#Jin is the only sensible one and he’s just falling apart off screen :’)
recovering-vamp · 1 year
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Pals <3
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts
[Masterlist] Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester.
Warning: talk of death and near death. I am an OT7 Stan but have never really felt like a strong urge to write about JK until his prompt I want to continue his and Tae’s. 🤔🤔🤔
Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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           April 9th - 15th
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Kim Seokjin: Siblings
Your best friend invited you to his house for a sleepover, you were excited but when you knocked on the door bag in hand it opened to a young man a couple of years older than you. He was handsome. And you didn’t know what to say. 
“Jin your friend is here” “Y/n come in”  “Who is that?” “That’s my older brother” Jin led you inside and to his room, “why do you ask?” “He is hot obvs”
“Oh” Jin felt kind of disappointed, another person had fallen in love with his brother and here he was in love with his clueless best friend.  “I’m just going to pee, don’t play the movie without me” you ran off ducking past Jin’s brother and you paused in the hall wanting to see what he thought about you?”
“Hey did you tell her?” “Tell her what?” “That you are madly in love with her and have been for years” “I can’t she just met you?” “What does that mean?”
“It means she is in love with you now everyone loves my handsome brother” you went to the bathroom and tried to ignore what you heard, your best friend loves you they were just joking maybe they weren’t talking about you you realised they didn’t even use your name. Yeah, you had just met his brother but maybe they had a visitor earlier today.
You sighed you had taken the floor for sleeping, you couldn’t sleep with all those thoughts but with the uncertainty that they were actually talking about you, you felt a wave of relaxation. 
You climbed into the bed next to Jin and laid your head on his wide shoulder. It was in his sleep he said ‘I love you y/n’ it was as clear as day. Heart racing you turned burying your face into his chest and hugging him tightly. Who were you kidding you loved him and you hoped like hell he had meant you.
Min Yoongi: Barbershop
Yoongi worked at a barbershop, it wasn’t a hard job. He liked it because he never had to speak to women. Unless of course, a mother was bringing her son in which case he wouldn’t make eye contact and would request another staff member would take over. Yoongi had nothing against women but he got nervous around him his cheeks would burn the brightest red and he would stutter his way through the conversation. Then he would continue with his day beating himself up about what he should have said.
He was just finishing up some guy’s hair cut and his coworker grinned, “Hey I am going to get some coffee and lunch what do you want and I will bring it back?” “Uh coffee and something good” he shrugged “Alright, you think you will be okay?” “I am an adult, I can deal with it, I am not going to burn the place down”
He had spoken too soon, a girl came in. Long legs in a beautiful dress that fell so pretty over your hips curvaceous hips. Yoongi felt warm already focusing on the mirror and talking to his current client about booking in again. The client new Yoongi well enough to know his condition around women.
“Yes I will book again for a month” he teased the two went to the counter to pay subtly watching you scan the service price list. “You have a great day Yoongi” “Yeah see you round Hobi”  “Maybe you could ask her on a date?” Hoseok whispered earning a sprit from the spray bottle of Yoongi’s hip.
You approached and he starred at the computer cheeks pinked as he asked you politely questions, “I am just wanting to reshave the sides of my head” 
He looked up shocked from his nervousness you lifted both sides of your hair to reveal that they were indeed shorter than the rest. He thought that was pretty badass and yet you still looked unbelievably cute with it.
“Right this way?” he began and you started asking him questions and his heart was thumping loudly and his cheeks were darkening some more. “Sorry, I am not good at talking well to others” “More specifically pretty women?” a regular stepped in and sat right next to you in the chair “The prettier the girl is the darker his cheeks get, I have never seen him this flustered”
“that’s enough” you scolded the man “My hair is on the line here don’t embarrass him further. “Tell me about her she must have been really pretty”
Jung Hoseok: Grilled cheese
You had been in Korea for two years now and working with the BigHit company as a backup dancer for concerts and things. Working alongside the TXT boys and one afternoon you stayed in the dance studio practising choreography when your phone started ringing. It was your sister back in your home country. She wanted to check on how you were doing and tell you about news from home, but all you could focus on was that she was eating a grilled cheese sandwich and your mouth watered. 
After talking for a little too long, you hung up and went to go through the choreography one last time before you had to leave back to your apartment. You didn’t realise you were crying homesick until the music stopped. The door opened and you didn’t bother turning from your hunched position on the floor openly sobbing into your hands. “Hey, are you okay?”
Looking up you saw him Jung Hoseok better known as Jhope was standing their dressed ready for practice and you realised you had definitely stayed too long. Scrambling to your feet you wiped at your eyes, apologizing and packing up your things. He grabbed your arm and stopped you from running off, you looked at his shoes unable to look him in the eyes. He was handsome and way out of your league. 
“Tell me what has you so upset?” No coherent words escaped your mouth as you sobbed into your hands, Jhope pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you. The only word you had gotten out clearly in your whines was ‘Grilled cheese’ he didn’t mean to laugh but it just burst out of him. “Grilled cheese? I am so sorry that’s just really funny to hear someone cry over”
Understanding what he meant you were reduced to fits of giggles as well and you wiped your eyes, looking up at him. The tip of your nose was red. “I am sorry I miss home and I just wanted comfort food” He pulled out his phone and grinned down at you as he ordered some grilled cheese sandwiches and told you to show him what you had been practising.
Kim Namjoon: Scrabble
“Quixotic” Namjoon smiled at his wife, this was not how you expected to start your honeymoon but you could tell he was nervous. “Okay, Yeet” You made a throwing action with your arm and Namjoon looked up at you he wasn’t amused.
“That’s not a word baby” “We pretended yours was a word” “It is a word it means not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic and I think you are being a bit quixotic with your supposed words” He laughed at you and you wanted to through the board.
“I think you are being a bit quixotic if you think we are going to do anything tonight, you just took your rights to see what is under my dress and yeet them out the window” “Baby, no don’t be like that” He frowned “You can have yeet, we can add slang words if you want”
“What I want is to stop playing and spend some time with my husband who I married today, goddamn it Joon, I am still in my wedding dress, I wanted you to take it off me” “Oh, Let me just yeet this game out of the way” scrabble tiles were sent flying.
Park Jimin: High
Jimin came home after a long day at work his best friend Taehyung on the floor with his roommate. The two of giggling and eating snacks while watching a documentary about a carpet company. He could smell the funky smell that was weed.
“That looks so freaking soft” Taehyung snickered slapping the tv screen. “It’s trapped behind some forcefield but it looks like I could just touch it” “That one looks like your hair” you pointed to the back of his head as he was in front of the tv, he jumped back as the screen changed to a machine cutting and rolling carpet and you looked amazed, “Why is everything moving so slow?”
“It’s spinning carpet”  “Tae there is carpet on your head and it feels so shaggy?” you were both now playing in each others hair.
“What the hell are you doing!” Pausing you both looked at each other “Tae I think I just heard god?” “God sounds like Jimin” “That’s because I am Jimin” you both turned and your eyes lit up happily
“Jimin is god, and his hair is made of the softest carpet!” You both tackled Jimin and ran your hands all over him, “Jimin god can I kiss you?” “Oh me too me too” Tae shouted and he rolled his eyes at the two of you.
Kim Taehyung: The Law
How the hell did you get here? One moment you were jokingly trying on a wedding dresses with your best friend who was soon to be married when a guy in a fancy suit asked if you would help him get out of an arranged marriage by pretending you were married. He said he just needed a few photos and your name and number encase he needed to follow up with anything. You agreed but here you were having dinner with his family who said they wanted to invite you home for Christmas and you really couldn’t refuse. 
Except here you were on a farm super confused. You were led to his room and you blushed to unpack into the spare drawers and he kept throwing you guilty looks. His parents and siblings were super nice and they taught you how to cook and clean it was a good time. It was raining heavily and a long way to walk back across the farm so you laid a blanket over the bales of straw and got comfy. He sang some strange songs and told funny stories and the rain didn’t let up. Falling asleep you woke to his coat around you both and his arms tightly around you. Your marriage wasn’t binding by law but for now, you wished it was.
Jeon Jungkook: Sky (I am making into a social media story) [Read me]
You were in a car accident you couldn’t feel your legs they were pinned and some part of the engine had broken through into the cabin and pierced straight into your lung. You felt tired and it was hard to breathe. 
Waking with a start you realized it was all a dream, a memory from the past, you were alive and healthy, the rain outside was strong and caused an ache in your old wounds. Flattening your palm to your rib cage you took a shaky breath. There was a sound on your balcony and your dog cloudy was barking. You walked over to the balcony to see a man standing on the railing like he was going to jump.
You froze for a moment before throwing the door open. “Excuse me, sir” He turned to face you, he had a handsome face and his hair slicked back. His eyes brushed over your form and he smirked. 
“If only you were the poor soul I was taking tonight, cause damn girl” he turned back away and touched his earpiece, “Yoongi where is this guy I am collecting” “I am sorry who are you taking and where? Are you a kidnapper? What’s with the outfit? And why my balcony?” You were seriously confused running a hand through your hair. He froze shoulders tensing up and he turned jumping long black wings thrown out as he landed inches from your face. “Oh”
“Can you see me?” “Ahhh no?” you said looking away from him, he was tall towering over you, he grabbed your cheeks in his hand pulling your face back to his. “When you lie you should try to be more believable love, can you see me?” “What am I supposed to say?” he looked at your figure up and down with glowing eyes and you slapped tried to cover yourself, he lifted your little nightgown and looked at your ribcage he touched the large scar. 
“You were supposed to die that day, I wonder wha-” You slapped him across the face, pulling your nightdress back down and he smirked leaning back on the railing. “I have seen worse, then your lace knickers love” 
He caught your wrist before you could slap him again and he turned. You followed his gaze and saw something big fall behind him, it was like everything went slow motion and you saw a face horrified falling from the sky.
“We will continue this conversation later, I have a soul to collect”
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krissewrites · 7 years
À Triomphe - BTS AU
AU:  Art Thief!Bangtan
Description: You are a curator at one of the many museums in Paris, and have finally earned the bosses trust.  But after a strange meeting with a new coworker and his friends, you begin receiving messages from an unknown party.
Part: Thirteen / Twelve / Eleven / Ten / Nine / Eight / Seven / Six / Five / Four / Three / Two / One
Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Suggestive Situations.
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You jolted as a boney finger pressed into your cheek.  Opening you eyes, you looked up at Jin.  He had changed clothes and stood almost innocently before you.
Light blue checkered pajamas draped over his long legs and the waistband of his red briefs shown.  He now donned a pair of black, rimless glasses.  His shoulders were able to breathe as he lacked a tee shirt.  Jin’s face had a few new scratches, and a small bruise on the highlight of his cheek, similar to the wounds he had the day of your date. He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched you slowly wake up, taking in your surroundings.  The collar hurt your neck.  
“Where’s the remote?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,”
“You can stop acting coy.  I know you hid it.”
Jin sighed, turning on his heel as he walked towards his dresser drawer.  He tugged at the handle, pulling it out as he began to throw clothes over his shoulder.  The floor, already a mess, only became worse.  “I’m tired,” he began his speech, “I’m annoyed.”  He pulled out a small pocket knife, closing the drawer behind him.  “And now, I’m upset.”
You watched as he sauntered across the floor, stopping before you.  He twirled the knife in his hands.  “I just want an answer,” he groaned.  His voice had fallen an octave, and his eyes were narrow.
“I don’t know, Jin—maybe you misplaced it—“
Jin cackled, throwing his head back. His head rolled as he cocked it, glaring at you.  He stabbed the knife into the bedside table, causing you to flinch.  “Maybe you’re right, baby,”  he cooed.
He sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed, leading you to scoot into the corner of it.  He looked over his shoulder to glance at you.  “I’m a sensible man.”
Jin pulled a knee to his chest, the other foot planted on the floor as he turned to you.  He rested his chin on his knee.  “I’m also smart.”
You watched as a child-like grin covered his featured.  “Tell me, baby,” he began.  “Do I look dumb?” You glanced at him as he waited for an answer.  You gently shook your head, not wanting to make the wrong move.  “Well, then why are you acting like I am?”  He hissed.
In a split second, he had moved his position to kneel in front of you.  He had a death grip on your collar, pulling you towards him.  His eyes gleamed with sinister motives.  A chuckle rolled off his tongue as you whimpered, a lump forming in your dry throat.  “I know you hid it, baby,” he growled, licking his lips as his eyes washed over your figure.  His chest rose and fall as his free hand traced up and down your leg.  “Make it easy for daddy—“ his grip on your collar tightened, tugging you closer to him once more.  Every wince and whimper drove him crazy.  “Where did you hide it?”
You gritted your teeth, spitting in his direction.  Jin’s face contorted, the hand grazing your curves instantly reaching to wipe his cheek.  His gaze turned colder than before.  
Jin’s sizeable hands gripped your hair, hitting your head against the wall.  You yelped.  “I should give you to Jeongguk right now! He’ll tear you apart like the rest—“ he hissed.  
He pushed himself back, staggering off the bed as he panted in a fit of anger.  “You see this?” He growled, pointing to his cheek.  “I’m his fucking ragdoll.  You’re lucky to be in here with me!”  Jin’s temper reached a boiling point as his voice echoed through the house. He quickly rammed his fist against the wall, huffing as he turned back to you.  “Hoseok is itching to get his hands on you, you know?”  
Jin sauntered towards you, curling his fingers around the collar choking you.  He jerked you forward, off of the bed and towards the door as he held your wrist behind your back.  He pressed your cheek against the wood as he growled in your ear.  “Do you want to spend the night with Hoseok?”
You eagerly shook your head, begging to catch your breath from the sudden whiplash.  Your entire body hurt. Jin abruptly loosened his grip, walking back from you.  You gasped for air, slinking down the door as you came to a sitting position.  You pressed your shoulder against the wooden panel.  
“I want to be nice, baby, but you’re pushing my buttons.” He mewled, sitting beside his bed, leaning against the frame to stare at you.  He propped an elbow on his knee as he cocked his head, panting. Jin sighed, tossing his head back as he closed his eyes.  He swallowed the lump in his throat.  
Minutes passed before Jin situated on the bed, covering himself in a thin sheet and tossing his glasses to the bedside table.  Stars showed in the dark sky through the window behind you, weaving you into a deep sleep.
“You said you would be okay!”
“I need help! God damn it, please don’t leave me.”
“Help us! She’s dying!”
Jimin’s cowardly screams filled the night air, his lungs bursting with fury and woe. His hair was jet black, and his eyes were younger than before.  He didn’t look like the Jimin you’d come to know. He would turn to glance at you every so often, a whimper quaking from his lips as he held his palm against your cold cheek.  “Please,” He began to beg.
He called you by the wrong name.  Burying his head into your chest, his hands gripping yours as to squeeze life back into you, he called for the wrong woman.  It was the name on the lighter.  “Why’d he do this to you?”
The apartment space around you was cluttered; blood stained the carpet as books and furniture were strewn across the room.  You were looking outside yourself.  Your lifeless body laid on the floor between the couch and coffee table.  Sirens and footsteps clustered around the door as residents filled the halls.  Tires screeched down the block.  
Dear god, what is this.
Where am I?
You scanned the apartment for clues, for anything to give an alarm as to your position.  Foreign words filled the room as three paramedics entered the room.  They began to speak in their own tongue. Jimin returned his responses, weeping as he begged for them to help you in English; yet it wasn’t you.
Your eyes analyzed the body before you; a woman, taller than you, with long black hair and eyes similar to Jimin’s, laid lifeless on the floor.  Blood adorned her pale skin, scratches scarring her pristine body.  She had been fighting off something.
He had a sister.
You, disconnected from the scenario folding out before you, roamed around the room.  You were invisible as if you were cellophane.  No one knew, much less, saw you. You had the free will to pry into the woman’s possessions.
You stopped in front of a small desk hidden in the corner of the studio apartment, consumed by a portrait framed in a white, wooden frame.  The woman and Taehyung smiled, holding each other tightly as Taehyung’s arm extended in the picture. His smile sparkled with the same gleam he showed you. Picture after picture of the couple was strewn across the desk, every other frame smashed to pieces.
“Hey, brat,” a husky voice called.  Your eyes fluttered open, a throbbing pain coming from your neck as you repositioned yourself; you had fallen asleep against the wall.  
Jeongguk stood in front of you, his hands now free from captivity.  He had red rings around his wrist where the tape had been peeled off his bare skin.  Jeongguk wore a black, short sleeve shirt and blue skinny jeans.  He had a navy blue jacket folded over his forearm as he held out a hand to help you up.  “You need to wake up, you’re on duty.”
You took Jeongguk’s helping hand, stretching as he lifted you to your feet with ease.  He tossed the jacket in your direction.  “It’s cold outside, you need to put that on.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s game day.  Did you forget why Yoongi dropped you off?”
Jeongguk busied himself with Jin’s valuables atop his dresser.  You glanced around the room, noticing Jin wasn’t to be found.  “No,” you muttered, reluctantly tugging your arms through the sleeves of the jacket.  
You had been piled into a van among Jeongguk, Hoseok, and Namjoon.  Jin had driven himself to the Louvre, keeping a watchful eye.  It’d been hours since you had moved, parked three miles from the museum in a dusty, gut-wrenching alley. Dusk had coated the city streets of Paris, night-life dwindling.
Namjoon played with the air vents on the dash, sighing every so often as he had grown bored.  Hoseok sat across from you, tapping his foot as he held back his urge to dig his thumbs into your throat.  He was disgusted with you.
Jeongguk had given you an entire lesson on heist etiquette.  You were to follow only him.  You were not to leave his sight.  You were not to touch anything.
Granted, it would be hard to disobey.  Jeongguk had a pistol clutched in his grip, and didn’t shy from pointing the barrel your direction every time he barked an order.  You complied with everyone, regretfully.
A loud chirping sound filled the small van.  Namjoon quickly reached for his phone, sliding across the screen and pressing it to his ear.
“Yeah, we’re ready. Are you?”
“Did Jin give you the okay?”
You could hear Yoongi raise his voice on the other end of the phone, telling Namjoon that Jin didn’t “have shit to say about the okay.”  Although Namjoon controlled the group as a whole, Yoongi had the clear advantage over him. He dangled Namjoon by a string; what Yoongi says, goes.
Namjoon ended the call, throwing the phone into the passenger's seat. He removed the keys from the van and tucked them in his jacket pocket. He silently exited the van, closing the door behind him.
The doors adjacent to you were pried open, Namjoon standing between them.  He quickly moved to the side.  Without a word, Hoseok jumped from the back of the van, landing on the asphalt without a hitch.  Jeongguk followed behind him.  Both left you in the dust, leaving you to jump to the ground yourself. Their gentleman streaks had reached their course.
Namjoon shut the doors to the van, sauntering back to the driver's seat, opening the door quietly.  He bent over, reaching for various items. As he returned, he held two flashlights and handcuffs.  Namjoon distributed the flashlights to Hoseok and Jeongguk, turning to you with the remaining item dangling from his hooked finger.  He stared impatiently.  
“Is that really necessary?”
“You can walk out in these or with a bullet through your brain,”
“Is neither a choice?”
Hoseok growled, stepping forward just before Namjoon pressed his palm against Hoseok’s chest.  Namjoon glared at Hoseok, nodding for him to move back to his position.  Hoseok, shaking from anger stepped back to his stance beside Jeongguk, who gripped his shoulder.
Namjoon forcefully gripped your wrist, tugging you into him.  You were too close for either of your comforts.  “I hate snappy girls,” he growled.  He tightened the cuffs around your wrist, digging the metal into your skin.  You flinched.
Namjoon pushed you off of him, leading to you stumbling back in Jeongguk.  He held you up by the bends of your elbows. Jeongguk scoffed.  “Have you forgotten how to walk?”
Jeongguk lifted you to your feet, wiping off the front of his tee shirt.  You swallowed the lump in your throat as you realized you were left alone with a man who wanted you dead, and a man who had neurotic tendencies—Namjoon had vacated the scene along with the van.  You watched at Jeongguk and Hoseok began to trek to the destination, tucking their flashlights in between the waist of their jeans and their belts. Praying to keep your balance, you jogged to meet them.  Your hands were trapped in front of you.
After a few minutes, you stood yards from the front entrance to the Louvre.  Jeongguk pressed himself against a wall of an alley, peeking out every second as to watch for the nightguard pacing the entrance; he was built bulkier than Hoseok or Jeongguk, leaving it to Jin to take him out from the inside.
Without Taehyung or Jimin, the plan had become twisted—Jeongguk had taken Jimin’s job, and Jin had taken Taehyungs—which led for them to be overworked.  A mistake was bound to happen.  You prayed for one.
Yet, the scene unfolded before you without a hitch.  Jin had quickly taken the bulky guard into a chokehold.  Because Jin had such broad shoulders, the guard stood no chance.  You winced as you watched him fall limply to the floor.  Jin entered the building once more.
Jeongguk stood in front of the entrance to the Louvre, swallowing his pride as he turned to look at you.  
“Do you remember what I said?”
You nodded.
“Do you understand what will happen?”
You nodded.
“Do you understand the consequences if it doesn’t?”
You nodded, reluctantly.
Namjoon continuously hit bumps in the road, leading you to believe he did it simply for your discomfort.  Every bump made a small tingle in the collar strapped to your neck, causing you to whimper.  You could faintly hear Jeongguk chuckle.
He fiddled with his thumbs, bending over as he propped his elbows on his knees.  He began to lecture you. “Namjoon said you were bait, and only bait,” he began.  Hoseok sneered, rolling his head back as he groaned loudly.  “I hope this goes smoothly,” his head rolled back forward, cocked to the side with a sinister grin, “because then I can kill you.”
Jeongguk ignored Hoseok’s comment, continuing.  “If something goes wrong, we throw you out in exchange for us escaping.”  He turned his gaze to you.  It was the same disgusting look he had when he first met you.  You unknowingly began to rub your hand.  “If nothing goes wrong, Namjoon said we could do whatever we want.”  He grinned.  
“I have no interest in you, but Hoseok does.” 
You were lead down the familiar spiral staircase, Hoseok trailing behind you as Jeongguk led.  His fingers tugged at the chain between your wrists.  
The museum was silent, with the only noise being that of several footsteps.  Two more nightguards laid at the bottom of the staircase, Jin, following not far behind with a prideful smirk.  He was happy of his handiwork.  
The four of you stood at the end of the staircase, each of the boys barking orders at each other.  Jimin had obviously been the leader of the boys who carried out the robberies.  Without his intellect and leadership, it was an all-out brawl on who was correct.
“Something’s not right, Gguk.  I don’t trust this,”
“You say that about everything, shithead.”
“Shut up, Jin.  You’re only a fill in.”
“Oh, I’m sorry—I didn’t realize that I had to answer to the youngest twat.”
As they bickered, you zoned in on the ceiling.  Various camera surrounded the area.  Yoongi was right; they were dumb.
Red lights continued to flash indicating recording was in progress.
Yoongi sat in a swivel chair twice the size of him, his knees to his chin as an endless train of tortilla chips found their way into his mouth.  He wore loose black basketball shorts and an oversized, white, long-sleeved shirt.  He was the epitome of comfort. Yoongi chuckled as he saw your doe-like eyes stare into one of the cameras, a smile tracing over your features.
“I’m right here, baby.”
He shoved another handful into his mouth, stretching his arms.
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