#Joey Ruins Everything AU
bucketbender · 5 months
Idea for HOA 2 but it’s an AU
Salim was left behind and everyone else survived. The US army plans on sending an elite team to capture/analyse the entities down there, and they task the 4 marines that escaped these catacombs to come and guide them.
They fight off vampires while the scientific team analyses the creatures, dead and alive (and heavily sedated). They make discoveries that could conquer death (experiments on the fluid, super strength and resilience of the creatures, etc). While securing the perimeter, Jason and Eric (or Nick depending on who Rachel chose) find a survivor who walks towards them. Jason asks in a small voice « Salim ? ». He’s got horns and suddenly screeches and lunges at them.
Throughout the story, the scientific team tries to come up with ways to reduce the infection or even reverse it. Depending on how much you helped them with their experiments and if you chose to explore the catacombs to find tools and specimens or not, they maybe succeed in making a cure. Depending on your qte skills, you’re able to help Salim and maybe even Joey.
Bonuses :
- Before going down the catacombs again, Jason would have a scene where he wants to try contacting Zain to tell him about his father. When the science team and the marines are back down there, Jason finds the mythology books scattered around the temple and decides to take them to bring them to him.
- It would be a "fun" switch in the ruins since now, instead of Jason telling Nick to stop mentioning the checkpoint girl, it would be Nick telling Jason to stop thinking about leaving Salim behind.
- Eric and/or Nick would have many opportunities to get infected. No matter who she chose in the first game, Rachel would do everything she can to help make a cure as well. She and Jason would throw themselves into dangerous shit to save those they care about.
- When they go deep in the ruins, Jason finds the pipe Salim used. He arms himself with it, knowing it’s the best weapon against the monsters. However, when he’s facing vampire Salim, he can’t bring himself to use it.
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chaotic-starlight24 · 2 months
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So y'all, I was a bit bored. And thus I created an entire AU on what if Cynthia (My OC) and Dallas switched roles! It was very fun to come up with >:)
Here's the basic changes to the story in this AU
Main thing is, they switched backstories. Cynthia grew up on the streets up NYC while running around with gangs. Dallas instead grew up in the middle class area of Tulsa. Running the soda fountain with Joey, who is now his older brother.
Dallas has practically grown up with the Curtis gang, but he still feels out of place since he's not really a greaser. Joey doesn't want him ruining his chances so he's not even allowed to grease his hair or grow it out. So he copes by getting a chain necklace he thinks is cool and cutting sleeves off of some of his shirts.
Cynthia got tough real quick and grew up being quite the fighter. After beating some guy's head in she got his old baseball bat as a prize. It's her favorite weapon and possession in general.
Dallas got jumped after he went after some SOCs with Two-Bit and Soda, which is where he got his few scars. He thinks he looks tuff so he shows them off with pride. Not to say that it was a fun experience.
They have mainly switched personalities though Cynthia is less of a flirt and more tough. Dallas is still a bit on the wild side but he calms down pretty quickly.
When they first meet, instead of hating each other Dallas is enamored by her and tries to be very friendly with her. Even tries to flirt a bit but she brushes him off very quickly. She quickly gains the trust and friendship of the Curtis gang and Dallas gets a bit jealous thinking she took his place. But they eventually become friends and then you know the rest.
Johnny still sees Dallas as a big brother figure and follows him around, hanging around the soda fountain when he can. But he also starts following Cynthia since he's thinks she really cool. She's everything a greaser could want to be!
Cynthia mainly hangs around with Soda when she can but also a lot with Two-Bit. They get up to a lot of trouble.
Dallas bails her out every so often, which is how they got closer.
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spadeinasuit · 2 months
Here's the promised blab about my Henry Stemily au (batim+fnaf) I wonder if I should do anything with it? (Comic or fanfic)
First off Henry is Canadian, as is Joey Drew studios. Henry grows up in downtown Toronto in the 1950's-60's. Gets married VERY young (17-18) to Linda while he's going to trade school, taking art (minoring in engeneeriny cause he likes it) and has Charlie and Sammy.
He meets Joey when he's 19 and Joey is 34 and they hit it off right away talking about Henry's charecters he enjoys, a circus with a bear in a top hat and a little ballerina with upwards ponytails. Joey suggests bendy looks like a demon and they should do something with it.
At 23 Henry Stein has a huge fight with Linda triggered by his best freind 38 year old Joey Drew. Linda leaves and takes sammy stating she "never wanted a girl anyways"
Henry, absolutely distraught and kicked out of his apartment moves to Utah for a new start with Charlie (3) and changes their last names to Emily.
Turns out he's not the only new person in hurricane Utah. There's a British family that moved in at around the same time. The Aftons, A very obviously Gay man with an obsession with purple, his wife, an oldest son who is almost 10 and a daughter the same age as Charlie.
First they meet at the bar, then again at a diner to talk about the Amazing ideas of a diner with animatronic entertainment. Henry has his charecter already figured out and asks William what his favorite animal is.
And thus Fredbears is made in the mid 70's
The basic fnaf things happen. The bite of 83, 2 of the 6 MCI and... charlies death.
One morning Henry wakes up hungover from drinking his problems away to a phone call from Joey. He actually has everything together to make the 1930's inspired show they talked about in college. He just needs a head animator.
After the bite of 87 Henry resigned from Fazbear entertainment and moves back to Canada. Working on animations until Joey starts acting strange. Somehow. Someway. Joey got access to Williams notes about remnant and souls. Henry finds out about the puppet and immediately goes back to utah to start planning for fnaf 6.
12 years later he's ready. Micheal signs up and that's that. Or so Henry thought. As Charlie's last act she saves her father from the fire.
Only for Henry to receive a letter from Joey a few weeks later. Joey excitedly tells Henry about the ink machine. Henry goes to storm out of the studio. But the floor gives way and he dies from the fall, and Joey can't let the PERFECT sacrifice go to waste. Especially if the ruin of the studio was "Henry's fault"
And then BATIM and BATDR happens.
@glitch-1983 you asked to be tagged
Also I didn't mention it but there is LOTS of shipping in this au healthy and unhealthy (no proshipping)
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biinaberry · 1 year
I just read through your SOD au, and MAN is this stuff wild and grimey and so interesting.
Though I do want to know the other emperors opinions on Tumble Town and the sheriff if that's something you've got
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apologies for the late response but I've been dealing with finals. There 4 main categories Jimmy puts the emperors in; friends, neutral, neutral-enemy and enemy
oli- Drinking buddy, "You play guitar??" Oli is pretty positive towards Jimmy but does worry for his serious attitude Sausage- Best friend, trauma buddy, <3, He cares for jimmy immensely but with their own shared trauma of losing their family and home he wants the other to find help Shubble- The two have an alliance built on helping eachother shubble with the school and jimmy with bandits. Shubble however is cautious of jimmy and is very aware of his temper False- Her biggest buyer of iron and the two have a cordual relationship. But she is also aware of how snippy/his general distaste is for most of the empire Pixl- Understands what Jimmy went through but wants to show that it is not his direct fault that tumble town was not well documented Gem- Slightly hurt by his hostility towards her. Their empires had the longest alliance with eachother and she wants to rebuild their reputations, but is aware it is too late Scott- Finds Jimmy very hot but is turned off with his serious nature and snippy attitude while at meetings. Definitely knows now not to joke about his hat and outfit. Lizzie- Tries to stay calm around him but something about him makes him stand on edge. She doesn't like staying in the same room as him Joey- "Hellooooooo nurse" Really wants to bone Jimmy but would never admit it bc he fears he will be shot in the face by all of tumble town. Finds the serious lone wolf vibe hot as well as a turn off, he is very confused Katherine- Doesn't understand how a man could stay bitter for over ten years. She swears the man is under his own curse but Jimmy always shoots her down. Wonders what it would be like to go hunting with him since he owns a rifle. Joel- Immense regret. He blames himself for Jimmy turning out like this because it is true. He wants to admit the truth about what happened to his empire but fears how it will ruin everything he has built with these emperors. He still sees jebediah in Jimmy. Fwhip- Had a massive crush on the man when they first met which got ruined when Jimmy nearly spat in his face. He believes the man is way too self centered and needs to be humbled. Doesnt want to be near him after Jimmy threw him to the ground once after grabbing his hat.
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gx-gameon · 5 months
Gx rewatch - school duel arc
Episode 20
The introduction of the school duel.
And the introduction of Blair. (Or Rebecca 2.0) And her crazy stalker tendencies
Syrus is already worried about being replaced.
Jaden being willing to keep Blair’s secret as long as she duels him. “A duel always reveals the truth”
Not the first time we hear Avians voice is him being in love for Blair’s card
Not Sparkman to!!
Zane roasting Syrus for having a crush on Dark Magician Girl.
Jaden is very lucky Burstinetrix is either A) loyal to Jaden only. On B) that she’s not a lesbian. Also he calling the boys pathetic is a mood.
Jaden not making her tell him her secret because “I learned everything g I need through your duel.”
Oh thank you Alexis and Zane for letting the kid down easy.
Not her leaving with a crush on Jaden.
I know in the dub she’s 8 but in the sub she’s 11 and that feels a lot better considering she comes back in season 2 (12) as a student in year 3 (13)
Episode 21
It’s announced that North academy is using a 1st year and Zane nominates Jaden to be their competitor. Everyone agrees but Crowler (of course) who wants Bastian. (Not like their are several other obelisk students who could do it)
Love the friendly rivalry between Jaden and Bastian.
Not the reporter dressing up as a Slifer and getting disrespected. Jaden calling him old right off the bat. (Au Jaden knows this is a spy/reporter as soon as he sees him and keeps him close so he can’t mess with Oto-San’s school)
Oh no he’s got beef with Skyscraper.
Jerad is such a mess.
I love Chumley saying that he got good at dueling because he started hanging out with Jaden and Syrus.
Jerad asking about missing kids and Jaden almost giving everything away before he catches himself.
Jerad you are a full grown man don’t sneak up on Alexis (14) at the abandoned dorm in the middle of the night with no one around. I don’t like this at all. Like I know he’s just looking for his story but this situation makes me very uncomfortable.
Zane Simms it up best. “Instincts vs Intelligent”
“We teach the Slifers well when they don’t skip class”
Again why couldn’t we have more chemistry dinosaurs from Bastian’s deck? Maybe it’s because I love chemistry and have a special interest in dinosaurs but I want this.
Bastian dealing Jaden’s fusion card is such a good move. What a way to shut down Jaden’s deck.
Episode 22
Not the reporter hacking in to find the missing students
Zane being impressed by Bastian and repeating Syrus previous statement “fusions are how Jaden wins all his duels” the brother really are more a like then they think
Jaden excited for the new challenge of finding a new way to win. Love the positive attitude buddy
The reporter having second thoughts about ruining duel academy because Jaden got into his head
“You make your moves at home I make mine in the field” Jaden I love the confidence.
I forgot about his carbon and diamond card. Yugioh give me more chemistry cards!!!
Jaden getting out blade and using skyscraper to help out. I love the strategy! (Also him giving the reporter war flashbacks
I forgot how fun this duel is. It’s a good back and forth I love how Jaden is still having fun.
Not Jaden winning with a hyper specific equipment spell. Only in the anime would you get the hyper specific equipment card with the particular monster.
I love Bastian’s respect as a duelist.
Not the reporter falling in love with dueling again. And giving Alexis the info about the missing students.
Jaden is representing the school.
I know au Jaden had told his dads about the match before hand. The probably steamed it and watched with the whole family/friend group. Joey and Tristian were cheering. Serenity Téa Mokuba and Mai are cheering but not as obnoxiously as the prior two. Seto, Yugi Atem, Duke and Bakura are all discussing strategy and how well both Jaden and Bastian are doing.
They are all thrilled about Jaden completing big the school duel. (Maybe Kaiba will have to schedule a trip to watch the school duel in person this year. It’s his school after all)
Maybe in the au Jaden tell his Zoro-san about the reporter and Kaiba picks him up. He’s original going to pay the guy off to stay quiet but because of his passion to find the missing students he lands a job with Kaiba Corp. (I’ll have to see if the reporter pops back up, I don’t remember)
Episode 23
I love everyone offering their favorite cards to Jaden to use in the school duel. Very classic yugioh. But could we not phrase it as “you have to win or you’ll embarrass the school.” And phrase it as “we’re here to support you, you’ve got this.” Like Jaden’s obviously feeling the pressure already. Don’t compound it.
It’s an obvious difference between DM and Gx in DM in a scene like that they would offer Yugi the cards and build up his confidence and reassure him, they believe in him. But in Gx they remind him of the pressure and how he can’t fail. It makes them offering their cards feel more like they want credit for helping him win and not because they genuinely want to support him.
Although “I want to help you be alone.”-Bastian and “you can’t be alone all by yourself.”-Alexis are iconic
Belowski! He can see duel spirits and speak Kuriboh which is great.
I love that he starts talking about how the colors are just the man’s way of keeping them down and Jaden is over it so fast. “Whatever let’s just throw down.” Aka please stop talking (about my too-san’s color system)
Is Belowski using ‘shadow powers’? Since his Moki Moki cab makes people sleepy.
I love how annoyed Jaden is with his friends fawning over Moki Moki and how great the other duelist is
“Who are you rooting for?” - Jaden “isn’t it obvious Moki Moki” - Bastian
Honestly that has to hurt. To have all of your friends root against you for seemingly no reason.
Love that Jaden realized that their weird behavior was caused by Belowski
I’m sorry but the kid was left at Duel Academy as a baby? This school is less than 10 years old how does that work? Is that the back story in the sub?
He is the first duelist who can summon real monsters in this series which is very cool. Not loving that he lives in a jail cell on campus
Au Jaden has so many questions for his Oto-san. Why is this kid kept in a cell for the same ability Atem and Yugi have?
Love that Jaden is the only student not affected by Moki Moki powers. I’m going to check it up to his own powers. Jaden is the supreme king and user of the Gentle Darkness. I think he has more power than Belowski. I also love that Belowski is surprised by this.
The explanation that Jaden loves to duel so much he just got ramped up he couldn’t sleep. No. Dark powers.
Episode 24
It’s the Chazz episode!!!
He is stranded in the ocean and he imagining Jaden with a pink and floral background? And a rainbow background? Incredible
Him falling into the ocean and blaming figment Jaden
It’s the intro of Ojama Yellow!!!
Not Chazz getting rescued. The ‘rescuer’ dumps his cards in the water the ruin them and then starts asking about Jaden. How does he know about Jaden? Chazz talks about him in his sleep.
I’m living for figment Jaden.
“Talk is cheap.” “Ya well I’m rich!” You go Chazz live up to Kaiba’s crazy rich boy talk
Dude just tried to drown him, shot him out of a submarine into a frozen wasteland. Are you trying to kill this boy?
The answer is yes as they send him in a quest through the tundra to get 40 cards
Not Chazz trying to buy the cards.
Like is the the best way to teach Chazz that money isn’t everything? No they are trying to kill him. But it is effective. He’s going to learn to cherish his cards.
Chazz found 41 so that he could give the old guy the extra. He’s a sweet heart. Though he did try to get ride of Ojama Yellow. Love this duel spirit.
“I have two brothers who are lost!” Love the set up also the reflection of Chazz’s own family. He is one of three brothers as well, but his brothers don’t treat him well. The ojamas really are the brotherhood Chazz could have had.
Oh no he only had forty! What a sweet boy. Figment Jaden “when you do nice things nice things happen to you.” And Chazz getting his last card from the ground.
50 man duel gauntlet! Chazz isn’t even fazed. Oh that’s all?
Also him winning against 50 duelist with a deck he cobbled together with cards he found in the tundra is mad impressive. Not to mention taking on the top 5-2 duelist at the same time to prove a point.
Chazz finally respects his cards!! And is talking to duel spirits!
Chazz as much as you say you don’t like Jaden you sure think about him a lot. He’s literally your inner voice.
Not the Chancellor saying he never liked his top student Czar
Is there only 50 kids at this school? Or is that just the freshman class? Or is it just the dueling gauntlet
Episode 25
Chazz it up! Chazz is up!
Love him getting not only his iconic black coat but also the ‘best deck’ from North Academy.
Love Jaden just summoning his monsters because “I have the best monsters!” Yes king I love how much he loves his deck.
Runs right in up to the two chancellors. “Where’s my opponent?!?” He’s so excited.
Chazz came with a squad “I transferred when I stoped getting the respect i deserved!” He’s read for a verbal smack down and is ready to be king
Jaden over here “I think the match is sold out.” “Oh are you the referee?” “Wait when did you switch school?” The whole grudge has flown over his head. He’s just happy to be dueling and to see Chazz again. They are here for two very different events
Au Jaden sees the helicopters fly in and thinks “my Dads are here? I hope uncle Joey doesn’t blow my cover.” The. He sees Chases brothers and is confused but sure we’ll roll with this.
Then they tell him they are live streaming the duel. And in cannon he’s excited but in the au he’s so stressed. He spent most of his childhood abounding being on camera. What if someone recognizes him and puts together he’s the Prince of Duels? Play it cool Jaden. Play it cool.
The Princeton brothers suck. Not them calling Chazz a slacker and putting all this stupid extra pressure on him. And throwing a deck at him he’s never played talking about how it’s expensive so it will win. Good sirs he already has a deck and strategy he’s been working on the whole way here and you want him to change it last minute? That’s not how you win.
Not Jaden think about how he should have brushed his hair. Or shower. Hah to be empty headed
Not Chazz having a panic attack and break down and Jaden just watching
Cannon Jaden might be starting to understand why Chazz is the way that he is but Au Jaden understand right away. He also feels pressure to succeed but his family never puts it on him. It’s all internal. Chazz is getting it externally and it’s crushing him. Too-San doesn’t talk about his childhood but from what Jaden’s leaves together from Uncle Mokuba Seto was in a sillier situation growing up
Crowler get your fake butt out of here. “I love both of these duelist.”
Chazz really does know how to work a crowd. And I’m glad the North academy kids respect him.
The armor dragons are here!!!
“I’m sorry Burst. My bad.” Not Jaden apologizing to burstinetrix I love this.
He also just got Yeeted and laughed it off. Your doing great Jaden
It took his brothers THIS long to realize Chazz isn’t using the cards they gave him.
Jaden being giddy at how great their duel is. Chazz repeating his brothers’s mantras is so sad. Can’t wait until til you learn to be silly
Chazz I love you but “you go bye bye” isnt as threatening as you think it is
Episode 26
Winged Kuriboh is here and so is Ojama Yellow!
Love Jaden immediately asking about Ojama Yellow.
Chazz you just yelled about a spirit and chasing it all over the stage in live tv. You’re not doing a great job hiding.
Jaden you shouldn’t be talking about people being weird for talking to themselves. But way to put it together that Chazz’s brothers suck.
He just wants to show Chazz that dueling is fun.
Chazz just trashed Jaden and mocked him on live tv and Jaden just laughs and talks about how much fun he’s having even though he’s losing and that Chazz should have fun to since he’s winning.
Not them cutting the feed when Chazz loses
Not Chazz’s brothers publicly disowning him. And roughing him up in front of both schools!
Way to go Jaden! Stand up to these guys.
And the whole crowd cheering for Chazz! I love this
Au Jaden is so over these two. He’s grown up around the best siblings of all time (the Kaiba brothers and the wheelers not to mention Yugi and Atem.) he knows how siblings should act. And while all the siblings he met at Duel academy so far are all crazy and different (I’m looking at you anti-Kaiba bros the Trusdales) these two are a new low.
He knows his Dads watched the duel. He’s sure he can reach out and explain somethings about the situation.
He still stands up to them and tells them off for Chazz.
But he also reaches out to Oto-san and questions how quickly they can buy their whole company. (The answer is very fast) He makes sure it won’t negatively affect Chazz before he unleashes his over protective Oto-san/#1 big brother Seto Kaiba on them.
I love Chazz deciding to stay and he was so polite talking to chancellor Sheppard.
“See you next year!” And we never see them again
Ahhh Chazz got dropped down to Slifer
I love how casually Jaden and Syrus mention the cockroaches and rats in the dorm.
“My new family is already difunctional” Chazz I love you.
Over all the school duel arc is pleasant. I’m glad we will know have silly Chazz and I have a tone of ideas for my future fics.
The DM cast were absolutely pumped for Jaden taking place in the school duel. They flew out to watch him duel. None of them were impressed with the Princeton brothers b it they were impressed by Jaden and Chazz.
Jaden sneaks away from his friends to go celebrate with his family after they get Chazz all set up in his room.
Chazz it up!
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authorofcelesti · 1 year
Chapters 1&2
A witchcraft x ESMP Au I've been working on for a while now
Shelby watched as the other emperors battled Sausage Supreme. Gem, Joel, and Jimmy were focusing all their firepower at the former protector of Sanctuary while the others battled with the large sculk tentacles preventing anyone from engaging with Sausage directly. Shelby looked down at the spell circle Gem had told her to cast.
“It all comes down to Shelby.”
Shelby looked at Gem, stunned. It has only been a few hours since Gem had dropped the newsbomb that she used to be a wizard. And not just any wizard either. No, she was the wizard that founded the Crystal Cliffs Wizarding Academy, the direct rival of the Witches Academy.
“What do you mean, it's all on her?” Joe questioned, “the only reason we're in this mess is because she’s a bad witch!”
Katherine smacked him on the back of his head. “JOE!”
“We need Shelby to do it Joe, she’s the only one besides me who has experience casting complex spells.”
“Well then why can't you do it Gem?” Fwhip asked.
Gem sighed, “because I'm the reason he’s here. I defeated Supreme once, and now he’s back for revenge. That makes me the perfect bait.” the princess-turned-wizard (or was it Wizard-turned-princess, Shelby couldn’t decide) turned to Shelby. “You cured Cub from his corruption, you can cure Sausage of his.”
Shelby looked around at the other emperors staring at her before taking a deep breath and turning to Gem. “What’s the spell?”
<><Present day><>
Gold from Joel, Prismarine from Joey, iron from False, flowers from Scott, copper from Pix, slime and crystals from Lizzie, and a blue mushroom she had found in the Gnome Ruins.
Oh, and Oli was contributing with a small musical performance, which he was tuning up  as she was placing the last of the redstone to connect the items. The witch turned to the bard. 
“You ready Oli?” he nodded and stepped into place along the outer edge of the spell. “Santa Perla, Pearl, Help us clean up this mess!” he shouted before beginning a small tune on his lute. 
I heard there a secret chord, 
That David played and it pleased the lord,
But you don't really care for music do ya?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth,
The Minor falls and the Major lifts..
Shelby let Oli’s singing fade into the background of her mind as she summoned her magic. Gem had told her that the original spell was used to trap a demon, but she had altered it to capture only the soul of Sausage supreme and not Sausage’s physical body that the dark Mage was possessing. To activate the spell, she needed to summon all the mana she possibly could to throw into the center of the circle. But she needed to wait for the right moment. 
Shelby looked up and watched the battle. Gem had her butterfly wings and princess dress, but she was dual wielding a sword and a Wizard’s staff that held an amethyst at the top, which glowed with power as Gem cast spell after spell, sending spikes of purple crystal at the possessed Sausage. Joel was throwing bolts of lightning at the TNT Jimmy was chucking at the tentacles.
“NOW SHELBY!” Gem suddenly shouted, pulling Shelby back to the spell. But in the confusion, she forgot to properly check her magic and it exploded as soon as she activated the spell. She cried out as she was thrown back against the wall, everything fading to black.
When Shelby came to, she was lying on the ground, her feet trapped by a large piece of rubble. Grunting, she sat up and shoved it off of her. The witch stood up and looked around.
The magical explosion had completely decimated the portion of the spawn citadel that they had been fighting in. Dust hung in the air, making it near impossible for the witch to see. She could barely make out the piece of rubble that had fallen on her. The Witch looked around to see if she could spot any of her allies but she couldn't. She shook her head in an attempt to get rid of the ringing in her ears. It worked slightly, and she could hear someone shouting. But the noise was muffled, like she was underwater. 
Shelby moved closer to the shouting and soon recognized the voice as Joe's
“Where is she? Where is that witch!”
The witch in question hid behind one of the standing pillars, hiding from the pirate as Gem tried to pacify him.
“Joe calm down.”
“No Gem, she almost messed up the spell and we all nearly died. If-”
“Wait, where is shelby?”Katherine interrupted the pirate king.
"I don't know," Joel said, "But I don't see Sausage either."
"SAUSAGE, SHELBY!" Fwhip called out and the others soon joined him.
Shelby was about to step out, but something held her back. She didn't know what it was. But then she heard Jimmy’s voice 
“Wait Guys, what's that?”
“Isn't that Shelby’s hat?”
Shelby felt at the top of her head to find that her hat was, in fact, not there. 
"If Shelby’s hat is here," Lizzie asked, "then where's Shelby?" 
"SHELBY WHERE ARE YOU!" Katherine called out in a panicked voice. Shelby’s heart twisted. Even after the 'truce' at Oli's Rift Festival - which Joe didn't even hold up his end - Shelby still couldn't get rid of her feelings for the warrior princess. But now she realized why her subconscious had told her not to reveal herself.
This is perfect, she thought, if they think I'm dead then when the Academy comes looking for me, I'll have an alibi. Joe probably won't believe it, since he saw my letter to Grandma, but it's not like anyone really took him seriously aside from Sausage. 
With her mind made up and a faint plan of action in mind, Shelby quietly pulled out her broom and flew away toward the Evermoor to get the needed supplies. 
When she showed up at her witch hat house, both Mother Toad and Tortoise, her familiar, were waiting for her.
She rushed inside and grabbed a small bag that no one would notice was missing, quickly filling it with a few potion ingredients, food, a cloak, and one of her leftover Magic Gem Crystals. On her way back out, she grabbed a long navy blue hooded cloak so 5hat she could still move around undetected. She ran back out to her broom, mounted, then remembered. She quickly dismounted and picked up Tortoise. The purple toad stared at her and gave a small ribbit.
" Don't tell Sausage you saw me, OK? They need to believe that I'm dead." Shelby turned to Mother Toad as well. "You too, please." With that she set down Tortoise and turned back to her broom. Tortoise took a few hops towards her, but she pushed him back.
“I'm sorry Tortoise, but if I take you with me, they’ll know that I'm not dead.” she kissed her familiar on the head. “Keep the evermoor and the gnome spirits safe for me, OK?” Tortoise croaked twice and she took that as an answer. With one last look at the mangrove trees surrounding her home, she hopped on her broom and took off.
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justafeweggnoodles · 6 months
Everything's Interconnected AU Timeline Part 1: Kingdomcraft / Empires
Timeline masterpost :D
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This is exactly what it sounds like. The story of Everything's Interconnected AU begins a few years before the events of Kingdomcraft, while there is some god stuff which happened even further in the past it is not directly covered. Before the events of Kingdomcraft, the main event that happens is the murder of the princess of the Ocean, the subsequent disappearance of the Ocean Kingdom and the coronation of the 11 remaining princes and princesses.
Follows the story Kingdom craft with a few differences, these differences come mainly in the form of the ending. In Everything's Interconnected AU the league of Villains is dismantled and all the rulers rally together to put an end to the Queen of the Alpine's leadership, this is unfortunately after the town had been blown up.
Terrain Changes / the time between
A couple thousand years go by, cultures changing and moving. In this time the Kingdoms fall and the empires of Empires S1 form.
Empires S1
The emperors come into power and the story of Empires S1 happen. Everything is the same up to the Rapture. All of the emperors die some way or another, how these deaths come about will be covered in their individual character backstories. What happens to them after their deaths will be covered further in the points of connection post (coming soon).
New Combination Empire
The people from the original empires travel across the world to find a habitable area after the Rapture. They end up traveling to the area which will become Empires S2 and creating an expansive capital and other infrastructure.
New Empire Falls
Some amount of time later this Empire falls. This process is a slow leave and disintegration rather than a quick event. The ruins of this Empire becomes the 'Ancient Capital' of Empires S2.
Empires S2
The events of Empires S2 are practically the same as the what happens in the series with the addition of headcanons. Pix from Empires S1 is the archaeologist working on the Ancient Capital. Pearl of Gilded Helithia is now Saint Pearl, is patron saint of the harvest, war and conquest. The kingdom the people from sanctuary come from formed in the ruins of Mythland / Gilded Helinthia / The Cod Empire, this kingdom is still in exitance for the whole of Empires S2. Empires S2 and Hermitcraft are now connected via the rift and because of people like Oli, Pearl, Mythical and Pix it is also connected to Afterlife.
Shelby from Empires S2 goes and competes in the challenge. How long after Empires S2 takes place witchcraft happens is so far undecided but it wouldn't be longer than 5 years. Witch Scott and Joey are different people from their Empires S2 counterparts. After becoming a fully fledged storm witch, Shelby goes back to Evermore and continues to live there while remaining in contact with her witch friends.
The Time after
This part of the time line is very un-fleshed out. This is where most of the stories happen. All of the emperors have a way to travel to Afterlife and a few of them can freely go to Hermitcraft. The witches can also get to Afterlife but not Hermitcraft.
Further explanations: (coming soon)
Part 2: X-life / Afterlife, Part 3: Hermitcraft S8 & 9, Part 4: Newlife, Part 5: Points of connection
If you want more details on something or are just curious about the AU send me an ask :D
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tenoart · 9 months
I'm rambling about this and no one will care but WHATEVER
Smp The Odyssey (more so epic the musical) au (Scott centric)
Basically it all starts with esmp s1 with Scott, and all canon events there happen all pretty much the same EXCEPT jimmy gets killed in front of Scott, and that after life doesn't last. All ESMP S1 leaders become the Greek pantheon
(Scott is Athena, Pix is Zeus, Joel is Ares, Lizzie is Aphrodite u get the picture)
The reincarnation of Aeor and all that doesn't stop , cut to ESMP 2 Scott hundreds of years later lives in the small empire of Rivendell (it's rulers died and hasn't been stable sense) and adapts to a life of crime to survive and gets his baby llama, Owen. before quickly realizing Owen was a shape shifter disguised as a llama to get free food.
He has Esmp s1 Scott who for simplicity sake I'm gonna call Tundra following him around throughout his childhood, and gives him the test in his teen years to steal the skull without dying, Tundra takes his eye and trains him from there on out. Pressuring him into becoming an king of his own nation and constantly eluding to Xornoth without outright stating it.
Scott however, hates this role. It's not him. He's a free spirit who can't be bothered to rule a kingdom. So he leaves with Owen and doesn't look back, only for months later to be confronted by Tundra (cue my goodbye from epic)
He takes back Scott's new magic eye, and tells Scott he basically ruined everything, and Scott doesn't understand, insulting Tundra for stringing him along and implies that Tundra only does this for his pride. Meanwhile tundra was trying to make sure Scott didn't repeat his mistakes
He shows Scott that all the other empires were attacked in his disappearance, that Jimmy, sausage, everyone had died to Xornoth while he was absent. Then, Tundra with the blade I can't remember the name of from ESMP 1 kills Scott, sending him to an after life with Owen, and stepping over him and sheriff Jimmy's corpses and through a portal
Years later there's a old abandoned museum of the ESMP 2 empires, that's built on top of a similar one of the ESMP 1 empires. Witch Smp Scott (who will be called Witch for simplicity) finds it and is exploring it with his lover pre deathification. Tundra now starts following him around. His test being the witch competition itself. He sees Joey summon Xornoth and rushes to introduce himself to witch. Witch knows of him and finds him super cool and looks up to him as a friend.
He follows in Tundra's orders. Making his own empire with his lover, having a kid (who I haven't. Made many decisions about yet I just know I want him to interact with Esmp 2 Scott's ghost at some point tho)
Witch trains under Tundra for awhile, before finding red vines creeping out of the ocean and Tundra deciding it's time.
Other scenes / stuff is I want A LOT of the other Scott's present.
Teleporter Scott as Hermes, Life serise Scott teamed up with Xornoth, Id love to include vampire Scott cause he's a favorite but I have 0 clue where. Cleo from witch Smp is Witch's BFF, (gets killed)
I LOVE THE IDEA OF GOD GAMES W Tundra Lizzie and Joel all ESMP 1 it BANGS.
Also imagine witch slowly as it goes own growing antlers from his little horns as he becomes more ruthless. During god games I like the idea of Jimmy being one of the easier ones Tundra has to convince, I like the idea of witch getting trained outside of time in a completely fixed Rivendell only when Tundra leaves him to be left in the real ruins of Rivendell.
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pacificwaternymph · 2 years
In your corrupted Jimmy au, how does Jimmy feel when cured from the corruption?
He feels awful.
The guilt is overwhelming. He can barely stand to look his friends in the eye knowing what he'd done to all of them. He can't stop thinking about all the things he said to them, all the ways he hurt them, all the ways he destroyed their lands.
The worst part about it is that they're all pretending it's fine. They keep telling him that they know it wasn't him, that they don't blame him for what happened, that it wasn't his fault. But it was. He was the one who decided to accept Xornoth's deal in the first place, even though he'd seen what happened to Sausage and Joey. If he hadn't done that, none of this would have happened.
He'd just... wanted to be noticed, for once in his life, and it got so out of hand. He doesn't understand how they can all act so friendly towards him, when he knows the hurt still runs deep on all sides.
Lizzie keeps dragging him out to functions, forcing him to interact with everyone, but he'd rather just lock himself away and never face any of them again.
But then, during one of these gatherings, after a meeting discussing strategies for rebuilding, who should approach him but Scott.
Who opens with saying he owes Jimmy an apology. Which- is ridiculous. Jimmy was the one who helped Xornoth nearly destroy the world, he was the one who pushed Scott away by being too clingy, he was the one who ruined everything. He tries to voice these thoughts, but Scott stops him.
Scott tells him that he's sorry for treating him the way he did. He says it wasn't Jimmy's fault, and that he was just... scared. He was working through a heavily internalized, unhealthy mindset and Jimmy was the one who paid the price for it. He says that he understands if Jimmy never wants to talk to him again, but... if he wants to, he's willing to give their friendship another try.
And of course Jimmy still doesn't understand why Scott is the one apologizing to him, instead of the other way around, but all the same, he accepts Scott's offer, pulling him into a hug.
And then... everyone else starts apologizing too. Fwhip and Sausage apologize for antagonizing him, the other rulers apologize for ignoring him so often, and of course Lizzie apologizes (again) for all the times she's undermined and overshadowed him, and for being so overbearing.
Healing is a slow process for all of them, but they will get there eventually.
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pickastitch · 1 year
pjo empires/hermit au !!
gem - hestia
pearl - apollo
joe - unknown
zedaph - pan (satyr)
cleo - thanatos
false - athena
grian - hermes
scott - iris
fwip - hephaestus
katherine - demeter
sausage - aphrodite
shelby - dioynsus
joey - dioynsus
do need help for the one i haven't done yet/aren't 100% (empires more importantly) the rule with that is i tried not to focus on just one season of their stuff and instead their general vibe
pearl gets a prophecy that the moon will come and destroy camp half blood she assumes artemis will come and ruin everything. being very panicked, she goes confides in gem specifying thay artemis will ruin everything. this is great and all until gem, in her sleep, gets visited by artemis telling her not to trust gem
word gets out and everybody starts to panic until Orion shows up and there is a huge battle, but Orion ends up kidnapping the whole empires s1 crew. They don't have a good time, but with fwip and jimmy able to take away his vision they all escape and make it back to camp half blood
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hello-nichya-here · 5 months
do you think any of your fandoms would make good crossovers or AUs with each other? ps i love reading all your posts of your opinions and analysis of your fandoms, even though i don't know half of them
Pretty much the only ones that COULD ever crossover without it fundamentally breaking the very basic set up of one or both stories would be:
1 - Friends and How I Met Your Mother. Both are sitcoms, and HIMYM did take a lot of inspiration (and sometimes full on copy) Friends, so no one would really look out of place. I'd love to see Barney and Joey hanging out... but I also fear Ted would get in a competition with both Ross and Rachel to see "Who is the most self-absorbed, immature cry-baby that loves playing the victim?" I mean, Ted would win because he's The Worst, but still, it'd ruin the fun.
2 - Either Buffy or Angel could have an episode in which they're going against whatever demon it is Ashley and Andrew keep getting in contact with - the problem would be if WHEDON was allowed to decide the moral of it all, because he'd ruin the chaotic, great, functional dysfunction of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley AND not acknowledge that they've done things that are on the same level of some of the souless bad guys because God forbid he lets go of that idea of "The soul is everything."
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aroaceascension · 1 year
So! Sea legs au is basically both Jimmy and Katherine sail away from the mainland but it’s mostly jimmy centric but I will be watching Katherine’s POV for season 2. Because hey this is a good opportunity:
They’re both tired, they want to rest. (I’m probably going to look at Katherine’s curse and make up something later.)
They’re traveling away from everything to heal. This causes a effect because this is like, before finale.
Katherine from what I understand people talk about her season 2 character is aromantic spectrum and I want to write about that. About her internal struggles and just, trying to live without expectations. Because she is trying to rebuild a empire from its ruins. She has motivation to stop being a lonely ruler.
Also the stuff to do with her curse, what does her curse extend and how do i make it work out with my worldbuilding. How also her relationship with Shubble and Joey are impacting her health and such
I do want to talk about Jimmy’s whole thing and my world building for tumble town cause I have made a lot of it. I want to explore Jimmy’s being another lonely ruler and how his relationships have impacted his way on self worth. On how he sees the mesa and tumble town. Also about the mesa
They both have sentient land that they both can hear. I have to keep doing this. I will never stop on my sentient land thinking.
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ep2nd · 11 months
Business Cats AU
The Court Case
Now if ya seen the previous post about this AU, you know that we left off on a cliffhanger where Joey, Pete, and Scar, and Joey's parents, went to court- for Joey's custody
Now I ain't getting into details here so here's the summary:
Pete fucking wins
That raps up this part have a lovely day!!!
Lol I'm kidding, mostly
Yeha Pete wins, Joey gets a good father and a brother and they live happily ish ever
But Joey's parents are mad and are gonna do everything in their power to ruin Pete's life- unsurprising when your really rich billionaires it's not that hard
F in the tags for Pete
Let's all remember Pete is a principle oh no-
And share any ideas you have for this AU!
Whether random headcannons, characters you wanna see, or world questions!
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Ink and Scrolls the Beginning
just a thing for an au I have involving muses from another blog 
          Kola stood with Free in the middle of the field just outside of the city of Whiterun. She shuffled from one foot to another as her companion set everything up for the ritual they were about to perform. They wanted to make it easier to go from city to city while they didn’t mind taking the carriages but sometimes they took a bit too long. And this would also work as an alternative if they couldn’t take anymore passengers. Being brought out of her thought seeing the other was about finished, she looked down at the strange book in her hands. She read the words cross the cover “The Illusion of Living by Joey Drew” across the front in flourishing writing. Making her wonder who that was and a better was where the book came from as she looked up asking “Free w-where did you get t-this book?” she asked the older. Free, who had just finished up, looked over “I found it in some random part of apocrypha figured it could help with this,” she says to her. Hearing the other mention where it was from, the younger gave a huff but didn’t say anything about it not wanting to spend more time on this seeing as rain clouds started to roll in. And she wasn’t going to lie she was curious about, it thinking if it survived the ritual she’d give it a read. Stepping into the circle next to the other as both started to cast the spell, using all their focus to do so. Finally gathering enough energy, the two finish casting the spell silence followed as the two looked around realizing that they hadn’t left their spot. Wondering if maybe they hadn’t done it right or it was a fluke, Kola went to ask Free about it when suddenly a dark pool of what looked to be ink opened under them. Causing Free to pull out her bow and start firing arrows at it while Kola tried to use a few fire bolts to get it to go away. But it was to no avail even as they kept firing at the hands now grasping at their legs, the two were pulled down into the darkness below them.  
            After what felt like hours, both awoken on a hardwood floor sitting up as both rubbed their heads. Looking around, confused at where they were, the two saw strange things hung on the wall along with the same black ink dripping down. Free stood up off the floor and walked forward a bit, as Kola took a moment to gather her thoughts. Peeking around the corner, she saw the place was bigger, not only that pipes seem to run about the place. She wondered if for a moment they had teleported to a Dwemer ruin but that couldn’t be right, seeing as the floor was wooden and not made of stone. Behind her the other had gotten up off the floor and joined her, looking around also before simply saying “I-I don’t think were i-in tamriel a-anymore” in response. Hearing that made the mer give a snort in response at the joke the other had made, but the understatement and dry delivery too. But Kola was right, this didn’t seem to be tamriel, not only that it didn’t seem they were on nirn either. Signaling the other the two walked in further, deciding to explore this new place a bit more. Along the way, they found two tape recordings, another book like the one they used and a body of a strange creature wearing strange clothes. Both wonder what it was, better yet, what tore it open. And also wonder if it was still around causing Free to decide to use a shout after not seeing anything around relaxing, but Kola was still on edge. But didn’t voice her worries, something about this place feeling something off about it. As the two explored some more and finding a strange machine after messing around with a strange box thing nearby and finding a few objects for some pedestals they found. The two turned on the flow for the same inky substance, both ready to fight it in case it came to life again to attack them. Tho it didn’t, they wanted to stay alert, not wanting to get surprised once again. 
          Walking up to the now boarded up room only causing a moment’s pause, thinking nothing of it after a moment's thought. As they took another step, a demonic creature appeared, reaching for them between the slats. Free jumped back as she picked up Kola and ran the other way to front door, not wanting to deal with ever that was. She had a gut feeling that trying to fight it right now was a bad idea, even if she felt like she could, it was a stupid idea. Right as the door came into view hand reaching for it, she fell through the floor with a yelp. Landing with a loud splash, both coming up gasping for air, the younger of the two swearing loudly. Looking about, Free saw a nearby turn wheel and went over, twisting it, draining the ink from the room. Kola walked around the room trying to find a way for them to climb back up but couldn’t find a ladder “f-forward it is” she muttered in response going to pick up the nearby axe. Free stopped her and shook her head before using her unrelenting force shout on the wood blocking their path. Not trusting the axe to not break after a few uses when they both had perfectly good weapons on them along with magic too. Moving down the short hallway to the next room, they looked around, seeing a few candles and a pentagram in the middle. The two also noticed the coffins making them think that whoever they were probably failed at summoning a Deadric Prince or angered one. Thinking the pentagram wasn’t going to do anything, both stepped over it, causing both to see random flashes before passing out on the floor, blacking out.
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liked the top 3 list, wondered if you wanted to share from any of these?
Hiya! Thank you so much for the asks dude!!! You chose some really fun ones to ramble about <33
Link to the asks
31: Top 3 things to draw/doodle
Oooooh, I doodle a lot, but I fall back on a few things
My own characters, especially the main characters from my novel (check them out at @the-supernova-sapphics )
Werewolves! I like to mess around with ears and face shapes and fur to make them match their human form, it’s very fun. And I just have a very intense werewolf special interest
As much as I talk about HATING drawing hands, they are okay sometimes. I doodle hands a lot to try to get a feel for them and it’s fun to try different gestures
36: Top 3 books from your childhood
I am a horse girl. I grew up on Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. I had a series of classic books condensed for children, and then I read the actual book at least a dozen times growing up
In the same vein, I also had a condensed kid’s version of Call of the Wild by Jack London. Loved that one a lot <33 I have yet to read the original, but I intend to do so
Bit of a strange one, but Kalahari by Jessica Khoury was a favorite in middle school. I hadn’t read anything like it before and I haven’t really since. Interesting concept, minor twist on a zombie virus almost? and I loved it
46: Top 3 fan fictions you’ve read
Okay so my favorite fanfic is probably Bloodletting by @agentgenevra . I have talked about it a LOT over here and I will sing it’s praises forever. Let me do it yet again. First of all, vampire Nancy. Vampire Robin. That is enough to get you hooked. But! This fic has one of the BEST AU plot lines I have ever read. The way each character and their individual motivations and personalities connect into this big web of a plot is FASCINATING. And! Tension! Tension! Tension! Eve is a genius and I fucking adore this fic.
Second place would most likely go to Dancing in the Moonlight by summersociety. I want this fic injected directly into my bloodstream. It’s somehow serious and unapologetically goofy at the same time. Again with tension! Monster hunter Nancy is a badass! Werewolf Robin is complicated! AROO BROKE MY HEART. Martha is also a queen.
Finally, I think I’m going to have to go with Raise Dead by @eskawrites . Go in with the warning that this is the only fic that LEGITIMATELY, not as an exaggeration, made me cry. The feelings are very raw and very intense, this fic will break you heart and then mend it. Chapter 3 especially ruined me. Angst galore dude. And very poetic writing, I love it.
71: Top 3 songs of this month
Only three? Damn I gotta really narrow down the favorites list
Everywhere, Everything by Noah Kahan is one of the best romantic songs I’ve ever heard, it’s kind of giving Hozier imagery but a little more upbeat and also this man’s voice does things to me
Late Bloomer by Semler, I’m writing a fic based on this one and it’s just very soft and good and I love the lyricism, plus the guitar!!!
Real genre skip here, but I swear Punk Tactics by Joey Valence and Brae is laced with something, that song is addictive and my funky neurodivergent brain loves it
Honorable mentions are Everlong by Foo Fighters, The View Between Villages by Noah Kahan, and Maple Syrup by The Backseat Lovers
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rkrispyt · 2 years
Birthday Goodness Request
Hola tumblr friends!
It's almost my birthday (this Friday, November 4th - eek!) and last year I really needed a pick-me-up and put out a request for Portwell goodness that got so many lovely responses, it was overwhelming in the most wonderful way.
This year, I could certainly use a bit of happiness as I'm spending the day before my birthday at funeral services for a dear, dear friend that passed away extremely suddenly. So I thought I'd put out another request for some birthday goodness.
Put most simply, I would just love any suggestions or creations to put a smile on my face this birthday and give me a little serotonin. It's much needed.
Unlike last year I don't know that Portwell would bring a ton of happiness? I'm still in a place with canon that is a bit fragile and complicated. Some part of all of it still feels ruined and I'm continuing to work through that. Up to S2 I'm ok about mostly. S3 I'd like to erase from memory and replace with headcanon lol.
AU Portwell is wonderful though. Then Somebody Bends Unexpectedly by the incomparable @lovelyserpentines remains flawless. Everything from @aroundthewaygirlao3 is an absolute treasure.
So my request this year is two-fold...
First: anything to do with any of my favorites, whether new or recommendations. Those include: Portwell (HSMTMTS) Polin (Bridgerton) Samcedes (Glee) Pacey/Joey (Dawson's Creek Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter) Jafael (Jane The Virgin) *Nsync (JC girl all the way) original 90210 (I shipped David & Donna, lol - I know, I know!) Derry Girls RuPaul's Drag Race Musical Theatre Jane Austen books Christopher Moore books Pam/Jim (The Office) Noel/Felicity (Felicity) Anything inspiring to get through the day to day Anything to make me laugh. I really do love laughing. Secondly: I would love for those with similar interests to share some of THEIR favorite things. Whether it's videos, fics, artwork, a book, movie, tv show, song, album, character, or couple you love that I may too.
Thank you in advance if you so choose to share!
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