#Jewellery repairs London
For many people, jewellery has significant personal and financial worth, therefore it’s important to maintain and repair it properly. Whether it’s an engagement ring, a family heirloom, or a priceless accessory, maintaining jewellery in flawless condition guarantees its longevity and ongoing relevance. Therefore, it is important to take the help of the expert for jewellery repair to maintain the quality and condition of the jewellery. Let us have a look at some of the important steps required to take for repairing your jewellery.
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jcolondon · 1 year
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Understanding the importance of Jewellery repairs is vital to preserving the beauty, sentimental value, and functionality of your favourite accessories. By seeking professional Jewellery Repair Services, whether in London, UK, or nearby, you can breathe new life into your beloved pieces.
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asrgems · 2 years
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13atoms · 11 months
The Whole World Filled with Silence (Lucy Carlyle x Anthony Lockwood)
(Mainly about lucy!)
Summary: On the morning Lucy loses her talent, she visits Marissa Fittes' tomb.
Tags: 20-year-old Lucy, plus lockwood and george, drabble, fluff. Post-canon. Hypothetical-future-character-study.
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Lucy often felt she’d been a late bloomer, and consequently nothing felt more cruel than being the first to lose her Talent.
It had burned so strong, she’d assumed maybe it would never go anywhere, like Marrissa’s.
A Rawbones had been right behind her, and she hadn’t heard a thing. The bone fragments in her hand felt as dull as the rocks she’d skim into the Thames. Lockwood had made the save, as he was wont to do, and beamed at her so widely she was sure he hadn’t had a clue.
The morning after it had happened, she didn’t feel the tension headache which came after using her powers. She walked downstairs and couldn’t meet either of the boys’ eyes. Twenty had brought with it a little more confidence in the way she carried herself, and she could see it in them too. They had sharper faces, broader shoulders, and the ability to say no to the people who might try and exploit their youth for cheap rates.
Toast in hand, she’d descended to the basement, and touched every single thing they shouldn’t keep in the house. There was something, especially because she knew how used bullets and blood-stain Jewellery ought to make her feel, but Lucy knew it wasn’t the same. The scared girl who had stumbled up the front steps of 35 Portland Row with a newspaper advert in hand and nothing in the world had more Talent than she did now.
The basement floor was cold. It always was. She sank to it, let it creep through her tights, and wondered for a while if she ought to feel more upset.
There was hollowness, and fear, and certainly surprise, but Lucy couldn’t bring herself to feel sorry.
“I’m heading out,” she’d murmured to Lockwood, catching his attention with a hand on his shoulder, and he nodded before returning to his paper.
He let her go, and Lucy enjoyed the cold morning air against her skin as she meandered through the city in a direction she knew all too well.
They’d never quite figured out what was left in Marissa Fittes’ grave, but it had been quietly repaired and left as it was, so perhaps that was answer enough. Lucy crossed the road in a gap between crawling taxis, and smiled at the drivers who let her go, returning their polite waves. Her scarf was cosy against her face, and she regretted not bringing thicker gloves to match it. The city rumbled underfoot, a few tourists and late commuters rushing along.
The island in the road where Penelope’s tomb lay was empty, designed to be too difficult for tourists to get to. People didn’t seek it out anymore anyway. Fittes’ power of the public imagination had been loosening for a while now. Some part of that broke Lucy’s heart. She had grown up admiring Marissa, given hope by her story, and now that story had vanished – no matter how fictitious it had been.
Maybe there would never be anyone else as Talented as Penelope Fittes. Lucy thought about the posters and magazines she’d had as a child, the desperate, clawing thing in her chest when she thought about being as important and special as Penelope was. She exhaled, the air fogging with her breath. The sky overhead was bright and blue, starting and ending with London.
All around her, people were living their lives. People walked the streets in the early evening for the first time in living memory. Ironmongers’ stock was falling steadily – though lavender remained popular, perhaps out of habit. Visitors were no longer on every newspaper front page, a thing to soon be regulated to history books and niche societies. Lockwood & Co. survived on reputation and their specialism, but maybe one day they wouldn’t be needed either. Lockwood would become some kind of scholar on the problem, and so would George. Lucy sat in front of the unguarded gate which covered the tomb’s doorway.
When she leant back against it the metal rungs dug into her back, softened by her coat and jumper.
The road ahead held so many memories. The carnival. The chase. And yet the city moved on, people bustled past with jobs and kids and love and heartbreak on their minds, and fewer and fewer kids left school to wield rapiers and sleep through the daylight hours. Once upon a time, Lucy couldn’t have looked at the tomb. The fear of being chased through the door behind her was still there if she sought it out, but she didn’t. She had no desire to wallow in it. Instead she sat there for a few moments longer, inhaled the sharp, cold air, and walked the long way home.
Later she’d sit down with Lockwood, and he’d have no answers and no questions. In the privacy of the library that evening George would admit his limited talent was weakening too, in recent weeks, and together they’d realise that Lockwood was the only member of the company who got any satisfaction from hunting Visitors anymore.
A few months later Lockwood would sheepishly sit on her bed at two in the morning, asking if he could tell her something. He’d admit he had walked straight past a death glow one of their rookies was blinded by, and ask Lucy if it was wrong that he felt nothing but relief.
There was never any discussion of George or Lucy moving out. There didn’t need to be – Lockwood needed them to outnumber the countless ghosts which roamed the halls as hazy memories. They needed to stay, because it was the greatest home any of them had ever had.
By the fire in the library Lucy and George would write The Visitors’ Almanac together, and spend months frustrated by each other until finally they presented Lockwood and their publishers with a first draft.
Every single one of the millions of copies sold contained a dedication to Anthony Lockwood before the title page. It made a lump appear in his throat every time he saw a copy in a shop display.
So began a series of lectures, and interviews, and eventually Lockwood invited himself to join them. Lockwood took to guest lecturing like a duck to water, and seemed to have half-a-dozen jobs on the go – not a single one of them life threatening. One evening Lucy and George met him for a late lunch around the corner from Imperial College London, and as the hours flew and the sun set they realised all three of them had left their rapiers at home for the first time since they’d met.
Lucy’s second book was met with almost as much fervour as the first. A month after its launch, she deposited a third of the house’s mortgage into Lockwood’s bank account as a lump sum without a word to him. He silently added her name to the deed for the house, she found out from his solicitor. Her nieces and nephews got a huge stack of books for Christmas every year, though rarely a visit from Aunt Lucy. Norrie’s family found their mortgage mysteriously gone, and they wrote the next week to thank her for the latest batch of casette tapes.
Six months into their long-overdue relationship Lockwood would suggest they insulate the loft bedroom better, and Lucy would stay in his bed for a week and never move back upstairs again.
Marissa’s Talent had burned through her, tempted her to do things Lucy hoped she would never have the strength to do. When she passed the tomb by coincidence on the morning of her twenty-fifth birthday, Lucy wondered if it was simply that Marissa had never had the strength to let go, clinging onto what made her special with two hands until she’d broken under the strain.
It was a surprisingly sharp morning for May. She walked past the mausoleum with one hand in her coat pocket, the other clasped in Lockwood’s so he could steal her warmth with his ice-cold skin. It was nonsensical, but she tuned out his conversation for a moment, and spared a thought for Marissa Fittes.
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nervousladytraveler · 9 months
Are we ever gonna get updates for duty or should I just give up hoping? Asking for myself
Oh my dear Anonymous! I am so sorry for the long wait and am back at it, I promise. But here's a little something to tide you over. Thanks for the ask!
Though probably not entirely sufficient, Ross did have some funds he could allocate for repairs on the house.
Before he’d left London, he’d pawned all his finer gentlemanly accoutrements–tie pins, cufflinks, the jet stone ring he occasionally wore on his right hand. Some had been gifts from Elizabeth, some he’d picked for himself but only because she’d foisted her taste on him. He had no use for them now and doubted he'd ever return to a life where such things mattered.
He’d also sold the gold band he wore on his left hand but that he’d taken a little more care to dispose of. He wanted maximum returns and no chance of being traced. He eschewed the pawn shops of London–there supply far outstripped demand so he knew he’d get little for it even though it was a quality piece. But of course it had been expensive–Elizabeth had insisted and picked his and hers out herself.
Instead Ross had ventured further afield and while he was travelling through Devon, he found an establishment that purported to be purveyors of antiquities and estate jewellery. Ross had sported his best non descript accent and convinced the proprietor that the ring had once belonged to a deceased Viscount, one whose name Ross conveniently didn’t recall.
“Look, this inscription here? That's some Latin,” Ross had explained, trying to sound like someone who hadn’t had the difference between the nominative and ablative declensions hammered into his brain–and into his backside–while at school. “From a family crest, I b’lieve.”
“Yes, yes, I see,” the man put his glass to his eye and read. Fide et constantia.
In truth it was a family motto, but one belonging to the Chynoweths and none of them were of much status, certainly no one a viscount. According to Elizabeth the family had only adopted the motto after the second Boer War. 
And in the end, Fide et constantia proved to be a bit of a joke since neither Ross nor Elizabeth had ever shown much faith or constancy. She had wanted to inscribe the rings with something from the Poldarks–at the time she still had respect for that family’s heritage–but he’d refused. The connection wasn’t part of Ross's identity and therefore wasn’t welcome in his marriage. Of course it turned out Ross wasn't really welcome in his marriage either.
“But tell me, Mister…”
“Mister Jones,” Ross had said and gave a toothy grin, his attempt at looking earnest.
“Mr. Jones, how did you come across this heirloom?”
"Well," said Ross trying to buy some time. "That is a story."
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johannestevans · 1 year
I went to the Leeds Queer Market!
Some purchases I made and some new creators to follow. 
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I went along to the Leeds Playhouse this afternoon before we went to see Barbie later on, and I was super pleased to go along — they were up on one of the floors in the Playhouse where the kitchen is, with various tables set up selling arts and crafts, jewellery, prints, cacti, and so on.
The market is run by Quercus Craft, I think every month or so? And I just wanted to show off some of the things I picked up and link to the creators’ stores and social media!
Firstly, I picked up this gorgeous print from Matt David (they/them), who is a queer Scottish artist based out of London — a lot of their work grapples with queerness and sexuality, including safe sex and HIV awareness, but also layers of symbolism, how symbols are created and communicated, and there’s this big thematic trend of exploring the symbology around queer bodies, the ways in which they’re objectified through fellow queer gazes, to incredible effect. 
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I love this piece so much — Matt David has several pieces like this one where they create these layered cyanotype portraits whilst also scanning the condoms through, and because of the material of the condoms and the lubricant on them, they have this incredible shine effect on them. I adore this piece, Hey Daddy, because of the halo-like shimmer of the condom’s ring over the figure’s head, and I’m so, so excited to put this in a gold frame and hang it up in my new place once I’m moved in. 
As well as these figures using condoms, they also have some beautiful colour portraiture featuring different queer heroes — I especially love this piece of Marsha P. Johnson — and do other forms of portraiture and sketches!
They’re open for commissions, as I said, and they’re also the Art Editor for Snowflake Magazine. 
You can check out Matt David and purchase their work on:
Their website / / Instagram / / Etsy
I picked up a few pieces of jewellery from Abigaia (she/her), a (n English) northerner and queer witch who plays a lot with themes of nature and spirituality in her work — she’s got a big focus on using sustainable materials in her craftwork as well as in its packaging, which is so awesome to see, the values of the work itself extended to its packaging materials. 
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I was super excited about the variety of charms and pendants she had on show — I picked up a snake, a rainbow mushroom, and a serotonin symbol, but she had so many to choose from. On her website, you can buy a mystery charm for £4, or ask for a specific charm in the notes — she’s got a huge variety of nature-based and spiritual symbols, including different animals, traditional websites, flora and mushrooms, a few chemical structures, and different pagan religious symbols.
If you love tarot, she’s also got some gorgeous earring sets featuring different tarot cards! 
You can check out Abigaia and purchase her work on: 
The Abigaia website / / Instagram
From Nad (she/they), I only picked up a pair of pronoun stickers for my partners, but you should absolutely check out the broad array of their work!
Nadya Griendroheru is an Indonesian artist and illustrator who just creates some absolutely gorgeous examples of character design — they have a really awesome flow and use of colour in their work with exaggerated angles and features, bright yellows, oranges, reds, greens, with a real sense of movement and personality conveyed in each print and piece. 
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She had a bunch of different Breaking Bad characters with pronouns printed on them (except for the one of Hank, which says ACAB), just like this one, and I just thought they were hilarious.
You can check out and browse more of Nad’s artwork on: 
Their website / / Instagram
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PRALER is the Planet Repairs Action Learning Educational Revolution, which is a big initiative building and promoting resistance and organisational networks, especially to further empower communities and organisations in the Global South and to address and take apart miseducation elsewhere, especially in regards to dismantling white supremacist and imperialist systems and propaganda. 
You can check out more about PRALER on their website here: 
Melany was selling incense they make themselves, and also bags from Mochilas para sanar, a platform for selling mochilas by indigenous Colombian creators, Mama Zenchina and Haba Ulaca, with 80% of proceeds going to the creators and 20% going to Somos Semillas, an organisation dedicated to educating about and collating resources for the Abya Yala diaspora. 
The bags are handwoven from cactus fibres and you can see them on the Mochilas para sanar Instagram!
They’re also going to be at the Queer Carboot on Sheaf Street tomorrow (30 July 2023), so if you’re based in Leeds and you’re upset you missed the Queer Market, absolutely go along and seek them out!
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I don’t think that they have any of their earrings available for sale on their online store at the moment, but if you do see them selling in person anywhere, they do a variety of earrings like this one, as well as geckos and lizards, frogs, candies and sweets, and they’re very cute! They also had on the stall a range of badges and stickers, little ornaments, and so on. 
Build Your Jungle UK produce a lot of resources and guides to cultivating and looking after tropical plants at home, as well as creating some utterly gorgeous prints and stickers showing different varieties of plants and foliage, and also frogs!
The creators, Sofi (they/them) and Han (they/he) both have backgrounds in graphic design, so they collaborate on making these gorgeous illustrative posters and stickers of different plants you might cultivate in the home, and the pieces are just so vibrant and alive in their use of popping colour and really clean linework that makes every piece seem to pop right off the page. 
You can find more from Build Your Jungle UK, check out their educational resources, and buy prints and stickers on: 
Their website / / Instagram / / YouTube
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Hi! I draw illustrations every now and then when im inspired and reading hospitable wolves I thought a lot about doing a fan art, im thinking about three sheets: Marc and reader in that bar they met, them talking by the window with her smoking and finally another one of her later on going to work and Marc kinda following her (that last one it’s kind of a head canon I just made up, hope it doesn’t bother you!) I would need some outfit inspo tho, just you telling me what she would wear in that bar and an everyday outfit would be good. Only if you want of course! Sorry for the long text 😅🥰
Oh my GOD. I’m overjoyed that you would even CONSIDER drawing a fanart of one of my stories 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Thank you so much for even thinking about it - it makes me so happy to know it inspired you!
I know I took a little while to reply so zero pressure - I know inspiration can be a fleeting thing and so you may well have moved on to other projects by now. But, if you DO still fancy drawing something for this, please find my headcanons (and some mood boards 🤪) on outfits etc. below the cut.
Of course, whatever YOU imagine is valid, so please do whatever you feel. I trust your vision, so do feel free to discount everything I said! 😝
I’m gonna describe this a little backwards to give you some context. So, reader is an archaeologist, probably spending a lot of time flitting between London and Greece - at least before The Incident. Her clothes for digs would be super practical as they’re just gonna get dusty and dirty anyway. Hardwearing but light materials to stay cool in the sun. The colour palette and mood I imagine for her includes pale blues, citrine, whites, slate gray. Colours inspired by faded things - sun-cracked terracotta pots, statues rubbed clean of colour, the fresh, open interior of a museum, the buzz of a yellow sunbeam in a blue sky, or cool moonlight bouncing off the water. Materials I imagine are linens, canvas, denim, leather. Things which feel natural, rough, a little raw, but comfortable. I can imagine her layering a worn denim jacket over some mucky and faded terracotta overalls, the evening sun sinking as she strolls the tight streets. I think one could almost perform archaeology on her whole outfit. Clothes that are well-loved and layered with stories themselves. Sentimental value items, patched and repaired again and again, or attached to some memory or travel or adventure she’s had. I like to think of her being practical, but adding in some soft and romantic details. Silver jewellery - perhaps something thrifted while inter-railing through Europe, or an old pendant of her Auntie’s. Perhaps little embroidered flowers on the straps of her dungarees sewn by her grandma or her flat mate or someone else special. Maybe plain white tees but with some sort of lace panel or frilled hem for softness. She likes old, storied things, and she wears her own stories on her body too. I think her going to “work” after The Incident would look a little different than it used to. I imagine she has to go deeper and darker and connect more to illicit trade networks (which she hates). She’s searching for something that can help her, in all the wrong places. I think she might keep the same colours - cool blues and silvers and slate greys but it all becomes a little sleeker, a little more restrained, professional. Literally a uniform to her so she can get by whilst moving in these circles she isn’t used to. If she’s pounding the London streets though, scouring antiquarian bookshops, for example, to find something which might save her - some answers- maybe she dresses more akin to how she used to (albeit with more layers for the cold). (I totally think Steven would love details like the little flowers and such and would notice e.g. the nods to ancient stylings in her jewellery etc. even if Marc doesn’t so much / is oblivious!) Mood board below:
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Then, we have after The Incident. So, by the time she meets Marc in that bar….? Alright, so she’s really tapped into something a lot more primal within her by this point. Colours will have become deeper, richer, more indulgent. Instead of sky blues, for example, it’s midnight, fig, wine. Still some nods to the moon but it’s darker. Her materials might become more sensual too. She might wear something a little more risqué than she usually would have. Bare thighs and a bare throat and a heat on her skin. Lipstick deep enough to leave visible marks across Marc’s brown skin. I personally imagine her in a silky, mini, midnight blue slip dress. Very classic. Overwhelmingly simple. It’s a nighttime dress. She feels sexy. She wants to feel a little… undone even when she’s only just arrived. Moments away from lips on her skin. From a thumb slipping a strap from her shoulder and finding black lace. Smooth, sumptuous materials. Thin enough that she could instantly feel the warmth of broad hands on her body through the fabric - able to connect instantly to something animal within her. (I also really think Marc would enjoy the smooth feel as his hands slip along her body too.) But, in contrast to this undoing, I also feel like she would start to add some protective elements back in. Tougher, darker materials. Almost an attempt to feel a little reined in again. Like her own primal nature scares her. Think a tough leather jacket. Maybe blocky, patent boots worn tight to the leg and zipped all the way up to the knee. Almost disguising the vulnerability of her, even as she feels monstrous. I also think the silver jewellery would be retained, but it’s almost becoming less delicate and less romantic now. Maybe chunkier, and slightly reminiscent of chains and restraints. Moodboard below!
(Btw. Moodboards aren’t meant to suggest reader’s appearance / body type / skin tone etc. AT ALL. I was just going for images that evoked a mood, and was limited by what I could find on Unsplash.)
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Anyway, I hope that makes sense! And that it helps! But again, don’t worry if you have completely moved on. This was fun to think about anyway! 😄🧡
I love the sound of the panels though, and please know if you do create something that I would absolutely LOVE to see your take on it!!!
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7hrrecuitmentuk · 8 months
Jewellery firms look for quality manpower solutions that can add value to their business
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Jewellery is often viewed as a fashion accessory for completing an outfit. For many, a look is not complete until the right accessories are added. Jewellery has played an important role in human life for thousands of years. We learn from history that ancient civilizations appreciated jewellery and it was used to highlight the natural beauty of its wearers. Jewellery has an unquestionable ability to bring out the best in a woman's features and personality when the right piece is worn by the right individual to the right occasion. It is important for women as it can make them feel beautiful, stylish, special, and confident. Gemstones have attracted humankind since ancient times, and have long been used for jewellery, gems were regarded by many civilizations as miraculous and endowed with mysterious powers. Since ancient times, gems of every hue have been imbued with significance and special powers by cultures around the world. The high demand for diamonds, as well as gold, ensures that jewellery holds its value and will always be easy to liquidate when needed. Gold is a precious metal, and gold bracelets, rings, and necklaces can easily be melted down and turned into bullion bars and new pieces of jewellery. The value of gold remains relatively stable unlike that of cash, which fluctuates depending on economic factors.
Jewelry is an essential part of every woman’s life. Since the beginning of time, people have been fascinated with jewelry. Jewelry has been passed down through generations and is a symbol of wealth, love, or prestige in many cultures. Jewelry has been sought after for centuries and is always in high demand, regardless of fluctuating economies and societal events. A jewelry item is not only a beautiful accessory that can enhance an outfit; it can also be a valuable investment. Jewelry is a popular way to express personal style. Whether a pair of diamond earrings or a simple gold bracelet, jewelry can help people express their unique sense of fashion. It can represent the strength of our relationships and the depth of our emotions. For many, jewelry is a way to show how much they care about someone. Jewelry Recruitment Agency in London helps to get good resources.
The industry for jewellery is expanding and blossoming as a result of technological advancement. Jewellery design is not only rewarding, but it also presents many opportunities. If you are keen observer, you could take up work in a laboratory as a lab gemologist. Here your role would consist of identifying and studying gemstones and determining their origins and their creation. Professional gemologists are also often employed by jewellery stores to assess stones, make repairs, etc. You could also use your knowledge as a gemologist in a retail setting to help customers pick appropriate pieces of jewellery depending on their needs and drive sales. The role of a gemstone appraiser is a complex job that requires great attention to detail, but it is also highly rewarding. Appraisers examine gems and estimate their value, which is then used for retail or insurance purposes. Auction houses employ such specialists to make purchases from private sellers and auction them. Should you choose this as a career, you will have the chance to witness some beautiful pieces of gemstones and jewellery and network prominent collectors and industry members. Best Jewelry Recruitment Agency in London having good access of local candidates.
Commercial skills are crucial because they show how well-informed an employee is about the business or organization in which they work. Jewellery designers need to be business savvy to succeed in the industry. The two most crucial communication skills for independent jewellery designers are negotiating and persuasion. Recruitment is a key part of human resource management and supported by the hiring manager and others involved in the hiring process. Skilled recruitment efforts will make a company stand out and be more attractive to potential employees. Top Jewelry Recruitment Agency in London can guide to find right candidates. When recruiting is done well, your workforce is engaged, employees are in the most suitable position for them to succeed, your organization thrives, and you can attract better candidates. With over fifty years experience within these industries, they can offer an individually tailored service to candidates to help ensure they find you the right position. They have one of the largest databases in Europe of candidates in the UK and overseas with experience in the jewellery, watch and luxury goods industries, and enjoy excellent relations with their many clients.
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qocsuing · 1 year
Discover the enchanting world of Personalised Jewellery Boxes! We understand the significance of secure and stylish storage. Delve into our captivating collection, where you'll find an array of exquisite boxes tailored to your unique taste and desires.Get more news about Personalised Wooden Jewelry Box,you can vist our website!
From timeless elegance to whimsical charm, we've curated a selection that caters to every style. Our dedication to delivering exceptional choices means we're always expanding our range. Plus, we guarantee that if you can purchase it, it's already resting on our shelves – no more frustrating backorders!
If, by chance, you can't locate your ideal Personalised Jewellery Box, please do share your treasured find with us. Your feedback helps us identify any gaps in our assortment, enabling us to continuously enhance your experience. Don't miss this opportunity to indulge yourself or surprise a loved one. Explore our collection of Personalised Jewellery Boxes today and make your jewellery storage as unique as the pieces within. If you’ve been honing your jewellery collection for years – investing in new jewels, picking up vintage pieces and looking after grandmother’s heirlooms – it’s likely you’ve got rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings that need a safe (and stylish) place to live.
Perhaps you lay them on a dressing table right now, or keep them in a trinket dish at the end of the day but this can easily result in that priceless diamond stud going missing or your delicate chain tangled beyond repair. Enter: the trusty jewellery box.
The last time you had a jewellery box, it may have contained a spinning ballerina with accompanying music but things have moved on. There are so many chic jewellery boxes that’ll house your collection and add to your interiors while at it.
When investing in a jewellery box, first consider how much jewellery you want to store. Do you need a little box for just a few precious pieces or are you after a design with multiple trays to keep a full collection in? What kind of pieces do you want to store? Perhaps you just wear rings and therefore a simple but beautiful ring box will suffice. Maybe you don multiple accessories daily and need a box with necklace, ring, watch, bracelet and earring compartments.
Whichever you decide, there are so many beautiful jewellery boxes to choose from right now in leather, suede, lacquer or wood. From Aspinal of London to Cartier and Anya Hindmarch, browse our pick of the best jewellery boxes to invest in now and love forever below:
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jewelleryrepair · 2 years
Platinum Vs. White Gold: Which Metal is Best For Your Ring?
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If you have been shopping for your wedding ring lately, we know it can be pretty baffling. Especially when you have to choose between two identical metals - platinum and white gold. Although they both have a white and silvery sheen, there lies a vast difference. So, the next time you buy women's white gold rings, here is a quick comparison guide you can refer to.
What is platinum?
Platinum is a naturally occurring metal with a silvery white appearance. It is denser, harder, and rarer than gold. Platinum can be utilised in a purer form than gold due to its hardness. Jewellery composed of platinum contains 5% cobalt and 95% platinum. 
What is white gold?
White gold comprises 75% pure gold and 25% other metals like palladium, zinc, or nickel. This alloy was created by combining yellow gold with other metals to give it its white colour and increase its hardness. White gold typically has a somewhat warmer hue before being rhodium-plated to give it a silver appearance. 
Differences between platinum and white gold jewellery
Platinum is a dense metal, over 20% denser than 18ct white gold. Hence, a platinum ring is best if the wearer often participates in heavy physical activity or manual work. Whereas thefaith 18k white gold ring is best for people looking for lighter options.
Although white gold is a lovely white metal, keep in mind that it is an alloy of yellow gold and other white metals like silver, palladium, or nickel. It is "rhodium plated" to give it a whiter, glossier sheen. This is why a brand-new white gold item and a platinum piece have the same appearance. However, the ring's yellowish tint gets restored as the rhodium plating wears off over time.
On the other hand, platinum won't turn yellow like white gold. It will start to lose its glossy sheen, which can be easily polished by jewellery repair services in Bournemouth to restore its original appearance.
Hypoallergenic properties
Since platinum is a very pure alloy composed almost entirely of pure platinum, it is the most hypoallergenic metal utilised to make jewellery. Whereas a white gold ring might cause an allergic response may occur due to metals in alloy if the rhodium plating wears off. Overall, platinum is a safer option for an engagement ring if you have sensitive skin.
Platinum is far more expensive than White Gold because it is produced significantly less and is 30 times rare than gold. Also, since it is heavier and purer than gold, platinum rings weigh more, even if they are the same. Because weight and purity determine the price of precious metals, the identical platinum ring would cost more.
The verdict While there is no straightforward answer to which one is better, it entirely depends on your preferences and budget. Jewellers at ASR Gems are highly experienced in working with various metals, so if your design calls for a specific option, we will be pleased to offer our advice. Hence, we have emerged as the most trusted jewellery store in London, offering bespoke wedding rings in Southampton. Looking for custom-made jewellery or loose diamonds in the UK? Talk to our experts today.
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In the world of fashionable adornment, the craft of creating personalised jewellery has long been largely regarded. Bespoke jewellery is made to order and has emotive and emblematic value in addition to being unique. Bespoke particulars are distinguished from mass- produced bones by their exceptional artificer, novelettish value, and enduring appeal.
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Looking for jewellery repairs workshop to restoration and replacement services from best shop in Hatton Garden, Essex, London. Same day repair service in UK!
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expertjewellery · 3 years
Our jewellery experts will transform old fashioned or damaged jewellery into an entirely new, bespoke piece that you can be proud to wear every day.
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Sometimes simple is just best! Thank you for this short but sweet review Violeta 🙏🏻. Are you one of my beautiful customers? You can also leave a review in my Google business profile and tell others your experience:) it is a great help to my little business to grow and others when they come by my business profile. If you can help that will be much appreciated! 🙏🏻. Much peace , light and love. Have a beautiful Sunday 💕. #beajareno #beajarenojewellery #beajarenojewelleryonlineshop #beajarenojewelleryinstoreshopping #jewellery #silverware #bespokejewellery #recycledpreciousmetals #bridaljewellery #bridal #anyoccasion #repair #restoration #redesigning #handcraftedfullyinlondon #london #londonjewellery #londonjewellerybrand #lovelifeloveyourjewellery #inspiredbynature #inspiredbyearth (at Ladbroke Grove) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZoa0Rig7I-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mddiamonds · 3 years
MD Diamond and Jeweller offers the jewellery repairing services at London. Ring size is as important as the ring itself. Sometimes ring size that you order does fit in properly and we assure you that MD DIAMONDS will not give up until you are satisfied in all aspects.
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londongoldcentreuk · 4 years
How Professional Online Jewellery Repair Works?
A Professional Online Jewellery Repair worker handle their Jewellery Repair & restoration projects as same as traditional local shop. Read more!
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