#John Y. Brown Jr.
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Soon after John Y. Brown, Jr. was elected governor of Kentucky, he and his wife, sportscaster Phyllis George, discovered Cave Hill Place, a romantic antebellum mansion in Lexington. With the assistance of R. Wayne Jenkins, the home, built in 1821 by a nephew of Patrick Henry, was totally renovated and decorated in a matter of six short weeks. Lofty pink oaks and maples provide shade for the neo-Federal style residence; its Georgian portico was a 1916 addition.
Celebrity Homes II, 1981
#vintage#vintage interior#1980s#80s#interior design#home decor#John Y. Brown Jr.#Kentucky#antebellum#neo-Federal#Lexington#R. Wayne Jenkins#oaks#maples#portico#Georgian#style#home#architecture
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John Young Brown Jr. was an American politician and entrepreneur from Kentucky. He served as the 55th governor of Kentucky from 1979 to 1983, and built Kentucky...
Link: John Y. Brown Jr.
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‘’Pepper was the embodiment of the West Coast "cool" style. He's very individual. You can hear it. You know it. Art was a very lyrical player. Especially at a time when most of the alto players were in a Charlie Parker bag, Art had a distinct style of his own."
- Shelly Manne
Né le 1er septembre 1925 à Gardena, en Californie, Arthur Edward Pepper Jr. était le fils d’Arthur Pepper Sr., un machiniste qui était devenu plus tard matelot de la marine marchande, et de Mildred Bartold. Pepper avait eu une enfance difficile, car ses parents étaient alcooliques et faisaient souvent preuve de violence.
Ses deux parents étant alcooliques, Pepper avait été élevé par sa grand-mère paternelle.
Pepper, qui avait grandi dans un environnement musical (le cousin de sa mère, Gabriel Bartold, était un prodige de la trompette), avait commencé à jouer de la clarinette à l’âge de neuf ans. Son premier professeur était Leroy Parry. Pepper était passé au saxophone alto trois ans plus tard. Plus jeune, le père de Pepper l’emmenait souvent dans des boîtes de nuit où il lui faisait jouer de la clarinette afin d’impressionner les clients, ce qui lui permettait de se faire un peu d’argent de poche.
Lorsque Pepper avait commencé à s’intéresser au jazz, ses idoles étaient Benny Goodman et Artie Shaw. Il appréciait aussi l’orchestre de Jimmy Lunceford, et plus particulièrement le saxophoniste alto Willie Smith. Le cornettiste Mugsy Spanier était un autre de ses préférés.
Au cours de son adolescence, Pepper avait été particulièrement influencé par d’autres saxophonistes comme Benny Carter, Charlie Parker, Lester Young et Lee Konitz. Pepper considérait Lester Young comme « le plus fantastique saxophoniste de tous les temps — égalé beaucoup plus tard par le seul John Coltrane.’’ Il avait ajouté: ‘’Il était meilleur que Charlie Parker, à mon humble avis. ».
Même si Pepper n’avait pas tellement apprécié Parker au début, il était revenu sur sa position par la suite. Pepper avait déclaré: « J’avais découvert Parker et je n’avais pas aimé. Ça me semblait trop rude […] Bird avait une bonne oreille pour les transpositions, un grand sens du blues et c’était un grand technicien. Il pouvait jouer très vite, et ses lignes étaient magnifiques. Tout était pensé chez lui ; tout avait un sens. Je n’ai jamais aimé ce son, mais, c’est une affaire de goût personnel […] Maintenant, quand je réécoute, j’aime tout. C’était un génie. »
Pepper avait aussi une admiration sans bornes pour John Coltrane. Pepper écrivait dans son autobiographie: « Mais alors, quand j’ai entendu Coltrane ! A la fin des années cinquante, j’ai entendu Coltrane avec Miles Davis, sur le disque Kind of Blue. Il y avait tout ce que l’on pouvait imaginer : plus de notes que Bird, un jeu plus complexe, et j’en aimais le son. Tout ce qu’il jouait se tenait, avait un sens pour moi. Il me touchait. C’est le seul type qui m’ait un jour fait dire : « Je donnerais mon bras droit pour jouer comme ça ! ». Pepper admirait aussi Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Ray Brown, Paul Cambers, Philly Joe Jones, Zoot Sims, Gil Evans et Gerry Mulligan. Quant à Stan Getz, il trouvait sa musique trop ‘’glaciale.’’
A l’âge de quatorze ans, Pepper avait joué du saxophone alto avec le groupe de son high school dans le cadre de soirées de danse. Un an plus tard, il avait commencé à improviser sur Central Avenue, le principal quartier de couleur de Los Angeles où on retrouvait de nombreuses boîtes de nuit. À l’époque, Central Avenue était pour Los Angeles une sorte d’équivalent de la 52e rue pour la ville de New York. UNE CARRIÈRE PROMETTEUSE
Pepper, qui avait appris principalement la musique en autodidacte, avait seize ans lorsqu’il avait commencé à se produire au Ritz et l’Alabam, deux clubs de Los Angeles, tout en poursuivant parallèlement ses études. Au Ritz et à l’Alabam, Pepper avait commencé à improviser avec des musiciens comme Louis Armstrong, Roy Aldridge, Jimmy Blanton, Johnny Hodges, Coleman Hawkins, Ben Webster et Dexter Gordon. Impressionné par le talent de Pepper, Gordon l’avait présent au batteur Lee Young, le frère de Lester Young. Young était vite devenu une sorte de mentor pour Pepper, et l’avait présenté au légendaire saxophoniste Benny Carter. À l’époque, Pepper a seulement dix-sept ans.
Dans son autobiographie, Pepper racontait son séjour dans l’orchestre de Carter:
"I had never played much lead alto, so with Benny I played second alto, he played lead, but in my book I had two parts written in most of the arrangements and sometimes, if there wasn't a large audience, Benny would just get off the stand and let me play his parts. I'd get all his solos. I learned that way how to play lead in a four-man saxophone section. And I learned a lot following Benny, listening to his solos, what he played against the background."
Carter étant sur le point de partir en tournée dans les États du Sud, il avait jugé préférable de ne pas exposer le jeune Pepper à une autmosphère de confrontation raciale, d’autant plus que son orchestre était uniquement composé de musiciens de couleur. Carter avait donc décidé de lui faire passer une audition avec l’orchestre de Stan Kenton. Ce dernier avait tellement été impressionné par le talent de Pepper qu’il l’avait aussitôt engagé comme premier saxophoniste alto.
Après avoir écouté les arrangements complexes de Kenton, Pepper n’avait pas tardé à se rendre compte qu’il avait besoin d’en apprendre davantage sur la théorie musicale afin d’exécuter plus efficacement ses solos. C’est le saxophoniste ténor de Kenton, Red Dorris, qui était venu à la rescousse de Pepper.
Après avoir entendu le jeune Pepper jouer pour la première fois, le guitariste Johnny Martizia avait déclaré: ’’Quel son splendide ! […] Je n’en croyais pas mes yeux. ». À l’époque, Pepper avait aussi commencé à partager la scène avec de grosses pointures comme Coleman Hawkins, T-Bone Walker, Dexter Gordon, Charles Mingus, Slick Jones, Art Tatum, Ben Webster, Johnny Hodges, Roy Eldridge et même son idole Lester Young.
Pepper s’était joint par la suite au grand orchestre de Stan Kenton, avec qui il était parti en tournée jusqu’à sa mobilisation en 1943. C’est aussi avec Kenton que Pepper avait fait son premier enregistrement la même année.
Peu après son 18e anniversaire de naissance, Pepper avait reçu son avis de mobilisation. Il a été enrôlé en février 1944. À l’époque, Pepper venait tout juste d’épouser son amie de coeur de seize ans, Patti Moore. Avant que Pepper n’ait eu le temps de partir outre-mer, Patti avait donné naissance à une fille, Patricia Ellen, qui était née le 5 janvier 1945.
Après avoir passé quelques mois en Angleterre, Pepper avait été affecté à la police militaire comme sergent de la garde chargée de la surveillance de Malborough Street Jail à Londres. Durant son séjour à Londres, Pepper avait aussi eu l’occasion de jouer à l’Adelphi Theater, ce qui lui avait permis de rencontrer les meilleurs musiciens de jazz britanniques comme George Shearing et Victor Feldman. Il avait également joué en concert avec le groupe de Ted Heath.
Après la guerre, Pepper était retourné à Los Angeles. En 1947, Pepper s’était joint à un autre groupe dirigé par Kenton, le Kenton Innovations Orchestra, avec lequel il était demeuré jusqu’à la fin de 1951 avant de former son propre groupe. À l’époque, l’orchestre de Kenton comprenait plusieurs grands musiciens de jazz comme les trompettistes Maynard Ferguson et Shorty Rogers, les joueurs de trombone Kai Winding et Milt Bernhart, les saxophonistes Bob Cooper et Bud Shank, ainsi que le batteur Shelly Manne.
Au cours de cette période, Pepper avait également joué avec Zoot Sims, Chet Baker (avec qui il avait enregistré deux albums à succès) et Stan Getz.
Pepper avait quitté l’orchestre de Kenton à la fin de 1951, car il en avait assez des tournées incessantes.
Dans les années 1950, Pepper était reconnu comme un des meilleurs saxophonistes alto du jazz. Il s’était d’ailleurs classé immédiatement derrière Charlie Parker comme meilleur saxophoniste lors d’un sondage des lecteurs du magazine Down Beat en 1952. Avec Chet Baker, Gerry Mulligan et Shelly Manne, Pepper avait souvent été associé au jazz de la Côte ouest, par opposition au jazz de la Côte est qui mettait en vedette Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie et Miles Davis, même si au niveau du style, il était davantage apparenté à ces derniers.
Musicien très lyrique et très mélodique, Pepper avait souvent été comparé à des saxophonistes alto comme Lee Konitz et Paul Desmond. Comme l’affirmait le batteur Shelly Manne, ‘’Pepper was the embodiment of the West Coast "cool" style. He's very individual. You can hear it. You know it. Art was a very lyrical player. Especially at a time when most of the alto players were in a Charlie Parker bag, Art had a distinct style of his own." Un autre ancien membre de l’orchestre de Stan Kenton, le saxophoniste ténor Bob Cooper précisait: "I always felt that Art's major influence was Lester Young; that came out more clearly when I heard him playing tenor a few times... And to transfer that beautiful sound to the alto!... I think his sound wasby far the best alto sound at the time."
Au début de 1952, Pepper avait formé un premier groupe avec le contrebassiste Joe Mondragon, le batteur et vibraphoniste Larry Bunker et le pianiste Hampton Hawes. Au cours de cette période, il avait aussi travaillé avec les batteurs Bud Rich et Shelly Manne. C’est aussi en 1952 que Pepper avait réalisé ses premiers enregistrements sous son nom. Il a aussi enregistré avec d’autres anciens membres de l’orchestre de Kenton comme Shorty Rogers et Shelly Manne. Pepper avait signé un contrat avec les disques Contemporary en 1957.
PROBLÈMES DE CONSOMMATION Pepper avait connu une adolescence plutôt turbulente. Abandonné à lui-même, il avait commencé à courir les rues, à se battre, à boire et à consommer une série de drogues douces. Il faisait aussi souvent l’école buissonnière.
Dans les années 1940, Pepper avait développé une dépendance envers l’héroïne, ce qui lui avait mérité plusieurs peines d’emprisonnement. Après son arrestation pour possession d’héroïne en 1953, Pepper avait été enfermé durant quinze mois au Fort Worth U.S. Public Health Service Hospital. Un malheur arrivant rarement seul, sa femme Patti en avait profité pour divorcer et se remarier.
Pepper était de nouveau retourné vers ses anciens démons après sa libération en mai 1954. Arrêté en décembre, il avait été envoyé à la prison du comté de Los Angeles, puis à Terminal Island, où il avait passé environ un an. Au milieu de l’année 1960, Pepper avait purgé une peine de prison de quatre-vingt-dix jours, avant d’être envoyé à San Quentin et à Tehachapi où il avait été enfermé durant quatre ans et demi. Trois mois après sa libération, Pepper avait échoué un test de drogue, ce qui lui avait valu six mois de détention au Chino Institute for Men. Libéré sur parole, Pepper avait de nouveau été emprisonné à San Quentin après avoir enfreint ses conditions de libération. Il a été libéré en 1966.
Durant la période de son mariage avec Diane Suriago en 1957, Pepper éprouvait des difficultés à se trouver du travail et subvenait à ses besoins gràce à de menus emplois (il avait notamment travaillé dans une boulangerie). Il faut dire que Pepper n’avait guère aidé sa cause puisque Diane était elle-même toxicomane, tout comme plusieurs de ses autres liaisons féminines. Après sa libération de San Quentin en 1966, Pepper était sans le sou et n’avait même plus de saxophone pour jouer. Comme Pepper l’avait écrit dans les notes de pochette de son album ‘’Living Ledgend’’: ‘’I had switched to tenor for two reasons. Rock was in vogue, and only tenor players seemed to be working. But the major reason was that after all my years of playing, I had been influenced to the point of imitation by another musician, [tenor] John Coltrane. I felt what I wanted to say I could only say with the tenor." Après être retourné vers l’alto quelques années plus tard, Pepper avait finalement conclu qu’il n’existait pas d’instrument idéal.
Lors de son séjour à San Quentin dans les années 1960, Pepper avait joué dans un groupe qui comprenait le saxophoniste alto Frank Morgan. Sous les conseils de son père, Pepper avait tenté de casser sa dépendance en se faisant admettre dans un sanatorium. Il y avait un seul problème: après sa libération, Pepper avait rencontré un vendeur de drogues et il avait aussitôt replongé.
Malgré ses problèmes de consommation, Pepper avait énormément enregistré. En 1957, il avait enregistré un album intitulé ‘’Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section’’, qui mettait en vedette la section rythmique de Miles Davis composée de Philly Joe Jones, Paul Chambers et Red Garland. Trois ans plus tard, Pepper avait enregistré avec Wynton Kelly, Jimmy Cobb et Paul Chambers l’album ‘’Gettin’ Together’’, ainsi que l’album ‘’Intensity’’ avec le contrebassiste Jimmy Bond.
Étonnamment, la dépendance de Pepper envers les narcotiques n’avait jamais affecté la qualité de ses enregistrements et de ses performances, contrairement à un Charlie Parker, par exemple.
En 1968, Pepper avait reçu une invitation pour jouer avec le groupe de Buddy Rich. Il y avait seulement un problème: il avait mis son saxophone au clou. Don Menza, un des saxophones ténor de Rich, était allé chercher le saxophone de Pepper chez le prêteur sur gages, ce qui lui avait permis de faire son premier enregistrement en plus de sept ans. Malheureusement, Pepper était tombé malade et avait dû être hospitalisé à la suite de problèmes de rate. Après trois mois d’hospitalisation, Pepper était retourné brièvement avec le groupe de Rich comme troisième saxophone alto, sa santé ne lui permettant plus d’assumer le rôle de premier soliste.
Sa santé continuant de se détériorer, Pepper avait pris les grands moyens pour se débarrasser de sa dépendance et avait décidé de suivre une cure de désintoxication à Synanon, à Santa Monica, en Californie. Comme Pepper l’avait reconnu dans son autobiographie: « Je ne savais faire que ça : boire et me camer. ». C’est à Synanon que Pepper avait fait la connaissance de Laurie Miller, qui était devenue sa troisième épouse en 1974. Miller avait joué un rôle très positif dans la vie de Pepper et lui avait apporté plus de stabilité dans sa vie personnelle. C’est aussi grâce à Miller que Pepper, enfin débarrassé de ses anciens démons, avait pu reprendre avec succès sa carrière musicale.
Dans une entrevue, Pepper était revenu sur cette période troublée de sa vie en expliquant que celle-ci lui avait permis de mûrir, tant comme musicien que comme individu. Il précisait:
‘’The next period in my life, because of my addiction problem, was a terrible one. But I don't think I could have avoided it. I mean, I tried to stay out of it for a long time, knowing what it might do. I think that in my searching for something - for love, acceptance or whatever it is, to be a real man, to relate to my father, and all those things - going to prison was a help. It was part of my evolution, as a human being and as a musician.’’
Au cours de la même entrevue, Pepper avait aussi abordé sa rencontre cruciale avec Laurie. Il expliquait:
‘’We met in Synanon, the rehabilitation centre. (Laurie - It was in 1969). It was very strange. She had been to Westlake School of Music when I was there; she wanted to be a singer [...]. When we were both in Synanon, I was looking for a woman I could love. After you're there a certain length of time, you're allowed to search for a person to get into a relationship with. You find a girl, and then you go to your tribe leader, it's all in tribes, you see. (It's very complicated. It takes three chapters in the book to explain it.) You have to get permission, and make sure that she hasn't been in Synanon too much longer than you, and that she won't be a bad influence, and so forth. Then you can have a courtship and if everything works out all right, you can go on from there.’’
Après avoir entrepris une thérapie à la méthadone au milieu des années 1970, Pepper avait fait une tournée en Europe et au Japon avec ses propres formations. Il avait aussi enregistré plusieurs albums, principalement sur étiquette Galaxy, une filiale de Fantasy Records.
De 1968 à 1975, Pepper n’avait enregistré qu’un seul album. En 1975, il était retourné aux studios de Contemporary pour enregistrer une série d’albums qui lui avaient permis de connaître une véritable renaissance. Avant de reprendre ses enregistrements, Pepper avait reçu le soutien inestimable de Ken Yohe, le représentant des instruments de musique Buffet qui lui avait procuré un assortiment complet de saxophones et lui avait organisé des cliniques dans les collèges afin de l’aider à s’en sortir financièrement. Après avoir repris ses enregistrements, Pepper avait fait de nombreuses apparitions en concert et dans les clubs, principalement avec son propre quartet. En 1975, il avait également collaboré avec le big band expérimental du trompettiste Don Ellis, avec qui il avait fait plusieurs tournées aux États-Unis, en Europe et au Japon. Pepper avait aussi composé la trame sonore du film ‘’The Gauntlet’’ de Clint Eastwood en 1977.
Au cours des dernières années de sa vie, Pepper avait enregistré plusieurs albums, dont ‘’Winter Moon’’, réalisé avec un orchestre à cordes, un projet qu’il chérissait depuis longtemps. Il avait aussi enregistré un album live de trois disques intitulé ‘’Live At the Village Vanguard’’ (un quatrième disque fut publié après sa mort), ainsi que deux albums live enregistrés à Londres avec le pianiste Milcho Leviev, ‘’Blues for the Fisherman’’ et ‘’True Blues.’’
VIE PERSONNELLE Pepper avait publié son autobiographie en 1980. Intitulée ‘’Straight Life’’, L’ouvrage avait été écrit en collaboration avec sa troisième épouse, Laurie Pepper. Peu après la publication du livre, le réalisateur Don McGynn avait tourné un documentaire sur la vie de Pepper intitulé ‘’Art Pepper: Notes from a Jazz Survivor.’’ Le documentaire comprend des entretiens avec Pepper et son épouse Laurie, ainsi que des extraits d’un concert au Malibu Jazz Club.
Usé par des années de dépendance, Art Pepper s’est éteint à la suite d’une hémorragie cérébrale à Los Angeles le 15 juillet 1982. Il était âgé de seulement cinquante-six ans. Il a été inhumé au Forever Cemetery de l’Abbey of the Psalms Mausoleum, à Hollywood.
Après la mort de son mari, Laurie Pepper avait continué de gérer sa maison d’éditions, la Arthur Pepper Music Corporation, et de produire et de faire la promotion de sa musique. Laurie avait toujours été très impliquée dans la carrière de son mari. Elle était non seulement son épouse, mais aussi sa gérante, son agente et sa publiciste.
Connu principalement pour ses enregistrements avec l’orchestre de Stan Kenton, et surtout pour sa collaboration avec l’arrangeur Marty Paich, Pepper s’était également fait remarquer comme accompagnateur de Mel Tormé et d’autres chanteurs. Paich avait salué le sens du swing de Pepper en ces termes: "He had the notes, and he was swinging all the time. That's very important.... Art always swung. And he played all the instruments... exactly the same. He put them in his mouth and it was Art Pepper."
Bien qu’il ait surtout joué du saxophone alto, Pepper jouait aussi de la clarinette et du saxophone ténor à l’occasion. Sous l’influence de John Coltrane, Pepper avait incorporé des éléments de jazz modal à sa musique dans les années 1960.
Pepper s’était marié à trois occasions. Il avait d��abord épousé Patricia (Patti) Madeleine Moore en 1943, avant d’unir ses destinées à Diane Suriago en 1957. Pepper s’était marié une dernière fois avec Laurie La Pan Miller en 1974. Pepper avait eu un seul enfant, une fille nommée Patricia Ellen qui était née de son mariage avec Moore.
Préoccupé par le racisme et la discrimination raciale, Pepper avait écrit dans son autobiographie: ‘’Le soir, à la fin du boulot, je sortais héler un taxi. Freddie [le trompettiste noir Freddie Webster] se cachait. Quand j’ouvrais la portière, Freddie se précipitait dans la voiture : sinon, personne n’aurait voulu prendre un Noir. Je craignais toujours que le taxi ne fasse une réflexion et que Freddie le descende. » Mais le racisme n’était pas toujours à sens unique. Les relations n’étaient pas toujours harmonieuses entre les musiciens blancs et les musiciens noirs. Certains musiciens de couleur étaient d’avis que les blancs ne savaient pas jouer du jazz, qu’ils considéraient comme une sorte de chasse-gardée. Pepper lui-même avait été victime de ce genre de préjugés à de nombreuses reprises.
Pepper a également raconté dans son autobiographie un événement qui s’était produit lors de son séjour dans l’armée. À Durham, en Caroline du Nord, Pepper voulait assister à un concert de Benny Carter, mais il n’était pas parvenu à obtenir une place au parterre car son accès était réservé aux Noirs. Après avoir accepté bien malgré lui d’être relégué dans les loges, Pepper avait tenté de redescendre et de se rendre près de la scène. C’est alors qu’il était passé à un cheveu de se faire lyncher par les spectateurs noirs en colère.
Véritable virtuose, Pepper disposait d’une technique impressionnante et d’un grand sens du jazz. Pepper, qui avait toujours l’air de jouer sans effort, avait souvent nié pratiquer de longues heures, mais des témoignages de ses confrères musiciens laissaient croire le contraire. Un de ses amis musiciens, Alan Dean, avait raconté que lors d’un séjour en Angleterre pendant la guerre, Pepper pratiquait durant des heures avant de s’endormir. Pepper avait aussi rappelé dans son autobiographie un épisode qui s’était produit durant son emprisonnement à Fort Worth. Il expliquait: "I'd go to the band room in the morning, sweep the floor, clean the place, and make sure everything was locked up, and then I'd get out my horn. I'd close the door in this little room and just sit there and practice. I did that every day... and I really got down with music."
Pepper avait influencé plusieurs musiciens de jazz au cours de sa carrière. Benny Carter, qui avait été un des premiers à lui donner sa chance, avait dit de lui: « Le talent d’Art, la qualité du son, sa conception du rôle de premier saxophone, ses idées, tout m’impressionnait chez lui. » Quant au pianiste, arrangeur et chef d’orchestre Marty Paich, il avait déclaré: « Quand j’ai fait connaissance d’Art, c’était le plus grand saxophoniste que j’aie entendu. Bien au-dessus de tous les autres. Je trouvais incroyable qu’on puisse jouer aussi merveilleusement […] Pour moi, la west coast, c’était Art et son style mélodique, très différent du style new-yorkais, plus dur […] Il avait tant de classe. A son arrivée, les gens se calmaient ; quand il jouait, il dégageait une telle autorité ! La salle ne se dressait que pour lui quand nous jouions ensemble.» Le critique de jazz Scott Yanow considérait également Pepper comme le meilleur saxophoniste alto au monde.
Art Pepper avait reçu plusieurs distinctions au cours de sa carrière. Élu au deuxième rang des meilleurs saxophonistes alto par les lecteurs du magazine Down Beat en 1952, il avait été couronné meilleur saxophoniste alto par les critiques du même magazine en 1957, 1977 et 1980. En 1980, le magazine Swing Journal avait décerné à Pepper le prix de l’album de l’année pour son disque ‘’One September Afternoon’’, paru sur étiquette Galaxy.
C-2023-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
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a cruel romance
a knight's tale
a man from boulevard des capucines
adventures of mowgli
at the beginning of glorious days
back stage
barbie as rapunzel
barbie as the princess & the pauper
barbie in the 12 dancing princesses
barbie in the nutcracker
barbie of swan lake
battling butler
carnival night
cinderella 1947
clever dog sonya
coney island
convict 13
d'artagnan and the three musketeers
dämen der frauen
der himmel über berlin
for family reasons
free and easy
gentlemen of fortune
give me liberty
go west
good night nurse!
hard luck
high sign
his wedding night
ivan vasilievich changes occupation
jane eyre 1943
le roi des champs-élysées
look for a woman
love and doves
midshipmen onwards!
my wife's relations
musketeers twenty years after
oh doctor!
one week
only lovers left alive
operation y and shurik's other adventures
our hospitality
out west
parlor bedroom and bath
pokrov gates
prince of foxes
prisoner of the caucasus or shurik's new adventures
scarlet sails
seven chances
sherlock jr
sidewalks of new york
spartacus: blood and sand
spartacus: gods of the arena
speak easily
spite marriage
steamboat bill jr
sweet november
terminator 2: judgement day
the adventures of sherlock holmes and doctor watson
the balloonatic
the beginning
the bell boy
the blacksmith
the boat
the bodyguard
the butcher boy
the cameraman
the cook
the electric house
the fellowhip of the ring
the frozen north
the garage
the general
the girls
the goat
the haunted house
the hayseed
the holiday
the hound of the baskervilles
the incredible hulk
the irony of fate or enjoy your bath!
the kuban cossacks
the lord of the rings
the love nest
the navigator
the painted veil
the paleface
the passionate plumber
the rough house
the saphead
the scarecrow
the walking dead
the wild swans
the words
this is your life
three ages
van helsing
watch out for the automobile
what - no beer?
wings of desire
young russia
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Gorilas en la niebla
película de 1988 dirigida por Michael Apted
Gorilas en la niebla es una película dramática estadounidense de 1988, dirigida por Michael Apted y protagonizada por Sigourney Weaver, Bryan Brown, Julie Harris y John Omirah Miluwi en los papeles principales. Cuenta la verdadera historia del trabajo de la naturalista Dian Fossey en Ruanda con gorilas de montaña.
Instinto (película)
película estadounidense del año 1999
Instinto es una película del año 1998, cuyo elenco estuvo compuesto por Anthony Hopkins, Cuba Gooding, Jr., George Dzundza, Donald Sutherland, y Maura Tierney. Se inspiró en una novela llamada Ishmael, escrita por Daniel Quinn.[1] En el año 2000 la película fue nominada en los Premios Genesis en la categoría película principal, ganándolo.
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What is Ifa Tuntun?
What is Ifa Tuntun? When did Ifa Tuntun begin? Who is culpable for initiating it? Ifa Tuntun started the moment we Africans were packed into the hulls of the merchant ships and hauled across the sea. Everything changed from that point. Nothing has ever been the same again both for those who were forcibly taken and those left behind. Those forcibly taken did several things: - Some looked back and cursed the land that they were leaving, and those who forced them into captivity and alienation. - Some, knowing they would be killed, locked their captors into a fight, even chained, and got executed. - Some, with courage, jumped into the ocean, burying their bodies in the mother sea, preferring death to captivity. - Some descended into the hull of the ships into which they were led, determined to live to see where the rest of the journeys of their lives would lead them. They shed blood. They shed tears. They shed sweat, cold sweat. They shed urination. They shed milk, those mothers taken away from their children, their swollen bodies lactating. They met others who could not speak their language. They communicated with gestures, with signs, with sighs, with cries. That was the birth of jazz music, as they improvised beyond words to make their feelings clear. That was the birth of blues, as they sobbed, rocking from side to side, moaning ai, aye, bae, bi, bligh, buy, by, bye, cai, chai, chi, cry, cy, dai, die, dry, dye, eye, fae, fi, fly, fry, frye, guy, hi, high, hy, hye, i, i., kai, kwai, lai, lie, ly, lye, mai, mei, my, nigh, nye, pe-tsai, phi, pi, pie, ply, pri, pry, psi, pye, rye, sai, shy, sky, skye, sly, spry, spy, sty, sy, tai, thai, thigh, thy, tie, tri, try, ty, tye, vi, vie, wai, why, wry, wye, y, yeeparipa! Their blood, mixing with the sweat, tears, milk, and urines on the floor of the ship, as pregnant women gave birth, and weak ones gave up life and dead bodies left marks on the bottom of the slave ships—gave birth to the origin of abstract painting, conceptual art, and gestural images of body markings.
© Tom Feelings, Middle Passage Photo / White Ship, Black Cargo That moment, which came for different people and their descendants in the foreign land, which they turned into the New Africa, was the end of an old order, and the birth of a new world. Their new voices articulated Ifa Tuntun, as they opened their mouths, and sang, in a rhythm, pacing, harmony, discord, and coloring never before known to humankind, Ifa Tuntun came out of these spirits: Aberjhani, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Linda Addison, Tomi Adeyemi , Rochelle Alers, Elizabeth Alexander, Kwame Alexander, Larry D. Alexander, Lewis Grandison Alexander, Candace Allen, Clarissa Minnie Thompson Allen, Robert L. Allen, Garland Anderson, Maya Angelou, Tina McElroy Ansa, Ray Aranha, Chalmers Archer, M. K. Asante, Jr. Jabari Asim, Russell Atkins, William Attaway, James Baldwin, Calvin Baker, Toni Cade Bambara, Leslie Esdaile Banks Amiri Baraka, Shauna Barbosa, Steven Barnes, Lindon W. Barrett, Samuel Alfred Beadle, Paul Beatty, Robert Beck, Christopher C. Bell, Derrick Bell, Brit Bennett, Gwendolyn Bennett, Hal Bennett, Lerone Bennett, Jr., Bertice Berry, Venise T. Berry, Henry Bibb, Eleanor Taylor Bland, Marita Bonner), Arna Bontemps, James Boggs, Demico Boothe, David Bradley, William Stanley Braithwaite, Gwendolyn Brooks, Claude Brown, Hallie Quinn Brown, Roseanne A. Brown, Sterling A. Brown, William Wells Brown, Anatole Broyard, Ashley Bryan, Niobia Bryant, Ed Bullins, Olivia Ward Bush, Octavia Butler, Roderick D. Bush, George Cain, Bebe Moore Campbell, Stokely Carmichael, Ben Carson, Jennie Carter, Stephen L. Carter, Cyrus Cassells, Kashana Cauley, Eddie Chambers, Lady Chablis, Charles W. Chesnutt, Alice Childress, Cheril N. Clarke, Cheryl Clarke, John Henrik Clarke, Stanley Bennett Clay, Troy, Pearl Cleage, Eldridge Cleaver, Michelle Cliff, Lucille Clifton, Wendy Coakley-Thompson, Ta-Nehisi Coates , author, journalist, Wanda Coleman, Marvel Cooke , Anna J. Cooper, Clarence Cooper Jr., J. California Cooper, James Corrothers, Jayne Cortez, Bill Cosby, Joseph Seamon Cotter, Donald Crews, Stanley Crouch, Harold Cruse, Countee Cullen, Waring Cuney, Christopher Paul Curtis, Frederick Douglass, W. E. B. Du Bois, Jeffrey Daniels (living), Meri Nana-Ama Danquah, Christopher Darden, Angela Davis, Frank Marshall Davis, Kyra Davis, Milton Davis, George Dawson, Samuel R. Delany, Eric Jerome Dickey, Anita Doreen Diggs, Nahshon Dion, Lonnie Dixon, Rita Dove, Sharon Draper, Tananarive Due, Henry Dumas, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, David Anthony Durham, Richard Durham, Michael Eric Dyson, Ralph Ellison, Cornelius Eady, Sarah Jane Woodson Early, Junius Edwards, Olaudah Equiano, Don Evans, Mari Evans, Percival Everett, Eve Ewing, Sarah Webster Fabio, Ronald Fair, Sarah Farro, John M. Faucette, Arthur Huff Fauset, Jessie Fauset, London R. Ferebee, Lolita Files, Antwone Fisher, Rudolph Fisher, Liseli Fitzpatrick, Sharon G. Flake, Robert Fleming, Mary Weston Fordham, Namina Forna, Leon Forrest, Tonya Foster, J. E. Franklin, John Hope Franklin, Hoyt W. Fuller, Nina Foxx,Ernest Gaines, Ruth Gaines-Shelton, Marcus Garvey, Tony Gaskins, Henry Louis Gates, Roxane Gay, Nikki Giovanni, Roy Glenn, Donald Goines, Marita Golden, Edythe Mae Gordon, Edmond T. Gordon, Eugene Gordon, Charles Gordone, Amanda Gorman, Lawrence Otis Graham, Moses Grandy, Victor Hugo Green, Eloise Greenfield, Sam Greenlee, Bonnie Greer, Deborah Gregory, Dick Gregory, Sutton E. Griggs, Nikki Grimes, Angelina Weld Grimke, Charlotte Forten Grimké, Rosa Guy, John Langston Gwaltney, Yaa Gyasi, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Alex Haley, Virginia Hamilton Henry Hampton, Lorraine Hansberry, Joyce Hansen, Vincent Harding, Rachael Harding, Edward W. Hardy, Nathan Hare, Frances Harper, E. Lynn Harris, Michael Harris, Juanita Harrison, Saidiya Hartman, Robert Hayden, Essex Hemphill, David Henderson, Safiya Henderson-Holmes, Freida High-Tesfagiorgis, Chester Himes, Kameisha Jerae Hodge, Corey J. Hodges, Karla F. C. Holloway, bell hooks, Pauline Hopkins, Nalo Hopkinson, George Moses Horton, Roberta Hoskie, Tracie Howard, Detrick Hughes, Langston Hughes , Zora Neale Hurston, Jordan Ifueko, Rashidah Ismaili, Brenda Jackson, Jesse C. Jackson, Mae Jackson, Harriet Jacobs, T. D. Jakes, Ayize Jama-Everett, John Jea, N. K. Jemisin, Beverly Jenkins, Terri L. Jewell, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Angela Johnson, Charles R. Johnson, Georgia Douglas Johnson, Helene Johnson, James Weldon Johnson, Mat Johnson Varian Johnson, Edward P. Jones, Gayl Jones, Joni Omi-Osun Jones, Kelly Jones, Tayari Jones, June Jordan, Martin Luther King, Ron Karenga, Bob Kaufman, Elizabeth Keckley, William Melvin Kelley, Emma Dunham Kelley-Hawkins, Randall Kenan, Adrienne Kennedy, Nina Kennedy, John Oliver Killens, Jamaica Kincaid, Emeline King, Martin Luther King Jr., Woodie King Jr., Etheridge Knight, Yusef Komunyakaa, Pinkie Gordon Lane, Nella Larsen, Victor LaValle, Brent Leggs, Andrea Lee, Julius Lester, David Levering Lewis, Willie Little, Alain Locke, Attica Locke, Audre Lorde, Bettina L. Love, Glenville Lovell, Toni Morrison, Christopher Mwashinga, Nathaniel Mackey, Naomi Long Madgett, Haki R. Madhubuti, Clarence Major, Raynetta, Manning Marable, John Marrant, Paule Marshall, Ora Mae Lewis Martin, Hans Massaquoi, Brandon Massey, Victoria Earle Matthews, Julian Mayfield, James McBride, Nathan McCall, Bernice McFadden, Claude McKay, Patricia McKissack, Reginald McKnight, Kim McLarin, Terry McMillan, James Alan McPherson, Louise Meriwether, Oscar Micheaux, E. Ethelbert Miller, May Miller, Arthenia J. Bates Millican, Mary Monroe, Anne Moody, Jessica Care Moore, George McMichael Moyer, Toni Morrison, E. Frederic Morrow, Walter Mosley, Thylias Moss, Willard Motley, Jess Mowry, Albert Murray, Pauli Murray, Walter Dean Myers, Tariq Nasheed, Gloria Naylor, Larry Nealy, Barbara Neely, Huey P. Newton, Richard Bruce Nugent, Mwatabu S. Okantah, Oladejo Okediji, Nnedi Okorafor, Marc Olden, Porsha Olayiwola, Rita Omokha, Terry a. O'Neal, Tochi Onyebuchi, Roscoe Orman, Ewuare Osayande, Brenda Marie Osbey, Candace Owens, ZZ Packer, Gordon Parks, Suzan-Lori Parks, Tyler Perry, Eric Pete, Ann Petry, Delores Phillips, Steve Phillips, William Pickens, Leonard Pitts, Ann Plato, Sterling Plumpp, Carlene, Alvin F. Poussaint, Jewel Prestage, Robert Earl Price, Aishah Rahman, Alice Randall, Dudley Randall, Cordelia Ray, Francis Ray, Andy Razaf, Ishmael, Kiley Reid, Jason Reynolds, Willis Richardson, Florida Ruffin Ridley, Harrison David Rivers, Cliff Roquemore, Carolyn Rodgers, Octavia V. Rogers Albert, Al Roker, Fran Ross, Ola Rotimi, Shawn Stewart Ruff, Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, Malinda Russell, Rachel Renee Russell, Carl Hancock Rux, Rupaul, Kalamu ya Salaam, Sonia Sanchez, Dori Sanders, Sapphire, Charles R. Saunders, Arturo Alfonso Schomburg, George Schuyler, Gil Scott-Heron, Clara Johnson Scroggins, Sandra Seaton, Victor Séjour, Fatima Shaik, Tupac Shakur, Ntozake Shange, Nisi Shawl, Lowrey Stokes Sims, Sister Souljah, Iceberg Slim, Amanda Smith, Cherise Smith, Danez Smith, Effie Waller Smith, William Gardner Smith, Thomas Sowell, A. B. Spellman, Anne Aurin Squire, Theophilus Gould Steward, Maria W. Stewart, Jeffrey C. Stewart, Nic Stone, Ellen Tarry, Mildred D. Taylor, Susie Taylor, Mary Church Terrell, Lucy Terry, Michael Thelwell, Angie Thomas, Clarence Thomas, Joyce Carol Thomas, Lorenzo Thomas, Piri Thomas, Truth Thomas, Pamela Thomas-Graham, Era Bell Thompson, Howard Thurman, Wallace Thurman, Ruth D. Todd, Lynn Toler, Melvin B. Tolson, Jean Toomer, Touré, Askia M. Touré, Quincy Troupe, Sojourner Truth, Omar Tyree, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Henry Van Dyke, Ivan Van Sertima, Bethany Veney, Olympia Vernon, Dwyane Wade, Alice Walker, Frank X. Walker, Margaret Walker, Christopher George Latore Wallace, Michele Wallace, Eric Walrond, Mildred Pitts Walter, Marilyn Nelson Waniek, Douglas Turner Ward, Jesmyn Ward, Booker T. Washington, Frank J. Webb, Ida B. Wells, Richard Wesley, Valerie Wilson Wesley, Cornel West, Dorothy West, Phillis Wheatley, Walter Francis White, Colson Whitehead, Steven Whitehurst, Albery Allson Whitman, Anthony Whyte, John Edgar Wideman, Isabel Wilkerson, Crystal Wilkinson, Alicia D. Williams, Chancellor Williams, John Alfred Williams, Samm-Art Williams, Sherley Anne Williams, Walter E. Williams, August Wilson, Harriet E. Wilson, Kathy Y. Wilson, William Julius Wilson, Oprah Winfrey, Carter G. Woodson, Jacqueline Woodson, David Wright, Jay Wright, Kelly Wright, Richard Wright, Sarah E. Wright, David F. Walker, Malcolm X, Marian X, Camille Yarbrough, Frank Yerby, Al Young, Zane, and Ahmos Zu-Bolton. Moyo Okediji did not invent Ifa Tuntun. He is not culpable. If you kill Moyo Okediji, it is pointless. To kill Ifa Tuntun, you must kill all the sacred voices listed above. They are culpable. Picture is by Tom Feelings, Middle Passage: White Ship, Black Cargo Read the full article
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⸻⠀cronología de eventos ⸻ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀˚˖𓍢ִ໋`*: | línea del tiempo ୭˚. ᵎᵎ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 1987 :: Steven Meyer nació el 05 de febrero. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 1988 :: Scott Castle nació el 13 de marzo. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 1990 :: 05 de marzo nació su media hermana, Isabella Meyer. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 1990 :: Juliette Meyer nació el 20 de abril. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 1990 :: Nacimiento de su mejor amiga, Morgan Castle el 11 de noviembre. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 1993 :: 15 de agosto nace Sophie, su hermana la más consentida, incluso por ella. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2002 :: Cursa la educación secundaria (sólo lleva matemáticas, inglés y ciencias). (Equivalente en México, va en segundo año de secundaria). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2003 :: Se hace novia de Diego Oliver. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2004 :: Comienza su noviazgo con Scott Castle (ella tenía 14 y él 16). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2007 :: 23 de diciembre, Scott y Juliette tienen su primera cena a solas (en su departamento). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2007 :: 24 de diciembre, Juliette asiste a su primera cena de navidad con los Castle como la novia de Scott y no como la mejor amiga de Morgan. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2008 :: Scott y Juliette Meyer terminan la relación debido a la última infidelidad que observa de Scott (él tenía 20 años y ella, 18). La escena fue durante su estadía en Harvard. Ellian Wood aparentemente era la novia estadunidense del Jr. Castle. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2010 :: Juliette conoce a John Brown (quien es un año mayor que ella). Juliette se obsesiona con él y logra enamorarlo. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2011 :: Juliette deja la casa de los Meyer debido a su malestar por su relación nueva (a pesar de tener un año). Juliette se va a vivir con Brown. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2011 :: Comienza a trabajar en la cafetería de la novena avenida. Trabajo que comparte con John. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2012 :: Como última estancia de los Meyer, traen de vuelta a Scott Castle y éste se presta para el juego con la intención de recuperarla. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2012-2013 :: Scott se encarga de fastidiar la relación entre John y Juliette para que ellos terminen, no obstante, se percata que su amor es fuerte. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2014 :: 13 de mayo, Juliette y John terminan luego de que ella le confesara que todavía tiene sentimientos que creía extintos hacia Scott. John es quien la termina. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2014 :: 20 de mayo, regresa con Sott Castle. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2014 :: 15 de junio, Scott le da un anillo de promesa para evitar que regrese con John. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2015 :: 12 de agosto, Scott le pide matrimonio en secreto (sólo están presentes ellos dos). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2016 :: Scott viaja a Canadá por negocios. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2016 :: Juliette viaja a Australia. Se reencuentra con John. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2016 :: Scott regresa a las carreras y acude regularmente a las de la F1. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2019 :: Scott y Juliette siguen comprometidos, ya que ella se niega a depender económicamente de Castle y de la familia de él ni de la de ella. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2019 :: Juliette se va a vivir a Nueva York. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2019 :: Se reencuentra nuevamente con John debido a la Fundación Meyer. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: 2021 :: Se casan Juliette y Scott Castle. Y a pocas horas de haberse casado, Scott le confiesa su última infidelidad. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༅:
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀formato: amatista.txt ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀template by amatista.txt
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀.
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A bit of a misnomer this one, as Kenny Rogers Roasters actually sold wood fired rotisserie chickens, rather than burgers. But hey, I am a Kenny Rogers fan so what can i say. The famous country musician teamed up with John Y. Brown Jr., a former KFC C.E.O. Having been the governor of Kentucky, Brown decided to return to the restaurant business, and got together with Rogers in 1991 to open the first location in Coral Springs, Florida,. Their selling point was that rotisserie chicken was a healthier option to regular fried chicken with a tagline of "less fat...less salt...less calories" . They gradually expanded the menu to include Turkey, ribs and numerous side dishes. Growing to around 350 locations in the US, Canada, Asia and the Middle East by 1995. In 91 'Cluckers' a minor chain of chicken restaurants sued them for allegedly copying its menus and recipes. They dealt with this by buying a majority stake in the chain. The original team of Brown and Rogers expanded the chain to some 425 stores, before selling out to Malaysia-based Berjaya Group in 1996. They announced plans to open in the UK, even going so far as to purchase land, but in the end nothing came of it. Decline And Change Of Ownership by 1996 they had reached an annual turnover of $300 million. By 1998 they were in chapter 11 bankruptcy. As not only other chains had added similar products, but many supermarkets and other stores offered rotisserie chicken. Nathan's Famous Inc, bought the chain out of bankruptcy for $1.25 million, and within a short space of time they had been reduced to some 90 outlets, 40 in the USA. In 2008 ownership changed again when they were sold to Roasters Asia Pacific (Cayman) Limited, the Asian franchise owner. This proved a good move, as the chain continued to flourish in the Asian market and grew to over 140 stores by 2011. Read the full article
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14 maggio … ricordiamo …
14 maggio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: América Alonso, nome d’arte di María Golajovski Zaira, attrice venezuelana. Sposata prima con con il produttore Mario Bertoul., successivamente si risposò con Daniel Farías. (n. 1936) 2020: Phyllis George, Phyllis Ann George Brown, modella e conduttrice televisiva statunitense. Phyllis fu sposata con il produttore Robert Evans e con l’ex governatore del Kentucky John Y. Brown, Jr.. (n.…
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#14 maggio#Aga Khan#América Alonso#Anna Lee#Anwar Wagdi#Anwar Wagdi Yehia El Fattal#Billie Burke#Enid Bennett#Florence Auer#Frank Sinatra#Frankie#Giampiero Albertini#Guido Cerniglia#Hugh Beaumont#Hugh Griffith#María Golajovski Zaira#Margarita Carmen Cansino#Maria Körber#Morti 14 maggio#Ol&039; Blue Eyes#Phyllis Ann George Brown#Phyllis George#Powers Boothe#Ricordiamo#Rita Hayworth#Robert Stack#Sally Josephs#Sally Victor#Swoonatra#The Voice
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Una vez más se celebró la entrega de Premios Oscar, desde el Dolby Theatre de Hollywood. La gala se vivió sin muchas sorpresas y se podría decir también con poca emoción. La diferencia es que desde Uruguay estabamos espectantes a ver que sucedía con “LA SOCIEDAD DE LA NIEVE“, film que nos representó en toda la temporada de premios y que estaba nominado en dos categorías, “Mejor Maquillaje y Peinado” y “Mejor Película Internacional”. Si bien no pudo hacerse del premio frente a Pobres Criaturas y Zona de Interés, el haber sido nominados y compartido la lafombra roja ya es un premio. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Luciana Rodriguez (@entre.nos.cineylibros) Acá les dejo la lista de nominadas con las ganadoras en NEGRITA Mejor Película American Fiction Anatomy of a Fall Barbie The Holdovers Killers of the Flower Moon Maestro Oppenheimer Past Lives Poor Things The Zone of Interest Mejor Director Justine Triet – Anatomy of a Fall Martin Scorsese – Killers of the Flower Moon Christopher Nolan – Oppenheimer Yorgos Lanthimos – Poor Things Jonathan Glazer – The Zone of Interest Mejor Actor Bradley Cooper – Maestro Colman Domingo – Rustin Paul Giamatti – The Holdovers Cillian Murphy – Oppenheimer Jeffrey Wright – American Fiction Mejor Actriz Annette Bening – NYAD Lily Gladstone – Killers of the Flower Moon Sandra Hüller – Anatomy of a Fall Carey Mulligan – Maestro Emma Stone – Poor Things Mejor Actor de Reparto Sterling K. Brown – American Fiction Robert DeNiro – Killers of the Flower Moon Robert Downey Jr. – Oppenheimer Ryan Gosling – Barbie Mark Ruffalo – Poor Things Mejor Actriz de Reparto Emily Blunt – Oppenheimer Danielle Brooks – The Color Purple America Ferrera – Barbie Jodie Foster – NYAD Da’Vine Joy Randolph – The Holdovers Mejor Guión Original Anatomy of a Fall The Holdovers Maestro May December Past Lives Mejor Guión Adaptado American Fiction Barbie Oppenheimer Poor Things The Zone of Interest Mejor Edición Anatomy of a Fall The Holdovers Killers of the Flower Moon Oppenheimer Poor Things Mejor Fotografía El Conde Killers of the Flower Moon Maestro Oppenheimer Poor Things Mejor Diseño de Producción Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things Mejor Vestuario Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things Mejor Maquillaje y Peinado Golda Maestro Oppenheimer Poor Things Society of the Snow Mejor Película Internacional Io Capitano (Italia) Perfect Days (Japón) Society of the Snow (España) The Teachers’ Lounge (Alemania) The Zone of Interest (Inglaterra) Mejor Película Animada The Boy and the Heron Elemental Nimona Robot Dreams Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Mejor Score Original American Fiction Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Killers of the Flower Moon Oppenheimer Poor Things Mejor Canción Original “It Never Went Away” – American Symphony “I’m Just Ken” – Barbie “What Was I Made For?” – Barbie “The Fire Inside” – Flamin’ Hot “Wahzhazhe (A Song For My People)” – Killers of the Flower Moon Mejor Documental Bobi Wine: The People’s President The Eternal Memory Four Daughters To Kill a Tiger 20 Days in Mariupol Mejor Cortometraje Documental The ABCs of Book Banning The Barber of Little Rock Island in Between The Last Repair Shop Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó Mejor Cortometraje Ficción The After Invincible Knight of Fortune Red, White and Blue The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar Mejor Cortometraje Animado Letter to a Pig Ninety-Five Senses Our Uniform Pachyderme War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko Mejores Efectos Visuales The Creator Godzilla Minus One Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One Napoleon Mejor Sonido The Creator Maestro Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One Oppenheimer The Zone of Interest Recuento: Oppenheimer fue la gran ga...
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Un repaso a los 30 'rosters' de las franquicias de la Liga MARCA BASKET El comienzo de la temporada regular en la NBA trae también la conformación definitiva de las plantillas de la Liga. Estamos ante una nueva edición de la mejor Liga del mundo con varios candidatos en el furgón principal y un grupo de elegidos que lucharán por el premio MVP a la vez que tratan de meter a sus equipos en lo más alto. Como guía para seguir la temporada, estas son las 30 plantillas de los equipos de la NBA: Atlanta Hawks Plantilla: Saddiq Bey, Bogdan Bogdanovic, Kobe Bufkin, Clint Capela, Bruno Fernando, A.J. Griffin, Mouhamed Gueye, De'Andre Hunter, Jalen Johnson, Seth Lundy, Garrison Mathews, Wesley Matthews, Patty Mills, Dejounte Murray, Miles Norris, Onyeka Okongwu, Trae Young, Trent Forrest. Altas: Kobe Bufkin (R), Mouhamed Gueye (R), Seth Lundy (R), Wesley Matthews (MIL), Patty Mills (BKN), Miles Norris (R). Bajas: John Collins (UTA), Aaron Holiday (HOU), Vit Krejci (MIN), Tyrese Martin (MIN), Donovan Williams (GSW). Jalen Johnson.EFE. Boston Celtics Plantilla: Dalano Banton, Oshae Brissett, Jaylen Brown, Sam Hauser, Jrue Holiday, Al Horford, Payton Pritchard, Jayson Tatum, Derrick White, Luke Kornet, J.D. Davison, Svi Mykhailiuk, Kristaps Porzingis, Neemias Queta, Jay Scrubb, Lamar Stevens, Jordan Walsh, Nathan Knight. Altas: Dalano Banton (TOR), Oshae Brissett (IND), Wenyen Gabriel (LAL), Jrue Holiday (MIL), Svi Mykhailiuk (CHA), Kristaps Porzingis (WAS), Neemias Queta (SAC), Jay Scrubb (ORL), Lamar Stevens (CLE), Jordan Walsh (R), Nathan Knight (MIN) Bajas: Malcolm Brogdon (POR), Justin Champagnie (MIA), Danilo Gallinari (WAS), Blake Griffin, Mfiondu Kabengele, Mike Muscala (WAS), Marcus Smart (MEM), Grant Williams (DAL), Robert Williams (POR), Wenyen Gabriel. Kristaps PorzingisLAPRESSE. Brooklyn Nets Plantilla: Darius Bazley, Mikal Bridges, Armoni Brooks, Nicolas Claxton, Noah Clowney, Spencer Dinwiddie, Dorian Finney-Smith, Harry Giles, Cameron Johnson, Royce O'Neale, Day'Ron Sharpe, Ben Simmons, Dennis Smith Jr., Cam Thomas, Lonnie Walker, Trendon Watford, Dariq Whitehead, Jalen Wilson. Altas: Darius Bazley (PHX), Armoni Brooks, Noah Clowney (R), Harry Giles, Dennis Smith Jr. (CHA), Lonnie Walker (LAL), Trendon Watford (POR), Dariq Whitehead (R), Jalen Wilson (R). Bajas: Seth Curry (DAL), David Duke Jr. (PHI), RaiQuan Gray, Joe Harris (DET), Patty Mills (ATL), Dru Smith (MIA), Edmond Sumner (CHA), Yuta Watanabe (PHX). Dorian Finney-Smith.LAPRESSE. Charlotte Hornets Plantilla: Amari Bailey, LaMelo Ball, Leaky Black, James Bouknight, Miles Bridges, Gordon Hayward, Cody Martin, Bryce McGowens, Brandon Miller, Frank Ntilikina, Nick Richards, Terry Rozier, Nick Smith Jr., Edmond Sumner, P.J. Washington, Mark Williams, J.T. Thor, Théo Maledon. Altas: Amari Bailey (R), Leaky Black (R), Miles Bridges, R.J. Hunter, Brandon Miller (R), Frank Ntilikina (DAL), Nick Smith Jr. (R), Edmond Sumner (BKN). Bajas: Kai Jones, Svi Mykhailiuk (BOS), Kelly Oubre (PHI), Kobi Simmons, Dennis Smith Jr. (BKN), Xavier Sneed, R.J. Hunter Nick Smith Jr. y Nathan Mensah.LAPRESSE Chicago Bulls Plantilla: Lonzo Ball, Onuralp Bitim, Jevon Carter, Alex Caruso, Torrey Craig, DeMar DeRozan, Ayo Dosunmu, Andre Drummond, Quenton Jackson, Zach LaVine, Julian Phillips, Adama Sanogo, Terry Taylor, Dalen Terry, Nikola Vucevic, Coby White, Patrick Williams, Justin Lewis. Altas: Onuralp Bitim (R), Jevon Carter (MIL), Torrey Craig (PHX), Quenton Jackson (WAS), Julian Phillips (R), Adama Sanogo (R), Terry Taylor. Bajas: Patrick Beverley (PHI), Javonte Green, Derrick Jones Jr. (DAL), Marko Simonovic, Carlik Jones. Alex Caruso.LAPRESSE Cleveland Cavaliers Plantilla: Jarrett Allen, Emoni Bates, Darius Garland, Ty Jerome, Damian Jones, Caris LeVert, Donovan Mitchell, Evan Mobley, Georges Niang, Isaac Okoro, Craig Porter Jr., Ricky Rubio, Zhaire Smith, Max Strus, Tristan Thompson, Dean Wade, Sam Merrill, Isaiah Mobley. Altas: Emoni
Bates (R), Sharife Cooper, Ty Jerome (GSW), Damian Jones (UTA), Georges Niang (PHI), Craig Porter Jr. (R), Zhaire Smith, Max Strus (MIA), Tristan Thompson (LAL). Bajas: Mamadi Diakite, Danny Green (PHI), Robin Lopez (MIL), Raul Neto, Cedi Osman (SAS), Lamar Stevens (BOS), Dylan Windler (NYK), Sharife Cooper. Donovan Mitchell.LAPRESSE. Dallas Mavericks Plantilla: Greg Brown, Seth Curry, Luka Doncic, Dante Exum, Josh Green, Tim Hardaway Jr., Jaden Hardy, Richaun Holmes, Kyrie Irving, Derrick Jones Jr., Maxi Kleber, Dereck Lively II, Dwight Powell, Markieff Morris, A.J. Lawson, Olivier-Maxence Prosper, Grant Williams. Altas: Greg Brown, Seth Curry (BKN), Dante Exum, Richaun Holmes (SAC), Derrick Jones Jr. (CHI), Dereck Lively II (R), Olivier-Maxence Prosper (R), Grant Williams (BOS). Bajas: Davis Bertans (OKC), Reggie Bullock (HOU), Justin Holiday (DEN), JaVale McGee (SAC), Frank Ntilikina (CHA), Theo Pinson, Christian Wood (LAL), McKinley Wright. Luka Doncic.JOSÉ A. GARCÏA Denver Nuggets Plantilla: Christian Braun, Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, Vlatko Cancar, Aaron Gordon, Justin Holiday, Jay Huff, Reggie Jackson, Nikola Jokic, DeAndre Jordan, Braxton Key, Jamal Murray, Zeke Nnaji, Jalen Pickett, Michael Porter Jr., Julian Strawther, Hunter Tyson, Peyton Watson, Collin Gillespie. Altas: Justin Holiday (DAL), Jay Huff (WAS), Braxton Key, Jalen Pickett (R), Julian Strawther (R), Hunter Tyson (R). Bajas: Bruce Brown (IND), Thomas Bryant (MIA), Jeff Green (HOU), Ish Smith, Jack White (OKC), Amida Brimah Nikola Jokic.LAPRESSE. Detroit Pistons Plantilla: Marvin Bagley III, Bojan Bogdanovic, Alec Burks, Malcolm Cazalon, Cade Cunningham, Jalen Duren, Joe Harris, Killian Hayes, Jaden Ivey, Isaiah Livers, Monte Morris, Marcus Sasser, Isaiah Stewart, Ausar Thompson, James Wiseman,Jared Rhoden, Stanley Umude. Altas: Malcolm Cazalon (R), Joe Harris (BKN), Monte Morris (WAS), Jontay Porter, Marcus Sasser (R), Ausar Thompson (R), Stanley Umude. Bajas: Hamidou Diallo, R.J. Hampton (MIA), Cory Joseph (GSW), Rodney McGruder (GSW), Eugene Omoruyi (WAS), Buddy Boeheim, Jontay Porter, Zavier Simpson. Golden State Warriors Plantilla: Stephen Curry, Usman Garuba, Draymond Green, Trayce Jackson-Davis, Cory Joseph, Jonathan Kuminga, Kevon Looney, Rodney McGruder, Moses Moody, Chris Paul, Gary Payton II, Brandin Podziemski, Jerome Robinson, Dario Saric, Klay Thompson, Andrew Wiggins, Donovan Williams, Lester Quiñones. Altas: Usman Garuba (HOU), Trayce Jackson-Davis (R), Cory Joseph (DET), Chris Paul (PHX), Brandin Podziemski (R), Jerome Robinson, Dario Saric (OKC), Donovan Williams (ATL). Bajas: Patrick Baldwin Jr. (WAS), Donte DiVincenzo (NYK), JaMychal Green, Andre Iguodala, Ty Jerome (CLE), Anthony Lamb, Jordan Poole (WAS), Ryan Rollins (WAS), Rudy Gay, Rodney McGruder. Stehen Curry, Chris Paul y Klay Thompson.LAPRESSE. Houston Rockets Plantilla: Dillon Brooks, Reggie Bullock, Tari Eason, Jalen Green, Jeff Green, Aaron Holiday, Jock Landale, Victor Oladipo, Jeremiah Robinson-Earl, Jermaine Samuels, Alperen Sengun, Jabari Smith Jr., Jae'Sean Tate, Amen Thompson , Boban Marjanovic, Darius Days, Trevor Hudgins, Fred VanVleet, Cam Whitmore. Altas: Dillon Brooks (MEM), Reggie Bullock (DAL), Jeff Green (DEN), Aaron Holiday (ATL), Jock Landale (PHX), Jermaine Samuels (R), Amen Thompson (R), Fred VanVleet (TOR), Cam Whitmore (R). Bajas: D.J. Augustin, Willie Cauley-Stein, Josh Christopher (UTA), Usman Garuba (GSW), Frank Kaminsky, K.J. Martin Jr. (LAC), Daishen Nix (MIN), Kevin Porter Jr. (OKL), TyTy Washington (MIL), Nate Hinton Jabari Smith.LAPRESSE. Indiana Pacers Plantilla: Bruce Brown, Tyrese Haliburton, Buddy Hield, Isaiah Jackson, Bennedict Mathurin, T.J. McConnell, Andrew Nembhard, Aaron Nesmith, Jordan Nwora, Ben Sheppard, Jalen Smith, Daniel Theis, Obi Toppin, Oscar Tshiebwe, Myles Turner, Kendall Brown, Jarace Walker, Isaiah Wong. Altas: Bruce Brown (DEN), Ben Sheppard (R), Obi Toppin (NYK), Oscar Tshiebwe (R), Jarace Walker (R), Isaiah Wong (R).
Bajas: Oshae Brissett (BOS), Chris Duarte (SAC), George Hill, James Johnson, Gabe York. T.J. McConnell.LAPRESSE. L.A. Clippers Plantilla: Nicolas Batum, B.J. Boston, Kobe Brown, Amir Coffey, Robert Covington, Paul George, Bones Hyland, Kawhi Leonard, Terance Mann, K.J. Martin Jr., Jordan Miller, Marcus Morris, Mason Plumlee, Norman Powell, Josh Primo, Russell Westbrook, Ivica Zubac, Moussa Diabaté. Altas: Kobe Brown (R), Nate Darling, K.J. Martin Jr. (HOU), Jordan Miller (R), Josh Primo. Bajas: Eric Gordon (PHX), Jason Preston, Xavier Moon, Nate Darling. Russell Westbrook.LAPRESSE. L.A. Lakers Plantilla: Colin Castleton, Max Christie, Anthony Davis, Alex Fudge, Rui Hachimura, Jaxson Hayes, D'Moi Hodge, Jalen Hood-Schifino, LeBron James, Maxwell Lewis, Taurean Prince, Austin Reaves, Cam Reddish, D'Angelo Russell, Jarred Vanderbilt, Gabe Vincent, Christian Wood. Altas: Colin Castleton (R), Alex Fudge (R), Jaxson Hayes (NOP), D'Moi Hodge (R), Jalen Hood-Schifino (R), Maxwell Lewis (R), Taurean Prince (MIN), Cam Reddish (POR), Gabe Vincent (MIA), Christian Wood (DAL). Bajas: Mo Bamba (PHI), Malik Beasley (MIL), Troy Brown (MIN), Wenyen Gabriel (BOS), Shaquille Harrison (MEM), Dennis Schröder (TOR), Cole Swider (MIA), Tristan Thompson (CLE), Lonnie Walker (BKN), Scotty Pippen Jr. LeBron JamesLAPRESSE. Memphis Grizzlies Plantilla: Steven Adams, Santi Aldama, Desmond Bane, Brandon Clarke, G.G. Jackson. Jaren Jackson Jr., Luke Kennard, John Konchar, Jake LaRavia, Kenneth Lofton Jr., Ja Morant, Mychal Mulder, David Roddy, Derrick Rose, Marcus Smart, Xavier Tillman, Ziaire Williams, Jacob Gilyard, Vince Williams Jr. Altas: G.G. Jackson (R), Mychal Mulder, Derrick Rose (NYK), Marcus Smart (BOS). Bajas: Dillon Brooks (HOU), Tyus Jones (WAS), Shaquille Harrison. Santi Aldama.LAPRESSE. Miami Heat Plantilla: Bam Adebayo, Thomas Bryant, Jimmy Butler, Justin Champagnie, R.J. Hampton, Tyler Herro, Haywood Highsmith, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Nikola Jovic, Kevin Love, Kyle Lowry, Caleb Martin, Josh Richardson, Duncan Robinson, Orlando Robinson, Dru Smith, Cole Swider, Jamal Cain. Altas: Thomas Bryant (DEN), R.J. Hampton (DET), Jaime Jaquez Jr. (R), Josh Richardson (NOP), Dru Smith (BKN), Cole Swider (LAL). Bajas: Udonis Haslem, Victor Oladipo (OKC), Max Strus (CLE), Gabe Vincent (LAL), Omer Yurtseven (UTA), Cody Zeller (NOP), Justin Champagnie, Cheick Diallo. Orlando Robinson.LAPRESSE. Milwaukee Bucks Plantilla: Giannis Antetokounmpo, Thanasis Antetokounmpo, Malik Beasley , MarJon Beauchamp, Marques Bolden, Pat Connaughton, Jae Crowder, A.J. Green, Andre Jackson Jr., Damian Lillard, Chris Livingston, Brook Lopez, Robin Lopez, Khris Middleton, Omari Moore, Cameron Payne, Bobby Portis, TyTy Washington, Lindell Wigginton. Altas: Malik Beasley (LAL), Andre Jackson Jr. (R), Damian Lillard (POR), Chris Livingston (R), Robin Lopez (CLE), Omari Moore (R), Cameron Payne (PHX), TyTy Washington (HOU). Bajas: Grayson Allen (PHX), Jevon Carter (CHI), Goran Dragic, Jrue Holiday (BOS), Joe Ingles (ORL), Meyers Leonard, Wesley Matthews (ATL), Marques Bolden. Giannis AntetokounmpoLAPRESSE. Minnesota Timberwolves Plantilla: Nickeil Alexander-Walker, Kyle Anderson, Troy Brown, Jaylen Clark, Anthony Edwards, Rudy Gobert, Vit Krejci, Jaden McDaniels, Jordan McLaughlin, Leonard Miller, Shake Milton, Josh Minott, Wendell Moore, Daishen Nix, Naz Reid, Karl-Anthony Towns, Mike Conley (NG), Luka Garza, Matt Ryan., Altas: Troy Brown (LAL), Jaylen Clark (R), Vit Krejci (ATL), Leonard Miller (R), Shake Milton (PHI), Daishen Nix (HOU). Bajas: Nathan Knight (NYK), Jaylen Nowell (SAC), Taurean Prince (LAL), Austin Rivers, Trevor Keels, Tyrese Martin. Anthony Edwards.LAPRESSE. New Orleans Pelicans Plantilla: Dyson Daniels, Kaiser Gates, Jordan Hawkins, Malcolm Hill, Brandon Ingram, Herbert Jones, Kira Lewis Jr., E.J. Liddell, Naji Marshall, C.J. McCollum, Trey Murphy III, Larry Nance, Jr., Jonas Valanciunas, Zion Williamson, Jose Alvarado, Dereon Seabron, Cody Zeller, Matt Ryan
Altas: Kaiser Gates (R), Jordan Hawkins (R), Cody Zeller (MIA), Matt Ryan (MIN) Bajas: Jaxson Hayes (LAL), Willy Hernangómez, Josh Richardson (MIA), Garrett Temple (TOR), Malcolm Hill. Zion Williamson.LAPRESSE. New York Knicks Plantilla: Ryan Arcidiacono, RJ Barrett, Charlie Brown Jr., Jalen Brunson, Donte DiVincenzo, Evan Fournier, Quentin Grimes, Josh Hart, Isaiah Hartenstein, Miles McBride, Immanuel Quickley, Julius Randle, Mitchell Robinson, Jericho Sims, DaQuan Jeffries (NG), Duane Washington Jr., Dylan Windler. Altas: Ryan Arcidiacono, Charlie Brown Jr., Donte DiVincenzo (GSW), Nathan Knight (MIN), Jaylen Martin (R), Dylan Windler (CLE), Jaylen Martin. Bajas: Trevor Keels (MIN), Derrick Rose (MEM), Obi Toppin (IND), Isaiah Roby Jalen Brunson.LAPRESSE. Oklahoma City Thunder Plantilla: Davis Bertans, Ousmane Dieng, Luguentz Dort, Josh Giddey, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Chet Holmgren, Keyontae Johnson, Tre Mann, Vasilije Micic, Aleksej Pokusevski, Kevin Porter Jr., Cason Wallace, Jalen Williams, Jaylin Williams, Kenrich Williams, Isaiah Joe (NG), Aaron Wiggins (NG), Olivier Sarr, Lindy Waters. Altas: Davis Bertans (DAL), Keyontae Johnson (R), Vasilije Micic (R), Kevin Porter Jr. (HOU), Cason Wallace (R), Bajas: Jared Butler (WAS), Jeremiah Robinson-Earl (HOU), Dario Saric (GSW), Jack White. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander.LAPRESSE. Orlando Magic Plantilla: Cole Anthony, Paolo Banchero, Goga Bitadze, Anthony Black, Wendell Carter Jr., Markelle Fultz, Gary Harris, Caleb Houstan, Jett Howard, Joe Ingles, Chuma Okeke, Trevelin Queen, Jalen Suggs, Franz Wagner, Moritz Wagner, Jonathan Isaac, Kevon Harris, Admiral Schofield. Altas: Anthony Black (R), Jett Howard (R), Joe Ingles (MIL), Mac McClung (PHI), Miye Oni, Trevelin Queen. Bajas: Bol Bol (PHX), Michael Carter-Williams, Jay Scrubb (BOS), Brandon Williams, Mac McClung, Miye Oni. Anthony Black y Goga Bitadze.LAPRESSE. Philadelphia 76ers Plantilla: Mo Bamba, Patrick Beverley,Joel Embiid, Danny Green, James Harden, Montrezl Harrell, Tobias Harris, Danuel House, Furkan Korkmaz, Tyrese Maxey, De'Anthony Melton, Kelly Oubre, Filip Petrusev, Paul Reed, Javonte Smart, Terquavion Smith, Jaden Springer, Azuolas Tubelis, P.J. Tucker. Altas: Mo Bamba (LAL), Patrick Beverley (CHI), Danny Green (CLE), Kelly Oubre (CHA), Filip Petrusev (R), Javonte Smart, Terquavion Smith (R), Azuolas Tubelis (R). Bajas: Dewayne Dedmon, Louis King, Mac McClung (ORL), Jalen McDaniels (TOR), Shake Milton (MIN), Georges Niang (CLE), David Duke Jr, Ricky Council IV. Joel Embiid.LAPRESSE. Phoenix Suns Plantilla: Grayson Allen, Udoka Azubuike, Keita Bates-Diop, Bradley Beal, Bol Bol, Devin Booker, Kevin Durant, Drew Eubanks, Jordan Goodwin, Eric Gordon, Keon Johnson, Damion Lee, Nassir Little, Chimezie Metu, Jusuf Nurkic, Josh Okogie, Yuta Watanabe, Saben Lee. Altas: Grayson Allen (MIL), Udoka Azubuike (UTA), Keita Bates-Diop (SAS), Bradley Beal (WAS), Bol Bol (ORL), Drew Eubanks (POR), Jordan Goodwin (WAS), Eric Gordon (LAC), Keon Johnson (POR), Nassir Little (POR), Chimezie Metu (SAC), Jusuf Nurkic (POR), Yuta Watanabe (BKN). Bajas: Deandre Ayton (POR), Darius Bazley (BKN), Bismack Biyombo, Torrey Craig (CHI), Jock Landale (HOU), Chris Paul (GSW), Cameron Payne (MIL), Terrence Ross, Landry Shamet (WAS), T.J. Warren, Ish Wainright (POR). Kevin Durant.LAPRESSE. Portland Trail Blazers Plantilla: Deandre Ayton, Malcolm Brogdon, Moses Brown, Toumani Camara, Jerami Grant, Scoot Henderson, Skylar Mays, Justin Minaya, Kris Murray, Rayan Rupert , Shaedon Sharpe, Anfernee Simons, Matisse Thybulle, Jabari Walker, Ibou Badji, Robert Williams, Ish Wainright. Altas: Deandre Ayton (PHX), Malcolm Brogdon (BOS), Moses Brown, Toumani Camara (R), Scoot Henderson (R), Skylar Mays, Justin Minaya, Kris Murray (R), Rayan Rupert (R), Robert Williams (BOS), Ish Wainright. Bajas: Drew Eubanks (PHX), Keon Johnson (PHX), Damian Lillard (MIL), Nassir Little (PHX), Jusuf Nurkic (PHX), Cam Reddish (LAL), Trendon Watford (BKN), Jeenathan Williams, Justise Winslow, Kevin Knox.
John Butler Jr. Sacramento Kings Plantilla: Harrison Barnes, Deonte Burton, Chris Duarte, Kessler Edwards, Jordan Ford, De'Aaron Fox, Kevin Huerter, Colby Jones, Alex Len, Trey Lyles, JaVale McGee, Davion Mitchell, Malik Monk, Keegan Murray, Domantas Sabonis, Jalen Slawson, Sasha Vezenkov, Keon Ellis. Altas: Deonte Burton, Chris Duarte (IND), Jordan Ford (R), Colby Jones (R), JaVale McGee (DAL), Jaylen Nowell (MIN), Jalen Slawson (R), Sasha Vezenkov (R). Bajas: Terence Davis, Matthew Dellavedova, P.J. Dozier, Richaun Holmes (DAL), Chimezie Metu (PHX), Neemias Queta (BOS), Jaylen Nowell. Harrison Barnes.LAPRESSE. San Antonio Spurs Plantilla: Charles Bassey, Malaki Branham, Julian Champagnie, Sidy Cissoko, Zach Collins, Devonte' Graham, Keldon Johnson, Tre Jones, Sandro Mamukelashvili, Doug McDermott, Cedi Osman, Sir'Jabari Rice, Jeremy Sochan, Devin Vassell, Blake Wesley, Dominick Barlow, Victor Wembanyama. Altas: Sidy Cissoko (R), Cedi Osman (CLE), Sir'Jabari Rice (R), Victor Wembanyama (R). Bajas: Keita Bates-Diop (PHX), Gorgui Dieng, Romeo Langford (UTA), Khem Birch. Victor Wembanyama.LAPRESSE. Toronto Raptors Plantilla: Precious Achiuwa, OG Anunoby, Scottie Barnes, Chris Boucher, Gradey Dick, Malachi Flynn, Javon Freeman-Liberty, Christian Koloko, Jalen McDaniels, Markquis Nowell, Jakob Poeltl, Otto Porter, Pascal Siakam, Dennis Schröder, Garrett Temple, Gary Trent Jr., Thaddeus Young, Ron Harper Jr. Altas: Gradey Dick (R), Javon Freeman-Liberty (R), Jalen McDaniels (PHI), Markquis Nowell (R), Dennis Schröder (LAL), Garrett Temple (NOP). Bajas: Dalano Banton (BOS), Will Barton, Fred VanVleet (HOU), Joe Wieskamp, Jeff Dowtin. Pascal Siakam.LAPRESSE. Utah Jazz Plantilla: Ochai Agbaji, Josh Christopher, Jordan Clarkson, John Collins, Simone Fontecchio, Keyonte George, Taylor Hendricks, Talen Horton-Tucker, Walker Kessler, Lauri Markkanen, Kelly Olynyk, Brice Sensabaugh, Collin Sexton, Kris Dunn, Luka Samanic, Johnny Juzang, Micah Potter, Omer Yurtseven. Altas: Josh Christopher (HOU), John Collins (ATL), Keyonte George (R), Taylor Hendricks (R), Romeo Langford (SAS), Brice Sensabaugh (R), Omer Yurtseven (MIA). Bajas: Udoka Azubuike (PHX), Vernon Carey Jr., Rudy Gay (GSW), Damian Jones (CLE), Juan Toscano, Romeo Langford. Collin Sexton.LAPRESSE. Washington Wizards Plantilla: Deni Avdija, Patrick Baldwin Jr., Jared Butler, Xavier Cooks, Bilal Coulibaly, Johnny Davis, Daniel Gafford, Danilo Gallinari, Anthony Gill, Tyus Jones, Corey Kispert, Kyle Kuzma, Mike Muscala, Eugene Omoruyi, Jordan Poole, Ryan Rollins, Landry Shamet, Delon Wright, Taj Gibson. Altas: Patrick Baldwin Jr. (GSW), Jared Butler (OKC), Bilal Coulibaly (R), Danilo Gallinari (BOS), Tyus Jones (MEM), Mike Muscala (BOS), Eugene Omoruyi (DET), Jordan Poole (GSW), Ryan Rollins (GSW), Landry Shamet (PHX). Bajas: Bradley Beal (PHX), Jordan Goodwin (PHX), Jay Huff (DEN), Quenton Jackson, Monte Morris (DET), Kendrick Nunn, Kristaps Porzingis (BOS), Isaiah Todd. Jordan Poole.LAPRESSE. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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i-D magazine ‘A-Z of Dance’ by Jacob Sutton with Diesel Jogg Jeans from Holmes Production on Vimeo.
Director: Jacob Sutton Commissioned by: i-D magazine with Diesel Jogg Jeans Executive Producer: Laura Holmes for Laura Holmes Production DP: Jackson Hunt Editor: Jarrett Fijal at Bonch Stylist: Tracey Nicholson Music: 'Wut' by Le1f Music Supervision: Pitch & Sync All apparel by Diesel and Diesel Jogg Jeans Diesel Executive Producer: Marcus Ray Executive Producer: Eddy Moretti Executive Producer: Shane Smith Executive Producer: Suroosh Alvi Executive Producer: Andrew Creighton Global Head of Video i-D Magazine: Danielle Bennison-Brown Video Commissioner i-D magazine: Jack Robinson Production Manager: Pia Ebrill for Laura Holmes Production Casting Coordinator: Molly Zinar for Laura Holmes Production Local Producer: Wes Olson for Connect The Dots Local Production Manager: Meghan Gallagher for Connect The Dots Local Production Coordinator: Cassandra Bickman for Connect The Dots 1st AD: Knoko Chappele PA's / Drivers: Hank Hartnell, Jordan Jolliff, Diane Kim, Saul Luzeus and Paris Potter Studio Teacher: Cyndi Raymond Hair Stylist: Tony Chavez at Tracey Mattingly Make Up Artist: Lisa Storey at The Wall Group Stylists Assistants: Camila Dominique Jimenez, Timothy Chernyaev, Ali Raizin Make Up Assistants: Megumi Asai and Hinako Nishiguchi Hair Stylist's Assistant: Mateo Sifuentes Seamstresses: Lauren Bradley and Caroline Flach Focus Puller: Rachel Fox B-Camera Op: Doug Parter 2nd AC: Steve Doyle Camera PA: Nolwen Cifuentes Key Grip: Tom Whitehead Best Boy Grip: Mattew Lim Grip: Ivan Acero DIT: Claire Fulton VTR Playback Operator: Kai Morrison Gaffer: Brandon Musselman Swing: Kevin Kim Editors Assistant: Anna Gerstenfeld After Effects Artists: Matt Detisch Photographers Assistant/BTS: David English Special thanks to: Diesel, i-D Magazine, Bloc Agency, Connect The Dots, Bonch and all our incredible dancers and their managers.
Talent A - Arabesque: Morgan Quinn B - BGirl: Bgirl Terra C - Chicken Noodle Soup: Terence Dickson D - Death Drop: Nick Lanzisera E - East Coast Swing: Yani Marin & Nathan Kim F - Finger-Tut: John 'Pnut' Hunt G - Grand Jeté: Julia Cinquemani H - Harlem Shake: Amanda Meade-Tatum I - Indian Bhangra: Reshma Gajjar J - Jumpstyle: Høps K - Krump: Jigsaw L - Liquid Dance: Phillip 'Pacman' Chbeeb M - Memphis Jookin’: Lil' Buck N - Northern Soul: Levanna McLean O - OMG: Anthony 'Lil' Bob' Cabaero P - Pole: Nicole ‘The Pole’ Williams Q - Questionable: Reid Shapiro R - Rumba: Emily & Junior Alabi S - Step: ‘SoulSteps’ Maxine Lyle, Dionne Norton & Heather DeLeon T - Twerk; ‘TwerkTeam’ Mizz Twerksum & Lady Luscious U - Ultimate: Shofu Tha Beatdown V - Vogue Hands: Javier Madrid of the ‘House of Ninja’ W - Whine Ya’ Waist: Colleen Craig X - Xpress Yourself: Ryan Heffington Y - YMCA: Allison Chu Z - Turf FeinZ: Gary Morgan aka Noh-justice, Donald Brooks aka Torch, Eric Bossett aka Kidd Strobe, Rayshawn Thompson aka Looney2smooth, Byron Vincent Sanders Jr. aka T7, Leon M. Williams aka Mann.
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July 8, 1972 - Joan at a fundraiser in Miami.
#1970s#1972#Joan Kennedy#Joan Bennett Kennedy#Fundraiser#Arthur B. Krim#John Y. Brown Jr.#Alan King#Miami#The Kennedys#Kennedy
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Post-AGT Appearance 1229: The Max Kellerman Show WCMI 1340 am November 25
Soon after the announcement someone would add some of my jokes related to John Y. Brown, jr. The only person to quote any of them would be Max Kellerman, host of a show from 2 to 4 pm weekdays on WCMI, 1340 am in Kentucky, a sports station.
Kellerman: Welcome back to the Max Kellerman Show. You all know Kentucky is mourning the death of John Y. Brown, past owner of Kentucky Fried Chicken and 3 sports teams. How many of you remember the first sports franchise he owned? It was the Kentucky Colonels of the ABA way back in the 70s? How many of you attended any of their games? Well, there’s a comedian named Phil Cole. On the death of John Y. Brown the other day he said this:
(He quotes the statement from the last post as written.)
Kellerman: Now he added some John Y. Brown jokes he’s told over the years and this one I’d like your comments about. It says:
PBC: John Y. Brown owned the Kentucky Colonels. As with KFC, he was cheap with the ingredients. When you ordered popcorn all you got was the kernels.
Kellerman: So did any of you buy popcorn at a Kentucky Colonels game and how was it?
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Blow Us All Away | Philip Hamilton (Chapter 3)
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11)
‘Dinner With The Hamilton’s’
"Philip Hamilton, where on earth have you been?!" Eliza asked, her face practically red from anger. Behind her, Y/N could see, two young boys carrying around plates, a small toddler sitting patiently at a table, while Angelica was in the kitchen, "Your sister came home two hours ago, telling me that you abandoned her in the city!"
"That's a little strong," Philip mumbled.
"Then you bring guests over at the last minute?" she yelled, gesturing to Y/N.
"Philip, if it's too much trouble I can leave," Y/N suggested quietly.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" Eliza practically screamed.
The house was silent for a second, before Philip spoke up, "Ma... this is Y/N. Y/N L/N."
Eliza's face paled and tears began to fill her eyes.
Y/N, not knowing what to do in the situation, instinctively held her hand out for Eliza to shake, "It's a pleasure to-"
Y/N was cut off by Eliza as he pulled her into a hug.
Y/N still had no idea what to do, which resulted in her hugging Eliza back just as tight.
"Mom?" Philip coughed, trying to get her attention.
"Oh, right," she said with a sniffle as she pulled away, "sorry."
"Oh, it's fine." Y/N reassured kindly.
Eliza smiled, before shaking Y/N's hand, "Elizabeth Hamilton, pleasure to meet you."
Y/N smiled ear to ear, "Likewise."
The two of them walked inside and began helping the rest of the kids with dinner, when Eliza spoke up, "Kids, this is Y/N, she's a... family friend of mine, and she's having dinner with us."
Y/N gave an awkward smile as the two young boys ran up to her excitedly.
"Hi!" one of them shouted happily, while the other gave a shy smile.
"This is Alexander Jr." Philip introduced, placing a hand on top of Alex's head. He had dark brown hair pulled into a ponytail, and large, dark eyes. Alex grinned, but lowered his head to get away from his older brothers hand.
Then Philip rested his hand on the younger boys head, who didn't have as big of a reaction to it, "This is James." Despite the age, James was taller than Alex, and had light, shoulder length, brown hair.
Philip turned around to the toddler who was seated at the table, "And this is John." John only giggled at his introduction, which Y/N found adorable beyond description.
As if on cue, Angelica walked into the room, placing a bowl of vegetables on the table, "And you know Angelica." Philip finished, once again placing his hand on her head.
Y/N let out a small laugh and nodded.
Philip then turned toward Y/N, about to place his hand on her hand, before it was slapped away by said woman, "Alex, James, John, this is Y/N."
"Hi Y/N!" (if you have a R sound in your name, it's your lucky day) John greeted, waving his chubby arms happily.
"Great! You've all met," Philip cut Y/N off, "Let's go help with dinner."
Y/N rolled her eyes at Philip, but obliged none the less.
Alex, John, Angelica Philip and Y/N were setting the table, when curiosity got the better of the third Hamilton child, "Why do you dress like a boy?"
Philip was wide-eyed, worried at how Y/N would react, though to his surprise, Y/N smiled.
She was used to questions like that before, especially from children, so she just answered with, "I just feel more comfortable like this."
"Cool." Alex and John whispered, making Y/N chuckle.
"I wish I got a response that nice." Philip mumbled.
"You pushed me over, man. You set the tone for the conversation. It was a mean tone." Y/N shot back, earning a gasp from the boys.
"You pushed her?!" Alex asked.
"Philip!" John gasped.
"Have you no respect?!"
"How are we related?"
"You have a mother!"
"Guys, guys, calm down," Philip pleaded as Y/N and Angelica just held back her laughs, "I didn't mean to push her! Besides, we both fell over, and it was an-"
"Oh, sure!" Alex cut Philip off, "You're the victim!" he continued yelling as John just looked like he was praying.
In all the chaos, Eliza burst out of the kitchen with a steaming pot in her hands, "Dinner’s ready!"
They all happily crowded around the table, everyone taking their seats.
Eliza sat at the head of the table, to her right was Angelica. Next to Angelica was Y/N, then Philip. To Eliza's left was John, next to John was James and Alex. There was an empty seat opposite to Eliza, who Y/N thought was reserved for their father who hadn't come out yet.
Eliza sighed, “Your father should be out soon!” she said rather passive aggressively, her voice growing louder with every word.
Y/N and the Hamilton's - minus Alexander - continued eating the dinner Eliza had made, when suddenly a figure came downstairs. Y/N was the only one who noticed them though. They wore a green suit, had shoulder length hair and dark bags under their eyes. When Y/N and the figure made eye contact, the figure spoke up, very confused as to why a dirty cross dressed girl was eating with his family.
”Who’s this?” He asked, his voice tired and confused.
”Alexander, you came down,” Eliza announced, “I forgot to tell you about our guest.”
Eliza turned to Y/N, gesturing for her to introduce herself, “Oh, um, my names Y/N.”
“Y/N L/N.” Eliza added, tears filling her eyes once again.
Alexander stood there wide eyed in shock, before whispering, “L-L/N?”
Though he was barely audible, Y/N heard and gave a smile at him, “Nice to meet you sir-WOAH!”
Alexander sprinted over to Y/N and picked her up, holding her in the tightest hug, almost tighter than Eliza's hug.
”You Hamilton's really are huggers aren’t you?” Y/N asked with a laugh.
After that was said, Alexander awkwardly let go of Y/N, “Sorry about that, I just…” he trailed off, tears filling his eyes, “You’re father was a very close friend of mine, but we got separated after the war.”
Y/N nodded, “It’s ok, sir. My father’s said lots about you. Well… mainly just drunken rants… but he was very passionate when he did.”
Alexander’s smile faded, “I-I’m sorry about what happened to him.”
”Thank you sir.”
Philip furrowed his brows at Y/N and his father, confused as to what he meant by that. ‘What happened that Y/N didn’t tell him?’ That was the question going through his mind. Though though only just met today, both of them had a feeling they would be close for a long time.
“Please, call me Alexander.” he offered, much to everyone’s surprise.
”Tha-thanks, sir-Alexander.” she stuttered, very surprised at the whole situation.
As the night wore on, Y/N suddenly realized she had to go back to her… house.
”Well, thank you for the dinner Mrs. Hamilton, but I should really get going.” Y/N announced, standing up from her seat.
”Already?” Eliza asked, “Are you sure, dear, it’s no trouble if you wanted to stay the night.”
”Oh no, I’m ok thank you.”
Eliza sent Philip a look, before he awkwardly stood up from his seat, “Uh, would you like me to… walk you home?”
Y/N‘s eyes widened, but she quickly tried to cover it up, “S-sure, sure. If you want to..." she replied nonchalantly.
"Great." Philip said, giving Y/N a smile. Of course it was impossible for Y/N to not smile back, resulting in the two of them smiling like idiots in the middle of the dining room.
Y/N felt butterflies erupt in her stomach when they smiled at each other, 'He really does have the cutest smile,' she thought, not even realizing her heart was practically thumping out of her chest, 'Though John's is probably cuter.'
'How does she always look so gorgeous?' Philip thought as he kept smiling, 'Jesus, I haven't even known her for one day and she's already got me helpless,'
The two didn't even notice the looks they were getting from the rest of the Hamilton family. Alexander and Eliza giving each other a knowing smirk, Angelica looked like she was over the moon but was holding back a laugh, Alex and James were giggling together, while James never looked more confused.
"You two alright there?" Angelica asked through laughs.
Y/N felt a deep blush creep on her face as her and Philip jumped away from each other, "Uh, y-yeah." Y/N stammered.
"We-we're good."
Once the two narrowly escaped an awkward conversation with Philip's whole family, they made it outside, the cool air hitting their faces.
"That was fun." Y/N announced, before the two burst out laughing. It was one of those moments you have with a friend where every word one of you says is hilarious.
The two continued to walk the streets of New York city, laughing together at the stupidest of things.
"And then, James and Alex burst into my room, looking scared as ever, they slam the door shut and hide under my bed. So of course I'm confused," Y/N laughed as Philip told the story, " I lean over my bed to see them, and I'm like, 'Guys what's going on?' and James is like, shaking so much, when Alex says, 'You never saw us.' So I sit back on my bed, still confused, when Angie storms into my room. I see her and I just whisper, 'Well shit.'"
"What'd the boys do to her?" Y/N asked as she wiped her a tear of laughter from her eye.
"She walks in with a braid of hair in her hand, and her hair on her head is just a frizzy mess."
"No!" Y/N gasped.
Philip nodded as the two burst out laughing once again, "She stares at me, dead in the eye, and whispers, 'Where are they?' And I'm just so scared," Y/N let out a laugh once again at the story, "Because, Angie herself is terrifying, but when she's mad?" Philip paused, shivering to prove a point, "So I just shrug and say, 'Who?' And she just stares at me for a second, before she freaking dives underneath my bed!"
With that, the two were sent into hysterics, laughing their stomachs sore without a care in the world.
"Holy shit," Y/N whispered through laughs, "No offense, but your siblings are the weirdest people I've ever met."
"Please! That's what I've been saying!" Philip laughed.
Y/N smirked, "Though I see where they get it from. You being the oldest, and all."
Y/N just gave a nod, before walking up to a street sign.
"Well, here it is." Y/N announced with a smile as Philip walked up to her.
Philip looked at Y/N, then up at the street sign, "Y/N this is just a street."
"Yeah! I live in this street." Y/N added as if it were obvious.
"Oh," realization dawned on Philip, though he was still confused, "So your house is down this street?"
Y/N's smile faded, "Yeah..." she mumbled, placing her hands in the pockets of her pants.
Philip placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder, "Y/N, you're not... homeless... are you?"
”No, no, no I have a… house, but it’s just not the best." she mumbled, looking down at the ground.
"And you don't want me to see?" Philip asked.
He didn't get an answer, but he continued, "You think I'll think of you differently?"
Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair, "It's just... people first meet me, an-and I'm just the crazy crossdresser to them. And you're the first person who looks past that... so... if you see my house... it's just gonna put me in even more of a box, and-"
"Y/N," Philip cut her off, "I don't think I could ever look at you badly. You don't have to show me your house if you don't want to. But I want you to know that it won't change the way I see you."
"And how do you see me?" Y/N asked.
Without hesitation, Philip answered, "You're amazing Y/N. You're the bravest woman I've ever met. And I know we only just met today, but-"
"Philip," Y/N cut him off. Y/N had Philip's full attention, yet said nothing.
"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to interrupt you like you did me." she answered with a smile.
"So... thanks for today. And the bread. And the dinner. And the nice speech. I don't think I've ever laughed and smiled that much in my whole life."
Philip smiled again, butterflies swarming in his stomach, "M-me too, Y/N."
Y/N smiled back, "Good night, Philip."
"Till we meet again, Y/N."
Suddenly, a rush of unearned confidence rushed over Y/N, as she placed a quick kiss on Philip's cheek, "Till we meet again."
With that, she ran home.
#philip hamilton#Philip Hamilton x reader#Philip Hamilton fanfiction#Hamilton#hamilton musical#hamilton fanfic#angelica hamilton#elizabeth schuyler#alexander hamilton#hamilton fanfiction#philip hamilton fanfic
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