#John 117 imagine
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Master chief x reader - learning new feelings with you
Saw that you would start writing for Master Chief. I finished watching it like a week ago so this is a funny coincidence😂. Maybe a Master Chief (John-117) x reader with this prompt “Did you mean it?” “What?” “When you said you loved me did you mean it?” from your 2024 prompts. So many of the 2024 prompts would be great for him. You don't have to write this if you don't won't to as always of course.( •◡-)-♡ - Anon💜
Sitting at your desk, you flicked through some of the files on the tablet you were holding, taking a sip of your tea that was sat in front of you.
There was a knock on the door and you looked up.
“Come in.” You called.
The door was opened, and you smiled a little bit at the Spartan and your cell doctor who came through the door.
“Miranda, Master Chief, what brings you here?” You asked.
The Spartan took a seat in a chair on the other side of the room, and Miranda walked over to you.
“I’m sorry Doctor, I know you’re very busy but John has been injured, and he refuses medical assistance. I thought maybe you could convince him to get help.”
You nodded, standing up from your desk.
“I’ll see that the chief is safe. Thank you for bringing him here.”
She smiled, heading out of your office and you turned around to John, walking over you took a seat in front of him.
“Why are you refusing medical care Master Chief?”
“I don’t know who I can trust, who I can’t trust.”
You slowly nodded your head.
“You’ve been having an influx of emotions since you removed the pellet from your back, these are emotions you have never felt before so you don’t know how to process them, that’s okay.”
You leant over the table, tapping a finger against the helmet over his head.
“However, refusing medical assistance when it’s needed is not okay. It’s dangerous to put yourself in that situation.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll be the judge of that, may you remove your helmet please? Show me where the injury is.”
John reached up, carefully pulling his helmet off, setting it on the floor next to his foot.
He looked up, his eyes connecting with yours, and you pulled a torch out from your pocket, flashing it over his eyes.
“Follow my finger.”
He did as you said, and you carefully turned his head from side to side to ensure that there was no pain or restriction with his movements.
“You’ll need a few stitches, but otherwise you’ll be fine. I can have somebody from the medical team come up and sort that out.”
You turned around to look at John, setting your tablet back down, showing him that you were listening to what he was saying.
“Do you not want the medical team to do it?”
“Alright, I won’t call for them.”
Walking across your office, you grabbed a first aid box you kept in there and walked back over, taking what you would need out.
John didn’t say anything as you placed your hand on the side of his face, turning it just a little bit so you could work on stitching the wound on the side of his head.
“I hope you know that I’m no medical doctor Chief, so this will be a dodgy job at best.”
“I know.”
You hummed a little bit, remember what you had learnt a long time ago as you fixed up his injury for him.
When you were done, you bagged everything up, took your gloves off and set it all aside, sanitising your hands.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yes.” John replied.
You turned around to look at him.
“Do you feel you can trust me?”
“Because I would like to know why you refuse medical attention, why Miranda brought you here to see me.”
John clasped his hands together, leaning his head down to run his hands over it, letting out a small breath.
You didn’t pressure him, you simply walked back over to sit in front of him once more.
He looked up at you, and you gave him a reassuring smile.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to tell me of you don’t want to, okay? I’m not here to force you into anything you don’t want okay? Remember this is a safe place.”
“I need to go.”
“Alright, that’s okay. If you do want to talk though just come and see me, my door is always open for you.”
He nodded his head, picked up his helmet and left, and you walked back to your desk.
You had a good idea as to why he decided to come to you instead.
After touching the object they had found, he’d glad glimpses of what you believed were memories, he’d learned he was stolen away from his family.
He wasn’t very trusting after finding out it was the very same doctor whom been with him and the pet her Spartans this whole time.
The only constant thing he had right now was you and the other Spartans, he had demanded to see your file to make sure you weren’t in on it as well, and you showed him.
You never hid anything from him.
So, if you had to guess, he was a little more trusting of you than any of the other doctors, and he felt more comfortable with you than the people who were usually poking and prodding at him after missions if he was hurt.
You had a few sessions with some of the marines, spending some times with them, talking to them and listening to their concerns or fears.
As late afternoon came around, you were walking around your office to stretch your legs, and there was a knock on your door before it opened.
You hummed, turning around, smiling at John as he came back through.
“How can I help?”
He quietly closed the door, standing to attention, hands clasped behind his back as if he were reporting to a supervisor.
“You seem to make sense of things when nobody else can. I don’t understand what’s happening to me.”
“Let’s take a seat and have a talk, yeah?”
He sat down, and you sat down opposite him.
He began to explain everything to you, sometimes pausing to find the right words or think about what he was saying.
He didn’t say much, and he stopped speaking to look at you.
“Do you understand what it is?” He asked.
“I do, yes. When we’re young we are taught how to handle our emotions, process them. Our parents teach us first, how to appropriately react to emotions. Does that make sense?”
John shook his head.
“Well, when I was a kid when I was angry I used to break things or throw things. My mom gave me a cup of water, but I was angry because she wouldn’t give me my favourite snack, so I threw the cup and broke it.”
John furrowed his brows a little bit.
“Over a snack?”
You laughed a little bit.
“Kids will do anything for their favourite snacks.”
You smiled at him.
“My mom put me in time out while she cleaned it up, then she came over, explained to me when I was angry I should never throw things, or hit people. When you’re angry you shouldn’t speak to people, and you should never go to bed angry.”
He slowly nodded his head.
“Our teachers continue these teachings, the grown ups in our lives help us learn about this emotions, how to handle them and how to process them. You never had that option, you had your emotions taken away from you.”
“Kai seems to be adjusting…”
“Kai is deflecting, Kai is finding things to occupy herself, but there will come a time where she will be forced to face the emotions she doesn’t know about yet. Grief, loss, pain, you’ll experience them as well.”
John raised his gaze from his hands to look at you.
“It’s hard to point which emotion it is you’re feeling, but if I had to guess I would assume perhaps anger, and confusion mixed into one.”
“What do I do? How do I make it go away?”
You gave him a sad smile.
“You can’t make them go away, you can push them down, but one day you will need to process them. There are different ways to doing this, and I can guide you, but I can’t process them for you, this needs to be something you do yourself.”
“What do I do?”
Getting up, you walked over to your desk and picked up a bit of paper, walking back over to him and you sat down next to him.
You were much smaller than he was, even sitting next to him on the couch it was clear that you were smaller than him.
You held it out to him and he took it.
“I keep this list for anybody who needs help figure out how to process their emotions. It’s a list of things that may help you. From going to the gym, writing letters, then there’s taking a step back from your current situation, go for a walk, find somewhere quiet to sit and just be you.”
“What do you do?”
“Well, I wait until the weekends, then I leave reach, and I go for a hike nearby. Around this time of year there’s my favourite place where all the flowers are in bloom, and I just sit there, sometimes I read, other times I just listening to the birds. I enjoy the escape of nature.”
John nodded his head, setting the paper down on his table.
“I decided to come here because I trust you.” He said quietly.
You smiled softly.
“Well, I’m glad you can. But Chief?”
You turned his head down to look at you.
“Next time please go to medical, it could be something serious. If you don’t like going there, you can get somebody to call for me and I’ll come with you, alright?”
You smiled softly at him, placing a hand on his arm, patting it a few times.
“Because you trust me, if that means I have to come to medical with you to make sure they don’t run any unnecessary tests, and make sure you’re alright I’ll do that.”
He nodded, and you got up, making your way back to your desk to put the paper away.
“Spartans were conditioned to only bond with other Spartans.” John said.
You looked over at him.
“I… don’t understand how to interact with other people.”
“That’s alright, you can learn if you want to. I’ll be going to my hike tomorrow if you would like to come along, I think it may help you.”
Taking another slip of paper, you wrote down a time and a place and walked over, handing it to him.
“I’ll be here, I’ll wait around for you, but you can find me there every weekend.”
He nodded, taking it from you and he left without another word.
The following day, just like you said, you waited for John, and he turned up a few minutes later, dressed in his work out uniform.
He usually wore it under his suit, so it made sense as to why he was wearing it now, they were most likely the only clothes he owned aside from his armour.
“How long does it take to get there?”
“Not long, we’ll need to stop to buy some water first.”
He nodded his head, following you to the shop, and you grabbed a couple of bottles of water, along with some food for lunch, paid for them and put them in your bag.
You and John made your way there, and you began walking the trail you walked every weekend.
“You can call me (Y/N), we’re not at the office. We’re friends right?”
You smiled brightly.
“Well, you come by my office enough to not be friends at this point. I’ve never had somebody willingly come to my office so many times.”
He stayed quietly for a few moments, just searching around the trial.
He was looking around for threats, you knew that.
“How do I know what emotions are what?”
“Well, it depends on the person I suppose. And the emotion, take love for example, there are different kinds. Parental love, the love between a person and their parental figure, or parent and child. Then there’s plutonic love, the bond between friends, then you have romantic love, the love, the connection between two people who want to spend the rest of their their lives together.”
“How do you know the difference?”
You stopped walking, crouching down to look at some blue flowers that were blooming from the grass.
John knelt next to you to look at what you were looking at.
“Well, you have a plutonic love for the other Spartans, you’ll protect them, but just because you have to, but because they’ve essentially become your family.”
You looked up at him.
“Parental love, I’m not to sure how you’ve experienced that if you have. As a child I know you would have, and in time perhaps that’ll come back to you.”
You stood up, carrying on your walk, shifting the bag on your back and little uncomfortably.
John placed a larger hand on your shoulder, and he held his other hand out to you.
Taking the bag from your back you passed it over to him, letting him swing it over his shoulder.
“Thanks, it was getting a little heavy.” You laughed.
“Do you always bring so much?”
“Not always, but there’s two of us this time.”
“I’m sorry if I inconvenienced you.”
“Hey, come on chief, don’t say that. You’re never an inconvenience.”
John glanced at you.
“Why do you call me chief?”
“What would you prefer me to call you?”
He thought for a moment.
“I will call you (Y/N), only if you call me John.”
You smiled brightly up at him.
“Alright John.”
You carried on walking, every so often stopping to admire something and John would just stand there was stare at you.
He watched you carefully, not able to fully relax, put that sense that there was always a threat behind him.
As you reached a fork in the path, you took the one to the left, and soon enough you were surrounded by trees in full bloom, a sea of pink and white petals all over.
You walked to the middle and sit down, resting your hands behind you as you looked around.
“Why do you stop to look at everything?”
John sat in front of you, setting the bag between the pair of you.
“Well, it’s always important to take time to admire things you consider beautiful, for me, I find beauty in nature, the simple things that are all around us. I love it.”
John nodded a little.
“You never told me about romantic love. What is that like?”
“Well, again it’s different for everybody.”
“What is it for you?”
You were curious about his sudden curiosity about feelings, because the whole time since he removed his pellet he hadn’t shown much interest around them.
“John, can I ask why you’re suddenly curious?”
“Miranda says I love somebody. I don’t understand what that means.”
“Ah, I see. Well, for me it’s the little things that somebody does, what they like, the way they laugh, or the way they might make a small noise when they stretch. For me it’s about all the little things, not the big gestures. I don’t care about them, I’d take flowers over expressive dinner, walks instead of going to shows or things like that.”
John nodded his head.
He just sat there studying you, his eyes solely focused on you, watching your every move.
There was a reflection of the flowers in your eyes, and a warmth in your smile.
“How do I know if I love somebody?”
“Well, you could experience a need or want to be with this person, be next to them at all times. You’ll want to learn everything about them, it could be a tightness in your chest when you see them, a need to protect them. There’s a lot of different tells.”
“What do I do?”
You smiled.
“You could tell them, ask them on a date.”
John nodded his head, watching as you got up from where you were sat.
Walking over to one of the trees you stood under one of them, looking up through the blooming flowers.
John got up, walking after you and he stood behind you.
He watched your pointless attempt to try and reach them, there was no way you could teach them, but he could, so he reached up and took one of the flowers, giving it to you.
He enjoyed the close proximity to you, he didn’t know much about anything other than fighting, but he knew he liked having you nearby. He had an urge to keep you safe, and he liked seeing you smile.
“I love you.”
You snapped your eyes to him, head tilted back as you stared at him in pure shock.
John stared right back at you, his soft gaze focused solely on you, neither of you saying a work.
He turned around, and you did the same thing, stepping from behind his larger frame.
“We have to go now.” Kai said.
John nodded his head, turning around to look at you.
“I’m sorry, I have to go. Please let me know you have returned home safely.”
You slowly nodded, just watching d he jogged away but you couldn’t get the thought out of your head of what he said.
Technically there was nothing wrong with anything going on between the pair of you as he wasn’t a formal patient you were simply doing a friend a favour by helping him.
You had to admit you did like his presence there, and you had wondered about if Spartans dated, held relationships and such.
You didn’t see John for a good few weeks, but the moment he was back after his debrief he made his way to your office and knocked on the door before walking in.
“Master chief?”
He frowned a little.
“I prefer it when you say my name. It sounds different when you say it.”
“Sorry John, what brings you by? Shouldn’t you be resting?”
“I wanted to see you.”
This made you smile, and you set down some of the books you were holding in your hands.
John walked over, he seemed to reach out for your hand but he hesitated.
“I would like to go on a date with you, but I don’t know how to do that.”
“Can I ask you something first?”
He nodded his head, and you reached out, holding his larger hand between your smaller ones.
You had to look up in order to look at him, his head turned down a little bit so he could look at you.
“Did you mean it?”
You took a small breath.
“When you said you loved me did you mean it?”
“Yes. What you described is how I feel when I am around you, I want to explore this feeling, experience it with you. You see me for me, as John, not as master chief, even though you refer to me as master chief.”
You laughed softly, he enjoyed that sound.
“I’ll call you John from now on then.”
John studied you.
“Can you lean down?”
He complied, curiosity in his eyes.
Leaning forward, you pressed a very careful kiss to his cheek.
“Lets start slowly, a coffee date, get to know each other. You’re still learning about yourself, we don’t want to overwhelm you.”
He nodded his head, looking at his hands surrounded in yours, and he realised he had never known such a gentle and careful touch.
He enjoyed the different feelings he had around you, and he wanted to learn more about them, more about you
#halo#halo x reader#halo x you#halo imagine#halo the series#master chief#master chief x reader#master chief x you#master chief imagine#John 117#John 117 x reader#John 117 x you#John 117 imagine
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OKIE, HI LOVE, I'm so excited. I would like to request Touch-starved! John. John, who didn't realize how it felt to be loved. John, who didn't know how nice it felt to be wanted for being just him. John, who's never had a hug in his life, stiffing when his partner gave him a hug before realizing how comforting it was. John, who doesn't know how to hug his partner back and is scared he'll hurt them.
Okay i love this idea so much. YOUR MIND CONTINUES TO AMAZE ME. Because John would TOTALLY be like this at first. Love touch-starved!John. For some reason the concept of the song Drops of Jupiter popped into my head when i thought of this John. I hope you enjoy what i threw together, and hope you're doing well <3
Drops of Jupiter
John-117/Master Chief x reader
no warnings, just fluff!
John’s life can really only be measured by statistics, measured quantitatively. From the moment he was found on Eridanus II by Dr. Halsey, his life started to have meaning in the way of numbers. How fast was he growing? How much did he weigh? How much could he lift? Those numbers became one of the most important thing in his life. Besides that, he didn’t have much else to count for. His sole purpose was to train and become the best Spartan II the UNSC has ever seen.
That was until he decided to remove the hormonal pellet, lodged in the center of his lower back, resting in between his spine. Who knew how much power rested in something smaller than a quarter?
This pellet repressed his moods, making sure he was only ever objective, the thought of subjectivity a sin. It also dimmed hormones a normal person experiences in their every day life. Such as, the longing touch of a loved one. Or, the hope to feel accepted by one’s peers. These suppressors were supposed to make the ultimate, elite solider. It was supposed to help aid the Spartan’s on the battle field by making them mission oriented. Act first, ask questions later. As long as the mission was complete and a success, not much else mattered.
At first, John felt disoriented. He felt unbalanced by the new coming of emotions and hormones that spiraled around in his body. There was a crash of emotions washing over his entire body that he forgot he felt before, in a distant past life he wasn’t even sure really existed. It felt rickety, yet exciting. Everything seemed brand new to him. The clouds looked different, the grass brighter, the sun felt warm against his skin. He appreciated the stars that blanketed the sky on a moonless night.
For once, he felt like he completed the orbit around what his life was really about. He finally understood. Life wasn’t just about missions and killing the Covenant. No, there was so much more to it and he finally felt like he touched back home after a long, grueling journey, pulled down by the gravity of the new world he found himself in.
Shortly after his pellet was removed, he met you. You were a linguistic technician that worked closely with many of the people John worked with. You were an expert in Sangheili, which became a hot commodity skill to have in the impending months leading up to the human/Covenant war. John had actually crossed paths with you before, only in passing, but you have met, though not officially.
The day you sat across from him in the cafeteria was Johns’s first encounter with you since feeling different, feeling new. You were already half way seated when you asked, “Mind if I sit here?” John looked up at you, brows furrowed and nodded, but at this point you were already sat down at the table.
“I’d like to pick your brain about something if you don’t mind?” Your sweet voice traveled across to John in the noisy cafeteria and he found himself staring at you for a second before he mentally shook his head. “Sure?” He was still perplexed why you were here sitting with him. Usually no one approached the Spartans unless they were instructed to do so.
“Okay, so I’m in the linguistics department, specifically Sangheili, and I wanted to ask you about the encounters you’ve had with the Sangheili, specifically the higher ranked Sangheili.”
John felt himself slightly smiling at your rambling, but he made sure to hide it from you. He cleared his through them said, “Yeah, I remember you. We met in passing a couple years ago.”
Your eyes widened, “Oh! I didn’t think you’d remember.” This time John made sure you noticed his smile, “Spartans have eidetic memory.”
“Ah, that’s right. Well, that’s good for all the questions I have for you then.” You then proceeded to talk to John about the Sangheili culture and how it related to their patterns of speech for the next two hours, time slipping away, fast through your fingers.
After that, John always felt a pull towards you, seemingly stuck in your orbit. If neither of you were on duty, you’d usually end up going on long walks. John told you about his past, like what it was like being in the Spartan program, and other adventures, like his mission on the Halos. You never interrupted him, and typically had follow-up questions, always curious to learn more about him.
The first time you touched him was when he was explaining how he was taken as a child by Dr. Halsey to be entered into the Spartan program. You rested your hand on his bicep, and your fingers slowly rubbed back and forth in a comforting notion. He at first stiffened, but then soon relaxed under your enchanting touch, longing to feel it again after you left his quarters that night.
He started to see more and more of you, and his feelings slowly and quietly developed into something akin to love, though he was never really sure what that word meant. Not until you. He imagined what love might have been, but could never quantify it since love never dealt in numbers or absolutes. It was abstract, confusing, with no concrete answer to it.
Though all of these new emotions felt confusing at times, John never felt confused by you. You simply loved him, not Master Chief or John-117, just John. Slowly but surely, John felt more comfortable with you, emotionally and also physically. Although Spartans are massive in their stature, people still forget how freakishly strong they actually are. Such as, John can easily flip over a Warthog. So, in dealing with you, he was extra cautious.
The first time you wrapped your arms around his middle in a bone crushing hug, he was worried about hugging back, afraid he would crush you, hurt you. He doesn’t remember ever receiving a hug like that, and he wanted to savor it, and feel it over and over again. Once he realized that he wasn’t going to hurt you, he would always pull you into random hugs through out the day, comforted by your beating heart against his.
John’s life, once measured only in numbers, in quantity, now could be measured by so much more. He was lucky, after all.
#master chief x reader#john 117 x reader#halo master chief x reader#halo master chief imagine#halo master chief request#john 117 request#john 117 imagine#master chief request#master chief imagine#master chief x you#john 117 x you#halo master chief x you#halo john 117 x you#halo john 117 x reader#halo master chief fluff#master chief fluff#halo john 117 fluff#john 117 fluff#fluff#fanfic
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Halo self-insert thought...kinda
Can you imagine John's reaction to finding out his partner became a Spartan-IV when he came back? When he sees them again, they're different yet the same. There is a hardness to them he hasn’t seen before, but when they look at him, they just soften to the person he remembers.
And later, when they're alone, he traces all their new scars and old wounds from battles he knows nothing about. The wound of Cortana being gone is still fresh but now he blames himself for his partner’s suffering too. In his mind, he’s let down two people close to him, regardless of what you tell him. John doesn’t even know how to ask why you did this or how this happened, he just feels so much guilt, like he's to blame for this happening, that he couldn't keep his promise to protect you.
He will do his damn best to reroute orders to have you on Blue team, only to find out you’ve met them and they've been watching your back this whole time and you theirs. Fred just gives you a nod and greeting, saying it's good to see you again and he's glad you're doing well [aka glad you're not dead], Kelly bumps her shoulder against yours affectionately, something she only ever does with her spartans, asking if you're ready to cause trouble and Linda shocks John by giving you a spartan smile on your helmet, which you promptly return. He has no idea who you're asking about when you turn to Fred and wonder about the Ferrets and company, a note of warmth taking hold in your tone.
He finds out it's Kelly who hunted his partner down the moment she heard rumors about you being involved with him and made it her personal mission to watch over you, a mission that Fred and Linda jump aboard instantly without even meeting his partner first. When Fred found out you joined the Spartan IV program, he requested your transfer to Blue team indefinitely and the three had trained you to be the best after them. So that you could survive their world to see John again and he feels his chest constrict when he knows he's the reason you signed yourself up for their world of bloodshed and war.
#I think about this alot#too#something about John being devastated about his partner becoming a spartan#just gets me going and clicking me nails#halo#halo series#john 117#master chief#john 117 x reader#master chief x reader#fred 104#linda 058#kelly 087#blue team#imagine#halo headcanon#headcanon#halo x reader#spartan reader#my writing
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respite | Master Chief
this is the halo discords fault.
@lialacleaf / @embarrassedauthornerd / @empresskadia
His dreams are not kind to him.
It takes a considerable amount of effort to wake up in the middle of the night and not allow the scream building in his throat to break free. To untangle his grip from crumpled sheets, to slow his breathing back to something steady where his heartbeat isn't pounding in his own ears.
His dreams are not kind to him. His ghosts, even less.
You're woken up to screaming.
His adjustment has not been easy since Cortana's disappearance. So much has happened to the Master Chief in so little time, and not a single person onboard this ship has taken the opportunity to give him the time to process it.
You're determined to be the one who helps him do so. It starts off simple, as it did when you first met. Assurances of watching his back and being his partner on the field. Friendly touches on forearms and shoulders, firm nods of confirmation, always looking out for each other.
It had turned into something more when he'd saved you from the Flood.
It had turned into something more for him when you'd saved him from the group of Brute Chieftains just before High Charity had crashed. That's a whole other story for a whole other day.
John trusted you. He trusted you with his life, with himself, and that was not easy to obtain. Having the trust of The Master Chief as both a soldier and a person was like being given his heart and watching it settle into your hands.
A broken, bleeding thing.
You remember the first time he'd actually screamed. It was loud and agonizing and raw, and only hours after Miranda had died. You had maybe two hours tops before you had to activate the Ring. You'd forced him to sleep for said two hours, because he was not going to function well otherwise.
The Arbiter acted as he did not hear it. Dishonorable, he'd said, to look upon a man like that and acknowledge his turmoil.
"Well, your dishonor is our comfort."
You'd entered the room and sat by his side until he calmed down. You didn't touch him, you didn't say a word, but the act of your presence at his side was enough.
You slid his helmet back on and leaned forward to lightly knock your head against it. There is not an ounce of apprehension in your gaze. No. That's confidence.
Confidence in him.
"To war then, Master Chief."
John had come to appreciate that about you. When everyone else was betting on him to lose and the odds were entirely against him, your steady footing and steadfastness were all he needed to keep pushing forward.
He found himself seeking you out more than embracing his elusive nature and isolating to cope with what played behind his eyes when he slept. Miranda's death. Keyes death. Johnsons death. Cortana-
Cortana had taken his willingness to embrace the fight. Having you and her had rejuvenated him. Had given him a purpose that he felt he could successfully fulfill.
Then she was gone. She'd touched him, said those words that would forever be burned into his memory, and she was gone.
John would've been lying if he said he wasn't terrified that the same thing would happen to you.
That's what brought him to this point. Fingers wound tightly enough in the sheets to crumple them beneath his grasps, blue eyes wildly seeking something to anchor to while his heart pounded loudly in his ears. The moonlight fractured against the window to his right, illuminating the bedroom and his body in white as he twisted and turned on the mattress.
He didn't fully emerge from that nightmare until you opened the door.
Vulnerable. You're vulnerable. You are not safe.
"John? Are you alright?"
You haven't moved. He can just barely see you lingering in the darkness of his doorway. You've closed the door behind you on entry, fingers wound around the wall loosely as you wait for an opening to come closer.
He needs to breathe. His chest hurts, and his eyes are on fire, and why are his cheeks wet-
You're sitting beside him in a moment's notice. He can't quite hear what you're saying now, and perhaps he doesn't need to, because all he can feel is the warmth of your hand on his chest and the other curving around his jawline. It's a stark contrast from the bitter cold of death that always seems to linger in his dreams.
He reads your lips instead as the world slowly comes back into focus. You are safe. You are with someone you trust. You are secure. All attributes that the two of you have said about one another. All attributes that caused him to allow himself to be vulnerable, to allow you to see a side of him most people didn't.
His mind shifts backwards to the first time he'd let you remove his helmet. That alone spoke volumes. Most Spartans didn't even let the other members of their fire team remove their helmets, or their armor.
It had been the talk of the Infinity for weeks.
"John." You're still giving him an opportunity to talk, and the way your gentleness and patience is so all encompassing causes the breath he'd lost to slowly come back into his lungs. "What do you need?"
The logical part of his brain knows the answer to that. He needs to win the war. He needs peace of mind. He needs sleep, and food, and Blue. He really misses Blue Team.
What he does not need is to talk about this dream. About the death. About losing you, and how watching you die finally made him wake up to a very simple realization: Losing you was not an option. Losing you could not happen, because he was in love with you, and had been for a while.
His desires had just not allowed themselves to be known when being the face of a war only he could win.
His heart, however, is what wins out in the end. Master Chief Petty Officer Sierra 117 looks up at you and says, "You."
You don't know what that means. For all the time that you and John have been dancing around each other - years, in fact, because you'd resigned yourself to your feelings being one-sided long before this - you never anticipated broken, bleeding fingers shakily reaching out to wrap your own around what is left of his heart.
That is exactly what's on full display right now.
"I don't want to take advantage-"
Your breath catches in your throat as John's hands come to cradle your jaw. It's the first time he's touched you without gloves covering his fingers. It's the first time you've also been able to really see him without the helmet, and he is the most magnificent man you've ever laid eyes on.
You've wondered for years what color his eyes are. It has haunted your dreams, especially whenever the two of you were separated when the Forward Unto Dawn split.
Blue. Such a glorious, deep shade of blue.
"If I didn't want it," He says quietly. "I wouldn't ask."
You slide your knees against the standard UNSC mattress and allow him to, though slowly and hesitantly, take you into his embrace. Menial comforts are not something Spartans are afforded. To be able to take the offer of your comfort, of you, is not something he ever regret doing.
John's head slowly falls into the dip of your shoulder the minute you are in his lap. It's comfortable, and warm, and all you can feel against you is every part of him. It's exactly what you've dreamt of for all the years you've held such deeply rooted feelings for him.
You shiver as his breath fans across your skin. It's intimate. You wonder if picking his head back up to kiss him is too far, but you miss one hundred percent of the risks you don't take.
So you do.
"John," You whisper. "There's never going to be a time where I don't bet on you. You are the one who's gotten us this far, and you're the one who will see us through. I know it. I believe in you."
You watch the knot in his throat bob as he swallows, eyes brightened by the beams of moonlight from outside as you both hesitate.
"Believe in me a little bit longer," His voice is so low that you almost don't hear it, and he's the one who leans forward to follow that desire he has suppressed for is long. "Please."
You nod. Once, twice, three times.
And the moment his mouth catches yours, the safety he has so desperately been seeking since Cortana disappeared finds itself encompassing him within their arms.
For the weary soldier, respite comes in the form of his partner: His compassionate, empathetic, gentle partner who will always be there to watch his six. To fight his demons, to ward away his ghosts.
He would not have it be anyone else.
Only you.
#The Master Chief#The Master Chief x Reader#John-117 x Reader#Halo fan fiction#Halo imagines#halo oneshots
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a short fanfic about Pablo (Romance only)

You both met about a year ago at a comic con, each promoting your series separately.
You already knew each other from afar, and were not indifferent to what the other gave off, but now, it was like love at first sight for each of you.
In the evening you both ended up in his room, the first time you ended up in the bed of a man you had barely met, which shows the effect he has on you.
But that night was just the first of many, because your bodies couldn't do without each other.
And you quickly realized that you had a lot in common, including this love of nature and the great outdoors.
You tried to hide your relationship from the media for a while, but spending time together quickly became a priority, and not just in the bedroom.
Your relationship became official and you decided to live together.
After a few romantic setbacks, you can't believe the speed at which you both move forward.
He is very considerate, attentive, tender in a way you didn't think could exist, and the time spent in bed is so amazing.
You're dizzy, this relationship is almost too good to be true, and yet, every time he looks into your eyes, they tell you that he loves you.
He's crazy about you and keeps telling you so.
Your intimate moments are tender, passionate, and sometimes also wild and ecstatic.
So, this evening, it has been about a year since his eyes met yours and they have never left each other since.
And tonight, you are both invited to this ceremony, for the Emmy Awards.
It's not the first time, but you're a little nervous, and so is he, because this time he has to present one of the awards.
At least that's what you think.
He looks at you intensely, as if he absolutely wanted to memorize this moment and your look, your smile and your look in this long indigo blue dress that suits you so well.
He is dressed all in black, very classy and yet you only want to rip off his suit, because he looks extremely sexy in it.
The ceremony goes as planned, and he slips away to get ready because it will be his turn.
He takes one last look at you before leaving, and his eyes seem to scream that he loves you.
When he arrives on stage, he first looks at you in the audience and smiles at you.
He starts his speech for the award, then suddenly stops, and turns his gaze to you again.
A bit nervous, he then begins another speech, a speech with which, in front of all these people, some of whom are friends, he tells you how much he loves you and knows that you are made for each other.
Your heart starts beating a thousand miles an hour, because you have an intuition.
That's when a little music starts in the room, your favorite song.
And there, approaching the edge of the stage, in front of all these people, he asks you, with tears in his eyes, to marry him, because you are the woman of his life.
And your answer is obviously YES!
He comes up to you, kisses you tenderly, and slips the ring he bought a month earlier on your finger.
#pablo schreiber#pabloschreiber#pablo schreiber fanfiction#pabloschreiberimagination#pabloschreiberedit#fanfiction#american gods#halo#master chief#john 117#imagine serie#romance
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I drew these 2 days ago when I finished it but forgot to post it guys I'm not okay

They're gossiping in that second one...
Now to start ODST before I can play 4
#Cortana is my girlhusband#like a malewife but different#imagine being able to draw a woman and not accidentally give everyone a feminine figure after that#I could never#halo#master chief#master chief / john 117#halo 3#cortana#not a ship#but good for you if you like them#I just think they're buddies
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They didn't need to give freckles to a character who is always encased in armor and never shows his face but they did anyway and I think that's beautiful and was the right decision nonetheless
Agreed. I am always an advocate for freckles.
#and i mean. technically. canonically. he's not as freckly as i like to imagine#but it's my headcanon and no one can take that away from me#halo#john 117
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A Body of Stars
Ongoing series
Synopsis: With a galaxy at war, it’s hard to distinguish the stars from the metal of UNSC ships. You were told about the war that waged between the UNSC and insurrectionists; your planet opposing them since you were born. Your enemy was meant to be the UNSC and the Spartans they created, specifically John-117 - the Master Chief. Except, all isn’t as black and white as you were raised to believe, and the galaxy holds secrets far darker than you could’ve imagined.
Pairing: John - 117 x F!Reader
Genre: enemies to lovers, strangers to lovers, slow burn, eventual smut, Halo TV series/Mass Effect mashup
Warnings: mentions of war, violence
Word count: 11.7k
A/N: Alright. As hyper fixations go, the Halo series (and let’s be real, Pablo is a menace) has my ass in a chokehold. That being said, season 2 was amazing and made me want to work on a small fic that blended the series and my love of BioWare’s Mass Effect. Mass Effect is my favorite sci-fi space game about galactic war, friendship, love, sacrifice. I could rant but I won’t. There will be mentions of certain ME things in here, like the reader having biotics, to go along with the lore of the halo series. So, without further ado: its back story time. I hope someone out there enjoys this and as always, thank you for reading 🖤 much love, Jenn
Year: 2521
•Shadow Sea cluster•
•Lera system•
Destination: Laconix
ETA: 13 hours
The Midsummer Night came out of slip space without a hitch.
Not that he’d been worried. It was one of the few things that Captain Jacob Keyes hadn’t worried about during this current mission. What, or rather who, currently worried him was standing less than ten yards from him and came in the form of his ex-wife. He risked a glance where Dr. Catherine Halsey was hunched over with her nose deep inside another holopad.
Those holopads had been one of the many reasons why their marriage fell apart.
There was no doubting the brilliance her work contributed to the scientific field or the war effort. All of her research was the stepping stone humanity needed in terms of augmentation and the human genome. The contributions Halsey and her Spartans made towards this never-ending battle against the covenant saved lives, but, and it was a big but, Jacob knew that Halsey’s methods were questionable, at best. Hell, he’d been a part of those questionable decisions, driving the helm, while she did what she deemed was necessary.
So, Jacob Keyes knew without her ever having to say a word that something was off. The Midsummer Night and the Pegasus holding Halsey’s darling Spartain-III’s were meant to go for a routine extraction. Intel indicated one of the leaders in the insurrectionist rebel groups, Kahn Montrello, was located on a planet within the Lera system of the Shadow Sea cluster. It was a typical snatch-and-grab unless they were met with resistance.
Halsey requesting to tag along was more than just a surprise. It was suspicious. Jacob knew Halsey didn’t do anything without purpose.
“Tell me again why you’ve insisted on inserting yourself into a routine mission dealing with insurrectionists?”
Halsey hadn’t even looked up from the damn holopad to acknowledge he’d walked over.
“I’m just here to gather some data while the Silver Team is dispatched to help your marines on the ground.”
Jacob’s boots scuffed against the metal of the bridge as he moved closer to her. His eyes on Catherine’s back - willing her to turn, to acknowledge him - as her gaze held tightly to the readings she’d taken from a tablet from her lab. The data was transferred to the larger scale computer in the bridge’s main console. Halsey’s eyes roaming endlessly through data Jacob himself knew he’d never understand without her help.
“Come on, Catherine. That may be the bullshit you fed Parangosky and the other admirals, but don’t feed me the same lies and expect it to go down smoothly.”
Halsey broke away for the briefest millisecond from whatever data she was reading. Her eyes skimmed over him before returning back to what was more important.
Research in the name of human exploration always was.
“It’s not bullshit. Data collected in the field is highly valuable for furthering my research; proof to Parangosky the Spartan research is worth her continued funding.”
“That’s a nice speech, Catherine, but I know that any collected data during the mission is recorded and sent back to your lab for analysis. So, when are you going to start telling me something honest?”
Asking Halsey to be anything other than secretive was like asking a tiger to get rid of its stripes. Jacob knew even if she told him - really shared - it still wouldn’t be all of the actual information. Key pieces of information - the most valuable - would be forever stored within her; leverage for another day.
Whatever it was she could see on those holopads had her sky blue eyes wide in excitement. Halsey wouldn’t be able to contain it - hide it - for much longer. If the small rise at the corner of her mouth was any indication, all Jacob needed to do was push a little further. Find the right words to spark a rush of hypotheticals that might turn out to hold some truth. If she didn’t crack yet, it would take one more well-placed question and she would cave.
“Jacob,” her voice was breathy, tinged with unrestrained joy. “I think I found something.”
“What are you talking about, Catherine? Found something?”
More cryptics. More hoops.
A sigh heavy with years of fights - conflicts - departed his lips and Halsey rushed to recover some ground. Her body quickly took back the space he left to place her hand gently on his bicep. The grip was soft but demanding that he stay close; pleading with him not to pull away.
Halsey needed him.
“A few weeks ago the UNSC sent over old documents from companies they’d disassembled. Conatix was one of them.”
It wasn’t hard to spot the confusion that deepened the lines in the crease of Jacob’s forehead and scrunched up his nose. His eyes roamed her face searching for a tell, but if Halsey had one she’d never show it.
“Conatix was an old UNSC factory that produced our warships-“
“Yes, I know.”
“Why would you be interested in anything about warships?”
Halsey scanned the room to make sure no one was watching - no eyes lingering on the two of them - before she directed her attention back to him. The caution that darkened her eyes shifted with a spark Jacob knew all too well.
Halsey had found something. Really found something.
“Usually, nothing of value would be of interest in old documents and schematics for warships but, while scrolling through the files I stumbled upon an encrypted file.”
“UNSC documentation is always encrypted when it’s being shipped out to-“
“To be destroyed, yes I already know that, Jacob,” Halsey cut in. Her body directed back towards the holopad that she carefully picked up. Her fingers darted across the screen hunting for the files in question. “But this was different. It wasn’t schematics or calculations - it was redacted - sealed documents about an incident.”
No sooner had she started Halsey was finished. Her hand reached out to give him the holopad and waited patiently for him to take it.
“Go ahead.”
Jacob looked around the ship's bridge to make sure no one was watching. He needed to be careful, not necessarily for Halsey’s sake, but for that of his crew. He should’ve known - did know - Halsey had a habit, a bad one, to go above the chain of command to get what she wanted. That leverage she saved for a rainy day coming in hot to throw around pawns and pieces as she saw fit to get her way.
Cautiously, Jacob secured the holopad from her and started looking at the documents, or what little he could see. Almost with every swipe all he saw were broken links and documents with holes of information missing. Sentences that formed into two words with the rest gone or replaced by shapes and numbers. An elaborate break in the code.
“I was able to decipher most of them. Get back what information they tried to hide-“
“Catherine,” he whispered her name in warning, not for himself, but for her.
“Jacob - this wasn’t about warships or weapons or schematics. Something happened. A ship they’d used with element zero - eezo - had leaked out over a few colonies. A hole in one of the port engines that wasn’t caught in time.”
“Catherine,” Jacob pleaded again, “This isn’t news or anything that concerns you or me.”
Halsey wasn’t going to back down. He knew she wouldn’t. Not when the sheer joy of finding something undiscovered was close. The science behind furthering human evolution. The moment he realized what this was - what he held in his hands - Jacob knew his eyes were saucers. The sudden shock of realization stunning him to the spot.
“Children, Jacob,” Halsey practically laughed. “The pregnant mothers who were infected by the particles gave birth to children with eezo ingrained into their nervous system. The abilities these files claim they saw…it’s like nothing I’ve ever read.”
In her excitement, Halsey reached out and took a hold of his arm. The startled warmth of her touch was enough to knock Jacob back out of his daze. His eyes skimming one more time over impossible things he saw in diagrams Halsey recreated.
“Even if that was true, you don’t even know if any of them are still alive or where they are.”
With her lips curved up in victory, Halsey plucked the holopad from his hands.
“Yes I do. We’re headed there now.”
“You get caught staring up at the sky again and Caster is going to throw a fit.”
“When isn’t he throwing a fit?”
Your question wasn’t meant for an answer. The words barely made it above a whisper while you kept watch on the green hued light that streaked across the sky like a river. Calling it green felt like you were doing it a disservice. You knew it was more than that - the way it moved with purpose across the endless blue above. The different shades that reminded you of the grass on which you stood and dark as the forest that surrounded you.
“Come on,” Thao called over his shoulder. Your name calling from his lips like it would be enough to coax you forward. “I want to get back to actually enjoy what little of my day I have left.”
“You can enjoy it now,” you reminded him.
It took a few more seconds - another millisecond after that - for your eyes to turn back to the world around you. The snap of a branch somewhere off to your right informing you Thao had taken off without waiting for you to catch up.
“Not when my friends are back at the colony having fun without me. And I’m out here looking for dumb ass yaks.”
A small tut of disapproval clicked at the roof of your mouth. Your stride easily brings you closer to the shorter eleven-year-old boy. It allowed you to gently ruffle his hair. Your efforts were greeted by a grunt of annoyance with his hand grabbing at your wrist to gently shove you away.
“And just think, you would be there now, doing whatever it is you troublemakers do, if you and your friends hadn’t set a flare off inside Caster’s hut. And don’t disrespect the yaks.”
Thao’s eyes disappeared inside his head as your elbow gently nudged his shoulder. You must be making some kind of progress, because this time he made no move to push you away.
“Old man deserved it. Always hoarding the chicken eggs.”
“He owns the chickens.”
“So,” you drawled, “it means he owns the eggs. Owning the eggs also means he gets to distribute them however he sees fit.”
“How is that fair? You know he gave Lydia and her kids three eggs last week? Three eggs. What is a family of five supposed to do with that? It’s not right.”
You knew what Thao meant. You understood the feeling of anger that burned into sadness and ultimately to the ash of defeat. Kahn allowed those who proved useful in the fight against the UNSC to have a majority hold on most of the items in the colony. Those who allowed themselves to be shuffled around an unseeable chessboard like pawns.
Willing to die, to give up everything, at his disposal.
All in the name of fighting a government who grew more powerful everyday. The UNSC sharing their own videos of propaganda that showed thousands upon thousands of soldiers equally willing to die for a cause, and Spartans being the unmovable force needed to shift any battle back into the UNSC’s favor. It was this very reason Kahn looked for those desperate enough to join, to do anything he asked, to win.
A devoted father agrees to be a walking bomb to blow up a UNSC building? His family is rewarded with food, wood, and blankets to help make it through the harsh winters. Attempting to infiltrate a building to release a virus, whether you were caught or not, Kahn took care of your family. It could be with livestock, guns for protection, or even the yaks whose pelts made the biggest profit at the markets.
Every loss of life was just another reminder of the men and women who slowly disappeared from the colony. A senseless loss of life. You were still trying to figure out what it was for; what purpose you hadn’t been able to see, because for every life lost in the pursuit of justice against the USNC, their numbers only grew. The colony's numbers, however, weren't so lucky.
“You could turn this war around.”
“I won’t kill for you, Kahn.”
You swiftly whipped your head to the side to rid yourself of the memory. Your eyes narrowing on the green rolling hills on the other side of the treeline. That was where you would find the yaks grazing. You gently patted Thao’ss shoulder - for whatever comfort it would give - before you moved forward to take point.
“That’s because it isn’t fair, Thao.”
“See! Even you agree,” Thao huffed out your name. His small body broke into a jog to match your hurried step. “If anyone in the colony would be able to kick his ass, it would be you.”
Your feet were turning before you’d even realized it. Your body answered the piercing spike of adrenaline in your blood with your hands shooting out to grab his shoulders. The action made you crouch a couple inches until you were face-to-face with Thao. Your eyes scanned wildly across his features reading nothing but uncertainty.
“Don’t ever say something like that out loud again, Thao. Do you understand me?”
“I was only saying-“
“I know what you're trying to say. The answer is no, and if Kahn or any of his dumbass lackies ever heard you even mention something like that we are both as good as dead.”
“Tell me you understand!”
If anyone asked why you felt the sudden surge of panic ripple over your skin, you wouldn’t be able to say, or place where it stemmed from. Technically, the both of you were out in the safety of the mountain fields and away from the prying eyes of Kahn’s dictatorship. Lost behind a sea of forest, the rolling fields of green, and poppies that puddled around you like blood.
You’d seen what Kahn and his insurrectionists were capable of. Any whisper - false or not - and the person went missing. Kahn ruled the colony with the fear generated by the UNSC, but cultivated his own like the boogeyman.
“Yeah I get it. Whatever.”
Thao shrugged out of your hold and turned away from you. His pre-teen feet stomped a path out of the tree line and out into the field. A sigh left you, worn and heavy, as you watched his retreat.
I Should’ve been softer…
You let out a huff of air as a hand scrubbed over your face. It was supposed to be a simple ‘herd the yaks back to the colony’ type of day. Not grovel to one of the only people - kid or not - who wasn’t afraid of you.
It was your turn to jog after his retreating form. Quickly, you noticed that he didn’t even look up to acknowledge your presence. He wasn’t sending jokes about being an old lady (you were twenty-four, thank you very much) whose brittle bones could snap under the strain of being a person. You would’ve taken being called an old lady than suffering through the silent treatment.
Gently, you nudged his shoulder with your elbow. When he didn’t turn you tried again and again until, finally, you were rewarded with him turning an annoyed side-eye in your direction. You gave him your best apologetic smile and carefully looped your arm around his shoulders to bring him in close.
“I’m sorry. Okay? I was kind of an asshole.”
“A major asshole.”
“Okay. I’ll accept that major part but only for today.”
“If there was an asshole award, you would’ve taken home the prize-“
“Okay, geez. I get it.”
You both settled into a comfortable pace with your arm still draped over his shoulders. Your mind raced back to the last time you’d been able to do this. Thao had been younger - shorter - and with the rate he was growing, you soon might not be able to reach him. Soon, Thao might not care for your company.
“You know, I am surprised you didn’t fracture an ankle running after me at your tender age.”
“Alright, that’s enough for today,” you grumbled in mock annoyance.
You ended up having to shove him away just to try and hide the smile that threatened to lift the edges of your mouth. The sound of Thao’s laughter at your weak attempt at being mean - he 100% knew it took way too much to even make you raise your voice - made the crack of a smile begin to form.
The yaks were about another ten or so feet ahead of you both. Their massive bodies moved in slow steps while they grazed along the long grass. You weren’t sure if it was their adorable long bangs that made it impossible for them to notice you right away (doubtful) or if they just didn’t consider either of you a threat (possible). Either way, they didn’t startle as the two of you closed the remaining distance. Didn’t jump up to try and kick or gore either of you with their horns when Thao produced the ropes from his satchel.
It took a grand total of ten minutes, maybe less, to have all seven of the yaks securely held in makeshift collars from the rope. Their large bodies begrudgingly followed the two of you as you gently pulled the lead, forcing them to give up their meal of dewy grass and follow you back through the treeline.
“You know,” Thao cautiously began, his eyes skimming between you and the trees. “This might be a lot faster if you just…ya know, float them up.”
“Float them up?”
“With your blue magic.”
This time you weren’t able to hide your smile as you shook your head.
“It’s called biotics, Thao, not blue magic.”
“Blue magic sounds waaaay cooler than ‘biotics’. Who even came up with that lame name, anyway.”
“You can thank the good folks at Conatix for that one.”
One of the yaks pulled back on its lead forcing you to give a slight tug back. You could understand if they were tired after eating, but you really didn’t have time in your schedule for yak naps. A huff of air came from the nostrils of the yak to drive home that it wasn't happy not having its nap. Or maybe it was the berry bush it was after, either way, napping and eating stops were prohibited.
You weren’t aware the conversation had died until Thao’s voice interrupted the silence.
“Is it true that you were born like that?”
His question was timid - afraid he would upset you. You were used to the questions; the stares. You remember sitting with your parents in a room, about Thao’s age, when Conatix came back around trying to clean up their mess. Said mess being spilling eezo from their ships across planets that later infected children. While some pregnant mothers had children like you, exposed to element zero in the womb creating a nervous system made of eezo, a majority were far less lucky. Children born riddled with tumors or horrific physical complications that left them in pain their entire lives.
You were supposed to be a lucky one.
One of the lucky ones they’d been trying to take back with them to their laboratories. A lucky one meant to be bought by a substantial fee that your parents quickly declined. It was the last choice they ever got to make for you before they mysteriously died in a tragic accident off-world.
You didn’t feel lucky and maybe it was the way the words crumbled out of your mouth. The way they sat suspended in the air in a swirl of regrets and dead wishes that Thao knew you didn’t want to talk anymore. Not about your past or anything that reminded you that what you are - who you are - has felt like one big burden. You wondered, most nights, if there was a possibility that curses could be born.
The rest of the walk back was filled with an awkward silence. You weren’t sure if it was one you’d made by your lack of response, or if Thao no longer felt like talking. A part of you feared the image he’d held of you since he was young, full of mystery that made you seem cool, was slowly becoming destroyed. You knew it was a matter of time before it happened.
You were an anomaly.
Children saw you as magical, while adults believed you could perform some kind of mind control or read their thoughts. It was the main reason Kahn wanted you to join the resistance. Who wouldn’t want someone who could read thoughts and control minds on their team? You’d know when and where attacks could happen and make them blow up their ships from the inside. Unfortunately, for Kahn, the only thoughts you could read were your own and, as of right now, they were desperately shouting at you not to lose one of the few friends you had left.
Even if they happened to be a young boy who was notorious for being the most talkative kid in the colony.
With a few more steps up the hill, you both came to a stop at the top of the hill. You took in the thatched roofs of the huts that lay scattered in a misshapen circle of rows. The outer ring of homes were made of clay and the only splash’s of color came from designs being painted on the sides of homes or flowers planted in the yard.
The middle ring was meant to be for men like Kahn and his commanders; men and women of importance so that they lived closer to the final, smaller ring, of storefronts and farmers. The middle circle was left open and featured a large walkway down the center of town and out into the hills.
Kahn specifically had the colony built this way. The walkway was the most important, because Kahn believed it was good for his people to be able to watch those that fought for their freedoms return from another victory against the UNSC. You knew it was more about parading around having people kiss his ass than for uplifting any kind of morale.
It was the same path that Thao and you took now as you brought in the yaks from the mountains. You knew it wouldn’t be long until you got them back inside their pen and with the irritated snorts and tugs on their leashes, the yaks knew it too. The sound of multiple small feet came rushing in on Thao’s side and the faces of a few village children came into view. They made sure to stop just before they got in the way of a yak.
“Thao, can you come play?”
“Not yet. I have to finish this choir for Caster.”
A lot of groaning ensued and you felt your free hand reach over the back of a yak. Your fingers waving for him to give you his leashes. Thao’s brow raised in question and you only answered him by pointing at the leash and waving him again to hand it over.
“Hurry up and give them to me before I change my mind.”
You were trying to be grumpy. The way any elder in town would complain about the youth of today being too soft and not knowing the meaning of hard work and blah blah. You were sure they were all just stuck in super grouchy mode from having to be an adult with responsibilities for too long. And because of that, you knew, instead of looking grumpy, a smile was already brightening up your face. Thao’s face lit up in response and his eyes darted - unsure - from up the path and back to you.
“Are you sure? Caster -“
“Will never know that you didn’t help bring them all the way back. Now, like I said, hand over the lead before I suddenly have a fit of amnesia.”
He didn’t need further prompting. Thao’s hand smashed the remaining leashes into your waiting palm and turned on his heel to run off with the other kids. A soft, “thank you,” calling out behind him.
You didn’t waste any more time watching their retreating backs as they tore down a small alleyway between huts. You had your own things that you still needed to finish today. As you continued on your way, you greeted people who were outside in their gardens or hanging up laundry. Some of them returned your greetings of, “Hello,” with grunts with their backs turned to you or hurried inside. Apparently, if they didn’t look you in the eye or were behind the safety of a wall it kept you from using your mind control powers.
You were willing to bet Kahn had something to do with that latest lie about your make believe abilities. If you wouldn’t fight for him, why not cause a little mass panic in your presence. You being the monster and him, the hero, forcing you to toe the line. No ‘mind reading’ unless it was for the ‘cause’.
As you neared the pen in front of Caster’s shop, you started to rotate the leashes tighter in your hands. You were positive if the yaks felt a slack in their leash, they would attempt a revolt. They also weren’t the biggest fan of the metal pen of broken down ships Caster created to house them; the metal of an old hatch door from a USNC frigate - rusted and covered in moss - groaned as it opened. A sound the yaks knew well and instantly sent their hooves stamping into the muddy grass.
“Alright, ladies, I don’t want any trouble. It’s time to get your butts back in here - whoa!”You shot around with a start as one of the yaks gently bumped its nose against your back sending you forward towards the pen. “None of that,” you mumbled. Your index finger pointing at your chest then back to every single one of them. “Your home, not mine. Now go.”
With a cautious glance over your shoulder you took a step forward leading the herd inside. It wasn’t until you’d begun to remove their leashes that the familiar sound of a man clearing his throat brought your gaze up to search the fence. It didn’t take long for you to find Caster leaning against it. An arm hanging over while the other held up whatever self-righteous bullshit questioning he was about to spew.
“Where’s Thao?”
“He helped me bring them here, Caster. I sent him on his way once we reached the pen.”
“That’s not what he was told to do and you don’t have any authority to change orders.”
Every word reached you like a slap in the face. Caster’s irritation was evident with the click of his tongue. You tried to keep your face neutral; your gaze fixed on one of the yak's as your fingers ran through the tangled fur. You gave one final pat to signal your departure before you walked back to the pen’s exit.
“I wasn’t aware Thao had to be the specific individual to deliver a bunch of yaks inside the pen.”
“Bullshit,” Caster snarled your name. His body closing the distance between you as you stepped through the pen entrance. “You can try and play dumb with me all you want, but we both know you aren’t that damn dense. Thao can’t shut up even for a second in his sleep, and you’re trying to tell me the boy magically didn’t complain the whole time he was with you?”
Caster invaded what little space you had once you stepped fully out from behind the pen. The door hadn’t even closed yet before Caster rushed you, attempting to trap you between him and the metal. The cold gray of his eyes roamed your face waiting for you to break at his intimidation.
One of the Shadow Sea’s three moons would have to explode first before that ever happened.
You jammed the cool metal of the pens chains into his chest. You didn’t bother to see if he would catch it when you released it. You knew he would, and when Caster did, you made sure to take a step towards him forcing the older man two options; hold his ground or back up. You weren’t surprised when he did the latter.
“You’re right, Caster, I’m not that damn dense. Close up your own fucking pen.”
You didn’t give him the chance to reply. The first step you took forced him to take another step back, your shoulder ramming into his as you pushed your way past him.
Could you have gone around?
Yes, but, no matter what, it felt a lot better being petty for a couple of seconds than pretending for a second you cared.
It didn’t take Caster long to find his bearings. The sound of the chains rustling in his hands and a slew of curses thrown at your back were the first to greet you before he yelled after you: “Just wait until Kahn hears about this!”
“Yea, yea,” you mumbled.
You were willing to bet no matter how the exchange between Caster and you went, Kahn was always going to hear how it went. Good or bad. Caster yelled something else at your retreating back. You responded with a wave and continued back down the main path before you veered off course into a smaller path. It was one you knew well since you were a child. One you knew led to your grandparents' hut.
Smoke rose from the clay chimney and you knew, before you entered through the doorway, you’d find your grandfather working to dry his latest clay pots by the fire. Your grandmothers weathered fingers working tirelessly with a needle and her beadwork scattered over the small table. It was only a few days before everyone with goods left to try and sell them at the Market. You moved through the small space stopping to kiss the top of your grandmother’s head before you gently took over for your grandfather.
“And where did you run off to this morning?”
You didn’t have to look up to feel the weight of your grandfather’s stare. His scrutinizing eyes waiting for you to give him a response knowing full well it wasn’t going to be the one he wanted.
“There is no need to worry, grandpa. I was nowhere and everywhere all at once.”
“That sentence alone turned what little hair I have left white.”
“All of your hairs’ already white.”
“Precisely my point,” he groaned.
The soft chuckle of your grandmother cut through the tension in the small room. Your eyes now directed to the open flame and focused on turning the pot slowly with the tongs. The last thing you wanted to hear on top of giving your grandfather white hair and an early grave was ruining a pot he’d worked on most of this morning.
“Would you two stop it? I’m sure she has a perfectly good explanation for why she was missing this morning. Don’t you dear?”
Your grandmother sent a coy look in your direction and you couldn’t wait to completely crush her dreams. While your grandfather believed in hard work, your grandmother believed in finding a good spouse who could provide for the imaginary great grandchildren she’d already named.
Either that or joining the resistance.
“I was out helping Thao rally up the yaks that ran away this morning.”
A sigh so heavy escaped from your grandfather’s chest that you could’ve sworn all your ancestors before you joined him.
“And there it is.”
The soft call of your name forced your attention back to where your grandmother now sat idle. Her hands placing the beadwork and adjoining needles on the table. Her small frame turned on the bench to make sure she had your full attention.
“I’m happy you want to help but you already know Kahn will-“
“Will throw a bitch fit. Yeah, yeah, I know.”
A smack on your arm sent you jolting back in surprise. Your eyes cautiously roaming over to your grandmother to see if she was going to hit you again. With how tightly her lips were pressed together, you had a feeling, with some of the things that came from your mouth, the possibility of her doing it again was imminent.
“Whether you like him or not, Kahn is our leader.”
“No, he is your leader. Kahn will never be mine. A real leader doesn’t sacrifice their people to gain information or so they don’t get locked up inside a UNSC prison.”
“And do you think there is someone more fit to lead if he was gone? Who do you think would run the rebellion?”
“Plenty of more competent individuals could step forward to take his place if he wasn’t aro-“
You realized you sounded like Thao who, hours before, you’d shushed him into complacency. Your fear for his safety was paramount over how right his words might have been. And here you were doing the exact same thing inside your grandparents hut.
Your grandfather wasn’t known for raising his voice and when he did it was usually out of desperation; a fear that surpassed anger that delved into worry from the unknown. You could see it now etched into every wrinkle that creased in the sagging skin of his sunburnt face. The way he tried to hold onto the anger before it was swept away by something he wouldn’t voice in fear of giving it a name.
“Whether you like it or not, Kahn runs this settlement. He is the only one working here to free us from the tyrant that is the UNSC! At least he is doing something, which is more than I can say for my own granddaughter!”
“Ernest,” your grandmother’s voice cautioned.
“So you want me to just let him use me like some kind of weapon?”
You no longer cared about holding the pinchers over the fire or the clay pot - your grandfather's life’s work - held delicately between them. As you stood up from the stool you dropped the pinchers and the sound of clay cracking tapered over your shuddering breathing for just a moment. You moved away from the fire towards a corner of the room closest to the door. The thunder in your ears drowning out the shouts of your grandmother; your eyes coming in and out of focus as you tried to ease the panic from your veins.
It would only take a second - a fatal second of panic to fill the room with a cobalt hue of flame that would ruin everything.
“Kahn offers you a way to use your gift, to teach you how to use it, and better help our people and you spit in his face!” He hissed. “Your parents gave their life for the cause-“
“And what has Kahn given!?” You hadn’t meant to scream. Each word laced with a grief stricken with rage that only bloomed brighter over time. “He asks families to give their husbands, wives, their children to fight his battles and what the fuck does he do for us?!”
“Why can’t you ever see that you can help save us? Kahn can help teach you how to control it.”
“Help me control it or control me?”
“You ungrateful child.”
His words hissed through the air and buried themselves in the hollow of your chest. Your feet involuntarily took a step back, ready to flee the hut, ready to find peace in the hills of the forest when the collective raised shouts of the villagers rang out from behind the walls.
“UNSC vessels spotted!”
It was the distraction you needed to escape the hut. The shouts of worried men and women pushing you to rush outside and greedily take gulp after gulp of fresh air until the flare, the warmth, of your power began to dig back inside your skin. When you dragged your gaze away from the grass you were greeted with villagers running back and forth. The ones who sprinted down the open lane back out towards the open forest only ended up coming back moments later.
You made your way out into the crowd, weaving in between the bodies to get to the heart of the circle their bodies created. They all stood in large huddled groups; mothers clutching their children and the able bodied men moving in front of them, in front of everyone, to try and guard them. The villagers who tried running down the main road were coming, as if herded, back to the center of the village. You didn’t understand why they were all running back to the middle.
This was a kill zone.
Strategically the worst place to be for any of the resistance fighters if they were going to make any attempt to fight back. It wasn't until you made it to the middle that your earlier rage turned to ice as you watched the UNSC marines, and four very big fucking Spartans, make their way up the middle.
If Spartans were here you knew no one stood a chance. A fight would be suicide. You needed to get back to your grandparents. You needed -
“Attention settlers of the Lera system of Laconix: I am Captain Jacob Keyes of the USNC. We have viable intel that led us to believe that you are harboring a fugitive by the name of Kahn Montrello - a known insurrectionist. We are asking for your cooperation in this matter. We can resolve this matter peacefully, with no need to resort to any unnecessary violence.”
“Screw you! You have no jurisdiction here or any outer colonies.”
Fred. That was his name. Maybe. You didn’t know - couldn’t remember. Your brain couldn’t think past your own rushing pulse or speeding thoughts. He was just pushing past the crowd with angry shouts and limbs flying while he moved towards them. You watched as he made his way towards the marines like a man on fire, and was met by a Marine who burned brighter. The butt of their gun cracking against his cheek sent him spiraling to the ground.
You weren’t sure if you were already panicked or if the sight of blood seeping through his fingers caused it. No matter what the real reason was you knew there was no getting around whatever came next. Like a swarm of locusts, the marines fanned out and moved forward. Their bodies corralled the villagers tighter together and kept any hope of escape at bay.
It was the perfect time for Kahn to make his appearance. His form practically glided from between a lake of terrified bodies frozen in fear, clutching one another, as he opened his arms in welcome.
“You say you wish us no violence, only want our cooperation, and yet attack a simple working man.”
“You need to stay where you are or you will be taken down with force,” a marine answered, their gun trained on Kahn who continued to take careful steps forward.
He responded with his hands showing he wasn’t armed. Kahn made a show to come to a stop in front of Captain Keyes.
“Maybe that was advice you should’ve opened with, Captain Keyes.”
Kahn was treating this like a joke. He was wearing that easy smile of his displaying he didn’t have a care in the world. He was either suicidal, genocidial in willing to let them completely kill the colony or, you realized with a sickening drop in your stomach, Kahn had another plan.
“And you are?”
“I’m Malcom. Another humble merchant who lives here.”
The panic that settled like lead inside your gut dropped heavier, threatening to upend whatever was left from your morning breakfast. You didn’t have to guess what his plans were, because Kahn was laying them bare for everyone to see. The only difference between you and everyone else is that whoever he chose to sacrifice for the name of his ‘revolution’ would be met with silence.
Captain Keyes outlined Kahn’s frame with suspicion and a pebble of hope was thrown your way. Maybe he could sense the lie that costed Kahn’s words. Maybe it would be enough for him to call bullshit.
“Okay, Malcolm. And what is it you’re wanting?”
“I want nothing, Captain. I just want to show you exactly who you are looking for.”
Kahn never intended to point the finger at himself - why would he when there were dozens of men brainwashed to think their sacrifice mattered. You followed his finger like everyone else drawn to the imaginary string he pulled and waited to see what poor fool he chose this time.
Except this time - no…NO!
It was your grandfather who took a step forward out of the dozens of bodies. The wooden tip of his cane met the ground with a depth of a shovel digging a grave with each step. Your grandmother reached out her arms - called for him to come back - but he continued to make his way forward. His head held high like he was making a decision everyone should be proud of.
“I am Kahn Montrello. The man you seek.”
Captain Keyes took one look at your grandfather and you could see the disbelief reflected in his eyes. The way they darkened further on a decision you, or anyone else, would ever be made aware of until he made it.
“I’ve never known an insurrectionist leader to give themselves up so willingly.”
Thank god Captain Keyes was smarter than he looked. Your grandfather, however, wasn’t backing down. He squared his shoulders and planted his hands coolly over the hilt of his cane. His head held high enough for his next words to strangle him.
“Any leader should be willing to give themselves up for the safety of their people. Is that what you can offer me, Captain Keyes? The safety of my colony if I come willingly?”
“What are you doing?”
You were sure it was the panic that surged you forward. How you found yourself taking step after step until you were out from behind every last villager and into the clearing with Kahn and your grandfather.
“Stay back!”
“Don’t take another step forward!”
You were vaguely aware of the commands being slung your way. The arms that lifted weapons as you took scrambling steps towards your grandfather who only looked on with distaste.
“Go back with the others. I won’t tell you again.”
It was the voice he’d used countless times since you were a child. A voice that radiated with authority that now only showcased his age. A part of you wanted to follow his orders and run to your grandmother’s side. To be a good granddaughter and comfort her the way she needed.
But she wouldn’t need comforting if Kahn wasn’t such a fucking coward.
He hissed your name as he nervously looked out over the marines. At Captain Keyes.
“Be good and do as you're told.”
“I won’t let you do this!”
“And I don’t need your permission-“
“What about grandma? You’re just going to leave her like this?”
“I wasn’t aware Kahn Montrello had grandchildren?” Keyes quipped.
You could see your grandfather open his mouth to reply and you made sure to cut him off before he could say another lie.
“That’s because he doesn’t because Kahn -“
“Apologies, Captain Keyes,” Kahn cut in. “This girl is unwell. Ever since she lost her parents -“
“Don’t you dare speak about them.“
“-she’s been desperately trying to cling to anyone willing to call her family.”
You weren’t aware you were moving forward until you heard the shouts from the marines; the gasps of fear from your own people. You were vaguely aware of the tingle of heat that moved like a shockwave from your fingertips up your arms until it consumed you. In another time, a different life, maybe you would’ve been aware that your biotics had flared to life and enveloped you in what looked like cobalt flame.
A fitting image for the one Kahn so lovingly painted for you. An unhinged woman filled with crazy fantasies and a desperation for family.
The only thing you could focus on was Kahn who stood before you. The coward who easily was willing to give your grandfather up to the UNSC knowing what they do to insurrectionist leaders. The unspeakable torture done to collect secrets, and their executions televised on every available feed for all to see.
With the thought of your grandfather’s future weighing behind your eyes you lashed out. Your hand rising forward to catch Kahn midway in taking a step back. Your biotics held him suspended in the air. You were vaguely aware of what sounded like your grandfather calling your name. The wood of his cane crunching through dirt and leaves to rush to you.
There was more shouting - orders being relayed and metal clicks of safeties being released - and you knew chaos was about to ensue.
“Spartan’s your orders are to grab the insurrectionist known as Kahn Montrello. Marines focus on providing backup and subduing any and all threats.”
A wash of relief rippled through you. The UNSC had come to their senses. They must have realized Kahn for the liar he was. Captain Keyes caught on that the rouse Kahn created with your grandfather was all a lie.
Except that wasn’t what happened.
The marines who fanned out around the clearing were now moving in towards one sole target: you. The Spartans who Keyes sent forward to capture Kahn weren’t headed in your direction, but towards your grandfather who was visibly shaking as he watched two of the UNSC’s giants - their most powerful weapons - move towards him.
“No! You have it all wrong! He isn’t Kahn!”
You released the hold you had on Kahn. No longer was he held suspended in the air as you sent his body flying towards the marines. Your feet were digging into the soil, pitching you forward in a hard sprint, as you barreled blindly towards your grandfather. You could hear him warning you to stay back - ‘stay away’ - but you never were good with doing what you were told.
The closest Spartan,only identified by the numbers 028 on her chest, was almost on him. They were so close it would only take a couple more inches and this Spartan would grab a hold of him and you would lose him. Forever.
You were running on pure adrenaline. Your vision honed in on nothing else but the hand of the Spartan that reached out to grab at his arm. If they got a hold of him, that was it. You called on every cell of energy in your body, your arm drawing back - nerves frying - as the eezo inside your body compacted in the space around you, changing it into a powerful ball that you launched with a scream. The Spartan barely had time to react when the cobalt sphere of element zero slammed into her suit and sent her flying back.
You had a split second to make half a shield before the second Spartan’s fist slammed against it. The impact snapped like a shockwave of its own. The force of impact sent your feet sliding back against the dirt. The sound of heavy footsteps following your rolling body forced you to spring to your knees as you called on another surge of element zero and sent it flying like a fastball.
It slammed into the Spartan but, unlike the first one, it barely slowed them down. The impact crackled against the air and the force field around his armor allowing your biotics to push them back only a few feet. It was all the feet you needed to scramble on all fours to your grandfather, who was kneeling in a heap in the dirt.
As soon as you slide in next to him, you put up a small force field - a bubble of blue that encapsulated you both just in time before bullets bounced against the shield. Gently, you secured an arm underneath his shoulders and tried to lift him up to you. All while your right hand stayed pressed against the barrier you’d created. Your arms shaking with the strain of holding back another round of gunfire and the slamming fists of a very big, very angry, Spartan.
You were running out of time. The strain of keeping the barrier up, of using powers you usually never touched, left a noticeable trail of perspiration to crown your forehead. If you kept this up much longer, you knew the nosebleeds would start soon.
“Come on grandpa. We have to get up now. We gotta get you out of here.”
“Just let them take me, deheyah*.”
A heavy wave of memory, weighted with emotions thick and stifling, threatened to knock you off balance. The last time your grandfather had ever called you that, was before your parents died. When you were allowed the luxury of childhood innocence and the imagination that the world held the beauty of magic before it was destroyed by the gravity of reality.
“That’s not going to happen, grandpa. I won’t let it happen. I can’t lose you too.”
Your body jerked with the next slam of a fist against the barrier. The impact sent a shutter down into the marrow of your bones and snapped at your nervous system. The pain was immediate and tore a gasp from you.
“You will never lose me. I will always be with you. Wherever you go. Whatever you choose to be.”
You shook your head violently forcing him to reach out to steady you. The soft leather of his hand cupped your cheek quieting your protests and forced you to keep your eyes on him.
“I’m sorry for what I said. Earlier. I just - I just wanted what was best for you. I always have. But…only you know what is best for your life. Never stop fighting. Don’t be afraid of who you can be.”
“Why are you talking like this? This isn’t goodbye grandpa. Come on, I have to get you back to grandma. She’s going to be pissed if you just stay here.”
But it was, wasn’t it? You’d felt it when your hands touched the layers of shawls that draped over his chest. It was wetter than it should’ve been. His eyes glassy and unfocused and struggling to keep them on you while he spoke. Somehow, you’d been a few moments too late when the bullets came your way, and those few seconds allowed the hollow point of a bullet to find a hole in the center of his chest.
Blood covered your left hand as another sharp synopsis of pain resonated through your nervous system. Spartan 028, Riz, was back up and hammering away at the sphere of the barrier you’d created. The pain should’ve been unbearable but nothing compared to the last gasp of air that shuddered from your grandfather. It couldn’t compare to the feeling of his body, lifeless, and sagging towards the earth where the weight forced you to place him.
None of this would’ve happened if Kahn wasn’t a coward. If he didn’t use people, the very people he claimed were his. People he swore to defend and liberate - for his own gain.
The anger swelled brighter inside like a raging flame. Every beating your nervous system took holding up the barrier became a dulled sensation as you struggled to breathe around the loss of your grandfather.
The Spartans had stopped but didn’t move back. A woman was off to your right. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Smiling like she was friendly but the mock kindness didn’t reach her eyes. They were bright with excitement; the way hunters spotted prey. A scientist finding a new object to dissect.
“…I’m Doctor Halsey.”
Of course she was. She wanted to dissect you. The same way the scientists from Conatix tried many years ago by trying to buy you from your parents. She was saying your name but she had no right to it.
This Dr. Halsey.
False smile given under false pretenses. Just like Kahn has his fancy glittering speeches that kept hopes high and results low.
“We don’t want to harm you. If you are willing to come peacefully we promise we will leave the colony immediately. No further bloodshed needs to happen.”
The part of you that wasn’t soaked in grief agreed. It was the best call to make - the right call. It promised no more suffering would happen. It meant your grandmother would be safe.
Your grandmother. A woman who lost her son. Her husband. Now her granddaughter. Who would watch her if you left? The thought alone sprang a sharp refusal to your tongue until you stood, your eyes cast down at the warm body of your grandfather. In that moment, whatever reasonable human being you used to be ceased to exist. The only thing left was rage.
Dr. Halsey must have noticed. No longer was she crouched to be eye level with you. She returned to her full height. Her hands placed out in front to shield herself, as if that would be enough to stop what happened next.
“Whatever you’re thinking - don’t.”
Your reply came in a scream that crawled its way from the pit of despair that had lodged itself inside your heart. The loss of your parents, the death of your grandfather, and for your grandmother who would be alone. You used that hurt, bitterness, and rage and used it to erupt your shield into a burst of biotic energy that detonated like a bomb. The sheer force alone sent the Spartans back.
It wasn’t enough but you only needed a minute or two. Just enough time for you to send your biotics crackling along the air in a line until it grabbed a hold of Kahn and pulled him like a slingshot of force back towards you. When he was close enough, you dropped your left hand that you’d use to control the pull of his body, and cocked back your right arm, your palm open, and launched it forward. The slam of the biotics hit home at the center of his chest launching Kahn back through the scrambling crowd of people, with the sickening crack of his sternum mixing with the scream that tore from your throat.
It was all the time you had before the Spartan marked with 117 came into view. His armored fist closes in like a warthog at full speed against your cheek, sending your body spiraling into the dirt. You could feel the earth shift with tremors as he moved to follow you. You could taste the blood from the hit and wondered if your jaw was broken. If you just lost a whole row of teeth.
“John, Incapacitate her only! I need her to be brought back with us. Alive.”
For a glorious moment, your blurred vision swirled only with the uninterrupted view of the sky before the cameo green of Master Chief, savior of the galaxy - or John - 117 - helmet came into view. A joke was brewing on the back of your tongue, covered in humor and blood before his fist came crashing down your line of sight, and the world became blissfully quiet.
You found that the darkness wasn’t as quiet as you’d hoped.
The impact from the punch the Maater Chief, or John - 117 as that woman called him, had launched you into what felt like a nightmare. Held hostage by a paralysis of your own mind. Unable to change the forms of what you saw. The images were vivid. The sounds carried a weight that sat heavy like lead in your skull. It made you miss the pain of being conscious.
You weren’t sure if the screams that bounced around inside your head were real or if they were just a part of the nightmare. Over and over your broken mind played out the moment a Marine’s bullet found a hole inside your grandfather's gut.
No matter how fast you ran, if you launched yourself in front of him, you were never fast enough. Each step you took sunk deeper into the earth as if your legs were trying to race through quicksand. Your own biotics mysteriously grew quiet - refusing to work for the first time in your life.
No matter what the outcome never changed. Your grandfather was gone, and there was no time travel to head back and change that startling fact.
A sickening lurch, one you knew meant a ship was coming out of slipspace, sent the contents of that morning’s breakfast swirling in your stomach. You barely had time to register that it was real, the nausea, and that you were really about to throw up. You’d barely rolled to your side before said breakfast displayed itself onto a very shiny metal floor.
As soon as you finished, you rolled back onto your back. Your eyes fluttered open to take in the fluorescent lights, the cool slated metal ceiling that matched the walls and floor. It was definitely a cell, and you most definitely found out much too late that your wrists were tied behind your back.
When you were sure you weren’t going to upend anymore of your breakfast, you slowly began to maneuver to sit on the only bench they’d laid you on. The pain in the sockets of your shoulders informing you that you’d been like this for quite a while.
You were still trying to gather your bearings when the sliding doors to your right opened. A woman with blonde hair stood at the forefront with a Spartan, the dusk green armor of John - 117, standing protectively behind her. When she moved, he moved. You couldn’t help but consider her a puppeteer and the Spartan the puppet. He didn’t move unless she did and you doubted he would be doing any of the talking.
She entered the room with a cautionary smile and clinical eyes assessing you before she even entered. It was easy to tell she was a scientist and, more than likely, a very experienced one in whatever it was she specialized in.
“Hello, Subject Cobalt,” she said brightly. Her smile never faltered once. “I’m glad to see that you are alright. My name is Doctor Halsey. I’ve come to do an assessment on you and make sure you didn’t sustain any life-threatening or mind altering issues after what happened back on Laconix.”
Subject Cobalt?
Was that supposed to be you?
You eyed her warily as she took her first step inside the cell. The heavy footsteps of Mjolnir armor followed closely behind. If she suspected you were jumpy - a rabbit in headlights, as the old ones used to say - Halsey never showed it.
A few more steps and she was beside the bench. Another breath and she was sitting beside you. The smile on her face beaming and hollowing out her eyes with rapture at what she must have considered a new species. You made a fine new specimen for any scientist, you would imagine. A nervous system full of eezo that lit your body up like an Earthen Christmas tree and the power to wield it like a weapon.
Doctor Halsey was practically giddy beside you.
“I’m going to do a few simple tests to verify cognitive function isn’t impaired. To do so, I’m going to need your assistance. Do you think you could do that for me?”
Your eyes scanned over her as you considered your options. It turned out to be a very short list that was available to you. The only option being to go along with what she asked.
That one word was all the go ahead Halsey needed to cause her megawatt smile to go up a notch. She must have thought you would be resistant to following orders and she wasn’t wrong but, from where you were sitting, this seemed like the lesser of two evils.
“Splendid. First, I’m going to run this pen horizontally and vertically. I need you to focus on the tip of the pen, and follow it as closely as you can.”
Doctor Halsey lifted the pen up to eye level, a few inches away from your face, and waited for your eyes to train on the silver point. You hadn’t expected an examination as soon as you woke up. You weren’t sure if you should’ve felt happy or worried about it. If you were one misstep away from becoming a lab rat.
You’d been so deep in thought - your mind considering all the outcomes and possibilities of this interaction ending well - that you completely missed her first question.
“I’m sorry. Can you repeat the question?”
Another smile. Another deflection. It was enough, however, for you to notice the tightness in the fine lines of her face. It was so small you could’ve missed it.
“Of course. During your biotic episode on Laconix, I noticed your nose started bleeding. Does it do that every time you use your biotics?”
The tightness again. This time it was the edges of her smile - suspended in that mock sweetness - that reminded you of your mother. Waiting for you to give more detail without prodding and realizing, rapidly, you feared incriminating yourself. The pen dropped into her lap. Her eyes roaming over your face for a sign - a tell - that she could exploit.
“You aren’t in any kind of trouble. I’m merely trying to help you -“
“Is that what you’re trying here, Dr. Halsey? To be my friend? To tell me I’m not in any danger when you took me off my planet against my will?” You inquired. Her mouth was still suspended open, forming around a word cut short by your desire to not hear anymore bullshit. “It feels like there is more going on than what you’re sharing.”
She schooled her face - even her eyes - to remain emotionless. A perfect blank slate to display only what she wanted without giving away what she didn’t.
“Alright. I watched you. At first, you seemed in control, but after the third or fourth time your biotics displayed themselves, and you overextended their use, you suffered an epistaxis - the nosebleed. Further scans done here in the ship’s medical bay presented signs of swelling and hematoma on the brain. A few hours before you woke up, I had them run another analysis and both are gone. Which leaves me to believe it only occurs upon exhaustion.”
She watched you as she spoke. Her gaze searching, prodding, for signs of whatever reaction she expected but wasn’t getting. You would’ve loved to offer up whatever it was she wanted, if only you knew which specific one she was hunting for.
“Tell me. Do you get migraines?”
“What is this?”
“I don’t understand.”
“That’s a lie,” you shot back.
The tone in your voice matched the anxiety rising in your chest. It caused your words to be rougher than intended, alerting the Spartan in the corner who took a step towards you. Only the rising hand of calm - control - from Dr. Halsey kept him from taking another step.
“I think you understand more than you’re willing to tell me or, at least, not wanting to show your whole hand, anyway. You’re a scientist, right? Probably super smart. Smart enough you probably come from some UNSC lab from Reach or Illium?”
The carefully constructed smile was back on her lips, but this time you could see a spark of something brighten up the soft blue of her eyes. You were doing something she didn’t expect, but her scientific mind found it fascinating. No doubt logging it away to draw it open later somewhere quiet to dissect.
Your lips pouted around her admission. Reach. One of the top three planets, if not the first, for all private and commercial research filled with legal litigation and NDA’s to protect organizations and UNSC labs from the courts of public opinions. It was how Conatix got away with doing what they did to you and the other kids scattered across the galaxy. Only taking notice when it seemed like something that could benefit them. You weren’t stupid. Halsey had taken one look at what you could do - what you did - and only two things came to mind: control or destroy.
You hadn’t figured out exactly which one you were to Dr. Halsey yet.
“Are you going to kill me?”
Halsey didn’t necessarily give you a reason to think it was an outlandish guess. Everything - everyone - was expendable when it came to science and the betterment of humanity. Or whatever the UNSC’s science team's new slogan was.
“Why would we kill you?”
You tried to shrug off the growing anxiety that sat coiling inside your gut.
“To experiment on me. Take me apart and see what’s buried underneath, so to speak. Isn’t that what you people do.”
“You don’t realize what you are, do you? The advancement of human genetics - biology - that is flowing through you.”
“What’s flowing through me is eezo and it cost hundreds of children their lives.”
“Yes, but for one out of a hundred children there is something remarkable. You. The one out of a thousand. A stepping stone towards humans having a place amongst the vast and ever growing populace of space. I don’t want to kill you, Cobalt. I want to integrate you into my program.”
“What program?”
You wondered if madness was contagious. If you asked anyone else, they might have dismissed your words as too harsh. No doubt calling Halsey’s display of excitement for simply that, but you could see her eyes. Underneath all that perfectly concealed pleasant exterior was an intelligence that was willing to break the norms - rules - to get to whatever she needed.
“I run the Spartan program. Granted, you are well past the parameters to become a Spartan, no, I…I want to make a subunit. I think Cobalt, we can help each other, and not only help each other, but possibly end this war.”
UNSC propaganda.
That’s what the war was. Everyone in the outer colonies knew it was just a fancy attempt to stop the growing surge of colonists from joining the insurrectionists. Halsey sensed your doubt before you disregarded her words with a shake of your head.
“No. The covenant is just a UNSC nightmare story to try and get the outer colonies to toe the line. To allow themselves to be governed under your jurisdiction.”
“I can promise you. It’s not.”
“Of course you would say that! You’re a USNC scientist for Christ’s sake!”
Somehow, you’d forgotten that big hunk of tin was in the room. Halsey kept you focused on her - solely on her - that when the Spartan took a step forward, the reflection of the room mirrored in his visor, you almost jumped out of your skin.
In his hand was a holopad that he deposited into her waiting palm. Halsey didn’t waste time logging in. Her fingers tapped wildly across the screen with a speed that left you dizzy. When she found whatever it was she’d been looking for she extended the holopad out for you to take.
“This was transmitted to us only a few hours ago.”
Warily, you watched her. Your mind debating if you should take the holopad or tell her to fuck off. It was more made up videos or fancy speeches, you were sure of it. The grim lines of her face, however, left you wondering just how certain you were. It was her turn to place the holopad in your hands. Your gaze on her a few more seconds before it dropped down to the video that played on the screen.
Bright beams. It’s what you noticed first. Beams that erupted from the sky with such brilliant clarity you knew it could only be one form: plasma. You couldn’t understand - comprehend - what you were seeing.
Plasma on that scale was impossible. It should’ve been and yet, you watched as it sliced through the planet's barrier, through molecules, and simple things like trees and mountains. Everything it touched turned red hot like lava from volcanoes you’d heard stories about that were on the original human planet of earth. While the plasma beam continued its destructive course, the magma it left behind flowed behind.
You didn’t understand until you did.
You knew that mountain. You’d glanced at it many times on walks to neighboring villages for trade. Attempted to climb it a thousand times as a child.
“What is this?”
Your disbelief was met with something you couldn’t place from her. Halsey didn’t offer up sympathy. She offered up an understanding of watching everything you love disappear in a wave of destruction. But how could she understand the hollowness, the sinking feeling of dread that gripped your heart and threatened to make it stop?
“It’s Laconix. Shortly after we left the Covenant arrived. They glassed the planet.”
“Glassed? I - I don’t. I don’t understand.”
You were going to hyperventilate if you weren’t careful.
“It’s gone, Cobalt.” That’s not my name. “The Covenant doesn’t take prisoners. They destroy everything. Kill everything. Your planet is gone.”
Your home. What was left of your family - your people - your community. Gone. In less than 7.8 seconds of holopad footage.
“But you can avenge them. You can fight for them and to protect every other planet still left out there in the galaxy and I can help you do it.”
Deep down a part of you knew this had been her tactic all along. If reason didn’t make someone join your cause, then using their emotions against them would. You should’ve seen it coming. Took the time to ask more questions but the growing hole in your soul moved on from shock and grief was rocketing towards unbridled rage at lightning speed.
When you glanced back up at her, Halsey knew she had you before you even spoke.
“What do you need me to do?”
As always, thank you so much for reading. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated.
#A Body of Stars#ongoing series#halo the series#halo tv show#master chief#master chief x f!reader#master chief x reader#master chief x you#master chief fanfiction#john 117#john 117 x f!reader#john 117 x reader#john 117 x you#john 117 fanfiction#pablo schreiber#enemies to lovers#strangers to lovers#slow burn#halo tv series/mass effect mashup#mass effect#reader is referred to as subject cobalt
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I feel like if Blue team, at all, had the chance at normalcy before they were conscripted I think that their more tame talents/interests would be a little like this:
Kelly-087: Track of course, but also, Ice skating in some form. Idk why, I just think that the gliding and the picking up of speed would be something she'd enjoy. Also, spinning really fast. She would be the type to look so graceful on the ice but then you ask her what she does and if she competes and she just grins and goes "Yeah. In hockey." Turns out shes the same one who's gone viral several times for slamming people into the goal posts. She's good at that. Like scarily good. To the point that it gets announced as it's own separate goal system whenever she lands another human in the net. There are hundreds of edits of her doing this.
Linda-058: If she doesn't get into Enginneering as a white or gray hat hacker then I think she'd be the go-to weapons expert. Axe throwing, kunai knives, she has a samurai sword replica display, compound bows, hunting. If she isn't somewhere hacking a database then I would bet real money that she'd have a social media channel where she just demonstrates how to use weapons, past and present, and she sometimes pulls out tanks or those guns that can peekaboo around corners. Her highest watched video is where she gives a tour of a whole ass Apache helicopter and then follows it up by showing people how to load an honest to God musket with a eerily stained bayonet still on it. But, despite having millions of followers, no one has seen her in public. She lives in the woods and genuinely no one can figure out where. Her IP address is untraceable, she trusts no one, and no government. It makes people wonder heavily whether or not she's acquiring these weapons illegally (and yeah, probably).
Fred-104: If he wasn't in the military and forced to interact with people, I feel as if he'd be rather introverted. I know I made a post before about him being into doodling and I still sort of stand by that, I think he'd make for a pretty good artist. Just quietly tucked into some corner and practicing drawing whatever catches his attention. Birds, people, city tranportation, a funny looking cloud, etc. He does galleries but he goes by an allias to maintain a sense of anonymity. So, that being said, I also imagine he spent a good amount of time in college attempting to evade Scouters trying to recruit him into modeling.
John-117: Rugby. This guy was flinging kids off of a hill at a six years old and probably laughing manically about it. The only reason he's reasonable in Halo is because Sam gave him a reality check. Without that reality check from Sam who was a much bigger and stronger kid, John would know no bounds. The kids from the sports groups when he was younger nicknamed him The Bulldozer when he was 12 because he plowed into a kid so hard (during flag football mind you) that the child got his entire back stuck in the mud and it took two adults to pull the kid off the ground. If his ass wasn't causing trouble in class then he's beating the trouble into people on a field I stg. No one is sure how he even graduated with the amount of times he got threatened with assault charges. He, fortunately, calmed down a bit by the time he got to college, however there are still moments where he is seen lugging three whole men clear across the field who are making every attempt imaginable to stop him from getting a point and failing horribly.
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Master chief x reader - shapeshifters fear
Looking at the man in front of you, your heart pounded in your chest, you cradled your injured arm as you felt the blood running through your fingers.
“John…” you whispered.
“My orders are to bring you in.”
“John don’t do this please… you know I’m not a treat…”
“My orders are clear. You are to be tried as a threat to reach, and for lying on your application forms when you applied to be a marine.”
You quickly shook your head.
“I’m not lying! I swear! They asked if I had any contact with a list of certain species and I didn’t!”
“You’re one of them!” He hissed.
“That’s doesn’t mean I’m in contact with them!”
“Then come in without a fight, answer the questions and maybe they’ll just give you time in prison.”
“I’ll be executed.”
He aimed his gun, and you took an unsure step away from him.
“John please… please I’m begging you…”
“Get on your knees, hands behind your head.”
You shook your head.
“John they’ll kill me…”
“I’ll talk with them, but you need to come in peacefully for me to be able to convince them.”
“Do you think that’s going to work?! You saw what they did to that man last week! I never did anything I swear!”
“Stand down.” He said.
You looked around for something, anything to help, and you saw a few barrels nearby but you had to act quickly.
You gave John a small smile, and you shook your head.
“I’d rather die.”
With that, you sprinted away, hearing a bullet go flying past your head.
All you had to do was get somewhere public, get lost in the crowd and go from there.
So all you had to do was get to the bottom of this building, which wasn’t an option with all the marines down there so you went up instead.
John was shouting your name as you ran, running over to the roof, then to the next one, and you jumped down a fire escape, running down the stairs.
You had the advantages of speed, and they knew that, if they lost sight of that then it would be over and you would be lost.
Ducking under the arm of a marine, you jumped down the rest of the way, rolling and you ran into the busy street below.
Weaving in and out of people, down to the subway where more people were and on to the tracks.
It wasn’t safe, but there were hiding places, empty tunnels that weren’t used anymore, so you made your way into one of them.
Creeping around, you crouched against a wall.
“I need help…” you whispered.
You knew they were here, it’s where the hid, and all of your species knew that there were a few who hid under the city for moments like this.
You heard some steps, and you looked to the side at the eyes peering back at you.
“Where to?”
“Just away from here.”
“Very well. Come with me.”
You were quickly taken away from the city, taken away from everything you knew, and taken somewhere else.
A different planet was all you knew, you were placed in a small and quiet town and given a home to share with somebody.
You were constantly on edge though, everytime a ship came in you were ready to run for it, and today was no different.
You were standing outside with the others watching as a ship landed, and you slowly began backing away through the ground when you recognised it.
“(Y/N)!” You friend hissed.
“I need to go.” You whispered back.
They glanced at you, then back to the ship, and you watched as the Spartans came out, two of them going to speak to the mayor.
You turned around, keeping your head down as you walked away, but you were fully aware that you were being followed.
“Stop running.”
You broke out into a sprint, jumping over a fence you ran through a field, and John nearly lost you in the tall grass.
You had changed, but he could see where you ran from the grass, and he began to track you.
You ran through the fields, heading for the mountains, John wasn’t far behind you.
“(Y/N)!” He shouted.
He could see the gleam of your fur in the sun just before you entered the trees.
You kept running, trying anything to get away from him, he was fast, you were slightly faster, if you could find a place to hide and lay low you would win.
While running, you could hear him shouting your name as you kept going, and you kept trying to get away from him.
Finding a wooden bridge, you dug your paws into the ground, coming to a halt and you covered the tracks with dirt, then crawled under it.
You listened carefully to the sound of his steps coming closer.
You could hear him on the wooden bridge walking around, then you heard him stop.
“I’m not here to hurt you or arrest you.”
He looked around, and you slowly backed up from the way you were going, crawling towards the other side of the bridge to get out.
You quietly made your way out, and you stood up, turning your go back the way you came from and John was in front of you.
“We know you had nothing to do with the attack, you’ve been cleared.”
You slowly began backing away and he rose his hands.
“No, no don’t.”
John reached up, taking his helmet off and he slowly knelt down, placing it on the ground, his eyes studying you.
“Please don’t be scared of me…” he whispered.
He reached out and you turned your head away, a little unsure and he paused.
“I’m sorry…”
You backed away even more, and then ran back the way you had come from.
John kept coming back when he could, each time you would run away from him, and after a few months you had thought he had given up.
But he hadn’t, he arrived again just like every other time out of uniform, and he walked over to where you were standing in your front garden.
You began backing away.
“I know you’re going to runaway, but I have something for you.”
He slowly reached his hand into his pocket and pulled something out, setting it down on the floor, then he backed away.
“I’ll be here for a few hours until the last ship goes back to reach.”
With that he walked away and you walked over to pick up what he had left.
It didn’t seem like much, just an ordinary hologram, but when you opened it you saw it was a picture of you he had taken when you were trying to teach him new skills.
You loved that memory, just you and him, learning different things and just having fun.
You turned it off, putting it in your pocket, and you went back to what you were doing.
John didn’t wonder too far, he stayed nearby, hoping maybe you would come and talk to him, but you didn’t seem to show any interest in it.
You knew he was still there nearby, and after a while of ignoring him you nervously approached him.
John looked at you as you walked over, but you seemed a little bit nervous, and possibly scared.
“Will you come back?” He asked.
You shook your head.
“It’s not safe for me there…”
“It is, I promise. We had you cleared of all chargers and they’ll reinstate you.”
“So what? I can be blamed again when a shifter does something wrong?”
“No. So you can come back.”
You shook your head.
“I’m not coming back, stop coming here.”
You went to walk away and John shot forward, taking your hand and he walked around you.
“I miss you…” he mumbled.
You stayed quiet, and you looked at his hand that was still holdings yours, and you noticed is bruised knuckles.
“You should be more careful…”
John sighed.
“I’m sorry… I should have done more to protect you… to stand up for you…”
“People don’t trust me, that’s okay…”
“It’s not. I trust you. I know you would never do anything like that, but I was made to follow orders, I should have questioned them but I did. And now I’ve ran you away…”
You sighed slightly.
John took your arm, and he ran his thumb along the scar going across it, from where you had hurt yourself trying to get away from him.
“I made you scared of me…”
John leant down, kissing the top of your head.
“I really am sorry…”
With that he let go, and he made his way back down the street.
“I’m not scared of you…”
He stopped.
“I guess I’m just… I’m scared it’ll happen again…”
He turned around and walked over over, taking your face between his hands.
“If it does I’ll be right by your side I promise…”
“You’ll have to follow orders.”
“I don’t care. I will stand by you.”
“I love you.”
You blinked a little in shock.
“I love you.” He repeated.
John leant down, brushing his lips against yours before he pulled away.
His eyes searched yours and you sighed a little bit, tucking your head under his chin because you couldn’t stay away from him.
You had always felt safer with him, and right now you felt safest in his arms standing there.
John held you tightly, a hand on the back of your head.
He knew it was going to take a while to get you to feel safe enough to come back to reach, and if that meant he had to keep going back that’s what he was going to do.
He has screwed up big time, now he had to make it up to you
#halo#halo imagine#halo the series#halo x reader#halo x you#John 117#John 117 x reader#John 117 x you#John 117 imagine#master chief#master chief x reader#master chief x you#master chief imagine
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Omg, I love all your work! Im gushing over it, how about one with the Master Chief where the reader is just loving kissing his scars and making him feel loved and the reader is a scientist stationed on the infinity
another master chief request, LETS GOOOO
The Infinity was in orbit around Reach, and you finally had some time off to rest and relax, after being deployed up in space for a few months. You were starting to miss natural gravity.
You were a scientist stationed on Infinity, so that meant that majority of your time was spent up in space. You’ve wanted to be a scientist for as long as you can remember, always dreaming of studying the stars, and maybe even one day, being able to physically explore them, traveling through the galaxy. And here you were, some twenty odd years later from when you obsession with the cosmos first came to fruition.
You were also eager to get back down to Reach because you know John was back from his last mission, and you were anxious to get back, excited to see your boyfriend. This time, he was gone for only three weeks, which was actually not a long time at all. Sometimes his work would take him away form you for much longer, but you thanked the heavens that he was already back on Reach, safe and sound.
Earlier, you were frantically cleaning your apartment since he was coming over tonight. You were already kind of a clean freak, so when you were expecting company (even though he’s your boyfriend of many years) you went into ultra-cleaning mode, and cleaned for hours on end, making sure everything was spotless, and smelled good. It also helped you clear your mind.
Eight o’clock finally rolled around, and you were expecting John to be here any time now.
You hear a knock on your door, and you sprint up from the couch and basically rip the door open, a wide grin on your face as you take in your boyfriend, who’s standing in your door frame. He’s opted for comfy clothes, wearing his all-black workout clothes. You’ve always commented on how the black brings out the green in his eyes.
He brings you in for a warm hug, his large arms wrapping around your frame and pulling you in close to him. You feel his chin rest on top of your head, and you both gently rock back and forth as you soak up each other’s warmth. He smells just as you remember, like a gentle rainfall with a hint of cedar. It’s your favorite scent. You finally break away from him, formally greeting him this time, and then you both enter your home.
Fast forward a couple hours, finds yourself laying in bed, with John, and you guys are talking about everything under the sun. He told you about his last mission and surprisingly, some drama that’s been going on with the Blue team, among other mundane updates since he last saw you. You do the same, talking about your latest project, which is tracking a certain galaxy through the Universe.
You have your fairy lights turned on, making your room glow softly, and you’re both wrapped under the covers and in each other’s arms. You wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the universe right now.
Your head rests on John’s bicep, while your leg is thrown over his hip. His arm that is not acting as a pillow for you, is wrapped around your middle, his hand resting on your back, rubbing soft circles there.
“…and where did you get this one from?” Your hand is currently resting on his face, gently cupping it, as your thumb traces of a scar that marks his left cheek. He’s already told you how he got each of his scars, but you always love hearing him tell the stories, so you find yourself asking him to tell you again.
His hand that was resting on your back, moves so now it’s holding your waist, and he gives you a light pinch, teasing you. You squirm and giggle, but you just look up expectantly at John, waiting to hear the story for the hundredth time.
“Well, as you very well know, I got this on the first Halo I visited.”
You perk up, “Ooo, installation 04, right?” John lets out a chuckle, “Yeah, that one.”
“Aka, the one you destroyed.” You grant him a sly grin. This time he more so huffs, rather than laughs, “Yes, that one.”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, continue good sir.” You didn’t see him roll his eyes, but you know he did mentally.
“It was probably day 6 since I touched down on Halo, after the whole Flood incident, so I was pretty worse for wear. We happened to run into a Covenant fleet, which had more than the average amount of Elites. Two in which had the invisibility cloaking mechanism, and their infamous energy swords.”
You nod, encouragingly for him to continue, your thumb still gently moving back and forth on his face. You also lean up to give him a quick kiss on his jaw, and you feel his grip on your waist tighten at the action.
“I managed to take one of the cloaked elites out, while the marines focused on the rest of the fleet. The second elite though was a slippery bastard, and he almost managed to slice my head clean off my neck, but luckily, the sword only grazed my face, giving me this lovely blemish.”
“Well, I love it.” You lean in to kiss his cheek, where the discoloration remains form the blade of the energy sword. You rest your forehead on his for a moment, then kiss his nose.
“I also love this one.” You move to right above his left eye, where a long-jagged mark remains, and leave a kiss. You move to his right temple and plant your lips there, “And this one…”
“Now I think you’re just trying to flatter me.” You let out a breathy laugh, “Never.”
He has a couple of very small scars littering his other cheek, so you pepper kisses all over there, “…and these ones.”
You then hover your lips over his, lightly brushing them as you say, “But most importantly, I love you.”
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Homesick: The Lost TOH S1B Episode!

So the storyboards for Homesick gave us the Healing Glyph, which incorporates the alchemical symbol for Water, just as the Fire Glyph has Fire (obviously) and Plant has Earth (not as obvious but still very much so). Makes sense, water is often associated with cleansing and healing; Take for example Avatar the Last Airbender! Not only that BUT;

Prior to Any Sport in a Storm, John Bailey Owen, a head writer for the show, tweeted this book plate! I and others lost our minds over what appeared to be a S1-era graphic with an unknown fifth glyph, and speculated about it…
Now we know. It was the Healing Glyph all along!!!!!! It was indeed another glyph! And its placement with the four we know makes me suspect the writers still intended for most spells to be accessed via glyph combos, it’s just that the base glyphs of the Titan would’ve been five and not four! And Healing being one of the Titan’s main glyphs in an earlier draft makes sense, given the Titan has to have VERY good health to stay alive in her rotted state for so long, as well as resurrecting Luz, being the literal grounds for life on the Boiling Isles, and even regenerating imperfectly, which was a concept brought up by the writers for why certain aspects of the isles are fleshy or have entire body parts.
Alas, the episode the Healing Glyph appears in —Homesick— wasn’t animated. But it does have Luz being in Hexside as a plot point, showing how she has to rely on the magic around her to make things for other classes, like potions. So this episode might’ve been drafted after the executive mandate for more Hexside, and been intended to air after The First Day even!
Given Homesick’s storyboards open with an introduction to its the crew members while No Tree Left Behind doesn’t… I think Homesick was made during a different stage of development, after the final version of S1A had been storyboarded in fact! While NTLB was before S1A’s final drafts were settled on, hence Lilith being more villainous like in the pilot and using Luz as a hostage (which detracts from Agony of a Witch’s significance as that sorta thing being the first time it happens). Adding to my point is how the demon hunters return in Homesick, with Tom alluding to Hooty’s Moving Hassle;
Of course, the name Homesick’s H doesn’t fit into ‘A witch loses a true way’ which has me suspect the titles for S1 weren’t finalized when this was storyboarded, either; So before we got S1A’s titles officially revealed. Or maybe the message would’ve ended differently, while still starting with ‘A witch loses’. I can imagine how development for a season can change past its midway point!!!
But yeah, this is the missing glyph! The lost episode! Why wasn’t it animated, I wonder; Maybe there wasn’t enough space for S1B and the writers felt every other episode shown took priority (I will not tolerate Sense and Insensitivity and Really Small Problems slander, King’s development DOES matter). Maybe they ran out of budget, they reached the episode limit for a season. S1 was meant to be 20 episodes but instead got 19, so S2 compensated with 21! We got an extra episode for S2 because of it… Only for the show to be cancelled after Agony of a Witch aired, so it really needed that extra episode to set up S3 ugh. Reminder that we lost fourteen episodes’ worth of screen time because of Disney!
Anyhow, Homesick could’ve been our missing episode to round out that number. Again, I don’t know why it was left out, but I wonder if the character of Caduceia (who appears in this episode) had her design repurposed for Raine Whispers, whose teenage appearance is alluded to later in S1B. But that photo could’ve been added late in production, during the time in which things were actually animated! If we look at the production codes for S1, it has 101-120… But there isn’t a 117.
I should clarify that production codes don’t always align to episodes’ intended order; Something Ventured, Someone Framed is 109 while Escape of the Palisman is 108. But SVSF has to happen before EotP, because EotP references Luz being enrolled in Hexside, which happens in SVSF. So as far as I can tell, Homesick (aka production code 117) happens after The First Day. We see Eda’s ring, so it’d also have to occur before Wing it like Witches!

But then again Clouds on the Horizon’s storyboards gave Amity the portal key when she lost that eleven episodes ago, so who knows what happens in production or what details get messed up by storyboarders, especially since production isn’t always chronological; Homesick’s storyboarders might not have known about the ring in WilW while working on the episode. The lack of Healing Glyph in other episodes makes me wonder if it was supposed to be Luz’s last one, even!
She doesn’t use it in WilW where it could’ve helped Amity at the end, but then maybe that episode was altered in response to no more Homesick. In fact maybe the episode was cut because the writers were concerned about the Healing Glyph not having established limits (which they learned from by later in S2 giving Luz’s invisibility combo the breathing requirement), which takes away a lot of tension and can write them into a corner. I know that feeling… In the episode it was powerful enough to heal Hooty of his entire illness, and as Dana says, limitation breeds innovation so such a boon for the protagonists had to be removed to make room for potential conflict and dilemmas later on.
Since Homesick’s conclusion depends a lot on and revolves around the Healing Glyph, they might not have been able to rework the plot to still make it work in the S1B context, not in enough time, plus we already know that the final show didn’t need the episode that much in the end if there’s no glyph for it to offer. And then the animators went back and edited WilW to foreshadow Raine since Caduceia as a character was now cut, leaving her design repurposed for Whispers instead.
On another note, Homesick’s photo of Manny with his face blurred also indicates he was meant to be a mystery as early as S1B, aka his death as a motivator for Luz was in plan at least since then; Makes sense, Manny giving Luz her favorite book is based off of Dana’s own childhood experience with her father, so she would have that in mind well before The Owl House was even an idea prompted out of spite! Additionally, Camila WAS meant to be a nurse, and this was changed at some point during or after S1B’s production!
And with all this speculation on development aside, I want to address how this could still fit into current canon; I’ve HC’ed that different Titans have different base glyphs and different designs, though the function of some spells may align (such as King and his papa having Light). So maybe Healing is the second of King’s glyphs, and Luz discovers it when Eda or someone else casts a healing spell!!! I could see a very abridged version of Homesick happening post-canon, after the show’s final scene.
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Reunion | 117
summary: they meet again pairing: Master Chief x platonic fem!oc ( x reader tagged too, scroll if you don't like it! ) a/n: I'm officially back in my Halo phase. Watching Chief kick ass is the only thing getting me through exam season rn 😔. This is another one and done and really short, not revised or re-read.
Lasky had left him in silence, then again, there will never truly be a moment of quietness. UNSC Infinity’s engines hum all around him in harmony with another whine that’s higher pitched. John thinks that perhaps earth had joined in the song, but he knew it wasn’t true.
Planets’ noise isn’t audible to the human ears, normal and enhanced alike.
“ Can I take a guess?” Finally, the whine disappeared. His junior’s footsteps rattled the metal flooring as she came to his side. “ You got hit in your chest.”
In truth, he was hit all over. The Didact’s abilities with forerunner technology had almost crushed him like an ant. The protest of his muscles and bones in soreness against artificial gravity was evident. A greater ache was in his heart. John glanced at her, there was a new addition to the left side of her helmet, a small, black plate of metal, light blinking green.
“ New tech?” He asked.
“ Great tech.” Adara nodded and looked him up and down again. “ Oh, you have a sprained shoulder too.”
“ Right shoulder.”
He had hanged onto that bridge with his right arm and saved himself from getting swallowed by a forerunner black hole that way.
“ Exactly.” She nodded. “ So you do know that Forerunner beat you up.”
For a moment the young Spartan that had accompanied him through East Africa four years ago resurfaced. But quickly she was gone, replaced by the older, more polite one. “ Sorry.” Adara shook her head and laughed. “ I don’t mean to rush you, sir. But you really should be getting checked out in the med bay right now.”
There was a moment of silence after that where if Cortana was still here, she would have filled. John didn’t answer, he imagined what his lost, dead friend would say. It’d be something along the lines of ‘ Just one moment, he will be right there.’, or ‘ Your friend is right, Chief. You do need a medical scan.’. But before that she’d probably greet Adara happily. They haven’t seen each other in four long years, after all.
His thoughts drew back to reality when her hand brushed his.
“ The Captain did ask me to escort you to medical, personally.” She’s strolling towards the door, golden visor fixated on him. “ But I will see you there, no?”
“ You will.”
“ Alright.” Gone was she, but her voice remained. “ Don’t take too long, though.”
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Warrior Song 13
Find the series masterlist
Okay guys, we're approaching the end! I think we've got two chapters left in this story. And remember, if you kill me, I can't finish the story.
Medic learns more about Atriox's plan, and has a difficult decision to make.
Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical plots against humanity, nobody likes humanity I guess, playing fast and loose with canon, canon is my sandbox. Mention of injuries.
Word count: 2k
Master chief/John-117 x f!reader
“Humanity has been more opposition than I first imagined,” Atriox growled. He’d left you on the ground, for which you were grateful. It was easier to hide the shaking when you were already seated. “But you will not be for much longer.”
You couldn’t see exactly what he was doing. You were a medic, not an engineer. But you knew it was bad.
You wished you did know what he was doing, so you could find some way to stop him.
Not that you really thought you could. You were, after all, the third most harmless person on this ring.
“Why did you not break when you lost your Master Chief?”
It took you a solid two seconds to realize that Atriox was not speaking to you, but speaking of humanity in general. You swallowed hard.
“Well, he died before, so.” You almost immediately winced at yourself. Oh yeah, great plan, snark at the maniac with the weapons and hands as big as your head. Good job.
Atriox huffed. “Then I will see to his death permanently this time,” he growled. “He will be the first, but not the last.” He looked down at you over his shoulder, the blue lighting only making him more intimidating, somehow.
You swallowed hard. That was very much a threat. One he apparently intended to see through.
This was so bad.
Two of the Endless floated nearer to him, and Atriox once again elected to ignore you, back to you. You took the chance to look around, carefully. You were far from alone, after all.
There were weapons and supplies stacked neatly. More than you were comfortable seeing.
It looked like war preparations.
Which was terrifying, of course, but also rather useless here. Sure, Atriox could lead the Endless and whatever of his forces remained against the humans here on the Halo, but that was far from all of humanity.
Fernando had told you the Halo was non-operational, John had dismantled whatever it was that made it a weapon.
So what was Atriox’s plan?
Not that it really mattered, so long as someone thwarted his plan. You doubted you could do much, but you could try.
Very carefully, you scooted back away from the control panel and Atriox. Nobody even looked at you, clearly deeming you harmless.
Maybe you could use that to your advantage? Somehow?
You could feel the Halo humming under you, gentle vibrations that would have been soothing if you weren’t absolutely terrified. Nobody else seemed to pay it any attention, but you leaned into it a bit.
Look, you could really use anything to help you calm down a bit just about now.
Okay, so you couldn’t tell what they were planning, and they were currently ignoring you, correctly deciding that you were not someone they needed to worry about. Okay. What else could you do?
There were tons of weapons, of course. Most of which you didn’t know how to use. And which you had no chance of doing any real damage with. Okay, yeah, not your best idea. Moving on.
The Endless seemed to be doing their own thing - only a few were around Atriox. You didn’t know where the rest had gone, because when Chief had been chasing them there had been many, many more. Possibly they were around the rest of the Halo? But for what purpose?
Maybe they knew how to repair it.
The thought stirred dread in your chest, cold seeping into your bones and your mind. That… was horrifying. And terrible. That would end so poorly.
But you had to consider it.
From what you remembered, the Endless had been around with the Forerunners, so there was a possibility they knew how to work this tech.
Which was honestly pretty terrifying. But this whole situation was pretty terrifying, so you weren’t sure how to qualify the actual level of terrifying anymore.
Okay. So. Atriox and the Endless were definitely up to something. You couldn’t do a lot from here. But you could watch, observe, try to piece together their plan.
And that’s exactly what you did. You sat there, thigh aching, gaze fixed on Atriox and the Endless around him. Maybe if you watched you’d get some hint, some clue as to their plan. Maybe.
It was the least you could do, anyway.
For the large part, they all ignored you. Atriox, the Endless, the Sangheili. All of them. You were beneath their focus, not worthy of watching more than to make sure you didn’t grab a weapon and start shooting.
Not that you were offended by this. They were pretty much right about that.
You had no idea how long you sat there. Time was meaningless and impossible to track. You just stayed exactly where you were, watching everything.
So when the Sangheili approached you again, you flinched. But he just sneered down at you and hauled you to your feet, grip uncaringly tight around your upper arm. You winced but kept quiet.
You were moved through a doorway, though your thigh ached and threatened to give out from under you. A walkway went around the circular room, with a single walkway stretching out over nothingness to a central point.
“Move,” Atriox growled from to the side of you. You chanced a quick look, but he was just watching you. So you stepped forward carefully, slowly.
“What am I doing?” You kept your voice low - it felt wrong to speak at full volume here.
“Ensuring my victory.” Atriox stepped up behind you, too close, looming over you. Then again, being on the same damn Halo as him was too close. Two of the Endless floated near you, watching with open curiosity.
So. They needed you to do something. Some way to interact with the Halo, or activate it, or something. But they needed you to do it. Or else why bother grabbing a human at all? Why bother keeping you alive?
Too many questions, not enough answers, and no way to get them. You blew out a slow breath, looking down at the interface in front of you. You could probably throw yourself off the walkway, which would at least slow down his plans. Give Blue Team a chance to catch up and stop him.
But you didn’t want to. You really didn’t want to.
Apparently tired of waiting for you, Atriox grabbed your arm, pulling your hand forward to slap against the interface. It lit up vibrant blue, sending chills down your spine.
“The Forerunners thought they were being so clever,” he growled, watching various statuses show up, flicking through them. “Leaving their technology to humans.”
The two Endless moved closer, and you stepped away. Carefully. Slowly. Your arm ached and throbbed where you’d been grabbed twice now, but nobody stopped you. They were focused on the displays.
Okay. Maybe you could back up, grab a weapon, and… do something.
You didn’t have a chance to plan more than that, though, as the sound of gunfire echoed down into the open room. Atriox started barking orders, his remaining soldiers gearing up quickly.
You used the distraction to scuttle away as fast as you could, trying to remain out of the way. Partially because you didn’t want to get shot, and partially because you didn’t want to get grabbed as a shield. It was easy for you to hide in the growing chaos, looking around almost desperately for some way to defend yourself.
The sounds of fighting grew louder, the shots getting closer. You had just turned to look back at the weapons stash, so you had a perfect view of Blue Team advancing into the room. Your breath stuttered out of you. They were okay. They were all okay.
“Master Chief,” Atriox rumbled, taking one step forward. “We meet again.”
Chief didn’t respond, just shifting his grip on his gun, helmet fixed on Atriox.
“You will not be so lucky again.” Atriox started forward, the floor shaking under his steps as he ran towards Chief.
You didn’t watch. You couldn’t watch. Two of the Endless were still working at the terminal, completely avoiding the fighting. Whatever they were working on was bad, clearly. They were trying to get it done.
You’d just have to disrupt their work.
A shotgun slid towards you, bumping into your shoe. You picked it up quickly and then looked at Blue Team. Fred nodded to you once before he threw a whole Unggoy into the pit, the high-pitched squeals fading quickly.
You didn’t hear it hit the bottom.
You knew the basics of gun safety, at least, so you were able to point and shoot. Which you did. Your first shot was a little wide, but the second hit both Endless. One of them turned on you with a furious sound while the other continued working.
Well. Damn.
You pressed your back into the wall, eyes wide. That had not gone according to plan!
But the Endless didn’t have a chance to attack. Two more shots hit it in the back, and it turned and… teleported? It did something and moved away from you.
Giving you a chance to focus on the remaining one. You needed to stop it. Somehow. You had no ammo, no convenient ally to help.
So you did what you could. You threw the entire shotgun at the Endless.
The Endless turned, energy crackling at its fingertips. Oh shit. It floated towards you slowly, seemingly just to enjoy the panic on your face as you scrambled backwards, away from it.
Kelly dropped down out of seemingly nowhere, pinning the Endless beneath her and shooting it in the face three times. “Stop taunting them,” she scolded you, sparing you one look before she leapt off to deal with something else.
You breathed out slowly, shakily. Yeah. Right. Good idea. You’d accomplished your goal, anyway.
Back still pressed against the wall, you hunkered down a little, trying to be as unobtrusive as possible. The fight around you was loud and far too close, but there was nowhere else to go.
You had the perfect vantage point to see Atriox look back at the control panel. You saw two Sangheili descend on Chief to distract him. You saw Atriox leap back to the control panel.
You looked down when you felt something bump into your shoe. Another weapon. But this time it was a grenade. You had no idea what kind it was, or what it did, but you recognized the shape.
You picked up the grenade. Blue Team was scattered across the room, dealing with the veritable flood of Endless.
Could you make that throw? Maybe.
A sharp clang jerked your head to the side as Fred hit the wall across from you, getting back to his feet quickly, in time to block a shot from an Unggoy.
Your Spartans were doing well, but they hadn’t known the extent of what they faced. They didn’t know Atriox’s full plan.
Neither did you, of course, but you knew more than they did. You knew that he couldn’t succeed.
You knew what you had to do.
It took all your courage to take that first step forward. Then another. You moved slowly, softly. You didn’t even register to the combatants - the Endless were focused on Blue Team, and Blue Team was focused on eliminating the actual threats with extreme prejudice.
You nearly wobbled the last step you dared, your instincts screaming at you to run away from Atriox. But you didn’t. You held your ground, facing his back, shaking. You pulled the pin on the grenade, crouching a little. Okay. You could do this.
You rolled the grenade right between Atriox’s feet until it hit the bottom of the control panel and stopped.
Your gaze met John’s across the room, his visor impenetrable as ever, but still comforting. He shouted, and it took you a moment to realize he’d called your name.
Atriox made a triumphant noise.
John lunged.
The grenade went off.
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Aislynn's Jumble of Random Thinky Thoughts on Halo s2 ep4 "Reach"
SPOILERS, but of course
Cpt Admiral Keyes went out like a total badass. I really do hate to lose him but I'm glad he got a better send-off than he did in the game (Halo: Combat Evolved). Seeing him with a pipe was an awesome little callback to the game, IMO. (Though smoking is bad; don't smoke, kids! 👎😬😉)
The fact that The Powers That Be took Silver Team's Mjolnir with them as they ran like cowards evacuated but abandoned actual Silver Team is the most realistic bureaucratic part of the episode. 🙄
I suspected Louis wasn't going to survive but him losing Danilo and then choosing to make that stand immediately after was both heartbreaking but bittersweet: he couldn't live without his beloved and his sacrifice gave John and Riz a chance to escape but also ensured that he didn't have to live long without his beloved. 💔
My Halo vehicle fangirling was cranked up to 117% 😇 here, with me pausing the show to yell, "WRAITH, IT'S A WRAITH! I love hijacking those things!!!" and then "SCORPION! A SCORPION TANK! Aw, man, I do BUSINESS when I have a Scorpion!" *wistful, lovestruck sigh* 💖 Please imagine my dad's 🤔⁉️ face during all of that, lol! 😇
John, my beloved, and Scorpion tank, my beloved... 😍🤷♀️😇😉
I was legit upset that Kai was gone the entire ep, not just 'cause I wanted to see her, of course, but because it seems an awful lot like she abandoned her team and that just doesn't seem like her at all. I know last ep she was very torn and upset about John and not really believing what he was saying, but also not wanting to narc him out, either. When she finds out what happened to Vannak, I think she'll blame herself for not being there and, honestly? I think she should. (Same as she should feel bad about not believing John, evidence to the contrary.) Not saying she could've prevented any of the bad stuff, of course, but she wasn't there when Silver Team desperately needed her and if they don't have her feel guilt over that, then that's really going to be OOC for her, IMO. 😔
And then of course, the "two" of the "one-two punch" from this ep... Vannak, nooooooooo! I was completely not expecting to lose him here but I really should have, considering we're straight up doing a version of Reach's game storyline and, as we all know, Noble Team didn't make it out of the game alive (other than Jun).
And yet still... Vannak! Not when he's just learned to love animal documentaries and feeding the birds! The big guy had so much more living to do!!! 😭😭😭 I'm going to really miss him and I'm going to completely ignore his death in any fanfic I ever again write, I'm just saying. 🤷♀️😉
Are we feeling like Soren will be getting a place on Silver Team, at least temporarily?
Okay, so I was a little surprised but in a good way over how hard everything about Keyes hit Halsey. She was genuinely kinda tongue-tied at seeing him, then her absolutely screaming at his death and her sobbing... I wasn't expecting that sort of reaction. She really did love him and I wouldn't have thought that before this episode.
I feel vaguely like John's ex just kidnapped his current girlfriend, lol. Also, I keep staring at Makee, thinking, "Is her hair a different blonde? Is she dying her eyebrows or something?" more than anything else so I really need to get over that, lol! Annnnnd I could kinda ship her with her Arbiter but nobody should be surprised at that 'cause I can ship a character with a mop that has a wig and googly eyes on it if the chemistry feels right to me...
I could also see not-Thel!Arbiter as being a suuuuper jealous boyfriend trying to prove he's better than Makee's ex... *shipper glasses, I has 'em at all times!* 😜😉
Since Makee didn't let her Arbiter (whose name is escaping me at the moment) go ahead and kill John, one wonders if it was because she does still have feelings for him or if she just needs him for some later nefarious purpose. And why does she need Cortana? I'm still wondering if we're going to get some sort of "evil" Cortana ala Halo 5 since her new look reminds me a lot more of her Halo 5 look.
This is a still, not GIF, from Halo s2 Cortana's new look, so you don't wonder why it's not moving. 😉
Halo 5 "evil" Cortana.
And you can see s1 Cortana in the GIF right above all of this.
Annnnd my favorite version of Cortana...
Halo 4 Cortana, whom I imprinted on as my very first Cortana, so this is her definitive look to me, what can I say? 🤷♀️😉
And bringing things back to the episode once more, I also had a game fangirling moment when John yelled, "Frag out!" as he lobbed the grenade. My dad soon learned that the marines tend to yell that as they're lobbing frag grenades in the various games, too! 😎
Ooo, and almost forgot John's absolute panic eyes when Keyes called him forward during his inspirational speech, lol. Poor Chief, d'aww! But that was a really great moment to show people that Master Chief isn't a robot, he's a flesh and blood person, and I think that was used to great effect in this moment. 💖
In summary, this episode had me
#halo#halo the series#halo paramount+#spoilers#halo spoilers#master chief#admiral jacob keyes#captain keyes#vannak-134#silver team#kai-125#cortana#makee#not-thel arbiter#i am in a glass case of emotion#ageless aislynn
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