#Jon bon jovi
eroticlamb · 2 days
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kerrang! issue no. 421, released december 5, 1992 ♡
( featuring izzy stradlin on the front cover and jon bon jovi on the back )
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strxlinxoxo · 2 months
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Not posted for a couple days,sorry for being in active <33 anyways love these 9 sillies
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livin-on-a-pr4yer · 1 month
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@xbazattackx whoops
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thehopefulquotes · 6 months
Succes is falling nine times and getting up ten.
Jon Bon Jovi
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katmcpheeuniverse · 16 days
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Katharine McPhee attending the 2024 MusiCares Person Of The Year Honoring Jon Bon Jovi at Los Angeles Convention Center on February 02, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. 
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he-goes-down · 6 months
I’m not even gonna say it cus you know what I’m thinking
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thoughtkick · 8 months
Succes is falling nine times and getting up ten.
Jon Bon Jovi
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How accurate do you think I am?
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theyre just so
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justaclownxd · 24 days
rockstar pics that are my mental support
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perfectquote · 7 months
Succes is falling nine times and getting up ten.
Jon Bon Jovi
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I deal with my big girl feelings as always: do a meme a forget about it <3 ( tag yourself)
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mournstera · 7 months
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Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi (1986)
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vaginalsauce · 1 year
dolled up
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Unprotected p in v, pet names (lover, dear, sweet love, pretty thing, honey, princess), fingering, sweet and lovey Jon, couples first time, semi-public naughty stuffs and teasing, oral, m!receiving, daddy Jon
Omg this was so fun to write, I kinda got carried away oops
For my little pookie bear @spookynoods
Jon sat quietly on your couch, beer in one hand, other wrapped tightly around your shoulders to keep you close to him.
You had been dating for quite awhile now, and had gotten pretty comfortable with each other, but there were still limits either of you dared to cross just yet. The furthest you both had ever gotten was making out and Jon copping a consensual feel or two.
It was new for him, having someone there for him, instead of there for his money or drugs or sex. You two could sit in silence, and still be so absorbed in each other. Needless to say, he adored you, and he wouldn't do anything to make you angry, or uncomfortable, or upset.
After the constant reluctance to let him spend money on you was when he really started spending money on you, only because he just thought you deserved the world and more for being such a pure and loveable human.
But you felt horrible, not touching him in the ways you knew he desired in the bedroom, just because you weren't ready for that big step in your relationship.
He swore on his life that he didn't mind waiting, he just wanted you to be okay and comfortable. But you knew that he was a man, and you just couldn't help but feel bad for pushing the event so far away.
"Jon, honey, you're okay here for awhile if I run to my room, right? Just want to get fixed up a little before we head out with your boys." You turned to look at him, propping your chin up on his arm as you awaited his response.
He only nodded, placing a kiss to your forehead with a weak smile. His head was hurting again, probably hungover. You got up, taking his beer away from him and making your way to the kitchen. You grabbed a bottle of water and some pain medication, and shortly returned to the couch, handing him both.
"Take the pills with some water, and try and get some rest for awhile. I'll be in my room, just yell if you need something."
He looked up at you with a face of pure adoration, and extended an arm that would grip the back of your neck and bring you into a lazy but warm kiss.
"Thank you, lover." He hummed before doing what you directed, eyes wandering over you as you made your way to your room.
Once you reached said room, you gently closed the door, and began rifling through your closet to find the dress you had bought. It was tight, short, low cut, and revealing, a stark contrast from what you usually wore. And of course, to go under it, a pair of matching red lacy underwear.
You had decided for awhile that the night was going to come soon, and with going to a bar so the men of the band could see and meet each others women being the excuse to dress up, you had the perfect opportunity.
You quickly stripped and redressed, looking in the mirror for a solid five minutes to make sure everything looked okay on you. You moved to your desk, propping the lamp and mirror up just right as you started on your makeup.
Once the makeup was finished, you moved onto teasing and curling your hair, which took longer than expected, and your head snapped when you heard the door open.
You smiled and relaxed as you watched a groggy Jon lean against the door frame, another beer in hand. He smiled at you, before coming in and taking a seat on your bed.
"What're you getting all dolled up for? You got a date that I don't know about? Do I have to kick someone's ass?" Jon took a swig of his beer before his eyes began to wander over your dress in realization. "Shit, sweetheart. . . You're really starting to worry me, now." He teased, before watching you stand up.
"Am I not allowed to look pretty?" You gave a playful huff, putting your hands on your hips with a faux pout. Jon chuckled, pulling you closer to him by the backs of your thighs, and resting his hands on your waist.
"You're always pretty, dear. Just wondering why you think you've gotta get all fancy on me to think you're pretty." He pressed a kiss to the fabric on your stomach, before you leaned down and pressed your forehead against his, giving him a peck on the nose.
"You're very cheesy, old man." You grinned, before grabbing your bag and shoes. Jon was quick to follow you, pushing you down into a chair so he could kneel and slip your heels on for you. It wasn't new for Jon to tie your shoes or anything of the sort, and you always thought of it as sweet.
Once both of your heels were on and buckled, he pressed kisses to your knees before standing once more, catching a glimpse of the red lace on his way up. He shot you a confused look, which you brushed off.
He took your hand, and led you out of the apartment.
It wasn't long before everybody was seated at a red decorative booth, three other girls sandwhiched next to all of the men. While everyone was busy talking, you placed a hand on Jon's upper thigh, giving his leather a light squeeze. He carried on his conversation, but you could tell it threw him off guard by the way he paused for a short second.
The arm that was previously wrapped over your shoulders had found its way under the table, taking your hand and moving it into your own lap. It worried you, but your worry was quickly replaced by a fluttering feeling in your stomach when his hand rubbed it's way up from your knee to your inner thigh, and you let out a shaky breath.
Once Alec had taken it upon himself to leave Jon out of the conversation, Jon leaned over and pressed his lips to your ear.
"What are you up to, you little fox?" He muttered, his free hand bringing a glass of vodka to his lips once he pulled away and taking a slow drink, and it made your own mouth burn at the sight, but you couldn't help but find it impressive.
"I'm not up to anything. You don't want me to love on you in public?" You tilted your head in pretend-innocence, saccharine dripping from your tone. Jon chuckled and shook his head.
before resuming his conversation with Richie, he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your cheek. "You teasing me right now? Pretty bold for someone who isn't ready for that yet."
Your legs had crossed, and you lightly began rubbing your foot against Jon's calf. He gave your thigh a squeeze in an assumed warning.
His voice seemed to deepen while talking, and you could tell he was getting antsy. Your hand just barely ghosted over his crotch, and his hips raised a little when you brought your hand back to his thigh, desperate to have you touch him there again. He huffed in annoyance when your fingers tapped along the outline of his cock in his tight pants.
And that fast, he pushed your legs apart and cupped your clothed heat with his large hand. You almost let out a moan, but you were quick to swallow it when you noticed the sharp glare that Jon shot your way as another warning to keep quiet.
The rubbing on Jon's thigh faltered as he applied a bit more pressure to your core, fingers trailing along the lace. He looked over to you, and you had never seen a more desperate and lust-filled look in his eyes.
"Hey, kids, me and y/n are heading out, we made reservations." And with that, Jon grabbed your hand, pulling you to your feet and leading you out the door. He called a cab over, and told him the address of your apartment building.
"At 11:00 at night?" Richie questioned, but shook it off.
When the two of you climbed in, his lips were quick to attach to your neck, kissing and sucking gently from your jaw to your collarbone. Your hands raked through his hair, and you let out a shaky whimper.
His marking seemed to go on forever, just licking, sucking, biting, kissing in all the spots he knew you liked until the cab pulled over in front of your stop. Jon pulled cash out and put it in the palm of the driver, muttering a small 'keep the change.'
You two raced to your apartment, hands intertwined. It wasnt seconds after you closed your front door that Jon had his hands on your hips, pulling you into the neediest kiss you've ever had with him.
"Shit, you planned this all out, didn't you, sweetheart?" Jon's hands trailed from your hips up to your tits, kneading them gently in his palms as he watched you struggle to focus and nod. Your fingers slipped through his belt loops to pull his hips harder into yours, and he let out a low groan.
He grabbed your hands and pulled them away before wrapping an arm, around your waist, ushering you to your bedroom.
Jon pushed you onto your bed, lips reconnecting with yours. He brought his knee up to nestle between your thighs, pushing against your cunt.
He felt his insides turn into flips when you began struggling to kiss him back, hands wrapping over his neck as you began to lightly grind yourself against his knee.
"Sweet love, you're already so squirmy for me? Thought this was your idea, trying to tease me in public like that?" Jon pressed his knee harder into you, and you brought your hands down to try and tug his shirt over his head, but he caught them and pinned them over your head. "Huh uh, you don't get to get impatient on me, princess."
You let out a whine, But Jon paid it no mind as he slowly peeled and stripped your dress off of you, kissing every inch of newly exposed skin. Once you were left in your lace, he pulled away to admired your bruised neck, your swollen lips, the way your hair was sprawled out under you.
"Jon, I need you so bad, please touch me." You begged, trying desperately to pull him back down to you. Jon gave you his cute little smirk before pulling off the bed completely.
"Gonna work for it, honey?" He gave you a little head tilt, and you crawled over to him slowly, before sliding off the bed and landing on your knees in front of the standing man.
Your stomach sank and all you could think of was how your mouth watered, so desperate to taste him. Your hands raced to his belt, fumbling with the buckle before managing to get it loose.
Jon slipped his hand down to help you, finally managing to tug his pants down enough for his hardening cock to spring out towards your face.
You were hesitant, and you looked up to him with a pleading look in your eyes, just begging for instruction. He took a hold of your hand, placing it at the base of his cock. You watched him shiver, and it boosted your confidence tenfold.
You gave his dick a few experimental pumps, only for his hand to come down and brush your hair from your face.
"C'mon, spit on it baby, use your pretty mouth for me." His thumb found its way to your lips, pushing past them and into your mouth, and you hollowed your cheeks around his thumb. His eyes never left your face, and you felt his cock pulse in your hand.
Once his thumb left your mouth, he used the string of saliva for his cock, and pushed his hips towards your mouth while your lips were still parted.
You took him into your mouth, his hand tangling in the back of your hair to guide your pretty face along his cock.
"Fuck," Jon groaned out. "just like that, so good f'daddy."
The new nickname for himself set your insides aflame, and you felt yourself involuntarily moan around his dick. His grip in your hair tightened, and his hips stuttered as he began to thrust himself into your mouth, taking the job upon himself.
You snaked your hand down to rub your clit through your underwear, but Jon yanked you off of his cock as soon as he noticed. "Hands behind your back, baby, did I say you could touch yourself?"
You did as he said, too embarrassed to verbally answer his question.
"Words, pretty girl, did I say you could touch yourself?" He asked once again, taking his dick in his hand and slowly rubbing himself to the sight of you below him, hands behind your back, all marked up from his love bites.
"N-no. ." You mumbled, bringing your face closed to his dick an an attempt to get him in your mouth again.
"No. . What? C'mon baby, speak." Jon rubbed your cheek gently, encouraging you to address him properly.
"No, daddy, y-you didn't." You huffed.
"That's my girl, so precious." And with that, he pushed his dick back into your mouth, hand back into your hair, but allowing you the free reigns to move yourself up and down his cock. You flattened your tongue against the underside of his pretty member, feeling the pulsing veins pushing on your tastebuds. "God, your mouth is so perfect, perfect hole for me to use."
You moaned at his words, looking up at him as he pushed you all the way down his cock. When he hit the back of your throat, you coughed and gagged around him, but kept yourself there purely to see the way his face contorted in pleasure. He pulled you off his cock again, letting his hand slip from your hair to your throat, squeezing the sides gently as he pulled you to your feet.
"Back on the bed, sugar." He hummed, pressing you back into the bed. His quick hands tugged the pretty red underwear down your legs, his jaw clenching at the sight of your dripping plush. "Fuck, baby, you're soaked. You really that needy just from sucking daddy's dick?"
You covered your face with your hands, but Jon only undid the clasps of your bra, throwing it across the room with his own littered clothes. He leaned down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth, his eye contact with you not faltering.
"Jon-! Oh my god, please--" Jon grinned against your breast, pulling off of it with a loud pop from the suction.
"Want me to fuck you? Is that what you're whining for?" Jon chuckled as you nodded your head quickly, and you wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him close. "Alright, sweet love. You ready f'me?"
Jon gave his dick a few sloppy pumps before guiding his tip to your hole, just resting there, enjoying the feeling of your clenching cunt trying to suck him in deeper. You let out a loud cry, tears beginning to spring from your eyes as you bucked your hips towards him. "Please, daddy please. I need it so bad."
Jon leaned down to your face, forehead resting against yours as his lips just barely brushed your mouth. You pushed forward, trying hard to kiss him but he pulled away, flowing with your movements, his lips returning to hovering over yours. You let out a choked sob, hands coming down in fists onto the bed. A long string of pleas left your mouth, and you felt the hot tears streaming from the corner of your eyes and down the side of your face.
"Ohhh, sweet girl, so desperate, so pretty crying like that just for me. Can't even speak clearly." Jon began to push into you slowly, pulling out after only pushing himself in a little. Your hands flew up to dig into his arms, nails drawing reddening lines across them.
Every time he pushed in, he'd go just a little deeper, chuckling at how pretty you sounded choking on your moans for him. He rested his mouth next to your ear so you could listen to his pants and low groans as he finally began fucking you, pace relentless, as of someone flipped a switch inside of him. Your back arched and your stomach and chest pressed against his.
Loud moans were drawn from you with every thrust, and you were positive that all the apartments surrounding you would file a complaint.
"Oh, such a good slut f'daddy, c'mon. You were so desperate for me to fuck you, take it, little girl." Jon brought his hands up to squeeze your tits, gently pulling on them and squishing them in his large palms. He felt you tighten around him and he let out a sultry moan, moving one of his hands to your neck, pressing lightly aga8nst your airways. Your eyes were rolling back, and the feeling of being so light and air-headed in that moment was enough to make you see white.
You practically thrashed in his hold, and he was quick to grab your hips and begin pulling you back into him, chasing his own climax as he watched you experience your own. The sweet moans that were escaping you caused Jon to still inside of you, his stomach tensing up as he released his seed deep inside of you.
Pressing a long and passionate kiss to your lips, he slowly pulled out. When he pulled away, he wiped the hair from your face. He almost felt bad about how rough he was with you, a small frown forming on his face as he looked over how fucked dumb you were.
"You with me, lover?" He got off the bed, giving a weak smile when you lazily nodded. "Let's get you to the bathroom then, yeah? Toilet and then bath." Once you nodded again, he took you up against him, helping you to walk to said bathroom, your legs shaking, feeling like jelly.
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justaearthboundmisfit · 8 months
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nobodysfaultbutm1ne · 3 months
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jon bon jovi in the 90s… lord
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