#Joey's key took me two days because i needed on to find and make sure that it was the correct image for the correct god
nyxcentury · 8 days
More keys!
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PixlRiffs key is worn, broken and uncolored right now but it would be the color of oxidation due to it's age. The main reason for this is because he abandoned his empire and it fell into ruin.
Using his banner design, i made two coppery stars, orange on the top and blue/teal on the bottom. Holding them together is a conduit that is now broken. Despite the state of the key, it is still usable although Pix has reported that it tends to...mess with his code. His other key, for his time as an archeologist, seems to do the same thing, and Pix has yet to say anything more on the matter.
Joey's key, uncorrupted in the beginning, is actually one of the aztec fire gods, Xiuhcoatl. This is due to the Aztecs' being a big inspiration and the fact that both The Lost Empire and the Fire Temple share the same flag.
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reidsmemory · 4 years
Spencer Reid
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Y/N is abducted while working a case and the team has to find her before it’s too late.
Genre: Fluff with a touch of angst
Warnings: Mention of death of minor character, torture
not my gif!
The team had been looking into case that had targeted girls with Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes. All had looks strikingly similar to you and if anyone were to see either one of the victims in a room with you, they would say you were related. You all had been on the case for about a week now and you were still no where close to catching this guy. 
     “Agent Y/L/N,” a voice called as you whipped your head to face them, “these came in for you,” the officer was holding a bouquet of red roses with a small white card on the top of it. 
      “Do you know who these are from?” you asked as he shook his head and walked away. 
      “What does the note say?” Emily asked as the whole team had watched the interaction. 
     You opened the envelope and read the note as you furrowed your brows, “echo.” The team looked at each other with puzzled faces, “what the hell is that suppose to mean? Have we already dealt with this unsub?” The rest of team began theorizing as the same officer walked up to you again.
     “Agent, we’ve got someone that say he needs to speak to you.”
      “Can’t they come here?” Hotch asked, getting defensive.
      “He says that he won’t go into a place of justice, whatever that means,” the officer began to lead you as the rest of the team followed. You began walking towards the entrance of the station as the officer looked around for the mystery man. “He was just here,” the man spoke. 
      “Spence,” you spoke out as your boyfriend looked to you before you collapsed on the ground. You head hit the flooring as a ringing sounded in your ears as well as their being two of everything. Two Spencer’s holding your head, two Hotch’s yelling and pointing fingers, two lights blinding you from seeing anything. 
     What felt like hours later you were being lifted onto a bed. Two men had arrived with an ambulance as shouting and yelling was all that was heard. “Are you family, sir?” the first responder asked as Spencer opened him mouth and closed it again, “I didn’t think so, you all can follow in cars.” The man said as his colleague gave him as weird look as the both of them lifted you into the ambulance as the rest of the team rushed to get their keys and get into the SUVs.
     The ambulance sped off as the sirens wailed and your team rushed to the cars. “What in the fresh hell?” Derek said as he looked at the tires on one of the SUVs. “My tires are popped, what about you, Hotch?” 
     “Same here,” the raven haired man said. 
     “It’s a set up,” Reid spoke as fear flooded his face. 
     You awoke in a cabin where you had been tired to a chair and had a gag on your mouth. Your vision still hazy and your thoughts even hazier. 
     “Oh good, you’re up,” a male voice said from the corner of the room. You tried to get a good look at him, but he stayed in the shadows. “Ben Cyrus,” he said as you furrowed your eyebrows. The name sounded so familiar, but you couldn’t quite remember where you had heard it before. 
      “Who are you?” you asked as the man chuckled. “Let me go, I’ll talk to my team and we can work this out.” He scoffed at your words and began to walk towards you. 
     “Ben Cyrus. He ran the greatest church known to man and you,” his face was hardened and his eyes had a crazed look in them, “took away our faith!” He struck his hand across your face as a burning sensation filled your cheek. 
     It all rushed back to you. A few year back you, Prentiss, and Reid had all gone undercover in a cult-like church. The leader, Benjamin Cyrus, had been suspected of child abuse and sexual harassment and the government had wanted the BAU to get involved. 
     “I remember,” you said as the man smiled. 
     “Good, Agent,” he grabbed a chair from the side of the room and brought it over to sit across from you. “Now,” he started again, “you might not know me. My name is Joey Cyrus and I would say it’s a pleasure to meet you, but I’d be lyin’,” he studied you as you did the same.
     “What do you want, Joey?” 
     “Well my daddy would be nice for one, but I don’t believe you have the power to do that. So you’ll do just fine,” he got up from his chair and walked over to the bag that you had seen from the corner of your eye. He dumped the contents on the ground in front of you and a spill of tools came out. A hammer, pliers, a baseball bat, a few knives, and other things that could do damage. “Let’s get to know each other.”
     Back at the station, Spencer was frantically trying to figure out who had taken you and why. The note on the roses had been laced with a medicinal herb that had knocked you out and the ambulance had been found in a ditch on the highway with all but one of the first responders on it. The medics had been killed in a brutal way that even made Spencer sick to his stomach as he thought about what this guy was doing to you.
     “Reid,” Hotch’s voice broke his train of thought as he met eyes with the older man. “Go ahead, Garcia.”
     “Alright. Our mystery medic is Joseph Mulgrew , he moved to Utah just a few years ago and before that he has been off the map,” Garcia told the team. “This guy, he’s like a ghost. No records of his name anywhere else and no former address of any kind.”
     “Did you say Mulgrew?” Spencer said as the team looked at him.
     “Yes I did Doctor, what about it?”
     “Look up Joseph Cyrus,” Spencer told her as they heard the taps of Garcia’s keyboard. The team looked at him for an explanation, “Benjamin Cyrus, he was an unsub we had.”
     “Yeah,” Emily started, “he was that guy that ran that church and...” she trailed off as the team got the gist of what she was saying. 
     “He was Charles Mulgrew before he made a come back at the church. It could be possible that he has unknown family, considering what he was really doing all those years,” Spencer explained, “Garcia, how old is Joseph?” 
     “He is 27 years of age and the good doctor is right. Joey here changed his name like dear old dad and oh...” Penny trailed off.
     “Penny?” JJ asked.
     “Joseph has been in and out of jail and juvie for as long as I can see. Charged with assault, petty theft, and oh my. Domestic abuse filed by his ex-wife who looks a lot like our Y/N,” a sounding on their tablets was heard as they opened it and saw a woman very similar to you.
     “But Spencer and I went undercover too, why would he pick Y/N?” Emily said as she immediately started to solve the puzzle, “you think it’s because of the looks of the ex-wife?”
     “I think so,” Rossi mumbled, “Penelope pull up the most current address to Joe and anything that could be used to store Y/N.”
     “I’ve got a home address and a storage unit and they have all been sent to your phones! Go crime fighters and get our princess back!” Penelope told them.
     “Thanks, Baby Girl,” Morgan hung up the phone.
     “Reid with me and JJ. Rossi, Morgan, and Prentiss take the storage. We’ll have to use squad cars until the SUVs are fixed so lets go get Y/L/N,” Hotch ordered as they all nodded ad went to the parking lot. 
     You muffled your screams and grunts as Joey had began to carve into your stomach. He laughed as you clenched your teeth and held your hands in fists, surely four crescent shaped cuts were to be found on the inside of your palms if you opened them. “You son of a bitch,” you struggled to get out as Joey wiped the knife off on your pants. 
     “Don’t you talk about my mama that way, girl. I’ll make sure you regret it.” You received at blow to the side of your face. You spit out the blood that formed in your mouth as Joey began to take the other tools out from his collection. “These look nice, don’t they, girl?” He held up a pack of cigarettes and a lighter as he popped one in his mouth.
     “Those things kill,” you said remembering Spencer tell you countless facts about the ‘cancer sticks’ as both of you had nicknamed them. “On second thought, why don’t you just keep smoking them.”
     He laughed, “you are a firecracker. My daddy always said the young ones are.” He stroked your hair as you tried to move back.
     “Your dad was sick in the head and you are too,” you spoke with such tenacity. 
     He looked at you blankly, “I thought I said you don’t speak of my family like that,” he took the cigarette from his mouth and stuck it on your exposed collar bone. 
     You grunted as he held your face in free hand. He leaned into your ear and whispered, “I want to hear those screams, girl.” He press the cigarette into your skin further, finally inciting a small scream to slip past your lips. “Good.”
     The team had arrived at both locations and there was no sign that you were there. Spencer paced around with his hands in is hair as the rest of the team was now even more worried than before, if that was possible. The team had no idea where you could be and if you were even alive. It had been at least 13 hours since you had dropped in the lobby and it was eating Spencer and the team alive.
     “You have nothing?” JJ asked Garcia over the phone,.
     “No, i’m sorry. I’ll keep looking and-” she was cut off by Spencer who had just had a revelation. 
     “Garcia, make sure the jet is ready. I think I know where Y/N is.”
     On the jet Spencer had explained the note and how it read ‘echo’ as saying that Joey might want to recreate the explosion at the church and now the team had touched down in Colorado where they got in SUVs to go to the church’s location. 
     A swat team followed them along the dirt roads that were bumpy and the night sky that was dark. The sun was starting to rise in the distance. Spencer remembered you always saying, ‘the same beams but a new day,’ and that made him the tiniest bit hopeful that they would find you in this new day. 
     The church came into view as they could see it was now a smaller wooden building. “What the hell,” Morgan said from the drivers seat as he say the building, “this guy built up a whole new structure to what? Avenge his father’s death?” The car came to a stop as the team hopped out of the car and Hotch began to go over the plan with the others.
     “From the front-” he was cut off by a ear piercing scream that came from no one other than you. Spencer looked at his boss in worry as Hotch returned the look and started again, “let’s go.”
     Joey drove a knife into your stomach as you screamed loudly. He left it in your body and quickly grabbed another knife from the ground. “You have got to work out your daddy issues another way,” you told him as he dragged the new knife down the side of your face as it cut into your skin. 
     “You wanna try something different, girl?” You immediately regretted your words and recalled Spence always telling you that your smart mouth was going to get you in trouble some day. He began to unbutton the top of his flannel, but quickly stopped as he heard footsteps in the distance. You heard them too. 
      “Spencer!” you yelled as loud as you could as Joey came over to you and cut the ropes on your ankles and arms as he quickly grabbed you and put a knife to your neck. 
      From the front of the house Spencer could hear your cries as his ears perked up as his heart rate grew faster and Hotch nodded as Morgan kicked the door down. The team moved through the structure and finally Spencer came face to face with you, “Y/N,” he said as you locked eyes with your boyfriend and smiled lightly, despite the situation at hand. 
     “Joseph, put the knife down,” Hotch told the man as the knife just dug deeper into your skin. 
     “I don’t think so,” he took grip on you and made it tighter. “You killed my family. He never did anything but help people in need of his guidance.”
     “Your father ruined the lives of young girls,” Spencer said matter-o-factly. 
     “No! He did them a favor, he gave them the greatest gift he could,” Joey said as he began to move his hand without the knife a bit more. You furrowed your eyebrows as you tried see what he was hold and finally saw a small remote concealed in his hand. 
     You moved your eyes to Hotch’s and blinked rapidly. You just hoped he would pick up on the Morse Code and get everyone out of the building. 
     “Let’s just talk this out, Joey,” Hotch started, “JJ get everyone out, I want to talk to Joey alone.” JJ furrowed her eyebrows at the man but he gave he a stern look as she understood and began to move the team out. 
     “No! Bring them back!” Joey yelled, “or she dies.” Spencer looked at JJ as she tried to get him to leave the building, but he refused to move so she quickly called Morgan who grabbed Reid as he struggled against him.
     “I can’t leave her!” he told them and Morgan ignored his pleas and called a couple SWAT members to help him with the genius. 
     “As much as I like her, I’ll do it,” Joey said as he continued to watch the men and women exist the building. “Bring them back!” Joey yelled as his grip on you faltered for a second which you took advantage of as you got out from his grasp and struggled to take the device from his hand. 
     “Go!” you yelled at Hotch but he jumped in and started to help you as the three of you wrestled and quickly the device was flung across the doorway to another room. You all freezed before you grabbed Hotch’s hand and dragged him towards the back of the building. 
     The team waited outside for Hotch and you as Reid screamed at Morgan, “you have to let me go back in there!”
     “You can’t Kid, you heard Hotch!” Morgan yelled back as the rest of the team cringed at the fight. “I know all of us want to go back in there, but we can’t! You gotta understand that, Kid!”
     “No! You don’t understand!” Spencer screamed, “she’s all I have! I didn’t even get to tell her that I love her! That I have been in love with her since that stupid dinner at that Thai restaurant in California!” 
     “That was two years ago...” JJ mumbled.
     “Yeah! Two years! I’ve only been with with her for a couple months now and I haven’t even told her!” Everyone’s hearts pained as they heard Spencer’s cries and saw the liquid that dripped down his cheeks. “I can’t-”
     All head turned as the house exploded a safe distance away from them. The orange flames roared as the team had their mouths’ open in shock.
     “No,” Rossi and JJ whispered at the same time. 
     Morgan’s grip on Reid was gone as he watched the flames and turned to Emily who had had disbelief and horror over her face. 
     Spencer’s mind raced a mile every second and now his mind was completely blank of everything but you. Your face, your smile, your eyes, your lips, your laugh, your touch, your everything. Spencer ran towards the flames as the team yelled after him. 
     “Spencer,” JJ’s voice breaking as she leaned into Rossi’s embrace. 
     “Kid. Come on, don’t do this,” Morgan called as Emily just watched in disbelief with a gaping mouth and teary eyes.
     Spencer didn’t care about their calls, he needed to find you. He scanned the firery rubble for any sign of you or Hotch, but there wasn’t any. Just ash and fallen wood covered in sweltering heat. “Y/N!” he yelled out, “Y/N! Hotch!” Spence continued to look through the wall of intense heat and for a second he saw a delicate hand reach up through the burning wood. “Y/N,” he whispered to himself as he began to walk through the blazing fire that threatened to burn his body and ruin his lungs. 
     He moved a piece of wood off of where he saw your hand and saw you and Hotch laying side by side. “Guys!” he screamed at his friends, “help!” The team gave each other confused faces before coming over to Spencer. JJ gasped as she saw your form next to Hotch’s as tears of joy spilled from her faces. Her and Emily joined hands as they worked to get the wood off of you. 
     “Medic!” Rossi yelled as people began to rush over to help. 
     Morgan and Reid worked to get a big piece of debris off of the two of you. Hotch’s eyes opened and he immediately looked to his side where you had been, holding his hand tightly. He coughed violently as the medics lifted him up and brought him to the ambulance. You blinked a few times and saw Spencer standing over you. 
     “Hey, can you hear me?” he asked as you gave him a thumbs up and he laughed at the simple gesture. He brought you up for and embrace as you struggled to keep your eyes open. The medic came over to you and began to carry you away as Spencer and the team followed you and Hotch to the ambulance. 
      “Can I?” he asked one of the nurses as she nodded and he climbed into the ambulance and held your hand as you drifted off to sleep.
     When you woke up, blinding lights had been the first thing you saw. The second was Spencer who was asleep in a chair next to your bed, his head resting on the bed and his fingers interlaced with your own. You blinked a few times and saw the rest of the team in the room with you. Hotch was in bed identical to yours, but he was up and had his eye focused on the TV in front of him. By his side was JJ and Morgan as the conversed with each other in hushed voices. Penny was writing in a card with a sparkling pink pen as she handed it off to Rossi who smiled lightly at her. Emily was just outside your room as you saw her talking with a nurse or doctor; rather it looked more like arguing.
     Derek glanced over to you briefly as he then turned back to JJ and then back to you. “You’re up,” he said quietly, a contrast to his usual booming voice. Everyone looked to you as you smiled.
     “You gave us quite a scare, Y/L/N,” Hotch said as you laughed quietly which then turned into a cough. 
     “Em! Get a nurse or doctor!” Penny exclaimed as Emily rushed and called a nurse in the hallway. JJ got up from her seat and made her way over to your bed.
     She examined your face before hugging you tightly. “God, you can never do that to us again,” she chuckled as you rubbed her back. You felt a few tears fall on your shoulders as JJ pulled away and wiped her cheeks. “He’ll be happy to see you,” she gestured to Spencer.
     “Glad to have you back, kiddo,” Rossi told you with a smile, “you need anything?” As soon as he said that a doctor walked into your room and started to go over your condition.
     “You are very lucky, Agent Y/L/N” she started, “you have a mild concussion and that wound on your abdomen will take some time to heal over. You received first and second degree burns all over your legs, arms, and torso, just like Agent Hotchner. Your eardrums are very fragile and I recommend no flying for at least 3 weeks. Your face has some minor bruising and cuts that should heal over time.” She set her chart down. “The both of you should be able to leave in a few days time, but for now just relax.”
     “Thank you,” you said as she smiled.
     “Dinner will be up in a few minutes,” with that she left and Morgan was seen grinning widely. 
     “What?” you said.
     “She didn’t mention one thing.” You furrowed your brows at his words and he started to rub his head which just made you more confused.
     “I have a concussion, you’re going to have to actually say it.” He laughed at your words.
     “Do you think pretty boy will like the new haircut?” he asked as it finally clicked and you ran your fingers through your hair. 
     “Oh my, God,” you said as everyone laughed. “Oh my, God!” you repeated as Emily handed you a mirror and as you brought it up to your face your jaw dropped. Your hair was cut in jagged parts, but none shorter than your chin. The team laughed as you continued to gape at your reflection.
     “Some of your hair ended up burning off, just a bit,” Emily said as you looked at her with wide eyes. She laughed as you began to laugh too and soon everyone joined in as you all smiled at your stupidly, funny haircut.
     Spencer rubbed his eyes as he saw your smiling face and immediately hugged you tightly. “Thank Goodness,” he whispered as he pulled back from the embrace. “Why are we laughing?” he asked as you gestured towards your hair and smiled widely at the tall man.
     “Is this gonna be a deal breaker, babe?” his cheeks flushed at the nickname.
     He laughed a bit, “no, I still love you,” he said as the team froze at what he said as did he.
     “Awh, I love you more, Spence,” you told him without skipping a beat as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
     “Even if you do kinda look like David Bowie,” he said as you opened your mouth and smacked his arm playfully.
     “Spencer Reid!”
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spxllcxstxr · 3 years
Date Night • The Marauders
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(Gif not mine)
Request: Maybe like a poly!marauders x (she/her) reader where they just spend a day together :) like you can write smut If you’d like, but yea maybe they can go out to eat id like to see a dynamic in a poly relationship w them. Thank you!! Love your writing <3 — anon
Summary: Date nights are rare, but tonight, you go out for ice cream with your partners
Warnings: Food and eating!! The entire fic is about eating, so please stay safe! If you have a peanut allergy no you don’t. Also, if you’re lactose intolerant like me, uhhhh pretend there’s a potion for that I guess, kinda implied first Wizarding war, smallest hint of steaminess
Word Count: 1.6k
A.N: Remus=Ross, James=Chandler, Sirius=Joey, right? This took me like weeks to finish...but overall I kinda like it. Let me know what you think, and love you all ❤️
The four of you very rarely had free time.
Between missions and meetings, you and your partners almost never had time off, and even when you did, one of you would still be busy. One of you would still be undercover or stuck debriefing the latest mission with Mad-Eye for hours.
So it’s weird to find yourself situated on the couch, Sirius’ head resting on your lap and Remus on the other end, stuck with his feet. James shuffles around in the kitchen behind you, stuck with dish duty after almost setting your flat on fire.
Sirius snuggles deeper into your thigh, evidently still exhausted from the previous day’s mission he was tasked with.
The flat is mostly quiet, the only sounds coming from Remus turning the pages of his novel and the ceramic plates clashing together as they get put away. The sun slowly sets outside, basking your living room in glowing orange in light.
You run your fingers through the mess of dark curls splayed out on your lap, always lustrous and soft to the touch. He hums deeply in approval.
A sharp clap from behind jolts you out of your peaceful thoughts.
You crane your neck to watch as James throws on his denim jacket.
“I believe that we,” He starts, eyeing the three of you. “deserve a date night.”
Instantly, a smile grows across your face. The last time the four of you had a proper date night, it was 1979 and Queen had just released a new song, which meant that Sirius needed to celebrate with all of you at the pub getting absolutely pissed.
Since you all joined the Order, all your free time has been sucked down the drain.
So that’s why the mere suggestion of the normally elusive date night makes you feel all giddy inside. You would’ve gotten up from your comfortable position to throw your coat on if it wasn’t for Sirius practically securing you to the cushions.
“But James...” He groans.
“Oh c’mon, Pads, we haven’t been on a proper date since—“
“Last year.” Remus interjects, shutting his book before placing it onto the coffee table. “But then again, you were too drunk for it to actually be considered a date.”
“Don’t blame me, blame Freddie and his Merlin given voice.” Sirius muses, still laying on your thigh. His fingers dance around your kneecap.
Remus slowly eases himself off the couch, joining James by the front door.
“Fine.” You hear James shrug. “We’ll just leave you here to suffer while Remus, (Y/n), and I go out to Florean’s.”
This seems to grab his attention, because he perks up just enough for you to slide out of his grasp.
You end up at Remus’s side, clinging to his grey jumper as you excitedly pull on your shoes.
“Ice cream?” Sirius asks, pushing his hair behind his ears. “Without me?”
“It doesn’t have to be without you, Sirius.” You retort, sandwiched between James and Remus. “If you get your arse over here, we won’t have to leave you.”
“Alright, you’ve convinced me.” Sirius huffs, hands raised in mock surrender, dragging himself over to the front door.
He waves his wand, boots zipping out of the closet and slipping onto his feet, his dark leather jacket covering his white shirt on its own.
“What, are simple tasks too hard for you now?” Remus teases, lightly bumping his shoulder into Sirius’.
“We’ve got magic for a reason, Moons.” The shorter of the two rolls his eyes. “Might as well use it.”
Remus opens his mouth to retort but James swiftly interrupts their bickering.
“I swear to Godric Gryffindor himself, (Y/n) and I will leave both you gits here.”
There’s grumbling from the two of them, but it becomes garbled once James throws an arm around you and Apparates you to Diagon Alley.
Your brain feels like it’s spinning in your skull and your stomach tugs familiarly at your naval. Sure you’ve Apparated many many times before, but it’s simply not fun no matter what.
As per usual, Diagon Alley is loud. Children and drunkards laugh, spells and fireworks whizz passed your ears, people in heels trot across the cobblestone path.
It’s places like Diagon Alley that remind you why you love magic so much.
James’ arm is still heavy on your shoulders as you watch people in cloaks and tall hats rush by you.
There’s a startling crack behind you and you and James turn around to see your other partners. Sirius might have a few new purple bruises littered across his collar bones and Remus might have a smug look plastered across his face, but no one says anything. Remus throws the two of you a silent wink as Sirius hangs off of him.
“Gonna hold my hand, Moony?” James questions, his arm outstretched.
Remus eagerly takes it, fingers interlocking.
So the four of you are connected as you stroll down the street. Your face is buried into James’ denim jacket, the faint smell of grass stains and broom oil an already welcomed scent. In the middle, James and Remus have their shoulders rubbing together as they walk, James’ thumb most likely tracing figure eights between his knuckles like he always does. Lastly, it seems like Sirius had changed his position enough to stick a hand in Remus’ back pocket.
The sun continues to dip lower below the horizon, resulting in candles and lanterns being lit in every dark corner. Children are ushered inside homes and adults start to flock towards the pubs.
With the looming threat of dark and dangerous wizards, people aren’t taking their chances, safety in numbers and safety indoors being popular within the village.
Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlor is lit up in a rainbow of colors as always, and the sweet scent of ice cream drifts through the air. People sit in crowds outside the shop, enjoying their treats on the sidewalk or some even spread out on the street.
“So what’re you going for today, Jamie?” You ask as your little group enters the shop.
A little bell sounds from above you, barely heard over the boisterous laughter and rowdy conversations that surround you.
Unlike you, Sirius, and Remus, James doesn’t have a signature flavor. He had to have a different kind every visit. So while Remus had already ordered his strawberries and cream in a waffle cone and Sirius is eyeing his peanut butter ice cream, James is still perusing his options like a little kid.
Your own ice cream starts to melt a bit while you’re waiting.
James squints his eyes at the names, despite his glasses already resting on the bridge of his nose.
“You haven’t done toffee apple in a bit, Prongs.” Sirius points, his finger making contact with the cool glass barrier.
“You’re right.” James hums. “Thanks.” He presses a quick kiss to Sirius’ stubbled cheek before ordering his ice cream.
There’s a small open table across the way, lit up by a few lanterns, which the four of you claim.
There’s a very slight breeze that makes you cuddle up to Remus’ soft jumper.
Desperate to talk about something other than the current state of affairs, James gets caught up talking the Wimbourne Wasps and their new Beater, Ludovic Bagman.
You watch Sirius, tongue poking ever so slightly out of the corner of his mouth, try to sneak a scoop of James’ ice cream while he’s distracted.
Attempting to hide your amusement, you bring a hand up to cover your mouth, feigning interest in the Quidditch talk.
You watch the spoon make an indent and it’s halfway to Sirius’ mouth before—
The silver spoon freezes abruptly, and grey eyes widen significantly.
“Is that why you suggested toffee apple? So you could nick some of my bloody ice cream?” James gasps dramatically, mouth agape in shock.
“Where’re your manners, James?” Sirius retorts, licking his spoon. “Sharing is caring.”
His hazel eyes narrow. “I don’t know, Black, that looked more like thievery to me.”
“Well let’s take it to our very own Wizengamot, then.” Sirius loudly gestures to you and Remus.
“Well I’m sure that for a wee bit of ice cream, (Y/n) and I, as key witnesses to the whole event, can clear the air.” Remus smirks, biting into his cone.
Sirius swiftly pushes the rest of his ice cream across the table, not even trying to be discrete about his offering. You and Remus start to dig in.
“Bribery!” James shouts, throwing his arms up in the air in exasperation. “This trial is a load of bullshit!”
“Sorry James, can’t hear you over how good this is.” Remus remarks with his mouth full.
You lick your spoon, watching the theatrics.
“That doesn’t even make sense!” James straightens his glasses and runs a hand through his hair in playful frustration.
“Aw, Jamie...you want some of mine?” You pout, offering some of your own frozen dessert.
“At least someone at this table loves me.” James grumbles, sticking a spoon into your bowl.
Sirius sticks his tongue out.
“Hey, I never said Sirius was cleared of all charges.” Remus raises a scarred brow.
“What?” Sirius snaps. “But I bribed you!”
You snicker at his balled up fists.
“So you admit to the bribery, you might as well admit to the thievery while you’re at it.” He finishes the bowl, licking the last of it from his spoon.
“Oh how the tables have turned.” James smugly points out.
Sirius childishly pouts, opting to pick at his black painted fingernails.
“We should have date nights more often.” James chuckles, clinking your spoons together.
All Character Taglist: @aspiringsloth20 @amourtentiaa @cherie-draco @mullthingsoverinthehotwater
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pascalscenarios · 3 years
JUST THE WAY YOU ARE (Ricky Hauk x Reader)
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Just The Way You Are
Scenarios Series
Ricky Hauk x Reader
Summary: Ricky feels as if he needs to change to keep up with your lavish life
Warning: Mentions of an abusive parent, social classes
Words: 1982
Author Note: Based on a scenario from my twitter. Ricky Hauk is so cute ugh! Enjoy! - K 
You first met Ricky when your car broke down on the side of the road. You managed to get to a payphone and look up in the yellow pages to see if you could get a tow truck down to where you were located. The first number you found was for Al’s Service Station.
After calling and waiting for 20 minutes, Ricky had come with a tow truck, wearing a mechanic jumpsuit and a red baseball cap worn backward.
“Hey, I’m Ricky” He greeted you quickly, then went straight to hooking up your car.
You give him a sweet smile introducing yourself.
“Thank you for coming- I don’t know what happened. One minute I was driving, next thing, my started smoking and stopped running”
“Don’t sweat it. I’ll take a look when we get back to the shop”
You thought Ricky was SO cute. He had gorgeous brown eyes that you ever saw.
On the car ride to the shop, you tried your best to make conversation with him. He didn’t say much. He was quiet and reserved. A man of few words.
You and Ricky had different upbringings. You have a perfect life. You came from a wealthy family and live in an affluent part of town. You could have anything you wanted. Ricky on the other hand had an abusive father growing up who is no longer in his life. He and his younger brother Joey were raised by a single mother and they struggled financially. They lived off paycheck to paycheck. Unlike you, Ricky couldn’t have the things he wished or dreamed for.
Ricky was hesitant around you. He knew how rich people were. One wrong move, or if you ended up saying something they found offensive, its cuffs slapped around his wrist.
He was already in a shitty mood and didn’t feel like talking. He got his two-week notice from Al that he was being laid off and his mom was still pretty ticked off at him thinking about the possibility of college, leaving her and his younger brother joey behind to fend for themselves. He didn’t need any more tension in his life.
Getting to the shop, he got to work on figuring out what was wrong with your fancy convertible. He popped open the hood of your car, looking around and fidgeting with different parts.
“Sometimes wrong with the engine. It’s gonna take an hour or two to fix. You might wanna call someone to come pick you up and come back later” he states.
“I’ll just wait, no biggie” you shrug.
He cocked his eyebrow at you. Were you serious? Why would someone like you willingly want to stay in a run-down part of town he thought. “You sure? We got a phone by the register-” he motions towards the desk
“I’m sure. I don’t mind waiting” you smile.
“Alright, suit yourself” turns his back towards you, crunches his face in confusion. He thought you were strange for deliberating staying.
You could have called someone to pick you up, but the truth is, you waited to stay to get to know Ricky and you weren’t in a rush to get home.
Ricky started to warm up to you after a while, making conversation with you as he worked on your car. You were sweet and you seemed different from the normal rich people he dealt with and he liked that. You treated him as an equal, not as someone who was below you.
After talking about anything and everything random things, you left him to focus on fixing your car. You probably irritated him. You wandered around the shop, exploring the different parts, tools, and old materials stashed around the garage.
Under a pile of greasy rags, you noticed a black leathered book. You opened it up to find writing inside. They were poems. Beautiful yet heart-wrenching poems. You were amazed by each one as you continued to flip the pages.
“Alright, your cars- hey!” Ricky quickly pulls out the rag from his back pocket, whipping the grease from his hands, and walking towards you.
He takes the books from your hand, closing it shut.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean- did you write those?”
He signs looking down at the book.
“Yeah… I did”
“They’re amazing! Do you like poetry?”
He nods. “Yeah, I love it.”
“I love writing! I’m majoring in journalism at Redding. My parents don’t see a future in it though. They want me to have a ‘real career’, whatever that means” you roll your eyes.
“Poems and writings are more of a hobby…I was thinking about taking a writing course down at Redding University. I went to go check a class out but I don’t know… thinking about it.”
“If you love and are passionate about writing and poetry, go for it. That’s what my grandma used to say. You’ve got a gift, Ricky.” You smile.
He changes the subject ”Uh your cars done- we should start it up, see if it’s running” he tosses the book on the side on top of an old crate and walks with you over his car.
You slide into your car, putting the key into the ignition, the engine roaring again.
“Ah! Thank you so much!” You get out of the car and hug him tightly. He was taken back by your hug, but he smiled and wrapped his arms around you.
“Here,” You said handing him money.
“Thanks,” he stuffed it in his pocket.
“It was nice meeting you, Ricky” you smile.
“Drive safe, if you have any trouble, just come by” …
“Ricky!” You shout coming back a couple of days later. He was laying on a creeper and rolled himself out from underneath the car he was working on. “Hey!” he sits upright, grabbing a towel from his pocket and wiping his hands. He gets up walking towards you.
“You alright? Your cars not giving you any trouble is it?” He says, continuing to wipe his hands.
“No, I came to see you actually.” You start blushing slightly.
“Me? Can you see me?” he points to himself in disbelief.
“Yeah, I wanted to bring you this” you hand him a book. “As a thank you”
He stuffs the towel back in his pocket, taking the blue canvas-covered book from your hands.
He brings it to flip through the pages, noticing they were filled with poems.
“It’s a book of poems. I’ve had it since I was little, but I wanted you to have it”
“What?- No I can take this-”
“It’s inspired me a lot, maybe it will spark something in you”
“Look this is nice in all, but I-”
“Don’t argue with me and just take the book!” you laughed.
He smiled “Alright, alright…” he chuckled. “Thank you”
“Bye” you waved towards him walking back to your car.
“Wait! Before I go-” he is getting a little shy now. “Do you maybe you want to hang out sometimes? We could go catch a movie or something do else- or if you don’t wanna hang out that's fin-”
“Are you asking me out?” you cocked his eyebrow at him
“Y-yeah…if that's okay”
A giddy smile appeared on your face, you took the pen from the front pocket of this jumpsuit, taking his greasy stained hand, and scribbled your number down.
“You better call me, or I'm just going to have to come back here and find you” you laugh.
And since then, you and Ricky have been inseparable ever since.
You and Ricky were friends at first, but eventually the more the two of you started spending time together, you both started falling for each other.
You had brought him home to meet your friends and family. They were disapproving of you dating a guy from the wrong side of the tracks, but you didn't care what they thought about the two of you. Under the tough and hard exterior that protected him from outsiders, he was sweet, loving and protective towards his family, thoughtful, hard-working, and intelligent.
After meeting your friends and family, Ricky realized who he was and where he came from wasn’t going to be good enough for you… or in this case your friends and family. He was so out of his element and stuck out like a sore thumb in your world, and everyone noticed. And it wasn’t just the fact he was underdressed, but the fact they have accomplished so much, and here he was financially unstable, not going to school, and jobless. He needed to change if he wanted to keep up with you and the people in your life.
You didn’t even have to try with his family. Just like Ricky, his mother and brother had to warm up to you first. His mother wasn’t sure of your intentions, but once she saw how you two were together, you gained her trust and she welcomed you with open arms. Joey liked you from the moment you told him that you loved macaroni and cheese.
After Ricky had met your friends and family, you saw a change in him. You had no idea what was going on. He was like a whole different person, acting like the snobby people you grew up with.
You brought him to another family event. He was dressed up fancy, which he looked very handsome but it wasn’t him, that wasn’t your Ricky and introduced himself as Richard?
The whole night you watched him not lie about himself and laugh at jokes you knew he didn’t find funny.
This wasn’t your Ricky.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Yeah sure, excuse us” he smiles at your parents' friends.
You walk outside to the garden and turn to face him.
“What the hell is going on?” you question.
“What do you mean?”
“For the past several weeks, you haven't been acting like yourself. That’s not you in there. I don't know who the hell is standing in front of me, because surely this isn’t my Ricky. Where’s the guy I fell in love with? A mechanic who loves and has a passion for poetry…”
He noticed how upset you were. Tears forming in your eyes. He thought this would make you happy.
He sighs. He couldn’t keep up his charade. “I just..” he pauses. “After meeting your friends and family…I realized I’m not good enough for you. I don’t belong in your world. I’m from the opposite side of town, I’m from a single-parent and low-income household. All these people see right through me...they see me as nothing- I just thought if I changed-“
“Ricky” You cup his face in your hands. Your thumbs stroking his cheeks.
“You don’t ever have to change who you are for me! I see you! I know who you are, I know your heart. I don’t care about your past or where you come from. Who you are as a person means way more to me than your upbringing and how much money you have. I love me just the way you are.”
“You mean that?”
“Of course...With every fiber in me...I love you” You kiss him softly.
You both pull away, your foreheads resting against each other. “Let’s get out of here, please,” he says.
“Where do you wanna go?” you asked.
“God anywhere but here” he laughed. “How about dinner near your place, the one you took me to on our first date,” you asked. “I feel like eating a greasy burger, fries, and a milkshake.”
He laughed, “alright”
“Okay, we better hurry up before my parents try to stop us” you chuckle.
“They’re going to kill me...they don’t like you being out on my side of town so late,” He says, taking your hand as you quickly exit, using the side gate.
“They can get over it and besides I’ll be okay because I'll be with you.”
MT // @wifeofdindjarin @icanbeyourjedi @sara-alonso@greeneyedblondie44 @hb8301​  @alberta-sunrise @spacenerdpascal @ryleyrooroo @reader-s-cantina
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midnightsnyx · 4 years
Consequences - Matthew Tkachuk: part 6
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summary: you absolutely hate Matthew Tkachuk so it’s just your luck when you wind up pregnant with his child. 
a/n: well... here it is lol 2(or 3?) weeks late. sorry for the wait, this chapter was just a bitch to write and every time i thought i was done, i wasn’t happy with it & i didn’t wanna post just for the sake of posting. but i stayed up until 2 a.m. to finish this, so technically it is sunday so im posting on schedule lol
im not sure how many parts are left to this story, maybe two or three + an epilogue but i haven’t decided yet. 
also, this gif made me feel things 😂
word count: 2.1k (i wish they were longer too but im doing the best i can😩)
warnings: none other than a couple swear words
Part 6
29 weeks
“What are you doing?”
“Researching how to murder someone and get away with it.” You mutter, typing where to buy a tiger in Google.
Becca gives you a wary look and sits next to you. “Everything okay?”
“No!” You groan in frustration, tossing your phone on the coffee table. “Matthew is driving me insane.”
She frowns. “Is he being an ass?”
“He’s being nice. Too nice.” You grumble, ignoring when Becca chuckles. “It’s like he’s trying to make up for missing the doctor’s appointment even though I told him I forgive him.”
Becca raises an eyebrow at you and you try to ignore her pointed look. “Do you though?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask defensively.
“You’re different around him now and I’m sure he’s noticed. It’s like you don’t trust him.”
You start to deny her accusation but stop to think about it. Were you more cautious around Matt lately? You certainly didn’t let yourself depend on him for things that you had been before, too afraid that he would let you down. You wanted to, but there was a nagging voice in the back of your mind reminding you that he’s let you down before and there’s always a chance he will again.
It’s as if Becca can read your mind because she shrugs. “You should be honest with him.”
However, something you’ve learned recently is that too much honestly can get you in trouble.
. . .
Sending Matt a text that said we need to talk, probably wasn’t the best approach because it took him approximately fifteen minutes to show up at your apartment and his is a half hour drive away from yours.
So his windblown hair and wide eyes really weren’t a surprise when you opened your front door.
“So, I think I should have worded that text a little better.”
“You think?” He huffs, walking past you when you step aside. He doesn’t even bother to take his shoes or jacket off, walking straight to the living room and turning to look at you.
“I’m sorry. For whatever I did.” He says and you groan.
“That’s the problem! Stop being sorry for things. It’s driving me nuts.”
He frowns and looks at you in confusion. “So… you don’t want me to be sorry for things?”
“I don’t want you to not be sorry for things, I just want you to stop being sorry for everything. It’s like you’re walking on eggshells around me.”
“I’m just trying to make-”
“Make up for missing the appointment.” you say, finishing his sentence. “I know.” your hand falls to your stomach and you sigh. “We’re going to be parents in less than three months. We need to start trusting each other.”
Matt slowly walks over to you and reaches out for your hand which you let him hold. His thumb rubs across the back of it and he nods.
“You’re right.”
You grin and lightly punch his shoulder with your free hand. “Of course I am. When am I ever wrong?”
He smiles, pulling you in for a hug and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You ignore the way it makes your heart race because the last thing you need right now is your feelings for him to get even more confusing when you’re both finally on the same page.
Things are good now and you can’t risk messing it up.
. . .
31 weeks
He’s like a kid in a candy store, you’ve realized as you follow Matt around buy buy BABY. He has two carts, one already stocked full of things and the other slowly being filled. You stopped keeping count of how much everything costed an hour ago because the number started to make you queasy.
“He has enough clothes, Matty.” You whine, taking note of how Matt trips over his feet when you call him by that nickname. “and he’ll grow out of them before he even gets a chance to wear them.”
“Last one, I swear.” He says, holding up an outfit. “C’mon, how fucking cute is he going to look in this?”
“If his first word is a swear word, I’m going to kill you.” You mutter, taking the outfit from him and tossing it in the cart. Matt just grins and rests a hand on your stomach, hoping the baby will kick.
“How’s Joey?”
“Grayson is doing just fine.”
“We’re never going to come to an agreement on a name, are we?” he asks and you smile sweetly.
He laughs and starts walking towards the checkouts.
“Did my mom tell you that they’re coming to visit?” He asks and you nod, recalling your conversation with Chantal. She’d called you first to make sure you were okay with the entire Tkachuk clan showing up. She knows how stressful pregnancy is and didn’t want to overwhelm you.
But you were ecstatic when she asked if it was okay for them to visit. You’ve grown to depend on her for any pregnancy questions over the past seven months and even when you needed some regular advice for everyday things, you sometimes texted her.
“Yeah, it’s Wednesday, right?”
Matt nods, smiling politely at the cashier as he starts loading every thing on the conveyor belt. You can tell that she’s a hockey fan by the way her eyes light up when she recognizes who he is.
“I’ve been meaning to ask if you can pick them up from the airport?” He asks, catching you off guard. “Their plane lands around noon and I won’t be back until later that night and I don’t really want them to have to take a cab.”
You’re a little surprised that he’s asking you to do this instead of paying someone or asking a close friend to do it instead. It’s an odd feeling, realizing that he trusts you with his family.
“Yeah, I’d love to.” You tell him and his smile warms you to the bone.
. . .
You show up to the airport forty-five minutes early because you can’t decide if you should wait in the SUV for Matt’s family, or meet them in the airport. Would it be weird to wait for them inside like you would with your own friends or family? You double check your phone to make sure that Matt did tell them it was you picking them up because how weird would it be if they were expecting him only to find you waiting.
You’re definitely over thinking it but you find yourself standing at the gates when their plane lands.
Chantal is the first person you see and her face lights up and she scurries over to you, pulling you in for a soft hug.
“Oh, look at you!” She gushes, taking your hands in hers and holding you at arms length. “You’re glowing.”
Glowing isn’t exactly the word you would use because as much as you tried to look nice to pick them up, you’re still seven months pregnant, sweating because of the jacket you have on and most definitely are wearing odd shoes because you can no longer see your feet and Matt wasn’t here to check for you.
But you blush nonetheless, letting Keith, Taryn, and Brady hug you before starting to walk to baggage claim.
“Thank you for picking us up.” Chantal says and you smile.
“It’s nothing,” you say, brushing it off. “You’ve done a lot for me.”
“Anything I can do to help. I know how hard it is being pregnant with your man travelling a lot.”
You want to correct her when she calls Matt your man, but you don’t want to be impolite so you just nod.
“Speaking of your man,” Brady says in a teasing voice, “what time does he get in, again?”
“Around 8.” You say, ignoring the teasing tone and changing the subject to ask Taryn how school is going. You know you’ll hear more comments about the nature of your relationship with Matt from his brother but for now, you chat with Taryn and Chantal about plans for the baby.
. . .
Matt gave you a key to his apartment when you both realized that you spent more time at his these days then you did at your own so you don’t miss the knowing looks Chantal and Keith share when you use your key to unlock Matt’s apartment. You know they can tell it’s your key and not Matt’s because he painted it your favourite colour when he gave it to you.
“So do we get a sneak peak of the nursery?” Taryn asks hopefully and you nod, gesturing for her to follow you. Matt turned one of the guest rooms in to the nursery in his apartment. You haven’t done anything with yours yet because you and Matt were starting to wonder if after the baby is born, at least for a little while, the two of you should just live together. It would certainly make things much easier.
“It’s beautiful.” Chantal says, and you can see her eyes watering a little.
“We’re going to put up letters spelling his name above the crib.”
“Oh yeah, have you guys decided on a name yet?” Keith asks, testing the sturdiness of the crib by wiggling it a little.
“No.” You mutter. “We can’t agree on anything.”
“You’ll find something you both love eventually.” Chantal reassures you. “Now, please tell me my son has food in his fridge, because I’m going to cook dinner.”
You grin, realizing that she too knows how bad Matt is at keeping his fridge stocked. Before you started spending so much time here, you would be lucky if he had eggs in the fridge.
. . .
Matt arrives home just as dinner is cooked and you get to witness what a typical Tkachuk night must look like. There’s lots of chirps thrown but you can tell how close this family is and how much they care about each other. Especially when it comes to Matt and his mom and sister. He treats them like gold and it warms your heart to see it.
After dinner, you volunteer to clean up and you’re surprised when Keith offers to help. You’ve only spoken to him a few times before today and you don’t feel as close to him as you do with Chantal so it’s quiet while the two of you clear up the dishes.
Keith breaks the silence after a couple minutes, turning to look at you.
“I know Matthew can be a handful… but don’t give up on him, okay?”
You’re surprised to hear this coming from Keith because you were truthfully expecting Taryn or Brady to say something about it. Every time you and Matthew touched or spoke to each other, you noticed the knowing looks and soft smiles from the other Tkachuk family members.
It was like they knew something that neither you nor Matthew did.
You’re not sure what exactly to say so you just nod.
“I won’t.” You promise, realizing that you truly mean it.
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danaduchy · 7 years
NPCs about Seeds
Full script of Far Cry 5 (except cutscenes)
* What were those Seed brothers like? Can't imagine there's anything like a healthy sibling rivalry going on there. * John's the baby of the Seed family. His brothers turn a blind eye to his more sadistic indulgences. * Joseph and John show why it's hard to have a family business. Money and blood mix weird. Even when you're not tryin' to be a messiah.   * When you escaped the bunker... John didn't say it... but you could see it in his face. Failure. Things got worse from there... Like he was trying to make up for something. Prove to his brother he could... * Kim and I used to throw these weekend BBs. Open invite. All you had to do was bring something. If you can believe it, the whole Seed family came once. They brang watery mac and cheese. I shoulda knew they were monsters when they did that. * John's on edge 'cause his brother-Father is getting' cranky. What a fucked up sibling relationship those two got. * Maybe John will go crying to his "father". I wanna see Joseph give John a spanking. * Joseph's pissed the hell off. I hear John's sweating like a piggy. * Word's out - Joseph's had it with John. That little punk is backed into a corner now. * Good thing for us John and Jacob haven't sorted out their brotherly nonsense. I mean if we're lucky, they'll just take each other down. If not, well, I'm going to keep some grenades around with John's name on 'em, eh? It's comin' to a head man.     * Says somethin' that Joseph didn't save his brother. Family really doesn't mean shit to these people. * Wonder what Daddy Seed is feelin' right now. Oh. Shit. What if he WANTED John dead? Fuck man, I can't think about the big game. We did it here. We kicked ass. That's gotta matter. Okay that’s what I'm telling myself.  Yeah, that’s it. * I'm just sayin': If I was Joseph and I had the ability to see into future occurrences, I woulda warned my boy John that he was gon' get murdered... and made some good bets. * I'm sure it's only a matter of time before Joseph tries to spin John's death to his own advantage. * John Seed never had the Father's full confidence, what I heard. But the Joseph loves little sister Faith, and gave her everything her twisted heart desired. * Jacob always tried to look out for his little brother. Imagine what he's gonna do when he finds out you killed him.
* John was always the runt of the Seed family. I'm not surprised that you were able to get him. But I gotta warn you, Jacob's a whole lot meaner than his little brother. * Joseph adopted Faith into their family. She's going to be madder'n a wet hen that you killed her brother John. * John liked to throw his weight around, tryin' to prove how strong he was. Jacob knows he's strong. His actions are more controlled, and he's a lot scarier for it. John was always super emotional, but Jacob's buttons won't be so easy to push. * All this could have been avoided if only a mid-level cable channel gave the Seed family the reality show they deserved. * You know, if any of these Seeds ran for office, they'd win in a landslide. Mind control charisma just oozes off of them. * Come to think of it, the Seeds work just like a political office. You got Joseph, the mayor, and John, Jacob and Faith as his city councilors. It's no wonder they forced me and my people out of office - they already knew how to play the game! * Each of the Seeds has their own bunker. They call them “Gates”. * Know how I sniffed out Eden's Gate's bullshit early on?  Only the Seeds were allowed to be angry, everybody else had to be calm--even though we all had our asses in that church because we were mad at the same shit too. But now everybody gets to be angry, 'cause it's a weapon pointin' where the Seeds want it. Protect the project. Transparent motherfuckers.
* John's always been obsessed with the people in Fall's End. And with Mary May in particular. * Deep down, I think John wants to die. That man has scars that run deep. * John's got a particular ritual he sticks to. You get marked with a video, then you get dunked in the water. When John wants you found, he doesn't stop. Ever. * Nowadays, if you're caught huntin’, John Seed'll have ya' killed. * John's got people getting baptized all across the valley. In rivers, creeks, hell, even in puddles. * John scrawls a fucking tattoo on your chest, then flays you the fuck alive. He nails it to a wall. * If the peggies wanted a heap of food, why didn't they drive a ways to the wholesale club and take that over? Everythin' would be canned and ready for them instead of still in the ground. You can tell John Seed never had to raise a kid.   * The cult takes people and then sorts out where they go. Whoever John doesn't keep, he sends to Jacob. Or Faith. * John really puts the dick in dictator. The fucker just loves calling and leaving answering machine messages, too. * John's always wearing a key around his neck. He calls it the key to paradise. I don't wanna know what it unlocks. * I'm pretty sure the family that used to own this farm is long gone. John Seed made an offer. They refused. That's that. * This fertilizer company was bought by John Seed a long time ago. They ran it as a legit business. * This one guy, Les Doverspike. House is northwest. He thought he could prepare for everything... Din't count on... JOHN SEED'S LAWYERING SUPER POWERS! In the blink of an eye, Eden's Gate owned Les' land, bunker, arm, leg, dingleberries, ....EVERYTHING! * I've heard some pretty brutal stories about what happens when John wants you to confess. * The peggies had to have planned all this way ahead of time - they're harvestin' at record speed. I guess they had little meetings... John probably hunkered over his map gettin' a hard-on for the sound of his own voice. Hm... now there's a thought... * The thing that always bugs me about John Seed is, who goes to a lawyer that’s tatted up more than a gangbanger? * You're attractin' a lot of attention, especially from John Seed. John's paying special attention to you. * John wants you real bad. Have you considered maybe he's in some kinda love with you? He oughta killed you like two or three times already but he's playin' cat and mouse. Just sayin', if you find yourself alone with him maybe a good long somethin-or-other could save our necks. * Man, that John, he sure does have a hard on for you. So I'm thinking, you guys should probably just fuck and uh get it over with. * I bet you John gives the best spankin's. Sorry I know that's messed up. What can I say, he brings it outta me. I'm just sayin' maybe we don't kill John is all. Seems a waste of a perfectly good set of buns. * Before you, John never lost his cool. You're driving John literally crazy. * I drank with Joey Hudson back in the day. She doesn't take shit from anyone. John's gonna eat her alive. * I know how these things go, man. Deputy, you better keep skeleton keys and wire cutters and a swiss army knife and anythin' that'll get you outta a hogtie on you at all times, because John is gonna truss you up like a dinner turkey real soon. * Always thought there was somethin' kinda twisted about John. * John the Baptist is an amoral predator, end of story. * John Seed's not gettin' what he wants, so he's pitchin' a fit. * Keep an ear out for John's fucken' plane. He loves buzzin' around in that hunk of shit. * I've known men like John Seed before. Real charismatic. They'll sell ya poison and convince ya it's a health tonic. He'd fit in real nice in Washington... * I had one conversation with John Seed and I knew! I knew... He masks his words as guidance, but deep down there is a selfishness that could only come from pure evil. * John Seed's a piece of shit. When news spread that I was expecting, that scumbag spread rumors that HE was the biological father of my baby. I don't know if he was trying to create a wedge between me and Nick or if he was just doing it to laugh at us. * I hear John Seed was a lawyer or something. Used the rules to buy up stuff in the Holland Valley. The cult must have been running damage control already, because think of what a story that'd make. Unless we're already all tapped out of giving a fuck about the shitty economy and its parasites. Huh. Yeah. He's same old, actually. Same fucking old. * I remember the first time John Seed set foot in this bar. I'm wiping down counters and Ma's countin' the till when I hear her bark, 'What the fuck do you want?' I look up and he's standin' in the doorway. Eyein' me like I'm a meal. Some people 'round here said give the Seed's a chance. I knew they were bad news from the start. * Eden's Gate took this town right from under us. They started buying up all the land, forcing business to shut down and foreclosing on homes.... My parents and me fought back, but John wanted this bar. Told 'em he'd have to pry it from our cold dead hands. So, the cult paid off the county and made it illegal to transport alcohol. We fought back with lawyers, but those leeches bled us dry, too. * Whenever there's a neighbor in need, everybody around here pitches in. A couple days after we told some people I was pregnant, we got all this secondhand baby shit from everybody. John Seed stole all of it the next day. * Heard Pastor Jerome had you saving people from being kidnapped. John Seed did that to me. The fucker made me think he was going to torture me, too. Had me wait in a room for half a day thinking he was going to do it. All that fucker did was give me one of those ink jobs. It was messed up. * John Seed is just a man. He seeks glory and riches. He immersed himself in a sea of self-aggrandizement. He pounds pulpits. He professes principals he neither believes nor practices. He stokes fear. But he is just a man. * Before you came along, John Seed kidnapped me. He has his way of getting a person to say things. It's not about my words. It's about what's in his head. When he was done, I was beaten, toed in the woods, and left to die. * A long time ago, in peaceful times, I asked John Seed what was driving him. He gave me so many answers. All of them lies. * John Seed is a cruel soul who can't be reasoned with. He enjoys making people suffer. * John and the Peggies are taking everything and everyone that ain't nailed down. Even then they just come with crowbars. * After you're marked for baptism and dunked in the fucking river, John drags you to his bunker. God save us from whatever he does in there. * There must be a reason John almost drowns people in the baptisms. It's a power play but there's more to it. * If John really wanted to, he could wipe Fall's End off the map. He's toying with the people there, like a sadistic cat. * John's got a singular mind. Dug up from a serial killer's grave, but still, singular. * There's something really wrong with John. I don't have a name for it but you can see it in that creepy smile of his. * When I first saw him on the cult's videos, John seemed pretty harmless. But when I met him in person, he made the hairs on my neck stand up. * John bought up all the businesses 'round here and promised us jobs but the only people who got work were cultists. * When John asks you for somethin', he's not really askin'. He'll get what he wants from you one way or another. * John wants us all to say yes, but I think he actually really likes it when they say no. Gives him an excuse to get mean. * Anyone who doesn't confess to John gets killed and put on display as a warning to others. It's inhuman. * John doesn't just mark people with a sin, but their houses too. You can see his calling cards all over the valley. * I got a package from John Seed the other day. // What was inside it? // A note that said I was favored and that if I admitted to my sin, I'd be cleansed. * What does John Seed do exactly...? // He messes with your head. Asks you questions. Makes you say shit you don't want to be saying. I... I really don't want to talk about it. * John was right, we all do have one sin that tends to run our life. In a weird way maybe he did give us a second chance. * My old house was a piece of shit. It would creak at night, so bad I thought for sure some boogie man was coming to get me every night growing up. // Heh, aw, that's cute. // Yeah. John gutted and burned it to a crisp last week. * Okay, I need to lighten the mood. This is unbearable. // Oh Lord. // John Seed is so uptight, he takes a ruler to bed to see how long he sleeps. // I'm not in the mood. // John Seed is so uptight, he fell down a coal shaft and found a diamond in his ass a week later. // Okay that's pretty good. * You seen that John guy? Most aggressive grin I ever seen on a human being. Like a chimpanzee before it bites ya. // God what a creep. // I hate to think what kinda life he's come from. // Who gives a shit? He's evil. // What makes a guy that evil though? // It doesn't matter. There are loads of people out there with troubled pasts but they manage not to run an apocalypse murder cult. * Not like John was the peak of sanity before, but he's going straight up coo-coo bananas with all you're doin'. * Sounds like Broseph's mad! Ouuuu, family probs! John's like that little brother who gets held down and farted on, and then curls into a ball and cries. * One thing about John -- the more you ruffle his feathers, the angrier he gets. He can't deal with embarrassment; being made to look bad. He'll start sending out search parties to grab people like us, so we gotta stay frosty. * John's lustin' for a dogfight with you, huh. I bet that kid jerked it to Top Gun or something and now it's the only way he can get a stiffie, is in a dogfight. If you have to kick the bucket I hope that's one of your last thoughts, its a good one. * John's playin' a strange game with you. Dunno what's worse, that sometimes he seems to want you dead, or sometimes he seems to want you alive. * John's no better than his brother's dog, and we all know what needs doin' to a mad dog. * John's huntin' you like an animal.  He catches you, you're probably gonna join his other trophies on his wall. * Hey dep, I just wanna say I'm sorry, I heard John's got a partner of yours It's gotta be scary, you know. Probably heard about how John cuts people up and knows all these pressure points and can make you feel pain beyond anything you ever imagined. Anyways don't think about that. I'm sure... I'm sure she's fine. She'll be alright. * Was John dead behind the eyes when you met him? It's not my imagination, there's no soul back there. * I heard there's no spare key for the bunker prison. Just one for John. Control freak. * John Seed, what a fuckin' self-absorbed dick, huh? You just KNOW he jerks off in the mirror, and marvels at his fuckin' facial expressions. * That's John Seed's Ranch. I heard he loved hiding in that castle of his. * John had this place built just for him. Even got a hangar for his fucken' planes. * Look at this place. John's got the worst case of younger sibling syndrome I ever seen. * John's such a neat freak, it's inhuman. * Ugh. John Seed's temple to himself. Fucker's got a tennis court. I ain't never seen anybody play. Just another way he's a hypocrite. * I know everyone's got a bunker out here, but John's is ridiculous. * John's taste in home decor is... awful. * John's been stealin' the planes from all over the Valley. He keeps the best ones at the airstrip next to his ranch. * Of all the Seeds, I think I understood John the least. Inferiority complex, maybe? But he was a lawyer, he could have gone out and, I don't know, been a Wall Street megalomaniac. I guess economic murder isn't as satisfying as direct murder. * John made tattoos look real bad man, I'm glad he's six feet under. You gotta respect the ink. He didn't even learn a proper letterin' or font techniques or nothing, man. No way I'd have even trusted him to touch up my tramp stamp. * With John gone, Jacob will have a harder time building up his army. But he's already got a strong force at the ready.
* John Seed's a funny guy. But not 'ha-ha' funny. * Dang, John's bunker is so luxurious. There's parts of this bunker that only John can access. * Deputy Hudson is one of John's "special projects". Every time John leaves here, he's got a big smile on his face. * John's got the only key to the deeper parts of the bunker. We really oughtta make a copy of John's key. What if he loses it? * John knows the human heart. He's been through a lot. It's why I trust him. * I wonder if John's place will survive the Collapse? * I could get in trouble for saying this, but it smells funny in John's house. * Haven't seen John here in a long time. He's super busy. * I knew John loved planes, but I didn't know he also loved boats. I bet John's boat costs more than my old house. * I've never seen Brother John on a boat, but I know he likes to get wet. * You think John fishes? * We need to keep this place tidy. You know how John gets with his baptisms. * Bet we're guardin' John's unreleased films. * I hope Brother John takes me for a plane ride someday. * John keeps all of his favorite things stashed in the hangar. * John wants the word Yes plastered all over this place. Gotta attract new brothers and sisters. * Taking this scrap metal is good forward thinking. John's left nothing to chance. He's a smart man. * Bet John'll be a king after the collapse. * If you're marked, John believes you can be saved. I didn't want to admit my sin at first, but John showed me how to accept it gracefully. * Feels weird turning those people into Angels. I mean, they worked in the store here with us. They cooperated. // Sure, they cooperated. But they were still sinners. There's no going back at a certain point, you know? John said that this was the only way to save them. * I know it's John's will, but...I don't like killing dogs. * John's made catchin' that deputy our top priority. Wonder why John wants the deputy alive. * That deputy's fixin' to get taken into John's special room. * John's relentless, that deputy don't stand a chance. * John's gettin' awful mad. I pity anyone who has to deal with him face to face. * I don't know what's goin' on in John's head, but it's embarrassing. * I thought John had control of things, but lately it feels like he's got no idea what he's doin'. * John's got that look in his eye, I almost feel bad for the people of Fall's End. * John will make everyone atone, even if it kills him. * John was right, they never saw us comin'. * John's so smart. Burnin' what we can't take, so people know they need us, spirit and body. * Last I heard from John, he was real angry. Never knew he had that amount of righteous wrath in him. * Pray you never see John lose his cool. // He never does. // He has though. Some sinner a while back had words with 'im. I couldn't hear exactly, but I heard 'em say the Father's name - I never seen John go so red so fast. // What'd he do? // Well he gets in his plane and wipes the sinner's property off the goddamned map. He rains fire on'em. They're scurryin' everywhere, screamin'. Like a magnifying glass on an anthill. * The Seeds lost a good brother in John. * Maybe John wasn't part of the plan? Maybe this is still what the voice told Joseph? * John's faith wavered, but mine's never been stronger. * I'll miss John's pep talks. * John did so much for the project. He can never be replaced. * John proved his devotion in blood. How can we do any less? * John was always larger than life, it felt like he was immortal.
* Joseph doesn't like it when his family goes off-book. * I know this is an unpopular opinion, but what if Joseph's right about the end of the world? * That's the first place Joseph ever built. Back when they pretended to be good. Joseph used to preach here. We could have saved us some trouble if we had just set fire to it years ago. * Joseph Seed and his whole family are like the politicians who ran this country into the ground. They sell ya hope and change and all these people buy into it thinking it's gonna be different this time. It ain't. Might as well be buyin' magic beans. * These people in Eden's Gate have been led astray. Joseph Seed claims he loves everyone. Wants them to know the truth.  The truth is he preaches vengeance and sows lies. But the words of an evil man ring louder in the minds of the weak... * You know what really gets me? Cult leaders are usually always in it for the money. Just like a pyramid scheme. Joseph ain't like that. I keep tryin' to break this guy down into what he wants from people. If it ain't money, and it ain't sex, what the hell is it? * Joseph's a charismatic son of a bitch. I mean, you've heard him. The pitch. The tempo. The way the words roll off his gentle lips. His mannerisms. I mean he's been speech trained, probably more than any politician I've ever seen. That's how you know he's a government guy. * I know the people of this valley. They're good, hard workin' people. But in bad times, people get scared, start lookin' for someone to blame. Joseph Seed fed on that fear. Told folk the end of the world was coming. Lot of 'em believed him. Truth be told... way things are now? I sometimes wonder if he's right. Folks felt abandoned, grew weary, they needed our help. And we didn't listen, but Joseph Seed did. Joseph Seed wooed people. He told them EXACTLY what they wanted to hear. With those falsehoods, lies, his poison. It's driven a lot of good folks away from the righteous path. * I knew Joseph Seed was bad business when he wormed his way in here a few years back. I imagine the fucking mainstream media would paint us as two sides of the same coin, because they're either lazy or corrupt or both... But to me, it's simple: I'm willing to sacrifice everything for my family, while Joseph Seed wants to burn down the world for his. * Y'know, I had a dream last night that involved me, a bed, whips and chains, and Joseph Seed. Suffice to say there were a lot of conflicting emotions and sensations... * Did you have a vision? Faith dosed me with bliss, and I saw the Father come to me, personally, and tell me terrible things. * I have a lot of pity for Faith. Joseph is the true monster, manipulating that young woman into a weapon. * Who the heck is Faith, y'know? Joseph treats her both like his daughter and his sister. How much does she know? How influential is she? It's all twisted together. * I wonder how many other secret bunkers there are in the county? Joseph procured a whole missile silo and no one saw! * Faith came to Hope County to detox. Like tourism of hillbilly country for rehab. But Joseph took a shine to her and she was reborn. Hell, her real name ain't even Faith, but something rich, like Riley or Rachel. * Joseph believes in Faith. He's entrusted her with all manner of heinous activity out here. We need to take her out. * I can't see what kind of method to the madness Eden's Gate has goin' on. Three heralds of the Collapse? What are they even doin'? // They got a system. Faith sows, John reaps, Jacob... // Steps on your neck? // Deals in belief, I guess. // Nah, that's Joseph's job. He's the charismatic populist motherfucker. Jacob just wants to cull people. * Joseph's just a nobody from nowhere. How'd he get this many people behind him? * There was a time no western religious leader would be caught dead with a goddamned man-bun. Fuck I miss those days. Listen, I get that he's runnin' this big old cult and all but if you're gonna run a big old cult you gotta look the part! Long robe that's a weird color, like puce or something, stringy moustache, head shaved bald like a baby. Not like some kind of lovechild between a hipster and a country singer. * Joseph Seed's family is gone. He's gonna be vulnerable and running on emotion. He won't be thinkin' straight. If we're putting this to a vote, I'd say we close this chapter for good, as soon as possible.
* The father's takin' a personal interest in those deputies now... Maybe his visions told him somethin'.   * Joseph said that deputy is special. I wonder what he meant by that. * Despite everything they've done to us, I know Joseph would still forgive them. * We have to love the sinners. It's what Joseph would want. * It's been too long since I've seen our Father's face. * Joseph is a gifted songwriter. You haven't lived until you've heard Joseph sing this live. * I heard that the Father got the idea for the Judges in a vision. * Jacob might teach us to shoot, but Joseph guides our aim. * President Seed has a nice ring to it. Wonder if Joseph has political aspirations? * I see why Joseph liked this county. Plenty of silos for what we need to store. * Everyone knows Joseph will not tolerate idle hands.   * The Father keeps all the best stuff for his Chosen. Leaves us the scraps. * After the collapse, we won't hear the Father on the radio anymore. * Joseph's disappointed in us, I can tell. We gotta do better. * I hope the Father doesn't take this out on us. * I can't imagine how Joseph feels now, with his brother gone.   * With Jacob gone the Father has to have a backup plan for us. He has to. * Our Father was supposed to save us. Joseph wouldn't ever abandon us, would he? * Joseph will know what to do. I just have to find out where he's hidin'.
* We're in Jacob's territory now. Know how I know? Wildlife is scarce. I'm not one for hunting but this area in particular used to be home to quite a few species. They've either been driven away or taken in for experiments. It's sad. * Jacob Seed's in charge out here. He's ex-military, he's a combat veteran, and he's a psycho. * Faith was Joseph's favorite, but Jacob is his toughest soldier, bar none. * Jacob's got this Chair. He straps people in and breaks them down until their souls are gone. Then he controls their mind. Don't end up in that chair. * I know Jacob's the bad guy and all, but every bad guy thinks they're this misunderstood hero, right? Has anyone ever tried to just, you know, take him for coffee and talk to him? * Strippin' people of their mind and freewill to build an army for The Father, that ain't right. I still can't believe Jacob and Joseph are brothers. * The mind is the most dangerous weapon and Jacob knows that all too well. No one was really prepared for this. * I've seen him up close once and I'll tell ya' Jacob Seed is one scary motherfucker. * Jacob had one thing right. Things are only goin' to get worse and you gotta be ready for it. * I had a dream once that Jacob took me on a hunt. We shot some deer and he asked me to skin them. As I was cutting them open they changed... it wasn't deer. I... I don't think it was a dream. * Whatever you do, don't listen to the music. That's how Jacob gets you. * One of the first places Jacob took over is the old Veteran's Hospital. No one thought much of it at the time. * Careful. Jacob likes to play mind games with ya. * This was an animal sanctuary until Jacob took it over. Looks like he's got some freaky deaky shit goin' on. Jake-n-Bake Seed really had his fingers up in everything up here. * Jacob's completely insane. He's not even trying to hide what he's doing anymore. * Heard that Jacob has been doin' some weird stuff with animals over here... and not just wolves this time. * Jacob's been putting people in cages. Keepin' them there with no food or water for weeks!  Almost better if they just killed you. * Eli worked on Jacob's special bunkers, did you know that? Turns out they didn't get along. Who would've thought? * No one is immune to Jacob's fucked up conversion. Once they hit you with that you ain't ever the same. * Jacob, he's knows everything that I'm thinking. He's got the key to my mind and he twists... and twists... and twists. * Jacob... his experiments... he takes us... owns us, speaks to us. He hears us. Jacob... he's in control. He controls everything. * Jacob knows how to get into your head. Twists things around so you don't know what's right anymore. * If Jacob can't find a use for you in his army, you become target practice for troops. * Be careful out there. Friends might not be friends anymore after Jacob's done with them. * I bet the Peggies got an armory here, too. I can't believe how Jacob got them so organized. * Jacob's using everything he learned in the military and twisting it to suit the needs of Eden's Gate. Son of a bitch is a poor excuse for a soldier if you ask me. As long as he's alive my Pops will be rolling in his grave, all bitter and mad. * Have to say, you've ticked Jacob off something fierce. * You wanna bet that Jacob had that three-wolf moon poster as a kid? I bet he was a cub scout, too. Now he's getting his badge for people-skinning and brainwashing. * I'm seeing a lot more choppers in the air. Looks like Jacob's using them to move troops and supplies. * You know, I was dumb enough to work for Jacob a few years back. Who you think built him all those Peggie bunkers? You think I saw any of this comin'? Hell no... * Jacob's new recruits gotta kill someone they care about, just to prove their loyalty. That's messed up on so many levels. * Jacob will be pied that you and the Cougars freed the Henbane River. He'll need a new source of soldiers. * Jacob sees himself as beyond the other so-called Heralds. He views his work as the most important, and that the others' purpose was to support him. * Jacob will break every bone in your body to convert you. He lives for pain. * Jacob would happily sacrifice everyone and everything in Hope County to feed Joseph's Collapse. He doesn't care about Faith. * Between John, Faith, and Jacob, I'd say our mind control freak is the worst. He makes people kill their own family. His own mind's twisted. He's a damn maniac. * I hear Jacob's looking everywhere for you. * You gotta save us from all this darkness. All this death. Jacob's losing it and he's out hunting down more people. He's gonna do anything for Joseph's plan to work. * Cult's got the wrong idea 'bout sacrifices. My neighbor killed his old man 'cause Jacob said so. For fuck's sake, you don't do that. * Jacob's gone nuts 'cause he lost a lot of his precious, mindless soldiers. I'd say it sucks even more to see our own teammates turned against us. * Jacob's pissed. That's new. He's always been the crazy type, but I'm afraid of what he'll come up with next. Stay sharp. * Using music to control people is so in bad taste, but Jacob's song pick, that's gotta say something about him. * How much do we know about this Jacob fella? He seems strong. Got a good setup going on... We ought to take some photographs of him or somethin'. Preferably shirtless... Y'know, for intelligence purposes. Know your enemy. * If Jacob he had an experienced woman in his life, this shit would not be happenin'. I'll take one for the team if it comes to that. Just don't tell Xander I said that. He'll get jealous. * I knew Jacob was trouble as soon as he showed up. I mean, did you see his face? It's all burned and twisted like his heart. * Jacob's got training grounds all over the place. I've seen them out there, shooting anything that moves. * I can almost understand why people follow Jacob. He's knows what he's doin', that's for sure. Mind you he's also a fucken' psychopath kind of a deal breaker for me. * Honestly, Jacob scares the shit outta me, even more than the Father. I've seen Jacob up close, I've looked him in the eyes they're empty, not a single shred of humanity anywhere. * Jacob's one sick fuck. Nailing up bodies? Burning people alive? That's just messed up. * You know what? I think Jacob's scared of Eli. That's why he's tried so hard to get him. * Jacob must be getting desperate and crazy. More troops out here than ever. * Jacob's plan worked. I tried to warn them. I told them not to go back. Jacob's going to win. He always wins. * Jacob was the big, mean, brute of the Seed clan. * Jacob was an example of how a vet can go bad without any help. Still glad he's dead of course.
* Hope Jacob doesn't have another surprise inspection. Last one didn't go so hot. * Jacob asks for sacrifices from us all.  I gave up my son just so I could understand the Father's pain. * Jacob can turn these animals into weapons for the Father, I've seen him do it. * Jacob calls those wolves of his Judges, 'cause that's what they do. If you're not worthy, they tear you to shreds. * Jacob takes us, molds us and lifts us up to realize our potential. Just like this Judge. Once, it was just a simple wolf. Then it heard the voice of the Father. Now look at it. Stronger, faster... a killer. That's what Jacob does, he makes us better than we were, because only the very best of us will pass through Eden's Gate and on to salvation. * Jacob has asked us to find more recruits for the Project. We have to make them see the light... by force if necessary. * Jacob taught me how to bring a boar down will one killshot. Now I just apply the same logic to sinners. Easy. * Trust nobody, that's what Jacob told us. * Last time I was here Jacob himself complimented me on my shootin'. * Jacob will whip the strong ones into shape. The rest of 'em won't survive training. Jacob sure puts you through your paces here. It's how he makes us strong. * Jacob only wants the strongest of any creature. * Some of the converts have a hard time losing their old notions, but Jacob has a way of getting them to see the light. * If you've ever been in Jacob's presence you know just how powerful he really is. * There is no way anyone would dare stand up to Jacob. They'd be dead in a second. * Jacob's got this county locked down. There's no way they're gonna take him out. * Jacob knows what he's doin'. If he says he's got this bastard covered, I believe him. You know Jacob. He's not gonna give up. * I hear Jacob is furious. We have to try harder. We can't fail the Father. * Jacob's not dead. There's no way. He's too strong to die. * The sacrifice of Jacob must be part of the Father's great plan; we must trust in him. * The guy who killed Jacob. He fucken' cheated. You know Jacob. There's no way he would've lost in a straight up fight. Can't do anything for Jacob, but we can make sure Pratt pays for letting that bastard get away. * Do you think this the father knew about all this? // Of course. It's all part of his plan. // Even losing Jacob? // Do you doubt the Father's visions? // No! Of course not.... it's just... the guys... they have questions.... // Questions? Now's not the time for questions! It's time for action! Do you want to die a sinner? // No! Or course not! // Then get back to your post. The Father needs us now, more than ever! * So what the hell are we going to do now? // What do you mean? // What do I mean? Jacob's dead! That's a pretty big deal, if you ask me. // We still have the Father. It's his plan after all. // Sure, but he had Jacob and the others to help. He can't do it all himself. // That's why we're here. We have to step up, do whatever is asked of us. We can't give up, not now. // Yeah, you're right. Especially with what's coming. // Exactly. Get back to your post, this isn't over yet.
* Jacob's caught himself a Deputy. I think it's Pratt. Poor bastard, he's not gonna last a day in there. * Deputy Pratt always came off as a bit of a douchebag, but that doesn't mean he deserves what Jacob's doin' to him. * I'd sure hate to be that Deputy Pratt right now. Jacob's gonna rip him to pieces. He tried to arrest his brother for God sake. * Pratt's days are numbered. One of these days Jacob's gonna have him nailed up on some billboard or something just like the others. * I keep thinking about Pratt, and what Jacob's doin' to him. That poor man's brain's gonna be totally fucked. * Can only imagine what it's like to be left in a cage with nothing to eat for days. God, do you think that's what they're doing to that Deputy of yours? Poor bastard. * I don't think that Deputy's gonna live much longer. I hear Jacob's furious and you can be sure who he's gonna take it out on. * Next time you meet your friend Pratt, be careful. Jacob does things... to your mind... he might not be the same person you remember. Don't say I didn't warn you. * Can you fuckin' believe that guy? // Who? // The Deputy. Pratt. He was wanderin' around behind the cages. // What the fuck was he doin' there? // Who the hell knows. Jacob's probably got him off doing some shit. // Yeah, he's lucky to be able to put two words together after what Jacob did to him! // Seriously. Sometimes I think it's a mistake to put too much trust in these converts. You should come willing to the light, or be struck down. * I.. I was told to feed the Judges but I didn't know where their food was. // Jesus, Pratt. Does nothing stick in that brain of yours? Over there, where it's always kept. // Right! Th..thanks Phil! It won't happen again! // It better not. * I just want go out and hunt down the bastard that killed Jacob and beat them to death.//Don't worry. They'll be here soon enough. We've got their buddy Pratt down here. Pretty sure we're next on the list.//Aren't you worried? They were strong enough to take on Jacob...// Fuck 'em. With the number of guards we got here? They'd be crazy to try to take us on. * Good thing Pratt's out man. He was lookin' like a hipster in a bullfight man. * There's not much of the old Deputy Pratt left, Jacob made sure of that. Almost would've been better that he'd died in there.       * Yeah, the Deputy might be free, but I won't say he's okay. No one is okay after they've been through the trials. No one. * Jacob sure did a number on Pratt. Not sure there's much of him left in there. * It's gonna take a while for Deputy Pratt to recover from this... if he ever does.
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Angel of the Ink Machine, chapter 8: Letting it Die
Thank you to everyone who has read through this entire story. I’ve wanted to write it for months, and the fact that it was as popular as it was makes me really happy. Thanks as well to my writing partner for helping me to create it.
In the end, it was the leaking ink that did it. It was about a month after Allison was fired that the four performing toons noticed people getting sick from it.
It had been after a regular day that Allison received the call from Susie. The next morning, she put on her favourite purple eye shadow, red lipstick and white dress, knowing that she might not have another chance to dress up for years.
Allison walked into a police station whose front was desk staffed by one overworked police woman who had been arguing on the phone while shuffling papers.
Allison spoke to her as soon as she had half her attention. “I’m here to turn myself and my ex-partner in for multiple murders. I have proof.”
The woman’s eyes went wide. “Come with me,” she said, and soon she was in a room, sitting across from a police officer.
“This young woman just confessed to multiple murders.”
“Alright. Tell me everything.”
“It’s going to sound insane,” Allison warned. “But okay. I helped create the living cartoon characters that are currently making headlines. I am one of them, and I used to be a regular woman. In order to turn a person into a cartoon, you have to kill them. Together, we killed Susie Campbell and Wally Franks, the latter of which is currently on a missing persons list. I can prove that I and my partner, Joey Drew, did in fact kill these people by leading you to the human remains. I also know that he killed a few more people on his own, but I don’t know how many. Will you come with me and let me show you the bodies?”
The police officer looked stunned. “Yes. In fact, I order that you do. Keep in mind that lying to a police officer is a crime and that anything you do can be used against you in court.”
“I plan on being completely compliant.”
Less than an hour later, the doors of Joey Drew Studios opened to the angel of the ink machine, followed by five police officers. She had no key to the very basement, but she knew the other way down. She instructed the police officers to gather onto the top of the ink machine, and pulled on chains until she found the one that made it descend, just as Joey had done on the night that they had met.
The ink machine touched down on the basement floor, and Allison ran to turn on the lights.
How impressive this place had looked months ago. And how crowded it looked now. It looked as though Joey hadn’t come down to this room since he’d last used it to sacrifice. Perhaps he never intended on returning to it. There was the cage of research subjects- once rodents, now mutilated toons- stuffed into cages. There was the ground, littered with once-used pentagrams. There was the poor, whimpering Boris caged in the corner, now along with a Charley with an empty eye socket and two missing limbs. Every wooden surface was stained grey with ink, every metal surface slick and greasy with it. And there were the coffins, marked with the names “Susie,” “Allison,” “Wally,” and “Henry.” Allison allowed herself to hope that that meant Henry was the only one Joey had transformed on his own.
Allison’s excitement at handing herself and Joey in turned to somber regret. How had she ever romanticized this?
“The bodies are over here,” Allison said, guiding them over.
“Four?” a police officer asked. The others busied themselves opening the coffins to see that the coffins were in fact full.
“That I know of. I encouraged Susie to let us kill her, and I slit Wally’s throat. I also agreed to being killed myself. Every one of the creatures in the cages represents an animal we tested on. Anything else you find isn’t my doing.”
The police officers milled about, prodding at the ex-rodents, taking notes on the ink machine, and searching for more useful information. Two of them poured out a trough of ink that had been set up to catch leaks. The thick ink oozed away to reveal human bones, including four skulls. Allison clasped a hand over her mouth. If she were still flesh, she would have went cold. She’d given Joey a measly four hours, and he’d killed five people in that time- that was, unless one of those skeletons belonged to Norman. But she didn’t want to think of that anymore.
Allison excused herself to the only other room in the very basement: Joey’s private sanctuary. She just needed to be alone until the police needed her for questioning or were ready to take her in. While inside, she took out her knife and sawed through her horns. If Joey ever came down there again, he’d find her horns and attached halo left on his desk.
Soon, Allison found herself laying on the bed in her holding cell. She could handle women’s prison- at least, she hoped the stregnth and durability she had as ink creature would help protect her from the other inmates. On the bright side, she wouldn’t age at all during her time in prison. She’d told the cops that they absolutely could not allow Joey to turn off the ink machine, because that would kill all of the ink creatures, including herself. They also knew that if she were destroyed, they would have to pick her up from the ink machine. As a result, the police had secured the basement levels. She still worried- there were so many ways to turn the ink machine off from the upstairs, and while Joey had surely skipped town to avoid the police, he could easily order a GENT worker to do it.
A few nights later, the cops told Allison that Joey had been arrested, and Allison could finally breathe easy.
The court battle went on for months as lawyers argued about which of their victims should be called “murdered,” and which warranted a lesser charge of “assault with grievous bodily harm,” since the victims were still alive in a sense. There was argument as well over how many of the murders Allison had been a part of, and which she deserved to be charged as an accomplice of for not coming forward about earlier.
At some point during this time, Allison received a phone call.
“Hey, Allison. This is Henry. Susie told me everything. Thanks for putting an end to this. I’m the one that Joey left in control of the studio, and I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to do my best to look after this situation. Thomas is working on a portable ink machine as we speak, and if that works, we’ll turn off the old one and rent a storage unit to keep the new one in. That way no one else will get infected. For now, I’m just having everyone wear face masks and keep away from the most dangerous areas. I’ll probably be able to bail you out, assuming that you can apply for bail- and that it isn’t too much. If our lives depend on the ink machine, they depend on the company making enough money for us to maintain it, and Joey left us in some pretty serious debt. So... yeah, that’s where we are. Just thought you should know.”
Allison was glad she was on the phone so that she didn’t have to force a smile. “Thanks, Henry.”
“I was thinking about maybe selling the old ink machine to research. I’ll make sure it’s a reputable one, of course. I imagine you have a lot of free time right now- maybe you should write down anything that you would want them to know.”
“That’s a great idea! I will.”
As soon as Allison had the chance, she was writing. She’d never written before, but having something new and meaningful to do with her time was exciting.
My name is Allison Pendle. I am not a good person. I remember being ten years old and first overhearing my parents worry over the person I would become. I terrified them by becoming addicted to crack at sixteen and wasted their money on rehab. I did more things to get ahead as a Broadway actress than I want to name. I am a thief, a liar, and a compulsive thrill-seeker. And yes, I facilitated the use of this machine with the full knowledge that it required human death.
I have always been good at rationalizing things to myself. The fact that I of all people know that this machine is evil to its core should tell you that it is. Please keep this in mind as you experiment.
There was so much to tell. Everything about how the machine worked, what it was like to be an ink creature, and of course, whether she could safely sell out any of the people she’d met on the black market. It was the next adventure, and she was ready for it.
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borhap-au · 4 years
Joe Mazzello: the fluffy chronicles.
You’ve been going through some stressful times. The amount of work you had to do was overwhelming, you were busy at work and at home, you didn’t have much time for your boyfriend, and when you could find a moment for him, he was out, filming. You saw each other at home, of course, but you usually had to tell him to be quiet, because you had to read and revise all of the paperwork. He usually just smiled at you and left you alone, not to disturb you, because he knew how much you’ve done to get this job and he didn’t want you to lose it. But you noticed that deep inside it made him sad that he couldn’t spend more time with you. The amount of work was overwhelming both of you, and Joey was simply worried that you overwork yourself.
So, on what you thought will be just another boring day, Joey left earlier for work, and you actually could sleep a little longer, so he didn’t wake you up to say goodbye. When you got out of bed, you went to the bathroom. Still tired (after all, even your dream had to do with your work) you yawned as you walked up to the mirror and then you saw a little yellow piece of paper stuck to the mirror, with a sentence on it, reading “smile! you’re beautiful.”
You felt like shit, and you were a total mess, but nevertheless you smiled seeing that note. Joey really was considerate and put much effort into making you feel better. You couldn’t think of a better boyfriend, and you were sure nobody you knew could be better than him.
Then you went to the kitchen, not sure if there was even anything left in the fridge for you to eat. You were pretty sure you will have to either find some old chocolate bar, or grab something quickly on your way to work. You opened the fridge and saw a pile of sandwiches and another little piece of paper with a caption “I hope you’ll enjoy it.” Yet again, he made you smile. This way you were not only able to eat an actual breakfast, but there were even some sandwiches left for you to take to work, which was very important, because you had to give a presentation at work, for which you were preparing for the past week.
When you went to the bedroom, you opened your wardrobe to take your suit, but you couldn’t find it anywhere. You looked around, but it was gone. Completely panicked and stressed out, you grabbed your phone to call Joey, and then you saw a message from him saying “in the living room. Was ironing some of my shirts yesterday, thought it wouldn’t hurt to iron your suit too.” And when you walked into the living room, there it was. Hanging on the door, your suit, freshly ironed. You couldn’t even believe this man was real. A real treasure, that he was for sure.
By the door, next to the keys he found for your yesterday, so you didn’t have to worry in the morning, there was a note saying “you’re going to nail it! I believe in you.” You smiled and walked out of the house. And then you came back, because you forgot your notes for the presentation. But then you left your home for real and headed to work.
On the way to work, you found your favorite chocolate in your purse, and you were sure you weren’t the one who put it there. But eating chocolate always calmed you down and made you happy, and Joey knew about it.
An hour before your presentation, he texted you: “stop with all the revising. You know all of it already. Give yourself a break. Breathe, relax. You got this, honey. I know you do. I love you!” He knew you’ll be revising. You always were. You were shaking because of all the stress, and always revise ‘till the very last moment, but at least Joey reminded you to breathe deeply, trying to calm yourself down. You went for a tea, to listen to his advice, but when you got the tea you came back to revise some more.
You did get your point across and the presentation went rather smoothly. Nobody had any doubts that you did your homework and found out everything you could about the subject. You were your own harshest critic, but your boss actually said you did a great job and can take the weekend off as a reward. After all, you impressed the guests and persuaded them to make the deal with your company.
You were so incredibly happy, mostly because you knew you will finally have some time to spend with your absolutely perfect boyfriend. You texted him the great news immediately after you got them, not waiting until you finish the work. Joey got home before you, so you told him you’re going to grab some pizza on the way back home, so you can eat it and watch some movie. But he told you not to buy any food.
When you got back home, you called his name, but nobody answered. Instead, you saw a trail of dried flowers on the floor. You decided to follow them. They led you to the bathroom, where you saw Joe, in the bathtub full of bubbles. Lit scented candles were standing all around. He smiled at you. Then you noticed he was holding a glass of champagne in his hand.
“Hey, honey. How was your day at work?” he asked and smiled at you.
“Stressful as hell. But at least it’s all over now,” you smiled in return.
“Jump right in,” he encouraged you, and you quickly dropped your clothes, with Joey smirking at the view he missed so much during the last few weeks. Then you joined him in the bathtub, leaning on him, and finally relaxing after so many stressful days. He moved his hand on the side of your body, petting it. “How do you feel?” he muttered in your hair. Your eyes were closed, and your head was tilted back, resting on his shoulder.
“Right now? Just perfect. All the tension is leaving my body, and the water is so nicely warm. I’m in heaven,” you muttered without opening your eyes.
“Want to make a toast? For a nice weekend for example,” you opened your eyes and smiled at him, nodding.
“But of course that I do,” you took a glass from his hand. He took the other one. “Cheers, honey,” you clinked his glass with yours and drank a bit of the champagne.
“Cheers, babe,” he drank some as well, and then you put your glasses on the shelf, so you were both able to enjoy the bath. You leaned on him again, resting your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes. You just wanted to relax for a bit, and his lips certainly helped to make you feel better. He kissed your jawline, neck and shoulder with his warm, soft lips, and that moment sure felt like heaven to you.
He didn’t tire you with more talking, especially not about work. He knew how overworked you were and didn’t want to bring that back on your free weekend. So instead he just focused on kissing your skin, while his hands slowly caressed your body. That was until your stomach started growling, remembering the pizza you were supposed to eat, but Joey didn’t want you to buy.
You then left the bath, and when you were making sure the bathroom isn’t going to burn down, Joe went to the kitchen. You knew he’s had something planned and you were pretty excited to see what was waiting for you. When you went to the kitchen, he was heating up the dinner he’s made earlier. You had time to change into more comfortable clothes.
He took one of the candles from the bathroom and lit it on the table as well, making it a real romantic dinner. He made chicken with vegetables, and you had the unfinished champagne to drink.
“I’m proud of you, darling,” he said, while you were eating. “I’m proud of the woman you are, of how you handle everything. You’re amazing. A real role model,” he smiled and took a sip of the champagne.
“Thanks, Joey. I’m just sorry for neglecting you and our relationship. It was just something very important to me, a way to show my skills…” you started the long apology you had prepared in your head, but you didn’t finish it, because he didn’t let you.
“Don’t worry about me, girly. I’m a big boy. I managed to be on my own for the few days, you know?” he smiled at you. “I was happy to help you however I could, even by making a simple dinner. I knew it’s important to you. I would never make you choose between your goals and our relationship, honey. It’s your career, your future, and as much as I would like to be a part of it, I know I’m not all of it, and you need those things outside of this house, like a job for example. You never complained about my busy schedule, and I would never complain about yours,” he assured you.
After the dinner, you went to the bedroom to watch something. You chuckled quietly when upon entrance you saw a teddy bear holding a piece of paper with a big “CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT!” on it. There were lots of your favorite sweets all over the bed. You looked at Joe in disbelief, shaking your head.
“What? I wasn’t sure whether I’ll manage to get home on time, before you did. I had to go out to visit a few places before you came from work and do the shopping. And I wanted you to have a nice surprise when you come back,” he explained, and you kissed him, moving your arms around him. He truly was a blessing.
You put the sweets away and went to bed. You started your favorite movie, but it wasn’t long before you fell asleep, finally being able to rest after weeks of stress and constant work. He smiled seeing you finally being able to rest and kissed your head, as if to say “sleep well.” Then he continued to watch the movie and pet your arm, hoping you’ll have sweet dreams and dream of him. He already had the entire weekend planned for the two of you to catch up on the time you missed because of work.
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sxveme-2 · 4 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Edited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Eleven: The One With the Man on the Roof
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 3336
All of her life as a mother, Lily has placed Hunter above herself no matter what. She had a long shift at the hospital but Hunter had the flu? She'd get someone to cover. She had plans to go for dinner with Gen, but Hunter had a project due the next day? She and Gen would eat in and help him. Nothing ever, ever, came between Lily's son and her. He was the center of her universe, and she would drop everything in an instant and come to his rescue. That's what moms did right? Make sure their son is safe and ensure the best in the world for him? That's what Lily did at least. She would go to the ends of the Earth and back for Hunter if she had to. No questions asked.
So whenever he called, especially when he was at Scott's, Lily's anxiety shot through the roof. Not to mention, of all things to say, he asked her to come and pick him up. Now, of course, she would not hesitate to go and get him. It was a no-brainer. The only issue was the fact Lily was half an hour away if there was no traffic, meaning whatever was going on at Scott's would have to continue for a solid thirty minutes minimum.
"What's going on baby why do you need me to come to get you?" Lily asked, green eyes darting over her shoulder to look at the group that was still seemingly having a great time. But she caught Bucky's eye, and they stood there for what felt like an eternity. His diamond blue eyes seemed worried, his eyebrows knitted in concern at the scared look on Lily's face as she spoke to her son on the phone.
"The babysitters asleep on the couch and a man keeps banging on the door asking for Dad," Hunter answered, his voice shaky as he whispered, "I have Leila in bed with me but Mom I'm so scared please come get us."
Her stomach did a flip. It took everything inside of her not to drop the phone and sprint to the car, not wasting any time telling anybody what was happening. Adrenaline pumped through Lily's veins as she covered her mouth. Tears welled up in the tear ducts of the blonde's eyes and she made quick work blinking them away. Her throat went dry and all of the salivae in her mouth seemed to disappear. Her son was in danger. And Scott wasn't home. Of course, he wasn't...Lily wasn't sure what else she expected from him.
"Call 911 right now. I'm on my way. Stay where you are with Leila. Do not get off the phone with police," Lily rambled, stalking back over to the group and grabbing the purse she had brought along with her, "I love you Hunt I'll see you soon."
And with that, the line went dead as her son followed his mother’s instructions. The abrupt actions of Lily had caught the Avenger’s attention as they watched her scurry around to find all of her belongings, muttering curse words and not so meek names towards her ex-husband seemingly. Lily was a kindhearted person, she wouldn't even hurt a fly. Yet the moment, nay, the second, it had been brought to her attention that her son was in danger on her ex's watch because he had decided to go to a party? That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. This would become messy if she didn't lose her temper and kill Scott herself.
"Woah Woah Lil what're you doing?" Rose questioned as she placed a gentle hand on her sister's arm. Immediately, Lily shrugged it off as her head popped up to look at her younger sister with tears rolling down her cheeks. A hush fell over the crowd like a heavily weighted blanket as the lights around the roof lit up the sadness and desperation on Lily's face.
"There's a man at Scott's pounding on the door. That motherfucker went out and left the kids home with a deadbeat babysitter asleep on a couch..." Lily trailed off as the words escaped her lips. Saying it out loud was completely different than hearing her son say it on the phone. It was really happening. Hunter was in danger and his own father wasn't even home.
A part of Lily blamed herself for the events that were unfolding. If she had just listened to Hunter when he asked for her to take full custody over him. To stop sending him to his dad’s where Scott was hardly home. If she had just listened to her heart instead of her head, Hunter would be safe. He wouldn't be in his current predicament. He'd be safe at home, probably asleep in bed with Lily or Joey in his room. She'd be able to keep tabs on him. Make sure he was secure. Healthy. Safe. Out of harm’s way. Whatever you wanted to say. But no, she listened to the doctor inside of her head about the development of children and how a father/son relationship was important. But mostly, she blamed her deadbeat ex that put his children in that situation, to begin with. Not even just Hunter, but Leila. A three-year-old girl who had no business being left alone with a babysitter and her brother. She was a baby, and Scott put his own entertainment ahead of his children.
"That son of a bitch!" Gen exclaimed while jumping to her feet and handing Rose, the only 100% sober one of the trio, the keys to the car, "Thank you for having us but I have a man to murder." The brunette snapped while making a b-line towards the door down from the roof, Rose and Lily following in her tracks.
Rose's hands rested on her older sister's shoulders, rubbing soothing circles. It was something that the two have done for years. Whenever Lily got worked up and her anxiety reached a peak, Rose's soft hands would grip onto her shoulders and run patterns and shapes along the skin. It reminded Lily that she would be okay, that whatever situation that had caused her anxiety to skyrocket, would be over soon and everything would be okay. A reminder that no matter the circumstances, Rose would always be in Lily's corner, rooting for her and cheering her on. And hopefully, this small action would at least help the rapid heartbeat that pounded away in Lily's chest find a steady rhythm. Of course, then the all mighty steve rogers piped up.
"Why don't we give you a ride on the Quinjet? It'll get you there faster." he offered, causing a small tear to roll down Lily's rouged cheeks. Rose, Gen, and her came to a halt and turned back to the group that looked at the mother with worry in her eyes. Before Lily could respond, the Captain spoke once again, "Or at least let one of us come with you...just in case." he finished, nudging his elbow into Bucky's side.
Even when an event like this is going down, steve rogers stays being a little shit.
"Yeah, that may actually be good. We don't know if we'll get there before the police, or if Scott is home," Rose answered, glancing down at her sister, "You know how he is when he drinks, Lil. You can't take him...and much to her dismay, neither can Gen."
Lily's puffy eyes looked up at her best friend who begrudgingly agreed with Rose's statement, prompting the Winter Soldier to jog forward and follow the girls out to the car. Lily took a seat in the back row of the car, holding her arms tightly around her chest as she glanced at her phone, checking the time. Knowing that at any moment, she could get a call telling her the worst. Or worse, getting a call from Scott. Just the idea of his face made anger boil deep within Lily, which resulted in her bundling her hands into fists so tight that the knuckles turned a sickly shade of green. How could he be so irresponsible? They had been divorced for four years. Lily stood up for him. vouched for him to her parents. Convinced her son it's good to visit. To see his dad and spend time with him. But now? God...Lily wished he would just fall off the face of the earth and she would never have to see him again.
Arriving in Brooklyn a solid half an hour later, Lily spotted flashing police lights dancing across brick walls of the apartment complex. The moment that Rose had stopped the car, Lily ran out faster than the flash. She spotted Hunter sitting in the back of an ambulance with Leila and the blonde basically tackled the two children in a tight hug. She held them close, whispering prayers to the good Lord above. Tears streaked her face, causing valleys to open up along her makeup-covered cheek. She didn't want to let go, she wanted to hold her biological child, and one that wasn't even remotely related to her, and keep them out of harm’s way.
"Ma'am is this your apartment building?" a deep voice of a police officer boomed, causing Lily to release the two kids to turn around and see the tall man behind her. His shoulders were broad and his neck seemed to be the same size as Lily's head. Just looking at the stance he held made Lily tense up, her mouth running as dry as the Sahara desert. But it was Hunter’s small hand gripping onto her's, that sent a rush of newfound confidence through her body.
"No, this is my ex-husband’s apartment. I'm this boy’s mother," Lily stated, fumbling through her purse and gripping her wallet. She tugged out her driver’s license for ID purposes, leaning down to kiss the top of Hunter’s head, before returning her worried eyes back to the officer in front of her, "Did you get the person?"
By the tense look on the officer’s face, Lily guessed the answer would be a no. Tears welled up in her green eyes, and Lily dropped down onto the ambulance between the two kids. The mother bear instincts that welled up inside of Lily's stomach were yelling at her to go and find that son of a bitch who scared her little boy. Smack him all the way to next week and make him feel the pain he had caused her and her son. But the rational part of Lily reminded her she would only create more problems if she did that. She would be the one losing custody of her son because they would probably deem her dangerous and arrest her for...you know, assault. For now, she would sit with the two shaken children, and wait for this to blow over and for the police to find the sorry son of a bitch who dared scare Lily Osborne's son. And then take the father of her child to court and receive full custody of Hunter. Because this...this was unacceptable.
But then a small voice perked up. A meek, scared voice of a little girl. shaky. And it came from Lily's left side. Leila. The little girl had spoken, "The roof." This prompted both Lily and the officer's head to shoot to the side, and both spotted a shadowy figure glancing over the edge. Lily gasped and held both children closer to her chest.
The officer called the others to go to the roof. All pulling their guns from their holsters in preparation, just in case the man was as violent and aggressive as the two children had described. As Lily watched, her hands covering her son and Leila's eyes as police stormed in through the front doors. But she spotted someone, what she had believed to be a police officer, climbing up the fire escape. But then the streetlights reflected a silver arm, sending a glare into Lily's eyes. Bucky. He ran up the fire escape with such anger that Lily could sense the aura all the way from the ambulance at the bottom of the apartment building. Whoever decided to attempt a break-in or try some sort of intimidation at Scott's apartment, most likely, had no intention of ending up face to face with the winter soldier.
"Is that Mr. Barnes on the roof?" Hunter asked, surprising Lily. Glancing down, she saw that she had let her hands drop in shock, resulting in both kids becoming witnesses to the scene. Scoffing, Lily covered their eyes once more, ensuring that whatever violence or trauma that would take place would be hidden by her pale and cold hands.
Lily, however, would become witness to the entire scene unfolding. Watching from afar, she spotted Bucky's metal arm gripping the figure’s neck and holding him above his head. A gasp escaped from Lily's plush lips as she squeezed her own eyes shut. She had heard the stories of the Winter Soldier. The assassinations that HYDRA had forced the man to commit. They had made his brain into putty, moulding it to their will so that they could inflict pain and suffering on whoever they deemed deserved it. But Lily also knew that he had been saved. That the chemicals in his mind had been removed by a brilliant scientist whose name became blank in Lily's mind. But seeing him choking the person on the roof, Lily feared he was not better. That he still had those awful things in his head. That he was dangerous. Especially when her child and her son's half-sister clung to her. As well as her best friend and sister watching the scene from the car.
But when Lily forced her eyes open again, she saw Bucky stand to the side of the roof while the police officers handcuffed whoever it was that had committed this crime. A little breath of relief danced past Lily's lips as she watched Bucky retreat down the fire escape, landing on the solid grown with ease. His thick legs carried that gorgeous frame of his towards Lily, and her shoulders tensed out of habit. But the way his facial expressions changed made her realize...he thought she was scared of him now. That whatever he had done on the roof created a new picture of him in her eyes. Sure it did at first, but he corrected it when he stood to the side afterwards.
"They've got him..." his gruff voice stated, steel blue eyes avoiding any contact with the deep greens of Lily's. He became timid, as though any small teasing comment would destroy any shred of confidence in his body. Lily had no idea the effect she had on him. How what she thought of Bucky was a make or break for him. She herself was so reserved. Distant from people. That they were almost two halves of the same whole. But her view of him...he wanted her to see nothing but goodness in him. And a little bit inside of him continued to scream that she only saw the monster that he was.
"Thank you Bucky," Lily smiled, something small and delicate that had the man become weak in the knees. But then she continued, and a small bit of his heart grew even larger and more fond of the blonde mother, "Upstate is a while away...would you like to um...stay in my spare room? Just for the night so Rose doesn't have to do that drive again."
Whether it was the beer that was singing a sweet song in Lily's mind, or the killer adrenaline rush that she was experiencing, her confidence was through the roof. Her fears seemed to disappear in an instant, creating a new side of Lily. Her son was safe and the asshole that scared him was in cuffs. Alcohol plagued a small place in her mind, and Bucky had just shown a new side to him as well. A protective side. One that he seemed to have gained for the Osborne family at the beginning of this story. Whether it was Lily's infectious smile or the way Hunter looked at him like he was the entire world. He had vowed to be there for them. No matter what it was.
"Oh...I mean if Rose doesn't want to make the drive..." the man stated, his voice cracking halfway through as he glanced over at the other two girls that rushed forward to join in on the conversation, "But isn't she staying with you?"
"Nope. Tonight I'm staying with Gen. Girls night or something. And I don't wanna drive. Hate it. Terrible. You have to stay with Lily it's final." Rose rushed, pushing forward and yanking Hunter into her arms, holding the shaking boy as she kissed the top of his head.
Before Bucky could reply, a car came to a screeching halt at the base of the apartment building’s driveway. A yelling man exploded from the car, along with a crying woman. Scott and Mary. Whatever adrenaline that Lily had leftover, shot through her as she jumped to her feet, standing in front of Hunter and Leila between Scott and them. The taller man was huffing and puffing as his hazel eyes scanned everyone around them.
"Lily, move," he ordered, face beet red as he stared down at the woman he cheated on. The anger inside of her eyes startled him at first. The mother’s instincts she wished to take out on the criminal deflecting on to her son's father. A little body pushed past both as Leila ran into her mother’s arms, and neither Lily nor Scott broke eye contact with each other. All of the pain he had caused her seemed to grow to a head, and everything inside of her kept Lily from reaching up and punching him square in the nose.
"You are a father. Scott. The judge granted you partial custody because I asked her to. Because I believed you would finally step up and care and love Hunter. But instead, you leave a deadbeat babysitter home with two children." Lily began, her voice steady and even as her bottom lip quivered, "A son needs his father. And you have been nothing short of an acquaintance to him. So congratulations. You just fucked yourself over."
Before Scott could even retort the smack-down that Lily just dished out to him, Mary piped up. Her voice shaking and broken, "Scott you told me your mother was watching them. Lily I met him at our friends after work, I hadn't come home." she sobbed, gripping her young daughter tight as she walked forward, an apologetic and terrified look on her face.
Lily nodded slowly and wrapped her arms around Mary, holding her close before letting her go talk to the police with Leila. This left Scott staring down at Lily, who had Gen, Rose, Hunter, and the Winter Soldier standing behind her. it took Scott a moment to process the fact a superhero was now standing with his ex-wife and son. And a pang of jealousy shot through him, or maybe rage. Rage that she had moved on. Gotten over the pain he had caused. Or so he thought.
Instead, the longer she stared at him with a death glare, the more memories rushed back into Lily's minds. The way he would stand over her as though he could hurt her. Then claiming it was fine because he never hit her. or the way he would spit names at her after an argument. The way his fists would ball up. How he would punch holes into the wall that Lily had to fix because he didn't want to pay for them to be fixed. Nor did he want to fix them. The times she would place Hunter back down in his crib and then fall to her knees in tears, remembering how he slammed the door and walked out.
"You are done being a father, Scott. I'm taking full custody."
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instasiswetrust · 3 years
The hand around Nea's neck tightened, words choking up and dying inside her throat. Eyes that used to be blue now glinted red in the dim atmosphere of her kitchen, illuminated only by the light coming from the setting sun. No mercy or compassion could be found in those eyes, just a deep-seated hatred that scared her down to her very core.
"I think that's enough of your inane babbling, Nea." Dwight's voice was a purr, low and dangerous, filled with thinly veiled intent. She still manages enough spite to glare back at him.
"Now, now darling, no need to be like that." Dwight clicks his tongue like a disapproving parent. "None of this would've happened if you'd kept your dirty little mouth shut instead of talking shit about MY BROTHER."
The slap comes as a surprise to her, a second going by before the pain finally hits. She tastes something coppery and metallic at the back of her throat and realizes she has bitten her tongue. His hand around her neck has relaxed just enough for her to speak again so she does.
"It's not shit if it's the truth, Dweet." She sneers, eyes hard and flinty with anger. “Your beaner of a brother is a filthy slut who likes to suck PsychoMyers dick - Ack!"
"Shut. Up." Dwight watches her choke on her breath as his hand tightens once again. He's about done bothering with this bitch, and if he wastes any more time he was going to be late for dinner. And while mom could understand murder quite easily, being on time for dinner was a mandatory rule.
Without letting go of his holds, he turns to glance at the boy sitting on a stool by the kitchen island, watching him with an enraptured expression. There are two points of red high on his cheeks, and the hunger in his eyes sends a tentative shot of arousal through Dwight's spine.
"David, the bleach if you will?" The boy shook his head like a dog would before opening the cap of the gallon next to him and handing it over to Dwight. "Thank you."
David only offers him a shaky nod, his gaze shifting briefly to what Dwight thinks might be his lips before returning them to his face. It's a little funny how out of everything, this is what gets to David.
Turning back to Nea, Dwight doesn't even bother being flashy or dramatic. He forces her jaw open and pours the bleach, watching her choke on it. It burns her eyes, her throat, and the stench is absolutely disgusting but he doesn't stop until the gallon is half-empty and Nea Karlsson lies limp in his hold.
After the party, when he had called Nea out on her bullshit in front of everyone and promptly vomited on her expensive Adidas sneakers, he had assumed he wouldn't ever hear about the cheerleader clique again. Had even been fine with that. David was with him now, and he would always have Danny in his corner. He could let Nea think she had won, just this once.
Thing was, bitches never quite learn how to keep their mouths shut.
Dwight had gone to her house planning to fake an apology, David in tow telling him how it was a waste of time bothering with someone like her. But of course, Nea had had to mention Danny. Make fun of his little brother, of Michael, even mock Joey, and Susie. His friends. His pack. His family.
He remembered everything of course, to the smallest detail. How he had forged the note saying Nea was running away with another Alpha, thinking she would be hated if she stayed. David helped him carry the body to Max's pigpen. The way David's cock tasted on his mouth and the muffled sounds he had made as Dwight sucked him off in the back of his car.
It had been fun. The kind of heady high he had only felt once before when he had to clean up one of Danny's scenes because he had gotten himself stabbed.
And of course, no one at school suspected a thing. The student body ate up Meg's fake note so easily it was almost laughable. Dwight had assumed that had been it, and focused on his grades, filing everything that went through with Meg, Nea, and Kate to the back of his mind.
That was why Kate’s call took him by surprise.
"Dwight, please, you have to help me." Kate's pitchy, worried voice begged almost as soon as he accepted the call.
Dwight knew Kate, had become accustomed to the different shifts in her voice that marked her emotions more clearly than her expressions did. She wasn’t just worried, she was terrified but there was also an undercurrent of guilt there that made him take her words with a grain of salt.
"It's 11 pm, Kate. My heat only broke yesterday." He said flatly, not at all in the mood for her bullshit. Despite his heats being a mellow affair, his body was still sore and he wanted nothing but to bury himself back in his nest.
"Please." She was begging now and Dwight swore he could hear Ace's and Ash's drunken babble in the background. "Meg left me alone with Ash and Ace as one of her pranks, and they are really drunk. I'm... I'm really scared Dwight, please."
Oh. Yeah okay, he couldn't say no to that. Out of the three of them, Kate had always been the nicest, relatively speaking. She went along with whatever the other two told her to do sure, but that was about it. He was gonna regret this later for sure but right now all he knew was that he needed to get her out of there.
"Fine, okay. Lemme grab my mom's keys and I will be there. Text me your address in the meantime."
She thanked him profusely before cutting the call and Dwight sighed. With luck, Uncle Herman might be awake and could lend him two bottles of vodka laced with sedatives.
It had only taken a day. Just one. Now all the school was gossiping about how much of a slut Dwight was, having spent his heat with not one but two Alphas.
Ash and Ace had no proof of course, other than their words but this was high school. The veracity of things didn't have to be proven for people to believe them and as it was, Dwight had become an absolute social outcast in the last party. If the star Alphas of the football team claimed it was true, of course, it was.
"Danny, leave it. They are not worth it." He said for the second time as a group of cheerleaders went past their pack's table and made faces of disgust at Dwight.
"But Dwickyyyy ..." Danny pouted, and Dwight knew this was his brother's best front. Knew that there was fury and venom in his brother's dark eyes. Knew there was already a plot brewing there too. "I d-don't wanna."
But Dwight was adamant about this, shaking his head again and turning to face the whole pack who had different expressions of anger among them.
"No one gets to lay a hand on those two, you hear me? I will personally deal with them, myself. Is that clear?" Some of them nod, but others like Frank and David still snarl. This made Dwight frown, holding their gazes until they lowered their heads. "Good."
It was only later when Dwight was heading out of the locker room after a particularly tense cheer practice, that things started to get out of hand.
"What the bloody fuck did ye say about my boyfriend, ye git?" David's accent was unmistakable but the kind of vitriol that filled his voice was completely new to Dwight. It had him instantly separating from the team and making his way over to the source of the commotion.
There was a throng of people gathered around the base of the bleachers making it unable for Dwight to properly see what was happening. He was about to push his way through when the crowd suddenly parted, giving him a perfect view of the bloody mess that was inside.
Ace was bleeding profusely from a broken nose, his left eye was swollen almost shut, Ash was next to him, knuckles scraped and bloodied. He seemed fine, for the most part, his lip was split and there was a smear of bloody saliva on his cheek. Dwight didn't care about them though. It was who he saw in Joey's arms, nearly unconscious, that caused him concern.
From what he could see David had ended up almost as bad as Ace, blood running down his nose, lip split, right eye already swelling up, and knuckles scraped. If the way he seemed unable to walk straight on his own was any indication, Dwight fears he might have a concussion too.
"Fuckers started it," Joey said as soon as Dwight was close enough to listen to him. "Caught up with us just at the start of practice and started spouting shit about you. Bet they just wanted to get a rise out of him."
Dwight sighed, helping Joey sit David down by the benches. The younger Beta left to go pick up their things and Dwight busied himself cleaning off the blood caking his boyfriend's face and knuckles. He was frustrated, bordering on angry, and David must've scented it off him because he managed to frown despite the obvious pain it put him in.
"Ain't gonna say sorry for showing those gits what they get for slagging you off." He rasped, having to stop midway to spit a gob of congealed blood into the grass.
"Wasn't going to ask you to," Dwight said simply, prodding at his nose with careful fingers to make sure it wasn't broken. "But you need to trust me when I say I will take care of it."
"I trust ye, sweetheart. But I can't just sit back and do nothing when they come looking for a fight." David shot back, wincing slightly despite the softness of his boyfriend's touch.
"Technically, you can." David gave him a glare that Dwight matched with equal intensity until the Alpha looked away first. "Look, I'm not mad at you. They provoked you knowing full well you would react. I just hate it when you get hurt because of me."
"...Even if it's kinda hot?" David grinned.
"Even if it's kinda hot," Dwight confirmed, offering him a small smile.
Three days later, Dwight finally enacted his plan.
He'd left a note for Ash and Ace to find, inviting them to the cemetery so they could reenact their threesome fantasies with him. The idiots had believed it all, hook, line, and sinker. It was almost funny how easy it had been.
Flattering clothes, and heeled boots, things that would look sexy but would be easy to clean afterward. Danny had done his make-up, something deadly that would match his leather gloves, brimming with excitement because Dwight finally got to enjoy a little murder.
So now he waited patiently for them to arrive, sitting primly on a headstone like the image of a proper Omega one would see in cheap romantic novels. David waited in the car, parked by the entrance of the graveyard, only because he had refused to allow him to do this without any backup.
At last, the two of them appear, looking awkward and nervous and a little drunk already. They reek of interested Alpha pheromones, which in turn threatens to make Dwight throw up but he kept his pleasant facade for now.
"Boys, you're here! Fantastic. We can finally start this." He chirped, voice high and happy.
Ash and Ace smirk, step closer, crowd him in the middle of the two like Dwight would try to escape or something. It irked him but he remained calm, rising a bit to wrap his arms around their necks and pull them closer. Neither of them noticed the thin syringes until it was too late.
"What the-" It was the only thing Ace managed to get out before he stumbled on his feet, falling on his ass. Ash didn't even manage to say anything before his knees gave and he fell to the ground face first, body a messy heap.
They were still conscious of course, his mom's special brew numbing their limbs but allowing them to stay awake. It was not something that showed up in general toxicology reports either, and thus had quickly become Dwight's favorite.
"You tried to rape Kate, almost got away with it even, had I not come help her out. Not satisfied with that, you chose to slander my name in front of the whole school." His voice was flat, emotionless, clinical. Rage simmered under the surface but there was no point in letting it drive his actions. Passion crimes were always the easiest to spot, and Dwight was not about to get caught over two idiots like these.
"That was the biggest mistake you could make." He positioned Ash's body so he was sitting with his back to a tombstone, facing Ace. Their terrified eyes stared at him horrified but he once again felt nothing, his mind an unperturbed lake. "Don't you think so too?"
When he was satisfied with how the two of them were posed, he slipped a folded note inside the pocket of Ash's varsity jacket, glad that his leather gloves would leave no remaining evidence on the soon-to-be corpses.
With the same overwhelming calm, he pulled out his custom-made colt 45, a gift from his mother. It was black with a white grip, engraved with golden vines over the barrel. A pretty little thing he rarely ever used, but it seemed fitting this time.
No more words left his mouth as he placed the gun in Ace's hands, making sure he'd got a proper grip on it before raising the gun to Ace’s head. There was no dramatic pause before he pulled the trigger, no tentative build-up. One moment Ace was alive, the next the left side of his head looked like hamburger meat.
Dwight made sure that none of the blood had gotten on him before moving over to Ash and doing the same thing. Worldless and instant. There was no point in stalling or watching them try to beg for mercy.
Once he'd triple checked the scene was flawless, he silently made his way back to the car where David was waiting for him. The swelling in his eye had gone down at last but he still looked worse for wear. Still, he grinned when he saw Dwight slide into the driver's seat.
"All done?"
"All done," Dwight confirmed, allowing his body to relax. He required a serious shower and even then he wasn't sure he would be able to scrub the hideous Alpha scent those two had covered him with.
"C'mere..." David murmured, pulling him closer so he could nuzzle firmly at both sides of Dwight's neck, marking him with his scent. It wasn't enough to completely dispel Ash's and Ace's scent, but it managed to take the edge off and settle Dwight's stomach.
"Thank you." He said honestly, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend's uninjured cheek. "Um..."
"What is it, darlin'?"
Dwight didn't want to appear needy or like he needed to be babied after kills. But the way Ash and Ace had crowded him, rubbed their scent over him, bothered him greatly. The Omega in him protesting with the hostile scents.
"Do you think you could stay over tonight?" He asked quietly, face once again tucked in the crook of David's neck. "I'm not bothered after killing them, it's just... I feel dirty with their scent all over me."
David hummed, threading his fingers through Dwight's messy hair. "Sure, sweetheart. Ye just need a little scenting, I can give ye that."
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Ghosts and Guns (4/23/2021)
Alastor a.k.a. Leal @usedhearts and Alastor a.k.a. Astor talk about their experiences seeing ghosts when they were alive, which is a great conversation.
And then they talk about how Astor keeps getting stuck third-wheeling with Leal and Alastor a.k.a. Alexa, which is not a great conversation.
He'd popped around a couple places in the hotel, looking for Astor, and finally found him. Leal stepped out of the shadows into the mini makeshift greenhouse.
"You remember when we talked about ghosts? Back when you taught me about the internet? I've been thinking about that lately!" Yes, no preamble, no hello, just straight into it without announcing himself. But he DOES have two thermoses in his hands, wonder what's in there. Probably something for Astor.
"I brought soup!" Definitely something for Astor.
"Oh, delicious!" He held out a hand for a thermos. Who needs a preamble? Clearly this show has been broadcasting all day and he only just tuned into the middle.
Astor himself had been in the turned-sideways ship annexed onto the hotel, where he's been keeping his garden: a grand total of two okra plants and one bell pepper plants. They really don't need a whole lot of fussing at, but he feels neglectful if he doesn't do a bit of fussing anyway.
But it certainly left him time to entertain a guest. "Yes, I vaguely recall! Why?" He opened his thermos to inspect the soup.
Upon inspection he'd find Creole style Yakamein soup, with extra meat. Leal summoned himself a chair, settling into it. He gave his own soup a sip before he started.
"You told me abou your experiences with spirits when you were young and it got me reexamining some of my childhood and I think I may have been seeing ghosts before I was haunted personally!"
Ooh, delicious. He sipped at it like it was just a cup of coffee.
"Really!" His brows went up. He wasn't surprised to learn his alternate was more sensitive to spirits than previously thought, but he *was* surprised his alternate was figuring it out so long after the fact. "Well, do tell me about them!"
"I think the reason I never noticed was because I would _see_ them but with my attention span, I wouldn't think anything strange about it. I remember a few incidents clearly though-- like this one time when I was out in the bayou when I was a child, I came across a gentleman who I now know was wearing a confederate uniform. He was just staring off into space. I asked him if he was alright and he didn't respond-- so I just turned and left."
Leal shrugged, taking another sip of his soup. "The things children will overlook, huh?"
“The man lost his cause and has been dredging the bayou for it ever since.” He scoffed derisively. “Now, that’s interesting, though! I only rarely ever saw them! I almost always heard them—that was usually how I could tell the living from the dead, I didn’t see them.”
"Yes, that's why I think I mistook them for living people! All the times I remember, before I was being haunted personally, they never spoke. I only saw them." He  shrugged.
"Perhaps that's one of the key differences between us, the way we experienced hauntings."
"Perhaps so!" He paused thoughtfully. "Or maybe you were also surrounded by invisible ghosts you couldn't hear and I was surrounded by silent ghosts I couldn't see? Maybe we both had twice as many ghosts as we thought we did! Hah!"
It wasn't easy to drink noodles out of a thermos, but by god he was finding a way. "Did they ever approach you? Interact with you?"
"Hmm..." His head tilted and he took another sip of his soup-- sluuurp there goes a noodle of his own.
"There was one time a woman approached me, and seemed to be trying to ask me something, but she had no voice. I tried to help her and I ran to get a pen and paper, but when I returned she was gone."
"Only once? Huh. The rest must have realized you wouldn't be much help to them." Huff. "I wonder if she's one I ever met. Did she look like she might be a relative?"
"Only once that I recall so far, who knows what else my memory will dredge up!" Leal laughed, then tilted his head. "She did look vaguely like Maman, but there were a lot of women in the neighborhood that looked vaguely like Maman, so..." He shrugged.
"Now I'm wondering if I saw any during the war-- one would think that would be a hotspot for hauntings, hm?"
"Oh, was it ever! I tried to talk a couple of fellows into spying on Jerry and reporting back! They said they were officially off-duty and they weren't going to fight any German ghosts for me." He laughed. It was the laugh of somebody who had taught himself through deliberate effort to find this funny.
"I had a friend named Joseph who died on the first day of shelling. He stuck it out the week with me before moving on. Now that was a dependable pal."
That caught him off guard, and Leal blinked. "Wait, Joey? Didn't he die on the last day of shelling?"
He was a little shocked that they'd known, possibly, the same man. But they _were_ the same person, he really shouldn't be surprised. "You know, I probably saw tons but never registered it, because anyone covered in blood and staring into a middle distance would've just looked shell shocked to me!"
Astor gave him a surprised look. "Joey Landry? Never stopped talking about his fiancée what's-her-name, started with a D? No. First day. At least, in my spin on things." But if Leal knew who he was talking about, Astor doubted it had been different.
"That really was what it was like. I heard so many screams I couldn't locate, I never knew if I was hearing the dying or the dead. Sometimes I had to ask if anyone else heard that scream too, and they'd ask, 'which one?' It's the only time I ever wished I couldn't hear spirits."
Leal snapped his fingers, his brows shooting up as he pointed at Astor. "Yes! That's him, the very one! Joey Landry with the fiancée! Oh, always felt for that poor girl after he died....you SURE it was the first day?"
He stroked his chin as he thought. "I saw him around but he got real quiet after the first day....didn't jabber anymore. I just thought he was shell shocked at the time, not shell _dead_. But then he disappeared."
Leal took a breath and then another sip of his soup. "You know....I think you're right."
Astor nodded. Yes, he was sure it was the first day. “He spent the next week grieving for himself. He made me write down a whole list of things he wanted me to do on his behalf. I think I only did three or four of them. He dictated a letter to his girl, I made sure she got that.”
Leal's smile tightened and he looked down, arms crossing over his chest. His thermos floated next to him, as if he never let it go.
"Well, that puts a whole new spin on things. I didn't do anything for him, I didn't even know he was dead until he disappeared at the end of the week. But now I definitely know that I saw ghosts on the front. A lot of them. Maybe I'd repressed some of it before this, but I sure do remember it now."
“Well, you didn’t do anything, but on the other hand you didn’t promise him a dozen things and then break three-fourths of your promise, did you?” He laughed ruefully. “Did you repress it or did you just not understand it? Everyone saw hellish things out there, after all—if you don’t have experience with ghosts, how do you sort them out from the rest? I imagine most times they looked better than their corpses.”
"Exactly-- I saw so much horrible shit, how was I to sort through it to find that some of the shit was actually from cows instead of pigs?" That was a messy metaphor, but it had been a messy time.
"I think I'm only able to sort through it now, some hundred years after the fact, because so much time has passed." He took his thermos back from the air and took another drink of soup. That helped, good food always did.
"I think I fired on some German ghosts, too. I remember a couple shots that I _knew_ were dead on, but there wasn't confirmed hits...."
He let out a genuine laugh. “Oh! Those fellows were having the worst time out of anyone! Imagine being one of those boys: not only are you on the frontlines, not only are you *dead,* but some stubborn doughboy is *still* shooting at you! Some days you just can’t catch a break!”
Astor's laugh made him laugh too, a surprised noise at first, and then a few more natural noises. "Oh, yes, that would be terrible wouldn't it? They think they're out of it and then ZOOM! There's a bullet whizzing through their ghost-head!"
“Just when they start thinking, ‘Well, at least it can’t get any worse’...!”
His laughter slowly petered out. “It’s a pity you didn’t get the nice side of seeing spirits. I’m surprised Ma didn’t raise you with that.”
"Well, it was hardly her fault-- Catholic school does that to a boy." He snorted and shook his head.
"After a year of that, I didn't want to hear anything about _anything_ spiritual. She did teach me things, but I made it clear that I didn't want to hear about that. She, being the loving mother she was, agreed to not talk about it with me." He sighed.
"Nowadays, I wish I had let her."
He nodded deeply. “That’s right, I remember you mentioned that. Funny, the big differences little changes can make. Spirits were just a fact of my life long before I started school. Even if I *had* been turned off of religion like you—well, what does religion have to do with the fact that great-grandma sang to me when I couldn’t sleep, or that my father’s kin thought my French sounded funny and old-fashioned because in between visits I practiced with a spirit? To me, the difference between a ghost and the Holy Ghost was as big as the difference between a bite of flesh and a communion wafer. But would that have been the case if I’d only seen them instead of hearing them?” He shrugged.
Leal nodded in turn. "See, I never had that. No one but Maman sang to me, no phantom voices talking French. I had things a child's mind wrote off as 'weird but whatever'. It just goes to show that maybe if I _had_ heard them, I might've trod a path closer to yours."
He sighed, finishing off the last of his soup. The thermos disappeared into a portal as his head cocked.
"I don't think I've shown you the rifle, have I? Not after our...tense chat. Here." He flared a bit of magic, and pushed it into the ring hidden beneath his glove, and-- poof! There it was, a lovely, alien, magic sniper rifle. He held it out to Astor. "Here, hold it, it's got a good weight."
Tense chat. His smile wilted slightly. Right. He’d nearly forgotten all about that.
All the same, he accepted the rifle. “Well, now, that’s an interesting contraption, isn’t it?” He hefted it up. “This is one of those ones built to shoot people a mile away, isn’t it?”
Leal noticed that wilt. He made a note of it. "I haven't tried firing it THAT far but it does get good distance! The way you fire is that you charge it up with your magic and then just shoot it out! Makes reloading a hell of a lot easier."
He took a breath. "And, apparently, you _can_ make it non-lethal. I didn't know that at the time, and my magic tends to make the 'bullets' rather explosive. Hence, why I didn't want to fire it at you."
Another breath. "I'm sorry, again, for not being clearer about that. I didn't mean to muck things up, it all just happened so fast. Have you spoken to Alexa about it?"
“We’ve talked.” He offered the rifle back. “Magically charged. What do you know, a gun that makes the gunman do all the hard work! Still, interesting concept for a magical focus. And I’m sure you can do some interesting tricks with the ‘bullets’ that way.”
That didn't offer Leal much in the way of _what_ they talked about. "Talked like our talk that happened right after, or a talk like we're talking _now_?" Might as well ask for clarification.
"Yes! I've got the 'explode on contact' thing down, I've been trying to see what else I can do with them." He took the gun back and dismissed it back to the ring.
"I also wanted to apologize if Alexa and I have made you feel...awkward, when around us."
“We talked about it the day of.” And Astor didn’t intend to offer Leal much in the way of what they talked about. It wasn’t his business to share if their alternate hadn’t shared it.
His smile thinned further. “Yes, well. Unless being a pest is my goal, I don’t particularly enjoy feeling like my presence is the only thing preventing my current companions from doing whatever it is they’d rather be doing.”
He glanced down, his own smile thinning, his hands folding in his lap. "I know it was never _my_ intent to make you feel like that. And I doubt it was Alexa's either."
Leal took another deep breath. "I like having you around, I like being around you, you're my friend, and Alexa and I should have thought about that before....thermoregulating around you like we do. We're an odd bunch, us Alastors, but I think _that's_ probably a little odd to see, even from us." He laughed humorlessly.
A long, slow blink. “‘Thermoregulating’?” Let’s just get that out of the way first.
Oh. Yes, there was that. He hadn't explained it yet, had he?
"I run hot, Alexa is always cold. When we....." God, he didn't want to say the word. "_Cuddle_, it evens us both out. It's nice."
Another, slower blink. “And... short sleeves and long johns weren’t solutions you thought to explore first?”
At that, Leal rolled his eyes. "Why do you think I toss off my coat at the drop of a hat? It's not just that, it's...." He huffed a bit.
"You know that feeling, when someone touches you and your skin wants to jump ship? With Alexa, there is no _that_ feeling, at all. It's just....it's nice." And he crossed his arms again. Don't mind that blush dusting his cheeks, he's not embarrassed at all.
“So, the ‘thermoregulating’ bit is a convenient excuse to cuddle without openly admitting that you want to cuddle.” He spread his hands and shrugged. “It’s actually very obvious that what you’re doing is cuddling. There’s... I’m afraid there’s really no ambiguity.”
"It's more an excuse for cuddling and the reason we started cuddling in the first place. But that's what we're calling it, our Thing, thermoregulating."
He took a breath. "We've both agreed to stop doing it around others, though. It was--" He gave a brief nod toward Astor. "Making things awkward and neither of us want that. So next time all of us are in a room together, me and he will be on our best behavior, I swear." He held up his hand, the other over his heart.
Their *Thing.* Astor nodded. “Well, I’d hate to impose on your Thing! Particularly if this means that you’ll be spending dinner parties wishing you were somewhere else where you felt free to cuddle?”
"No, it's not--" Leal took a breath again. "You're not imposing on us, Alastor. Both of us _like_ spending time with you. We just....got preoccupied. It's our fault, not yours."
A nod. “All right.” Like he doesn’t quite buy it. “Whatever you two feel is appropriate.”
Leal stated at him, eyes narrowed just a tad.
"Are we...okay? Do you want to, I don't know, share your feelings, or anything?"
His brows knit. “*Share* my *feelings*—? Who in the world have you been talking to?” That was some therapist shit right there. “You’re still invited to the holiday potlucks, if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
Oh look at that, the blush is getting worse, his smile twitching.
"Good, good. I'm going to still send you fresh seafood and bug you, too, you know. We're still _friends_."
Astor studied his alternate’s face critically. What *was* all this?
He’d always taken it as an unspoken given amongst alternates that getting cagey meant *back off.* They were entertainers, not journalists. If an interviewee balks at a question, a good talk show host redirects the conversation to something more free-flowing that the audience can enjoy; he doesn’t prod deeper and drag out more tight-lipped answers while the audience loses interest. A half-assed answer *is* an answer: it says *change course.*
And any alternate of Alastor’s ought to know that. So why was Leal pushing about Astor’s *feelings*?
Neutrally, he asked, “Would you like to share *yours*?”
Leal's brow furrowed-- he hadn't been expecting that. Share _his_ feelings? There was nothing in the world he wanted to do _less_. He just wanted to be sure that things were alright between him and Astor-- maybe Val was rubbing off on him.
"Not particularly, no," He said, giving a wry chuckle.
"I just...want you to be reassured that you don't have to--" He shrugged. "-- sit out or anything when I invite others into shenanigans. I'll be sure to be clearer about things in the future."
He gave Leal a meaningful look—yeah, well, there you go, nobody wants to talk about their feelings.
"Duly noted." Noted and discarded. He couldn't imagine attempting that again.
"Good." He took a breath and stood, his chair disappearing.
"Then I think I'll be on my way. If I remember more ghost encounters I'll be sure to let you know."
"Do! I'd be interested to hear more about your experiences." Finally back to a safe topic—but he feared the damage was done.
"Oh! Do you want your—?" Alastor held out the thermos he'd been drinking. About a quarter of the soup was left.
Leal held up his hand, shaking his head. "Oh no! You keep that, it's fine."
Leal gave a little nod. "So long, Alastor! Until next time!" And he melded back into the shadows whence he came.
"And to you, Alastor." He tipped his thermos to Leal.
And then he was alone. He sighed and sipped at his soup. He had the sinking feeling that could have gone better.
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 years
chapter twenty-six: sweet mother love
Without a moment's hesitation, Marla called Zelda and told her what was happening, but the only problem was the three of them were told that they would arrive home in New York City at around three o'clock in the morning given they left East Midlands almost two minutes before midnight.
It felt so strange that she had established a relationship with Joey, and yet Sam had to fly back home with an empty seat next to her on the red eye. She nestled down in the seat by the window: for the first forty minutes of the flight, she gazed out there to the blackness that blanketed the British Isles. Every so often, a small cluster of golden lights emerged from the darkness like a flurry of fireflies, but then they disappeared away with the nightfall. Within time, she was met with the vast stretch of black nothing was the Atlantic Ocean as it loomed underneath them in every direction possible. Every so often, she took a glimpse before her to the faint slivers of clouds, lit up ever so faint despite by the darkness: far off to the north, she caught those glimmers of the rich neon green near the northern side of the ocean.
She thought of Cliff right then, and she wondered if one of the last things he got to see was in fact the northern lights. The aurora. Aurora Borealis. She hoped that Aurora and Emile would return home soon enough themselves.
Meanwhile, in the seat right in front of her, Marla's crown of cherry red hair shone under the soft dimmed lights on the ceiling overhead. She had gone through a few of the Polaroids she had taken over those few days and then she tucked them away into her hand bag. Sam hoped that the negative of Joey would stay within the camera because she couldn't bear the thought of Marla finding out that she had spied on him in Austin. If she had a scoff at a joke about Sam daydreaming about Alex, then surely she would have a fit at the thought of Sam gazing on at Joey. Belinda had sank down with her arms folded across her chest the whole entire trip; thus Sam had time to herself and only herself. Every so often, she took a glimpse to her left at the empty seat.
She thought about drawing something before she fell asleep, and yet she couldn't hardly bring herself to it.
She had had Joey's flesh right in her hands, right in her mouth as well. An itch she couldn't quite scratch and yet she felt the need to scratch it, and yet she couldn't bring herself to it, either. She closed her eyes and pictured Alex right next to her. He leaned back against the seat with his guitar case propped up right next to him and the plume of gray over his brow strong and bright against the soft lights overhead.
She kept her attention fixed on his side profile, on the prominent aquiline shape of his nose. His deep eyes were closed part of the way, and he sat there with his arms folded across his chest. His soft lips pouted a bit. Soft like a young boy and yet stoic and serious like an old man.
“Are you awake?” she asked him in a soft voice.
He raised those thick dark eyebrows for her, but he never opened his eyes. Those dark eyelashes formed a deep shadow around his brow. He seemed to fade in and out of the shadows around him.
“Alex?” she whispered to him. He shook his head. The mysterious man, especially once he opened his eyes for her.
“What do you think I should do?” she asked him. He gazed hard and deep into her. He parted those sensual lips as if he beckoned a kiss. She moved in closer to his face, to the deep shadows that surrounded his full face: he resembled to the full moon, complete with the gray plume at the crown of his head.
“Alex?” she whispered to him the softest of whispers. The shadows cleared up into the pale skin on his cheekbones and he returned to her. He opened his eyes, and his face was soft and gentle, like a little doll. More of a doll than Belinda.
“What should I do?” she breathed right into his ear.
“Please—don't unwrite me,” he begged to her, and he closed his eyes again. She then pressed her hands to either side of his face and she set her lips onto his.
“Please don't,” he begged to her again.
“I won't—I won't, I promise.” She kissed him again. He tasted like nothing, but she could taste him regardless of it. He tasted like the dream she never wanted to end.
“Please—Sam—” he begged to her a third time. She gazed right into his eyes, baffled by that. He always called her Samantha up to that point.
“Sam, wake up,” he said to her in a broken voice. His dark eyes seemed to grow darker with the incoming night. The man of her dreams, about to swallow her whole.
“Huh?” she asked him, puzzled.
“Sam?” And she opened her eyes, and Belinda hovered right above the vacant seat next to her: her long blonde locks dangled down from the side of her head much like Joey's jet black curls. She looked on at Sam with an expression on her face that said that she had not slept at all during the flight and yet it never bothered her for a second.
“Sam, we landed,” she told her in a voice otherwise broken by sleep. Indeed, Sam peered behind her to the bright amber airport lights right outside of the window. The tarmac outside was covered in a fine layer of rain water, and she knew that Zelda had to be sound asleep at that moment, given she offered to care for Genie while she and Marla were overseas. She then rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms over her head.
“Okay—okay—I'm awake—”
“You got your art stuff with you?” Marla asked her as she picked up her purse from the seat next to her.
“Right here, yeah—” Sam gathered her things and then she climbed out of the seat. The three of them filed down the narrow aisle to the front door of the plane and the terminal gate. The airport stood vacant but bright lit despite it being almost three o'clock in the morning. Almost three o'clock in the morning and yet Sam and Belinda both were wide awake.
“Want me to drive us back?” Belinda offered.
“If you could, Bel,” Marla told her with a rub of her eye. “I don't really feel like doing much of anything right now if I'm honest.”
The vast bright corridor stood still and silent with the middle of the night all the way to those big sliding front doors. A heavy dew was falling in the wake of a strong rain some time before then. Belinda took to the driver's seat while Sam slid in the passenger spot next to her and Marla lay down in the back seat. She had fallen asleep once they had reached the airport driveway.
“So what're you gonna do once we get back to your place?” Belinda asked her as they reached the first stoplight.
“Like what do you mean?”
“You gonna call your parents and tell 'em we got home safe and sound and in one piece?”
“Of course. They told me to call any time, so hell to the yes.” Sam then turned her head in her direction. “Why? What'd you have in mind?”
“Kinda hungry,” Belinda confessed as the light turned green. “That airline food just isn't very good.”
“No, it's not.”
“When we get back to Hell's Kitchen, I'll get you and me some pizza if you'd like.”
“Pizza at three o'clock morning sounds excellent.”
Within time, they reached their apartment in Hell's Kitchen overlooking the harbor. The windows of the building all beheld the darkness of the night, and Sam thought of that morning that she and Cliff had Mexican hot chocolate together. She even pictured Zelda and Louie on the corner up ahead of them as well.
Just so long as no one found out about them then she would keep their secret locked away under the proverbial lock and key forever.
Marla had a difficult time in climbing out of the back seat but she managed to climb out of there: the amber light from the street lamp next to them shone down on her cherry red hair such that she resembled to a literal sunrise there on the sidewalk. She rubbed her eyes as she unlocked the front door and propped it open for Sam and Belinda; she yawned and then she trudged over to the far corner of the room for the mail. It took her a few tries to slip the key into the hole but she finally did, and she took out a full stack of mail out of its hiding place.
“We'll go through this stuff tomorrow,” she told Sam as she shut the door and locked it. “I'm just too beat right now.”
“Makes sense,” Sam assured her with a shake of her head. The elevator brought them up to the third floor, and Marla almost fell asleep standing up right there next to Belinda. But they made their way back to the apartment and Sam offered to unlock the front door for her.
They were met with total darkness except for a small night light plugged into the bathroom: through the shadows, Sam could see that Zelda had stretched out on the couch, sound asleep and with the back of her hand pressed upon her brow. Genie had curled up right down by her feet, but she lifted her head once Sam and Marla had come into the room; indeed, once Marla switched on the lamp, she had pinched her eyes shut even more in adjustment to the sudden bright light.
Sam stooped over Zelda's face and set a hand on her shoulder.
She breathed heavy with sleep, and thus Sam shook her harder.
She stirred and groaned in her throat.
“Hey—hey—hey, Zelda—”
“Huh?” She rubbed her eyes and she looked at the three of them with bloodshot eyes.
“We're home,” Belinda told her.
“I can tell—wow.” She propped herself up on her elbows, but Genie never budged from her spot. “I didn't think you guys'd get home until much later.”
“We were told of our flight plan after the fact,” Marla told her, and she yawned a second time. She set the mail down on the kitchen table, and then she doubled back down the hall to her bedroom. Sam and Belinda then turned back to Zelda.
“Long flight?” she asked them as she ran her fingers through her short black hair.
“Eh, could've been worse,” Sam assured her.
“Yeah, you could've been flying out to California, too!”
“How'd she do?” Sam gestured to Genie, who finally stood up from her spot next to Zelda's feet and climbed up onto the arm: her black fur glowed in the light from the lamp.
“Excellent. She always ran up to the door and meowed at me whenever I came in. She always rubbered on me whenever I even so much as went to the bathroom. And last night, I decided that I better just come on over and spend the night with her. I think she gets lonely.”
“She's an outdoor cat,” Belinda told her.
“An outdoor cat who didn't really have a home, either,” Sam pointed out.
“She's a good cat, too,” Zelda continued as she reached over to pet her head. “The first night I came over, you know I sat with her and petted her, and she was purring the whole entire time, too. Just this full, loud, real content purr. And at one point, she looked up at me with real sleepy eyes and then she bumped her head right into my face.”
“Aw,” Sam tilted her head to the side at that.
“One time when Louie and I were together, and we went to a pet shop together, and there were these cats on one side of the room. We couldn't get a pet together because we were hurting for money, you know? But there was this one black cat who came up to me and rubbed on the grates of the cage and was just meowing at me the whole entire time. A couple more did, too. Louie told me it's because they know someone's true to themselves, but who knows really.”
Zelda swung her legs around the edge of the couch and stretched her arms over her head.
“What time is it, by the way?” she asked them with a yawn.
“Three in the morning,” Sam replied.
“Shit. Don't really feel like going home, though.”
“Don't blame ya,” Belinda told her, “are you hungry? I'm not tired at all and I was about to go up the block and get us something to eat.”
“Oh, yeah! The whole late night rituals that just follow anyone who's on tour. If I'm honest, that's a habit that's gonna follow me until I drop dead.”
Sam chuckled at that, but Belinda adjusted the strap on her purse and then she bowed back out of the door. Genie slunk up to the back of the couch and curled up on a spot right behind Zelda's head.
“I gotta call my parents,” Sam told her.
“At this hour? Sam, I knew you were nuts, but not like this.”
“They're three hours behind us,” she pointed out as she doubled back into the kitchen for the phone.
“Oh, I see.”
“My mom's bit of a night owl, too—if nothing, she'll be up.”
As she made her way into the kitchen, she thought back to when Cliff was alive. The three hour time difference and the fact that it was late at night. It all felt so familiar to her as she dialed her parents' number and held the receiver up to her ear. She peered over her shoulder at Zelda, who stood to her feet and ducked behind the dividing wall between the kitchen and the front room there. Genie stayed in her spot on the back of the couch as the phone rang once, twice, three times—
“Hello?” Esmé's voice crackled onto the other end.
“Hi, Mommy—”
“Oh, hi, Sam! I was just thinking about you.”
“Marla, Belinda, and I all just got home from England. Oh my god, it was beautiful there. One of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.”
“That's fantastic! Well, your father just went to bed, I'll have to tell him about it in the morning.”
“Marla got a couple of Polaroids, too, so we can share some good things with you, too.”
“Wonderful! Oh, my little girl went overseas the first time with her friends...”
Sam then thought about that journal in her desk all the while, the one with the drawing of the mysterious man from when she first started dreaming of him the two years before. Two years later, and she still hadn't finished that drawing. But at least now she could give him a face and a body.
It was three o'clock there in New York and therefore midnight back on the West Coast. It dawned on her right then. She was alone with her mother. Joey stayed in England to tour with Anthrax. No one else there with her in that kitchen.
“So, um—you also didn't answer my question, Mom,” she said with a clearing of her throat.
“What's that?” asked Esmé.
“When Joey and I were at the house a while back with Marla and at one point, you told me that he reminds you of Dad.”
“No, I said he reminds me of someone whom I went out with before your father entered the picture, Sam,” Esmé corrected her. “I was about to tell you that, too, but—I never got the right time to do so when the three of you were with us.”
“Well... I've got time right now,” she pointed out, to which she lowered her voice as Zelda returned to the couch in front of her.
“And I have little bit of time, too, even though it is late at the moment,” Esmé added, and then she fetched up a sigh. “I was ready to call it a night, too, when the phone rang. To be frank, I had a feeling you would ask me about this at some point, but it was only a matter of time. But—” A brief pause on her end.
“Okay. I met your father while we were still in high school but we never completely hit it off together by the time we both had graduated. We always took our time with each other, especially since—you know, he's a little bit younger than me, and thus I had to wait a little bit for him. A year's sabbatical between me and him, and even after that we took our time. But I was willing to take my time with him. My mom—your grandmother—always told me that love is patient. Love knows no boundaries and is willing to wait until Death herself comes. Love knows no distance, either. But what happened was I met another boy about my age during that sabbatical year, and he resembled almost exactly like Joey. Almost—he was a little bit taller and not as thin, either, like he had a little bit of weight on his body. But he had the long lush black curls down past his shoulders and with the dark brown skin as well.”
“Did you go out with him?” Sam asked him as she pressed her back to the wall.
“Oh, yeah. We went out many times while your father was in school, but I never told him about him. I couldn't, either. I never told either of them about each other. And the reason why is because it got ugly a few times by the time your father came into the picture and saw me with this other strange boy.” And as the words left her lips, Sam thought about Joey and also Alex. The fact Alex didn't like Joey and he didn't like the idea of Sam being around him all the while; the fact Joey didn't like Alex for whatever reason.
“So what'd you do?”
“Well, I remember I cut the boy loose a few times but he kept coming back, though. Just by a matter of fate—very strange, as if we were destined to be together. He always came back to me whenever I least expected him to, too.” Sam closed her eyes and she held the phone receiver away from her ear. It was almost as if her mother had just described her own personal life.
“—I remember the first time we were intimate, too,” she continued as Sam held the ear piece back to her own ear. “It was several years after we got together, which is why your father and I weren't your age when you were born. And coincidentally, it was the day before your father proposed to me. He just—lay down with me. We got down outside of the bathroom door—”
Sam rubbed the bridge of her nose as she thought of Aurora and her encounter with Mark Osegueda before the wedding.
“And then your father proposed within mere hours later,” she finished.
“But you—you actually—”
“Yeah. Yes.”
The silence fell over Sam's apartment and over on Esmé's end as well.
“Were you—” Sam started.
“I actually didn't find out I was pregnant until we started planning our wedding. But it was interesting because—I worked it backwards and I figured that you had been conceived right around that time.”
Sam raised her eyebrows and gaped at her even though Esmé couldn't see her. “So—as far as you and I both know,” she continued, that time in a low whisper of a voice, “Ruben Shelley may not even be your father. It would explain why the two of you always seem so different from one another. Why he was always doting to you, but there was this odd disconnect between the two of you. Like not how a father and a daughter should behave together.”
“Well—why didn't you say anything?” Sam sputtered as Zelda giggled at Genie: she craned her neck and saw Zelda played with her with a piece of string. Genie's golden eyes were big and wide but she moved about in lethargic fashion. Not in a mood to play at such a late hour.
“It's not really something that you talk about until you're ready, sweetie,” Esmé explained all the while. “And, well—you're twenty two now. You are old enough to understand these things now. Although I would have said so when you were in high school or when you planned on moving to New York, but I could never seem to find the right words, or the right time for that matter. There was just so much to do to get you prepared for life.”
She fell silent once more for another few seconds; the only sound came from Zelda's giggling and Genie's deep purr in the next room.
“If he comes on over with you again,” Esmé spoke again, “you have to be careful with him because Ruben—I mean, your father, might go bananas on him.”
“Why's that?” Sam asked her.
“Well, after the three of you left, he had quite the bone to pick with Joey. Like as soon as you left, he was quick to criticize him. I had to leave the room because it was bothering me some. I told him after the fact how it upset me because it seemed so unlike him to gossip like that, and so he apologized and he made up with me. But I can see it in his eyes whenever I mention you and him, and your friendship. Just so long as he's not eighteen, I don't think the reaction will be any worse than that.” Sam grimaced at the thought of her father meeting Alex at the sound of that.
“You guys are still just friends, right?” Esmé asked her, and Sam turned towards the wall so Zelda couldn't hear her.
“He asked me to be my boyfriend,” she whispered into the mouthpiece.
“Aw—what'd you say?”
“I said 'yes'.”
“Oh, my,” Esmé remarked in a breathy voice. “Two boyfriends already. But I'll make sure not to tell your father straight up yet. He has to get friendly with him first.”
“Oh, yeah, yeah.” Sam then stopped right in her tracks. “Well, how do you think he'd react to that little boyfriend announcement?”
“I'm not sure,” Esmé confessed with a clearing of her throat. “In fact, I'm not sure as to how to break that to him. At least not yet, either. Although I will say this, Sam.”
“What's that?”
“When children or any kind of innocence gets involved, that's when it becomes harrowing.”
It was as if she had described her social life and also read her own thoughts all the while. She pursed her lips together at that and then she sighed through her nose; she thought of Alex at the word “innocence.” Still just a boy, and Joey was, too.
“So—you have a good night, okay?” Esmé concluded. “I'll tell your father that you all got home in one piece. Don't stay up too late, okay? I've had jet lag before even just from traveling across the country, it's not something to trifle with.”
“Of course! Good night, Mom.”
“Good night, baby.”
They hung up at the same time and Sam let out a long low whistle. She returned to the living room for her things right as Zelda walked into the kitchen herself right then. She opened her overnight bag, and there was her journal nestled down in a safe spot against the heavy canvas. She opened it to those old pages, and there he was right before her.
When the morning came, she figured to run the edge of the graphite along the outline there on the paper. The mysterious man from her dreams now had more than a face, and it made sense to bring him more so out of her dreams.
“I have him now,” she whispered aloud to the paper. She tucked the journal back into its hiding place and she returned to the kitchen for a glass of water. Zelda stood over the kitchen table at the little stack of mail.
“Looks like you got something from school,” she told Sam.
Zelda handed her the heavy white envelope and she was quick to open it. She remembered she hadn't received her grant as of yet.
“What's it say?” Zelda asked her.
“I got on a short list to head out on assignment as part of our senior project,” Sam announced. “I'll have to talk to Bill about it when school starts.” She then stopped in her tracks. “Hang on—I'm getting notified about our senior project now? I'm not even a junior yet.”
“Wonder if Marla got on the short list as well,” Zelda muttered.
“But she's already in her senior year, though,” Sam pointed out.
“Yeah.” Zelda then knitted her eyebrows and frowned at that. “Yeah, I wonder what he's got in store for you. That's kinda strange.” She then moved a few more envelopes out of the way, and she gasped at what rested there at the bottom.
“A red envelope—sent from some guy named Eric Peterson in the Bay Area—” Sam picked it up and opened the back: the envelope felt heavier and thicker than the previous ones before then. She took out a small pressing, one that reminded her of when Spreading the Disease came out and she and Aurora were treated to the first pressings of that. She turned it over and there, written in neat penmanship in thick black ink—
“Live at Eindhoven!” she declared, and Zelda threw her arms around her. The buzzer went off behind them, and Sam knew she had to let Belinda in. Three o'clock in the morning or not, it couldn't have been a better time to celebrate things.
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creepyalienghost · 3 years
Doctors assistant 3
Sammy puts his pen down on the desk next to his sheet music. He had decided he was finish working on it tonight. Besides it was going on 3am and he needed to get some sleep for the early morning in a few hours. He was the only person there left at the studio as he usually is most nights. Even Wally goes home earlier then him, way earlier. Sammy however loves to stay here late and get work done. It was the best time to do so. It was quite and there was no one to distract him plus he was a night owl.
He Gathered his belongings and made his way out. As he Exited the studio he opened his book to the page he last stopped at and began ready about the legends and folklore. He doesn’t know why but this topic speaks to him. It calls out to him. Sammy thinks he use to be into this stuff when he was younger before going to a family that drilled things like the importance of money is and Business things, in his head. He hated that at the time. All that math and business learning he was made to do by his Foster dad did lead him to get a great job here so he was ok with it now. But he started reading folklore about three months ago when he and Joey went to the library.
The stories he read of people’s encounters with ghost, monsters and legends fascinated Sammy for some odd reason. He liked the stories about monsters the best, liked reading what they saw, heard and especially what they felt In that moment of terror.
He was invested in the book as he walked down sidewalks and into alleyways until he heard a strange noise from behind him,turning around quickly. He felt uneasy then as he looked left to right in the darkness to find no signs of life. No robbers, No homeless people, not even animals. He remembered then his friend and coworker, Jack, had always told him that walking at this hour could lead to trouble for him. He always worried for his friend especially knowing the dangers things he and Joey do together. He hated now that Jack could be right and for never listen to him.
“Hello?” Sammy called out, closing his book and holding it with one arm. He waited for a minute to see if someone would call back to him, but no one answered.
Before he took a step to move, he felt a sharp pain in his neck! He dropped his book and spawn around, gripping the spot on his neck. What he saw made no sense. Maybe it was because he’s vision was fucked up now or maybe because he felt tired but he saw three shadow like figures. “W...it-...pa” He had tried to speak but couldn’t form the words correctly.
“Shhh there’s no need to be afraid, my child” came a calming voice that he couldn’t pin point. “Your in good hands” after that all vision and feeling left his body.
Sammy woke up In a dimly lit room with a foggy head. He knew this wasn’t his bed but he had no idea who’s it was and how he got there or even where there was. He sat up, shook his head to clear it then glanced around his surroundings. The room was small but pretty cozy for an abandoned building. There was a few candles on the small table nearby that was keeping the room from total darkness. Next to them laid his book neatly placed and a desk placed along the opposite wall with a chair for it. Papers and folders were scattered on it.
Sammy moved closer to the desk and felt something heavy around his ankle. Looking down, he noticed though the small bit of light he was given, a thick metal chained was attached around his ankle with not much more room to walk, Although he could walk around in this room. He was trapped though with no way of getting out or knowing if help was on the way.
He stayed quiet for he didn’t want his capturer to know that he was awake now. He needed to figure out what to do and where he was first before anything. He slowly stood up from his bed so the chains made little to no noise and slowly he took small steps to the desk. He picked up the first page his eyes landed and scan though it then he did the same though more. It was a bunch of Science and Medical junk, Stuff on diseases and sickness.
“I found the cure.” A soft gentle voice spoke from the doorway. It did make Sammy jump but didn’t place fear in him.
He looked over a the strange figure and knew he should be terrified, he did look like death, but he wasn’t. He felt Comfort from it. He felt like he knew it but couldn’t remember where. “We meet before, having we?” Sammy ask.
The being nodded his beak. “We had.” He reached in his cloak pocket, pulling out a key and gave it to Sammy. “Come. We have much to discuss.”
The being stood at the doorway, waiting for Sammy as he unlocked the chains around his ankle. “Why the chains anyways?” Sammy ask
“So you wouldn’t run in the darkness and get hurt again.” The being answered. Sammy searched his memories and only kinda remember falling thought something when he was a child. Could this being really had been there?
Sammy followed him out the small room and down an dark hallway. It was clear with the children drawings and crosses hung up on the wall that this was place use to be a church. He wondered how it became abandoned and for how long ago.
The two arrived in an kitchen area. There was a few tables that were surprisingly cleaned from dust and a couple usable chairs which the being offered one. “Please sit.”
Sammy took a sit next to the being and listened as it began speaking.
Within the hours of their Conversation Sammy understands the missing pieces from back then. He now remembers the year of being with the doctor and their work they were trying to accomplish, The doctor gave him files of his research has prof. Sammy read them then it dawned on him. The doctor had drugged him and brought him hear. But how had found him? And was there another reason for those chains? “Doctor...” He looked up at the being. “I have it, don’t I?”
The being looked down in sadness then nodded after a moment. “But I can cure you, my child.” The doctor replied. “You won’t be a failed experiment ether! But for you...I’m giving you the choice. If you wanna be cured or not. Take your time. It’s a big choice.” With that the doctor left the table to give Sammy time.
Sammy sat there and read the files again then reread them a third time. He had to be sure before doing this. It was risky. It was dangerous but he didn’t want to die from the pestilence. After another reread he made his choice. He was going to be cured.
Sammy got up from the table and headed back down the hallway looking for the doctor. “I made my choice. Cure me.” He said when he found him.
The doctor stood up and placed his notebook down on the desk. “Follow me, please
Sammy followed him to the well lit operation room which was in the back of the church. The doctor guided him to the soft hospital bed and helped him on it. “Now my dear” the doctor said grabbing an surgical mask. “Lay down and relax. Once you wake you will be cured.” He slipped on the mask over Sammy’s mouth and turned it on.
Sammy laid there and looked up at the old church ceiling. He couldn’t believe after all this time the doctor found the cure. He wondered when and who it was on but that was questions for another time. Now he just needed to relax and he was begging to. He was begging to fell the drowsiness from the medicine. His eyes began to drip, getting heavier and heavier with each minute. It wasn’t ten minutes when Sammy was fully deeply asleep. The doctor got his tools, cleaned them and started his work.
When Sammy woke up he was weak for a few days but the doctor took care of him. He also had to regrow his hair which took months. Within years for being cured Sammy noticed that he stopped aging and only then he released what the pestilence was. It was death.
He was immoral now.
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For the prompt thing: hug.
Plot: Ryou disappears for a day.
Setting: Old Palace AU (of course)
Warning: Bittersweet Ending | Long story (in my opinion)
“Have either of you heard from Ryou?” Seto inquired to Ryou’s friends at the beginning of lunchtime.
“No, why?” Anzu replied.
“I’ve been trying to contact him all morning but he hasn’t replied.”
“No way. You’ve gotta be joking.” Joey commented.
“I wouldn’t be talking to you all if I wasn’t serious.”
Yugi pursed his lips a little and cast his gaze aside. “Well...he has been pretty distant lately.”
“Distant how?”
“His mind has always seemed to be elsewhere. Even when he’s around you, it looks like his heart isn’t in his actions anymore. W-When he started hanging out with you all the time, he always seemed so full of life. But lately it’s like he’s gone back to wherever his heart’s been before.”
Seto was honestly stunned by his description. “That...is very helpful.” He walked away. In all honesty, Seto has noticed that too. Whenever he’d ask anything about it, he’d reply normally. He’d keep talking about disappearing, but never gave any information about what he meant. He immediately ruled out suicide for two reasons: one, the spirit wouldn’t let Ryou die and two, he’s told him that he keeps living to honor his family and to protect his friends.
Seto spent the rest of lunch in reflection of the past week. He’s noted that Ryou’s smiles weren’t real anymore, as if he put on whatever mask he had when he first befriended him. Why? Has the spirit pressured him to distance himself? Is it self-inflicted?
The more questions he asked himself the less answers he had, making him more frustrated. However, frustration wouldn’t help Ryou’s case so he pushed it aside for now.
When school was dismissed, Seto immediately headed to leave when a blonde dog stopped him.
“Hey, wait up, Kaiba.” Joey said.
“Yeah,” Yugi walked up to him, “we want to find him with you.”
“Thanks but no thanks. If he just disappeared, I don’t think he wants an entire group finding him. But I’ll email you tonight to keep in touch.”
“But...I never gave you my email.”
Seto wrote down an email address guess on a notepad and showed it to Yugi.
“Figured.” With that, he left.
The first place he checked was Ryou’s house. He knocked on the front door and listened in. There was no sign from inside that Ryou was in there. He said an apology under his breath for intruding and used the copy of Ryou’s house key to enter the house.
Seto’s eyes immediately went to the shoes by the front door. It was clear Ryou had left the house. He was about to leave when he caught sight of Ryou’s phone and the Millennium Ring on the floor in the middle of the living room. He picked up Ryou’s phone and checked if there was anything from a light skimming that would tell where Ryou went. The only thing he found was a heart-warming selfie Ryou took with him at the Valentine’s Day dance.
He took the phone and left.
It was 8:03 when he found Ryou sitting in a coffee shop.
“There you are.” Seto said, still wearing his school uniform.
Ryou glanced up at Seto and gently nodded, a gloomy look on his face.
Seto sat across from Ryou. “Your friends and I have been worried.”
“...I bet.”
“Is something wrong?”
He nodded.
“What’s wrong?”
“...Everything.” He pressed on his sinuses.
“Let’s talk somewhere else, is that okay?”
He nodded. The two of them stood and left. As they walked, Ryou silently wrapped his pinkie around Seto’s. They took a cab to the Kaiba manor. Seto texted ahead to make sure they’d remain alone for as long as they needed.
“Tell me: why did you disappear like that?”
Ryou huffed a heavy sigh. “Partially because I had to catch up on assignments. But also… because of my powers. I thought I wasn’t getting better with them around you so I distanced myself from everyone. But they’ve been getting stronger. My indigo power causes literal pain to keep it suppressed and my red power...it even scares me.”
“How have you been managing the day, then? It’s been at least 12 hours since class started.”
“Well, I took a train ride at 7 a.m. I was on violet and I couldn’t stand the voices so I passively controlled someone for the hour. Then I left the station and...fell unconscious in an alley. When I woke up an hour later, some of the people nearby were afraid of me. I think they saw me shapeshift and do something. Then I just stayed in that coffee shop working on some assignments and didn’t know where else I would’ve wanted to go.”
Ryou slumped back in the seat. “Besides the assignments, I practically wasted a whole day and worried you all for no reason. I’m so-”
Seto enveloped him in a hug. “It’s okay. We’ll walk through this together, however that looks.”
Ryou swallowed back some tears and hugged back. “But I don’t know how to get better with these powers again. I’m scared of them.”
“We can work out how their output looks like. But for now, relax. It sounds like you’ve had a rough day.”
Tiny droplet tears ran down Ryou’s face. “Yeah, you’re right.”
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doing-all-write · 5 years
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Joe are getting ready to go to the store when he decides now is a good time to re-enact his casting video for BoRhap. 
Word Count: 1K (she’s bby)
Warnings: This thing may be the most fluffy, self-indulgent piece of romance I’ve ever written. So, be prepared for lots of fluff, soft Joe and saying I love you for the first time
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A/N: Hello! I’m working on part 3 of don’t be a baby (i haven’t forgotten, don’t worry!) BUT that video of Joe’s audition tape was too soft and adorable for me NOT to write this little blurb with the help of @mrhoemazzello​ who is the greatest muse known to human kind 💖💖💖 
💖💖As always likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated 💖💖
"You don't need to yell, I'm literally right next to you." she turned with a squeak as the tips of her braids hit Joe, causing him to clutch his face in faux agony. 
"SHE'S BLINDED ME!" He screamed at the same time that she cried, "I'm sorry!" 
"(Y/N)? Is that you?" She scrunched her nose as Joe smashed his palms against her face, "I can only tell who's who anymore by touch alone." She giggled as she gently pushed her palms against his chest, feeling the softness of his well-worn sweatshirt pushing back. 
"Wow, you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, are we really dating?" 
"Yes," she laughed, "Much to my dismay." 
"The woman WOUNDS me with her hair then with her words?" Joe flung his hand against his forehead, slumping against the wall as (Y/N) rolled her eyes. 
"This is what I get for dating an actor."
Peeking at her through his eye, Joe grinned, "And you wouldn't change it for anything, would you?" 
"Not for anything in the world." She smiled as she got on tip-toe to plant a kiss on his lips. Pulling away, Joe placed a hand on her hip, bringing her closer so he could kiss her again. Feeling her smile against his lips was his favorite thing in the world. 
"You know, we said we were going to the store twenty minutes ago..." 
"You're really ruining a romantic moment here." Joe sighed against her lips. 
"Will you ever forgive me?" She mumbled as she gave Joe a long, lingering kiss. 
Pulling away, she giggled at the stunned look on Joe's face. "If you keep kissing me like that, I'll forgive you for everything forever." 
Laughing she grabbed his keys from the side table, "Are we going our what? We have exactly zero food in the house." 
Shaking himself from his stupor Joe snatched the keys from her hands, brushing past her to the front door where he stepped into his shoes, "And who's fault is that?" 
"It was a stressful week! You know I bake a lot when I'm stressed!" 
"Don't forget the eating aspect." 
"That's the most important part!" She flung her arms out wide to illustrate her point. 
Laughing, he tugged on the end of her braid, "You ready to go, darling?" 
"Yeah," her eyes widened, "SHOT GUN!" she screamed as she bolted for the car. 
"ANYYYBODYYY! FIND ME! SOMEBODY TOOOOO!" She shoved a fake microphone into Joe's face, "Looooooove." Joe sang passionately into the mic in his best baritone voice. Flinging her head back, she let loose a loud laugh. 
Glancing over at her, Joe's heart expanded. The sun was streaming through the windows, bits of hair falling out of her braids, blowing all over. Her smile was wide and he was sure he had never seen someone so beautiful in his entire life. 
Reaching forward, he turned down the song, "Did I ever show you my audition tape I sent in for Bohemian Rhapsody?" She quirked an eyebrow at him, he had shown it to her on one of their first dates and she had watched it every day since. 
Joe knew that and (Y/N) knew that, but quirking an eyebrow, she decided to play dumb, "You know, I don't think you ever have Mazzello." 
Nodding sagely, Joe gripped the wheel, "Well, luckily, we're in the same car that I happened to film it in and I think I can remember the accent.."
"Babe, you literally did the accent last night when we were making out." 
"Yeah and it turned you on." Smacking his arm, Joe laughed, "Alright, alright. You ready?" 
Straightening up in her seat, she smacked her hands on her thighs, "Okay, Mazzello. Annnnnd...ACTION." 
Launching into his monologue he gave during his audition tape she felt her heart straining in her chest. The love she felt for Joe in this moment stole her breath away. Turning her head, she let her gaze drink in Joe, at the sun streaming in, highlighting his profile. Being with him felt like holding a birthday candle close to her chest, it was a fire but it was full of promises, of wishes, of good things to come and years and years to look forward to together. 
Taking his eyes off the road to meet her (Y/E/C) ones, he smiled. "Are you even listening to me?" 
Nodding, she laughed as Joe's hand came to rest on her thigh, "Because it seems like you're not even paying attention to anything I'm saying to." He continued in John's accent. 
"I am! I am, I swear." She patted his hand as Joe nodded, mollified, "Okay, because it would be a shame if you weren't listening as I told you about the time that I went to set super hungover and Ben and Gwil tricked me into eating mayonnaise..." hearing her laugh fill the car was better than any song that could be play over the stereo. 
"Babe! That's not true! I was there on set that day with you just as hungover, I was the one who MADE you take that fourth shot!" 
"Yes, and we both paid for it dearly." He said with a straight face as she fell into giggles again. Glancing over at her, another smile lit up his face. "Babe, oh my god, stop, my sides hurt." She whined as she swept a finger at the moisture that had collected in her eyes. 
"Would you like to hear me rate my favorite kind of cheeses in this accent as well?" He bit back his own smile as her laughter shook her frame. Leaning over the console she buried her face into Joe's shoulder, breathing in the scent of his cologne, the laundry detergent they used and sunshine. 
Feeling her shake against him, Joe leaned over to plant a kiss on her head. Lifting his head up, he continued his monologue on cheeses, completely oblivious to her pleas, begging him to stop. 
"So that's why Gouda is probably my favorite cheese but Pepperjack is a close second." He shrugged as (Y/N) collapsed back into her own seat, clutching her stomach. 
"Oh my god, Joey, I'm dying, please. Holy shit..." she trailed off as she caught her breath. Joe laughed, keeping one hand firmly planted on her thigh, the other one deftly steering the car into the parking lot of the grocery store. 
As her laughter died down, Joe parked the car and twisted in his seat to face her fully. Wearing one of his sweatshirts, no makeup, eyes crinkly as she recovered from her laughing fit. Her smile, wide and unguarded. The Queen playlist she had made him playing softly in the background. The sun lighting her form up, making her look angelic. All of a sudden he couldn't fight the words that were leaping from his throat. 
"I love you." 
Her laughter died as she stared back at Joe, eyes wide. 
"Wh-what did you just say?"
Taking a deep breath in, Joe figured it wouldn't make much sense to deny what he'd just confessed. 
"I said, I love you, (Y/N)." He lifted his eyes from his hands to meet hers and her breath hitched. She wanted to spend forever drowning in them. The next words left her body in a sigh. 
"I love you too, Joey." 
Realizing what they had just admitted to each other, the smiles they were beaming at each other were huge. 
"We probably look like idiots. Just sitting here. Staring at each other." (Y/N) mumbled. 
"Smiling like two fucking weirdos." Joe added as she nodded then lunged across the car's console, planting a kiss on Joe like she had right before they'd left for the store. 
Pulling back, they each had equally dazed looks on their faces. 
"Should we, um, even try to go grocery shopping? Or-" 
"Can we please go home and have sex?" she asked as she kissed Joe's bicep, buckling her seatbelt back into place.
It took Joe three tries to get the car started. When he finally did, (Y/N) was laughing just as hard, if not harder than she had before. 
"I'm sorry but the woman who I love just said she would have sex with me! Excuse me for getting a little flustered." Joe huffed. 
"It's adorable, how do you think I feel knowing the man I'm in love with is that excited to have sex with me?" she mumbled as she scrolled through Joe's phone, trying to find the next song. 
Joe glanced over at her, "What are you so focused on over there, (Y/L/N)? You've got your tongue sticking out when you're concentrating super hard."
Quickly pulling the tip of her tongue back in to her mouth, she chuckled as she hit play on the next song. "I was trying to find our new 'I love you' song." 
Joe's eyes grew soft as he reached over to take her hand in his own, "Yeah? And what song would that be?" 
The machine of a dream!
The look on Joe's face was better than she thought it would be. 
As the song's final notes played, Joe parked the car next to their building and reached over to take both of her hands in his, "(Y/N), I need to tell you something important." 
"Yes, Joey?" She said as she batted her eyelashes at him. 
"I'm in love with my car...and also you." She gasped as she swooned into her seat.
"Babe, you know just want to say to make a girl weak in the knees." 
"I also know what to do to make her weak in the knees." he whispered in her ear as he nipped at her earlobe. Squeaking, she frantically pulled at the handle of the car door, "Well then what are we doing just sitting here? We gotta get inside!" 
Chuckling Joe unfolded himself from the car, "Who's the flustered one now?"
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mcrvellouslystcrk · 5 years
Date Moves
Paring: Paul McCartney x Reader
Words: 1941
Rating: T I guess? 
Author’s Note: This is hugely based on that episode of Friends where Rachel and Joey go out on a date when she’s pregnant, although the reader here is not. Also didn’t proofread a lot cause yolo yknow :) 
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You were having a really bad week.
 Stumbling in the living room, you could not care less about your dark circles, your tangled hair or the holes in your old jogger pants despite the four men sitting on the sofas.
 “Is there some scotch in this damn place?”
 The boys exchanged some concerned looks as you fell on a nearby armchair. Ringo approached you and tapped your shoulder.
 “What’s going on, love?”
 “There’s obviously something going on.”
 “I said it’s nothing.”
 You hummed softly. Paul got up from the couch and lightened a cigarette.
 “Y/N, why don’t we go out tomorrow evening? I’ll take you someplace nice. These three can’t make it to the movies anyway.”
 You looked up from the pillow you had buried your face in.
 “Hey, it’s Brian you should be attacking, birdie,” John said while poking your side with his toes. “Macca is the only one who’s free tomorrow, and that’s just because he’s a suck-up.”
 You frowned.
 “I’m going to pretend I believe you…but I don’t.”
 “Oh, you know we love you!” George shouted from the kitchen.
 “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you answered with a small smile. “Paul, you’re my new favorite.”
 Passing by him, you gave him a quick hug before joining George in the kitchen. As soon as you left the room, John hit Paul with a cushion.
 “Oh man, I can’t believe how chicks dig you. We almost could see a drop of sweat running on your temples when you asked her out.”
 “I didn’t ask her out. She thinks we’re just friends,” he added with a painful whine.
 “Mate, that’s just bloody sad. Why don’t you tell her?”
 “Give me ten pounds and I’ll do it for ya.”
 “I’m with you, John, but he’s got to tell her himself,” Ringo intervened. “Why don’t you become your usual, suave you?”
 “Because it’s Y/N we’re talking about!”
 “Yeah, so? You’ve liked her since forever, and I’m sure she-”
 Their heads turned simultaneously towards the sound of your voice as you were putting on your jacket. John was about to open his mouth but Paul violently pinched him from behind and Ringo slowly moved forward, his boiling cup of tea dangerously tilted over John’s trousers.
 “His aunt Mimi, you know, she was always kind to me and always sends me postcards, and, you know…”
 You hesitantly smiled at them before walking to the door.
 “Call me?” you asked Paul.
 “No need. Be ready at 8.”
 You checked yourself for the last time in the mirror near the front door before grabbing your keys and exiting your house. There, on the few steps leading to the sidewalk, was your date, standing still and grinning like a madman.
 “Aw, look at you all dressed up for your best friend,” you exclaimed, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
 “Anything for my favorite midget.”
 His grin grew wider while he messed up your hair, earning a small shriek from you – this took me half an hour you git! – as you tried to restyle them. You sent him a dirty look but he laughed it off and offered you the bouquet of flowers he was hiding behind his back. Purple tulips. You softened at the sight.
 “So, where shall we go?”
 “I was thinking maybe that place near Carnaby Street, you know, the one with the fancy menu?”
 “Sounds great! But don’t you think we should’ve booked first?”
 Paul shrugged, hands in the pockets of his tuxedo.
 “Already did. Pattie told me you wanted to go there,” he explained to your raised eyebrows.
 You smiled to yourself as you entered the car.
 “Thank you for doing this,” you mumbled.
 “Hey, it’s a great idea. Couldn’t leave you alone today. And you were right the other day, we don’t spend much time together anymore, and…I rather miss you.”
 Your heart skipped a bit as you slightly punched him on the shoulder.
 “I rather miss you too.”
  “-and then we set the condom on fire!”
 “You didn’t!”
 “We did, and trust me, you don’t want to try that.”
 You chuckled and looked around you. Your table was secluded from the others, giving you some well-thought privacy to avoid any fanatical attacks. The jazzy music gave the restaurant a black and white New-York vibe that you always longed for late at night in front of the television.
 “You know, there has always been something I wanted to ask you. I’m just so curious…”
 “About what?” Paul asked while serving you some more wine.
 You shrugged, a little embarrassed but continued.
 “What are your moves?”
 “My what?”
 “Your moves, you know, on a date – a real date. You must have a sort of routine, right?”
 “Bold of you to assume I need dates to get girls. They keep throwing themselves at me.”
 Half amused, half exasperated, you threw your napkin at him.
 “Oh, come on.”
 He looked down to hide the smirk that was growing on his lips.
 “I don’t have any moves…”
 You scoffed.
 “I don’t buy it. A guy like you must have some moves.”
 He raised a cheeky eyebrow.
 “And what would ‘a guy like me’ be?”
 Devastatingly handsome. Excessively perfect. The owner of my heart.
 “You know… A flirt.”
 His lips formed a mockingly hurt ‘o’.
 “Is that what you think of me?”
 You narrowed your eyes, shooting him another come on glare. He laughed and raised his hands in surrender.
 “Okay, okay. I don’t know, I have various ‘moves’, as you like to call them, that I gradually display over the course of the night and see whether they work or not. But they generally do.”
 You took a bite of your plate and moved your head to the left, thoughtful.
 “I’m afraid you’ll have to be more specific than that. I can’t roast you with so little information.”
 He smiled brightly and, gently taking you free hand, began rubbing it with his thumb. He looked at you, head slightly tilted, and moved just a tad forward.
 “You know, I wanted to wait till the end of the evening to kiss you but you look so beautiful that I can’t resist.”
 Your gaze fell from his hazel eyes to his lips, and let out an honest giggle.
 “That’s so stupid, but I almost leaned in.”
 “You totally checked me out, though.”
 He shrugged, visibly satisfied with himself.
 “Whatever makes you sleep at night.”
 You rolled your eyes but could not hide your nascent grin.
 “Anyway, that’s all you got?”
 “No, I sometimes have a bottle of wine or something ‘sent from a fan’”
 “And it works?” you asked, truly concerned about the intelligence of the female gender.
 “It does when I combine it with ‘Oh my god, this is so embarrassing, I just want to live a normal life!’”
 “Oh, you poor little famous man!” you exclaimed, punching him across the table.
 “And what do you do?” he enquired, slapping your hand away.
 You took a sip of your wine, languorously, and gently patted your humid lips with the napkin. Paul opened his mouth to stop you but you took your lipstick and began putting it on with a deliberate slowness. He froze as he watched the cardinal red stick move on every curve of your mouth, matching the depth of the wine. Without breaking the established eye contact, you pressed your two lips together to even the colour and slightly bite your lower lip before offering him a playful smile.
 “Fair enough,” he nodded appreciatory.
 “I know it’s nothing, but I usually get a response. Especially when I combine it with other things.”
 He moved his hand to ask for the check, which came almost immediately. At times like that, you found yourself wondering whether it was the quality of the restaurant or the fame of your entourage that caused up the speediness and promptness of the service.
 You moved to reach for your purse but felt an iron hand block you.
 “What kind of a gentleman would I be if I let you pay?”
 “Oh come on, Paul! This isn’t even a real date!”
 “Y/N, this doesn’t need to be a romantic rendezvous for me to be courteous.”
 He paused and looked around.
 “However, that candle-lit table feels pretty la vie en rose, no?”
 “I guess.”
 The orchestra had moved on to a softer, more exotic tune. You recognized the first notes of The Girl From Ipanema as you both got up and walked to the door.
 But I watch her so sadly, how can I tell her I love her
Yes I would give my heart gladly
 You both looked down as the song’s volume gradually decreased, both lost in your thoughts. Having decided you would leave the car there for the night, you had been strolling for a few meters when he broke the casual silence.
 “That was so fun.”
 “Well, that’s because you never went on a date with me before,” you snickered gingerly and placed your arm around his, feeling emboldened by the alcohol.
 “Is that so?” He murmured, looking down at you.
 He was so close that you felt his breath intertwine with yours. You gulped and turned away. Letting out a few coughs, you glanced at him while keeping a respectful distance between your two heads.
 The walk went by just fine. He cracked up a few jokes and you laughed, and then told some more as you passed through the lively city. London at night was as bustling as it was in the mornings, but the dark sky and the delightful company provided some sort of serenity that seemed impossible to normally find.  
 When you arrived in front of your house, your feet were hurting, but you could not care less. You were caught in that after-date glee that made everything feel so marvelously perfect.
  “So, what are Paul McCartney’s end of the night moves?”
 He met your gaze with a bright smirk.
 “Well, first of all, I make my lips irresistible.”
 Your lips already are irresistible.
 “This better stay between us but…I use a softening lip balm,” he sheepishly admitted.
 You giggled, actually surprised by the statement.
 “Oh, man, I’m going to have so much fun with this.”
 Paul gently pushed you on the side and you would have tripped if he was not still holding you.
 You locked eyes for a moment. He put his hands on your hips, slowly leaning in. You could not help staring at his lips, not caring anymore about the consequences of your actions. Backed up by the alcohol and the thrill of the moment, you decided to move even more forward.
 “Oh God, just do it.”
 “You’re half drunk. If I kiss you now, I won’t stop at that.”
 “Who says I’d want you to stop?”
 You grabbed his collar and pulled him closer, plunging on his lips. The kiss was soft, yet fiery from the taste of the red wine. Your hands wandered from his hair to this torso, making him pull you closer.
 Lacking air, you softly broke away and let your fingers linger on his jawline. He gave you the most shattering smile, and you shivered as he proceeded to place butterfly kisses all over your face and neck.
 “I hope you know what you’re doing to me,” you muttered, your hands sliding to his chest, sensing the soft fabric of his pullover.
 He laughs at your swollen lips and dreamy eyes.
 “Y/N, I love you. Can’t keep it to myself anymore.”
 “Well, that’s really convenient, because I love you too.”
 Let’s just say your week had gotten a lot better.
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