#Joe keery angst
muldermuse · 9 months
Guardian Angel (Gator Tillman X F!Reader)
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this was based on a prompt i recieved!
18+ only!! mdni!! warning: reader is briefly knocked unconscious in the fic! not by Gator but by an anonymous male who is never named/identified. mentions of bad childhood/abusive parents. mentions of police brutality. mentions of smut. being in a hospital/back of an ambulance. Gator and Roy are threatening in this and mean about reader. Angst!!! lil bit of fluff! more angst?? Unhappy ending (no character deaths tho do not worry)
I’m sorry :/
Part of the two sinners works! Read more here!
Gator Tillman had no choice but to become a Sheriff, he idolised his Father and saw the respect that surrounded him. No one ever questions Roy Tillman; at least, not if they value their own life. Gator had witnessed firsthand the brutality that his father inflicted on his community when wearing the badge. One of Gator’s happiest childhood memories was his daddy letting him wear his cowboy hat and his Sheriff’s badge. Roy Tillman’s eyes were full of pride as he looked as his young son, “you’ll make a fantastic Sheriff one day, boy”. Any other dreams that young Gator were quashed in that moment, ever since that day when his Father looked at him and saw the potential Gator could grow up to have- he knew he had to be a Sheriff. 
Unfortunately, Gator Tillman never wanted to be a good Sheriff. He didn’t actually care about helping people or being a beacon of hope for his community. Gator, like his Father, loved the power that came with the badge. Without it, he was some loser daddy’s boy but with it; he felt he was unstoppable. As much as Roy Tillman ignored his son, he knew him too well and he knew what little ability Gator actually had. So, Gator was always on the quietest shifts and he was always paired with an older colleague who could actually do the job. In his father’s eyes; Gator was still a little kid playing dress up. So here he is, browsing the disposable vape collection in his local gas station to fill the time until he can clock out. The clerk looks away and Gator slips a watermelon mango flavour into his pocket. He throws a few dollars on the counter and takes a bag of Takis before heading back to the patrol car. Maybe he can convince his patrol partner to drive him to a diner to get a coffee to kill a few more hours or maybe he’ll have an uncomfortable nap across the back seat.
Then a call comes in. 
“Dispatch, please respond. We have a call for assistance at The Outpost Bar about 4 minutes from your current location. Seems that an altercation between two men has escalated and a young lady has got hurt, ambulance is nearly there as she’s knocked out”.
Gator picks up the radio as his colleague starts speeding to the bar, “Heard- name of victim?”. 
Bile rises in his throat and he feels his stomach drop. 
It’s your name.
Before he can even process what has happened; the patrol car arrives on the scene and sees the ambulance outside the front of the bar. 
He knows his job is to find the guy who’s done this and get him in the back of the car. He knows the ambulance and the paramedics are there to help you. But he also knows that you’re currently unconscious on the floor of a shitty dive bar and that’s all he can focus on. His heart is thundering in his ears as he runs into the bar, his colleague is shouting his name after him to try and discuss a plan before entering the bar. He needs to see you, what if the call was wrong? You never mentioned that you’d be heading out tonight. You never really tell him anywhere you’re going though. He wishes you would but he can’t think about that now. 
The inside of the bar is nearly empty, the lights are up and there’s a group of women stood around someone lying on the floor. The shoes he can see are a pair of black boots- has he ever seen you wear those? Would you wear something like that? The thought in his head are moving too quick for him to comprehend. He tries to make his way over to the huddle of women on the floor but he sees a familiar face first. It’s Jenson Ackerley, the guy you brought to the church pot luck, the guy that you’d told Gator you never planned on seeing again after blowing him off for him. Gator had seen a few texts from Jenson pop up on your phone but you were seemingly quick to ignore them. He’s stood at the bar, he’s holding his head in his hands and looks relieved when he sees law enforcement come in.
“Thank god you’re here, they fuckin’ ran off after they shoved her. She hit her head and then they fuckin’ ran off. She’s breathin’ fine so sh-“ he sounds relieved as he speaks, the words tumbling out of his mouth as if he’s a concerned partner. You’re not his partner, Gator isn’t either but he’s closer to it than this fucking guy. A rage flushes across his face as Gator grabs Jenson’s plaid shirt in his fists and pushes him against the concrete wall of the bar. He spits at Jenson’s feet before speaking to him, “What the fuck happened? Why the fuck didn’t you step in? Some fuckin’ quarterback huh?” He shoves him harder; feeling rejoice in the nerves filling Jenson’s eyes "Lettin’ her get hit while you just fuckin’ stand there holdin’ your fuckin' dick?”. Jenson’s face contorts in confusion, he tries to respond before Gator punches him hard in his lower stomach. He grabs Jenson’s cheeks and pushes his head further into the cold, hard concrete of the wall as he whispers low in his ear “I fuckin’ swear on my fuckin’ Dad’s life- if something happens to her, I’ll fuckin’ kill you”. The hard grip of his hand gets tighter on Jenson’s face, Jenson’s face would be flushing red if it were not for the fact that all blood seems to have drained from his face with nerves. Gator’s smirk is predatory, “‘m a fuckin’ Sheriff y’know- I can make it look like an accident”.
He can hear your voice, it’s mumbled and strained- but it is distinctly you.
Gator turns that quick he feels a bout of nausea hit him, it’s doubled when he sees you being moved out of the dingy bar on a stretcher. You look confused but a flash of recognition and reassurance flutters through your expression when you realise it’s him.
“Gator?” Your voice is slow as if your wading through thick molasses to whisper his two syllable name. He grabs your hand, it’s ice cold and he knows that it’s the shock your poor body has been through this evening. Your hand meekly trembles in his and it occurs to Gator that he’s never seen you as vulnerable as this. 
“Yeah-yeah it’s me, hi” His voice is the softest it’s ever been with you as he tenderly presses a hand to your face. This isn’t the same man who two days ago called you a whore as you rode his cock in his Daddy’s bed and this certainly isn’t the man who’s last text simply told you to fuck off and leave him alone. This isn’t your Gator. But right now, this isn’t you. When you look back, you both won’t recognise the other in this moment.
But fiercely, you’ll both take the tenderness right now. You both desperately need it.
Gator will come to always crave it.
He insisted to his colleague that he’d go with you in the ambulance. The paramedic was too preoccupied with checking your vitals to notice that Gator held your hand the entire way. When tears filled your eyes due to pure confusion about your current situation, he’d press a soft kiss to your under eyes and mumble to you that it was going to be okay. He wasn’t leaving your side until it was all okay- he promised.
“I swear on it, okay baby. Me and you” he brings your hand up to his lips and presses a soft kiss to it. Tenderly, he moves your hair out of your face as you nod in agreement. You wanted to believe him with every ounce of your body and soul but your mouth is too dry to beg him to stay; you’re not sure if you’re asking for tonight or for forever.
Gator’s watching you intently, he’s memorising the different parts of your face- just in case. Of course nothing’s going to happen to you, he’s sure of it. But just in case, he’s logging to his memory the soft curve of your lips, always a little pouty and so fucking pretty when you wear that lip gloss that drives him wild. The little furrow in your brow, always more prominent when you’re worried or plotting how you can try and fuck up Gator’s week by saying something calculating.
Your eyes flicker shut as the paramedic rests a hand on Gator’s shoulder, “you’re a good boyfriend. Half the guys don’t even want to come in the back and the others usually try to calm themselves rather than their partners. You’re a good man”. The irony isn’t missed on him, he is someone’s boyfriend but he’s not yours. His girlfriend has never received this tenderness from him. Gator Tillman is a lot of things but he is definitely not a good man. In this moment, however, he is trying to be. 
He doesn’t thank the paramedic, he just nods and keeps your small hand in his. He doesn’t want his mind to wander and consider how things would be if you were in a relationship. You’d drive him mad, he’s sure of it but with Glenda; he feels nothing. He considers that at least anger is an emotion. Better than an emotionally vacant relationship. 
The ambulance comes to a sudden stop and he feels your hand grip his tighter, your eyes are open and as the paramedic works to open the door; Gator is reassuring you that everything’s going to be okay. 
“Promise that you’ll stay?” your voice is hesitant and soft. You feel emotionally exposed right now and it’s a deeply uncomfortable feeling.
Gator presses a kiss to your forward quickly, conscious of the paramedic trying to get your stretcher out of the vehicle and onto a ward. “Of course baby, as soon as they find you a room- I’ll be there. Okay? I swear it”. You begin to cry as you nod and Gator desperately wants to kiss you more to console you but you’re wheeled out before he gets the chance.
Your hands are pulled apart as your stretcher gets wheeled into the hospital. He’s lost in his thoughts until a familiar authoritative voice booms behind him.
It’s his father.
Gator feels the blood drain from his body and he tries to stop his hands trembling before he turns around.
Roy’s hands are on his hips as he glares at Gator. He’s dressed in his usual cowboy hat and denim jacket. His father’s presence always makes Gator nervous. With one look from Roy Tillman, Gator is transported back to being a four year old meek child who had accidentally broken a vase, terrified of his father’s reaction but simultaneously in awe of the authoritarian berating him for his mistake. He’d seen them holding hands, Gator takes a second to thank the lord that that is all his father had seen.
His mouth feels like it’s full of cotton, he can’t speak and if he could; he doesn’t even know what he would say. There’s no reason for it. Why would he be holding your hand? Why would he travel in the back of the ambulance with you? It isn’t protocol and, for all Roy knows, Gator does not like you. He isn’t even supposed to know you. His father had warned Gator about you from the first time he had seen you. 
“She’s a sinner that girl- I don’t want her corrupting you. Showing you her worldly ways, you are not to speak to her- y’hear me?” What Roy didn’t know is by that time, you’d already started sleeping together. Both of you taking the time to learn each other’s bodies intimately. You made Gator feel things he never had before but that didn’t matter- you were a dirty sinner. It never crosses Gator’s mind that he could be a sinner too.
The paramedic reemerges from the hospital and before Gator can intercept, she tells him that ‘his girlfriend’ is on ward 6. 
“I’ve told her that you’ll be up soon to see her. She’s still a bit upset so maybe head up after you’ve finished speaking with the Sheriff” the paramedic is kind. Her words are soft and considered and her eyes look up at Gator as if he’s a great man. He hopes that this paramedic will keep Gator in her mind as an attentive and considerate partner. She may be the only person who would ever think of Gator Tillman in that way. Roy smiles at the paramedic but it doesn’t meet his eyes; Gator realises that his smile never does. 
After she leaves, there’s a moment of silence. It feels too long and uncomfortable.
“I don’t know what’s happenin’ with you and that girl b-“
“Dad” Gator scoffs, as if the idea is ridiculous “nothin’s happenin’. I answered the call so I was there and y’know, I’m the Sheriff- it’s my job to make sure she’s safe. Well, not ju-“
Roy takes Gator’s shirt in his fists and slams him against the wall of the hospital. The thud of Gator’s head hitting the concrete echoes across the vacant space. Roy spits in Gator’s face as he whispers sternly, “Do not fuckin’ lie to me. You’re a worse fuckin’ liar than your fuckin’ mother”.
He can’t speak, as hard as Gator’s mouth tries to form words, it lets him down and makes him look weak in front of his father. Just as he did when he was younger; Gator takes the emotional beating from his father.
“You got a good christian woman at home and I don’t think that Glenda would want to hear about you in the back of an ambulance with her- agree?”
He nods, his mind is empty as all he feels is blind panic. Will Roy tell Glenda? As soon as he loses her, he loses his father’s approval- something he’s spent years cultivating. He can’t lose her; it’s not a choice. Roy robs him of the chance to speak.
Roy’s hand is firm on Gator’s shoulder, his fingers digging into the flesh. “What have I told you from day one about that girl, son?”. His eyes are unwavering on his son’s, Gator realises he has not seen his dad blink throughout this entire interaction.
“That she’s a sinner” it comes out too easy and Roy smirks in response. He’s made his father happy and he feels he can speak again. His chest not as tight as it felt a few moments ago.
Roy’s hand gets tighter on Gator’s shoulder and it begins to feel uncomfortable. “Tell me what you think of her” he nods to prompt Gator to speak. Gator briefly imagines if he could tell him the truth, how would he describe what he thinks of you? He’s unsure if he even allows himself to think about you when you’re apart. The thought of you living unfiltered in his mind is far too much. You need to be a box locked away in Gator’s depraved mind. There’s no key because it never needs opening.
He stutters as he goes to speak, “well…we all know what she’s like right? She’s a fuckin’ whore” Roy nods in encouragement as a shy smile breaks across Gator’s face. “Yeah, I mean, she’s probably dating about 10 different guys- right? I mean, I saw her with Jenson and then with some other fuckin’ guy like two days later. Glenda doesn’t like ‘er- thinks the same as me”.
Roy is content, his grip on his son’s shoulder eases as he smiles brightly at Gator. “We’re not gonna look for the guys that did this- didn’t happen. You were doin’ a routine check at the bar and that’s it. I’ve already told Williams that that’s what’s happened- I’ve sorted it for you, son”
That one syllable word is a warm blanket on a cold night. A ice cold glass of water in the hottest desert. A three course meal after a day of raw hunger.
Roy leads Gator away from you, he sits him in the patrol car and drives him home to Glenda. Glenda kisses his cheek softly at the doorway. She’s made a home cooked meal for her hardworking man. The meal tastes like ash on Gator’s tongue. He drinks whiskey to help him sleeps more than usual.
Meanwhile, you are laid alone in a hospital bed. Holding out hope that Gator will return, hopefully with the affection from the ambulance. But of course, Gator doesn’t come back to your room.
You don’t see him again whilst you're in the hospital.
He doesn’t text you for two weeks.
He turns up one late night when you’re back home, he asks if you’re ‘all good’ and you reply that you’ll be fine. You have sex that night and never acknowledge how tender he was to you in your time of need. You’re both rougher than usual, both craving to dominate the other and fuck them into submission. You have to make up for the unjustified kindness.
You never see how Gator spends his time off work. When he’s not with you, or with Glenda, or working- he’s trying to find out who did this to you.
He won’t stop searching until the person who did this is found in a ditch.
But you will never know.
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justmeinadaze · 3 months
Steve Harrington Masterlist
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Banner by @cafekitsune
Date Night Series (on going until I run out of ideas)
Playing the Game series
A Virtual Romance series
Saying Sorry (on going)
Those Days
Inside of Her Head
In Your Corner (Steve Ask)
In Your Corner Part 2
I Miss the Misery
My Lucifer is Lonely
My Lucifer is Lonely Part 2
66 notes · View notes
fandomgirlz01 · 2 months
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Joe Keery X Reader
Imagine on fandom instagram?: No
Prompt or Request or Requested Prompt?: No
Style of Writing: Fic  
Rating: PG-13 ~ For fluff and cuteness, but more adult commentary or even some triggering content. 
Edited: Yes
Word count:  6,015
Post Date & Time: July 27th 2024 at 12:17 AM
Master List
Warnings Here 
You can listen to the story be read out loud here {coming soon}. 
Summary: Joe Keery the Readers very best friend, helps the Reader though one of her biggest fears as well as clams her anxiety until they can get the help they need. 
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Authors Note: I know they actually usually film in Atlanta GA, so for the sake of this Fic let’s just say she goes with him and they rent a place out. She works from home so she’s capable of going with.
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You’re Pov: 
“Oh my gosh, it’s really 12:00?!” I exclaim as I look at my phone. 
“Umm, yeah. Why?” Natalia asks as she looks at me with concern. 
“I have work on the set in the morning and don’t have my car. I need to take the bus or walk, but now I can’t do either cause it’s so late,” I explain as I pack up some of my stuff in a hurry. 
“Hey. Hey. What’s going on?” Joe asks, reaching out for me as he walks over from where the guys were hanging out. 
“I need to walk home. I have to be at set in the morning,” I quickly explain as I continue to pack up my stuff. 
Once all my stuff is packed up, I quickly rush out a goodbye to everyone before rushing over to the door. I go to open the door, but someone pulls me back. 
“Hey. You are not walking home this late at night, and while it’s storming? No way. I’ll drive you,” Joe offers as he pats his pockets, looking around for his keys. 
“No, J. It’s fine. I’ll get home by myself. I really don’t wanna ruin your time with your cast members. You see me every day, you don’t see them as often as you do me. Spend time with them,” I express and he shakes his head before letting out a small ‘aha’ when finding his keys. 
“If you think I’m letting my life-long best friend walk home in the rain, then you're nuts. Plus, I live there too,” he professes before turning around to the other actors in the room. 
“Goodnight, guys. I’ll see you all bright and early on set. I’ve gotta get y/n home,” Joe quickly explains to the others. 
“Goodnight! See you in the morning!” Noah yells out from across the room before some of the others chime in with ‘goodnights’ to the both of us. 
Joe picks his jacket up off of the back of the couch before coming over to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and I smile as I wave to everyone. 
“Goodnight then, I guess!” I yell out and I get a few “goodnights” back as the girls wiggle their eyebrows at me, making me give them a death stare. 
Joe pulls me out of the room and the door closes behind us. We head down the hallway and I start to feel a little guilty. 
“Joe, really, if you want to go back you can. I’ll be fine,” I explain and he shakes his head. 
“If you had your car, I’d be ok with it, but I know it’s in the shop, so no. It’s ok. Really, I’m fine to drive you home,” he informs me and I only nod before a grin takes over my face. 
“I wonder why my car’s in the shop?” I joke as I nudge his side lightly with a smirk on my face. 
“I wouldn’t know why…” he jokes back, playing innocent and I giggle. 
“It couldn’t be because somebody backed it up into a pole when borrowing it now, would it?” I tease him again as I poke his stomach. 
“I have no clue what you're talking about,” he plays coy, shaking his head and I roll my eyes. 
“You definitely know what I’m talking about,” I remark with a smirk and he rolls his eyes now. 
“Ok… there’s a very small chance you may be right…” he jokes as he holds his hand up with his fingers pinching together. 
“A small chance?” I ask, only to giggle when he throws his arms up before letting them drop to his side. 
“Ok, fine, there’s a big chance,” he finally admits sheepishly and I giggle as we come to a stop by the elevator. 
He reaches forward and presses the down button before standing back upright next to me. I eye the door to the stairs for a moment before looking back at the elevator. 
“Bubs…” I whisper out as I bite my lip and he lets out a small “hmm” before turning to look at me with an eyebrow raised. 
“Can’t we just take the stairs?” I ask as I express my fear while he puts his jacket on. 
“Y/n, we’re on the top floor of the Hampton. We’re thirty floors up, sweetheart. Do you really want to walk down thirty flights of stairs?” he asks with an eyebrow raised and I shrug. 
“I don’t know… I just really don’t want to get in that elevator,” I whisper out as I shuffle my feet while refusing to look up at him. 
“Don’t worry. I’m right here with you, ok? I’m right here. I promise you’ll be ok,” he promises as he pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me. 
We stand there for a few minutes just hugging when we both hear the ding. We pull apart and turn to see the door wide open. I take a gulp and Joe takes a step to get in, but I freeze in my spot. 
“Princess, it's really ok. Come on. I’ll stick with you the whole way down,” he explains as he turns back around to look at me. 
“Joe… I… I can’t…” I whimper out and he grabs both my cheeks softly as he keeps eye contact with me. 
“Hey. Hey. You're ok. You can do this, y/n,” Joe speaks calmly as he now starts to rub my right cheek. 
“I don’t know, Joe, it’s gotten a lot worse now,” I explain and he looks at me, confused. 
“How did you even get here earlier, then?” he asks and I try to look away sheepishly, but he just keeps my face in his hands. 
“I, umm… took the stairs. After Eleni {pronounced: E-lane-ie} dropped me off from work on the set, I took the stairs,” I explain embarrassedly and he shakes his head. 
“You could have just called me to come down and get you. I would have,” he affirms and I shake my head now that he’s let go of me. 
“You had work today too. You must have been tired. I didn’t want to make you even more tired,” I explain and just as I finish, the doors slide closed. 
“Damn, we’ll have to get the next one,” Joe mutters as he turns back around and presses the down button again. 
“I don’t care if I’m tired, I still would have come down. Plus we work on the same set, just have different hours,” Joe informs me with a shrug before he turns back to look at me. I fight off the blush I can feel creeping up the back of my neck. 
“I don’t get why we can’t just take the stairs…” I comment timidly and Joe lets out a laugh. 
“Y/n, seriously. It’s thirty flights. You’ve already done enough stairs today. I’m not letting you do more,” he explains before shaking his head and laughing a little more. 
He looks at me and immediately his face changes from amusement to worry when he sees just how frightened I am. He sighs and lets out a small ‘I’m sorry’ before he puts his arm around my shoulder. He moves so he can fully hug me now and rubs the upper part of my arm with his thumb. I wrap my arms around his waist and burrow my head into his shoulder. He holds onto me a little tighter for a moment before rubbing at my scalp to sooth me. 
“I’m right here. Haven’t I always been?” he asks against the side of my forehead and I nod, making him smile. 
“Yes. Yes, you have been,” I agree with him, biting my lip before pulling away from our hug. 
“Well, come on, then. I promise you'll be fine,” he promises me as the elevator dings again, making me jump. 
“I know you're scared, but these things barely ever break down. Plus, you're with me. I’ve got you,” he tries to reassure me again before placing a kiss to the side of my forehead and for a split second I almost forget where we are. 
Soon the doors are sliding open and I feel my heart start to beat frantically, but it’s definitely not because of the happy feelings I normally get when with Joe. His hand falls from my shoulder, but he keeps it on my lower back as he softly guides me inside. I push myself as close to the back wall as I can while he pushes the lobby botton. Not even a minute after he pushes it, the doors slide closed. I take a deep breath before looking at the ceiling above me and letting a shaky one out. 
I grip onto the railing until my knuckles are practically completely white as I wait for it to all start. The elevator gives a light shake before starting to go down and I move my grip from the railing onto Joe’s arm. He lets out a small laugh before pulling his arm from where I had latched myself to him and putting it around my shoulder. He pulls me into another side hug and squeezes my arm lightly, effortlessly making me feel slightly safer. 
“See, it’s ok. We’re fine. We’ll be in the lobby before you know it,” he explains with a light smile and I wrap both arms around him before nuzzling into his side more. 
“I guess you're right. Nothing's happening,” I sigh as I squeeze him a bit and he squeezes my shoulder back. 
It’s quiet and calm for a few minutes until the lights start to flicker. I look at the screen that tells us the floor number, but it glitches from twenty-eight to twenty-seven and I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. The elevator comes to a jolting stop, making me and Joe sway back and forth as he keeps his hold on me. The lights go out, leaving only an emergency light as the only source of light. I look back up at the number to see it still glitching, only this time it’s going between twenty-seven and twenty-six. I feel my heart start to race again as I realize what’s happening and I start to shake in fear. 
“Shit. Princess, it’s ok. We’ll be ok. Press the emergency button. I’ll try 911,” Joe explains as he pulls away and holds me by the shoulders before pulling his phone out. 
I step forward or at least I think I do, but I really don’t. I stay where I am, frozen for a moment before taking a big gulp and walking over to the buttons. It takes me a minute of looking over all the buttons, but I soon find the one with the big red E on it. I lick my lips and press it in hopes that the lights will magically come back on. When they don’t, I panic before starting to press the button over and over again. 
I only can hope that someone will answer our emergency, but my brain tells me to just keep pushing it even though nobody has. I feel a hand lay on my back and another one comes up to pull my hand from the panel of buttons. I look up at Joe and he pulls me into a hug and just holds me as he puts his phone up to his ear. 
“Hi, 911. What’s your emergency?” I hear a lady’s voice come over the speaker of the phone. 
“Umm, hi. I’m currently at the Hilton hotel, but uhh, I think the power must have gone out or something because we are stuck in the elevator,” Joe explains to her in as calm of a tone as he can so I won’t panic further. 
“Ok. Can you tell me what floor you're on?” The dispatch lady asks and I feel him move his head to look. 
“Umm, it’s glitching between twenty-six and twenty-seven, so maybe on twenty-six,” he replies and she gives a small ‘Hmm, ok’. 
“Are you alone, sir?” she asks and he shakes his head. 
“No,” he replies as he gives me a light squeeze again. 
“Can you tell me who’s with you?” she asks and he again nods even though she can’t see him. 
“Yeah. It’s just me and my girl here,” he responds back to her and my eyes widen. 
He’s never called me his girl before. It’s always been sweetheart or sweets or my best friend, but never his girl. 
I zone out as she asks him a few more questions and I don’t catch them at all, but soon he’s hanging up with her. He looks down at me before sighing and leading me over to the wall to lean me against it. 
“Sit right here, ok? I’m going to go call Natalia or Charlie, ok?” he asks and all I can manage is a light tiny nod as a tired feeling washes over me. 
I watch as he walks over to the other corner and types something out on his phone. He brings it up to his ear as his other hand rubs at his face. I feel shaky so I slip down the wall and pull my legs up to my chest before resting my chin on my knees. Hot sticky tears start to roll down my cheeks as I watch him scratch at his chin. Panic attacks aren’t a new thing for me, not at all.  
They've followed me all the way up into adulthood and Joe has seen almost every single one since we were about nine. This, however, is the worst one that I’ve had since I was maybe twelve. It didn’t help that I always overthought things growing up. Joe was always there to talk those thoughts out with me as he is now. But this… this was my absolute worst fear playing out in front of me. I remember all those nights in high school where I’d text him about how my brain just wouldn’t shut off and that I couldn’t sleep. 
He’d always known that was me telling him I felt an attack coming on. So he’d rush over from his house next door and cuddle with me to calm me. At first my dad never understood, until suddenly he just did. He started leaving the back door unlocked for Joe and I later found out my mother had told him how calm Joe made me. 
“Hey. Me and y/n are kind of umm… stuck…” he explains into the phone, sort of snapping me out of my thoughts. 
“Of course I’m fine. It’s y/n I’m worried about. She’s on the very edge of having a big attack,” he whispers into his phone and he rubs his neck as he listens to whoever he called. 
“Yeah. No. I’ll be ok taking care of her. I’ve been with her through almost every attack. I know how to keep her calm,” he tells them before pausing to listen to them. 
“Yes. I already called 911, they should be here in like five to ten minutes,” he answered whatever question was asked before shaking his head. 
“Umm, I don’t know. Could you guys just be down there when they do get us out?” he asks and nods to a few things that are being said. 
“Ok. Yeah. Thanks, man. We’ll see you soon,” he gives his goodbye before hanging up the phone. 
He shoves his phone back in his pocket before turning around. He looks down at me before frowning and coming back over. He lowers himself down next to me before putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side again. I start to cry harder and he rubs my back as he coos softly to me. I basically sob into his shirt while gripping it and he just keeps massaging my back lightly while continuing to coo soft nothings in my ear. 
“Hey, take a breath for me, please? Come on sweets, you can do it,” Joe’s voice comes out soft but authoritative as he still holds onto me. 
“Hey. There she is…” he says proudly as he softly holds my cheeks in his hands and rubs my cheek for a moment as he gives me a soft smile. 
He pulls away from me for a split second and takes his jacket off before he drapes the jacket over my shoulders. Then he quickly pulls me back into his side as he kisses the side of my forehead again, making me start to feel a little safer in his arms. 
“It’s ok, sweetheart. I’m right here. I’m not leaving. Just pretend we’re home and cuddled up in your bed,” he tells me as he rubs his thumb in circles on my lower back under his jacket. 
Back when Joe first found out he got the role of Steve, we were both so excited that his career would be taking off. Then we were sad because he had to move out of our LA apartment to go film. Not wanting to be away from me for long, he got me a job on the set as the “assistant” to the Duffer Brothers with production plans and decisions. So together we both moved to a new apartment and started our new jobs together. The girls always refer to us when we walk up as “and they were roommates!” before bursting into giggles. I schedule almost everything for Ross Duffer and sometimes I sit in meetings for him or I stay really late to help him with whatever he’d be doing on set. 
I also help make sure everything on set is to the actors and actress' likings. We did keep our old apartment for when we were back in LA, but for the most part we both stay in Atlanta more times out of the year. I just have more hours and a lot of work sometimes, so Joe and I always drive separately. As of lately, though, we have been carpooling a lot of the time. My sobbing slowly starts to calm down, but as I do I start to feel dizzy. I let out a light whimper and I nuzzle my head into his neck. 
“I promise we’ll be fine. I’ll get you out of here no matter what and when have I not kept a promise to my best girl, hmm?” he asks as he grips onto my hip and I jump, making him chuckle a little. 
“Joe… I’m dizzy…” I groan out and he nods before placing another kiss on my forehead. 
“I know. You always get dizzy after an attack. Just relax, ok. I’m not leaving you. I wouldn’t be able to leave you like this. It’d hurt too much to walk away. I love you, sweetheart,” he explains, his voice becoming breathless at the end as he pushes some of my hair away from my face. 
My eyes grow wide as I look at him and he just gives me a small smile as he shrugs. He reaches up to my cheek that’s not against his shoulder and wipes a still falling tear. 
Did Joe freaking Keery, my best friend since literal diapers, the guy I’ve lived with since graduating high school just tell me he loves me? No. I must just be imagining it after that attack…
“Do you wanna lay down? You still haven’t gotten your color back, sweetheart,” he asks after a moment and I nod before slowly moving. 
I start to lay down with my cheek on his thigh and he lifts an arm before laying it on the upper part of my arm. I keep his jacket around me like a blanket and close my eyes as he starts to rub my head. He starts to hum one of the new songs he’s been working on and I let a light smile take form on my lips. Soon his humming stops and it grows quiet for a few minutes. I can only assume that we’re both desperate to think of a way out of this elevator, but the more I think about it the more panic starts to set in again. 
“J…?” I whisper out with a hoarse voice from crying and I move to look up at him. 
“What, sweetheart?” he asks as he looks down at me. 
“Can you please, please, please just distract me? The silence is driving me insane and I don’t wanna overthink everything,” I admit and he smiles softly at me. 
I push up off of him and he quickly wraps his arms around me, pulling me so I lean against him. I snuggle my face into his chest and he lets out a chuckle. 
“Sweets, that tickles,” he notes as he laughs and I just shrug. 
“Wait a minute, were you trying to do that?” he exclaims when he sees a coy smile on my lips. 
“Maybe… you deserve it, though!” I joke and he rolls his eyes. 
“Why! You sneaky little thing!” he shouts before he gives my side a little pinch. 
We laugh for a few minutes before it goes quiet again so I slap his shoulder. He rubs at the place before shaking his head. 
“What was that for?” he asks and I shrug. 
“Talk to me. I can’t do the silence,” I explain and he nods his head. 
“Ok. Ahh, let’s see… Do you remember freshman year homecoming?” he asks and I nod. 
“Yeah. You almost did a Steve that night and got into a fight with Jimmy Kavinsky, Peter‘s little brother,” I remark and he rolls his eyes. 
“I didn't turn into Steve! I would have done a lot better than my character in a fight,” he proclaims and I give him a ‘really?’ look. 
“Joe. Jimmy’s always been bigger than you,” I deadpan and he groans. 
“That’s not the point!” he shouts in frustration and I grab his hand. 
“Ok. I’m sorry. What was the point?” I ask him calmly and he smiles. 
“The point is that I was there with Sarah, but I thought you were the most beautiful girl there,” he exhales exasperatedly from how fast he had been talking, rolling his eyes at himself as I smile, squeezing his hand encouragingly. 
“Then when I saw the look you had when Jimmy ditched you for Victoria, all I wanted to do was beat him and make you smile again,” he continues shaking his head as he frowns. 
“It wasn’t right to me that he put a frown on your face. You should always have a smile and if anyone took that away…” he finishes off with a sigh while refusing to look at me and my eyes tear up for a second before I reach up for his cheeks.  
“Awe, Joe…” I coo softly at him as I jokingly move his face around for a second. “If it helps, I didn’t want to go with him in the first place…” I remark and he gives me a confused look. 
“What? But you talked about it for a week before he actually asked you,” he mutters and I shake my head, letting go of his face as I now play with a loose thread on my shorts. 
“I only decided to go with him because you hadn’t asked me yet, you doofus,” I joke with him, now finally looking at him again and he still looks confused, so I sigh. 
“Allison stupidly got it into my head that Jimmy liked me and that he should take me since you, and I quote, ‘oh so obviously’ weren’t going to ask apparently. So I became laser focused on him. As I do with everything I normally shouldn’t be focused on,” I explain with a light shrug and he perks up. 
“Wait, you wanted me to ask you?” he asks, eyes lighting up in excitement and I giggle. 
“Yes, Joe. I’ve only had a crush on you since we were ten, but who’s keeping track?” I joke with another lame shrug and he shakes his head. 
“Wait, so I could have asked and you would have said yes?!” he shouts in shock and I giggle, nodding. 
“Aww man, I’m such an idiot!” he exclaims as he rubs at his face, making me giggle again as I grab his hand and pull them away from his face. 
“If it makes you feel better, I couldn’t stop thinking how handsome you were that night. I also just wanted to just run my hands through your hair,” I explain with a light smirk and he chuckles. 
“What is it with you and my hair?” he asks me and I grin. 
“What?! It’s just so cute and soft…” I murmur and he chuckles. 
“It’s also not so bad when you have the Steve hair added to it after filming too,” I sheepishly admit and he smirks. 
“So you have a thing for my hair, huh? Well I actually have a thing for yours too,” he explains as he reaches out to toy with a strand of mine. 
“Your hair is actually just one of the many reasons I love you,” I whisper out as I look away. 
It’s quiet for a minute and I decide to chance a look at him. When I do, I see his mouth slightly parted in shock and his eyes wide. 
Was it really so bad that I love my best friend? 
“I…I’m sorry. You probably meant-” I start to try apologizing, but I’m cut off when he slams his lips into mine. 
At first I’m still in shock from being in the middle of saying something, but I slowly start to kiss back. My arms reach up and wrap around his neck as his hands stay firmly on my hips as he pulls me ever so closer. I find my hands moving up to grip his hair as he squeezes my hips. 
Kissing him brings a pleasant warmth to my chest as he brings his hand up to my neck and holds me even closer. I feel his thumb rub my neck ever so sweetly, making more and more butterflies swarm my stomach. The kiss only lasts a few more minutes before we both pull away, breathing heavily. 
He rubs his nose lightly against mine and I smile softly as his hand now lays on my cheek instead of my neck. He smiles softly as he pushes some of my hair out of my face and I feel a blush start to kick in so I shove my face into his neck, making him chuckle. 
“Why you hiding from me, huh?” he asks as he squeezes my shoulder and I blush harder, shaking my head. 
I start to say something, but get cut off by a loud ding and suddenly to our surprise, the doors of the elevator are sliding open. We both look up as they open, seeing Charlie and Natalia standing next to some paramedics. Slowly Joe helps me get up as he gets up too and he quickly hands me over to a paramedic. 
“You go get checked out. I’m going to talk with Charlie and possibly the technician over there,” Joe tells me, but I grip his hand and shake my head. 
“Not without you. Please…” I almost whimper, not wanting him to leave my side and he squeezes my hand. 
“Sweetheart, you're ok. I promise I’ll come right back over in a minute. Natalia, will you stay with her?” he asks her and she nods. 
“See, Natalia will be with you. I’ll be quick I promise, just wanna understand what happened,” he explains softly and I sigh, nodding before letting his hand go. 
“Come on. Let’s get you looked at, yeah?” Natalia asks as she guides me over to a chair and one of the paramedics comes over. 
“Hi. My name is Hen. I’m just gonna look you over and make sure you’re doing ok, alright, sweetie?” she questions and I nod to let her know that I’m ok with it. 
“What happened in there, y/n? Are you ok?” Natalia queries as she fusses over me while I take a seat in one of the lobby chairs. 
“I’m fine. Joe kept me sane,” I tell her as I look over at him and he looks over at us. 
“Omg! You guys kissed, didn't you?!” Natalia exclaims at me with her eyes wide. 
“No…” I reply, trailing off as I refuse to meet her eyes. 
“Oh they so did,” Hen comments with a chuckle and I feel a blush creep up my neck. 
“Ok… yeah, we did…” I admit, biting my lip and Natalia just grins. 
“Y/n. Oh my gosh. It’s actually happening. I knew you guys would end up together. I told you,” she excitedly pushes my shoulder lightly. 
“Yeah, yeah,” I reply with a playful eye roll. 
Hen now asks me questions, if I could breathe properly and checks my heart rate as well as checking my blood pressure. Natalia hovers and it makes me roll my eyes with fondness at how she worries over me. Charlie and Joe stand over to the side talking with the tech, but Joe keeps looking over at us every so often. 
“Well. You’re doing okay, I would just suggest that you rest up a bit after all this,” Hen informs me and I nod tiredly as I feel the exhaustion come over me. 
“And here, take this,” Hen adds as she holds out some Advil for me along with a water bottle. 
“How’d you know?” Natalia asks and Hen turns to look up at her. 
“How’d I know what?” Hen asks in confusion and Natalia points to the advil. 
“That she gets headaches after her panic attacks,” Natalia illuminates and Hen chuckles. 
“A lot of people tend to. If you’ve been hyperventilating or anything that includes losing breath, you cut off circulation to the brain so it’ll definitely pack on a headache,” Hen expertly explains and Natalia nods along. 
“That young man that was trapped with her asked my partner if we could make sure she got some just in case. He seems to know you and your panic attacks very well,” Hen tells us as she points over at Joe and I blush lightly. 
“He’s been with me though all of them,” I shyly reply and she smiles up at me before she starts to put some stuff back in her bag. 
“Well I’m glad you have someone to help you though. Not everyone does. Now get some rest, you’ll definitely feel a little drained,” Hen says as she finishes putting her stuff in her bag. 
“Oh, she will be,” Natalia promises, making Hen smile softly as she stands, nodding before she leaves us be. 
“He’s looking over here at you,” Natalia jokingly taunts me. 
“I’m sure he’s only-” I start to again deny anything, but she cuts me off. 
“Here he comes,” she excitedly tells me with a smile and I shake my head in disbelief at her. 
“Hey. How’s she doing?” Joe asks her as he walks up to us. 
“The paramedic said she’s doing just fine. She just suggested that she rests after the whole ordeal,” Natalia explains to him and I roll my eyes. 
“Talia, I have work in the morning. Most rest I’ll be getting is an hour's sleep at the most now,” I retort with annoyance clear in my voice. 
“What! But-” she goes to reprimand me, but she stops when a hand gets placed on her shoulder. 
“Natalia, I got this. We’ll see you soon okay?” Joe softly asks her and she sighs before nodding. 
“You make her rest, you hear me?” she asks him and he chuckles, throwing his hands up in surrender. 
“Don’t you worry. I definitely will be,” he promises her and she nods one last final time. 
“Good. Well then, I’ll leave you guys alone. Y/n, I better not see you on set at all today, got it?” she asks when she turns back to me and I sigh, nodding. 
“Good. Now go and get really rested up. I’ll see you soon,” Natalia finalizes with a smile before nodding and walking away. 
“Come on. Let’s get you home. You need rest,” Joe comments as he holds his hand out for me. 
“But J, I really need to just go home and change,” I reply and he shakes his head. 
“Why are you so stubborn? Let’s just get going, come on,” he groans out as he pulls me up and pulls me into his side as we start to walk. 
“Sweetheart…” Joe sighs out as we start to see his car and I let out a hum. 
“Please just call in sick. I’m sure the brothers will be okay with it. You really had a big one and need the rest,” Joe pleads with me as we get closer and closer to the car. 
“J. I’ll be okay. I’ve made it on set with only an hour’s worth of sleep before. I can live off of none at all,” I joke and he stops us, pulling my hand to make me stop. 
“Please just call in sick,” he begs again and I sigh, letting go of his hand to start walking without him. 
“J. Really, I’ll be okay,” I tell him as I now stand next to the car and I hear him groan in frustration. 
Suddenly I’m being pulled around and I look up into his eyes. I look at him in confusion with my lips parted from the light squeak I’d let out. I stare into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes that seem to be infused with a light green that I’d never noticed before and lose all thought as I only see pure worry swirling around.
“J… I’m okay…” I whisper out and he sighs, shaking his head. 
He doesn’t even say a word, but I let out a confused hum as he lightly pushes me against the car. His hands now find my waist as his lips find mine and my arms come up around his neck. He kisses me for a moment before pulling away, sighing as he leans his forehead against mine. 
“Let me reword that. Call in sick, stay home with me and we’ll cuddle all day and just spend the day together letting you rest,” he pleads with me one more time and then it clicks for me. 
“Okay… I think that we can do…” I whisper out and he slowly grins. 
“Yeah?” he asks and I smile, pecking his lips. 
“Yeah. Let’s go home,” I confirm and now all the worry has seemingly left his body. 
“Ok then. Let’s go home,” he happily agrees as he goes to pull away. 
“Wait,” I call out as I pull him back in. 
“What?” he asks and I just smirk at him. 
“I want another kiss,” I tell him as I rub my thumb along his cheek and he chuckles. 
“Okay…” he agrees before pulling me back into another kiss, but all too soon he pulls away again and I’m left groaning, making him laugh. 
“Come on, you nut. Let’s get you home,” he chuckles, shaking his head. 
“But I want more kisses,” I whine out and he shakes his head as he opens my door. 
“You can steal all the ones you want when we get home,” he tells me as I get in and I grin up at him. 
“You promise?” I playfully ask him and he chuckles, shaking his head again. 
“I swear on my life, sweetheart,” he promises before closing my door and running around to his side. 
“And you wanted to take the stairs…” he jokes with a playful roll of his eyes as he starts the car. 
“Oh…! You…” I call out in my shock as I smack his arm and he chuckles. 
“Hey. I’m just stating the truth,” he shrugs and I smile at him as I cuddle up to his arm. 
“Oh, would you just be quiet,” I roll my eyes at him and he chuckles again as he continues to drive. 
The End
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stellatekintsugi · 2 months
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Joe Keery
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stardancerluv · 8 months
The Past Follows Like Your Shadow
Part 3
Summary: The pain still lingers.
Notes/Warning: Implied dom!Gator, dated/sexist views of marriage…sex.
Bullying behavior, hitting someone…
Coming soon…Gator Tillman smut
❤️s, reblogs, feedback are all welcome! Wanna be tagged please ask!
You distantly saw something fall onto your friend’s plate before a scream ripped from him.
“Gator? What’s the…?“ Your voice trailed off as you watched him fall and scramble from the picnic bench you both shared.
Moving quickly he was getting up and dusting himself.
“Are you ok?” You whispered.
Nodding he dusted himself off. You quickly noticed him rub the tears that had flooded his eyes when he fell with the back of his hand, luckily before the three goons that always gave the two of you trouble ambled over. Inwardly, you groaned.
“You are such a wuss Gator, they seriously should have scaredy-cat;” The other two chuckled. “You are no gator if a frog scares you.” Said the one who always did the talking.
Gator stepped forward. “I am not wus.”
“You are and you know it.” The older practically brushed against him as he also stepped closer.
Gator you noticed didn’t move away.
You blinked and the taller kid’s yelp startled you. That’s when you realized Gator had punched him in the nose.
“Hey now what’s going on here?” The much larger figured cast a shadow over all of you. It was Roy, Gator’s father.
“Nothing.” You managed to get out.
“Oh really?” His eyes darted to you.
You nodded and swallowed, the man terrified you. You saw one of his hands formed a fist.
The bully spoke up. “Yes, we were just horsing around Mr. Tillman.”
His eyes narrowed on him as he took a hand away from his nose that had become bloodier. The boy looked as if he shrank.
Never had you been relieved that everyone feared Gator’s father.
Then he turned to his son. “Gator?”
Startled awake you fell off your sofa with a thud.
Blinking, you looked around confused. The lights were on. Even the ac gently blew. Seeing Gator, had derailed you. Coming home, you tore through the boxes. You organized things in a blur to distract yourself. Before you knew it, it had been too late to get on the phone to settle anything with your Great Aunt’s bill.
Tiring yourself out, you had thought a short nap would help. You felt like you were all over the place, you couldn’t ground yourself with one emotion. You had not expected seeing gator would do that.
There was another knock at the door. This one vaguely sounded more urgent. It was that, that had woke you up from your dream of the past. But who could it be. Her neighbor had already brought over far too much food.
You looked down at yourself and straightened your shorts and tank top. Mabel, would just have to deal with your attire. You swore these old women, your aunt included had an endless array of moomoos to wear. She most likely going to invite you over for dinner like she had last night.
It had grown stuffy while going through her belongings before you had decided to take a nap. You had not intended to take such a long one. It was now dark out.
Fixing your messy ponytail you reached for the knob on heavy door. It barely budged. Sighing, you ended up needing both hands, it finally creaked open.
You gasped. “Gator?” You looked around then him up and down. “What are you doing here?”
A slow smile spread across his face. “I had to make sure they put on your electricity. Are you going to let me in?”
You gestured around you. “You, you?”
He nodded. “Who else?”
“Well, I was going to get it taken care of but, got distracted.” Inwardly you sighed. Grimacing, you nodded. “Sure but the place is a mess but sure.”
You didn’t know what to say, as he walked past you. The whiff from his cologne was distinctly stronger, you wondered idly if he had applied more before dropping by.
“How did you know?”
He turned on his heel to face you with lopsided smile you’d never forget as much as you tried to forget him. “Had my suspicions, decided to follow my hunch.”
You glanced down before looking back at him. “Well, thank you.”
He nodded. “Like I said Tulip let me help you.”
“That was for my car.” Your tone had an edge.
You had not meant to be mean, well actually you don’t know how you felt. You still had not been prepared to see him. You had hoped to avoid him all together.
“Is there any heavy lifting that needs to be done?”
He broke the silence, shedding his sheriff’s jacket. You bit your bottom lip as you watched his trim body move under his thin t-shirt. It looked even better under the leather harness.
Turning, he ran a hand over the boxes. “What can I help you with first?”
“What about Mary Sue?”
All you could see was that little pixie, Mary Sue the good little girl at all the Sunday church picnics. Who everyone loved.
He shrugged. “She’s a good wifey. She knows I work hard.”
You don’t know why, you honestly thought you were strong enough for all this. But his words cut across you like a slap across your face.
Over the last six years bitterness replaced the pain since leaving all of this behind.
“Any kids?”
You didn’t want to get surprised if you ran into them at the market.
“She won’t take my seed.”
He coughed. You watched as the vape once again appeared from out of no where. He had always promised he would be different then his father. He would not be cold and cruel.
But right then, his father could have easily said the same sentence. If there was any liquor in the house you would have made yourself a drink.
“I mean we are having problems. Father, brings us to church to pray on it.” He chewed his bottom lip. “He refuses to let us adopt. We wants to see he if her sister can be of any help.”
“Ah, right. He would do that.”
You nodded, quickly replying. Nothing had changed, you pressed your lips together.
He stepped closer to you. His body heat came off him in waves. You shivered.
You barely caught him sliding his vape away into one of his several pockets but you did feel as one of his hands wrapped around your arm. His thumb idly caressed you. “Relax. Its just me.”
His touch scattered your thoughts. Then you remembered the pain. “I left to get away from you.” Fire grew in the pit of your stomach.
He squeezed your arm. “What happened wasn’t my choice. You never let me explain.”
“Would it have changed anything?”
“I don’t know. I was a kid. We both were.”
“Yeah, but I was the one humiliated. Painted as the town harlot trying to seduce the sheriff’s only son.”
“We both know the truth.”
“Nobody else did. Not even my family.”
He pulled you closer. You didn’t know why you let him. His cologne tickled your nose. Bringing more memories to the surface.
“I never stopped thinking of you.”
It was all you had ever wanted to hear. You melted momentarily at the words. But them it hurt.
He was married and had become the sheriff. While you, you only had your dead great aunt’s house and the childrens’ books you wrote and got published.
You wrenched your arm free.
“I doubt that.” You spat out. His face contorted before it smoothed once again. You couldn’t read his eyes. “Are you upset that she hasn’t been able to carry on the Tillman name by giving you a son?“
He reached out and wrapping an arm around your waist and brought you against him. You struggled.
“Let me go.”
“No, stop. I don’t want to tame you like I would a stallion.”
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harringtons-cupid · 1 year
Happy 31st birthday the beautiful boy, of Joseph Keery.
MDI- 18+: this is so angsty??, forced (consensual) creampies, car sex!, dirty talk, clit spanking, clit play. Alcohol use!!, female ejaculation.
It was Joe’s birthday. And you weren’t here with him as his friends raised their glasses in a toast.
Sitting in his favourite restaurant, it had all been planned. It was clear that he wanted you back, he never truly let you go.
He was hoping that his birthday would change that, his friends had been in contact with you. Informing Joe that you were coming but as it got later, his eyes stuck on the glass door waiting for you.
Moving the food around the white plates, laughing fakely at every joke that was passed down the table. More bottle of wine were opened and drank by Joe, if he can’t see you he might as well be drunk.
Hours passed and you weren’t here, he began to get impatient. His friends collected their belongings and paid for the table, just as footsteps echoed across the floor. His heart was in his throat as he looked up, you lifted up a bagged bottle of champagne with a smile.
“Happy birthday Joe” your voice was sympathetic, still smiling as his friends patted his shoulder and murmured their goodbyes.
Leaving you alone with a long wooden table between you, Joe wanted to rush forward and kiss you. He wanted to scream, cry and shout but instead he nodded towards the door.
“If you come with me, this is the last time you leave me” his voice was stern and harsh, you felt your body shiver as he looked at you.
You knew that you could always make up excuses why you weren’t here but Joe knew why you weren’t there. It hurt him.
As you walked to his car, he threw you the keys and collapsed into the passenger. It speedy, making you laugh from lack of breath as you rushed through his busy home town. In those moments you both forgot everything that had transcribed between you, his eyes on you as you reached his house.
Leaning forward as the car came to a stop, his lips were damp from the alcohol. Hands rubbed up and down of each others bodies, panting heavily as you clambered into the passenger seat. Fumbling to undo his trousers, his lips kissing your exposed collarbones as his hands rubbed your clit.
You were already wet, the vibrations from the car had tingled you in a good way. His cock was throbbing, the sight of you always got him like this. Not to mention the amount of wine he had drunk before seeing you.
Moaning at the feeling of sliding inside you, it was uncomfortable as you were bent over him in the passenger seat but the way he looked at you was worth it.
Grinding against his cock as it hit your soft spot, yours fingers were on your clit as he held you down thrust into you.
“I’m so fucking pissed off at you, I can’t believe you missed my birthday” he gritted his teeth through his moans, staring at you.
“I’m sorry Joe, I don’t know why I missed it. I guess- oh fuck I thought you wouldn’t want to see me” you whined, your head hitting the rooftop lightly with every movement.
“Of course i want to see you” He groaned, his cock twitched against your tight walls.
With every flick of your clit, every moan that ripples through your body. You drew closer to your orgasm, Joe wasn’t making it easy for you to hold it in. Letting go of your hips, swatting your hand away from your clit he began to take control.
“Joe, you’re going to make cum” you panted, trying to hold yourself in the cramped seat.
“Cum for me, cover my seats in your cum baby girl” he cooed, spanking your clit with every thrust.
That nickname made you melt, he always called it you during your relationship and he knew that it would tip you over the edge.
Staring into his deep brown eyes as you felt your body shake, heavily catching your breath for a second. Watching Joe below you, who smirked up at you.
Gripping onto your hips tightly, moving you with his arms up and down on his cock as his whimpers filled the car. It was steamy now, your head still hitting the roof as his cock hit your overstimulated spot.
He was close but didn’t want to admit it, the surge of pride pulsated through his veins as his fingers dig deeper into your skin.
“Oh fuck” he whined biting his lip you grinded his tip against the top of your walls.
Continuing to move despite being pretty overstimulated, the idea of making him cum for you overpowered that. Smirking as you watched him grow weaker and closer to his own orgasm, whimpering under your control.
“Pull out, Joe” you whined as you felt him groan loudly, he ignored you and held you down onto his cock.
“This is what you get for missing my birthday” his body spasmed as his hot silky cum spurted out his cock inside you.
Forcing you to take every bit of his cum until only limited amounts of it dripped down your thighs and onto his car as you weakly moved over to the drivers seat. The windows were steamed up to the point that neither of you could see outside, Joe felt little of the effects of the alcohol from earlier.
Lifting up the gifted bottle of champagne and waggled it in front of you as you shimmied your clothes back on.
“Night cap” he smirked again at you, there was something so seductive about the way he looked at you.
You always found it hard to say no to Joe.
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
Joe Keery x Reader
Requests are open! Check my pinned post for details!
Also, I made YN's characters name Stephanie. It can be anything you want it just felt better with a name.
this was a request thank you, @snackycake1975
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You were terrified. Joe had been being extremely weird for the last few weeks. And the cast had been acting weird around you... Did you do something? You wracked your brain for an answer as you sipped on your morning coffee.
Joe hadn't been spending as much time in your trailer as usual. What if he wants a break? Or to break up, for real?
Was he just waiting until you finished filming? That eould make sense. Your characters were love interests, and breaking up might mess up the chemistry. That was why. The cast also knew. Definetly.
You set down your coffee and change into some fresh clothes. Just sweatpants and a T-Shirt, you would be changing into your costume shortly. You brush out your hair. No need for makeup or styling, makeup and hair crew.
You jump as a knock on your door startles you. You rush over and see Joe. Why is he here? Did he talk to the producers and they said he could 'dump your ass'?
"Morning, baby," he yawns. He walks in as you step back from the door. He takes a seat on your bed and motions for you to follow. You take a seat on his lap and he wraps his arms around, chin resting on your shoulder. *I'm sorry I do that cuddle thing in every fic. I'm so weak for it*
"Morning Joe. What's wrong?" You ask. You needed to know. If he was going to dump your ass, get it over with. You could handle it. Okay, you couldn't.
It was season 4, almost over. Stephanie and Steve were about to get a happy ending. As happy as it could be, Stephanie had lost her parents, steves we're still alive due to being out of state.
"Nothings wrong," he quickly says. Lie. "Look, I'm just nervous. It's the end of the season, I mean, we've been dating for almost as long as the show has been going on," okay. That seemed true.
"5 years," you reply. You had to get to filming, your crew would kill you if you were much later. You were going to miss not filming with the people for the year or so you would be waiting on the writers.
"Come on babe," Joe says grabbing your hand and you both walk out of your trailer. Gaten whistles when he sees you leave the trailer together. He was literally like your child. You and Joe had basically adopted him.
You flip him the bird as he sticks out his tongue and then Joe just laughs. "youre a dork," he mumbles and you give him a playful shove.
The crew quickly ushers you both apart. You being drug off and dramatically calling for your lover. You snicker as the makeup crew starts smiling at your antics.
You were in the middle of a heated scene. Stephanie has taken a hit from a few demobats and was loosing a lot of blood.
"Steph, please no," Joe said with gears in his eyes. This scene was going great. He knelt next to your body. He pulled something from his pocket.
"I was gonna marry you baby," he says. Your face probably looks shocked. This is not part of the script. You rack your brain. Probably trying to get a genuine reaction.
"I'm sorry Steve, I love you but ..," you couch up blood that had been in the back of your throat, another year escapes his eye, "I can't lose you, I do," is your last words before he picks you up and you pass out.
"CUT," you hear one of the brothers yell. Part of the cast somes running towards you as Joe sets you down. You smile when Gaten hugs you.
"What's going on? You know I hate surprises," you say as you receive hugs . You feel a tao on your shoulder and have to release Millie.
You see Joe. He is fucking. Proposing!?! He had a dianond ring. He is on one knee. A haloy tear slips from your eyes, "Yes," you varely whisper as a happy tears slips from both of your eyes.
He palaces the ring on your finger and picks you up spinning you. You are shocked as he sets you down. You place a kiss on his lips.
"Why did you make us wait?" Sadie asks. they knew. They most likely planned it.
"I-" joe can't come up with a reply so you just kiss him again. You kiss joe. You kiss your Fiance! Because you are.... engaged!
89 notes · View notes
liyliths · 1 month
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summary: you've just been dragged to the middle of nowhere, aka hawkins, indiana, with your pos father where the cicadas are loud and the neighbors are louder. after moving into your new trailer home that’s seen better days—probably in another lifetime, you somehow end up under chief hopper's care, hawkins' grumpiest cop. oh, and did i mention you found a creepy portal in the woods? how much weirder can this town get?
While the pair unloaded their meager belongings from the truck, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of bitterness that clung to her. She resented her father for uprooting their lives once again, dragging her to this dismal trailer park in the middle of nowhere. 
pairings: steve harrington x reader
warnings: brief mention of an argument between pos father and daughter, brief mention of foster care, cursing, otherwise none
word count: 4k
𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬, 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟑
The dusty road stretched ahead, flanked by rows of weather-beaten trailers that seemed to sag under the weight of years gone by. The summer sun beat down mercilessly, casting harsh shadows across the barren landscape. There were clothing lines in front of trailers, with clothes flopping around in the breeze. A battered pickup truck rumbled to a stop among the trailers, kicking up dust clouds in its wake.
“Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?”
A gruff muffled voice mumbled as music flowed from the headphones of a Walkman, and a girl moved her hair out of the way of her headphones. She took them off—flicking her eyes at her father who was trying to speak to her through the noise of her music. He looked at her with frustration filling his eyes, his hair complimenting his skin with its color. There was a sign of age and decay on his face, slightly reeking of cigarettes.
“You’ve got to stop with the damn music when I’m talking to you.” The girl’s father spat. She remained silent, looking at the details of her new home; Hawkins very own lovely trailer park. 
“Get out, let’s start unloading.” The man sighed and opened the truck door, hopped out, harshly shutting it behind him.
The girl sighed, unzipping her backpack in the foot space of the passenger seat and placing her Walkman inside of it. She stepped out of the truck, eyeing her new, run-down home. Y/N watched her father who carried boxes and house keys walk toward their home, a tan and brown trailer with a mini porch leading up to the entrance. The sound of cicadas filled the background in the forest behind them, with the not-so-friendly sight of neighbors arguing on their front porch in the distance.
While the pair unloaded their meager belongings from the truck, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of bitterness that clung to her. She resented her father for uprooting their lives once again, dragging her to this dismal trailer park in the middle of nowhere. 
But beneath the anger and resentment, there was also a flicker of something else—a glimmer of hope, perhaps, buried deep beneath the layers of disappointment and disillusionment. Maybe Hawkins could be a fresh start after all?
As Y/N finished unloading the last of the boxes from the truck into her room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over her. The first day at Hawkins High in two weeks weighed heavily on her mind, how long would she be in Hawkins? Will she fit in enough? Will making new friends and meeting new people even be worth it?
The girl then glanced up at the trailer park's entrance sign through her room's window, the words "Forest Hills Trailer Park" taunting her with its irony. The park was far-fetched from the idyllic suburban neighborhoods she had grown accustomed to in her childhood, thanks to the money her mother had left behind that is now gone due to her father’s irresponsibility after his decline, a reminder of the stark contrast between her old life and the harsh reality of her new surroundings.
As the sun began to dip below the horizon of Hawkins casting long shadows across the trailer park, Y/N took cautious footsteps toward her kitchen from her bedroom, passing the empty halls into the living room filled with moving boxes. She made her way to the kitchen and opened the small white fridge the previous tenants left behind, seeing it empty.
“No dinner tonight, birdie.” Y/N’s father spoke with a trace of alcohol lingering from his breath, calling her a familiar nickname—recalling the better days she shared with both her father and mother. 
“I’ll go to the store first thing in the morning.” He declared, and Y/N turned around to see him walking toward his room with a pack of beers in hand, stumbling slightly.
The girl harshly shut the fridge door, a look of resentment growing on her face. “You thought to bring yourself a pack of beer but didn’t think to pack any food?” She snapped, watching her father stop in his tracks. 
“You’re a fucking adult, you should think to pack your own shit.” He turned around, eyeing the girl’s frustrated figure standing at the fridge.
“I’m sixteen years old. We both know you won’t be the one going to the store tomorrow,” She hissed, growing more irritated while eyeing the pack of beers in her father’s hands. 
“Then starve, ungrateful brat.” Her father spat back, retreating to his empty and undecorated room.
Y/N sighed, hungry and defeated—treading her way out of the kitchen and back into her room. She opened the door to the dim atmosphere and walked toward a pile of boxes, then sat on her knees to begin unpacking. 
The first thing she pulled out of her boxes was a sketchbook with a set of colored pencils. She carefully held the sketchbook in her hands, opening it and skimming through the pages of her drawings that hundreds of hours had been spent on.
There were drawings of wildlife, landscapes, and people she would observe. One of her drawings that always stood out to her was Watson Falls from Oregon in 1982 where she previously resided before her move to Indiana.
It was one of her favorite places that her father had relocated to in his search for work, just as he had moved to Hawkins and the dozens of places before. The girl was not one to belong to a big social crowd, not wanting to get attached—knowing she and her father would pick up and move time and time again.
With a sigh, she closed her sketchbook, setting it with her colored pencils on top of other unpacked boxes. She took a deep breath and moved her hair out of her face, crawling over to her mattress in the corner of the small room, arranging the sheets and pillows she had thrown onto it amidst the unpacking. She laid down on the mattress, staring at the bland ceiling, letting sleep consume her.
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
Y/N sat crisscrossed on the damp ground with her sketchbook balanced on her knees as she felt a sense of calm wash over her. There was a slight breeze that caressed her cheeks, with her hair flowing in the wind. 
The girl’s cheeks were tinted with a slight pink as sweat began to trickle down her forehead due to the summer heat. The dense woods behind her trailer stretched out before her with the sounds of cicadas and other wildlife filling the thick, hot air.
With each stroke of her pencil, the girl captured the beauty of the landscape—the gnarled branches and twisted roots weaving together in a mesmerizing dance with sunlight peeking through the trees. As she worked, a strange sensation crept over her—an odd prickling at the back of her neck that sent shivers down her spine.
Glancing up from her sketchpad with and odd feeling, the girl's heart skipped a beat as she saw something glowing an orange and red hue in the darkness of the woods as the sun began to set. Overcome with curiosity, the girl hesitated for a moment before standing to investigate. With her sketchbook tucked under her arm, she ventured deeper into the forest, the dense undergrowth rustling beneath her feet with each cautious step.
As she rounded a bend in the wood’s trail, the girl stumbled upon a clearing bathed in an ethereal glow. In the center of the clearing stood a gnarled oak tree, its branches reaching skyward like twisted fingers grasping at the heavens. She began to hesitantly reach towards the mysterious glow—almost like a portal or gate, her hand becoming damp as she made contact with it, the other side foggy.
With a gasp—she suddenly pulled her hand back, watching as a figure traveled toward her through the other side of the portal. The figure made its way even nearer to the entrance, and the girl watched with wide eyes as the shadow covered the hue of the portal with its big figure. 
It’s presence was overwhelming and filled the girl with dread, not quite knowing what she was looking at. Before she could even process what was happening, a gnarly hand with long claws suddenly burst through the portal, a thick slime covering the girl’s face from the impact.
With a sudden jolt of fear, she turned and fled, the sound of her footsteps echoing through the woods as she raced back toward the safety of her trailer. She used her sleeve from her flannel to wipe the disgusting slime off of her face with fear overcoming her body. 
Even as she put distance between herself and the mysterious portal, she couldn't quite shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air—something was not right. Whatever that thing was, it did not belong here. 
No one would believe what she saw.
The girl swiftly opened her trailer door, rushed inside, and slammed the door shut behind her, catching her breath from running, putting her hand on her heart. The familiar voice of her father sent a chill down her spine as she read the clock—9:04 PM.
“Where the hell have you been, Y/N? You were supposed to be back by eight, sharp.”
The air was suddenly thick with tension. The girl stood by the front door as her eyes met her father's unsober ones. The trailer reeked of alcohol as her father's face grew more and more red with anger by the second. 
“I’m sorry, I lost track of time. It won’t happen again.” Y/N softly spoke, beginning to trail her way back toward the safety of her room.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Her father stumbled his way over to her, beer in hand, grabbing the girl’s arm. “Away from you,” She coldly stated, harshly pulling her arm away from the man.
“Yeah, run away from your problems just like your mother did.” Her father spat, and the room was silent for a moment, with tension suffocating the air. Suddenly—the girl grabbed the beer bottle in her father’s hands and smashed it onto the floor with resentment growing in her expression.
“You little shit—you think you can do that? This is how you treat me? After everything I’ve done for you!” He slurred, his voice rising, looking at the glass shards from the beer bottle that covered the floor.
“Done for me? You’ve done nothing but ruin everything!” Y/N shouted back, her voice cracking as she felt tears forming, her next words hesitating for a moment. “Mom would be ashamed of what you’ve become.”
Her father staggered closer to her, the scent of alcohol thickening as it entered the girl's nose. “You think you can talk to me like that?” he asks, coldly. “I’ll teach you—you little brat, some fucking respect.” He turned around and stumbled toward the kitchen, opening the fridge to grab another beer. 
As the girl turned around to exit the situation and retreat to the safety of her room, she was suddenly met with a beer bottle struck at her from across the kitchen into the living room, barely missing the side of her face and smashing into the empty, undecorated wall in front of her next to the hall.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” She screamed, turning around, the feeling of betrayal flooding through her system.
“You like that, huh? You like to smash stuff? I’ll show you what it’s like!” Her father screamed back, grabbing the whole beer case from the fridge, smashing it onto the floor. The girl’s body filled up with fear, and she fought tears, helpless, watching as her father found more and more items from the kitchen to destroy.
Abruptly, he stopped everything he was doing and angrily staggered into the hallway toward the girl’s room, kicking the door open with his foot. “No, no, what are you doing?!” Y/N followed him into her room, tears now streaming down her face, watching as he searched erratically through her messy, unpacked room, throwing things out of his way—smashing her belongings in the process. 
He seemed to have found what he was looking for, reaching for her sketchbook that was under her pillow. “Don’t!” She screamed, throwing herself toward him to try and grab her hard work carefully drawn on all the pages.
“This is what happens when you disrespect me!” He shouted throughout the trailer, opening her sketchbook and tearing it in half. The desperate girl threw a weak fist at her father’s chest, watching as anger boiled in him. 
In a flash, her father struck her, sending her reeling into the wall. She began to sob, feeling the betrayal sting and bruise her face, watching as her father continued to tear up the pages she spent hundreds of hours of her time on.
Y/N and her father constantly fought, but never on this level—this was the first time he’d ever laid hands on her. Her father threw the shredded paper onto the floor and left her room. She looked around her room, seeing her belongings shattered from the fight. Her body trembled, and she crawled toward her destroyed hard work. 
The girl attempted to piece the pages back together, but hopelessness began to infiltrate her body. Through her tears, she noticed as the room flooded with bright flashes of blue and red lights coming from outside her window, and she squinted, looking out of the window to see police vehicles.
In the other room, the girl’s father silently cursed at himself and staggered his way to the living room. The flashing red and blue lights of police cars illuminated the front yard, lighting up the darkness from the night outside. 
Y/N’s father looked out the living room window next to the front door, seeing the chief of police step out of his vehicle. His expression was grim as he made his way up the trailer porch, firmly knocking on the front door.
“Chief of police, Jim Hopper, open the door!” He knocked loudly, his voice commanding as he announced his presence. The door swung open, revealing Y/N’s father—Thomas, who was visibly agitated. The sight of a policeman momentarily sobered him, but the anger in his eyes remained.
“What do you want?” Thomas snarled, alcohol reeking from him, attempting to block the chief's view of the chaotic scene inside.
“There was a noise complaint, step aside,” Hopper ordered, his voice leaving no room for argument. Pushing past Thomas, the six-foot man entered the living room and took in the scene—the broken lamp, the smashed objects and alcohol, and a girl with tear stains standing in the hall, holding the side of her cheek.
“It’s just a small mess, my daughter over here had a meltdown, she just got a bit clumsy, I—” Thomas started with an excuse, his voice full of hidden guilt as the chief examined the scene.
“You’ve done enough,” The chief stated coldly to Thomas. “Sit down and don’t move.”
The tall-figured man, Hopper, turned his attention to the girl with his demeanor softening slightly. He took light steps toward her, asking quietly, “Can you take your hand off your face?” 
The girl looked to her father for approval, but the chief intervened. “Don’t look at him, kid, look at me.”
She reluctantly moved her hand to her side, clenching her fist at her side, not making eye contact with the authority figure as he examined the bruise forming on her cheek with tear stains covering her face. “It’s going to be alright.” Hopper fondly stated as he put a reassuring hand on the girl’s shoulder, before turning around and putting his attention back on the drunk. 
He pulled out his handcuffs, looking at Thomas. “Put your hands up, you’re under arrest for domestic violence. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in court.”
“What?!” Thomas slurred defensively. “Tell him, Y/N! I didn’t do that to you!” He desperately pleaded as his daughter watched him get handcuffed by the chief with tears in her eyes. The police chief took the man outside, shoving him into his partner's vehicle. 
“You didn’t even have a warrant, you can’t arrest me!” Thomas argued inside of the vehicle. “I’m surprised you’re even sober enough to have that thought,” Hopper shook his head, slamming the door shut. “Well Chief, he technically is right, we should’ve had a warrant.” The other officer with brunette hair and glasses spoke, giving a slight shrug.
“I’ll meet you at the station,” he tells the other officer, brushing him off, beginning to make his way back to the trailer. “I’ll take care of the kid.”
𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
“And then that’s when he struck you?” A police officer with dark skin questioned as the girl was in a rather fragile state, holding an ice pack to her cheek. Her eyes were on the clock—10:48 PM. 
“Y/N?” The same voice resurfaced, while another intervened.
“Give her a break.” The girl looked up, seeing it was Chief Hopper who spoke. “Go home, guys, it’s getting late. I can handle this.” The chief commanded his officers, and they agreed, packing their things to get a night's rest at home.
“Look, kid… you can’t stay at your house until you have an adult guardian staying with you,” he started, fondly. 
“Do you have anyone you can call? Any other family?” He gently questioned, watching as the girl shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She slowly shook her head with a carefully guarded expression. 
The officer sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. He couldn’t bear the thought of watching this girl go through the foster care system—knowing all she needed was a stable environment, especially at the end of her teenage years.
“Alright,” he nodded to himself. “Your father will be going through court for custody over you for domestic violence charges. The system will place you in foster care for the time being. But I have an offer,” The chief rose his eyebrows and watched as the girl shifted her guarded expression to him, listening. 
“I can pull a few strings, and as long as you’re comfortable with it, you can stay with me kid.”
The girl was silent, observing the chief. He had a soft and unsure expression written on his face, and his mustache covered his lips, while his chief hat hid his brunette hair. The girl's eyes were guarded but vulnerable, the man can see it.
“Thank you,” She started speaking softly, pausing. “I don’t want to go into foster care... I love my dad, but he’s… this fight was different.” She paused again, changing the subject, shaking her head. “I wouldn’t mind staying with you while this is figured out.”
"Alright then, let’s get you settled in tonight.” The chief fondly smiled, reassuringly placing a hand on the girl’s tense shoulder.
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
The evening settled over Hawkins casting long shadows, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. The girl found herself nestled comfortably in the chief of police’s trailer that was isolated in the middle of the woods.
The warmth of the crackling fireplace enveloped her as the fall season approached, offering solace and a sense of security that she hadn't felt in a long time. A new sketchbook Hopper had gifted Y/N upon hearing of her interest in art sat in her lap as she sketched the sight of the fireplace. With her pencil in hand, Y/N sat opposite Chief Hopper, the sound of the fireplace filling in the ambiance. 
“How are you feeling?” The man broke the awkward silence, glancing over at the girl. 
“Considering the circumstances, I’m alright.” She bluntly stated, observing the beer bottle in Hopper’s hands with pill bottles scattered across the coffee table in front of him before shifting her focus back on her sketchbook.
“Good. That’s good.” The chief nodded, listening to the fire crackle throughout the trailer until Y/N, sat across from him, broke the silence. 
“You know you should stop with that stuff, being Chief of Police and all,” She spoke, giving a small shrug as her pencil glided across the page she was working on.
“That might be a good idea, huh?” Hopper remarked, giving a soft chuckle as he slowly began to realize that the kid had a point, thinking about how it might even trigger her looking back at the conditions of her father’s home, with beer bottles smashed across the house and pills scattered in the kitchen. Thinking about her father, he remembered the status of Thomas's case. “Your father’s court date is in December… in the meantime, he legally can’t contact you.” Hopper started the difficult subject, watching as the girl continued sketching in her book. The date in the corner of the drawing read August 3rd, 1983.
“He’s been released from jail, and he has the option to fight for custody against the state in his court hearing.” The man added.
“And if he doesn’t?” The girl asked quietly, attention still on her sketchbook. 
“You’ll belong to the state.” Hopper reluctantly finished, silence filling the air once again.
“Anyway, the first day of school is tomorrow… have you met anyone you’re going to school with yet?” Hopper changed the subject, in hopes to lighten the grim mood.
“I haven’t had the chance to go out and meet anyone,” She stated, quickly ending the conversation, leaving Hopper to wonder what else to talk about with the girl before bed—until he decided to just leave it.
"Alright kiddo, I’m going to hit the hay. I’ll take you to school in the morning.” Hopper stood up, retreating to his bedroom. 
“Sounds good. Thank you,” Y/N softly replied, hearing a gruff “mhm” from the man as he departed to his room. As the night grew later and the fire dwindled to embers, the girl prepared for bed, her mind buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead—her very first day at Hawkins High.
worlds apart navigation next chapter
taglist: @anqelically @cupofjoekeery @steviespookie @hailqueenconquer @just-tiredman @x-theolivia @fuckshitslover
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moonpascaltoo · 7 months
Fic Recs (steve harrington)
just some of my favorite one-shots or series i’ve read on ao3 and few from tumblr. all works ranging from 1.5k to 30k+ i believe. 18+ readers!
some have a tumblr that i tagged, but others i couldn’t find . i am doing this on mobile which is a bit difficult haha! i read these all (except 2) on ao3 so the links will be ao3. i know some are here on tumblr but i didn’t realize till after reading and making this! <3
steve harrington
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come home by @stevie-petey <3💕
-"come home to me, okay?"
"always," steve promises
in between saving will, then hawkins, then somehow the world, you fall in love with steve harrington.
(a stranger things rewrite).
dancing with our hands tied by @andvys
-You and Steve have never seen eye to eye, and it never changed, not even when you were pulled into a world of monsters and risked your life to save him. But tension had always been between you both, something that neither of you ever wanted to admit -- but how much longer can you take it when the pull between you gets stronger and stronger each second you spend by each others side?
paint me red by eddiemunsons ao3
-You're one of Vickie's best friends. Her girlfriend, Robin, is in need of a distraction for her best friend, Steve Harrington, who you vaguely remember from school. Which is where you come in.
i’m your idiot by thebestandworstdayofjune ao3 @thebestandworstdayofjune
-Steve Harrington has a way of worming himself into your heart, and social situations you had done your best to exclude him from.
small hands, big heart by finalgirlharrington ao3 @sexybabystevie
-Steve Harrington has a massive crush on you, but his recent lack of luck in the romantic sense has him stuck on how to make a move. Plus, something about you makes him nervous in a way he's never been – in a way he likes. His simplest solution? Flirting via the old 'comparing hand sizes' method.
promise by Harley_Honey_Quinn ao3
-Reader learns about Steve's feelings thanks to some Russian truth serum.
kiss me by @corrodedseraphine
-Your friend is desperately trying to find a person who will give him something more. Wanting to feel what it's like to be loved again and after many failed dates he gets the idea that it's time to go back to King Steve's famous tactics. Telling him that it's not the best idea gets you involved in a deal where you have to help him get another girl. Will helping the boy you're in love with turn out to be a good idea? Probably not.
every rose has its thorn by @corrodedseraphine
-Christmas is coming to Hawkins. It is a time of joy and forgiveness. It turns out that your sister's best friend is looking for a new place to live, and you happen to have a spare room in the apartment. It wouldn't be a problem if that friend wasn't Steve Harrington. A man whom the more you try to avoid even more often comes back like a boomerang.
hearts on the telephone line by t_lostinworlds ao3 @t-lostinworlds
-You thought Steve was okay dealing with a long-distance relationship after you moved for an exciting internship in New York. But you were proven so wrong when your boyfriend finally poured his feelings over the phone. Because distance wasn't making his heart grow fonder, it was breaking it.
competitively stupid by t_lostinworlds ao3 @t-lostinworlds
-It was stupid, jumping off a cliff just to prove that you were better than Steve fucking Harrington. But you were competitive. You were not losing to him. But you know what was stupider? For it to take a near-death situation for you both to confess what you truly feel for each other.
perfect blend by Your_Writer ao3
-No one likes their summer job. Working at a coffee shop was sticky, exhausting, and overall boring. In fact, the highlight of your day was the charming, gentle eyed sailor scooping USS Butterscotch just across the way.
the things we don’t say by rdrickheffley ao3
-Steve Harrington once was the bane of Y/n's existence. He had always been an arrogant asshole and a terrible kisser. She never understood how others fell for the boy's eye-roll worthy charm. Now it seems like he will do anything to prove her wrong about anything.
next time? by rdrickheffley ao3
-Three instances where Steve and reader find themselves in intimate situations.
candyfloss and confessions by ACourtofSnakesandStars ao3
-You’ve been in love with Steve Harrington for years, like every cliche come to life. You’ve battled monsters, found friends within kids with superpowers, and you even managed to graduate. Yet the one thing you’ve never been able to do, is tell Steve how you feel. But maybe you don’t need to wait any longer.
a night to remember by RaeWrites94 ao3
-Steve has to attend his 10 year high school reunion and somehow manages to convince you to go as his date and his fake girlfriend. You've had feelings for him for a long time, but figure, why not? You could probably survive an evening of pretending he liked you back and come out unscathed. Right?
with bated breath by brianmay ao3
-Rumors fly after you attend Steve Harrington’s party one weekend in September. Thinking they were his doing, you do everything in your power to avoid him, which proves easier said than done.
cross my heart (and hope to die) by @talesofesther
-Every time Steve gets hurt, you're there to help pick up the pieces; you just weren't expecting him to fall for you in the process.
tales of a love between the lines by @talesofesther
-Sometimes the thing we want most is right in front of us, and Steve might be just that for you; all you have to do is see what he’s been showing you for a long time.
love is easy by seidenbros ao3
-The day you wrote I love you on a post-it note before you'd said the words out loud, and it's the best note Steve ever got.
everything means nothing if i can’t have you by iridescentpetrichor ao3
-Steve and Y/N go on a double date to impress the other one, but it's only so long until the tension between the two breaks.
you’re not by frostandflames ao3 @frostandflamesfanfic
-The year is 1985, you're on a school field trip to cheer on Hawkins High at the championship game before spring break. When the game doesn't pan out as expected, you're even more surprised to discover the one and only Steve Harrington in only his underwear at your hotel room after being locked out by his teammates. What happens when the two of you have a little heart to heart?
last christmas by frostandflames ao3 @frostandflamesfanfic
-You and Steve had always been childhood friends-and remained that way. As Steve ping-pongs around in his relationship status, you have a hard time keeping your feelings to himself as Nancy surrounds his entire world. What Steve doesn't know is his relationship to Nancy may end your own with Steve.
the scoundrel and the princess by @mrshipsmcgee
-after an awkward run in with Tommy Hagan, Steve Harrington is invited to an awful party where he meets a beautiful stranger.
cling by aloevera
-For as long as you could remember, you and Steve have been close. What others see as clingy, Steve sees as comforting, right? Or, you fell in love with your best friend and suddenly, everything is too much.
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whumpypepsigal · 28 days
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@whumpgifathon | Day 17: “Hugging”
Deputy Gator Tillman in Fargo 5x10
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eufezco · 1 month
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𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙇𝙐𝘿𝙀𝙎 : steve harrington, eddie munson, billy hargrove
♡️ fluff ☆ angst ☽ smut
english isn't my first language !!!
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DADS HEADCANONS | ♡️ billy, eddie, jonathan, steve
SMUT HEADCANONS | ☽ billy, eddie, jonathan, steve
you're way too drunk to have that conversation with steve.
he isn't that confident when it comes to you.
HELP | ♡️ ☆
you and your nightmares spend the night with steve.
WAIT FOR IT | ♡️ ☆ ☽ king!steve
you think steve maybe didn't make the best decision when he broke up with nancy because of you.
x byers!fem!reader. steve and your family help you to go through the grief of losing your best friend.
steve has to face his feelings in the worst way possible when billy hargrove, the guy you kissed last night, knocks on your door.
steve, nancy, robin and eddie are in the upside down, you are paranoid that something might happen. steve has to reassure it won’t.
🩷💜💙 | ♡️ x bi!fem!reader
a conversation with robin, eddie, you and steve about your sexualities.
WE | ♡️ ☆ x hopper!female!reader
you go running to steve after finding out that your father, jim hopper, is alive. you reunite with him and jim and steve realize that they are now family.
MAX'S DATE | ♡️ ☆
you and your boyfriend steve help max after surviving vecna to get ready for her date with lucas.
based on the quote: if I were to kiss you then go to hell, i would. so then i can brag with the devils i saw heaven without entering it.
he has been neglected so when the time comes, steve doesn't know what he likes.
VECNA'S CURSE | ♡️ ☆ x hargrove!fem!reader
while visiting the grave of your brother billy, you are cursed by vecna.
your pottery lesson to steve ends up in something better.
i just think that steve would be the biggest queen fanboy.
a conversation between steve and his mom about his friends and you.
king!steve x munson!reader. after saying something horrible about eddie munson in front of you, steve finds out that he's your brother.
... READY FOR IT? | ♡️ ☆ ☽
you overhear a conversation between steve and robin about how you and him haven't had sex yet.
TAKING CARE OF MAX AT THE HOSPITAL | ♡️ ☆ x hopper!fem!reader
you want to be by max's side while she's in a coma in the hospital but it's consuming you. steve asks your father for help to get you out of there.
NEW YEAR'S EVE | ♡️ x hopper!female!reader
celebrating new year's eve with your boyfriend, friends and family.
THE PRETTIEST GIRL AT HAWKINS HIGH | ♡️ x plus size!reader
DREAM OF A LIFETIME | ♡️ ☆ x pregnant!reader
your lack of communication had caused you and eddie to distance yourselves from each other. now he, robin, steve and nancy were trapped in the upside down, and you regretted not telling him you were pregnant earlier.
STAY SAFE | ♡️ ☆
you are the only person that knows where to find him.
what were those stains on eddie's mattress in that scene in 4x07?
WHITE LIE | ♡️ ☆
after being accused of crissy's murder, eddie hides and breaks up with you. when you findnd out you are pregnant, you tell everyone that it's steve's (your bff) baby but eddie can't do the math since two months ago you were still together.
you reunite with your friends from hawkins after a couple of years but now you are famous painter who just got divorced and eddie is the lead singer of the most famous band yet the tension between you is the same it was years ago.
eddie plays master of puppets in his guitar while you touch him.
you are in a party and someone puts something in your drink. luckily, billy finds you before anything bad happens to you.
you're a baddie but then billy finds out you also got some trauma from your parents.
you are a good girl dating billy hargrove. all of your friends try to warn you that he is the type of boy who will break your heart.
billy sacrifices himself for you during the start court battle.
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muldermuse · 3 months
Not me thinking about Two Sinners today 😇 (Love, love, love this series!!)
What if one day reader overhears Roy degrading Gator in public (like, absolutely tearing him to shreds), and it really rattles her. So, despite her better judgment, she comforts Gator with more than just sex. He hates being vulnerable, but with the reader, it just feels right, and it blurs the lines of their relationship even more than in the past.
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nsfw below the cut ✂️
you were never meant to hear it, it was pure coincidence that you were packing your grocery store bags into your car as roy was tearing into gator. gators looking at the floor, fiddling with his watermelon vape as roy’s hand digs harder into the muscle of gator’s shoulder. roy’s tone is low and measured and gator flinches with every word.
you’ve heard roy speak to gator like this before, over the phone and multiple times in person. so you’re unsure why this upsets you so much. maybe it’s because gator looks so sad, usually he can shrug off his father’s insults with a muttered remark or a grovelling apology. but these past few weeks have been hard for gator. the sex is charged and angrier than usual. the way he grips your hair and slaps your ass leaves more of a sting. you’re both enjoying it and you know better than to ask gator what’s wrong. seeing him in this moment makes you realise you need a check in with him.
when he comes by your home later, he looks tired. his shoulders hang low as if he’s carrying the weight of this shitty town on his shoulders. your tone is softer than usual “y’look exhausted gator”
a comment like that would usually force gator to get defensive, unable and unwilling to hear any criticism but he shrugs his shoulders and replies “‘m the fuckin’ sheriff, shit’s exhaustin’”
it’s on your lips to tell him about hearing him and roy. part of you wants to hold his hand and tell him that his father is wrong, that you know he has it in him to be a great man and it’s this awful environment that he lives in that makes him like this. gator would never admit it but you know him better than anyone, certainly better than his father and glenda.
instead of telling him, you ask him to tell glenda that he has to go out of town for the evening so you can spend all evening together. you lazily make out in the shower as the warm water beats down on you. he gets comfortable on your sofa with a blanket and watches his favourite show; sipping the cold beer you brought him. the pasta you cook for him is simple, you eat together on the couch and when you’re done, gator wraps his arm around you and presses a kiss to your forehead. a silent thank you.
the sex later is soft. his thrusts are slow and kisses are messy. you dig your nails into his ass to force him deeper into you. you tell him how good he is as he cums in you. he falls asleep with you laying on his chest and he swears he can hear you whisper that he’s a good man just before he passes out.
the following morning, you pretend it never happened 🫠🫠🫠
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justmeinadaze · 3 months
Small Doses (Gator X Plus Size Fem Y/N)
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A/N: Some of you asked for a series so I'm providing you with this here :). It takes place before this request except for those last couple of paragraphs. That's after. ENJOY!
Warnings: Dominate/ Mean( ish) Gator Tillman/ Plus Size Fem sub reader, SMUT, LOTS of dirty talk, light smacking, light choking, public (ish) sex (no one is around but anyone could come by), degrading, edging, blindfolds and restraints, aftercare always.
Light Fluff near the end.
ANGST (because I'm me), Gator is a bit possessive (she's his!), reader discusses her annoyance with his relationship with his father, enemies to lovers, cliffhanger ending (you're welcome).
Word Count: 4289
"Oh baby, I said "just a little bit" Then I got a taste of it Now you got me falling at your feet And now we're cryin' and lovin' And now we're fightin' and touchin' Feels like I'm making love to the enemy."
You both panted heavily, your back pressed against his chest as you tried to catch your breath. His arm was still wrapped around your stomach holding your steady while your own arm circled around the back of his neck. Gator’s eyes were still squeezed shut as he basked in the feeling of your pussy still clinging to his cock inside of you. 
The deputy had come by to tell you that they still hadn’t found anything when it came to the man that robbed your bar and when he got sassy with you, you smacked him hard. You hated Gator Tillman with a passion but when he responded to your slap by grabbing your hair and bending you over one of your pool tables, you didn’t object. 
The dirty words that left his mouth had you dripping and by the time he slammed his length inside of you, you were more than ready. You hated how fucking good he felt stretching you out and the way his large palms fit perfectly around your equally large breast. You hated that even as one of the bigger girls in town, he was still strong enough to man handle you into any position and place he wanted till you were whimpering for him to make you cum. 
You hated that he filled you to the brim with his release and still you wanted more. 
Your sweaty forehead rested on his cheek and in turn he craned his neck till his lips softly found yours. It was a tender contrast to what had just transpired but you were grateful for it in your current head space. 
After a few minutes, he pulled out of you and handed you a napkin from a nearby table without meeting your eyeline. 
“Thank you.”, you whisper. 
After nodding awkwardly and buckling his pants, Gator turned and powerwalked out the front door. 
What the fuck just happened?  
For the next month, nothing changed or transpired when it came to you and Gator Tillman. He continued to be an asshole and showed up at your bar with his friends after work hooting and hollering at any woman that walked by. 
“I bet she can bend in ways no man has ever seen!”, another officer shouts after he loudly whistles at the young lady who walked past. 
“Fuck, I’d love to hear her scream my name.”, another laughed before chugging back his drink. 
“Oh, yeah. Just like that.”, Gator mimed in a high pitch voice that had you rolling your eyes. 
“Please. Like any of you idiots can handle a beautiful woman.”
“Oh, come on, Y/N! Don’t be jealous.”
“Of you idiots? Naw I’m good.”
“No, I mean of the beautiful women.”
Up until then Gator had been chuckling with his friends but at the remark his eyes darkened as he punched the other officer’s arm hard. His grumble was low but you could swear you heard him say, “Don’t be a fucking dick or I swear to God…”
When you were running errands around town, you till saw him backing up his father with this air of arrogance that bothered the hell out of you. 
“Good morning, Y/N.”
You jump slightly at the sound of the elder Tillman’s voice as he stands behind you in line at a restaurant where you were picking up some breakfast and coffee. 
“Sheriff Tillman, Gator.”, you nod as you address both men as politely as possible. 
“How’s your dad doin’? I heard he got sick last week. Caught that flu bug that’s been going around.”
“Hm. Like you care.”
“Hey! This is an officer of the law and you will show respect.”, his son growled your way but his father held up his hand to silence him and addressed you again. 
“I do care. As a member of this community—”
“You tolerate him but you don’t care. My dad is just another vote in your pocket. You don’t have to be nice to us. No one in my family votes for you, Roy.”
As your eyes flicked towards Gator, you expected to see annoyance but found what looked like confusion. No one ever stood up to his father not even him. 
How did you have the confidence to do that?
It wasn’t until a couple of weeks later, you saw that angry look in his eyes again. That look he gave you at the bar before fucking you senseless. 
It was a normal night for you at work as you served drinks and received some good tips. You felt good in your new black tank top that was tucked into your too tight jeans that hugged your curves and thick thighs just right. A gentleman you didn’t recognize sat at the end of the bar making small talk with you as you did your job running back and forth. 
You didn’t think anything of it until a familiar smell filled your nostrils and the sound of glass slamming against the counter got your attention. 
“Another beer, now.”, Gator grunted.
Glaring his way, you snatch the cup from his grasp and begin to refill it. 
“A please wouldn’t kill you, Tillman.”
“How about this, Y/L/N? How about you please put on a fucking a shirt that doesn’t flash your tits to everyone in the fucking bar.”
“Huh. Didn’t realize you and your daddy started policing what people wear now.”, you sass as your eyes meet his and pour half his drink into the sink before sliding the rest his way. “Last call.”
His fury filled eyes snapped towards the stranger as he snickered at your display. 
After walking away, the man scooted closer to you and you both giggled about the incompetence of the police in this town. He told you his name was Liam and that he was just passing through but he wanted to get to know you. After giving him your number, you closed down the bar and he walked you to your car. 
“I’ll see you on Friday?”
“That sounds like a plan.”
He grins your way before reaching out to caress your cheek making you blush as you giggle like a nervous teenager. After watching him get on his motorcycle and drive away, you climbed into your own car and began you short drive home. 
You didn’t even notice another car was behind you until the sirens on the cruiser began to wail. 
“Fuck.”, you sigh as you pull over and roll down your window. 
“License and registration.”
“Gator? What the fuck?”
“I said license and registration…please.”
You glare at his sarcastic tone as you do what he says and he snatches them roughly from your grasp like you had with his glass. 
“So are you going to tell me why you pulled me over, Officer?”
“Broken taillight.”, he replies nonchalantly as he continues to look at your license and slowly saunters backwards towards your trunk.
“What? I got that fixed a few months ago—” The sound of breaking glass cut you off as Gator bashed the end of his flashlight against your car as the taillight shatters to the ground. “What the FUCK?! You can’t fucking do that!”, you shout as you get out of your vehicle and march towards him. 
His jaw tightens as you shove his chest. 
“Get back in the car before I arrest you.”
“I’m not afraid of you Gator Tillman! You’re going to pay for that!”
As your hand flew, he caught your wrist and forcefully shoved you face first against the hood of his cruiser. Taking ahold of your other arm, he cuffed your hands behind your back and kicked your legs apart with his foot. 
“You have the right to remain silent…even though we both know you fucking wont…so I’m going to shut that mouth for you.”
You blinked as a quick rush of relief washed over you when you realized you weren’t really going to jail before a new feeling took over as his large palms ran up your legs.  When his fingers lightly grazed between your thighs a little sigh left your lips. Rising to his full height he roughly yanked you off his car and continued to run his hands along your body. 
“Face forward.” He grumbled as you craned your neck to look at him when he unbuttoned your jeans and his palm slid under the waist band of your panties. “Little girl is so wet.”, he cooed mockingly as his middle finger slid through your folds grazing your clit. “Is that because of me… or that fucker you were making fun of me with at the bar?”
“No…no, I wasn’t…”
“Don’t lie to me. Little whore couldn’t help herself could she?”
“Gator, please—ahhh—I’m sorry.”
“I bet you’re sorry. Don’t worry, baby. You’re gonna make it up to me.”
Abruptly, he pulled his hand from between your legs, spun you around, and shoved you to your knees. As he unzipped his pants and freed his cock, you couldn’t stop thinking about how degrading this was. Any car could pass by and see what was happening. You were on the side of a deserted road at 2 in the morning on your knees for Gator Tillman of all people.
But you loved it. 
As his hand rested on the top of your head and his other guided the tip of his length to your lips, you salivated at the notion. 
“That’s right, you little brat. Open wide for me.”
Flattening your tongue, you allowed him to use you as he lifted your hair into a makeshift ponytail so he could watch you struggle to take all of him. 
“Fuck, baby, that’s it. Fucking choke on my dick. Y-You can remember this when you let—shit—some other asshole touch what’s mine.” When your head shook, he gripped your hair tighter as he pulled out of your mouth and a string of your spit followed. “Something to say?”
“I didn’t let…I don’t…”
“Y-You didn’t, huh? Fucking liar.”, Gator growled as he shoved himself back into your awaiting mouth and thrust his hips. “I saw him touch your face and I saw you allow it. Some—mmm—stranger who doesn’t know you or a-appreciate you.”
Again, he pulled out and bent till his face was level with yours. 
“I’m gonna cum on these tits so whenever you show them off like you did at the bar you’ll remember who you belong to. Who’s fucking cum you begged to have on your chest.” His palm lightly slaps your cheek as his eyes continue to bore into you. “Beg me, Y/N.”
“Beg me to cum on you.”
“Gator, please. I need you to cum—”
“Cum where, little girl?”
“On my tits.”
His hand lightly smacks you again. 
“Louder! Like you mean it!”
“Please, Gator, I want you to cum on my tits!!”
“That’s better.”, he grunted as he shoved his cock back in your mouth and thrust his hips till you felt him shutter against you. 
Continuing to stroke himself rapidly, he pulled back and aimed for the valley between your breasts as his movements became sloppy and his release coated your skin. 
“Fuck.”, he panted as he fell to his knees and aggressively hugged your head to his shoulder. 
You don’t know what possessed you but your lips tenderly kissed his neck and in response he lightly tugged on your hair, tilting your head back so he could kiss your lips. It was a lot more passionate than the last time and you welcomed it. 
After a few moments, Gator rose to his feet and tucked his cock back into his pants before reaching for your bicep to help you stand. Disappearing in his cruiser, he came back with a tissue and cleaned your chest while also adjusting your outfit. Instead of turning you around, he reached over you to uncuff your wrists and as soon as you were able, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders tightly to pull him into a hug. 
Not used to this display of affection, it took him awhile to respond but when he did, he held you equally as tight. When you finally let him go, he reached into his back pocket to pull out his wallet and hand you some bills.
“For the taillight.”, he mumbled.
He flashed you a small smile after you thanked him and silently headed back towards his car. 
“I have a date with him on Friday.”, you shout towards him causing him to still with his back to you. “Unless there’s something I should know about going.”
Silently, he climbs into his car and the engine comes to life.  Visibly hurt by his lack of words, you run to his open window. “I thought I belonged to you.”, you growled through clenched teeth. “But I get it. I may belong to Gator Tillman but he’s already owned by someone else…Roy Tillman.”
Angerly, his head snaps in your direction as his hands clench around the steering wheel. 
“If you go on that date, Y/N, I’ll make you regret it.”
“Wow, honey, you look fucking gorgeous.”
“Thank you.”, you beam at Liam as you twirl your dress for him to admire.
You genuinely considered skipping your date due to Gator’s warning, you really did, but you also knew that you meant what you said about him catering to his daddy. You couldn’t wait around for Gator Tillman to get his act together even if you did enjoy the couple of instances you both were intimate with each other. 
Could you really even call it intimacy? He was fucking you and using you like a whore. You were never going to be anything more to him and you were fine with that. You were never meant to be what Roy Tillman thought a wife should be so you needed to move on and find someone else who could love you for you. 
“Oh, um, I’ve never been on a motorcycle.”
“No problem. Just sit behind me here…”, he instructed as you both straddled the bike and he smirked your way as he took hold of your arms to wrap them around his waist. “…and hold on tightly. I can do the rest.”
By the time you got to the restaurant, you were already annoyed. Liam sped through every stop and weaved through traffic like a mad man, scaring the hell out of you so much that you prayed Gator was nearby to pull you over.
Unfortunately, you suggested having dinner outside of town in the hopes that you were far enough away from him and his police force to stumble on you disobeying his warning. 
Is it disobeying? We aren’t together and the Tillman’s are the worst especially Gator. I can’t lie though that the idea of him catching me here drives me crazy.
As dinner wore on, your eyes began to glaze over as your date continued to talk about himself and the many adventures he had been on that got him laid. 
At the sound of your name, you looked up meeting Gator’s calm but angry irises with both relief and slight fear. 
“Ugh, what do you want, Tillman?”
“I’m sorry to interrupt your date, but your sister was in an accident. Your mom sent me to come get you.”
It took you a second to catch on to what he was doing. You didn’t have siblings of any kind but this stranger wouldn’t know that. 
“Oh…Oh no! My sister!? Is she alright? Liam, I am so sorry but I have to go!”
The officer smirked at your display, tilting his hat towards the other man before heading out the door with you in tow. 
“Wait! Should we reschedule or—”
Not even bothering to respond, you practically ran to his cruiser and hoped in the backseat. A bit too calmly Gator got in the driver’s seat and began his destination to what you assumed would be your home. 
“Thank you…for rescuing me… He was such a fucking asshole.”
“Hm. With the way he drove, I’m not surprised.” Your eyes widened as they met his in the rearview. “What? You thought I wouldn’t follow you? You thought going to some restaurant outside of town would keep me from finding out that were going on a date with that fucker?”
“Wow. No wonder your father allows you to be a police officer in our town. Obviously there isn’t much for you to do or be responsible for.” Gator grumbled at your insult as his hands on the wheel tightened. “If you’re so jealous why didn’t you pull us over?”
“I thought about it when I saw your arms wrap around his waist and your head rest on his back but then I saw your face as he was driving, I thought it was a good karma for you disobeying me.”
“I didn’t disobey, Tillman. I’m not yours TO disobey. You made that very clear.” As he slams on his breaks, you fly forward and quickly try to brace yourself on the gate in front of you. “The FUCK, Gator!”
The car door makes a loud bang as he gets out and angrily opens the back to reach for your arm to yank you to the edge of the seat. 
“Say it again.”, he commands roughly, glaring at you as you both pant heavily. 
“I’m NOT yours.”
Snaking his hand behind your neck, he pulls your forward to his lips crash to yours. You absolutely hated the vape taste but you enjoyed the taste of him and the way his tongue massaged yours. 
“Yeah…well…we’ll see about that, won’t we? Now, sit back and shut the fuck up. Do I make myself clear?” When all you could do was nod, his hand slid further up till it was laced in your hair before tugging on it firmly. “I said do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Gator.”, you whimpered causing him to smirk down at you with a cocky smile. 
“Good girl.”
“Gator, pleeeeease…”, you whine as he pushes the vibrating toy further into your cunt. 
You had been laying in his bed, blindfolded and restrained for what felt like an eternity. His handcuffs were starting to dig into your skin where had been constantly pulling on them as he brought you to the edge before pulling away and leaving you desperate. The silk ties around your ankles were succeeding in keeping your legs open as the officer played with you, switching between utilizing his tongue and the vibrator to drive you crazy. 
You desperately wanted to look at him, imagining him sweaty and just as needy as you but the scarf around your eyes prevented you from being able. All you could do was listen to his light chuckles, moans, and the toy as he continued to edge you. 
“What’s wrong, honey? Little girl want to cum? Oh, if only you had listened to me instead of going out with that idiot. This is just a horrible night for you all around, huh, baby?”
“Please…I’m sorry…I need to…need to cum.”
“Do you know how much I hated seeing his hands on you?” Picking up his pace, you moaned loudly and a soft laugh escaped his throat. “Shhhh, Y/N. Wouldn’t want my dad to hear you and find you here in bed with me. May ruin that hardass reputation…”
“Don’t care…I just want…you…Gator, please…”
You sobbed as he once again brought you close to a release before yanking you back and you weren’t able to see but his beautiful honey eyes softened at the sound. After listening to him move around, you jerked away when you felt him cradle your head in his palm. 
“It’s ok, sweetheart. I’m giving you some water. Just wrap your lips around the rim here. Good girl. Such a good girl.”, he praised making you feel giddy at the sound. “You did so good I’m going to give you what you want, baby, ok?”
“Thank you…thank you… C-Can I see you?”
As the blindfold is removed, you try to refocus your eyes right as he’s taking his place between your legs. 
“Fuck, Y/N.”, he groans as he guides himself into your sensitive entrance. “So fucking tight. Don’t worry—mmph—I got you, sweetheart.”
With reckless abandon, Gator pounded his hips into yours needing a release just as bad you did. When his headboard started to hit the wall, he quickly slammed his palm against the wood to keep it still as he thrust himself into you as hard as he could. 
“Say my name, Y/N.”
“Oh my God, Gator, just like that.”
“Is that the spot, baby? I know. No one can make me you feel as good as I do.”
“N-No one. Please, Gator, make me cum.”
“I’ll make you—mmm—make you cum. I’ll cum with you, honey. Would you l-like that?”
“Yes! Pl—”
The officer’s free palm closed around your mouth as his eyes watched yours roll back and he felt your heavy breaths warm his skin as you clenched around his cock, coming harder than you ever had in your life. 
“Oh, shit.”, Gator grunted as his rhythm faltered and you felt him warm your insides. 
After a few moments to compose himself, he diligently removed your binds and disappeared into his bathroom before returning with a rag to clean you with.
“Are you ok? Do your wrists hurt?”, he whispered making you softly smile his way.
“Why are you whispering after all the noise we probably made?”, you murmur back.
A smile you had never seen on him the entire time you had known Gator Tillman flashed across his face making your own grin grow as you both nervously chuckled. Mid-giggle, his hands cupped your face as his lips found yours. Neither of you moved, just allowed your mouths to touch as his thumb tenderly caressed your cheek. 
When he pulled away, your heart cracked when you noticed all the emotion in his eyes recede before clearing his throat. 
“Yeah so, um, take your time and whenever you’re ready I can take you back home.”
“You don’t know me, Tillman.”
“I’d like to, Y/L/N.” Your eyes met his as he continued. “I know you hate me but I’d like to prove to you I’m not the asshole everyone thinks I am.”
“Ok.” Gator’s eyes widen excitedly as your smile grows at the sight. “But I swear to God if he comes at me with ‘A woman’s place is…’—“.
“You can say whatever you want to. Just know, though, that I can keep you safe and take care of you.”
“I know, Gator. I know.”
Your conversation you had with him lingered in your brain for the next couple of days until the night of your first official date with the officer you used to hate with a passion. 
He picked you up and, like a gentleman, introduced himself formally to your father, opened your car door on the passenger side of his cruiser, and adorably gave you some flowers he had bought before heading to your house. 
“Gator, thank you but you don’t have to try so hard.”
“Pfft, who says I’m trying? I’m always this polite and sweet.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.”, you giggle. 
After arriving at the restaurant, it took you both some time to find a groove but once you did, talking to him felt almost effortless. He made you laugh constantly, neither of you caring about the patrons who were side eyeing you both the entire time. When you reached out to casually touch his hand, he felt like he was on top of the world. 
“Gator.” At the sound of his father’s voice, he promptly pulled his hand away from your own and sat up straighter in his seat. “I heard you were out here having dinner with a friend but I didn’t know you were friends with Y/N.”
Your date froze, not saying a word as his gaze shifted to the floor. 
“So how long have you two been hanging out?”
Roy’s tone was loaded with condescension as he looked between you and his son. That didn’t bother you as you were used to that kind of behavior from the eldest Tillman. What was pissing you off was that Gator wasn’t speaking up. He said you could say whatever you wanted but you didn’t expect to be saying everything.
“Oh, Roy, we’ve been hanging out on and off for a while now; at my bar, his cruiser, and even your house! Right, Gator?”
When his honey irises locked with your own eyes, you could see the conflict within them but he insisted you were safe with him and that he could take care of you. What if his dad insisted he needed to date someone who was the opposite of you. With the way he was acting, it seemed he’d agree and not defend you when the time came. 
“Hm, I see. Well, don’t worry, Sheriff, we won’t be hanging out anymore.”
“Y/N, wait—”, Gator pleads as he reaches for your arm as you grab your bag and rise to your feet. 
“Don’t fucking touch me! It seems you’re already in a committed relationship and there’s no room for me.”, you spit as your angry eyes size up his dad. “Leave me alone, Gator. I’m done dealing with your bullshit.”
“You and me both, girl.”, Roy murmurs sarcastically as he turns towards his son. 
Usually, you would say something snarky back at him referring to you that way but you didn’t have the strength. You need every ounce of energy you could muster to find the courage to turn away from the man you starting to fall for before he broke your heart. 
@ilikegirlswhoeatcarrotsblog @dashingdeb16 @nailbatanddungeon
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worth-the-chaos · 9 months
Adventures in Babysitting Masterlist (ongoing)
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Series Summary: As Dustin’s babysitter, you encounter the perils of the Upside Down as you try desperately to rid Hawkins of the evil lurking just below the surface. However, you’re not alone; you have the gaggle of kids as well as the one and only Steve Harrington by your side as you risk your lives attempting to solve the mysteries of your once quiet rural town | steve harrington x fem!reader (message me to be added to the taglist!)
Chapter summaries and links below the cut!
Part 1 - You haven’t been babysitting Dustin for very long. Underestimating his tendencies for rebellious behavior, you realize too late that he’s snuck out, with your dire search for the boy leading you to the last place you wanted to be: Steve Harrington’s house. | Word Count: 6.5k
Part 2 - With the events of last fall in the past, you attempt to move on, still working on your academics and babysitting Dustin. You and Steve have drifted since your encounter with the otherworldly, but he begins to make more active efforts to talk to you, making sure you have an invite to Tina’s big Halloween party. | Word Count: 6.3k
Part 3 - Billy is still hitting on you, Steve’s still mad, and Dustin’s still a pain in the ass to babysit. When he tells you and Steve that there’s a massive problem of upside down proportions, the two of you have no choice but to drop everything to help the boy, reprising your roles as badasses who eradicate the supernatural in Hawkins. | Word Count: 7.0k
Part 4 - Looking for Dart isn’t easy, but it gives you and Steve a lot of time to have a heart to heart, as you slowly start to realize your feelings for one another. | Word Count: 6.5k
Part 5 - The situation with the demogorgons gets increasingly more dire, leading you to the Byers’ house to wrangle four kids that can’t listen to save their lives (literally) while everyone tries desperately to save Will and the world. | Word Count: 8.9k
Part 6 - It’s summer, and you and Steve are working at Scoops Ahoy so that you can make money while Dustin is at summer camp. The lines between friends and something more continue to blur as your relationship with Steve gets more intimate, allowing doubt to creep in…and the Russians are invading Hawkins. | Word Count: 6.4k
Part 7 - You continue attempting to translate the code, commencing your operation to determine the nature of Russian involvement in Hawkins. Robin and Dustin continue their attempts to push the two of you together, tired of the mutual pining…oh and Erica has enough sass to probably take out an entire Russian army. | Word Count: 5.9k
Part 8 - Well, the five of you do get in that secret room, but the problem is you can’t quite find a way out. Tensions rise as you realize the gravity of the situation, the forced proximity revealing hard feelings between you and Steve. | Word Count: 7.2k
Part 9 - Held captive by the Russians, tensions rise and as you and Steve attempt to navigate communicating in a drugged up haze, your feelings for each other become even more apparent. | Word Count: 7.4k
Part 10 - The Russian invasion and the upside down begin to merge as you meet up with the rest of the crew. You are in the fight of your lives as you scramble to try to stop the monstrous creature from the upside down before it destroys you. | Word Count: 5.8k
Part 11 - Steve and you are finally officially dating, the kids are finally in high school and no longer need any sort of official babysitting, and life is overall pretty damn good. You try to push aside the unease settling in your chest, but how long can you ignore it before it manifests into something much worse than you could possibly imagine? | Word Count: 6.7k
Part 12 - The evil that you thought you had gotten rid of is still very much lurking within Hawkins. You, your boyfriend, and your friends race against time to try and find Eddie before it’s too late. | Word Count: 6.5k
Part 13 - As you all attempt to connect the dots of the gruesome murders occurring around your small but sinister town, secrets start to spill when Steve realizes you’ve been keeping things from him. | Word Count: 7.2k
Part 14 - Nancy and Robin take a shot in the dark and Steve tries to protect you from the supernatural. When the darkness comes to get you, will his love be enough to protect you? | Word Count: 6.0k
Part 15 - Racing against the clock, you and your friends desperately attempt to connect the dots before it’s too late. Your efforts bring both progress and peril as you and your boyfriend dive headfirst into life-threatening scenarios in order to save each other. | Word Count: 8.8k
Part 16 - For all your encounters with the Upside Down you hadn’t had to deal with it directly. Now, in a fight in foreign territory, you and your friends must struggle to find your way back to the Hawkins that you are familiar with. | Word Count: 9.7k
Part 17 - After finding out more information about Vecna, you and your friends prepare for the worst, and tensions rise as you mentally prepare for the possibility of a future without you in it. | Word Count: 7.7k
Part 18 - You venture into the Upside Down once again in an attempt to find Vecna and stop him in his tracks before he can bring about the end of the world as you know it. With Steve and your friends by your side, you fight against time to get to Vecna before he can get to you. | Word Count: 7.2k
Coming soon!
Steve takes care of your injuries | Word Count: 2.2k
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strangererotica · 3 months
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Steddie Gladiator AU - Emperor Geta x Empress Reader x Gladiator Steve
Includes: lots of drama, power imbalance & abuse of power, infidelity, Geta is a cruel, sadistic husband to reader, forced intercourse & pregnancy, violent language used, character death implied, unhappy ending.
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He was a slave who fought in the arena against his will. You were a slave of a different kind, married to an emperor against your will. By all accounts, your paths should never have crossed. Yet somehow, they did.
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You didn’t even know the man’s name, and you didn’t need to. It didn’t matter that he was a slave, beneath you in every way…except for when he was on top of you…his muscular arms enveloping you, his thick cock pumping between your legs.
In battle, he was savage, vicious in his quest to survive the arena. But in your bed, he was everything the opposite of brutality. He loved you tenderly, cherishing you. Your husband the Emperor had never made love to you, only fucked you, not unlike the way he treated his concubines.
Geta was cruel to you, deriving pleasure from your sorrow, from both the physical and emotional pain he caused you. One way the Emperor achieved this was by taking you anally every single time he fucked you. With absolutely no concern or care with preparing you for penetration, your husband took what he believed was his by right. He refused to fuck your cunt lest he accidentally come inside you, because denying you the possibility of pregnancy was another way the Emperor expressed his cruelty. One of his more sinister goals was to ensure that his first heir be conceived with a concubine, instead of his wife. What a humiliation for you, Geta reasoned, to deceive all of Rome into thinking a whore could provide him an heir, while his own wife could not.
But your lover, the slave, the fighter, was gentle and sweet with you. He made love to you any way you wished, because for him, your pleasure was his pleasure. He avoided coming inside you, however, to avoid the suspicion of the Emperor. Should you fall pregnant, the revelation of your affair would be inevitable. And you both knew that if your husband learned of your adultery, he’d execute you both, brutally.
In private, the gladiator longed for you. He spent every endless night you were apart dreaming, (as you did) of an escape…of a world in which you could both be free.
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Tragically, it didn’t take long for the Emperor to learn of your affair. However loyal your handmaidens were to you, they were not so loyal as to risk their lives to protect your secret. Geta had spies in every corner of the palace, always listening, always watching. The Emperor was a jealous, paranoid man. He frequently put servants to death whom he feared may be plotting against him. Always in the back of his mind, lingered the fear of assassination from one of his numerous enemies. Geta had very little trust in any of the men he kept company with. He trusted his wife even less.
Keeping your relationship with the gladiator a secret was virtually impossible, under the regime Geta operated. And even without Geta’s spies, your attraction to the gladiator could not be easily concealed. You watched him fight, seated beside your husband, who took more interest in your studying the gladiator than he did the fight itself. Emperor Geta wondered what it was about this slave, apart from all the others, who had captured your affection in such a way? He envied the lust you clearly felt for him. Geta saw the way you squirmed in your seat while watching this man fight, in a way you never did for any of the other hundreds of slaves who had fought and died in front of you. Geta noticed the way your hands rested on your lap throughout each battle, how your fingers dipped ever-so-subtly to touch yourself when you thought your husband wasn’t looking.
A twisted new idea bloomed in the Emperor’s depraved mind. How exciting would it be, he imagined, to confront his wife and her lover in the midst of committing their sin? The following night, flanked by two armed guards, Geta ambushed you and your lover in your bedchamber. As his men drew their swords, he threw himself across your body, shielding you. “Do not take her life, I beg of you,” the slave implored, anger simmering in his eyes like fire. “If revenge is what you desire, then pay what is owed with my blood-.” He swallowed, squeezing your wrist. “-Not hers. She is innocent of all wrong. I…” Your lover quickly formed a lie, which he hoped would convince the Emperor to spare you. “…I forced myself upon the Empress, your grace. I attacked her while she slept, unattended by her maids-.”
Geta interrupted by clapping his hands in a sarcastic applause. “Your lies are noble, slave,” Geta jeered. “Quite an excellent performance, in fact. But unfortunately for you and my wife, your efforts at deceit are made in vain.” The Emperor’s wild eyes landed on you, a chill crawling under your skin. “I’ve known of your traitorous affair for weeks, my wife.” He took a step toward you, his pale skin illuminated like a ghost by the single candle burning at your bedside. He reached to touch you; you flinched when his cold skin made contact with your cheek. Geta smirked wickedly, before shifting his attention to your lover.
“It has been reported,” the Emperor continued. “That when you fuck my wife, your seed never enters her.” Geta tipped his head, curious. “Why is that, slave?” When your lover failed to respond immediately, the Emperor shoved his face within an inch of the gladiator’s, and shouted “TELL ME, while you still have the luxury of breath!” He spat at your lover’s eyes, as tears streamed from yours.
“It is a protection, my lord,” you managed to say, your voice high and wavering. “He did not want to overstep a line, by making me with child-.”
Geta interrupted with a cruel, maniacal laughter that startled even the guards behind him. “Overstep a line?!” he parroted back at you. “As if allowing a filthy slave to touch you was not?? His body still caked in dirt and blood from the arena-?” Geta struck you across the cheek, making you cry out. Your lover lunged for the Emperor, and was met with the tips of two swords placed at his neck.
“I once thought,” Geta mused, an eerie calm tinting his speech. “That to sire an heir with a concubine would be the ultimate method of humiliating you, my darling.” His fingers caressed the raised welt forming on your cheek where his hand had struck you. “But I clearly lacked imagination,” he continued. “Because perhaps nothing would shame you more, dear wife, than to be forced to carry the child of a slave…” Geta smiled villainously, his body teeming with a quiet rage. “…Forced to watch your lover killed,” he continued. “Brutally, horribly…while carrying the bastard child he’ll never have the chance to know-.”
The gladiator jerked, prompting the guards’ blades deeper against his flesh, piercing it slightly. “-That,” Geta concluded. “Would be the ultimate punishment befitting a traitorous whore like you.” He stepped back, encouraging his men to do the same. As their blades left your lover’s neck, he turned to face you, his eyes desperate and longing, moving a hand to tenderly caress your wound.
“You will impregnate her,” the Emperor demanded, nodding to the bed on which you both were seated. “Now.”
The gladiator took your hand, squeezing it gently, his expression defeated.
“Let her know the pain,” Geta added, a sick grin on his lips. “Of feeling a dead man’s child kick and squirm in her polluted womb…”
You bit your lip to restrain a flood of tears that begged release, looking into the eyes of the man you loved. His tenderness was the only love you’d ever received, and he’d given it freely, knowing the risk it carried.
“NOW!” Geta shouted, his voice rattling with rage, spit flinging from his mouth. The gladiator nuzzled his nose against yours, his hand still softly caressing your cheek, his voice low and gentle as he whispered, “it is only us…” You tried not to sob as he repeated, his words a hypnotic balm, “it is only…us…you and I alone, my love…”
As you sank gratefully with him inside the fantasy his words encouraged, the world around you both began to fade. Your husband’s voice felt far away, as he shouted once more for the slave to obey his command. And like a dream, a beautiful dream you’d lived so many times before, your lover laid you softly back against the bed…and made love to you, for the very last time…
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itsriabby · 5 months
Ok but imagine Steve coming home late after a long day at work. He gets in and calls out for you while he takes off his jacket and hangs it up. He leaves his keys on the little table by the door and after calling you a couple more times, he gets a bit anxious when you don’t answer him. His heart picks up and he starts looking for you all over the house, feet quick and breathing quicker. He knows everything that happened with Vecna is gone now, but what if it’s not? What if they took you? What if you’re down there again? What if your hurt-
Suddenly, in the middle of his worry attack, he hears rustling of bedsheets. The bedroom. He gets to the room, and slowly opens up the ajar door.
Oh. You were just sleeping. Everything is fine. You’re fine. You’re safe.
He lets out a breath of relief and gets closer to you. He looks at you, really looks at you. At your relaxed expression, and he finally calms down. Even asleep, you’re so beautiful. Looking at you, he really forgets about all the ugliness in the world, all the horrors, all the violence, all evil. You’re everything that’s right in his life, and he really doesn’t know what he’d do without you.
And so, he doesn’t even care that he’s hungry and hasn’t eaten all day, he just takes off his uniform and slips into bed next to you. You curl up to him unconsciously, and he swears he’s the luckiest guy in the world.
Because he’s got you. And he’ll do anything to protect you, even if it means fighting democreatures in another dimension. Again.
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