#John Hancock x oc
ohhyperbola · 7 months
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Recent Hancocks.
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ghouls-and-chems · 3 months
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John Hancock (Fallout 4) x Sole Survivor OC Fanfic
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you are responsible for the content you consume. This work of fiction is intended for those that are 18+.
John Hancock x Female Sole Survivor, John Hancock x Sole survivor OC, Fluff, Slow Burn, Angst, Mystery, Slight Alternate universe, Violence, Mature language, Smut. (this will be updated as I continue to write this)
Having survived 3 weeks on the surface, Bonnie Labelle finds herself in GoodNeighbor looking for answers to her awakening in a Vault. She has no memory of what happened just before she entered the Vault or even the start of the war. And she herself is shocked by her skills when surviving. The mayor of GoodNeighbor is just as shocked and intrigued by how she’s survived this long.
Authors Note:
Hallo! This is a bit of an alternate universe fic where the sole survivor was cryogenically frozen, but not with their family. My character does not have a son or husband in this fic. The conditions and reasoning for the vault she was placed in will be revealed as the story progresses. I hope you enjoy it! I’m just having some fun writing about the beef jerky man. Yanno how it is. 💀
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The sound of gunshots could be heard in the distance as the girl dove behind a crumbled building.
Her hair was a mess, the dress she wore was tattered and dirty. Her face stained with blood. She’d already forgotten what kill it came from. Her legs littered with cuts and bruises.
She huffed as she swung her rifle over the crumbled wall and took aim at a raider in the distance.
Her shot rang out loud, and the raider’s body flew back and onto the floor now missing his head. Now she could continue her journey in peace.
This was Bonnie’s 3rd week in the wasteland since she left the vault she awoke from cryogenisis in.
Her mind was more jumbled than she felt it should have been. Having no recollection of much. Some stuff was coming back in pieces. She remembered the ongoing war.
But that’s when things get hazy. She never even remembered entering the vault or the bombs dropping. Or where her family was. If they entered with her. Documents in the vault provided no help. There were just dead bodies. Luckily there were weapons.
But The biggest question she had was why she was still alive. All the other pods failed.
Yet here she was. A woman who looked like she had stepped out of a pre-war magazine. Her black wavy hair was now much more disheveled but still looked cleaner than most. Her skin, soft and smooth, with hardly any impurities. At least none that the wasteland could take credit for. No missing limbs. She stuck out like a sore thumb and so far it had proved to be a huge problem.
She learned quick not to trust just anyone.
As she walked she kept her guard up. Trying to stay out of sight for the most part. Some settlers she stayed with said there was a memory Den in the Goodneighbor settlement.
At first she assumed it was for drugs. But upon further explanation she realized it may just be a tool she needed to find out why her memories from just before the vault were so scrambled.
Her pip boy indicated the coordinations were close. She hummed to herself when she finally noticed a sign reading “ Good neighbor” and an arrow pointing toward a short alleyway.
Sure enough the bright neon sign came into view. She had made it. And it wasn’t a rumor.
She smiled to herself as she took a breath.
I’d do well to blend in and gain trust.
She thought to herself before observing her tattered dress. A forest green cocktail dress she found in her old home just outside the vault. It was better than the hospital-like gown she wore when she woke up.
She’d managed to strap some armor to her limbs for better protection. And pinned her hair up with stray Bobby pins. While she looked like she’d been through hell and back to someone from the old world, someone from the new world would know she had not been around on the surface very long.
She sighed. “ This will have to do.” She grumbled, knowing she was taking a risk with whatever kinds of people were in this town.
She knocked on the door. And after a moment the door opened down a small tunnel into a square.
It wasn’t as busy as she thought it would be.
She walked forward taking in the sights of a civilization that hadn’t totally crumbled. Shops. Shop keepers. People smoked as they carried on their business.
Like the world didn’t end.
“ Hey doll. You new to Goodneighbor?” A scruffy voice grumbled in front of her suddenly.
She hesitantly took a step back. “ Oh…” she stumbled her words.
“ You look like the kinda dame that could use insurance.” He grinned. “ Lucky for you, I happen to provide. So what do you say?”
“ Insurance?” Bonnie said in slight disbelief with a small scoff. “ Didn't think insurance would be worth anything now.” She commented.
“ You saying my services ain’t up to par?” He growled suddenly.
Bonnie tensed as her eyebrows narrowed. “ I never said that. You inferred it. I don’t want trouble. So I’ll just be on my way—“ she said, trying to step around him. Only for him to step into her path again.
“ Well maybe I want trouble.” He growled looking her up and down. The way he gazed over her sent a shiver down her spine.
“ Whoa Finn. That ain’t no way to treat a new guest.” A low voice sounded from the alleyway. She looked to see a man, lighting a cigarette as he exited the shadows.
His boots stomped against the pavement with Rhythm. His hat covered most of his face as he lit his cigarette. Bonnie noted he looked almost like a colonial soldier. It felt like he stood out more than her in that outfit.
As he finished lighting his cigarette he looked up and the hair on the back of her neck stood up.
“ Much less, A Lady.” He murmured as a cloud smoke drifted over his face.
His face.
It looked as if it was decaying. His eyes black as the void. No nose. Almost like a skeleton.
For a moment she cursed herself for entering.
What is this man? What is this place? Why was everyone reacting so normally to his appearance? He looks like the creatures I’ve had to kill just to get here.
Her thoughts rambled as he approached the man who was harassing her.
“ Knock it off with that extortion crap, Finn. This guest just got here. And you’re already mouthing off?”
Finn turned to him and scoffed. “ Fine. Just remember you won’t be mayor for long Hancock.”
Hancock chuckled as he eyed the young woman Finn was attempting to extort. He looked her up and down. She most definitely did not belong here.
“ Come on now. There’s no need to get so hostile.” He said with a grin turning back to Fin. He reached his arm to pat his shoulder. “ It’s me we’re talking about.”
Bonnie relaxed seeing this interaction was calming down.
A bit too soon, as she jumped back when Hancock pulled a knife out from behind him and stabbed Fin to death with no remorse or hesitation.
“ This wasn’t the first time I’ve told you to knock off that extortion crap.” He huffed. “ You’re breaking my heart.” He grumbled as he pulled his cigarette out of his mouth exhaling the smoke.
Slowly, he turned to the woman standing with a look of surprise on her face.
He grinned and stepped over Finn’s body holding his hand out.
“ Hello there, Miss. I apologize for this idiot’s behavior.” He chuckled. “ Welcome to Good Neighbor.”
She stared at him, unsure if she really could trust him.
She slowly extended her hand and shook his. His skin was rough. And his handshake firm.
“ I’m John Hancock.” He said with a smirk. “ The mayor of Goodneighbor. Who might you be?”
“ Someone who is shocked that a person up here still introduces themselves with words and not a weapon.” She laughed nervously.
The ghoul picked up on it and chuckled warmly. Attempting to tone down the theatrics a bit.
“ I’m .. Bonnie.” She said, offering a small smile.
“ Well, Bonnie. Sounds… and looks, like you aren’t from here. You a vault Dweller?” He asked, shoving one hand into his pocket while the other held his cigarette.
“ … I think so?” She said with a small shrug. “ That’s… a long story all on its own and it’s part of the reason I ended up here.” She attempted to explain. Her brow furrowed as she started to notice something wasn’t right.
Her stomach was turning and her head was pounding. The vision of the man before her was becoming blurry and slow.
Hancock tilted his head curiously. “ You uh… you okay? You’re looking a little.. pale…” he commented.
“ I’m fine..” she said breathlessly trying to stabilize her vision.
“ I just—“ she started to trail off as she slowly lost consciousness falling to the floor.
Hancock sprung to her aid, barely catching her in time. He knelt down, holding her over his knee, carefully.
“ Whoa there!” He said in concern. “ Hey you’re alright.. have you been hurt..? Damn it..” he murmured, looking her body over.
A shop keep rushing out to assist. “ If she ain’t from up here, I wouldn't doubt it’s the rads.” she commented.
Hancock nodded. “ Daisy, be a doll and bring some rad-away to the statehouse. Some food too. Let’s get our guest back on her feet.” He said as he stood up, holding bonnie’s body as he carried her inside.
He entered with the unconscious woman in his arms while his aid, Fahrenheit stared in confusion.
“ Who’s that?” she asked sitting up from the couch to allow Hancock to rest the stranger.
“ Still waiting to hear.” Hancock chuckled as he adjusted his hat. “ She came in, Finn attempted to extort her, and she passed out. Think it might just be rads.”
Fahrenheit scoffed. “ Well she already looks like the perfect target for some extortion… I thought all the vault dwellers were dead.” She chuckled taking a hit of her cigarette.
“ Well there’s a first time for everything, I guess.” Hancock murmured as he observed the woman. She was average height. Clear clean skin, only roughed up with some scratches and bruises. Most definitely from the wasteland.
More questions flooded his mind as he wondered where she came from, why she was here, and if she was from a vault, why leave it for this wasteland?
Daisy arrived with what Hancock ordered and helped inject the Rad-Away. As well as a stimpack. Within minutes the color started coming back to her face.
As her eyes slowly opened she stared directly up at the battered wooden ceiling. The room was stuffy. Her surroundings smelled like she was in an old museum of some sort. She could hear distant voices. And feel a draft.
She still felt dizzy as she tried to remember what she was doing.
“ Morning, Sunshine.” Hancock said sitting in the couch across from her.
She slowly sat up as she remembered everything. Her face slowly turned to meet his. The skeleton looking man who called himself Mayor.
“ What happened?” She asked, her guard raising back up. If he wanted to hurt her he could. She could see armed men standing just outside the office. So there was no true escape.
“ Seemed to just be some radiation poisoning. But no worries. Daisy fixed you all up.” he said with a warm smile.
“ Oh…” She murmured. “ Daisy?” She asked.
“ A shop keep. She brought you some food and water as well” He said nonchalantly gesturing to a plate of noodles and a can of clean water.
“ Now, where were we… Oh right…” he snapped his fingers as he remembered, sitting up with curiosity.
“ so What’s your story?” he asked with a small grin.
“ You're clearly not from the surface.” he chuckled. “ That makes you mighty vulnerable. And If I’m honest I'm shocked you’ve made it this long.”
“ You and me both.” She scoffed and sighed. She met his gaze again before looking away.
Hancock raised an eyebrow staring at her in silence for a few seconds. Each second felt like an eternity for her. Wondering if he was going to lunge at her like the other creatures in the wasteland.
“ You scared?” he suddenly asked softly and stood up.
She looked up and watched him walk around the coffee table to stand directly in front of her, bending down to meet her at eye level.
The hair on the back of her neck stood up, and her blood ran cold.
“ I’d imagine someone like you has never met a ghoul before.” He chuckled.
She stayed silent and simply shook her head.
“ I won’t hurt you. I’m just like you.” He explained slowly before reaching for her hand and slowly bringing it to his chest.
Her heart pounded faster with fear. As her hand touched the fabric of his shirt, she swallowed her nerves to keep calm.
“ you feel that?” He asked softly.
She stared up into his black eyes for a moment before her focus narrowed in on his chest. His heart beat against her hand, just as hers. But definitely more steady.
“ my heart beats just as yours does.” He said gently before taking a breath. “Ive got a good idea what you’ve had to face up here, we all do…. But I won’t hurt ya.”
His black eyes stared at her with a kindness she would have never expected.
“You got my word.”
He said releasing her hand and sitting beside her on the couch, leaning against the back of it, and extending his arms in a relaxed position.
“ So, take all the time you need. And maybe there’s a way we can help you out here.” he said in a gentle and genuine tone.
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Additional Chapters will be posted Here as they are made available:
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germanich · 4 months
Save me, my dancing OTP, save me
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harrowedknight · 7 months
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Replaying fallout 4 rn and i have many gay thoughts about the raspy voiced drug addict
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inkegg · 2 months
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Commission :>
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rattini · 2 months
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Sometimes I simply sit and think about Hancock's hands, just me?
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witch-off · 2 months
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Lazy evenings in bed with a touch of jet
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ptkhnhnsbrt · 3 months
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Commission for @germanich
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[Life’s worth living
When nature’s giving
Happiness to everyone
So let’s go sunning]
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samesquinho · 3 months
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my fave companions ✨
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ohhyperbola · 6 months
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john hancock i will defend you with my life
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ghouls-and-chems · 2 months
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You leave me breathless
Weak in the knees
I'm feeling reckless
Pardon me please
The fallout's blowing through
But baby it's just you
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I just wanted to doodle Hancock with my fallout OC, Bonnie Labelle. I wasn’t sure about adding hair but I really liked the original art concepts 🥰
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germanich · 3 months
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grimoccultist · 1 month
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My NV oc, Montana and Hancock :)
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radioactive-synth · 10 months
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You and me together… this is my kinda freakshow.
I commissioned @redreart for my long-time dream of having a beautiful art of my Sole Survivor, Vaughn Aleksandros Zander, having a sweet tender moment with one of his partners, Hancock. thank you again!
i recommend you check out her commission post!
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rattini · 3 months
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"Hey there little honey, won't you groove? I've been trying all night to dance with you" [ x ]
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