#Jewelry stores in Baton Rouge
bermudaroad · 4 years
Personal History:  Summer of ’91
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My kids Walker Roe and Clayton, ages 18 and 20, his girlfriend Adrian and their friends Reed, Shelby and Trevor spent the covid spring and summer of 2020 hanging out together, swimming, kayaking, watching movies, lamenting their lost semester and generally not following recommended guidelines for social distancing. Clayton was able to continue work while the rest finished spring classes online, which was a total bummer.  With businesses and restaurants shuttered for quarantine, there hasn’t been much else to do.  Walker and Reed had internships lined up that were cancelled.  Adrian did some housecleaning and as soon as a few restaurants did open back up, she and Trevor, who both used to work at the pub, got part-time jobs.  Reed cuts grass. The rest of their time is spent mostly at leisure.  
In seeming unrelated news, Thomas, one of my oldest friends, became a grandfather last week.  Because of covid, no visitors could go into the hospital, so when the baby was born, the new dad held her up to the hospital window and the grandparents all held up posters and signs of congratulations outside.  It was shared on Facebook, so I sent Thomas a text.  I could tell from his response how giddy he was. They didn’t get to actually hold the new baby for three or four days.
The quarantine, my kids’ spring and summer getting derailed and Thomas becoming Pawpaw got me thinking about the summer after our first year of college, back in Many, the summer of 1991.  I spent that time mostly with a small group with whom I had been friends since first grade: Thomas, of course; Ginger who was home from school in Oklahoma, Jeff and Andy who, like Thomas and me had been going to Northwestern State, and Ginger’s brother Clay who had just finished 10th grade and had finally stopped being a complete jerk.  Sometimes there would be one or two others, but that was the core group. 
Except for Clay, we were 18/19 and had just got our first big kid jobs.  Thomas and Jeff went to work at the mill in Florien, Gin got a job at the radio station and I was tellering at Sabine State Bank. I can’t remember what Andy was doing, probably working for his grandpa, and Clay, who was 16 and fast growing into a giant of a man, tooled around in his truck and worked out at the gym.  We no longer had curfews and seldom felt the need to ask our parents for anything.
We were all single, too, which probably explains why our group was small and close.
Ginger had come home from Oklahoma unsettled.  The previous Christmas, she had appalled her family by getting engaged to her long-time boyfriend Nathen, the same person who had been fooling around with our other friend Jamie behind Ginger’s back for most of the time they were dating.  Ginger found out about it in the middle of our senior year which was pretty much wrecked after that, but she and Nate stayed together, even though neither was happy. Her parents had hoped that when she shipped out for Oklahoma and Nate left for LSU, things would fizzle between them, so their surprise engagement at Christmas 1990 was less than joyous. By February, Ginger had come to her senses. She mailed Nathen back his pitiful little ring and he decided to stay in Baton Rouge for the summer, thankfully bringing that awful drama to an end. Also, she had met someone new in Oklahoma.
Clay’s girlfriend Anna had broken up with him right after Prom.  She was a classy girl, also a friend of ours, and she returned the jewelry Clay had given her, which Ginger divided up with me. Thomas and Jeff had recently split with the girls they dated through and beyond high school. Andy was always single, even though he carried a torch for Jamie for years. They were funny, affable guys and great pals.
I was fractured, too. My first love Patrick and I had outgrown each other and he had broken up with me in the spring, which was for the best, but I missed him terribly.  He was already seeing someone else. I was on a mission to get over Patrick, lose the freshman 15 I had packed on and have fun with my friends – Thomas being chief mischief-maker and proponent of fun.  
Riding around town, “making a drag” as we called it, wasn’t for us anymore as we tried to avoid our old flames, which was hard to do in Many.  Most of our friends had significant others to absorb their spare time and several had jumped straight into adulthood, going to work in the oilfield, joining the military or getting married.  We, on the other hand, aside from work responsibilities, could do pretty much whatever we wanted.  
Often after work, we would meet up and go hang out somewhere on Toledo Bend, the long pier at Pendleton or my parents’ place down near Quiet Cove, to drink wine coolers and talk nonsense.  Weekends we went swimming at LaNan or San Miguel and a couple of times Andy drove his grandpa’s barge across the lake to the cliffs on the Texas side where kids used to shinny up a frayed rope as thick as my arm to the top of the bluff and jump off.  The boys listened to the Beasty Boys, N.W.A., Sir Mix-A-Lot and Color Me Bad (I wasn’t a big fan of any of it) and Ginger had discovered Garth Brooks. We went to our friends’ weddings, stayed out too late, crashed at each other’s houses, made it to work on time and irritated our parents.
There were some long serious talks, too, as we commiserated and sorted out our broken hearts. Clay even opened up about his lost love.  It was a bonding period for Clay and Ginger who had spent most of their childhood fighting, and for he and I as well.  
I hope my kids aren’t as stupid as we were and I’m eternally grateful that social media did not exist.  One night – I don’t know what go into us - we got a wild hair and vandalized a dumpster with spray paint.  Thomas and Jeff frequently made a contest of pitching empty beer bottles at road signs going 4/60 down the highway headed to the lake. Under a full July moon, Andy took us armadillo hunting at his grandpa’s farm.  Riding four-wheelers and armed with .22s and homemade pipe bombs, we crisscrossed the pasture in the moonlight firing at will in the humid night that was thick with recklessness.  Another time Thomas and I were headed to Natchitoches in his monster old Bronco when I told him I wanted to smoke a cigarette. Thomas habitually swiped packs of Marlboro Reds from the carton his dad kept on top of their fridge. He offered me a light and told me what to do.  And so it was that I smoked the inaugural cigarette – the very first one -- in the drive-thru at Maggio’s, coughing and turning green and reveling in my rebellion. I even remember the music we were listening to: a cassette single of “I Wanna Be with You” by Pretty Boy Floyd. I don’t know why that detail has stuck with me.
At some point, Jeff and Andy both noticed charms about Ginger that had never been obvious to them before.  This was typical of Andy but surprising for Jeff. Thomas and I were greatly amused. Jeff made the first move, asking Ginger on a date that Clay offered to chaperone.  They went to see “King Ralph,” and the rest of us chased them down at Hardee’s after the movie.  I remember gathering around Jeff’s white Dodge stepside in the parking lot and snickering because Gin was sitting next to him in the cab. We all knew it wasn’t going anywhere; it was just a lark.  It wasn’t long before Ginger’s beau from Oklahoma couldn’t stand the separation anymore and hauled it down to Louisiana for a visit, which is how I met Brent and was maid of honor at their wedding a year later.  
With Ginger unavailable, Andy turned his attention to me and was rebuffed again.  But he wasn’t too disappointed.
As summers do, it went by in a blink and in mid-August, it was time to get back to business.  Clay started two-a-days, Gin packed up for Oklahoma and I, who had starved myself down to a wafer, moved back to Natchitoches. Thomas and Jeff were supposed to commute together, but Jeff dropped out of school to work full-time.  Andy transferred to LSU.  Thomas fell in with my college buddies and we share those memories as well.  It wasn’t our last summer of fun – we had a few more in store before adulthood really caught up with us.
Now we are in our late 40s – the summer of our lives. Thomas and Jeff still work together. They are deacons in their church, volunteer coaches and planners of wholesome youth activities.  Ginger and Brent have been over in Nacogdoches for over 20 years and active in ministry in their community.  Andy married a girl from Baton Rouge and lives on his family’s farm.  Clay went on to play football at Louisiana Tech, but personal troubles have always dogged him, even unto today. I married a nice guy I met in journalism class and have lived in Natchitoches ever since. We have seen each other quite a bit over the years, most recently when Ginger and Clay’s dad died, an occasion marked by the same old sense of camaraderie, nostalgia and some measure of sadness.  
It’s been a strange year, this spring and summer of covid.  It’s nice to see Clayton and Walker spending quality time together.  Interestingly, during the pandemic, Walker and her college friends have been writing old-fashioned letters and mailing them to each other, a true novelty for them.
It brings to mind the contrasts between the now and then.  In 1991 we had no cell phones, no email, no Internet, no Netflix, no Twitter or Snapchat.  Our parents had no idea where we were or what we were up to most of the time.  We had to make plans and sometimes locate each other by that peculiar friend-radar teenagers used to have.  We could buy alcohol and never wore seatbelts. Most blessed of all, youthful indiscretions were not splashed all over the social media, although I do have some lake photos boxed up on a high shelf.  It seems like our freedom was much greater in many ways. Some things change and some things stay the same.
It’s hard to believe it was almost 30 years ago.  Summers always go by too fast.
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lrfw · 7 years
Campbell and LRFW’s Journey to the Finale
Campbell and LRFW’s Journey to the Finale
By: Jasmine Jennings
 When fashion week comes to mind, some might think of big states with lots of trendy clothes & lights. Brandon D. Campbell had other thoughts for Arkansas, when he decided to start the first ever fashion week in the state.
 Despite challenges and naysayers, LRFW along with Campbell have prevailed tremendously in his hometown - Little Rock. Little Rock Fashion Week has opened doors up for many people, thanks to Campbell.  
 In 2008, Campbell, a writer and producer at World Wrestling Entertainment at the time, was well into his career and the bright idea of having a fashion week in Little Rock popped into his head.
 Growing up in the 90s Campbell expressed how gang violence plagued the streets of Little Rock. There weren't many outlets available for youths then, he said. Violence was so bad in Little Rock that in 1994 HBO created a documentary film called "Gang War: Bangin' in Little Rock". Reoccurring violence made it easier to get into something you shouldn't, when there weren't many outlets to express yourself.
 Campbell recalled the struggle he had as a youth to find outlets for creative expression. With those memories in mind, Campbell sought to establish a platform that would benefit young people; keep them out of trouble during the summer; and build their confidence. LRFW did. 
 LRFW started merely as an inspired thought; Campbell decided to turn that thought, which was weighing heavily on his heart into reality in 2009. Campbell was inspired to start LRFW because of the people in the city that had inspired him throughout his life. Left his TV entertainment career, packed up and moved back home.
 Getting LRFW jumpstarted was no easy task, there were people who just didn’t like the idea of Little Rock having a fashion week, and a lot of people couldn’t grasp the idea of a small city like Little Rock having something so illustrious. Another issue was a lack of outside financial backing, so Campbell used his own money from his savings (tens of thousands of dollars) to get LRFW off the ground.
 While launching LRFW for him, Campbell found his passion and his woman, a beautiful soul named Constance Williams. He could lean on her when obstacles became overbearing. Constance has been with him through thick and thin; who now goes by Mrs. Campbell. They’ve been married going on 4 years and have two daughters Lennox (2 years old) and Mackenzie (10 months).
 Campbell remembers having people tell him the idea would never work in Little Rock. He didn’t allow negativity or doubters stop him from reaching the main goal: making LRFW a success. Campbell says one of the hardest obstacles LRFW overcame was the lukewarm response it got from the community.  During the trails associated with building a successful fashion business, Campbell learned a lot about himself and how to succeed.
 Campbell recalls a negative review written by a local publication after the first LRFW that he says took LRFW a couple of years to shake, because it lowered the brand’s value in the public’s eye.
 “There were some I believe who were just looking for something that was wrong with LRFW, rather then what was right. Little Rock is small, so perception here is everything. One negative review travels quickly and can usurp all the good your venture has done. It can make it an even bigger challenge for securing different sponsors and loyal customers,” Campbell said.
 After the rain, comes the sun. Through time and perseverance, LRFW was able to prove itself to the city and prove doubters wrong. Show attendance grew and LRFW events carved out its own fashion niche of being sophisticated, sexy and changeable. It kept evolving and giving the community something to look forward each year.
 LRFW has featured over 150 fashion labels over the years. Many designer alumni have shown in national Fashion Weeks, including New York’s and Los Angeles’s, had their clothing worn by celebrities and sold their fashions in stores across the country in stores, including Kari Bryd whose Novel Approach Jewelry line was picked up by Belk and sold in its stores.
 LRFW has opened doors for models by locating paid opportunities and high fashion runway shows that originally weren’t as inclusive to new models and models of color. Campbell says that he is very proud of the work he’s done with African American models. In 2011, Arkansas Bride Magazine featured the first local African American as its cover model – LaBrea Rashaad, a former LRFW model Campbell discovered and developed.
 With Campbell’s guidance and knowledge, LRFW has had several interns go on to work in fashion and entertainment media for companies such as E!, Google, and TMZ, to name a few. Bethany Hines, a former LRFW model and intern, currently resides in NYC and is a producer for CNN. LRFW was Hine’s first internship.
 With its success came recognition for Campbell and LRFW.  Campbell was named by Arkansas Life Magazine as a Style Setter in Arkansas.  He received the Power Play Magazine’s “Playmaker Award.” In 2013, Little Rock Mayor’s Office proclaimed the third week of July officially “Little Rock Fashion Week.”
 Campbell explained that everything takes time and God works through people to give that boost of encouragement. This is what motivated Campbell to keep going. Campbell has flourished over the years since starting LRFW. Campbell has gone on to start Oneofakind Baton Rouge Fashion Week, which is heading into its 5th year, and his own apparel brand iME.
 In 2010, he founded Oneofakind Talent Inc, a boutique modeling and talent firm. As an agent, Campbell’s models have been booked for jobs by Wal-Mart, Dillard’s, Axe, Proctor & Gamble to name a few.
 Sadly, this year’s LRFW will be the final one for the city of Little Rock. Campbell has given back to the good people of Arkansas. He has not only given back to the community by volunteering various places such as with the Little Rock School District and Big Brothers & Big Sisters, CARTI & Easter Seals, Campbell has opened plenty of doors for those who wouldn’t have the opportunity if it weren’t for him starting LRFW.
 However, Campbell describes discontinuing LRFW not as a closing of a chapter, but turning the page in current journey. Starting this fall, Campbell will be starting a new fashion week in Plano, TX – Plano Fashion Week. The model call for Plano Fashion week will be held September 24 and the main show will be on October 29 at event1013. With hard work and determination, Campbell has truly outdone himself.
 “I believed in what I was doing, because I knew Little Rock Fashion Week was going to be something good for the community,” said Campbell.
 “God didn’t give me this vision for it and myself to fail. When you’re truly doing something good that benefits so many people, it shouldn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s meant to be shared, and that’s what I’m doing by branching out into other markets. I will admit, though, It’s a good feeling when you can turn your haters into your biggest believer,” Campbell ended with a grin.
 LRFW: The Finale is Saturday July 22nd at the Statehouse Convention Center. Doors open at 7 pm. Show starts at 8 pm. Campbell will be the emcee.
 Sponsorship partners for LRFW 9 include Oneofakind Talent Inc., Belk, iME clothing brand, J Kelly Referrals & Information Services and Club Level.
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Mum Slams White Things Retail store For Decideding not to Allow Her Child Along with Digestive.
BATON ROUGE, La. (News agency) - Civil liberties forerunners Jesse Jackson as well as Al Sharpton joined hundreds of mourners in Louisiana on Friday to keep in mind a black guy killed last week through white cops, one of two harmful encounters that caused objections from genetic prejudice in police. If any sort of) at a practical volume; as well as well-maintained the floorings and racks to make them respectable, create certain your shower rooms are actually tidy; place the popular music (. A shimmering clean shop is sure in order to help you deliver a superb shopping adventure for your consumers. She consistently looks put-together, and though you might assume she would certainly be intimidated to go shopping among 20-somethings, assumption again! Loyal: if you have even the slightest hesitations about whether you can possibly do this job on your own, have that into the store. The lightweight scrape: Be sure the area is free and tidy, particularly coming from coating scabs. Similarly, the battle from 1812, which once more matched the United States against Britain, was actually not entirely a white colored on white colored clash. That will simply get tougher to piece the ensemble with each other as opportunity goes purchase and also you might need to look around from a number of locations to complete the set of Ralph Lauren terminated bed linen. Simply have a look at any kind of excellent pet dog shop and you must locate uniquely made summertime pet dog outfits, otherwise only inquire at the counter. A shop that doesn't overlook usually, and also does not worry about to appear at the cleantech conference circuit.
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When well-being in an outlet misbehaves, employees tend to clam up, hence shutting the door to permit you in as well as privy to his cause from resistance or argument. Alongside white handwear covers and a monocle, altercations are part of the emblematic dictation to embody wide range, eccentricity, or each. They spray a combination into the glass area at that point wipe the dust out which possesses a tidy towel. When the target from peculiar aspirations came up I expunged on my own of my dirty shower room goal, during a particularly rowdy loved ones dinner. Before you even pointer shoe in to the piercing outlet you need to possess substantial understanding about the aftercare that you will need to carry out. If you are actually attracted to elegant blow-art and also a myriad from grooves, consider that you'll must cleanse all of them all, which is actually simpler claimed than performed. By seeing just how wonderful the room is actually when it is tidy, and also just how effortless this is actually to locate factors when every little thing has been actually done away with, they may be inspired to maintain that tidy or tidy up some other space. Ultrasonic cleaning services simply clean diamond, gold and silver fashion jewelry, eyeglasses, and even false teeths creating them dazzle like new. There are lots of possible consignment store clients, nonetheless appear proprietors should pay attention to a few key variables to mariwebster45.wordpress.com prolong their rate of effectiveness.
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The outlet in the 15th possesses the sense from a local area, neighborhood location, while the one in the 5th on the Blvd Saint-Germain serves even more toward tourists. Most of the sex trafficking heirs pertained to Baker's shop were actually given tattoos-- like barcodes or a pander's title-- that forever note all of them like home. Ron is likewise the owner from One Stop Pool Material a wonderful place to shop for all your swimming pool and health club products. Inside, more than 100 snakes lie gently in wood cupboards tagged harmful snakes" as the clicks of an abacus echo by means of the dimly lit outlet.
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robertacraigaz · 4 years
Baton Rouge Traditions: An Online Book
Baton Rouge Traditions is a collection of essays– those generated from the Baton Rouge Folklife Survey in addition to others from the New Populations Job, the Louisiana Folklore Miscellany, as well as earlier jobs. Following this intro, the essays are organized into 6 phases: Baton Rouge Gives, Baton Rouge Makes, Baton Rouge Plays, Baton Rouge Worships, Baton Rouge Works, and Baton Rouge Diversifies.
Each essay includes photographs that can be bigger and viewed as a slide show. A lot of essays also have audio clips from the taped meetings. Essays noted with an asterisk (*) in the table of contents have matching field records, readily available upon demand, that use more details.
Subsequent to this essay, the introduction consists of Customs of Baton Rouge, a photographic essay arranged around folklife categories. It includes photos of everyone as well as custom documented in the survey along with customs not recorded by interviews, such as various other craftspeople and also musicians, but also traditions such as office personalizeds, memorials, parades and also marching groups, as well as landscapes.
Baton Rouge Offers focuses on three significant philanthropic initiatives in Baton Rouge: teams taken part in pet rescue as well as individuals that make as well as donate standard fiber arts. Folklorist Carolyn Ware looked at the previous, particularly groups seeking “for life homes,” in addition to their special events, customizeds, as well as volunteers’ personal narratives. Documenting the latter, Laura Marcus Eco-friendly researched fiber artists who make quilts, prayer serapes, caps, as well as other handwork for policemen to give to at-need kids, and also for handwork guilds and craft groups to donate to premature children, cancer patients, and also experts. Two such efforts started in Baton Rouge have become regional as well as nationwide projects: Strings of Love and also The Granting Quilt. Laura Marcus Eco-friendly and I additionally documented St Joseph altars, which are gifts to the area, with a special concentrate on the specialty cakes.
Baton Rouge Makes consists of people that draw upon their diverse heritages to develop a selection of standard crafts. Folklorist Douglas Manger documented cowboy saddles and whips, metal producing barbeque pits, fly tying, horseshoeing, leatherwork, and also airbrushing in addition to wooden boats, christening dress, and power saw sculpting. Folklorist Jocelyn Donlon and also leisure research studies researcher as well as digital photographer Jon Donlon documented fabricators of Mardi Gras sphere gowns and also parade outfits. Folklorist Laura Marcus Green recorded quilter Judith Braggs as well as the ways in which her quilts reflect her heritage. Photographer James Terry and also I recorded African American custom holders that tailgate, do handwork, make fabric dolls, and also celebrate Juneteenth. Folklorist Daniel Atkinson focused on the power of narrative for custom holders when speaking about their practices and also documented the creator of an African American museum and also a quilter who made training help for the museum in addition to carvers, painters, a filé manufacturer, and also a split oak basket maker. Barbara Franklin composed her memories of making dolls and supporting her household for the Louisiana Mythology Miscellany and it is included here. Some tradition bearers have joined public programs or even got gives, like boatbuilder Keith Felder and also whipmaker Billy Anderson. Others had not formerly joined public programming, such as christening gown seamstress Lorraine Bergeron and also saddle manufacturer Ken Raye.
Baton Rouge Plays includes essays on entertainment practices. Douglas Manger profiled sac-a-lait angler Glenn Davis, as well as Jocelyn Donlon documented the Spanish Town Mardi Gras celebration. Essays about secular music and dancing customs consist of Dominic Bordelon’s 2009 essay on Latino songs as well as dance and also Guiyan Wang’s 2009 examination of the value of dancing in the Chinese community. Ethnomusicologist and folklorist Joyce Jackson upgraded paperwork on Baton Rouge blues songs, with a certain concentrate on bluesman Larry Garner, that maintains the most typical collection amongst his local peers. Songs author Ben Sandmel took a look at other nonreligious songs practices consisting of Cajun fiddle, zydeco, c and w, as well as jazz.
Celebration Quartet, based out of College Baptist Church, is a guys’s gospel quartet that sings typical and also modern gospel songs, gone along with and also unaccompanied. The quartet sings for worship solutions and special events in and around the community. Picture: Maida Owens. Baton Rouge Venerates considers spiritual songs and also ritual customs in regional churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples. Joyce Jackson checked out preaching styles of four African American priests and also, in 1996, she discussed scripture quartet The Zion Travelers for a recording job. Anthropologist Liz Williams documented choirs, chanters, cantors, as well as track leaders in varied Christian churches. Ethnomusicologist Maureen Loughran documented other spiritual noises from Greek Orthodox and also Vietnamese Buddhist incantations and also Muslim address and also crucial music to Jewish as well as Christian songleaders and also group singing. From the New Populations task, Daria Woodside documented the Hindu festival of Navaratri in 2007 as well as a puja or Hindu prayer service in 2006. In 2009, Emma Tomingas-Hatch recorded Vietnamese altar customs in Baton Rouge as well as Lafayette. In the 2017 Louisiana Folklore Miscellany, Von de Leigh Hatcher blogged about her family members custom in the Pentecostal church and also the importance of hair for women and it is included here.
In the facility, veterinarian pupils’ brief white layers as well as short sleeves (left) distinguish them from medical professionals, who put on longer white layers. Image: Courtesy of LSU College of Veterinary Medicine. Baton Rouge Functions consists of essays on work mythology. This area is especially solid with an unique focus on individuals used in small companies that have actually specialized skills, such as music tool repair work, automobile airbrushing, bakers, and also specialty boutique proprietors. Jon as well as Jocelyn Donlon concentrated on repair work services– shoes, furniture, rod and also reels, instruments, and also precious jewelry in addition to a locksmith and also clothier. Douglas Manger recorded a taxidermist, barber, funeral home, custom-made sign maker, piano receiver and a clothier. He also checked out restaurateur Wirt Bellue and exactly how he used his welding skills to creatively solve troubles for his restaurant and food processing service. Laura Marcus Green considered bakeries and also specialized cakes including grooms cakes and also the emerging tradition of cakes that reveal a child’s sex. She likewise documented store owners who specialize in hats and also outfits for African Americans to put on to church. Maria Zeringue recorded food business consisting of ethnic grocerys, boudin manufacturers, as well as tea cake manufacturers. David Kunian recorded long-time state capitol workers and also tales concerning the structure.
Work practices documented with an Archie Green Fellowship from the Collection of Congress Folklorist Carolyn Ware brought into play her work with the Louisiana State University College of Veterinary Medication and discussed vet custom-mades and also rituals, consisting of workplace traditions. Folklorist Maria Zeringue recorded tea cake manufacturers, boudin manufacturers, and also specialty grocers. David Kunian recorded legends of the State Capitol by interviewing veteran capitol workers. Laura Marcus Eco-friendly documented the African American custom of wearing hats to church as well as for various other special occasions with a focus on sellers that sell them.11.
Baton Rouge Expands includes essays from the New Populations job that concentrate on immigrant neighborhoods in addition to a write-up from the Louisiana Mythology Miscellany. In 2007, Jun Zou considered the Baton Rouge Chinese neighborhood, including its practices of paper folding, feng shui, events, and foods. In 2007, Jocelyn Donlon documented the practices of different Muslim areas consisting of Bosnian pita bread making, henna, Palestinians cross stitch, and also calligraphy. 2 of these essays were first released in the Louisiana Mythology Miscellany. In 2010 Dominic Bordelon analyzed Latino experiences in the city, in 2012 Cecelia Vo recorded her household traditions surrounding the Vietnamese Moon Event, as well as in 2017 Sylviane Greensword considered African immigrants that have hair intertwining beauty parlors in Baton Rouge.
Check all location here.
source https://platinumtreeservicepros.com/baton-rouge-traditions-an-online-book/ from Platinum Tree Service Pros https://platinumtreeservicepros.blogspot.com/2020/07/baton-rouge-traditions-online-book.html
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Baton Rouge Traditions: An Online Book
Baton Rouge Traditions is a collection of essays– those generated from the Baton Rouge Folklife Survey in addition to others from the New Populations Job, the Louisiana Folklore Miscellany, as well as earlier jobs. Following this intro, the essays are organized into 6 phases: Baton Rouge Gives, Baton Rouge Makes, Baton Rouge Plays, Baton Rouge Worships, Baton Rouge Works, and Baton Rouge Diversifies.
Each essay includes photographs that can be bigger and viewed as a slide show. A lot of essays also have audio clips from the taped meetings. Essays noted with an asterisk (*) in the table of contents have matching field records, readily available upon demand, that use more details.
Subsequent to this essay, the introduction consists of Customs of Baton Rouge, a photographic essay arranged around folklife categories. It includes photos of everyone as well as custom documented in the survey along with customs not recorded by interviews, such as various other craftspeople and also musicians, but also traditions such as office personalizeds, memorials, parades and also marching groups, as well as landscapes.
Baton Rouge Offers focuses on three significant philanthropic initiatives in Baton Rouge: teams taken part in pet rescue as well as individuals that make as well as donate standard fiber arts. Folklorist Carolyn Ware looked at the previous, particularly groups seeking “for life homes,” in addition to their special events, customizeds, as well as volunteers’ personal narratives. Documenting the latter, Laura Marcus Eco-friendly researched fiber artists who make quilts, prayer serapes, caps, as well as other handwork for policemen to give to at-need kids, and also for handwork guilds and craft groups to donate to premature children, cancer patients, and also experts. Two such efforts started in Baton Rouge have become regional as well as nationwide projects: Strings of Love and also The Granting Quilt. Laura Marcus Eco-friendly and I additionally documented St Joseph altars, which are gifts to the area, with a special concentrate on the specialty cakes.
Baton Rouge Makes consists of people that draw upon their diverse heritages to develop a selection of standard crafts. Folklorist Douglas Manger documented cowboy saddles and whips, metal producing barbeque pits, fly tying, horseshoeing, leatherwork, and also airbrushing in addition to wooden boats, christening dress, and power saw sculpting. Folklorist Jocelyn Donlon and also leisure research studies researcher as well as digital photographer Jon Donlon documented fabricators of Mardi Gras sphere gowns and also parade outfits. Folklorist Laura Marcus Green recorded quilter Judith Braggs as well as the ways in which her quilts reflect her heritage. Photographer James Terry and also I recorded African American custom holders that tailgate, do handwork, make fabric dolls, and also celebrate Juneteenth. Folklorist Daniel Atkinson focused on the power of narrative for custom holders when speaking about their practices and also documented the creator of an African American museum and also a quilter who made training help for the museum in addition to carvers, painters, a filé manufacturer, and also a split oak basket maker. Barbara Franklin composed her memories of making dolls and supporting her household for the Louisiana Mythology Miscellany and it is included here. Some tradition bearers have joined public programs or even got gives, like boatbuilder Keith Felder and also whipmaker Billy Anderson. Others had not formerly joined public programming, such as christening gown seamstress Lorraine Bergeron and also saddle manufacturer Ken Raye.
Baton Rouge Plays includes essays on entertainment practices. Douglas Manger profiled sac-a-lait angler Glenn Davis, as well as Jocelyn Donlon documented the Spanish Town Mardi Gras celebration. Essays about secular music and dancing customs consist of Dominic Bordelon’s 2009 essay on Latino songs as well as dance and also Guiyan Wang’s 2009 examination of the value of dancing in the Chinese community. Ethnomusicologist and folklorist Joyce Jackson upgraded paperwork on Baton Rouge blues songs, with a certain concentrate on bluesman Larry Garner, that maintains the most typical collection amongst his local peers. Songs author Ben Sandmel took a look at other nonreligious songs practices consisting of Cajun fiddle, zydeco, c and w, as well as jazz.
Celebration Quartet, based out of College Baptist Church, is a guys’s gospel quartet that sings typical and also modern gospel songs, gone along with and also unaccompanied. The quartet sings for worship solutions and special events in and around the community. Picture: Maida Owens. Baton Rouge Venerates considers spiritual songs and also ritual customs in regional churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples. Joyce Jackson checked out preaching styles of four African American priests and also, in 1996, she discussed scripture quartet The Zion Travelers for a recording job. Anthropologist Liz Williams documented choirs, chanters, cantors, as well as track leaders in varied Christian churches. Ethnomusicologist Maureen Loughran documented other spiritual noises from Greek Orthodox and also Vietnamese Buddhist incantations and also Muslim address and also crucial music to Jewish as well as Christian songleaders and also group singing. From the New Populations task, Daria Woodside documented the Hindu festival of Navaratri in 2007 as well as a puja or Hindu prayer service in 2006. In 2009, Emma Tomingas-Hatch recorded Vietnamese altar customs in Baton Rouge as well as Lafayette. In the 2017 Louisiana Folklore Miscellany, Von de Leigh Hatcher blogged about her family members custom in the Pentecostal church and also the importance of hair for women and it is included here.
In the facility, veterinarian pupils’ brief white layers as well as short sleeves (left) distinguish them from medical professionals, who put on longer white layers. Image: Courtesy of LSU College of Veterinary Medicine. Baton Rouge Functions consists of essays on work mythology. This area is especially solid with an unique focus on individuals used in small companies that have actually specialized skills, such as music tool repair work, automobile airbrushing, bakers, and also specialty boutique proprietors. Jon as well as Jocelyn Donlon concentrated on repair work services– shoes, furniture, rod and also reels, instruments, and also precious jewelry in addition to a locksmith and also clothier. Douglas Manger recorded a taxidermist, barber, funeral home, custom-made sign maker, piano receiver and a clothier. He also checked out restaurateur Wirt Bellue and exactly how he used his welding skills to creatively solve troubles for his restaurant and food processing service. Laura Marcus Green considered bakeries and also specialized cakes including grooms cakes and also the emerging tradition of cakes that reveal a child’s sex. She likewise documented store owners who specialize in hats and also outfits for African Americans to put on to church. Maria Zeringue recorded food business consisting of ethnic grocerys, boudin manufacturers, as well as tea cake manufacturers. David Kunian recorded long-time state capitol workers and also tales concerning the structure.
Work practices documented with an Archie Green Fellowship from the Collection of Congress Folklorist Carolyn Ware brought into play her work with the Louisiana State University College of Veterinary Medication and discussed vet custom-mades and also rituals, consisting of workplace traditions. Folklorist Maria Zeringue recorded tea cake manufacturers, boudin manufacturers, and also specialty grocers. David Kunian recorded legends of the State Capitol by interviewing veteran capitol workers. Laura Marcus Eco-friendly documented the African American custom of wearing hats to church as well as for various other special occasions with a focus on sellers that sell them.11.
Baton Rouge Expands includes essays from the New Populations job that concentrate on immigrant neighborhoods in addition to a write-up from the Louisiana Mythology Miscellany. In 2007, Jun Zou considered the Baton Rouge Chinese neighborhood, including its practices of paper folding, feng shui, events, and foods. In 2007, Jocelyn Donlon documented the practices of different Muslim areas consisting of Bosnian pita bread making, henna, Palestinians cross stitch, and also calligraphy. 2 of these essays were first released in the Louisiana Mythology Miscellany. In 2010 Dominic Bordelon analyzed Latino experiences in the city, in 2012 Cecelia Vo recorded her household traditions surrounding the Vietnamese Moon Event, as well as in 2017 Sylviane Greensword considered African immigrants that have hair intertwining beauty parlors in Baton Rouge.
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gslocksmiths894 · 5 years
Locksmith Varies - Do You Need Auto Locksmiths, Safe Specialist Or Commercial Lock Guy?
Have you misplaced the keys to your cabin at the lake or forgotten the combination to a safe at the office? Did you just break off your car key in the ignition? Maybe someone stole your purse, and you're concerned that you need to change the locks at your house. Stop worrying. you can get help right away from professional locksmith.
Automotive Locksmith Services
Can't open your car doors? Stuck in the middle of nowhere? Don't worry, because help is just a phone call away. All you have to do is get on your phone and dial one of the local 24-hour automotive locksmith services. But if you think that locksmiths just help open your car door, then think again.
Locksmiths arrive on location fully equipped to handle any emergency. They can unlock the simplest locks and decode the toughest computerized lock systems.
Many modern vehicles have automatic locks or key-less entry systems. Automotive locksmiths can repair or reconfigure these locks as easily as an old-fashioned keyed lock. Having the locksmith do this for you will save you big bucks over having your car towed to the dealership.
Professional automotive locksmiths are equipped to handle whatever strange thing you, your toddler or the local car thief may do to your car and its key systems. They possess the special tools and equipment to meet any need. Other automotive locksmith services include:
Opening your car doors or trunk in an emergency without damaging the lock.
Retrieving keys that are broken off in the lock.
Replacing and repairing ignition locks on many models
Re-keying door, trunk and ignition locks
Erasing old keys from locks
Most locksmiths offer vehicle security-related services around the clock, not only 24 hours a day but also on weekends and holidays. Keep the number stored in your phone - you will never know when you need it. Choose your automotive locksmith wisely. It's a decision that will help keep your car in great shape and keep you safe.
Residential Locksmiths
Modern technology has made available better security systems to protect your home, and those systems start with good locks. A residential locksmith will help you decide what types of locks you need for all the windows and doors in your home.
Locksmiths can install locks of many different types in your home, depending on your security needs. If you live in a quiet, suburban neighborhood, for instance, your locksmith can install a simple single-side deadbolt. On the other hand, if you are protecting a valuable art collection in your home, a locksmith can provide high-tech locks that include biometric features. Locksmiths can also install safes and vaults for your jewelry, coin collection, the family silver, furs or whatever other valuables you want to keep safe.
Many locksmith services can even install an electronic access control system in your home. The electronically controlled locks that come with such a system can make your home very safe.
Many locksmiths offer 24-hour residential locksmith services. They perform emergency keying services like lock picking and lock repair. When you've forgotten the code to your electronic locks, locksmiths can even get you past the password-protected entries. They can also provide lock replacement and test your doors to appraise your home security.
Commercial Locksmiths
Commercial and industrial locks may or may not resemble residential locks, depending on what type of business they are protecting. A small town in a safe part of town may have a simple double-sided deadbolt. A high-tech manufacturing company that may have lucrative technology inside is obviously going to protect itself in a different way, perhaps with card keys or even biometric locking systems. Professional commercial locksmith services exist precisely to assess the needs of all types of businesses and meet the needs of each with a customized solution.
Other services offered by commercial locksmiths include:
Setting up a master key system
Installing professional-grade safes and vaults
Unlocking those same safes and vaults when you lose or forget the combination or codes
Installing specialty locks like rim-cylinder locks and commercial deadbolts
Re-keying and repairing locks
Professional Locksmith can Offer Much More
1. Fast Services: Professional locksmiths are ready to handle any kind of emergency and provide guaranteed services. They are trained in troubleshooting methods and can handle difficult situations with ease. Your problem can typically be resolved in less than 30 minutes, whether at your home, office or car.
2. Quality and Versatility: There are many locksmith companies that offer services customized to meet your requirements. Locksmiths are versatile and almost always certified in all fields. The same locksmith who installs new locks at your home can service your business or meet you in a parking lot to open your car door.
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4. New locks and newer locking technologies have expanded the scope of locksmiths' work. There are many good online resources for finding information on locksmith. You can get a reputable locksmith service for emergency needs or to provide your home or business with a complete lock system for your family or your company's safety.
Locksmith offer competitive rates to deliver the best solutions. If you find yourself in an emergency in the area, then call a local locksmith. Most companies guarantee a 15- to 30-minute response time from the moment your call comes through. Place your safety in their hands - locksmiths are just a call away.
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Unlaced is Nike’s new “curated destination for female sneaker lovers.”
(In other words, it is a small store.)
It was announced at Paris Fashion Week in February and launched online in March. It’s hitting brick-and-mortar stores later this month, and this new round will be curated by Sarah Andelman — the famed co-founder of Paris’s Colette, the concept store (1997–2017, RIP) that arguably kicked off the modern, nonstop proliferation of brand collaborations, crossovers, and general hype.
It’s 2018, Nike is trying to include women in sneaker culture, and this is news. How’d we get here? Why does it matter? Has it actually been unclear whether women have feet?
In a February press release, Nike itself laid the problem out fairly bluntly: “As sneakers transcended sport and initiated street-style trends, collaboration became an integral component of sneaker culture, blossoming into a symbiotic relationship between brands and external creative communities. That community has been predominantly male.”
The “community” Nike is referencing is the $20 billion global sneaker industry, which has grown alongside the evolution of sneakers from a utility object to a fashion statement. Historically, it’s been all about boys. This includes big brands like Nike, but also the big blogs — like Kevin Ma’s Hypebeast media empire and Marc Ecko’s similarly enormous Complex — and the shoppers and the redditors and the $1 billion resale market and the scammers and the icons. Nike’s signature Jordan brand was designed exclusively by men from its advent in 1984 all the way up to 2010, when artist and filmmaker Vashtie Kola became the first woman to design an iteration of the shoe.
“In pushing new female voices, Nike is challenging the sneaker status quo,” Nike claims in its press release. But women already have their own sneaker communities. There are thousands of them in the women’s streetwear subreddits. They’re largely influenced less by the major blogs and more by their own, slightly less high-profile heroes like designer Aleali May, Small Feet Big Kicks founder Jess Gavigan, and streetwear vloggers like Jennifer Tiffany, Andrea Kyriacou, Karen Yeung, Julia Dang, and Maya Nilsen.
New Nike Air Jordans designed by Virgil Abloh, available in women’s sizes. Nike
It’s not that women don’t participate en masse; it’s that participating is harder because brands have largely ignored them. The biggest pain point for women in sneaker culture is that the most coveted shoes often aren’t even made in their sizes.
While all major brands have women’s sizes in certain styles, many of the most popular classic styles and almost all buzzy, limited-edition collaborations come only in men’s sizes. (For example, Tyler, the Creator’s many GOLF le FLEUR* collaborations, the majority of Virgil Abloh’s Nike projects, most limited-edition Nike Jordans, almost all of Kanye West’s Yeezy styles, and dozens of others.) Women find themselves left out of the major “drops” that hyped-up teen boys get to celebrate, or — as a patch solve — they wind up buying the largest possible kid sizes in boys shoes, which are often made with cheaper materials.
Nike’s new women-oriented Unlaced project will tackle that problem by offering “unisex sizing on select classic Jordan styles,” expanding sizing for the wildly popular Nike Air Force 1 and Air Max lines, and breaking with its tradition of collaborating almost exclusively with buzzy male designers by hiring two super-famous women — cult favorite British menswear designer Martine Rose and avant-garde Japanese jewelry designer Yoon — to create new ready-to-wear clothing lines and sneakers. It’s a start, but is it enough? And why so late?
Progress on the woman’s sneaker front has come in dribs and drabs. Last summer, Nordstrom’s director of creative projects, Olivia Kim, designed a limited-edition reimagining of the Nike Cortez, a classic style introduced as the brand’s first track shoe in 1972. The other major contribution to women’s sneakers that season was almost laughable: a Nike and Swarovski line of ultra-feminine shoes coated in crystals. There’s not a single mention of them in the entire women’s streetwear subreddit. (One opinion, from me: They are hideous.)
In the lead-up to Unlaced, Nike also had a 14-woman design team work on a line of reimagined Air Force 1s and Air Jordan 1s, which came in styles called Explorer, Lover, Sage, Rebel, and Jester. They’re objectively cool. The company also made women’s sizes available for the hotly-anticipated The 10 line, designed by Kanye West’s creative director Virgil Abloh. Abloh then designed Serena Williams’s Queen line for the brand, which debuted this summer. The attempts are getting markedly better.
The Nike Air Force 1 Lover XX, from the all-woman design team behind the 1 Reimagined line. Nike
But this is not altruism; it’s just smart business that took way too long to figure out. It wasn’t really until 2014 — when Rihanna was named creative director of Puma and French luxury brand Céline sent a pair of Air Force 1–inspired sneakers down the runway — that Nike started sitting up and paying attention. To test the idea of a women’s sneaker shop, Nike had Nordstrom’s Olivia Kim curate a small selection of women’s styles for Nordstrom in the fall of 2016.
Nike VP Amy Montagne became the general manager of Nike Women in 2014, and she has been open about Unlaced as a way for Nike to push its women’s business from a $6.6 billion annual endeavor to an $11 billion one by 2020. In 2017, sales of “athletic footwear” were up 2 percent overall, but 5 percent among women. Women’s sneaker sales are growing faster than men’s, and the market is not yet saturated. Nike still has time to take a huge chunk of it: Amazon’s Zappos has a relatively small section (called “The Ones”) dedicated to women’s sneakers; Adidas just nabbed Kylie Jenner as its spokesperson and partnered with Refinery29 to make 50 pairs of women-specific Ultra Boosts; and Puma is almost embarrassingly dependent on Rihanna, who now has plenty of other business concerns.
On the internet, the counterpart to a “hypebeast,” a guy who gets excited to spend money on the latest clothes and shoes from the most hyped-up designers and celebrities, has been “hypebae.” It’s not a compliment: It refers to a girl who dates a hypebeast and wears his clothes. The women’s version of the publication Hypebeast is called Hypebae (it launched just two years ago), but the active users in the women’s streetwear subreddits rarely use the term.
There’s some concern that Nike’s pivot is similar — expansion via condescension. Reddit user jetejypsy, who did not want to be referred to by name, is active in the major women’s streetwear subreddits and tells Vox that she appreciates expanded size options for sneakers but doesn’t love the other elements of the Unlaced project. They’re what you’d expect from a brand trying to cater to the trope of a lady shopper: vaguely referenced “special packaging” and “one-on-one appointments” with guest stylists in stores.
“It makes streetwear culture approachable for [women who want] their skinny jeans, flannel, a [pumpkin spice latte], and some kicks. I think this service was made for them, not women already in streetwear, and that makes sense because at the end of the day, there’s more of them and Nike wants their money.”
Nike’s ad campaign for the 1 Reimagined series, which launched in January. Nike
She wishes sneaker culture weren’t so oriented around men’s fashion, leaving her without many resources for figuring out how to style her shoes with full outfits. But she doesn’t see Unlaced as much of a solution. “By adding the extended sizes, it’s like Nike is saying ‘doesn’t matter your gender, we can all rock dope kicks!’ But the rest of the features are kinda saying ‘females are different and they have different shopping needs and we need to treat them different and special’ and I don’t like that. I don’t want to see other companies do that.”
Stefanie Knoblich, a 22-year-old redditor from Germany, echoes her, saying, “I don’t see a point in Nike trying to make sneaker culture more appealing for women … women are an equal part in sneaker culture. What these companies could do to improve things is to sell every sneaker in every size.” Callie Fontana, a 22-year-old streetwear redditor from Baton Rouge, says sneaker companies spend too much time trying to “make all their sneakers pink, and what their idea of ‘feminine’ is.”
She adds, “I think both sneaker companies and sneaker culture media should just strive to make sneakers be unisex.”
I’m loath to oversimplify, but it sounds like the solution this whole time has been: Just sell the same sneakers in every size? Yeah, just sell the same sneakers in every size.
Original Source -> Nike is finally taking women who love sneakers seriously
via The Conservative Brief
0 notes
cutfjewelry · 1 year
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Your Baton Rouge jewelers will tell you that these diamonds carry most of their weight underneath the setting and so they can appear a tad smaller than their size. This means that if you want maximum shine and sparkle you will need to invest in a bigger diamond.
Most jewelers will advise you to opt for a prong or solitaire setting that offers added protection to your diamond. You can also choose a v-prong or a six-prong setting or even a tension setting.
Make sure you head to professional jewelry stores in Baton Rouge that can offer you a range of high-end metals and gemstones at an affordable price. That makes them ideal for couples on a budget.
Since princess diamonds have such deep facets, they can often hide small flaws and inclusions. So, you can easily find a diamond that suits your budget as it will be affordable compared to other cuts.
Avoid exposing your gemstone to any harsh chemicals, abrasives, or detergents as this can strip the metal band and ruin the gemstone.
End Note
With these diamonds, the cut and clarity of the gemstone are important and you need to choose an excellent cut and high clarity so that your stone can stand out and shine.
Some brides even choose a princess diamond center stone with smaller ruby or sapphire side stones for an added pop of color. You can even choose a halo of white diamonds if you want your ring to look bigger and offer added shine and protection.
0 notes
cutfjewelry · 1 year
Moissanite vs. Diamond: Which is Right for You?
While white diamonds are stunning, classic, and fancy, they aren’t the only option out there. It may come as a surprise to learn that a lot of brides are looking for something similar to diamonds that come with an affordable price tag. Moissanite engagement rings in Baton Rouge are lab-made and tend to appear like a diamond. However, what is the difference between the two, and which option is the better choice?
0 notes
The Business of Tennis & Experiential Marketing
Tennis tournaments have some of the largest numbers of fan attendance in sporting events. Top players in tennis sell lots of tickets. Some of the top names in the sport like Roger Federer, Serena Williams, Sloane Stephens & Rafael Nadal draw big spectator crowds at tennis stadiums world wide. The business of tennis is big and growing.
Let's look at the numbers. According to guinness world records the highest attendance for a single tennis match was 35,681 spectators to see Kim Clijsters play Serena Williams on 8 July 2010.
Larger tennis sporting events see gate ticket sales for the entire event of 200,000 to 400,000 + from tennis fans who want to experience these events live at court side.
Wimbledon is the oldest tennis tournament in the world, and its grass courts and tradition make it a must see for most tennis fans.
The sport of Tennis has a global following and is perhaps one of the most glamorous media spectacles. The tournaments are scheduled all over the world and it has spawned superstar players who have a celebrity like following. The business side of the sport is worth billions of dollars in merchandizing, sponsorships, media broadcasting and tickets. The tennis equipment is sold all over the world and is one of the most lucrative merchandizing business.
A recent study in America showed that Tennis is among the top 5 sporting events in terms of commercial appeal and fan following. The profile gets a major boost during the four Grand Slam events that are the most prestigious and marquee tournaments of the tennis calendar. The game has indeed come a long way from the 18th century origins which was started on the croquet grounds of Birmingham in England. The popularity of the game is attributed to
• Global media attention and increase in the number of tournaments and matches splayed each year
• Superstar status of the top players that have become sports icons
• Brand endorsements of not just tennis related products but a diversified portfolio of consumer items like cars, food products and even high-end couture
The Merchandizing Business - Global Sales of Tennis Equipment
A very large part of the success of tennis as a sport is due to the merchandizing of tennis products. There are stores all over the world that sell tennis clothing, racquets, balls and shoes both online and offline. The endorsement of superstars like world No. 1 Roger Federer has had a huge impact on the sales of tennis products. There are many products that have been specially designed keeping his image and lifestyle in mind.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4377025
WIMBLEDON BY THE NUMBERS 13 official suppliers, including Rolex and IBM 6,000 staff (200 for the rest of the year) 15,000 bananas eaten by players 28,000kg of strawberries sold 491,084 total attendance (2014) 1.8m Prize for the winners of both men's and ladies' singles champions (2015) 473m page impressions on Wimbledon.com (2014)
Wimbledon has its place as the world's top tennis tournament but In the United States some of the highest attendance for tennis tournaments are at:
RBC Tennis Championships of Dallas
Baton Rouge Pro Tennis Classic
Indian Wells Tennis Masters
Miami Open
Nordic Naturals Challenger
Hall of Fame Tennis Championships
BB&T Atlanta Open
Citi Open
MUBADALA Silicon Valley Classic San Jose, CA
Mercury Insurance Open
Winston-Salem Open Winston-Salem, NC
Connecticut Open New Haven, CT
US Open - (The US Open, the biggest pro tennis event in the United States)
The Western and Southern Open
Laver Cup
Tumblr media
Global spending on amateur and professional tennis tournaments, leagues and sanctioning bodies totaled $801 million in 2016, up 4.2 percent from 2015, according to IEG research. Brands such as Nike, Avon, Evian, Tag Heuer, American Express, Porsche, Nike, Wilson, JPMorgan Chase, PepsiCo’s Gatorade, IBM have all been a part of tennis.
Top Companies Sponsoring Tennis Mercedez-Benz Evian Wilson  Corona Extra Most Prevalent Categories Sponsoring Tennis Travel-Resort Travel-Airline Watches-Jewelry Beverages-Spirits Sports Apparel-Equipment
The business of tennis is now making good on its commercial potential in the new era of tennis marketing. 4 Factors have fueled the increased corporate spending on tennis marketing. 
Growing popularity of tennis
Global marketing platforms
More focus on social media
Stadium upgrades
Tennis allows a unique intimacy between players and spectators, usually there are two fierce competitors trying to win a match in one the most important tournaments in the world, so it's exciting to watch and intimate at the same time. Tennis is a global, year-round game, with short breaks between matches that work perfectly for corporate branding and marketing.
New Younger Spectator Fans Attracting a younger spectator audience of new tennis fans in their 20s is the goal. Many of these younger fans may not have grown up appreciating the sport but are now realizing the great and dynamic value it represents in sports entertainment.
Part of attracting a younger crowd is also the ability to engage them, everyone has a smart phone now, combining digital signage and mobile marketing is next level of corporate branding for live experiential marketing activation at tennis events. When looking at smartphone owners by age, the highest penetration are Millennials aged 18-24, 98% of whom own smartphones. Millennials aged 25-34 are right on their heels, with a 97% ownership rate, followed by Gen Xers aged 35-44 at 96%, making smartphones nearly seen and taken everywhere to include tennis sporting events.
Onsite Event Activation Experiential Marketing Onsite event activation for top experiential marketing agencies with a client list of potential sponsors for tennis sporting events becomes a key factor.
Corporate brands have something meaningful to say and now are able to create memorable experiences through mobile that tennis fans can relate to ... and associate with the great time they had at the event. This tactic has been a successful strategy, and now a mainstay, for the majority of live event experiential marketing brand activations. Everyone has a smart phone now, but they all have one thing in common... POWER. If the phone goes dead from lack of battery power tennis fans cannot, text, call, take photos, take videos, share your event on social or spread the word about about your great brand.
Tumblr media
This is where our phone charging station rental units make it easy to engage your target audience at events with freephonecharging. Our average charge time is 11 minutes and we have a captive audience watching our screens with digital promotional offers and brand activation & awareness campaigns at the same time they are watching their phones & charging them.
FreePhoneCharging.com can assist you with your mobile experiential marketing initiatives with our mobile phone charging station solutions. Find out more today and call 941.254.2752 or email: [email protected]
0 notes
6jw3-blog · 6 years
The Business of Tennis & Experiential Marketing
Tennis tournaments have some of the largest numbers of fan attendance in sporting events. Top players in tennis sell lots of tickets. Some of the top names in the sport like Roger Federer, Serena Williams, Sloane Stephens & Rafael Nadal draw big spectator crowds at tennis stadiums world wide. The business of tennis is big and growing.
Let's look at the numbers. According to guinness world records the highest attendance for a single tennis match was 35,681 spectators to see Kim Clijsters play Serena Williams on 8 July 2010.
Larger tennis sporting events see gate ticket sales for the entire event of 200,000 to 400,000 + from tennis fans who want to experience these events live at court side.
Wimbledon is the oldest tennis tournament in the world, and its grass courts and tradition make it a must see for most tennis fans.
The sport of Tennis has a global following and is perhaps one of the most glamorous media spectacles. The tournaments are scheduled all over the world and it has spawned superstar players who have a celebrity like following. The business side of the sport is worth billions of dollars in merchandizing, sponsorships, media broadcasting and tickets. The tennis equipment is sold all over the world and is one of the most lucrative merchandizing business.
A recent study in America showed that Tennis is among the top 5 sporting events in terms of commercial appeal and fan following. The profile gets a major boost during the four Grand Slam events that are the most prestigious and marquee tournaments of the tennis calendar. The game has indeed come a long way from the 18th century origins which was started on the croquet grounds of Birmingham in England. The popularity of the game is attributed to
• Global media attention and increase in the number of tournaments and matches splayed each year
• Superstar status of the top players that have become sports icons
• Brand endorsements of not just tennis related products but a diversified portfolio of consumer items like cars, food products and even high-end couture
The Merchandizing Business - Global Sales of Tennis Equipment
A very large part of the success of tennis as a sport is due to the merchandizing of tennis products. There are stores all over the world that sell tennis clothing, racquets, balls and shoes both online and offline. The endorsement of superstars like world No. 1 Roger Federer has had a huge impact on the sales of tennis products. There are many products that have been specially designed keeping his image and lifestyle in mind.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4377025
WIMBLEDON BY THE NUMBERS 13 official suppliers, including Rolex and IBM 6,000 staff (200 for the rest of the year) 15,000 bananas eaten by players 28,000kg of strawberries sold 491,084 total attendance (2014) 1.8m Prize for the winners of both men's and ladies' singles champions (2015) 473m page impressions on Wimbledon.com (2014)
Wimbledon has its place as the world's top tennis tournament but In the United States some of the highest attendance for tennis tournaments are at:
RBC Tennis Championships of Dallas
Baton Rouge Pro Tennis Classic
Indian Wells Tennis Masters
Miami Open
Nordic Naturals Challenger
Hall of Fame Tennis Championships
BB&T Atlanta Open
Citi Open
MUBADALA Silicon Valley Classic San Jose, CA
Mercury Insurance Open
Winston-Salem Open Winston-Salem, NC
Connecticut Open New Haven, CT
US Open - (The US Open, the biggest pro tennis event in the United States)
The Western and Southern Open
Laver Cup
Global spending on amateur and professional tennis tournaments, leagues and sanctioning bodies totaled $801 million in 2016, up 4.2 percent from 2015, according to IEG research. Brands such as Nike, Avon, Evian, Tag Heuer, American Express, Porsche, Nike, Wilson, JPMorgan Chase, PepsiCo’s Gatorade, IBM have all been a part of tennis.
Top Companies Sponsoring Tennis Mercedez-Benz Evian Wilson Corona Extra Most Prevalent Categories Sponsoring Tennis Travel-Resort Travel-Airline Watches-Jewelry Beverages-Spirits Sports Apparel-Equipment
The business of tennis is now making good on its commercial potential in the new era of tennis marketing. 4 Factors have fueled the increased corporate spending on tennis marketing.
Growing popularity of tennis
Global marketing platforms
More focus on social media
Stadium upgrades
Tennis allows a unique intimacy between players and spectators, usually there are two fierce competitors trying to win a match in one the most important tournaments in the world, so it's exciting to watch and intimate at the same time. Tennis is a global, year-round game, with short breaks between matches that work perfectly for corporate branding and marketing.
New Younger Spectator Fans Attracting a younger spectator audience of new tennis fans in their 20s is the goal. Many of these younger fans may not have grown up appreciating the sport but are now realizing the great and dynamic value it represents in sports entertainment.
Part of attracting a younger crowd is also the ability to engage them, everyone has a smart phone now, combining digital signage and mobile marketing is next level of corporate branding for live experiential marketing activation at tennis events. When looking at smartphone owners by age, the highest penetration are Millennials aged 18-24, 98% of whom own smartphones. Millennials aged 25-34 are right on their heels, with a 97% ownership rate, followed by Gen Xers aged 35-44 at 96%, making smartphones nearly seen and taken everywhere to include tennis sporting events.
Onsite Event Activation Experiential Marketing Onsite event activation for top experiential marketing agencies with a client list of potential sponsors for tennis sporting events becomes a key factor.
Corporate brands have something meaningful to say and now are able to create memorable experiences through mobile that tennis fans can relate to ... and associate with the great time they had at the event. This tactic has been a successful strategy, and now a mainstay, for the majority of live event experiential marketing brand activations. Everyone has a smart phone now, but they all have one thing in common... POWER. If the phone goes dead from lack of battery power tennis fans cannot, text, call, take photos, take videos, share your event on social or spread the word about about your great brand.
This is where our phone charging station rental units make it easy to engage your target audience at events with freephonecharging. Our average charge time is 11 minutes and we have a captive audience watching our screens with digital promotional offers and brand activation & awareness campaigns at the same time they are watching their phones & charging them.
FreePhoneCharging.com can assist you with your mobile experiential marketing initiatives with our mobile phone charging station solutions. Find out more today and call 941.254.2752 or email: [email protected]
0 notes
organicloving-blog · 6 years
The Business of Tennis & Experiential Marketing
Tennis tournaments have some of the largest numbers of fan attendance in sporting events. Top players in tennis sell lots of tickets. Some of the top names in the sport like Roger Federer, Serena Williams, Sloane Stephens & Rafael Nadal draw big spectator crowds at tennis stadiums world wide. The business of tennis is big and growing.
Let's look at the numbers. According to guinness world records the highest attendance for a single tennis match was 35,681 spectators to see Kim Clijsters play Serena Williams on 8 July 2010.
Larger tennis sporting events see gate ticket sales for the entire event of 200,000 to 400,000 + from tennis fans who want to experience these events live at court side.
Wimbledon is the oldest tennis tournament in the world, and its grass courts and tradition make it a must see for most tennis fans.
The sport of Tennis has a global following and is perhaps one of the most glamorous media spectacles. The tournaments are scheduled all over the world and it has spawned superstar players who have a celebrity like following. The business side of the sport is worth billions of dollars in merchandizing, sponsorships, media broadcasting and tickets. The tennis equipment is sold all over the world and is one of the most lucrative merchandizing business.
A recent study in America showed that Tennis is among the top 5 sporting events in terms of commercial appeal and fan following. The profile gets a major boost during the four Grand Slam events that are the most prestigious and marquee tournaments of the tennis calendar. The game has indeed come a long way from the 18th century origins which was started on the croquet grounds of Birmingham in England. The popularity of the game is attributed to
• Global media attention and increase in the number of tournaments and matches splayed each year
• Superstar status of the top players that have become sports icons
• Brand endorsements of not just tennis related products but a diversified portfolio of consumer items like cars, food products and even high-end couture
The Merchandizing Business - Global Sales of Tennis Equipment
A very large part of the success of tennis as a sport is due to the merchandizing of tennis products. There are stores all over the world that sell tennis clothing, racquets, balls and shoes both online and offline. The endorsement of superstars like world No. 1 Roger Federer has had a huge impact on the sales of tennis products. There are many products that have been specially designed keeping his image and lifestyle in mind.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4377025
WIMBLEDON BY THE NUMBERS 13 official suppliers, including Rolex and IBM 6,000 staff (200 for the rest of the year) 15,000 bananas eaten by players 28,000kg of strawberries sold 491,084 total attendance (2014) 1.8m Prize for the winners of both men's and ladies' singles champions (2015) 473m page impressions on Wimbledon.com (2014)
Wimbledon has its place as the world's top tennis tournament but In the United States some of the highest attendance for tennis tournaments are at:
RBC Tennis Championships of Dallas
Baton Rouge Pro Tennis Classic
Indian Wells Tennis Masters
Miami Open
Nordic Naturals Challenger
Hall of Fame Tennis Championships
BB&T Atlanta Open
Citi Open
MUBADALA Silicon Valley Classic San Jose, CA
Mercury Insurance Open
Winston-Salem Open Winston-Salem, NC
Connecticut Open New Haven, CT
US Open - (The US Open, the biggest pro tennis event in the United States)
The Western and Southern Open
Laver Cup
Global spending on amateur and professional tennis tournaments, leagues and sanctioning bodies totaled $801 million in 2016, up 4.2 percent from 2015, according to IEG research. Brands such as Nike, Avon, Evian, Tag Heuer, American Express, Porsche, Nike, Wilson, JPMorgan Chase, PepsiCo’s Gatorade, IBM have all been a part of tennis.
Top Companies Sponsoring Tennis Mercedez-Benz Evian Wilson Corona Extra Most Prevalent Categories Sponsoring Tennis Travel-Resort Travel-Airline Watches-Jewelry Beverages-Spirits Sports Apparel-Equipment
The business of tennis is now making good on its commercial potential in the new era of tennis marketing. 4 Factors have fueled the increased corporate spending on tennis marketing.
Growing popularity of tennis
Global marketing platforms
More focus on social media
Stadium upgrades
Tennis allows a unique intimacy between players and spectators, usually there are two fierce competitors trying to win a match in one the most important tournaments in the world, so it's exciting to watch and intimate at the same time. Tennis is a global, year-round game, with short breaks between matches that work perfectly for corporate branding and marketing.
New Younger Spectator Fans Attracting a younger spectator audience of new tennis fans in their 20s is the goal. Many of these younger fans may not have grown up appreciating the sport but are now realizing the great and dynamic value it represents in sports entertainment.
Part of attracting a younger crowd is also the ability to engage them, everyone has a smart phone now, combining digital signage and mobile marketing is next level of corporate branding for live experiential marketing activation at tennis events. When looking at smartphone owners by age, the highest penetration are Millennials aged 18-24, 98% of whom own smartphones. Millennials aged 25-34 are right on their heels, with a 97% ownership rate, followed by Gen Xers aged 35-44 at 96%, making smartphones nearly seen and taken everywhere to include tennis sporting events.
Onsite Event Activation Experiential Marketing Onsite event activation for top experiential marketing agencies with a client list of potential sponsors for tennis sporting events becomes a key factor.
Corporate brands have something meaningful to say and now are able to create memorable experiences through mobile that tennis fans can relate to ... and associate with the great time they had at the event. This tactic has been a successful strategy, and now a mainstay, for the majority of live event experiential marketing brand activations. Everyone has a smart phone now, but they all have one thing in common... POWER. If the phone goes dead from lack of battery power tennis fans cannot, text, call, take photos, take videos, share your event on social or spread the word about about your great brand.
This is where our phone charging station rental units make it easy to engage your target audience at events with freephonecharging. Our average charge time is 11 minutes and we have a captive audience watching our screens with digital promotional offers and brand activation & awareness campaigns at the same time they are watching their phones & charging them.
FreePhoneCharging.com can assist you with your mobile experiential marketing initiatives with our mobile phone charging station solutions. Find out more today and call 941.254.2752 or email: [email protected]
0 notes
The Business of Tennis & Experiential Marketing
Tennis tournaments have some of the largest numbers of fan attendance in sporting events. Top players in tennis sell lots of tickets. Some of the top names in the sport like Roger Federer, Serena Williams, Sloane Stephens & Rafael Nadal draw big spectator crowds at tennis stadiums world wide. The business of tennis is big and growing.
Let's look at the numbers. According to guinness world records the highest attendance for a single tennis match was 35,681 spectators to see Kim Clijsters play Serena Williams on 8 July 2010.
Larger tennis sporting events see gate ticket sales for the entire event of 200,000 to 400,000 + from tennis fans who want to experience these events live at court side.
Wimbledon is the oldest tennis tournament in the world, and its grass courts and tradition make it a must see for most tennis fans.
The sport of Tennis has a global following and is perhaps one of the most glamorous media spectacles. The tournaments are scheduled all over the world and it has spawned superstar players who have a celebrity like following. The business side of the sport is worth billions of dollars in merchandizing, sponsorships, media broadcasting and tickets. The tennis equipment is sold all over the world and is one of the most lucrative merchandizing business.
A recent study in America showed that Tennis is among the top 5 sporting events in terms of commercial appeal and fan following. The profile gets a major boost during the four Grand Slam events that are the most prestigious and marquee tournaments of the tennis calendar. The game has indeed come a long way from the 18th century origins which was started on the croquet grounds of Birmingham in England. The popularity of the game is attributed to
• Global media attention and increase in the number of tournaments and matches splayed each year
• Superstar status of the top players that have become sports icons
• Brand endorsements of not just tennis related products but a diversified portfolio of consumer items like cars, food products and even high-end couture
The Merchandizing Business - Global Sales of Tennis Equipment
A very large part of the success of tennis as a sport is due to the merchandizing of tennis products. There are stores all over the world that sell tennis clothing, racquets, balls and shoes both online and offline. The endorsement of superstars like world No. 1 Roger Federer has had a huge impact on the sales of tennis products. There are many products that have been specially designed keeping his image and lifestyle in mind.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4377025
WIMBLEDON BY THE NUMBERS 13 official suppliers, including Rolex and IBM 6,000 staff (200 for the rest of the year) 15,000 bananas eaten by players 28,000kg of strawberries sold 491,084 total attendance (2014) 1.8m Prize for the winners of both men's and ladies' singles champions (2015) 473m page impressions on Wimbledon.com (2014)
Wimbledon has its place as the world's top tennis tournament but In the United States some of the highest attendance for tennis tournaments are at:
RBC Tennis Championships of Dallas
Baton Rouge Pro Tennis Classic
Indian Wells Tennis Masters
Miami Open
Nordic Naturals Challenger
Hall of Fame Tennis Championships
BB&T Atlanta Open
Citi Open
MUBADALA Silicon Valley Classic San Jose, CA
Mercury Insurance Open
Winston-Salem Open Winston-Salem, NC
Connecticut Open New Haven, CT
US Open - (The US Open, the biggest pro tennis event in the United States)
The Western and Southern Open
Laver Cup
Global spending on amateur and professional tennis tournaments, leagues and sanctioning bodies totaled $801 million in 2016, up 4.2 percent from 2015, according to IEG research. Brands such as Nike, Avon, Evian, Tag Heuer, American Express, Porsche, Nike, Wilson, JPMorgan Chase, PepsiCo’s Gatorade, IBM have all been a part of tennis.
Top Companies Sponsoring Tennis Mercedez-Benz Evian Wilson Corona Extra Most Prevalent Categories Sponsoring Tennis Travel-Resort Travel-Airline Watches-Jewelry Beverages-Spirits Sports Apparel-Equipment
The business of tennis is now making good on its commercial potential in the new era of tennis marketing. 4 Factors have fueled the increased corporate spending on tennis marketing.
Growing popularity of tennis
Global marketing platforms
More focus on social media
Stadium upgrades
Tennis allows a unique intimacy between players and spectators, usually there are two fierce competitors trying to win a match in one the most important tournaments in the world, so it's exciting to watch and intimate at the same time. Tennis is a global, year-round game, with short breaks between matches that work perfectly for corporate branding and marketing.
New Younger Spectator Fans Attracting a younger spectator audience of new tennis fans in their 20s is the goal. Many of these younger fans may not have grown up appreciating the sport but are now realizing the great and dynamic value it represents in sports entertainment.
Part of attracting a younger crowd is also the ability to engage them, everyone has a smart phone now, combining digital signage and mobile marketing is next level of corporate branding for live experiential marketing activation at tennis events. When looking at smartphone owners by age, the highest penetration are Millennials aged 18-24, 98% of whom own smartphones. Millennials aged 25-34 are right on their heels, with a 97% ownership rate, followed by Gen Xers aged 35-44 at 96%, making smartphones nearly seen and taken everywhere to include tennis sporting events.
Onsite Event Activation Experiential Marketing Onsite event activation for top experiential marketing agencies with a client list of potential sponsors for tennis sporting events becomes a key factor.
Corporate brands have something meaningful to say and now are able to create memorable experiences through mobile that tennis fans can relate to ... and associate with the great time they had at the event. This tactic has been a successful strategy, and now a mainstay, for the majority of live event experiential marketing brand activations. Everyone has a smart phone now, but they all have one thing in common... POWER. If the phone goes dead from lack of battery power tennis fans cannot, text, call, take photos, take videos, share your event on social or spread the word about about your great brand.
This is where our phone charging station rental units make it easy to engage your target audience at events with freephonecharging. Our average charge time is 11 minutes and we have a captive audience watching our screens with digital promotional offers and brand activation & awareness campaigns at the same time they are watching their phones & charging them.
FreePhoneCharging.com can assist you with your mobile experiential marketing initiatives with our mobile phone charging station solutions. Find out more today and call 941.254.2752 or email: [email protected]
0 notes
cutfjewelry · 2 years
Romantic Filigree Engagement Rings for Vintage Brides
There’s something so classic and sentimental about vintage engagement rings in Baton Rouge, right from their one-of-a-kind feel to being steeped in a lot of history and tradition that makes them a great choice for your big day.
 A lot of vintage-inspired pieces tend to offer you filigree designs, ornate designs, and more that are intricate, stunning, and perfect for brides looking for something different.
 Filigree details entail metals like platinum, rose gold, or yellow gold that is carefully twisted and curved into a range of designs. Right from floral-inspired and lace work to intricate metal designs and more that easily make your ring stand out and shine.
 Reasons to choose filigree vintage rings
One of the main reasons why a lot of brides tend to prefer filigree engagement rings is that this style is unique and distinctive and involves taking a range of metals and arranging them into different designs, motifs, and romantic details like lace, hearts, flowers, leaves, and more.
 This offers you the freedom to custom-design your ring the way you like and choose a style that perfectly matches your personality and lifestyle preferences. Your local Baton Rouge jewelers will tell you to always consider your lifestyle before choosing a ring.
 If you tend to be more active and outgoing, look for metals like platinum and yellow gold that can withstand daily wear and tear. You can also choose the era you desire and pick pieces that you adore.
 While these rings can be affordable, your professional jewelry stores in Baton Rouge will tell you that this all depends on the type of design, metal, and gemstones you choose. The more elaborate and intricate the design, the higher the cost.
 End Note
Since these rings are so intricate, they can easily snag on clothing, and soft surfaces or even accidentally get hit on any hard surface. This is why you need to take extra care of your ring and take your piece to a professional from time to time to clean, repair and maintain it so that it looks new and shiny for years to come.
0 notes
The Business of Tennis & Experiential Marketing
Tennis tournaments have some of the largest numbers of fan attendance in sporting events. Top players in tennis sell lots of tickets. Some of the top names in the sport like Roger Federer, Serena Williams, Sloane Stephens & Rafael Nadal draw big spectator crowds at tennis stadiums world wide. The business of tennis is big and growing.
Let's look at the numbers. According to guinness world records the highest attendance for a single tennis match was 35,681 spectators to see Kim Clijsters play Serena Williams on 8 July 2010.
Larger tennis sporting events see gate ticket sales for the entire event of 200,000 to 400,000 + from tennis fans who want to experience these events live at court side.
Wimbledon is the oldest tennis tournament in the world, and its grass courts and tradition make it a must see for most tennis fans.
The sport of Tennis has a global following and is perhaps one of the most glamorous media spectacles. The tournaments are scheduled all over the world and it has spawned superstar players who have a celebrity like following. The business side of the sport is worth billions of dollars in merchandizing, sponsorships, media broadcasting and tickets. The tennis equipment is sold all over the world and is one of the most lucrative merchandizing business.
A recent study in America showed that Tennis is among the top 5 sporting events in terms of commercial appeal and fan following. The profile gets a major boost during the four Grand Slam events that are the most prestigious and marquee tournaments of the tennis calendar. The game has indeed come a long way from the 18th century origins which was started on the croquet grounds of Birmingham in England. The popularity of the game is attributed to
• Global media attention and increase in the number of tournaments and matches splayed each year
• Superstar status of the top players that have become sports icons
• Brand endorsements of not just tennis related products but a diversified portfolio of consumer items like cars, food products and even high-end couture
The Merchandizing Business - Global Sales of Tennis Equipment
A very large part of the success of tennis as a sport is due to the merchandizing of tennis products. There are stores all over the world that sell tennis clothing, racquets, balls and shoes both online and offline. The endorsement of superstars like world No. 1 Roger Federer has had a huge impact on the sales of tennis products. There are many products that have been specially designed keeping his image and lifestyle in mind.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4377025
WIMBLEDON BY THE NUMBERS 13 official suppliers, including Rolex and IBM 6,000 staff (200 for the rest of the year) 15,000 bananas eaten by players 28,000kg of strawberries sold 491,084 total attendance (2014) 1.8m Prize for the winners of both men's and ladies' singles champions (2015) 473m page impressions on Wimbledon.com (2014)
Wimbledon has its place as the world's top tennis tournament but In the United States some of the highest attendance for tennis tournaments are at:
RBC Tennis Championships of Dallas
Baton Rouge Pro Tennis Classic
Indian Wells Tennis Masters
Miami Open
Nordic Naturals Challenger
Hall of Fame Tennis Championships
BB&T Atlanta Open
Citi Open
MUBADALA Silicon Valley Classic San Jose, CA
Mercury Insurance Open
Winston-Salem Open Winston-Salem, NC
Connecticut Open New Haven, CT
US Open - (The US Open, the biggest pro tennis event in the United States)
The Western and Southern Open
Laver Cup
Global spending on amateur and professional tennis tournaments, leagues and sanctioning bodies totaled $801 million in 2016, up 4.2 percent from 2015, according to IEG research. Brands such as Nike, Avon, Evian, Tag Heuer, American Express, Porsche, Nike, Wilson, JPMorgan Chase, PepsiCo’s Gatorade, IBM have all been a part of tennis.
Top Companies Sponsoring Tennis Mercedez-Benz Evian Wilson Corona Extra Most Prevalent Categories Sponsoring Tennis Travel-Resort Travel-Airline Watches-Jewelry Beverages-Spirits Sports Apparel-Equipment
The business of tennis is now making good on its commercial potential in the new era of tennis marketing. 4 Factors have fueled the increased corporate spending on tennis marketing.
Growing popularity of tennis
Global marketing platforms
More focus on social media
Stadium upgrades
Tennis allows a unique intimacy between players and spectators, usually there are two fierce competitors trying to win a match in one the most important tournaments in the world, so it's exciting to watch and intimate at the same time. Tennis is a global, year-round game, with short breaks between matches that work perfectly for corporate branding and marketing.
New Younger Spectator Fans Attracting a younger spectator audience of new tennis fans in their 20s is the goal. Many of these younger fans may not have grown up appreciating the sport but are now realizing the great and dynamic value it represents in sports entertainment.
Part of attracting a younger crowd is also the ability to engage them, everyone has a smart phone now, combining digital signage and mobile marketing is next level of corporate branding for live experiential marketing activation at tennis events. When looking at smartphone owners by age, the highest penetration are Millennials aged 18-24, 98% of whom own smartphones. Millennials aged 25-34 are right on their heels, with a 97% ownership rate, followed by Gen Xers aged 35-44 at 96%, making smartphones nearly seen and taken everywhere to include tennis sporting events.
Onsite Event Activation Experiential Marketing Onsite event activation for top experiential marketing agencies with a client list of potential sponsors for tennis sporting events becomes a key factor.
Corporate brands have something meaningful to say and now are able to create memorable experiences through mobile that tennis fans can relate to ... and associate with the great time they had at the event. This tactic has been a successful strategy, and now a mainstay, for the majority of live event experiential marketing brand activations. Everyone has a smart phone now, but they all have one thing in common... POWER. If the phone goes dead from lack of battery power tennis fans cannot, text, call, take photos, take videos, share your event on social or spread the word about about your great brand.
This is where our phone charging station rental units make it easy to engage your target audience at events with freephonecharging. Our average charge time is 11 minutes and we have a captive audience watching our screens with digital promotional offers and brand activation & awareness campaigns at the same time they are watching their phones & charging them.
FreePhoneCharging.com can assist you with your mobile experiential marketing initiatives with our mobile phone charging station solutions. Find out more today and call 941.254.2752 or email: [email protected]
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The Business of Tennis & Experiential Marketing
Tennis tournaments have some of the largest numbers of fan attendance in sporting events. Top players in tennis sell lots of tickets. Some of the top names in the sport like Roger Federer, Serena Williams, Sloane Stephens & Rafael Nadal draw big spectator crowds at tennis stadiums world wide. The business of tennis is big and growing.
Let's look at the numbers. According to guinness world records the highest attendance for a single tennis match was 35,681 spectators to see Kim Clijsters play Serena Williams on 8 July 2010.
Larger tennis sporting events see gate ticket sales for the entire event of 200,000 to 400,000 + from tennis fans who want to experience these events live at court side.
Wimbledon is the oldest tennis tournament in the world, and its grass courts and tradition make it a must see for most tennis fans.
The sport of Tennis has a global following and is perhaps one of the most glamorous media spectacles. The tournaments are scheduled all over the world and it has spawned superstar players who have a celebrity like following. The business side of the sport is worth billions of dollars in merchandizing, sponsorships, media broadcasting and tickets. The tennis equipment is sold all over the world and is one of the most lucrative merchandizing business.
A recent study in America showed that Tennis is among the top 5 sporting events in terms of commercial appeal and fan following. The profile gets a major boost during the four Grand Slam events that are the most prestigious and marquee tournaments of the tennis calendar. The game has indeed come a long way from the 18th century origins which was started on the croquet grounds of Birmingham in England. The popularity of the game is attributed to
• Global media attention and increase in the number of tournaments and matches splayed each year
• Superstar status of the top players that have become sports icons
• Brand endorsements of not just tennis related products but a diversified portfolio of consumer items like cars, food products and even high-end couture
The Merchandizing Business - Global Sales of Tennis Equipment
A very large part of the success of tennis as a sport is due to the merchandizing of tennis products. There are stores all over the world that sell tennis clothing, racquets, balls and shoes both online and offline. The endorsement of superstars like world No. 1 Roger Federer has had a huge impact on the sales of tennis products. There are many products that have been specially designed keeping his image and lifestyle in mind.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4377025
WIMBLEDON BY THE NUMBERS 13 official suppliers, including Rolex and IBM 6,000 staff (200 for the rest of the year) 15,000 bananas eaten by players 28,000kg of strawberries sold 491,084 total attendance (2014) 1.8m Prize for the winners of both men's and ladies' singles champions (2015) 473m page impressions on Wimbledon.com (2014)
Wimbledon has its place as the world's top tennis tournament but In the United States some of the highest attendance for tennis tournaments are at:
RBC Tennis Championships of Dallas
Baton Rouge Pro Tennis Classic
Indian Wells Tennis Masters
Miami Open
Nordic Naturals Challenger
Hall of Fame Tennis Championships
BB&T Atlanta Open
Citi Open
MUBADALA Silicon Valley Classic San Jose, CA
Mercury Insurance Open
Winston-Salem Open Winston-Salem, NC
Connecticut Open New Haven, CT
US Open - (The US Open, the biggest pro tennis event in the United States)
The Western and Southern Open
Laver Cup
Global spending on amateur and professional tennis tournaments, leagues and sanctioning bodies totaled $801 million in 2016, up 4.2 percent from 2015, according to IEG research. Brands such as Nike, Avon, Evian, Tag Heuer, American Express, Porsche, Nike, Wilson, JPMorgan Chase, PepsiCo’s Gatorade, IBM have all been a part of tennis.
Top Companies Sponsoring Tennis Mercedez-Benz Evian Wilson Corona Extra Most Prevalent Categories Sponsoring Tennis Travel-Resort Travel-Airline Watches-Jewelry Beverages-Spirits Sports Apparel-Equipment
The business of tennis is now making good on its commercial potential in the new era of tennis marketing. 4 Factors have fueled the increased corporate spending on tennis marketing.
Growing popularity of tennis
Global marketing platforms
More focus on social media
Stadium upgrades
Tennis allows a unique intimacy between players and spectators, usually there are two fierce competitors trying to win a match in one the most important tournaments in the world, so it's exciting to watch and intimate at the same time. Tennis is a global, year-round game, with short breaks between matches that work perfectly for corporate branding and marketing.
New Younger Spectator Fans Attracting a younger spectator audience of new tennis fans in their 20s is the goal. Many of these younger fans may not have grown up appreciating the sport but are now realizing the great and dynamic value it represents in sports entertainment.
Part of attracting a younger crowd is also the ability to engage them, everyone has a smart phone now, combining digital signage and mobile marketing is next level of corporate branding for live experiential marketing activation at tennis events. When looking at smartphone owners by age, the highest penetration are Millennials aged 18-24, 98% of whom own smartphones. Millennials aged 25-34 are right on their heels, with a 97% ownership rate, followed by Gen Xers aged 35-44 at 96%, making smartphones nearly seen and taken everywhere to include tennis sporting events.
Onsite Event Activation Experiential Marketing Onsite event activation for top experiential marketing agencies with a client list of potential sponsors for tennis sporting events becomes a key factor.
Corporate brands have something meaningful to say and now are able to create memorable experiences through mobile that tennis fans can relate to ... and associate with the great time they had at the event. This tactic has been a successful strategy, and now a mainstay, for the majority of live event experiential marketing brand activations. Everyone has a smart phone now, but they all have one thing in common... POWER. If the phone goes dead from lack of battery power tennis fans cannot, text, call, take photos, take videos, share your event on social or spread the word about about your great brand.
This is where our phone charging station rental units make it easy to engage your target audience at events with freephonecharging. Our average charge time is 11 minutes and we have a captive audience watching our screens with digital promotional offers and brand activation & awareness campaigns at the same time they are watching their phones & charging them.
FreePhoneCharging.com can assist you with your mobile experiential marketing initiatives with our mobile phone charging station solutions. Find out more today and call 941.254.2752 or email: [email protected]
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