with at least 10 shots of espresso in a large latte
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Next (Soon!)
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dweetwise · 2 years
There's a max of 10 options so no licensed boys this time, sorry!
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justheretop0st · 2 years
Romance in Demand
Now that the new years were done and gone, a new holiday was in everyone’s sights. A day of forfeiting the fear and hate of the Entity. For some reason, it allowed its meals to participate in the holiday. Whether it would ever understand it’s purpose, no one was to know. But who cared?
Dwight Fairfield
Being here the longest, he wouldn’t know any other love trend other than telling his lover that he loved them. As red or weird as he looked doing it, it was the only way he knew how. He didn’t know about the 5 love languages. So whenever you show him yours, his heart does jump into his throat. It was so unique and lovely. But he still just tells you, ��I-I love you!” A huge dorky smile on his face.
Jake Park
Most times he wants to be left alone. Today he just wants to be alone with you. He takes you to his spot. A place where he actually care for the crows that spot the realm. They’ve come to like him. And with you around, they come to like you too. He can generally tell who’s a good person or not by a crows reaction to a person. He had a doubt, but now, he knows. In this solace, as you coo at the crows, he sits and enjoys this peace.
Ace Visconti
He has so many words that even when your eyes roll he comes up with more to say. You know it’s all words and nothing really more. But his actions are what make you believe the love he does feel for you. Though he could tell you on a normal day he loves you, it’s when he holds your hand that you know. So today, when he takes your hand again and you both dance. By the campfire, people can watch and enjoy. But the two of you know the real truth. It’s no show, but it is a show love.
Adam Francis
He’s never been one for the expressive voice of his feelings. He only really enjoyed reading about them. He read everything and studied how it brought out emotion in the people who read them. So he took the time to write out even thing he could think of about you. Sometimes you made him frustrated and sometimes you made him feel inadequate. But the way you two would talk it out made his heart know you were the one. His words were no where near the greats, but that didn’t matter. Not to him.
Jeffery Johansen
He may not have lived the worst life, but it was a tough life. He still chose to find his peace in any medium he could. This world prevented most, so he grew in charcoal. Sometimes he would draw his parents, sometimes his old rescue, most times he drew you. You wouldn’t always notice or even remember, but he made sure to save them all. Even on this day, it was no different. Only he drew you with his rescue, back in the world. Perhaps if things could be different, he could really show you his talents.
Felix Richter
It was almost torture to not have much to read or observe. He felt alone. He didn’t have great social skills to connect with the others, but you didn’t care it seemed. You brought him so far, and he wouldn’t have betray this gift from you. Though he read only historical and architectural books, he spoke with Adam about fictional works. He spoke with Ace to learn more about the words of affection. In the end, he grew to give you everything you might have needed. He spoke rough poetry to you, expressing his love. It did leave him short of breath, but your hands in his made him know he did well.
Jonah Vasquez
He’s no man of words but of proven math and science. This whole holiday was irrationally stupid. But the way your eyes glowed at the thought, well, he wouldn’t shut down that feeling. Trying everything in his ability, he is able to come up with a corny way to showcase his love to you. A simple piece of paper that, when folded correctly, looked like a declaration of love. But expanded was a problem that wasn’t meant to be solved. Seeing you try your hardest though brought a smile to his face.
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