#Johnny Cade x fem!reader
crazyf0rswayze · 1 year
Can u do Johnny x fem!reader cuddling hcs please?? (You don't have to, I'm not forcing it on you) ty xx
Yes boo. I'm so so sorry it's very short
-he's such a fucking cuddle bug btw
-he really likes to rest his head on your chest with his arms wrapped around your waist
-also likes it when he's on his back
-and your on your side
-youre arms and legs wrapped around him
-with your head on his chest
-also likes when he's on his back, your on your side
-and you just had a leg on top of him
-likes to run his hand on your thigh up and down when it's on him
-hums when your head is on his chest
-hands are constantly in your hair
-also, when his head is on your chest he LLOOVVEESS when you play with his hair
-so he makes sure to watch the grease out before you guys cuddle
-forehead kisses >
-pecks your lips too
-loves it when you fall asleep on him
-but when it first happened he got scared bc he didn't wanna wake you up
-he also likes holding your hand when you cuddle
-loves it when you look up at him with your beautiful eyes
-likes it when you wear his clothes to bed
-you look so cute asleep in his shirt and boxers
-(in his opinion)
-likes to have conversations with you as you cuddle
-likes to talk about random shit but if something happened with his parents he likes to vent
-"baby can I vent?" "of course you can!"
-he loves how good of a listener you are
-especially when you guys are gonna sleep, he likes to have some soft music going
-if you guys are in the lot, he likes to cuddle with you and smoke a little
Um....that's it bc I can't think of anything else 😭😭 sorry
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filmfanaticsblog · 1 year
can you please do a johnny cade x reader with a reader who's really mysterious and seductive? she wears a lot of like dark color's and jewellery as well? thank you!
(A/N: this is so cute!! i’m so excited to write this!)
Johnny Cade x Fem!Reader who wears dark colors and is mysterious 🧙‍♀️ (HCS)
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How you two met
-Johnny was first intimidated by you, but he’s scared of his own shadow, so he’s intimidated by almost anything.
-He was also very fascinated, no one really wore dark clothes like you did in Tulsa, I mean it’s the 60s.
-You started hanging around Dally at Buck’s parties, and that’s why Johnny started going to Buck’s parties. To see you.
-He just wanted to observe, you intrigued him more than anything else.
-You and Dally were talking at the bar and he spotted Johnny, and introduced you guys to each other.
-You talked to him, but stayed mysterious. This intrigued him more.
Being your boyfriend
-He’s still intrigued by you, observing your every move
-He was surprised to find out you talk, he thought you would just sit there in silence
-He lets you dress him up when you guys hang out
-He never leaves your side, when you guys are together in public no one wants to mess with him, because they’re scared of you
-Even when you’re not together and socs are around, they don’t want to mess with him because they know you’ll go after them once you find out
-Once he warmed up to you, he was the sweetest. He never treats you like you’re a weirdo.
-He loves you like he would’ve loved anyone else. He loves you with his whole heart
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stephstars08 · 14 hours
You’re Not Worthless
Johnny Cade x Greaser!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Physical and Mental Abuse, Toxic Household, Depression, Anxiety, Toxic Marriage, Bullying, Talk of Suicide, Low Self-Esteem, and Possible Grammar Errors. (Sorry if I Forgot Any!!)
Summary: Y/N has the biggest crush on her best friend Johnny, so when she learns from her other best friend Ponyboy, that he thinks he’s worthless it makes her heartbreak for him. So, she does everything she can do to make Johnny believe that he’s not worthless.
Word Count: 1,700
Author’s Note: So happy I got to release my first Johnny Cade story a lot earlier than I thought. Ever since watching and reading The Outsiders I just fell in love with Johnny. I feel like I’m the only one that didn’t read or watch The Outsiders in middle school. My big sister did but I didn’t but again we didn’t go to the same middle school! Anyways, enjoy and let me know what you all think! Hoping to release another Dallas Winston story next week for my 24th birthday!!
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Yes, Y/N’s family are considered greasers in the town they live in, but Y/N does have a better life at least home life than most greasers her age. Y/N is sixteen and is the middle child in her family. She has an older sister who is eighteen named Liza and a little brother who is thirteen named Lee. Her mom is a stay-at-home mom, and her dad is a manger at a gas station just down the road.
Y/N has two best friends that she hangs out with all the time named Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade. She goes to school with Ponyboy. Y/N is the same age as Johnny and Pony is fourteen.
Y/N’s family is close with Pony’s family since one of Pony’s older brothers, Sodapop work for Y/N’s father. Y/N is the same age as Sodapop.
Y/N is always out somewhere with Pony and Johnny. She sees Ponyboy like another little brother but how she sees Johnny is completely different. When her Y/E/C eyes met his brown eyes for the very first time, she felt like she was put under a spell. As time went on Y/N’s crush on Johnny grew bigger and bigger.
Johnny is a shy and quiet boy but that’s because he comes from an abusive home. His parents constantly fight since his father is a big drunk. Sometimes the abuse gets physical not just between his parents but sometimes that abuse gets put on Johnny, too. His mom abuses him, too but she only does it verbally while his father abused him physically. It’s bad enough he gets abused by the SOC’s, who are the high-class people of the town, but he also gets abuse in his own home by his own parents. When Y/N sees the bruises, Johnny gets from this abuse it makes her skin crawl. Johnny is a great boy. He’s sweet, charming, and all together puts his friends needs before his own needs.
Ponyboy always tells Y/N how Johnny thinks he’s not worth to be on this earth. Hearing that makes Y/N worry about him even more than she already does. Just because his parents act like he’s worthless doesn’t mean his friends think that he’s worthless. Y/N always makes sure that Johnny knows how happy she is to have him in her life.
Y/N woke up on a Saturday morning around eight. Y/N is going to be spending the day out with Ponyboy and Johnny. They made plans to just walk around town and grab a bite for lunch at the small diner. She’s set to meet the boys at the lot around ten, so she crawled out of twin sized bed.
She shares a bedroom with her little brother but when she woke up, he wasn’t in his bed. She knew he must already be up. Y/N changed out of her nightgown and changed into an old pair of blue jeans her sister gave her as a hand-me-down and a plain black t-shirt. She went down the hall into the bathroom to brush out her Y/H/C hair. She decided to put it up into a ponytail since the weather was going to be more mild than it has been the last few days. After she finished with her hair, she brushed her teeth since she knew she would forget to do it after she eats her breakfast. After she finished, she walked back into her shared bedroom. Y/N grabbed her beat up sneakers and slipped them on. She grabbed her jean jacket off the hook. The jacket was another hand-me-down but from her dad this time. He always wore it when he was a teenager so, Y/N does the same thing.
As Y/N walked out of her bedroom to the kitchen she put on her jacket. When Y/N got to the kitchen she just saw her big sister sitting at the small table eating a bowl of cereal. “Hey.” Y/N said getting her sister’s attention. “Where is everyone?” Y/N asked in a curious tone grabbing a bowl out of the cabinet. “Dad had to go into work early and mom took Lee to go get a pair of new shoes.” Liza told her. Y/N just nodded as she fixed herself a bowl of cereal.
“What are you up to today?” Liza asked once Y/N sat down across from her with her bowl of cereal. “I’m going to go hangout with Pony and Johnny for the day.” Y/N told her, took a spoonful of cereal, and put it into her mouth. “Oh so, you mean you’re going to go hangout with Pony and your boyfriend.” Liza said with a teasing look in her eyes. “Liza, Johnny isn’t my boyfriend.” Y/N told her in a stern tone as she rolled her eyes. “But you want him to be your boyfriend.” Liza said which made Y/N roll her eyes again.
She knew she was going to regret telling Liza about her crush on Johnny.
“Liza! Will you stop!” Y/N told her with frustration in her voice. “Yes, I like Johnny but we’re just friends!” Y/N told her. “He probably doesn’t even think about me as more than a friend.” Y/N added looking down at her bowl of cereal. Liza got up from her seat. “Never say never, Y/N.” Liza told her picking up her empty bowl and walked over to the sink.
As Y/N walked to the lot she kept on thinking about what Liza told her. Y/N has always thought about just coming right out and telling Johnny about her feelings for him but, her biggest fear is him turning her down. She doesn’t want to ruin what she has with Johnny. Especially since he doesn’t have that many people in his life that cares for him.
When Y/N got to the lot she only saw Johnny standing there with his hands in his pockets of his jean jacket. “Hey Johnny.” Y/N said getting his attention. “Where is Pony?” Y/N asked him.
Usually when she meets them at the lot Pony and Johnny are always there waiting for her together. Since Johnny has to pass Pony’s house to get to the lot, he just waits at the Curtis household, for Pony to come out and they walk to the lot together.
“Pony isn’t feeling well so he’s taking a rain check.” Johnny told her. “Oh so, it’s just going to be the two of us.” Y/N said as she could feel her heart rate sped up. She’s never hung out with just Johnny. “If you want to, it’s okay if you want to take a rain check, too.” Johnny said looking away from her.
He went to walk away but Y/N put her hand onto his left shoulder. “It’s okay. I’ll still hangout with you.” Y/N told him with a comforting smile.
Y/N and Johnny walked around town with each other. They went into some stores to just look and see what they had since they knew the money they had was only for food. Once they got hungry, they went straight to the diner to grab a bite.
As the day went on Y/N seemed to pull Johnny out of his shell. She’s never heard Johnny talk this much before. Turns out her and Johnny have a whole lot more in common than she thought. After they got lunch, they continued to walk around till the sun started to set.
Y/N took Johnny to a hill that wasn’t too far from her house to watch the sun set. She told him when she was a little girl she would sit on this hill with Liza and just watch the sun go down. As they watched the sunset there was a comfortable silence between them till Y/N decided to break it.
“Johnny, can I ask you something?” Y/N asked him as she stared out at the beautiful view in front of them. Johnny looked over at her. “Yeah.” Johnny answered her. “Do you really think that this world would be better without you?” Y/N asked looking over at him. She is scared to know what he’s going to say but she needs to hear this answer from him. “Sometimes, yeah.” Johnny said looking away from her. That answer made Y/N’s heart ache.
“Johnny, you aren’t worthless.” Y/N told him which made him look back at her. “I’m not?” Johnny said looking at her with a surprised look in his puppy-like eyes. “You mean something to Pony and all of your other greaser friends. Hell, I don’t know what Pony would do without you.” Y/N told him with a soft look in her eyes.
Y/N took one of his hands in hers. Johnny looked down at their intertwined hands. He could feel his nerves start to pace through out his body. He’s never held a girl's hand before. Actually, he’s never held anyone’s hand before.
“You mean a lot to me, and I also don’t know what I would do without you either.” Y/N told him giving his hand a light squeeze. When Johnny looked back up at her, his brown eyes locked with her Y/E/C eyes.
Both leaned in at the same time connected their lips together for a kiss. When their lips met it felt like two puzzle pieces finally coming together. Y/N felt the butterflies in her stomach go into complete chaos. She couldn’t believe that her lips were on Johnny’s lips. It felt like she was in a dream. They released from the kiss when they were running out of oxygen. The kiss was both of their first.
“There is another reason.” Y/N told him once she caught her breath. “I also like you as more than just a friend.” Y/N confessed to him. That fear she had quickly melted away because of the kiss. Johnny’s lips turned up into a smile as his cheeks turned a light red. “I like you more as a friend, too.” Johnny confessed. Now it was Y/N’s turn to put on a smile.
Johnny let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Y/N leaned her head onto his shoulder. Johnny lightly rubbed his hand onto her shoulder as they watched the rest of the sunset together.
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chaosandmarigolds · 3 months
You grumble awake to the loud booming sound of ‘Cruel Summer’ blasting on the home speakers of your home, and with half a mind to just lay there and and wallow in your once peaceful slumber you were met with the song being quickly changed to ‘Tik Tok’ by Kesha. Okay…now you had go downstairs and see what was going on.
As you expected there stood your husband and your seven year old, both equally messy from pancake batter- the girl standing on the counter while using a batter covered spoon as a microphone. Meanwhile your husband entertained her by is own very dramatic rendition of the song.
it all halted when they saw you on the stairs, “Hi, mom. Did we-“
to that your husband interjected by grabbing a mug, “Got your coffee ready, love.”
That was a good diversion, you had to admit, so you hold the mug and then hum, “Smart boy, solider.”
“The smartest,” he gave a smile, “Want some pancakes?”
“If you want to see the night, I suggest you get on it- which chocolate chips, please.”
He nods, taking the snarky reply as honesty, “Yes, Ma’am. Alright Abs! Ya heard the dictator.” He turns to face the girl, who then stood at attention, “Two chocolate chip pancakes, stat!”
Needless to say your pancakes were ready by the time ‘Hot ‘n Cold’ by Katy Perry was playing.
(…uh cute stuff? Comments and feedback truly mean the world to me! Toodles!)
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winstonsns · 4 months
the gang when they’re jealous (request)
authors note: i’m sorry i accidentally posted it a little bit ago! i wasn’t done but now i am :3 i couldn’t find the image of the request but yeah it was requested 💗
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 2.1k
warnings: blood, cussing, fighting, jealousy, insecurity, harassment
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the two of you were at school, dissecting a squid in your science class
you and ponyboy were partners, and knew exactly what to do with the squid, even without instructions
then one of your classmates came up to you, asking “hey, y/n right? you uh, seem pretty smart. you already took apart the squid without any instructions, huh?”
ponyboy looked towards him, already seeing your attention was on your classmate
“oh, uh, yeah! it was mostly ponyboy though, he’s really smart!” so you smiled at your boyfriend, and gave him a kiss on the cheek
but your classmate kept persisting and giving you compliments, even flirting with you at times
ponyboy finally sighed and suggested, “hey, how about you go back to your desk.. seems like your partner needs help.” looking around, the classmate saw all the others dissecting their squids, while his was still put together
normally, when he’s jealous, he’ll try to make a distraction so he can pull you away or get someone else to leave
when you’re talking to someone important, ponyboy will stay close but won’t barge into the conversation
once, the two of you were at the drive in, planning to watch a cute romantic movie together
a guy tried to flirt with you, telling you that you look beautiful and you’re outfit is tight and looks real nice on you
you thanked him but told him to stop, many times, even though johnny was on the other side of you
eventually, when the man wouldn’t stop harassing you, johnny told him “hey, why don’t you just stop talkin’ to her? she told you to go away, man..” and shook his head in disappointment
he didn’t like him talking to you, and hated him more when he knew you felt uncomfortable
the man asked him, “who the hell do you think you are, hood? no reason why she’d wanna date someone like you—“
before he could continue, johnny tapped you, motioning to get up
the two of you walked to the car, and you said “thanks, honey.. too bad we didn’t really get to enjoy the movie though..” and he suggested the two of you would stay but at a distance from the man
johnny stayed close to you in a protective way, always checking your surroundings to make sure you were safe
but when you talk to someone important, or you’re catching up on life, he won’t do anything
he loved you, and even if he was jealous, he had to respect what you wanted
so if you wanted to talk to someone, he’d let you talk to them, sometimes because he’d know you were looking forward to it
he just doesn’t want either of you to get hurt, so he’ll try to always be nice, even when confronting someone
you were on your break at work, at a restaurant
your boyfriend, soda, came to visit you so the two of you sat down at a booth and ate a meal for free
then a guy stupidly came up to you and asked you for your number, saying you were very attractive
you looked at him, confused, side eyeing soda in a ‘who does this guy think he is’ way
you said, “um, no.. sorry. i have a boyfriend, if you couldn’t tell.” but the man wouldn’t stop talking to you
he sat down next to you, starting to eat some of your fries, making you lose your appetite
you kept moving away, and he put his arm around your shoulder, eyeing you up and down
it got to soda, he didn’t like how he was talking to you, “okay, we’re done here.” and he looked at your boyfriend
“leave.” he said, and the guy didn’t listen
“you better fucking leave.” deepening his voice and glaring at the man, putting a sense of fear into him, and even into you
he put his arm back to his side and got up from the booth, eyeing both you and soda, not saying a word but walking away
“you okay, baby?” he asked, and you sweetly answered with a “yes, thank you soda.. i love you.”
he said “i love you too.” and flashed you a genuine, beautiful and handsome smile
he was glad the man listened to him, because if he didn’t, he would’ve beaten the man up, but didn’t want a lecture from his older brother darry
your boyfriend really didn’t want to worry about you, but he couldn’t help it
he loved you too much to not worry, and he knew you understood all his feelings, not a lot of people did
he appreciated that about you, and ever since you understood, he never wanted to lose you
you were the only person he felt like he really loved
the two of you were at a restaurant, on a date when the waiter tried to hit on you
darry isn’t uncomfortable with telling you or someone else when he doesn’t like what someone’s doing, so he tells you and the man that he wants him to stop
so he tells the waiter, “hey uh, this is my girlfriend and i’d appreciate it if you’d stop… flirting with her.”
he listens since darry has big ass muscles, and he doesn’t want to get beat up
normally, he’ll politely ask the person who’s flirting with you if they could stop
if you’re talking with someone, simply catching up or talking about something important then he’ll leave you alone
he knows you can get frustrated if you can’t finish a conversation that’s important, so he lets you do your thing
unless you want him to help you get out of the conversation
he doesn’t want you to get emotionally hurt or feel bad if you’re talking to someone, so he always tries to talk to others politely, no matter if they’re being rude or not
if a guy is harassing you though, he would first tell the man to stop, if he doesn’t then he might get into a fight with him
just enough to get him to stop being creepy with you, but not enough to get him into legal trouble
he’s normally not comfortable showing pda but will make an exception if some guy is flirting with you
but the two of you were in a bar and a random guy came up to you and was making suggestive gestures to you
he kept flirting with you and trying to get close to you, but you kept moving away
you were clearly uncomfortable with the way he was acting, but didn’t know what to do, you were afraid he’d hurt you if you rejected his advances
dally glanced over to you and saw the creepy guy was talking to you, and how you were uncomfortable and kept looking at his direction
he was jealous another man was talking to you, but was worried about if you’d be safe or not
so he walked over to you, already glaring at the man who was harassing you
he wrapped his arms around your waist and started slowly kissing your neck, mumbling “hey doll, who’s this..?” and looked at you in a loving manner
dally then looked at the man, and glared hard at him
the man saw the shine in dallys pocket, knowing it was a switchblade
but he could care less, and kept flirting with you
dally lost it when the man said “how about we go to my apartment baby, bet you’d like it if i-“
your boyfriend let go of you and grabbed his hair, bashing his head into the counter, breaking his nose in the process, punching him repeatedly, blood dripping down his face
“you ever talk to my fucking girl again and i’ll break both your fucking arms too.” he whispered into his ear
he then threw the man to the side, onto the ground and wrapped his arm around your shoulders
“thanks dal,” you mumbled “that was a lot though… i think you broke his nose..” you looked back and people were staring at you two
he knew he wouldn’t get in trouble, and led you upstairs to his room, wanting you two to go to sleep
if dally is jealous but the person he’s jealous of isn’t harassing you, just talking, then he’ll most likely walk up to you and the person you’re talking to, then will stand behind you protectively and say to you “hey sweetheart, uh, i need to talk to you for a second.”
so he’ll pull you away from the person and the two of you will talk about something random, because he didn’t need you to talk to you, he just wanted you away from the other person
however, if it seems like you’re talking about something very important or a close friend you haven’t talked to in a while, he won’t bother you
he really tries not to show the fact that he’s jealous but it’s really obvious
the two of you were at the drive in, going together to watch a new movie
you liked horror movies, meanwhile two-bit liked comedy movies, and was obviously into comedy himself
after the two of you sat down, a man came up to you and started talking to you
you didn’t say much since you were trying to watch the movie, but he wouldn’t stop talking and your boyfriend started to get a little jealous
eventually, two-bit talked to the guy and said, “hey, man i think my girl wants to watch the movie. you can maybe talk after but please… just some quietness ‘til after the movies done?”
the man stared at your boyfriend for a bit, gave a quiet “okay” and nodded, walking away from the two of you
“thanks, keith” you mumbled, and he nodded, putting the popcorn in between your laps
both of you continued paying attention to the movie, and your boyfriend forgot about the whole encounter with the man
but if he sees you laughing because of another guy, he’ll probably get more jealous than how he would if a man was just naturally talking with you
like, he loves to make you laugh and gets a little sad when another guy makes you laugh, especially if you laugh harder than when you do with him
he’ll try to outdo the guy by telling you jokes too
the two of you were at the store, planning to buy groceries
then you ran into a friend from middle school, who just so happened to have a crush on you all those years ago
“y/n, gosh is that you?” the man said, and you replied with, “oh, sorry… i don’t remember you, remind me who you are?”
he responded with his name and you remembered him, how the two of you got along and were friends up until he started treating you like crap, all because of the fact he liked you
you told steve you had to talk to an old friend, so you gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked towards your old friend
the two of you just wanted to talk, and he didn’t like you anymore, so you wanted to catch up with him
the way he kept laughing at your jokes made steve a tad bit jealous, but he knew he had to trust you
but he couldn’t help but get warm, not in the good way, in a jealous way
so he walked over to you and said, “who you talkin’ to?” and you looked at him and responded with, “oh, this is my friend from middle school! we went to different high schools, so we lost contact.”
your old friend smiled at him and introduced himself and said, “oh, cool. is this your boyfriend?” and steve replied with “yeah, been together for nearly a year.”
so when you and your boyfriend left the store, the two of you got into your car and drove to steve’s house to drop off the groceries
he would get insecure at times, thinking you’d leave him when you found someone better
he’d disguise it as jealousy, but wouldn’t confront you about talking to other people if he was jealous
the most he’d do is talk to soda about it, but he wouldn’t burst out at you or get mad at you for talking to other people
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authors note: sorry for taking a while! i have 4 other requests in my inbox so im working on those too. sorry for making you wait!
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softfem-dom · 2 months
just being delulu about hybrid!outsiders au, you're just a young wealthy woman that has her life solved thanks to being the heir to your father's succesful bussiness. You just have to sit around in your desk, in your huge countryhouse, and do some stupid paperwork. You just have to sign and aprove and decline and repeat, easy, right? Well, you are really starting to dislike the utter silence in your house. Everything is too quiet and too empty and you sure as hell ain't gonna have kids anytime soon without a partner. So you head up to the locel hybrid kennel, because it's better than adopting and paying for pure breed dogs when there are ones about to be sacrified. And then, once you enter, you're greeted by the sight of a lot of hybrids in pitiful conditions. Mostly males. So you head up to the closest worker and ask "which is the one that is closer to being sacrified?" and the man simply points towards a small cage with a tan-skinned hybrid (that looked scared out of his mind) "that one" he replies nonchantaly.
So you go and try and adopt that stray Greyhound hybrid, named Johnny, only for other dogs to start barking at you. Seemingly, to get Johnny you had to get Dallas—a Canary Mastiff—. And to get Dallas you had to get Two-Bit—a Siberian Husky—. And to get Two-Bit you had to get Steve—a Weimaraner—. And to get Steve you had to get Sodapop—a Golden Retriever—. And to get Soda you had to get Ponyboy—a Belgian Tervurem—. And to get Ponyboy you had to get Darry—a German Shepherd—. Basically, they were an inter-breed pack and either you got them all or you got none. And, against your better judgement and because you couldn't just let them be sacrified —because you were sensitive like that, damn—, you ended up taking them all in.
—Wich was at both the best decission of your life and the worst mistake you've ever made—.
Darry was goddamn glad you had agreed to take them all in, mainly because you were more-or-less his age and he was no longer the only figure of authority in the group. He was the most helpful, often offering to help you wash the dishes or cook lunch.
Johnny was the most shy one of them all, he had a guarded nature and it seemed something had happened to make him all-the-more anxious and wary around new people. However, he seems to be taking a liking to you by the way he usually drops on his knees under your desk whenever you're working and rests his head on your lap —more often-than-not playing around with your skirt or pants—.
Ponyboy was the youngest, but surpsisingly not the most hyper despite still being practically a puppy. He's very smart and will often correct you just to (affectionately) get on your nerves, he also likes to read your books so you better keep anything with inapropiate content out of his reach if you don't want an earful from his brother Darry.
The most hyper price is won by both Sodapop and Two-Bit, they're just two overeager hybrids that are completely ecstatic about living in your house —often sticking their noses where they shouldn't, but oh well. Soda is very hyper, constantly orbiting around you and asking about everything you do —even when you're just cooking and he has seen Darry cook plenty of time before, he just wants you to talk to him—. There are no thoughts™ inside his pretty head, and also the most reactive to praise. Just slip in a "good boy" or "such a good job!" and he's melting into a puddle of goo in the floor, tail wagging furiously. Two-Bit is hyper too, but more on the restless side of the spectrum. He just needs distractions, put on mickey mouse on the TV or give him a newspaper to tear apart and he's all good 👍.
Steve is more.. on the reserved side, a little more grumpy and stubborn —and the only one to have ever flared his teeth at you—. It's not that he doesn't like you, at the contrary:; he damn loves you for taking the whole gang in, but that's just his personality. He'll show how grateful he is by helping you out in subtle things, like picking up the toys from the others and placing them all in one place so you don't go crazy when it's time to put them in their box, or by making sure no one —Dallas— steals anything personal from you.
Dallas is the biggest deal out of them all though, he's just completely unhinged. He doesn't follow your rules and is constantly going out of his way just to do specifically what you told him not to —thank god that Darry's there to keep him in his place from time to time—. He's a total bastard, and is always being a bitch about things and also always saying comments about your body and how hot you are. Also you're pretty sure a few panties of yours have gone missing.. But, in the end, at least your house is not empty anymore, neither silent, constantly echoed in: "mommy!" that's Johnny. "ma'!" that one's Steve. "mommaaaa!" that's Ponyboy complaining about something, no doubts. "miss mommy!" those two are, no doubt, Two-Bit and Soda. "mama~" that damn sing-song tone is Dallas'. And yes, Johnny, you can read him a book even though he's clearly able to do it himself. Yes, Steve, you know where his shirt is, but he can't go around shirtless like that.Yes, Ponyboy, you can give him a can of coke even tho he's obviously able to get it himself. Yes, Soda and Two-Bit, you can put the channel in which they stream mickey mouse™ even if they already know which it is. And yes—oh, actually no, Dallas, you won't shower him, he can do it himself.
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m4sonn · 4 months
⋆୨୧˚The Outsiders greaser Gang x Hyperfem!reader˚୨୧⋆
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Thanks to my friend @peachyponyboyy and the anon who recommended this for this story!!
> doesn’t mind that you’re feminine
> genuinely doesn’t care what you wear as long as you like him back and aren’t a shit person
> if you’re a boy he’s terrified that you’re gonna get jumped so he protects you with his life, it’s Oklahoma in the 60’s I don’t imagine they’re very accepting about two gay guys and a guy who wears skirts
> he hates the way makeup feels on his face but he’ll (begrudgingly) let you practice on him every once in a while after a bit of begging and whining
> would genuinely rather kill himself than wear anything feminine
> draws you a lot, if you sew/make your own clothes he makes you outfit designs he thinks would look good on you
> likes to help styling hair and encourages you to try new things (like dye and new cuts and styles etc)
> if you’re a guy he was probably scared to introduce you to his friends and brothers in fear of them judging him and you but they didn’t mind you
> calls you “baby” and “honey”
> likes more feminine people
> likes helping you choose outfits
> if you ask him for help choosing a shade he’ll ask questions like what are you wearing, how are you doing your hair, what vibe are you going for etc to make sure he chooses the best choice
> helps style your hair for you
> jokes around and lets you do makeup on him and even tries on fem clothes with you sometimes at stores
> constant shower of compliments
> talks about you like he talks about sandy in the movie
> 100/10 waist hugger, hugs you from behind and rests his head on your shoulder or back of your head
> introduced you to his friends right when you two met but introduced you as a friend and then reintroduced you as his gf/bf later when you two started dating
> calls you “cutie”, “sweet boy/girl”, “sweet pea” or “baby boy/girl” (cringe I know)
> doesn’t mind it
> type of guy to remind you to close your legs when you’re sitting down
> makes sure your skirt doesn’t ride up too much while out in public/tells you if you don’t notice
> hates the feeling of lip gloss but is willing to get some on his lips to kiss you
> kisses your hand a lot all gentleman like
> you were probably more scared than him to meet his gang and brothers (by more scared I mean that he was totally chill abt it), he just kind of brought you along one time just randomly to a group hang out and they were just chill abt it.
> calls you “sweetie”, “honeybun”, or “peaches” (I hc his favorite fruits as peaches)
> usually dates fem people only so you’re right up his alley (sorry mascs, he’s only for the fems‼️‼️)
> mainly only dated girls
> likes to take you shopping with the little spare money he has
> likes to see you try on clothes cause it just makes you look so happy
> adamant that he’s straight (he’s not) and if he dates a guy he says that you’re “close enough” and that it isn’t gay. He doesn’t realize how much this hurts you and only realized how this made you feel after Johnny and pony pulled him off to the side to talk to him about it cause they realized how you always got quiet and awkward after he said that
> likes his partners a bit nerdy but still confident so if you’re a dude who’s confident enough to be feminine in public but is still a little shy and has those nerd glasses he’s ALL OVER YOU‼️‼️
> probably puts his hand on your thigh under your skirt while sitting next to you
> whenever you bend over he’ll slap your ass
> likes to take you out and show you off to his friends, right off the bat when you started dating he went to his friends to show off his new partner
> calls you “pretty boy/girl”, “doll”, or “doll face”
> loves you for who you are and not how you dress
> constantly telling you how cute your outfits are on you
> like pony if you’re a boy he’s terrified of you being jumped for being a feminine gay guy and protects you with his life, gives you a switchblade just in case, even if both of you know you’d never use it.
> waist grabber/hugger and no one can change my mind, when you’re wearing a tighter top that shows off your waist is when he does it most
> goes feral when you wear a shorter skirt
> I don’t imagine his mom to be a very feminine person other than meeting pony boy’s mom so you are like the only feminine person he’s really ever talked to so he knows nothing about how to help with outfits or makeup etc but tries his best to help with whatever
> was trying to grab a makeup pallets for you and he dropped it and broke it and cried while apologizing
> was pretty scared to introduce you to the gang (especially if ur a boy) but he told Dallas first and helped him introduce you to the gang after reassuring both of you they’d love you (they adored you and loved that Johnny finally found someone)
> calls you “sweetie”, “darling”, or “my beautiful amazing pretty amazing most perfectest bestest boy/girlfriend (yes he would call you this)”
> usually likes more fem lovers so he doesn’t mind you being fem
> If it’s modern day he yells gyatt at you and slaps your ass when you bend over ☹️☹️
> let’s you do his makeup and sometimes his sister joins in and you two either actually do his makeup or you just smear a bunch of products in his face
> his mom and sister LOVE YOU.
> when he brought you home his sister was all over you, enjoying having another feminine person in the house other than her mom cause two bit is “a nasty stinky and unhygienic boy” and she’s “glad to know that he finally has someone who might be able to get him to straighten up a bit and stop being so gross. And maybe you can even help that drinking problem of his.”
> you cackled after she said this but two bit didn’t take it as well and chased her around the house 💞💞
> he was so excited to introduce you to the gang, right when the two of you started dating he wanted to introduce you to them but he let you choose when, they loved you :3
> calls you “babe”, “baby”, “cutie”, and “sweet cheeks” (ur literally the Minnie to two bit’s Mickey)
> doesn’t mind that you’re feminine
> he’s gay, only dates dudes, sorry girls 😋😋😋
> doesn’t know anything about fem clothes n stuff cause he grew up with only his dad but he tries his best :///
> When you guys go to watch bull fights or drag races he totally lets you sit on his lap, he could NOT care less if people are staring.
> likes to take you to drag races and even lets you be in the car with him when he’s in one
> likes to show you off, flexes how he managed to get such a pretty bf
> touchy asf
> was scared to introduce you to his dad but he did eventually, his dad was confused (“so that’s not a girl??”, “wait so what you’re tellin’ me is yur’ one of them queers??”) and physically could not bring himself to believe you were a boy because you’re so fem, but accepts you two
> he yaps to the gang abt you, like never shuts the fuck up and it annoys the hell out of them
> introduced you to them immediately
> calls you “darling”, “my love”, or “babe/baby”
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stinkygirl009 · 9 months
The Cheerleader and the Greaser <3
Johnny cade X Y/n
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HI YALL IM BACK:D it’s currently 2:14 am and can’t sleep and thought of this so hope you guys enjoy💋
Warnings: none just fluff lmao (the reader is gn but has a reader is wearing a nightgown.)
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I sighed gently closing my book and looking at the time. I set the book down on my white bedside table, and shut off my lamp. I scoot down my pillows and snuggled into them, I stare at the street lights that were reflecting off my vanity mirror and doze off…
I jump up quick, my eyes snapping open instantly. My breath quickens trying to shake off the sleep, and notice a figure near my window slightly crouching. I get up and try to find something heavy that I can at least defend myself. I slowly walk over to the window and I-
Oh goddamnit Johnny.
I sigh and walk over to the window and open it. I lean my head out slightly. “Johnny, what the hell are you doing?” I ask slightly annoyed. Johnny shrugs and looks down at the wood pattern on the outside of the house. “Jus’ wanted to see you…that’s all.” He said quietly but sounded shaken up. I look notice the discomfort that shifted in the air when his words came out. My eyes softened. I look at his face only being able to see it due to the street lights.
“..Oh, come on get in, it’s cold...” I say moving over to the side to let him in. He quietly gets thought the window and I rush over to my door and grab skirt from the hamper and shimmy it under the door, so no light can be seen when i turn on my light. I look up at him and Johnny’s in a slight daze and looks at me. I walk over to him and look at his face trying to see if he got hurt. Me and Johnny were almost the same height but I was just a few inches shorter. “Are you ok, Johnny?” I ask softly and touch his hand feeling the noticeable coldness of his hand.
“Yea I’m fine.” I nodded, Johnny shifts his stance. “Just needed to get out for a minute.” I hummed to his response. I Guide him over to my bed and I turn on the lamp. My eyes desperately close trying to adjust to the light. I look at Johnny and notice a bruise starting to develop from red to purple. The full story was already clear to me, and we both knew that. My face shifts and I move closer to him.
“It happened again?” I try to be delicate with my words, I didn’t want to pry at him for answers but I just wanted to make sure if my assumption was correct. “Of course it happened again.”
Johnny says sharply. I frown slightly at his words. “Sorry.” Johnny mumbled shortly after. I raise my hand softly and turn his head towards me, and give him a small smile.
“It’s ok” I say, I take in his face features more closely. My eyes drag over his face and my eyes land on his cheek still trying to get used to the scar on his cheek from when he got jumped…
He sighs deeply and looks down at my slightly short nightgown. “Looks nice on you, makes you look pretty.” The words fall faintly in the room. “Thank you” I smile, a small blush appearsslightly.
“Sorry, Even more prettier” He says laughing a bit I let out a quiet laugh along with him.
“You’re such a dork” I close my eyes and smile, I open my eyes and look at his eyes. I sigh and hold his hand,
“your so pretty Johnny”
“No, I’m not pretty” Johnny says embarrassed, rolling his eyes smiling a bit. “But you are” I say smiling trying to get him to smile. But I wasn’t lying though, he was freaking pretty even though he won’t admit it.
“‘Pretty’s’ for girls, I’m a guy y/n.”
He said. “No, a guy can be pretty and not having to look feminine!” I disagree with him. He sighs though his nose.
“Doesn’t matter anyway,” he leans toward’s me, “you’re the most prettiest thin’ I’ve even seen” I blush and laugh flustered at his words.
“Yeah right, Johnny�� I laugh and cup his cheek and bring him into a soft kiss. He puts his hand on my lower neck.
“What a scandal this would be, huh? ‘The greaser and the cheerleader” I say breaking the kiss, johnny smirks slightly. “I think it has a nice ring to it, don’t you think so, sweetheart?” I say and bite my lip and laugh.
“I think it sounds perfect” johnny says smiling and brings me back into the kiss.
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nobitchs-world · 6 months
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Actually me
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
Can u do more uhhh HCS with like dating Johnny n stuff? I'M SORRY I JUST LOVE THEMSELVES SO MUCH! Anyway tyyyy
- 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐇𝐂𝐬
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗅 𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗎𝖺𝗀𝖾, 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝗎𝖻𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝗎𝗌𝖾, 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖻𝖺𝖽 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 { 𝗍𝗈𝗑𝗂𝖼 𝖿𝖺𝗆𝗂𝗅𝗒 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉𝗌, 𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗅 𝗎𝗇𝖺𝗏𝖺𝗂𝗅𝖺𝖻𝗂𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗒 }, 𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿 𝖽𝗈𝗎𝖻𝗍, 𝖻𝖺𝖽 𝗃𝗈𝗄𝖾𝗌, 𝖿𝗅𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖥𝖫𝖴𝖥𝖥
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: 𝗋𝗈𝗆𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖼!𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇𝗇𝗒 𝖼𝖺𝖽𝖾 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒: 𝗎𝗇𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖾𝖽
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: 𝗐𝗁𝗈𝖺 𝗂 𝗐𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗇 𝖺 𝗋𝗎𝗌𝗁 𝗌𝗈 𝗂 𝖺𝗉𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗂𝗓𝖾 𝗂𝖿 𝗂𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖻𝖺𝖽. 𝖨𝖳𝖲 𝖮𝖪𝖠𝖸 𝖨𝖬 𝖨𝖭 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖬 𝖳𝖮𝖮 <3
{ 💍 }
- humble af
- absolutely 100% let people walk on over him when he was by himself
- but when you came into the picture, everything was flipped upside down
- dally seemed tame compared to you when you were upset
- im talkin: "you even breathe 'round my boyfriend again, i swear to everything on this damned planet, you'll be scared to take a step outide your house again, savvy?"
- JOHNNY LOVESSSSS BEING HELD BY YOU (later on in the relationship)
- the first couple weeks you guys started dating where kinda awkward, speaking as johnny had to really make himself vulnerable in a romantic relationship
- but all the waiting was worth it <3
- big on linking pinkies if i havent already said that
- johnny's hands get sweaty for one, and two it's something unique and different and johnny loves that sm
- needy when tired
- it's so cute, fam. like, he'll have his head buried into ur chest, smothering himself but refusing to leave bc he needs to be that close to you
- the kind to seek you out in crowds or whatever
- sloppy kisser
- i
- he's super shy, so please let him know it's okay that he's not that good of a kisser, etc.
- LOVES when you compliment/praise him
- dally was wary of you at first obvi
- he didn't like how close you were getting with johnny, so he kept an eye on you
- but he realized johnny was smiling a little more, branching out, speaking up the smallest bit, cracking jokes
- dally absolutely sat you down to talk about your intentions with his son (/j?)
- it's so sweet tho, like,
- hug from behind? red. a kiss to the sensitive skin under his ear? squirming. praising him? woozy. calling him 'pretty boy', 'sweetheart', 'angel', 'my love'???? passed out.
- you could pour hot soup in his lap and he'd apologize for wasting your time
- simp, tbh
- reassure him. constantly. please.
- he thinks its so hot
- yearns to do it with you, but wont say anything in case you get icked by it
- if you don't smoke, johnny's very careful to keep his cigarettes and cigarette smoke away from you
- either a physical touch, acts of service, or affirmation kinda guy, mainly depending on how you show your love
- goodbye kisses are a must
- wouldn't really talk about his parents unless you guys where like way into ur relationship
- mb
- please kiss the scar on his face
- it makes him feel vulnerable n shiz, but when u like brush a thumb over it with a small smile, johnny always wonders whats goin through ur head
- one time when you did that really late at night, johnny finally asked why you looked at that little scar with so much emotion
- you shrugged, only offering "it makes you look tuff" but he knew there was more behind ur words <3
- 102829282029202974389347902999/10, where can i get one
johnny taglist: @paxdawg
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maskysluvr · 3 months
* requests are open *
will write for ; anakin skywalker ‘ alec volturi ‘ edward cullen ‘ tate langdon ‘ kit walker ‘ johnny cade ‘ jj maybank ‘ kai anderson ‘ dallas winston ‘ kyle spencer ‘ spencer reid ‘ aaron hotchner ‘ rafe cameron ‘ sirius black ‘ remus lupin ‘ james potter ‘ harry potter ‘ fred & george weasley ‘ theodore nott ‘ lip gallagher ‘ carl gallagher
will not write anything about ; puke ; shit ; illegal age gap ; age play ; rape ; abuse ; kidnapping
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Rusty-James x Sunshine! Fem! Reader
Summary: The difference between the bully of the streets and his sunshine girlfriend.
So we all know Rusty-James is the big dog around where y'all live.
So it was a shock to everyone when you two got together.
There was NO way in hell that Rusty was gonna let Smokey get to you like he did with Patty.
People tried telling you that he was just gonna hurt you.
Never. Not in a million years.
Smokey has tried to lie to you about Rusty-James sleeping with a broad.
“Y/n i'm tellin you, you don't need him, he's sleepin with a girl down at the bar.”
You never believed it.
When Rusty found out about it, he kicked his ass.
You hate seeing him upset when his brother leaves.
He may not say it.
But you can see how upset he is when Motorcycle Boy leaves.
He loves holding you close.
LOVES LOVES LOVES LOVES LOVES LOVES when you show him stuff that you are excited about.
Like one time, you were at the beach and saw a jellyfish. 
When I say you RAN to him, and dragged him to the water.
“Rusty! Come look! It's a jellyfish!”
Or anytime you see a pretty girl.
“Oh Rusty she’s so pretty- hold up i have to go tell her!’
“Hey you’re really pretty!” You said, looking at her as she smiled and thanked you.
He loves how kind you are.
And speaking of “Pretty girl”
He calls you that ALL THE TIME.
So when he first met you, he was playing pool and his drink was on the bar.
And it's kinda hard to play pool in public because people will steal your spot.
So he didn’t want to move and have his place stolen.
And he didn’t know your name and he wanted to ask you to hand him his drink.
So what ended up coming out was “Hey, uh pretty girl can you hand me that drink right there?” 
He was lowkey embarrassed.
Because he didn’t mean to.
But he didn’t know your name.
“Pretty girl?” Steve questioned him
Rusty-James never told someone to shut up so fast in his life.
God he’s just- oml.
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filmfanaticsblog · 1 year
Darry Curtis x Fem!Reader; How they Met and How They Started Dating HCS (social anxiety vers.)
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(for @annmia-xo + @crazyf0rswayze !!)
-You and Darry met at school, in junior year.
-Your guys’ math teacher sat you next to eachother the second trimester of the year, and a lot of the class you have to talk to your partner.
-He never forced you to talk, he noticed you weren’t comfortable talking much
-He was very easy for you to get comfortable with and warm up to.
-After you had started speaking up more than “yeah” or “i agree”, you became friends.
-You didn’t have many friends, you only had to use one hand to count all of your close friends, but Darry turned into one.
-He took you to the drive in for the first date, around two months after he and you became friends
-He took you to the drive in because it doesn’t involve much talking
-Couldn’t stop staring at you that night
-Went on many drive in dates and diner dates after that, but had to work around his busy schedule.
-He always finds a way to spend time with you<3
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wierdblavk-girl · 7 days
𝓙𝓸𝓱𝓷𝓷𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓭𝓮
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ᴺᵒᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ʰᵉʳᵉ ʸᵉᵗ
𝓟𝓸𝓷𝔂𝓫𝓸𝔂 𝓒𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓼
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ᴺᵒᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ʰᵉʳᵉ ʸᵉᵗ
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winstonsns · 4 months
may i request the gang w a reader who has bpd? like, frequent mood swings, etc etc? tysm 💕
the gang with bpd!reader (request)
authors note: bpd stands for borderline personality disorder, in which the person has long patterns of unstable emotions. could last for weeks or even months, basically episodes. i’m not that educated on this subject, so sorry if this is offensive. enjoy 💗
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 2.1k
warnings: depression, fights, slightly suggestive
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you haven’t been in the right headspace for the past few weeks, so your grades started to slip
ponyboy would try and help you do your homework, even doing your homework for you but you wouldn’t have the energy to even try
but then, you had a test and you tried real hard to get a good grade, studying and stressing all over it for days
after you took the test and got your grade back, seeing it was an A, you suddenly felt better
at the end of the day, you and pony decided to go back to your house to study
he noticed you were talking more and laughing, so he asked you what happened
you smiled and told him you got a good grade on your test, for the first time in a while
you switched the topic and continued smiling, and pony looked at you with love
he was glad that you were feeling better, and he suspected you’d stay happy for weeks
he sometimes gets confused when you randomly switch but doesn’t say much about it
he’ll ask you about it later but not in the moment, especially if other people are there too
he knows you like it when he reads to you, so when you’re feeling upset, he’ll read to you so maybe you’ll feel better
he doesn’t want you to get frustrated if you’re not included in things, so he’ll always invite you to his track meets and will tell you about all the drama that happens if you don’t know about it
when you’re in a depressive state, he’ll help you plan things and start a routine
he just wants you to feel in control so you know what to do and have a sense of purpose
he also asks soda and darry for advice since they know you’re going through stuff, so occasionally they’ll help you out too
his parents were yelling at him so he went to your house, he knew his parents wouldn’t care
the only thing he was worried about was the fact that you were still in a depressive state, and he didn’t want you to feel more sad because of what he was going through
so when he knocked on your door and you answered, your eyes lit up and you smiled widely
he was shocked and didn’t know why you were so happy, but smiled back at you
you told him you were happy to see him unannounced, but asked why he came by
he told about what happened, so you invited him in and made cupcakes together
he knows what it’s like to be in a depressive state, so he’ll always try and help you feel in touch with the world
he tried to help you focus on things more and really take in information while paying attention
like focusing on how things move or sound, how strong smells are and how loud things are, how specific tastes are sweet, salty, hot, etc
when you’re happy, he tries to keep you like that by randomly checking up on you to see how you’re doing
he’ll also offer to do things for you like carrying or cleaning things for you
he just wants to make things easier for you, but of course that doesn’t always works
johnny loves you and makes sure you know it, always telling you you’re amazing and beautiful, that he appreciates everything you do, etc
you were at soda’s house, waiting for him to come back from work
you weren’t feeling that great but were trying your best to make him think you were at least feeling ok
when you hear the door opening and a creak, you look over to see soda with a dairy queen bag and two drinks
seeing his smile and the fact that he thought about you enough to bring you food made you switch
you got up from the chair and walked over to him, he put down the food
you put your hands and cradled his face while giving him a long kiss, then tracing your hand down his chest
after the two of you pulled away from the kiss, he looked down at you with a smile and said “glad you’re feeling better, sweetheart”
he’s naturally a very bubbly person and is a romantic at heart, you cannot change my mind
he literally worships the ground you walk on and will do that no matter how you’re feeling
if you’re feeling extra bad and hardly have the energy to get out of bed, he’ll take some days off work to spend more time with you
he just wants you to feel good but doesn’t always know how to handle it
he knows what it’s like to feel unheard, so he checks up on you a lot no matter how you’re feeling
when you’re happy, the two of you will go on cute little dates together
he’ll buy you a pretty necklace for your date and it’s an S for his name
when you’re angry, he’ll always try and calm you down without yelling
you try your best to not yell either since both of you know it doesn’t get you anywhere
you weren’t feeling that good for the past couple weeks ever since pony and johnny ran away
you stayed at darry’s house for a while, he was worried sick about the two boys
then you heard the phone ring, so you looked at darry, and he motioned you to go answer it
you got up off the counter and into the living room, where the phone was ringing loudly
picking up the phone, you said, “y/n l/n, what do you need?”
the person on the other end asked, “is darry curtis there? his brother and friend are in the hospital.”
your eyes went wide and you felt happy that the boys were back, but scared as to why they were in the hospital
you put the phone down without answering back, and ran to darry to tell him what had happened
he yelled for soda to come down since they had to go see pony and johnny in the hospital
he immediately went out the door and drove you two to the hospital, and you went to the floor where pony and johnny were
when you saw pony sitting on the chair, you smiled widely
darry was happy to see you feeling good again, but was still worried about why pony and johnny where there
he can get really impatient and frustrated with you at times but tries to stay calm because you can’t control how you act sometimes
most of the time, he knows when you’re struggling and tries to help you
so sometimes he’ll schedule an emergency therapy if you’re in a really bad mental state for whatever reason
he really cares about you but doesn’t always have the time or patience to try and reason with you
when you’re happy and feeling good, he’ll take you out to different places
sometimes it’s a restaurant and sometimes it’s just a little activity for you two to do together
he really likes cooking, so he’ll make food for you and will try new recipes
he’ll ask you to help him out with cooking since he knows you like to be a part of things
when you’re feeling sad, he tries to get you out of that mindset as soon as possible
he’ll still include you in hangouts in hope that you’ll feel better
you were in one of your episodes, specifically one where you were mad all the time, which lasted for a few weeks
you knew you couldn’t do much about it, but dally would always try to get you out of the pissed off mindset
he always tried to make you feel better, even though most of the time, it wouldn’t do anything
he still wanted you to know he loves you, even if you wouldn’t appreciate it in the moment, you would appreciate it later when you were feeling better
today was your birthday, however, so dally took you out for dinner and actually paid
that got you out of your mad mindset, and he saw the moment you switched over to being happy
seeing that might’ve made him the happiest he’s ever been, knowing that he was the one to get you to switch over
you smiled and apologized for how you acted a few days ago, the two of you got into an argument
he brushed it off and said it was okay, and the two of you continued your dinner
when you were in your depressive episodes, he would help you shower, eat and go on walks since you hardly had the energy to get up
he would bathe you and buy you meals so you could eat
making you go outside at least every few days, the two of you would go on walks since he wanted you to get fresh air
when you were feeling mad, and you would feel that way for weeks, he would mostly stay away even though it was difficult for him
you were feeling happy and told him that if you were being all pissy at him, he should just not talk to you
you didn’t want to ruin your relationship or say something you didn’t mean, so you don’t him not to interact with you at those times
he still would, though, he would do little check ups on you to see if you were feeling okay, or if you wanted anything
if you were happy, he tried to keep you in that state for as long as he could
he thought you would stay happier if he gave you things, a lot of attention, and was overall with you more
it did work for a bit, until you randomly switched over, but he didn’t understand why
he would get impatient and frustrated with you at some points, but always managed to push through since he cared about you so much
feeling bad the past couple weeks, two-bit decided to invite you to hang out with the gang
he just wants you to get some fresh air and to socialize with others, since you hadn’t in a few weeks
all of you were getting milkshakes at a diner and were talking
you drank a bit of your milkshake when two-bit started talking
then he made a joke about someone at another table, and of course everyone laughed, including you
he looked to you and smiled, weirdly proud of himself for getting you to feel better
he’d always try to make jokes even if you weren’t feeling the best
when you aren’t feeling that well, he’ll bring you to the drive-in so you can spend time together and just to try to help you feel better
the two of you were randomly talking while he was on his break at work, you decided to visit him at the DX
both of you were sitting down in the back, eating burgers and drinking soda
he asked you how school was going for you, and your eyes lit up
you started moving your hands around a lot and kicking your feet, talking about a fun project you were working on with your friends
he listened and continued asking questions in order to lengthen the conversation since you seemed excited
you didn’t think much about how you were down and now you were happy, so you started talking about some drama between a boy and girl in your class
he was normally the one to talk, but enjoyed hearing you talk more than you normally did
when you’re not feeling the best, he’ll bring you into the DX so you can help him fix up cars
it’s just a new thing for you to learn and to hang out with each other
he’s weirdly smart in some ways, so he’ll occasionally help you with history, since he was always into that
when you were feeling really happy, he’d invite you to hang out with the gang
he knew you appreciated it and would invite you whenever he could
(if you can’t tell, i never have ideas for steve so sorry)
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authors note: sorry i’m posting this late! i hope you guys enjoyed reading, sorry if this was offensive or really unrealistic. i’m making a chocolate cake so maybe ill show you guys when im done :3💗
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softfem-dom · 2 months
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OMG HI SWEETIE 😭🥰 ily so much of course I can serve more hybrid outsiders headcanons for u 🥺
Okay, first of all Steve gives off the vibes that he'd try to scent his fav side of the couch or something to 'mark territory', like he totally does that the smug shit.
Talking about Johnny, he's defo the hybrid to get real scared and anxious about loud fireworks or thunder. He'll prob seek out either Dally or u to snugle.
Dallas really really is the typo guy to playfully bite your wrist when you scratch his head. Also the typa bitch to flop down on u when you're laying on the couch or somth and downright suffocate you (he does it affectionately tho).
I see Soda as the most eager to play with u. He's just a silly hyper doggy that wants to spend time with his pretty owner. Also he's probably going to get the newspaper for you from the doorway, please praise the boy.
Darry's the typa hybrid to come with you to do the shopping and stuff, literally just to give you scary dog priviledges™ and to help u carry the heavy bags.
On the other hand, Ponyboy is more calm and all that stuff so I see him more as the hybrid to seek you out in your room late at night with his ears down (kind of like in 'mom i frew up🧍🏼‍♂️') and just stare at you and go "I dont remember where the cornflakes are" because he wanted to have a 2am bowl of cereal 😭
Two-Bit is the kind of hybrid to like randomly bark just because he thinks its funny. And then It can be dead silent in the house cuz it's almost bedtime and all of them are all eepy and then suddenly Two is barking because he can 😭
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