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hgfictionwriter · 1 day ago
Revelations: Part Seven
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: The distance between you and Jessie wears on you. There are layers to grief and loss. It's hard to keep moving forward, especially amidst flashes of your old life and what could've been.
Warnings: Angst. Language.
A/N: It’s a long one! Rest of the series is here.
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Removing yourself from your relationship - and friendship - with Jessie, brought you some reprieve. However, it had its costs.
You didn't miss the tension, the longing, the anxiety and angst that had become the hallmarks of your dynamic with her the past few months, however that didn't mean that suddenly you were okay and things were better.
You didn't need your therapist to tell you you were depressed. But, as they - and your friends and family - said, you at least had a chance to move on now that there was space between you and her.
That said, despite the few weeks that passed, you couldn't deny that you still missed her tremendously. Nearly everything still sparked thoughts and feelings of her. It was unrelenting and oh so frustrating. Even without her presence in your life, she still held such estate. Try as you might, there was no real escape.
Christ, you even thought of Zoie sometimes.
And there was no one to blame but you.
The fact that you hadn't heard from Jessie during this time period made it that much more shameful and pathetic. No ‘How are you?’s. No ‘How is your day?’. No ‘What are you up to this weekend?’.
You’d laid down a line and she followed it. Even though it’s what you needed, the pain was incessant - this dull ache that flared with sharp peaks throughout various parts of the day and night.
You wondered if it was hurting her too or if she’d managed to forget about you. Even the mere thought of the latter nearly sent you to the brink of distress.
You got your answer when you received a package from her in the mail.
You'd not been expecting anything, so when you retrieved a box from the parcel unit in your building, you'd frowned in confusion though something in the recess of your mind twinged in recognition of her handwriting before the rest of your consciousness caught up and saw her name as the sender.
Your heartbeat began to thud loudly in your chest and you'd rushed back up to your apartment with the parcel clutched tightly in your hands. In the elevator, you'd turned it over and studied it, feeling weight and contents shift about inside of it as you did so.
Sitting down at your coffee table, you stared at the package a moment longer before picking at the tape of the neatly folded and wrapped kraft paper and gingerly took it apart.
You opened the box and a deep green envelope lay atop of a series of items below. The envelope again bore her writing, this time with your name written neatly in the center. Without thinking you snatched up the card and opened it.
Happy birthday, Y/N. I hope you have an amazing day and a great year ahead. You deserve the best.
A small breath escaped you as you finished reading and you only belated realized all of the tension that was sitting in your shoulders and the way your hands felt numb.
You reread the card, wanting to experience that warm tingle in your chest once more.
“Always.” You hung onto that word as if it were a lifeline. One silly word soothed you so significantly that it nearly brought tears to your eyes.
Your thumb grazed absently over her handwritten name before you closed your eyes in a wince and shut the card with a curt shake of your head. You exhaled tersely, annoyance with yourself and your sentimentality beginning to build. You set the card aside and took another breath before peering into the box.
Slowly, you picked up and took in each item in the box. You took your time; relishing in each discovery.
The box was full of thoughtful, personal gifts. Some handmade, some store bought, but each meant something and you know she'd thought about each item carefully.
Jessie had always been an exceptional gift giver and always generous, especially when it came to you. It seems this remained true despite everything.
A flash of tightness formed in the pit of your stomach. You couldn't help but feel like you didn't deserve this. That after everything, you didn't deserve her care and attention - even like this.
That twinge of uncertainty and guilt was easily overshadowed by the warmth - and renewed yearning - you felt for her.
You picked up your phone and opened your conversation with her, ignoring the dull pain that formed as you had to scroll down your messages to get to her name now that you spoke so infrequently.
"I just got your package. Thank you SO much for the gifts. You are far too generous, Jess. Thank you. They're all great. The spa gift certificate is perfect timing lol."
You wanted to ask her how she was. How she was doing. Something inside you told you not to complicate things.
You stared expectantly at your phone, practically - stupidly - counting the seconds as you waited for a response.
Eventually your screen timed out and you came to your senses, embarrassed with yourself. Of course she wasn't going to respond s-
Your screen lit up with a message from her.
"You're very welcome! I'm glad it made it. And I'm glad you like the gifts. Happy birthday, Y/N. I hope you have a great one.”
A smile unknowingly crossed your lips as you read her message. You took a deep breath as you saw her typing another one.
"I hope you're doing well."
You expelled the breath in quiet disappointment.
You'd half expected her - hoped even, despite knowing you'd need to shut it down - to strike up conversation again. When she didn't, it made your chest tighten with loss anew.
You couldn't be upset. She was respecting the boundaries that you set. It was what you wanted. What you asked for. But that didn't mean it didn't sting like hell.
“Thanks Jess. I appreciate this a lot. Truly. I hope you, Zoie and Sara are doing well.”
It felt petty to specifically leave Sara out of it.
Jessie replied quickly.
“Zoie and I are doing well. Thank you - it means a lot.”
You wanted to inquire but knew you couldn’t. Shouldn’t.
“I’m really glad to hear that, Jess.”
You hoped you didn’t sound passive aggressive. You really meant it. You exhaled through your nose in a huff as you typed further.
“Thank you again. It made my day. Take care.”
“You too, Y/N. Happy birthday.”
And just like that, it was over again.
You wanted more, but knew it wasn’t fair or right. This interaction had reached its natural conclusion and you had to let it go.
When your phone lit up later with a text from Elysse, your pulsed quickened once more. All contact with the Flemings had ceased and it left a hole in your heart. They'd become like true family to you and to not have them in your life anymore added to the pain of this entire situation.
“Happy birthday!!! I hope you’ve had a day full of rest and relaxation (or maybe a lot of fun!). Miss you lots. You’ll always be a sister-in-law to me 😉"
You sighed a mixture of appreciation and grief. You stared at her message for several moments. You wanted to call her. Ask her how she’d been. What was new.
You wanted to hear about Jessie, too.
“Thanks Elysse. I appreciate it a lot. I hope you and the whole family are doing great. Miss you all, too.”
You looked at the date and time in the corner of your screen. While you should’ve been thinking about work, instead you were calculating how many hours until kickoff.
You didn’t have to be in Jessie’s life to know of the upcoming tournament.
And you may have been guilty of checking the national team’s social accounts the past couple of days to see if she’d arrived and been in training.
You hadn’t actively been looking originally. But this was a soccer town - you heard about all the big tournaments and you also knew timing from years passed.
A sense of hollowness sat in your chest as you’d indulged in viewing the clips of training - your thumb belatedly tapping to the next story after seeing glimpses of Jessie. It was a small reprieve, you supposed, that Jessie was so adverse to being in media otherwise you’d see her face plastered everywhere.
You always used to support Jessie during national duty, showing up for as much of the tournaments as possible, even if only for one match.
Memories of dinners and hang-outs with the team and staff, significant others and family, all came flooding back.
Memories of stolen moments with Jessie. Sneaking off to an empty room to find time together - to check-in, connect, and well, sometimes more.
You released a shaky breath as you pushed increasingly vivid images aside. Time to refocus.
Anxious thoughts pinged back and forth in your mind as you debated what to do. What to say. When. You tried not to lament on how you never had to worry about these things before.
Finally, you huffed in finality, hurriedly wrote out a message and sent it before you could slip back into self-doubt.
“Good luck today. You and the team are going to kill it out there. I’m rooting for you all.”
You didn’t expect to hear back from her anytime soon. Never mind the current circumstances of your situation, but also because she mostly stayed off her phone immediately leading up to a match.
You kept an eye on the clock and a twinge of anticipation hit you as your phone lit up shortly before warm-ups would’ve began.
“Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate that. [Opponent] is tough, but the team is ready to make them fight for it. Thanks again.”
You made a point of not watching the stream, but you did check the updates frequently. Canada won. You wanted to text her congrats, but it seemed like overkill.
Instead, you committed to texting her when the tournament wrapped or when Canada exited. Hopefully later rather than sooner, for her and the team’s sake.
Still, surprise swept over you when your phone lit up with a text from Jessie later that afternoon - evening where she was.
“The team says ‘Hi’.”
Nostalgia and yearning rushed over you immediately.
There were so many layers - losses - to all of this.
“Say ‘hi’ back, please! You all played great today. Hope you all get lots of rest before the next match. I’m sending you all best wishes and good luck. Take care out there. And tell Janine to go easy on you when you play Uno to kill time.”
You were only vaguely aware of the sad smile you wore as you sent your text.
“Lol I most definitely will. Thanks Y/N. Enjoy the rest of your day. Take care.”
Janine texted you shortly after.
“Miss you, buddy. And don’t worry. I’m taking care of her.”
You nearly choked up upon reading her message. You rest your head in your hand for a moment. There was so much you wanted to say.
You hearted her text and replied.
“Thanks Janine. Means more than you know.”
You frowned as you searched for something on your phone as your feet carried you down the street and distractedly around other pedestrians.
A jolt ran through you when you faintly heard a small voice say your name nearby.
It snapped you out of your trance and your steps stuttered to a stop. You turned around to search out the source.
You narrowed your eyes as you scanned the crowds of people passing and standing around until you spotted a small finger pointing your direction.
The kid had their back to you, arm pointed behind them but as you quickly processed their profile, their hair, your pulse began to grow strong and fast as realization set in. Your breath caught as the child turned back towards you and it well and truly was Zoie.
She tugged on someone’s hand and smiled up at them while pointing back at you anew.
Your gaze followed Zoie’s and you locked eyes with Jessie who stood with a wide-eyed expression and soft frown of surprise.
Your jaw fell, words wanting to come out but failing and you looked about in mild panic. A flurry of thoughts and feelings clashed inside of you until the movement from Zoie giving you a shy wave broke you from your stasis.
A rush of breath escaped you and you smiled at her with a belated, stilted wave. Zoie waved fully now, going up onto her tiptoes briefly before looking back at Jessie excitedly, tugging on her hand furthermore while Jessie stood there seemingly just as shell shocked as you.
Your eyes drew up to Jessie and her posture straightened as her lips came together in a tight smile while she herself offered a feeble wave and looking so uncertain.
Your eyes panned left and right. You slowly registered that they were in a lineup for the ice cream shop. Your senses peaked in realization that there was no sign of Sara.
You weren’t sure what possessed you. Maybe it was Zoie’s reaction, maybe it was old magnetism still at play. All you knew was suddenly your legs walked you over to them, despite your mind struggling to reconcile this situation and catch up. Zoie smiled wider as you approached.
“Hi,” you greeted with another awkward, fleeting wave as you reached them both.
“Hi,” Jessie said in subdued surprise. Her expression remained unchanged until she offered you a flash of a smile. Her eyes were fixed on you, intense and curious for those moments before she was jostled by Zoie wrapping Jessie’s arm in front of her in a hug as she backed into Jessie’s legs and looked up at you with a giggle.
“Hi,” Zoie greeted, both smiley and bashful and bringing you back, things snapping into focus once more.
“I, um,” you closed your eyes briefly and shook you head with a faint laugh. “Um, it’s nice to see you,” you said as you looked between the two of them.
Your brain seemed to finally catch up with everything. You looked down at Zoie with a renewed smile.
“Zoie, it’s so good to see you,” you said warmly. You glanced up at the signage for the shop. “Is your mama treating you to some ice cream?”
Zoie nodded rapidly with a grin crossing her face. She giggled again, pulling Jessie’s arm tighter against her as she looked up at her.
“Yeah. She said I could have ice cream if I stayed for my dance class this morning,” she relayed.
“Oh?” You voiced as you glanced up at Jessie who let out a chuckle as her eyes flit away sheepishly. When she looked at you again she spoke conspiratorially.
“Someone really didn’t like their first class last week and, well, demanded to leave,” she said with a knowing glance down at her daughter. “However, I took her today and said it’s important to stick it out and really try it.” She gave Zoie a light squeeze and looked down to her as she spoke, “You don’t have to like it, but you do need to try.” The girl nodded wordlessly against Jessie’s forearm.
Jessie looked back at you with a faint smirk. “Ice cream for finishing today’s class. Trip to the zoo for finishing the full set of classes.” She winked at Zoie who laughed before glancing at you again. “Mild bribery,” Jessie whispered with a feeble laugh as she averted her gaze once more.
"And how was it?" You asked Zoie. She gave a faint nod and a shrug.
"It was okay," she said.
You could've said 'okay', wished them well and been on your way. Instead, you remained rooted to your spot and engaged further.
“Dance can be a lot of fun,” you told her reassuringly. “What don't you like about it?”
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” Zoie pouted slightly. “Other kids know the steps and I didn’t.”
Your face fell into an empathetic smile for the poor girl. You leaned down slightly.
“I know how that is. I didn’t like dance when I first started. The other girls were older than me and it seemed like I was the only one who didn’t know what to do. But,” you glanced up at Jessie briefly, “my mom made me go back and, you know what, I practiced, and eventually I learned the steps too and I even made some friends. I ended up loving dance. If you give it a chance, maybe you will too.”
Zoie watched you quietly. It was a mannerism so much like Jessie and here they were both silently studying you. Eventually Zoie’s face broke out in a smile.
“Do you still dance?”
You laughed. “Well. No. Not anymore really.” Your mind cruelly recalled the last time you danced. Specifically, dancing with Jessie at one of her post-season team get togethers. Zoie looked expectantly at you and you tried to think of anything encouraging and ended up saying. “But it’s fun when I do.”
You cleared your throat and tried to settle your nerves.
“Anyway, I should-”
“What’s your favourite kind of ice cream?” Zoie inquired innocently, cutting you off and you rose your eyebrows in question.
“Um. My favourite? Oh. Um, I like many, but if I had to pick one,” you brought a finger to your lip as you contemplated, “[y/favourite flavour].”
Zoie looked up at Jessie.
“Can I try that one today?”
Jessie laughed and couldn’t help but give you an amused look before quickly ridding herself of it.
“If you want," she answered Zoie, smiling gently at her. "Or maybe I get it so you can try it, but you still get what you first wanted. Cause I'm not sure you'll love it," she added giving you a cursory, knowing look and you somehow found yourself having to stifle a chuckle.
The line had moved a few times as you talked and you'd absently followed along. When it started to move again, you went to speak up but Zoie beat you to it.
"But I thought you were getting cookies and cream and we were going to share," Zoie asked, looking up at Jessie with big brown eyes.
Jessie snorted a laugh. "And I thought you were getting cotton candy," she said amused.
Zoie looked unnecessarily crestfallen for a second before turning to you with bright eyes and a wide smile.
"If you get [y/favourite flavour] then we can all share," she suggested.
You froze at the sudden invitation and you belatedly realized you didn't exactly mask your shock.
"Y/N is busy," Jessie told Zoie as she leaned down slightly and spoke in a hushed voice, urging the little girl to look up at her. "We interrupted her. She was doing other things." Jessie straightened back up, offering you a brief tight-lipped smile before adding gently, "She was nice enough to stop and say 'hi', but let's let her get on with her day."
Against all logic, you felt a stinging sensation inside your chest at Jessie's dismissal of you. No, of course you shouldn't stay, but it still managed to hurt that she didn't ask you to.
You used to think you were a reasonable person, but the past few months really put that perception into question.
"But we haven't seen her in a long time," Zoie said, her disappointment plain and surprising you.
You were always kind to Zoie - and you prayed that during your times together before she hadn't picked up on any of your angst about the entire situation. Evidently, you'd done a good enough job because by some miracle this little girl seemed to like you. Not only that, liked you enough to care all this time later.
She really was sweet.
"Zo," Jessie said, her tone shifting. She was about to speak when the clash of feelings and energy inside your chest took over instead.
"I can stop for a bit," you interjected. Jessie's eyes snapped up from Zoie to you in sheer surprise. Your heart raced as you tried to discern if she was upset or annoyed, but something told you she wasn't.
While Jessie wore quiet shock on her face, Zoie clapped her hands excitedly, drawing both your attention.
Jessie began to stammer, her eyes flitting from you to Zoie and back again.
"A-are you sure? You really don't have to," she offered, showing her nerves slightly with her voice a bit quiet and breathy.
Doubt washed over you as you held Jessie's gaze and tried to comprehend what was going on beneath the surface.
"Oh, I, um, I definitely can go. I don't want to interrupt you two. I just - I'm the one who interrupted you. I'm sorry," you backtracked, feeling your face begin to heat up now.
"No, I-" Jessie started strongly, even extending a hand partially before retracting it and hiding it behind her while she reset. She offered you another polite smile. "We don't mind. I just," she took a breath, "don't want to impose." She continued to lock eyes with you, adding, "No expectations."
Now you were the one to stammer. You studied Jessie and the line moved again. You glanced down at Zoie who was watching you with anticipation. You fell into line beside them.
"It's a good day for ice cream anyway," you joked feebly.
Zoie began to talk excitedly and your mind whirred with a barrage of thoughts and concerns. Despite the sudden fog you were in, you became acutely aware of Jessie's watchful eyes on you. When you made eye contact with her she readily averted her gaze, determinedly looking elsewhere.
"So, uh, where's Sara?" You tried to ask as nonchalantly as possible, now you the one who purposefully studied all of your surroundings.
"I'm not too sure," Jessie responded and your head snapped back to her with a frown. If the reaction stirred anything in her she masked it well. "This little one's with me this week," Jessie answered, though speaking to Zoie and ruffling her hair.
Holy fuck. So they sorted out custody. You had a million questions and you opened your mouth to inquire when some part of your mind harshly reminded you that it was none of your business. Or your concern.
Soon enough the three of you were back outside of the shop, each with a cup of ice cream of your own. Zoie eyed your cup as you all found a spot to sit together.
"You first," you said as you held it out to her, sparking a beaming smile from her. She immediately grabbed her spoon and shoved it into your ice cream, mixing her colours and flavours with yours.
"Zo," Jessie chided with an exasperated laugh, but you gave a shake of your head in dismissal and mouthed 'It's fine'.
Zoie took a bite and you stifled a laugh at how her face slowly scrunched up, clearly not appreciating your choice.
"You don't have to like it," you told her. She frowned, giving you a ridiculously discerning look.
"I like mine better," she said through a look of mild disapproval as she dug into her own ice cream.
"And that's perfectly okay." You chuckled as she smiled once more as she took a bite of her own. You turned, feeling Jessie's eyes on you. The woman immediately looked down at her cup, taking a great interest in the ice cream before her, digging her spoon into it and just shifting it about in the cup.
Your compulsions controlled you and you found yourself holding out your cup to her. She blinked at you in surprise.
You'd always shared with each other, but, given current circumstances, you could understand her reaction.
Wordlessly, you held it out further and she eventually cracked a faint smile as she took a spoonful and ate it.
Your eyes were drawn back to Zoie who'd now stilled and was watching Jessie intently. Upon seeing how her mom didn't react anything like her to the spoonful, her gaze shifted over to your cup again curiously.
Again, you bit back a smirk and held out your cup to her once more. She looked between you, Jessie and the cup several times before tentatively reaching her spoon in. She spooned it into her cup and mixed it a bit with her own before taking a cautious bite.
You both watched her. You and Jessie locking eyes briefly with one another and shifting nervously upon the eye contact, before Zoie swallowed with a brief nod, eyes still trained on her ice cream and eating more.
"It's okay I guess."
You both laughed, catching one another's eye momentarily.
When everyone was finished, Jessie politely took all the cups and threw them out, leaving you with Zoie.
"Do you want to go to the park?" Zoie asked as she looked up at you, the sun now fully out and in her eyes. She squinted, holding a hand up to block the rays.
"Here," you offered instinctually as you took your sunglasses out of your pocket and handed them to her. Her eyes lit up as she took them and unfolded them to put them on. The larger size threw her off and she struggled a bit to align them properly. "Oh, uh, let me help," you said tentatively as you gingerly reached out - not sure if you were being presumptuous or not - and helped slide them on.
Jessie returned as you finished and Zoie spun around to her.
"Mama, look!" She exclaimed as she showed them off proudly.
"Oh, wow," Jessie laughed, clearly bemused. She glanced over to you with a smirk, but soon reached out for them. "Hon, you're gonna break those," she said and Zoie's hands flew up to hold the arms of the sunglasses in place.
"I like them," she protested.
"They're very nice. You look very stylish," she said patiently with another smirk. "But you have your own. And your hat," she went on as she retrieved said things from the backpack she wore. Zoie pouted as Jessie removed your sunglasses, but she didn't fuss.
Jessie folded them up and reached across the divide between you offering them back.
"Thank you," she said softly. You took them wordlessly, both of you seemingly very cognizant of where your fingers were during the handover to avoid any contact. You put the sunglasses on.
"I like them," Zoie repeated, a faint whine in her tone.
"I know, sweetie," Jessie continued patiently in amusement. "Maybe I'll get a pair for you like that someday."
Zoie perked up and tugged at the hem of Jessie's shorts. "You should take a picture so you remember. And then you can have a new picture of Y/N."
"Uh," Jessie cut in with a nervous look. "Zoie," she chided.
"You look at the same ones all the time," Zoie added innocently, clearly thinking she was helping.
Your eyes snapped over to Jessie and she clawed at the back of her neck anxiously while she stumbled over her words and face grew pink.
Your heart fluttered at the concept - not that you should want it. So she did miss you.
"I don't need a picture, Zoie," she said with a slight edge while she laughed awkwardly and tried to give a dismissive shake of her head.
"Well can she come with us to the park?" Zoie went on. She turned to you. "We can go on the swings together. I can go really high now."
Jessie let out an exasperated breath and shot you a look, muttering, "I'm so sorry."
"Honey," she said a bit more firmly, drawing the girl's focus, "Y/N is busy. She has her own things she needs to do today. That's very nice of you to invite her, but she probably has to go."
"I thought you missed her," Zoie protested in confusion.
"Zoie," Jessie said curtly, a stern frown on her face before softening, eyes nearly pleading. "Enough, please."
The conflicting jumble of emotions was back. You silently observed the two before you - Zoie confused and disappointed and Jessie suddenly looking so vulnerable and exposed.
You turned to Jessie, it plain how much she was struggling to meet your gaze in this moment. You tried to gauge her.
"Don't feel obliged to stay. Seriously," Jessie whispered, as though Zoie couldn't hear. She shifted restlessly and cleared her throat before adding, "But if you want to, you're of course welcome."
It felt like you could hear a high-pitched ringing in your head as you processed what to do. It was obvious what you should do. You had errands to run. Things to do. An ex and her daughter to forget.
"I-I could stay for a bit," you said.
'A bit' turned into 'a while', which somehow turned into the full afternoon.
It felt like you were having an out of body experience. Every time there was an opportunity to leave, someone said or did something that extended your stay.
And hanging out alone with Zoie and Jessie felt different. There were pockets of it before the breakup, but not quite like this. It felt so strange - like some weird time skip or an alternate reality. Where the bulk of the heaviness and drama of the past had mercifully - temporarily - been swept under the rug.
A very unsettling feeling was emerging and you refused to put a label on it because it felt something akin to 'normal'.
There was nothing normal about this.
And as much as you were enjoying living in this bubble you'd created for the day - a joy you'd pay for later, you were sure - you still knew enough to know that it wasn't real. Sara still existed. You had to remind yourself this wasn't your family. You shouldn't be lulled into thinking you weren't a third wheel.
As the sun began to set, so did this fantasy world.
"Guess we better get you to bed soon, hey kiddo?" Jessie said with a heavy sigh of regret as she glanced at the horizon. "It's been a big day."
"I'm not tired," Zoie protested as she now hugged herself against the back of your leg and peeked out from behind you at Jessie with a pout.
"Honey, it's been a very long day," Jessie spoke patiently as she set her hands on her hips and looked at her daughter. It really was so endearing seeing her interact with Zoie. "We still need to get home and you need a bath. You're more tired than you think. I promise."
"I'm having fun though," she pouted further and you felt her little hands clutch your leg tighter.
"Zo, this isn't a debate. You need to go to bed soon. We're eating into storytime," Jessie said.
"Well can Y/N come home with us?"
Jessie reddened and flashed you a look of apprehension.
"No. Sorry sweetie. That's not possible."
"Why not? It's her place too, right? You said she lived there," Zoie whined.
Jessie shot you an apologetic look.
"Not anymore, Zo," she said with thinning patience. "She's got her own place." You looked down as Zoie tucked her head into you with a pouting expression. Your attention was drawn back up at the weary sigh Jessie didn't fully stamp out. "We've talked about this," she emphasized in a measured tone.
"What about a sleepover sometime?" Zoie asked anew. "You know, like I do."
"Zo," Jessie said with growing sternness. She went on, gentle, but firm. "Come on. It's time to go."
You could probably help soothe Zoie by promising to have another day like this. That you'd see her soon. Sure - a sleepover sometime. But you didn't want to make a promise, especially to her, that you wouldn't keep.
Suddenly, Zoie began crying, her hands digging into your leg more as she clutched you. Panic overtook you as you glanced down to see tears already forming at the corner of her eyes and her face growing bright red. You looked back up to Jessie who gave you a panicked, but sheepish look of her own.
She knelt down in front of Zoie and went to gently grasp her arm, but the little girl wailed harder.
Your senses were overwhelmed as Zoie's cries filled your ears and Jessie tried to calm her down while you stood there stiffly.
A bystander. You felt like a bystander all over again, just observing a world of activity around you.
Until, you found yourself placing your hand softly on the back of Zoie's head and delicately extricating yourself from her iron grip to kneel in front of her.
The action immediately drew her attention and she looked at you, silent tears still streaming down her cheeks while she sniffled. You took your hair out of your ponytail, revealing your hair tie to her.
"Zoie, this is my lucky hair tie. It's very special. Whenever I'm upset or sad, it makes me feel better. And guess what? I want you to have it. You don't have to wear it in your hair, you can wear it around your wrist - like this, see?" You gently placed it on her wrist, her eyes watching you intently and her tears slowed. "Like a little hug for your wrist," you smiled.
"And even though I can't have a sleepover with you, you can have this and it's like I'm there in a way," you said. "And your mama is right, it's been a big day, even I'm tired. But you know what, I bet you're going to have such a good sleep and such great dreams tonight. Make sure to tell your mama all about them when you wake up - I always loved telling my mom about my dreams."
Zoie's shoulders bounced as she hiccupped, working through the last of her upset. She nodded at you.
"Sweet girl," you said as you kissed her cheek.
Only when you pulled back did you realize how Jessie was watching you. Your eyes flicked towards her and she averted her gaze automatically before looking back at you with an expression that made you feel like she was looking right into you. You almost couldn't hold her gaze it was so intense and made you feel so vulnerable.
You found reprieve when she seemed to snap out of her thoughts and offered you a subtle smile of appreciation.
"Sorry about that," she said quietly to you as she wrapped her arms around Zoie and picked her up. "She's tired."
"Not to worry," you dismissed as you stood to face them both, Zoie's eyes now heavy as she leaned her head against Jessie's. You smiled as your eyes fell to Zoie gripping your hair tie with her opposite hand.
"I," Jessie paused briefly and released a breathy laugh, "really didn't mean to take up your whole day. I, um." She stopped, again offering you a small smile, "Zoie had a great time. As you can see," she chuckled. "Thanks."
"Yeah, don't mention it," you said as your gaze fell to the ground and you idly began to dig the toe of your shoe into it. The tension that had been lurking beneath the surface all day began to bubble over. "Sorry I took over your whole day."
Jessie frowned at you and gave a disbelieving laugh. "What are you talking about?" She shook her head. "There's nothing to apologize for."
You looked at her and suddenly you felt dormant emotions rising up and threatening to make your eyes sting with tears.
"You guys seem happy," you tried to say very matter-of-fact, but instead your voice was soft. "I'm really glad."
You meant it.
She was quiet for several moments and eventually gave you another close-lipped smile. She spoke in a tone similar to yours. "It was really nice spending the day with you."
"Yeah," you breathed, hating how sad you sounded even though you'd forced a smile and a laugh. You scratched the back of your arm. "Okay, well, I better go. And you should too. You two get home safe."
You forced yourself to tear your eyes away from Jessie's. You looked to Zoie who was basically asleep already. "Tell her 'sweet dreams' for me," you said with a soft laugh. Jessie chuckled and turned her head slightly to catch a glimpse of Zoie without fully waking her.
"She is out," she whispered in exaggeration.
You had an overwhelming urge to give Jessie a kiss on the cheek to say 'goodbye'. The moment was so bittersweet.
"Well, I guess you better get her home. Take care."
"Yeah," Jessie accepted as she held you steady in her gaze. "You too."
By the time you got back to your car, your heart was still pounding. Add the ticket you found on your windshield and you couldn't help but feel like you were being punished for being so weak.
You got in and hung your head heavy in your hands.
What were you doing? You just undid weeks of progress. A frustrated sigh escaped you. What the fuck were you thinking.
The tears you'd fought off earlier sprang to life and you blinked through them.
Jessie and Zoie really did seem happy. And you didn't begrudge them that at all.
Custody sorted. Dance classes. School. Soccer. Jessie seemed - settled. Her life was moving on - with or without you - as it should've.
What about you? You turned a sharp, scrutinizing eye on your own life. Indignation and self-reproach surged through your veins.
You'd been coasting. Barely keeping your head above water. So woefully preoccupied with thoughts of Jessie and the life you'd had together.
You saw her today and immediately fell back to her side. Sara was absent so you slotted yourself in as if you belonged.
What the fuck, Y/N.
You blew out a harsh breath and pulled out your phone.
What was that dating app [y/friend] kept telling you to download? Right.
You looked it up, finger hovering over your screen for a second before banishing your hesitation and downloading it.
Jessie wasn't the only girl out there. You've been acting like she was and clearly your efforts to forget her had painfully lacklustre results.
You'd been holding on. Clutching tightly onto the threads of your old life; afraid to look at a new future for yourself.
You had to move on. You were going to make sure of it.
A/N: Don't be too mad at me! lol.
Tag requests: @marvelwomen-simp @valuyhh
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flemingsfreckles · 20 hours ago
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Everyone say thank you Morgan Weaver
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If sunshine was a human
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ccprphan · 2 days ago
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Jessie in the new Thorns kit
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flemingology · 4 months ago
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first time ─ jessie fleming x reader
in which: you and jessie take the next step in your relationship
warnings: smut (18+), g!p sex, oral (r receiving), penetrative sex (r receiving), dirty talk
wc: 4.6K, used a couple prompts from @delusionisaplace!
a/n: Let's say jessie is still at chelsea here, just to make sense of the tiny bit of plot there is at the beginning of this fic, lol. also, this is... pure filth. I don't know why this was the fic that got me out of my writer's block but yeah, have it. also if the whole g!p thing is NOT your thing, then don't read it! the warning is there for a reason. it's my first time writing this dynamic, so I'm sorry if it's kinda shitty. as usual, not proofread. sorry for any mistakes.
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You kept rolling your hips down into Jessie's lap, another whine escaping your lips as you could feel her growing cock pressing into you with every brush against her hips. Your head was buried in your girlfriend's neck, lips parted and softly panting as you fisted your hands in her hair. "Fuck, Jess, if we don't stop now we are not making it in time to Leah's," you said, with the last remaining bit of dignity lingering inside of you.
Leah had invited some of her Arsenal teammates and their plus ones over for a big dinner at her place, to which you'd eagerly agreed when you first got the invitation. After a bit of convincing, you'd managed to get Jessie on board too – the self-consciousness about being the only Chelsea player in a predominantly Arsenal-covered living room quickly washed away with the prospect of a little mingling with old and new friends in sight.
Right now, though, a dinner with friends was the last thing on Jessie's mind. Admittedly, it wasn't really at the front of yours either. Your every thought now laced with pleasure, you tried your absolute hardest to keep a little bit of self-control before you lost yourself completely in Jessie's touch, in the feeling of her burgeoning hard-on pressing against your awaiting core.
"Yeah", Jessie breathed against you, forcing her eyes closed because your blissed out face was pushing her towards an edge she didn't want to be at yet, "yeah, you're right," she said, but made no move to stop or get up, if anything she pushed your hips harder against hers.
You lifted your head from her neck in a vain attempt to regain some control, but seeing Jessie's baby hairs sticking against her forehead that was covered in a sheen layer of sweat, a frown etched upon her face as she concentrated on being good for you with her eyes closed, there wasn't a single cell in your body that wanted anything else but this.
"Fuck it," you mumbled underneath your breath, "we'll make up an excuse later," it was the last bit of encouragement that Jessie needed, already lifting you up from the couch before you even got a chance at finishing your sentence. You squealed as she lifted you up and you put your legs around her waist, hanging onto her while she manoeuvred the two of you up the stairs and into her bedroom.
You and Jessie hadn't gone much further than a few heated make-out sessions on either of your couches yet. The relationship was fairly new and as much as you were completely infatuated by her, you'd promised each other to take it slow. But the past week, anytime Jessie did anything but breathe near you, you wanted nothing more than to jump her bones – you were ovulating, in your defense. So when you rang her doorbell that night, having gotten ready in your own apartment for Leah's dinner, and Jessie opened the door in a white button-up shirt that was tucked into a pair of black slacks that perfectly hugged her muscular thighs, you knew you wouldn't have the self control to restrain yourself tonight.
Jessie's button-up shirt and your dress long forgotten – not without the promise that you'd wear it again for her – your girlfriend placed you on the bed and crawled on top of you. "You drive me crazy, baby, honestly. I need you so bad," she said, pulling a moan from you. Jessie had always been – and still was – quite reserved. She had her moments with you where she would turn into herself, but those were rare. With other people, though, it was rare that they would see Jessie let loose. So when you discovered that Jessie was quite the dirty talker in bed, it's safe to say you more than were surprised. Pleasantly surprised, that's for sure.
Your Canadian peppered kisses all over your face, your cheek and jawline until she reached the base of your neck, where she let her wet tongue glide over the sensitive skin all the way back up until she reached your ear, where she softly nipped on your earlobe. All your senses were overwhelmed with Jessie – you saw, heard, felt and smelled nothing but her. And you loved it.
A couple moments later Jessie still found her face nuzzled into your neck, sucking, kissing and licking all over the skin there. And as much as you liked it and it felt good, you were starting to feel quite the throb between your legs – and you wanted, needed, her to do something about it.
"Jess", you said breathily, to which she lifted her head. "Please, I need you," you continued, to which a small smirk tugged at her lips. "What do you need, love?" she asked. You groaned and threw your head back. "Your mouth, your fingers, your dick. Anything, Jess." A shiver rolled down Jessie's spine as you finished talking, purely due to the excitement of what was about to come.
The Canadian wasn't particularly someone for one-night stands, she simply loved too hard to be able to fuck someone without catching any sorts of feelings for them. That, combined with her busy schedule, meant she hadn't dated in a good while. Meaning that, for the last couple of years, the only relief Jessie could give herself was the pumping of her own hand. Merely the thought of her length being enveloped in your warm tunnel had her almost bursting.
She slowly made her way down, pressing open-mouthed kisses all over your body. You could feel her sucking your skin and marking you up, but you didn't have an ounce of self-control left in your body anymore to tell her to stop. She reached your underwear and teased you by dipping one finger underneath the waistband, but not trailing further.
"Can I take this off?" she asked softly, earning a nod from you. "I'm gonna need words, beautiful," she said, when you didn't speak up further. "I know you can do that for me," she continued, which caused you to blush. "Yeah-, yeah, that's okay. Only if you undress too," you replied. Jessie glanced down at her own body and noticed that she was still half-dressed, her lower body still covered. She stood up quickly and kicked off her trousers and socks – her swollen cock a little less restrained which caused her to sigh a breath of relief – before settling her body between your legs again.
A smile tugged at the corners of her lips when she pulled your underwear down your legs, a string of your arousal connected to the garment. "You're soaked baby, god, you're so hot," Jessie mumbled.
Your girlfriend skipped the teasing and torturing and delved straight in, your scent way too intoxicating for the Canadian to wait any longer to taste you. Jessie licked a long, slow stripe from your entrance up to your clit, gathering your arousal in her mouth and spreading it all over your lips. You couldn't hold back the moan that escaped your lips upon the feeling of Jessie's warm tongue against your heat.
"Fuck, Jess, that's so good," you said breathlessly. You had been uncertain and insecure about this moment for a long time, but you couldn't have wished for a better time to take the next step in your relationship. You were pulled out of your thoughts when Jessie took your sensitive nub in her mouth and teasingly flicked her tongue across it, earning a grunt from you. You tangled your hands in her curls and gave a sharp tug when you felt her teeth graze your clit, the sting subsiding quickly when she started sucking on it again.
It wasn't long before you started to feel a tightening sensation starting to bubble up inside of you. Jessie's tongue was working wonders against your core and you were seriously questioning why it had taken the two of you so long to get to this point. The room was filled with the sounds of your moans and the squelching of your drenched core, riling you up further – if that was even possible. Jessie hadn't even used her fingers yet and she had you teetering on the edge.
"Jess," you breathed, trying to form a coherent sentence while the Canadian was sucking and licking on you at a relentless pace. "I'm close, baby, you're gonna make me cum," you continued. Jessie hummed into your pussy, not relenting by any means. In response, she squeezed your thighs that were resting on her shoulders. Your moans rose in pitch as she brought you closer and closer to your high, not letting her pace waver once you started squirming and bucking underneath her.
"Oh fuck, Jess, fuck, I'm cumming," you mustered, right before you felt the coil in your belly snap. You arched your back off the bed and threw your head back, your thighs locking around Jessie's head whose ministrations kept going. You let out a loud moan as you started to come down, your girlfriend guiding you through your orgasm and eventually releasing your lips with a pop as you started growing sensitive.
You dropped your legs from Jessie's shoulders and rested them on the mattress, trying to catch your breath from the mind-blowing orgasm you just had. "Fuck, that was good," you said, not needing to glance at Jessie to know there was a smug smirk plastered on her face. She rested her head on your thigh and pressed soft kisses, waiting for you to come down from your high.
A couple moments later you managed to catch your breath, and opened your eyes to look at her. "You're amazing", you said, a light smile tugging at your lips. You couldn't miss the small blush that crept upon your girlfriend's cheeks at your words. "Thank you, baby, I love making you feel good," she replied.
Another few moments of silence went by before you spoke up. "What about you?" you said, wanting nothing more than to return the favor but not really knowing how to approach the subject. After all, you were quite nervous, to put it lightly. You had never had sex with a dick before, and you definitely didn't know whether you were going to be any good at it – whether you would like it even. Jessie and you had talked about it countless of times, talked about what you thought you would like and not like, because the last thing she wanted was to make you uncomfortable or to hurt you in the moment.
"What about me?" Jessie quipped back, but you didn't miss the glint in her eyes. She climbed up your body and laid her head on your chest before you replied. "I want you to feel good too," you said softly, to which she let out a little chuckle. "Pleasuring you is more than enough, baby," she said, to which you rolled your eyes. "I'm not having that, Fleming. You know what I mean."
Jessie chuckled and looked up at you. "Are you sure? I know we said we'd take things slow on this regard," she asked. She was right. You had told her that you wanted to take things slow. You were more than comfortable with the Canadian but you didn't want to rush into things. You nodded, taking a deep breath before continuing the conversation. "Yeah, you're right. I did say that. But this feels good. It feels right," you said, tucking a strand of hair behind Jessie's ear. "So if it feels right for you too, I'm more than willing to try some things."
"It feels more than right, you know that, but I just want to make sure that you feel okay with all of this. I'd never want to rush you into doing things you'd rather not," Jessie said softly, tracing patterns on your bare chest. You pressed a kiss against her crown and took her chin between your thumb and index finger, tilting her head up towards you. You gave her an appreciative look before you spoke. "You're perfect, Jess. I love how mindful you are being, but I promise that I'm okay with this. I'd tell you if I wasn't."
Jessie gave you a nod and a warm smile before rolling off your body and sitting up, seemingly a bit nervous about her next step. She looked around hesitantly around the room. "You okay, Jess?" you inquired, now sitting up against the headboard. "Y-yeah, I was just," she breathed, voice slightly wavering. You frowned, wondering what had gotten Jessie visibly upset. "We're on the same page, right?" she asked. You cocked an eyebrow at your girlfriend. "I think so, yeah? I don't know what you mean, but I don't see how we couldn't be."
Jessie seemed to relax a little at your words. "Is it okay if I grab a condom, then?" you chuckled at her question, shaking her head in disbelief before speaking up again. "Of course, Jess, why are you so nervous about that?"
"I don't know, we hadn't verbally agreed on what we wanted next and I didn't want to just grab a condom if I wasn't sure that this is what you wanted," she explained. A small smile tugged at your lips as you leant in and cupped her cheek, pressing a tender kiss against her lips before you replied. "You're adorable. Thank you for checking in. But yeah I can confirm that this," you gestured towards Jessie's hand that was resting on the nightstand and then down towards her still-hardened member, "is what I want."
Jessie's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red and she cast her gaze away from yours, slightly embarrassed at her own uncertainty. Nonetheless, she opened her nightstand and rummaged around until she found an unopened pack of condoms. "It's been ages since I've used these, but I'm pretty sure they're not expired yet," Jessie said with a toothy grin on her face. "Well, we should make sure to get some new ones then next time we're grocery shopping," you said, a teasing smile adorning your lips as you spoke to your girlfriend. "Big plans huh?" she inquired, before bringing the condom packet to her mouth and ripping it open.
You watched on in awe as Jessie slipped the top of the condom over her tip and rolled the rest down her length. It was safe to say that Jessie's member was above average length. It was quite wide and thick. On another day, if your heart wasn't pounding in your chest, you would've probably made a comment about it. You had never had sex with a dick before, so it was safe to say that you were quite nervous about taking her, if you were going to be able to at all.
Jessie made her way back over to you and spread your legs again, settling her body in between yours as she sat back on her heels. She caressed your thighs gently and relented from doing anything, letting you set the pace for now. She could tell you were nervous. She offered you a warm, small smile before speaking up. "I'll be gentle with you, I promise. I wouldn't want to hurt you, ever," you nodded and gave your girlfriend an appreciative nod. She knew you'd never had penetrative sex with a dick before. She also knew you were nervous, so it meant a lot to you that she was reassuring you like this.
"I know. I trust you," you said, before you scooted a little closer to her, trying to wordlessly let her know that you were ready. Jessie got the hint and pushed her body towards you, hovering over you on her knees as she adjusted so her dick was lining up with your entrance. You watched on between your bodies in awe as Jessie grabbed her length and softly pushed it up and down between your folds, repeatedly bumping against your clit. You couldn't suppress the soft whimpers that escaped your lips. A couple moments later, Jessie looked up to you and searched your eyes for any signs of uncertainty. She wanted to make sure that you were fully comfortable before she pushed further. You grabbed her hand that was situated on your hip, keeping herself up, and gave it a tight squeeze.
Jessie took it as encouragement and lined herself up with your entrance, ever so slowly inching forward. She kept her eyes trained on your face as she entered you, making sure she didn't miss any signs of discomfort as she stretched you out. You closed your eyes and bit your lip as you focused on the feeling of Jessie's hardened member entering you. Despite a first orgasm, you hadn't loosened much and you could feel the way she was stretching you out. A frown was etched on your face as you tried to compose your breathing. You tried your best to relax and to loosen up for her, but Jessie couldn't push further.
"Just let it happen, baby, don't think about it too much. I can feel you tightening around me," Jessie spoke up softly. You nodded wordlessly, taking a deep breath in and trying to relax further. Jessie was still on her knees between your legs, patiently stretching you out. She, too, was having a hard time at remaining composed. Not so much because of discomfort, but mainly because she lost herself in the feeling of being wrapped up in your heat. She wasn't in deep, by any means, but your warmth was enveloping her tip and she loved the feeling.
A couple minutes, a lot of trial and error and deep breaths later, Jessie's hips were finally flush against yours. It hadn't been easy, but the feeling of being filled by your girlfriend was nothing like you'd ever experienced. Jessie was hovering over you now, wanting to be close to you instead of on her knees between your legs. "Does this feel fine?" Jessie whispered in your ear, not wanting to disturb you too much while you were adjusting to her length inside of you. You nodded wordlessly, letting your nails rake over Jessie's back. "Yeah," you breathed out. "Yeah, this is okay."
A couple more moments passed before you spoke up again. "I think I'm ready for you to move," you said tentatively. Jessie lifted her head and looked at you, searching your eyes for any discomfort. "Okay," she breathed, pressing a tender kiss against your forehead. Jessie slowly pulled her hips back, pulling out of you just until she reached the tip. She moaned softly at the sensation, pushing back inside of you and filling you to the hilt. "Fuck," you whimpered, "do that again, please."
Jessie eyed you curiously and pulled back once more, making sure her tip stayed inside of you. "Like this?" she asked, earning a wordless nod from you. She grinned slightly, pushing back inside of you and letting your warm tunnel envelop her length. "You feel so tight around me, darling, you're so hot."
By now, you had comfortably adjusted to Jessie's length. Even though you could still feel her stretching you out with every thrust, most of the uncomfortable feeling was now replaced with pleasure. Jessie found a steady rhythm that felt good to both of you, pushing in and out of you while making sure you were comfortable.
The room was now filled with the sounds of your shared moans and the squelching of your core every time Jessie pushed inside of you. You were undeniably wetter than you'd ever been. Not only the feeling of being fucked by your girlfriend and being so close to each other, the thought of her filling you up again and again was doing things to you too.
Jessie's breathing became slightly ragged the longer you continued. You could feel her thrusts were becoming a little less regular and you wondered if those were the telltale signs of her growing closer to her orgasm. You wished you could say the same, though. Although it felt good, you didn't know whether this was doing it for you. You realized that you should tell Jessie, because she wouldn't forgive herself if she came and you didn't.
You pressed your hand against Jessie's chest which caused her to halt her movements, looking up at you worriedly. "I don't think it's going to work like this, Jess. This feels good, but I don't know if it's going to get me there," you said, an inevitable blush creeping up your cheeks. "I'm sorry."
Jessie shook her head and spoke adamantly. "Don't be sorry, please. We have all night, okay? No need to rush," she said, while leaning down and pressing a loving kiss against your lips before she sat back on her heels and slowly pulled herself out of you, watching on amazedly as your core tried to suck her back in. "Like what you see?" you teased, a smile tugging at your lips. "Yeah. I do, this is hot."
Jessie pulled out of you completely and took your hands in hers. "Is there anything you would like to try? Something you think might feel better?" Jessie inquired. You shrugged, dropping the eye contact and looking away from your girlfriend. You had an idea, but you were slightly embarrassed to voice it. She frowned, grabbing your chin between her thumb and index finger and tilting your head towards hers again. "It's just me, baby, please tell me what you've got on your mind."
Your already-red face turned a shade darker, another blush creeping on your cheeks as you locked eyes with her. "Do you maybe want to, uhm, try a different position?" you asked softly, uncertainty laced in your voice. Jessie chuckled lightly and smiled brightly at you. "Of course I want to try a different position, love," Jessie reassured you, giving your hands an appreciative squeeze as you looked up at her.
You didn't really know how to progress further. You could tell that Jessie expected further explanation from you, probably an insight to what position you wanted to try. You were still feeling quite apprehensive about the whole situation, but you mustered up the courage to go further. "Maybe... uhm, do you maybe want to try from the back?"
Jessie's face lit up at what you said, a smug smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yeah," she chuckled, "I'm more than down to try from the back," Jessie sat back a bit to give you more room to work with, you shuffling from underneath her. You rolled your body over and pushed yourself up, holding your body up on your hands and knees. Jessie moved too, positioning her body behind yours and making sure the both of you were comfortably in the middle of the mattress.
"God, I wish you could see how good you looked from this angle," Jessie whispered. Her eyes were trained on your entrance, that was clenching around nothing. Your folds were sopping wet, your arousal smeared out all over them adding to the sensations. You turned your head and looked at your girlfriend over your shoulder, chuckling as you noticed her staring at you in awe. "You're a dork, you know that?"
Jessie let out a breathy laugh and shuffled closer to you, her dick lining up with your entrance again. "I know I am, that's why you love me" she said, not wasting another second and pushing herself inside of you again. "Oh," you said, your breath hitching in your throat at the feeling of being filled again. "Oh, yeah, that's good."
"Fuck, that's so much better, Jess. Keep going, please," you whimpered, Jessie's dick hitting your sweet spot repeatedly from the renewed angle. The Canadian propped one of her legs up next to your body for extra leverage and held your waist and started pushing in and out of you at a relentless pace. Now that she knew for sure that this felt good for you, there was no longer that mental barrier.
Your moans and whimpers only spurred her on, pleasure taking over her thoughts as her dick was enveloped in your warmth. "God, you feel so good inside of me, Jess, fuck," you got out. "Nothing will ever come close to the feeling of you around my dick, baby."
You started moving your hips back against Jessie's in time with her thrusts as a long moan escaped the Canadian's throat. "Fuck, you're incredible," she said, as you were adding to her pleasure. "You look so good like this baby, taking me so well. You're doing so good.
Her praise did inexplicable things to you. To know that you were making her feel good was working wonders on your ego. You'd been worried that you weren't going to be good enough for her, especially in the beginning as you'd have to find your footing in sex with Jessie, but tonight had blown all your doubts away.
Just as before, you could tell that Jessie was growing close to a release. This time, though, you could feel the same for you. The familiar tightening sensation started boiling up again, your breaths becoming uneven and your thrusts back against Jessie losing their strength.
"Are you close, baby? You wanna cum for me?" Jessie asked, seemingly reading your mind. You groaned deeply and mustered up a response. "God, yes, please Jessie, let me cum," you begged her. "Begging already, huh? I wasn't even denying you of anything," Jessie said with a touch of degradation in her voice which turned you on further, if that was even possible.
You threw your head down against the mattress and groaned again, not having the strength to muster up a smart response. "Go ahead, baby, cum for me, cum all over my cock," the Canadian said, finishing you off with a few harsh thrusts before you bursted all over her length, spitting out moan after moan. It wasn't long before Jessie came too, rutting harshly into you as she spurted ropes of cum into her condom. She groaned as she pulled your body flush against hers, now both of you on your knees as she fucked you through both of your orgasms.
Jessie brought of you down against the mattress when you had both come down. She laid wordlessly on top of you as she tried to compose herself and regain her breath, her dick softening and falling out of your still-drenched core. She rolled over onto her back and opened her arms for you to fall into, your head resting on her chest. You listened to her heart that was rapidly pumping.
You were the first to speak up after a couple moments. "God, that was amazing. You were amazing. I love you so much," you accentuated her words with a couple tender kisses against Jessie's lips. She smiled into the kiss. "If anything, all credit goes to you. You told me you'd never had sex with a dick before, but honestly I couldn't tell. You're everything and more," Jessie said, pulling you closer to her.
After cleaning each other up, you spent the rest of the evening in comfy clothing in each other's arms, sprawled out over the bed watching some tv. "We're gonna have to find a good excuse for Leah, by the way. I checked my phone earlier and noticed a couple missed calls."
Jessie chuckled and continued rubbed soothing patterns up and down your back. "Next time we'll make sure not to miss a dinner you agreed to. I just really couldn't withstand you this time," the midfielder confessed. "Well, that makes both of us," you pressed another tender, lingering kiss against Jessie's lips. Before long, you both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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jessiexflem · 2 months ago
– secret's out | jessie fleming x reader
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content: fluff, Kelli Hubly's post-pilates Instagram story
word count: 1.1K
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Black? Navy? What about brown? No, black, for sure. Your eyes flick back and forth between the workout sets in front of you. The black set was the most comfortable, although it was a little boring. You were loving the brown set you bought, but any core work caused the waistband on your leggings to scrunch down your stomach. Your navy leggings were a bit snug, but you haven’t worn them in–
“Y/N, hurry up! We’re going to be late!” Kelli shouts through your door. Black, it is, you decide. You quickly get dressed, knowing your best friend wasn’t afraid to barge into your room even if you were only half-ready.
“We literally get to every class thirty minutes before it starts,” you counter, throwing your hair into a ponytail as you walk into the living room. Kelli had started taking you and some of the other Thorns to her pilates classes, and she insisted on getting to the studio way too early. Something about having the best reformer to pick, or whatever. 
Kelli, ignoring your remark, nods at your sports bra, “It’s chilly outside.”
Not wanting to get nagged for taking any longer to get out of the door, you grab the first sweatshirt you see and slip it on, a grey crewneck sitting on the armrest of your couch. Adequately dressed, you follow Kelli outside to her car. “Is Jessie coming?” she asks as she pulls out of your driveway.
You smile at the mention of your girlfriend, but shake your head. “She has a meeting with her publicist this morning.”
“Stop, your little smile,” Kelli gushes, “You’re so cute. You’re welcome, by the way.” 
A few years older, Kelli took you in as her pseudo-little sister when you got drafted to Portland in 2021. She was your first friend on the team, having been partnered with you for warm-up drills that preseason. Jessie had been assigned as Kelli’s away trip roommate this year, and after learning about your growing crush on your new teammate, she made it her mission to set the two of you up. 
“You’re never going to let go of the whole wingwoman thing, are you?” you groan, despite being grateful for your friend’s help. Initially, you had been so nervous around Jessie that you could barely form proper sentences around her. Early conversations were followed by plenty of ranting and face-palming to Kelli and Sam. After some motivation from the two, and Kelli planting a couple seeds in Jessie’s head, you mustered up the courage to ask her out. Well, it went more like you telling her “I want to go on a date with you,” then immediately walking away without actually asking the question. Luckily, Jessie found your lack of game and inability to flirt endearing rather than embarrassing, and you’ve been dating since June, about six months now. 
“You’ll be thanking me at your wedding,” Kelli teases.
The forty-five minute class went by fairly quickly, focusing mostly on arms and core work. It was a decently challenging class, and you could already feel your abdominal muscles getting sore. Kelli waves you over to the mirrored wall as you put your sweatshirt and shoes back on. “Picture time, Y/N/N!”
You slide yourself in front of Morgan, in between Sam and Mallie, posing for Kelli’s post-class mirror selfie. It’s become a tradition of sorts, especially now that you’ve gotten a pretty consistent group going together. “We’re so cute!” Kelli beams, uploading the picture to her Instagram story.
Jessie had gotten out of her meeting early, so she headed to your apartment, pulling into your parking lot as you were stepping out of the car. “Hi, darling,” she greets, planting a quick kiss on your temple, “Hey, Kelli.”
“Cute sweatshirt,” Jessie grins, pointing at where the Canada Soccer crest laid on the right side of your chest.
Kelli’s eyes follow her finger and go wide. “Oh my god!”
“What? What’s up?” your girlfriend knits her eyebrows in confusion, “You okay?”
“My story!” Kelli gasps, realization hitting you at the same time.
You frantically unlock your phone to pull up Instagram. Tapping on Kelli’s story, Jessie looks over your shoulder. Front and center was you, an American, a USWNT player, wearing a Canada Soccer sweatshirt. A Canada Soccer sweatshirt that belonged to the now only Canadian on the Thorns, your very private girlfriend. 
“Oh my god, I am SO sorry, I’ll delete it!” Kelli says, her fingers flying across her screen. 
“Fuck, I wasn’t even thinking,” you turn toward Jessie, scared of how she’d react. You had agreed to keep your relationship off of social media for now, wanting to keep to yourselves. “I’m sorry, Jess.”
“Why are you sorry?” Jessie frowns, looking at you, her eyes soft.
“I should’ve thought about what I was wearing before we took the picture,” you shake your head and stare down at your feet, “I’m so dumb, we’ve talked about keeping us private, and I messed up.”
“Hey, hey,” Jessie lifts your chin up with her finger, “You aren’t dumb, sweetheart. We were bound to slip up eventually, but I promise it’s not a big deal.”
“You’re not mad?” you gnaw on the inside of your cheek. 
“Of course I’m not mad,” your girlfriend pulls you into a hug, kissing the top of your head, “I’m not mad at you, either, Kel.”
Kelli smiles meekly at the two of you, “I took my story down, but I fear everyone’s already seen it.” She holds her phone out toward you, her message requests filled with fans who had replied to her story. 
Y/N’s sweatshirt???
Are Y/N and Jessie dating?!
Is that Jessie’s sweatshirt?
Okay, traitor, I see you, Y/L/N.
Newest CanXNT call-up, Y/N Y/L/N?
“I think you’re about to break Instagram, or at least my DMs” Kelli chuckles. 
After a laugh and some catching up between Kelli and Jessie, you and your girlfriend head back into your apartment. Checking your phone, you see that your notifications are blowing up. Multiple notifications are flooding your most recent post, a photo dump from Christmas. Jessie comes up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist and placing her chin on your shoulder.
“This person wants to know which one of our families we spent Christmas with,” you giggle.
“Well, are you going to answer?” Jessie jokes, a goofy grin on her face.
“I’m sorry, again, Jess,” you sigh, “I know we wanted to stay more private, but we weren’t able to do things on our own terms because of me.”
“Baby,” your girlfriend places a kiss on your cheek, “I promise you have nothing to be sorry for. Secret’s out, but so be it. If anything, this gives me an excuse to post the film of you that I’ve been wanting to share.”
“Making it onto an Instagram post? Big moves, Fleming,” you tease, “What’s next, a ring?”
“Don’t tempt me, love,” Jessie’s arms tighten around you as she peppers your face with kisses, “I love you.”
“I love you, too. Now, show me these photos you’re posting.”
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thirstywoso · 4 months ago
MILE HIGH - Jessie Fleming x Reader (18+)
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A/N: Hey all, I've been struggling with writers block on top of life stuff lately so I've not been writing. I've had this idea for a couple of weeks and finally pumped it out, I don't know if it's any good and I haven't proofread it. I just wanted to give you guys something as I've had a lot of people asking. Word of warning this might be my last post for a long time as I'm just not feeling it lately, I apologise that I have left some fics unfinished and will eventually get them done. Just for now I will be taking an indefinite break.
Synopsis: Jessie and you go on your honeymoon
W/C: 2.2k
Warnings: g!p, smut, oral (both), penetrative sex, breeding kink, marking, choking, little dirty talk, gagging, think that's it?
MDNI 18+
Yourself and Jessie had taken many flights before, her for games wether with club or National team. Yourself following her around the country and the world.
What was rare though was for you and your wife to be taking the same flight somewhere, god it felt so good saying that, wife. You'd just eloped and now here you were sat next to her on the airplane taxiing down the runway on your way to your honeymoon.
You'd managed to strike it lucky with the flight as the aisle seat next to yourself and Jessie wasn't taken so after some time in the air you decided to lay down across the seats covering yourself with a blanket as the cabin lights dipped.
You wanted to get some sleep as you'd already been up for hours, however that being said there was another desire burning more than your need to sleep.
Your head lain on Jessie's lap as she began to stroke your hair, you stroking her thigh.
You felt Jessie squirm in her seat, palming at her sweats before clenching her fists. Tactically shifting her hips away from where your head lay, a grin fell over your face where Jessie hadn't concealed her burgeoning hard on as well as she had thought.
Sneaking your hand up under your head you gently stoked higher up her thigh letting out a small giggle when you cupped her over her semi. A muffled growl coming from Jessie as she bit down on her lip eyes darting across the cabin to see if anyone could see.
Looking up at her your eyes meet and she shoots you a look of warning as you continue your ministrations, putting a hand over yours stilling it she whispers down to you.
"Don't start something you can't finish"
"Who says I can't finish" you smile up at her
Your hand snaking under her sweats and briefs, grabbing onto her now hardened length, sliding your hand up and down with ease, lubed by the precum dripping from the head of your wife's cock.
The blanket concealing your actions, Jessie's reaction however would arouse suspicion if she didn't ground herself. Looking up at the roof of the plane and breathing deeply through her nose her hands found the back of your hair pulling gently and kneading trying to keep her composure.
Pulling your hand back you lick your palm before spitting in your hand and gripping a struggling Jessie yet again. Freeing her from her confines as she shuffles her clothing down her thighs and recovers herself with the blanket.
You look across to the aisle next to you seeing your neighbours asleep. With a sudden burst of bravery you lay slow sensual kisses along her shaft, pressing longer when you reach her tip. Your warm pink tongue flicking out along her slit tasting her excitement causing the Canadians eyes to roll into the back of her head.
Hollowing your cheeks you take her into your mouth swirling your tongue around her as she grits her teeth trying to say silent. Her hand stroking along your arm and around your front.
You close your eyes relishing in her taste, a smirk appearing on your cock filled mouth satisfied with your wife's crumbling composure.
Jessie's hand snakes across your stomach and under the blanket making its way under your waste band, groaning when she feels your arousal coating her finger tips.
Your eyes similarly to hers roll back as she bottoms out in the warmth of you throat, a small gag from resistance coming from you has her shuddering. Your panties almost destroyed from where you dripped and ached for her.
Removing you from where she needed you most you gave her a questioning look, nodding her head you realises she's signalling you to the restroom.
Silently you get up and signal for Jessie to play it cool and wait a minute before following, you notice how most people on the flight are asleep and find your way into the surprisingly decent size room.
Jessie manages to shuffle her clothes back on, tucking her aching cock into her waistband in a way to conceal herself.
Running her hands along her thighs, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath counting down from thirty before releasing the breath. Opening her eyes she gets up and heads towards the bathroom, after what felt like a lifetime your wife was finally behind you in the cubicle.
"Hey pretty girl" she says placing a kiss on your shoulder and making eye contact with you in the mirror.
Kissing up your neck and nibbling at your ear as she cups your throat her other hand on your waist pulling you back into her.
"You going to be a good girl for me?"
You groan closing your eyes and rolling your hips back
"Huh princess? I said are you going to be a good girl? Use your words, speak up"
"Fuck... yes Jessie" you breath out biting your lower lip
"Take these off" she signals at the clothing on your bottom half, before you can even reach to do as you're told she tugs them down exposing your bare ass before she does the same.
Her cock jutting up towards you as she helps you place your clothes on a hook.
Grabbing a condom from her pocket before adding her pants to the pile, she tears it open with her teeth and spits the wrapper to one side.
She strokes her length a few more times before sliding the condom on with ease, she grins at you in the reflection before running her tip through your dripping folds.
"So big for me" you groan as you sway your hips pushing back to tease her, unable to fathom how you're going to fit her thick cock inside you from this position.
Shuffling your feet wider so that your pretty hole was on display for her, Jessie groaned and bit her lip as she took in the view.
As she continued to rut through your folds she once again made eye contact with you in the mirror as her tip threatened to stretch your entrance, revelling in the way you wrapped around her.
Your eyes slamming closed at the feeling of her forcing you open, her cock slowly pushing through your warm canal engulfing your new wife in a pillowy bliss.
You'd taken her before, so it wasn't entirely new but from this angle it was a slight struggle that you gritted your way through.
One again you bite your lip to hold in your moan as she bottoms out holding your arms behind your back and pushing your head again the mirror so you stay in the position she wants you in.
You close your eyes at the cool sensation of the glass against your cheek and a moan spills out of your lips. It's at that moment Jessie's eyes come across your panties hanging on the hook.
Her eyes widen as an idea flashes through her mind, grabbing them she wraps them around her hand.
"Open" she demands
Opening your eyes you look at her confused until she grabs your jaw tilting it toward her, squeezing harshly on your cheeks until your mouth opens and she shoves your soaked panties into your mouth.
Pushing your jaw closed she kisses your shoulder before gently grazing it with her teeth, trailing her way to your neck where she bit down harshly sure to leave her mark.
A moan barely makes its way past the makeshift gag as you bite down on the fabric quietening yourself. Unable to tell Jessie verbally how good you feel you instead throw your head back and reach around to claw at her forearms.
"You like that baby?" She says smugly watching as she flexes her biceps and abs in the mirror at an attempt to pound you harder.
"Such a good girl for me" she smiles as you nod your answer to her question.
Slumping forward she wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you into her with more fervour her hips slamming into yours filling the small room with the sound of your wet pussy dripping for her.
Her hands graze over your breasts slipping their way under your loose fitting shirt and into your bra, her finger tips circle your hardening nipples before she gently tugs and pinches on them.
The sensations of her entering you and playing with your chest sets your skin on fire, her lips coming back your neck as she kisses and soothes your skin that she had just harshly bitten, a bruise already threatening to break through.
You throw your hips back harder as she snaps up into you, cupping your breasts and squeezing hard using them as leverage to fill you even deeper.
That's when you hear it a faint snapping noise, only just audible. Thinking nothing of it you urge the footballer to keep going, her athletic thighs and calves tensing as she ruts up into you.
"Keep going, I'm close" you groan out as Jessie pulls the panties from your mouth, she continued to snap up into you as your orgasm approached.
"Me too sweetie, I'm gonna fill you up so good. I want you to have my babies" she growls in your ear
"Fuck Jess, put a baby in me"
"You'd look so good and so full" she cries out before the last few thrusts.
"Show everyone I'm yours"
You shudder as you cum hard on her cock as she begins to shoot rope after rope of her seed inside the condom... or so you both thought.
After panting for a few moments regaining your composure and Jessie hers, you wife slid her self out to see the remnants of a snapped condom and her cum dripping out of you.
"What? What's wrong?" You say in a haze
"Condom split" she mutters still staring at your breeded hole
"Well I wasn't joking, I really do what your babies Jess"
"You do?"
"I do" you confirm
"Fuck" she whispers starting to get stiff again "Right now?"
"I know we haven't talked about it much but I'd love to start a family with you"
"So would I" she says full of sincerity
Eying her up in the reflection you feel yourself throbbing once again.
"Might as well put that to use" you say reaching around and stroking her back to full attention
"Try again shall we" a slight lilt in your voice
"Don't have to ask me twice" she says turning you around throwing you against the door, a slight jump from you as you wrap your legs around her waist, her thick cock back inside you once again.
One arm wrapped around your back another braced against the wall as you clutched her shoulder, your other hand holding onto the top of the door frame.
Bouncing up and down on her cock as she slammed upwards matching your thrusts, burying your head in the crook of her neck you whisper some filthy things in her ear that have her crying out in pleasure.
"Fill me up with your babies Jess"
"Make me such a good mommy"
"Only you can stretch me this good" you emphasise with a moan and a bite to her ear lobe
Grabbing your hips she pistons into you faster and harder your nails scratching down your back.
Hissing in pleasure and pain her forehead beading with sweat as she continues to bottom out in you, pulling back leaving you empty before stretching you out again.
The feeling was so intense that you could hardly hold yourself up and clung onto Jessie as she fucked you into oblivion.
"Cum inside me please" you wail out as white heat blinds you, Jessie whimpering as she fills you with yet another load. Holding herself there hoping her seed will take.
When she pulls out you feel yourself gush all over your thighs, taking your fingers you dip them into your core before cleaning your sodden digits off in your mouth, swirling your tongue around them as Jessie looks you in the eye.
Dropping to her knees she looks up at you with pleading eyes
She grabs your leg throwing your thigh over her shoulder before kissing her way up to your molten core.
Dipping her tongue inside tasting your mixed arousal, her eyes fluttering back at your heady scent.
She couldn't help but suckle on your throbbing clit and bring your folds into her mouth lapping at you, already over sensitive you approached your third orgasm quickly and with a small whimper and shuddering legs you came once again.
Jessie caught you and stood up kissing you gently
"Hopefully that will help" she smirks before helping you get dressed again.
You gave yourselves a once over before Jessie whispered in your ear "go lay down so my load gets you knocked up" she kisses your temple before you both exit the cubicle.
An airplane of eyes on you both as yours found the floor, you found your way back to your seats and got comfortable, hiding you face under the blanket away from all the judgemental stares you were getting.
Apparently you weren't as quiet as you'd both thought...
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stargirlsfc · 9 months ago
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"you've been mic'd up this whole time?"
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pixiesfz · 9 months ago
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microphone drop j.f x reader
plot: In which Vanessa forgets to tell Jessie she is mic’d up and all she talks about is you
warning: just fluff
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Jessie was in the gym after training when Vanessa caught her.
“Jeff, Jflem, Jessatron, the Jessanator, the-“
“Hi” Jessie cut her friend off before she said random words with ‘jess’ in front of it.
“Whatchu up to?” Vanessa asked and Jessie motioned to the weights next to her “nice, hot your PB yet?”
Jessie crossed her head “no but y/n is helping me at home”
Vanessa smiled at the mention of you, she thought you were good for Jessie. You made her happy and Sinc always says she would never forget how giddy Jessie got after the first Australian friendly and you asked to swap shirts with her.
“How is y/n/n?”
Jessie blushed, “good, really good uhm did I tell you about my plan yet or-“
“No tell me, tell me now”
Even Vanessa forgot she was mic’d.
“Well after international break and before Olympics I was planning on proposing and-“ “what!” Vanessa jumped up in excitement
Jessie looked around nervously “yes?”
“This is huge Jessie” Vanessa smiled at her and she rubbed her already red cheeks “How are you going to do it?”
Jessie sat down next to Vanessa and pulled out her phone, excited to go into detail about this with someone.
“Okay so this is the ring, I saw her look at it before when we were buying a gift for her sister, it kinda gave me the whole idea in the first place but anyway” she rambled before going to her next photo of a FaceTime call with y/n’s parents as they gave a thumbs up.
“Then I got the permission from her parents but she likes to call them her rentals which I don’t get”
“Oh it’s like Australian slang there, parental figures without the ‘pa’” Vanessa explained and Jessie’s eyes widened as she finally got it “How do you know that?”
Jessie nodded before swiping to the next picture of confirmed plane tickets to Australia, your homeland “she thinks we’re going on a spontaneous trip to see her family, which we are but I’m also going to propose to her there” she explained and Vanessa swore she had never seen her captain so happy.
“And then I bought her this dress she always said she wanted but she said it was too cold to wear in London so I got it so she could wear it in Australia” Jessie said, swiping to the next picture as Vanessa realised Jessie had made an album dedicated to the planning of the big event.
“You going to do a speech”
“I want to try, I wrote one but I’m not that great at remembering lines” Jessie said, scratching behind her ear “that’s fine you’re good at thinking on the spot and also knowing y/n she will be saying yes even before your knee hits the ground”
Jessie smiled “I only plan on doing the ‘proposal’ thing once so I want it to be perfect for her”
Vanessa slapped her friend in the shoulder supportively “I’m sure y/n will think it’s perfect no matter what”.
It wasn’t until later when Jessie had finished spotting Vanessa on chest pressed and the social media came over asking for the mic was when her face paled over.
“You were mic’d the entire time?” She asked, her cheeks red as panic now evident on her face.
“Did I forget to tell you?” Vanessa asked as she thought back to their conversation.
“You know you cannot use any of that”.
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flemingsjersey · 4 months ago
Jessie before the 2nd half 😭
(Vid from @ jisun_e on Twitter)
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bdwoso · 11 months ago
I'm 100% sure it was Jeffrey's idea to watch the solar eclipse 🥰
And why do I get the feeling that the rest of the team weren't very interested while Jessie was totally into it 😭
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Just look at her
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hgfictionwriter · 12 days ago
Revelations: Part Five
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Tensions and emotion have been building for weeks and weeks. You're still trying to reconcile what your relationship - and your future - was, and what it is now. Everything comes to a head.
Warnings: Angst. Mention of masturbation and sex. Language.
A/N: Rest of the series can be found here.
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"How's my beautiful girl? I can't wait to see how gorgeous you'll look."
You sighed inwardly as you read Jessie's text as you and your friends waited. You were wedding dress shopping today and this was your first booking of the day.
Jessie's text sparked a smile, however it was brief as your eye was drawn to the prior messages from the other day.
"Hey, I know it's [y/friend's] birthday dinner on Friday and the reservation is at 6:00. Do you know if we're all starting right away or do you think there'll be drinks first and then dinner later?"
"I'm not sure. Why?"
"Well, it's just that Zoie starts swimming Friday and her class starts at 5:30. I'm just trying to sort out how I might be able to do both."
"I don't have to go to her class. It's totally fine. There'll be others."
"It's fine Jess. Just show up when you can."
"No, it's okay. They probably won't even do much day one. I'll go to the next one."
"Jess. Go to Zoie's class. She'd want you there."
"You sure? It's not too, too far from where you guys are meeting. So I shouldn't be overly late. I'll bring [y/friend] a bottle of her favourite wine."
"All good. We'll be happy to see you whenever you get there."
You sighed again as you finished rereading. Your thumb hovered over the keyboard and you found it difficult to muster up the energy to respond. You did though.
"You know you're not supposed to see the wedding dress until the actually wedding, right? lol"
You name was called and your head snapped up and a polite smile crossed your face as you stood. You tucked your phone away and your friends ushered you along after the consultant.
"It says here you have a December wedding," the consultant remarked as she turned to you with a warm smile while you walked.
"Oh, yeah," you answered tepidly, somehow caught off guard by the comment.
"Winter weddings are nice! And we don't get quite as many of those," she commented lightly as she continued to lead you and your friends to the room at the back.
"Oh. My fiancée is a footballer, so we scheduled it during her off season."
"Very nice," she said. "Now, what kind of a style were you thinking for your dress?" She asked as you reached your destination and she turned to you with clasped hands awaiting your response.
Your mind went eerily blank. You'd envisioned a dress, or at least a couple, several times before. You'd pictured Jessie standing at the end of the aisle, tears in her eyes as she watched you walk down the aisle. You'd pictured how tenderly she'd hold your hands as you said your vows. You'd pictured her slipping the band on your finger. The kiss.
But right now you just felt tired and you mind slowly churned as it tried to conjure up a vision.
You blushed in embarrassment. "Um, I don't really know. Whatever looks good, I guess," you said with a laugh you hoped didn't sound too forced.
Your friends immediately jumped in with ideas and for that were you thankful.
Soon you were offered option after option after option. One dress held up after another, each awaiting your approval or disapproval, everyone watching you closely. You could feel your nerves starting to fray as this whole exercise began to overwhelm you.
Eventually, to put a stop to the carousel of dresses, you picked the one that actually stayed in your mind throughout the barrage of options. Everyone chattered excitedly as the dress was retrieved and the consultant opened the lush curtains to the fitting room.
You stepped in and she began to prepare some things for you. Subconsciously you retrieved your phone, looking for some kind of distraction and reprieve from the way your heart was beating loud in your chest.
You opened Instagram mindlessly and the first story on your feed was one Sara posted.
You hadn't wanted to add her. But she extended an invite, and, well, Jessie had her now too, so you might as well be in than out.
You vaguely noted the consultant talking to you over her shoulder, but you were more focused on the clip of Jessie and Zoie kicking a soccer ball back and forth at the park, laughing and running together. The caption, "She wants to be just like her mama" sent a searing pain through your chest.
"Okay, you're all set."
"Hm?" You asked blankly as you looked up from your phone to the woman. Your eyes darted between her and the dress and you plastered a smile on your face. "Oh, great. Thank you."
"Don't worry much about fit right now. It's probably going to feel bulky and not quite right, but that's all stuff we tailor and sort out as part of the alterations. Now, do you want to call one of your friends in to help with the dress?"
"Oh, yeah," you said as you shook your head out with another practiced smile while you tried to stay present.
Your friend helped you step into the dress and you even managed to have a laugh during the whole process as she zipped you up. A soft smile was still on your face as she turned you towards the full-length mirrors. She rested her hands on your shoulders as she took you in, a smile of awe on her face.
You looked at your reflection as you stood there in what could be your wedding dress. You were smiling in the mirror, a smile of yours that had become second nature the past few months and one that you were oh so sick of. This image before you - you smiling in this gorgeous gown, a vision of you at the alter - it felt distant and foreign. You didn't recognize this person.
"You look stunning. What do you think?" Your friend asked. You smiled further.
"I like it," you lied.
As she unzipped you later, you purposefully made a request that drew her away and left you to stand there quietly in front of the mirror alone as you held up the dress with one hand.
This should've been a joyous moment. Instead, you felt like you were mourning a future that never came to be.
That image of Jessie laughing and running around with Zoie - knowing that it was Sara watching on, not you - flashed through your mind.
There were two parallel worlds happening. Jessie your fiancée. Jessie, doting parent to a daughter that wasn't yours, dedicated co-parent and partner to someone who wasn't you.
You stared at yourself for a few moments before your eyes began to sting and your lip trembled. You immediately turned away and took a deep, shuddering breath.
You had a choice to make. Or rather, whether you liked it or not, it felt like the choice had been made for you.
You heard Jessie's key slide into the lock and the bolt turn before the door opened. Her voice carried down the hall as you heard her taking off her shoes, bags rustling in hand.
"Hey, you didn't get back to me, so I just picked up some stuff for stir fry. Is that okay?"
You didn't reply.
Instead, you remained seated at the kitchen table, shoulders slack and body listless as you stared vacantly at the shining diamond ring you'd set in the middle of the table. This ring that she'd bought and given to you with love, with promise, intent and dreams.
You absently rubbed your ring finger that now felt naked. In the grand scheme of things, the ring hadn't been on your finger for all that long, but you felt something akin to phantom sensations despite it.
"Oh, there you are. Are you-"
Jessie's words died off as did her steps as she came to a stop a couple of feet from you. You didn't have to look up to know her eyes were fixed on the ring as well.
You room was heavy with silence before you finally forced yourself to look up at her. You could feel tears forming behind your eyes already. Her gaze shifted from the ring to you and you immediately noticed the shimmering of her eyes.
She visibly swallowed and when she spoke her voice trembled just so despite the faint smile she tried to force. "Hey, what's going on?"
You inhaled as you shifted in your seat to face her. You went to speak, but your throat constricted with impending emotion and your lip began to quiver as tears threatened to fall.
"I'm sorry," you managed to say as you looked up at her. She dropped your gaze, eyes shifting to the floor and you noted how her hands balled tightly into fists as she tried to control her emotions. Her eyes remained transfixed on the floor and you repeated yourself, your voice wavering this time. "I'm sorry, Jess."
She didn't say anything right away and you were about to speak when a tear fell from her, catching the light from the room before it hit the ground.
She looked up at you, eyes brimming with tears and looking so crestfallen. Her cheeks were flushed red; you reflected idly on how there was a time when you'd have inspired that in her as a blush, now here you were breaking her heart.
Your shoulders shook as your own tears began to overtake you. You sniffled and began to speak, feeling the need to explain and to fill this aching silence.
"It's not that I don't love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. You're everything I could ever want," your voice rose in pitch as your vocal cords strained. "But I just feel like every day - at one point or another - my heart is getting broken over and over again. I thought I'd be able to fix things. To just get over things. But I haven't. And I'm just starting to feel numb. I-I just don't know what to do anymore."
Jessie's breathing hitched as she began to muster a response, but you forged on feeling like if you didn't say everything you needed to now, you'd just fall back into her arms and that's where you'd stay.
"You have a new life. A new family-" You saw her ready to interject and you cut her off "-it's true, Jess. I know I'm your family, too. But so is Zoie. And Sara. I know you try to dismiss your connection with her, but you are tied to her forever. And I know you don't want to give her precedence over me, but reality is, she's the mother of your child and always will be. You need to put Zoie first, and by proxy, at times Sara - and I can't fault you for that. Your duty and your dedication to your loved ones is one of the many things about you I fell in love with," you forced a laugh as tears fell. You looked at her sadly.
"You gained a family. And I feel like I lost one. It's no one's fault. Maybe that's what makes it so hard." You took a shaky breath. "I think I would've handled this better if I'd come in knowing you had this. But for it to come up the way it has...it's turned everything upside down for me and I just don't know how to right it. I wish I did," you said remorsefully as you dropped her gaze and blinked through more tears. Your hands shook as you wrung them before looking up at her.
"I just don’t feel like I fit anymore. I’ve been trying. I want nothing more than a future with you, but it just doesn’t feel right anymore.”
Jessie had been crying quietly as she listened to you speak. Her face was red, her cheeks tear-stained as her chest hitched now and then with unsteady breaths.
Surprise flooded your system and she knelt in front of you. Here she was, on bended knee, taking your hands in hers, sorrow in her eyes and such a contrast from when she knelt before you in much the same way many months before, except that time with unhindered hope and love as she asked you to be hers forever.
“Please don’t do this. I know it’s hard right now. But we can find a way. It’ll get better. And easier. I promise," Jessie beseeched as she looked up at you from her position on the floor.
You didn't know what to say. There wasn't really anything to say. So you just smiled apologetically, hoping she could see how much this was breaking your heart as well.
Jessie searched your eyes and you saw her expression fall furthermore as she cried anew. She clutched your hands as quiet sobs began to take her.
“I’m so sorry. For everything. I never wanted this to happen," she said through her cries. It tore you apart seeing her like this, but in some bizarre way it actually affirmed your decision. You squeezed her hands, caressing the back of them tenderly with your thumbs.
“I know, baby. But I guess this is just how life is. Things can be unexpected. And they don’t always go the way you planned. And this is exactly why this won’t work. You shouldn’t have to feel sorry. You shouldn’t have to apologize. You have a gorgeous, sweet little girl. And there’s nothing wrong with that. At all. She deserves all of you and you shouldn't have to choose. And I know I'm the one who's been forcing you to."
You paused, trying to gather your composure, but your voice was still taut as you spoke.
"I'm sorry I'm so selfish. But I also know I'd never forgive myself if Zoie got even the slightest sense that any of this...strife, or difficulty, was because of her. She doesn't deserve that and it's certainly not her fault."
Jessie looked ready to protest. You forged on.
"I truly wish the best for you and for Zoie. And even Sara," you added with a watery laugh before you sniffled. "I know it hasn't been easy navigating things, Jess. I know how hard you tried. And it meant so much that you tried." You let out a brief sob. "Thank you for loving me." Jessie's face collapsed in tears as you said that and she reached up to cup your cheek. You couldn't resist leaning into her touch, but you had to finish what you had to say.
"I stopped wishing that I had gotten to you first. Then you'd be mine, and we could have our old life, or God, that it would be our child we're raising. But even that didn't feel good, because then Zoie wouldn't exist. And that's not right. She's added so much light and love to your life, to your family's - and despite the complications, mine too. I just can't embrace everything the way you have. I can't let go of what I wanted."
You took a shaky breath.
"To be honest - I just don't like who I am right now. How I've been feeling. What I'm bringing to our relationship. So," your features screwed up as you tried to put on a brave face, "it's time for me to go."
Jessie shook her head with a pained expression.
"No, you don't have to. Babe, please," she pleaded as more tears fell, "we can figure this out. I know you feel like you don't fit anymore, but you really do. What can I do to help you see that?" You let her question hang and she stared at you expectantly. She tried to smile, but it flickered with the heartache she was feeling. "We belong together. We love each other."
She said it with such finality it almost convinced you that it was enough.
You looked at her with the first real smile in what felt like so long. You were crying through it, but it was real.
"You deserve so much happiness," you said.
Jessie searched your eyes as she absorbed your words. A sob escaped her and she looked down. A moment passed and she leant her head down and kissed your hand, her lips lingering on your skin for several seconds before she pulled back.
She swallowed visibly as she brought her other hand to yours now as well, clasping yours in both of hers. Her eyes were still trained down as she nodded once. A beat passed and she looked up at you, brown eyes glistening and mournful, but somehow still full of love. She nodded once more as she gave you as brave a smile as she could, no matter how heartbroken she was.
"You deserve all the happiness in the world, too," she whispered, voice breaking.
She rose up higher onto her knees and you both met in a soft, tight embrace. Cries wracked your body and hers as you clung onto one another. You inhaled her scent, eyes closing as you willed yourself to remember it; to remember the feel of her hair, the sound and feel of her breath, the feel of her body against yours - you engrained it all.
Sometimes, when a relationship ends, you don't know how the other person will be. Someone who you felt you knew so well can become a stranger overnight. But, that wasn't the case with Jessie.
She was gracious and loving despite the breakup. So much so that sometimes you had to remind her - as painful as it was - that you didn't belong to each other anymore.
"Hey, I'll be home late night. Midfielders are doing some extra technical work this afternoon. I'll text you when I'm done though. I could bring you home dinner or something though?" She'd asked hopefully one time as you both readied for the day.
"That's sweet of you to offer, but it's okay. And it's considerate, but you don't need to keep me apprised of your day. You don't owe me that," you gently reminded her. She gave you a tight, pained smile as she nodded her acceptance.
"Right," she said with a weak laugh. "Well. I guess I'll see you later, then. Um. Have a good day."
The few weeks until you could take possession of a new apartment had been awkward and delicate. You offered to move in with a friend in the interim, but Jessie had convinced you not to. Well, she wasn't wrong that living out of a suitcase for that long would be unnecessarily annoying, and there was certainly no point in moving all of your things twice. So, you'd stayed, with Jessie insisting on relegating herself to an air mattress in the living room. You'd argued with her, but she'd dug her heels in.
The days went by slowly, and at the same time, your move in date grew steadily closer and the pit in your stomach grew just the same. You'd had cold feet several times, but knew it was just some misguided part of you looking for the easy path and short-term pay-off.
It was hard to not have doubts when - despite everything - you and Jessie still got along so well. While it was undeniably hard to be in the same room as her and not be with her, it was still easy in a way. When you allowed yourself, you could chat about your days, even laugh.
What caused the most confusion was probably the fact that you didn't know how to be Jessie's friend. Even when you and her had been just friends at the beginning - a lifetime ago now - there was always something underlying. You had chemistry from the get-go and it was near impossible to deny.
And now, after everything, how could you possibly pretend to just be friends. How could you pretend you weren't in love with her? How could you pretend that this woman sitting a couple feet from you on the couch didn't preoccupy your every thought and could make or break you with her words.
Hell, that not only did she own your heart and mind, but your body, too. That as you laid there lonely in this bed you used to share, that your hand strayed as memories flooded your senses. Of all those nights, mornings, stolen moments, where she made love to you so passionately and desperately. The feeling so intimate and tender, like you were the only person on this earth with her and you the only one who could give her what she needed while she was the only one who could make you whole.
And with the way she looked at you - sometimes unabashed, sometimes fleeting - how could you pretend that she didn't feel the same way?
During moments of weakness, it seemed a silly thing to fight. In a world as dark and lonely as this one could be, why would you leave someone you loved and who loved you back?
But when Jessie spent nights coordinating things with Sara and then went out with her and Zoie on others, you remembered.
The day came when you took possession of your new apartment. You'd initially resisted her offer to help you move, but your resolve weakened and failed.
She'd worn a bright smile all day as she cheerfully tackled every task. You knew her well though; she was trying far too hard.
She helped you arrange furniture, move boxes around, check all the fixtures in the new place, the list went on. Even after you'd dismissed your friends, she'd insisted on sticking around and began helping you unpack.
Her eager assistance carried on into the night. Each time she finished one task, she readily started on another and good-naturedly dismissed your offers to let her stop.
As she chatted fast and constant throughout the night, hitting any and every topic she could, you saw this woman before you - the woman you well and truly loved - making every excuse to not leave. And truthfully, you were happy to delay the inevitable goodbye.
So for now, you both knew what she was doing, but neither of you vocalized it.
You eventually checked your phone. 12:30 am.
"Okay, so I was thinking of unpacking your books over here for now. I saw this really nice bookcase online the other day - I can get it for you over the weekend if you like. I think it could go really well over here. And-"
Her movements stilled and the room grew silent and heavy. She slowly turned to face you and you could see her thinly veiled trepidation.
You offered her a regretful smile as you fought back emotions and grief that began to bubble up inside of you.
"You should go...," you said gently.
She held your gaze for several moments, seemingly teetering on the edge of whether to protest or not. She nodded sadly and forced a smile that faltered as her eyes began to fill with tears.
She forced a laugh as she closed the space between you.
"It's a nice place. Could use some colour, but I know you'll take care of that," she said as she scratched nervously at the back of her neck and gave another weak laugh.
"Thanks for all of your help. Truly," you said.
Her eyes brimmed with tears and her mouth quivered faintly. "Anytime," she said, voice thick with emotion.
She stared at you a moment longer before exhaling, puffing out her cheeks before trying to choke back tears. "I know we're not together. But," she paused, debating her words, "I really do love you. I know you can't make any promises, but, if you're open to it I want you in my life." A quiet sob veiled as a laugh escaped her. "I don't know what my life looks like without you."
"I love you, too, Jessie," you said. You couldn't lie about that.
She embraced you and you held each other tightly in a lingering, tearful hug. Neither of you wanted to be the first to let go.
You eventually conceded and gingerly, regretfully, extracted yourself from her arms. Her fingers lingered as long as she could let them before you stepped back.
You gave her a watery smile.
"Take care of yourself, Jessie."
The statement seemed to wound her, but she covered it up with a tight smile.
"You too."
As you stood before her, a brief recollection came to you of a time long past; your first date. Even then, you knew with absolutely certainty you were going to see her again. As soon as possible if you could help it.
For the first time since the beginning, you didn't know if or when you'd see her again.
You gave her another quick hug, yet again committing her and everything about her to memory.
"I'll see you," you said softly as you hugged her. "And we'll talk soon. Good night, Jess."
Her cheek brushed against yours as she slowly pulled back. Her eyes shone with fresh tears. She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it, offering you a renewed smile instead.
"Good night, Y/N."
A/N: I did say that things would get a lot rougher before they got better. Let me know your thoughts.
Tag requests: @marvelwomen-simp @valuyhh
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flemingsfreckles · 4 months ago
In Control (18+ g!p)
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Synopsis: After Jessie leaves you high and dry one morning before training, you decide to take matters into your own hands when she returns home late that evening.
Warnings: SMUT (18+), g!p smut, simulated sex (think dry humping without clothes 🙃), oral sex (r giving), delayed orgasm/edging, lots of grinding, sort of ruined orgasm, dirty talk, slight dom/sub dynamic, overstimulation,
WC: 4.4k
A/N: hi, I know g!p isn’t everyone’s thing, but I had this idea and couldn’t get it out of my brain so I needed to write it. I also promise I’ve got some non-g!p smut in the works as well as some non-smut stuff. I’ve just had to take a bit of a break to deal with some real life things and take time after the election to compose myself and take some time to care for myself. I promise other stuff is slowly being worked on, this is just what was the most completed.
“Babe, don’t!” You scolded Jessie as she lay behind you, subtly grinding the hard on she had woken up with into your ass.
“Don’t what?” Her voice, still deep with sleep
“You know what you’re doing, you’re going to get me all worked up, then leave me high and dry when your alarm goes off in,” you lean over to look at the clock, “8 minutes, and then you get to go work off steam at practice while I’m stuck here without you!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She whispered, before placing an open mouth kiss on the side of your neck, her arms slowly wrapping around your midsection. Her fingers draw lines across your stomach and begin to trail up to your chest as she continues gently grinding herself into you. It takes everything in you to not roll your hips back, you couldn’t give her the satisfaction of knowing she already had you worked up.
As you predicted, Jessie’s alarm rang out just a few moments later and suddenly her hands were gone and the bed behind you was empty as Jessie moved into the bathroom to get ready. When she came back out in a shirt and shorts you couldn’t help but notice the still prominent bulge she had.
“You didn’t take care of yourself in there?” You say, still eyes her up.
Shaking her head Jessie smiled at you, “I’m saving it for you, plus it’ll go away in a minute or two once I’m thinking about training and not my sexy girlfriend.”
“Go then, but give me a kiss first.” You reach a hand out in her direction.
“I love you.” She says as she walks over to where you remained in bed.
“I love you.” Your lips meet in a quick kiss. “You better be ready to go when you get home, none of this I’m too tired from training shit. You’ve fucked me after playing 90 and then going to after parties, you can handle it after a training session.” You smile up at her, giving her a quick wink, making sure she knew you were teasing.
“I promise, I’ll make it worth the wait, I’ll have you screaming my name baby.” She responded with a cocky tone, letting her hand trail down your sternum before placing one final kiss on your lips. “We’re done at 1:30, I’ll be leaving there around 2:30 at the latest, I promise. 3 o’clock I’m all yours.”
You sighed heavily as you checked the time again. 2:30 came and went, no text from Jessie that she’d be home soon, then it was 2:45 still no word from her, and then it was 3:00. You had gotten yourself all ready 30 minutes before Jessie was supposed to be home And here she was, late.
You had gone into the closet, finding the small shopping bag you had purchased the other day. Inside of it a tight, dark blue lacy bra with a matching thong to go with it. You had put both on, then perched yourself on your bed in anticipation for Jessie’s return home, waiting for her to come and follow through on her promise to have you screaming her name.
You were annoyed at first, Jessie never blew you off. She was a terrible texted but she kept you updated on where she was, when she’d be home. This was unusual behavior, you were worried about her, maybe something happened, maybe she had gotten injured. Your early stages of spiraling were put to rest when Jessie finally returned your messages at 3:21.
Jessie ☺️: I’m so sorry, I got caught up in some impromptu press stuff I didn’t know about, I’ll be home soon.
Slightly frustrated with her, you decide to get your revenge. Smirking to yourself you open your phone's camera before sliding your hand to the waistband of your thong. You move your hand down between your legs, taking a moment to touch yourself before deciding to take a photo. It wasn’t overly explicit, just showing your hand between your legs and a teasing glimpse of the blue lace, but it would get the idea into Jessie’s head.
You: I was told I’d be getting pleased by 3, just didn’t know I’d have to do it myself.
You watch as the message goes from delivered to read. You watch as she types for a moment, then stop, no message ever being delivered. You roll your eyes, losing your phone before lying back, letting your fingers mindlessly play with your core, not really trying to get yourself off but more just enjoying the feeling.
You heard the jingle of her keys and the door shut followed by quick footsteps and the bedroom door swinging open not long after. Jessie stood in the doorway still wearing her training kit. Her eyes fall to where your hand was still inside the lacy fabric.
“Oh wow.”
“Nice of you to show up.” You say firmly at her, sitting yourself up on your elbows, taking your fingers away from where they had been on your clit.
“I know, I’m so sorry, we just had media stuff that no one told us about.” As Jessie begins her frustrated rant regarding having to participate in media and the lack of warning your eyes can’t help but wander down her body to the slightly obvious tent of her training shorts.
“I just wish they’d given us a heads up, that would’ve been nice, but no, they made us all train and then shower and then we had to get back into clean training kits and pretend we were training again for photos.” Jessie continues on rambling.
Deciding you had heard enough you push yourself up from the bed and walk over to her. She continues talking, eyes now closed in frustration, complaining about her day until she feels your hand fall between her legs, cupping the noticeable arousal. Her eyes immediately open, falling to where your hand rested.
“Should we do something about this?” You look at her, giving a gentle squeeze to her bulge. She nods and you reach for her neck with your free hand, pulling her in hard to kiss you. Her body pressed into yours, letting her covered bulge grind against you. “Hang on Jess.” You manage to clear your mind enough to push her away gently. She steps back, her eyes trailing over your nearly naked body, drinking you in with her eyes.
“God I’m so lucky.” She mumbles to herself. You feel shy and yet confident under her gaze, knowing you could make her like this felt good.
“Lay down.” You say nodding at the bed. Jessie questions you with a glance. You throw your hands up. “Just do it, let me put on a show for you.” Running your hands over the lace of the bra you try to sell the lie you were telling her. You knew if you told her what you were about to do, she’d be stubborn. Promising a show would get her on the bed easily.
As you expected she quickly climbs on the bed situating herself in the middle. You follow her, making your way towards where she laid. Jessie sits up one hand out to reach for you, instead your hands find her shoulders and you gently push her down, putting her on her back before climbing to sit on her thighs.
“Hey that was mean.”
“So was telling me that you'd be mine at 3, and then not getting home until nearly 4.”
“I know, but babe I had media.” She tried to defend herself. You knew deep down it wasn’t her fault, but she could’ve at least texted.
“Shhh.” You put a finger to her lips. “No excuses, right?” You nod encouragingly down at her, until her own head mirrors the nod. You lean down kissing her hard, starting to slowly grind yourself down onto Jessie’s thighs. “Now,” you pause, “do you think you deserve a show?”
Jessie just looks at you, her eyes jumping around your face, unsure of how to answer, so she doesn’t. She continues to stare, her mouth opening every few seconds as if she’s going to answer before she closes it again.
“I don’t think you do. Had you been on time, I would’ve given you a show, I would’ve let you put your hands all over me, I would’ve let you pull these off of me, or maybe I would’ve let you decide if you wanted to fuck me while I was still wearing them. But you were late, and I had to start by myself.”
Jessie sighs, “Let me make it up to you, let me show you I’m sorry.” Her hands come to rest on your thighs, letting them creep up toward your core.
“No, keep your hands to yourself.” You say with a glare before moving off her thighs. You bring your hands lower, one cupping the obvious tent in her shorts. Giving it a quick squeeze, Jessie bucks her hips slightly.
You slowly draw down her shorts, making sure to tease her, taking your time getting the waistband past her erection, letting the fabric drag slowly over her cock. You then repeat the same tantalizing process with her tight compression boxers, finally letting her length spring free. You admire it for a second, giving it your full attention knowing it made Jessie feel shy but you wanted to truly appreciate her, all of her. “Is that all for me? Did I get you this hard?” You cock an eyebrow, looking up at her from where you sat between her legs.
Jessie nods in your direction, her eyes looking between her own arousal and your face.
“Tell me baby.” You encourage her.
“You make me so hard.”
“Good girl.” You praise her, causing her breath to hitch slightly at the words and her erection to bounce as her muscles clench In reaction to your words.
“You know I was thinking about this,” Your hand wraps around the base of her cock, “when I was touching myself. I was thinking about how well you fuck me, how wet I get for you, thinking about you, all of you, your fingers and your tongue and especially your cock.”
Jessie takes a deep breath, blinking quickly a few times, you can tell she’s trying to compose herself the way her hands fist the bedsheets before relaxing.
“You must’ve had some dirty thoughts of your own, the way you walked in the door already hard. What were you thinking about baby?”
“You.” Jessie tries to thrust her hips into your hand slightly, causing you to take your hand away from her.
“Tell me more.”
“I was thinking about that dirty little photo you sent me. I was thinking about fucking you.” You nod encouragingly as she speaks, bringing your hand back to her, running your fingers down her length. Her words stops and you once again take away your hand.
“More.” You say looking up at her.
She nods, looking to the ceiling for a moment. “I was thinking about, how sexy you are, how good you feel around me,” Jessie’s words fill the air, you bring your mouth to the tip of her cock, your tongue grazing over the head, cleaning the precum that was leaking from the tip. When Jessie’s voice stops you pull your head back and look up to see her eyes blown wide and mouth slightly ajar.
“You stop talking, I stop too.”
“Your pussy, I was thinking about your pussy, how tight you feel, how you’re made for me.” As she speaks you take the head of her length into your mouth, letting your tongue swirl around it, pleased with yourself when she stumbles over her words. “I was thinking about how I want to be deep inside of you, making you scream my name.”
Rewarding her you take her length into your mouth until the tip hits the back of your throat, before pulling off and watching in amusement as she thrusts into the air, wanting your mouth back. “I don’t think you deserve to be in my mouth, and you certainly don’t deserve to be in my pussy.” Jessie just lets out another sigh as she looks up at you with a silent beg.
Your hand strokes Jessie’s length once, spreading your saliva along it before your hand comes to hold it for a moment. Slowly you push her cock down, the tip coming to rest on her stomach just below her bellybutton. You hold it flat against her stomach and begin to adjust yourself. You move upward, off her thighs to hover over her hips, your core just inches away from where you knew she wanted it.
Smirking down at her you pull your panties to the side and lower yourself onto her. You raised an eyebrow as you gave a tentative grind yourself along Jessie’s length, watching her for any signs of discomfort. The stuttered breath from Jessie gave you all the information you needed to know, she was enjoying this as well.
You repeat your motion, letting the slick of your arousal coat the underside of her cock. Looking up from where the head of her cock was starting to leak onto her stomach you find Jessie’s face mesmerized as she watched you grind on her. “Guess you’re getting a show after all.” You say smugly, her eyes pulling away and coming up to meet yours. “Like what you see?”
A smile creeps onto Jessie’s face as she nods. “Yeah, you look fucking gorgeous.”
“Would this make it better?” You say as you reach a hand behind your back, removing the clasp on your bra and letting the material slide down your shoulders slightly. You remove the bra, tossing it to the side and you swear you can feel Jessie’s cock twitch against you. Her hands start to move upward before you move your own hands to cover your chest. “It’s just a show, no touching, if you had been on time you could’ve touched me in any way you wanted.” Standing up quickly, despite Jessie’s whine as the loss of contact, you strip off the panties you had already soaked, dropping them on the floor before climbing back onto the bed and settling yourself on Jessie’s cock.
Feeling smug at the way Jessie lets out a small huff of frustration, you rock back and forth again, this time making sure to grind your clit against her head, knowing that’s where she was most sensitive. “Fuck.” Jessie’s hands grip your thighs, her nails digging in slightly. You feel her arms tense as they try to encourage your grinding motion.
Fed up with her, you grab her wrists, pulling them from your thighs, noticing the way your skin flashes white before returning pink from how hard she had been gripping you. You lace your fingers with hers before leaning forward, pinning her arms above her head. “What did I say? No touching. You’re not in charge anymore, you lost that privilege when you were late.” You watch as Jessie’s eyes widen in what appears to be shock, you weren’t normally one to be dominant in the bedroom, that was usually her role. You felt uneasy for a moment watching her reaction, worried you’d made her uncomfortable, but she just looked up at you before swallowing hard and nodding.
“Please.” She let out what would be an otherwise embarrassing whine, but you knew she didn’t care. You could feel the way her body tensed under yours, her hands clenching into fists. You just smile and shake your head down at her.
She could flip the two of you easily, you both knew it. She was stronger, even in her compromised position she had leg, core, and arm strength that yours couldn’t match. While she could overpower you, Jessie also knew this was a punishment, she had gotten held up at work and failed to tell you, so while she could flip you, easily have her way with you, she remained flat on the bed, looking up helplessly at you.
“Babe, please, I’m so sorry.”
“Hmmm.” You pretend to ponder the choices, knowing fully that you weren’t going to let her get her way just yet. “No, I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson yet.”
“I have, babe I’ll never do it again.” You can feel her starting to squirm more beneath you. “Let me show you how sorry I am, let me make you feel good.”
“I’m feeling plenty good. I think it’s you who’s a little worked up.” You lean down putting your mouth to her ear. “I think you just want to be in my tight pussy.” You whisper, punctuating your sentence by grazing your teeth along her ear.
“I- “fuck, I do, I want to be inside you, but I want to make you feel good.”
“Like I said, I’m feeling plenty good.” You emphasize your words with a roll of your hips, watching as Jessie’s mouth falls open and she briefly closes her eyes. Taking her silence as acceptance of her punishment, you continue grinding yourself along her, enjoying the way her face contorts trying to hide how good you were making her feel.
You start to notice how Jessie’s breathing picks up, going from long, deep breaths trying to compose herself, to quicker, less even breathing. It doesn’t take long before Jessie speaks up again. “Fuck, babe, I’m gonna cum soon if you don’t stop.”
“Yeah?” You let your hips stall for a moment and watch as Jessie instantly relaxes below you, taking in a slow deep breath.
“Yeah, you’ve got me so close.”
“Good.” You smirk down at her as you begin moving your hips, you watch as frustration flushes through Jessie’s face before being replaced with pleasure as you grind yourself onto the head of her cock. Her eyes begin to roll back before she quickly shuts her eyes, letting out a strained grunt.
“Fuck.” She mutters, head thrown back slightly. “Fuck, babe.” She sends you a glare, an expression of annoyance across her face. ”Seriously. I’m going to cum.”
“Then do it.” You shrug your shoulders.
“No.” Jessie shakes her head against the pillow, her eyes pinched shut, “Not yet, I want to cum inside you.” You almost laugh at her expression. You hardly ever got to see Jessie like this, putty in your hands,
“If you wanted to cum inside me maybe you would’ve come home on time.” You couldn’t help but feel proud of yourself as you watched your usually in control, level headed, calm girlfriend fall apart beneath you. “Then you could’ve been so deep inside me, any position you would’ve wanted, let you manhandle me, use me, I would’ve let you cum in me. But you were late.”
She shuts her mouth, lips tight, she squints at you, not saying a word.
“Oh, are you upset baby?” You tease her. Putting both of her wrists in one hand you grab her chin with the other, making her look at you. She glares up at you, still not speaking. “Okay well how about I give you options? Would you like that?”
Jessie keeps her glare for a moment before giving in and nodding.
“Okay, well you can either cum now just like this,” you gesture downward to where her cock still remained nestled between your lips. “Or, you don’t cum at all, I’ll climb off, leave you here, and use one of our toys to finish the job. What would you prefer?” You notice the degrading tone you’re using toward her, but you also don’t care.
She doesn’t give you an answer right away, to tease her you start to shift your weight as if you’re going to stand up. “Like this.” She finally mutters.
“Good choice.” You sit back down with a grin, returning to your previous motion, making sure to focus your attention on the head of her cock. It’s only a few minutes later that Jessie starts to quietly whine.
You know it’s coming, you can tell by her facial expressions, the way she scrunches her nose and her eyebrows pinch together. Her chest begins to heave. You finally release her hands, realizing just how hard she was straining against you, they immediately grab your hips as you allow her to aid your grinding motion as she ever so slightly thrusts her hips. The way her eyes get wide as if giving you one last plea to be inside of you before slamming shut, her lips falling apart as a deep groan from her fills the air.
Pausing your own thrusts you watch as her hips thrust roughly twice before stalling, the head of her cock nestled between your lips. You can feel her tense up below you. A whisper of profanities comes from her mouth. Her hands tighten on your thighs, her nails indenting your skin, her thighs and core clenched and she holds her breath as she begins to cum, traces being shot over her own chest. A whine full of pleasure mixed with frustration escapes her body as you feel her length twitch beneath you.
“Now that you got yours, I want mine.” You say starting to grind yourself on her again. You knew you had to be quick, using her length while it was still hard you moved yourself faster, grinding yourself harder. Jessie gasps as you begin to pleasure yourself once again, using her overly stimulated cock.
“Oh fuck, this is so good Jess.” Feeling yourself get closer to the edge you no longer care that she’s touching you, not enough self control to slow your impending orgasm.
“Fuck, fuck,” Jessie groans beneath you, her eyes are still closed as she tries to keep her composure long enough to help you get your orgasm. she bites her lip hard stuck between the immense pleasure and overstimulation she was experiencing. “Too much.” She whines as you speed up your hips, your hands flat on her chest using her for leverage.
“You can take it. I’m almost there Jess.” You knew if she needed you to stop she’d tell you, you also knew she’d do anything to get you your pleasure. Her hands kneaded at your thighs as she tried to hold herself together long enough to help you. She nodded, adding in a thrust with her hips, aiding in the stimulation on your clit.
“Right there, fuck.” You can feel your thighs beginning to tremble on either side of Jessie’s waist as your orgasm creeps closer. Your hands leave her chest and move to your own, letting your fingertips graze over your sensitive nipples. You did it knowing it would give you the tiny bit of sensation you needed to get over the edge but also because you knew it drove Jessie crazy.
As you expected, her mouth falls open in awe watching you. You catch her eyes for one moment before your own close as you throw your head back, your orgasm crashing down. The feeling of release radiates from your core across the rest of your body causing you to tense, stalling your hips momentarily. You jerk your hips against Jessie a few times, working yourself through your orgasm, before collapsing forward. A small sigh leaves your lips as your head comes to rest in the crook of her neck as you wind down. Your breathing is quick and shallow against her skin.
You allow yourself only a minute to recover before pushing yourself up from where you lay on her chest. “I love you, don’t be late next time.” You smirked as you rolled over, still spent from your own orgasm you lay for just a second before quickly getting up. “I’m going to shower.” You look back for a second admiring your girlfriend, her chest covered in her cum, her now softening cock still resting up on her stomach, covered in your own arousal, she looked beautifully spent.
Jessie laid on the bed still, nearly frozen in place, unable to comprehend the past hour. A feeling of overstimulation was still lingering between her thighs but also so was a strong desire to go again. She couldn’t believe the way you took control, the way you held your own against her. She was so used to you crumbling under her touch, falling into submission quickly, but you hadn’t this time. You took control, you had pushed her down on the bed, you had your way with her, you made her submissive. What was confusing Jessie’s mind the most was how much she had liked it.
Laying back, thinking of how you had pinned her hands above her head, how you had her begging for you, how hot you looked using her body to get yourself off. She was in awe, speechless, dumbfounded and overall she was aroused. She looked down, seeing the remnants of her previous orgasm across her stomach and chest, as well as her cock that was beginning to rise again. She needed you.
You waited in the bathroom for a moment, shower running, waiting for your girlfriend to join you. When she didn’t and you didn’t hear her move, you wandered back into the bedroom, still seeing Jessie laid on her back. “Are you joining me, or should I shower by myself, oh!” You stop your question noticing the hard on Jessie was displaying.
Her hands immediately move downward to conceal herself as a smirk grows on your face. “Ready to go again already?”
You watch as the expression on Jessie’s face turns to one you know all too well. Gone was the shy, sweet, submissive side of your girlfriend, her face now firm stared back at you. She was about to get her revenge.
She moved off the bed and toward you, her hand grabbing your chin and pulling it to look at her. “Get in the shower. Seems like someone needs a reminder of who’s in charge around here, and I think we’ll start with you cleaning me up with that smart little tongue of yours.”
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queen-of-reptiles · 7 months ago
description: in which jessie fleming is not afraid to go out walking in London at night - because of her guard dog
jessie fleming x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Don't take any of this seriously xx
warnings: some swearing, cuteness, scary gf x cute gf (jessie being the cute one obvs) chelsea (a warning in itself), slight homophobia and scary teenagers
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_jessflem just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on her story
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y/n smiled softly as she pulled on her second boot, watching as Jessie hummed to herself while she pulled on her jacket, the young Canadian excited to go for her evening walk with her girlfriend.
The two couldn't be more different from each other, Jessie was short, sweet, and a happy looking girl with a gorgeous smile - which was what drew y/n in.
y/n was tall, curved, dark and almost scary looking from how her dark eyes were always cold and narrowed - people crossed the street to avoid passing her.
If seen together the two would look almost comical. Jessie in her blue shorts and grey hoodie, holding her coffee mug with a wide grin. y/n in her black jeans, fishnets and leather jacket.
y/n's hair was slicked back in her usual shag, and her lips were painted their usual dark colour as she held out her hand to Jessie who happily took it.
Jessie let y/n lock their apartment then skipped happily down toward the doors, y/n's hands swinging in hers as the tall woman easily kept up with her excitable girlfriend's skips.
Jessie and y/n passed one of their usual neighbours and the man chuckled at them as Jessie happily said 'hello' and y/n just nodded, watching as her girlfriend sighed in relief as they stepped into the city air.
"We'll walk to the park and back?" y/n offered to Jessie who nodded, happily taking her hand tighter as she wraps around y/n's arm. Sighing in relief as the taller woman wrapped her arm around Jessie's shoulder and brought her into her side.
"I've been thinking." Jessie begins softly.
"Oh no, that is never good." y/n chuckles and Jessie rolls her eyes, giggling as she nudges y/n with her hip.
"Shut up." Jessie hums. "I'm thinking about telling people, like about us." She continues and y/n smiles.
"Okay." y/n nods and Jessie looks up grinning.
"Really?" She asks and y/n nods. "Great." Jessie smiles.
y/n and Jessie had been together over a year. The main reason no one had figured it out was because y/n was a managing director and designer for a newer fashion company.
The company had taken off and y/n was now in charge of a team of 200 people instead of 20 when she first started the company with her friend over three years ago.
The few TikTok's her employees had managed to get her in people loved her, for her style and her youth, her humour and her sarcasm, but usually, y/n was just too busy to deal with the younger people's fun.
Some footballers had worn some of their clothes, though their main collab was with the Manchester City girls, which Jessie didn't forgive for a week.
However, occasionally someone would clock Jessie wearing some jeans from their 'Hopeless Blues' collection, or a top from their 'Fruity colours and quotes' one.
Though no one had expected it and therefore paired it up, with the main office being in Manchester, y/n could assume why people thought she worked there.
y/n had stopped to grab her and Jessie juice, paying the stall man with a smile she could see Jessie on her phone, but y/n assumed she was taking a selfie.
She walked over, mind running through the four meetings she had tomorrow, always finding their walks helpful to plan out her work day ahead for the next day.
"Thank you baby!" Jessie smiles, posting the video without much of a thought.
"Of course." y/n smiles, pecking Jessie's lips before the two continue their walk.
As they walked neither checked their vibrating phones, so neither saw the reaction to Jessie's video about her guard dog boyfriend - in trend with the Babushka song - going viral.
As the two continued walking a group of teenage boys walked past, rolling their eyes as the group snickered at the slurs they threw at the two.
"Fags honestly."
"Can I watch?"
"What did you just say?" y/n asks, turning to face the group, the three teenagers suddenly becoming very still and shocked.
"Well, we..." One of them tries.
"Think it's funny, hurling words you don't understand the meaning of because you see two girls holding hands?" y/n asks.
"Well..." one of them tries again.
"Think it's funny that you kids won't ever get respect from others outside of the level of people with two braincells because you think being homophobic is funny?" y/n asks them.
Their eyes had widened comically now, y/n was nothing short of scary when she needed to be, and despite having a 5ft 3 girl still connected to her hand, her point had clearly got through.
"Do better." y/n tells them angrily, before rolling her eyes and turning back to Jessie. "You okay baby?" y/n asks and Jessie can't help but smile as she leans up and kisses her girlfriend.
"As long as I have you baby." Jessie smiles before they continue their walk, leaving three sheepish boys behind them.
"Babe!" y/n called out, a small snort falling from her lips as she hears Jessie's feet run across the apartment, y/n's eyes glued to her phone screen as she stops typing on her laptop.
"Yes?" Jessie asks as she sticks her head around the corner with a wide grin. "Wait, are you working?" Jessie asks. "Babe!" She huffs.
"I know, I know, I'm coming to watch the movie baby, I promise." y/n says trying to calm the Canadian down.
"It's half eight! Just put the laptop away." Jessie whines. "You said you were going to shower." She adds.
"And I did, hair all washed, see?" y/n tries. "I just thought I could get a quick email in about tomorrow's presentation." y/n tries but Jessie huffs and folds her arms.
"You always do this when we have our nights together." Jessie says, a pout on her lips as she fiddles with her hoodie. "I just wanna spend time with you." She adds and y/n sighs.
Jessie pouts and y/n groans, throwing her phone on the side and shutting her laptop. Jessie's eyes sparkle with victory as y/n walks over, arms wrapping around Jessie to hoist her onto her hips.
"Weeeee." Jessie says quietly, smiling as y/n sits on the bed, bringing Jessie onto her lap so she can connect their lips.
"I'm sorry I'm a work-aholic. But this company is my baby." y/n sighs.
"And you have done, still do and will do an amazing job, as long as you are able to take a break and give love to your adorable girlfriend." Jessie states.
"I can definitely do that last part." y/n smiles, leaning forward and pressing multiple pecks along Jessie's face, the footballer laughing as y/n's fingers dig into her sides.
Jessie jerks to the side, squealing in shock at being tickled, she tries to scramble away but y/n chuckles and uses her long legs to roll them, so she could stay on Jessie and keep tickling.
Jessie's squeals had now turned into breathless laughs, occasional begs to stop as y/n watched with an evil grin as tears of joy raced down Jessie's cheeks.
"Okay, okay, I'm done." y/n promises, holding her hands up as Jessie lets out a huff of relief, glaring at her lover who chuckles.
y/n grins and leans forward, pressing several kisses to Jessie's lips, each one longer than the last, Jessie humming happily into the physical attention she was receiving.
"Also, guard dog, really?" y/n asks Jessie who giggles. y/n rolls her eyes but stands up, Jessie scrambling after and attaching herself to y/n's front, legs curled around her hips.
"Yes, really, you're my guard dog." Jessie states and y/n huffs but says nothing as she sits down on the sofa, bringing Jessie to the side of her.
Just as the two go to begin their movie, there is a series of rapid knocks on the door and y/n groans, pressing her lips to Jessie's cheek before moving to the door and ripping it open.
A determined Sam Kerr shrieks at how quick the door opens and her jaw drops as she looks up at the tall woman in front of her trying to figure out her height.
"Fuck you're tall." Sam says in shock.
"What do you want?" y/n asks her, confused as to why she had turned up.
"Um, my friend admits she has a girlfriend I haven't met on TikTok and you thought you could have a quiet night in?" Sam asks and y/n sighs, running a hand over her face.
"She's in the living room." y/n explains and Sam storms in, y/n shutting the door rather firmly.
"JESSIE FLEMING." Sam's shout rings and y/n chuckles at that. She may have never met Sam before, but she could already tell they would get on.
"Babe! Help!" Jessie calls and y/n sighs, walking back to her girlfriend where Sam sat on her, hands trying to tickle at the giggling girl's sides.
y/n's shoulders roll back and she reaches over and pull Sam from her girlfriend, throwing the footballer onto the other sofa and falling next to Jessie.
The Canadian grins widely and scuttles into y/n's lap Sam watching with wide shocked eyes.
"You're a strong'un." Sam states.
"She's mine to touch Kerr. You lay off." y/n warns and Sam snorts in shock as Jessie presses a kiss to y/n's cheek.
"Sam, meet my girlfriend/guard dog y/n. y/n meet one of my closest friend's Sam." Jessie explains and y/n chuckles.
"Pleasure to meet you Kerr." y/n smiles, leaning over to shake Sam's hand, her other arm wrapping around Jessie to keep her stable on her lap.
"I so need you to fight Millie!" Sam grins and y/n laughs.
"Look forward to it." She nods.
y/n just posted
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liked by _jessflem, chelseafcw and 789, 999 others
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y/n she's alright ig <3 (touch her you die)
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_jessflem just posted
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liked by samanthakerr20, y/n, and 467, 271 others
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_jessflem She's my guard dog - get your own!
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Messages are always open my lives but requests are closed for the time being but always happy to have a chat :)
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wosomaanum · 9 months ago
Pains | Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: You we’re on day two of your period, and it hurt everywhere. You’re girlfriend, Jessie was there to help.
Warnings: anything to do with periods, medication
Notes: Short
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You were wrapped up in bed, clutching your stomach. You felt horrible and just miserable. Not only were you having severe cramps and dealing with your period, but you had a horrible headache.
“Hey babe, I saw this really cool resta-“ your girlfriend, Jessie is soon cut off by her own concern as she enters the room - her speech that trailed along the hallway coming to a halt.
“Baby what’s wrong?” Jess says instinctively, her freckles highlighted by the sun hitting her face - perfectly framing her features. All of which you adored.
“I promise it’s not that bad. I’m fine, really.” You knew you weren’t, and you knew Jessie knew that too.
Jessie cutely grumbled in a soft tone. “I know you’re not. Are you on your period, is it cramps? What do you need me to get you?” A sudden plethora of questions escaped her mouth.
“Jessie I said I’m fine.”
“You are not fine. I’m gonna get you a few things. Just stay here.”
You told her not to bother, but your words fell on deaf ears.
Soon, Jessie returned. A hot water bottle clutched in her arm and some medication and water in the other. She speed walked over to your side and crouched down next to the bed as she examined your face.
“Hey hey. It’s okay I’m here.” She comforts you, as she places the hot water bottle on your stomach. She brushes some loose strands of hair out of your face.
“I’ve got some paracetamol okay? Come on let’s just sit up for a moment.” She gently guides you so your back is against the headboard before she hands you your medication. You drink it, reluctantly - knowing your too stubborn to let others take care of you.
"Here you go, love," she says softly, handing you the medication and water. "This should help a bit.”
You didn’t grow up in a house of affection. You weren’t use to it and it made you feel awkward. You were stubborn, and you knew it but Jessie made you better. Overtime, she made a dent in your stubborn exterior slowly and slowly peeling back the layers. Of course, there was still times you felt like you were a burden but Jessie always reassured you that you weren’t.
The truth is you weren’t.
Throughout the day, Jessie ensures you are as comfortable as possible. She prepares meals that are not only nutritious but also easy on your stomach. Whether it's a bowl of hearty vegetable soup or a plate of fresh fruit, she prioritizes your well-being with every bite.
"How about some soup for lunch?" she suggests. "I made your favorite vegetable soup.
"That sounds perfect," you reply, grateful for her thoughtfulness.
Understanding that rest is crucial, she encourages you to take it easy, often taking over household chores to allow you some much-needed relaxation.
"Why don't you lie down for a bit? I'll handle the laundry," she says, giving you a reassuring smile.
When the pain gets intense, Jessie is there with a stash of your favorite chocolates and a comforting hand. She’ll sit with you, holding your hand, or massaging your lower back when the cramps are unbearable.
"Do you need anything else?" she asks, her eyes full of concern. "Let me know if the cramps get worse."
"Just having you here helps a lot," you admit, squeezing her hand.
In the evenings, Jessie suggests watching your favorite shows or movies, a welcome distraction.
"How about we watch that new comedy series you've been wanting to see?" she offers, dimming the lights and creating a cozy atmosphere. You snuggle up together on the couch, her warmth and care transforming these difficult days into manageable ones.
Jessie’s unwavering support not only eases the physical discomfort but also makes you feel profoundly loved and cared for. "I don't know what I'd do without you," you whisper, snuggled against her.
"You'll never have to find out," she replies, kissing your forehead gently.
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flemingology · 4 months ago
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too hot to handle ─ jessie fleming x reader
in which: jessie and you get a little too rough beneath the sheets, with consequences to follow
warnings: smut (18+), oral (r receiving), fingering (r receiving), dirty talk, language, mentions of injury but nothing too major
wc: 3.5K
a/n: based on a request i got. hope you enjoy!
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“You looked great tonight,” Jessie said, closing the door of your shared apartment behind her. You turned your body back towards your girlfriend and walked towards her, her arms circling around your waist and head finding solace on your shoulder. “Thank you, baby. So did you. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you half the time.”
Jessie and you had just returned from the end-of-season event organized by the Thorns. Every player and their plus one were invited, so naturally you accompanied your girlfriend. You both dressed up nicely, you wearing a dark green dress Jessie had recently gotten you, the midfielder wearing a matching dark green pair of suit pants with a white button shirt to top it off. You’d received quite a few compliments from teammates and partners on your outfits throughout the night.
“Neither could I. It’s a miracle we made it through without a bathroom break,” your girlfriend chuckled before she disentangled herself from you. “You want some water before we go upstairs?” you nodded, following your girlfriend into the kitchen. The room was quiet. Nothing could be heard apart from the faint buzzing of the fridge and the water that Jessie let run while she filled both of your glasses. Portland had long gone to sleep, the clock nearing 2 by the time the both of you had made it back to your apartment. Neither of you had anticipated to be out this late, having an appointment in the morning for a house viewing. You could feel your eyes getting drowsy.
“Here. Drink this and then we can get some sleep,” Jessie pushed one of the glasses she filled in your hands and ushered you to get it down. Designated driver as usual, Jessie hadn’t drank any alcohol tonight. You, on the other hand, had a few glasses and you could feel it. You weren’t anywhere near drunk, but you knew you’d have a headache in the morning if you didn’t drink some water now. Jessie had already made her way upstairs while you were checking the lights and locks.
You made a quick stop in the bathroom to wash off your make-up and a shortened skin-care routine, and grabbed a couple painkillers from the medicine cabinet before you emerged into the bedroom. “God, you look good,” you slightly jumped at the sudden voice breaking the silence, turning your body towards Jessie and tilting your head. “Thank you, baby,” you couldn’t hide the blush that coated your cheeks, your feelings slightly heightened with the alcohol you consumed earlier still coursing through your body.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, you know. I feel like I’ve said it about a dozen times tonight, but you look incredible in a suit,” you confessed, crossing the little distance between the two of you. Jessie had unbuttoned the first few buttons on her shirt but hadn’t undressed further. You leant your head down and pressed a tender kiss on the exposed skin of her chest. You didn’t miss the slight hitch in her breath at the feel of your lips against her body. You came back up and looked at her with a glint in your eye, one that she’d grown to know all too well.
“It’s late, baby. We shouldn’t be doing any of the things you have going on in your mind right now,” Jessie said. You sighed in mock annoyance, both because she was onto you without even saying a word and because she was already turning things down before they had even started. You tried your luck anyway, tracing your index finger over the exposed skin where she had unbuttoned her shirt. “Are you sure?”
Jessie closed her eyes and tried to ground herself, taking a deep breath in through her nose before speaking. “You know what you’re doing to me,” she breathed. You frowned in confusion and cocked an eyebrow at your girlfriend before you replied. “You’re not getting worked up over this, are you? That’s pathetic, Jess”, you said, knowing the slight hint of degradation in your voice would only work her up even further.
She opened her eyes and you noticed how their color had darkened, her pupils blown with what was obviously lust. You knew you shouldn’t be doing this. It was past 2, after all, and you had to be up early in the morning. You’d scold yourselves over it if you didn’t go to bed right now, but the thrill was growing to be too much – the few glasses of alcohol you had throughout the night not helping your self-control by any means.
Before you could speak up and tease her further, the Canadian surged forward and pressed her lips against yours, hard. “You’re gonna be the death of me,” she mumbled against your lips before you opened yours, allowing her tongue to slide into your mouth to which you let out a soft gasp. “I don’t hear you complaining, Fleming.” 
Jessie took the reins in the kiss, pushing the two of you until the back of your knees hit the mattress, carefully lowering the both of you down as she hovered over you, holding herself up on her arms. Kissing Jessie never got old. She knew what you liked and didn’t like and knew how to get you completely at her mercy with barely a few brushes of her lips against yours.
Despite having only just started, you could feel the wetness between your legs growing to a near-uncomfortable level. On another day, you might’ve felt slightly embarrassed at how easy it was for Jessie to get you soaked, but you couldn’t care less at this moment in time. “Jess,” you breathed, a soft whimper escaping your throat as you pressed a hand against your girlfriend’s chest to break the kiss. “I need you,” you said matter-of-factly.
A sly grin formed on Jessie’s face and she got up quickly, ridding her of the rest of her clothes, leaving herself in her underwear before she turned back to you. “Get up baby, I’ll help take off your dress,” you quickly followed Jessie’s instructions as she let her hands roam all over your back before she undid your zipper and the piece of clothing pooled at your feet. “You look incredible, I hope you know that.”
Jessie circled her arms around your waist and you did the same around her neck, playing with the baby hairs that didn’t manage to make it in her ponytail. With Jessie, you were never short of praise. Whether it was about how you looked, how something suited you, how you were doing at work, she always made sure that you knew just how much she loved you, that you never had any lingering doubts about her or your relationship. “Mhmm,” you mumbled, pressing your forehead against hers. You liked the change in pace, compared to earlier. No rushing to get each other’s clothes off, just reveling in the love and adoration you had for one another. “You’ve told me a couple times, yeah”, you accentuated your words with a fleeting kiss against Jessie’s slightly chapped lips. You made a mental note to buy some more chapstick on your next grocery run. The remnants of the couple drinks earlier had now finally worn off, no longer feeling tipsy. “I’m never, ever, getting enough of you, darling,” Jessie whispered. “Well, I’d hope so, because you’re stuck with me, Jess.”
The midfielder chuckled and closed her eyes, brushing her nose against yours. “Wouldn’t want to be stuck with anyone else”, Jessie let her hands wander back to your front and inched them upwards until she reached your bra. She traced the outline of the garment with her index finger, silently asking for permission to take it off. You nodded, blowing out a breath you didn’t know you were keeping in. Jessie’s arms circled around you once more, now to expertly unclasp your bra behind your back and letting it fall to the ground, bunching together with your dress that was discarded earlier. “You too?” you questioned, forever slightly insecure whenever you were the only one – almost – naked in the bedroom.
You missed Jessie’s body heat the second she took a step away from you, sliding the sports bra she was wearing over her head and throwing it on the growing pile of clothes near the edge of the bed. “Better?” she questioned with a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Jessie stepped back towards you and embraced you once more, seemingly not able to get enough of your body pressing against hers. You nodded, pressing a kiss against her exposed shoulder. “I wanna make love to you,” Jessie whispered in your ear. You looked up at her with a look full of love. Your cheeks now coated in a darker shade of red, blushing at the earnestness in her voice, you bit your lip. “Please do,” Jessie brushed her thumb across your bottom lip before kissing it softly, taking your hand and leading you back to the bed.
You propped yourself up against the pillows, getting comfortable. You forgot about the time, about your appointment tomorrow morning, all the valid reasons why you shouldn't be doing this, and why you definitely shouldn't be dragging it out at all. But with the way Jessie spoke to you earlier, the way she handled your body with care and looked at you like you hung the moon and the stars, you wanted nothing more than to be intimate with her.
Your girlfriend settled between your legs and started peppering kisses all over your face and down your neck, switching between her tongue, teeth and lips, making your head dizzy with pleasure. She whispered sweet nothings in your ear every time she came back up, nipping on your earlobe in the process – something she knew would drive you wild. Before long, she slid further down your body and started pressing kisses against the exposed skin of your boobs. She let her tongue glide over one of your nipples before taking it in her mouth, sucking lightly as she pinched the other between her thumb and index finger. The action had you growing restless and you pressed your thighs against each other, something Jessie didn't fail to notice.
"Getting worked up, baby?" She knew what the answer was, but she loved to hear it from you firsthand. "Yeah," you breathed, finally being able to form a coherent sentence as you were given some reprieve by Jessie. "You're making me feel so good," you finished your sentence, locking eyes with Jessie. An earnest smile – it leant towards cocky – grew on her face, before she ducked her head again and continued her assault on your chest. Her licking and sucking on your nipples were a little less coordinated now, you could feel that she too was getting worked up.
A couple more moments went by, her attention shared between your nipples, before Jessie moved further down your body and tapped your hips, signaling you to lift them from the bed. You did so, and your girlfriend slid your underwear down your body, leaving you completely naked in bed. Your earlier comment in mind, she too stepped out of her boxers and made sure you didn't feel conscious about your naked state. She found her spot back between your legs, using her own to spread them. She looked up at you with a glint in her eye. "How do you want me?"
"Can I have your fingers, please? They feel so good inside of me," you bat your eyelashes at Jessie, teasing her a little further. You heard a groan escape her lips and you knew you had her where you wanted, sitting up and pulling her in a passionate kiss before she could even start thinking about her next move. Your lips moved in unison, all tongue and teeth as you tried to pull her impossibly closer to you. "Your fingers, Jess, please," you whimpered the last part in her ear and could feel the goosebumps rising on the back of her neck.
"Anything my lady wants, she gets," Jessie quipped back, before moving back down your body and nestling herself in between your spread legs. She pressed a couple lingering kisses against the insides of your thighs, taking her sweet time before she directed her face to where you wanted her. Jessie decided to tease you a little further, blowing a little air towards your core, which was drenched. "Jess," you said sternly, "please."
She let out a chuckle, but decided not to have you waiting any longer, pressing her tongue flat against your folds, before she licked up a long stripe from your hole up to the sensitive bundle of nerves that was sitting atop your folds, aching to be touched. She sucked and licked expertly at the nub, leaning her head down every now and then to gather some arousal on her tongue that was leaking out of your entrance. You were soaked by now, a moaning mess, and Jessie was sure you would be able to take about anything she wanted to give you.
She manoeuvred her body in a way that she could prop up her arm between your legs, using 2 of her fingers to gather a bit of arousal at your entrance before spreading it all over your folds. "Fuck, Jess," you whimpered, "that feels so good." "I know, baby, I know. Let it all out for me, mkay?" You nodded, leaning your head back into the pillows and your back arching as you felt Jessie teasing your entrance. "Please, please, I need you."
"What do you need, darling?" Jessie teased, pushing her fingers inside of you, no further than a couple centimeters. "Do you need this?" You squeezed the hand you were holding that wasn't holding your thighs apart, trying to form a coherent sentence. "Y-yes," another jolt of arousal coursing through you as Jessie pushed every so slightly deeper. "Fuck, Jess, I need you inside of me, please, I've been so good."
With that, Jessie filled you to the hilt. She pushed inside of you until her knuckles hit your folds, and curled her fingers to reach that spongey spot inside of you. Your back arched at the feeling, a loud moan escaping your lips as you felt the delicious curl of Jessie's thick fingers. Jessie bit her lip as she saw your blissed out expression, a frown etched on your face and your lips forming an 'O' while Jessie pushed her fingers in and out of you.
Her digits filled you deliciously and before you had the chance to register her movements, you felt her tongue licking through your folds again. The added pleasure was sending your head spiraling, no longer able to contain your moans. You were sure you were being way too loud, disturbing the neighbors at this ungodly time, but you couldn't care less right now, not when Jessie's fingers were plunging inside of you and her tongue was making you see stars.
Before you could grasp the feeling that was building in your stomach, Jessie pulled her fingers out of you. A whine got caught in your throat as you were about to complain about the empty feeling, but Jessie was back on you in a second. Her tongue was now stretching you out, digging inside of you deliciously. Her thumb started circling your clit, pressing down firmly on the sensitive nub. You let out a cry at the sensations that were overwhelming you, the added pleasure from her fingers on your clit almost sending you hurtling over the edge.
"Fuck, Jess, please don't stop, you're making me feel so good," you whimpered, tangling your fingers in her hair as she moved her tongue in and out of you. Suddenly, Jessie freezed, her tongue stilling inside of you and her thumb stopping its circular motion. You swore you could see a wince etched across her face, but you didn't manage to give it any mind because as you went to ask if she was okay, she continued her ministrations and you were back on the edge as soon as quick as you'd fallen off it earlier.
"Cum for me, baby, cum all over my tongue," Jessie said, giving your thigh a harsh squeeze as you locked your legs around her head, feeling the coil in your belly snap at the overwhelming pleasure Jessie was giving you. You arched your back off the bed and moaned her name loudly, biting your lip as you tried to keep the profanities in. A couple moments later, you started coming down from your orgasm and Jessie started slowing her actions, before pulling away from your core altogether.
The Canadian had a goofy grin etched on her face, her chin slick with your arousal. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair was a mess, courtesy of the way your thighs rubbed against her head as she was eating you out. Despite everything, you could tell something was off. Jessie climbed up your body and plopped down next to you, her head resting on her chest as you tried to catch your breath. She hadn't said a word ever since you came and you were growing quite self-conscious about the whole situation.
"Jess, are you okay?" you tried, raking your fingers through her curls, scratching at her scalp with your nails in the meantime. She gave you nothing more than a nod and a hum, not doing anything to ease your worries. You lifted her chin with your front and middle finger, forcing her to look at you. You leant in and pressed a soft kiss against her lips, one that grew a little heated rather quickly. Despite the orgasm, you were still feeling quite worked up. One of your hands found the back of her neck and the other cupped her cheek, deepening the kiss. You slid your tongue across Jessie's bottom lip, asking for silent permission to enter her mouth, but you were confused as the Canadian kept her lips pursed. You tried again, but to no avail.
You pulled away abruptly. "Jess, what's wrong? Don't lie to me." You knew something was up, Jessie wasn't one to refuse a kiss, definitely not after she had just made you cum. She always claimed that she loved it when she knew you could taste herself on her lips and her tongue. In the darkness of the room, you could still make out the blush that crept onto Jessie's cheeks. She opened her mouth a couple times, searching for the right words to say. "Babe, I-" she hissed, closing her mouth again with a wince. "I think I tore something in my mouth," she mumbled, trying to talk without opening her mouth too much.
You sat up straight and cocked an eyebrow at her. "Tore something?" you exclaimed, not sure what she was going at. "Yeah," she breathed, "right before you came, I felt like something tore in my mouth," you started getting worried, a frown etched on your face as Jessie explained what she felt. "But don't worry, I think I've read about this." Of course. If there was one certainty in life, it was Jessie doing research about quite literally everything. So it didn't come as a surprise to you, that somehow she knew what this was. "It's the tongue frenulum. I've read stories from a couple queer couples where it happened before. Apparently, some people even get it surgically removed because it's too much of a bother."
You chuckled, laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. "My Goodness, Jess, did you really tear a part of your tongue while eating me out?" You smiled brightly at her, trying to lighten up the situation, but you could tell that she was actually hurting quite bad. "I think so...," she trailed off, digging her head in your chest. "I'm sorry, love, I can imagine it's not a very nice feeling."
Jessie breathed you in and lifted her head back up to meet yours. "Yeah, no, it's not nice. I hope it's not something that lingers, because I can assure you that there is no way I can use my tongue right now. It hurts to move it." You knew what Jessie was pointing at, she didn't want it to be a bother for your sex life.
You tried to come up with something that would make her feel a bit better about herself. "Hey, Jess," you booped her nose, "you made me feel very good, though. And I think this injury is nothing but a testament to just how good you can make me feel." You leaned in closer to her, whispering the next part in her ear. "You fuck me so good, always." You felt her body tense up at your words, grinning at yourself as you realized your words pulled the exact reaction out of her that you wanted.
"Well, I certainly hope that this pain subsides quickly so I can fuck you again, and again, and again," she accentuated every word with a kiss, earning a blush from you. "I love you so much," you said earnestly, pressing a soft kiss against Jessie's lips. "But if this means that I can't properly kiss you anymore, you better get that thing surgically removed, and quick."
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