#Jinns For Money
its-not-a-pen · 2 years
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im so sorry i put more effort into making memes than writing my story 
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thedietelf · 2 years
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cross everything over with the star war
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amliyatkamaster · 5 months
How to Call Jinn For Help
Quickly as possible. According to luck someone gets more money. So someone is not able to get even one meal properly. In such a situation, some people think of how to call jinn for money. But they do not find any guru to guide them properly.
How to Call Jinn For Help
The jinn is a money making machine. Once you start it, no one can stop you from becoming a millionaire. Jinn will eliminate all your money problems from their roots.
Although there are many means to attain spiritual wealth, like lakshmi sadhana, kuber sadhana, apsara Sadhana, but the easiest and quick to accomplish sadhana is considered to be jinn Sadhana.
The name of the jinn who will come to help you today is Ifrit jinn. This is a muslim jinn. This Jinn was also with allahdin. Who used to do all the work of allahdin immediately. Whatever allahdin needed, he would rub the magic lamp, and the Ifrit jinn would come out of that magic lamp, and would fulfill all the wishes of allahdin.
Today you have to summon Ifrit Jinn without any magic lamp and will tell you how to befriend him.
First of all you search for such a place. Where no one comes and goes.You have to bring one and a quarter kg of any sweet and take it home in advance.
Now you have to go to that place with sweets at 1 o’clock in the night.
You have to sit on the floor and keep sweets in front of you. And a desi ghee lamp has to be lit.
You have to chant this mantra 41 times by closing both your eyes. Mantra- Share Shram Ifrit Jinn Prakat Hun Phat Svaaha
As soon as you have chanted the mantra 41 times, only then you have to open your eyes. As soon as you open your eyes, you will see a ifrit jinn standing in front of you.
Whatever work you ask this jinn to do, he will complete it within a short time. The amount of money you will need. You can order it from this jinn. Ifrit jinn will bring a pile of money in front of you. There is only one condition for this implementation, that you do not have to tell anything about this money to anyone.
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archeo-starwars · 1 year
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jinn-mori · 1 year
Dear commission artists of Tumblr, what do you use for getting money from your commissions? I've heard some bad things about Paypal, I don't trust Cashapp, and I'm pretty sure Venmo is US exclusive.
Ko-fi seems like my best option, but I'm new to this whole thing, so could you help a girl out?
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saphronethaleph · 4 months
“There are… rumours, in the Senate, about Master Kenobi,” Palpatine confided. “Many believe he is not fit for this assignment.”
“Not fit?” Anakin repeated. “Why would anyone think that?”
Palpatine spread his hands slightly. “They say his mind has become fogged by the influence of a certain female Senator.”
Anakin blinked.
“That’s ridiculous,” he said. “Who?”
“No one knows who she is,” Palpatine said, slyly. “Only that she is a Senator.”
“Oh, okay then,” Anakin replied. “It’s complete nonsense.”
Palpatine frowned.
“You seem very certain about that, Anakin,” he noted.
“Yeah, but rumours are usually pretty specific about details like that,” Anakin shrugged. “It’s a rumour in the Senate, right? So it’s a rumour about a Senator, too.”
Palpatine began to object, then paused.
“Well, yes, but not specifically-” he began.
“Are there rumours about a Senator whose judgement has been impaired because she’s sleeping with a Jedi?” Anakin went on. “Because if there is then we just line them up and that explains who it is. Or who it’s supposed to be.”
He frowned, minutely. “My money’s on Mon Mothma, honestly. Or Bail Organa. Are we sure the rumour said female?”
Palpatine raised a hand.
“Well-” he began, but Anakin was already standing up.
“Actually, I’m going to ask someone else about this,” he said. “See you later, Chancellor!”
“Anakin, I’m trying to-” Palpatine said, but he was talking to an empty office.
“Really?” Padme asked, then shook her head. “No, that’s not one I’ve heard.”
“You’re sure it’s not one that’s passed you by?” Anakin asked. “I don’t know how much Senators talk to one another.”
“We do it a lot,” Padme told him dryly. “It’s the main thing we have time to do. Are you sure the rumour said female? Because I’m getting a lot of my information from Bail Organa, and he’d be my first guess.”
“He was my second,” Anakin told his wife. “But, no, Palpatine was sure it was a female senator.”
“Then I’m out of ideas,” Padme said. “I’d have thought Mon Mothma, but she’s happily married to Perrin Fertha and he looks more like Qui-Gon Jinn than Obi-Wan.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Anakin said. “And, honestly, I don’t really believe it myself… he didn’t shack up with Satine even when it would have been a net benefit to the Order and the Galaxy and stuff.”
He frowned. “Unless…”
“Unless?” Padme asked. “That sounds like you’ve had an idea, Ani.”
“What about if the rumour was trying to throw me off?” Anakin asked. “I heard it from the Chancellor, but maybe he has another reason to say it. He is a politician… maybe Obi-Wan is seeing Palpatine, and the female senator bit was to throw me off?”
Padme blinked.
“I’m fairly sure they don’t like one another very much?” she tried.
“That’s just what they want us to think, right?” Anakin asked. “Think about it! That’s actually a way better way to disguise a relationship than what we’ve been doing.”
He glanced at Padme. “What have we been doing to disguise our relationship, actually? I’m sure there’s something.”
“We don’t tell anyone that we’re married?” Padme said. “It’s worked so far.”
“True,” Anakin agreed, relieved. “I’m glad we’re doing something.”
Padme smiled, then her smile turned into a frown. “Now I think about it, I can’t remember a time when Palpatine was interested in women – as a Senator or as a Chancellor. So it’s not immediately wrong… I just can’t think of a time he was interested in men either.”
Anakin looked thoughtful. “I think… I’m trying to think of a time he’s looked at Obi-Wan that way, but the only person I can think of he looked at that way is me…”
Obi-Wan’s commlink rang, and he nearly crashed his starfighter into the raw matter of hyperspace itself.
“What is it?” he asked, picking up the commlink in one hand.
“Master!” Anakin said. “I think Palpatine is just using you to get to me!”
Obi-Wan, who had no context whatsoever, just sort of stared for several seconds.
“What?” he said, then noticed that the nav computer was giving him urgent warnings and yanked back on the hyperdrive lever. His Actis fighter dropped out of hyperspace, and he disengaged from the hyperspace ring with the practised motion of someone who had become very, very good at a thing they fundamentally didn’t like doing very much.
“I thought about how he’s been looking at me,” Anakin explained. “Whatever he’s told you, I don’t think it’s real.”
“Anakin, what are you-” Obi-Wan began, then paused. “Actually… wait.”
“What?” Anakin asked. “You don’t believe me?”
“I am trying to think,” Obi-Wan answered. “And fly a ship, as well. I have a job to do before Cody gets here.”
“All right, Master, I’ll wait,” Anakin said. “But this is important. I don’t want your heart to be broken.”
“My – no, this is important, Anakin,” Obi-Wan replied. “You killed Dooku, correct?”
“This seems completely irrelevant, but yes,” Anakin answered. “Why?”
“I was thinking about something Dooku told me once,” Obi-Wan told Anakin. “He said that Darth Sidious had control of a lot of Senators.”
“Still not seeing the connection, unless you think those Senators have been seducing you,” Anakin replied.
“I think the Chancellor is Sidious,” Obi-Wan declared. “And, Anakin, you’re going to have to tell the Council and get help sorting it out, I am landing in less than two minutes.”
Anakin was silent for several seconds of those less than two minutes.
“If you want to break up with him, Master, you don’t need the whole Jedi Council to do it for you,” he said. “And if you think he’s hideous, why did you start sleeping with him in the first place?”
“Put Padme on the line,” Obi-Wan suggested. “No, wait.”
“Waiting, Master,” Anakin replied.
Obi-Wan took a deep, calming breath.
“Put your wife on the line,” he resumed. “Or, if she’s not there, tell her that I’m fairly sure Chancellor Palpatine is the other Sith we’ve been looking for. And get her to call a vote of no confidence, she’s good at those.”
Satisfied that that would buy him the time he needed, he began making his final landing approach.
It was only a shame he wouldn’t get to see their faces, really. But desperate times called for desperate measures.
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tossawary · 1 month
I'm rewatching "The Phantom Menace" for the first time in years and ??? It really seems like Qui-Gon Jinn could have bargained for both Shmi and Anakin's freedom from the beginning of his wager with Watto???
Qui-Gon later DOES try to bargain for BOTH Shmi and Anakin's freedom, by putting "his" pod up in a second, separate wager. (And I do love that they're lying about where the secret pod came from. Anakin built it, so legally, it's probably actually Watto's. Qui-Gon is being a little crafty!) But Watto insists that no pod is worth TWO slaves and rolls a dice to pick which one (which Qui-Gon manipulates with the Force so that he'll get Anakin over Shmi).
But it doesn't explain why Qui-Gon didn't bargain for their freedom with the initial wager! The Skywalkers are providing the secretly built pod to Qui-Gon and it was Anakin's idea for Qui-Gon to approach Watto about borrowing him as a pilot for the Boonta Eve Classic. This is apparently THE big race on Tatooine and the prize money is worth a LOT (unnamed amount). Watto suggests that they split the prize money 50/50, but Qui-Gon immediately forfeits that, promising that Watto can take ALL OF IT in exchange for the ship parts Qui-Gon needs and if Watto will pay the entrance fee up-front, AND Qui-Gon agrees to give up his own ship if Anakin loses.
This seems... unbalanced? It really feels like Qui-Gon could have leveraged that prize money plus his ship for both Shmi and Anakin. Watto is angry after the race because he bet on Sebulba and "lost everything", but what about the prize money that Qui-Gon forfeited almost entirely to Watto??? And then they sell "Qui-Gon"'s pod (a race-winning pod!) for more money! (And Padmé even says after the race, "We owe you everything, Ani.")
And narratively, I'm not sure what would be greatly harmed by Shmi being free? She's free anyway in the next movie, living on the Lars farm, from what I remember, and the story-important pain for Anakin resolves around her violent death more than her now past enslavement. The movie could have slipped in a brief appearance by the moisture farmer who wants to marry Shmi, but can't because she's not free and he can't afford her freedom, so Shmi once freed stays on Tatooine to get happily married. And Anakin would still be (sadly by Shmi) sent off with the Jedi for a better life than poor moisture farmers on an Outer Rim planet run by gangsters can offer!!! You could still make their separation really sad with some good writing!
I wish the movie had either freed Shmi or been more convincing about why she has to stay in slavery. It really does end up making Qui-Gon Jinn look unlikably careless. Which is, you know, a character flaw and character flaws are fine! But he does other careless things in this movie anyway!
And this also ends up making the Jedi Council look like ASSHOLES when they (a strange group of adults) pressure a 9yo about his fear for his mother's safety and Yoda, instead of offering any guidance on dealing with fear productively, essentially says that fear (perfectly reasonable fear over his future and his mother's future!) is a path to the Dark Side in some weird slippery slope proverb. HIS MOTHER HAS BEEN LEFT IN SLAVERY!!! If Shmi had been left to a happy marriage as a free woman, then MAYBE you would be better able to frame Anakin's attachment as more of a problem, but so much about this scene makes the Jedi Council look utterly unreasonable. And again, it's fine if they're flawed! They can be flawed with their other objections!
But just... LITTLE edits here and there would make a lot about this movie stronger or at least less grating.
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ryuichirou · 6 days
with the characters who aren’t beastmen (or mermaids or fae) what sort of beastmen would you think they’d be? like deer silver, hare cater, bird of prey rook, etc. i wanna see y’all’s thoughts because there’s a lot of different possibilities that would fit each character :3c
The possibilities are endless…! Even if you decide to make someone a beastman, there are so many different options, so many kinds of animals. I am getting greedy even just thinking about it, but at the same time I am fighting the urge to say that everyone would be catboys and call it a day. I want to shove all of our bottoms in the cat café and spend all my money there…
I’ll try to keep it together, but also to keep things diverse 💪 But my first pick would be to make everyone catboys lol
I’m skipping beastmen/mermen/fae for now, but technically they could have their own list at some point.
Riddle – a meanie in me wants to say that he is a fae, but not the one that we are used to, but the small fussy one, similar to Tinker Bell lol Imagine this tiny thing being the loudest housewarden? It would be funny… But he would also be very cute as a goldfishie merman, sigh. Ironically, I actually don’t think he is either of these things; I think Riddle would be a beastman. Maybe a hedgehog beastman that people keep confusing with a mouse beastman because his spines aren’t very visible.
Ace – fox beastman, just like Fellow. I feel like this is pretty obvious, but still: he is cunning and sly, but also has his cute moments, just like a young fox making weird noises and acting like a playful puppy in one moment, and then biting your hand in the next moment. I think mentally Ace is stuck between being a cat and a dog, and I feel like a fox is a surprisingly good pick here lol He just feels like a ginger menace.
Deuce – of course, Ace’s counterpart would be a jackrabbit beastman; I feel like a fox and a rabbit are a classical combo, plus Deuce already has a rabbit motif related to him in a way. Deuce is specifically a jackrabbit because he is very fast, but also because while he isn’t naturally hostile or aggressive, he has his moments. And powerful legs for kicking.
Trey – definitely a beastman, but which one? Ironically I think a cat would be good pick for him, partially because of Che’nya, but he also feels like something more… bear-like, maybe? Or a badger? Something that could be confused for looking comfy and friendly when it’s just this nice man with cute ears, but actually quite ferocious when it’s needed. I feel like I’m missing something obvious here though.
Cater – I started thinking about hare Cater that you mentioned, immediately thought “well he’s good at multiplying” and had to punch myself for this joke. Now my face hurts so I’ll just day that Cater is a jabberwocky beastman. Alright, jokes aside, I still think he would be a beastman, but maybe some kind of cute and magicammable-looking carnivore. Like a weasel, for example.  
Kalim – a mongoose would be so good, wouldn’t it? But I feel like Kalim would be something fancier and flashier; maybe a bird bestman? I know some people confused him with an animeboyification of Iago at first. A colourful bird that loves to sing and dance and that is at the same time endearing and annoying to some (Jamil). But bird-based beastmen are a bit difficult to imagine… I’ll complain about it in a bit when I talk about Rook lol Kalim could also be some kind of fae that are distantly related to jinns, but don’t have the same amount of power for some reason.
Jamil – I really want to make him a naga, but we don’t know if those even exist in twst-universe lol plus, it would probably be very difficult for his family to be active servants if they had snake tails… I think he would be a black caracal; it’s a desert cat, and apparently they are very good at jumping high – he’s a basketball player after all. Caracals are also known for hissing a lot, so yeah, as close to a snake as one could get while still somehow managing to make Jamil into a catboy lol Just google those ears, it’s so cute!!
Vil – a fae. There is the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio lol It just works with him, both aesthetically and thematically somehow. Plus I am still thinking about him picking Diasomnia if  he was forced to choose any other dorm to join, which is of course not enough of a reason, but the idea of Diasomnia!Vil and fae!Vil still lives in my head. He would also be gorgeous as a betta merman, of course.
Rook – definitely a beastman, and I think it’s only fair to make him a bird of prey kind. I am not sure if that would make any changes to his appearance though; if Zazu’s equivalent is a beastman, then I guess Rook wouldn’t change much. But if he isn’t and we haven’t seen a bird beastman before, then maybe Rook would have some feathers… maybe even wings? But I also easily see him as a hunting dog.
Epel – another rabbit beastman!! He thinks Deuce is lucky because he is a jackrabbit with long ears and tall body, when Epel’s ears are smaller and way cuter because he is more of a bunny rabbit. His ma’s and meemaw’s ears are floppy, but his aren’t just yet, and he hopes it stays that way. When they’re floppy he looks even cuter… at least he still got those rabbit legs for kicking and angry stomping!
Idia – a merman. Yes, exactly, a firefly squid, who spends most of his life very deep underwater in isolation. I was hesitant to make him a merman at first because he is very tied to technology that is kind of incompatible with water (+ hehe Idia bald jokes), but hey, S.T.Y.X. is located underwater so the motif is there! Plus, the squid’s behaviour really fits Idia (Floyd is very good at nicknames). Plus, his hair being shiny also works with how dark it is in the deepest parts of the underwater world… But catboy Idia would be so cute ahhh…!!
Ortho – real!Ortho would also be a firefly squid merman, AI!Ortho would be a small clione-like creature that Idia crafted himself. Or maybe just a regular Ortho with the gear that is more suitable for swimming + hollow and sparkly. But also, alternatively, I think it would be super unfair not to mention that Ortho is a dogboy lol I don’t know how it works in relation to Idia, but Ortho is too much of a dogboy to ignore it.
Silver – fighting the urge to make him a fae because that would be missing the entire point AHHH, alright I love the idea of him being a deer beastboy! But also a rabbit because of the event… He is a jackalope lol Jokes aside, picturing Silver with beautiful deer horns is very easy. Birds would decorate them with flowers, or just sit on them… He is just like Bambi – the prince of the woods. But also also, Silver works well as a merman. Especially if he isn’t aware that he is one because Lilia made him drink potions ever since he was a baby.
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tennessoui · 1 year
classic murder mystery au told from the perspectives of Inspectors Mace Windu and Ahsoka Tano who are called in to investigate the murder of Senator Palpatine, who was found dead on the grounds, cause of death: MURDER. The investigation is on to catch the killer hiding amongst an eclectic bunch of visitors to the senator’s country manor for the long weekend. His husband turned widow, young Anakin Skywalker. World famous equestrian Padmé Amidala. Celebrity chef Rex Fett and his brother, soldier Cody Fett. High court judge Bail Organa and business heiress Breha Organa. Count Dooku. The town’s vicar, Obi-Wan Kenobi. The gardener, Qui-Gon Jinn. Mystery novelist Quinlan Vos
Everyone has an airtight alibi. No one really likes each other but it’s clear everyone hates Palpatine and everyone has a reason to want him dead, especially his new and young husband, who stands to inherit all his money. It’s common knowledge that it was not a love match at all. And it’s also common knowledge that it’s Always The Spouse™️.
But when it comes out that the investigators are closing in on the widow Skywalker and are planning to pin the murder on him because his alibi is the shakiest, the vicar cannot stay silent any longer. He must come clean.
Oh, not about the murder. He has no idea about who murdered Palpatine. But it definitely wasn’t Anakin! On the night of the murder, Mr. Skywalker was with Obi-Wan. In the chapel. Yes. At midnight. Alone.
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ninja-muse · 19 days
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August is over! My reading month felt like it took forever even though otherwise, the month flew by. I blame this half on my top two reads of the month, which I was only reading in short snippets, and half on a number of lackluster reads and DNFs. I'm hoping to get back into my usual habits in September.
I did do better on reading off my physical TBR though! Even though one book was a "aw man, what do I read now?" and two more were, "I'm behind on my goal, quick, read something fast!" Plus the T. Kingfisher, which was graciously provided by my work, as was Running Close to the Wind. (Finally a month where I didn't spend money to add to my library!)
As for my top reads, The Salmon Shanties would be near the top of my list even if there wasn't a degree of reverse-nepotism involved. Absolutely excellent poetry collection, very layered and complex. If you're into Canadian poetry or poetry-of-place, pick it up! And Rose/House, once I got it back from the library because my Libby hold ran out, was absolutely fantastic! As was the quality of the French translation, because it sounded like Martine. So very, very glad I had the nerve (and linguistic ability) to read it. Super-creepy and I'm glad Tor's picked it up so I can hype the heck out of it next year. And then there's Jinn-Bot, which I wrote an actual review for.
On the other end of the list, sigh. I DNFed one book for feeling kind of trite, and another for being too predictable, and probably should have DNFed Voyage of the Damned for being uneven but I needed to know who the killer was. The Library Thief I'm also counting as lackluster—very good book, just wasn't for me or what I was expecting. Still deserves a 7.
Lula Dean, on the other hand, was surprisingly good! Fun and satirical and just plain entertaining. Read it in a couple days and it would likely be higher on my list except my reasons to be "glad to have read them" this month are less about quality and entertainingness than usual. I can't put "really liked this" above "finally I get to read a new book by X!", for instance. Or necessarily above "learned stuff!"
You might notice a distinct lack of any other news, and that's because there is none. September may be marginally more exciting, we'll see. (I know there'll be a bigger book haul.)
Anyway, on to September now, and in the meantime, here's my list everything I read this month, in the rough order of how glad I was to have read them.
The Salmon Shanties - Harold Rhenisch
A collection of poems centered on and celebrating Cascadia in all its facets (or taking it to task, as the case may be). Out in September.
warning: mentions racism, colonization, genocide
digital reading copy
Rose/House - Arkady Martine
There is a body within Rose House—two, if you count its architect, who ordered the house shuttered with his passing and left to its AI. Only one person is allowed to enter now, and she’s accounted for. And yet there is a body within Rose House….
🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: descriptions of a dead body
library ebook
The Jinn-Bot of Shantiport - Samit Basu
Lina and Bador want freedom: from surveillance, from power structures, for their city, for all bots, or just for their family. This might come from cunning, or revolution, or a lost ancient artifact, or an underground bot-battle, or swaying a visiting space hero or the Not-Prince. Much more than an Aladdin retelling.
🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (multisexual, achillean), Indian-coded cast, Indian author
warning: discusses colonization and oppression, references police violence
reading copy
Unwritten, Vol. 8 - Mike Carey with Peter Gross, Dean Ormston, Yuko Shimizu
When Tommy Taylor learns that Lizzie is trapped in the land of the dead, he goes to rescue her—but he’s unprepared for his adventures there, or the wider implications.
Indigenous Australian secondary character
off my TBR
All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque
Paul Bäumer recounts his time serving in the German army in WWI.
warning: war, death, animal death, gore, injury
off my TBR
A Sorceress Comes to Call - T. Kingfisher
Cordelia’s terrible mother has decided to marry a squire. Cordelia knows he and his sister don’t deserve that—but how to stop her, when she can do magic?
warning: child abuse, torture, murder, animal cruelty and death
finished copy received through work
A Man and His Cat, Vol. 4 - Umi Sakurai
Kanda gets the courage to make a new friend and revisit an old situation.
Japanese cast, Japanese author
off my TBR
A Gentleman from Japan - Thomas Lockley
The true story of a Japanese man who was brought to the court of Elizabeth I and influenced early modern English science.
warning: slavery, orientalism, war and violence
library book
Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books - Kirsten Miller
In Troy, Georgia, the fight for public decency is kicked off by Lula Dean, who craves attention and loves her Southern history—and her fencepost library, where someone’s put wholesome jackets over books she’s tried to ban….
ensemble cast including Black, 🏳️‍🌈 (gay, lesbian), and Indo-American POV characters
warning: Nazis, anti-Semitism, anti-Black racism, homophobia, rape, suicide
reading copy
The Library Thief - Kuchenga Shenjé
Florence talks her way into a job repairing a lord’s library, but is quickly drawn in by the mysterious death of the lady of the house. A gothic novel centering race, gender, and other marginalizations in late Victorian England.
Black British main character, Black British secondary characters, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (trans woman, sapphic), Black British author
warning: racism, including slurs; rape, abuse, misogyny, queerphobia
library book
The Voyage of the Damned - Frances White
A grand state voyage is upset by murder and it’s up to the lowly, non-Blessed Ganymedes to catch the killer before they dock. Goddess help them all if he doesn’t….
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (multisexual), fat protagonist, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (nonbinary, ace, trans man, sapphic, achillean), Indian-, African-, and Japanese-coded secondary characters
warning: murder, injuries, blood, colonial thinking, attempted genocide, suicidal thoughts
reading copy
Remedial Magic - Melissa Marr
Safe and ordinary Ellie meets a mysterious woman in her library, and is whisked to a fantasy world where she’s probably a witch—and almost certainly in trouble.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (sapphic), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (sapphic), 🏳️‍🌈 author
reading copy
Casket Case - Lauren Evans
Garrett stops to ask for directions at Nora’s casket shop and they hit it off. Unfortunately he works for Death…. Out in September.
African-American secondary characters
reading copy
Currently reading
A Natural History of Dragons - Marie Brennan
A memoir by Lady Trent, renowned natural philosopher and adventuress, but covering her childhood and first expedition, to the mountain highlands of Vystrana, and the troublesome dragons encountered there.
library book
Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century - Richard Taruskin A history of early written European music, in its social and political contexts. The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle Victorian detective stories.
disabled POV character (limb injury), occasional Indian secondary characters
warning: racism, colonialism
Monthly total: 11 Yearly total: 70 Queer books: 1 Authors of colour: 3 Books by women: 6 Authors outside the binary: 0 Canadian authors: 1 Classics: 1 Off the TBR shelves: 4 Books hauled: 2 ARCs acquired: 3 ARCs unhauled: 6 DNFs: 2
January February March April May June July
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amliyatkamaster · 5 months
How to Call Jinn For Help, “Friends, whenever you think of help, the thought of Jinn comes to your mind, then it must have come at least once. Because since childhood you must have heard the stories of aladdin’s magic lamp and the jinn that emerged from inside it. Some people keep searching on the internet about How to Call Jinn For Help. Today we are going to make your search easier.
The age of a jinn is much longer than the age of a human. In reality, the age of the jinn is more than 400 years. Jinn’s wife is called jinni. And their daughters are called devilish angels.
Before taking help from Jinn, it is very important for us to know about Jinn. Just as you cannot drive a bike or car without learning. Similarly, you cannot call a jinn and take help from him.
Where did the jinn come from, first of all we will talk about it. Most people associate Jinn with Islam. Because jinn has been clearly mentioned in the Quran.
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princessbrunette · 4 months
starwars!au — additional characters ୨୧
some people have been asking for more lore regarding my star wars obx universe, so here’s some more characters !!
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barry is a bounty hunter too. think more of a boba fett, but with a pirate background like hondo ohnaka. he keeps to himself, and is good at what he does — but when he hears of rafe coming along and taking you, the princess, a bounty that was promised to him for more credits than he’s ever known — he starts to look into rafe. will he come after rafe? or will they come together and form an alliance?
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big john routledge was one of the best jedi masters of his time. comparable to qui gon jinn, he often didn’t play by the councils rules but would often get away with it due to his impeccable fighting skill. a few years after the birth of his secret son john b, big john uncovers the secret that is ward being a sith lord. confronting who he thought to be the chancellor, the sith lord tells him that he has many trained sith watching his son, ready to take him out at a moments notice. if he wants to ensure his son lives, leave the council and never return. wanting to protect his boy, big john disappears without a trace — leaving his son to be raised by the council and trained as a jedi. john b has little memory of his time spent with his father, being only young when he left — but is raised on the amazing tales of him fighting for the galaxy. entering his early twenties — john b decides he is going to set out to find his father, who he caught wind of to be alive, and living on a far away desert planet undercover. whilst john b sets out on this journey, big john has been leaving his son clues across the galaxy to point him in the right direction of figuring out that ward is a sith, so perhaps his son can be the one to uncover the truth and expose him.
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cleo has lived many lives. never really having a family, the girl has jumped from being a mechanic and working on ships, to deciding she could be making a lot more money and seeking out bounties to make her name in the bounty hunting world. whilst she was raised to be cold and put herself first, her kind heart stops her getting what she feels she should want. when she runs into a group of jedi trying to save the princess (you), they help her out of a sticky situation and in return she tells them the information she has about the bounty on the princess. after this, she joins the group reluctantly on their wild adventures.
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carla limbrey, the witch of dathomir. when struck with illness, the witch is deadset on finding a cure. she’s tried everything, but now — for the spell to cure her, she believes to require the blood of a jedi, one pure of heart. she believes this to be john b, and therefore sends a team of witches and bounty hunters to track down the boy.
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topper thornton, a member of the senate alongside sarah. playing a similar role to clovis from the clone wars, he is desperately in love with sarah — but utterly controlling and overall gross. his constant attempts to silence her voice all whilst forcing himself to be in her proximity quickly get old. luckily, sarah isn’t afraid to put him in his place.
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dreamieparadise · 4 days
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Quick drawing of Mukhtar and his jinn friends.
I just imagine him going "get em, guys!" At someone who didn't pay up. By the way, Mukhtar always splits his money with them! 💞
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vecnawrites · 11 months
Patreon Reward: Be Careful What They Wish For
Yang, after finding a lamp in the flea market in Vale, brings it back to the school to see what to make of it, only to find a special surprise...
Yang hummed to herself as she took her find out of her bag, looking over the dusty and dirty surface with interested lilac eyes. She had found the lamp (at least that’s what she assumed it was) in the market area of Vale, in a flea market. It had called out to her, pretty much screaming ‘buy me!’, even though old fashioned looking stuff like this wasn’t usually her style.
Eh, if she didn’t like the look when she finished cleaning it, she could probably gift it to Weiss. She seemed the type to like old fashioned stuff like this, after all. She was all fancy like that.
Gathering a soft cloth and some soapy water, Yang hummed a soft tune as she began to wipe the lamp off, years and years of filth being cleaned away and a golden luster with teal accents being revealed underneath.
Despite herself, Yang found herself liking the look of the lamp as more and more of it was revealed, the colors catching her eye and that odd feeling that she had earlier when she saw the lamp halfway hidden in the stuffed flea market shelving.
More and more gunk was washed off, the basin water having to go through two changes before the lamp was finally in pristine condition, practically shining in the overhead light in the room.
Taking a dry cloth, she wiped it dry and smiled at how it looked after the fact. “Huh…it cleans up nicely, that’s for sure…” she murmured to herself as she buffed the metal. Maybe she would actually keep it…
Her eyes widened as she saw the blue accents light up in a bright glow, making the blonde drop the lamp onto the desk and shield her eyes to block them from the sting that radiated through them, missing the dark teal mists that rose up from the lamp, coalescing into a large, female form, golden bracelets and necklace, long dark blue hair falling down her back and covering her bare breasts.
“What is thy wish, my master?” blinking rapidly, Yang yanked her hands away, mouth dropping open and eyes roaming over the form of the large woman who had emerged from the lamp she had bought.
Yang, after making sure that she wasn’t hallucinating, immediately began to interrogate her about what she was and what she meant.
She learned that Jinn (the name of the genie that lived in this lamp) was made to grant three wishes to each owner she had, before finding a new owner.
Which left Yang at a quandary. She had three wishes, with certain caveats that immediately tossed out some of her wishes (Jinn couldn’t revive the dead, so no bringing back Summer, and she couldn’t make anyone fall in love with her, which only made sense, she would want someone to want her honestly, and she couldn’t wish for more wishes, which while understandable would make her wishes somewhat harder to make), and was deep in thought about what she wanted.
But then, there wasn’t much she honestly wanted outside of Summer back…though as she pondered over the idea, she remembered hearing a conversation that made her huff in anger.
She had overheard someone saying that her tits were the fourth largest in Beacon’s…that just wouldn’t do!
Yeah, that was it…if her wishes had to be for herself only and she couldn’t wish for extra wishes or for Summer back, she was going to make her body the envy of everyone!
Grinning, she looked up at Jinn. “I’m ready to make my first wish!”
Over the milennia that she had existed, Jinn the Genie had seen just about everything. Civilizations rise and fall. Allies and enemies made. She had seen all kinds of wishes as well, ranging from freedom from financial burdens, either through money or just forgiveness from their debts, to becoming ruler of a kingdom of their own.
This young blonde girl had been the first to summon her in over three hundred years, and she wondered what the girl would want in life, as even with her three restrictions, there was a lot that one could wish for-
“I want the biggest tits and ass in Beacon!”
Of all the…nigh infinite power she had at her command, and the girl wanted cosmetic changes? The girl wasn’t even deformed in any way!
Disgust filled her, but she was bound by the laws of the her kind. If someone wished for it, they would have to give it to them…though thankfully, loopholes existed. And with how loosely her wish was worded…
…well, she not often got to make sure people learned the meaning of the phrase ‘be careful what you wish for’, but this seemed like the perfect time for the girl to learn this lesson.
She wanted to have the biggest tits and ass in this school? She’d get them. Calling upon her powers, she allowed them to creep into the girl’s body, and begin changing it.
Yang watched as golden teal energy flowed out of the genie’s body and into her own, feeling it sink in and worm around, making her way towards her chest and rear end, filling them with a tingly warmth, the sudden sensation making her nipples swell up.
Yang looked down, watching with wide eyes as her breasts began to swell in her top, her nipples bulging against the front of her top as it stretched due to her bust increases more and more and more, her tube top getting tighter and tighter around her chest, her shorts doing the same around her waist until-
Yang watched in awe as her shirt and shorts exploded off of her body, her boobs becoming almost, well forget almost, outright cartoonish on her frame, looking like she had shoved beach balls underneath her skin, jiggling and bouncing with every slight movement that she made. Same with her ass, the normally taut flesh moving like it was filled with jello. Bouncing on the balls of her feet, she felt her body jiggle and shake.
Her body was outrageous. It was perfect.
Grinning up, she cried out her next wish, “I wish to have the biggest dick in Beacon!” she could see the genies face twist in some emotion, but another wave of energy was sent her way, smacking into and sinking into her crotch, making her shudder and hunch over, collapsing to her knees as her body changed.
Jinn felt even more disgust fill her as she watched the massive thing form on the girl’s body, a solid foot of flesh and a heavy pouch holding apple sized orbs in it. She couldn’t believe how her powers were being used. How disgusting…
Staring down between her legs with a grin, Yang reached down and gripped her newest limb, shuddering as she felt it getting hard in her hand, growing to an incredible monolith of flesh between her thighs.
She continued to stroke her shaft, biting her lower lip and moaning low in her chest, completely missing the outright disgusted look the genie was giving her.
“...your third wish, Mistress?”
Moaning as precum started to spurt from her tip, Yang managed to moan, “I wish Ruby, Weiss, and Blake all could feel as good as I do~!” trailing off with an ecstatic cry as she came, cum flying from the tip of her cock and through her even more disgusted genie.
“...your wish has been granted.”
Around the school, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Blake Belladonna all screamed in shock as their bodies changed, their tits and asses exploding out of their clothes, cocks and balls forming, growing hard, and cum spraying all over as they tumbled into an intense orgasm.
Her job done, Jinn returned to her lamp, the object vanishing from the chronically masturbating girl’s bed, to travel somewhere else, to be found and used by someone else. Despite the fact that she had been found for the first time in three centuries, Jinn desperately hoped that she would either not be found for a further three centuries, or at the very least…
…the next person who found and used her powers to alter reality had some self respecting wishes that she wouldn’t feel ill granting.
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threebea · 7 months
I've been contemplating ObiMaul coffee shop au because in no way do I want to take away Maul's intensity and rivalry it's two coffeeshops on the same street.
The Dark Brew Coffee shop is owned by Sheev. He under pays his workers worker and it's probably a front for shady deals and money laundering, but Maul is extremely loyal and also just really loves coffee. He makes the best coffee, and yes you have to enter a sketchy dark building where the lighting doesn't work and the smell of mould lingers and the barista looks like he might stab you for ordering anything beyond black coffee, but there's nowhere else to get coffee and it is good coffee.
That is until Knight's Order opens on the opposite side of the street owned by granola crunching hippy Qui-Gon Jinn who is probably a little too involved in his employees lives and is constantly giving people days off which leaves stressed out assistant manager Obi-Wan to run the place.
It's not that people don't want to work, it's that they will casually mention having lives outside of work and Qui-Gon gives them full paid leave. Which would be wonderful if he didn't leave Obi-Wan alone on shift half the time.
Being over worked the coffee isn't great but the vibes are better so it becomes popular fast.
Which of course leads to Maul swearing revenge against Kenobi who has definitely unjustly stolen his customers with his pretty smile and good manners and nice hair.
Obi-Wan meanwhile has no idea Maul exists and just needs one other permanent staff member that, like him, has no life outside of the store.
When Maul comes in a misunderstanding happens and Obi-Wan hires him immediately or thinks he's Qui-Gon's new hire.
Maul decides to 'spy' so he can report back to Sheev who absolutely does not care about any of this and doesn't notice that the shop isn't even opening as Maul goes to fake work for the competition (he is not getting paid by either Sheev or Qui-Gon Maul, why?)
Naturally Maul and Obi-Wan start dating although neither are aware of it at first. They just spend a lot of time together. Maul needs to know everything for the sake of the coffee (he tells himself) and Obi-Wan is so happy to have someone that can be reliably there on shift.
Ending all is revealed Maul gets properly hired at the legitimate coffee shop and Obi-Wan gets to take a few days off to date his boyfriend the end.
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coralinnii · 2 years
Jamil Viper (Jinn!Jamil x civilian!reader)
genre: horror
note: Interpretations of jinn varies depending on experience and personal ideas of it so my experiences and opinions on jinn may differ from others, actions bear similarity to gaslighting tactics, twisted infatuation
summary: He can’t be here. How can something you can’t even see or prove be here. In your house, in your room, and trying to slither into your heart.
series index
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Things weren’t making sense anymore. You thought you were going crazy but your friends did their best to console your nerves.
They told you that you were overthinking but you swore that something was different in your house. Something that couldn’t be explained away by typical sense or reasonable explanations. You lived alone so you would know when something’s amiss in your home.
But at first, you checked it off as your mind being forgetful. You probably forgot that you already cleared the living room of trash.
Perhaps you forgot that you rearranged the ornaments and decorations in your room like you were meaning to.
Maybe you did leave your clothes out the night before which was why it was on your bed when you woke up. With money left in your pockets.
But was it really in your head when you felt warm arms encase you as you slept through the night, every night?
Either way, your friends commended you for getting more organized and put-together but the praise didn’t make you feel better, not when you feel your life being out of your control. While it was helpful, it was getting a little unsettling at times.
It finally reached its peak when your friend invited a classmate to your hangout night, Kalim.
Kalim was a pleasure to be around. He was sweet, optimistic, and always willing to lend a helping hand. It was alway a blast whenever he came over. He was happy to compliment you and your home, even when it started to get hotter as the day went on, even strangely into the night. He was like a breeze of joy that you were glad for considering the anxiety you held in the past weeks.
But that wave of ease left as soon as Kalim and your friends went home.
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you mad”
You cried as the atmosphere in your home turned heavy, as though the presence in your home refuses to let you ignore it like it allowed you to before. Portraits and decor were shaking to the point you were scared that it might fly towards you in anger.
What’s worse was his voice.
“He is not welcomed here”
“He cannot stay. This is not his home”
“This is my home”
A charming and mysterious voice of seems to that of a male penetrated your head, leaving you helpless to his words. It rings throughout and digs deep into your soul until it leaves a mark into your mind. Were it a different situation, you may have found yourself attracted to the melodious tone of such a voice. But now, it sends shivers down your back and you fear the creature’s retribution should you ignore his command.
You felt like an idiot for leaving this be. You came to enjoy the good fortune that you’ve been receiving from the entity. You felt lucky that things had been working in your favor that you didn’t think that there may have been ulterior motives to the strange being’s kindness.
You were a fool to think so.
Suddenly, a pair of lean arms slithered across your waist, reminding you of the movements of snakes. You didn’t look down in fear of what you would see but you recognized this sense of warmth emanating from what vaguely feels like someone’s limbs. You whimper as the same heat that warmed you in the night felt more like dangerous flames close to your body, tempted to burn with each touch.
The voice whispered once more, closer to your ears as though you could imagine the being’s lips dangerously by the shell of your ear.
“This is mine”
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