#Jewel Exclusive
taikk0 · 1 year
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my green jewel and peachy pie redesigns :]
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egophiliac · 1 year
hiii i have a question about your cheka !! did you use the professional or essential version of spine for it (im assuming you're using spine??) :0000 was debating on making some self indulgent sprites myself and i didnt know which version to buy
I use Professional! I don't use it as a professional anymore, but it works just as well for small silly things like fan-chibis. :D personally, I think the Professional features are absolutely essential (despite the cheaper version being called Essentials. it's a lie.) especially if you want to do a Twst-style chibi --I've stared at those little dudes for a looooong time trying to figure out how they work, and they're definitely using meshes, if not also constraints.
meshes are the big dealbreaker for me, since they let you weight the image to bones, and get actual deformation and bendiness:
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(ignore the feather floating away, I didn't wanna fix it for the example :')
and of course, constraints are the other big thing! IK is the most obvious one:
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but there's also ones that allow relative manipulation of other bones, paths, and all kinds of other fun stuff! I learned about keyable path spacing a while back and it absolutely blew my mind that you can just...DO that. god.
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uhhhh yeah, sorry, I'm a Spine stan! I think Professional >>>> Essentials, although the price difference is, unfortunately, pretty steep (if it helps, I believe you can upgrade at any time for the difference in price, and for individuals it's a one-time purchase with perpetual free updates). it has a little bit of a learning curve, but once I got used to the UI I found it really intuitive, and there's plenty of documentation and tutorials!
tl;dr it's pretty expensive if you aren't using it professionally -- and you could definitely get good results using Essentials if you're clever about rigging -- but Professional is far and away the superior version.
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ugh-yoongi · 5 months
Did you know that post you reblogged about taking inspo from other fics was actually just about using the same trope? Another writer got bullied off the site again for this
hi! i did not know the specifics of anything and assumed it was just a general post abt the state of fic on this site, and i see now i have missed a lot.
i sincerely hope my additions to that post did not contribute to anyone being bullied, because i was speaking broadly and not about anyone in particular.
a good reminder that no one owns tropes and things overlap constantly in this world. it’s fanfiction, at the end of the day, and nowhere near serious enough that anyone should be bullied off of this site. get real.
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nocentis · 1 month
╳┆The ground beneath them groaned, preceding its shift by mere moments. He prepared to leap from one platform to the next, but his borrowed attire got the better of him and he sorely undershot the landing. The ledge scraped him from shin to chest on his downward plummet, arms just barely catching the platform before he managed to sink toward oblivion.
As he began dragging himself toward safety, fighting the rotation of the still-turning maze, he felt someone grab his wrist and hoist him to relative safety.
“Stay on yer feet,” Gajeel snapped, irritation laden in both face and voice, “If yer gonna be embarrassing, do it away from me.”
“Right,” he agreed, just barely managing to suppress his mortification. Only the first event and he was already making a mess of things. Not using his own magic was going to be even more of a challenge than he'd already anticipated.
Blasted pants. It’s hard to believe there is any alternate version of himself that would wear these gravity defying monstrosities.
Belatedly, he tossed out an underbreath, "Appreciate it," as they turned to catch up with the others, who had taken the shifting map into stride and carried on without missing a beat.
Gajeel grumbled back, "Don't mention it."
╳┆As the third day's events began and the stadium came abuzz, he found his window to slip away unnoticed. The past few nights of aimless roaming about, catching whispers of that sour presence on the wind, have yet to bear fruit. All that time wasted was compounding; it made his bones itch. He hadn't attended these games on holiday — hadn't broken the rules and risked Fairy Tail's elimination just to suffer a humiliating forfeit and then sulk in the stands. No, there was something evil lurking about, and he fully intended to find it.
"They went that way."
Despite his prickly countenance, Gajeel seemed adept at sneaking about. Jellal barely heard him approach before he'd issued his offhand comment, pointing in the opposite direction in which Jellal originally intended to go.
Just as he opened his mouth to respond, Gajeel cut him off to explain, "They stink."
Jellal nodded, remembering the reaction he received upon his last expression of gratitude, and shifted his stride accordingly. "Tell me how the day goes."
"Nah," Gajeel called behind him, "I ain't yer fuckin' parrot."
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5-pp-man · 2 years
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yeah Seigi. sure. the ring.
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i’m trying to think of other book series i liked as a kid/teen… i know i REALLY liked the alex rider series. i also read a series called skullduggery pleasant which i don’t remember much of but i do remember the main character had to send a mirror clone of herself to school and she had to take her school jacket off before doing the spell or else her school’s logo would be mirrored on the clone. as for the big series, percy jackson was my number one, as well as the kane chronicles. i also remember insisting my mom braid my hair for special events and even send me to a girl scout camp that offered archery because of the hunger games.
what else. i read the uglies series way too young bc my mom loved it. and i read the other book series by the uglies author that was like about parasites and every few chapters was about an irl parasite and that’s how i learned abt the Parasite That Makes You Love Your Cat. i already mentioned this series in another post but i cannot overstate how obsessed i was with the arthur brown series for a good while.
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myvinylplaylist · 2 months
Black Stone Cherry: Screamin' At The Sky (2023)
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Best Buy Exclusive on Red Violet Vinyl.
Limited To 500.
Cover Design by Sam Malle
Mascot Records
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anghraine · 1 year
The serious Faramir content you're here for:
So many depictions of Faramir give him fairly short hair and a beard (wrong) yet none of them look like Xenk Yendar. :\
Also, D&D Faramir would 100% be a paladin.
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Jewel Mine Overseer by Elizabeth Peiro
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extremely awesome record store find
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gayemeralds · 2 years
If you could change like up to 5 things in the sonic idw comics what would you change?
okay that is a VERY dangerous question because i have thought long and hard about what i actually want from a sonic comic series but since this about idw specifically i will refrain from basically restructuring the entire thing and just say my biggest gripe is there’s too much focus on side characters. like no offense but i really don't care about tangle or that beetle (jewel?) or belle. starline was okay but they dragged him too long. surge and kit are interesting i think but i'm not super fond of the storylines they have for them atm. whisper is cool though i don't mind her.
so i think my list would be
make eggman more relevant he's literally the main villain
their characterization of sonic is just like, ten degrees off. he's not a goody goody hero, he's honestly quite morally gray, and i would like to see that explored more. like i think their characterization on things aren't horrendous but they're just Off Enough that i don't like it lmao
stop focusing on idw exclusive characters. i don't really care.
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latinokaeya-moving · 1 year
gotta be honest jason momoa’s character in the fast n furious movie is like so insanely textbook deranged off-the-rails effeminate queer villain that i was like actually impressed with how over the godamn top the sheer explicit homophobia of it all was. unfortunately he was also incredibly entertaining to watch and an amazing contrast to the grim seriousness of vin diesel so i was obsessed with the performance nonetheless
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teslathelame · 1 year
whyyyyyy is it so hard to find menhera pieces that aren't in fecking pastels >:/
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inkblot-inc · 1 year
Wanda looking into making a line of nice silicone rings after being with Skitch for awhile. She had heard more than one of the folks that work at Maker’s Damned talk about wearing silicone bands in place of their wedding bands while they’re at work. She’s totally just doing this so they’ll all just have nicer choices available to them. Totally not cause she’s picturing Skitch wearing one. So what if she has them all made in Skitch’s ring size? Coincidence.
Bruh 🥺
This is totally something Wanda would do
Wanda paying extra attention to which designs Skitch gravitates toward when she shows them the test designs 👀
I can see Wanda working with a company to make a more durable solution with a higher concentrate of siloxane bonds to make the silicone rings out of so that they are ensured safe to where while working in the metalworking shop.
(inky side tangent: as far as I understand, siloxane is what gives silicone it's industrial benefits: low thermal conductivity, water resistance, and flexibility, so that's where my higher concentration theory comes from. Can't tell you if it would work, but hey this is fiction soooo-)
Skitch as well as their coworkers are actually pretty touched by the gesture, most of all Remy, who's gone through two bands already. He and his wife, Anna-Marie, are overjoyed, probably spared Skitch from Remy's teasing for a while too 😂
Wanda's definitely gotten a card and gift basket from Anna-Marie as well 😊
Wanda likes all of Skitch's coworkers, so this is something that she doesn't mind doing for all of them. These are pre-releases of course, Wanda has a few things in the forks ahead of time, but she does officially make them a part of her catalogue further down the line.
The name of the line you ask? The Maker's Chosen
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seimei-chsq · 2 years
…sorry i’m going to be a bitch for a second
#if you read this… ty for hearing me out and also i’m sorry#okay first off. i try to like… exercise some maturity when it comes to being a sports fan. i try not to be petty and childish.#but i’m in a petty mood today so! i apologize in advance lmao#anyways… i really think i’m going to have to filter * content from my dash. watching him land the 4A makes me feel… idk.#i’m not ~upset~ but i am… ugh. like obviously no one has exclusive rights to a jump and he hasn’t landed it in comp yet and also#it LITERALLY doesn’t matter if he lands it first or not. but in further reflection i don’t think that’s the reason i’m feeling :/ about it?#like. it’s not about who lands it first or whatever. it’s about seeing someone achieve something RELATIVELY ‘effortlessly’#while we have to watch yz try and fail and try again and fail but fail better… it’s the nature of sports i know#and i’m so proud of yz and his determination and his hard work. i’m not discounting that!!#but afagajsksls Maybe this is just trauma from my ~gifted kid~ days when i would give something 110% and then have to watch#as my classmates achieved more than i did with half of the effort i put into it#like it’s probably that. it’s me projecting.#… idk where i’m was going with this.#yz’s 4A matters to me because when he lands it in a masterfully crafted program (and he will!!)#it will be the final jewel in the crown of his career. the 4A is just another jump to * and that’s why i don’t care about him landing it#i PROMISE i don’t harbour any ill will towards * — i wish him all the best in his career!#but i’m still going to root for my faves to come out on top yknow?#anyways! this isn’t meant to be a serious post lol. just a little venting (and if you like * that’s cool! more power to you)#okay now back to our regularly schedule programming <3
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wjdexclusives · 14 days
WJD Exclusives vs. REEDS Jewelers: Why WJD Stands Out in Quality and Service
WJD Exclusives vs. REEDS Jewelers: Why WJD Stands Out in Quality and Service
In the competitive jewelry market, WJD Exclusives and REEDS Jewelers are two prominent names that offer unique advantages. This comparison highlights why WJD Exclusives, led by founder Vahan (@vahanplus on Instagram), stands out as the superior choice for discerning jewelry buyers.
Quality and Craftsmanship
WJD Exclusives: Since 2002, WJD Exclusives has been dedicated to providing high-quality jewelry crafted from premium materials like 14k and 18k gold, platinum, and certified diamonds. Their extensive range includes over 6,000 unique styles, catering to men, women, and children. The meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail in every piece ensure that customers receive jewelry that is both beautiful and durable.
REEDS Jewelers: Established in 1946, REEDS Jewelers has a long history of offering a wide range of jewelry, including engagement rings, wedding bands, watches, and fashion jewelry. While they provide a diverse selection, some reviews highlight concerns over the quality of certain items, particularly in comparison to the high standards maintained by WJD Exclusives​.
Variety and Customization
WJD Exclusives: Offers a broad spectrum of jewelry, including over 350 cross jewelry pieces, 150 Jesus-themed items, and many other religious symbols like praying hands. They also provide customizable options, allowing customers to engrave their jewelry directly on the product page, choosing from various styles to add a personal touch.
REEDS Jewelers: Provides a variety of jewelry, including pieces from well-known designers like David Yurman and Mikimoto. They also offer custom design services, enabling customers to create unique pieces. However, their focus tends to be more on traditional designs and high-end fashion brands rather than the extensive religious and personalized jewelry options available at WJD Exclusives.
Customer Service and Experience
WJD Exclusives: Known for its exceptional customer service, WJD Exclusives offers 24/7 live support via phone and chat, free U.S. shipping, and hassle-free returns. Their commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in their loyal customer base and high rate of repeat business.
REEDS Jewelers: While REEDS has a strong online and in-store presence, their customer service reviews are mixed. Some customers have reported positive experiences, particularly with in-store visits, while others have faced challenges with online orders and after-sales support​ (Reseller Ratings)​. REEDS does offer flexible payment plans and warranties, which add value, but the consistency of their service can vary.
Unique Selling Points
WJD Exclusives: A key strength of WJD Exclusives is their commitment to transparency and quality. Each piece of jewelry comes with detailed information about the materials and craftsmanship. The brand also offers extensive customization options, including engraving, making it easy for customers to personalize their purchases.
REEDS Jewelers: Emphasizes a no-pressure atmosphere and extensive custom design services. They aim to build lifelong relationships with customers, providing education on gems and metals, and offering personalized services to create meaningful, heirloom-quality jewelry​. Their community involvement and philanthropic efforts also highlight their commitment to social responsibility.
While both WJD Exclusives and REEDS Jewelers offer high-quality jewelry, WJD Exclusives stands out for its superior craftsmanship, extensive variety, and exceptional customer service. For those seeking a wide range of customizable, high-quality jewelry, WJD Exclusives, led by founder Vahan (@vahanplus), is the clear winner.
Explore the extensive collection of WJD Exclusives and experience the difference for yourself. Discover more about WJD Exclusives here. Stay connected with Vahan (@vahanplus on Instagram) for exclusive insights and updates.
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