#Jin soulmate AU fanfic
shay-taree · 2 years
Jin Soulmate AU Fanfic Review!
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Review: Okay so this was another soulmate AU and it had a bit of a twist to it. The soulmate mark actually disappears once you get to a certain age. So I really thought that was different. I rated this story 3/5 stars due to the fact that I felt like I wanted more. There was some drama but it seemed kind of sporadic to me but I guess it was to keep the reader surprised. I also felt like I was waiting for other soulmates to appear and I actually think I would’ve really like that. Just to add a little something to the story. The story had more fluff than anything so if you are looking for a more fluff type store this would be a good one. Like I mentioned above there is some not so fluffy moments but it was more the hurt/comfort aspect of the tag. Overall I was glad to read a Jin soulmate AU fic so if you are a Jin bias who enjoys fluff and hurt/comfort then this is a good story. Also this is a Y/N fanfic.
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fics-lovebot · 2 months
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· · ♡ · · tysm to the amazing creative minds of the writers for giving me sevaral moments of joy reading your creations
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ot7 / poly
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yomawiththeboma · 6 months
Wish You Were Never Never Mine
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Welcome to the Earth, were everyone has his own soulmate. You can’t change him no matter what, when you get seventeen a name appears on a random part on your body in the form of a tattoo. When your soulmate is sad it turns blue and when he is happy it turns red, of course there are some colours that defers from emotion to another, but red and blue are the most popular. Your soulmate’s health depends on you! As long as you are healthy, they are healthy too! Everyone is used to it, it’s just sad when your tattoo become black, it means that your soulmate died and sadly a lot of people experienced this before even meeting their soulmate.
This story talks about Y/N, a twenty four years old lady who hasn’t met her soulmate yet… and twenty five years old man who is called Namjoon who was losing hope in finding his only soulmate.
status: on going!
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Chapter 1: Mysterious Hatred
Chapter 2: “Her?!”
Chapter 3: Better Chances
Chapter 4: The Lost Had Been Found
Chapter 5: Finally, I Got To Meet You
Chapter 6: Cigarettes After Lollipops
Chapter 7: Confrontation Is Hard, Did You Know That?
Chapter 8: Unexpected News
Chapter 9: To The Unwanted Places We Go
Chapter 10: The Truth Untold
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Soulmates Au
Namjoon X Female reader
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Find my masterlist here
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the comforts of creatures (3)
creature comforts:
↳ material/bodily comforts, such as food, warmth, or special accommodations, that contribute to physical ease and well-being
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→ pairing: ot7 x fem.reader
→ genre: fantasy!au, soulmate!au, angst with a happy ending, fluff, hurt + comfort + recovery, eventual smut 
→ word count: 4.7k
→ summary: after you wake up in a strange place with strange men, you begin to experience kindness for the first time in months, as the boys begin to realize that you aren’t the person that they used to know.
→ trigger/content warnings: effects of isolation, sensory overload, effects of memory loss, low self-worth, jin is a goddamn sweetheart, mentions of torture, mentions of starvation, angst lol, over-complicated plot cause it’s fanfiction lol, the boys trying their best
→ a/n: also lil disclaimer i am obviously not a doctor so kindly disregard any medical impracticalities that may arise thanks loves :)
past part ← series masterlist → next part
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part 3: when you forget me
“Who did this to you?”
Staring up into the eyes of the man leaning over you, a shiver runs through your body at the deep, even tone of his voice. For a long moment, you can’t speak, too distracted by the fact that his attention is directed entirely at you.
The dark piercing eyes, the delicate curve of his mouth, the black curly hair hanging over his forehead. It all shocks you still with something you can’t name. Not quite familiarity, but a sense that whoever this man is, it’s a good idea to listen to him.
You sit there choking on your own words as his eyes search your face.
“Are you afraid?” he simply asks.
You nod, tongue dry in your mouth. 
His eyebrows furrow slightly. He seems to be staring even deeper into your eyes than before, searching for something.
“Joon,” the man calls, a touch of urgency in his voice.
One of the taller ones, the man with short brown hair, approaches you. And you can’t help but notice his build.
He’s broad with long, thick limbs, no doubt bulked with muscle beneath his many layers. It would be easy for him to overpower you. Hurt you.
Instinctively, you flinch back as he gets closer.
He drops to one knee to meet your eye level, softening his expression when you meet his gaze.
“Hey, hey,” he begins in a calming tone, seemingly sensing your rising anxiety at being confronted. “None of us are going to hurt you. It’s all going to be okay. I promise.” 
You don’t believe him. Of course you don’t. But something about his warm eyes, the deep sincerity that lies behind them, makes you release a breath and nod anyway. Or maybe it’s the way that strange feeling in your chest quivers at the sound of his voice.
Offering a slight smile, he then holds up his hands cautiously.
“May I touch your forehead?” he asks.
As if the rhythm of your brain skips a beat, you reel at the question. He's...asking for permission?
You manage a slight nod, watching him closely as he lifts his hands and places one flat against your forehead and the other at the back of your neck.
The others are watching intently, making the air prickle.
Heat blooms under the man’s large hands, spreading down your spine and into your very bones.
Wisps of smoke dance along the edge of your vision. It seems to be coming from him, seeping from his hands, from his mouth, his eyes, which are now clouded over with a milky white film.
A tickling feeling, like the sensation of a string creeping down your throat, seizes your whole body and mind. It’s hot and cool at the same time, singeing your nerve endings yet soothing them as the sensation travels.
Too invasive, it’s too invasive.
It only lasts for a few seconds before you’re jerking out of his grasp. You huff smoke out of your own lungs, desperately trying to expel the strange force that’s permeated your whole body.
Several of the others flinch too. They all seem to be honed in on your every reaction, twitching when you twitch, breath hitching along with yours.
The man withdraws his hands with a placating expression, rising to his feet and backing away to give you some space.
You barely hear it, but he leans over and whispers in Yoongi’s ear.
“We all need to talk. Now.”
You see the smaller man’s jaw clench. His hands ball into fists at his sides, his entire face darkens.
One blink later, and it’s gone, replaced by an expression so heavy, so broken that it nearly brings a sting to your eye.
The only other person Yoongi can bring himself to make eye contact with is Jin.
His hyung understands immediately, letting his eyelids slowly close as all his suspicions are confirmed. He had an inkling, when he found you in that prison cell and you looked at him like he was a stranger. He supposes that now, he essentially is one to you.
It feels like a hit to the gut. He feels the deep ache in the pit of his chest, raw with the knowledge that what’s done can’t be undone. And it hurts like hell.
But he can’t break down now, not in front of the boys, and certainly not in front of you. Your understanding of the situation is extremely fragile right now, and he knows that he needs to lead by example so you can be as comfortable as possible, so you know that you’re safe here with them.
So Jin inhales a clear breath, swallows down his sorrow, and musters up the most composed expression he can manage.
“Alright,” he begins, the whole room looking at him after he breaks the silence, looking for guidance.
“Let’s get you fixed up, hmm?”
You don’t realize that he’s talking to you until he takes a step forward and gestures in your direction.
“Will you follow me?”
You’re realizing that no one is punishing you for making eye contact without permission, so you meet his gaze with a little less hesitation.
The man waits patiently, nothing but gentle concern in his eyes.
Your skin tingles with the feeling of everyone’s gaze on you again, and after your brain slowly processes the question, you rise shakily to your feet and follow him through a nearby doorway.
It’s only after Jin exits the room, after his back is turned, that he lets a few silent tears fall into his sleeve, quick to wipe them away. Because now he needs to do what he does best: heal his clan.
Exhaustion, hunger, and fizzling adrenaline buzz through your veins, your body burned out from running even a short distance. It’s a laborious task to just put one foot in front of the other, but you focus hard to keep up with the man leading you down the hall.
Every step makes your vision blurrier. You can hear your own struggled breathing, feel the burning in your limbs, but the only thing you know how to do is push on and mask how it feels.
Don’t express emotions. Don’t show your pain. It always makes it worse.
Jin pretends not to notice. He has to fight the urge to offer you his arm to lean on, knowing it probably wouldn’t do any good.
You have no idea how long you were asleep or how long you’ve been here, wherever here is. These men don’t seem like a severe threat, at least not now. They haven’t hit you, called you names, spit on you for making noise. But they could be putting on a front, trying to establish a false sense of security.
You’re not letting your guard down anytime soon.
The two of you come to a large, clean room. It’s well-lit, making you squint your eyes against the brightness.
It’s so bright here. And spacious too. Every room seems as wide as a football field.
The man directs you to a bed lined with paper, and you flinch as you sit down, making much more noise than you wanted.
But he doesn’t seem angered by it, he only turns to one of the many cabinets lining the walls.
The familiar squeak and snap of medical gloves. It puts a heavy pit in your stomach. Clenching your teeth, you try to ignore the swell of nausea.
You hear some shuffling, the clink of glass, and then the man is sitting down in a rolling chair next to the bed.
“Do you recognize me?” he asks, slipping a pair of black glasses out of his shirt pocket and putting them on.
A flash of the ashen, vein-mapped face ignites in your memory.
“Yes,” you reply softly, almost flinching at the sound of your own voice in the quiet room.
“Who am I?” He’s looking at you patiently, but there’s a hint of desperation behind it.
“You were in my cell. You’re a—”
Cutting yourself off immediately, you can’t help but recall all the names your captors used to refer to them.
Parasites. Bloodsuckers. Demon spawn.
The man seems to read your mind, but his eyes stay nothing but patient and kind.
“I’m vampiric, yes.”
He busies himself opening a gauze pad and dousing it with disinfectant. When he looks back up at you, it’s with a questioning gaze.
“May I clean your cuts?”
You sit there dumbstruck for a moment. You can’t remember the last time someone cleaned anything for you, let alone asked for permission to do it as if you have some kind of agency. Or spoke to you so...gently.
After a few seconds of silence, you manage a nod.
He offers a slight smile and starts with the shallow cuts and scrapes on your hands. They are overlapped with scars, dirt and dried blood caked under your fingernails.
His touch is warm. It almost makes you jump, the way his skin feels like human skin. You were always told that they were cold creatures, more dead than alive.
Then there’s the alcoholic sting of the disinfectant. That makes you actually jump, but you fight the urge to pull away in case it ends in more pain.
“I’m sorry, it’s going to sting,” he says.
Why is he apologizing? Why is he treating you like this? Like you’re a human and not a creature?
He moves up to the more deep gashes on your arms, applying cream to the worst of them and bandaging them up.
“My name’s Jin. It’s nice to be formally introduced,” the man says, smiling a little painfully.
It hurts him to say it, to admit that he needs to re-introduce himself to you. But at least you’re letting him tend to your wounds. Right now, that’s all he can ask for.
You sit there silently as he moves all the way up to your shoulders, avoiding putting pressure on the deep purple bruises that litter your skin.
“What’s your name?” He knows it, of course he does. And again it hurts to ask, but he knows that this is the best way to go about it, rather than overloading you with the fact that you’ve been here before, that you already know them all.
The question stumps you. You’ve been called many names. Mutt, beast, savage, monster. You don’t remember ever being called anything else.
The man—Jin—seems to sense your inner struggle.
“Can you remember it?” he asks.
With your eyes trained down at the floor, you shake your head.
“Hmm,” he replies, thinking. “Well that just won’t do. What would you like to be called?”
That stumps you even more. Your mind goes as blank as your memory.
Several minutes of silence pass as he tends to the wounds on your neck and face.
The more he looks, the more his blood boils. Your neck is badly bruised, with painful-looking red rub marks all the way around, as if it’s been abused with a number of different things. A tight fist, a ring of rope, a collar.
Your face is covered in scars and yellowing black bruises. Chunks of hair have been ripped from your skull, not to mention that fact that most of your hair has been sloppily cut.
It all makes him want to tear the throats of everyone even associated with that facility. Looking at your face, at the poorly hidden terror that resides in it, Jin tries his hardest to mask his anger so you aren’t frightened by it.
Jin checks for signs of infection while he dabs at the lesions. He notices that you barely flinch, even when it’s clear that you want to. He wonders, feeling sick to his stomach, what happened in that horrifying place.
“You’ve been through a lot of pain,” he says, and you can hear deep sympathy in his voice.
It’s unusual to you, hearing someone sound sorry for you.
You don’t reply, looking down at the floor again.
A few minutes pass, with him continuing to patch up your wounds while you sit there motionless. After Jin finishes the last bandage, he hesitates, looking at you with another question in his eyes.
“Wound you mind removing your shirt?”
It makes you turn cold, arms unconsciously wrapping protectively around yourself.
“No? Okay, we don’t have to do that,” he says almost immediately, shifting his attention to your legs instead.
“Any internal pain or other symptoms?”
You only answer with a dull shake of your head when he looks up at you expectantly.
He raises an eyebrow like he doesn’t believe you for a second.
“It’s okay to tell me. I’m a doctor.”
You still don’t say anything, despite the sharp pain in your stomach and the incessant pounding in your head. Too many times you’ve encountered doctors that did nothing but use their knowledge of your body against you.
The last thing you want to do is admit weakness.
For a very brief moment, Jin’s face flashes with disappointment, and you feel your gut lurch with guilt. The next second he’s gathering more equipment from the cart next to the bed.
“Would you mind if I did a few more basic checks?” he asks.
This time you indulge him with a slight nod, and you’re rewarded with a smile that plumps up his cheeks and makes that something in your chest jump.
He checks your heartbeat, your temperature, your blood pressure, among other things that you don’t recognize.
You accept it all with quiet compliance, still fighting the urge to flinch away with every touch. Because every time he touches you, your heartbeat stalls against your will, heat blazing across the spot where his skin met yours.
He always treats you softly and with compassion, making your eyes burn with the urge to cry.
He removes his gloves after he’s done, tossing them, along with the used gauze, into a bin.
“I’m going to give you some antibiotics to fight infection, and something for your pain,” he informs you.
Again, all you do is sit there silently, head tilted down towards the ground.
Jin fights off a sad frown as he turns to one of the cabinets and shuffles through the many pill bottles. Finding the ones he’s looking for, he empties a few into his hand, grabbing a stray water bottle from the counter.
When he hands them to you, you take them very hesitantly. Your heart rate picks up considerably when he continues to stand there, clearly intent on watching you take them.
Slowly, you take a swig from the bottle and raise your cupped hand to your lips. You feign tilting the contents of your palm into your mouth, swallowing as little of the water as possible in case it too is laced with something. You’ve gotten quite good at pretending to take pills, so he easily believes you.
When he turns around, you spit the water back into the bottle as quietly as you can and tuck the pills into your makeshift pants pocket.
“Alright,” Jin says as he turns back to face you. “Now let’s get you something to eat.”
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The air is heavy, sucked dry from the words out of Yoongi’s mouth. The six of them stand there silently, feeling gutted.
Hoseok is the first to string together a comprehensible sentence.
“I...I can’t believe it.”
None of them can. Almost ten years, gone. The years spent living with them, loving them, getting to know them better than anyone else in the world, all wiped away.
You can’t remember essentially growing up with the maknaes. You can’t remember studying spells with Yoongi, nearly surpassing him in knowledge and skill. You can’t remember all the times Jin nursed you back to health after protecting the others in a fight, or when you would explode laughing at one of Hobi’s jokes while still in recovery, Jin snapping at him to knock it off because you’d broken your ribs again.
And all the years spent earning your trust, earning their trust, building your confidence, carving your place in their souls, all gone from your mind.
“How?” Jungkook asks, voice thick with hopelessness.
“A riamemors spell,” Yoongi replies. His arms are crossed as he leans back on the counter, eyes trained on the ground. His expression is unreadable, but they all know that he’s been hit just as hard.
None of them know as much about casting as Yoongi does, not even Namjoon, but almost every Northerner knows what that spell does. It means “death of memories,” and it cannot be reversed.
The F&F has been abusing it for decades. First using it in weak doses on humanic people to keep them ignorant about the realities of atypicals, then using it full potency on atypicals to make them mindless slaves.
They don’t know what that facility was planning on using you for, but clearly they didn’t want you to have your memories to do it.
“How strong?” Taehyung asks. His eyes are glassy, chin wobbling despite his efforts to fight it.
They all look to Namjoon for the answer. One of the abilities of wraiths is delving into a person’s mind through touch, including their memories.
Namjoon’s face holds a deep sorrow. Your head is a very dark place.
“Nearly full strength,” he replies. “We aren’t there. Not at all.”
Half of them feel sick to their stomachs, the other half burn with rage.
“What does she remember?” Jimin asks, eyes glassy.
Namjoon’s jaw clenches.
“A bit from childhood, her parents, and...the facility.”
It looks like it physically hurts him to say it. A long, weighted moment of silence.
“Joon?” Yoongi says, looking up for the first time since they entered the kitchen.
The younger man meets his elder’s gaze, waiting in anticipation for what he will say next. The redness in Yoongi’s eyes makes Namjoon want to hug him.
“What happened there?” Yoongi finally brings himself to ask.
Namjoon’s throat bobs as everyone looks at him once again. It all comes back to him, the pain, the torture, the loneliness felt through your skin. The shadow of it, at least. The memory of it. The real thing must’ve felt much worse.
“Let us see,” Jimin suddenly says, taking an eager step forward.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Jimin,” Namjoon replies, gravely serious.
“It would help us get inside her head, see what she’s dealing with,” he argues, looking around for support.
Taehyung and Jungkook look just as eager, while Hoseok looks tempted by morbid curiosity. Yoongi’s trying not to make eye contact, worried that it might give away the fact that he secretly agrees with Jimin.
Seeing that he’s clearly outnumbered, Namjoon lets out a defeated sigh.
“Alright, but just a glimpse,” he says.
They begin to gather closely around Namjoon, until he holds a hand up.
“Not you, Jimin,” he says sternly.
“Why?” the shorter man whines, upset at being the only one left out.
“I really don’t think you should see this. For your own good.”
Everyone knows that Jimin was briefly imprisoned at a one of the same facilities, and every so often he gets triggered and descends into a rapid downward spiral plagued with nightmares and flashbacks.
He looks around and finds the rest of them looking at him imploringly. When he looks at Hoseok and Yoongi, they both give him a silent nod.
Jimin sighs and lets his shoulders sag. Despite the itch of not knowing, he trusts his partners to take care of him.
“Okay, hyung,” he says, stepping away to stand at the edge of the room.
Namjoon takes a deep inhale when they’ve all huddled in a semi-circle around him. Smoke begins to unfurl from his hands, his eyes clouding over. When he opens his mouth, a thick stream of gray vapor pours from his lips.
Everyone leans over to breath it in while Jimin covers his mouth and pinches his nose.
They feel it burn down their throats and warm their lungs, singeing all along their veins until it reaches the depths of their minds.
Then their vision goes dark, eyes clouding over just like Namjoon’s. Cold fear crawls up their spines, the ghost of hunger sitting in their bellies.
A thousand images, feelings, and sensations flash through them.
Countless miserable nights sleeping on hard, wet stone. Being wakened with a bucket of freezing water. Gagging on rotten food scraps to soothe the never ending ache of starvation.
A slap to the face every time you looked at an overseer without permission. Because you are beneath them, not even worthy to see the color of their eyes.
A kick to the ribs every time you made a single sound, every time you even breathed too loud.
The sting of needles, the heat of an iron brand. Electric shocks right to the nerve endings when you fell asleep without permission. Cigarettes stubbed out on your skin.
A spit in the face. Spit in your food, then being forced to eat it because it’s all you have. Having to lick water droplets off the rusted pipes.
Open wounds, tender bruises. An ache so deep it feels like you were born with it. Chained in awkward, uncomfortable positions for hours on end.
Disgusting thing. You are nothing. You will never leave this place. You disgrace the ground you walk on. I wish I could kill you myself.
Jungkook rips away first. He heaves the smoke out with violent, forceful breaths, stumbling back like it will distance him from what he’s seen.
Hoseok and Taehyung follow soon after, jerking away as they try to cough the memories out.
Yoongi lingers the longest. When he finally pulls away, his eyes are brimming with moisture.
None of them can hold it in any longer. Taehyung bursts into tears, face scrunching up with the weight of it all. He turns to the one closest to him, which is Jungkook, and lets his head fall on his on shoulder.
Jungkook automatically puts a comforting hand on his head, fighting back tears himself.
Seeing someone they love go through all that, seeing them get treated like dirt, it hurts it hurts it hurts.
Hoseok nearly bites through his tongue. All he can think about is revenge, making the ones who did this to you regret it more than they’ve ever regretted anything in their lives.
Jimin feels like he might throw up. Not because he’s in pain, but because he’s seeing his mates in pain, so much pain. And their pain pales in comparison to yours.
He’s grateful to Namjoon, grateful that he didn’t let him see inside your head.
Jungkook’s chest hiccups with sobs, and Jimin takes hold of Taehyung so Jungkook can fold up against Hoseok.
Tae buries his head in the fold of Jimin’s neck. Hoseok wraps Jungkook in a bear hug to soothe his hitching breaths.
Yoongi, who’s held strong up until this point, finally succumbs and lets himself go limp in Namjoon’s hold, who was right behind him in case he should need him.
For several minutes, the air is filled with nothing but heart-wrenching cries and quiet snivels.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, she’s safe now,” Namjoon says to no one in particular, still supporting Yoongi’s weight.
Jungkook’s gaze has gone foggy. The hell of that place won’t get out of his head. All he can think of is how he wasn’t there, he wasn’t there to take the pain instead. It should’ve been him.
Taehyung’s balling like a baby, he couldn’t speak if he tried to. His chest is close to bursting, swollen with so many emotions that he can’t decide which ones hurt the most. The pain of knowing what you went through, the rage towards the ones responsible, the guilt of not being there to protect you, the sorrow of knowing that he’s a stranger to you now.
Jimin is torn between breaking down himself and being strong for his mates. He feels the pressure behind his eyes, but he blinks it away and holds Taehyung tighter, rubbing soothing circles on his back.
“Why?” Tae asks in a broken voice, finally saying what they’re all thinking.
Why would anyone do this?
“They must’ve not wanted her to know what she was capable of,” Namjoon answers.
It makes sense. You were a skilled caster along with Yoongi, the spells you and him collaborated on were some of the most powerful they’d ever seen. You were incredibly knowledgeable after spending years studying alongside Namjoon, partnering with him during many of his research projects.
You were always sharp, strong, and absolutely deadly in your final form.
“What are we going to do?” Jungkook asks, barely above a whisper.
“What we’ve always done,” Yoongi replies almost instantly, shifting to fully support his own weight. “We’re gong to do what’s best for her.”
Seeing him regain his quiet composure gives the rest of them the strength to wipe the last of their tears away.
“She’s been kept in isolation, starved...tortured.”
They all hear the catch in Yoongi’s voice at the word.
“Her trust in people has been completely broken. It will take some time before she feels safe again, before she can handle a normal diet, before she’s comfortable with being touched.”
That part is going to be difficult for most of them. After all the years of hand holding, cuddling, all the comforting embraces, it’s going to be hard to refrain from trying to soothe you with physical touch.
“No doubt she’s overwhelmed and confused as it is,” Yoongi says, then he pauses like he’s gearing up to say something difficult.
“So I think it’s best if we don’t overwhelm her further by telling her who we are. At least not now.”
Silence. Uncomfortable, choking silence.
“Just...pretend we haven’t met before?” Hoseok says, disbelieving.
“Not pretend, just...don’t acknowledge it,” Yoongi says. “Right now, we’re just a group of strangers that whisked her away from everything she ever knew.”
“We don’t even know how much she knows about what we are. Everyone knows standard protocol for those places is extended brainwashing,” Namjoon adds.
That makes them stop and think. What does she know about atypicals? Did they make you despise them like Southerners do? Do you even know about the soul bond? Do you even know what you are?
“Won’t that make her feel lied to?” Jimin asks.
“I assume she’d feel more lied to if we tried to convince her that she’s known us for years. It might make her feel like we’re trying to trick her into trusting us,” Namjoon explains. 
“It might pressure her into trying to remember things she can’t, to be the person she used to be,” Jungkook says, eyes still glazed over.
And all of them know that you’ll never be the person you used to be.
“She has to trust us on her own, not because we tell her that she should,” Yoongi asserts.
Another stretch of silence.
“For how long?” Tae asks.
“Not for long, just until she feels safe here. Until she decides that she want to stay here, Yoongi continues.
“I don’t know,” Taehyung says. He doesn’t know if he can pretend that you’re not his mate, like you aren’t a vital piece of him.
“We’ll just take it day by day,” Hoseok begins, seeming more convinced by the whole idea. “Right now, our biggest priority should be making her feel safe.”
Nods all around.
“What...” Jimin starts, voice trailing off with uncertainty. “What if she wants to leave?”
None of them can think of a reply to that.
The next second, footsteps sound from the hallway. The shifters can smell you coming, and you no longer stink of dried blood.
Jin rounds the corner, closely followed by your sluggish form, looking exhausted and shaky.
A jolt of fear in your chest from being confronted by all of them again, and the rest of them feel it in the pit of their hearts. The fact that their own mate feels endangered by them, in your own home, elicits a fresh sting.
There’s moment of dull quiet where nobody moves, too afraid to make a wrong move.
Yet again, their leader guides them in the right direction.
Namjoon steps forward with a warm smile on his face, slouching his shoulders to look less tall and threatening in your eyes.
“You must be hungry.”
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a/n: thank you for reading til the end! comment any thoughts or reactions i love to hear them :) sorry if i forgot anyone on the taglist!
taglist: @jeepersjiminie @scuzmunkie @anchovyinajar @btsiguess-kpop @btspurplesky @emu007 @goldeneclipsedragon @serendididy @namjoons-bug @angryperfectionpersona @wittyreader @ariavaana @crazy-person @kyrah-williams @leehaechanlee @jinkajous @dolliecat @reallysparklychaos @xmochiloverx @queen-in-the-shadows @astrids-pandora @kapten-xouk @anonynim @massiekurrb @tito-the-mermaid @bangtannie7 @veronawrites @karlalands​ @gooooomz @iceprincessviviane @mugiwaraelly @iwuzhere @fl0r4f4wn @welcometomyworld13 @chatsgotmytongue @uarmyhore @djodjom1 @singukieee @ee101abc @effielumiere @slinekyu @azalea-nyx @jcrml @schokoshaker @tirouxdreemurr @blancflms @lovelysneer @blackravena @illnevertrustmyselfagain @mirahuyooo @blank-et-noir @sld88
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sopejinsunflower · 3 months
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2024.001.020: From Embers to Flames
Go to Series Masterlist!
Hoseok is restless.
He had tossed and turned so much in his bed that the sheet was all crumpled up and his blanket had somehow ended up on the floor in a pile. He’s staring at a spot on the ceiling, one arm resting across his forehead. He can’t sleep. Everytime he closed his eyes, it felt like he was sinking into the mattress straight down into a void he might never be able to climb back out of. So he kept his eyes open, blinking emptily. 
That’s when the door is gently pushed open and Hoseok barely turns to look, confident that it’s Karma - the cat has more free reign of the house than any of them. Only when he felt the bed dipped from the weight did he finally raise his head (and eyebrows). The curtain is opened and the moonlight shines in through the window so it didn’t take long for him to see it’s you. 
“Can’t sleep?” you ask in a voice barely a whisper. 
Hoseok sits up, criss-crossing his legs under him. “I’d say the feeling is mutual since you’re here.” He smiles, patting the empty spot next to him. You crawl your way over to mirror the way he sits, knee to knee, staring straight ahead out the window. He watches silently the way your chest softly moves up and down and how your eyelashes barely graze the top of your cheeks each time you blink. It has always been something you’ve been insecure about, those short lashes, but Hoseok won’t trade them for anything else. It’s funny to Hoseok how you might change bodies and even gender for each cycle but all these little things would somehow remain similar.
The both of you sit there in silence, Hoseok patiently waiting for you to speak first. The sinking feeling he had earlier is gone and he wonders if it’s because you’re here. Of course it is. He’s just happy to finally be at ease. He leans back against the headboard, watching your side profile. 
But what came out of your mouth next felt like a punch to the gut: “I feel like we’ve met before. In another life.”
Hoseok sucks in a breath. 
I turn around to look at him, squinting in the semi darkness to read his face. I didn’t have to look too hard; the answer on his face was clear as day. 
He remains silent, looking pale even in the moonlight. I purse my lips and turn away, remembering the promise I made: no questions until Sunday. I nodded to myself before turning back to him. “Forget I said that,” I say, automatically reaching out to touch his knee. “It’s fine, Hoseok.”
I watch his eyes flit over to the knee I’m touching and I quickly remove my hand but Hoseok is faster, covering my hand with his own, warm palm resting fully over my fingers and knuckles, gripping ever so slightly. He scoots closer, eyes downcast, trained on his hand enveloping mine, forehead furrowed. When he looks back up again, there’s a softness in his gaze as he exhales slowly and rests his head back against the headboard. 
“Stay here tonight?” 
I stare at his hand covering mine, contemplating for a moment whether the answer on the tip of my tongue is the right one. Sighing, I look back up to him. “Not tonight, maybe.” I pull away and climb off the bed. “Goodnight, Hoseok.”
I avoid looking at him in fear that the disappointed look on his face might make me change my mind, hurrying out of the room without another backward glance. It’s only until I cross the threshold of my own bedroom when I realised not looking back had been the wrong thing to do because the hand that wrapped around my upper arm came as such a surprise I let out a yelp loud enough for Karma to jump on all fours from his perch on the new cat tree.
“Hoseok!” I gasp, my heart hammering. “You scared me.”
To his credit, he does look guilty but the smile that spreads on his lips tells me that he found my reaction funny. I swat at his chest, pushing him away. “It’s not funny,” I grumble. 
“I’m sorry,” he chuckled. “I thought you knew I was right behind you.”
I glare at him, pouting. “What do you want?”
“Nothing,” Hoseok replies, slightly offended. “I just-” 
He pauses and I arch an eyebrow, waiting. 
He licks his lips before trying again, pupils shaking with nervousness as he stares right back at me. “I just…want you close. Tonight.”
Hoseok can hear the air that you suck in, can somehow even hear the way your heart doubled its pace as the both of you stand there in the middle of the room, staring at each other in a sort of stalemate of who breaks the silence first. 
To be honest, now that he’s said it, he thinks he might throw up if you reject him for the second time that night. His heart is literally in his throat right now and he thinks if he shifts his weight wrong, the whole world might just come crashing down. The ball is in your court now so it’s only right to wait until you make the first move, come what may. Like a child who just wants to cover his ears and squeeze his eyes shut, Hoseok grits his teeth at the strong urge to run out of here. 
Words of “No, I told you not tonight” and “seriously, Hoseok?” run through his mind and he half wishes he hadn’t said anything or even chased you back to your room. What an idiot. A desperate idiot. A desperate idiot that couldn’t even take the first subtle no as a complete answer. What did he think would happen? He should just go back to his room now before he makes things worse. Just apologise and leave, Hoseok, he thinks. Just-
Soft lips on his immediately banish the self-deprecating thoughts from his mind. His eyes go wide for a second as his brain catches up with what’s happening before he finally melts into you, catching your lips in between his. His arms silently wind around your waist, pulling you closer ever so slightly, pressing your body up against his so he can feel every soft edge and delicious curves, so he can memorise this body just as he had memorised the other ones, the other you’s - all different yet had felt just as familiar. 
His. Theirs. Whatever you want to call it, this is it. This is what it feels like to be away for a long time and finally coming home. This is the same feeling of being lost in a crowd, frantic, until you see a familiar face once more. It’s the same as when you’ve spent an entire day out doing either fun activities or running errands and being able to finally sink into the comfort of your mattress at the end of the day. It's a relief, it’s content. It’s every little comfort in life that he has come to associate with you. 
You, who had been so close yet so far away. You, who had been sitting right in front of his eyes these past few months yet going to bed missing you. He had been patient, he had followed the rules. Surely he deserves this, no? A little piece of the heaven he’s been promised if he plays the game right.
When Hoseok feels his feet moving, it’s not him that’s taking the lead. You guide him, mouths still connected, tongue still tangled, towards the bed in clumsy footsteps and he finds himself toppling onto his back. Neither of you break the kiss, not even as you straddle him, leaning chest to chest as you card your fingers through his hair, feeling his fingers dig into your side, probably leaving half-moon shapes on your skin.  Neither of you seems to think that breathing is important right now, not when you both can drink in each other, taking it lungful of gulps of whatever that’s flowing through your connected mouths.
In the distant far back of Hoseok’s mind, he thinks there’s a hint of unfairness to this. How would he even explain this to the others? They wouldn’t be jealous per se, but more annoyed that he had, once again, been the first to get a full taste of you. All of them understood it well enough that there’s a ritual to the cycle, a pattern of sorts that forces itself even when they do their damndest to change things. Would that be enough of an excuse once the others find out (because they will find out)? 
You pull away from the kiss, forehead remaining flushed against his. “Where are you off to?” You sound curious albeit a little sad and he cranes his neck to smush his lips back on yours, speaking in between kisses, “Sorry. I hope everyone’s really asleep, is all.”
You giggle, sitting back just slightly out of his reach. “We can always stop,” you tease, biting your already swollen lower lip. 
“Fuck no,” Hoseok growls as he snakes his fingers on the back of your head and pulls you back in. This time, he’s wise enough to flip you both over, the control finally in his hands. A light bulb goes off in his head as an idea strikes him and with one rough swipe, he pulls your shirt up and over your chest. Shoving the bunched hem in between your teeth, he says, “Now try and stay quiet for me, baby.” 
Jin picks out a card from Yoongi’s fanned out deck in his hands, smirks, then places a pair of aces into the middle pile. 
He turns to Jungkook for his turn to draw. “Do you reckon they know we can hear them?” Jungkook asks nonchalantly as he turns towards Jimin, unable to find a matching pair. 
The game of Old Maid had been going on for as long as the muffled ruckus started up in your room, right across from where they are, a method to keep them occupied as well as from bursting in there to catch Hoseok red-handed. But Jin thought that would’ve been too crass and since no one would be able to sleep anyway, they decided on a game of cards. 
Jin snorts. “Doubt it.”
Yoongi just shrugs as he pulls out a card from Jimin’s hand. He pauses for a moment, tilting his head. “Is the cat inside?”
They all stop in their tracks, exchanging glances at each other in the silence (somewhat silence - they can hear the creaking of your bed) as they think about the possibility. Jimin shakes his head pitifully. “Poor, poor kitty.”
The game resumes.
Down the hall, as opposed to Taehyung lightly snoring, oblivious to what’s happening close by, Namjoon stands by the opened window, half his body hanging outside, hands pressed against the ledges. He thought that by doing this, he can somewhat distract himself with the nighttime nature but he can hear the quiet moans of your voice and wonders if you had your windows cracked open, too. 
He wants to scream so bad but the sliver of self control he has has him scrunching up his face like he had tasted something sour, gripping to the window ledge so tight the wood creaks threateningly. Namjoon has no idea of the card game going on in Jin’s room. All he thinks is he wishes he was fast asleep instead, like the others because they seemed unbothered. He had expected for one or even two of them to burst into his room, wide-eyed and in between panic and excitement at the knowledge of you and Hoseok making love so painfully obvious.
Namjoon won’t deny the slight twinge of jealousy in his chest but feeling jealous of each other is as pointless as urging a flower to grow faster just because another one has already bloomed - everything is in due time; he just has to be patient. He does wonder if Hoseok’s true nature peeks out with you now, that dominance lurking under that bright, head-thrown-back laughter heard everyday around the house. What would you think of it? Or is Hoseok holding himself back, keeping things soft and vanilla for this first time with you? First time in this lifetime, of course.
As he sighs in defeat, retreating back into his room and closing the window tightly but almost begrudgingly, another thought comes to mind: How does he face you in the morning? Namjoon pauses on his way to the bathroom, blinking as he thinks, mouth downturned. What if he can’t hide the fact that he heard you? Fuck!
He stomps his way to the bathroom to splash cold water into his face, determined to forget everything and go to sleep. But sleep isn’t a good friend tonight as he lays there in bed, an obvious tent in his pyjama bottoms now, chewing on the insides of his cheeks. The harder he tries to push filthy thoughts out of his head, the more his mind wanders down to times when he had had you by his side almost every night, squished up against him, someone else’s arms around your middle, a human sandwich of sorts.
The first time Namjoon had laid with you, he had mistakenly thought you as shy, needing him to take the lead, nudging you in the right direction. He’d tease you with little orders like, “Take of your top for me, my love” and “That’s my girl” or “You’re as radiant as the stars in the sky, my darling, so let me see you more”, words that you blushed at, hiding your happy smiles behind your hair as you kept your head down low, doing everything he told you like a good puppy. 
But Namjoon had been too naive. The moment you flipped him over, one palm pushing against his chest for balance as you pushed up on the balls of your feet moving perfectly over his shaft, mounting him like a cat in heat, head thrown back, mouth agape, breathing in shallow breaths as he watched your breasts bounce almost mesmerised. Namjoon had been speechless, his usually intelligent mind rendered blank and dumb. Ah, he had thought to himself, I must have died and reached heaven. 
The more Namjoon entertained those memories swirling in his head, the more uncomfortable his lower half gets. He goes back into bed, pulling the covers over himself as his left hand sneaks into his pants. He closes his eyes, conjuring the memories of you in bed forward, almost smelling your skin on his clean sheet. His morals can go to hell for tonight.
Hoseok’s breathing is even, soft slow breaths that keep my eyes on the way his chest moves up and down. 
But he’s not sleeping, I can tell. He slowly turns his head over to me, eyelids fluttering open to look at me. Rustling alerts me to his hand moving over to touch mine under the blanket, intertwining our fingers together in between us, bringing them up to his mouth. He places a kiss on each one of my knuckles before resting our connected hands on his bare chest.
“Hi,” I whisper lamely.
“Hi,” he whispers back with an amused smile. 
 I turn slightly sideways, lips connecting with his shoulder, mouthing at it a little, making him smile wider. The sun is only just rising, the soft glow of the slowly waking world outside holds off behind a curtain closed shut. Soon, the birds will start their activity, Mrs Oliviera will be thumping around on the first floor to start the day and it will be time to wake up and break this sacred, quiet moment between Hoseok and I. 
“I should go back to-”
Hoseok regards me for a moment. “But the others will be awake soon.”
“They’ll ask questions,” he answers, turning onto his side and leaning on one elbow, looking down on me. 
I hum, feeling his finger caressing my side. “You don’t have to answer.”
“They’ll know,” he says.
“Then they don’t have to ask.”
Hoseok chuckles softly. He leans down and connects our lips, fingers digging into my flesh. He deepens the kiss, pushing me over on my back as he looms over me, his weight creaking the bed. He moves to my cheek, nosing down to my neck, lightly brushing his lips on the sensitive skin there. He starts to move downward, pecking kisses down to my chest. I can feel his tongue poking out, feel it-
We both jump apart, him more than me that he almost falls off the edge of the bed. 
“Karma!” I exclaimed, staring in disbelief at the cat that had just jumped onto the bed. He gives me a disapproving look as he curls up in what was just minutes ago Hoseok’s spot, laying his head on the pillow as if reclaiming it. 
I turn back to Hoseok and give him an apologetic shrug. He laughs lightly, slipping off the bed and kneeling by the side of it. “I think that’s my cue, love,” he says. He leans over and kisses my forehead. “Sleep some more.”
I watch him get dressed and leave the bedroom, gently closing the door behind him. I lay back on my pillow, staring at the ceiling. I turn to Karma, purring contentedly. He opens his eyes in slits to look at me before closing them again, almost smugly. 
“You’re such a brat, you know that?”
He ignores me, as expected.
I roll my eyes and turn the other way.
The quiet yelling doesn’t bother the cat as I watch him bound up the stairs towards the third floor. I let out a groan and climb over the makeshift barrier, tiptoeing up the stairs as quickly as I can to go after him before the housekeeper sends us both to think about our actions in a corner. The stupid cat is fast and I try to be as quiet as possible, trailing after him.
“Get back here,” I hiss, bending low with my arms outstretched as I approach him close enough for the tip of his twin tails to brush my fingers. He had stopped to sniff at a closed door but then changed his mind, darting away and escaping me. He hurries down the hallway and I slow my pace, eyes trailing upwards to that same old door in the ceiling. I don’t come up here often and for some reason, the sight of it triggers a nostalgic feeling of sorts. 
I stop right underneath it, neck starting to ache a little from how long I’ve been staring at the Anam Cara etched on the wooden surface. That specific celtic knot represents eternal love but what most people tend to ignore is the fact that Anam Cara literally translates to ‘soul friend’. I wonder why my grandaunt was so fascinated by Gaelic culture. Do we have some Irish bloodline in us? Or Vikings, maybe?
The sound of scratching pulls my attention down towards Karma again who is now long and extended halfway across one wall, paws stretched to reveal the razor claws beneath sunk into the wallpaper.
“Nononononono,” I mutter, leaping forward to remove him from making more damage but Karma is a cat. He lithely jumps out of the way but it’s too late for me to pull the brakes, ramming my shoulder straight into the wall he was leaning against, but instead of bouncing off of it, I sink into it.
The thud isn’t what made Jin finally curious enough to go up the third floor; it’s the strange cat that casually slinks between his legs heading downstairs, but not before giving him a look that confirms it wasn’t him making the noise. 
Jin isn’t the bravest man out there. The only good thing about having a pet, he thinks, is that he can blame it for any weird creaky, spooky noise he can’t explain that happens throughout this old house. But it’s the afternoon and the house doesn't look so haunted with the sun shining through every window so he decided to be adventurous. His plan was to peek around the corner and then run like hell downstairs again. 
He cranes his neck as far out as he can, one foot on the edge of the stairs, ready to bolt. His eyes scan the hallway hurriedly and when he doesn’t see anything, his heart starts thudding faster. Jin hears a pop in his neck from whipping his head around too fast but then he hears your voice. 
He pauses, heart finally calming down. “Y/n?”
No reply. Did he imagine it? He takes a tentative step forward and then another, eyes rapidly scanning the area. But it’s a long hallway that stops at a window. Are you in one of the rooms? Did you fall? Did something fall onto you? Oh god, no.
Jin bursts through each door one by one without bothering to close the one before, his senses heightened to the point there’s a ringing in his ears. Each door he goes through he’s met with ceiling-high stacked old items he doesn’t focus on for too long, items he had long put behind him; some made him think more about you which sends him into more of a panic. By the fourth door, Jin is half-convinced he imagined your voice and had half a mind to just go back downstairs to find you. 
He exits the door and for some reason, he looks up towards the trapdoor that he had been living above off just a few months ago. He’s too far to see it but his eyes zone in on the Anam Cara. He remembers the night that he had taken a knife to the wood, giggling with you as he carved the shape, carefully not to nick himself with the blade as his vision sort of blurred together from how much wine he had drunk. 
“Yoongi is going to be so- hic- mad,” you had slurred. “He was going to- hic- use this panel for a cupboard- hic.” 
“I’m making it prettier,” he replied with a grin. “He’ll love it.”
No, he didn’t. Yoongi had been annoyed but not angry enough to do anything more than just roll his eyes when he had caught the two of you in his workshed. He did, however, throw the tangerine he was holding at Jin’s head before confiscating the knife from Jin and shepherding you both to bed, mumbling about soulmate symbols and how the Anam Cara wasn’t actually one (Jin had justified that it was his expression of eternal love for you which earned him that free lecture from Yoongi). And that’s the origin story of the trapdoor in the ceiling.
Jin snaps out of his reverie. He follows the muffled sound of the voice and finds himself face to face with the revolving secret wall. If he hadn’t been ten feet away from it, he definitely would not have heard it. A sense of deja vu washes over him, only this time he’s not a floating ghost. 
I called out a second time but judging from how compact my voice sounds in this space, I knew no one would be able to hear me. My chest starts to wind up tight, my throat constricting as panic rises up to a crescendo. I can feel pressure in my ears but my mouth is clamped shut, unable to make any more noise. It’s so, so dark. 
I’ve been here before, I remember. A while back when I had first found this place. How could I have forgotten that? That’s the funny thing about your brain; it tends to push down all the bad stuff so you can function somewhat properly. A monster in the dark. There’s a monster in the dark. A ghost. With eyes so familiar it hurts. 
These thoughts go around and around in my head, bouncing off the walls of my mind as I try my hardest to not start hyperventilating. My breaths are coming out in short bursts and my hands are fisted, pressed together against my stomach. When your whole existence is crushing inward against you, your senses become sharper than usual, albeit narrowed to your own self. That’s how I’m hyper aware of how cold my own fingers are and how loud the thud, thud, thud is of my heart against my ribcage. 
Jin picks random spots on the wall to pound against with the side of his fists, alternating between the right and left side as he’s confident the axis is somewhere in the centre. Thud, thud, thud! And yet the wall resists.
You no longer make any sound from within and although Jin knows that you could have made your way downstairs, his panic button is still turned on. He remembers your panic-stricken face the first time you stumbled across the hidden space, the way you had gone completely out of his reach even when he had been screaming in your face to try to snap you out of it. That triggered the other memory, of him dragging your limp body out of the water. Jin shivers, both to shake the bad memory away as well as in anger because. The wall. Just. Won’t-
The wall finally swings open and Jin’s eyes are quick to lock in on you the same time yours find him. He doesn’t waste another moment.
Jin. Jin’s eyes.
A ghost with eyes so familiar it hurts. 
Jin. Seokjin. My Seokjin. 
He’s crushing me so hard the wind is knocked out of me. Ironically, I can breathe again, taking in huge gulps of air like a diver resurfacing. 
Murky waters. 
Jin is talking to me but I can’t quite hear him. He’s holding my face in between both hands, forcing me to look up at him, into those eyes. Those eyes that look so worried, like I had died. My chest feels tight and my throat is suddenly ticklish, like I got something stuck there. I cough and it stings, like when you accidentally swallowed water into the wrong pipe. 
Murky water. Mud.
“Are you okay?!”
You’re looking at Jin but not really seeing him, he can tell. Your eyes look far away, almost lifeless and it scares him so much his hands are shaking as he holds your face. He wants to call out to the others but something keeps him focused on you, unable to pull away even for a second lest he might lose you. It doesn’t make sense but the fear in his heart is real. 
“Talk to me, please.”
You take a deep breath but Jin’s not convinced that you’re fully there yet. You start coughing and his panic goes back up to ten. Did you choke on something? He tries to keep your body straight so he can look, make sure you’re okay but you’re doubling over, grasping at your chest, coughing like you’re suffocating. 
Jin bends down. “Okay, let’s get you some water. We need to get out-”
“You pulled me out of the water.”
The coughing stops as abruptly as it started. You look up at him, chest still heaving. Jin is at a loss for words, staring at you as he tries to make sense of the sentence. I did, he thinks, once upon a time ago. 
Flashbacks to that dreadful day play like an old film reel in Jin’s mind, each scene starker than the next. Standing there in the secret space built so many years ago, he’s convinced that water is dripping down his forehead; water from that pond miles behind the property. He can even smell it on him. He doesn’t notice it yet but his heart is in his throat, ready to be vomited out once he opens his mouth to respond to you.  “Jin,” you say, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him close, “did I die?”
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a/n: at this rate, it looks like I'm posting once a year to this fic and they're shorter than I like too T_T i'm doing my best! I'll try harder, I promise! T_T
Next: coming...soon?
Check out my other works → :MASTERLIST:
Taglist: @effielumiere @queen-in-the-shadows @singukieee @ot7nem @thelewddreamer @jaxavance @serendididy @peacedreamer14 @uarmyhore @fangirl125reader @maetyun @canarystwin @jewitchenby
a/n2: to my taglist, if you're still reading, I LOVE YOU T_T if not, don't hesitate to lmk if you want me to take you off the list. I wouldn't mind, honestly ;_;
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lo1k-diamonds · 3 months
Soul Palette Series 💜
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In this soulmate alternative universe, there are no marks, no strings, and no traces to guide them to their other half. But if they listen carefully, destiny is just around the corner patiently waiting to mix them in the soul palette and create universes - together.
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PAIRING: idol!BTS member x (f)OC
GENRE: Soulmate AU (s2l)
RATING: R (for the most part)
Crossposted on AO3 | Should be read in order 💜
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PAIRING: idol!Jin x OC
SUMMARY: In early 2018, BTS were at a crossroads: after working so hard to set foot in the music industry of South Korea, their sudden jump into stardom became something they never anticipated. Jin believed in his dongsaengs but was just as lost as them when his soulmate entered the picture.
WORD COUNT: 25.3k (total)
WARNINGS: mild angst for talks of disbanding, burnout, financial struggles, sickness, society pressures, low self-esteem
The corners of his lips rose the second he predicted she would crash into him, which he absolutely wanted for some reason, but she subverted his expectations. His features went from cheeky to slumped when she dodged him expertly and just walked right past him without even looking up. He turned to widen his eyes at her in a complaint, but she was walking steadily and quickly away without looking back. Well, he scoffed, how could she just focus so hard on her call or whatever that she didn’t see him standing right in her way? One should pay attention to their surroundings instead of— He gasped, Wait!
AO3 | [1st Chapter - Tumblr]
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✔Seeking the Sunrise
PAIRING: idol!Hoseok x OC
SUMMARY: Haesun was adrift, her life was happening but she had no idea where she was going. Finding her soulmate was on the wishlist, but it was by no means a priority. Cue in the cutest guy who happens to be a household name in the music industry with his whole life figured out. He's her soulmate, isn't that great? If only he wanted to find love like she did...
WORD COUNT: 32.1k (total)
WARNINGS: angst, tragedy, comfort, minor character death, sickness, grief, tension, smut (in the last chapter: dry humping, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex)
If he was unavailable, why did he yearn for her? Hoped to see her? Was done early just so he could go to her earlier and wait for her with a smile on his face? Went out with his friends at the same time she was at a soulmating party so that he wouldn’t think about it? Wanted to touch her all the time? Stared at her photo and tried to remember her laugh, sighing at the memory of it? Looked at her jaw and wished to brush it softly with his thumbs? Looked at her gorgeous lips like that? Why did he wonder… about what her lips would say next? Or how they felt? Or how they tasted?
AO3 | [1st Chapter - Tumblr]
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PAIRING: idol!Namjoon x OC
WORD COUNT: ? Outline 🚧 15 chapters
AO3 | [Tumblr]
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✔Call You Mine
PAIRING: idol!Yoongi x OC
SUMMARY: Freya despises everything soulmate-related, but one day her soulmate shows out of nowhere and turns everything upside down. A slowburn rejection soulmate story to make you fall in love with Min Yoongi (again).
WORD COUNT: 297k (total)
WARNINGS: angst, huge ass story that is an emotional rollercoaster, rejection (happy ending), OC has a strong personality and flaws (all my characters do really), desperation, explicit sexual content, soulmate bond is inescapable and shit happens
She turned around like a tornado, “Why the fuck would I change my life for you?!” He nodded, looking at the floor while choosing his words carefully. “Well… it might be a little selfish of me, but—” “A little?!” “— there isn’t another way, not that I can see,” he finished stubbornly. That stunned her for a moment. She stared at him in utter disbelief. The audacity—! “We don’t have to be together. We don’t know each other!” She closed her fists, voice shaking in anger. “Why should I have to move across the world for you? Why! Cause you’re famous?”
AO3 | [1st chapter - Tumblr]
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🚀To Blossom
PAIRING: idol!Jungkook x OC
WORD COUNT: ? Writing 🚀 Chapter 17/62 (~90k) ➡ snippets
AO3 | [Tumblr]
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🚧The Shade of the Cosmos
PAIRING: idol!Taehyung x OC
WORD COUNT: ? Outline 🚧 9 chapters
AO3 | [Tumblr]
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🚧Choice and Destiny
PAIRING: idol!Jimin x OC
WORD COUNT: ? Outline 🚧 10 chapters
AO3 | [Tumblr]
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The Tapestry of Fate
PAIRING: each couple from the previous stories
WORD COUNT: ? Oneshot
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pascaloverx · 8 months
Invisible Bonds: The Power of Destiny
Author's Note: This fanfic contains possible strong language and explores themes of unconventional love. The relationship between the protagonists will be handled with sensitivity, without explicit scenes. If there are explicit scenes, readers will be warned. This fanfic focuses on the reader's relationship with Jungkook and Taehyung, separately.
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Chapter Fourteen
It was days of waiting for either of them to come back to the hospital to visit you. What to do, maybe you're a hypocrite. Sending two handsome men away and now wanting them back It seems a bit silly even to you. Your mother didn't leave your side, not for a minute. She only stepped away when some of your other friends came to visit. Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin, and Jimin. They all came here to spend a few hours, or in the case of Jimin and Hoseok, the whole day with you.  You can safely say that you understand what Jungkook and Taehyung mean to you,  but without remembering them, it hardly matters. It's been almost three days since you returned home, and neither of them has shown up at your house. According to your mother, both of them call her. She said that despite not understanding your romantic life, she's happy that you'll definitely marry well. You're not so sure if she's right, but you don't know if you have an open enough relationship to tell her that you don't remember wanting to marry anyone. Your mother was a great caregiver, but you're feeling more liberated now that she's back home. And your first task is to go downstairs to fetch the mail. Using crutches makes it incredibly difficult to descend the stairs in your building.
"You need some help?" You look ahead and come face to face with Jungkook, who seems to have just come from a run, his hair wet and his face slightly sweaty. Truth be told, what a handsome man.
"I'd really appreciate it if you could help me with these crutches. Grabbing mail with them seems to be impossible." You say in response, not looking directly at him. There's always the risk of getting lost in his gaze and giving the wrong impression.
"Let me help you with that." He says, using the keys in your hand to open your mailbox. You take a deep breath, feeling Jungkook's scent fill the air of the lobby. He then places your mail in your hands and takes your crutches, handing them to you. You look at him with confusion, wondering what his plan is. Then he firmly puts his arm around you, lifting you up and placing you in his arms.
"You know that's not what I meant when I accepted your help, right?" You speak as he carries you to your apartment, which by the way, you're not sure how he's managing. Maybe he's a supernatural being, huh?
"All I know is that you're not in a condition to go up and down alone. I guess what you're trying to say is thank you." He doesn't seem too pleased. You look at him a little embarrassed.
"I'll put you down now, so get ready." He speaks as you search for a good response to give him. Nothing comes to mind. Maybe this accident has affected your ability to interact.
"Look, I... would like to apologize. I was rude that day at the hospital. Maybe because I'm confused. Maybe it's because..." Again, your ability to think of what to say escapes you. But Jungkook seems to be amused by this.
"Because I want you, Taehyung wants you, and you have no idea what you want?" He says, opening the door to the apartment for you. You then smile. It's funny to be in a confusing love triangle.
"Can I be honest with you? Like really honest?" You speak as you look into his eyes, now standing face to face with him just after he opened the door.
"It's hard to imagine a moment when you haven't been like this with me, but okay, be honest. Give me the truth, I can take it." Jungkook says playfully, which seems quite charming.
"Wanting isn't the issue. I don't even remember you guys, and I could easily want both of you back, with reciprocity. The problem is that you both seem to have deep feelings, something I don't have. And I hate to break it to you, I don't want to discover feelings." You say, being as honest as you can possibly be. The proximity between you two becomes more physical, giving you a sense that perhaps Jungkook is less disappointed than you imagine.
"When we talk about wanting, you mean..." Jungkook seems to be teasing, which is quite pleasant. Flirting is something new since you lost your memory.
"I mean, if you were to kiss me right now, I'd be okay with that. But if you want to sit down and talk about feelings, I'll save it for another time." You speak straightforwardly. Was that how you were before, or is it a new aspect of your personality?
"I believe a kiss is worth more than just an 'okay,' but let's see how you feel about it in practice." He says, pulling you closer and kissing you. But contrary to what you expected, it's a gentle kiss. A kiss that stirs your emotions, which you now can see is Jungkook's objective. But you can't seem to pull your lips away from his. It feels like a kind of addiction, something you want to hold onto. In fact, you're holding onto Jungkook tightly to keep him as close to you as possible. Until you stagger, almost falling.
"You want to, um... have some tea with me?" You say, adjusting yourself and heading towards your apartment. Now, what you want is a long make-out session with Jungkook.
"I don't know, maybe it's too much for you. Not to mention I need a shower." He replies, teasing you.
"You have two seconds to come in here, close the door, and seize this opportunity. If you want, you can take a shower here. I have a great washer and dryer." You suggest nonchalantly but hoping he accepts. There's a fire burning inside you, and he seems to be the cure for it at the moment.
"You know that means you're going to see me naked, right?" He says, closing the door, and you smile, leaning against the corner of the couch. He then comes towards you, and you kiss him again. There goes your time to be alone and reflect on what's best for you.
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prettyhobii · 1 year
where seven mates meet their final missing piece.
a/n- Please note until I have the time to make edits of my work the first few chapters of this fic might be 'cringe' and bad writing. Please be patient and save the hate for someone who truly deserves it. Thankyou <3
This fic includes an OC character ‘Moon Nari.’
TW- this series WILL include distressing themes such as all forms of violence, trauma and abuse towards the mc. Smut will also be included at some point in this fic. This should end around chapter three. I will always give warnings. With that being said !MDNI!
-CHAPTER THREE- !MDNI! Chapter is not suitable for people with triggers mentioned above.
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acopenhagenarmy · 1 year
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Pairing: BTS x reader but mostly hyung-line x reader  Side pairings: Jimin x Taehyung, Jimin x Ateez!Wooyoung, reader x Ateez!Seonghwa
Mafia!au - gang!au - assassins!au 
Word count: 3,5k ish
Warnings: Mentions of death, nudity and sex apart from that some strong language. And I think that’s it for now.. 
Summary: Growing up in one of the biggest and most feared mafias has it’s perks, but what happens when you and you’re friends are suddenly shipped off to the other end of the world? Will you stay together or will the world you live in tear you all apart? 
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You sat quietly in a chair next to Taehyung waiting for when the headmaster had finished his current conversation. Camilla was currently in his office, Shawn had been in there just before her. Dominic’s assistant was smart enough to not place the four of you in the same room. The day had been dramatic enough as there was no need to add fuel to the fire. 
“I like your katana. It’s one hell of a weapon” Taehyung stated after you’ve been sitting in silence for a while. 
“Oh!” You said and looked down at the blade in its holster that you were holding in your hand. “Thank you” 
He smiled and looked around. Seemingly not sure what to do or what to say to you, after all you just met, and the two of you didn’t have the same pull towards each other as you had with his older brothers, or he had with Jimin. 
“How did you get two guns? I thought we were only allowed to bring one weapon each?” 
You turned your upper body towards him, to encourage conversation. 
“Oh yeah we were. I’m just really not a one weapon type of guy” he said as he shrugged. 
You laughed. 
“Did you break the rules TaeTae?” 
He sent a boxy smile your way as his eyes disappeared. He seemed pleased with your nickname. 
“I would never, I just bent them a little” He stuck a finger in his mouth and started to nibble on the dry skin around his nails. 
“How is that bending the rules?” You asked as you took his hand and removed it from his mouth. You couldn’t stand the sound. 
“Well the rules stated that we were only allowed to bring one weapon each. But nowhere in the rules did it say that I wasn’t allowed to steal the weapons of others” 
His eyes sparkled as he spoke. 
You couldn’t contain the laughter that escaped you. It was loud, genuine and contagious. It didn’t take long before Taehyung laughed with you, and soon the two of you were gasping for air. 
Suddenly the doors in front of you slammed open, and Camilla quickly rushed through without as much as looking at the two of you. 
Dominic called your name. Taehyung took your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I’ll find you after” he said. 
“Thank you TaeTae” 
Dominic was leaning against his desk, quickly walking towards you as you had closed the doors. 
“It’s been a long time coming Y/N” he said as he pulled you in for a hug. 
“It’s good seeing you uncle” 
“Good seeing you kiddo” He gave you an extra squeeze before letting you go and gesturing towards one of the chairs and quickly sat down himself. 
“So… why am I here?” 
He sighed. “How can I not call you in Y/N, it’s been the most dramatic first day off class I’ve had in all my years as headmaster” 
You remained quiet. 
“I’m proud of you, you know?” You tilted your head not quite getting where he was going with his statement. “And your father would be too. The way you’ve handled yourself these last couple of hours is very admirable, and I think you need to prepare yourself for the next couple of weeks because of it” 
“Thank you, it means a lot.” You sent a smile his way. 
Dominic had always been kind, always expecting the best of his sons but he’d never been cruel in the way men tended to be in this line of work. He reminded you a lot of your own father, and it was in cases like this you realized exactly why the two of them were so close. 
“Now!” He said as he clapped his hands together. “Send Taehyung in, I need to expel that kid” 
You started laughing once again. “You can’t uncle” 
He rolled his eyes at you. “Of course I can Y/N, he broke my rules, I can do whatever I want when the kids do that” 
“But he didn’t, he just utilized your wording” 
“How?” He asked as he crossed his arms. 
“He didn’t bring two weapons, he stole one of the guns from some other guy who’s now roaming the halls without any way to defend himself” 
Dominic shook his head as he sighed. 
“Send him in anyways” 
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You left the office and told Taehyung he could find you and the guys in one of the public living rooms not far from either of your rooms. 
Despite the building being large, it didn’t take you long to reach your members who were currently napping on the couches. You dropped down between Hoseok and Jimin, and Hoseok quickly pulled you close as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. 
“You smell nice,” he stated. 
You hummed as a response. 
It was quiet, none of you really spoke. You just enjoyed being with each other in solitude for a little while. 
Meanwhile Taehyung had finished his meeting with the headmaster and was updating his brothers and Yoongi on the long discussions he had with the headmaster Dominic. 
“But I guess she must’ve said something to him, cause he just demanded that I return the weapon to the person I stole it from” 
“And that was it? No yelling? No explanation needed?" Yoongi asked. 
Yoongi pondered a little on just why you would explain Taehyung's situation to the man you called uncle. You and Namjoon had come to an agreement earlier that day, a pre-alliance so to speak, but didn’t it take more than that for you to trust them? 
“Well you did kind of defend Blade even though it was mainly because your ego can't handle being called a weirdo” Seokjin said as he ruffled his younger brother's blue locks. 
That’s true… Yoongi thought to himself. 
He pushed open the doors and caught a quick glimpse of you in Hoseok's arms as he entered. He made a mental note of it, reminding himself that he had to ask Hoseok about your relationship when he had him alone. 
Yoongi was quiet, more quiet than most. He was observant and caught the unspoken words between people, and he knew his members like he knew himself. But despite that, even a blind man would be able to see how you affected his leader. And he needed to look out for them all if Namjoon had decided to be blinded by your bloodlust and beauty. 
You quickly removed yourself from Hoseok as you heard the men enter the room. And just as your eyes found Namjoons in an instant, knocking down all walls he had spent his life building. 
“That was quick” You stated as you looked towards the blue haired man. 
Taehyung shrugged. “I think you pretty much saved my ass” 
Jimin laughed with him, making his boxy smile even bigger than before. 
The four boys sat down on the empty couch on the other side of the coffee table. Quickly getting comfortable. It only took Taehyung a few seconds to get comfortable, both arms and legs swinging around Namjoon. He himself seemed unbothered by it. He must be used to it 
“So…” Seokjin said. “This day have been way more exciting than i first expected” 
You all laughed, and his eyes seemed to soften at that. 
“This is new for all of us. New allies happen rarely, and personally the four of us are only really used to working together” You said as you looked at the men who surrounded you. 
“Us too…” Yoongi responded. “But does this mean we’re allies then?” 
“If you still want us, yes. It will take us time. We all have  to get used to this, especially since we’ll see eachother everyday. But let’s use it to our advantage. All have different talents, we all have areas where we can improve, so I would like for us to learn from one another in the classes. It’s only a few of them where we’re all rookies” 
“Sounds like a plan,” Seokjin said. 
“Great! I was thinking that Kook could start out with learning TaeTae a thing or two with hand to hand combat” 
The two men looked at each other and did what you could only assume was a secret handshake that they’d made in the last few hours. 
“Hobi, I would like it if you and Yoongi would sit down with each other. You both work quite far from the field, you like to see everything from the outside” 
They both nodded. 
Namjoon was amazed at just how quickly you’d be able to pair his and yours members with each other. How quickly you had analyzed them all and seen their weaknesses, but at the same time their strengths. 
“Chim, you’ll work with Namjoon. You can teach him a thing or two about how I fight. Something tells me his way is a little more stiff” 
You smiled, and even though you had just criticized him, he couldn’t help but return it. 
“Why don’t you teach me yourself, Park? Afraid?” He asked you 
You laughed. “No, but everything I’ve learned is from Chim or Kook, and I don’t think you’re ready for him yet. Besides, Jimin moves differently than most when he fights. It’s more of a dance, so it’ll give you an edge most people don’t have”
“Does that then mean you’ll be with me?” Seokjin asked, teasingly. 
Jimin and Yoongi quickly looked around the men who quickly stiffened. Hoseok looked like he had stopped breathing, and Jungkook looked like he wanted to bore his knives in his hands, just to make sure that they didn’t touch you. Namjoon however didn’t even blink, he was either used to Jin’s flirting behavior, or he was unbothered by the way he spoke to you. You didn’t really know which of them you wanted it to be. 
"Exactly, I wanna see what you can do Seokjin” You said. Fully aware of just how he could interpret your words. 
“I’ll show you everything… But please, call me Jin” 
“Jin…” It was af you had to taste his name in your mouth, and he seemed pleased, and sent a nod of approval your way. 
The look he had in his eyes felt like he set fire to your blood. 
You quickly coughed, hoping that it would make the feeling disappear. 
“Great! We have a plan then” 
“Does that mean you’ll tell us your name?” Taehyung asked 
“Not quite yet” 
Taehyung pouted at your response which made Jimin break out in the sweetest of smiles. 
“Let’s go Tae, might be an idea to rest up before dinner” Yoongi said and pushed the younger man, earning him a small and dramatic scream. 
“I don’t need rest! I just need to steal a new gun or two” 
“TAE!” You, Namjoon, Seokjin and Jimin all yelled. 
He held his hands up as if he was a thief on the wrong end at a policeman's gun. “Okay, okay I won't then!” 
You all stood up and slowly went back to your individual rooms. 
The rest of the day went by quickly, there was no added drama or chaos. And neither of you needed more to happen. 
You had just put on one of Hoseok’s oversized t-shirts after a well earned shower when you heard a knock on your door. 
You slowly opened it, to scout if it was a friend or foe who stood on the other side. Katana drawn, hidden by the door. 
“Jin” You said when your eyes found his. 
He sent a crooked smile your way. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked as you opened the door wider, as to invite him in while you put away your katana. But he never moved, he remained on the other side of the door, watching you silently as you moved around. 
“I have something for you,” He said and leaned against the doorframe. 
Confusion painted your expression. 
“See it as a token of my appreciation” 
He handed you a little vial filled with what looked like water, but you knew better when it came to the Seokjin. 
“What is this?” You asked as you expected it. 
“It’s just a little something I threw together while you and Tae talked to the headmaster. It slows down the effect of all known poisons we’ll be able to make with the plants and chemicals here. It will paint your lips red as blood if it reacts with anything that could cause you harm. I’ll then be able to whip up an antidote before it takes you out” 
You looked at him with big eyes. “Oh wow… Thank you, so much. that’s an amazing gift” 
“Your very welcome Blade” He was just about to turn around when your voice once again caught his attention. 
"Jin? Can I ask you why you’re giving me this?” 
He smiled, bigger, brighter and way less seductive than he had done so far. 
“I’m not blind you know?” 
“I didn’t say you were?” You answered with a teasing tone. 
He laughed. “I know… We’ve been here for a short amount of time, and I’ve seen how you and Namjoon look at each other. It’s something different from the desire you radiate when you look at me.” 
“Don’t worry Blade, I won't tell anyone about all your crushes. Just like those who crush on you won't confess either. But if I’m gonna steal your heart from my brother, from Jungkook and from Hoseok, I need you to be alive. Therefore the antidote.” 
You couldn’t help the chuckle nor the smile. “Who says I’m even interested?” 
The tone was teasing, almost daring. 
“I do. You know I’m so much more than a pretty face Park, let me show you” 
Jin slowly walked away, a big smile displayed on his lips. He looked happy, a different happiness than what he had displayed all day. This happiness wasn't flirting, it seemed more genuine. 
Damn you Jin. Now I wanna get to know you … 
You quickly closed your door behind him in a desperate attempt to shut his words out, force them back into his throat before they could manifest in you. 
A knock on the door that connected you and Hoseok's shared bathroom pulled you from your thoughts. 
“Come in Hobi” You answered. 
He stood in the door opening for a second. Somewhat afraid of the expression that painted your features. 
“Who was at the door?” 
“Oh, it was just Jin” 
“Was he a bearer of good news?” 
You sent him a puzzled look. 
He pointed to you; “You’re smiling like a maniac” 
“He gave me this” You said and threw the small flask his way. “He’s afraid that I might be poisoned. By either Shawn or Camilla I assume, so he gave me something to detect it and slow it down in case it happens” 
Hoseok expected the flask. “You sure this isn’t poison? That this a scheme to get you to take it?” 
You laughed. Killing me after confessing? You had heard worse theories. 
You were fascinated by Namjoon, in many ways he was like you. A dynasty resting on his shoulders, surrounded by those he trusted the most. He was beautiful, charming, and alluring. But you also knew that as much as you wanted to trace his dragon tattoo with your own hands, as much as you wanted to figure out where it both started and ended, it would mean trouble for the both of you. 
Jin however, offered a whole other life. He was the oldest, and therefore would be easily accepted if you decided to get closer to him. He was tall, deadly and beautiful with his plump lips and wide shoulders. The two of you together would be a lethal combination. 
But you didn’t come here to fall in love, to find your match. This, he, them, were never a part of the plan. So instead of dwelling on Jin’s words, you started to shut off, close off your heart, harden yourself, building up those walls that had been broken down by the Kim brothers in a matter of hours. 
“Lost in thought?” Hoseok asked with a small smile on his lips. He looked cute like this, soft even. 
“A little, it’s been a long day” You stated as you threw yourself on the bed. 
“You don’t say” he said as he laid beside you, pulling your body close to him. 
Hoseok loved having you like this, he knew he was the only one who got to see you like this, at least now. It had been a while since you had a love. For a while he thought that you and your ex might end up married in the future, that was of course until he decided that a life on the seven seas with his 7 best friends seemed better. 
That anyone could choose anyone, anything over you was something Hoseok would never be able to understand. So instead he pulled you even closer to him and entangled his limbs with yours. 
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“Where have you been?” Namjoon asked his brother as he walked through the door that led to his room. 
“I stopped by Blades, had something for her” He stated as he sat down in one of the chairs that stood in front of Namjoons desk. 
He lifted his eyebrow. “Oh yeah?” He asked, smirk on full display. 
Seokjin rolled his eyes. “I gave her a flask of the same stuff I’ve been feeding to you for the last few years. Didn’t think you’d want your first ally to drop dead when one of these idiots figure out just what they can make from the herbs that’s on the roof” 
Namjoon nodded. He wasn’t wrong, especially since your father most likely would blame Jin for the poison which would lead to a full on war. 
“Have you talked to Hongjoong yet?” Yoongi asked as he joined the brothers' conversation.  
“No haven’t heard from him, or even seen him yet” 
“I could’ve sworn he said they’d been accepted” He said almost indifferently. 
“Yeah I thought so too, but who knows? They might’ve gotten a better offer” Seokjin said. “Have any of you seen Tae by the way?” 
“I think he’s hanging out with Jimin and Jungkook,” Namjoon stated. 
Yoongi laughed almost silently. “It might be good for him to have someone around his own age to run around with”
Namjoon threw a pillow his way. “I’m only one year older than him, you know” He stated. 
“Oh we know, but you do have a tendency to be a little tense from time to time” Yoongi said as he walked out the room. 
“You got your alliance with the Parks, I’m proud of you brother” Seokjin shot his leader a smile which made him return it shyly. 
“Couldn't have done it without any of you guys, if I’m completely honest I think Tae had more to do with it than the rest of us” 
“Sure he might play a part, but it did sound like she had thought about it as well, so give her some credit” 
"Honestly?" She deserves all the credit” He sighed and whispered: “she deserves everything” 
Seokjin laughed. “Does she now?” 
“What?” Namjoon said with big eyes as he tried his best to not admit that the words had somehow escaped him by accident. 
The older man shook his head. “You’re cute when you act stupid. You might be one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, but you’re also one of the dumbest” 
Namjoon laid back and covered his head in one of the many pillows as he screamed into it. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow brother, rest well okay?” 
He waved, face never leaving the pillow. He wanted to hide himself from the world. Did he really say it out loud, or was his brother just that good at reading him? If he was being honest it didn’t really matter.
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sosickastro · 3 days
My heart shrinks in my chest as I look up onto the stage, my red thread every so loose as I see it branch off into 7 different lines, all of them linking to the 7 men dancing and singing on stage. My heart physically stops in my chest as all the air in my throat quickly escapes as if even my oxygen can’t believe my fate. My body gets set into a panic as tears trickle down my cheeks, rivers quickly form on both lakes that my eyes are turning into as my reality, my fate, my life all comes crashing down onto me. My soulmate, no,  my soulmates are the seven superstars of the world. This can’t be happening to me, dear lord above I was joking all those times I wanted to be (y/n) in those BTS mafia fanfics I used to read in middle school. Please don’t make this my reality, please dont let them be my soulmates. My heart can’t take it, it just might kill me. 
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adabisworld · 2 years
Stars to my moon |chapter-8|
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Genre: Soulmateau! Idolau!Angst;fluff;drama;romance, polyamorousAu!
Summary: He took big strides, halting right in front of me as he bends to my eye level, causing me lean back a little. I could feel his breath fanning my face, looking into his eyes, I could see a storm of anger into them.
"We have been nothing but considerate of you and your feelings, while all you've given in return is rejection and cold shoulder since day one." He grits out.
when Selene's 22nd  birthday doesn't go as she expected,  her world turns upside down, making her resent her soulmates. Will she ever come to accept them in her life or will she continue to run away holding onto her past love?
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Bouncing his leg up and down, chewing on the pen, he couldn't help but wonder what was happening across the hall.
With a sigh, he slams his pen down on the table, getting up to pace around the room.
Taehyung was trying to concentrate on his music, wanting to take his mind off the fact that the other members were in Selene's new apartment, trying to help her settle in, but the thought of everyone with her: enjoying, and making new memories was unsettling to him.
Not because he didn't want to share her or was possessive over her, but because he wasn't there with them, he won't be included in those memories. 
Setting his ego aside, he finally gives in to the urge to stalk across the hall. However, voices could be heard even outside her apartment since the door wasn't locked. And Taehyung could perfectly recognize those voices and what they were saying as he approached the place.
"Hey, is this you?" Jimin asks, most probably to Selene.
"What? Heyy! Give that back! You're not supposed to see that just yet!" 
"Oh no, No. Others need to see this." Jimin says, just in time for Taehyung to watch the further occurrence from the doorway. The scene had his steps halted and jaw clenching. 
Jimin was running around the messy sitting room while Selene chased him, swearing at him while they both laughed. They looked like a normal, happy couple there, and Taehyung was happy for his friend but what had him step back and turn around to go back to his own place was not the thought of giving them privacy but the fact that, he too, wanted to be included in her life but was afraid of the rejection.
This wasn't the first time he had caught Selene with his members and one of her other soulmates. Just this morning, Selene was happily cooking together with Jin; the way her aura glowed with serenity and happiness was a rare sight to see. One he had never had the luck to see before then. Not just that, but he had also seen her talking with Namjoon at the ungodly hour of the night. Both, getting to know each other and sharing their troubles. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop but overheard that her mother was the one who convinced her to give them a chance. He was so thankful for her mother but couldn't help being jealous of their relationship. Out of all of them, Namjoon would be the one who knows Selene even just a little. 
Since tomorrow she had not but glanced at him one time when they held hands to not get sick. And now seeing her like this with Jimin- he understands that the problem is not about them being her soulmates anymore. It was HIM being her soulmate. Lord knows what he has done besides giving her the piece of mind that she desperately needed. 
With an anxious mind and furious steps, he gets back to his room and falls into his twirling chair. Mind going over the possibilities of confronting her for the not-so-subtle ignorance of his existence. Because he had to, or he would lose his mind pondering over the why. 
The only question remaining was HOW? He breathes out a sigh of annoyance. He didn't want to do anything that he would regret later.  Something that would cause an even bigger rift between the two. 
Taehyung gets up from the chair, running his hand through his hair. The sound of footsteps coming towards his room with a huff interrupts his brainstorming. He peeks out of his room to find out who the sound belonged to, finding his hyung searching for something in a hurry.
"Hyung! What are you doing?" He asks, fully stepping out of his room.
"The company called; they need me in. And I just can't find my fucking will to go. All I wanted to do was sleep for a while." Yoongi says with a huff making Taehyung crack up. 
Yoongi; after having woken up late in the morning, got the news of getting the day off to help Selene settle in from Jin, and needless to say, he was ecstatic. And no, not to help her. But for the bliss that he will get sleeping after having done so. 
"Forget that. What are you doing here when everyone is there having fun, huh?" His Hyung asks with a pointed look.
He looks down and shakes his head. "What does it matter, hyung? If I am there or not?" 
"You know it does. Everyone wants you there."
"Not her. She doesn't want me there."
"And why do you say that? Has she said something to you?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow.
He laughs, "She'll say something to me when she acknowledges my existence. That's the point, Hyung. She is acting like I don't exist. She has gone and made amends with every one of her soulmates except me. She doesn't want anything to do with me. She's got everything she would want in them anyways, the brain, the beauty, and the heart. Where would I even fit in? There is no place left." 
"Don't say that. You need to give her some time. She might still be a little upset at you, or maybe she is afraid just like you. Don't go jumping to conclusions." Yoongi consoles him, putting a hand on his shoulder.  Taehyung nods, not believing him fully but letting the hope creep in. 
"Now, let's go. Everyone is waiting." Yoongi takes his hand and leads him to her apartment. 
Stopping at the door, "You go in. I'll join you guys for dinner after." Saying this, Yoongi disappears down the hall.
With a sigh, he musters up the courage to bear getting ignored by his soulmate again. Gulping down the hurt and anger, he tries to stay calm and impassive as he steps into the apartment, not letting his steps falter.
But, as he steps into the apartment a second time that day the picture playing in front of him is much worse than before. And he broke.
Selene tastes the food from the spoon and then forwards the spoon to Jungkook, who starts jumping with mad brows after tasting it. Making Selene nervous,
"What is it? You don't like it? is it too spicy?"
"Aani aani." He retaliates.
Namjoon laughs as he shakes his head. "He always does this when he likes the food. It's his way of expressing that the food is good." 
She laughs, and others don't miss this opportunity to tease the maknae.
"AArghhhh... Jkayyy..." 
Jungkook hides behind Jin, hands touching his ears softly; something he does when he's shy, with his bunny smile. They all have this belief that Jin's broad shoulders can save them from anything in the world. I know, Funny. But cute. 
Back to the topic at hand, The reason Taehyung broke was not their smiles nor the family-like atmosphere but the fact that Selene is even friendly and smiley towards someone who is not her soulmate. That means the problem is him only. Maybe he went too far when he called her a bitch, but well, she was acting like it. And he won't let regret fill his heart. He did what he did for his best friend, and they are happy now. Trying. Because of that. He just needs to find a way to mend his relationship with her.
 Taking a deep breath in, he approaches them. His heart, beating fast. The hope that maybe she will acknowledge him or just pass him a small smile was there. But well, what is the point of false hope, right? Because she didn't. As he approached, Jimin comes by his side, talking about what just took place, oblivious that he had already seen it and let it scratch at his heart.
Everyone takes a seat, curiously watching Selene cook with Jin and Jungkook helping her. 
"She is making something from her culture. Gazpacho?" Jimin looks at Selene, confirming if he said it right. 
"Gazpacho and Paella (Pa-yay-ah)" she teaches him and he repeats it back to Taehyung. 
He nods. One thing he notices is not once during this exchange did Selene look at him directly. She corrected Jimin with a small polite smile and went back to doing her thing. He closes his fist, trying to drink down the hurt. 
The cooking goes on, Selene doing most of the work, with Jin and Jungkook teasing and fighting each other in the back. These guys really do start anywhere, but what can one say? That's what makes their relationship exceptional. 
Hoseok and Namjoon talk as the latter say something that makes Hobi laugh so hard; he starts clapping his hand. 
"Care to share?" Selene raises an eyebrow at them. A small smile played on her lips.
Hoseok shakes his head, making the motion of sealing his lips. All the while trying to contain his laughter. Namjoon hangs his head, also trying to hide his dimpled smile. 
Meanwhile, Taehyung had to chew on the hurt and anger he was feeling. He is going to ask her tonight why she is behaving like this to him. He can not be in the dark anymore. His patience has run out. He now just needs to find an appropriate time for it.
Trying to ignore Taehyung has turned out to be a much harder task than I thought it would. His presence is big. Even when he quietly sits on the side, he attracts attention. But that is something I can't give in to. 
The way I have seen it, Taehyung has had some problems with me since the start. why wouldn't he? the way I treated them, ignored our connections, no one deserves that kind of behavior. And I am not ready to broach that subject with him yet because I fear he might reject me. I suspect nothing major will happen to me if one or two of my soulmates out of seven refuses to be with me, but still, he holds a piece of my soul. The puzzle of my heart will not be completed if even one of them refuses to be with me. 
The quiet, frowny look he wears whenever he is near me is painful to watch. How bad would you feel if your presence became the reason for the frown on your soulmate's face? I don't ever want to experience this again. But the connection between our souls has been pulling my gaze towards him and even with my resistance I had sneaked a handful of looks at him whenever he wasn't looking at me. Better yet, glaring at me.
That's what it has been like with him. He gives me glares, and I try my best to ignore them in order to avoid the hurt. 
I sigh softly, making up an excuse to leave the kitchen while the dish simmers. Asking Jungkook and Jin to see it doesn't get burnt.
With their nod, I make my way toward my new bedroom. The decor is all beige and white. On the shelves above my bed sits my plants, giving the room a home-y calm vibe. I take a seat on the side of my bed, smoothening out its wrinkles. I wish someone could smooth out the wrinkles in my and Taehyung's relationship just like that. 
I get up, looking for my phone. Maybe my mother could help me and give me some advice on how to approach him. 
I look on and inside my bedside table but have no luck; I move onto the shelves, my closet, and under the pillow, but I don't find it anywhere. Where the fuck did I put my fucking phone! 
A sigh of frustration leaves my mouth. I should ask one of the guys to call on it. I never put my mobile on silent, so it should be easy to find. 
I look down at my feet, carrying me out of my bedroom.  God, I need to go to the salon. My toenails are in very poor shape. I huff out at my own ignorance. I never let my salon date pass. 
Just as I look back up again, a hand clasps around my own, and I am suddenly being pulled into the dark hallway, opposite of where I intended of going, might I add.
The person slams me against the wall, one hand still holds my own, pressing it against the wall beside my head, and the other rests above my head.
"Wha-" my curse dies out on my tongue when I see who the culprit is.
Collecting myself, I ask, "What are you doing!?" trying to break my hand free from his grip.
"No." He interrupts me, refusing to let go of his hold on me. "What are YOU doing, huh?" 
"What!?" I ask at his accusing tone, oblivious of what the fuck he is on about,
Gritting his teeth, he answers, "Why are you ignoring me?" 
Hearing his question, I scoff, going into defensive mode. "Excuse me! I am ignoring YOU?" 
Alright! If he wants to pretend that he wasn't the one acting all prideful and ignorant before, I'll play along. He's going to be the one regretting either way.
"Well, don't you think that might be because you deserve it? You don't think you did something that would lead to me ignoring you, Taehyung?" I ask him absurdly, still trying to get my hand out of his grip, which he still refuses to let go
"No. I don't think so. All I did was put some sense into you and pushed you in the right direction." He gets closer to me. So close, I can feel his breath on my face. 
"Reallyyy!? Excuse me if my memory doesn't serve me right, but weren't you the one who called me a bitch?" I cock my head.
"Um, Weren't you the one acting like a bitch and planning to leave your soulmates?" He throws it back at me. Offending me, boy.
"You all were practically strangers to me! What the fuck had you expected!? I would bear out my heart to you, trust you and accept you all in a matter of an eyeblink!!? Just because you are my soulmates!? That is ABSURD!" I breathe heavily, my heart racing fast. 
All my life, I have avoided confrontations. Talking about what I think is hard for me, showing any emotions is a no-go. It is something that I just can't do. Eric was there all the way. Still, it wasn't easy for me to completely be vulnerable in front of him. But this man! He just knows how to push my buttons. God, He is making me talk, and I do not like it. Still, I won't stop now. Not now, This has to be said.
"NO!" he slams the wall beside my head, getting more close to my face; I have to look sideways to avoid contact as he speaks, gritting his teeth. "IF you were acting all cold and ignorant because you wanted to take time to KNOW us before committing and diving into this, it would have been fine; it even would have been welcomed. But you did all that not to know us but to push us away to get back with your past lover! How had YOU expected us to react!? Did you think we would be okay with you stomping all over us to get back to your boyfriend? The same boyfriend who left You for his soulmate. Do you really think he was worthy of your love and sacrifice?"
"No! Don't you dare bring Eric into this. Whatever happened, he is still my friend, and he left me because he cared for all the lives that would have been affected by this, as in Yours! Also, I have never wanted ill for any of you. I would have sealed our bond, and we all could have been happy with the ones who we would choose."
"You really think we could have chosen someone else when we knew you were out there, that at last, we were going to be together because you're the one destiny wants us to be with." He asks, his eyes going soft. Looking into them, for a second, I forget that we were fighting; this is the first time he has let me see the vulnerability in his eyes, and something tells me being vulnerable isn't easy for him as well. 
Looking away, I say, "Anyway, moving on. After talking with my mother, I have decided to give this a chance. so why are you bringing this up again when I have already apologized?" 
"That's the thing Selene, You have apologized and mended your relationship with everyone. Everybody except me. How do you think I feel about that?" His eyes gave out an emotion I couldn't put my finger on.
"I don't know. I didn't think you'd care." Shrugging, I tell him honestly.
"Why did you think that?" 
"Because you don't like me from day one, and you've been ignoring me like a plague, and you are always glaring at me. What else am I supposed to think? You don't act that way when you care, Taehyung." I sigh as I tell him.
The way he has been acting has hurt me, even if I don't have the right to say so. I know I hurt them first, but I get it now, and I want to know them now. And his unspoken rejection stung.
"You think I am ignoring you?" He asks, a bit surprised as he finally softens his grip on my hand, backing away just a little. 
"Yes, obviously." Even when I know that I could free my hand now that his grip has loosened, I don't. I let him hold my hand. Craving the little connection our souls are getting from our little encounter.
"What makes you think that?" Pure confusion displayed in his eyes.
"I don't know? The fact that you never talk to me? Leave the room when I enter? Avoid making any eye contact?" 
"I don't avoid eye contact; you do. And I don't talk to you because you are always preoccupied with someone. And I leave the room because-" he abruptly stops. His expressions tell me he said something he thought he shouldn't have. Still, I push.
"Because..? Because what Taehyung? Because you don't want to be near a bitch like me? Because you don't want me near your friends? Because you think my personality is so hideous that you can't look at it for-"
"Because it hurts, dammit!" Shouting, he interrupts me. "Because it hurts to see you all smiley and happy with the others and ignoring me. Even with Jungkook, you act like you guys are such good friends while you avoid any interaction with me, your own soulmate." He whispers, making me completely shut up. 
When I don't say anything, he looks up with misty eyes. "I know you don't want me. Why would you, when you have everything you could ever want in those three? They're the brains, beauty, and heart. But you're the only soulmate I have. And I want to be with you, even if I have to be at the bottom of your list." 
Hearing him breaks my heart; I didn't know he felt like that. I never intended for him to question himself. Freeing my hand from his grip, I touch his cheeks, making his eyes stay on mine. "No. You never were and never will be at the bottom of my list, Taehyung, because there is no list. I never approached you because I thought you didn't want me. I want all of you. All of you hold a piece of my soul; it won't be complete if I don't have you." 
Taehyung doesn't say anything for a minute, only looking into my eyes. As if to ensure himself of the sincerity behind my words. When he finds what he is looking for, he shuts his eyes as he comes closer and rests his head against mine, hands covering my own that are still holding his face. 
"Thank you," he whispers. "I really needed to hear that. You have no idea how much I had been thinking about it, but to see that you don't feel or think that way is a huge relief like a weight lifted off my shoulders." 
"Well, it's true. And stop looking down at yourself. You are the brain, beauty, and heart, as well as much more. And I am sorry. I should have come to talk to you instead of making any assumptions. I would very much like to know you, Kim Taehyung. If you will let me." I whisper back. Completely baring my heart out in front of him. Because he had as well, and I want him to know that he will not be the only one making efforts in this relationship. We need to start on the right foot again, and that's what I want to make this into. A fresh start.
"I wouldn't want anything more. Thank you. And I'm sorry for calling you a bitch too." He apologizes in his deep, hoarse voice, sending my stomach a tingle.
"I forgive you. I kinda was being a bitch that day." I chuckle, and he follows.
"Yeah, kinda." he says with a teasing smile.
We keep staring into each other's eyes, forgetting that a world outside us exists. 
After a couple of minutes pass of us drinking each other, I whisper, "We should get back. Everyone must be wondering." 
"Uh-hmm, We should." he agrees but doesn't move.
"Taehyung!" I push at his chest slightly.
"Alright." He backs away but takes my hand, intertwining our fingers, as we move toward the kitchen.
It has been the most intimate and vulnerable moment I have had with any of my soulmates. And I am glad it was with him, since we both are afraid to be vulnerable. 
I laugh, remembering how fast we went from screaming at each other to stripping off our defenses and exposing our thoughts.
"What?" he asks, curious to know the reason behind my amusement.
"Nothing. Come." I shake my head, leading him down the hall.
"Can someone please call and ask Suga Hyung if he'll be here by dinner?" Jungkook asks, too eager to eat the food after having a taste.
"He said he'll be here; why do you want to disturb him?" Jin says, making the younger hit his chest and thus, starting a banter.
"I am hungryyy!! And when Suga hyung gets into work, the concept of time doesn't exist for him. Just ask!!" He whines, not having the patience to savor the delicious taste of the dish again.
"If you are too eager, call and ask him yourself. I am not going to make him annoyed again after last time." 
At this, Jungkook pulls out his doe eyes, shining so brightly suddenly, as if on command.
Jin sighs in defeat, "You know, you take advantage of that too much." 
He does his bunny smile, happy at his win.
"Alright, but I won't make the call. Let's make the only person he won't be annoyed by call him." Jungkook nods. And they both, at the same time, scream, "J-Hopeeeee!!!!" 
The latter jumps at the sudden loud voice, "Yah! I am in the same room as you; Why are you shouting?" 
"Hoba, call yoongi and ask him when he'll be home." Jin orders in a stern tone.
"Hyung? Did something happen?" Hoseok asks, a little worried since Jin doesn't use his hyung card much, but when he does, they all get serious.
"Yeah, I need to talk to him. Call him." Jin says and turns around, winking at Jungkook, who gives him a thumbs up for the acting. 
He looks at his Hosoek hyung, fumbling to get his phone out in a hurry to make the call. He knows his Yoongi hyung wouldn't scold him either. It's just that he is too lazy to call.
Snickering at the thought of their conversation, he opens up a packet of chips Selene offered him to get his mind off dinner until it's served. 
He scans the room, observing everyone as he sits on the hand of the couch beside Jin. 
Jimin and Namjoon, talking among themselves as the latter says something to make the former surprised. Jimin's lips jut out, and his eyes go round.
Jin is talking to Selene and Hoseok, but the lady's mind isn't on what Jin is talking about but on something else. She nods, having no idea Jin is spewing about how he regrets the one time when Jimin asked him to bet if the Dolphins can breathe underwater. 
He follows her line of sight, only to find that her attention wasn't occupied by something but rather someone. 
On the sofa across her sits Taehyung. Both soulmates, not being able to keep their eyes off each other. Jungkook could practically see them radiating tension. 
But that's when it hits him. Last he knew, they weren't really on good terms with each other, so how the sudden change? He hadn't seen them talking. And it's like a light turned on in his head; he recalls how both of them, so conveniently, disappeared at the same time. 
A mischievous glint appears in his eyes, ready to tease his brother.  
"V Hyung?" He calls but fails to catch the attention of his hyung as he only hums and never looks his way.
He grins as he clears his throat, ready to call him once again a little louder. "Taehyung Hyung!" And just as he wanted, not only Taehyung looks his way but the others as well. Curious as to what made the maknae raise his voice.
"Where did you run off to before?" 
He watches as Taehyung gives him a look of confusion before opening his mouth, "What?" 
"You ran off somewhere before. You don't remember?" He quirks an eyebrow: silently challenging him.
The latter furrows his brows, and then suddenly remembering, he goes, "Oh, Ahem! I went to the restroom. Why?"
"Nothing, you were just gone for quite a while. What were you doing for so long?" He questions further.
"He must have been taking a big shit," but instead of him, Jin answers, making the room burst out in laughter. Taehyung and Selene join in as well, albeit fake. 
"Yeah, you caught me, Hyung." He chuckles nervously.
"There is no reason to be ashamed of that Taehyung-ah. We all take shits." Jin says, making everyone snicker again. 
"Oh, and Selene! Where had you run off? You took your time as well." Jungkook stirs the bowl again.
"Oh uh, I uh, went to um call, my mom, yes! But I uh, couldn't find my phone, so I was just looking for it." Selene stammers, continuously looking between him and Taehyung, not keeping eye contact with him. As if, if she did, she'll be caught red-handed. 
"Oh? But your phone was in the kitchen with you, no? So why would you go look for it in the bedroom?" He quirks an eyebrow at her.
"I didn't go to call my mother. I was in the bedroom when I thought to call and check on her, and thus my search began." 
"And why did you go to your bedroom, exactly?" He questions with his hand on his face, fingers rubbing his chin in thought.
"Oh! Quit bothering them, Jungkook-ah. We know what you are trying to do, and we all know what happened." Namjoon speaks, not having the heart to see them more flustered.
At his statement, Selene looks down, while Taehyung stares at Selene with his boxy smile.
"Really? Is it that obvious?" Selene asks. 
"No, not for the blind people. But unfortunately, we can see, and you guys have practically been leering at each other ever since you came back." Jimin says, chuckling as he elbows Taehyung.
"Who came back?" a voice calls out, making everyone's head snap in its direction.
"Argh! Finally. How long do you take!? I have been waiting for forever!" Jungkook says as he stands up, and instead of greeting Suga, he runs past him, patting him in the back and towards the kitchen. Grateful for not having to wait any longer.
"Yah! Jungkook! I'm the eldest; I will be having the first plate!" Jin calls out, running not far behind him.
"First try to keep up, old man!"
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mleighd94 · 2 months
Apologies for the lack of posting. I’m currently working on chapter two for Hollowed Grove. I work for the city pool where I live as a cashier, and it being summer, it’s our popular season, and we just lost a cashier, so I’m working double. But I’ve got ideas and plans for this fanfic series, and I hope you’re as excited as I am. 
0 notes
wangxianficfinder · 2 days
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Fic Finder
Sep 26th
1. Hi good evening, I'm looking for a wangxian fanfic, where yu ziyuan was Jin guangshan's concubine, if not You already found it, on an old list, and I would love to read it again @glass-madness
FOUND? OOC! by -niehuaisang
2. Hi there! I've been trying to find this fic to re-read for a while now and I'm hoping that someone else recognizes it (and that it's not deleted!)
I believe it was in the "LWJ marries the Yiling Patriarch" category and there was a Yiling Wei sect or something similar (although it's been a very long time and I don't recall anyone else actually being in the sect so I could be wrong on either/both counts). WWX often went back and forth between the Burial Mounds and Baoshan Sanren's mountain via portal (?) as they were trying to cure Lan Yi of her spiritual malady (?). Last I still remember it was a WIP, and one of the little details that sticks in my mind was that BSSR had gotten WWX doing decorative knotwork to keep his hands busy, so the palace had incredibly intricate pieces, like, everywhere, and he often gifted it to people.
Hopefully that sounds familiar to someone; thank you for all you do! @tevokkia
2 check #17 on this old post, it also mentions knotwork and BSSR and might be what you're looking for
FOUND? 💖🔒love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, immortal WWX, slow burn, pining, arranged marriages)
FOUND? inevitable everything by isabilightwood (E, 193k, WangXian, WQ/MM, JYL/JZX, BSSR/LY, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, but WWX is BSSR's disciple/adoptive grandson too, the cultivation sects think this is a, War Prize AU, it's actually self-arranged marriage, Arranged Marriage, yin iron shenanigans, LWJ Has Friends, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, LWJ Has a YLLZ Kink, Switch WangXian, BDSM, Submissive LWJ, Dominant WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, magical illness of a side character (who will get better), Rope Bondage, Impact Play, Rimming, Bottom LWJ, Temperature Play, Face-Fucking, Breathplay, (talisman-based breathplay to be specific), Cock Warming, Public Scene, no one gets naked in public this is the sense of WWX invents the, Remote Controlled Vibrator, Semi-Public Sex, Outdoor Sex, Blindfolds, one qingmian smut scene with oral and fingering, Minor Character Death, All Sex Scenes Are Skippable!)
3. Hello! I’m looking for a short fic w 1-3 chapters where there’s canon divergence bc wwx was really pretty due to his dad. I remember in it, when jfm brings him back to the lotus pier, yzy actually denies any rumors of a possible affair bc he looks so much like wcz
I also remeber in it wwx uses his beauty to stop wrh from going into a qi deviation and stops the sun shot campaign as a result
FOUND? The Most Beautiful Man Alive (and his gremlin son) by meyari (T, 4k, WangXian, attempted child molestation (discussed), sexual assault (awareness of the possibility, it doesn't happen ever, beauty as a tool, Smart WWX, Protective JYL, Protective JC, Good Parent JFM, Protective YZY, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies)
4. Hi, can you please help me find this fic. It’s a modern au where lan zhan and Wei Ying are soulmates. Wei Ying finds out because he saw a painting of Han Guang Jun and thinks his soulmate is dead. He starts to work in the museum operated by xiao xingchen or song lan where they collect stuff that belongs to Han Guang Jun and Yiling Laozu. At the end turns out lan zhan also went to the museum and they kept missing each other because they went at different timings. Thankssss @marshmallowbeats
5. Hi! I'm looking for a wangxian omegaverse ao3 fic. It's in a futuristic cyber/tech setting where people have machine implants in their bodies. From what I remember the synopsis goes like this: Wei Ying was travelling from one planet to another with a baby a-yuan, his implants fail and Lan Zhan finds them. LZ takes them in and mistakes a-yuan as his biological son with WY. Some other details like the yin tiger seal being an AI and WY having dirt on the Jins. Thank you very much!!!!! @mithesimmer
FOUND? I'll buy you the moon (I'll buy you two) by Thesaurus_with_no_words (E, 27k, WangXian, Science Fiction, Space, Rebels, Space Opera, On the Run, Promoted To Parent, Robots, Androids, Mechs, Battle Mechs, Hurt/Comfort, Technopathy, Willful and Deliberate Baby and Wife Acquisition, Porn With Plot, Mpreg)
6. hello! idk if this site is still active, but im looking for a mdzs time travel fic where wwx returned during cloud recesses study era. there was a scene where he slits his throat because he thinks its better if he just dies (everyone worries about him including madam yu)
FOUND? 💖 (Un)Hidden truth by Sarah_R (M, 291k, wangxian, major character death, time travel, characters watching their show, suicide attempt, panic attacks, self-harm, nightmares, hurt/comfort, angst, WIP)
7. looking for a fic modern au established relationship one shot wangxian where lwj gets appendicitis (i think it was that, it was some kind of pain he had to have a procedure for) and he like wakes wwx up next to him so that he can go to the hospital and wwx feels worried/guilty/stressed bc he didn’t notice and lwj didn’t say anything can’t remember the name ! @willesnelson
FOUND? The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad (Valentine’s) Day by GhostySword, Two4Joy (T, 7k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Modern, Established Relationship, Sickfic, Valentine's Day, Hospitalization, Meet the Family, LWJ's Rabbit Children)
FOUND? like bunnies by idleorbitals (T, 4k, WangXian, Modern, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst)
8. Hello! I had to switch phones and lost all my fanfic open tabs, and I'm trying to remember the names of all of them. One I cannot recall for the life of me was a WIP with only one chapter where during the Burial Mounds Siege Wei Wuxian was basically sort of rescued by Lan Wangji but then put to trial by the cultivation sects and he agreed to be imprisioned as long as they guaranteed A-Yuan's safety. I remember it being a sort of Madam Lan situation, or something. Can you help me?
9. A) Hi! This is for fic finder. I dont remember much and i dont remember if it was modern with cultivation. Focus on junior quartet. Wen remnant live. They are on summer camp that the jin organized. A-yuan comes to the camp with JWY (im not sure about this). A-yuan then befriended jl, oyzz, ljy. I think they are in the same room (dorm room but its a cottage? I dont know what its called). In group activity, a-yuan sneak up to meet up with wn and the other three sneak up to follow a-yuan. Long story short, a-yuan, ljy, and oyzz is invited to lanling because they are jl friend (either because that or they rescued him). The one that invite them is either jgs or jgy (i think it was jgs). They tried to track wwx but always failed. When jgy comes to the summer camp, they tried to disguise a-yuan as lan diciple but failed. And then jgy found out that a-yuan is wwx son and forced them to go to lanling. In lanling, a-yuan wants to leave and jl, oyzz, and ljy helped. Su She is the one that tracked them down when they tried to run away. Thats all i can remember. Thanks
B) Hi! This is for fic finder. Its a modern with cultivation fic i think. Wen remnant lives and in hiding. Focused on junior quartet. A-yuan comes to summer camp that the jin organized with JWY. A yuan the befriended jl, ljy, and oyzz. They are in the same room (dorm room but a cottage? I dont know what it is called). Jl, ljy, and oyzz is kinda suspicious of a-yuan because he is the only one that are not affliated with a sect. The three of them followed a-yuan in secret when a-yuan sneak up to meet up with wn. Long story short, jgs invited ljy, oyzz, and a-yuan to lanling because they are jl friends. When jgy comes to the camp, they tried to disguise a-yuan as lan diciple and failed. Jgy forced them to go to lanling (honestly i think he kinda kidnapped them). I think he found out that a-yuan is wwx son and used him to lure out wwx. In lanling, jl, ljy, and oyzz helped a-yuan to leave. Su She is the one that responsible of them. Thats all i can remember. Thanks! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
10. Hi, lovely people. I'm looking for a fic where LWJ takes WWX out the Burial Mounds, along w/all the Wens (against their will, but keeping 'em safe) & brings 'em to Gusu. He turns WWX into an omega w/a "recipe" of Wen Qing (who does it just for their own safety), until WY gets pregnant of Sizhu & Jingyi (not sure abt the names), but he often doubts abt having being an omega b4 & he's always being forced to have sex. LZ treats him rough & poorly, even in front of their sons. WWX ends up getting tired & runs away w/the kids, leaves 'em in the woods & jumps off a cliff. (Prob. Dark LWJ) TYSM! @einherjermineord
FOUND?🔒forfeit by eightroses (E, 12k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Dark, Dark LWJ, Rape/Non-con Elements, Dubious Consent, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Alpha to Omega transformation, Alpha LWJ, Alpha WWX, Omega WWX, Sexual Coercion, Kidnapping, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Forced Feminization, Mpreg, Forced Pregnancy, Fainting, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Vomiting, Rough Sex, Knotting, Medical Inaccuracies, Body Horror, Abuse, Domestic Violence, Trauma, No happy ending here)
11. I’m looking for a wangxian fic where wangji tells wei ying what he did in the cold pond (the handfasting) while their in the cloud recesses and it diverges from there @wrappedaroundxielian
12. For FicFinder – trying to find a fic I thought I had marked for later. I think it was modern with magic au? I think LWJ takes over an old theatre called the burial mounds which used to be WWX's? In this AU I think LWJ thinks WWX is dead or he didn't know WWX until he bought the theatre. honestly not sure this will be found but I appreciate any clues all the same. tysm for all you do running this blog. @itsallwearecalledtodo
13. Hi, I’m looking for an ABO fic where WWX is an O and LWJ is an A and they’re soulmates. But WWX has been hiding his identity and pretending to be a B, because he got abused in his old pack and had run away (?) I think. @plzloveme
FOUND?🔒backfire by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 115k, wangxian, LWJ/MXY, One-Sided MXY/WWX, MXY/NMJ, Modern, BDSM AU, Biologically Determined Dom/sub Roles, BDSM, Bad BDSM Etiquette, Sadism, Masochism, Past Sexual Abuse, Sexual Slavery, Self-Harm, BDSM as a Form of Self-Harm, Minor Character Death(s), Arson, Shades of Black Widow WWX, Extremely Dubious Consent, Rape/Non-con Elements, Normalized Homosexuality and Bisexuality, Normalized Polyamory, nonsexual bdsm, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Pining WWX, jealous WWX, Touch-Starved WWX, Professional Dominant WWX, Sex Worker WWX, gentle dom LWJ, Mean Dom LWJ, oblivious LWJ, Past WC/WWX, Minor JGY/WWX, Mentioned WWX/Others, Emotional Infidelity, Angst with a Happy Ending, endgame wangxian, MXY Also Gets a Happy Ending, the tags are scary but i promise there's some lightheartedness too, wangxian love one another so much, WWX is healed by the power of nonsexual bdsm and friendship, and then gets bdsm'd quite sexually and happily by the love of his life, Additional Warnings In Author's Note)
14. hello! i’m looking for a fic where jc post-siege finds wwx’s diaries in the burial mounds and he gets transported???? into the memories of each book
FOUND! Waiting On You by SmellsLikeDeanSpirit (M, 26k, JC & WWX, WangXian, WIP, Graphic Depicitions of Violence, Major Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending, Memories, Time Travel, Sort Of, the characters watching the show trope but different, WWX has magical diaries that force the reader to experience his memories, JC finds them and reads them, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Violence, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Bashing, Bad Parent YZY, YZY Bashing, Canonical Character Death, he comes back tho, JC regrets, JC Needs a Hug, WWX Needs a Hug)
15. Hi, this is for fic finder! I’m looking for a fic where wei ying and lan zhan are betrothed (I can’t remember if they were betrothed since childhood or during the cloud recesses arc. But basically the jiangs agree to the betrothal because they expect wei ying to be miserable in cloud recesses with all the gusu lan rules. However when they see how wei ying is actually loved and respected, they get super mad. I think madam yu gets mad because her own children are not in loving marriages?
There’s a possibility it might’ve been a/b/o but I’m not sure if i’m getting fics mixed up here 😭
But please help me find this fic! I’m always so grateful for the work you guys do
FOUND?🔒 Alliance AU series by Ilona22 (E, 21k, WangXian, JYL/OC, Arranged Marriage, A/B/O Dynamics, PWP, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Intersex Omegas, Not JC Friendly, Matchmaking, canon Jiang family dynamics, Family time, Night Hunts, Mention of male omega pregnancy, Intrigue at Jinlintai, Mentions of Prostitution, War, Conflict between characters)
FOUND? in case you ever foolishly forget by RavenclawLoki (E, 19k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Engagement, fast burn, Fluff, Bad Parents JFM & YZY, Bad Person YZY, YZY Bashing, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, LWJ & WWX are decent at communicating hense the fast burn, Good Uncle LQR, Canon Divergence, First Kiss, Established Relationship, BAMF JYL, she has given up on defending bad parents and we simply must support her, it's yanli's world we are just living in it, Demisexuality, Asexuality, Sex Positive Asexuality, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Soft WangXian, Implied Switching, LWJ shows love by slow blinking, Loss of Virginity, First Time, gonna add Out of Character tag to be safe regarding YL)
16. Hello ^^ I am looking for a fic where LWJ and JC traveled back in time and LWJ was the first one that found Wwx on the streets. Thx! @yoonieby
FOUND? A Matter of Time series by mrcformoso (E, 84k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, graphic depictions of violence, underage, LWJ pov, JC pov, dark LWJ, manipulation, grooming, teen body adult mind for LWJ, happy ending for wangxian, problematic consensual underage sex, blood & violence, insane LWJ, manic LWJ)
17. hi can you help me find a fic where lan zhan participates in a wei ying engagement tournament. Lwj wore a mask so as not to be recognized @silvanagomes87
FOUND? travelers through the empty gate by stiltonbasket (M, 107k, WangXian, royalty au, mistaken identity, emperor WWX, poor LWJ, forced marriage, (by LWJ himself), confused WWX, parenthood, misunderstandings, empress LWJ, fluff & humor, married life, angst w/ happy ending, WIP)
18. Hey hi, I’m looking for a missing wangxian fic. It takes place during the sunshot campaign, lwj and wwx are cursed(?) so that they feel eachother’s emotions, lwj pines and wwx is acting aloof and angry, lwj goes to jiang cheng and asks to marry wwx and lwj hits the table when jc insults wwx. Lwj and wwx share a dream and wwx is convinced that it’s all in his head before lwj walks into his tent repeating what he said in the dream. Eventually, lwj and wwx are married before the last battle and lwj is grievously injured. There’s a happy ending tho. Please lmk if you find this, I’ve spent days looking @remembertosaygoodbye
FOUND? The dreamers. by orange_crushed (E, 17k, WangXian, Dreams, Dreamsharing, Spells & Enchantments, Canon Divergence, Oral Sex, Penetrative Sex, War, Canon-Typical Violence, Sunshot Campaign, Temporary Character Death, The Character Dies But Does Not Stay Dead Trust Me, Resurrection, Suicidal Thoughts, Loss of Identity, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst with a Happy Ending, Injury Recovery, Trauma, Memory Loss, Memory Magic, War Is Hell Etcetera, I Promise The Characters Do Not Stay Dead and Will Absolutely Be Okay, Masturbation, Fantasy, Very Brief Mention of Burial-Mounds-Era Cannibalism, Major Character Death... but only for a minute honestly!!, Awkward First Times, Marriage Proposal)
19. Hi! This is for fic finder. I dont remember much, but i think it was mentioned that nmj is suspicious of the jin after the first burial mound siege. After he sees that the wen is just an old person. When jin rusong dies, nmj secretally goes to He sect and hide the non combatan in the sect. Thats all i can remember. Thanks @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
20. hello! I'm looking for this wangxian fic I think it is based on the song Driver's License by Olivia Rodrigo, it does not have a happy ending since wwx and lwj do not end up together in the end
thank you!
hello! thanks for answering my question in the fic finder post! question #20 I reviewed the summary, but unfortunately that is not the fic 😭 I remember that in the end wwx marries someone else (but not lwj) thanks for responding! 💗😊 and sorry for not explaining my question well
NOT FOUND! driver’s license by cryptenhope (T, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Post-Break Up, Making Up, Getting Back Together, Happy Ending if you read the ending notes, Ambiguous/Open Ending)
FOUND? 🔒 drivers license by AG1234VL (T, 11k, WWX/Other, WangXian, LWJ/LQY, Modern AU, Hurt No Comfort, slight comfor?Non-Chronological, Song fic, Crying WWX, ice cream and beer, breakup weight gain, Lots of Crying, Angst, Homophobia, from lqr, wangxian breakup)
80 notes · View notes
sopejinsunflower · 1 year
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2023.001.0019: Jamais Vu
When Jin got up this morning, the first thing he noticed was the way your bedroom door stood ajar, the sun spilling straight into the hallway, pooling on the carpet where Karma, the cat, is lounging. 
“I could’ve stepped on you, you know,” Jin mumbles, stepping around the cat who only gazes lazily back at him. 
Jin sticks his head into your room, peeking only to check if you’re still sleeping. The sight that greets him makes his eyebrows jump up and almost disappear into his hairline. He retreats back and glances back down at Karma as if the cat has some sort of explanation. He turns back around, tentatively pushes the door wider, and steps in, quietly padding across the room to your desk. He pulls out the chair and sits down, looking at the three entangled bodies sleeping in your bed, albeit over the blanket.
Sitting back in the chair, Jin watches the slow rise and fall of the three chests; you all curl up in between Yoongi and Hoseok, one hand loosely in Hoseok’s hold, head turned towards Yoongi who has one arm lightly over your waist. Jin smirks softly to himself, thinking about how numb Hoseok’s arm would be with your head on it, or how Yoongi will complain about his back since he’s sleeping in a slightly twisted position. 
Jin can’t help the smile on his face. It doesn’t surprise him that it’ll be Hoseok and Yoongi first; he kind of expected it, even. This was how it happened that first time and if it follows the same patterns, then Jin thinks he’ll feel less insecure. Despite this, he also can’t quite get rid of that tiny voice in the back of his mind to keep vigilant, to wait for the other shoe to drop because it always does. He wants to keep positive but centuries of hurt and pain doesn’t get fixed just because he feels confident in this cycle. That confidence could be the fall of him.
So Jin resorts to not saying anything to anybody. He’ll keep both his suspicions and hope to himself if it minimises the damage, but for now, he’ll sit back and enjoy the view. He’s curious about what had happened last night for the two to end up here but he’s more focused on the way your eyelids flutter as you dream. He scoots the chair silently closer to the bed. Watching you sleep could be a hobby of his by how much fascination he has right now, wondering about if you’re dreaming of good things.
Yoongi stirs and his eyes slowly blink open. He takes a moment to place himself, looking around the room but more at you in between him and Hoseok. Jin watches as Yoongi places a soft whisper of a kiss on your forehead before proceeding to untangle himself, stopping short when he finally turns around and sees Jin sitting there staring at him.
Jin stretches his philtrum, pressing his lips together, trying to stifle the laugh bubbling out of him. He presses the crook of his elbow to his mouth, leaning sideways as his shoulders shake. Yoongi tries to maintain the annoyed look but the shy smile creeping up on his lips is harder to conceal. He gets up off the bed, lightly pushes at Jin’s chair so he swivels around the opposite direction and leaves the room.
Recovered from his silent cackling, Jin finally stands up and leaves, too, before you or Hoseok wakes up, heading to join Jimin and Taehyung as he hears them go down for breakfast. He’ll let the others know to leave something at breakfast for the two. 
Before he walked out the door, Jin made sure to pull the curtains tighter, eliminating the slit of sunshine that was previously on your back. 
It’s warm. Warm and soft. 
I open my eyes and the first thing I see is another pair of eyes staring straight back at me. Instantly, I could recognise them as Hoseok, warm and so full of…
I sit up, pushing up on my hand and looking around groggily. The first thing that pops out of my mouth is, “Where’s Yoongi?” 
Hoseok can’t help the smile slowly forming on his lips at the confused look on your face, eyes wide, mouth upturned in a slight pout, hair messy from sleep.
“Downstairs, probably,” he replies softly, smoothing your hair with one hand. “Do you want me to call for him?”
You shake your head but still look at him in an odd way. Hoseok waits patiently for you to say what’s on your mind, unaware that he’s still holding on to your hands, tracing back and forth with his thumb over yours. When a minute passes by and you still haven’t said anything, Hoseok decides to speak first.
“You had a panic attack last night.”
I look at Hoseok, processing his words, trying to remember back to last night. At first, nothing comes to mind, the memories murky and black, indistinguishable. All I can recall is sitting on the side of the bed, gasping for air until a shadow fell over me and held me close. 
Yoongi’s eyes.
Yoongi’s voice.
You can have us both.
Hoseok watches you jump as if something had suddenly stung you. You’re blinking rapidly, clearly panicking over something he can’t quite see nor understand. 
He grabs ahold of your hand more firmly, squeezing it gently to get your attention. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay,” he soothes, sitting up as well to better get on your eye-level. “Shh, you’re okay.”
He catches your cheeks in both palms, making you look at him and to his surprise, you lean into his touch, eyes closed. Your breathing evens out and you visibly relaxed, shoulders sagging. Without opening your eyes, you whisper out something so breathy Hoseok didn’t catch it the first time. He leans in and asks you to repeat yourself. This time, you blink your eyes open and repeat, “Is it true?”
Hoseok tilts his head, uncomprehending. 
Hoseok watches you take a deep breath and for a split second he thinks he knows what you wanted to say before the words even left your lips.
 “I can have you both.”
The sentence comes out as more of a statement than a question and we both sit there in complete silence; me regretting the words immediately and him, staring at me like I’d just grown a second head. I can’t backtrack now and even if I could, what do I even say? I sounded crazy because what does that even mean, if I can have them both? 
Hoseok is giving me a stern look now. He readjust his position and move his hands from my face and my stomach drops. But he takes my hands instead and instantly, the butterflies start up again. 
Hoseok squares his shoulders and takes a breath. He exhales. “I’m going to ask you some questions. I’m going to be direct about them and you can be honest with me. If you think they are absurd, you can tell me. I just want you to be honest. Okay?”
I lick my lips and nod. 
Hoseok nods, too. “Okay. My first question is,” he pauses, visibly hesitating before plunging in, “how do you feel right now, in this moment?”
I take my time to think about it before answering, as honestly as I can, “Safe. I feel…” I look down at my hands in his, “safe.”
Hoseok squeezes my hands, whether it was voluntary or not, I’m not sure. “Safe, okay.” He sounds almost disappointed when he asks, “Only safe?”
I purse my lips, holding back on the actual word, worried that if I do say it, Hoseok will never look at me the same way he’s looking now. But the word bubbled up from the depth of my heart and spilled out in a squeak before I could stop myself anymore: “Loved.”
I was right; Hoseok does change the way he looked at me, but in the complete opposite of what I had thought. His eyes glistened, he smiled from ear to ear, his lips quiver ever so slightly. He chuckles wetly, shoving his face into his arm to wipe at his eyes. “Okay, next question.”
“How do you feel when you’re with us?”
Hoseok remains vigilant of your body language, keeping an eye on your eyes, on your face, and the way your fingers are wrapped around his. He pays attention to any subtle changes because the second question may feel a little too soon. Maybe he should rephrase it, ask about Yoongi instead but the question is already out and he can’t take it back.
“The same,” you answer quietly. “It’s odd and makes no sense but…I told this to Jin before. That it didn’t make sense to feel so at ease with seven men who are supposed to be strangers. But I do. It’s weird, isn’t it?”
Something catches Hoseok’s attention at the bedroom door and he looks up.
Hoseok looks up over my head at something and I turn around to find Yoongi standing in the doorway. He has a tray of food in his hands.
He must have seen the look on my face because he comes right in, places the tray on the desk and sits on the edge of the bed. There’s genuine worry on his face as he leans over and places the back of his hand against my forehead. 
I let out a giggle.
Hoseok watches you giggle as Yoongi takes your temperature with the back of his hand. You do look red in the face and with the wetness in your eyes, it’s easy to see it as you coming down with something.
“I’m fine,” you tell him, your voice soft. 
Yoongi glances over at Hoseok, a flitting question exchanging between them in that one look and Yoongi situates himself more firmly on the bed. “Darling, you had a panic attack last night,” he says carefully, “Do you remember what triggered it?”
Hoseok thought that the question was a risky one, something that could make you shut down again when he had already managed to get a half-confession from you. But he held his tongue because the fact that he himself didn’t think to ask first felt like he had put his wants above your needs and there has never been anything more further from the truth. 
Yoongi returns your gaze, eyes never wavering from the intense look you’re giving him which only peaks his curiosity. What had thrown you so off the edge last night for him to find you almost catatonic, barely breathing right? If he knows what it is, maybe he can help alleviate it. He’s done it countless times before, fighting your demons for you because that’s what he’s good at. 
“You,” you simply say.
Yoongi arches his eyebrows. “Me?”
You only nod your head in affirmation. 
Well, now Yoongi has to think about how to fight himself.
At the pained look on Yoongi’s face, I hurry to add an explanation.
“I had a dream,” I start, hesitant because I don’t know how to explain the dream to make it make sense. “About you. And me.”
“I see. Did something bad happen in the dream?” Yoongi asks.
I bite on my lower lip. “No, nothing bad. But…”
“But what, honey?”
My heart does a little flutter at the pet name. I feel a little more confident now to continue. “But it just didn’t feel like a dream. It felt…real.”
“Real how?”
It’s Hoseok this time and I turn my head around to look at him. “It’s hard to explain. It felt like…like I was there, physically, in the dream. I could feel Yoongi’s hands on me. I could feel…” I hesitate, hearing how crazy the words sound. “I could even feel his breath on me, the emotions I was feeling in the moment. It was almost like a-”
“Memory,” Yoongi and Hoseok finish for you, simultaneously.
You stare at Hoseok, confused, before starting to chuckle. “How can it be a memory when it hasn’t ever happened yet? Or did I get amnesia or something and we’ve actually known each other longer than I thought? Did I forget you?”
You laugh harder, shaking your head. “That’s a soap opera, guys. It was weird but this is not a telenovela.” But you’re staring off out the window, your forehead creasing. 
Hoseok’s heart, once again, dropped to the bottom of his feet. One step forward, two steps back; and he really thought you were making progress. He guesses he had been too impatient, too greedy. He looks briefly at Yoongi who easily takes charge.
“And that triggered you into a panic attack?” he asks gently. 
You shrug your shoulders. “I guess. That’s all I remember, honestly. Before you came.”
Yoongi nods solemnly as if he understands it all and Hoseok gives up on the rest of the questions he has for you. You’re not ready and he wouldn’t push you.
There’s a moment of silence and Hoseok is sure the conversation is finished. He’s actually getting hungry and maybe you both need food and he’ll revisit the topic another time. 
“You said I can have you both,” you suddenly whisper. “You said I didn’t have to choose between you and Hoseok, that you were madly in love with me and so was Hoseok. That I was madly in love with you, too.” You turn to look back at Hoseok, eyes wide and scared. “Madly in love with the both of you.”
You turn back to Yoongi. “It’s crazy because it felt so real.” You pause, frowning at a spot on the bed sheet. “So real. Like a memory. Who has that kind of dream?”
Yoongi takes a deep breath and scoots closer on the bed. “Have you been feeling a lot like that lately?”
You nod. “That night with Jungkook was the strongest. The night he last told me the story.” You turn to Hoseok. “I asked him to, to distract me. I was feeling so overwhelmed.”
A tinge of guilt flicks at Hoseok’s heart. He had been so angry at Jungkook that night but the lad had broken down at the end of the night, convinced that something was happening with you and happening too fast. Now, he regrets not listening to the youngest because as much as they’re scared of scaring you away, they can’t stop the natural phenomenon of you figuring things out yourself, no matter the pace. The only thing Hoseok hopes to do is soften the blow but he’s starting to realise that softening the blow could mean that they’d have to come clean first. 
“Hoseok,” you call.
Hoseok lifts his head, the scowl still on his face.
“Hoseok,” I say, “why is it so bad for Jungkook to tell me that story? Why do you always get so angry at him when he does?”
“I don’t get angry at him,” says Hoseok, defensively. At the withering look I give him, he concedes, sighing. “I’m not angry. I don’t get angry at him, I just…It’s just that the story is…Well, the story is just difficult. Complicated.”
I frown. “You think I can’t handle a story?”
Yoongi taps my knee to get my attention. “Do you like that story that much? Jungkook has tons of other stories he can tell you. Just ask him.”
Irritated, I snap back. “I don’t want other stories. Seriously, what’s wrong with that one? Why are you so-” 
Something hit me then, a realisation that halts my speech, dawning on me like a bucket of ice someone dumped over my head. I freeze, my mind focused on that idea and that idea alone. I look back at Hoseok. “The story’s real, isn’t it? It’s not just a story, is it?”
Yoongi and Hoseok exchange looks and that’s as close to an affirmation as I can get. “Whose story is it?” I look from Hoseok to Yoongi then back again. “Tell me.” My voice grows harder, louder.
“Maybe now’s not the time to get into it,” Hoseok starts to say but I shake my head and pull my hands out of his constant hold. 
“No. Tell me, please. Whose story is it?” I repeat, backing away on the mattress. 
Hoseok only looks at me pleadingly. “I will but-”
“No buts!” I lash out. “Please, just tell me what is going on. What are you hiding from me?”
There it is, the unravelling. You’ve finally seen the thread of lies and are now pulling at it, slowly.
Hoseok tries again. “We’re not hiding anything from you. You’ll find out in time. I-” He’s reaching out to you, wanting to hold your hand again but you’re moving away. He’s desperate now. 
“What is it you don’t want me to know?” you push, struggling to climb down from the bed. “What is it about the story you’re trying to keep from me?”
Hoseok opens his mouth but the words are lost on him. He doesn’t actually know what to say, fumbling to find the best way to calm you down. You’re standing now at the edge of the bed, just a few feet away from him yet it feels like you might as well be on the other side of the planet. You’re too far away. He just wants you back in his arms. Just moments ago he managed to make you acknowledge your true feelings for them, for him, and yet here you are now, distrustful, irritated, and looking at him accusatorily.
“We’re not keeping anything from you.” Yoongi’s voice reaches Hoseok’s ears, much more stable and stronger than his own. “There are things you just need time to learn for yourself. We’re just trying to protect you.”
“Protect me from what?”
Yoongi’s jaw ticks but he doesn’t answer me.
“Protect me from what?” I repeat through gritted teeth. 
It’s honestly getting so annoying. The way they’re treating me is as if I’m a child that needs to be shielded from the world. Do they think so little of me? Have they been taking me for a fool all this time, tiptoeing around me like I’m some kind of fragile glass? I can handle the truth. I’ve dealt with worse. I wanted to scream these things to them but a part of me just can’t get that angry at them. 
There’s a voice deep inside telling me to just listen, to just trust but how do I do that now when it’s clear they haven’t been fully transparent either. Trust has to work both ways. 
I whip my head around towards the bedroom door and see Jungkook standing there, a dark look on his face. I’ve never seen him so serious before and the look in his eyes demands that I listen. He’s younger than me, has always felt more like a younger brother to me, too, but right now, he commands such a strong aura I forget all about the tiny details. When did he become so big and tall?
“I will finish the story by the end of this week. Sunday night, when the moon is full.”  The playful Jungkook isn’t there right now. He has a very deep, solemn voice, eyes never leaving mine. I can see the broiling emotions in them, such intensity it feels like I’m growing smaller in his gaze, towering over me with such authority. “We will answer all the questions that you have after that. Any and all questions, we will explain it all. But,” he pauses, flicking his gaze over to Hoseok and Yoongi.
“But?” I ask hesitantly, my voice coming out dry.
Jungkook looks back at me. “But,” he says, stepping closer, “on one condition.”
I don’t prod, waiting because I know he will say it. 
“You have to spend the days leading up to Sunday with us,” he finishes.
I let out a wry chuckle, rolling my eyes. “I already am. We live together.”
Jungkook shakes his head. “No, not like that.”
He takes another step closer and then another until he’s standing right in front of me, until I have to tilt my head to look up at him. With one finger, he traces the side of my face and along my jaw; my skin tingling with electricity, my heart thumping. “You have to be open to every feeling, every emotion, everything your heart tells you. You have to be open to that little voice in your head. You have to be open to us.”
I swallow tightly. “Meaning?”
Jungkook drops his hand. “You’ll understand it soon enough.”
I search his eyes, looking for any hint that he was just messing with me, that he’s going to step back and laugh and tease about the look on my face. But he doesn’t. And deep down, I already know this. Deep down, I know what he’s telling me, know what he meant exactly but I just can’t bring myself to admit it. It. Just. Doesn’t. Make. Sense.
“It won’t make sense now,” I hear Hoseok say from behind me and I turn around so fast to face him, surprised that he had read my mind. “But it will later. I promise.”
Yoongi gets off the bed, standing there and rubbing the back of his neck. “Just trust us.”
“Trust us,” Jungkook echoes more firmly.
I look from Jungkook to Yoongi and to Hoseok still on the bed. 
Chalk it up to Jungkook sounding convincing, or that I just wanted them out of the room, or that I do actually have a soft spot for them. Chalk it up to me just withering under Jungkook’s gaze, or that I just want the conversation to end, or that I actually do believe them. I’ll tell myself that I just didn’t want to argue, or that I just want to leave the room, or that, in fact, that little voice Jungkook mentioned was actually telling me that trusting them will be the first step, the first jigsaw piece to fall in place and the rest will follow. 
Chalk it up to just, for a brief second, I want for it all to be as easy as Jungkook said it could be, so I nod my head slowly. “Okay,” I breathe out. “But.”
Jungkook’s eyebrow lifts, waiting. 
“But you have to trust me, too,” I say, my voice coming out softer, lighter than usual. “You have to trust that I can handle whatever it is you think I can’t.”
Jungkook looks up at Hoseok who flits his worried gaze to Yoongi. The three of them nod. 
“The real thing is finally beginning.”
The figure in the white robe moves around the basin as if the view of whatever it’s looking at would change with the angle. It doesn’t. The second figure tilts its head.
“Something feels oddly familiar, no?”
A Cheshire grin spreads over the first figure’s face. 
The next day, early in the morning, I wake up before everyone else. The house is quiet; no sound, no movement, no smell of breakfast when the sun is barely up.
I get dressed and softly padded downstairs and out of the house through the back door. The sky is alight but the sun still hasn’t fully risen over the trees; the kind of mornings when it’s just silent and misty, morning dews still sticking to the grass and leaves, transferring to my jeans as I walk down to the stream.
I don’t know why I came here. I just needed to get out of the house, out of the four walls that feels more like an enclosure rather than the place I was excited to come live in just a few months ago, back when everything feels like a fresh start. I twist around to look back at the house, noting that all of the windows on the second floor, minus my own, have the curtains drawn shut. Good. That’ll just give me a few moments to myself, to sort out my own thoughts. 
I sit on the rock I usually perch on and pull up my legs to hug my knees. The sound of the water trickling down the stream is calming and every breath of the crisp morning air is refreshing. I take in a deep breath. I’m not a morning person but I absolutely love mornings like this, when everything is still slumbering away, when even the birds haven’t woken up yet. 
I think about the conversation I had with Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok yesterday, about the promise Jungkook made and the condition that came with it. It’s a simple request, nothing extraordinary, yet I couldn’t shake the looming dread that seems to sit heavily in the hollow of my chest. It’s like that feeling of going to the beach on a fine day and having this notion that a storm might just roll in out of the blue even when the sky is perfectly clear. It’s unlikely because the weather reports say it’s a fine day, the day itself is perfect, not a cloud in sight and yet, deep down, you just know it’s going to take a turn for the worst. 
Why, I don’t know and that’s the aspect I’ve been trying to deal with. Why is it that after the story is finished, I would feel like the world would just end? It’s just a story, a story that I had, before yesterday, been dying to hear the end of. A story that gave me a sense of calmness and familiarity but there was nothing that connected me to it. Hoseok said the story is complicated but I’ve yet to hear anything that puts it as anything but a typical love story, albeit the polyamorous aspect of it, assuming from the title itself. Not to forget that it’s actually a real story, real encounters. 
And Yoongi mentioned about protecting me. It sounded ominous, like something about the story will hurt me, destroy me. Like the story will reveal a truth that will absolutely flip my world upside down. I scoff at that last thought. My world has been flipped upside down, multiple times over. Whatever he thinks might be destroyed after has already been wrecked. You can’t make worse of a broken mirror. 
I press my forehead against my knees. Jungkook’s condition is simple; to spend the days leading up to the storytime as openly as I can with them. I tell him I don’t know what it means but at the bottom of my heart, I know exactly what he meant. Had he known, too, all this time? Had they all? When they call me by the pet names and I don’t oppose, did they know? When they hold my hand and I never pull away, did they know? In every smile, every laugh, every word exchange between us, had they always known that I was and am-
No, I’m not. I can’t be. I’m just comfortable with them, enjoy their presence. They are sweet and kind, warm and caring. Nothing like the people I left behind. 
A rustling in the grass brings up my head from my knees, turning around but not seeing anybody approaching. It’s not when I look down to see the double tails of Karma languidly swishing from side to side that my heart slows down. 
“Seriously,” I chastise him, “you should really be louder.” I pat the spot next to me and he jumps up. I stroke his head a few times, making sure to scratch him behind the ears, his favourite spots. “How do you always manage to find me?”
Karma looks up at me, eyes imploring something I wish I could understand. The sky is looking more golden now as the sun slowly rises and the birds all around are starting to chirp, softly as if they had just woken up. Karma purrs, attention stolen by a sudden chirp from a nearby tree, eyes focused on something in the leaves. He jumps down and stalks off in the direction.
“Leave the bird alone, Karma!” I called after him but he had disappeared in the grass. I roll my eyes. Petulant child.
My eyes are drawn back to the house, looking up at the row of windows on the second floor. All of them are just as they were earlier, except for one; Namjoon stands in front of his window looking down in my direction. Our eyes meet (or it feels like they did at this distance) and he raises a hand in a wave. He then disappears back into his room and I have a strong feeling I’d see him coming down the yard soon. 
Sure enough, not five minutes later, Namjoon is jogging down towards me, still in what he wore to bed, hands shoved deep into the pocket of his grey sweatpants. His dark hair is tousled and I chuckle to myself at the thought that he didn’t even bother to brush out his hair first. 
“Good morning,” he croaks out in that morning voice, deep and gravelly. 
“Morning,” I greet back. “You’re up early.”
He nods, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He squats down next to the stream and dips his hand into the water. “Fuck, it’s cold,” he hisses and I laugh. He does again, this time cupping water to wash his face.
“You could’ve done that upstairs in the bathroom,” I laugh. 
“Forgot,” he grunts back, finishing and coming back over to me. He doesn’t even wait for me to move before plopping down next to me and sighing heavily. He stares off into the distance. 
“Why are you here?” I ask, genuinely curious since it’s taking him such great effort to wake up. I have this strong urge to run my hand through his hair, gently combing it out. I grip my own arms tighter. 
“‘Cause you’re here.”
I give him an incredulous look but he’s looking at a spot in the stream, eyes unfocused. “That doesn’t matter. You didn’t have to come.”
He shakes his head. “I wanted to.”
“It’s early, Joonie. You can go back to bed.”
He finally looks at me. “Only if you come with me.”
I stare at him.
He stares back before his brain finally reboots properly and backpedals, “As in back to your room. Not- you don’t look like you had much sleep, either.”
Still smirking, I heave a sigh. “Yeah, I didn’t.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No, not really.”
We remain in silence for the rest of the time, listening to the babbling of the stream and the birds finally getting noisy around us. We remain unspeaking even when we see Karma climb down from a tree, licking his lips and struts back to the house. We remain quiet even when our backs are finally warm from the sun and Mrs Oliviera has to holler from the back door to announce breakfast is ready. 
Is this what Jungkook meant to be open? If it is, then I guess it’s not so bad after all, I think, as my head rests against Namjoon’s strong shoulder, something that naturally happens somehow in between the silent hours that passed.
I stare at the piece of paper Jungkook handed to me. 
“What is this?”
“It’s a schedule,” he answers, pointing to the title in big, bold letters on the top. “See?”
I frown, holding out the paper to him. “It’s just days and your names on it. What kind of schedule is that?”
Taehyung laughs, coming over to see. “I got the first day! Monday!”
“Yes,” says Jungkook, replying to you. “I told you, you’ll have to spend the days with us leading up to Sunday when I tell you the full story of the Eight Lovers. The schedule is to give us equal time with you.”
I roll my eyes. “Seriously? Why can’t it just be more natural? This is so weird.” I wave the paper over my head before Jin plucks it out of my hand.
Chuckling, Jin passes the schedule back to Jungkook. “I have to agree, kid. It’ll feel forced.”
Jungkook exaggerated a pout. “Fine. I put a lot of effort into it though.” He takes the paper and carefully folds it into a small square, stuffing it into his pocket. He sits down but his bottom lip still juts out. 
I pat him on the knee. “Nice handwriting though, Kookie. But no schedule, thanks.” I look around the room, suddenly feeling awkward. “So, um, what do you suggest we do first?”
“As a team or as a couple?” Taehyung asks nonchalantly.
Jin watches your eyes widen at the question and he wants to tease you so bad for it but Jimin beats him to the punch.
“I want it as a couple,” Jimin says cheekily, leaning into your face as he grabs a handful of nuts in the bowl next to you before moving away. You blush, looking away to hide it from Jimin but Jin sees it clear as day. He catches your eye and smiles knowingly, laughing at the defeated pout on your lips. 
To be honest, Jin’s stomach is unsettled right from the moment he was told of the week’s plan. It’s not that he’s not happy about it, he is, very much so. But this nagging feeling is worming through his nervous system and he just can’t shake it off. The picture of a thunderstorm cloud in the distance is stuck in his head and no matter how much he tries to tell himself it’ll be okay, the more dread fills his heart. 
“Let’s just do what we always do,” Namjoon says from the corner of the room where he’s sitting with a book. “Just don’t think about any of this.”
You grimace. “The more you tell me not to, the more I will.”
Yoongi enters the room with two mugs of steaming tea. He casually passes over one to you and he takes a seat across from you. He blows over his mug, eyes on you, watching the way you nervously chew on your lips and wondering if you even notice what you’re doing as you fidget with a loose thread of the sofa, your legs under you. It takes him back to a time when he would have been sitting next to you instead, one arm around your shoulders. 
Yoongi remembers that time well, back when the wonders of medicine hadn’t really reached their part of the world yet. The winter cold had seeped into the room through a crack in the window he had been meaning to fix for a long time now, your legs huddled under you for warmth. He had pulled you close against his front, sharing body warmth as Jimin had gone upstairs to retrieve a blanket. 
You had been chewing on your lip as you are doing now, your hair covering your face as you looked down. Yoongi had squeezed your shoulder, earning a turn of your head and a weak smile. He kissed your temple, his other hand wrapping around your extended belly. 
That time, centuries ago, he had assured you that everything will be okay, pretending that his heart wasn’t weighing heavily on his stomach, just like right now as he watches you across from him. Your eyes meet his and he smiles reassuringly as he always does, hoping that you get his message, telling you it’ll all be alright, something he hopes wouldn’t count as a lie. But that memory in time hadn’t ended so well and he dreads that it would be the same this time, too. 
The seven of them watch you take a deep breath, sitting up straight and looking around the room. You exhale slowly and with that, a slow smile carves on your face. There’s a sort of acceptance in your eyes, a clarity none of them has seen before. You nod your head a little and Namjoon wonders what you are telling yourself. 
And just like that, without a word, you just naturally inserted yourself into Jimin and Jungkook’s conversation, sliding down onto the floor to get on the same level with the boys, bumping knees with Jimin but not minding that they’re touching. 
For a moment, Hoseok feels slightly at ease, relaxing in his seat, ignoring the banter between Jimin and Jungkook, focusing on you, on how you laugh and the way your eyes squeezed shut. For now, he’ll pretend he didn’t see the look on Jin’s and Yoongi’s faces, that he didn’t notice the flicker of fear in their eyes nor the foreboding feeling creeping up his back. 
For now, he’ll just be happy and entertain the idea that they are on the road to normal, if normal even applies. All he knows is that he won’t have to hold back any longer, that he doesn’t have to hide how much it hurts not having you in close proximity. You’re here, with them, and that’s all that matters.
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a/n: Wow, I haven't updated in so long. I...seriously have no excuse except that I haven't had the same amount of time to write as I use to. When I do have free time, I just want to rest without doing anything T_T please I need motivation to write T_T i have a kookie one halfway written when Seven came out and now Layover is here i just- drfrfncsdjcbegb *slaps self*
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lo1k-diamonds · 7 months
Carnation 💜 Chapter 1
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PAIRING: idol!Jin x OC
SUMMARY: In early 2018, BTS were at a crossroads: after working so hard to set foot in the music industry of South Korea, their sudden jump into stardom became something they never anticipated. Jin believed in his dongsaengs but was just as lost as them when his soulmate entered the picture.
WORD COUNT: 3.3k (Total: 25.3k)
GENRE: Soulmate AU, s2l
RATING: Teen (for drinking, cussing and tension)
WARNINGS: mild angst for talks of disbanding and burnout
(You can also read it on AO3, originally posted June 2023)
A.N. I have this poll I've been meaning to do about my soulmate series and to do so, I thought I should probably introduce those stories first 😅😋Jin's story is the first of the Soul Palette Series though it serves as a prequel to Call You Mine. I'm thinking of uploading each story's 1st chapter to give you all a taste 😋
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“ARMY! I remember early this year. We were mentally struggling at the beginning of the year. While talking amongst ourselves, we even considered disbanding. I’m relieved that we got ourselves together and were able to bring good outcomes. I want to thank our members who helped me get myself together and the ARMYs who love us. Thank you so much. ” Jin, MAMA, 2018
January 3rd 2018
“It’s hard… It’s really hard.”
Jimin’s words were lost in the silence of the room as the seven Bangtan members looked either at the floor or at nowhere in particular while they went over everything that had been said.
Jungkook never knew anything else but that life with his brothers and had stated very clearly that he wanted to fight until he couldn’t breathe or move anymore. His passion was only matched by his perseverance because they all knew how hard he had it, how tough it was, and the sacrifices he had to make growing up totally lined up for that life only. It didn’t make the others feel particularly better, but they understood his feelings.
Taehyung was teary-eyed and looking at a random place on the wall. He was quiet, he had the tendency to turn inwards when he was facing something extremely difficult. He admitted he was unhappy with the constant pressure that sometimes felt like a gag, with the continual invasion of privacy, with the lack of control over what the future looked like.
Jimin understood his feelings and agreed. He pointed out the only silver lining — the ARMYs who supported them unconditionally and had done so from the start.
“It feels somehow… like a failure, to disappoint them like this,” Yoongi had quietly answered then. “Because we fought so desperately to be worthy of their love, and now that it’s getting so big… it risks being too much.”
“I feel so ungrateful, seriously,” Hoseok had said in contempt of himself, hiding his face.
“They would understand,” Namjoon said. 
Their leader was sitting on a table, stiff body clearly physically fighting that difficult topic with all its might. He would usually give them the stability they needed but at the expense of his own insecurities and doubts.
Yoongi had expressed he wanted to make music, purely and simply. “After all this time… I can’t see myself without BTS. We’re family, you are family to me.”
“Ah seriously,” Hoseok complained, cleaning his tears as were all others, to one degree or another.
“Hyung,” Taehyung complained.
“You choose to tell us your heart right now?” Jimin added, cleaning his eyes.
“Of course right now, keep going Yoongi,” Jin enthused, and Yoongi nodded with a small smile.
“My heart… would be incomplete without you guys. It would get lonely, in the studio too. My music… would get quiet without you guys. But I won't pressure you, because you’re so precious to me. I just want you to be happy.”
“Hyung—” Jungkook’s voice vanished in tears.
“We’re happy by your side,” Taehyung cried, hiding his face.
“We’re family, that will never change,” Namjoon declared, sniffling right after.
“But can we keep giving a perfect performance?” Hobi’s jaw was a firm line as he suppressed his emotions to be able to ask them clearly. “Can we keep this up? Because I’m not sure what I fear most: disappointing ARMYs, or disappointing ourselves.”
“It’s hard… It’s really hard.”
And now, there they were, staring at each other quietly. Until Jin decided to smile and say something, seeing that even Namjoon was stumped in his own thoughts.
“We should all sleep on it and not decide anything immediately. We started this together, we can decide this together. Tomorrow we can talk better about this.”
“But… we’re not disbanding, right?” Jungkook asked, voice shaking as he eyed his hyungs anxiously.
“No, we’re not,” Hobi smiled.
“We’re talking and we should think about this. Jin-hyung is right,” Namjoon said, getting up. “We can think of ways that could make this work and of how to better ourselves. If we decide to disband, it won't be for lack of trying to figure this out.”
Every member got up except for Jin, who stayed behind sitting on a chair while everyone passed by him, and Namjoon, who heaved a deep breath and hid his face, the pressure finally cracking through. Jin could read his tension and stress like one reads the time on a clock, and as usual, he felt for Namjoon. He was the leader and felt like he was failing them at a deeply personal level, and it was so hard for him. He could act tough and provide everyone with the smarts needed, but deep down he was hurting and doubtful.
Jin got up and placed his hand on Namjoon’s shoulder, who then raised his head. 
“This is not your fault. If anything, you guided us well thus far. You’re also a member of BTS, so go and think about yourself as an individual, as an artist. We’ll talk about this again tomorrow.”
Namjoon rubbed his watering eyes and sucked it all in before nodding. “Thank you, hyung.”
“Of course,” Jin smiled reassuringly. “I’m going for a walk, don't wait up for me.”
“Now?” Namjoon frowned in confusion and Jin scoffed.
“It’s like ten pm, it’s not that late. I’ll be right back.”
He waved Namjoon goodbye quickly after getting ready and rushed out. He needed to breathe as well and the cold new year air would do him some good.
It was hard, it was really hard. However, he felt sort of stuck in a position where he couldn’t say much. Yes, it was hard, but it had always been hard for him. 
He was the oldest, not the leader but definitely the one that looked after them from the day he joined. From making sure Namjoon and Yoongi sorted their differences, to scolding Jungkook for staying in his room by himself, to reminding Tae and Jimin to do their homework, to ordering Hoseok to rest or else, to cooking for all of them— He had become the hyung they needed and he was very thankful he did. He would have never become who he was today otherwise.
But giving and taking care of them was a responsibility, not a chore. What really made it difficult was, well, all the ways he was lacking. He was scouted for his looks, what the heck was that worth?
He chuckled as he made his way down the street to his favorite park. His freaking looks when the others were rappers, lyricists, producers, dancers, and singers. Sure he thought he could act, but that didn't measure up to the others.
So he was always behind and that was really hard. He was the hyung, he had to set an example, but he was lacking in every single aspect of what would make a valuable member. But he tried. That was it, that's all he did. He heard the hate, the harsh comments, the criticism, and he agreed. He was behind, he was slower, he wasn't sharp, he had less vocal range, he—
He sighed, it was hard. But for them, he tried. He wasn't perfect, he was still lacking, but he had worked hard to improve in every way. He had to do it to be able to even show his face to his precious dongsaengs.
So now what?
He didn't want to yell at them for giving up when he had tried so hard, but a minuscule part of him wanted to. Not because his own work would go to waste, he was a better man now than he could have ever hoped to become, but because if they didn't deserve the hype, the praise, and love, then who the hell did?
No one deserved it more than them, absolutely no one! That was what truly made him mad — for all the bullshit they had to take, they deserved every fan, praise, award, and gentleness. They were incredibly talented and kind human beings, he believed they had so much more to do still. So why not stay together?
Was that selfish of him? Sure, every single one of them individually could achieve greatness, be it as musicians, artists, actors, what have you. But he… he loved being with them, being in the group. That life, that family, he didn't want to let it go. He didn't want it to end.
The end was… suffocating. He knew it would come one day, whether now or later, and in many ways it was healthy to debate the end and choose to continue. Only then could everyone be on the same page and happy with the future. But damn was it suffocating. It was worse than letting go of a first love, it was like cutting off a limb. He couldn’t live without them.
They had all done so much. He had managed to graduate from university while shooting and promoting and it had been the most draining experience yet. But he couldn’t hold them back, 2017 was the year of breakthroughs, of pioneering and his degree was in many instances not a priority at all. 
They finished the Wings tour while already preparing for the Love Yourself phase, where they finally had nearly full control of the full artistic process. He was so looking forward to it, it spoke of their fears and wishes to a visceral level. It was their message, ideology, and the footprint they would leave behind. Hopefully, if it was worth it, their legacy. They had to go through with it, the world had to see it.
But in order to go through with it, they had to decide. If the company was to schedule the world tour for the second half of the year then they had to commit. They couldn’t announce projects and concerts and then fall through. And that was where all problems started.
It was just too hard. They had fought so hard to have a spot in the limelight, but now they were basically being thrust into it successively and carelessly. 
Of course they never knew it would get this big, so at first it just sounded good, a worthwhile opportunity to do more, to reach further, to spread their positive message. UNICEF heard of the ‘Love Yourself’ message and one domino pushed the other. They just couldn’t refuse to use their voice for the greater good. They dedicated themselves to spreading the message, creating merch to donate to the cause, and to making ARMY proud. And in return, ARMY helped them reach new heights.
With every award, from Best in Music at the 9th annual Shorty Awards to Top Social Artist at the 2017 Billboard Music Awards, they had hoped to bring someone closer to peace, fend off loneliness, and have more people enjoying their vibe. They were the first K-pop group to enter the Billboard Hot 100 with a single, 'DNA', and album, 'Love Yourself: Her'. They were thankful to their fans, who gave BTS the opportunity to be at the Billboard Music Awards in what was their first television appearance in the US, so later when they were asked to perform, they said yes. BTS was the first K-pop act to perform at the American Music Awards with DNA, and from then on the ball kept rolling. They filmed so many shows, Jin wasn’t quite sure what was what and when. And now they were just back from performing at Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve in Times Square, New York, and they couldn’t stop. The next phase was here, not even a week of rest and they were back in the company deciding things and planning. It was exhausting, hallucinating, frightening and that was why they were at the rope’s end.
The company wanted to profit from the wave, the producers wanted recognition, the fans wanted them to achieve new unsurmountable records every day and meanwhile, BTS was just left exhausted, trying to not bite off more than they could chew. Now the opportunity had turned into a heavy constant pressure on their neck that they couldn't shake off. They couldn’t say no, that would be spitting back at ARMYs, that could never be. It was just… hard.
He knew it was, he could see how draining it was but… he still wanted to push through. He didn’t know how exactly and that was what he needed to figure out, because as their hyung—
He suddenly stopped his thoughts and looked around, confused. Yes, he was there at Yeouido Hangang Park as was normal for him when he strolled. It was maybe ten thirty in the evening now, but the street lights made it look almost like daytime. There was no crowd at that hour, but there were still a fair amount of people either coming off work or going to work, or drunk after dinner or going to have dinner. He looked at those people passing him by from where he was seated on a bench and he wondered what was wrong with him. Clearly, everything else seemed normal.
Then what the hell was that hum? He looked down at his own chest and laughed in disbelief at himself. His chest was buzzing, almost vibrating. It was so comical, was he finally losing it with the stress? Was he sitting there, wondering about ways to help the members while his own body was calling it quits?
Tears came to his eyes, he was touched so deeply the hairs on his neck stood on end. He was definitely not above crying, that was not an issue for him if that would release his stress, but that was when he realized he didn’t feel stressed. No, the buzzing hum was warm and soft and gentle, like perfume, and he got up from the bench and started looking around.
Why was he looking around when everything looked absolutely normal and that feeling was deeply sprouting out from his chest? No idea. He just had to go, there was something he needed to find. If there was a perfume, there had to be a flower, right?
There was this unmistaken breeze guiding him somewhere, he felt like a paper wind vane being blown on in a specific direction, but he couldn’t see anything that—
He froze with wide eyes just looking at the woman rushing towards him like a gust of wind. He was standing right in her way, they were on a collision course, but she was looking down while utterly absorbed in the phone call she was having. That’s when he thought, Jin you idiot, you should have been listening, not looking.
The corners of his lips rose the second he predicted she would crash into him, which he absolutely wanted for some reason, but she subverted his expectations. His features went from cheeky to slumped when she dodged him expertly and just walked right past him without even looking up.
He turned to widen his eyes at her in a complaint, but she was walking steadily and quickly away without looking back. Well, he scoffed, how could she just focus so hard on her call or whatever that she didn’t see him standing right in her way? One should pay attention to their surroundings instead of—
He gasped, Wait!
It had to be her, there was no mistaking the happiness in his heart making it bounce around inside his chest. The wind was blowing him in her direction, it was her. Her, huh? He grinned widely in the last meters to get to her, he couldn’t believe he had found her.
He grabbed her hand and she immediately turned around with shock on her face. She had been saying something on the phone, but she was now muted just staring at him with big wide eyes.
He could tell her eyes were big and expressive just at that moment, but he wondered how they would look when she smiled. Her cheeks were pink from the start of the year cold, and the little cloud of steam in front of her small heart-shaped mouth as she breathed was freakishly cute. Her long brown hair was tied in a ponytail and her jacket covered her almost to her knees, not letting him actually see much of her.
He caressed her hand with his thumb gently as he smiled at her, giving her time to come to the same realization as him — this was it. Meanwhile, a tingly sensation was shooting up his arm and filling him with an indescribable euphoria that just confirmed his belief. His eyes were shining as his lips curved in a smile full of endearment.
Yet she was just shocked, staring at him. She had felt the breeze playing with her feelings, but she thought it was the stress, the burnout, so she just focused on getting home. But that tingly sensation… it had to be, right?
But how could it be him?! He was gorgeous, what the heck was that? It was hard enough to believe they had just crossed paths like that at Yeouido Hangang Park (what were the chances?!), but how could he be so… beautiful? Symmetrical? Proportional? Flawless?
Was he real? Was he a painting? A doll? Was he just a dream? Was she dreaming?
“What’s your name?”
Her brain short-circuited. “I’ll call you back,” she murmured without thinking, putting the phone down instantly.
His voice was beautiful too, but that wasn’t possible. None of that could be happening to her, how could destiny do that to her?
“Jaehwa,” she breathed, still quite unsure if she was dreaming, and kind of hoping she was.
He smiled but looked down, he was seemingly shy yet meanwhile she could only focus on his pouty lips. He looked so adorab— 
What the hell was she thinking?!
“My name is Jin. Kim Seokjin.”
She nodded, still with wide eyes though now they were staring at his chest as if she couldn’t face him.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he said, raising their hands still clasped together in between them.
She blinked, a deep shade of crimson spreading on her cheeks. She could barely breathe, this wasn’t natural. What was he, a reincarnated prince?!
She stammered, “I’m… I’m not sure about what’s happening.”
“I think we’re soulmates,” he told her calmly, like a summer breeze whispering a secret. She felt a shudder, that was not possible. How could he feel so… intimate with her, like they had no secrets, when she just met him. “You know, tingling sensation and all.”
She swallowed hard, refusing to blush even more, then she bit her lip. Right. She couldn’t even bring herself to walk away, no matter how incredulous she was. She couldn’t rationalize her way around that feeling, and her skin was still humming all the way to her chest now. Her heart was reveling in the feeling as if she had been waiting all along. Well, maybe he was right. It was absolutely impossible and ridiculous but… maybe?
She took a deep breath and adjusted her coat around her neck, preventing the cold from slipping in, and to do so she had to let go of his hand.
“This will sound weird but… would it be okay if I just gave you my number?” She asked and he blinked his long eyelashes in surprise. “I’m sorry, I’m just really tired and I fear I’m just hallucinating this whole thing.”
He chuckled, “I see, I understand. We’re both quite tired, I think.”
She looked up at him — he did look tired with dark circles around his eyes, despite his smile. 
He pulled his phone out of his pocket, “How about you give me your number and I message you in the morning? Then you know if you got a message, it’s because it’s real and this really happened.”
Her eyebrows furrowed for a second before she nodded curtly, “Fine, that sounds good.”
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You can go here to keep reading [ao3] (this story is finished) 💜
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pascaloverx · 11 months
Invisible Bonds: The Power of Destiny
Author's Note: This fanfic contains possible strong language and explores themes of unconventional love. The relationship between the protagonists will be handled with sensitivity, without explicit scenes.
preview chapter two
*pictures credits are not mine, credits belong to their owners
Chapter One
You woke up feeling discouraged, but with a hopeful feeling that things would get better. How could you not feel hopeful when the love of your life is about to marry an incredible woman?
"Darling, Taehyung called to let you know he'll be waiting for you at the beauty salon. He said you'd know which one. He also wanted to remind you that he remembered to pick up the tuxedo and the shoes. He asked you to call his friend about the wedding rings." Your mother shouted from downstairs, and you felt the urge to never leave your bed again. How could you be a bridesmaid in a wedding you theoretically should prevent? But then again, who are you to go against the dictates of destiny?
Your mother came to visit you this weekend because Taehyung considers her a second mother, and she's thrilled to see her heart's son getting married. She has already given up of the ideia of you getting married.
You shout back that you're already getting ready to meet the groom. Damn, you had forgotten to call Taehyung's childhood friend, Jungkook. You haven't met him in person, but you've heard the guys talk a lot about him. And by guys, you mean the college friends you met through Taehyung: Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin. The lilac dress that the bride has chosen for all the bridesmaids is so delicate that you feel like you shouldn't even take it out of the closet. You quickly slip into it and fix your hair within minutes. Why take your time when you're not the bride, right?
Finishing getting ready, you search for Jungkook's number on your phone. You wonder why you volunteered to help with this wedding and why, out of everyone, you ended up with the task of calling this guy. The phone rings and rings, but no one answers. When I call again, he finally picks up. His voice is hoarse; it feels like I just woke him up. Oops...
"There better be a good reason for calling me this early in the morning then..." He says in an almost rude tone. You wonder if there's a way to slap someone through the phone. Perhaps in the future, there will be.
"Good morning, Jungkook. I hate to break it to you, but as an adult, you should've been up hours ago. My name is (Y/N), and I'd like to know if the wedding rings and their bearer will be here on time for the wedding." You reply, trying to be as patient as possible, but honestly, you're furious. Always having to deal with other people's issues.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have a beautiful voice? Ever thought about becoming a singer or a voice actor?" He says while you can hear noises in the background, a woman murmuring something. He's too busy getting romantically involved with someone to remember to be a good friend, how wonderful.
"Instead of trying to flatter me, make sure you're here at the agreed time and with the rings. If you want to invite your company to come along, feel free. But know that if you mess something up today, I'll be your particular nightmare." You say as sternly as possible. You even slow down your speech in the last part to appear more intimidating.
"If this is your way of asking if I'll be accompanied today, the answer is no. As for the rest, I'll do exactly as you asked, if you promise to reward me at the end of the night." He says, trying to be seductive. You prefer to pretend you didn't hear that proposition.
"I'm sorry to burst your fantasies, but I don't plan on getting involved with anyone. You can pretend that I'm saving myself for my other half." You reply firmly, putting an end to any further advances.
"Believing in soulmates is for fools. I bet I can convince you otherwise at the wedding." You don't even know the guy, but you're already envious of his arrogance.
"Listen, I have things to do and can't waste time. I expect to see you in a few hours, appropriately dressed and with wedding rings in your pocket." You say firmly, ending the conversation and hanging up the phone.
You descend the stairs, seeing the table full of food that your mother is packing for you to freeze and eat during the week. You thank her and let her know you won't be able to have breakfast together. She says she doesn't want to inconvenience you, knowing that Taehyung needs you. You nod in agreement and give your mother a goodbye kiss. A few minutes later, you're finishing up the last details at the reception hall. Of course, you had already organized things at the church. Everything is going as planned. You arrive at the beauty salon where the bride and groom are getting their skin and hair done.
"I was starting to miss you. You look breathtaking." Taehyung says as he gets up from the chair where he was finishing his makeup. He looks so radiant, as if his smile could light up the world. It heals me even as it hurts. He isn't my soulmate; God knows he never thought of me romantically, but I simply love him.
"Look who's talking. Haewon is going to feel incredibly lucky when she sees you walking down the aisle like this. Although, she looks stunning. I sneakily peeked because I thought you'd want to know." You say as you adjust Taehyung's tie.
"I'm so nervous. It's worse than that time we were at a concert, and I got called up on stage to sing. I don't know how I'm going to walk down the aisle and wait for my future wife patiently." He says as you lock at each other. It's not romantic, but it's a moment of tenderness. After all, he is my best friend, and he's getting married.
""Taehyung, today you embark on a new chapter of your life, and I have no doubt that your love story with Haewon will be as magical as the bond that you guys already share. No nervousness in the world will ruin your moment." You say, trying to be as positive as possible.
"You always know what to say. I love you, you know that?" He says, hugging you.
"I love you too, now come on. We have a beautiful wedding waiting for you, and it's not nice to keep the bride waiting." You say as you send a message to the driver, letting them know Taehyung is ready to go. According to the schedule, Haewon will be making her grand entrance in about ten minutes.
The journey from the salon to the church takes about five minutes. Up until now, everything has been going perfectly. Right now, Taehyung is surrounded by friends and is nervous. Not because of the bride, but because Jungkook hasn't arrived yet. That idiot.
You knew you shouldn't have trusted him to get the rings. You can't believe he's going to mess everything up in the end. And just as you lose patience completely, Jungkook walks into the church. At least, you think he's Jungkook. I must admit he looks elegant, almost like he stepped out of a movie. He arrives with a smile, as if he's the main attraction.
And suddenly, you feel it—a suffocating sensation as if the air has been sucked out of the world. A pain in your chest so immense that it makes you stumble, clinging onto Taehyung for support. Then you notice Jungkook doesn't seem well either. Damn, this can only mean one thing. As your body collapses to the ground and your consciousness fades, amidst people shouting and lifting me to call for medical help, you feel something inside you that only soulmates feel for each other. You can't believe that out of all the people in the world, your other half is Jeon Jungkook.
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