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renegadeurbanmediasource · 6 months ago
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Sorry if that makes you mad... Not really 😡😠🤬😡😠🤬
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azspot · 1 year ago
The Lost Cause mythology was more than bad history. It provided the intellectual justification for Jim Crow — not just in the former Confederacy, but everywhere systemic racism denied Black citizens equal citizenship and economic rights. Its dismantling began only in the 1960s when historians inspired by the modern Civil Rights Movement revisited the era of the Civil War and Reconstruction, adopting the views of earlier Black scholars like W.E.B. DuBois and John Hope Franklin, who always knew what the war was about and had shined a spotlight on the agency of Black and white actors alike.
Why Was It So Hard for Nikki Haley to Say "Slavery"? Civil War History Has the Answer
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its-suanneschafer-author · 9 months ago
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BOOK REVIEW: #GreatSmallThings by #JodiPicoult. A Black nurse is accused of murdering a newborn. This is a devastating look at racism in modern health care and in the American legal system.
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whenweallvote · 2 years ago
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On this day in 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that racially segregated public facilities were legal — as long as they were equal. The ruling affirmed and reinforced “Jim Crow” laws and established the “separate but equal” doctrine that would stand for the next 60 years.
We cannot live up to our greatest ideals without confronting the realities of our past.
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ilovepaulamichelle · 24 days ago
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Are you living a lie? What color is your actual skin? Define #nationality #race #ethnicity #culture to help identify your actual DNA research helps.
Racism would vanish if we address the intent behind the choice of words used to describe humans and beg and to properly identify people based on their actual DNA.
The hidden agenda to cause destruction intentionally towards a people is a mental illness and needs to be addressed and fixed fast. #europe #america you are responsible for the damages done.
Paula Michelle Gomes
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darksidenews · 11 months ago
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Today in history, we are reminded of a dark chapter in American politics. It was on this day that the Democratic Party held their first KKK National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee...
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monriatitans · 1 year ago
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Wednesday, February 7, 2024
“The newspaper encouraged displaced entrepreneurs to open businesses in South Tulsa and continue smashing color barriers. But it also spoke to a larger argument about how the definition of black success had changed from building up your own community in the era of Jim Crow to ‘getting out’ to chase bigger opportunities in the formerly all-white world.” – Victor Luckerson, Built from the Fire: The Epic Story of Tulsa’s Greenwood District, America’s Black Wall Street
Check out the Yocum African American History Association (YAAHA), “a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to sharing educational resources about black American history”. Interested in the book the quote came from? If so, click here! Like what you see? Click here and/or the Follow button to subscribe for updates! For the curious, the purpose of this series of quotes can be found here!
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uinterview · 2 years ago
The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) has pledged to oppose the Senate Judiciary Committee’s consideration of two judges over the “blue slip” policy, which has historically given senators the power to stop a lower-court nominee from their own state. Follow @uinterview for the latest exclusive celebrity videos & news!
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streetz989atl · 2 years ago
True Life Experiences - Sarah Collins Rudolph - 60th Memorial 16th St. Bombing B'Ham 1963
#TrueLifeExperiences #SarahCollinsRudolph #AtlantaGa #DiggingInTheArchives #MinisterJazz #16thStBombing #6othMemorial #Justice #SoleSurvivor #AddieCollins #CaroleRobertson #CynthiaWesley #DeniseMcNair #Historic #CivilRIghts #BirminghamAl #JimCrowe #Journalism #Media #StoryTelling #Podcast #TalkShow #Worldwide #OnDemand #Streetz989ATL 24/7
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azspot · 5 months ago
Voters in 28 states will face restrictions this November that weren’t in place in the last presidential election, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. Voter suppression laws or election interference legislation — whether through gerrymandering, voter identification changes, barriers to using mail-in or absentee ballots, voter roll purges, consolidation of polling sites, or allowing partisan boards of election undue influence — disproportionately limit the ability to vote for people of color, the elderly, and those with limited resources. Increasingly violent rhetoric and events throughout the 2024 campaign season also have given voters credible concerns about intimidation at the polls.
How I Resist the Stench of Jim Crow
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its-suanneschafer-author · 7 months ago
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ICYMI BOOK REVIEW: #GreatSmallThings by #JodiPicoult. A Black nurse is accused of murdering a newborn. This is a devastating look at racism in modern health care and in the American legal system.
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ptseti · 11 months ago
Black history facts you didn’t learn in history class… During the days of #JimCrow segregation, it was difficult to be a traveller. This book explains it all.
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marcellouslovelace · 2 years ago
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(via 2024 Black Liberation Over Jim Crow Humiliation by Marcellous Lovelace #marcellouslovelace #75dab #biko70 #blackart #raygun81 #freedom marcellouslovelace.com Black People Didn't Benefit from Slavery Atrocities Holocaust)
2024 Black Liberation Over Jim Crow Humiliation by Marcellous Lovelace http://society6.com/MarcellousLovelace Be aware Black People you bring all & absolute value to the globe never pray with for your oppressors! Black People Didn't Benefit from Slavery Atrocities Holocaust #marcellouslovelace #biko70 #art #blackart #75dab #raygun81 #liberation #jimcrow
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year ago
While arguing with some friends about The Last Train Home, I descended down a small rabbit hole about Czechoslovakia and came across the Slansky Trial, an allegedly antisemitic "show trial," and while looking for more information on it came across this response by Louis Harap from 1953.
Behind this case is the all-important question of the relation of the capitalist and socialist worlds upon which the peace of the world depends. Are we dealing with a conspiracy to make Czechoslovakia a base for a war against the socialist world? Would this bring World War III closer? If so, the people should know it. We hope that our examination will throw light on the implications of this trial for world peace. The answer to this 'question of war and peace in relation to .this case should emerge from our scrutiny of a number of issues specifically raised by it. Some of the questions we must try to answer are these: Are the charges against the Slansky group true? Was anti-Semitism and scapegoating really the motivation for the Prague trial, as the press is dinning into our ears? Is anti-Zionism equivalent to hostility to the Jewish people? Is criticism of the Ben Gurion government to be equated with opposition to Israel and the people of Israel? Is anti-Zionism the same as anti-Semitism?
In other words, Zionism is an ideology that is held by some Jews-and, it must be emphasized, opposed for a variety of reasons by many others, including certain Jewish religious groups, thousands of Israeli citizens and even by bourgeois assimilationists among wealthy Jews all over the world (for instance, the American Jewish Committee) and also by communists. Hence, it is simply untrue to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, for what anti-Zionism opposes is an ideology and not Jews as such. To hold otherwise is to assert something as absurd as, "anti-Republicanism is anti-Americanism" or "anti-Jimcrow is anti-American" or "to be anti-Tory is to be anti-British" or "anti-Malanism is anti-South Africa."
Regardless of the Slansky trial, it seems like the "anti-Israel is anti-Semitic" coin is currency long in circulation.
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afrotumble · 2 years ago
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#JackJohnson (1878 – 1946) was the first Black Heavyweight #Boxing Champion regardless of being at the height of the #JimCrow era, with a career of 73 wins. He was known as the “#GalvestonGiant” and was the son of ex-slaves. Jack had contempt for racial rules, lived a flamboyant lifestyle, and dated white women. In 1912, he was convicted of the #MannAct, designed to prevent human trafficking but used in this case to punish interracial relationships. Johnson fled to Europe and did not return until 1920 to serve his sentence. While at Leavenworth Federal Prison, he hand-wrote his autobiography on prison stationery, invented a wrench, and was granted a patent in 1922.
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blueiight · 2 years ago
They got a black drummer role shooting for 3 whole months?? is louis starting a band or something lol honestly it'd be hilarious if he did the rock star thing before lestat
LOL omg u wanna think of vampire louis as the antithesis of clout but tryna continue his enterprise of pimping up until segregationist laws came & hit him w the hammer and staging a redo of an interview in the 2020s .. his swag being ever in tune w any specific era hes in too.. ldpdl u r an enigma. tbf the og interview book do have a part twrd the end where louis + armand end up back in new orleans, and certainly w amc louis who has more of a complex tie to the Heartbeat of chocolate city [or what was once, chocolate city up until 2010s💔] by virtue of being a [classed] black man i can see the jazz drummer playing a role there or even in europe /wherever tf amc louis could end up going around the world considering the 70s was like a historic time of pan african art + creativity lolz. extremely unsrs yani thoughts: we get ldpdl sightings in what was then zaire watching james brown perform & also @ festac 77 in lagos via Armand Express 😂 jazz is very centrifugal to this internationalist 1st gen liberation from colonialism/jimcrow in the cultural exchange dat was goin on back then or wdf ppl say
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