#Jon Paul Steuer
spookyfoxdreamer · 1 year
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thegreaterlink · 2 years
Reviewing Star Trek TNG - S4E7 "Reunion"
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I really need to start getting these out in a somewhat timely fashion again.
Also, you have no idea how much of a ball ache it was to find images for this review when searching "Star Trek TNG Reunion" kept bringing up news about Picard season 3.
Ambassador K'Ehleyr (Suzie Plakson again) returns to the Enterprise to inform Captain Picard that Klingon Chancellor K'mpec (Charles Cooper) has been poisoned and suspects that one of the two candidates for succession, Duras (Patrick Massett again) and Gowron (Robert O'Reilly) is responsible. As his dying wish, he asks Picard to become the Arbiter of Succession and identify the assassin.
Meanwhile, she brings with her a Klingon boy named Alexander (Jon Paul Steuer). After his previous romantic experiences with her, Worf suspects that the boy may be his son...
It only took them four seasons to realise that they should start reusing their wealth of interesting side characters. Better late than never.
I think Worf being the stoic, manly man of the crew makes it all the funnier when he absolutely bricks it at the sight of his ex.
Picard: Lieutenant, please receive our guest.
Worf: Captain, I must request permission to send another officer.
Picard: May I know your reason?
Worf: ...My dishonour among Klingons may offend Ambassador K'Ehleyr.
Yeah, I'm sure that's the only reason.
Picard: Lieutenant, you are a member of this crew, and you will not go into hiding whenever a Klingon vessel uncloaks.
That's a fancy way of saying "stop being a little bitch and just talk to your ex already."
Given her established disregard for Klingon tradition, K'Ehleyr obviously doesn't care about Worf's discommendation, and during their conversation she pretty much confirms that Alexander is indeed Worf's child, the product of that one time they went to pound town on the holodeck.
So... Alexander was conceived near the end of season 2, and here we are in the early stages of season 4 and he's like six years old. How much time passes between seasons?!
Anyway, as the only Klingon child on board, Alexander naturally has difficulty fitting in, almost getting into a fight with the other children before Worf intervenes. Their conversation both reinforces Michael Dorn as an absolute WALL of a human being and also reveals that Alexander *gasp* doesn't actually WANT to be a warrior!
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Worf is naturally outraged, but I guess this is what happens when a Klingon has a mother who doesn't give two shits about Klingon tradition, which is a convenient excuse for why Worf (and the audience) is only just finding out about Alexander's existence, since Worf would've insisted that he and K'Ehleyr take the vow of marriage if he had known beforehand. Cue more debates about tradition vs humanity, with Worf refusing to reveal himself as Alexander's father for fear of harming the boy's future.
But we don't have time to unpack all of that. We need to get back to Klingon politics! Otherwise known as more buff dudes in black leather talking about honour and glory and other such junk.
As can be expected, Worf is against Duras leading the Klingon Empire after the little incident of trying to get him and Picard killed, but he seems to immediately dismiss Gowron as a suspect?
Hmm, a mysterious outsider who you've never met, frequently disagrees with the council and who looks like he'd eat a baby if you dared him to?
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Yep. No cause for concern there. Good call, Worf.
We get another Klingon ritual of Gowron and Duras tasing K'mpec's body to make sure he's really dead (I don't fucking know, just go with it), but it's interrupted by an explosion in the assembly hall, leaving two Klingon meatbags dead. While Picard and K'Ehleyr are safe, they decide to use an older form of the ceremony to draw out the proceedings and create enough time for a proper investigation, beginning with a forensic analysis of the explosion.
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After a couple of scenes to pad the runtime - Worf and K'Ehleyr apparently confirm that they're really in love and nearly bone again before having another fucking debate (and I don't mean that literally), K'Ehleyr tries to find out why Worf was discommended and Worf teaches Alexander how to use a Bat'leth (the weapon's very first appearance) - we're finally ready to move the plot forward again: the forensic tests have determined that the bomb was Romulan in design.
Don't worry, we're not throwing a third suspect into the mix this late in the game. Though this does imply a secret alliance between the Klingons and the Romulans which could majorly screw over the Federation, so there's that. It's later revealed that one of Duras' men had the bomb implanted in his arm, so the whole thing was an inside job.
Look, I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm skimming over stuff here, but all these Klingon succession proceedings just aren't all that interesting. Duras and Gowron don't show any personality aside from being the same generic shouty men we've seen many times before. Hell, if Gowron didn't have his trademark murder eyes, I'm not even sure if anyone would remember him.
Meanwhile, K'Ehleyr goes through Worf's personal logs (which she's apparently allowed access to - great work, Mr Chief of Security) and finds out that Duras was responsible for Worf's discommendation and (rather idiotically) makes it clear to Duras that she knows.
A scene or two later, Worf and Alexander come along and find her covered in blood and bleeding out, living just long enough to tell her that Duras pulled an offscreen stabby-stabby and heavily implying to Alexander that he and Worf have a connection.
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Then Alexander watches his estranged father scream in anguish over his mother's mangled corpse, followed by Worf telling him to remember the sight and stay in the same room as it. Nice going, Worf. I’m sure he’ll remember that in therapy.
It's a shame that K'Ehleyr was killed off so soon. I would've liked to see more of her.
Understandably pissed off, Worf arms up with a Bat'leth and beams over to Duras' ship to get revenge, exploiting some loophole that allows him to claim vengeance for a loved one's death. One bland action scene later, Riker and Data arrive just in time to see Worf murder Duras, getting his revenge but also killing the only person who knows the truth about what happened at Khitomer.
Obviously Picard doesn't take too kindly to one of his senior crew murdering someone, and gives him the usual "I understand why you did it, but cut that shit out" reprimand. As for Alexander, Worf confirms that he is his father sends him to live with his own human parents on Earth, reasoning that Alexander deserves a proper upbringing from someone who will be able to raise him properly. That definitely won't come back to bite him in both dicks a few years down the line.
As for the whole murder mystery thing, it never really gets resolved and we never find out who killed K'mpec in the first place. But since there are no other challengers present (I'm not even sure how the challenging system works), Gowron just... gets the throne by default? And everyone seems fine with that? Sure, fuck it.
As a whole, this episode is... fine. It's not a bad episode, just one that I've mostly seen before. I'm not against the idea of Worf having a son, but for the most part Alexander is just kinda... there. It feels like nobody knew how to make it interesting, but they kept it anyway to give this episode some much-needed flavour.
6/10 - Adequate.
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lavelled · 2 months
early aughts astronaut.
A minor point, but your contribution to society is urging me to wear chattel bracelets. I tend not to wear gems favored by a gang-rape trio, as the jangling interferes with my legible note-taking on a brotherhood’s demise. I’ll wear the clink of magnetic concert bracelets when it’s time.
Cool you do Harry’s bidding.
Henry Alfred:
The 60 Minutes Interview with Anderson Cooper that aired January 8, 2023. On YouTube is a respected journalist, more accustomed to covering wars and disasters, say, “Even when you’re in the same school, in high school” and you make a vadge gesture with your thumb and finger and reply in a confessional tone: “sibling rivalry.” This is at 2:12 of the video. Not five minutes into an international interview and you crudely verbalize on record that you blinged or bought someone else’s young love and reduced her to an unconsenting sex act. Your libido dad paid. Second, you just admitted to a CNN anchor that you’re a trafficking pimp who hired a harlot for royal pageantry. Yet, you expect to redeem a sexual experience from a different woman whom you’ve stored away for decades, connected to a romantic rival.
Did you ask Anderson Cooper about his brother, Carter?
After such archival reporting, it’s polite to talk to each other.
Perhaps the next interview could be an open-necked, chit-chat about families.
In EXile City, we’ve lifted digital camouflaging on Archillect, Murat Pak, Elon Musk, Piers Morgan and Spencer Morgan. It’s fair to share the tech virtuosity of a man hitting middle-age who types about a non-negotiable sexual tryst that he feels is cemented in reality. An entertainment business contract, which he blames on an action star, but also uses to provoke said action star, then will deceptively attach a redheaded insult as a cover. He’s available to babysit.
You are hedge fund boss and chief executive officer, Bill Ackman, on Twitter. It’s your drizzled formula of pious detachment, hostages, letters, digital signatures, threatening all matters of hockey and something about cold storage vaccines. Google Bill Ackman “Business Insider is toast. You will hear from us in a few weeks. It will look something like this: At My Signal, Unleash Hell.” A fresh take on gladiatorial cutting. So help me, I had left the twittering waves.
Fun fact about Gladiator: It was directed by Sir Ridley Scott. His brother, Tony Scott, directed the original Top Gun. In 2012, he jumped off the Vincent Thomas Bridge in LA.
“Rachel gets involved in the next President…” Absurd as it sounds, she’s not a senior advisor. Nor is she an entrepreneur. The summit or con-artist camp is a lie. It’s your stewing threat to an omnipresent skater. If you’re not retweeting hostile, extreme propaganda you personally don’t believe in, you’re workshopping royal etiquette in a castle kiosk, alone, for a buddied-up, wife applicant. You two don’t live authentically and through that humorous lens: suicides in 2018.
Margot Kidder—Superman’s awesome-voiced You’ve got me. Who’s got you? Lois Lane actress—self-inflicted in Park County, Livingston, Montana. Six days before your wedding.
Scott Hutchison—Scottish lead singer in rock band, Frightened Rabbit—jumped off a bridge in Queensferry, UK. Ten days before your wedding.
David Stroh Buckel—LGBTQ rights attorney; worked on the famous case that inspired movie, Boys Don’t Cry—set himself on fire on a baseball field in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. One month before your wedding.
Jon Paul Steuer—actor known for movie, Little Giants (I worshipped that film.) and tv’s Grace Under Fire—self-inflicted gunshot wound in Portland. Five months before your wedding.
William Hughes—Doctor Who child actor from Wales—while studying at Queen Mary University, he traveled to Corfu, Greece to fatally hurt himself. Two months after your wedding. He was 20.
Lucy Birley—British model and photographer—traveled to County Clare, Ireland to commit suicide by self-inflicted gunshot wound on July 23, 2018. She left behind four sons.
Knowing what you did throughout my life, people didn’t like your false union.
Bit different from actor weddings.
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filmjunky-99 · 3 years
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry Reunion [s4ep7]
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duranduratulsa · 2 years
Up next on my 90's Fest Movie and TV Marathon...Little Giants (1994) on classic DVD 📀! #movie #movies #comedy #sports #football #LittleGiants #rickmoranis #EdOneill #shawnawaldron #DevonSawa #samhorrigan #toddbosley #matthewmcurly #JohnMadden #justinjonross #jonpaulsteur #AlexaVega #joeysimmrin #michaelzwiener #marcustoji #MaryEllenTrainor #rickeydshoncollins #christopherwalberg #danpritchett #emmittsmith #HarryShearer #dvd #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas2ndannual90sfest
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grandmastv · 6 years
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Grace Under Fire, Grace Under a Wig (1995).
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gone2soon-rip · 7 years
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JON PAUL STEUER (1984-Died New Years Day,January 1st 2018,at 33).American actor,known for being a child actor,who notable roles included Quentin Kelly,on the 90′s US sitcom Grace Under Fire,on ABC,as the Kilngon Lt Worf’s son,Alexander Rozhenko,in Star Trek:The Next Generation,and as Johnny ‘Viper’ Vennaro,in the 1994 childrens comedy film Little Giants.After his acting career,he tried being a musician,before turning to running a vegan restaurant in Portland,Oregon,USA,which closed following his death.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Paul_Steuer
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
TNG's Young 'Alexander', Jon Paul Steuer, Dies at 33 | Jon Paul Steuer
Jon was born in California in March 1984 and began his acting career at just three years old. Hollywood lost some of its greats this year. It was a sad week for the Star Trek universe as Jon Paul Steuer, the actor who played a young Klingon on Star Trek: The Next Generation, passed away from undisclosed causes at the age of 33 on January 1. John Paul Steuer, who was known for his work as a child actor in Star Trek: The Next Generation, has died.
The band unfortunately dissolved in 2009. In 2003, Jon moved to Denver, Colorado where he formed the band Kill City Thrillers. Jon Paul Steuer, a former child actor who turned into a successful musician later in life, passed away on New Year's Day from an unknown cause.Steuer, who came to be known as Jonny P. Jewels in the Portland rock scene and played in the band P.R. Jon Paul Steuer, best-known to fans as a young Alexander Rozhenko , is dead at the age of thirty-three.
The Star Trek world has spanned generations with its many different series and movies, creating a unique legacy. He acted as the lead singer for the band under the name Jonny P. Jewels.The rock band's Facebook post reads, "It is with heavy hearts and saddened minds that we announce the passing of our dear friend and singer Jonny Jewels, AKA Jon Paul Steuer. Jon Paul Steuer, who was the first actor to play Worf's Klingon son Alexander Rozhenko on Star Trek: The Next Generation, has died at the age of 33. The actor, best known as the first to play Alexander Rozhenko in Star Trek: The Next Generation, died on Monday , his band P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S. announced on their Facebook page. Jon Paul Steuer, Former 'Star Trek' Actor Turned Vegan Restaurateur, Dead at 33. The 33-year-old passed away on New Year's Day. Jon Paul Steuer, a musician and '90s child actor, has died at 33. Scroll down to see Us Weekly's tribute to the celebrities who died in 2018. The cause of death is has not been announced. star trek. Steuer, a California native, played Butler's son Quentin Kelly on the Chuck Lorre-produced Grace Under Fire for three seasons, leaving the show in 1996. 'We've lost our singer, but far, far more than that we've lost a friend. The cause of his death has not been confirmed, according to sources that spoke to Deadline. The cause of his death has not been revealed at this time. January 1, 2018." A cause of death is yet to be determined according to the Willamette Week, which broke the tragic news. A cause of death has not yet been confirmed. Ten years later, Steuer would return to the scene as a popular punk musician in Denver.
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randomlyrandoms · 6 years
Celebrity Deaths 2018
JANUARY Jon Paul Steuer - Jan. 1 (TV Actor) Robert Mann - Jan. 1 (Violinist) Rick Hall - Jan. 2 (Music Producer) Thomas Monson - Jan. 2 (Religous Leader) Bruce Halle - Jan. 4 (Entrepreneur) John Young - Jan. 5 (Astronaut) Jerry Van Dyke - Jan. 5 (TV Show)  *Dick Van Dyke's Brother* Donnelly Rhodes - Jan. 8 (TV Actor) Doreen Tracey - Jan. 10 (TV Actor) Eddie Clarke - Jan. 10 (Guitarist) Jessica Falkholt - Jan. 11 (TV Actress) Keith Jackson - Jan. 12 (Sportscaster) Bobby Zarin - Jan. 13 (Reality Star) Dolores O'Riordan - Jan. 15 (Rock Singer) Peter Wyngarde - Jan. 15 (TV Actor) Bradford Dillman - Jan. 16 (Movie Actor) Jo Jo White - Jan. 16 (Basketball Player) Jessica Falkholt - Jan. 17 (TV Actress) Dorothy Malone - Jan. 19 (Movie Actress) Fredo Santana - Jan. 19 (Rapper) Olivia Cole - Jan. 19 (TV Actress) Dorothy Malone - Jan. 19 (Movie Actress) Paul Bocuse - Jan. 20 (Chef) Jim Rodford - Jan. 20 (Musician) Bob Smith - Jan. 20 (Activist) Connie Sawyer - Jan. 21 (TV Actress) Ursula K. Leguin - Jan. 22 (Children's Author) Hugh Masekela - Jan. 23 (Composer) Joel Taylor - Jan. 23 (Meteorologist) Nicanor Parra - Jan. 23 (Poet) Lari White - Jan. 23 (Country Singer) Mark E. Smith - Jan. 24 (Punk Singer) Warren Miller - Jan. 24 (Director) Ingvar Kamprad - Jan. 27 (Entrepreneur) **Mark Salling - Jan. 30 (TV Actor) Louis Zorich - Jan. 30 (TV Actor) Ann Gillis - Jan. 31 (Movie Actress) Rasual Butler - Jan. 31 (Basketball Player) Leah LaBelle - Jan. 31 (Pop Singer)
FEBRUAY Dennis Edwards - Feb. 1 (Rock Singer) John Mahoney - Feb. 4 (TV Actor) Khalif Smith - Feb. 5 (Youtuber Star) Mickey Jones - Feb. 7 (TV Actor) Ebony Reigns - Feb. 8 (Reggae Singer) John Gavin - Feb. 9 (Movie Actor) Reg E. Cathey - Feb. 9 (TV Actor) Jóhann Jóhannsson - Feb. 9 (Composer) Vic Damone - Feb. 11 (Pop Singer) Jan Maxwell - Feb. 11 (TV Actress) Daryle Singletary - Feb. 12 (Country Singer) Marty Allen - Feb. 12 (Comedian) Morgan Tsvangirai - Feb. 14 (Politician) Billy Graham - Feb. 21 (Religious Leader) Emma Chambers - Feb. 21 (TV Actress) Nanette Fabray - Feb. 22 (TV Actress) Ensa Cosby - Feb. 23 (Family Member) *Bill Cosby's Daugher* Bud Luckey - Feb. 24 (Cartoonist) Sridevi Kapoor - Feb. 24 (Movie Actress) Rogelio Guerra - Feb. 28 (Soap Opera Actor)
MARCH David Ogden Stiers- March 3 (TV Actor) Roger Bannister - March 3 (Runner) Hubert de Givenchy - March 10 (Fashion Designer) Ken Dodd - March 11 (Comedian) Craig Mack - March 12 (Rapper) Nokie Edwards - March 12 (Guitarist) Stephen Hawking - March 14 (Physicist) Jim Bowen - March 14 (Game Show Host) Ed Charles - March 15 (Baseball Player)   Tom Benson - March 15 (Entrepreneur) Tripp Halstead -March 15 (Blogger) Dushon Monique Brown - March 13 (TV Actress) Mike MacDonald - March 17 (Comedian) Charles Lazarus - March 22 (Entrepreneur) Fergus Anckorn - March 22 (War Hero) Morgana King - March 22 - (Movie Actress) Dushon Monique Brown - March 23 (TV Actress) Stéphane Audran - March 27 (Movie Actress) Rusty Staub - March 29 (Baseball Player) Bill Maynard - March 30 (Comedian)
APRIL Steven Bochco - April 1 (TV Producer) Winnie Madikizela-Mandela - April 2 (Politician) Susan Anspach - April 2 (Movie Actress) Ray Wilkins - April 4 (Soccer Coach) Eric Bristow - April 5 (Darts Player) Tim O'Connor - April 5 (TV Actor) Cecil Taylor - April 5 (Pianist) Jonathan Pitre - April 6 (Activist) Chuck McCann - April 8 (TV Actor) Art Bell - April 13 (Radio Host) R. Lee Ermey - April 15 (TV Actor) Pamela Gidley - April 16 (Movie Actress) Hal Greer - April 16 (Basketball Player) Harry Anderson - April 16 (TV Actor) Barbara Bush - April 17 (Political Wife) Dale Winton - April 18 (TV Show Host) Avicii - April 20 (DJ) **Verne Troyer - April 21 (Movie Actor) Bob Dorough - April 23 (Jazz Singer) Johnny Bennett - April 25 (TV Show Host) Kristin Nelson - April 27 (TV Actress) Judith Leiber - April 28 (Fashion Designer) Lil Lonnie - April 29 (Rapper) Robert Mandan - April 29 (Soap Opera Actor)
MAY Scott Hutchison - May 10 (Guitarist) Hubert de Givenchy - May 10 (Fashion Designer) Margot Kidder - May 13 (Movie Actress) Doug Ford - May 14 (Golfer) Tom Wolfe - May 14 (Journalist) Hugh Dane - May 16 (TV Actor) Joseph Campanella - May 16 (TV Actor) Young King Dave - May 17 (Instagram Star) Stephanie Adams - May 18 (Model) Robert Indiana - May 19 (Pop Artist) Clint Walker - May 21 (Movie Actor) Nara Almeida - Nay 21 (Fashion Designer) Allyn Ann McLerie - May 21 (Dancer) Philip Roth - May 22 (Novelist) Elizabeth Sung - May 22 (TV Actress) John Bain - May 24 (Youtube Star) Blake Painter - May 24 (Reality Star) Jerry Maren - May 24 (Movie Actor) Blake Painter - May 25 (Reality Star) Cornelia Frances - May 28 (TV Actress)
JUNE Sophia Gall - June 1 (Instagram Star) Georgann Johnson - June 4 (TV Actress) Dwight Clark - June 4 (Football Player) **Kate Spade - June 5 (Fashion Designer) Alan O'Neill - June 6 (TV Actor) Peter Stringfellow - June 7 (Entrepreneur) Anthony Bourdain - June 8 (Chef) Jackson Odell - June 8 (Movie Actor) Eunice Gayson - June 8 (Movie Actress) Neal Boyd - June 10 (Opera Singer) D.J. Fontana - June 13 (Drummer) Matt Murphy - June 15 (Guitarist) Leslie Grantham - June 15 (Soap Opera Actor) Xxxtentacion - June 18 (Rapper) Big Van Vader - June 18 (Wrestler)   Sophie Gradon - June 20 (Reality Star) Charles Krauthammer - June 21 (Journalist) Vinnie Paul - June 22 (Drummer) The Random Toon Show - June 24 (Youtube Star) Richard Harrison - June 25 (Reality Star) Harlan Ellison - June 27 (Novelist) Steve Soto - June 27 (Musician) **Joe Jackson - June 27 (Talent Manager) *Michael Jackson's Father* Emily Hayward - June 28 (Youtube Star) Derrick O'Connor - June 29 (Theatre Actor) Steve Ditko - June 29 (Cartoonist) Smoke Dawg - June 30 (Rapper)
JULY Alan Longmuir - July 2 (Bassist) Richard Swift - July 3 (Music Producer) Ed Schultz - July 5 (Radio Host) Claude Lanzmann - July 5 (Director) Alan Longmuir - July 7 (Bassist) Tab Hunter - July 8 (Movie Actor) Jorge Valenzuela - July 8 (World Music Singer) Annabelle Neilson - July 12 (Reality Star) Roger Perry - July 12 (TV Actor) Ray Emery - July 15 (Hockey Player) Jon Schnepp - July 19 (Director) Elmarie Wendel - July 21 (TV Actress) Oliver Dragojevic - July 28 (Rock Singer) Arielis Paulino - July 29 (TikTok Star) Nikolai Volkoff - July 29 (Wrestler)
AUGUST Rick Genest - August 1 (Tattoo Artist) C. Struggs - August 3 (Rapper) *Charlotte Rae - August 5 (TV Actress) Barry Chuckle - August 5 (Comedian) Stan Mikita - August 7 (Hockey Player) Jill Janus - August 14 (Metal Singer) **Aretha Franklin - August 16 (Soul Singer) Atal Bihari Vajpayee - August 16 (Politician) Kofi Annan - August 18 (Politician) Craig Zadan - August 20 (Film Producer) **Stefan Karl Stefansson - August 21 (TV Actor) Barbara Harris - August 21 (Movie Actress) Ed King - August 22 (Rock Singer) Robin Leach - August 24 (TV Show Host) John McCain - August 25 (Politician) Neil Simon - August 26 (Playwright) Vanessa Marquez - August 30 (TV Actress)
SEPTEMBER Bill Daily - Sept. 4 (TV Actor) Burt Reynolds - Sept. 6 (Movie Actor) **Mac Miller - Sept. 7 (Rapper) Kim Porter - Sept. 11 (Movie Actress) Rachid Taha - Sept. 12 (Rock Singer) Marin Mazzie - Sept. 13 (Stage Actress) Denis Norden - Sept. 19 (Radio Host) Al Matthews - Sept. 22 (Movie Actor) Chas Hodges - Sept. 22 (Rock Singer) Gary Kurtz - Sept. 23 (Film Producer) PeeWeeToms - Sept. 28 (Youtube Star) Kim Larsen - Sept. 30 (Rock Singer)
OCTOBER Charles Aznavour - Oct. 1 (Pop Singer) Geoff Emerick - Oct. 2 (Sound Desinger) Will Vinton - Oct. 4 (Film Producer) Audrey Wells - Oct. 4 (Screen Writer) Hamiet Bluiett - Oct. 4 (Saxophonist) **Scott Wilson - Oct. 6 (Movie Actor) Peggy McCay - Oct. 7 (Soap Opera Actress) Paul Allen - Oct. 15 (Entrepreneur) Dennis Hof - Oct. 16 (Entrepreneur) Oli Herbert - Oct. 17 (Guitarist) James Karen - Oct. 23 (Movie Actor) Ntozake Shange - Oct. 27 (Poet) James Karen - Oct. 28 (Movie Actor) Jin Yong - Oct. 30 (Novelist) Willie McCovey - Oct. 31 (Baseball Player)
NOVEMBER Roy Hargrove - Nov. 2 (Trumpet Player) Sondra Locke - Nov. 3 (Movie Actress) **Stan Lee - Nov. 12 (Comic Book Author) David Pearson - Nov. 12 (Race Car Driver) Katherine MacGregor - Nov. 13 (TV Actress) Kim Porter - Nov. 15 (Model) Roy Clark - Nov. 15 (TV Show Host) Devin Lima - Nov. 21 (Pop Singer) Nicolas Roeg - Nov. 23 (Director) Ricky Jay - Nov. 24 (TV Actor) Stephen Hillenburg - Nov. 26 (Director) Bernardo Bertolucci - Nov. 26 (Director) *George H.W. Bush - Nov. 30 (US President)
DECEMBER Ken Berry - Dec. 1 (TV Actor) Geoff Murphy - Dec. 3 (Director) Philip Bosco - Dec. 3 (Stage Actor) Pete Shelley - Dec. 6 (Punk Singer) Nancy Wilson - Dec. 13 (Jazz Singer) **Penny Marshall - Dec. 17 (Director) Donald Moffat - Dec. 20 (Movie Actor)
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daily-klingon · 6 years
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coykouchou · 6 years
Other TV GUide news for today:
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Star Trek Actor Jon Paul Steuer's Death Ruled a Suicide
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mvdbutler · 4 years
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its-cullenminating · 7 years
My condolences to the family and friends of Jon Paul Steuer
Thank you for your time on TNG, you will be greatly missed by all of us
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llamagal21 · 6 years
Remembering the Stars of 2018 (Pt. 1)
January 2018
01 – Jon Paul Steuer, Actor – played Alexander Rozhenko in “Star Trek: The Next Generation” – age 33
04 – Ray Thomas, Musician (UK) – founding member of the rock group The Moody Blues “Nights In White Satin” – age 76 (prostate cancer)
05 – Jerry Van Dyke, Actor – played David Crabtree in TV show “My Mother the Car“(1965) and Luther Van Dam on “Coach” (1989-’97) – age 86
05 – John Young, Captain, USN / NASA Astronaut – flew on the first manned Gemini mission (1965) and five more missions including a moon walk (1972) – age 87
08 – Denise LaSalle, Blues Singer – recognized as the “Queen of the Blues”, top hit “Trapped By A Thing Called Love” (1971) – age 78 (complications from a fall)
08 – Donnelly Rhodes, Actor (CAN) – played convict Dutch Leitner on TV show “Soap” (1977-’81) – age 80 (cancer)
10 – Eddie Clarke, Musician (UK) – guitarist for the heavy metal band Motörhead – age 67 (pneumonia)
10 – Doreen Tracey, Actress/Singer – a regular on TV show “Mickey Mouse Club” (1955-’58) – age 74 (cancer)
12 – Keith Jackson, Sportscaster – the voice of ABC Sports’ College football coverage (1966–2006) – age 89
13 – Jean Porter, Actress – contract actress for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer who appeared in over 30 movies from 1938-’61 – age 95
13 – Naomi Stevens, Actress – an extremely popular character actress (1950s-’80s) played Mrs. Dreyfus in the 1960 movie “The Apartment” – age 92
14 – Dan Gurney, Race car driver/owner – won races in the Formula One, Indy Car, NASCAR, Can-Am, and Trans-Am Series – age 86 (pneumonia)
15 – Dolores O’Riordan, Singer (IRL) – lead singer for rock band the Cranberries; top hits “Linger” and “Zombie” – age 46 (unknown)
15 – Peter Wyngarde, Actor (UK) – portrayed Jason King in TV shows Department S (1969–70) and Jason King (1971–72) – age 90
16 – Bradford Dillman, Actor – played Luther Sebastian in the film “The Helicopter Spies” which was made from a The Man From U.N.C.L.E. episode – age 87 (pneumonia)
17 – Jessica Falkholt, Actress (AUS) – played Hope Morrison in TV series “Home and Away” – age 29 (car accident killed her entire family)
17 – Simon Shelton, Actor (UK) – played Tinky Winky in the BBC TV show “Teletubbies” (1997-2001) – age 52 (hypothermia)
19 – Olivia Cole, Actress – played Matilda in the mini-series “Roots” (1977) for which she won an Emmy – age 75 (heart attack)
19 – Dorothy Malone, Actress – played Constance MacKenzie on Peyton Place (1964-’68) – age 92
19 – Allison Shearmur, Film producer – worked on American Pie, Jason Bourne and The Hunger Games franchises – age 54 (lung cancer)
20 – Wendell Castle, Artist/Furniture maker – probably the father of “furniture art” – age 85
20 – John Coleman, TV Meteorologist – original weatherman on ABC’s Good Morning America (1975) and co-founder of The Weather Channel (1982) – age 83
20 – Naomi Parker Fraley, she is credited as the inspiration for the Rosie the Riveter “We Can Do It” WWII era poster – age 96
20 – Jim Rodford, Musician – played with the Kinks (1978-’96) then played with redo of The Zombies – age 76
22 – Connie Sawyer, Actress – nicknamed “The Clown Princess of Comedy”, appeared in movies and TV from 1955 – 2014 – age 105
26 – Stacey Young, Model (UK) – she appeared in many 1980’s music videos with her singer husband Paul Young – age 52 (brain cancer)
27 – Mort Walker, Cartoonist – wrote the newspaper comic strips Beetle Bailey (1950) and Hi and Lois (1954) – age 94
30 – Mark Salling, Actor/Musician – portrayed Noah “Puck” Puckerman on TV show “Glee”(2009-’13) – age 35 (suicide)
February 2018
01 – Fidel Ángel Castro Díaz-Balart, Scientist – Fidel Castro’s oldest son – age 68 (suicide)
02 – Dennis Edwards, Singer – lead singer for The Temptations (1968-’77) “Papa Was a Rollin’ Stone” – age 74
02 – Jon Huntsman Sr., Businessman/Philanthropist – Huntsman was known for his philanthropy including Huntsman Cancer Institute – age 80
04 – John Mahoney, Actor (UK/USA) – played Martin Crane (Frazier’s Dad) on TV show “Frasier” (1993-2004) – age 77 (throat cancer)
07 – Mickey Jones, Musician/Actor – drummer for The First Edition with Kenny Rogers – age 76 (a long illness)
07 – John Perry Barlow, Poet/Cyber Activist – lyricist for the Grateful Dead and founded Electronic Frontier Foundation – age 70
07 – Jill Messick, Producer – “She’s All That and” “Mean Girls” – age 50 (suicide)
09 – Reg E. Cathey, Actor – portrayed Freddy Hayes in “House of Cards” (2013-’17) – age 59 (lung cancer)
09 – John Gavin, Actor/Politician – portrayed Julius Caesar in “Spartacus” (1960); U.S. Ambassador to Mexico (1981-’86) – age 86 (leukemia)
11 – Vic Damone, Singer/Songwriter – “You’re Breaking My Heart” (1949); “On the Street Where You Live (1956) – age 89
12 – Marty Allen, Comedian/Actor – 1/2 of the comedy duo Allen & Rossi, 44 appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show – age 95
12 – Louise Latham, Actress – played Bernice Edgar in Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “Marnie” (1964) – age 95
12 – Daryle Singletary, C&W Singer – “I Let Her Lie” (1995), “Amen Kind of Love” (1996) – age 46 (blood clot)
15 – Lassie Lou Ahern, Actress – she was a child actress in “Our Gang” films and one of the last surviving cast members – age 97 (flu)
21 – Emma Chambers, Actress (UK) – played Alice Tinker in BBC show “The Vicar of Dibley” (1994-’98) – age 53 (heart attack)
21 – Billy Graham, Baptist Minister and TV Christian evangelist – “Billy Graham Crusades” (1947-2005); spiritual adviser to every U.S. President from Harry Truman to Barack Obama – age 99
22 – Nanette Fabray, Actress/Singer/Dancer – Sid Caesar’s comedy partner on “Caesar’s Hour”1954-’57), played Katherine Romano on the TV show “One Day at a Time” (1979-’84) – age 97
23 – Lewis Gilbert, Producer/Director (UK) – “Alfie” (1966), “Shirley Valentine” (1989), “You Only Live Twice” (1967) – age 97
27 – Peter Miles, Actor (UK) – played Rotane in several episodes of “Blake’s 7” – age 89
March 2018
01 – Bill Burkette, Singer – original member of ‘The Vogues’, “You’re the One”, “Five O’Clock World” – age 75
02 – Ronnie Prophet, C&W Musician (CAN) – performed in Canadian TV shows “Grand Old Country” and “The Ronnie Prophet Show” – age 80
03 – David Ogden Stiers, Actor – played Major Charles Emerson Winchester III in TV show M*A*S*H (1977-’83) – age 75 (bladder cancer)
10 – Hubert de Givenchy, Fashion designer (FR) – “House of Givenchy” – famously dressed Audrey Hepburn and Jacqueline Kennedy (see 1960s Fashion section) – age 91
11 – Sir Kenneth Dodd, Comedian/Singer-songwriter (UK) – recorded “Tears” the #1 hit in 1965 and #3 for all of 1960s – age 90
12 – Nokie Edwards, Musician – played lead guitar and bass for The Ventures, a Hall of Fame instrumental rock band – age 82 (complications from hip surgery)
12 – Craig Mack, Singer/rapper – also known as MC EZ, biggest hit was “Flava in Ya Ear” – age 47 (heart failure)
14 – Jim Bowen, Comedian (UK) – host of ITV’s game show Bullseye (1981-’95) – age 80
14 – Stephen Hawking, Theoretical Physicist (UK) – Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom – age 76 (ALS)
20 – Frank Avruch, Actor – portrayed Bozo the star of “Bozo the Clown” syndicated TV show (1959-’70) – age 89 (heart disease)
21 – Anna-Lisa, Actress (NO) – played Nora Travers on “Black Saddle” (1959-’60) – age 84
22 – Wayne Huizenga, Entrepreneur/Philanthropist – one time owner of the Miami Dolphins, Florida Marlins and the Florida Panthers – age 80 (cancer)
22 – Charles Lazar, Entrepreneur – founder and CEO of Toy “R” Us toy chain (1957-2018) – age 94
23 – DuShon Monique Brown, Actress – played Connie in TV show “Chicago Fire” (2012-present) – age 49 (heart disease?)
23 – Debbie Lee Carrington, Actress – played Little Bigfoot in Harry and the Hendersons (1987) – age 58
23 – Delores Taylor, Actress – developed the character “Billy Jack’ and starred in all three Bill Jack movies; “Billy Jack” (1971), “The Trial of Billy Jack” (1974), “Billy Jack Goes to Washington” (1977) – age 85 (dementia)
25 – Linda Brown, Civil Rights figure – was the subject of a Supreme Court case which outlawed school segregation (Brown v. Board of Education – 1954) – age 76
30 – Bill Maynard, Actor/Comedian – lead role in “Oh No, It’s Selwyn Froggitt! (1976–78)” – age 89 (complications from a fall)
April 2018
01 – Steven Bochco, TV Writer/Producer – “Hill Street Blues” (1981-’87), ” L.A. Law” (1986-’94) – age 74 (leukemia)
02 – Winnie Mandela, Politician (ZA) – anti-apartheid activist, married to Nelson Mandela – age 81
05 – Tim O’Connor, Actor – played Dr. Elias Huer in “Buck Rogers in the 25th Century” – age 90 (cancer)
08 – Chuck McCann, Actor/Comedian – hosted childrens TV show “The Chuck McCann Show” – age 83 (congestive heart failure)
10 – Yvonne Staples, Gospel/R&B Singer – Family gospel group The Staple Singers #1 hit “Let’s Do It Again” – age 80
12 – Alex Beckett, Actor (UK) – played Barney Lumsden in BBC TV show “Twenty Twelve” (2012) – age 35
15 – R. Lee Ermey, Actor – (Sgt. USMC retired) played Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in “Full Metal Jacket” (1967) – age 74 (complications from pneumonia)
16 – Harry Anderson, Actor – played Judge Harry Stone on TV show “Night Court” (1984-’92) – age 65
16 – Pamela Gidley, Actress – starred in “Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me” – age 52 (cause not released)
17 – Barbara Bush, First Lady wife of Pres. George H. W. Bush 1989-’93) and mother of Pres. George W. Bush (2001-’09), founded the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy – age 92 (congestive heart failure)
18 – Bruno Sammartino, WWF Professional Wrestler – “The Living Legend” held the WWWF World Heavyweight Championship longer than anyone else – age 82 (heart failure)
18 – Dale Winton, TV Host (UK) – “Dale’s Supermarket Sweep” (1993-’07) “In It to Win It” (2002-’16) – age 62
19 – Ronald Blasket, Comedian/Ventriloquist (AUS) – Gerry Gee’s Jamboree (1959) his doll was named Gerry Gee – age 96
20 – Avicii (Tim Bergling), Electronic music producer (SWE) – “Sunshine”, “I Could Be the One” he was nominated for 2 Grammy’s – age 28 (suffered from acute pancreatitis)
21 – Verne Troyer, Actor – played Mini-Me in Austin Powers movies (1997,’99,&’02) at 2′ 8″ tall he was the worlds shortest actor – age 49 (possible alcohol poisoning)
23 – Bob Dorough, Musician/Songwriter – composed and performed the “Schoolhouse Rock!” series of educational cartoons – age 94
27 – Kristin Nelson, Actress – married to Rick nelson and appeared regularly on “The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet” – age 72 (sudden heart attack)
27 – Paul Junger Witt, Producer – TV shows “The Partridge Family”, “Golden Girls” and movies “Dead Poets Society’ – age 77 (cancer)
29 – Robert Mandan, Actor – played Chester Tate on TV sitcom “Soap” (1977-’81) – age 86 (a long illness)
Source: https://fiftiesweb.com/dead/dead-people-2018/
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
TNG's Young 'Alexander', Jon Paul Steuer, Dies at 33 | Jon Paul Steuer
Ten years later, Steuer would return to the scene as a popular punk musician in Denver. January 1, 2018." A cause of death is yet to be determined according to the Willamette Week, which broke the tragic news. He acted as the lead singer for the band under the name Jonny P. Jewels. The cause of his death has not been confirmed, according to sources that spoke to Deadline.
Steuer, who came to be known as Jonny P. Jewels in the Portland rock scene and played in the band P.R. Jon Paul Steuer, a musician and '90s child actor, has died at 33. The rock band's Facebook post reads, "It is with heavy hearts and saddened minds that we announce the passing of our dear friend and singer Jonny Jewels, AKA Jon Paul Steuer.Jon Paul Steuer, best-known to fans as a young Alexander Rozhenko , is dead at the age of thirty-three. Steuer left acting in 1996, and turned to music, singing with a Portland, Oregon rock band.
The band unfortunately dissolved in 2009. It was a sad week for the Star Trek universe as Jon Paul Steuer, the actor who played a young Klingon on Star Trek: The Next Generation, passed away from undisclosed causes at the age of 33 on January 1.Jon was born in California in March 1984 and began his acting career at just three years old. Jon Paul Steuer, Former 'Star Trek' Actor Turned Vegan Restaurateur, Dead at 33. Devon Sawa is paying tribute to his late Little Giants costar Jon Paul Steuer after news broke on Friday, January 5, that the actor had died on New Year's Day. The actor, best known as the first to play Alexander Rozhenko in Star Trek: The Next Generation, died on Monday , his band P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S. announced on their Facebook page. Jon Paul Steuer, former Star Trek actor, has passed away at the age of 33. Hollywood lost some of its greats this year. Jon Paul Steuer, who was the first actor to play Worf's Klingon son Alexander Rozhenko on Star Trek: The Next Generation, has died at the age of 33. The Star Trek world has spanned generations with its many different series and movies, creating a unique legacy. In 2003, Jon moved to Denver, Colorado where he formed the band Kill City Thrillers. The cause of his death has not been revealed at this time. A cause of death has not yet been confirmed. John Paul Steuer, who was known for his work as a child actor in Star Trek: The Next Generation, has died. Scroll down to see Us Weekly's tribute to the celebrities who died in 2018. The 33-year-old passed away on New Year's Day.
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keithclay467897o · 6 years
'90s Child Star Jon Paul Steuer Died of Suicide: Report
'90s Child Star Jon Paul Steuer Died of Suicide: Report Five months after child star Jon Paul Steuer's death, fans are learning more about the circumstances surrounding his untimely passing. The 33-year-old actor's death was ruled a... https://ift.tt/2JJkiNh
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