#Jigoku Rock
animebackgroundmusic · 3 months
"Jigoku Rock" (Hell Rock) by: Yasuharu Takanashi from: Hell Girl
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alisonskjeggestad · 1 year
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✞︎地獄絵 (𝖩𝗂𝗀𝗈𝗄𝗎𝖾)✞︎
They are so underrated.
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kchasm · 2 years
Ryu Number: George Martin
George Martin was an English record producer who might be best known today for his work with the Beatles. Heck, it's not too far off base to call him one of the dudes behind the dudes, with Paul McCartney himself saying that if folks out there qualified as a "fifth Beatle," Martin was one of them.
The two games that do the heavy lifting in this line are Jigoku no Renshuu Mondai and Give My Regards to Broad Street. Jigoku no Renshuu Mondai is one of those games you have to suspect wouldn't have been made so easily if they'd had the kind of oversight that's the norm nowadays: The plot (from what I've gathered) involves the player character, an angel, sent into Hell as some sort of test—needless to say, not getting out again is an automatic fail. While in there, the player character encounters various historical figures and can get information and items from them, provided they interact with them in just the right ways.
When I say "historical figures," mind, I don't mean like, Aristotle and Brutus (though Cleopatra is in this game), but, for example, Hitler (natch), and... Marilyn Monroe? And John Lennon?
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That's right, John Lennon is in Hell, I guess. Don't worry about it.
The other game is Give My Regards to Broad Street, an inexecrable video game tie-in to an inexecrable Paul McCartney movie. It features McCartney as player character, driving around London trying to find other characters from the movie so that he can rerecord his single before the moneyfolks' patience runs out.
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Technically, McCartney's character in the movie is only credited as "Paul" and George Martin's character as "Producer," but the game manual is a little less cagey about deniability, straight up including surnames in the identification of the two. So this works.
(Bonus: Non-Minecraft route, for those inclined:)
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Phalaris Vol.II - Zepp Nagoya day 2 [2023/05/13] live report
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Mouai ni Shosu
Ningen wo Kaburu
Devote My Life
Utsutsu, Bouga o Kurau
Gaika, Chinmoku ga Nemuru Koro
The Perfume of Sins
Dozing Green (acoustic)
un deux
Sustain the Untruth
Revelation of mankind
Today had a much better mood! Thankfully, I had chosen a regular ticket to experience the show from a bit farther this time, and Zepp Nagoya's barriers efficiently prevent the semi-moshpits that can occur in other venues such as feu-Studio Coast, KBS Hall last weekend, etc. Therefore, we each had plenty of personal space. On top of that, it felt like the floor was dipping toward the stage, so everybody has a fair chance to see the members. I'll try to remember that for future tours.
To be honest, being in shimote around the centre of the venue's length, I thought Kyo would still be disappointed because I could hear /nobody/ around me shouting the lyrics when Kyo asked us to. My voice doesn't carry, and yet it was the only one that could be heard in my whole section. I guess that the crowd at least moved more today though, because despite my witnessing that it wasn't lively, Kyo felt like it was much greater than yesterday - that's all that matters!
(Seriously, you have GOT to read after the break!)
The band members were wearing basically the same clothes as for the a knot 25th anniversary live show last weekend in Kyoto, namely Toshiya's white lace veil and Kaoru's leopard pants, hive-patterned suit jacket. And yeah, his hair is definitely brown, not sure how I hadn't noticed yet. His makeup below his cheekbones seemed heavier today.
Schadenfreude seemed more emotional today. And we knew that more of us had to give it our all today, so we got really into it. Kyo did the first few: "Ikedomo jigoku ka", once clenching his shirt like he meant it more today than ever before, making another reference to yesterday's disappointment. One thing about the images shown in the backdrop that I hadn't noticed is that the rainbow part of the lyrics may correspond more to the aftermath of the huge forest fire, and there is a horned Devil shown at some point. Near the end, we see a skull carved in a gigantic rock in a sort of jungle too.
After that first song, Toshiya unlaced his long white tie and demanded our cheers. 13 started and I got so into that song, but at the same time, I feared a repeat of yesterday. I think it was either then or during the first song that Kyo did turn around briefly, for a few seconds while he was singing, but maybe those occasions really were to show us the kind of anarchist symbol on the back of his shirt, which was apparently from G.I.S.M. again. Anyway, that song rocks so hard, especially the part about: "You change, to whose intention?" Kyo required us to sing the backup vocals that Die is supposed to take care of in response to his own lines: "Never die - in the dark, Never die - in the heart of, Koko ga subete - here is everything, Never die - never die". He didn't do much in reference to being hanged this time, but he did come up on his crate slowly.
I think it was then during Uroko, again my cue being that the lighting was flashing white, that Kyo came left and right on the stage as if to make sure that we were being active. He didn't seem pissed, more encouraging and optimistic. He was determined today to have us sing the: "Anata shidai de", after having asked us if we could become one.
Ningen wo Kaburu followed that energy, as Kyo had us sing a lot of the lines. The band had a strong presence for that song too.
During Mouai ni Shosu, the people near me didn't seem to really know the song. It wasn't too clear, but Kyo wanted us to sing: "The pride and prejudice" but I couldn't hear anybody else but my voice. He pointed from side to side so swiftly whenever singing: "Docchi ga? Docchi ga ii?", as well as in the lyrics about not knowing the name, like it referred directly about us fans. In the background video, there were glasses being filled with wine rotated at three different angles, followed by a flow of rose petals.
Devote My Life may have also been one of the songs during which Kyo did check-ups on each side of the crowd to make sure everyone was alert.
Hibiki was very heartfelt, but there isn't much of a highlight that comes to my memory. People only put their hands up a couple of seconds after they realise that the chorus of the song, the climax, has arrived. Oh, maybe that was the song in which Kyo started by hitting his chest repeatedly with the mic, then again a bit later, kind of off-beat with the drums.
For today's Utsutsu, Bouga o Kurau, Kyo was energetic. Even if he didn't seem awfully pleased witn the intensity of our "Nanananana naze nanda?", he didn't let it upset him.
Same thing with Eddie, people were barely singing the "kusomamire" as prompted, but the band was energetic. I can't remember what song it was, but Kyo did two wide stomp moves with his left leg during today's show. I'm quite sure one was in Eddie, asking us to destroy our necks and all.
GRIEF didn't see Kyo mock our clapping this time, but he did go onto his crate and hyped us up. We moved in a really synchronized mass. Always nice to take a peek at Kyo's mic cord whipping in between some headbanging.
Gaika, Chinmoku ga Nemuru Koro seemed to be a fan favourite. Kyo ended on whistle screams and growls. For this and at the end of several songs, I was the one to initiate cheers with my: "Ouais!!", otherwise there would have at best been a few awkward seconds of silence before somebody else dared to break the mold, or at worst, an entire awkward silence after a lot of the songs until the band moved on to the next song. So keep that in mind: don't be afraid to be the outlier in the crowd. The uniformity in Japan is very strong and nobody wants to stand out. As soon as the song ends and that you're not disturbing the performance, it's free for all - whether cheering or clapping. They'll let a silence go by just because nobody dares to be the one to do the first move.
The atmosphere then changed drastically for Otogi, as it got more serious. I couldn't help myself and swung to that beat. Did I ever mention that Otogi's background video illustrates a lot of sand, desert, the moon, but also a DNA helix that is kind of frozen, and eventually breaks from one end to the other.
For The Perfume of Sins, Kyo did use his mic stand today! God, it's always nice to hear him growl: "Nose, Eyes, Ears". Today, he decided to sing: "The sound of the brain dying" much more high-pitched, kind of in a deranged voice, compared to the usual growling or low singing.
The song ended and it was mainly the rest of the band who returned their instrument to their technicians and headed out. Kyo stayed a bit and I think he called out to Nyagoya, mic-less, before leaving for the break.
We called for the encore for what seemed like a long time. Shinya finally came out, as usual wearing tight black jeans and a black tour T-shirt. Die had some black top that I think had some long layers, with short black shorts and the leather interlacing tights that he posted on Instagram at the beginning of the tour. Toshiya kept his dress and shorts as usual and changed for a black sleeveless dress shirt. Kaoru kept his leopard print pants and had a classy black dress shirt. Kyo simply changed his shirt for the tour merch, The Sound of the Brain Dying one, but he still had the spiky choker.
Then, the techs brought out the chairs and we knew we would be getting acoustic Dozing Green. You can feel the drums so heavily especially in that song, it's like a gust of wind and a small earthquake at the same time. Kyo had his eyes mostly shut for the entire song.
Un deux felt like it was half sung by us, half by Kyo hahah. Sometimes in unison.
T.D.F.F. was so fun, with a majority of the fans jumping, shouting "hey" and "fucker" when needed. However, the biggest highlight was Kyo doing the finger guns toward Toshiya as he got on the ledge and played his bass solo in that song. Like: "Wow check this guy out now!"
I can't remember the song, but it was definitely in the encore that I noticed what has been described as Kaoru making love to his guitar. I just turned my head and there he was, holding his guitar diagonally with its head upward, the base held close to his crotch, and he had his head a bit tilted, eyes slightly shut and with his mouth agap, from what I remember. All that in the leopard pants and clean black dress shirt. Gosh, was it T.D.F.F. or Sustain the Untruth?
Sustain the Untruth was way more fun and special today. Kyo almost immediately went right, then left, even basically preventing Toshiya from taking position where he had meant to be, in front of his amassed fans, which briefly seemed to tick Toshiya off but he moved on elsewhere. Kyo was busy asking every portion of the crowd to shout: "the inside mind", which again I could barely hear from others around me, but Kyo did shoot two ripped fox kisses from his mouth steadfastly toward shimote after our performance, barely looking anymore as he turned sideways to head back to the centre, so I guess it was satisfactory. He also got us to sing a lot of the song with him too.
The last song came and we were cheering so much for the whole band, but Kyo the most. He started with: "Nyagoyaa!" and we replied with even higher shouts. Then he went: "Nyagoyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" prolonging that a on and on until he ran out of breath and we tried to keep cheering for as long as he did too. He asked if we could keep going, if we were still alive. We were all jumping with our hands raised but apparently something was up with a group in shimote near the front because Kyo kind of blinked when he peered there and said: "Oops, they're already dead". Apparently he also said something about us going home wet and asking if we understood then, but it seemed to me that I was the only one who was sweating huge drops. In any case, he kept asking if we could go on, called the Last Song with his finger raised as high as possible, then closed with something like: "Now die!" As Revelation of mankind started, he wished our heads goodbye and slashed his throat before a headbanging section during the song too.
As the song ended, Kyo stood on his crate looking at us with satisfaction. I clapped and we all cheered, then he eventually nodded and clapped slowly with us too. Shinya drummed the last epic beats of the night and the band concluded with a bang. Kyo stayed there and began doing finger hooks or just pointing all over the place, starting with the balcony of exclusive ticket holders, poking his chest with his thumb over his heart. He did that left and right, from back to front, until he reached the section right in front of him, which he just emotionlessly stared at for a couple of seconds, causing that part of the crowd to erupt in cheers even more. At that, Kyo eventually erupted wide-eyed and shot them a hooked finger and shouted tauntingly without the mic as if the longer he did it, the more he was outlining the link with that section. With everyone saluted, he clapped his final goodbyes and left the stage.
Shinya came up to throw his drum sticks, sending one quite far but another seemed like it must have hit a couple of fans dead in the face because it was sent rather horizontally.
Toshiya threw picks left and right, all smiles once again. He also threw water, the bottle, and a towel very farm. He seemed really apologetic thar his towel did not reach the designated pointed location in the crowd, which honestly appeared unrealistic, probably the second floor balcony. He left with a bow while Kaoru and Die were still swirling picks into the crowd, alternating at the sides of the stage. Kaoru did his trick again of keeping the last pick in his palm while everybody looked around frantically to see where it went. He came back a second time with a bottle of water to spray as many people with it, as well as a towel. Die stood to his right at some point while he did that, looking at us sideways with a foot on the ledge, staring at us with a smile that was incontestably lusty. Then he returned to the right side, kamite, to continue distributing stuff, like a towel too. We cheered "DieDieDieDieDieDie" again to his modest joy. Kaoru meanwhile kept his cool of course and was waving his last goodbye, taking his time to look at us and bask in the cheers. This made Die come his way at the same time to exit the stage, which is in the opposite order as they usually do, or at least never simultaneous like that. So Kaoru acted surprised, very positively surprised, opening his arms wide to welcome Die and invite him away on the left side of the stage to exit. As Die neared him, he placed his arm on Die's shoulders and they left with bright smiles on both of their faces, to everybody's excitement!!
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ozzgin · 8 months
I'm bombarding you with asks but hear me out, it's 5am (in my country) But remember the Oni Y/N ask I sent you? I've been thinking about her story and how she ended up in a rock
So basically, as we know, Y/N is an Oni, a traditional one which meant that she lived during the Heian period (794–1185) according to Google...
I've been doing some small research about the onis and found out that they usually are found in mountains, Jigoku, or Japanese Buddhist hell
So what if, the reason why Oni Y/N is found inside a rock (A very big rock, probably an igneous rock, if you didn't know, igneous rocks are basically cooled off lava) is because she fell on lava while chasing a group of humans into a trap, I've read they are aggressive, so this makes the plan easy for humans.
So after she fell in lava, they quickly made sure to cover ALL of her in lava, wait for it to solidify and throw her underground, and throughout the years, rocks and rocks have been falling and burying her deeper and deeper, until fortunately (or unfortunately for humans) she was found and was accidentally released (I have no idea if onis are lava proof but for the sake of my story, let's say Oni Y/N is)
After she got out of the rock, she goes on a small rampage since she's confused and scared, she didn't know where she was, she didn't know what were the things she was seeing, until she remembered on what happened to her after being foolish and aggressive towards humans (the previous part) So eventually she calmed down, she won't let anybody or any humans try to take her mask off along with the long ass clothes she's wearing.
She calms down around Pickle, probably because she views him more as a pet ally/companion since they both don't understand humans (I'm guessing onis don't and they have their own unknown and secret language that professor payne can't crack) so both of them rely on body language
She doesn't want to repeat her mistakes again by underestimating humans so she just watches the fights, but she won't refuse a fight unless someone fully convinces her to (which I doubt anyone can)
So let's imagine Yujiro coming near her, she'd make him the only exception, he's the only human she'll attack and be aggressive towards. (Onis are meant to torture evil souls and as we know, Yujiro is a bitch)
(I am so sorry for bombarding you with so much asks, but I'm not requesting you to write or draw, I just want to know your opinion and correct me for any mistakes that I did, it's 5am and I can't think straight anymore, I'm not even straight at this point, but in all seriousness, I love your work and keep it up, I genuinely just want you to give your opinion on this backstory/lore that I did and if you have any ideas you wanna add go for it!❤)
I feel like instead of your drawing helping me calm down about my ideas about Oni y/n, it just made it stronger...
All fine, I’m always glad to talk about monsters and demons!
The only question I have regarding your backstory is Reader’s difficulty in understanding humans. According to the yokai guide, oni are born when truly wicked humans die or when their soul is beyond redemption. So now it’s rather unclear, do they forget their past and strip away their humanity? Or do they have some remnants that allow them to blend in if they so desire? I think this is up to personal interpretation and to each individual oni.
By the way, as it turns out - something I didn’t know - the female demon is known as kijo. Kijo are supposed to be weaker than their male counterpart, as their strength lies in magic, excelling in curses and hexes. I myself prefer the brute strength. Although it would definitely be funny if Yuujirou was planning his comeback and noticed he’d been cursed with terrible luck in the process. Could he train to reach Reader’s level of power? Maybe. Casting spells, however…
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thekitsunetwork · 4 months
Mori Calliope to Perform "Go-Getters" for Suicide Squad ISEKAI
Discover the global success of VTuber artist Mori Calliope and her latest track chosen as the ending theme for the TV anime Suicide Squad ISEKAI.
Popular VTuber artist Mori Calliope, known for her global success with a unique mix of Japanese and English lyrics with an impressive rap skills, has been making waves since her major debut with Universal Music in 2022. Her recent EP, “JIGOKU 6,” not only dominated the iTunes Album Rock Charts in nine countries but also secured spots on the US Billboard World Album and Top Album Sales charts,…
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bereft-of-frogs · 2 months
the friday list ~
this is really covering like a week and a half, because with all the traveling and eclipse adventures, I didn't have much to update last week.
Jawbone - Monica Ojeda: I finally finished this one. I think it went on just a little long for the structure, which was very stream-of-consciousness. There would be like, multiple pages with no paragraph or dialogue breaks. It was interesting, I still liked the vibe, but it ended up being kind of hard to get through.
(in-progress, for book club) This Wretched Valley - Jenny Kiefer: What I like about this book is it's doing a good job showing how annoying both rock climbing people and 'I can't go anywhere without my dog' people are without fully tipping over into completely insufferable. She's walking that line really well. The metaphors are a tiny bit much but I'm enjoying the atmosphere so far. Oh also, I'm struggling a tiny bit with how many dumb decisions they're making. Like, I get that there's something supernatural going on, but outdoor horror stories definitely have a very narrow margin for error between 'understandable mistakes' and 'why the fuck wouldn't you bring a second helmet or rope? why once there's a significant injury does it never occur to you to send one person hiking out to get help? WHY DON'T YOU HAVE ANY PAPER MAPS OR A COMPASS???????' Oh, wah, the GPS is broken, WHY ARE YOU RELYING SOLELY ON GPS IN THE FIRST PLACE? (ok sort of unfair because there's some spooky shit going on so even if they did everything right they wouldn't escape BUT that's even less of an excuse to have them make a bunch of dumb mistakes. Like isn't it MORE horrifying if you do everything right and still can't get out? Idk I just like competent characters and I wish more outdoor horror did the 'super competent characters make understandable mistakes or are caught by forces outside of their control' and less just went for the imo lazy 'idiots bumbling into doom'.)
(in-progress, phone book) Into the Dark - Claudia Gray: I had some bad scrolling moments there for a couple days, but I'm rededicated to not scrolling, catching up on the High Republic series instead. I'm a little over halfway, I forgot this book does one thing I find a little irksome, but it's a can of worms I don't want to open, iykyk kind of deal. Still love Reath though.
(in-progress) The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien: I don't often reread The Hobbit, but once I finished LOTR I thought I'd pick it up. It's always funny to me when Tolkien like, slips into a lore dump in the middle of his children's adventure novel. Like we'll be bopping around and suddenly he'll be like 'and in the days of the kings of old, when the Valar....' and there's just a paragraph with all the cadences of The Silmarillion before he kind of snaps back and remembers what they're doing and it's back to being a romp.
Severance (AppleTV): Oh my GOD. WHAT. This was so disturbing and so funny and I basically had a 45 minute heart attack during that finale. I can't wait for season 2, that was INSANE. I think my only critique is that I wish some of the twists had been signaled a bit earlier. I think I might rewatch to see if I pick up on any foreshadowing but I really didn't seen the twist about Mark's wife coming at all, like it wasn't even on my radar as a direction they could take. It felt like it was signaled then revealed seemingly within the same episode, and I thought maybe there could have been more hints earlier on. Though I think some worked to come out of nowhere, like who Helly really is.
Anthracite (Netflix): Short little 6 episode cult mystery on Netflix. It's kind of a frenetic pace which I think is partially purposeful style, and partially because they only have 6 episodes. I think I'd like to see the 10 episode version of this show, where they have a little more time to build the characters.
Train to Busan (2016): I had never actually seen this. It was a truly excellent zombie film. I cried.
Jigoku (1960): I'm back to trying to work through the Letterboxd Top 250 horror list, AND try to watch all the ones on Criterion so I can drop that subscription. Bit of a slow build, but the hell scenes were cool.
Zone of Interest (2023): Do I regret not seeing this in theaters? I don't know. I didn't because it didn't seem like I needed the big screen, but the more I heard about the sound design and now that I've seen it, yeah, I think it deserved the big speaker system and not my TV's kind of tinny speakers. The sound design was for sure the real star. Extremely disturbing and effective. Maybe it would have been TOO much seeing it in theaters.
Speak No Evil (2022): I get what they were trying to do but you can refer to my liveblog to see why it didn't quite work for me.
Monkey Man (2024): Omg I almost forgot to put this one? This was such a good action movie, Dev Patel is fantastic and the soundtrack is 10/10. I really enjoyed it, if you haven't seen it yet you 100% should.
video game update: got through Ilum in my perpetual Fallen Order playthrough. Which means: purple lightsaber time :)
craft update: I have reached the underarm join on my vest! Which is exciting because I'm so close to not needing to purl anymore but I did not think through a significant tool issue so before I actually join it up I have to either 1) find another #7 circular needle among my supplies, 2) buy another one, 3) possibly just buy another set of interchangeable needle tips? We'll see if I can JUST get the needle tips and it's not too expensive.
to do:
I have to do an errand I don't want to on my lunch hour. Boo. It involves paperwork and the DMV. I know it will probably not take as long as I'm imagining but. I don't wanna. I'm watching a video of a youtuber I like also deal with car registration as inspiration. Argh. Let this saga be over, before I can't deal with it anymore and drive my stupid car into the sea (I shouldn't joke about that someone actually did that like 6 months ago).
post office to hopefully finally finish the above saga
clean apartment
finish out the first week of my new running routine with about 2 miles tonight and then around 3ish tomorrow
writing goals: I think I figured out my block on chapter 7, so my goal for the next week is to finish a really rough draft of chapter 8, then retreat back to finishing up chapter 7 and then continuing on with the more polished version of chapter 8. I moved some things around. I don't think I have to kill a darling (a paragraph I really like). I think I found a place for it that doesn't completely break the characterization and logic, like the version I started with.
figure out knitting needle issue and/or finish detangling yarn so I can make progress on other project
I might go to home depot because I have a dresser I'd like to repaint, I've had the swatches picked out for a full year now, I just have to actually get the paint and sandpaper and such.
despair: oh my god my activity page is ruined. that post about fanon has over 10k notes. I'm gradually losing faith in the reading comprehension of this site (gradually?). pray that things lessen up a bit this week LOL But also #grateful no one has called me a bitch yet, small wins, I've just learned a lot about random discourse in other fandoms, no one's actually tried to start discourse with me yet
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lillith-diablo · 3 months
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My OC's info page!
Name: Salem Jigoku
Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Personality: Quiet, closed off, protective, cautious, sweet
Likes: Nature, animals, helping those she cares about, reading, astronomy, video games, piano music and soft rock, sour candy, gardening
Dislikes: Sudden touch, loud noises, being yelled at, how she looks, sweet things, her family, fighting, anxiety, speaking
She usually wears clothes that cover most of her skin due to how many scars she has. Her eyes are her biggest insecurity, since she was often told they look demonic and wrong. She had OCD, PTSD (in the form of nightmares mostly), body dysmorphia, and chronic depression. She can use healing magic.
She grew up in a crime-ridden neighborhood, and was sold to the Mafia at age 7 by her father. Her mother was absent her entire life. The only thing Salem knows about her is that's where she got her healing powers from.
She was trained to fight by the Mafia and trust no one. She was sent on many assassination missions, though she hates hurting people. She escaped at age 19, though nearly died due to someone torching her with a flamethrower.
Now she rarely talks and is very quiet. She can come off rude due to the fact she's always honest and blunt. If you are lucky enough to befriend her however, she will always be there whenever you need. She loves animals, though she's too anxious about hurting it to get one for herself.
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theomnicode · 2 years
The Saitama being a sun deity is becoming stronger and stronger. I saw this video and immediately remembered your theory.
Uuh which theories? I have far, far too many lol.
(Please dig me the theories being refered to I would appreciate those haha, I don't keep good tabs, I keep losing my stuff in my own archives...) (Also tbh I can't be arsed to watch Zoniin's one hour long video gah, I'm sorry if that's pertinent to this ask)
You prolly meant this when I took one of Murata-sensei's tweets about Garou arc ending. And also one of my divine power theories I've lost somewhere in the archives...
BUT the depiction of Saitama's divine power is definitely that of the sun and he has quite many sun motifs to go around.
From his bald head reflecting the sun, sun shining from behind him, fists glowing golden, the clash of divine powers looking like the sun itself, standing atop a monsterized sun, sun symbols like reading manga...the list goes on.
He's the sun man and sun deity, through and through.
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Well that is, if he Awakened (ascended) to the full use of his powers, his divine power to be precise that is fueled by his emotions. I still hypothesise that he doesn't particularly know exactly how it works. He punches something, it relieves him of his stressfull emotions and uh, yea.
That's it. He's like "I punch stuff and it works."
When he's talked to about his divine power, he does not consciously remember either. And pelted with rocks too as punishment.
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Then there's ofc the japanese mythos of Amaterasu, the sun goddess and rest which are probably a good source of inspiration to draw from.
Now if you allow me to detour from Saitama himself a bit...
Cuz he's prolly not the only "sun god" in the mix.
Let's talk about some potential Sun lore, divine power and mythos in OPM. This be a long one.
The interesting bit comes from that we also have a direct Tsukuyomi reference in the manga now and Tsukuyomi stands as one of the the siblings to Amaterasu, as does Susanoo. So it is probably fairly definitive at this point that ONE has read the mythos and some of that has been used as source of inspiration.
Amaterasu is the great and glorious goddess of the sun. An embodiment of the rising sun and Japan itself, she is the queen of the kami and ruler of the universe. The Japanese Imperial Family claims to have descended from her, and this is what gives them the divine right to rule Japan.
She is the center of Shinto, and Japanese spiritual life. Amaterasu can be translated as “Shines from Heaven,” with 天 meaning “heaven” (or Imperial) and 照 meaning “shines.” Amaterasu is shorthand for Amaterasu-ōmikami, which can be represented in Kanji as 天照大神, 天照大御神, and 天照皇大神. This longer version means “the great and glorious kami who illuminates from Heaven.” The most prominent of her titles is Ōhirume-no-muchi-no-kami (大日孁貴神), meaning “the great sun of the kami.”
Amaterasu is the Queen of Heaven, the kami, and creation itself. Though she did not create the universe, she is the goddess of creation, a role she inherited from her father, Izanagi, who now defends the world from the land of the dead.
Amaterasu’s primary role is that of the sun goddess. In this position, she not only serves as the literal rising sun that illuminates all things, but also provides nourishment to all living creatures and marks the orderly movement of day into night.
The sun represents order and purity, two of Shinto’s most important concepts. All things in creation are ordered, from Amaterasu down to the denizens of Jigoku and other hells. This order is reflected in Japanese society as well.
Through Amaterasu’s illumination, she represents not just order, but the justice that maintains it as well. The Imperial family has long served as the legitimizing power of any Japanese political entity, and they have always used this position to ensure that Amaterasu’s place as Queen of Heaven and her control of its courts are reflected in their rule. Thus, the earthly court systems and the justice they represent are reflections of Amaterasu’s divine justice, though she herself is not the goddess of justice - merely its final arbiter. She maintains harmony and balance in both the natural world and human society.
Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto is the Japanese god of the moon, a proud deity of order and beauty. The estranged husband of the sun goddess Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi spends eternity chasing her across the sky.
Tsukuyomi, sometimes called Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto (the great God Tsukuyomi), is rendered as 月読尊, or simply 月読 in Kanji. This name directly translates to “moon-reading,” a popular practice in the noble courts of pre-modern Japan where parties would stay up all night moon-gazing and reading poetry. An alternate Kanji reading is tsukuyo, moon-light, and mi, watching. Sometimes he is called Tsukuyomi Otoko (月讀壮士) or Tsukuhito Otoko (月人壮士), meaning “moon-reading man.”
Tsukuyomi is very much a match for his wife Amaterasu. Beautiful and serene, he believes in order and etiquette and enforces them whenever he can. His enforcement of such ideals extends to the point that he is willing to kill to maintain order, despite killing itself being a breach of etiquette in the heavenly court. Thus, there is irony in Tsukuyomi’s strict adherence to etiquette: to enforce it, he is willing to break it.
Tsukuyomi and his siblings Amaterasu and Susanoo were born of the purification ritual Izanagi underwent following his trials in Yomi.
Together, the siblings climbed the Heavenly Pillar and ruled the Heavens. Tsukuyomi married his sister Amaterasu, and ruled as her consort.
The Death of Uke Mochi When word reached Amaterasu, she was horrified and labeled her husband an evil kami, unworthy of returning to the Heavens. This separation of Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu was the origin of day and night. For all eternity, Tsukuyomi will continue to pursue Amaterasu across the night sky without ever reaching her; even during an eclipse, the sun will run from the moon.
Tsukuyomi lacked Amaterasu’s naturally glowing disposition. Whatever goodness he had was merely a reflection of her light.
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(Kami means God, so this is probably a direct reference to the mythos) (Garou has the sun corona wrapped around him, ergo he was the sun eclipse and ill omen)
And as we know, the Moon God is an obvious reference to OPM God who's body resides in the moon.
So what do they say about moonlight?
It only reflects the sunlight. Because moon does not produce light on it's own.
And there's been bunch of parallels between Saitama and OPM God already. One stands in the heavens and reflects the sunlight, the beauty of overwhelming power of the sun, light and moral good aspects and positivity and growth and want for living, while the other crawls from the ever-dark side of the moon where no sunlight reaches, the dark corners and only ever seems to even connect with individuals with dark thoughts in their minds, notably about killing or death of something.
(If he turned around it would be such a nice parallel to Saitama image above wouldn't it? Heh)
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There is one other occasions with usage of monsterized sun as motif, like when Black S combines to platinum S and experiences sadness and grief on a deeper level, because he feels all those consciousness of other Black S fade in death and merge into new individual.
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One could hypothesise then that OPM God gains power from darker, deeper, negative emotions of the psyche, these powers work as it's fuel and it takes advantage of these openings in the heart to wheedle it's influence over individuals. When the spirit is weakened and people give into these dark thoughts and emotions in times of duress. Like when HE tried to hang himself and Garou gave up after Saitama beat him, future Garou turned himself into salt statue and Garou tried to get other heroes to kill him.
Emotions like self-loathing, hatred of other individuals enough to produce killing intent, dark triadism, those kinds of stuff. Saitama himself has to prep a serious punch with enough killing intent to vaporize enemies like Elder centipede.
So you could say that if Saitama is the Sun god, then OPM God is the Moon God and the other side of the coin, the forces that make the Earth spin around, if you allow some philosophy.
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Saitama is the protagonist of the story and OPM God is proposed to be the final villain. So yea, it kinda makes sense too. The beginning and the end of the Ouroboros.
(And you can't say OPM God prolly ain't kinda obsessed and/or linked with Saitama at this point, the Abominable fist that turned against God, like Tsukuyomi chases the sun god Amaterasu. It ain't easy being Saitama.)
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Sun is basically a large ball of hot plasma, so their divine powers are similar too. HE basically throws large balls of hot plasmas at people (like vaccineman and choze), so its no wonder he was such a scary opponent and a hit would vaporize anybody in an instant.
Besides cutting it with sun blade, which seems symbolic if anything in a chapter titled "The greatest obstacle". There is both the sun blade and the moon blade, naturally, to reflect the dualistic aspects of divine power I am guessing. Sunlight is the source of all life on Earth, but ultraviolet can also break down DNA and the thermal energy is very destructive.
The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect ball of hot plasma, heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reactions in its core. The Sun radiates this energy mainly as light, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation, and is the most important source of energy for life on Earth.
I don't really see that much difference between Saitama's divine power of the sun or what Homeless Emperor uses and what gets forfeited from him and which then also kills him by burning him to crisp, besides the intent.
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It's a sun, alright. Blast calls Garou's power "divine power" when he flares and glows with the power of Sun's corona (same look as in the cover page "Authenticity"), Saitama's copied power from Garou fuses with his own serious punch to create a ball of plasma in the sky and literal sun and Blast's friends wonder who's this person imbued with so much divine power.
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It's all just some aspects of the power of the Sun.
(Praise the sun) (I'm sorry, not)
And as it stands, OPM God also resides within a depiction of heaven, much like when Amai-mask imagined Saitama as a being of overwhelming power in 174 "Beauty". The first attack Garou also used was Nuclear fission, third attack was Gamma ray Burst and our Sun is classified a red dwarf star.
Nuclear fusion is the process that powers active or main-sequence stars and other high-magnitude stars, where large amounts of energy are released.
The interesting bit is that Garou could also use and copy Blast's and Saitama's powers and then figured out something as absurd as time travel on his own. With just the knowledge of the flow and behaviour of all the energies in the universe.
Idk maybe he just slapped everything he knew and had copied together and poof, time travel concept. *shrug*
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Whether there is more to divine power itself, like divine power having the capacity of manipulating reality of the cosmos itself (space-time) or whether Saitama's divine power is still in it's infancy, like Garou who only got a small impartation of power or if Saitama bending reality of the known cosmos comes from somewhere else, like soul or some kind of combined effect like mind, body and soul... Hard to say.
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(Hah Saitama's divine power being underdeveloped...scary)
(Other side of the coin when Saitama reflects the moon on the surface of the water, btw)
I've thought this before, but I do think that one of the agendas, if OPM God is the chessmaster and the invisible hand, then it allowed Saitama to learn this ability from Garou who managed to figure out how to do it. He's a quick study and genious of techniques, so maybe he needed to be pushed to that point to actually develop such a technique and Garou was fond of combining other techniques into making his own.
So maybe the theory of Garou combining everything he knew into time travel concept holds some water then and it's not part of divine power in itself.
But Blast having space-time powers, so idk... need to know more.
I'm going to loan Rene descartes and the Pineal gland for a bit.
The pineal gland is a tiny organ in the center of the brain that played an important role in Descartes’ philosophy. He regarded it as the principal seat of the soul and the place in which all our thoughts are formed.
In Treatise of Man: In scholastic philosophy, these activities were explained by referring to the soul, but Descartes proudly pointed out that he did not have to invoke this notion: “it is not necessary to conceive of this machine as having any vegetative or sensitive soul or other principle of movement and life, apart from its blood and its spirits, which are agitated by the heat of the fire burning continuously in its heart—a fire which has the same nature as all the fires that occur in inanimate bodies”. The pineal gland played an important role in Descartes’ account because it was involved in sensation, imagination, memory and the causation of bodily movements.
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As in perception, Descartes applied the term ‘idea’ again to the flow of animal spirits from the pineal gland: “And note that if we have an idea about moving a member, that idea—consisting of nothing but the way in which spirits flow from the gland—is the cause of the movement itself” (AT XI:181; Hall 1972, p. 92). Apart from the just-mentioned type of bodily motions, caused by motions of the pineal gland, there is also a second kind, namely reflexes. The pineal gland plays no role with respect to them. Reflexes are caused by direct exchanges of animal spirits between channels within the hemispheres of the brain. (Descartes did not know that there are “spinal reflexes”.) They do not necessarily give rise to ideas (in the sense of currents in the ventricles) and are not brought about by motions of the pineal gland.
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The passions of the soul: The solution of this puzzle is to be found in a passage which Descartes wrote a few years before the Passions, in which he compared the mind with the heaviness or gravity of a body: “I saw that the gravity, while remaining coextensive with the heavy body, could exercise all its force in any one part of the body; for if the body were hung from a rope attached to any part of it, it would still pull the rope down with all its force, just as if all the gravity existed in the part actually touching the rope instead of being scattered through the remaining parts. This is exactly the way in which I now understand the mind to be coextensive with the body—the whole mind in the whole body and the whole mind in any one of its parts” (Replies to the sixth set of objections to the Meditations, 1641, AT VII:441, CSM II:297). He added that he thought that our ideas about gravity are derived from our conception of the soul.
In this, ONE may have juxtaposed the idea of heavy conscience with passions of the soul from Rene Descartes and having powers of gravity at one's disposal, like Blast has. Kinda like how Mob walks with heavy steps when he's in ??? because of heavy conscience. The more the individual feels about matters, the more passionate the individual is, the more weight is put on their conscience.
If we glean from this that the more weight on individual's conscience, the more space-time powers they have then...and reality manipulation being space-time powers then it would mean Saitama's conscience might be...very fucking heavy. Since he too, is wounded healer archetype like Blast.
First episode in OPM, about thousand civilians died in one fell swoop because he could have just punched Beefcake immediately, but did not, because he had grown so apathetic his conscience had taken a hike.
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The medieval philosopher Thomas Aquinasbelieved our conscience emerged from synderesis: the ‘spark of conscience’. He literally meant the human mind’s ability to understand the world in moral terms. Conscience was the process by which a person brought the principles of synderesis into a practical situation through our decisions.
Anyways, one other mythos from the aztects of their Sun god comes to mind when talking about sun gods.
OPM God is basically dead. It's incorporeal and it's body is inert in the moon. It only appears to people taking other forms and when enough divine power is present and only within their subconscious. Then it took HE's life and his power as his own. His temple underground looks reminiscent to aztec temples.
The rationale for Aztec human sacrifice was, first and foremost, a matter of survival. According to Aztec cosmology, the sun god Huitzilopochtli was waging a constant war against darkness, and if the darkness won, the world would end. The keep the sun moving across the sky and preserve their very lives, the Aztecs had to feed Huitzilopochtli with human hearts and blood.
Joe Rogan talks about how Aztecs burned people alive.
With this in mind...OPM God may stress out people first so when they finally die, it can digest the souls and they're more tasty this way but it would also give him their superhuman strenght and religious ecstacy of their souls.
If it feeds on the power of dark emotions, yea, it would probably give it more power with this kind of approach and feed into it's own cruel tendencies of manipulating people and watching them suffer and doing his bidding like slaves. Playing the evil, egotistical puppermaster.
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That's why it's so goddamn large, it looks like a Preta path (hungry ghost) and why there's so many flowers of Lotus at it's feet. A pure, sacred flower. Might be all the souls it has nommed in it's quest to sustain itself in some way, since it's dead so it has no life energy and looks like death warmed over.
Kinda like Boros when boros got a taste of Saitama's serious punch, just shriveled up. Might be the reason it wants a living body as sacrifice to resurrect on earth.
This is a hypothesis though.
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Nelumbo nucifera is a lotus species with historical cultural and spiritual significance. It is a sacred flower in both Hinduism and Buddhism,[93] representing the path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. In Christianity, the lotus flower is often associated with the apostle Thomas and his coming to India.[94] It was also an important symbol in ancient Egypt, where it represented the path from death to rebirth to the afterlife.
Whether it has some kind of agenda at play, like the Aztec sun god and keeping some kind of darkness at bay and morally justifying this action of empowering itself...that I cannot say. But there is that dark shape below inside the God's dimension that Saitama awoke which wants to destroy humans cuz humans are apparently a plague, so there is that.
Kinda hard to make humans your avatars if the other agenda is to create monsters to destroy them at the same time, huh? Misantrophy all the same.
Idk, maybe it tries to take the human souls to himself first so they don't end up as sacrificial lambs for the resurrection of evil god? Ends don't justify the means though. *shrug*
Phew, that's a lot of stuff. I may've had a bit more to add but I lost my train of thought somewhere. Mostly mythos and hypothesis and stuff I've thought about here and there.
(The smallest ask sometimes gets the longest meta thoughts if I am so inclined lmao)
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Suika Ibuki:
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Many translations of Japanese works localize the term "youkai" to "demon". Personally I'd disagree with most of them on this, since none of them are from Hell, and many aren't inherently evil. However, oni are the closest youkai to demons, right down to looking like red-skinned horned, fanged men (they're this emoji 👹). They're huge, strong brutes who occasionally form raider gangs and pillage human villages. They love fighting and getting drunk above all else. That said, they're usually very honest, unlike most demons. They also have many wacky weaknesses like how vampires do. They hate roasted soybeans, and olive branches, among other things, which are thrown around every Setsubun (February 3rd).
Suika Ibuki is an oni, one of only three two oni who live in Gensokyo. Many more used to live in Gensokyo, ruling Youkai Mountain with an iron fist over the tengu, until they were defeated and banished to Hell (or, Jigoku, the Buddhist version). How Suika stayed is a mystery, though it likely has to do with being one of Yukari Yakumo's drinking buddies. She has the power to manipulate density, and is able to alter her body in all kinds of ways, though she's normally rather short for an oni. She's able to split into multiple tiny copies, grow to colossal size, or even assume the form of a dense fog with this power.
She was the main villain and final boss of Touhou 7.5: Immaterial and Missing Power. It's 7.5 because all decimal games are spinoffs of some sort. This is the first of 7 so far fighting games made by the doujin circle Twilight Frontier, working with ZUN. While the previous two games had semi-serious incidents of the sky being blocked out and an endless winter... this one's an endless party. Suika was apparently mad that the endless winter of last year led to the cancellation of a party she was really looking forward to, so she spread her mist form all around Gensokyo, using her powers to sort of gather people from all over the past two games to have parties every few days. Eventually Reimu noticed that something was up, and challenged Yukari about it. Yukari quickly deduced her pal was behind it and brought Reimu to her, whereupon she was fought by her and many others. She was never actually beaten, though, as the methods for exterminating oni were lost to time, but eventually she just quit the incident on her own because she lost interest.
Suika, like many oni, enjoys a good fight. Still, she's quite easy to hang out with, especially since spellcard rules mean she'll never kill any of her opponents. She does, however, sometimes go on wanton rampages beating up anyone in her way for no reason other than to bully them. She's very rough in her talking, no politeness or anything like that.
Suika loves her alcohol, like, a lot. She even has a magic drinking gourd that produces infinite sake for her to drink. Apparently it's crap, but it's strong enough to get even an oni like her drunk, which is what matters. Legend has it nobody has ever truly seen her sober. Despite this, she's quite clever (you really can't be too stupid if you want to be genuine friends with a chessmaster like Yukari), and can often point out things about people they themselves didn't realize.
In battle, Suika ignores the beautiful and ornate patterns made by everyone else in favor of raw, brute strength. Don't let her small size fool you; she's strong enough to lift up entire mountains and throw them at people. If no mountain is available, she can gather a whole bunch of small rocks together to make one. She can even suck in her opponent while she's doing this and throw them as part of the newly made boulder! She can also vomit fire at people (yes, vomit), and shoot massive balls of lava. When she does use lasers, they're almost all blue in color. She can use her mist to disorient her opponents. She can even create miniature black holes (and white holes)! And of course, she can throw a mean punch, hard enough to launch people all the way across the room. Or she can jump high enough to cause massive shockwaves when she lands. And she can grow to giant size to increase the effect of all this!
Suika is heavily implied to not just be any oni, but Shuten-douji, the most feared and powerful oni in all of Japanese folklore. He (yes he. You'll see a lot of male mythological figures as girls in Touhou) had amassed a huge army of oni and other youkai along with his Elite Four. Two of them are the other oni seen in Touhou so far. However, he was eventually defeated at the Massacre of Mount Ooe, when he was decapitated while drunk. Even then, his head survived and nipped at his slayers, until they decided to just bury it alive. Evidently she broke free and generated a new body.
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starmotions · 2 years
musical shuffle tag meme
tagged by @hanjisoonie (and @hungerpunch in another musical tag meme) to do this cute music tag meme!!
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks & list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and then tag 10 people to do the same !!
i'm shuffling my spotify wrapped here bc i have way to many playlists to choose from.
10 random tracks:
seventeen by sjowgren
everybody breaks by ivan & alyosha
crash by mai.la
our love (from arcane) by curtis harding and jazmine sullivan
parents by YUNGBLUD
little me by duumu and karnaboy
achilles come down by gang of youths
the kill by thirty seconds to mars
too much by HONEYMOAN
in the kitchen by mree
a pretty solid listing all around. no repeats, goes from artists with only 1k listeners a month to those with 5mil, from poptimism to rock, lot of lyricism and indie pop lol. i like to discover smaller artists a lot but will also get into a vibe trend where only one song will cut it or i have to devour one musician's album (see: yungblud) so i have to listen to that. i also did listen to like three soundtracks sooo heavily this past year. arcane takes the cake though, it was phenomenal in every way. if you haven't watched this breakdown of creating 'what could have been' by arcane musical composer alex seaver, you should!
10 favorite tracks:
blemish by mae mae and the colourist has some upbeat-sad contemplative vibes, which i'm always into. sonically it's just very appealing, the 'hate to burst your bubble, but you're always causing trouble like you always do', i listen to it on repeat a mmmm lot
i'm still here by john rzeznik from treasure planet! yeah, i'm still not over it!!!! it's so fucking good. sweeping and captivating, it builds in your chest like you're truly flying
jigoku tengoku by TWINKIDS it's just pure vibes, so very vibes. also: 'i'm thinking bloodstone/your cold li looving will/be keeping me warm' yeah i do love that vampire love thanks
nothing new by the strike i listened to the strike a lot this past year. a lot of their songs have a fabulous tempo that is perfect for furiously typing or running or cleaning or highway driving
this hell by rina sawayama when people talk about an anthem, this is the type of song they mean. anthem IS its genre. i jam, i groove, i sing along. i wanna do the two-step like in the music video
supercut by lorde i don't listen to a whole lot of lorde but supercut has a perfect late night driving echoing in the blue headlights atmosphere, with the echo of the vocals and the staccato in the bridges, it's very satisfying
the funeral by yungblud like i said, this album on repeat! 'do you hate yourself? well that's alright. do you love yourself? well that's alright! do you dream about the day you die?' lots to love, including the oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-ohs
powder blue/cascine park by yumi zouma here be vibes again! it's a very soothing sort of musical swimming, good for listening to on repeat and keeping a consistent tempo. most of this group's songs fall in the same home lo-fi vibe
vivaldi storm by 2CELLOS ha, i almost always have a little instrumental interlude in my playlists and i enjoy this little mashup a lot. emphatic and vibrant !
i love it when hot guys cry by link lauren honestly everyone should listen to this song. whenever i listen to it i wanna put it on repeat for days. when will it be on drag race, etc. it's just campy great goodness. i get recommended a lot of smaller queer artists on spotify and almost always enjoy them bc they are just so unabashedly themselves and over the top and romo and delightful - shout out to be steadwell, gregory dillon, heartthrob and kelechi!!
thanks for the tag, hon! i'll go ahead and no pressure tag:
@deadhoneysalama, @fromadifferentphase, @lomku, @somekindofsheepl, @sevenpoints, @spareourworld, @crent-trimm, @the-faultofdaedalus, @alexenglish, @docdracula ! 💖
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apvollos · 2 years
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justanotherniky · 2 years
the new cozmez song came out and I did the work of the gods~
Hit em up / cozmez KAN/ROM/ENG
この社会の不条理のと真ん中で kono shakai no fujouri no to man’naka de In the midst of irrationality in this society
成り上がりに全て賭けた定め nariagari ni subete kaketa sadame The fate of betting everything on the jumped-up
どん底も経験済み donzoko mo keiken zumi Who’ve experienced the rock bottom
どんな場所にいたってずっとWe’re from the streets don’na basho in itatte zutto We’re from the streets No matter where we are, we’re from the streets
光の見えない暗闇の中で hikari no mienai Kurayama no naka de In the darkness without light
それでも夢見たテッペンからの眺め soredemo yumemita teppen kara no nagame I still dreamed of the view from the top
片足突っ込んだ地獄の淵 kataashi tsukkonda jigoku no fuchi Having one foot in the pit of hell
せこから蘇ったAin’t no stoppin’ me seko kara yomigaetta Ain’t no stoppin’ me I came back from there, ain’t no stoppin’ me
本当の痛みなんて honto no itami nante I didn’t know what real pain was like
知らずにいきがって shirazu ni iki gatte Just being overconfident
ホンモノ語るなんて honmono kataru nante And preaching about genuineness
この先は通用しないぜ Kono saki wa tsuuyou shinai ze This is not going to work from here on out
Click clack, 今 Step back Click clack, ima Step back Click clack, now step back
その感覚じゃToo bad sono kankaku jya Too bad If you feel like that, too bad
Watch your back もう瞬殺 Watch your back mou shunsatsu Watch your back, or you’ll be killed instantly
この場所じゃ不合格 kono basho jya fugoukaku You fail at this place
栗り返してくカルマの中で kuri kaeshite ku karuma no naka de In the karma that repeats itself
まだのがいてる奴らに届け mada no ga iteru yatsura ni todoke I hope those who struggle will hear this
路上のDream から頂点のKing rojo no Dream kara chouten no King From the dream on the road to the king on the top
We’re just too real, baby, we’re just too real
生半可な奴らはWe gon hit em up namahankana yatsura wa We gon hit em up To the half-hearted ones, we gon hit em up
見下してた奴らもWe gon hit em up mikudashi teta yatsura mo We gon hit em up Even the ones looking down on us, We gon hit em up
今全員を並べてWe gon hit em up ima zen’in wo narabete We gon hit em up Now, everyone in line, we gon hit em up
We gon, we gon hit em up We gon, we gon hit em up, yeah
Hit em up, BAOW, BAOW Hit em up, hit em up, BAOW BAOW
今偽物に代償を払わせる ima nisemono ni daishou wo harawa seru Now, we let the fake pay the price
Pay up, pay up, pay up, aye
現状維持よりもずっと目指していく genjou ishiyori mo zutto mezashiteiku We’ll aim much higher than the status quo
Way up, way up, way up, aye
6 in the morning, 路地裏で動き出すStory 6 in the morning, rojiura de ugokidasu story 6 in the morning, a story starts in the backstreets
付け焼き刃の言葉並べてるバース tsukeyakiba no kotoba narabeteru baasu Hearing your verses full of pretentious words
それで語る苦労とか鼻で笑う sore de kataru kurou toka hanadewarau I sneer at those hardships you talk about
いいか忠告を聞きな iika chuukoku no kikina Look, here's my advice
それが出来なきやHit em up sore ga dekinakiya Hit em up If you can’t do it, hit em up
綺麗事を語る隙に kireigoto wo kataru suki ni While someone talks about ideals
俺らいつもRunnin’ the block orera itsumo Runnin’ the block We’re always runnin’ the block
聞き飽きそうただの泣き言 kiki aki sou tada no nakigoto Getting tired of hearing, it’s just whining
甘ーちゃん共仲良くやってろ ama-chan tomo nakayoku yattero Spoiled brats, enjoy your cheap friendship
We’ve been drillin’, trappin’, yeah
行き先ならTo the top ikisaki nara To the top We’re going to the top
決めてる覚悟 kimeteru kakugo I’m already prepared
成功へのPassport seikou he no Passport The passport to success
お前の明日も omae no asu mo To your tomorrow
全てもらう subete morau I’ll take it all
存在で全部を証明済み sonzai de zenbu wo shoumei zumi I’ve already proven everything with my existence
We’re just too real, baby, we’re just too real
生半可な奴らはWe gon hit em up namahankana yatsura wa We gon hit em up To the half-hearted ones, we gon hit em up
見下してた奴らもWe gon hit em up mikudashi teta yatsura mo We gon hit em up Even the ones looking down on us, We gon hit em up
今全員を並べてWe gon hit em up ima zen’in wo narabete We gon hit em up Now, everyone in line, we gon hit em up
We gon, we gon hit em up We gon, we gon hit em up, yeah
Hit em up, BAOW, BAOW Hit em up, hit em up, BAOW BAOW
I did not translate this myself, the translation is from the official music video. I only did the romaji transcription :D
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fanboyscribbles · 2 years
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Last batch of titles for #Fall2022. Wanted to get this out of the way before I started on other reviews. #BocchiTheRock. Initially skipped this one because I thought it was going to be another typical high school band anime. Well, it sort of is but Bocchi has her charms. Whether it's the Azumamanga Daioh vibe or the crazy funny antics and art, Bocchi The Rock! has a good thing going. Picked this one up after seeing it frequently on my feed, which got me curious. 8/10. #KoukyuuNoKarasu (Raven of the Inner Palace). Adding this back because I now have enough mental bandwidth for a historical anime. While it is historical in theme, the magic and mystery drove a certain level of investment at two episodes in. Not sure if this will go into a love story angle, but I'm more curious about what the Raven Consort does next. Initially had a Jigoku Shoujo vibe to it, but got overpowered by the overall narrative and storytelling. 7/10. #CoolDojiDanshi (Play It Cool, Guys). This slice-of-life title certainly makes for a light and mindless watch. Here we have four cool guys who have different ways of coping with their simple mistakes and daily blunders. It's just around 10mins per ep so it's really not asking a lot. Giving this one a solid 8/10. Would've been 9 if they went for the usual 20-minute eps. And that's it for #Fall2022! I still have Eternal Boys on my list, but a bit challenging sourcing this so maybe next time. Got any other anime recos for this season? Let me know! https://www.instagram.com/p/CkqVP7NoU27/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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joroghoul · 1 month
Three days had passed since @drippingheart had arrived to the Byōjakuna‘s estate, bringing along some members of his nonconformist family. Yet she understands that the blood of the covenant is could become thicker than the water of the womb. Usually there wasn’t anyone else in the chaniwa garden, leaving Shini with just the sound of running water and the soft chirps from birds, the one place she could rid herself of the overwhelming anxiety that had made a home in her heart.
But she isn’t alone, the false prophet sat comfortably on the same rock she often found herself perched upon. Her footsteps are quiet, but just loud enough to let him know that she was approaching, careful not to startle him. They had yet to speak, but she was presenting with the perfect opportunity to do so, after all no one was watching them.
❝ Jigoku has taken a liking to Nanako and Mimiko, I think she’s happy that there’s finally girls her age at the estate. Did they like their kimonos? ❞ There’s a sweetness to her voice that’s usually only heard by her own children, she believes it’s best to seem as docile as she could be not wanting him to see her as anything more than harmless. Choki’s dedication to keeping everything traditional on his property even extended to his guests, while they didn’t have to follow every little thing he said he preferred if their clothing fit his standards, refusing to have anything modern seep through the cracks.
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❝ I hope you had an easy time settling in, I know getting used to this place sometimes comes with challenges. ❞
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diabelskoga · 3 months
continued from here. / @jigoku-no-marimo
Once more, Zoro hit his own shoulder with curled fingers, trying to get the muscle to release. It failed, but no matter. This island was known for its resort with it's natural hot springs. That would -definitely- feel good after the long workout the swordsman had put his body through. Worth it, though. Supplies were placed on the stone edge of the pool, a fresh bottle of sake included. Several pools were scattered around the mountain base, assuring that each location was quiet and away from crowds. Perfect. The towel was pulled from his waist and placed just within reach in case he needed it. But with that fabric removed, Zoro was completely bare without a stitch of clothing covering sun kissed skin. Soon, he was within the water, the very clear water that failed to provide any cover. Leaning back against the rock wall, he sighed in relief, the heat already feeling nice around his body. One quick drink later, a cool cloth was retrieved and placed over his eyes. Then, with an unrestrained groan, Zoro rested his head back and let himself drift pleasantly.
Yoga and stretching can do so much, which Sanji often commits to in the early mornings before starting breakfast. This is how he tries to avoid leg cramps. It'll be embarrassing to have a leg cramp during battle, and Sanji would like to avoid embarrassment. And his embarrassment may be used against him by someone. The remedy to avoid this is something like a hot spring. Which Sanji felt quite lucky that they managed to find themselves at a resort with natural hot springs.
And heat would be very perfect for his legs, that and every now and again, Sanji deserves to treat himself to a good soak.
Now he was walking around, looking for a nice spot. A white towel was wrapped around his waist and a packet of smokes in his hand so he could smoke while he relaxes; it's practically the best of two worlds. It'll be better if there were some ladies around.
He noticed something green, and his first thought was: Is that sea moss? He walked closer, then he tsked audible. It was definitely moss, just not the sea kind. Though, since Zoro was often on the seas with him and his crew, did that make him a sea moss?
Sanji looked at him, then dared to look down before immediately averting his gaze with sudden embarrassment. ❝ You know, I thought it was a myth. ❞ Sanji began, now slipping into the waters, now propped against the side opposite of Zoro. ❝ You being hygienic. Now it's been debunked. Wish you'd do this more since we got a better bathroom and everything. ❞ He sighs, happy with the heat. The towel still wrapped around his waist for... reasons.
Too clear water reasons.
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