#Joint replacement Surgeon in noida
dramitagarwalortho · 7 months
Sport Injury treatment in Noida
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Dr. Amit Agrawal: A Leading Orthopaedic Specialist in Noida Introduction: In the bustling city of Noida, where healthcare is of utmost importance, Dr. Amit Agrawal stands out as a prominent figure in the field of orthopaedics. His well-established practice has earned him the reputation of being a top player in the category of orthopaedic doctors in Noida. Dr. Agrawal's clinic is not just a medical facility; it's a one-stop destination that caters to customers locally and from various parts of Noida.
orthopedic doctor near me Situated conveniently in Noida, Dr. Amit Agrawal's clinic is easily accessible, making it an effortless task for patients to commute to the establishment. With various modes of transport readily available, individuals can seek top-notch orthopaedic care without any hassle.
best orthopedic doctor in noida Dr. Agrawal is known for providing exceptional services across a spectrum of orthopaedic specialties. Some of the key areas where he excels include:
Knee Replacement Surgeon in Noida : Dr. Agrawal is a trusted knee replacement surgeon in Noida, offering advanced surgical solutions for individuals with knee-related issues.
Hip Replacement Surgery: As a skilled hip replacement surgeon, he provides effective treatments for hip-related concerns, ensuring improved mobility and quality of life.
Joint Replacement Surgeon in Noida : Dr. Amit Agrawal specializes in joint replacement procedures, offering comprehensive care for patients requiring joint interventions.
Arthroscopy surgeon in Noida : Renowned as an arthroscopic surgeon, he employs minimally invasive techniques for precise diagnosis and treatment of joint problems.
Sports Injury Treatment: With expertise in sports medicine, Dr. Agrawal addresses sports-related injuries, helping athletes recover and regain peak performance.
Trauma Surgery: As a trauma surgeon, he handles orthopaedic trauma cases with a focus on optimal recovery and restoration of function.
ACL Surgery: Dr. Agrawal is recognized for his proficiency in ACL surgery, providing solutions for individuals with anterior cruciate ligament injuries.
Spine Surgery: Specializing in spine surgery, he offers comprehensive care for spinal conditions, ensuring patients experience relief and improved spinal health.
Conclusion: In the realm of orthopaedics in Noida, Dr. Amit Agrawal emerges as a dedicated and skilled professional, offering a diverse range of services to address the orthopaedic needs of the community. His commitment to excellence and patient-centric approach make him a go-to orthopaedic doctor in Noida, earning the trust and gratitude of individuals seeking top-tier orthopaedic care. If you are in search of a reliable and experienced orthopaedic specialist, Dr. Amit Agrawal is undoubtedly a name to consider in Noida's medical landscape.
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drmukeshshanker · 8 months
Dr. Mukesh Shanker: Hip Replacement Surgeon in Noida
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best orthopedic doctor in Noida Dr. Mukesh Shanker's journey to becoming the best orthopedic doctor in Noida is rooted in his unwavering commitment to orthopedics. He has pursued rigorous academic and clinical training, gaining extensive experience in diagnosing and treating a wide range of orthopedic conditions. Dr. Shanker's expertise spans various aspects of orthopedics, and his commitment to staying at the forefront of medical advancements ensures that his patients receive the most advanced and evidence-based orthopedic care available.
Excellence in Orthopedics
As an orthopedic in Noida, Dr. Shanker plays a pivotal role in the lives of patients facing musculoskeletal challenges. His clinical proficiency in orthopedics ensures that individuals receive not only the highest quality of care but also empathetic support. Dr. Shanker understands the physical and emotional impact of orthopedic conditions on patients and actively seeks to alleviate their concerns and build trust.
Joint Replacement Expertise
For patients in need of joint replacement surgery, Dr. Mukesh Shanker's expertise shines. As a knee replacement surgeon in Noida and hip replacement surgeon in Noida, he provides meticulous and personalized care to patients seeking relief from joint pain and dysfunction. His approach includes comprehensive assessments, tailored treatment plans, and surgical expertise to improve patients' overall quality of life.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
To provide the highest level of orthopedic care, Dr. Shanker's clinic in Noida is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for diagnostics and surgical procedures. The clinic maintains a comfortable and confidential environment, ensuring that patients receive top-notch care throughout their orthopedic healthcare journey.
In the vibrant city of Noida, where healthcare excellence is paramount, Dr. Mukesh Shanker stands as a distinguished medical professional specializing in orthopedics. With a reputation as the best Orthopedic Surgeon in Noida, Dr. Shanker is dedicated to providing comprehensive orthopedic care. His unmatched expertise, combined with a compassionate approach, has made him a trusted figure for individuals seeking specialized orthopedic treatment in the region.
Dr. Mukesh Shanker's reputation as an Ortho doctor in Noida is well-deserved, reflecting his unwavering dedication to providing world-class orthopedic care. His commitment to innovation, patient-centered care, and successful outcomes has positively impacted the lives of countless individuals dealing with musculoskeletal conditions. For those seeking expert orthopedic care in Noida, Dr. Shanker is the trusted healthcare provider, offering unparalleled expertise, compassion, and support on the path to improved musculoskeletal health and overall well-being.
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softzenia · 1 year
Know about the Orthopedic Doctor in Greater Noida
The medical field of orthopedics focuses on injuries and conditions of the musculoskeletal system throughout the body. Orthopedic surgeons treat patients with bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, nerves, muscles, and more issues. Orthopedic services consist of the following: Rehabilitation of the knee, foot, ankle, hand, wrist, shoulder and hip. Replacement of the knee, hip and shoulder fracture…
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softzenia-tech · 1 year
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Knee and Spine Surgeon
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Choosing the best orthopedic surgeon in Greater Noida can be a difficult task, especially when there are several options available. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a knee and spine surgeon:
Qualifications and Experience
The qualifications and experience of the surgeon are crucial in determining their competency. A good surgeon should have the necessary qualifications and training in knee and spine surgery. They should also have a good track record of successful surgeries and patient outcomes. It is essential to research the best orthopedic surgeon in Noida and experience before making a decision.
Technology and Facilities
The technology and facilities available at the hospital or clinic where the surgery will be performed are important factors to consider. A good surgeon should have access to the latest technology and equipment to perform the surgery with precision. The hospital or clinic should also have state-of-the-art facilities to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for the patient.
Patient Testimonials and Reviews
Patient testimonials and reviews can provide valuable insights into the surgeon's skills and expertise. It is important to read reviews and testimonials from previous patients to gauge their experience and satisfaction with the surgeon's services. 
How to Find the Best Knee and Spine Surgeon in Noida
Noida is home to several renowned hospitals and clinics that offer knee and spine surgery services. Here are some ways to find the best knee surgeon in Noida:
Online Research
The internet is a valuable resource for finding information about knee and spine surgeons in Noida. A quick online search can provide a list of surgeons and their credentials. It is important to read reviews and testimonials from previous patients to gauge their experience and satisfaction with the surgeon's services.
Consultation with Surgeons
Consulting with multiple best knee replacement surgeon in Noida is a good way to gauge their expertise and experience. It is essential to ask relevant questions about the surgery, the recovery process, and the surgeon's qualifications and experience. This can help in making an informed decision about the right surgeon for the surgery.
Consultation Process and Communication with the Surgeon
The consultation process and communication with the joint replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR are crucial in ensuring a successful surgery and recovery. A good surgeon should take the time to understand the patient's needs and concerns and provide clear information about the surgery and recovery process. They should also be accessible and available to answer any questions or concerns that the patient may have. 
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mysocialbook · 1 year
Best Joint Replacement Surgeon in Greater Noida and Delhi NCR
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wellboneclinic · 2 years
Orthopedic Surgeon in Noida
Dr. Anuj Agrawal is one of the top Orthopaedic and Joint Replacement Surgeons in India. Get treated by Dr. Anuj Agrawal at Wellbone Clinic.
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ossdocs · 3 days
Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee surgery is a pivotal area in orthopedics aimed at treating a spectrum of conditions affecting the knee joint. Orthopedic surgery specialists employ cutting-edge techniques to address issues ranging from sports injuries and ligament tears to degenerative joint diseases like osteoarthritis. Utilizing both arthroscopic procedures and complex reconstructive surgeries, these experts strive to restore mobility, reduce pain, and enhance overall joint function. With a commitment to patient-centered care, orthopedic surgeons tailor treatment plans to each individual, ensuring optimal outcomes and facilitating a prompt return to an active lifestyle.
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drsanjaygupta507 · 4 months
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Best knee replacement surgeon in Noida | Best joint Replacement Surgeon Mayur Vihar Delhi | Drsanjaygupta
Looking for the best knee replacement surgeon in Noida or Mayur Vihar, Delhi? Look no further! Dr. Sanjay Gupta is your trusted expert for joint replacement surgeries. With unparalleled expertise and a commitment to patient care, Dr. Gupta ensures the highest quality treatment for your knee and joint issues. Visit DrSanjayGupta for top-notch care and lasting relief.
For more information visit our website: www.drsanjaygupta.info
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logixgrid · 1 year
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dramitagarwalortho · 10 months
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 When seeking the best orthopedic doctor in Noida. Dr. Amit Agrawal's name shines brightly. His qualifications, expertise, patient-centric approach, and positive reviews position him as a top choice for orthopedic care. Remember that finding the right orthopedic doctor involves careful consideration, research, and possibly seeking referrals. With the right specialist by your side, you can look forward to a journey towards improved musculoskeletal health and a pain-free life.
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drmukeshshanker · 9 months
Dr. Mukesh Shanker: Orthopedic Doctor in Noida
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In the bustling city of Noida, where individuals seek relief from joint pain and orthopedic issues, Dr. Mukesh Shanker stands as a trusted expert in orthopedic care, specializing in hip and knee replacement surgeries. Recognized as one of the best orthopedic surgeon in Noida, Dr. Shanker offers comprehensive solutions for those in need of joint and bone health treatments.
Your Trusted Orthopedic Expert in Noida
Dr. Mukesh Shanker's journey to becoming one of the Orthopedic Doctor in Noida is marked by his unwavering commitment to improving joint health and relieving orthopedic discomfort. He has undergone extensive training, gained invaluable clinical experience, and continually stays updated with the latest developments in orthopedics to provide the best care for his patients.
Comprehensive Expertise
As a Joint replacement Surgeon in Noida, Dr. Shanker offers a wide range of services, including:
1. Hip replacement Surgeon in Noida: Dr. Shanker excels in hip replacement surgeries, offering individuals the opportunity to regain mobility and live pain-free.
2. Knee replacement Surgeon in Noida: He specializes in knee replacement surgeries, providing effective solutions to those suffering from knee-related issues.
3. Joint bone pain specialist in Noida: Dr. Shanker offers innovative and evidence-based treatments for joint and bone pain, ensuring patients receive the most advanced and suitable solutions.
Patient-Centric Approach
What sets Dr. Mukesh Shanker apart is his patient-centric approach to healthcare. He believes in open communication, actively involving patients in their treatment decisions, and providing compassionate support throughout their healthcare journey. This collaborative approach empowers individuals to take control of their orthopedic health and make informed choices regarding their well-being.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
To provide the highest level of care, Dr. Shanker's clinic in Noida is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for diagnostics and treatment. The clinic offers a comfortable and supportive environment, ensuring that patients receive top-notch care throughout their journey to improved joint and bone health.
Transforming Lives, One Procedure at a Time
Dr. Mukesh Shanker has transformed the lives of numerous individuals burdened by orthopedic issues. His commitment to innovation, patient-centered care, and successful outcomes has positively impacted the lives of countless patients, offering them a path to joint and bone health and an improved quality of life.
Dr. Mukesh Shanker's reputation as one of the best orthopedic in Noida is well-deserved, reflecting his unwavering dedication to providing world-class care in orthopedics, particularly in hip and knee replacement surgeries. For individuals seeking expert guidance and compassionate support in managing orthopedic issues, Dr. Shanker is the trusted specialist offering unparalleled expertise, empathy, and a pathway to improved joint and bone health, along with an enhanced quality of life.
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softzenia · 1 year
Total Knee Replacement Surgeons in Greater Noida
Chronic knee joint pain, including sore knees, can be brought on by osteoarthritis and knee arthritis. Our orthopaedic surgeons within Greater Noida use the best knee implant to take full advantage of minimally invasive knee replacement. Speak with a qualified total knee replacement surgeons in Greater Noida in your area. About Knee Replacement The minimally invasive method of knee replacement…
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softzenia-tech · 1 year
Find Bone Specialist in Noida and Joint Replacement Surgeon in Greater Noida
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Joint replacement surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed today. If you are considering this surgery or any other surgery for that matter, you must find a bone specialist in Noida who can help you make the best possible decision for your health. Here in Delhi NCR, we have an expert joint replacement surgeon in Greater Noida who can care for you and help you get back to your life as soon as possible.
Bone specialists may treat a variety of conditions, including:
Joint replacement surgery: Bone specialists may perform joint replacement surgeries to replace damaged or worn joints with new, healthy ones. Joint replacement can help improve your mobility and quality of life. 
Osteoporosis: Bone specialists may treat osteoporosis by prescribing medications or performing surgery to remove unhealthy bone tissue. Osteoporosis can lead to fractures, which can cause serious injuries or death. 
TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain: Bone specialists may treat TMJ pain with surgery or medication. Surgery involves removing tissue from around the TMJ to relieve pain. Remedies often involve prescription drugs taken over time to ease pain and prevent further damage to the TMJ.
How Does a Bone Specialist Treat a Joint Replacement?
A joint replacement is a surgical procedure to replace a damaged or worn joint with an artificial prosthetic device. Joint replacement can be performed on the knee, shoulder, elbow, and other joints.
Orthopedic Surgeon treat joint replacements in three ways:
Arthroscopic surgery (keyhole surgery using tiny instruments through the skin).
Open surgery (where the entire operation is done openly).
Total hip replacement (THT).
Arthroscopic surgery is the most common type of joint replacement, and it uses tiny instruments to repair or replace the damaged joint. Arthroscopic surgery is usually painless and short-term, but it may cause minor complications, such as infection.
Open surgery is the second most common type of joint replacement. In this procedure, the entire operation is relaxed, meaning that the surgeon sees all the damage and replaces it with an artificial prosthetic device. This surgery may require more time and hospital stay than arthroscopy, but it typically results in less pain and shorter recovery time.
Total hip replacement is the most popular type of joint replacement in America. THT replaces both hips at once—a procedure often referred to as “double hip replacement” because it has a significantly longer lifespan than single hip replacements. THT has many benefits over other joint replacements, including a shorter hospital stay and decreased risk of future injury.
How Does a Joint Replacement Surgery Work?
Joint replacements are surgeries that restore the function of a joint by replacing the affected joint with either an artificial or a natural joint. The most common joints that need replacement are the hip, knee, and shoulder. Knee joint replacement surgery in Delhi NCR is typically performed outpatient under general anaesthesia.
The surgery begins by making an incision into the skin over the area of the injury. Then, using precision surgical instruments, the doctor removes damaged or diseased tissue and replaces it with either an artificial or natural joint. The artificial joints are made from various materials, including metal, plastic, and ceramic. The natural joints are made from either bone or cartilage. You must consider the best total knee replacement surgeons in greater Noida for total knee replacement.
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drsanjaygupta-1 · 3 days
best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR
When knee pain severely impacts your quality of life, finding the best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR becomes essential. In the bustling region of Delhi NCR, choosing the right surgeon is crucial for achieving the best outcomes. Dr. Sanjay Gupta stands out as the premier knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR, known for his top-notch expertise and exceptional patient care.
Why Choose Dr. Sanjay Gupta for Knee Replacement Surgery?
Extensive Experience and Expertise
Dr. Sanjay Gupta brings years of experience in performing successful knee replacement surgeries. His extensive training and dedication to staying updated with the latest advancements in orthopedics make him a leading choice for patients in Delhi NCR seeking knee replacement surgery.
Advanced Surgical Techniques
Utilizing cutting-edge surgical techniques, Dr. Gupta ensures minimal invasion and quicker recovery times. His proficiency in advanced methods like computer-assisted surgery and minimally invasive procedures helps patients experience less pain and regain mobility faster.
Personalized Patient Care
Dr. Sanjay Gupta's commitment to personalized patient care sets him apart. From the initial consultation to post-surgery follow-ups, Dr. Gupta ensures each patient receives tailored treatment plans and attentive care. He takes the time to understand each patient's unique needs and medical history, crafting a surgical approach that guarantees the best possible outcome.
High Success Rates and Patient Satisfaction
The high success rates of Dr. Gupta’s knee replacement surgeries are a testament to his skill and dedication. Numerous patients have regained their mobility and quality of life thanks to his expertise. Positive testimonials and high patient satisfaction rates highlight his reputation as the best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR.
Understanding Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee replacement surgery, or knee arthroplasty, involves replacing the damaged knee joint with a prosthetic one. This procedure is typically recommended for patients suffering from severe arthritis or significant knee injuries, aiming to relieve pain, improve joint function, and enhance overall quality of life.
The Procedure
The surgery involves removing damaged cartilage and bone from the knee joint and replacing them with metal and plastic components. Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s meticulous approach ensures precision during surgery, which is crucial for the procedure's success.
Recovery and Rehabilitation
After surgery, Dr. Gupta provides comprehensive rehabilitation plans to ensure a smooth and swift recovery. Patients receive detailed instructions on exercises, medications, and lifestyle modifications to aid in their recovery journey.
Preparing for Knee Replacement Surgery
Choosing the best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR, like Dr. Sanjay Gupta, is the first step toward a successful surgery. Here are a few tips to prepare for the procedure:
Follow all pre-surgery instructions given by your surgeon.
Arrange for someone to assist you during the initial recovery period.
Ensure your home is prepared for your post-surgery needs.
By selecting Dr. Sanjay Gupta, you are choosing excellence in knee replacement surgery, leading to improved mobility and a better quality of life.
Follow More Information :- https://drsanjaygupta.info/
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goodup · 26 days
 Multi Speciality Hospital in Noida Where Your Health Comes First
Neo Hospital, a leading multi-specialty hospital in Noida, is committed to providing high-quality healthcare services to patients across a wide range of medical specialties. With a team of experienced doctors, state-of-the-art facilities, and a patient-centered approach, Neo Hospital offers comprehensive healthcare solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of its patients.  The Best Hospital in Noida Here, we explore the various specialties and services offered at Neo Hospital and why it is the ideal choice for your healthcare needs.
Comprehensive Specialties at Neo Hospital
1. Gastroenterology
Neo Hospital Multi Speciality Hospital in Noida boasts a dedicated gastroenterology department staffed by expert gastroenterologists who specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the digestive system, liver, and pancreas. Services include endoscopic procedures, liver biopsies, and treatment for liver diseases such as hepatitis and fatty liver disease.
2. Cardiology
The cardiology department at Neo Hospital offers comprehensive cardiac care, including diagnostic testing, interventional procedures, and cardiac rehabilitation. Experienced cardiologists provide treatment for various heart conditions, including coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, and valvular heart disease.
3. Orthopedics
The orthopedic department at Neo Hospital specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, including fractures, arthritis, sports injuries, and spine disorders. Orthopedic surgeons perform minimally invasive surgeries, joint replacements, and fracture repairs to restore mobility and improve quality of life.
4. Oncology
Neo Hospital's oncology department provides advanced cancer care, including diagnosis, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgical oncology. Oncologists collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to develop personalized treatment plans for patients with various types of cancer, ensuring comprehensive care and support throughout the treatment journey.
5. Neurology and Neurosurgery
The neurology and neurosurgery departments at Neo Hospital offer specialized care for conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. Neurologists diagnose and treat neurological disorders such as stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease, while neurosurgeons perform complex surgeries for brain and spine conditions.
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6 Obstetrics and Gynecology
Neo Hospital Best Hospital in Noida obstetrics and gynecology department provides comprehensive care for women throughout all stages of life. Services include prenatal care, childbirth, gynecological exams, family planning, and treatment for gynecological conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis, and pelvic organ prolapse.
The pediatrics department at Neo Hospital offers specialized care for infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatricians provide routine check-ups, vaccinations, and treatment for common childhood illnesses, as well as management of chronic conditions and developmental disorders.
Services Offered at Neo Hospital
In addition to specialty care, Neo Hospital offers a wide range of healthcare services to meet the needs of its patients, including:
Diagnostic Imaging: State-of-the-art imaging services, including X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, ultrasound, and mammography, for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
Laboratory Services: Comprehensive laboratory testing for accurate diagnosis and monitoring of various medical conditions, including blood tests, urine tests, and microbiology.
Emergency Care: 24/7 emergency department equipped to handle medical emergencies and provide timely treatment for critical conditions.
Intensive Care: Advanced intensive care units (ICUs) are staffed by skilled healthcare professionals to provide critical care for patients with life-threatening conditions.
Rehabilitation Services Comprehensive rehabilitation programs, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, to promote recovery and improve functional outcomes.
Health Check-ups: Preventive health check-up packages tailored to meet individual needs, including comprehensive assessments and screenings for early detection of health problems.
Why Choose Neo Hospital?
Neo Hospital stands out as a preferred healthcare destination in Noida for several reasons:
Expert Team of Doctors:
Neo Hospital has a team of experienced and skilled doctors across various specialties who are committed to providing compassionate care and excellent clinical outcomes.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:
Neo Hospital is equipped with modern infrastructure, advanced medical technology, and state-of-the-art facilities to deliver high-quality healthcare services.
Patient-Centered Approach:
Neo Hospital prioritizes patient satisfaction and safety, ensuring a comfortable and supportive environment for patients and their families.
Comprehensive Healthcare Solutions:
From diagnosis to treatment and rehabilitation, Neo Hospital offers comprehensive healthcare solutions tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient.
Neo Hospital is your trusted multi-specialty healthcare destination in Noida, offering a wide range of specialties and services to address all your healthcare needs. With a team of expert doctors, state-of-the-art facilities, and a patient-centered approach, Neo Hospital ensures the highest standards of care and clinical excellence. Whether you require specialized treatment for a medical condition or routine healthcare services, Neo Hospital is here to provide you with the best possible care and support. Choose Neo Hospital for your healthcare needs and experience excellence in healthcare delivery.
Visit now:-https://www.neohospital.com/contact
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